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Harmony Forum

Peace from Harmony
Global Peace Science for G20-2013 and Humanity

Spiritual Culture for Harmonious Civilization

Citizens of Earth!

Unite in harmony for love, peace, justice, fraternity and happiness!



Global Harmony Association (GHA)

Since February 15, 2005, GHA is an international NGO uniting more than 500 members in 56 countries and more than o­ne million participants from the GHA collective members in 80 countries.

Web: www.peacefromharmony.org


GHA 7 books and 47 projects list of social harmony, global peace and harmonious education:



GHA is recognized as a candidate for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2013 for collective book:

The ABC of Harmony for World Peace…: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=586


Board: 35 GHA members from 16 countries



GHA Founder and President: Dr. Leo Semashko

Address: 7/4-42 Ho-Shi-Min Street, St. Petersburg, 194356 Russia

E-mail: leo.semashko@gmail.com Web: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=253


GHA Mission is:

To bring peace from harmony and to pave a conscious way for harmonious civilization o­n scientifically based ‘ABC of Harmony’ through harmonious education

GHA Video: Social Genome of Peace from Harmony - http://youtu.be/hbxY5lREOeA

(Global Peace Science for G20-2017:

August 4, 2013

GHA Open Letter:

Global Peace Science for G20 and Humanity –

Growth through Peace and for Peace but not for War


The Letter coauthors are 57 GHA members:

Leo Semashko, Charles Mercieca, Glen Martin, Bruce Cook, Ernesto Kahan, Bishnu Pathak, Madhu Krishan, Ayo Ayoola-Amale, Subhash Chandra, Marina Kozlovska, Julia Budnikova, Surendra Pathak, Mariam Khan, Nina Yudina, Heli Habyarimana, Matjaz Mulej, Alexander Semashko, Laj Utreja, Maria Cristina Azcona, N.S.Ravishankar, Vera Popovich, Lida Sherafatmand, Andrew Semashko, Svetlana Kuskovskaya, Svetlana Vetrova, Justo Bolekia, Tholana Chakravarthy, Peter Semashko, Leonid Timoshenko, Igor Shadhan, Dmitriy Delukin, Alexander Subetto, Uraz Baimuratov, Alla Voronova, Maitreyee Roy, Erica Lazarova, Ivan Ivanov, Alla Ivashintsova, Dmitriy Ivashintsov, Zaure Hizatolla, Guy Crequie, Artem Budnikov, Takis Ioannides, Marie Robert, Vladimir Branskiy, Celia Altschuler, Susana Roberts, Manijeh Navidnia, Kae Morii, Hedva Bachrach, Manish Bhatnagar, Kurt Johnson, Nataly Cherkasova, Sarah Mbodj, Apostolos Paschos, Athanassios Koumouris,

Subhash Sharma, A. K. Merchant,

from 20 countries:

Argentina, Bulgaria, France, Ghana, Greece, India, Israel, Iran, Japan, Kazakhstan, Nepal, Pakistan, Puerto Rico, Russia, Rwanda, Senegal, Slovenia, Spain, Ukraine, USA


Approved by GHA o­n August 3, 2013



In English: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=582

In Russian: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=605

In French: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=fr_c&key=135

In Spanish: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=es_c&key=107 

Copyright © 2013 Global Harmony Association

Copyright © 2013 Leo Semashko


For peace-loving citizens:

Sign the GHA Open Letter about Global Peace Science for G20 and all Governments

In English can here:

In Russian can here:


A peace based exclusively upon the political and economic

arrangements of governments would not be a peace which

could secure the unanimous, lasting and sincere support

of the peoples of the world, and that the peace must therefore

be founded, if it is not to fail, upon the intellectual and

moral solidarity of mankind. UNESCO Constitution.


Global peace science is a key of intellectual peace

solidarity of humanity and general hope of all nations

to real peace and prosperity o­n the Earth in the 21st century. GHA


Harmony will save peace. GHA



G20 Leaders, o­n the Summit, September 5-6, 2013, St. Petersburg, Russia



Global Peace Science for G20 and humanity.



The GHA proposes to create, under the G20 aegis, Global Peace Science (GPS), o­ne of its variants created by the GHA during 8 years see below. For this purpose, establish the G20 appropriate work Committee: “Global Peace Science (GPS)” under the leadership of Sherpa and hold a 2014 International Scientific Contest among the more than 400 Peace Research Сenters in the world to find the best option for GPS, with a result to be discussed and approved at the next G20 Summit in 2014/15.

“The G20 agenda is organized around three overarching priorities, aimed at starting a new cycle of economic growth:

- Growth through quality jobs and investment;

- Growth through trust and transparency;

- Growth through effective regulation” (http://en.g20russia.ru/docs/g20_russia/priorities.html).

These are subjected to the criteria of “sustainable, inclusive and balanced growth” as harmonious evolution, spontaneously forming global peace, requiring adequate science (GPS). This science will allow G20 to determine the fourth most important for the survival of mankind priority of growth: growth through peace and for peace but not for war. This priority in the G20 agenda will be a new and constant topic of discussion since 2014, when as a result of the Contest the most appropriate version of GPS will be selected. This priority will provide the highest holism and synergy of active harmonization for all areas of economic growth. GPS will give the G20 working process an additional, intellectual and moral impetus, optimizing and harmonizing this process, greatly expand its formats, and most importantly, subordinating it to the peaceful humanistic dimension and meaning of G20. Meeting the challenges of economic growth within the GPS provides simultaneous steps towards global peace and relevant decision of the most important problem of mankind. This will increase G20’s efficiency and public benefit for the global community to higher level. Global peace is inexhaustible, but so far an unknown resource for sustainable economic growth, which requires a corresponding science. The creation of this science is a modern challenge for the G20 - creating a common language of peace for the nations and governments in a global society for the 21st century.


Dear G20 Leaders,


The GHA appreciates your work o­n stabilization and development of the global economy and global finance, recognizing that your efforts have the potential to spontaneously foster global peace. We recognize the G20 as the world's first institution, together with the G8, attempting direct global regulation of world economy and finance. Naturally, it’s axiomatic that global peace is a prerequisite for sustainable development o­n a world scale. Any global armed conflict threatens humanity in, as we know, "nuclear winter", i.e. destruction. This is not a phantom danger - it has been proved by scientists around the world. It hangs like a sword of Damocles over humanity, including the economy with all its finances. In fact, war is more ruinous than any economic and financial crisis. Preparing for a war, as expressed in the ever-growing global arms race and the constant growth of global military spending –is o­ne of the main causes of today’s economic and financial destabilization and the related global crises.

These facts take first place among world challenges affecting potential for global peace. Analysis of the situation - its sources, causes, foundations and actors – through global peace science (GPS) – is a clear challenge for each leader. Unfortunately, this scientific approach has just been created in addition to hundreds of scientific institutes and centers engaged in isolated and fragmented private peace research o­n national and regional scale, but not global level. But this scientific Rubicon can and must be crossed.

For example, considering military science, D. H. von Bülow’s (Spirit of Modern Military Systems, 1799), developed by Carl von Clausewitz (On War, 1832) and recognized by all governments, which continues now by hundreds of thousands of military scientists and teachers and studies in thousands of military academies, institutes and colleges by dozens of millions of soldiers and officers. With comparison with war science, the absence of GPS is a great intellectual and historical defect of humanity, finding explanations but finds no scientific or moral justification, especially today. If governments have been so eager to embrace military science, then how can they avoid accepting peace science even now, after almost two centuries, if it will be created?

Humanity has long dreamed of such a science. Immanuel Kant wrote about its possibility (i.e. the existence of objective natural source of peace) in his great treatise Perpetual Peace in 1795. He found an objective guarantee of global peace in the "harmony among men" as social nature, “which finally assures peace” (www.mtholyoke.edu/acad/intrel/kant/kant1.htm). If there is an objective social nature of peace, then may well be its science.

Kant’s supposition has received scientific development in the GHA, which has developed GPS over 8 years based o­n the theory of social harmony. GPS is represented in the GHA’s 7 books and 47 projects of social harmony and global peace. The most perfect theoretical expression GPS is found in book: "The ABC of Harmony for Global Peace ...." (2012) by 76 co-authors of GHA from 26 countries: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=478. Its empirical expression is found in a new Program of "Comparative Sociological and Statistical Study" analyzing dynamics of spheral classes of the population in India, USA, Russia and Kazakhstan from 1950 to 2010 by decades (www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=579. This study is not yet due to lack of funding at $ 60,000). GPS represents itself both as a science, not o­nly of global harmony, but also the science of global justice, global economy, global finance, global prosperity, global law and global democracy. It is expressed by the GPS’s holistic model: "Social Genome of Peace from Harmony" (SOCIONOME: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=580). GPS is deeply holistic science, covering the main measures of global peace: economic, financial, political, legal and others.

In this way, GPS moves from solutions of military conflicts to their prevention. All of this is presented in detail in the GHA books and projects, and in the GPS general contour o­n 4 pages - in the article "Global Peace Science" (www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=582).

Further, GPS is connected to another important global project: Constitution of the Earth (http://worldparliament-gov.org/constitution/the-earth-constitution/), which proposes legal democratic regulation of all conditions of global peace: economic, political, financial, and so o­n. However, the GPS option is based o­n social harmony - this is o­ne of its options, and its first real example, which does not exclude the other.

As you can see, there are sufficient scientific backgrounds to create the GPS. But this requires the will of world's political leaders, particularly G20 leaders, to organize an International Scientific Contest under the aegis of your Committee. This Contest would be established under the appropriate G20 working committee under the leadership of Sherpa for competition among more than 400 Peace Research Сenters in the world to seek the best option for GPS, with a result to be discussed and approved at the next G20 Summit in 2014/15.

Key conditions of the proposed Contest, from our point of view are as follows:

1. The Contest should be open to any group of social scientists who have proven themselves by publishing Peace Research by at least 5 scholars from no less than two countries without any other restrictions.

2. The Contest will accept scientific texts of projects under the general title: "Global Peace Science" having at least 10 pages and no more than 1,000 pages of electronic and paper versions (perhaps as a book) with a total summary of contents in 4 pages or less.

3. Ideally, each project should include at least the following parts / sections:

3.1. A review of previous peace studies, especially of a global scale.

3.2. Underlying theory of global peace with fundamental concepts defining the objective ultimate causes, natural actors and spontaneous but harmonious sources of global peace.

3.3. Empirical confirmation for the theory of global peace.

3.4. A methodology and main ways to realize the theory of global peace at global, regional, national and local levels.

3.5. A rough estimate of the economic efficiency of the global peace theory.

3.6. Applications of global peace science as the theories of global justice, global law (especially human rights), global politics, global ecology, global democracy, general and complete disarmament, global peace education, harmony between religion and science, global culture of peace, global interfaith harmony and global interspiritual movement.

4. We propose that the G20 Contest Committee develop "Rules of the GPS Contest" with all details, including the necessary funding for research participants in the Contest. This Regulation is approved by leaders of the G20.

The GHA has more detailed proposals so it can enter this Contest, which it is ready to share.

The historical significance of this Contest is that it will be the first global conscious-coupling mechanism of world political leaders, using with GPS as a reasonable and therefore the non-violent key to global peace. Its result may be the establishment of an International Peace Science Institute under the G20 aegis. This Contest will mark the beginning of a new era in human history - the Age of consciously and universally building harmonious global peace o­n a scientific basis. According to the UNESCO Constitution, not o­nly war but also peace arises in the mind, but o­nly o­n the basis of relevant scientific knowledge, which opens a new era. This era will be the integrated implementation of the humanity’s fundamental ideas of peace expressed by human genius:

Immanuel Kant: "What has nature done with regard to this end (the design of perpetual peace) which man's own reason makes his duty? That is, what has nature done to favor man's moral purpose…?Nature guarantees perpetual peace … but … making it our duty to work toward this end, which is not just a chimerical o­ne."

Leo Tolstoy: "In the hands of war are billions of money, millions of obedient troops and in our hands is o­nly o­ne, but the mightiest tool in the world - the truth" (true - it is a science).

Mahatma Gandhi: "If we are ever to have real peace in this world we shall have to begin with the children" (i.e. with children's education in global peace science).

Albert Einstein: "Peace cannot be kept by force. It can o­nly be achieved by understanding" (i.e. by mind, armed with the global peace science).

Martin Luther King Jr.: "We must shift the arms race into a peace race" (that can be done through global peace science).


Sincerely Yours,


Dr. Leo Semashko

GHA President

GHA Social Ideal,

Peace from Harmony


Global Harmony Association (GHA)

Since February 15, 2005, GHA is an international NGO uniting more than 500 members in 56 countries and more than o­ne million participants from the GHA collective members in 80 countries.

Web: www.peacefromharmony.org


GHA 7 books and 47 projects list of social harmony, global peace and harmonious education:



GHA is recognized as a candidate for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2013 for collective book:

The ABC of Harmony for World Peace…: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=478


Board: 35 GHA members from 16 countries



GHA Founder and President: Dr. Leo Semashko

Address: 7/4-42 Ho-Shi-Min Street, St. Petersburg, 194356 Russia

E-mail: leo.semashko@gmail.com Web: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=253


GHA Mission is:

To bring peace from harmony and to pave a conscious way for harmonious civilization o­n scientifically based ‘ABC of Harmony’ through harmonious education

GHA Video: Social Genome of Peace from Harmony - http://youtu.be/hbxY5lREOeA



Global Harmony Association (GHA)



August 27, 2013



Mr. Vladimir Putin, President of Russia, Chairman of the G20 Summit, September 5-6, St. Petersburg: info@g20russia.ru



Your initiation of the global peace science at the G20 Summit or at the UN General Assembly in the autumn of 2013. This science is a Copernican revolution of global consciousness as a transition from military to peaceful evolution before the threshold of a single global society in the 21st century.



Your initiative will make Russia and St. Petersburg the center of global peacemaking in the 21st century and provide you with the Nobel Peace Prize. This will be a historic initiative of Russia for our century. With this initiative, you have nothing to lose, o­nly to find the greatest common good for Russia and the world. The most favorable time to report it is a week before the summit so its participants could comprehend the benefits of this science for their countries and for the world. It will focus the attention of world leaders o­n the new intellectual task and would lead them away from the constant military extinguishing of permanent fire in local conflicts, such as Syria, etc. Your initiative will be supported by the majority of countries: China, India, Brazil, Italy, South Africa, Argentina, and so o­n.


Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich!


We, ordinary people, can see how carefully you keep the memory about the fallen, those who worked and lived during the Second World War, and what care you are taken about survival to the present days for its participants. My father, an officer, was killed o­n the Western border o­n the first day of the war, June 22, 1941, when I was o­nly two days old. My mother and our family, like the rest of Russia, drank a full cup of sorrow of war and postwar years, which we feel still in our misery. The first toast in Russian families is: "That there was no war." This expresses the peace-loving spirit of our people. So I have dedicated my conscious life of social philosopher and scientist to solve the problem of global peace, excluding war. This is my lifelong debt before the fallen father, as well as my children and grandchildren.


In 2005 I created the Global Harmony Association (GHA), whose mission is: "Peace from Harmony," seeking global peace without the force of arms. During 8 years of GHA, by collective efforts of scientists from dozens of countries was created, in its first approximation, in "The ABC of Harmony for World Peace…(2012)" the Global Peace Science from social harmony. It forces out military science as a science to kill the near and far neighbors from world culture. The beginning of this science was put in Russia, in St. Petersburg, representing their spiritual property.


Now we see that modern Russia enjoys the world's poorest reputation of the country, trusting o­n the force of their weapons and giving priority not to peace but to development of the armed forces and military science. It is very sad that Russia has lost and forgotten perhaps the greatest, peacekeeping, dignity of the Soviet Union, which was for many decades the world center of peacekeeping, peaceful coexistence and the struggle of the Earth peoples for peace, despite its ideological limitations. We see the hope for new peace initiatives the world puts o­n U.S., President Obama, who initiated the "nuclear zero", dialogue of civilizations and the like, rather than Russia. The world considers you, as its President, who is not capable to seize a peace initiative and decisive step towards global peace. (See letter of the American scientist and writer Bruce Cook to President Obama, which is published here: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=582)


At the G20 Summit, 5-6 September 2013 in St. Petersburg, you, as its Chairman, have an historic opportunity to include in the Summit agenda, maybe in staging manner for the future, the creation of Global Peace Science through a democratic International Contest of scientists from the more than 400 research centers in the world under the G20 aegis. You could convince the G20 leaders in need of this science and for disarmament, primarily to provide a "nuclear zero" proposed by Obama but without peace basics, and for sustainable economic growth, free from pressure in military spending, etc. This will give the G20 Summit the peace dimension that they were lack. If G20 leaders will ignore this historic opportunity now, then it will inevitably be used o­n the following Summits or Sessions of the UN General Assembly.


Discussion and vote o­n this issue at the Summit will show whether governments of major countries of the world want to develop global peace science or do they remain committed to the war and military science? In any case, such an initiative will fundamentally change the international image of Russia with militaristic o­n peacekeeping o­ne and turn Russia into the center of a global peace-building that will revive the former tradition to a new level in the new century. If you reinforce your initiative in the creation in Russia, in St. Petersburg, the International Institute of Global Peace Science (I'm ready to head it and find for it the scientists from many countries of the world), you will ensure yourself a Nobel Peace Prize in 2014 and will open before Russian the perspective of a leader in global peacemaking at the 21st century.


We believe the people of Russia, deeply peaceful in spirit, survivors of many wars, see such a historic mission of the current President of Russia in world politics and expect it from you today.


All the necessary information and argumentation for this initiative, with all its global and national benefits for each country, primarily for its initiator, for Russia, is located o­n the GHA website here:

In Russian: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=05

And in English: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=582

This letter was published o­n these pages.


Sincerely Yours,


Dr. Leo Semashko, o­n GHA behalf,

Founder and President of the Global Harmony Association (GHA) since 2005, State Councillor of St. Petersburg, philosopher, sociologist and peacemaker of harmony, St. Petersburg, Tel.: 7-812-597-6571

Personal Page: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=286


August 7, 2013



Mr. Vladimir Putin, President of Russia, Chairman of the G20 Summit, 5-6 September, St. Petersburg



Russian initiative to create the Global Peace Science under G20 aegis as the world's highest prestige of the country in the 21st century.


Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich!


Russia may go down in history as the world's first initiator of the Global Peace Science (GPS). This initiative is offered in the GHA Open Letter to the Russian presidency o­n G20, signed by 57 members of the GHA from 20 countries and sent o­n August 5, 2013 It is published in two languages ​​here:

In Russian: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=605

In English: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=582


Now, when to the world is shown a way to create GPS and its first in history the sample, this science will be established by the international community with a relentless necessity - it's a question of the nearest future o­nly. For Russia is important to not miss this primogeniture by the sad Russian tradition "as always." The initiation of GPS o­n G20 will raise world prestige and international authority of Russia immeasurably. If Russia does not use this historic chance in 2013, then any other Chairman of the G20 in the coming years can use this advantage. It is inevitable! Especially now, when the GPS initiative has become world famous, brought to the G20 leaders attention not o­nly in the GHA Open Letter but also in personal messages to U.S. State Secretary John Kerry, the President of Argentina and France, the Prime Ministers of India, Italy, Japan, and etc., and also in the world’s Petitions and networks. A new era of humanity, "a peace race," which takes place of "the arms race" has appeared that was foreseen by Martin Luther King Jr.: "We must shift the arms race into a peace race." This historic shift has occurred! How Russia will react to it will depend its peace leadership and its future, not o­nly in the 21st century.


GPS has direct relevance to sustainable global economic growth, which is the subject of the G20 Summit in St. Petersburg. Economic growth of a global humanity is not possible without global peace as it is for this growth the first prerequisite and eternal and inexhaustible resource, revealed to all of the nations by the relevant science - GPS. Humanity cannot live and grow further into the 21st century without a global peace that can be understood and accessible for conscious everyday and widespread building o­nly o­n the basis of relevant science - GPS. This is a global turning point in human history from a military to peaceful o­ne, defined by a new level of human thinking through new paradigm of scientific reason.


History has exhausted all war alternatives, leaving o­nly a peaceful alternative for humanity. But it requires a corresponding science - GPS. Its rational choice and recognition history is first put in 2013 before the G20 Summit. Will the G20 accept it as a historical alternative? It now depends o­nly o­n Russia, from you personally, Mr. President.


Glory to our Lord! His Love is in Harmony and His Harmony is in a Peace! He gives us Peace Science to strengthen the peace-loving spirit and mind of people at the threshold of a single global society!


Sincerely Yours,


Dr. Leo Semashko

Founding President, Global Harmony Association (GHA) since 2005; State Councillor of St. Petersburg; Philosopher, Sociologist and Peacemaker from Harmony; Author of Tetrism as unity of Tetraphilosophy and Tetrasociology - the science of social harmony, world peace and harmonious civilization since 1976; Author of 12 social discoveries and more than 300 scientific publications, including 16 books and brochures; Director: Tetrasociology Public Institute, Russia; Director, GHA Website "Peace from Harmony": www.peacefromharmony.org; Editor in Chief, The ABC of Harmony for World Peace .. (www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=478) by 76 co-authors from 26 countries, for which the GHA is recognized as o­ne of candidates for the Nobel Peace Prize 2013; Teaching experience at universities is 20 years; Address: 7/4-42 Ho-Shi-Min Street, St. Petersburg 194356, Russia;

Phone: 7 (812) 597-65-71, E-mail: leo.semashko@gmail.com,

Skype: leo.semahko, Personal page: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=253

My lifelong status since 1976 is dissident.


Letter publication:

In Russian: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=605

In English: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=582


August 22, 2013



The UN Secretary-General, Mr. Ban Ki-moon through the UN Peacebuilding Support Office (http://www.unpbf.org),

Chief: Brian J. Williams, williamsbj@un.org, and

The UNESCO Director-General, Mrs. Irina Bokova through the UNESCO Social and Human Sciences Sector (http://www.unesco.org/new/en/social-and-human-sciences/), Chief: CHRISTINA VON FURSTENBERG, c.von-furstenberg@unesco.org and

Assistant Director-General for this Sector: PILAR ÁLVAREZ-LASO: p.alvarez@unesco.org


Copy: To Russian Presidency at the G20 Summit, September 5-6, 2013, St. Petersburg, Russia: info@g20russia.ru



Your opportunity to initiate Global Peace Science (GPS) at the G20 Summit with purpose to include this topic in the G20 agenda in any format



GPS is a necessary condition for effective work of the UN and UNESCO in the 21st century, so the need for it is obvious and demands no proof. The most democratic and productive way to create this science would be an International Contest among more than 400 Peace Research Centers worldwide under the G20 aegis. This will subordinate the economic growth to a goal of peace, not war and weapons. The GPS first project is the fruit of eight years of work by GHA. It shows o­ne of the possible ways of creating it (see below).

The idea of GPS​​creation and its sufficient prerequisites are described in detail below in the Global Harmony Association (GHA) Open Letter by 57 of its members from 20 countries to the G20 leaders and Russian Presidency at their nearest Summit September 5-6, 2013 in St. Petersburg. This letter, together with the other documents for the G20, are posted here: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=582

The GPS is initiated not o­nly in the GHA Letter but also in personal messages of GHA members to Presidents of Russia, USA, South Africa, France, Argentina, Nigeria, Ghana, and to Prime Ministers of Italy, India, Japan, Spain, etc. Many similar letters to other heads of states and governments will be sent. The leaders of each state, if they want peace, not war, could initiate the creation of this science under the G20 aegis, or in other ways, for example, in their countries. This initiative from either side answers the key question: If a science of war is possible, why not initiate a science of peace?


GPS’ COMPLIANCE with the UN and UNESCO Charters:

The UN Charter in Article 1 defines that " The Purposes of the United Nations are: to maintain international peace, ... the prevention and removal of threats to the peace, ... the suppression of acts of aggression or other breaches of the peace, ... to strengthen universal peace ... and harmonizing the actions of nations in the attainment of these common ends."

In the UNESCO's Constitution we read: "That since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defences of peace must be constructed". That is expressed in the UNESCO motto: "Building peace in the minds of men and women."

It is clear that effectively building peace in the minds of people is impossible without peace science. So far the highest expression and the best defense of war in minds of people is military science, prospering for more than 200 years. Today the highest expression and the best defense of peace in minds of people will be the Global Peace Science (GPS). It does not yet exist, but will be created in the 21st century in accordance with a requirement of the UNESCO Constitution: "the defense of peace must be constructed", i.e. GPS should be created. This is a great need for the UN and UNESCO. The GHA letter mentioned above is devoted to constructing peace science as the best reasonable defense of peace at people and nations.

Effective achievement of the UN and UNESCO purposes in the global world of the 21st century is impossible without adopting Global Peace Science (GPS), giving scientific and understandable to all peoples’ questions seeking a method to use in achieving these purposes.

CONCLUSION: GPS is required for nations, governments, the UN and UNESCO. GPS does not conflict with the Charters but o­nly strengthens them and ensures effective achievement of their purposes in the 21st century to prevent the recurrence of the bloodiest in history 20th century.


Result for the UN and UNESCO:

Your initiative will provide the highest peacemaking prestige and deeper global impact of the UN and UNESCO in the 21st century.


Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,


UN/UNESCO is a permanent member of the G20 Summits, so you have the right and ability to initiate the GPS as a new vision of economic growth and sustainable development through the scientific prism of global peace. This vision consists in the fact that economic growth is justified and has sense o­nly in o­ne case, when it is fulfilled through the peace and for the peace, not for the war as a self-destruction and loss of growth achievements. It unfolds global peace as the first and inexhaustible resource for economic growth. GPS makes this resource equally available to all nations and governments.


Humanity cannot live and grow further in the new century, o­n the threshold of a single global society, without durable global peace, which can be understood and accepted by the nations for everyday conscious building o­nly o­n the basis of relevant peace science - GPS. This is a turning point in human history, from a military to peaceful o­ne, defined by a new level of human thinking within a new paradigm in a scientific mindset.


History has exhausted all war alternatives, leaving o­nly a peaceful alternative for humanity, which, however, is impossible without scientific light of GPS. History was first raised its initiative as a rational choice and recognition in 2013 before the G20 Summit. Will the G20 accept it as a historical alternative? This depends o­n each leader, and from you personally, Mr. Secretary-General of the UN and Mrs. Director-General of UNESCO.


A new era of humanity, "a peace race," which takes the place of "the arms race" has appeared and this was foreseen by Martin Luther King Jr. when he said: "We must shift the arms race into a peace race." This historic shift has started! How the UN/UNESCO will react to it will demonstrate its world peace leadership and its future in the 21st century and beyond.


There is growing concern in the world about the future due to ever-increasing military spending. It is well known that peace cannot be achieved by force. It can o­nly be reached by reason embodied in peace science.


For more than 200 years governments have nursed the science of war, now leaving the best-equipped governments with a powerful military industrial complex embracing hundreds of millions of staff, with thousands of military academies and colleges including tens of thousands of military scientists and teachers and millions of listeners (officers and soldiers), and finally with a myriad, annually galloping military budget of trillions of dollars, whipping up an unrestrained arms race. This is an arsenal of war, prosperous primarily due to the military mindset in the face of military science, consolidating a war arsenal with innumerable resources. A mindset for peace is still very far from the similar top in national and global consciousness.


Therefore, an arsenal of peace, devoid of peace science, is not able to withstand the military arsenal and make a real alternative to war. After more than two centuries of military science, before the door of the globalized world, economic growth depends o­n global peace. Today, more than ever we feel the acutest necessity for Global Peace Science (GPS). You, as the UN/UNESCO leaders, have the highest opportunity to initiate the inclusion of GPS in the Summit G20 agenda.


Global civil society expects influential support for creating GPS under the G20 aegis from President Barack Obama as the o­nly Nobel Peace Laureate among the G20 leaders and from UN/UNESCO, the most important statutory purpose of which is to ensure global peace in the 21st century that is impossible without GPS.


The UN/UNESCO proposal to include Global peace Science (GPS) in the G20 Summit agenda would be the most powerful voice in its support. The logical and practical consequence of your initiative would be the establishment of the International Institute of Global Peace Science (which I am ready to head and find the scientists for it) within the UNESCO Sector of Social and Human Sciences. This Institute fully meets the mission, strategy and purposes of the UN and UNESCO. This Institute, as a think tank of knowledge for global peace society, will be the scientific pillar for G20 in the questions of global peace and will raise qualitatively the effectiveness of the UN and UNESCO in the 21st century.


These key universal perspectives of global peace now depend from your initiative at the G20 Summit.


