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Peace from Harmony
Robert Weir. "Leo Semashko: The war killed my father, and I killed war and Nazism” by Gandhian Peace Science

Robert M. Weir
American writer and peacemaker

Author, speaker, advocate for “peace through understanding”



In Russian: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=273

“Leo Semashko: The war killed my father, and I killed waR and NAZISM”

by Gandhian Peace Science intellectually, which completely eradicates Nazism
and it alone provides fundamental cognitive denazification.


About Leo Semashko’s life path in his main achievements

within Sociocybernetics of harmony and Gandhian spherons' peace science

By Robert M. Weir,

American writer and peacemaker

Author, speaker, advocate for “peace through understanding”




In English: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=239


In Russian: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=286


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The war killed my father, and I killed war.
I deprived its vital source in the false faith of its eternity
by my spheral science of genetic peace from
world harmony.

This integral science creates nonviolent holistic thinking,
Einstein’sfundamental paradigm of “peace through understanding,” and
opens a conscious, peace-loving path for harmonious civilization of the future,
excluding all wars

Leo Semashko

I erected a monument to myself not made by hands ...
Alexander Pushkin


Leo Mikhailovich Semashko (born June 20, 1941) is a Russian visionary, philosopher, sociologist, author and peacemaker. He is founder and president of the international peacemaking organization Global Harmony Association (GHA) and an honorary member of RC51, Sociocybernetics, International Sociological Association. His more than 600 scientific publications, including 18 books, focus o­n his discovery and development of scientific theories of tetraphilosophy, global sociology and harmonious civilization. He is the discoverer of spherons, Tetrasociology or third order Sociocybernetics, Tetrapsychology,spheral statistics and global peace science.



1.Youth, education and career

2.Global Harmony Association

3.Discoveries and achievements

3.1 Tetraphilosophy

3.2 Tetrasociology

3.3 Spheral resources

3.4 Spherons

3.5 Tetrapsychology

3.6 Spheral science

3.7 Spheral statistics

3.8 Spheral Information Statistical Technology (SIST)

3.9 Spheral Democracy

3.10 Global Peace Science (GPS)

3.11 Tetranet Thinking Paradigm (TTP)

4.  Global Harmony Association projects

1.1 Women’s Project

1.2 Social Priority of Children

1.3 Harmonious education and the Age of Harmonious Enlightenment

1.4 Peaceful cooperation between the United States and Russia

1.5 Restructuring the United Nations

1.6 Human/Humanity Right to Life, Global Peace and Social Harmony

1.7 Harmonious Civilization: Spheral futurology

5.Published works

6.Peace from Harmony web site


Youth, education and career

Dr. Leo Semashko was born June 20, 1941, in Grodno, Belarus, a city close to the borders with Poland and Lithuania. Leo’s 22-year-old father was killed in Grodno during the first days of World War II, a fact that shaped the young boy’s destiny and spun his life and work into spiritual and sociological arenas, with the goal of helping nations attain world peace.

Dr. Semashko is a graduate of the Faculty of Philosophy (1965) and alumnus of post-graduate studies (1970) from Moscow State University, Department of History of Foreign Philosophy, with a thesis o­n ancient philosophy. His scientific adviser was Professor Igor S. Narsky; his scientific mentor was Professor Valentin F. Asmus. He has lived and worked in St. Petersburg, Russia, since 1971.

With a PhD in philosophy, Dr. Semashko is Professor RANH (Russian Academy of Natural History). He has been a teacher of philosophy, sociology and political science in a number of universities until 2004; a member of the Leningrad/Petersburg City Parliament of the 21st convocation from the city’s 48th constituency from 1990 to 1993; and has been an Actual State Counselor of St. Petersburg, class III, since 1998.

He was also founder and leader of the Spheral Democracy Deputy’s Faction in the Petersburg Parliament (1992-1993); founder and president of the Children’s Foundation, named by Feodor Dostoevsky, in St. Petersburg (1990-1997); founder and chair of a group of developers for the first project of the Family Code in Russia, with the first chapter dedicated to advancement of children’s rights (1990-1991); creator of the Global Harmony Association (2005); and a participant in other socially oriented endeavors not named here.

Since 1990, he has participated in many international peacemaking and sociological congresses in Australia, Asia, Africa and Europe.


Global Harmony Association

As a philosopher, sociologist and peacemaker, Dr. Semashko has emphasized social and human harmony. In 2005, he founded the Global Harmony Association (GHA), an informal international peacemaking organization that now consists of more than 600 humanitarian scholars and peacemakers from 65 countries as well as many collective members.In 2016, he was elected as GHA’a honorary president.

Since its creation more than 13 years ago, Dr. Semashko and other GHA members have collectively initiated 60 peacemaking projects and created eight books, with more than 400 co-authors from 45 nations, that have been published in several languages. The GHA and its leader were twice nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize (2013 and 2017). Since 2007, 15 outstanding world leaders, peacemakers and scholars of humanities associated with GHA have been honored as “World Harmony Creator” for their unprecedented contribution to global peace from harmony.(http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=513)


Discoveries and achievements

          In 1976, Dr. Semashko authored the fundamental discovery of “spherons” (spheral classes of the population employed in four spheres of social production), which is supported empirically by a number of statistical studies. The concept of spherons is the foundation for Dr. Semashko’s new scientific, holistic disciplines: tetraphilosophy, tetrasociology, spheral statistics and global peace science, as well as new, emerging, interrelated global digital technologies.

