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Peace from Harmony
Global Leadership of Social Harmony

Robert M. Weir


Dr. Leo Semashko: a Global Leader of Peacemaking

through Harmony and Children


True peace can be inevitable, says Dr. Leo Semashko, but o­nly through social harmony and harmonious education of all children of the world.


Dr. Semashko, who lives in St. Petersburg, Russia, and holds a doctorate of philosophy from Moscow State University, has been working to confirm that idea for 30 years. In 2002, he published his vision, Tetrasociology: Responses to Challenges, which demonstrates that the population’s four social spheres must partner in order to transition the human family from enmity and war to cooperation and care. While Tetrasociology, Dr. Semashko’s major discovery, would ensure social harmony and prevent war, he also declares the need to make harmonious education of children a social priority.


“Children’s education in families, schools and universities must evolve to an understanding of global harmonious sphere classes and, thus, initiate a new civilization beyond war,” says Dr. Semashko.


Leo’s endeavor was destined from childhood. BorninGrodno, Byelorussia, o­n 20 June 1941, Leo experienced war at the age of two days. He and his mother, Augusta, were still in the maternity ward when, amidst German rocket fire, Leo’s father, Alexei Lihanov, a Russian army officer, told his wife to evacuate. That was the couple’s final conversation, as Alexei was killed o­nly a few days later. Riding o­n a freight train, Augusta and her infant miraculously arrived in Bejestk, where they lived with her parents and where Leo experienced his youth and teen years. Still today, Leo expresses disgust at the horrors of war.


Inspired by his two sons and four grandchildren, Leo sought not o­nly to establish theoretical concepts but to develop practical measures that would bring about social harmony. Between 1975 and 1993, he founded and headed six organizations devoted to children and family rights.

Through this work, he came to understand that “social harmony and appropriate peacemaking can o­nly be achieved o­n a scale that includes all humankind, not merely a framework of o­ne country or a small group of countries.”


From that revelation, Dr. Semashko created a web site, “A New Culture of Peace from Social Harmony and Children’s Priority,” (www.peacefromharmony.org) that, since 15 February 2005, has united 190 authors from 33 countries whose essays of peace and wisdom have been translated into 15 languages.


These authors, whom Leo hails as “a nucleus of a new global community of harmonious people,” have created two projects: “Harmonious Era Calendar” and “Great Charter of Harmony.”

        Dr. Semashko’s ability to bring together great thinkers and creators from diverse cultural, social and political backgrounds marks him as a global leader of social harmony.


Robert M. Weir

709 Regency Square, Apt 302

Kalamazoo, MI 49008





February 27, 2007


Global Leader of Social Harmony


Charles Mercieca, Ph.D.


International Association of Educators for World Peace

Dedicated to United Nations Goals of Peace Education,

Environmental Protection, Human Rights and Disarmament

Professor Emeritus, Alabama A&M University

We learn from history that leaders are not created by the titles they receive. They naturally emerge from the crowds, thanks to the wisdom and inspiration they demonstrate to others. For over 30 years, Dr. Leo Semashko from Russia has dedicated himself to help create a better world that is characterized by stability, prosperity and peace o­n basis of social harmony. About this topic he wrote many articles and books and he made six discoveries from his tetra-sociology as to validate his theory.


Characteristics of a Better World


The first o­ne consists of the sphere classes of the population as the conscious actors of social harmony. Just as in the human body all organs work in harmony, likewise in society people can reach social harmony after becoming aware of how the human nature functions. The second o­ne deals with the concept of democracy. It expresses itself in the equal distribution of power among the sphere classes and in children’s suffrage that stems from parental responsibility.


This suffrage provides children with top priority in their welfare and in all related endeavors. The third o­ne is connected with the area of statistics, which expresses a quantitative measure of essential resources necessary for social harmony. The fourth o­ne deals with the area of information technology o­n the sphere statistics base. The fifth o­ne opens the educational and peacemaking socio-cultural technologies ensuring harmonious peace and training for youth for the preservation of cultural and religious diversity.


This serves as enrichment among all people. The sixth o­ne covers the area of strategic management/control that guarantees harmonious government and guides to desired social harmony, gearing (coordinating) all levels of politics, economics and finance. These six discoveries for the creation of social harmony open a new vision of the sustainable world and peace beyond war, poverty and violence.


Dr. Semashko demonstrates these discoveries not o­nly theoretically but also practically o­n his International Website: “A New Culture of Peace from Social Harmony and Children’s Priority” (www.peacefromharmony.org). For two years, since February 15, 2005, this website united about 200 authors from 33 countries and it is published in 15 languages forming around itself a new global community of harmony people. o­n the stated website such global projects as “Harmonious Era Calendar,” “Harmony Great Charter,” “Making Children a Priority in the World,” “Harmonious Peace Culture,” “Harmonious Education” and others are advanced in detail. They include many people and organizations from all over the world.


Sound Philosophy at Work


One of Dr. Semashko’s great capabilities has been to bring people together from very walk of life and profession that share the same identical goals of prosperity, harmony and peace. These people tend to be altruistic, that is, ready to undergo any personal sacrifice to help make our planet a better place of habitation where people could live a life that is characterized by good health and education and where they could all feel secure from any kind of physical and social disease. The philosophy of this great Russian scholar is very simple. He views the reality of everything from the Natural Harmonious Law perspective. The entire world is guided by supreme design that is perfect.


Besides, he perceives truth as our mind’s accurate correspondence to the realities that surround us everywhere. Moreover, he visualizes good as anything that is conducive to the universal welfare of all people without exception. This is an edifying spiritual concept of good in contrast to the political concept which views good as the promotion of what is conducive to the welfare of some to the exclusion of others. Lastly, he comprehends beauty as a spiritual element that is more attached to the action of people rather than to their physical appearance. In this regard, persons of the caliber of Mother Teresa, who dedicated her life to help all people without exception, may be properly described as beautiful.


In view of this, we may fully realize why Dr. Semashko’s activities depict him as global leader of social harmony. Those, whose philosophy is similar to that of this Russian educator, become also leaders of social harmony. This is due to their ability to turn their dream into a political reality. This has been illustrated by China, which announced in October 2006 its intention of “building a society of social harmony.” The projected concept of social harmony will undoubtedly extend world wide. Therefore we may realize why Dr. Semashko, who spent so much energy for its promotion for more than three decades, has earned the title of global leader of social harmony.



© Website author: Leo Semashko, 2005; © designed by Roman Snitko, 2005