About Us
L. Semashko, B. Scott: Spherons Cybernetics in the spirit of Plato and Aristotle
L. Semashko and GGHA. Spherons: Crossing the Rubicon of Confrontation, Violence and Nuclear Suicide
Spherons. Anti-Nuclear Manifesto
Spherons of Gandhicracy and Democracy
Spherons. Gandhica
Spherons. Primer for Adults
Spherons. Global Peace Science
Network Spherons of the UN
Spherons' Democracy
Anti-Nuclear Manifesto XXI (2020)
Gandhica (2019)
Global Peace Science (2016)
The ABC of Harmony (2012)
Harmonious Civilization (2009)
Children's Suffrage (2004)
Tetrasociology (2003)
Tetrasociology: Responses to Challenges (2002)
Tetrasociology — Revolution of Social Thinking… (RUS) (2000)
Sociology for Pragmatists (RUS) (1999)
Spheral Approach (1993)
Family Code of the RSFSR (RUS) (1991)
Anti-NATO Manifesto (2024)
Spheronics: True Peace Megascience. Peacemaking primer-dialogue (2023)
Spheronics: The Artificial Intelligence of Global Statistics (2023)
Gandhian World Enlightenment of Spherons (2021)
School of Nonviolence of Gandhian Spherons (RUS) (2021)
Anti-Nuclear Peace/Cyberspheronics Manifesto: The Noosphere Third Way XXI (2020)
World Civil Society Security Council: Abolish Nuclear Weapons (2020)
Gandhicracy 2020: The highest author's peacemaking motivation (2020)
Russia: The Constitution of Peace, Prosperity and Gandhian Democracy (2020)
GHA practical breakthrough in business, governance and politics (2020)
Golden Intellectual Fund (2019)
Gandhian, Nonviolent, Spheral Democracy. Gandhicracy-2020 (2019)
Gandhica - Kashmir (2019)
All Projects since 2005
All publications
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Ë. Ñåìàøêî, Á. Ñêîòò: Êèáåðíåòèêà ñôåðîíîâ â äóõå Ïëàòîíà è Àðèñòîòåëÿ
Ë. Ñåìàøêî è ÃÃÑÃ. Ñôåðîíû: Ïåðåõîä Ðóáèêîíà êîíôðîíòàöèè, íàñèëèÿ è ÿäåðíîãî ñóèöèäà
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Äåìîêðàòèÿ Ñôåðîíîâ
Àíòèÿäåðíûé Ìàíèôåñò XXI (2020)
Ãàíäèêà (2019)
Íàóêà ãëîáàëüíîãî ìèðà (2015)
Àçáóêà ãàðìîíèè (2012)
Ãàðìîíè÷íàÿ öèâèëèçàöèÿ (2009)
Èçáèðàòåëüíîå ïðàâî äåòåé (2004)
Òåòðàñîöèîëîãèÿ (2003)
Òåòðàñîöèîëîãèÿ: Îòâåòû íà âûçîâû (2002)
Òåòðàñîöèîëîãèÿ — ðåâîëþöèÿ ñîöèàëüíîãî ìûøëåíèÿ… (2000)
Ñîöèîëîãèÿ äëÿ ïðàãìàòèêîâ (1999)
Ñôåðíûé ïîäõîä (1992)
Ñåìåéíûé êîäåêñ ÐÑÔÑÐ (1991)
Àíòè-Íàòî Ìàíèôåñò (2024)
Ñôåðîíèêà: Ìåãàíàóêà Èñòèííîãî Ìèðà. Ìèðîòâîð÷åñêèé áóêâàðü-äèàëîã (2023)
Ñôåðîíèêà: Èñêóññòâåííûé Èíòåëëåêò Ãëîáàëüíîé Ñòàòèñòèêè (2023)
Ðîññèÿ — Öèâèëèçàöèîííûé Ëèäåð XXI âåêà (2022)
Ãàíäèàíñêîå Ìèðîâîå Ïðîñâåùåíèå Ñôåðîíîâ (2021)
Øêîëà Íåíàñèëèÿ Ãàíäèàíñêèõ Ñôåðîíîâ (2021)
Àíòèÿäåðíûé Ìàíèôåñò Ìèðà/Êèáåðñôåðîíèêè: Òðåòèé Ïóòü Íîîñôåðû XXI âåêà (2020)
Ñîâåò Áåçîïàñíîñòè Ìèðîâîãî Ãðàæäàíñêîãî Îáùåñòâà: Èñêëþ÷èòü ÿäåðíîå îðóæèå (2020)
Ãàíäèêðàòèÿ 2020: Âûñøàÿ àâòîðñêàÿ ìèðîòâîð÷åñêàÿ ìîòèâàöèÿ (2020)
Ðîññèÿ: Êîíñòèòóöèÿ ìèðà, ïðîöâåòàíèÿ è Ãàíäèàíñêîé äåìîêðàòèè (2020)
Ïðàêòè÷åñêèé ïðîðûâ ÃÑà â áèçíåñ, óïðàâëåíèå è ïîëèòèêó (2020)
Çîëîòîé Èíòåëëåêòóàëüíûé Ôîíä (2019)
Ãàíäèàíñêàÿ, íåíàñèëüñòâåííàÿ, ñôåðíàÿ äåìîêðàòèÿ. Ãàíäèêðàòèÿ-2020 (2019)
Ãàíäèêà - Êàøìèð (2019)
Âñå ïðîåêòû ñ 2005 ãîäà
Âñå ïóáëèêàöèè
About Us
Harmony Forum
Spheronics: True Global Peace Megascience. Primer-Dialogue. Contents
What is the second axial time meaning at the “wind rose” geopolitical crossroad of XXI century world history?
True Peace: Spheronics Structural-Dialectical Methodology. Abris.
Gandhian "Newtonian" Spherons: Fundamental Social Structure, Substance and Actors of True Peace
Spheronics. Dialogue with: Ervin Laszlo. The Survival Imperative: Upshifting to Conscious Evolution of Peace and Harmony
The society structure: the spheres and spherons of holistic social production
The Gandhian Spherons "Newtonian" Laws of Holistic Social Production and True Peace
The Spherons Social Production and True Peace Dynamics Laws
Digital Technology of Spheral Statistics. Spherons Verification
Strong Artificial Intelligence for True Peace
True Peace "Economic Miracle" in Ideal Spheral Society of Spheronics
Inseparability and Additionality of Science and Religion for True Peace
The UN True Peace Spherons as Structural Model Base of Scientific Global Peacemaking Governance
Resisting to Evil by the Spherons True Peace Force
Corporatism: Holistic Social Carcinogenesis of True Peace and Social Production. Corporatism and Fascism
Structural Theodicy of the Spheronics’ True Peace
Gandhian Spheronics in the BRICS+ Service: Leadership, Multipolarity and True Peace Ideology
Leo Semashko and GGHA. Spheronics’ Macrosociology for BRICS+: Spheres, Spherons, Their Laws and the Societal Genome. October 10, 2023
Elon Musk. International Contest and Forum “Peace Science”
Leo Semashko. THE PEACE SCIENCE for war-sick humanity to heal it, for its first millions peace education and for peace, safe AI
Edward Curtin. Seeking Truth in a Country of Lies. The Life and Public Assassination of President John F. Kennedy
Jeffrey Tucker. How Historic Is Trump’s Presidency?
The Peace Science Spheral Artificial Intelligence (PS-SAI): Twelve Attributes of Advantage
Leo Semashko. Peace Science and its Logic of Spheres to Accelerate Economic Growth, Investments and Business
Leo Semashko and Rudolf Siebert. China and Russia for world peace. Spheral logic of its promotion and institutionalization
Peace Science Gospel. Anti-NATO’s WWIII GGHA Manifesto (ANM)
GGHA coauthors. Nuclear Civilization: From the Hiroshima/Nagasaki Western Globalization to the Alternative Globalization of Peace Science
The UN 2024 Summit of the Future: Pact for the Future: Global Digital Compact and Declaration on Future Generations
Everything is nothing without peace! Âñå - íè÷òî áåç ìèðà! Appeal of the 29 German scientists, politicians and artists
GGHA Plan for Perpetual Peace between Russia and Ukraine
Mahatma Gandhi, 155th Birth Anniversary and Gandhian Peace Heroes
Renaissance of the perpetual peace culture instead of the West nuclear civilization genocide
Matt Meyer. Perpetual Peace of Russia and Ukraine: The Peacemakers Solidarity Mobilization for a Peace Culture Renaissance
GGHA Message. Orthodox Christmas 2025 - One Christmas, One Christianity, One Perpetual Peace of Russia and America, to make them great as never before!
GGHA Spheronics. Organization of the Peace Science Primer (PSP) completion in 3 months
Leo Semashko. Russophobia – Ukraine’s Fascist State – World War Three – Peace Science
Introduction. The Humanity Perpetual Peace Renaissance: The Survival Path in Nuclear Civilization
Preface. The Spheral Way Of Thinking: Only Way To Know And Control Perpetual Peace As Absolute Security
Paragraph 3. The Nature Law of "Equal Necessity and Sufficiency of Spheres" (ENSS): "Peace Science" and its Spheral Logic Pillar of Planetary Peace, Harmony and Ecology
Paragraph-4. Spheres of social nature. Statics
Donald Trump: Geopolitics, Peacemaking in his ‘Revolution of Common Sense’. Dialogue
President Donald Trump’s Inaugural Address
GGHA. Trump's “Revolution of Common Sense” in the Perpetual Peace Culture and Spheral Thinking
Mairead Corrigan Maguire and Matt Meyer. To Build a Better Tomorrow (About Trump)
POPE FRANCIS. FOR THE 57th WORLD DAY OF PEACE. 1 JANUARY 2024. Artificial Intelligence and Peace
The AI paradigms synergy and launch of the USA & Russia partnership in the Peace Science on AI base field
Peace Science: “The Pact for the Future” to transform the UN and states
Peace Science. Planetary vision and systemic source for accelerated growth of technology, investment and business by 10-20% per year
Leo Semashko and Rudolf Siebert. Christian Easter 2024: Peace in Harmony of Faith and Science
BRICS Business Council. Annual Report 2023/2024. Russia 2024
Leo Semashko and GGHA. Russia’s Historical Initiative: “Shift the Arms Race into a Peace Race” in the 21st century since 2022
China, India, Russia: The New World Pole and its Global Peace MegaScience as an Intellectual Victorious Weapon of the USA/NATO Fourth Reich
GGHA MESSAGE of Security and Peace based on the "Spherons Global Peace MegaScience" (SGPM)
Leo Semashko and GGHA. Russia. World Civilizational Leadership
Leo Semashko and GGHA. Spheronics Megascience against NATO and the WWIII. Theses
Leo Semashko and GGHA. Donbass in the Western militaristic civilization of genocide.