          The theory of spherons is the integrating center, the structural core and heart of a single spheral humanitarian science as a whole. This theory unites and reconstructs traditional social sciences, overcoming their eternal fragmentation and providing them with o­ntological unity and epistemological holism.



          Tetraphilosophy is a four-dimensional pluralistic and holistic philosophy that originated from the o­ntological cosmogonic concepts of the Greek philosopher Empedocles. It continues, synthesizes and develops the four-dimensional spheral ideas of Immanuel Kant and cosmism, especially Russian cosmism in o­ntology, and similar pluralistic ideas of social philosophies by Augusto Comte, young Karl Marx, Maxim Kovalevsky, Max Weber, Robert Park, Karl Jaspers, Pitirim Sorokin, Talcott Parsons, Fernand Braudel, Alvin Toffler, Jürgen Habermas, Pierre Bourdieu, Anthony Giddens, Edward Soroko, Bernard Scott, Rudolf Siebert and many others.

          Tetraphilosophy recognizes four equally necessary, sufficient, and inseparable and harmoniously interconnected (mutually including) ontological grounds/elements/beginnings: individual existence, information, organization/order and matter. These elements constitute specific spheres of integral being at all levels: cosmos, society, man (mankind) and “I” (the individual). The interrelation, continuity and mutual multi-dimensional inclusion of spheres of different levels are determined by a single o­ntological regularity of their spheral structural harmony. According to Henri Poincare, this “inner harmony of the world is the o­nly true objective reality.”

          Tetraphilosophy excludes the primacy/primordiality of any specific cosmogenic origin, but it recognizes the variable priority of any of the four elements at different historical spaces and times. Synonyms of tetraphilosophy, which emphasize its different aspects, are tetrism, four-dimensional pluralism and harmonism.



Tetrasociology is the social part of tetraphilosophy, the subject of which is social harmony, global peace and harmonious civilization throughout humanity’s entire history. Tetrasociology manifests society as the continuous evolution of the four spheres of social production, which, in the terminology of Chilean biologist Humberto Maturana, constitutes the social form of the biological “autopoiesis” (self-production). The four spheres of social production or social autopoiesis are a form of existence and development of any society in its evolution and history. Spheres produce four societal spheral resources, constituting both the subject and product of these spheres, according to which they are differentiated and structured.


Spheral resources

Spheral resources are the four equally necessary macro resources that must work and mesh together in order for humanity to continue social and individual living: People, Information, Organizations and Things, which are material goods and services (PIOT). The absence of any o­ne of these spheral resources makes human life and continuation of society impossible.

Relatedly, an equal societal value of PIOT resources, regardless of their number, determines the equal societal value of the corresponding spheres and spherons of social production. Together, this harmonious balance among theequal PIOT resources, spheres and spherons expresses society’s genetic noospheral pluralism, its autopoietic unity as well as its plurastic harmonious nature as a whole.



Spherons are the four equally necessary societal spheral classes/communities of the population that are employed in four spheres of social production: sociospheron, which is employed in the sociosphere; infospheron, which is employed in the infosphere; orgspheron, which is employed in the orgsphere; and technospheron, which is employed in the technosphere. Spherons differ neither in property, nor in power, nor in other partial qualities but o­nly in the fundamental, vital employment of people in o­ne of the four spheres of social production that produce the four necessary and sufficient spheral resources of PIOT.

During a person’s non-working ages, from birth to adulthood as well as in old age, each individual receives the benefits of social production through the relevant institutions of a caring family, education, health services, social welfare and so o­n; in this capacity, the individual forms the passive part of the sociospheron. In contrast, during working age, the individual actively contributes to society’s spheral structure by being employed in o­ne sphere or another, o­ne of which the individual makes a priority concerning his/her work time. Spherons’ stochastic balance constitutes the societal harmonious structure of every society. Thus, spherons are the fundamental units and actors of this structure, the spontaneous interconnection and mutual limitation of which ensures the structural harmony of all social production.



Tetrapsychology is a psychological, individualistic part of tetraphilosophy. Tetrapsychology studies and reveals the spheral structural harmony at the level of the individual in its four spheres: character, consciousness, will and body, which constitute the spheral psychological genome, “psynome.” Tetrapsychology, along with the spherons, was discovered by Dr. Semashko, but it was scientifically expressed and defined o­nly in 2012 in Dr. Semashko’s and GHA’s book The ABC of Harmony. Tetrasociology and tetrapsychology, as well as society and individuals, are united by the spheral similarity of their structural harmony.


Spheral science

Spheral science is a single, holistic, socio-humanitarian science based o­n the knowledge of the spheres and spherons of social production in their structural harmony. This knowledge inherently integrates all diversity of traditional humanitarian branches and disciplines into the holistic scientific vision of spheral social production in the form of a harmoniously ordered diversity of system aspects and directions within this vision. Spheral science, then, in the broadest sense, is Tetrasociology or Sociocybernetics of spheres and spherons, which constitutes the third order Sociocybernetics.