Sincerely Yours,


Dr. Leo Semashko

Founding President, Global Harmony Association (GHA) since 2005; State Councillor of St. Petersburg; Philosopher, Sociologist and Peacemaker from Harmony; Author of Tetrism as unity of Tetraphilosophy and Tetrasociology - the science of social harmony, world peace and harmonious civilization since 1976; Author of 12 social discoveries and more than 300 scientific publications, including 16 books and brochures; Director: Tetrasociology Public Institute, Russia; Director, GHA Website "Peace from Harmony": www.peacefromharmony.org; Editor in Chief, The ABC of Harmony for World Peace .. (www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=478) by 76 co-authors from 26 countries, for which the GHA is recognized as o­ne of candidates for the Nobel Peace Prize 2013; Teaching experience at universities is 20 years;

Address: 7/4-42 Ho-Shi-Min Street, St. Petersburg 194356, Russia;

Phone: 7 (812) 597-65-71, E-mail: leo.semashko@gmail.com,

Skype: leo.semahko, Personal page: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=253


Letter publication:

In English: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=582

In Russian: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=605

In French: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=fr_c&key=135

In Spanish: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=es_c&key=107


Global Harmony Association (GHA)


August 10, 2013


Al Presidente del Consiglio Enrico Letta

Presidenza del Consiglio dei ministri
Palazzo Chigi
Piazza Colonna 370
00187 Roma


Egregio Presidente,


Le scrivo a nome della Organizzazione Non Governativa Internazionale GHA.


L’idea principale della nostra lettera è questa: Se il G20 è dedicato alla crescita economica, allora questa crescita dell’umanità come una singola società globale non puo’ esistere nel 21esimo secolo senza una scienza della pace globale.


C’è una crescente preoccupazione nel mondo sul futuro a causa delle spese militari sempre in crescita. Si sa che la pace non può essere raggiunta con la forza , perché essa può essere raggiunta solo conla ragione. A questo proposito ho il piacere di inviarle la lettera della Global Harmony Association (GHA) ai leaders del G20 con la proposta della creazione di una Sienza per la Pace Globale, per la quale già esistono molti prerequisiti. Il lavoro del nostro paese e suo personale sono noti a coloro che operanto tradizionalmente per la pace. Perciò il suo sostegno per questa lettera e la sua presentazione di questa importante idea ai leaders del G20 sarebbe uno dei maggiori successi del nostro paese e un suo contributo personale alla pace globale. La lettera della GHA è acclusa.


Cordiali saluti


Renato Corsetti

Membro italiano della GHA




Global Harmony Association (GHA)



August 12, 2013



Mr. Jacob Zuma, President of the Republic of South Africa



South Africa initiative to create the Global Peace Science through democratic contest of the scientists-peacemakers worldwide under G20 aegis as the world's highest prestige of the country in the 21st century.


Dear Mr President,

Sir, South Africa may go down in history as the world's first initiator of the Global Peace Science (GPS). This initiative is offered in the GHA’s Open Letter to the G20 leaders and world leaders o­n the occasion of the forthcoming G20 Summit in Russia, St-Petersburg, September 5-6, 2013, signed by 57 members of the GHA from 20 countries and sent o­n August 5, 2013. It is below and published ​​here:



To the world is shown a way to create GPS and its first in history example (below). The Global Peace Science will be established by the international community with a relentless necessity - it's a question of the nearest future o­nly. For South Africa it is important not to miss this great opportunity to create durable, sustainable peace.The initiation of GPS in South Africa and worldwide will pave the clear path to peace. It will solve in no small measure the disharmony, violence and lack of peace plaguing some parts of in South Africa. It will also raise our world prestige and international authority in Africa and beyond immeasurably. South Africa must seize o­n this great opportunity.Especially now, when the GPS initiative has become world famous, brought to the G20 leaders’ attention not o­nly in the GHA Open Letter but also in personal messages to U.S. President Barack Obama and State Secretary John Kerry, the Presidents of Russia, Argentina and France, the Prime Ministers of India, Italy, Japan, and etc., and also in the world’s petitions and networks. A new era of humanity, "a peace race," which takes the place of "the arms race" has appeared and this was foreseen by Martin Luther King Jr. when he said: "We must shift the arms race into a peace race." This historic shift has occurred! How South Africa will react to it will go a long way toward determining her future as a country, role in Africa and her future in the 21st century and beyond.


GPS has direct relevance to sustainable global economic growth, which is the subject of the G20 Summit in St. Petersburg. Economic growth for the entire global community is not possible without global peace. This is the first prerequisite and eternal and inexhaustible resource for this growth, revealed to all of nations by the relevant science - GPS. Humanity cannot live and grow further into the 21st century without global peace. This is a global turning point in human history from a military to a peaceful o­ne, defined by a new level of human thinking through a new paradigm of scientific reason.


History has exhausted all war alternatives, leaving o­nly a peaceful alternative for humanity. But it requires a corresponding science - GPS. Its rational choice and recognition history is first put in 2013 before the G20 Summit. Will the G20 accept it as a historical alternative? It now depends o­n each leader, from you personally, Mr President.


The Governments of more than 200 years have nursed the science of war, which has now equipped mankind with a powerful military industrial complex embracing hundreds of millions of staff, with thousands of military academies and colleges including tens of thousands of military scientists and teachers and millions of listeners (officers and soldiers), and finally with a myriad, annually galloping military budget of trillions of dollars, whipping up an unrestrained arms race. This is an arsenal of war, prosperous primarily thanks to the military mind in the face of military science, consolidating a war arsenal with all its zillion resources.


An arsenal of peace, devoid of peace science, is not able to withstand the military arsenal and make a real alternative to war. After more than two centuries of military science, at the threshold of a single global society, economic growth of which depends from global peace, today, more than ever we feel the acutest necessity for Global Peace Science. Therefore, its initiation at the G20 Summit and its development under the G20 aegis and patronage meet today's most pressing need of humanity. The leaders of each state, if they want peace instead of war, can initiate the creation of this science under the G20 aegis, and thus push the governments of the world at least through 200 years after the military science to pay attention and make efforts into alternative directions of peace science.


This science is the best protection of the most important dignity and right of people - the right to global peace as the right to life, as opposed to deeply rooted reliance o­n a powerful arsenal of the war as the rites of death and murder and as the deepest humiliation of mankind.


Glory to our Lord! His Love is in Harmony and His Harmony is in Peace! He gives us Peace Science to strengthen the peace-loving spirit and mind of people at the threshold of a single global society!

Sincerely Yours,


Ayo Ayoola-Amale ESQ.

Vice President, GHA

President, GHA - Africa

Founder/President, Splendors of Dawn




Personal Page: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=524


........I am the Peace

(Ayo Ayoola-Amale also wrote and sent a similar letter to the Presidents of Nigeria and Ghana. She wrote a total of 9 like letters to the leaders of these three countries)



Global Harmony Association (GHA)



August 12, 2013



Mr. Goodluck Jonathan, President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 



Nigeria initiative to create the Global Peace Science through democratic contest of the scientists-peacemakers worldwide under G20 aegis as the world's highest prestige of the country in the 21st century.



Dear Mr President,

Sir, Nigeria may go down in history as the world's first initiator of the Global Peace Science (GPS). This initiative is offered in the GHA’s Open Letter to the G20 leaders and world leaders o­n the occasion of the forthcoming G20 Summit in Russia, St-Petersburg, September 5-6, 2013, signed by 57 members of the GHA from 20 countries and sent o­n August 5, 2013. It is below and published ​​here:



To the world is shown a way to create GPS and its first in history example (below). The Global Peace Science will be established by the international community with a relentless necessity - it's a question of the nearest future o­nly. For South Africa it is important not to miss this great opportunity to create durable, sustainable peace.The initiation of GPS in Nigeria and worldwide will pave the clear path to peace. It will solve in no small measure the disharmony, violence and lack of peace plaguing Nigeria. It will also raise our world prestige and international authority in Africa and beyond immeasurably. Nigeria must seize o­n this great opportunity.Especially now, when the GPS initiative has become world famous, brought to the G20 leaders’ attention not o­nly in the GHA Open Letter but also in personal messages to U.S. President Barack Obama and State Secretary John Kerry, the Presidents of Russia, Argentina and France, the Prime Ministers of India, Italy, Japan, and etc., and also in the world’s petitions and networks. A new era of humanity, "a peace race," which takes the place of "the arms race" has appeared and this was foreseen by Martin Luther King Jr. when he said: "We must shift the arms race into a peace race." This historic shift has occurred! How Nigeria will react to it will go a long way toward determining her future as a country, role in Africa and her future in the 21st century and beyond.


GPS has direct relevance to sustainable global economic growth, which is the subject of the G20 Summit in St. Petersburg. Economic growth for the entire global community is not possible without global peace. This is the first prerequisite and eternal and inexhaustible resource for this growth, revealed to all of nations by the relevant science - GPS. Humanity cannot live and grow further into the 21st century without global peace. This is a global turning point in human history from a military to a peaceful o­ne, defined by a new level of human thinking through a new paradigm of scientific reason.


History has exhausted all war alternatives, leaving o­nly a peaceful alternative for humanity. But it requires a corresponding science - GPS. Its rational choice and recognition history is first put in 2013 before the G20 Summit. Will the G20 accept it as a historical alternative? It now depends o­n each leader, from you personally, Mr President.


The Governments of more than 200 years have nursed the science of war, which has now equipped mankind with a powerful military industrial complex embracing hundreds of millions of staff, with thousands of military academies and colleges including tens of thousands of military scientists and teachers and millions of listeners (officers and soldiers), and finally with a myriad, annually galloping military budget of trillions of dollars, whipping up an unrestrained arms race. This is an arsenal of war, prosperous primarily thanks to the military mind in the face of military science, consolidating a war arsenal with all its zillion resources.


An arsenal of peace, devoid of peace science, is not able to withstand the military arsenal and make a real alternative to war. After more than two centuries of military science, at the threshold of a single global society, economic growth of which depends from global peace, today, more than ever we feel the acutest necessity for Global Peace Science. Therefore, its initiation at the G20 Summit and its development under the G20 aegis and patronage meet today's most pressing need of humanity. The leaders of each state, if they want peace instead of war, can initiate the creation of this science under the G20 aegis, and thus push the governments of the world at least through 200 years after the military science to pay attention and make efforts into alternative directions of peace science.


This science is the best protection of the most important dignity and right of people - the right to global peace as the right to life, as opposed to deeply rooted reliance o­n a powerful arsenal of the war as the rites of death and murder and as the deepest humiliation of mankind.


Glory to our Lord! His Love is in Harmony and His Harmony is in Peace! He gives us Peace Science to strengthen the peace-loving spirit and mind of people at the threshold of a single global society!

Sincerely Yours,


Ayo Ayoola-Amale ESQ.

Vice President, GHA

President, GHA - Africa

Founder/President, Splendors of Dawn




Personal Page: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=524

........I am the Peace



Global Harmony Association (GHA)



August 12, 2013



Mr. John Dramani Mahama, President of the Republic of Ghana



Ghana initiative to create the Global Peace Science through democratic contest of the scientists-peacemakers worldwide under G20 aegis as the world's highest prestige of the country in the 21st century.



Dear Mr President,

Sir, Ghana may go down in history as the world's first initiator of the Global Peace Science (GPS). This initiative is offered in the GHA’s Open Letter to the G20 leaders and world leaders o­n the occasion of the forthcoming G20 Summit in Russia, St-Petersburg, September 5-6, 2013, signed by 57 members of the GHA from 20 countries and sent o­n August 5, 2013. It is below and published ​​here:



To the world is shown a way to create GPS and its first in history example (below). The Global Peace Science will be established by the international community with a relentless necessity - it's a question of the nearest future o­nly. For Ghana it is important not to miss this great opportunity to create durable, sustainable peace.The initiation of GPS in Ghana and worldwide will pave the clear path to peace. It will solve in no small measure the disharmony and lack of peace plaguing some Regions in Ghana. It will also raise our world prestige and international authority in Africa and beyond immeasurably. Ghana must seize o­n this great opportunity.Especially now, when the GPS initiative has become world famous, brought to the G20 leaders’ attention not o­nly in the GHA Open Letter but also in personal messages to U.S. President Barack Obama and State Secretary John Kerry, the Presidents of Russia, Argentina and France, the Prime Ministers of India, Italy, Japan, and etc., and also in the world’s petitions and networks. A new era of humanity, "a peace race," which takes the place of "the arms race" has appeared and this was foreseen by Martin Luther King Jr. when he said: "We must shift the arms race into a peace race." This historic shift has occurred! How Ghana will react to it will go a long way toward determining her future as a country, role in Africa and her future in the 21st century and beyond.


GPS has direct relevance to sustainable global economic growth, which is the subject of the G20 Summit in St. Petersburg. Economic growth for the entire global community is not possible without global peace. This is the first prerequisite and eternal and inexhaustible resource for this growth, revealed to all of nations by the relevant science - GPS. Humanity cannot live and grow further into the 21st century without global peace. This is a global turning point in human history from a military to a peaceful o­ne, defined by a new level of human thinking through a new paradigm of scientific reason.


History has exhausted all war alternatives, leaving o­nly a peaceful alternative for humanity. But it requires a corresponding science - GPS. Its rational choice and recognition history is first put in 2013 before the G20 Summit. Will the G20 accept it as a historical alternative? It now depends o­n each leader, from you personally, Mr. President.


The Governments of more than 200 years have nursed the science of war, which has now equipped mankind with a powerful military industrial complex embracing hundreds of millions of staff, with thousands of military academies and colleges including tens of thousands of military scientists and teachers and millions of listeners (officers and soldiers), and finally with a myriad, annually galloping military budget of trillions of dollars, whipping up an unrestrained arms race. This is an arsenal of war, prosperous primarily thanks to the military mind in the face of military science, consolidating a war arsenal with all its zillion resources.


An arsenal of peace, devoid of peace science, is not able to withstand the military arsenal and make a real alternative to war. After more than two centuries of military science, at the threshold of a single global society, economic growth of which depends from global peace, today, more than ever we feel the acutest necessity for Global Peace Science. Therefore, its initiation at the G20 Summit and its development under the G20 aegis and patronage meet today's most pressing need of humanity. The leaders of each state, if they want peace instead of war, can initiate the creation of this science under the G20 aegis, and thus push the governments of the world at least through 200 years after the military science to pay attention and make efforts into alternative directions of peace science.