Russia MFA. Genocide in Donbass and Nazi crimes in Ukraine. + Similar facts
GGHA Message. QUESTION OF THE HUMANITY LIFE – DEATH. Congratulations on Women's Day 8 March 2022
Leo Semashko. Christ is Risen, Russia, the Orthodox!
Rodney Atkinson. The Fourth Reich History. Èñòîðèÿ ×åòâ¸ðòîãî Ðåéõà
Rodney Atkinson. Corporatism – the end of democracy, truth and prosperity. Corporatism will kill us all
Rodney Atkinson. Spheronics and GGHA on the Freenations
Ken Leslie. Ukraine, Russia and the Third Crusade
Rodney Atkinson and Dmitry Babich. Why so many voted for Vladimir Putin. Ïî÷åìó òàê ìíîãî ãîëîñîâàëî çà Ïóòèíà?
GGHA Message. Victory Day: May 9, 2022. From war to peace
Leo Semashko. GGHA Anti-fascist Front against Neo-Nazism of the West, Ukraine and others. Hitler kaput! Ze kaput! All fascists kaput!
Ukrainian fascism: yesterday and today ...Óêðàèíñêèé ôàøèçì: â÷åðà è ñåãîäíÿ…
Leo Semashko and GGHA. To Singapore proposal. Roadmap for global peace
Leo Semashko and GGHA. MegaScience of Spherons: Enlightenment to Co-survive on the Nuclear Death Brink:
Leo Semashko, Olga Kashina. Spherons Statistical Verification within 2 hours. Method, Meanings and Consequences of Truth
Leo Semashko, Olga Kashina. Spherons: Verification and "PEACE RACE" of Artificial Intelligence. 14-01-22
Leo Semashko, Olga Kashina.Method of spherons verification in 2 hours within Spheronics Megascience. Table-2. 23-08-22
Leo Semashko. Peace is the Highest Value… from God - WGF Person of the Year 2022
GGHA and Leo Semashko. “The BRICS+ Scientific Ideology” for Xi Jinping and China's World Leadership
GGHA and Leo Semashko. Spheronics Peace Science for the BRICS+ and Saudi Arabia World Leadership
GGHA and Leo Semashko. Spheronics Peace Science for the BRICS+ and UAE World Leadership. December 9, 2023
May 9, 2024. The 79th Peace Victory Day, “SO THAT WILL BE NO WAR!”
GGHA & Nobel Peace Laureates. Gandhian spherons: India/Nepal Return To The Varnas Peace World Leadership
Leo Semashko and GGHA. Human/Humanity Right to Life, Global Peace and Social Harmony. GHA Declaration 2017
Leo Semashko and GGHA. Spheronics. 2021 Global Intellectual Breakthrough: Copernican Scientific Revolution of Peacemaking
Leo Semashko and GGHA. For the UN: "Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons" in the Gandhian "Anti-Nuclear Manifesto"
Leo Semashko. For Brazil. The new generations’ peace culture is the GGHA Gandhian "Anti-Nuclear Manifesto"
Leo Semashko and the GGHA. Tabooed Gandhi in his unprecedented law of spherons
Leo Semashko and GGHA. Spherons: Nonlinear Sociogenetic Reality and the Spheronics Megascience Verified Truth
Leo Semashko. Peacemaking Motivation since Birth and Scientific Achievements 1970-2021 for the Russia Leadership in Global Peace
The GGHA Message. New, 2022 Year and 17th Anniversary of the GGHA as Spherons Global Peace Academy (SGPA).
Leo Semashko, Vyacheslav Bragin. Orthodox Christmas: Eschatology of Peace and Religions. GGHA Message.
Fyodor Dostoevsky, 200 years. Leo Semashko and GGHA. Spheronics: Scientific Perspective of the Russia Civilizational Leadership
Leo Semashko. The Spherons Beauty: Russia Leadership and the World Salvation on Dostoevsky
The GHA Open Letter to President Vladimir Putin: Your Foreign Policy Electoral Trumps
Mairead Maguire. Open Letter To Two World Leaders
USA-RUSSIA Summit. The Great Peace Charter XXI
EU: Against US/NATO Military Bases. Democracy or Empire?
Michael Brenner. President Vladimir Putin as the Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. Irritation and Envy.
Leo Semashko and Rudolf Siebert. Gandhi, Putin and Bushnell: Resisting NATO's Nazi genocide
"New Women" by Helena Roerich name
Helena Roerich: Philosophy of Harmonious Feminism "New Women"
The ABC/Paradigm of Tetranet Thinking for "New Women" harmonious feminism
"New Women" of WGHA: World Women's Pantheon
GHA and WGHA WELCOME ADDRESS to African Feminist Peace Forum
"New Women" and International Women Organizations against Violence
Peace Culture. UN Declaration. From Industrial, Militaristic Peace Culture to Harmonious, True Peace Culture
GGHA Peacemakers Pantheon: World Harmony Gandhian Creators
World Honorary Titles of Global Peace: Gandhis, Francises, Nobels and Maecenases
Noam Chomsky: Only Truth about the US Aggressive Hegemonistic Policy
Henri Poincare: Harmony is the only true reality
GHA Gandhica: System Intelligence of Rescue from Global Ecocide / Genocide. Nonviolence Spherons/Varnas
Gandhi Committee of GHA. Call for India Government
Gandhi Nonviolence School
Rap. Gandhi 2019. Gandhi Poetry
Interfaith Harmony of Gandhi Nonviolence
Nonviolence Science
Women's equality and nonviolence
Democracy of Nonviolence
Nonviolence Moral
Best Articles. Gandhi’s Peace Journalism
Discussions about Gandhi
Gandhi’s Year Culminations
Gandhi’s World Petition
Putin. Modi. Gandhi Commissions. GHA Proposals
Aparna Basu. Gandhi’s Vision
GHA Gandhian Laureates
Gandhi Library
Covers and other design for discussion
Gandhica and Interfaith Harmony: Enlightenment Age into Nonviolence Era
Gandhica – Kashmir: GHA Peace Project
Nagorno-Karabakh: Condominium through Equality Instead of War + Russian
GHA "Committee of Reconciliation in Nagorno-Karabakh" (CRNK). Principled Solution Statement
Gandhica’s presentations. Congratulations
Vinod K. Kool, Rita Agrawal. Gandhi and the Psychology of Nonviolence, V.1, 2. 2020
Abiy Ahmed: Gandhian Creator of Global Peace from Harmony in Ethiopia
Gandhica for the UN Mega-Thinking
Gandhi year. Fruits and report. Dedicated to the victory over fascism that there was no war
Epilogue. "Gandhica" vs "Guernica"
Paul Gallagher. Gandhi’s Non-Violence Gave Birth to the Non-Aligned Nations Movement
May 9, 1945: Victory Day of Global Harmony - SPHERONS' Harmony
International Day of Non-Violence, Mahatma Gandhi birthday: GHA Messages on October 2
Global Oneness = One Planet + One Humanity + One Harmony + One Global Peace + One GP Science
Transformative Harmony. Ananta Giri et al
General and Complete Disarmament for 50 years on the Basis of Global Harmony and the ABC of Harmony
BRICS' Priority: To strengthen international peace and security
BRICS as Global Leader of Peacebuilding Front in the XXI Century. Security: the Theory of Two Fronts
International Day of Peace, September 21. GHA Messages
A.K. Merchant, R. Kumar, A. Chakravarthy. WORLD PEACE & HUMANITY
BEFORE THIRD WORLD WAR. Peace and Disarmament from Harmony, New World Peace Movement for the 21 century
The invitation letter to the peacemaking organizations
The invitation letter to Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam
The invitation letter to Smt. Pratibha Devisingh Patil
The invitation letter to Dr. Johan Galtung
The invitation letter to Brahma Kumaris
Global Peace Science Heroes. Gallery
Mikhail Gorbachev. Gallery of the Nobel Peace Laureates (NPL). Statement of the 5th NPL Forum
Mother Teresa. 1979 Nobel Peace Laureate
Albert Schweitzer. 1952 Nobel Peace Laureate
Martin Luther King Jr. 1964 Nobel Peace Laureate
Elie Wiesel. 1986 Nobel Peace Laureate
Nelson Mandela. 1993 Nobel Peace Laureate
Mandela Day: GHA Message on18th July, 2015
Beatrice Fihn. International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) 2017 NPL
Setsuko Thurlow. Survive Hiroshima to ban nuclear weapons
Ada Aharoni. IFLAC: The International Forum for the Literature and Culture of Peace
NGO and IFLAC for Peace Culture
Magna Carta of Harmony for an Information Civilization
Collective members of Global Harmony Association: Agreements
Epoch of Harmony Globalisation: Global Harmony World Achievements. GHA List
Youth Global Harmony Association (YGHA)
Outstanding Thinkers of the 21st century for a Harmonious Civilization: GHA Members
GGHA Peacemaking Projects and Books: Oasis of Harmonious Civilization in the Jungles of Industrialism
Comparison of the Magna Carta of Harmony with the World Documents of the 20th and 21st Centuries
Harmony/Peace Academy and General Harmonious/Peace Education
Tetrasociology: Science about Social and Individual Harmony
General Harmonious Education as the Best Way to Indestructible Global Peace
General Harmonious Education as the Best Way for Harmonization of Relations between Religions
World Peace Congress of Educators 2008: Appeal to the UN and states of the world to establish General Harmonious Education
Harmonious Educational Competition-Partnership: GHA Supply and Letters to 15 Governments
Competition-partnership of two Academic projects: National (USA) and Global (GHA)
WorldNet of Harmony Centers: HOW to BECOME the BILLIONAIRE not on oil and on harmony
Alternative Reserve Currency of Global Harmony: «HARMON» (H)
Global Harmony as Necessary Guarantor for World Security and Nuclear Disarmament: Through Freedom towards Harmony
Harmonious Civilization Universal Declaration for Global Disarmament
Global Harmony International Treaty for Nuclear Disarmament
From Ode to Joy towards the Harmony Hymn: to the new poetic and musical imagination
Harmony Hymn: International Contest
World Harmony/Peace Festival 2010: Revolution of advertising and exhibition activity
International Decade for a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence for the Children of the World
Announcements: Peacemaking Conferences, Universities, Publications, Grants etc.
