SOCIAL Sector: Branches
Sphere's objects / products: O = O1 + O2 + O3 + O4 Resources P3
Employed in the sphere = ORGCLASS
Resources I3
Sphere's information
Resources O3
Spheres' organizations
Resources T3
Sphere's material-technical basis (MTB)
Policy Organization (O) Political figures, etc. Political Political Branch's MTB
Justice Organization (O) Lawyers etc. Legal Legal Branch's MTB
Army Organization (O) The military men Military Military Branch's MTB
State security Organization (O) Appropriate Appropriate Appropriate Branch's MTB
Police Organization (O) Policemen Police Police Branch's MTB
Tax Inspection Organization (O) Appropriate Tax Tax Branch's MTB
Other power and security branches Organization (O) Appropriate Appropriate Appropriate Branch's MTB
Management Organization (O) Managers Administrative Administrative Branch's MTB
Banks and finance Organization (O) Bankers etc. Financial Financial Branch's MTB
Local government Organization (O) Appropriate Self-governing Self-governing Branch's MTB
Community organisation Organization (O) Appropriate Appropriate Appropriate Branch's MTB
Family, organizational employment Organization (O) Family members, them organizational employment Organizational information of family Organization of family employment MTB of organizational family employment
The individual, organizational employment Organization (O) Individual, his organizational needs/abilities Organizational information of the individual Selforganization of the individual employment MTB of the individual organizational employment
Product O = the sum of all lines P3 = the sum of all lines I3 = the sum of all lines O3 = the sum of all lines T3 = the sum of all lines