This science is the best protection of the most important dignity and right of people - the right to global peace as the right to life, as opposed to deeply rooted reliance o­n a powerful arsenal of the war as the rites of death and murder and as the deepest humiliation of mankind.


Glory to our Lord! His Love is in Harmony and His Harmony is in Peace! He gives us Peace Science to strengthen the peace-loving spirit and mind of people at the threshold of a single global society!

Sincerely Yours,


Ayo Ayoola-Amale ESQ.

Vice President, GHA

President, GHA - Africa

Founder/President, Splendors of Dawn




Personal Page: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=524

........I am the Peace


Global Harmony Association (GHA)


August 16, 2013




Dr. Manmohan Singh,

Prime Minister of India,

Chairman, Planning Commission,

one of G20 Leaders of G20 Summit in Russia, 5-6 September,

St. Petersburg, Russia.



Indian initiative for the G20 Summit to create the Global Peace Science through democratic International Scientific Contest among more than 400 Peace Research Centres worldwide under G20 aegis as India world's highest peacebuilding prestige in the 21st century.


This idea is presented in detail in the Global Harmony Association (GHA) Open Letter by 57 members from 20 countries to the Russian presidency o­n G20 Summit for G20 leaders. We, as the GHA leaders in India, are pleased to send you this Letter (below) with a proposal to create the Global Peace Science (GPS), for which there are many prerequisites. It is published together with other documents for G20 here: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=582.


Respected Sir,


Global Peace Science for G20 and Humanity as a New Vision of Economic Growth, World Peace & Sustainability in the 21st Century. 


The futures of our planet and humanity are inseverable woven together. Armament, Poverty, Population explosion, Violence, Terrorism & Global warming are the major threats to humanity. The biggest agenda of 21st century is 'How to save the Humanity from war as the first threat'? It's time to focus o­n ‘Thinking together & Working together’ o­n Global Peace & Harmony to save the Humanity.


The main idea of ​​the GHA letter is that Global Peace Science is the new vision of building Global Harmonious Society of Peace, Growth & Sustainabilitythrough harmony. If G20 is dedicated to economic growth, then this growth of humanity as a single global society cannot exist in the 21st century without science ofglobalpeace. There is growing concern in the world about the future due to ever-increasing military spending. It is known that peace cannot be achieved by force, for it can o­nly be reached by reason.


India is becoming the super economic power in Asia and persisting as the greatest Peaceful & Spiritual country in the world. Our country and your work are known by the great peacemaking traditions and aspirations. Therefore, your support of this letter and your initiation of this important idea before the G20 leaders would be a greatest national achievement and your personal contribution to global peace in the 21st century.


Sustainable global economic growth, which is the subject of the G20 Summit in St. Petersburg is not possible without global peace as it is for this growth the first prerequisite and eternal and inexhaustible resource, revealed to all of the nations by the relevant science - GPS. Humanity cannot live and grow further into the 21st century without a global peace that can be understood and accepted for conscious everyday and worldwide building o­nly o­n the basis of relevant science - GPS. This is a global turning point in human history from a military to peaceful o­ne, defined by a new level of human thinking through new paradigm of scientific reason.


History has exhausted all war alternatives, leaving o­nly a peaceful alternative for humanity. But it requires a corresponding science - GPS. Its rational choice and recognition history is first put in 2013 before the G20 Summit. Will the G20 accept it as a historical alternative? It now depends o­n each leader, from you personally, Mr. Premier Minister especially.


The Governments of more than 200 years have nursed the science of war, which has now best equipped governments with a powerful military industrial complex embracing hundreds of millions of staff, with thousands of military academies and colleges including tens of thousands of military scientists and teachers and millions of listeners (officers and soldiers), and finally with a myriad, annually galloping military budget of trillions of dollars, whipping up an unrestrained arms race. This is an arsenal of war, prosperous primarily thanks to the military mind in the face of military science, consolidating a war arsenal with all its zillion resources. The war arsenal of any country creates a real opportunity for each government to start aggression against any other state, especially a neighbor, as well as within the country at any time. Constant realization of this violent opportunity is illustrated by throughout history, especially of the last century, in the heyday of military science as a top of aggressive mind. Peace mind still no closer to analogous top.


Therefore, an arsenal of peace, devoid of peace science, is not able to withstand the military arsenal and make a real alternative to war. After more than two centuries of military science, at the threshold of a single global society, economic growth of which depends from global peace, today, more than ever we feel the acutest necessity for Global Peace Science. Therefore, its initiation at the G20 Summit and its development under the G20 aegis and patronage meet today's most pressing need of humanity. The leaders of each state, if they want peace instead of war, can initiate the creation of this science under the G20 aegis.


You, as Prime Minister of o­ne of the most powerful and peace country in the world as no o­ne else have the most opportunities and foundations to initiate the creation of this science o­n the G20 Summit and thereby push the governments of the world at least through 200 years after the military science to pay attention and to make efforts into alternative direction of peace science.

We can not say that peace has no arsenal. In the 20th century, we see a strong international peace movement. So in the first half of the 20th century flourished Western European pacifism, which died along with the start of the World War II. After its ending the powerful World Peace Council under the USSR aegis blossomed, with the collapse of which in 1990 had died and this peace movement. Today it is represented by hundreds of peace research centers, institutions, foundations and societies, which, despite their importance and usefulness, are separated and fragmented for various reasons, but because are a very weak compared to the war arsenal. The death of previous peace movements and weakness of the modern o­nes can be explained o­nly by the lack of an integrating and consolidating power of mind in face of the Global Peace Science (GPS).


Your initiation of this science under the aegis of the G20 governments of world leading countries will underpin under the international peace movement of the 21st century this powerful consolidating scientific platform. Therefore, the peace science initiation at the G20 summit with any side is a turning milestone in the history of mankind, opening for it the alternative perspective of global peace instead of global war and permanent state of preparing war.


All of these world and national key perspectives of global peace depend now from your proposal at the G20 Summit the GPS creating.


Glory to our Lord! His Love is in Harmony and His Harmony is in a Peace! He gives us Peace Science to strengthen the peace-loving spirit and mind of people at the threshold of a single global society!


With kind regards


Sincerely Yours,


1. Dr. Surendra Pathak,

GHA Vice-President: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=249 &

President GHA-INDIA: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=481

Professor & Head, Department of Value Education, Director Research & Dean-Social Sciences - IASE Deemed University, Gandhi Vidya Mandir, Sardarshahar, 331401, Dist-Churu, Rajasthan, India, Phone: 01564 223625, Fax- 01564-220057, 2236827, Mobile: +91-9414086007,

E-mail: pathak06@gmail.com

Website: www.iaseuniversity.org.in, www.gandhividyamandir.org.in, www.bttc-gvm.org.in/, www.iaseve.org.in, http://iaseuniversity.academia.edu/SurendraPathak


2. Dr. Subhash Chandra,
Scientist, Author & Peace maker

GHA Ambassador of Peace and Disarmament from Harmony:

Director, Global Peace & Interfaith Harmony Project (GPIH India):


Director - GHA International Research Project CSSS 2013


Convener, Global Peace Foundation, India; www.globalpeacefestival.org, www.globalpeace.org,
International Coordinator, WWA- World without Anger: www.worldwithoutanger.org,

M-+91 99102 41586

E-mail: schandra101@gmal.com


Asociación para la Armonía Global (GHA)



August 17, 2013

Sr. D. Mariano RAJOY BREY

Presidente del Gobierno

Palacio de la Moncloa



Estimado Señor Presidente del Gobierno:


 Quiero dirigirme a usted para presentarle el proyecto de Ciencia de la Paz Global (GPS en inglés). Esta iniciativa está recogida en la Carta Abierta de la GHA (Global Harmony Association) a los líderes del G-20 que se reunirán en su próxima Cumbre en Rusia, San Petersburgo, los días 5 y 6 de septiembre de 2013. Esta Carta Abierta está firmada por 57 miembros de la GHA procedentes de 20 países (de los que formo parte) y se ha enviado el día 5 de agosto de 2013. Puede consultarse aquí: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=582


Para el mundo se muestra una nueva forma de crear una Ciencia de la Paz Global (GPS) y España, como país invitado en la próxima cumbre del G20, debe formar parte de este grupo inicial de países de la comunidad internacional que quieren crear una paz duradera y sostenible. Con la GPS se pretende resolver en gran medida la falta de armonía y la falta de paz que azota a muchos Estado con los que España mantiene relaciones. Estoy convencido de que la participación de España en este proyecto aumentará nuestro prestigio mundial y autoridad internacional. La iniciativa de la GPS se ha convertido en mundialmente famosa, y no solamente ha atraído la atención de los líderes del G-20 en la Carta Abierta de la GHA sino también en los mensajes personales al presidente Barack Obama y al secretario de Estado John Kerry, a los presidentes de Rusia, Argentina y Francia, a los primeros ministros de la India, Italia, Japón, etc., y también en las redes sociales del mundo. Se trata de una nueva era de la humanidad, "una carrera hacia la paz", que toma el lugar de la "carrera armamentista" que fue ya vaticinada por Martin Luther King Jr.: "Debemos cambiar la carrera de armamentos en una carrera de la paz". Este cambio histórico ha ocurrido!.


La GPS tiene relación directa con el crecimiento económico mundial sostenible, que es el tema de la Cumbre del G-20 en San Petersburgo. El crecimiento económico para toda la comunidad mundial no es posible sin la paz mundial. Este es el primer requisito y fuente eterna e inagotable de este crecimiento, revelado a todas las naciones por la ciencia relevante – la GPS. La humanidad no puede vivir y crecer aún más en el siglo 21, sin una paz mundial que se pueda entender y sea accesible sólo a través de esta ciencia. Este es un punto de inflexión global en la historia humana que debe pasar de lo militar a lo pacífico como un nuevo nivel del pensamiento humano a través del nuevo paradigma de la razón científica.


La historia ha agotado todas las alternativas de la guerra, dejando una alternativa pacífica para la humanidad. Pero se requiere una ciencia correspondiente –la GPS. Su elección racional y el historial de su reconocimiento se ponen en marcha por primera vez en 2013, antes de la Cumbre del G-20. ¿Puede el G20 aceptarlo como una alternativa histórica? Ahora depende de cada líder, de usted personalmente, señor Presidente.


Una iniciativa de la paz, carente aún de la ciencia de la paz no será capaz de soportar el arsenal militar y ser una verdadera alternativa a la guerra. Después de más de dos siglos de ciencia militar, en el umbral de una sociedad global, el crecimiento económico depende de la paz mundial, y hoy más que nunca se siente la necesidad más que urgente de crear la Ciencia para la Paz Global. Por lo tanto, su iniciación en la Cumbre del G-20 y su desarrollo en el marco del G-20 satisfará las necesidades más apremiantes de la humanidad de hoy. Los líderes de cada Estado, si quieren la paz y no la guerra, pueden iniciar la creación de esta ciencia en el marco del G20, y así empujar a los gobiernos del mundo, al menos a prestar atención y hacer esfuerzos en dirección hacia esta alternativa de la ciencia para la paz global.

Esta ciencia es la mejor protección de la dignidad más importante y el derecho de las personas - el derecho a la paz mundial como el derecho a la vida, en lugar seguir con el poderoso arsenal de la guerra que no conduce más que a la muerte y al asesinato, y a la humillación más profunda de la humanidad.



Dr. Dr. Justo Bolekia Boleka

Professor of French Studies at the Universty of Salamanca (www.usal.es)

Philologist, Poet and Writer (www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Justo_Bolekia_Boleka)

Diasporan Correspodant of Splendors of Dawn (www.splendorsofdawnpf.org)

Visiting Scholar at the University of Ghana (www.ug.edu.gh)

Vice-President and Chief Executive Officer of GHA-Africa


Advisor of EGJustice (www.egjustice.org/our-team)

Email: bolekiaj@usal.es,

Dr. Justo Bolekia Boleka’s English translation of the Spanish PM answer:




Jorge Moragas

Cabinet Director of

the Prime Minister


September 12, 2013


Dear Mr. Bolekia Boleká:


Again, I am contacting you to thank you for letter addressed to me o­n the

occasion of the celebration of the G20 summit in St. Petersburg o­n 5 and 6

September 2013, as well as the information attached and addressed to the

President of the Government (Prime Minister) about the Project of Global

Peace Science (GPS), and which we have read with interest.

With best wishes, Yours faithfully,



Asociación para la Armonía Global (GHA)



17 de septiembre de 2013



D. Mariano RAJOY BREY, Presidente del Gobierno de España


Estimado Presidente Rajoy:


La Asociación para la Armonía Global le está profundamente agradecida por su interés en la Ciencia de la Paz Global, interés que entendemos como su conformidad acerca de esta ciencia. Esto le convierte en el primer líder mundial en la historia y en esta dirección. Su interés pone a nuestro gran país a la cabeza del liderazgo mundial de los constructores de la paz en el siglo XXI. La Asociación para la Armonía Global (GHA) aprecia altamente su contribución única para la paz global.


Estamos convencidos de que podría usted desarrollar su contribución singular de la paz hacia dos direcciones:


La primera vía es iniciar, ante la próxima Asamblea General de la o­nU, la creación de esta ciencia bajo los auspicios de las Naciones Unidas o de la Unesco, por ejemplo, en la Sección de Ciencias Sociales de la Unesco, mediante la incorporación del Instituto Científico Internacional para la Paz Global, con 15-20 científicos, y que pudiera organizar un debate científico internacional. Sus detalles aparecen en la Carta Abierta a los líderes del G20, a la que se puede acceder desde aquí: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=582


La segunda vía es crear, en España, el Instituto Científico Internacional para la Paz Global, con 15-20 científicos y bajo el liderazgo del Presidente de la GHA. Esto convertiría a España en el país líder a nivel mundial en el siglo 21 como promotora de paz.


Cualquiera de estas vías sacará a la humanidad del “sistema mundial de guerra al sistema de paz global”, tal como ha sido definido por el famoso filósofo americano Dr. Glen Martin.


Cada una de estas vías acabará, parafraseando a nuestro gran compatriota Francisco de Goya, con los monstruos de la guerra de los siglos 20 y 21, que fueron creados por el adormecimiento de la razón de la paz. La Ciencia de Paz Global permitirá el resurgimiento de esta razón. Y esto será algo personalmente realizado por usted y por España.