Letters to the UN and colleagues since 2004
From culture of war of an industrial society to culture of harmonious peace of an information (global) society
Charles Mercieca: culture of war and social harmony
Thomas Scheff: The Emotional Roots of War and Harmony
Nancy Roof ‘s Kosmos: Towards Global Civilization and World Community of Harmonious Peace
Samone Myers. EarthCURE for harmonious peace
Global Alliance for Ministries and Departments of Peace: a great step to harmonious peace
World Harmony Foundation as a sprout of harmonious peace in an information society
Universal Ambassador Peace Circle & Universal Peace Embassy: envoys of a culture of harmonious peace within an information society
Universal alliance for social harmony
Douglas Mattern. World Citizens for disarmament and Global Community of harmony
Kamran Mofid: Globalisation of the Common Good as Global Harmony
Carnegie. The West’s International Peace: Zero in the Head, in the Science and in Life / Ìèð Çàïàäà: íîëü â ãîëîâå, íàóêå è æèçíè
Ñan be harmonious development of a military system?
Culture of harmonious peace as the base for sustainable living, development and security
The sprouts of a new culture of harmonious peace: modern examples
Ivan Ivanov. Harmony Webmaster
The Necessity of a New Multicultural Peace Culture
Evelin Lindner. Harmonious Civilization: Equal Dignity and Immunity from Humiliation
Harold Becker. The Love Foundation: Global Love Day (1 May) for peace, harmony and children’s priority
Discussion of Harmonious Era Calendar
Global Harmony Day - June 21: key date of Harmonious Era Calendar and main holiday of harmonious civilization since 2010
June 1 as Protection and Children Priority Day
Robert J. Burrowes: My promise to children
International Art Competition "Heracl" on the Best Aesthetic Expression of the Harmonious Era Calendar (HERACL)
Program of development and distribution for the Harmonious Era Calendar
How to become the Harmonious Era Calendar coauthor?
Letters to political, religious, cultural and business figures with invitation to support and to join to Harmonious Era Calendar
Durban 2006. Distribution of Harmonious Era Calendar to libraries, schools, universities, governments
Changes and additions of Harmonious Era Calendar: new authors, dates, statements, opinions, countries, languages (translations) and cultures
The educational programs on the Harmonious Peace Culture
A NEW QUALITY OF THE FIGHT FOR PEACE: Are we true peacemakers or true militarists?
Russia – Georgia: Harmonization through Education instead of Militarization
Peace Goes from Harmony - Harmony Gives Peace! Which is “the Chicken” and which is “the Egg”?
John McConnell: Earth Day and Earth Trustees for harmony of mankind
International Mother Earth Day, April 22
Robert Weir. "Leo Semashko: The war killed my father, and I killed war and Nazism” by Gandhian Peace Science
Valery Sagatovsky. Philosophy of developing harmony
Claude Veziau. Creativity for love and harmony
Terrence E Paupp: The Future of Relations: Crumbling Walls, Rising Regions and Harmonious Societies
Terrence Paupp, Jim Hightower, Charles Mercieca and John Pilger: Publications about the American Democracy and Fascism
James T. Ranney: World Peace and Harmony through International Law
Tetrasociology: the scientific theory of individual and social harmony for an information society
Tetrasociology: theory of social harmony and harmonious peace
Tetrasociological laws of deep (sphere) structure of social and individual harmony
From Liberty to Harmony: a deep revision of value priorities
Merit of the tetrasociological discoveries in comparison with merit of Marx's discoveries
Mathematics of Harmony and Global Harmonious Social Revolution very early 21st
A Global Harmonious Revolution of Modernity: Movement toward a Peaceful World
Fractals of Social Harmony and Harmony Index in "Golden Tetrasociology"
Basis for a multicultural dialog of civilizations about harmonious peace
Tetrasociology: from a sociological Imagination through Dialog to universal Values and Harmony: [PDF] Book
Tetrasociology: from a sociological Imagination through Dialog to universal Values and Harmony: [HTML] Book
Spheral democracy: state for harmony
Children's suffrage executed by parents: institution for harmony
Children's suffrage executed by parents: institution for harmony: [PDF] Book
Children's suffrage executed by parents: institution for harmony: [HTML] Book
Reviews about tetrasociology and its model of a harmonious peace
Leo Semashko. Life for harmony, children's priority and true, perpetual peace science of Gandhian spherons
Leo Semashko. Birthday congratulations in 2015 + 2017 in context of peace and war
Leo Semashko and GGHA. The Greatest Stars of Social Harmony
Leo Semashko. Recommendations to Roerich Peace Prize. Peace Solidarity Symbol
Leo Semashko: GHA Honorary President
Leo Semashko, June 20, 2016, the 75-year Jubilee: Triumph of Harmony
Leo Semashko. Trump - Hillary: America's historic choice between peace and war
Leo Semashko. Totalitarianism of Russian theoretical sociology versus its Copernican revolution
Peace Education through Global Peace Science
GHA. Financial reports. Philosophy of power, peace science and its financing
Semashko Leo. Children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren: harmony of generations
Leo Semashko and Rudolf Siebert. Spherons of Harmony: The Third Way of Religions Reconciliation
Leo Semashko. Philosophy and Dialectics of the UN Spherons
Leo Semashko. Spherons’ Sociocybernetic MegaScience: Global Breakthrough to Structural Harmony. GHA 13th anniversary
Tragedy in Kemerovo March 25, 2018: International condolences of the GHA members
Leo Semashko. Congratulations on birthday in 2015 - 2018 in the context of peace and war
Leo Semashko and Subhash Chandra. One Belt and One Road: “The Great Peace Charter XXI” Initiative
Leo Semashko and colleagues. God created spherons. The rest in society is their work
Guy Crequie. Two Humanists of Non-Violence: Mahatma Gandhi and Leo Semashko
Leo Semashko, Lucas Pawlik. Spherons: New Reality and Mega-Thinking of Youth in the 21st Century
Leo Semashko. The GHA knows how to build a society without war/violence. Do you know?
Leo Semashko. SPHERONS: Dialectic of Nonviolence, Social Equality, Sustainable Development and People Power. The XXI Future
Leo Semashko. Spherons: The Worldview and Thinking Substance of Spheronism-Harmonism
Leo Semashko. May 9, 2021. Happy Victory Day!
Leo Semashko. Bernard Scott: Spherons Cybernetics in the spirit of Plato and Aristotle
Leo Semashko and GGHA. Spherons: Crossing the Rubicon of Confrontation, Violence and Nuclear Suicide
Leo Semashko. Israel - Palestine: GGHA Peace Academy of Spherons to close the war 70 years
Leo Semashko. 80 years. Spherons’ Science and their Peace Academy as Life Mission and Meaning from God
Leo Semashko. Spherons of unity and nonviolence against violence of confrontation and militarism
Leo Semashko. June 22, 1941 is the Great Patriotic War (GPW) 80 years and the war institute intellectual end
Leo Semashko. Spherons: four clusters of fundamental scientific substantiation at the Jubilee results. Message
Leo Semashko and GGHA. Spheronics: Humanitarian MegaScience of the Humanity Spherons
Leo Semashko and GGHA. International Competition for World Technological Leadership in Spherons GlobStat
Gandhica Triumph for Gandhicracy
Systems Thinking: Two Logics
Peace: 75 Years of Victory and Defeats
Anti-Nuclear Manifesto for Global Security/Peace XXI
Leo Semashko. The GHA 2021 New Year Message to 193 members of the UN General Assembly
GHA "Golden Intellectual Fund" for Gandhian Democracy
Best Business: Spheral Peacebuilding, Spheronism
2025 Doomsday Clock Announcement. Nuclear Ñatastrophe: 89 seconds
Russia: The Constitution of Peace, Prosperity and Gandhian Democracy. GHA Amendments
Gandhicracy: Motivation, Quality, Schedules
Leo Semashko. Gandhicracy. Introduction
Riane Eisler. Gender Partnership/Harmony for Gandhicracy
Gandhicracy 2020 Roadmap. Table
Spherons Solidarity Against COVID-19
World Civil Society Security Council
Floyd: America Catharsis, Its Healing and the Empire Fall
Children, Parents and Family
Rose Lord: Mother to Mother for harmonious Peace
Fathers for harmonious Peace
Egalitarian parenting and the culture of harmonious peace
Antiterrorist (nonviolent) immunity of harmonious peace
Family culture and prophylaxis of social orphanhood
Harmonious development of children
Family and harmonious peace
Takis Ioannides: Children’s priority in the harmonious family
Women in an Industrial and Information/Harmonious Societies
March 8 GHA Messages. Woman: Muse and Main Creator of Harmony in the 21st century!
