SOCIAL Sector: Branches
Sphere's objects / products T = T1 + T2 + T3 + T4 Resources P4
Employed in the sphere = TECHNOKLASS
Resources I4
Sphere's information
Resources O4
Spheres' organizations
Resources T4
Sphere's material-technical basis (MTB)
Industry Things (T) Workers Technical Industrial Branch's MTB
Agriculture Things (T) Peasants Agricultural Village Branch's MTB
Construction Things (T) Builders Building Building Branch's MTB
Transport Things (T) Transport workers Transport Transport Branch's MTB
Trade / Public nutrition Things (T) Sellers etc. Trade Trade Branch's MTB
State purchases Things (T) Workers Storing Storing Branch's MTB
Supply Things (T) Storekeepers Marketing Marketing Branch's MTB
Housing and communal services Things (T) Repairmen Housing Appropriate Branch's MTB
Household service Things (T) Repairers Repair Appropriate Branch's MTB
Fishing industry Things (T) Fishermen Fishing Fishing Branch's MTB
Environment care Things (T) Workers, ecologists Ecological Ecological Branch's MTB
Wood industry Things (T) Woodmen Forestry Forestry Branch's MTB
Domestic industry Things (T) Masters Handicraft Appropriate Branch's MTB
Family, material employment Things (T) Family members, them material employment Family technical information Organization of family material employment MTB of family material employment
The individual, material employment Things (T) Individual, his material needs/ abilities Technical information of the individual Selforganization of the individual material employment MTB of the individual material employment
Product T = the Sum of all lines P4 = the sum of all lines I4 = the sum of all lines O4 = the sum of all lines T4 = the sum of all lines