Cada una de estas vías iniciará la conversión de la transición humanitaria de la historia militar a la historia de paz basada en la Ciencia de Paz Global. España será pionera en este paso decisivo. Creo que sería la más digna y noble misión para España en el siglo 21!


Además, la creación de dicho Instituto Científico Internacional para la Paz Global (con las iniciales IGPI en inglés) podría contribuir a la búsqueda de soluciones de la crisis económica que desafortunadamente asola nuestro país, mediante la reducción gradual del gasto militar.


Apelando a su comprensión, le saludo atentamente.


Dr. Dr. Justo Bolekia Boleká

GHA Vice-President,

Professor of French Studies at the University of Salamanca (www.usal.es)

Philologist, Poet and Writer (www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Justo_Bolekia_Boleka)

Diasporan Correspondent of Splendors of Dawn (www.splendorsofdawnpf.org)

Visiting Scholar at the University of Ghana (www.ug.edu.gh)

Vice-President and Chief Executive Officer of GHA-Africa


Advisor of EGJustice (www.egjustice.org/our-team)

Salamanca, Spain.


Global Harmony Association (GHA)



September 17, 2013



Mr. Mariano RAJOY BREY, Prime Minister of Spain


Dear Mr. M. Rajoy,


Global Harmony Association (GHA) is deeply grateful you for your interest in the Global Peace Science, which we understand as your acceptance of the need of this science. It makes you the first world leader in history in this direction. It also puts our great country in modern peacemaking leader of the 21st century. GHA highly appreciates your unique contribution to global peace.


We think you could develop your unique peace contribution in two ways:


The first way is to initiate at the nearest UN General Assembly the creation of this science under aegis of the UN or UNESCO, within them, for example, in the Social Sciences Sector of UNESCO through establishing in it the International Scientific Institute for Global Peace of 15-20 scientists, which can organize an international scientific contest for this science. Its details are presented in the GHA Open Letter to G20 leaders here:



The second way is to create the International Scientific Institute for Global Peace of 15-20 scientists in Spain under the GHA President leadership. It will provide Spain the peacemaking leadership in the world in the 21st century.


Any of these ways will release humanity from "the global war-system for a global peace system", as it has been defined by the famous American philosopher Dr. Glen Martin.


Any o­ne of them would end, paraphrasing our great compatriot Francisco de Goya, to the militaristic monsters of the 20th and 21st centuries, which was produced by the sleep of peace reason. The Global Peace Science will awaken this reason. And this will be done by you personally and Spain!


Any o­ne of them will start of turning humanity's transition from military to peaceful history based o­n the Global Peace Science. Spain will be the pioneer in transition of this historic Rubicon. I think it will be the most worthy and noble mission for Spain in the 21st century!


Furthermore, the creation of the International Scientific Institute for Global Peace (IGPI) could contribute to find solutions to the economic crisis that unfortunately plague our country, by the gradual reduction of military spending.


With hope for your understanding,


Sincerely Yours,


Dr. Dr. Justo Bolekia Boleká

GHA Vice-President,

Professor of French Studies at the University of Salamanca (www.usal.es)

Philologist, Poet and Writer (www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Justo_Bolekia_Boleka)

Diasporan Correspondent of Splendors of Dawn (www.splendorsofdawnpf.org)

Visiting Scholar at the University of Ghana (www.ug.edu.gh)

Vice-President and Chief Executive Officer of GHA-Africa


Advisor of EGJustice (www.egjustice.org/our-team)

Salamanca, Spain.



Association pour l'Harmonie Globale (AHG)



18 août 2013


À: François Hollande

Président de la République française



Initiative de la France pour créer la Science globale de paix par le concours démocratique des scientifique-conciliateurs dans le monde entier sous l'égide du G20 comme prestige le plus élevé pour le monde au 21ème siècle.


Monsieur le Président de la République française,


Notre pays peut entrer dans l'histoire comme premier initiateur du monde de la Science globale de paix. Cette initiative est offerte dans la lettre ouverte du GHA auprès de tous les dirigeants du G20 et des leaders mondiaux, à l'occasion du prochain sommet G20 en Russie, St Petersburg, 5-6 septembre 2013, signés par 57 membres du GHA de 20 pays et élaboré le 5 août 2013. Elle est ci-dessous et éditée ici: (GPS) www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=582


GPS a la pertinence directe avec la croissance économique globale viable, qui est le sujet du sommet G20 à St Petersburg. La croissance économique pour la communauté globale entière n'est pas possible sans paix globale. C'est le premier préalable et la ressource éternelle et inépuisable à cette croissance, indiqués à toutes les nations par la science appropriée - GPS. L'humanité ne peut pas vivre et se développer autre dans le 21ème siècle sans paix globale, qui peut être comprise et acceptée par toutes les nations de la terre seulement par la science semblable. C'est un tournant global en histoire du homme de la compétition militaire à un ordre mondial paisible, défini par un nouveau niveau de la pensée humaine par un nouveau paradigme de raison scientifique.


La paix exige une science correspondante - GPS. Son histoire rationnelle de choix et de reconnaissance est d'abord mise en 2013 avant le sommet G20. Le G20 l'acceptera-t-il comme alternative historique ? Il dépend maintenant de chaque chef, et de vous personnellement : Monsieur le Président.


Par conséquent, un arsenal de paix, exempt de la science de paix, ne peut pas résister à l'arsenal militaire et faire une vraie alternative à la guerre. Après plus de deux siècles de la science militaire, au seuil d'une société globale simple, la croissance économique dont dépend de la paix globale, aujourd'hui, plus que jamais nous sentent la nécessité la plus aiguë pour la Science globale de paix. Par conséquent, son initiation au sommet G20 et son développement sous l'égide G20 et le patronage répondent d'aujourd'hui à la plupart de nécessité pressante de l'humanité. Les chefs de chaque état, s'ils veulent la paix au lieu de la guerre, peuvent lancer la création de cette science sous l'égide G20, et Inciter ainsi les gouvernements du monde pour prêter l'attention et pour transformer des efforts en direction alternative de la science de paix.


Cette science est la meilleure protection de la dignité et du droit les plus importants des personnes - la droit à la paix globale comme droit à la vie, par opposition à la confiance profondément enracinée dans un arsenal puissant de la guerre comme droit à la mort et au meurtre et comme humiliation la plus profonde de l'humanité.


Vous pouvez apporter votre contribution à l’épopée humaine en vous engageant au service de cette science de paix et d’harmonie et en incitant vos collègues Chefs d’Etat à faire de même pour renforcer l'esprit et l' pacifique des personnes au seuil d'une société globale harmonieuse en gagnant progressivement des millions de consciences à cette fin.


Notre pays : la France, a des responsabilités importantes pour la paix comme membre permanent du Conseil de sécurité de l’ONU ; la France est regardée de par le monde comme un pays phare du respect des droits humains. C’est en France, que fut rédigée la déclaration des droits de l’homme et du citoyen durant la grande révolution française : les grands principes de : liberté –égalité fraternité ne peuvent avoir du sens que dans un contexte harmonieux. Dans notre histoire : de grands intellectuels et scientifiques, de grands écrivains se sont engagés au service de la paix sans aller trop loin en arrière de Victor HUGO, à Marie CURIE, Charles PEGUY, Albert CAMUS……


Avec mes sentiments respectueux.



Poète, écrivain observateur social

Représentant GHA en France

Messager de la paix de l’UNESCO

Lauréat de L’Académie Européenne des arts

Docteur Honoris Causa de l’Académie mondiale de la culture et des arts

Médaillé d’or de la société académique française Arts-Sciences –lettres

Membre de la société internationale des artistes et auteurs

Représentant français d’ONG internationales de paix et d’harmonie.




Global Harmony Association (GHA)



August 19, 2013



Mr. Barack Obama, USA President, 2009 Nobel Peace Laureate



Your initiative as the Nobel Peace Laureate for the G20 Summit o­n September 5-6 in St-Petersburg to create the Global Peace Science through democratic International Scientific Contest of more than 400 Peace Research Centres worldwide under G20 aegis as the USA world's highest peacebuilding prestige in the 21st century.


This idea is presented in detail in the Global Harmony Association (GHA) Open Letter by 57 members from 20 countries to the Russian presidency o­n G20 Summit for G20 leaders. I am pleased to send you this Letter (below) with a proposal to create the Global Peace Science (GPS), for which there are many prerequisites. This letter is published together with other documents for G20 here: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=582.


Dear Mr. President, o­nly o­ne Nobel Peace Laureate among G20 leaders,


This GHA Letter is intended to all the G20 Leaders but first to Russian Presidency, i.e. to President Putin. However, I think, he will not be able to initiate this key peace idea o­n the G20 Summit. You are the best initiator of this turn for humanity peace proposal as the Nobel Peace Laureate. You could initiate this idea before the Summit (for example 2-4 September) and make the USA the world leader of global peace and pioneer of the Global Peace Science (GPS) in human history. This historical event will be connected with your name forever.


Now, when to the world is shown a way to create GPS and its first in history the sample, this science will be established by the international community with a relentless necessity - it's a question of the nearest future o­nly. The initiation of GPS o­n G20 will strengthen world prestige and international authority of the USA. If USA and Russia does not use this historic chance in 2013, then any other Chairman of the G20 in the coming years can use this advantage. It is inevitable. Especially now, when the GPS initiative has become world famous and brought to the G20 leaders attention in many letters and publication about it. Your initiative will open a new era of humanity, "a peace race," which takes place of "the arms race" that was foreseen by Martin Luther King Jr.: "We must shift the arms race into a peace race." This historic shift will occur by your initiative, which will define the world history not o­nly in the 21st century.


GPS has direct relevance to sustainable global economic growth, which is the subject of the G20 Summit in St. Petersburg. Economic growth of the USA is not possible without global peace as it is for this growth the first prerequisite and eternal and inexhaustible resource, revealed to all of the nations by the relevant science - GPS. USA cannot live and grow further into the 21st century without abrupt cuts in military spending together with their reduction in all countries, i.e. without a global peace that can be understood and accessible for conscious everyday and widespread building o­nly o­n the basis of relevant science - GPS. This is a global turning point in human history from a military to peaceful o­ne, defined by a new level of human thinking through new paradigm of scientific reason.


History has exhausted all war alternatives, leaving o­nly a peaceful alternative for humanity. But it requires a corresponding science - GPS. Its rational choice and recognition history is first put in 2013 before the G20 Summit. Will the G20 accept it as a historical alternative? It now depends o­nly from you great peace initiative as the Nobel Peace Laureate, Mr. President.


The USA has many other global social achievements, which find, o­n the o­ne hand, the scientific and theoretical basis in the GPS, and o­n the other hand, open up new areas for its practical application. These achievements include:

  1. The USA bill about U.S. Dept. of Peacebuilding, which was supported by California Democratic Party:


  1. The oldest International Association of Educators for World Peace born in the USA and including the teachers worldwide (http://iaewp-19thpeace-summit.webs.com)
  2. Systems of Harmony Public Schools in Texas and Louisiana (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harmony_Science_Academy)
  3. Project of economical justice, developed with Reagan times by Center of Economical and Social Justice as the Third Way (http://www.cesj.org)
  4. Interfaith and interspiritual movement in the USA since 1990 (http://www.thecominginterspiritualage.com/)
  5. Annual National Harmony Festivals of arts in California (http://www.harmonyfestival.com)
  6. The Earth Constitution of the World Constitution and Parliament Association in the USA (www.wcpa.biz)
  7. Hundreds of the USA peace research centres, institutions, foundations and societies and so long.

This GPS could also be a new and strong bridge for the improvement and development of peaceful relations with Russia, China and other countries and to overcome pesky small obstacles as such occasion with Snowden, which is not comparable with the value of the global peace.


The Governments of more than 200 years have nursed the science of war, which has now best equipped governments with a powerful military industrial complex embracing hundreds of millions of staff, with thousands of military academies and colleges including tens of thousands of military scientists and teachers and millions of listeners (officers and soldiers), and finally with a myriad, annually galloping military budget of trillions of dollars, whipping up an unrestrained arms race. This is an arsenal of war, prosperous primarily thanks to the military mind in the face of military science, consolidating a war arsenal with all its zillion resources. The war arsenal of any country creates a real opportunity for each government to start aggression against any other state, especially a neighbor, as well as within the country at any time. Constant realization of this violent opportunity is illustrated by throughout history, especially of the last century, in the heyday of military science as a top of aggressive mind. Peace mind still no closer to analogous top.


Therefore, an arsenal of peace, devoid of peace science, is not able to withstand the military arsenal and make a real alternative to war. After more than two centuries of military science, at the threshold of a single global society, economic growth of which depends from global peace, today, more than ever we feel the acutest necessity for Global Peace Science. Therefore, its initiation at the G20 Summit and its development under the G20 aegis and patronage meet today's most pressing need of humanity. The leaders of each state, if they want peace instead of war, can initiate the creation of this science under the G20 aegis.


You, as Nobel Peace Laureate and President of the most powerful country in the world as no o­ne else have the most opportunities and foundations to initiate the creation of this science o­n the G20 Summit and thereby push the governments of the world at least through 200 years after the military science to pay attention and to make efforts into alternative direction of peace science.


We can not say that peace has no arsenal. In the 20th century, we see a strong international peace movement. So in the first half of the 20th century flourished Western European pacifism, which died along with the start of the World War II. After its ending the powerful World Peace Council under the USSR aegis blossomed, with the collapse of which in 1990 had died and this peace movement. Today it is represented by hundreds of peace research centers, institutions, foundations and societies, which, despite their importance and usefulness, are separated and fragmented for various reasons, but because are a very weak compared to the war arsenal. The death of previous peace movements and weakness of the modern o­nes can be explained o­nly by the lack of an integrating and consolidating power of mind in face of the Global Peace Science (GPS).


Your initiation of this science under the aegis of the G20 governments of world leading countries will underpin under the international peace movement of the 21st century as powerful consolidating scientific platform. Therefore, the peace science initiation at the G20 summit with any side is a turning milestone in the history of mankind, opening for it the alternative perspective of global peace instead of global war and permanent state of preparing war.


All of these world and national key perspectives of global peace depend from your initiative as the Nobel Peace Laureate with the GPS creating at the G20 Summit in this year.


Sincerely Yours,


Bruce L. Cook, Ph.D.

President, GHA-USA

Vice-President, GHA

Director of CSSS Publishing and Editorial team

President, World Writers Resources, Inc.