Debra Giusti: Harmony Festivals Goddess
Muse of Harmony. World Women's Contest
Tatiana Tridvornova: Muse of Floral Harmony
Lida Sherafatmand: Muse of Art Harmony
Lida Sherafatmand. Painting Exhibition at the Roerich Museum in St Petersburg, September, 2013
Svetlana Kuskovskaya: Teacher of Harmony from God
Ayo Ayoola-Amale: Muse of Peace and Poetic Harmony in Africa
Ayo Ayoola-Amale. INTERNATIONAL DAY OF PEACE, 21st SEPT. 2015 with “The ABC of Harmony”
Ayo Ayoola-Amale. Global Peace Science Events
Ayo Ayoola-Amale. Discussion on Nigeria's Accession to BRICS+ For True Peace, Accelerated Growth and Prosperity
Marina Kozlovska: Muse of Noosphere Harmony in Ukraine
Julie Pisacane: Muse of Peace from Spiritual Harmony
Celia Altschuler: Muse of Artistic and Poetic Harmony in Latin America
Delasnieve Daspet: Muse of Peace from Brazilian Harmony
Manijeh Navidnia: Iranian Muse of Harmony for Peace and Security
Bella Clara Ventura. Muse of Poetic Harmony from Latin America
Kerry Bowden: The Promise Club of the harmonious world for children
Religions for Child Survival
Leo Semashko. The second conscious community of a harmonious civilization - Studio of preschool children: 1985-1986
Studio of harmonious formation of the young leaders for a new civilization
Nicolas Strelkov. The first conscious community of a harmonious civilization - club Demiurge: 1976-1980
International Save the Children Alliance
Maitreyee Bardhan Roy. Disabled children's organization 'Beautiful Mind' at Kolkata, India
Harmony: Children and Pets. Photo-gallery
Dominica McBride: Harmony and Health for Youth
Family Academy of Harmony for the Future Leaders of Harmonious Civilization
Local Civilizations for the New Global Harmonious Civilization
Dmitry Ivashintsov: Russian world for a new culture of harmonious civilization
Fyodor Dostoevsky: Beauty - It Is Harmony, Which Will Save the World
Nicholas Roerich. TO WOMANHOOD
Helena Roerich. Woman: Mother and Savior of the World
Russia in the world and in the world eyes
Valery Gergel. History of the Museum of the UN Peacekeeping Operations and movement of the young peacemakers
Vladislav Krasnov. Good Will and Peace from Harmony for Russia and America. Karl Marx as Frankenstein
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s Relevance Today. Vladislav Krasnov
Gandhi and Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, the Two Giants Who Blessed the 20th Century
Vladislav Krasnov. A Saga of How Vladimir Osipov visited Monterey
Anna Tolstoyevskaya. When Pathology Becomes the Norm
Anna Tolstoyevskaya. War unless Peace Event Horizon of Armageddon
Reimon Bachika: Universal values of Japan and a new culture of harmonious civilization
Reimon Bachika. Individual and Collective in Dialectics of Peace and War
Brendan Gleeson: Australia’s cities: making space of hope and harmony for children
Indian culture for harmonious civilization
Abdul Kalam: Life Tree from Harmony
Narendra Modi. World Harmony Creator
Ela Gandhi. Peace from Harmony and Nonviolence
Ela Gandhi. Preserve, Develop and Apply Gandhi's Legacy To Achieve the BRICS+ Goals
Alagan Annamalai. Life Dedicated to Mahatma Gandhi, Nonviolence and Peace
National Gandhi Museum. Events. Messages. Pictures.
Bhikkhu Sanghasena. Buddhist Leader of Peace from Harmony for India and China
Pravat Dhal. Peace from Harmony through Science and Education
Rajagopal P. V. Great inspirer of Gandhian nonviolence for global peace and harmony through education
Anantha Duraiappah. UNESCO MGIEP: Prevention of Violent Extremism through Education (PVE-E)
Ashok Chakravarthy: Poetry of peace, brotherhood and harmony
Ashok Chakravarthy. BRICS+ Spheronics Gandhian Peace Ideology Commitment
Jagdish Gandhi. City Montessori School of peace and harmony
Aurobindo and Auroville: Indian island of integral Yoga harmony
Laj Utreja: Vedic culture of harmony in a history of India
Osho: Love Arises from Harmony
Subhash Sharma: innovative leadership for harmonious education
Subhash Sharma and Daniel Albuquerque. Harmony in the Corporate and Business Context
Subhash Sharma. “Creation from Shunya”. In Divine Harmony
Brahma Kumaris: "Harmony" as Masterpiece of Social Intuition
Brahma Kumar Jagdish Chander. Building a Value-Based, Peaceful and Prosperous Society (Fragments of Harmony)
Proposals for Cooperation of the Global Harmony Association (GHA) and the Brahma Kumaris
Subhash Chandra: Scientist and Peacemaker from Harmony
Subhash Chandra. Presentations of Global Peace Science and Gandhica books on the International Conferences
Surendra Pathak. Gandhian thinker of harmony and global peace of one family
Ramesh Kumar: Yoga as Tool of Global Peace from Harmony and Science
Chand Bhardwaj: Spirituality of Peace from Harmony for Universal Education
Noor Larik. Peace from harmony through Global Peace Science and SPHERONS’ statistics
Swagato Ganguly. From Russia With Love
Ravi Bhatia. Relevance of Gandhi’s Holistic Approach for a Just and Harmonious World
Sanjana Tewari. Muse of harmony in Indian dance
Markandey Rai. GHA Chief Statistician on Spherons in India
Babita Tewari. Muse of Women Soft Scientific Force
Pratibha Garg. Muse of Education and Statistics
P.S.Y.Ghiri. Peace from Harmony through Yoga and Tantra
Theodore Mascarenhas. Catholic Bishop of Interfaith Harmony and Nonviolence
Kartar Singh. General of Peace from Harmony, Nonviolence and Poetry
Rana P.B. Singh. Gandhian Scientist of Harmonious Coexistence and Sustanable Development
Bishnu Pathak. Peace, Policy and Democracy from Harmony and Nonviolence
Bishnu Pathak. Prime Minister’s Constitutional Coup
Bishnu Pathak. Perpetual Peace Plan for the Russia-Ukraine War
Ananta Kumar Giri. Social Transformative Harmony Creator
Hasina Parvin. Deep thinking and broad intellect for bold harmonious vision
Anam Kumar. Harmony of life, business and media
Anam Kumar and Hasina Parvin. “World Growth Forums” Magazine: International Media Platform to Accelerate the BRICS+ Growth
Ajay Singh. GHA Ambassador of Peace from Harmony/Nonviolence
Asha Mukherjee. Scientist and leader from the Gandhian nonviolence harmony
Binu Mathew. The world harmony of truth. Countering the lies with “Countercurrents” / Áèíó Ìýòüþ. Ìèðîâàÿ ãàðìîíèÿ èñòèíû ïðîòèâ ïîòîêîâ ëæè
Chaitanya Dave. Great peacemaker and Gandhian nonviolence follower. America Can be a Great Nation If …
Chaitanya Dave. America’s Most Criminal Act: The Atomic Bombings of Japan
Chaitanya Dave. NATO Expansion Is A Blunder Of Epic Proportions
Rai M., Sinha P., Pathak S. VASUDHAIVA KUTUMBAKAM. The Way Forward for Global Peace
Brazilian contribution to a culture of harmonious civilization
Rosa Dalmiglio. Chinese culture for harmonious civilization
Rosa Dalmiglio. Children refugee in ITALY and other European countries:
Rosa Dalmiglio. Peace from Harmony of Chinese Women and Children
Rosa Dalmiglio. Destroy violence against women and girls
Building of social harmony: the messages from China
China and Russia: aspiration to harmony. 2007 Year of China in Russia
China - Taiwan: peaceful reunification through traditional culture of harmony
Dongrong Sun. The Chinese woman of harmony
Lana Yang: Peace and Harmonious Reunification of China and Taiwan
Francis Fung. World Harmony Organization: Harmony Diplomacy for Harmonious Civilization
Li Ruohong. Chairman. China World Peace Foundation
Yang Chang Shi. I am not a scientist or an expert, but only a seeker of truth for love and peace.
European culture for harmonious civilization
Pope Benedict XVI: discover life meaning to the great cosmic harmony
Emmanuil N. Maragakis. Philologist of Greek harmony
Prince of Wales. Harmonious Worldview: Revolution in Thinking
John Scales Avery: Books and Articles for System Harmonious Vision of Peace
John Avery. We Need Their Voices Today
John Avery. Languages and Classification. The Nuclear Weapons Convention
John Avery. The Climate Emergency: Two time scales
John Avery. Nuclear Weapons: An Absolute Evil
Robert J. Burrowes. Nonviolence in Harmony and Peace
Robert J. Burrowes. Killing the Biosphere to Fast-track Human Extinction
Robert J. Burrowes. Nonviolence Charter: progress report 17 (Oct 2020)
George Monbiot: The Zombie Doctrine [neoliberalism and its coherent alternative]
Donald Trump: The Best US President for Global Peace with His ‘Coherent' Foreign Policy. Peacemaking Revolution and Paradigm
Trump’s Peacemaking Revolution and the fake peacemakers. Discussion
James Petras: Trump's Ties to the Past
Germain Dufour. Prophet of Peaceful Global Community from Harmony
W. Julian Korab-Karpowicz. Axiomatic Political Philosophy of Peace from Harmony
Timi Ecimovic: Pioneer of Global Ecology in Global Peace Harmony
Timi Ecimovic. THE NATURE 2017 [PDF]
Michael Ellis. Global Peace New Thinking and Paradigm
Antonino Drago. Nonkilling Science
Francisco Parra-Luna. A Systemic Index of Human Development: In Search of World Peace from Harmony
Andre Sheldon. Global Strategy of Nonviolence
Lucas Pawlik. Hack or Die. The way to peace from harmony and nonviolence
Lucas Pawlik. Space Apes Survival Ethics + Ýòèêà âûæèâàíèÿ êîñìè÷åñêèõ îáåçüÿí
Adolfo Pérez Esquivel and Daisaku Ikeda
Elizabeth Greenwell: Global Cooperation Day for Universal Peace from World Harmony. Adam Greenwell
Rick Wayman and David Krieger. Nuclear Age and Peace Incompatibility in Militaristic Democracy and World Order
Paul K. Chappell. Peace Literacy is survival literacy. Ãðàìîòíîñòü Ìèðà - ãðàìîòíîñòü âûæèâàíèÿ
Matthew Spellberg. To become NAPF's new president
Ellen Brown. Harmonious financial infrastructure for democracy and saving nature
Gianluigi Segalerba. Peacemaker from Harmony of History, Philosophy and Religion
Michael D. Knox. US Peace Memorial Foundation
Christopher Black. The NATO Barbarossa II
Ishaan Tharoor. Democracy: decline worldwide. Äåìîêðàòèÿ: âñåìèðíûé óïàäîê
Francis Boyle. The Criminality of Nuclear Deterrence/Terrorism
Francis Boyle et al. Nuclear Weapons and International Law. Draft Report. 1987
Martine Gilhard. AMOUR ET SANG. French
Heather Fryer, David Hostetter and Matt Meyer. The Pasts and Futures of Peace Research
Matt Meyer. International Peace Research Association (IPRA) Secretary General
Peter Mousaferiadis. Passionary mover of global harmony and world peace
Heinrich Buecker. The life dedicated to peace, harmony and resistance to war
Axel Honneth. Theory of Recognition in the Dialectics of Social Synthesis
Horace Alexander. British Quaker, pacifist and follower of Gandhi
Helga Zepp-LaRouche. The Schiller Institute: A New Paradigm for the Survival
Helga Zepp-LaRouche. Gandhi’s Vision for a New Paradigm [] In Times of Social Breakdown
Helga Zepp-LaRouche. Call for an Ad-Hoc Committee for a New Bretton Woods System. Petition
Helga Zepp-LaRouche. Õåëüãà Öåïï-Ëàðîø. Îòâåò íà ÷åðíûé ñïèñîê óêðàèíñêîãî ðåæèìà
Lyndon LaRouche: The 100th Anniversary of Birth
Schiller Institute Petition. UNGA must remove the causes for the war danger!