          The subject of spheral science is the social four-dimensional autopoiesis in the structural harmony of spheral resources, productive spheres and spherons in the continuous stochastic process of their spheral employment.Unfortunately, traditional social science and humanitarian knowledge today are still in an extremely depressed, fragmented and embryonic state, a primitive condition that rejects and impedes fundamental spheral discoveries. Even the most peaceful, dynamic and progressive world leaders, such as Russian President Vladimir Putin, are not yet able to understand the acute need, the role and significance of the fundamental Copernican renewal of the social and human sciences(http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=666).


Spheral statistics

Spheral statistics is o­ne of the fundamental parts of the spheral science (tetrasociology, third-order sociocybernetics) that provides this science with quantitative harmonious measurements of spheres, spheral resources and processes, spherons and other spheral attributes of holistic social production at all its levels, from the individual and the family to the country and to all global humanity. Based o­n spheral statistics and its indices, an adequate mathematical description and “digitalization” can be created to measure the harmoniousness of integral social production, the balances and proportions of societal spheres and spherons, and the stability and effectiveness of any given society. Spheral statistics, then, provide an empirical basis for spheral science, which begins with the statistical knowledge of spherons and their interactive dynamics over time at different levels.

The discovery of spheral statistics creates a single, logically ordered, universal and global social space of spheral statistical indices for all countries, industries/branches, corporations, governments and spheres of social production. Spheral statistics aggregatesand integrates indicators of traditional statistics to overcome the fragmentation and limitations of those traditional statistics. Spheral statistics give the indices of spherons as a social genome (socionome) that defines the measurement of the structural harmony of social production of any country in any historical period. Spheral statistics have become a platform for a number of unique digital technologies, such as Spheral Information-Statistical Technology (SIST) as a first step to help foster world peace through the conscious and controlled harmony of a spheral global “digital” economy, excluding crises and unexpected risks of disharmony.


Spheral Information-Statistical Technology (SIST)

The greatest development, justification and application of spheral statistics is Spheral Information-Statistical Technology (SIST), which Dr. Semashko perfected and used in the development of many urban projects when employed at the St. Petersburg City Planning Commission’s statistical institute, System Engineering from 1980 through 1988.

Like atomic energy and some other modern technological discoveries, spheral statistics and SIST have a double/duplex use: they can be constructive, providing global peace and common societal good for the fraternal unity of countries and people in a harmonious multipolar world order. Or, they can be destructive/military, capable of creating economic instability, disharmony and societal collapse nonviolently, as was the case with the “Great Depression” in the United States or the disintegration of the USSR. The destructive option of spheral statistics and SIST may be applied, for example, by world peace organizations, such as a restructured United Nations, to any state-aggressor to nonviolently ensure global security, peace and stability from harmony.

According to Dr. Semashko’s opinion, spheral statistics and its technologies have an unlimited range of effective applications in all spheres of world digital economy. These tools allow to regularize and streamlining the Internet global information space,to turn its chaos into some kind of harmony and to ensure a gradual approximation to it, as well as repeatedly to increase the precision and efficiency of the search in it. o­n their basis, fundamentally new models of global environmental security governance are built for the UN and other international organizations. In addition, on their basis, self-government models of personal growth can design for each individual. Their use can ensure the peoples of all countries with millions of new innovative intellectual jobs and unlimited investments in the 21st century.


Spheral Democracy

Spherons and spheral science are able to provide an evolutionary, nonviolent transformation of traditional democracy as plutocracy—with its congenital defects of militarism, inequality, corruption and nationalism—to a full, 100 percent spheral democracy that encompasses and serves the interests of the entire population, including women and children.

Spheral democracy is based o­n scientific knowledge of each spheron’s objective equality within a harmoniously structured society. The spherons objective equality demands to recognize the equally necessary role that each spheron plays in social production. This knowledge requires and allows a highly functional society to divide all forms of political power at all levels of government, entitling each of the four spherons with an equal (25 percent) quota of representation in the legislative, judicial and executive governmental decision-making bodies.

A similar division of power between fundamental spherons (between spheral classes/communities of the population) is necessary today. In order to be truly harmonious, society must create a decision-making structure in which there is an equal quota representation in all democratic institutions, regardless of the number of people and property value (wealth) of any particular individuals within any of the spherons. This equanimity creates a condition in which society is at the service of all its people and not at the service of the small percentage of the population (the wealthy elite); thus, it ensures a full and balanced, harmonious nature of spheral democracy that can overcome all the innate defects of traditional democracy that is evident in many countries today.


Global Peace Science

All categories and discoveries of the spheral science are organically integrated by Dr. Semashko in the special Global Peace Science (GPS), which is still not universally developed and, thus, is absent in most countries. GPS is an alternative to “military science,” which has flourished for more than two centuries in all countries, resulting in an endless number of military academies and colleges as well as prioritization of extremely expansive military endeavors, armament build-ups and colossal military budgets.

Global Peace Science reveals the objective laws and fundamental actors of global peace from the societal structural harmony of the spherons. Thus GPS can be used by nations and governments to overcome all disharmonies and imbalances of social production that generate violence, wars and armed conflicts. GPS allows societies to build a long-term global strategy for achieving universal peace and disarmament within the next 50 years, based o­n the mechanisms of spheral democracy at all levels of government, including the United Nations.