Author, Harmony of Nations: 1943 – 2020, Just Fiction Editions, 2012

1407 Getzelman Drive

Elgin, IL 60123 USA







Global Harmony Association (GHA)



August 22, 2013



Mr. Vladimir Putin, President of Russia, Chairman of the G20 Summit, 5-6 September, St. Petersburg



Russian initiative to create the Global Peace Science under G20 aegis as the world's highest prestige of the country in the 21st century.


Respected Sir,


Global Peace Science for G20 and Humanity as a New Vision of Economic Growth, World Peace & Sustainability in the 21st Century.


Russia may go down in history as the world's first initiator of the Global Peace Science (GPS). This initiative is offered in the GHA Open Letter to the Russian presidency o­n G20, signed by 57 members of the GHA from 20 countries and sent o­n August 5, 2013. It is published in two languages here:

In Russian: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=605

In English: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=582


The futures of our planet and humanity are inseverable woven together. Armament, Poverty, Population explosion, Violence, Terrorism & Global warming are the major threats to humanity. The biggest agenda of 21st century is 'How to save the Humanity from the destruction of nuclear threat'? It's time to focus o­n ‘Thinking together & Working together’ o­n Global Peace & Harmony to save the Humanity through Global Culture of Peace & Harmony.


Respected Sir, I am forwarding a copy of the letter addressed to “Dr. Manmohan Singh, Prime Minister of India, Chairman, Planning Commission,” o­n Global Peace Science for G20 and Humanity for World Peace & Sustainable Future in the 21st Century for your kind information & your kind support.


Sir, You as President of Russia o­ne of the most powerful and peace country in the world & Chairman of the G20 Summit can provide a new vision & new direction to the Global Leaders for developing Harmonious world & Sustainable future.


Greetings of Peace & Harmony to all.


With Kind Regards.

Sincerely Yours


Subhash Chandra

Dr. Subhash Chandra,
Scientist, Author & Peace maker

GHA Ambassador of Peace and Disarmament from Harmony:

Director - GHA International Research Project CSSS 2013


Director, Global Peace & Interfaith Harmony Project (GPIH India):


Convener, Global Peace Foundation, India; www.globalpeacefestival.org, www.globalpeace.org,

International Coordinator, WWA- World without Anger: www.worldwithoutanger.org,



Global Harmony Association (GHA)



Monday, August 26, 2013


Mr. Muhammad Nawaz Sharif

Prime Minister of Pakistan

Prime Minister Secretariat,

P.M. House, Islamabad.


Respected Sir,






This idea is presented in detail in the Global Harmony Association (GHA) Open Letter by 57 members from 20 countries to the Russian Presidency o­n G20 Summit for G20 Leaders. I as the GHA Member in Pakistan feel pleasure to send you this letter with a proposal to support and to create the Global Peace Science (GPS), for which there are many prerequisites. It is published together with other documents for G20 here: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=582.


Further consideration: Global Peace Science for G20 and Humanity as a New Vision of Economic Growth, World Peace & Sustainability in the 21st Century.


The futures of our planet and humanity are inseverable woven together. Armament, Poverty, Population explosion, Violence, Terrorism & Global warming are the major threats to humanity. The biggest agenda of 21st century is ‘How to save the Humanity from war as the first threat? It’s time to focus o­n ‘Thinking together & Working together’ o­n Global Peace & Harmony to save the Humanity’.


The main idea of the GHA letter is that Global Peace Science is the new vision of building Global Harmonious Society of Peace, Growth & Sustainability through harmony. If G20 is dedicated to economic growth, then this growth of humanity as a single global society cannot exist in the 21st century without science of global peace. There is growing concern in the world about the future due to ever-increasingmilitary spending. It is known that peace cannot be achieved by force, for it can o­nly be reached by reason.


Sir, we are peace loving, as also greatest peaceful and spiritual country in Asia, rather in the world. Our country and your work are known by the Peacemaking traditions and aspirations. Therefore your support and your initiation of this important idea before the G20 leaders would be a great achievement o­n our part and your personal contribution to global peace in the 21st century.


Sir, sustainable global economic growth, which is the subject of the G20 Summit in St. Petersburg is not possible without global peace as it is for this growth the first prerequisite and eternal and inexhaustible resource, revealed to all of the nations by the relevant science – GPS. Humanity cannot live and grow further into the 21st century without a global peace that can be understood and accepted for conscious everyday and worldwide building o­nly o­n the basis of relevant science – GPS. This is global turning point in human history from a military to peaceful o­ne, defined by a new level of human thinking through new paradigm of scientific reason.


History has exhausted all war alternatives, leaving o­nly a peaceful alternative for humanity. But it requires a corresponding science – GPS. Its rational choice and recognition history is first put in 2013 before the G20 Summit. A question arise will the G20 accept it as a historical alternative?


Therefore, an arsenal of peace, devoid of peace science, is not able to withstand the military arsenal and make a real alternative to war. After more than two centuries of military science, at the threshold of a single global society, economic growth of which depends from global peace, today, more than ever we feel the acutest necessity for Global Peace Science. Therefore, its initiation at the G20 Summit and its development under the G20 aegis and patronage meet today’s most pressing need of humanity. The leaders of each state, if they want peace instead of war, can initiate the creation of this science under the G20 aegis.


Sir, you, as a Prime Minister (3rd time) of o­ne of the most peace loving country in the world as no o­ne else have the most opportunities and foundations to initiate the creation of this science o­n the G20 Summit and thereby push the governments of the world at least through 200 years after the military science, pay attention and make efforts into alternative direction of peace science.


We cannot say that peace has no arsenal. In the 20th century, we see a strong international peace movement. So in the first half of the 20th century flourished Western European pacifism, which died along with the start of the World War II. After its ending the powerful World Peace Council under the USSR aegis blossomed, with the collapse of which in 1990 had died and this peace movement. Today it is represented by hundreds of peace research centers, institutions, foundations and societies, which, despite their importance and usefulness, are separated and fragmented for various reasons, but because are a very weak compared to the war arsenal. The death of pervious peace movements and weakness of the modern o­nes can be explained o­nly by the lack of an integrating and consolidating power of mind in face of the Global Peace Science (GPS).


Your initiation of this science under the aegis of the G20 governments of world leading countries will underpin under the international peace movement of the 21st century this powerful consolidating scientific platform. Therefore, the peace science initiation at the G20 summit with any side is a turning milestone in the history of mankind, opening for it the alternative perspective of global peace instead of global war and permanent state of preparing war.


All of these world and national key perspectives of global peace depend now from your proposal at the G20 Summit the GPS creating.


Glory to our Lord! His Love is in Harmony and His Harmony is in a Peace! He gives us Peace Science to strength the peace-loving spirit and mind of people at the threshold of a single global society in the offing.


With kind regards,


Sincerely yours,


Muhammad Yunus Khan

Member: Global Harmony Association (GHA).

Chairman, Urdu, Sindhi Adabi Foundation, Karachi.

Advocate, Sindh High Court, Karachi.

Address: Office No. 303 – 302,

Al-Amin Tower, 3rd floor,

Gulshan-e-Iqbal Block-10,

NIPA Chowrangi,

Karachi- 75300.

Office Tel. No. 021-34832178.

E-mail: yunushavaida@gmail.com


Enclosures :

1.Emblem: Peace from Harmony.

2.GHAOpen Letter.


Global Harmony Association (GHA)



August 27, 2013


His Excellency Mr. Vladimir PUTIN

Russian President and President of the G20 Summit.

Moscow (Russia)




 Quiero dirigirme a usted para presentarle el proyecto de Ciencia de la Paz Global (GPS en inglés). Esta iniciativa está recogida en la Carta Abierta de la GHA (Global Harmony Association) a los líderes del G-20 que se reunirán en su próxima Cumbre en Rusia, San Petersburgo, los días 5 y 6 de septiembre de 2013. Esta Carta Abierta está firmada por 57 miembros de la GHA procedentes de 20 países (de los que formo parte) y se ha enviado el día 5 de agosto de 2013. Puede consultarse aquí: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=582


Para el mundo se muestra una nueva forma de crear una Ciencia de la Paz Global (GPS) y Rusia, como país anfitrión de la próxima cumbre del G20, debe formar parte de este grupo inicial de países de la comunidad internacional que quieren crear una paz duradera y sostenible. Con la GPS se pretende resolver en gran medida la falta de armonía y la falta de paz que azota a muchos Estado con los que Rusia mantiene relaciones. Estoy convencido de que la participación de Rusia en este proyecto aumentará su prestigio mundial y autoridad internacional. La iniciativa de la GPS se ha convertido en mundialmente famosa, y no solamente ha atraído la atención de los líderes del G-20 en la Carta Abierta de la GHA sino también en los mensajes personales al presidente Barack Obama y al secretario de Estado John Kerry, a los presidentes de Argentina y Francia, a los primeros ministros de la India, Italia, Japón, etc., y también en las redes sociales del mundo. Se trata de una nueva era de la humanidad, "una carrera hacia la paz", que toma el lugar de la "carrera armamentista" que fue ya vaticinada por Martin Luther King Jr.: "Debemos cambiar la carrera de armamentos en una carrera de la paz". Este cambio histórico ha ocurrido!.


La GPS tiene relación directa con el crecimiento económico mundial sostenible, que es el tema de la Cumbre del G-20 en San Petersburgo. El crecimiento económico para toda la comunidad mundial no es posible sin la paz mundial. Este es el primer requisito y fuente eterna e inagotable de este crecimiento, revelado a todas las naciones por la ciencia relevante – la GPS. La humanidad no puede vivir y crecer aún más en el siglo 21, sin una paz mundial que se pueda entender y sea accesible sólo a través de esta ciencia. Este es un punto de inflexión global en la historia humana que debe pasar de lo militar a lo pacífico como un nuevo nivel del pensamiento humano a través del nuevo paradigma de la razón científica.


La historia ha agotado todas las alternativas de la guerra, dejando una alternativa pacífica para la humanidad. Pero se requiere una ciencia correspondiente –la GPS. Su elección racional y el historial de su reconocimiento se ponen en marcha por primera vez en 2013, antes de la Cumbre del G-20. ¿Puede el G20 aceptarlo como una alternativa histórica? Ahora depende de cada líder, de usted personalmente, señor Presidente.


Una iniciativa de la paz, carente aún de la ciencia de la paz no será capaz de soportar el arsenal militar y ser una verdadera alternativa a la guerra. Después de más de dos siglos de ciencia militar, en el umbral de una sociedad global, el crecimiento económico depende de la paz mundial, y hoy más que nunca se siente la necesidad más que urgente de crear la Ciencia para la Paz Global. Por lo tanto, su iniciación en la Cumbre del G-20 y su desarrollo en el marco del G-20 satisfará las necesidades más apremiantes de la humanidad de hoy. Los líderes de cada Estado, si quieren la paz y no la guerra, pueden iniciar la creación de esta ciencia en el marco del G20, y así empujar a los gobiernos del mundo, al menos a prestar atención y hacer esfuerzos en dirección hacia esta alternativa de la ciencia para la paz global.

Esta ciencia es la mejor protección de la dignidad más importante y el derecho de las personas - el derecho a la paz mundial como el derecho a la vida, en lugar seguir con el poderoso arsenal de la guerra que no conduce más que a la muerte y al asesinato, y a la humillación más profunda de la humanidad.




Dr. Dr. Justo Bolekia Boleka

Professor of French Studies at the Universty of Salamanca (www.usal.es)

Philologist, Poet and Writer (www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Justo_Bolekia_Boleka)

Diasporan Correspodant of Splendors of Dawn (www.splendorsofdawnpf.org)

Visiting Scholar at the University of Ghana (www.ug.edu.gh)

Vice-President and Chief Executive Officer of GHA-Africa


Advisor of EGJustice (www.egjustice.org/our-team)

Salamanca, Spain


Global Harmony Association (GHA)



August 27, 2013


Dra. Cristina Fernández de Kirchner




Señora Presidenta:


Cuando todos los ciudadanos del mundo trabajemos mano a mano por fines nobles y pacíficos, allí se podrá lograr el objetivo. Esto lo hemos visto claramente con el tema de las inundaciones en la ciudad de la Plata y en la explosión de Rosario.


Allí todos hemos visto comola sociedad se une en el dolor y envía ayuda. Como se crean naturalmente estos puentes de amor y como desaparecen las fronteras falsas, geográficas o políticas. Solo queda el amor. Nada más, amor que da vida. El amor nace del corazón y el camino es el puente entre corazones. Para eso hay que educarnos en este sentimiento, enseñarles a los chicos a leer su propio interior, a ser profundos dentro de un mundo altamente hueco y economicista que busca dinero para satisfacer el confort. Esta evolución interior lleva a una madurez pacífica y cálida, tierna y armonizadora. Puede lograrse por medio de la educación y para eso estamos trabajando los miembros de GHApara vivir el mundo en su aspecto humano a nivel masivo y académico.


Por eso:


 Quiero dirigirme a usted para presentarle el proyecto deCiencia de la Paz Global (GPS en inglés). Esta iniciativa está recogida en la Carta Abierta de la GHA (Global Harmony Association) a los líderes del G-20 que se reunirán en su próxima Cumbre en Rusia, San Petersburgo, los días 5 y 6 de septiembre de 2013. Esta Carta Abierta está firmada por 57 miembros de la GHA procedentes de 20 países (de los que formo parte) y se ha enviado el día 5 de agosto de 2013.

Puede consultarse aquí: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=582


Para el mundo se muestra una nueva forma de crear una Ciencia de la Paz Global (GPS) y Argentina, como país invitado en la próxima cumbre del G20, debe formar parte de este grupo inicial de países de la comunidad internacional que quieren crear una paz duradera y sostenible. Con la GPS se pretende resolver en gran medida la falta de armonía y la falta de paz que azota a muchos Estado con los que España mantiene relaciones. Estoy convencido de que la participación de Argentina en este proyecto aumentará nuestro prestigio mundial y autoridad internacional. La iniciativa de la GPS se ha convertido en mundialmente famosa, y no solamente ha atraído la atención de los líderes del G-20 en la Carta Abierta de la GHA sino también en los mensajes personales al presidente Barack Obama y al secretario de Estado John Kerry, a los presidentes de Rusiay Francia, a los primeros ministros de la India, Italia, Japón, etc., y también en las redes sociales del mundo. Se trata de una nueva era de la humanidad, "una carrera hacia la paz", que toma el lugar de la "carrera armamentista" que fue ya vaticinada por Martin Luther King Jr.: "Debemos cambiar la carrera de armamentos en una carrera de la paz". Este cambio histórico ha ocurrido.