Õåëüãà Ëàðóø. «Ðåàëüíàÿ öåëü çàïàäíûõ ýëèò – ðàçîäðàòü Ðîññèþ íà êóñêè»:
Ãèáåëü äåìîêðàòèè â ÑØÀ: ôàëüñèôèêàöèè íà âûáîðàõ
Leo Semashko. To the Schiller Institute Questions of John F. Kennedy’s true peace
Helga Zepp-LaRouche. BRICS Update: This Is What a Tectonic Shift Looks Like. Auguste 26, 2023:
Helga Zepp-LaRouche. BRICS+: The Beginning of a New Era of Humanity. September 18, 2023
Helga Zepp-LaRouche. Open Letter to Heads of States at the UNGA — You Must Act to Preserve World Peace!
Rick Sterling. Handling International Crises: JFK to Biden
Gunther Ostermann. I - LOVE – OUR - PLANET - THE ONLY ONE WE HAVE
Matt Meyer. A true peacemaker from the "belly of the beast". TEXTBOOK DIALOGUES
Jimmy Gerum. Inspired by media truth that to end with the war by true peace
Slavica Pejovic. Serbian poet and scientist
Caitlin Johnstone. Aaron Bushnell lit more than one kind of fire...+ Saving Gaza. Ààðîí Áóøíåëë çàæåã íå îäèí âèä îãíÿ...+Ñïàñåíèå Ãàçû
Viktor Orban. Hungarian leader of global peace and harmony
Laura George. The zombie -“Oracle” Shame: “Who left us the greater legacy... Gandhi or Hitler?” God or Devil?
Deborah Armstrong. Independent Journalist for Truth, Peace and Nonviolence
Eric Arnow. Fascism is a deep spiritual sickness. Ôàøèçì – ýòî ãëóáîêàÿ äóõîâíàÿ áîëåçíü
Robert Fico. The firm political leader of global peace
Tucker Carlson. Honest independent journalist in the service of global peace and harmony
Ron Ridenour. America’s Great and Fearless Peacemaker
Dave Lindorff. Recalling 3 World-Shaking Events of the Last 9 Days of WWII
Hans Kristensen et al. Status of World Nuclear Forces
Patrick Bond. US imperial dominance, BRICS sub-imperialism and unequal ecological exchange
Klaus Schlichtmann. The genius of international just peace and the abolition of war
Ken Wilber. Integral Macrosociological Vision, Theory, Metaparadigm
Clare Graves. Explores Human Nature. The Never Ending Quest
Erich Fromm. The Art of Loving. Ýðèõ Ôðîìì. Èñêóññòâî ëþáâè
Muslim culture for harmonious civilization
Tarek Heggy: The Values of Progress and Islam in the Information Age
Ammar Banni. Islam for love and harmony
Ghassan Abdullah. Palestinian educator for harmonious peace
Mariam Khan: Great Pakistan Woman for Peace and Harmony
Noor Gillani: Muslim Pluralism and Interfaith Harmony
Robert D. Crane. Strategy of Harmony and Justice
Ahmed Mansour. Islam: religion of peace from harmony
African culture for harmonious civilization
John W. Forje: African peace scientist, educator and peacemaker
Jean de Dieu Basabose. Peace and harmony in Africa through education
Heli Habyarimana. African peace teacher
Stephen Amoah. Peace from harmony through statistics
Stephen Tabi. Ghana: Spherons' Statistics for Peace and Harmony
Ndaba Mandela. African Ubuntu Harmony: Great Grandfather Worthy Follower
Terence Barry. Social harmonious development through international music
Other cultures and civilizations for harmonious civilization
Singapore: Country of racial harmony
Nursultan Nazarbayev. Kazakhstan: Ñenter of Eurasian harmony
Kazakhstan: Strategy of Harmonism for the 21st Century
Astana 2010: The First Forum of Spiritual Culture of a Harmonious Civilization
Dalai Lama. Trump and Putin union can create WORLD PEACE. Many Faiths, One Truth and Harmony
Peltier Freedom, Fighter for Rights of Indians and American Empire Prisoner
Glenn Sankatsing. Rescue Our Future: Global Peace from Social Harmony
Alfredo Sfeir-Younis. Global spiritual and environmental leader from harmony
Multicultural dialog of civilizations and religions as a tool of harmonious peace
Civilizations Shift: Collapse of Industrial and Birth of Harmonious
Destruction of an industrial civilization as corporate empire
Planet 3000: Creating through Education an alternative Culture of harmonious civilization
Planet 3000: Mission, Content, History
Planet 3000: Youth Movement
Planet 3000: Calendar
Planet 3000: Organization and contacts
Nina Goncharova. Planet – 3000 and creative harmony
Kostas Konstantinidis. Globalization: harmony and disharmony
Rene Wadlow: World Citizen's Notes
François Houtart: Alternative of Harmony and Harmony of Alternatives
François Houtart. From ‘Common Goods’ to the ‘Common Good of Humanity’ as Global Harmony: [PDF]
Glen Martin: World Constitution for Global Harmonious Civilization of the Spherons
Jeffrey and Catherine Peters: Love and Peace from Harmony
Bruce Cook: Harmony of Nations and World Peace from USA
Kurt Johnson. Harmony of Interspirituality and Interspirituality from Harmony
Paul Hindemith. Symphony "Harmony Of World": Beginning of its Knowledge
Hilarie Roseman. Ten images of harmonious world and Terasociology
Literature and poetry for harmonious peace
International Poetic Competition in Daniel Pearl’s name: Children First
Ada Aharoni: Literature and poetry of peace and harmony for children
Erin Elizabeth Kelly-Moen. Philosophical poetry of spirit, harmony and children
Susana Roberts: Hero of Global Peace Science and Harmonious Peace. Personal page
Susana Roberts. Global Peace Science and Gandhica events
We call the world poets to create peace from harmony (appeal in six languages)
Michael Holmboe: Norwegian Writer and Encyclopaedist of harmony
Dimitris P. Kraniotis: poet of Greek harmony
Kae Morii: Japanese Poetess of Peace and Harmony
Nina Yudina: Poetry of Love and Harmony
Hedva Robinson Bachrach: For Peace and Harmony
Zaure Khizatolla. Muse and Song of Harmony
Marie Robert. Muse of Harmony, Dance and Cosmopoetry
Adolf Shvedchikov: Harmony of Soul Poetry
Maria Azcona: Argentina poetry for children and harmonious peace
Music for harmonious civilization
Songs of harmony
Leonid Timoshenko: Star Maestro of Musical Harmony from Harmonious Civilization
Harmonious Civilization Sculpture as a Symbol of United Humanity in a New Millennium
The Adults and Children's pictures about peace and harmony
Photo gallery of the persons creating harmonious peace
Songs about Peace and Harmony. St. Petersburg bard Svetlana Vetrova
Guy Crequie: Creativity for peace culture and social harmony
Guy Crequie. Philosophy Today – Philosophy Tomorrow: [PDF book]
Global Peace Science for the UN and UNESCO. Guy Crequie’s 5 letters in French to the UN and UNESCO officials
Guy Crequie. Planetary Poetry
Guy Crequie. Support for Russia's initiative in the context of the history of Franco-Russian relations
Ernesto Kahan: world creator of harmonious peace
Ernesto Kahan: Congratulations on his birthdays
Ernesto Kahan. Gandhica. The Hippocratic Oath and the threat of nuclear war
TAKI Yuriko: Harmony Against Genocide
Lily Yeh: Warrior Angel. Barefoot Artists of Harmony
Jose Maria Lopera: Spanish poet of peace and harmony
Apostolos Paschos. Greek Poetry: Peace from Harmony
TV for harmonious peace
International children's Journals: Contribution to peace and harmony of mankind
Video in Internet. Peace from harmony: 1000 films
Alexander Yuriev. Political Psychology of Global Harmonization
Rudolf Siebert: Open letter to President Trump. Golden Rule of Harmony in religions and society
Siebert: The Slavic and the American World
Siebert. Call for Papers: The Future of Religion: The Dialectic of Secularization? Dubrovnik, 2018
Rudolf Siebert. Tetrasociology of Spherons
Siebert. Memorial Service and Memorial Meal for Steve
Rudolf Siebert. Religion Psychology
Rudolf Siebert. The Third Way
Rudolf Siebert. Global Ethic of Peace: Hans Küng 1928-2021 (+ Íà ðóññêîì)
Rudolf Siebert. Golden Rule: Contra Ukrainian Nazism and Pro the Russian and American worlds solidarity.
Professor Rudolf Siebert. Great scientist, anti-fascist, peacemaker. The historical experience of denazification. Congratulations on your 95th anniversary!
Rudolf Siebert and his friends: new joint videos and common publications
Rudolf Siebert. Family Reunion 2023
Rudolf Siebert. 97th Birthday Autobiography. Critical Theory and Spheronics Convergence (2005-2024)
Rudolf J. Siebert. Erich Fromm's Dialectical Attitude toward Religion
Leo Semashko. Esperanto and international bilingualism for harmonious peace
Renato Corsetti: Esperanto for Sustainable and Harmonious Development
Dialog about Esperanto
Leo Semashko. Address to Esperantists of the world
Leo Semashko. Educational programs for harmonious civilization
Ian Harris. Teach kids peace from harmony
Leo Semashko. The Main Slogan for the 21st century: Learn, Learn and Learn again Harmony!