Tetranet Thinking Paradigm (TTP)

Based o­n spheral categories and spheral indices, Dr. Semashko created a fundamentally new paradigm of spheral, global, harmonious, holistic and networked thinking that he called the Tetranet Thinking Paradigm (TTP). Tetranet thinking is four-dimensional thinking by spheres and spherons at all levels of social autopoietic cosmos within the framework of the philosophical thinking of the four o­ntological spheres of being. Thus, TTP integrates all the achievements of traditional, branch or partial thinking in order to overcome the fragmentation and limitation of that 20th century mindset. TTP also allows people and governments of the world to find nonviolent, harmonious solutions to all historical and current global challenges andrisks.

TTP offers a constructive intellectual tool for the embodiment of the 20th century’s brilliant covenants and the solution of global challenges expressed by their visionaries, among them: Henri Poincare, who said, “The inner harmony of the world is the o­nly true objective reality.” Albert Einstein, who said, “We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if humankind is to survive.” Martin Luther King, Jr., who said, “We should shift the arms race to a peace race.” To which John F. Kennedy, speaking to the United Nations General Assembly, added, “Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind.” Therefore, using the expression of the Russian geochemist Vladimir Vernadsky, o­ne can say that TTP is scientific thinking that constitutes “the greatest shift of human thought, which takes place o­nly o­nce in the millennia.”

TTP also builds o­n the wisdom and soft harmonious force of women. It was the Russian theosophist, writer, and public figure Elena Roerich who said, “In the hands of a woman, now is the salvation of humankind and the planet. The Age of Woman has come, and the woman must raise the thinking of humanity to the next step.” TTP brings forth the necessity of true gender equality that is humorously expressed in the American aphorism: “If Mama isn’t happy, nobody’s happy.”


Global Harmony Association projects

Women’s Project

Dr. Semashko and the Global Harmony Association applied spheral analysis with an evaluation of feminist achievements of the last 100 years to create a foundation for continuation of the new feminist movement in the 21st century. This endeavor began with a reconstruction of the feminist heritage of Helena Roerich, who, in the early 1900s, rode side by side with her husband, Nicholas Roerich, as they, together, explored the great remote expanses of southern Russia, China and Himalayan India. From that, came a deeper definition of Elena Roerich’s philosophy of “harmonious feminism” or “fourth wave feminism.”

GHA developed Helena Roerich’s theoretical conclusions and integrated them with spheral intellectual tools to form the conceptual basis of the GHA project called New Women. This project connects the idea of true equality of women, primarily in the economic and political spheres, with women’s harmonious and leading societal role. This project shows that women can bring about world peace because of their inherent motherly capability to master spheral holism through the paradigm of tetranet thinking and by establishing a spheral democracy that provides women with an equal quota of seats in all government bodies at all levels.


Social Priority of Children

The traditional capitalist way of prioritizing and maximizing profit, as history has shown, is destructive for humanity in all senses and spheres: military-political, economic, humanitarian and spiritual. Through his research, Dr. Semashko proved that humanity’s survival requires that society shift from its destructive prioritization of capitalistic profit to the constructive priority of children’s growth and creative development.

Children constitute the primordial human value for all people throughout all time. The quality of life for children determines the quality of all spherons and society as a whole, in all its parts and functions.

In the early 2000s, Dr. Semashko proposed a legal mechanism for ensuring the priority of children in a legislative bill, submitted to the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF), called the Children Suffrage Executed by Parents and referenced as an “institution for harmony.” While this idea did not originate with Dr. Semashko, he enhanced the concept with a fundamental spheral substantiation of a philosophical, sociological, political and legal nature.

The social prioritization of children ensures the recovery of social goal-setting, society’s liberation from militarism and direction toward global peace for children. Making children a priority is also an indispensable tool for the establishment of spheral democracy because: it ensures genuine gender equality; it harmoniously regulates the demographic process of population growth; it prevents terrorism through the formation of children’s antiterrorist immunity; it develops decisive human capital; and it qualitatively increases the sociosphere role of its institutions of family, education, health care, sports and similar functions, especially those that are beneficial to children.

The Global Harmony Association has devoted many books, articles and projects to making children a social priority, which is connected to the third, harmonious path of human development as an alternative to capitalism and communism.


Harmonious education and the Age of Harmonious Enlightenment

Spheral science has opened a fundamental nonviolent path of development for each society, including humanity as a whole, through the conscious governance of the genetic, sociocybernetic structural harmony of the spherons. The key instrument in this sociocybernetic process is God’s given mind in the form of human consciousness and scientific knowledge of this deep harmony by all members of society, from childhood, from infantile spheral cubes and other toys that are developed in the GHA. The fundamental attribute of the universal spheral, harmonious consciousness is ensured by a global harmonious education, starting with the family influence and primary education.

This education becomes universal and opens in the 21st century a whole Age of Harmonious Enlightenment as a nonviolent transition of humanity from an obsolete militaristic industrial civilization to a peaceful, harmonious civilization. This era requires a minimum of two generations, i.e. at least 40 years for its implementation, and it is waiting for humanity in the near future as an alternative to militaristic global madness. o­nly in this era is general and complete disarmament possible, which, along with harmonious education, constitutes the necessary conditions for global peace and its arrival o­n Earth.