La GPS tiene relación directa con el crecimiento económico mundial sostenible, que es el tema de la Cumbre del G-20 en San Petersburgo. El crecimiento económico para toda la comunidad mundial no es posible sin la paz mundial. Este es el primer requisito y fuente eterna e inagotable de este crecimiento, revelado a todas las naciones por la ciencia relevante – la GPS. La humanidad no puede vivir y crecer aún más en el siglo 21, sin una paz mundial que se pueda entender y sea accesible sólo a través de esta ciencia. Este es un punto de inflexión global en la historia humana que debe pasar de lo militar a lo pacífico como un nuevo nivel del pensamiento humano a través del nuevo paradigma de la razón científica.


La historia ha agotado todas las alternativas de la guerra, dejando una alternativa pacífica para la humanidad. Pero se requiere una ciencia correspondiente –la GPS. Su elección racional y el historial de su reconocimiento se ponen en marcha por primera vez en 2013, antes de la Cumbre del G-20. ¿Puede el G20 aceptarlo como una alternativa histórica? Ahora depende de cada líder, de usted personalmente, Señora Presidenta.


Una iniciativa de la paz, carente aún de la ciencia de la paz no será capaz de soportar el arsenal militar y ser una verdadera alternativa a la guerra. Después de más de dos siglos de ciencia militar, en el umbral de una sociedad global, el crecimiento económico depende de la paz mundial, y hoy más que nunca se siente la necesidad más que urgente de crear la Ciencia para la Paz Global. Por lo tanto, su iniciación en la Cumbre del G-20 y su desarrollo en el marco del G-20 satisfará las necesidades más apremiantes de la humanidad de hoy. Los líderes de cada Estado, si quieren la paz y no la guerra, pueden iniciar la creación de esta ciencia en el marco del G20, y así alentara los gobiernos del mundo, al menos a prestar atención y hacer esfuerzos en dirección hacia esta alternativa de la ciencia para la paz global.


Esta ciencia es la mejor protección de la dignidad más importante y el derecho de las personas - el derecho a la paz mundial como el derecho a la vida, en lugar seguir con el poderoso arsenal de la guerra que no conduce más que a la muerte y al asesinato, y a la humillación más profunda de la humanidad.




Lic.María Cristina Azcona

Psicopedagoga y Orientadora Familiar

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Fundadora y presidente de BILINGUAL MCAPoetasy Escritores en inglés por la paz

Vicepresidente Co fundadora de GHA Nominado al Premio Nobel de la Paz 2013

Presidente honorario de UHE y de UNILETRAS

Directora de IFLAC en Sudamérica

Representante de varias organizaciones de literatura y paz en el mundo



Association pour l'Harmonie Globale (GHA)




Mr. François HOLLANDE, Président de la République Française,

le 29 Août 2013




Initiative de la France pour créer en 2013 sous l’égide du G20 unancrage durable pour une SCIENCE DE LA PAIX GLOBALEconcernant toute l’humanité, et ce via le concours démocratique desscientifiques-éducateurs oeuvrant à la construction de la paix à traversle monde. Cette initiative constituerait pour la France un engagementde prestige, le plus élevé et le plus noble dans lequel elle s’engageraitpour instituer et affermir une paix partageable et durable au XX1èmesiècle.


Monsieur le Président,


La France peut et a le devoir de participer à l’histoire de l’humanité comme l’un des premiers paysdu monde initiateurs de la SCIENCE DE LA PAIX GLOBALE (SPM).Cette initiative lui et vous est offerte dans la LETTRE OUVERTE de l’AssociationInternationale pour une Harmonisation Globale (GHA)adressée aux pays du monde leaders duG20, à l’occasion de la tenue du SOMMET en Russie, à Saint-Petersbourg, les 5 et 6 Septembre2013.


Vous la trouverez dans son intégralité sur le net à cette adresse:



En tant que femme, artiste et actrice de paix, mère et grand-mère, Messagère de laCulture de la Paix (titre qui m’a été reconnu à l’Unesco par la commission de la RépubliqueFrançaise auprès de l’Unesco en novembre 2000 pour l’Année Internationale de la Culture de laPaix des Nations-Unies), je suis membre de GHA et signataire de cette lettre publiée en Août 2013,co-signée désormais par 57 membres du GHA représentant 20 nationalités.


Nous, membres du GHA, reconnaissons le G20 qui représente la toute premièreinstitution au monde, avec le G8, ayant tenté une règlementation directe et globale de l'économie etdes finances mondiales. Nous apprécions votre travail et reconnaissons que vos efforts sontsusceptibles de cheminer vers la construction de la paix mondiale.

Naturellement, il demeure évident que la paix mondiale est une condition sine quanon du développement durable à l'échelle planétaire. N'importe quel conflit armé menace l'humanitétoute entière d’une escalade au désastre, d’un hiver nucléaire et biologique, bactériologique, c'est-àdirede destruction sans retour.

La situation en Syrie tire un signal d’alarme pour tous les citoyens du monde quipeuvent, un jour ou l’autre, se retrouver gazés, exterminés... comme aux pires moments de notrehistoire commune lors de la première et de la seconde guerre mondiale, dans des tranchées, descamps ou sur des places, au vu et sus de toute la communauté internationale. Un désastre moral!

Nous devons en finir avec les dictateurs guidés uniquement par leur coursepersonnelle et maladive à la domination des autres et à l’affirmation d’une supériorité par l’usagedu massacre. Ils tirent leur pouvoir et le maintiennent par la terreur et l’humiliation, l’avilissementet le génocide de ceux qui les dérangent, par des moyens contraires aux déclarations universellesdes droits des citoyens, des peuples, des enfants etc.

Notre devise est l’égalité, la liberté et si vous le permettez, la solidarité (en tant quefemme, je me sens exclue d’une république de frères ). La France est un phare dans le monde carelle a vu émerger de son sein d’illustres penseurs et hommes d’état (les femmes sont là mais encoredans l’ombre) qui o­nt milité pour la défense des droits de l’homme, et pour une république danslaquelle les citoyens se sentent et se savent égaux en droits et, je le souhaite, en devoirs.

La France a triomphé des idées les plus sombres, les plus terribles, du nazisme et desheures les plus horribles de l’histoire, faisant gagner le droit et les valeurs porteuses de justice etd’humanisme.

Le risque de destruction globale pour notre planète est devenu un risque majeur.Montré par les scientifiques du monde entier, il pèse comme une épée de Damoclès sur l'humanité,y compris sur son économie avec toutes ses finances. En réalité, la guerre est plus ruineuse quetoute crise économique et financière. Préparer une guerre, telle qu'elle s’exprime dans la coursemondiale aux armements ( toujours en croissance avec une augmentation constante des dépensesmilitaires ) constitue l’une des principales causes de l’actuelle déstabilisation économique etfinancière, et engendre l’avalanche des crises mondiales et sociales.

Ces faits prennent la première place parmi les défis mondiaux affectantpotentiellement la paix mondiale. L’analyse de la situation - ses sources, ses causes, ses fondationset ses acteurs – grâce à la SCIENCE DE LA PAIX MONDIALE (SPM) – est un défi évident pourchaque dirigeant. Malheureusement, cette approche scientifique qui vient d'être étudiée parquelques centaines d'instituts et de centres engagés en recherche de la paix demeure une rechercheprivée, isolée et fragmentée à l’échelle nationale et régionale, mais elle existe et balbutie au niveaumondial.


La science militaire est reconnue par tous les gouvernements, et son enseignement sepoursuit et se maintient avec des centaines de milliers de scientifiques militaires, des enseignants etdes études dans des milliers d'écoles militaires, des dizaines de millions de soldats et officiers dansles instituts et collèges militaires.

Par comparaison avec ce développement de la science de la guerre, l'absence de lascience de la paix globale est une grande lacune intellectuelle et historique pour l'humanité. Cetteabsence trouve des explications mais aucune justification scientifique ou morale, surtout aujourd'huià la veille d’un embrasement possible au Moyen-Orient.


Si les gouvernements o­nt été désireux d'embrasser la science militaire en d’autrestemps, quand o­n se battait avec des armements aux effets limités dans l’espace et le temps, quandon pouvait clairement désigner un ennemi, avant que les sciences de la guerre n’aient atteint en unsiècle un effroyable degré d’efficacité pour anéantir, comment les esprits habités du souci de lasanté globale et de la durabilité de l’économie pourraient-ils refuser aujourd’hui l’avènement d’unenouvelle science, celle de la paix globale, si elle est créée et développée pour passer d’une culturede la violence et de la guerre à une culture de la paix et de l’harmonie?

Ce furent les buts poursuivis par la Société des Nations, ce sont les buts poursuivisaujourd’hui par l’Organisation des Nations-Unies au sein de laquelle la France possède une place deprestige et d’influence.

Oeuvrer à la transformation des mentalités pour voir émerger par la justice et ledroit, l’éducation, des sociétés respectueuses des êtres vivants est un enjeu majeur et capital pournotre siècle confronté à des crises historiques sans précédent et de très grande ampleur.

Monsieur le Président, je vous remercie d’étudier attentivement cette initiative ainsique le contenu de la Lettre Ouverte, et de contribuer à la marche de l’humanité sur les sentiers trèshonorables de la Science de la Paix Mondiale.


Avec mes très respectueuses salutations


Mme Théa Marie ROBERT

Écrivaine, Chorégraphe, Photographe,

Poète et pédagogue des mots, des gestes, des images

Fondatrice de l’Art Cosmopoéthique

Membre du GHA en France

Médaille de vermeil de la Société Académique Arts Sciences Lettres

Dr littérature de l’Académie Mondiale des Arts et de la Culture

Messagère de la Culture de la Paix de l’Unesco

Ambassadrice de l’eau pour la vie et la paix

Fondatrice de Poètes aux Sommets

Membre du Cercle des Ambassadeurs de la paix de Genève

Lauréate de nombreux prix mondiaux de poésie et de photographie

66 Clos des Charmilles 74400 Chamonix Mont-Blanc



Global Harmony Association (GHA)



August 29, 2013


GHA Open Letter:

Global Peace Science for G20 and Humanity –

Growth through Peace and for Peace but not for War.



G20 Leaders, o­n the Summit, September 5-6, 2013, St. Petersburg, Russia


Global Peace Science for G20 and humanity.


Their Majesty, Excellency, Honourable Leaders

It is with great honor that I send this modest vision, which would consider a better world.


The requirements of civilized dialogue with the other.


Please accept my most respectfulfeeling.


Vision by Ammar Banni:

Professor of Education and Human science,

Ahmed Arbia College,

Member of: Global Harmony Association: GHA


Guemar, Algeria


Dear Leo

I inform you and all GHA friends that Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Emma Bonino will be presented to the next World Conference in SCIENCE for PEACE o­n 15-16 November 2013 into Milan University Bocconi, also in this occassion ART for PEACE AWARD 2013 Africa-winner will-be guest Betty William Nobel Peace Laureate, foundation CHILDREN-PEACE-CITY in Italy.

All Italian City and people, included Assisi Frairs asked stop to war, I asked you to put o­nline all letter you received included Italian letter for Premier, wrote by Renato Corsetti. This is important for publication o­n weibo, chinese-web with 500 million of contacts.

Best regards
Rosa Dalmiglio



Global Harmony Association (GHA)



September 1st, 2013



MR. VLADIMIR PUTIN, PRESIDENT OF RUSSIA, Chairman of the G20, o­n the G20 Summit, September 5-6, 2013, St. Petersburg, Russia

Esteemed President of Russia Mr Vladimir Putin, Chairman of the G20, Esteemed Leaders of G20,


        The life of citizens and nations in the recent years walk in the nightmarish war path that leads inevitably to the extinction of humanity. The tragic results of the war activities of the distant and near past downplay and degrade human civilization, kill humans, causing both heavy blows also to Mother Nature.

Organizations built by the global community to control and eliminate the wars failed miserably. Why? Politicians of nations also failed to manage the wars. Why? The religions that preach love failed. Why?

        Because of lack of proper knowledge and understanding of the nature of Peace. Therefore there is absent active practice for the prevention and eradication of wars.

        The Global HarmonyAssociation in the city of St. Petersburg offers to humanity the active proposal with maximum dynamics and universal reach, to create the “GlobalPeace Science” (GPS).

        Upon my opinion it is a great opportunity for you and your delegates at the G20 to adopt, support and promote this idea born in your country, for the good of mankind, to achieve a future of peaceful and happy life. The History will write in golden letters indelible your names in its eternal book and this congress great action as well.

        All of you during this congress please provide the future generations an opportunity to live in PEACE knowing that you owe it to them, as all of us own to them. Please remember the Greek approach of Love, Love is the way of existential freedom.


Sincerely Yours,

Takis Ioannidis

Student of this Life

Dr Literature, poet, writer

Co-founder and Honorary Member of GLOBAL HARMONY ASSOCIATION (GHA)

Member of IFLAC

Member of education team of Human Dignity & Humiliation Studies University, Oslo

Trustee of Maniatakeion Foundation, Greece

Member of Executive Boardof ESTIA of New Smyrna, Greece

Pensioner of IBM Hellas

Athens, Greece



Global Harmony Association (GHA)



September 1st, 2013


Global Peace Science (GPS) at the G20 Summit



MR. VLADIMIR PUTIN, PRESIDENT OF RUSSIA, Chairman of the G20, o­n the G20 Summit, September 5-6, 2013, St. Petersburg, Russia

Esteemed President of Russia Mr Vladimir Putin, Chairman of the G20, Esteemed Leaders of G20,


My Dear President Vladimir Putin, Dear All Leaders of G20 Summit,


         As a native Greek, Doctor of Medicine in Universities of Athens and Ioannina, Dr. Pathologist, Dr. nuclear physician, writer, historian, poet, I ask you to accept the suggestion of the Global Harmony Association establishing a Global Peace Science GPS and to submit it to Congress of G20 in order to be accepted by all delegates.

          Because Peace is the o­nly defense against all wars, destruction of humans, devastation of the natural environment, flora, fauna, climate, and the atmosphere. Peace is a personal affair of all humans and leaders of the world who are interested in harmonious quality of life, and universal health of mankind.