Leo Semashko. GHA Peace Project. "Israel - Palestine: Harmonization through Education instead Militarization"
School of Peace through Harmonious Education for youth of Israel and Palestine
Israel-Palestine: Peace Academy + Peacebuilding Department
Department of Harmonious Civilization for any University/College of the World
Leo Semashko. The ABC of Harmony: Philosophy and Sociology of Global Harmonious Society at the 21st century. Lectures.
Altai-Mir University for harmony
Jan R. Hakemulder: the Intercultural Open University for Harmony
Hong Tao-Tze: The Education of World Citizens: A Harmonious Life and the Principle of Yin and Yang
Oleg Bodnar. Festival of Harmony. Lviv, 2008
Leo Semashko. World public opinion about the culture of peace in a mirror of sociology
Martha Ross DeWitt. The sociologist and woman from harmony
Jeffrey Alexander: Cultural Sociology of harmonious peace
Leo Semashko. “Spheral Democracy Group” in Petrosovet 1992 for Harmonious Civilization
Leo Semashko. Global Democracy of SPHERONS. Manifesto of Spheral Democracy
Economy of harmony and harmonious peace
Norman Kurland: Just Economy for Harmonious Civilization
Leo Semashko. Strategic management of harmonious peace
Leo Semashko. Sociocybernetics of the Third Order for harmonious civilization
Bernard Scott: Sociocybernetics of harmony
Bernard Scott. How Sociocybernetics Can Help Understand Possible World Futures
Bernard Scott. Sociocybernetic understandings of consciousness. Sociocybernetic Reflections on the Human Condition
Bernard Scott. Minds in Chains: A Sociocybernetic Analysis of the Abrahamic Faiths [PDF]
Bernard Scott. On Becoming a Cybernetician: Highlights and Milestones
Bernard Scott. In Defence of Pure Cybernetics
Matjaž Mulej. Systems theory and theory of harmonious civilization
Social Synergetics for harmonious peace
Sociolinguistics for harmonious peace
Sociology of Childhood for harmonious peace
Sociology for participation of children: harmony and disharmony
Leo Semashko. Tetrapsychology in a new culture of peace
Public health services and sports for harmonious peace
Robert Najemy: Holistic Harmony for health and happiness
Conflict theory for harmonious peace: methods of solving interethnic conflicts
Philosophy and culture of social harmony
Bernard Phillips. Can Social Science Save Us?
Humanistic Sociology and value system of harmony
History of sociology
Alexey Stakhov: «Fibonacci of XXI century». Mathematics of Harmony and Generalized Golden Section Principle
First International Congress on Mathematics of Harmony: Odessa, Ukraine, October 8-10, 2010
Dialog about Peace and Harmony
Dialog of Youth
Dialog of the Adults
Leo Semashko. Peace from Harmony: Alternative to War in Iraq
Leo Semashko. Violations of the children’s rights in the world
Violations of the children’s rights in the rich countries
Leo Semashko. Violations of the children’s rights in the poor countries
Leo Semashko. Additions in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
Zuzana Kroupova. Children: poor and rich. A slide film, 2005
Leo Semashko. International project: Global Movement “Making Children a Priority in the World”
Leo Semashko. About children's harmony and children’s priority
Leo Semashko. Tetrasociological substantiation of children’s priority and social harmony
Hilarie Roseman, Leo Semashko. Project beginning: citizens’ appeals to the leaders
Leo Semashko. Children's Priority Project authors and partners
Leo Semashko. Children's Priority Project purposes and strategy
Leo Semashko. Discussion of ideas of children’s priority and suffrage
Leo Semashko. Responses of governments to the appeals "Making children a priority"
Leo Semashko. Children's Priority Project: Participation in Competitions and search of financing
Leo Semashko. World support of the project
Leo Semashko. Abdul Kalam. Search of the leader for Global movement “Making Children a Priority in the World”
Resources for the Global movement “Making Children a Priority in the World”
Human resources
Information resources
Organizational and financial resources
Material-technical resources
Technology and ways to a harmonious society and global harmonious civilization
Ways to a harmonious society from socialism
Communist Multi-Party as a way from socialism to social harmony
Ways to a harmonious society from capitalism
Ways to social harmony in rich capitalist countries
Ways to harmony of the social-democratic countries of Scandinavia
Ways to harmony in the European Union
Ways to harmony of the developing capitalist countries in the Third World
Ways to harmony of the poor capitalist countries
Global Leadership of Social Harmony
Global civil movement "For social harmony in the world"
GHA Conflicts: Steps to Harmony and Emancipation from Disharmony and Enmity
Peter Mousaferiadis. Building Global Harmony Through [Spherons] Inclusion. The Diversity Atlas
Spheronics for the BRICS+ Service: Paradigm of Peace Leadership, Multipolarity Victory and Justice Sunrise in Our Century
HARMONIOUS CIVILIZATION. Global Harmony Association program book, October 2009
Foreword: Participants, Authors and Endorsers of Projects
Introduction. Epoch of Harmony Globalisation: Achievements List
Harmonious Civilization Universal Declaration
Global Harmony Treaty for Nuclear Disarmament
Declaration and Treaty: Discussion of Philosophy and Value
Peace Culture through Harmony: Global Harmony as Necessary Guarantor for World Security and Nuclear Disarmament
GHA Pro-Harmony and Anti-Nuke Project: Discussion
Letters to Presidents Barack Obama and Dmitry Medvedev
Letters in the US Consulate General in St.-Petersburg
Alternative Reserve Currency of Global Harmony
Letters to Presidents Barack Obama and Dmitry Medvedev
Academy of Harmony and General Harmonious Education
Academy of Harmony: International Recognition
Letters to Presidents Barack Obama and Dmitry Medvedev
Youth Academy of Harmony
Russia-Georgia: Harmonization Instead of Militarization
Letter to the UN Secretary General
Global Network of Service Centres of Harmonization
World Festivals of Harmony
Tetraphilosophy and Tetrasociology: Science of Social and Individual Harmony
Tetrasociology Pragmatics: Applications List since 1976
GHA Members List: Book Sponsors
Prayer to Divine Harmony Granting Peace and Happiness
Profile: GHA 38 Honorary Members and Active Participants
Scheme-1. Four-dimensional Network Harmonious Thinking
Back cover
Responses and reviews
CLUB-2009: Global Political Organisation for Harmonious Civilization
Harmonious Civilization Leaflets
Leo Semashko. 5 years to Global Harmony Association: congratulations, letters and perspectives
GHA: Results of 2010 and Perspectives for 2011
Global Harmony Association (GHA) Sixth Anniversary
GHA 8th Anniversary and The ABC of Harmony 1st Anniversary
GHA 9th Anniversary, Challenges for the 10th Year and Strategy to Respond them
The GHA TENTH ANNIVERSARY. Result is Global Peace Science
GHA: 11th anniversary
2016: Year of Two Peace Revolutions. 2017: Year of their Practical Implementation and Development.
GHA 12 Anniversary: SPHERONS’ Discovery for Global Peace and its Science
Development of Global Peace Science: Prospects for 2017-2018 years
GHA 14th Anniversary. Gandhian Spherons and Gandhian Nonviolent Democracy
GHA 15th Anniversary: GHA "killed the killer/war." GHA achievements through the prism of thinking of Dostoevsky, Churchill, Gandhi, Einstein...
GGHA. 16th Anniversary, Fruits and Gandhian World Enlightenment
GGHA 17th Anniversary. Spherons Global Peace MegaScience (SGPM), "Security and Peace" Message, Congratulations
GGHA. Contest: Cognitive Poetry and Aphorisms in the GGHA 17th Anniversary Honor
GGHA 18th Anniversary. From Nuclear Auschwitz to life/peace through Gandhian MegaScience and its AI
GGHA 19th Anniversary, 2024. Spherons Peace Science, Spheronics: An Alternative to Humanity Nuclear Suicide
GGHA: 20 YEARS. 2005-2025. Launch of the spheral thinking and perpetual peace era. Congratulatory Message
Academy of Harmonious Leadership of a harmonious civilization
International Sociological Association: Move towards Sociology of Global Harmony
XVII World Congress of Sociology, Gothenburg, July 2010: Start to Understand Social Harmony
Michael Burawoy: Facing the Challenges of Global Sociology towards harmonious civilization
Yuan T. Lee. Energy, Environment and the Future of Mankind: One Community of One Harmonious Civilization
Margaret Archer. The Current Crisis: Consequences of Neglecting the Four Key Principles of Catholic Social Doctrine of Harmony
Michel Wieviorka. Sociology on the move towards social harmony
Leo Semashko. Global Education as Harmonious Education of Global Harmonious Civilization
Mary Luz Sandoval. Colombian Sociology: Researches from Terror up to Peace and Harmony
Alberto Martinelli. From the global economic/financial crisis to global harmony
Suppression of Thought Freedom in Russia,. Russian Society of Sociologists (RSS) and others in Practice of Suppression of Thinking Freedom
The Future: Harmonious Civilization, or What? – The Program for the world TV Broadcast
Global Harmony Association (GHA): National and Regional Departments / Offices
Oba Alayeluwa Lamidi Olayiwola Adeyemi III, Alaafin of Oyo: HONORARY PATRON of GHA-AFRICA
GHA- Kazakhstan
GHA-LAC (Latin America & Caribbean)
The ABC of Harmony: from Total Ignorance to Harmonious Enlightenment
Preface. Introduction
I. The ABC of Harmony
II. Applications and Prerequisites
III. Harmony Stars
IV. Harmony Poetry
V. The Authors. The ABC of Harmony Meaning
VI. Conclusion
VII. References
VIII. Appendices
IX. Harmony Painting
Back cover
The ABC of Harmony: [PDF] Book
Letter of The ABC of Harmony Completion
Nominations of the ABC of Harmony for Nobel Peace Prize 2013
Reviews and Responses
The ABC of Harmony - World Sensation of the 21st Century: from Total Ignorance to Harmonious Enlightenment. Press release for the media
Global Harmony International
GHA Organizational Reform based on the ABC of Harmony
GHA Letter to President of India
The ABC of Harmony: Opening of the Age of Harmonious Enlightenment of Humanity in India. Report
The ABC of Harmony. Leaflet
The ABC of Harmony: Core in 12 Pages
Socionome of a Society - The Theoretical Top of Tetrasociology as a Science of Social Harmony and Harmonious Civilization
Harmony of Religions on the ABC of Harmony Platform
Harmony of Religions on the ABC of Harmony Platform: [PDF]
Malaysia Interfaith Harmony Seminar 2013: [PDF]
Interfaith and Social Harmony of Islamic World: [PDF]
Center of Interfaith Harmonious Education. Curriculum
Discrimination in the World Community of Interfaith Harmony
GHA Embassy of Human Rights From Harmony and Justice
Intuition and Science of Social Harmony: Spiritual Unity or Alienation? Report
Question to Russian President Vladimir Putin on April 25, 2013
Synthesis and Synergy of Peace Social Sciences on One Basis of the ABC of Harmony SOCIONOME
Social Genome of Peace from Harmony – SOCIONOME (4x4x4x4): Harmonious Peaceful Humanity Mind (GHA Video Scenario)
GHA Science: One Step up to World Peace. Research Program
Academy of Global United Social Sciences for World Peace
Global Peace Science for G20-2013 and Humanity
Monitoring of Peace and War Priorities in the GPS SOCIONOME Paradigm
GLOBAL PEACE SCIENCE by Takis Ioannides, Athens
Global Peace Science: Victory of Peace over War
Global Peace Science. [PDF] Book
Key to Global Peace Science as Alternative to Nuclear War. Could be another alternative?