The GHA has dedicated ten projects to substantiating, structuring and organizing harmonious education in different directions, countries and forms, including harmonious interfaith education within all religions, primarily global religions. Such education removes and prevents any clash between religious faiths and communities of believers, returning them to the authentic understanding that the God of all religions is the source and creator of world harmony and peace. Other areas and direction of harmonious education include youth, family, management, leadership, etc.

The main GHA project is the Global Harmony/Peace Academy, which was offered as an alternative to violent conflicts in Georgia, between Israel and Palestine, and in other locales. The harmonious consciousness of people, relying o­n universal spheral science, is the most reliable and best guarantee for global peace and security of the peoples, preventing or peacefully resolving any conflict. These projects embody consciously and fully nonviolent social transformation, the beginning of which was intuitively put forth by the great Mahatma Gandhi and about which other outstanding humanistic thinkers have dreamed throughout the history of humankind.


Peaceful cooperation between the United States and Russia

The GHA has always been far from pure academics and neglect of practical peacemaking political tasks. Many of its projects are devoted to the peaceful resolution of conflicts between Israel and Palestine, in Georgia and especially between the US and Russia. The GHA has repeatedly appealed to the leaders of these countries with the initiatives of their Global Peace Summit, nuclear disarmament, cooperation in joint development of spheral peace science and its digital technologies, in joint formation of the UN Peace Agenda, in joint reformation of the UN and many other endeavors. Unfortunately, all efforts put forth by GHA have gone unnoticed. Nevertheless, they are not in vain and will find attention in their own time, which will soon come, because without peaceful cooperation between these superpowers, it is impossible to talk about any global peace. The best way for them is to “shift the arms race into a peace race,” about which Martin Luther King dreamed and in the direction of which the GHA projects are working for these countries. This is the best geopolitics and global security strategy for them.


Restructuring the United Nations

The United Nations was formed o­n 24 October 1945, at the end of World War II, with the aim of preventing a third world war. In the decades since, nations and societies have experienced numerous acts of aggression, genocide, violence and crimes against humanity o­n both a large and small scale, all of which show that the current global and nationalistic paradigms contribute to humanity’s disharmony and inability to establish global peace. The inextricable militaristic disharmony within the United Nations is the result of inherent militarism exhibited by its member-states who bring forth an endless number of national contradictions, all of which exclude the necessary common denominator of global harmony and peace for all people.

The discovery of spherons, along with the corresponding constant structural harmony at all levels, determines an objective social common denominator that is universal for all nation-states—whether the political leaders of those nation-states recognize it or not. Therefore, the Global Harmony Association has suggested that the United Nations be restructured to correspond with humanity’s inherent spheral structure. That is, the UN would no longer be comprised of ambassadors with their individual nationalistic agenda but a body of eight people from each member-state: o­ne man and o­ne woman from each of the four spherons.

This structure, functioning according to the principles of spheral democracy and gender equality, can end militarism of traditional nation-states and ensure global harmonious governance and resolution of all global problems, including the geopolitical and environmental risks and challenges that confront and afflict humanity today.

This proposed global peace from structural harmony is the most complete and reliable source of security for every nation; it is much more steadfast than is an endless arms race, purported by the illusory and false claims of militaristic “national security,” fueled by extravagant internal armed forces budgets that are the true “enemy within,” and the insecure opinion that economic or military growth of another nation is a “security threat” to another nation.

The Global Harmony Association and Dr. Semashko believe that the o­nly way out of this vicious militaristic circle is through restructuring the United Nations and thus creating a high-level model of harmonious world order that would extend to all its member-states and, then, to all nations, societies and peoples of the world.


Human/Humanity Right to Life, Global Peace and Social Harmony

          The logical conclusion of the GHA’s UN project became its “Declaration of Human/Humanity Right to Life, Global Peace and Social Harmony,” which Dr. Semashko wrote and published at the end of 2017. This GHA Declaration is the continuation, deepening and development of the United Nation’s “Universal Declaration of Human Rights” (1948), which mentions “right to life” o­nly o­nce (in Article 3) without substantiating its fundamental role in peacemaking. In contrast, the GHA Declaration, which is based o­n spheral science, proves that right to life is inseparable from the right to a global peace and social harmony, is the primary, foundational function of humankind’s natural existence, as defined by the basic desire of procreation and continuation of the human species. Therefore, right to life can—and must—be the o­nly legal source o­n which to establish universal peace, exclude militarism and the institution of war, and reorganize the UN into an effective peacemaking body. The priority role in the recognition and adoption of this Declaration belongs to women and children, who account for more than 70 percent of the world’s population, and who undoubtedly need and desire peace.


Harmonious civilization: Spheral futurology

          Spheral philosophy and science are summarized in the theory of a harmonious civilization. This theory constitutes a special, fourth part of tetraphilosophy, which the author called “spheral futurology.” Spheral futurology was the subject of the GHA’s sixth book Harmonious Civilization, crafted by 120 co-authors from 34 countries. The publication of this book in 2009 was recognized by GHA members as the beginning of a conscious, scientific and peaceful building of a harmonious civilization that had previously been expressed in the GHA “Harmonious Era Calendar” in 2006. Harmonious civilization is an alternative to the outgoing industrial civilization with its militaristic regimes of capitalism and socialism. This is the “third way” of humankind as revealed in the humanistic nonviolent Christian interpretation of Pope John Paul II. A key feature of a harmonious civilization is freedom from wars and militarism, thus excluding the institution of war from the life of humanity.

          The questions “who and how will end war,” which, according to John F. Kennedy, threatens “to put an end to mankind,” find a systematic answer in spheral science. Contemplating these answers enabled Dr. Semashko to express its essence, which is also the most significant achievement of his life, with a capacious phrase: “The war killed my father, and I killed war,” meaning that his scientific understanding of the fundamental social spheral sources will lead to the exclusion of all wars and militarism. This is a summary and main result of Dr. Semashko’s life.He will be recognized in history as the scholar who intellectually “killed war.”


Published works

Dr. Semashko’s discovery and development of these new sciences began in 1976 with his establishment of the student club “Demiurge” for personality harmonious development (http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=305). He published more than 600 scientific documents, including 18 books, many of which have been translated into multiple languages.

His main books o­n tetraphilosophy and global tetrasociology include Spheral Approach (1992), Sociology for Pragmatists (1999), Tetrasociology (2002). All subsequent books were created in co-authorship with hundreds of the GHA members: Harmonious Era Calendar (2006), Magna Carta of Harmony (2007), World Harmony/Peace Academy (2008), Harmonious Civilization (2009), The ABC of Harmony (2012) and others through which he has extensively developed ideas of the third-order sociocybernetics, tetrism, harmonism, spheral statistics, spheral democracy and other important and necessary concepts.

He is the initiator, principal author, manager and editor-in-chief of the unique book Global Peace Science (2016), a “scientific formula for peace” that contains the collective wisdom of 174 co-authors (including several Nobel Peace Laureates and president of India Abdul Kalam) from 34 countries: http://peacefromharmony.org/docs/global-peace-science-2016.pdf

His published works are housed in the world’s largest libraries, including the United States Library of Congress. His publications also include the GHA’s 60 projects with the theme of global peace from social harmony, created under his leadership. A complete list of his books and GHA projects is published at the GHA web page “GHA Projects: Oasis of Harmonious Civilization”http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=472


Peace from Harmony web site

The web address for the Global Harmony Association web site is “Peace from Harmony”: (http://peacefromharmony.org), which Dr. Semashko created in 2005. This web site includes more than o­ne million documents in 16 languages and has recorded more than 12 million visits in 13 years.


Address: St-Petersburg, Russia; Phone: +7(812)-597-6571;

E-mail: leo.semashko [at] gmail.com

Personal page, biography: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=253




Some responses


Dr. Leo, mis sinceras felicitaciones por tan nutrido hacer en bien de la humanidad.

Cuando se trabaja con amor, el sol tiene otro brillo!

Con atentos saludos,

Ime Biassoni



Dr. Leo, my sincere congratulations for such a nourished work for the good of humanity.

When working with love, the sun has another brightness! With attentive greetings,

Ime Biassoni,




Dear Dr. Leo,

Congratulations! For a great Journey of Life with great purpose of Life;

Peace from Harmony

Dr. Subhash Chandra,

GHA President and Board Chairman,

Global Harmony Association,




Congratulations Dear Leo, you are admirable!

Peace and Harmony, love to all,





Dearest Leo,

Your bio is too brilliant and а heavy. Your actions as a real human and scientist via life give light o­n our planet а globally. May mercy God save you. With peace via harmony and love

Dr Panagiotis (Takis) Dimos Ioannides,

GHA Vice President

Athens, Greece



Robert Weir
A People’s Campaign for Peace in the United States


Peace is often in the news today, almost as much as its diabolical antithesis – war. While politicians postulate, violence continues, innocent civilians die and citizens around the world pray for peace. But war contorts those supplications into cries of pain, agony, suffering, anger, frustration, sorrow and grief.


So, where are peace, harmony and happiness for which people clamor? Where is “life, liberty and pursuit of happiness” that the founders of my country, the United States of America, espoused? Where, in my government, do we have a paradigm of peace?


Certainly not in the oxymoron “peace through strength,” as espoused by President George W. Bush, for that phrase is symptomatic of bullying. Certainly not in the manufacture and use of bombs, missiles, bullets and tanks that blaze and rumble through Iraq and Afghanistan, through Palestine and Israel. Certainly not in tribal warfare of Africa where the death toll goes mostly unreported by mainstream media. Certainly not in ceasefire rhetoric that produces minimal results.


Where is the paradigm of “peace through understanding” that comes from truly listening to another person’s point of view? Where is the joy that comes from “loving thy neighbor as thyself,” whether that neighbor is the person next door, a homeless person across town, or a fellow human being in Israel, Palestine, Iran, Iraq, China, North Korea, India or Africa? Where is the realization that we – all of us o­n Earth – are connected as o­ne global species?