Global Peace Science. Summary Proposal
Chapter 1. GPS Theory: Logic of SPHERONS. Global Sociology and Global Demography
Chapter 2. Empirics of SPHERONS and GPS. Global Statistics
Chapter 3. GPS Prehistory: From Intuition of Harmony to Theory of SPHERONS. Global History of Peace
Chapter 4. Traditional Peacemaking: Achievements and Degeneration. Global Criticism
Johan Galtung. US Empire: The Fall Stages as the Global Peace Freedom Steps
Johan Galtung, 2015: "Abolishing War", "The Art of Peace" and "Clash of Civilizations". Excerpts
Chapter 5. Global Peace Laws
Chapter 6. Global Peace Principles and Values. Global Axiology
Chapter 7. The Ways of Global Peace through Interfaith Harmony, Culture and Education.
Chapter 8. Key Institutions and Mass Movements of Global Peace. The Theory of Security Two Fronts
Chapter 9. Truth about the US/NATO War Axis as Main Threat, Obstacle and Enemy of Global Peace: Panoramic Picture in Mosaic of the Proofs
Chapter 10. Peace Axis: Russia-BRICS-Global Community of SPHERONS. World Peace Planetary Leader in the XXI century
Chapter 11. Global Peace Art. For Harmony - against Terrorism=Militarism
Chapter 12. War is Death/Murder; Peace is Life. Military Science: How Better to Kill? Peace Science: How Better to Live?
Chapter 13. Plague of the US/NATO Global Militarism/Terrorism. What is Vaccine and Immunity from it? – It is Global Peace Science
14. Annex
15. Philosophical Finale: War and Peace: Two Truths. Two Sciences. Two Cultures. Two Civilizations. Two Fates of Humanity. What is our Choice?
GPS Bibliography
Global Peace Science. Ends
Back cover
Global Peace Science. Briefly about the Book, its Authors and Significance. Resume
Global Peace Science for the UN and UNESCO: Petition
Global Peace Science: Discussion
Global Peace Thermodynamics
Global Peace Science Agenda to the UN, UNESCO, G20 and EU
Nobel Peace Prize 2017: The GHA Global Peace Science nominations
Mairead Maguire: Nobel Peace Prize 2020 for Dr. Leo Semashko
Criticism of the Nobel Peace Prize
William Engdahl: Totalitarian Democracy; Gods of Money; A Century of War; Myths, Lies and Holy Wars of the West World
F. William Engdahl. Russia Can Solve All Economic Problems Itself
F. William Engdahl. Manifest Destiny: Democracy as Cognitive Dissonance
F. William Engdahl. The Gods of Money: Wall Street and the Death of the American Century
William Engdahl. The Afghanistan Debacle, Zalmay Khalilzad and The Great Reset
F. William Engdahl. Davos and the Purloined Letter Conspiracy. Goebbels Mainstream Media
William Engdahl. Deeper Global Suicide Agenda. The Long Arm of the CIA: Behind Russia’s Ukraine War
F. William Engdahl. Ukraine names Oligarchs and Gangsters as Governors and Ministers (and others articles, 2014)
F. William Engdahl. Causes of the global energy crisis, oil technocracy and weather manipulation. 2022-2023
Mairead Maguire: the US and the UK committed genocide against the Iraqi people - they killed 3.3 m people – including 750,000 children
Mairead Maguire: “We can abolish NATO, militarism, endless wars, l% of their beneficiaries and free Assange”
Mairead Maguire. Pax Christi Peacemaker of the Year Award to Malachy Kilbride
Mairead Maguire. Nomination of Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden for the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize
Mairead Maguire. Destitute and Desperate Asylum Seekers and Migrants
Roger Kotila: Ukraine, NATO and… the Earth Constitution +++ Sacrifice of Europe to the Nuclear Gods
Roger Kotila. The world community deserves a "new UN" to solve global crises
Roger Kotila, William Astore: Will God Ever Forgive US? The Road to Perdition. The Death of Peace. Zombie education.
Roger Kotila. Open Letter to Biden and Putin at the June 16, 2021 Summit
Roger Kotila. Breakthrough Strategy: The Earth Constitution & the United Nations. The Curse of NATO
HIROSHIMA-NAGASAKI: 70th anniversaries of nuclear bombings. The US as "death and the destroyer of worlds"
Shame without Borders of USA and Obama: Killing 22 innocents from "Doctors Without Borders" Hospital
Henry Giroux: Politics as Pathology in the Warfare State. The War Against Youth in the U.S.
HENRY GIROUX.The Plague of American Authoritarianism
James A. Lucas. US Has Killed More Than 20 Million In 37 Nations Since WWII
James A. Lucas. U.S. Regime Has Killed 20-30 Million People
Johan Galtung. Violence In and By Paris: Any Way Out? USA, What Next?
Tom Carter. The Pentagon’s Law of War Manual: A Blueprint for Total War and Military Dictatorship
Robert J. Burrowes. Terrorism: Ultimate Weapon of the Global Elite and USA/NATO Global Militarism+Genocide
Nafeez Ahmed. NATO is Harbouring the Islamic State
America Has Been At War 93% of the Time – 222 Out of 239 Years – Since 1776
Carl Herman: US #1 threat to world peace. 2014 Gallup International poll
Noam Chomsky. NATO Global Nuclear War with Russia. US and its NATO … may Spark Nuclear War
Paul Craig Roberts. Why WWIII Is On The Horizon. Ruin is our Future. Insanity Grips The Western World. Washington is the enemy of all humanity
Paul Craig Roberts. A Nano-Second to Midnight. Western Civilization Is in Its Death Throes. Does Putin Want Nuclear War?
Paul Craig Roberts. Does America Have a Future?
Paul Roberts. Steven Starr. “Nuclear High-Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse”. 2024
Paul Craig Roberts. Why Is the West Preparing for War?
Paul Craig Roberts. “In 2007, Washington Declared War on Russia”
Paul Craig Roberts. The Trump-Putin Meeting: Who Will Dominate?
Nomi Prins. Democracy of the Billionaires
Sanders Attacks Clinton-Kissinger Vision for Perpetual War. By Phyllis Bennis. WHO IS BEST FOR GLOBAL PEACE???
Gary Corseri: America Is the Most Corrupt Nation. ABC’s of the US Empire: Asininity, Belligerence, Cupidity
Sanders: ‘No Wars for the Billionaire Class’? by Phyllis Bennis
Frank Dorrel and Joel Andreas. Addicted To War
CODEPINK-DORREL. The USA Cold War Truth Commission+++Gandhian Nonviolence Spherons
Frank Dorrel.About 9-11 being an INSIDE JOB
Frank Dorrel. The Biggest Lie ~ In the United States
Tom Hastings. Pentagon’s War
Gary Brumback. Real America is a fascist state
Gar Smith. Pentagon: Global Warming's Unacknowledged Threat
Michel Chossudovsky: The Globalization of War, America’s “Long War” against Humanity
“Wipe the Soviet Union Off the Map”: US Nuclear Attack against USSR. Michel Chossudovsky
The US-NATO led war destroys humanity: the criminal nature of US foreign policy
Michel Chossudovsky. Ukraine’s “Neo-Nazi Summer Camp”
Michel Chossudovsky. The Hiroshima Nagasaki “Dress Rehearsal”:... to “Wipe the Soviet Union Off the Map”
Michel Chossudovsky. Ukraine’s Neo-Nazi Government Is Supported by the International Community. NATO is not an alliance. NATO-Exit
Michel Chossudovsky. Hiroshima: A “Military Base” according to President Harry Truman
Rebecca Gordon. American Nuremberg. The unpunished crimes like Dick Cheney, George Bush, and Donald Rumsfeld in the Global War on Terror
Christopher Black: America Threatens Russia: US-NATO Forces Moving to War Operation Barbarossa
James Albertini. A Killing Nation! Threatening Russia Nuclear War!
Pepe Escobar. Target Russia. Target China. Target Iran
John Pilger. Silencing America as It Prepares for War
John Pilger. The Most Lethal Virus Is Not COVID. It Is War (+Ðóññêèé ïåðåâîä)
Dmitry Orlov. Warning Russian Americans
Sharon Tennison. Center for Citizen Initiatives: Against Nuclear War
Joe Lauria. Europeans Contest US Anti-Russian Hype
Richard Falk. How the United States Government Obstructs Peace for Palestine/Israel
Jan Oberg. Hillary Clinton: True Hawk and Militarist Disaster for the World
Tom Z. Collina. The U.S. Policy Allows the First Use of Nuclear Weapons
Conn Hallinan and Leon Wofsy. The ‘American Century’ Has Plunged the World into Crisis
James E. Cartwright and Bruce G. Blairaug. End the First-Use Policy for Nuclear Weapons
Amy Chozick and Steve Eder. Foundation Ties Bedevil Hillary Clinton’s Presidential Campaign
Ronald Paul. Reckless Congress ‘Declares War’ on Russia
Helen Caldicott. America still thinks it can win a nuclear war
Stephen F. Cohen. US fallacies may be leading to war with Russia
Robert Parry. Do We Really Want Nuclear War with Russia?