Fortunately, that paradigm of “peace through understanding” exists in the hearts and minds of many people. It is the foundation of the United Nations. It is the basis of non-government organizations (NGOs) that provide money and aid to overcome hunger, poverty, disease and inhumane living conditions. The paradigm may not exist in the majority of my country’s cadre of politicos, but it is growing from the grassroots up among the populace, and it is becoming a political force.


In Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA – where I live – weekly peace vigils have been held at the U.S. Federal Building since before the Attack o­n Iraq in March 2002. Other vigils in another part of my community protest the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that began in July 2006. And a vigil was held in a city park o­n August 9 to commemorate the lives lost due to the nuclear holocaust of Hiroshima and Nagasaki 61 years ago.


In addition to these vigils, another force is active within my country and elsewhere in the world. That force is a campaign to create a Cabinet-level Department of Peace within the U.S. federal government.


The Department of Peace movement exists as proposed legislation in the U.S. House of Representatives, introduced by Congressman Dennis Kucinich, and in the U.S. Senate, introduced by Senator Mark Dayton. The House Bill has 75 co-sponsors. The Senate version has o­nly two so far, but that number will increase during this 2006 Senatorial election year as the issue of war versus peace rises to the top of political debate. Thousands of people are involved with the Department of Peace campaign throughout the United States.


The movement exists in other countries as well. The first international People’s Summit for Departments of Peace took place in London, United Kingdom, in October 2005. Forty people from 12 countries participated in the two-day summit. Currently, citizens in 20 nations have initiated actions to establish a Department of Peace within their homelands.


NGOs that support creation of a U.S. Department of Peace are numerous, distinguished and influential. They include AfterDowningStreet.org, Amnesty International, American Muslim Voices, American Voices Abroad, The Dr. Semi J. and Ruth W. Begun Center for Violence Prevention and Education, Brahma Kumaris, Buddhist Peace Fellowship, Center for Nonviolent Communications, Code Pink, Communities of Peace Foundation, Democrats.com, Fellowship for Reconciliation (FOR), Global AIDS Alliance, Global Exchange, Global Youth Action Network, Humanity in Unity, Institute for Multi-Track Diplomacy, The International Healing Trauma-Healing Institute, Musicians and Fine Artists for World Peace, National Women’s Studies Association, National Organization for Women (NOW), Pace e Bene, Pathways to Peace, Pax Christi USA, Peace Action, Peace Is Every Step, Physicians for Social Responsibility, September Eleventh Families for Peaceful Tomorrows, School Mediation Center, Tikkun, Traprock Peace Center, United Religions Initiative (URI), Veterans for Peace, Wholistic Peace Institute, and Youth for Environmental Sanity (YES!).


Notables who actively support the Department of Peace campaign include retired U.S. news anchor Walter Cronkite, retired U.S. Ambassador John McDonald, Archbishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa, actor Joaquin Phoenix (Johnny Cash in Walk the Line), singer Flea of Red Hot Chili Peppers, and author-speaker Marianne Williamson who initiated The Peace Alliance, which is the campaign’s principle grassroots support organization.


The campaign is alive and strong in my part of Michigan, too. A major Peace Alliance Conference was held here in July. About 300 persons attended. Keynote speakers included Ms. Williamson and U.S. Congressman John Conyers, a significant peace advocate, of Detroit, Michigan.


These political visionaries stated that we need to foster a spiritual attitude of peace within ourselves if we are to change the prevailing paradigm within society and government. The o­nly two forces more powerful than any bomb are love and hate,” Ms. Williamson said, “and love triumphs hate.”


Ms. Williamson complimented the founders of our nation who stepped far beyond the governance norms of their era by referencing God within the U.S. Declaration of Independence and proclaiming, “… that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights….” She praised Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. for “turning love into a political force” through nonviolent resistance to oppression. And she said that now it is our responsibility, as citizens of the world, to continue to use love to make a difference in the world.


Ms. Williamson quoted Albert Einstein who said, “Problems cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them.” The problems of war that we experience today were created by an old mindset of fear, doubt, uncertainty and greed. Yes, those factors still exist. Fear, especially, continues to be mongered by the Bush administration that promoted and launched a unilateral, preemptive Attack o­n Iraq and now wants to build a wall to isolate our nation from Mexico. That level of thinking dates to the creation of the Great Wall behind which ancient Chinese emperors hid their resources and stifled their civilizations. Mistrust and fear symbolize invalid, head-in-the-sand thinking that is no longer applicable in today’s world of global communications, global trade and potential global nuclear destruction.


Ms. Williamson reminded her audience, more than ever, we must recognize that we live in a new century of enlightened thinking where fear and oppression can and must be replaced with understanding, love and forgiveness. That is the destiny of our species if we are to survive.


Visualizing a peaceful future, Ms. Williamson asked each person at the Department of Peace Conference to imagine a time when children would come home from school in disbelief and ask their parents, “Is it true there used to be something called ‘war’ in which soldiers invaded other lands, and the army that killed the most people won?” She asked people to envision those parents saying, “Yes, that’s the way it used to be, but it isn’t that way any more.”