Alastair Crooke. How the US Armed-up Syrian Jihadists
Robert E. Hunter. Ukraine and Syria: Linked Together by Russia
Robert Bridge. America needs revolution in political thinking
Chris Hedges. Nero's Guests. Way for the Genocide. Fascism Comes to America
Sheldon Wolin. Inverted Totalitarianism: USA Transformation to Fascist-like State
William Blum. Rogue State. What will the American Empire need?
Paul Johnstone. From MAD to Madness: Inside Pentagon Nuclear War Planning Paperback. Pentagon Fascism
Diana Johnstone. Donald Trump was Elected by Russia? Mass Dementia …
Diana Johnstone. Washington’s Iron Curtain in Ukraine
George D. O’Neill Jr. Why Do We Want a Cooperative Relationship With Russia?
Stephen Lendman. Dirty Open Secret: US Created and Supports ISIS
It's a Fairy Tale to Call the US the World's Peacekeeper
Eric Zuesse. U.S. is the Greatest Threat to World Peace. U.S. Regime Hates Vladimir Putin
Eric Zuesse. AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change
Vince Dhimos. FULL genocide.. WW III prelude. Who's Aggressor?
Michel Chossudovsky. Towards a World War III Scenario: The Dangers of Nuclear War
Michael Brenner. Globalizing FASCISM. Neo-Cons: Paradise Lost – And Lost Again
Michael Brenner. The Crisis of Western Humanism. Zuck’s Puppets. No Prisoners! Karl Rove. Tocqueville's America
Michael Brenner. Hypersonic Russia. COVID-19
Michael Brenner. POWER OF THE WORD [Or The Elites Studied Ignorance]
Michael Brenner. Ukraine: Guides to Reflection
Michael Brenner. SOMETHING HAPPENED. Donbass
Michael Brenner. On Humiliation
Michael Brenner. Ukraine & the ‘thucydides trap’
Jakob Reimann. The US Has Soldiers Deployed In Almost Every Country On Earth
James Petras. US Enemy List: Prospects and Perspectives
Tomgram: Erin Thompson, Curating Guantanamo. The USA global network of prisons beyond the global law
Mahathir Mohamad. The Criminalization of War
David Townsend. An End to the US Wars of Aggression... American right: to be a war victim. US elite and Hitler's Nazis
Tim Fernholz. US nuclear tests killed far more civilians than we knew. A weapon against its own people
Bruce K. Gagnon. Which war in 2018?
Dave Lindorff. US militarism is the key threat to America’s security. The way to it is through peace and negotiation
Ashley Feinberg. He Wants A Lot More Nukes
John W. Whitehead. Silence Is Betrayal. The War On The American People
John W. Whitehead. The USA Violence Absolute Evil: Big Business of Sex with Children
John W. Whitehead. Dictatorship Disguised as a Democracy
Brian Toon. I've Studied Nuclear War For 35 Years -- You Should Be Worried
Jonathan Cook. Why We’re Blind to the System Destroying Us. Neoliberalism’s collapse
Peter Koenig. Security, Safety, Security! Dictatorship by Democracy
Vince Montes. Mass Murder, Violence and the U.S. Social Structure
The United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC). NO TO NATO
Maya Rommwatt. Divest from the War Machine
Kathy Kelly. ‘Every War Is a War Against Children’
Shane Quinn. US and NATO’s Ongoing Support for Neo-Nazis in the Ukraine
Manlio Dinucci. USA: How to Destroy Russia
Stephen Lendman. US Waging Wars on Multiple Fronts...Majority In Favor of War
Stephen Lendman. “Fantasy Democracy”: US Election 2020. Electoral Fraud??
S. Brian Willson. How “American Exceptionalism” Hides Shame, Creates Stupidity and Dangerous Imperialism
Mass shootings in the USA
Chas Freeman. America in Distress
Dan Lieberman. USA. Freedom to Kill. Freedom to be Killed [Primarily by Nuclear Weapons]
David Vine. The U.S. Wars Displaced at Least 37 Million People
Gabriel Rockhill. Liberalism And Fascism: Partners In Crime (English+Ðóññêèé)
Edward Curtin. Unspeakable Memories: The Day John Kennedy Died. The CIA carried out JFK’s murder
Peter Phillips. GIANTS: The Global Power Elite
Bruce Gagnon. Is Russia Truly Our Enemy?
Rich Scheck. Is Biden Enabling Ukraine For War With Russia? + Ðóññêèé ïåðåâîä
$1.2 Trillion to Kill 90% of Humanity. 1,2 òðèëëèîíà äîëëàðîâ, ÷òîáû óíè÷òîæèòü 90% ÷åëîâå÷åñòâà
Elaine Scarry. Thermonuclear Monarchy and the tools that will enable us to eliminate nuclear weapons
Don Hank. Does Biden REALLY want to start WW III?
Don Hank. Ukrainian Nazism from the West and NATO
Don Hank. Ukrainian Genocide from the West and NATO
Russell Bentley. U.S. and Ukraine: secretly preparing for the all-out war with Russia
Russell Bentley. Kharkivska Bucha: Ukrainian genocide under the NATO wing + Õàðüêîâñêàÿ Áó÷à
Max Blumenthal. The Grayzone-4: The USA/NATO/Ukraine Global Fourth Reich XXI
WSWS. US-NATO escalate war threats against Russia: Are you ready for World War III?
Mike Whitney. The Man Who Sold Ukraine.
Mike Whitney. A Russian Victory in Ukraine Won’t End the War. January 27, 2023
Mike Whitney. The Plan to Wreck America. “The Globalist Billionaires”
Mike Whitney. Why Russia Will Defeat NATO in Ukraine. Ïî÷åìó Ðîññèÿ ïîáåäèò ÍÀÒÎ íà Óêðàèíå
Nikolai Azarov. ‘NATO Planned to Launch a [Nuclear] War Against Russia’
Jeremy Kuzmarov. CIA Director William F. Burns–Capo of World’s Biggest Spreader of Lies
Višeslav Simić. The West and Nazism are of the same totalitarian essence
Višeslav Simić. The Wayward Sisters and the Babushka / Êðîâàâûå Ëåñè-óêðàèíêè è áàáóøêà
Nauman Sadiq. Bucha Massacre and Genocide of Ethnic Russians in Ukraine. April 04, 2022
Enzo Pellegrin. “Defending Democracy” Through Fascist Nationalism and Suicidal Military Spending? No, Thanks.
Caitlin Johnstone. Everyone’s Anti-War Until The War Propaganda Starts
Arthur Noble. From Nuremberg to Kiev: Washington’s Whitewashing of Nazism
Fritz Pointer. FULL SPECTRUM DOMINANCE: U.S. Elites’ War to Rule the World
Colonel Black. “We’re at a 1914 Moment” of the WWIII. USA: PRO and CONTRA Thermonuclear War.
Éric Denécé. The Unbearable Reactions of Zelensky. Çå: ÑØÀ êëîóí è ôàøèñò. Åãî âîéíà ïðîèãðàíà:
Jeffrey D. Sachs. The West's Dangerously Simple-Minded Narrative About Russia and China
Anthony Hall. Nazification and Denazification in Our Own Times
Regis Tremblay. Thirty Seconds to Midnight
Ron Paul. Final Nail in America’s Coffin? Ïîñëåäíèé ãâîçäü â ãðîá Àìåðèêè?
Ron Unz. Should Vladimir Putin Call His Shot on a NATO Brushback Pitch?
Washington's Blog. America’s War History: How Many Years Has the U.S. Been at War?
NATO. Washington Summit Declaration. 10 July 2024. Anti-NATO WWIII Manifesto
Felicity Arbuthnot. Ukraine: US Launches a Fascist Government, and World War Three
Kamala Harris' full speech at the 2024 DNC
Barbara Boyd. Support for Kamala Harris Or Others Running the Ukraine War, Now Means Imminent Nuclear War
GLOBAL PEACE SCIENCE: Reviews and Responses
Frank Dorrel. U.S. War Crimes against Humanity. Video Evidence for an International Tribunal
May 1 is Love Day and May 9 is Day of Victory over Fascism and War
GHA Message on World Environment Day - June 5
Global Peace Science. IASE (D) University Introduction. Insert
Global Peace Science: Business Projects of Harmonism
Global Peace Science: World’s Endorsement
Global Peace Science. Primer. Epistemology of War and Peace
COPERNICAN REVOLUTION OF PEACE FROM HARMONY in the 21st century: SPHERONS and their Global Peace Science
Russia - Japan: Way of Harmony / Ðîññèÿ – ßïîíèÿ: ïóòü ãàðìîíèè
Message to BRICS Leaders: to Establish International Academy of Global Peace
PUTIN - TRUMP: Two paradigms of global peace. Open Letter
To PUTIN: Cooperation with the USA in GPS development to neutralize nuclear war
Russia-America: Copernican Revolution of Relations Instead of the Insanity of Nuclear War
Russia-USA-PEACE: RUSAP GHA Project. Synopsis
Steven Starr. Nuclear Winter
International Academy of Global Noospheral Peace. Contest of Reviews
October Age: Dying Marxism incompatible with the Spherons’ objective harmony
Academy of Global Peace: Regional Offices and Spherons' Researches
Spherons. National Research Labs
International statistical studies of Spherons. List of LABs. Cooperation with RC51 Sociocybernetics
Mathematical LAB of Peace from Spherons’ Structural Harmony
Spherons: Global Peace Genetics. International Spheral Statistics. GlobStat
Leo Semashko and GGHA. Gandhian World Enlightenment of Spherons. Project 80
The UN Harmony Replacing the UN Disharmony
Spherons: The UN of Harmony instead of the UN of Disharmony. The false UN quantum leap into the true UN
Thomas C. Mountain: Genocide of children under the UN, USA and UNICEF aegis
World Leaders: Paradigms of Global Peace and its Science
Censorship, lies and suppression of freedom of speech by America. Killing the Truth
Regis Tremblay. MeWe – Better Than Facebook. Against American Censorship, Lies, Aggression and Endless Wars
Niles Niemuth. Google’s Eric Schmidt admits political censorship
Tim Wu. Don't Fix Facebook, Replace It
The Copernican Revolution of Social Knowledge/Sciences in the 21st century. The GHA Testament
© Website author:
Leo Semashko
, 2005; © designed by Roman Snitko, 2005