Ms. Williamson reminded attendees that our most important endeavor, at least in the United States, is to seek legislative support for the Department of Peace from our U.S. Congressional Representative who has the power to vote the bill into law. We were taught how to engage other citizens, the media and municipal governing bodies that could pass resolutions in favor of the Department of Peace. For personal peace and greater understanding among individuals, we learned nonviolent communications skills.


We also learned that Congressman Kucinich originally wrote the Department of Peace legislation prior to the September 11, 2001, attack o­n the World Trade Center in New York City, not simply as a deterrent to international warfare, but in response to the need for nonviolent resolution of domestic and community violence within the United States.

While the War in Iraq, for example, has cost U.S. taxpayers over $300 billion in four plus years, the cost of domestic violence within the U.S. is $300 billion annually, according to the World Health Organization. Health-related costs of rape, physical assault, stalking and homicide committed by intimate partners exceed $5.8 billion each year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Domestic violence is the single greatest cause of injury to women, according to the Journal of the American Medical Association. There are 31,000 gangs in the U.S. and the rate of youth homicide in my country (11.0 per 100,000 people) is more than ten times that of other industrialized nations; the second and third highest rates are 0.9 and 0.8 per 100,000 in the United Kingdom and Germany, respectively.


Clearly, U.S. citizens live in a violent society. This barbaric paradigm was created with old thinking, shoot-em-up gunslinger thinking, bring-em-on and beat-em-up thinking, my-dad-can-whup-your-dad thinking, I-win-and-you-lose thinking. That thinking has killed 100 million people, worldwide, in the last 100 years.


The definition of insanity is trying the same thing over and over while expecting different results. War has o­nly hindered and hampered society. It’s time – past time – that we give peace a chance. Serving as a complement to the U.S. Department of Defense, the U.S. Department of Peace would be the primary political instrument to bring the peace paradigm into greater human consciousness, and it would bring the voice of peace to the U.S. President’s highest advisory Cabinet.


I strongly encourage you to please get involved in a peace campaign – regardless of what country you live in. The organization within the United States that is most responsible for establishing a Department of Peace here is called The Peace Alliance; the web site is www.thepeacealliance.org. Other countries have similar organizations and campaigns. If your country doesn’t have a Department of Peace campaign, start o­ne.


While being involved, please also be at peace within your heart. Peace begins within the mind of each and every o­ne of us. Work for peace and be at peace. That is the credo that will lead us – all of us – into the next generation and beyond.


Robert Weir is the District Leader for the Department of Peace campaign in Southwest Michigan, USA. He is also a freelance writer and speaker. He can be reached at robtweir@aol.com or through his web site, www.robertmweir.com.


Robert M. Weir

709 Regency Square, Apt 302

Kalamazoo, MI 49008


September 28, 2006



Robert M. Weir
Dr. Leo Semashko: a Global Leader of Peacemaking
through Harmony and Children


True peace can be inevitable, says Dr. Leo Semashko, but o­nly through social harmony and harmonious education of all children of the world.


Dr. Semashko, who lives in St. Petersburg, Russia, and holds a doctorate of philosophy from Moscow State University, has been working to confirm that idea for 30 years. In 2002, he published his vision, Tetrasociology: Responses to Challenges, which demonstrates that the population’s four social spheres must partner in order to transition the human family from enmity and war to cooperation and care. While Tetrasociology, Dr. Semashko’s major discovery, would ensure social harmony and prevent war, he also declares the need to make harmonious education of children a social priority.


“Children’s education in families, schools and universities must evolve to an understanding of global harmonious sphere classes and, thus, initiate a new civilization beyond war,” says Dr. Semashko.


Leo’s endeavor was destined from childhood. BorninGrodno, Byelorussia, o­n 20 June 1941, Leo experienced war at the age of two days. He and his mother, Augusta, were still in the maternity ward when, amidst German rocket fire, Leo’s father, Alexei Lihanov, a Russian army officer, told his wife to evacuate. That was the couple’s final conversation, as Alexei was killed o­nly a few days later. Riding o­n a freight train, Augusta and her infant miraculously arrived in Bejestk, where they lived with her parents and where Leo experienced his youth and teen years. Still today, Leo expresses disgust at the horrors of war.


Inspired by his two sons and four grandchildren, Leo sought not o­nly to establish theoretical concepts but to develop practical measures that would bring about social harmony. Between 1975 and 1993, he founded and headed six organizations devoted to children and family rights. Through this work, he came to understand that “social harmony and appropriate peacemaking can o­nly be achieved o­n a scale that includes all humankind, not merely a framework of o­ne country or a small group of countries.”


From that revelation, Dr. Semashko created a web site, “A New Culture of Peace from Social Harmony and Children’s Priority,” (www.peacefromharmony.org) that, since 15 February 2005, has united 190 authors from 33 countries whose essays of peace and wisdom have been translated into 15 languages.


These authors, whom Leo hails as “a nucleus of a new global community of harmonious people,” have created two projects: “Harmonious Era Calendar” and “Great Charter of Harmony.”

Dr. Semashko’s ability to bring together great thinkers and creators from diverse cultural, social and political backgrounds marks him as a global leader of social harmony.


Robert M. Weir

709 Regency Square, Apt 302

Kalamazoo, MI 49008





February 27, 2007


© Website author: Leo Semashko, 2005; © designed by Roman Snitko, 2005