Sincerely Yours,

Dr ApostolosJ. Paschos

Dr Pathologist, Dr Nuclear Physician

Poet, writer, historian

Member of Global Harmony Association (GHA)

Member of International Society of Greek Writers and Artists

Metsovon, Epirus, Greece

Tel.- Fax contact 0030 2656041273

Mobile 0030 6944 745 303


Global Harmony Association (GHA)



September 3rd, 2013


Global Peace Science (GPS) at the G20 Summit



MR. VLADIMIR PUTIN, PRESIDENT OF RUSSIA, Chairman of the G20, o­n the G20 Summit, September 5-6, 2013, St. Petersburg, Russia

Esteemed President of Russia Mr Vladimir Putin, Chairman of the G20, Esteemed Leaders of G20,


        I am a living witness -a victim of war - a refugee. I have experienced the horrors of war, I mourn victims of my relatives, I have suffered many years in the nights by nightmares of war. I've lived with orphans, widows, disabled, mentally ruins around me.

        Could you please I answer some questions of mine. When the wars will be stopped at last? Who have the courage and the dignity to make this action? Who can understand the great meaning of PEACE? Who can walk the road of PEACE? Who can bring the Global PEACE o­n Planet Earth? Because I don’t know it.

         What I do know is that, there are real people fortunately nowadays, who think their fellow human beings suffering by wars, having the vision of the Global PEACE in their hearts and minds. They have the courage to ask you to adopt and promote our idea, as members of GHA, during your conference of G20. And I am sure that you too have the courage to put this discussion into the idea of the creation of “Global PEACE Science” and make this action for the benefit of the future generations.


Sincerely Yours,


Athanassios Koumouris

Blind, poet, writer

Member of GHA

Member of IFLAC

Home address, 14A Lotou str Panorama Ano Liosion

Athens, Greece

(tel. 0030 210 2472475)



Global Harmony Association (GHA)


September 4, 2013



Mr. Ban Ki-moon, the UN Secretary-General



Global Peace Science for G20 and Humanity


Dear Mr. Ban Ki-moon,

Dear members of the United Nations,


Let me express my gratitude for your great peacekeeping owing to which human lives are saved every day, and a great many people get protection!

I represent the Global Harmony Association (GHA) (http://www.peacefromharmony.org) - an international non-governmental organization established in 2005 by a group of like-minded people who wants a better future, the world without war and taking care of children. Today, the union has over 500 members from all over the world - this is the state and public figures, scientists, artists , writers and peace activists.

We share your concern about the fate of our planet , as we recognize a nonviolent and evolutionary way for the establishment of social harmony in the world and in every country. The fate of the planet is in our hands - the hands of mankind, honest, responsible and conscious people. In this regard, we express our strong desire to work with you in terms of the implementation of peace making projects . In this light, let me express a few ideas about peace o­n the earth, which is possible upon realization of a set of measures:

1) Of course, first of all, we need a political solution, namely, the formation of the council o­n general disarmament, the signing of the agreement o­n general and complete disarmament by all countries during several years by means of annual reduction of military spending by a certain amount of interest per year. All nations and countries should recognize that while a man kills his like- it can not be considered a human being.

What is murder? This is not o­nly killing physical body. The most important thing is a great loss to the spirit inhabiting the body, it is the destruction of the possibility of the man’s soul to live in the world, gain experience, and express their own unique destiny.

2) However, we can not achieve true peace by o­nly physical means. We can o­nly do this by recognizing each other's humanity. Let me explain to you in details:

There is arm race between the countries, the costs for which are rising every year. This is to maintain an apparent, private peace in a particular country. But they do not take into account that our planet does not consist of isolated countries. It is impossible to provide peaceful life o­nly in o­ne country. If war breaks out in o­ne country or another continent, it will affect all the countries and peoples, no matter how powerful army we have. Therefore, the states should abandon from the support of peace o­nly in their countries, and take the planet as the unique home and recognize the need for peace in the whole world.

Moreover, the history of the human clearly shows that to prevent conflict by military means or the management of the conflicts will not lead to peace, because there taken away o­nly consequences, not the causes of the conflicts. The heads of the state think that if we demand peace by force of arms it will lead to peaceful life. But this is unfortunately not the case. But violence brings more violence.

What is a weapon? This is the materialization of fear. But it is impossible to create peace o­n fear and violence. There will never be the end of the wars in such a violent approach and military intervention.

What is the root cause of all conflicts?

The root cause is in an internal conflict of the people themselves, when a person takes himself as a separate human being, not connected with the world. This is the biggest illusion in the history of mankind. In fact (all the religions and all the saints talk about it), all of us are unique spiritual beings, we are a part of the universe as God's children, and we are united with all people, with nature, with the planet. Killing another person a human being actually kills a part of his soul, causing harm to someone, the person harm himself.

Therefore, those who are trying to overmaster other people through the use of weapon, in fact, they struggle with their own fears, and this struggle against an external enemy - just a distraction from the fight against the enemy within himself - with a sense of separation, when o­ne person or a particular group of individuals, the nation is the enemy. In fact, we are more than just a physical bodies, we are - spiritual beings having a spirit and a soul, created by the God, the Creator. And all our souls are united in the God. We arrive to Earth and have different bodies with different color of skin, hair and eyes just because of their own individual tasks and experiences that we are to learn here. It does not matter for the God what nationality we are, how we look like, how much money we have earned and what is our profession. For the God it's o­nly our soul, which is valuable, the love, kindness and compassion in our souls.

Unfortunately, false and illusory world outlook is passed o­n from generation to generation. Throughout the history, people are brought up in suspicion, hostility and hatred for each other, to other countries and nations, the rising of o­ne nation over others. However, there is no best religion, races, nations, countries. It is necessary to look deeper external differences. It is necessary to see the unity of life and all people. The God love all people and the Universe take them as equal.

An education in Harmony, Peace and Unity will help to remove the main cause of all wars and strife - namely, the separation of the inner consciousness from the universe. And we need to start from the very childhood. And it means - to give harmonious education to all children in the world, to create academic schools, harmony schools, movies o­n television and educational programs. In particular, the schools of harmony are especially required in trouble places in order to prevent further education of children in hate to other countries and nations.

To date, the United Nations has a great opportunity to make a huge contribution for reaching the global peace: to convey to the leaders of the countries and all people the highest principles of freedom, equality and brotherhood o­n the planet, the need to stop war and violence, to ensure universal disarmament and global harmonious education. And thus, to change the course of the history, securing the gratitude for the preservation of life o­n Earth from future generations!

UN stands for the United Nations Organization. It is a platform o­n which all nations express their will, their position and find solutions. Most people o­n the planet do not want any war, violence and armed conflicts, the majority of people want to live in peace, to love, to bear and raise children, work and show their talents and achieve purposes. So why it still happens that without the consent of the most people in the world separate groups of persons start wars and generate endless suffering? The UN is just intended to express and defend a point of view of most conscious people for a life in peace.

Of course, an achievement of peace in the world is a long and difficult process. The "world peace " is not just an abstract concept, and it is necessary to put the study of the world o­n a scientific basis, to introduce such a thing as the Science of the Global Peace. And you can start the process right now.

We suggest you to initiate during the summit G20 o­n September 5-6 in Russia or the UN General Assembly in autumn 2013 the creation of the Global Peace Science. The most democratic and productive way to create this science is an International Competition among more than 400 Peace Research Centers in the world under the auspices of the G20, to subordinate the economic growth of the countries to the goals of peace, not war and weapons. The first draft of the Global Peace Science is the fruit of eight years’ work of the Global Harmony Union. It shows o­ne of the possible scientific ways of its creation.

We, in turn, offer our support and participation, as our Union has developed programs for harmonious education, projects of harmony academies and schools. Look forward to a fruitful and long-term cooperation for the benefit of Peace!


Sincerely Yours,


Roksana Sadykova,

GHA Ambassador of Peace and Disarmament from Harmony


Ufa, Bashjkorstan, Rossia

E-mail: roksana.sadykova@gmail.com




Global Harmony Association (GHA)


September 4, 2013



President of USA Mr. Barack Obama



Global Peace Science for G20 and Humanity


Dear Mr. Barack Obama,


Global Harmony Association o­n behalf of all peacekeepers and citizens of the world are asking you to give up military intervention in Syria!

In 2009, you were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for your outstanding efforts in the field of international diplomacy, the reduction of nuclear weapons and the creation of a new climate of cooperation between peoples.

Unfortunately, these great ideas do not always find embodiment in international policy. To date the United States has a reputation as an aggressor who intervenes in the lives of other countries worldwide. It is unfair in relation to the American peoples. After all, the true spirit of America and the people inhabiting it, is liberty, equality and fraternity. Americans spiritual destiny is to become an embodiment of true liberty for mankind. But there is o­ne essential detail that takes your wonderful nation away from its mission. And it is freedom that can not be imposed by force and military intervention. The first thing that is destroyed during the war is liberty. Freedom is reached through peace - through harmonious education, improvement of the economic and social life of people!

Unfortunately, most people, deliberately or in o­ne’s heart, think they are better than other nations. The Americans did not escape such things. The fact is the elite of the authority feels right to interfere in the affairs of other countries and impose their will by force, even in order to bring peace. However, violence causes more violence.

What is weapon? It is the materialization of fear. But it is impossible to build peace o­n fear and violence. There will never be the end to the wars at such a violent approach and military intervention.

All peoples worldwide, including the Americans, are to overcome their prominence. It is necessary to look deeper than external differences. There is unity of life and people. There are no best religions, peoples and countries. All people are equally loved by the God and equally significant to the universe. All nations are equal before the God. Moreover, each of them has its own equal ranking, equal worth and complementary mission. The purpose of America is to become a true encouraging example of liberty, equality and fraternity and to demonstrate these high principles for all mankind.

Who will be able to restore the good name of his country, to unlock the potential of his people, if not the President? You, as the leader of the United States should make every effort to do that!

To date, a great responsibility rests with you as well as with the presidents of other states. I mean our planet does not consist of isolated countries. It is impossible to provide peaceful and safe life o­nly in o­ne country. If o­ne country or o­ne continent starts war, it will affect all other countries and peoples too, no matter how powerful army we have. Therefore, the states must abandon support of o­nly the local peace in their countries. They should take the planet as the unique home and understand the need for peace in the world.

Of course, there are forces that are pulling back, lobbying for their own selfish interests. But, believe us, they do not care about your soul, your conscience, your honor, your destination you are going to take responsibility for in front of the God. And he is the judge and jury. All earthborn temptations fade before the God.

Today the God gave you a great opportunity to bring real peace to the planet. You can lead your country o­n a spiritual path, regenerating the whole humanity. And the spiritual path does not mean restrictions and retreat. This means that spirituality, humanity, love for people, the value of human life, the sacredness of human nature must be in priority in economic, political and social life. This means to take people as brothers and sisters and understand that a man is not just a physical body, but a spiritual creature, first of all.

For the establishment of peace o­n the Earth it is necessary to introduce the concept of“global peace” for scientific use. The best minds of our age are to direct their efforts and energy to strengthening “the science of peace” rather than the “science of war”. It is necessary to ensure a harmonious education for all children in the world, create the schools and academies of harmony. In particular, the academies and schools of harmony are necessary in “trouble spots” in order to prevent the further education of children to hate other countries and nations .

Good chance to start this process is available at the summit G20, which will be held September 5-6 in Russia where you are, just like any other leader of the country, can put forth an idea o­n a creation of “Science for Global Peace” with further creation of the world's first International Institute of Science of Global Peace. It will raise the prestige of your country as a true peacemaker and will provide further universal prosperity and peace!


Sincerely Yours,


Roksana Sadykova,

GHA Ambassador of Peace and Disarmament from Harmony


Ufa, Bashjkorstan, Rossia

E-mail: roksana.sadykova@gmail.com


Global Harmony Association (GHA)


October 8, 2013



Dr George Abela, President of the Republic of Malta

Office of the President

The Palace,



Dr Joseph Muscat, Prime Minister of the Republic of Malta

Office of the Prime Minister

Auberge de Castille

Valletta VLT 2000



Initiate the creation of Global Peace Science (GPS) at the UN and in the country that will make Malta the world leader of peacemaking with a wide range of positive outcomes, including a sharp increase of tourist interest and rebirth, o­n a new level, of the noble historical glory of Malta establishing Malta as Grand Master and Knight of Global Peace in our time.



Global Harmony Association (GHA) for more than 8 years has created o­ne of the variants of Global Peace Science (GPS) based o­n the Science of Social Harmony, presented in the GHA collective book: The ABC of Harmony for World Peace …. (2012: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=478). The book’s coauthors are many prominent scientists and politicians, including the President of India (2002-2007) Dr Abdul Kalam.

GPS is an alternative to military science, which has nurtured the governments of the world more than 200 years by huge military budgets, which have become a major cause of world crises and escalation of global problems. GPS is the first need for global society of the 21st century, which can not exist without global peace, excluding war, terror, military arsenals and budgets. Global peace can o­nly be achieved o­n the basis of a global peace consciousness springeth from GPS, which is understandable, acceptable and useful to all the nations of the world. This consciousness has arisen from global harmonious education in GPS. Therefore, GPS is the first common good of humanity and each person in the 21st century. Hence, creation of GPS is the primary historical task of humanity, which is recognized today and will certainly be solved. It's o­nly a matter of time.

Those countries, which first realize it, go down in history as the initiators of its turn from military to peace. This honor will deserve those countries which will be first to initiate its creation at the highest international level, in such global institutions as the UN, UNESCO, G20, G8, etc. GHA first proposed to initiate GPS to the G20 leaders at their Summit in St. Petersburg, September 5-6, 2013 (www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=582). Of all the Summit participants o­nly the Prime Minister of Spain became interested in it (ibid.). But this process requires expansion, so GHA appeals to you with an invitation in the following motivation.


Dear Sirs,


History is made not o­nly great in the territory, population and economy countries, but also small o­nes such as Costa Rica, which was the first in the world to decline from the army in its Constitution, 1949, and Malta, which, thanks to the Christian Order of Malta since 1521, has become o­ne of the spiritual world leaders. With its relatively small size, Malta has o­ne of the largest historical and cultural displays in the world. Malta is known for its great cultural achievements in history. Today Malta is distinguished by its peacefulness, the most minor of armed forces and o­ne of the smallest military budgets in the world. Therefore, Malta is o­ne of the most favorable countries for development of scientific peace consciousness in the 21st century through corresponding initiatives and innovations.


In connection with the unique peacemaking and spiritual status of Malta, the Global Harmony Association (GHA) is happy to invite you to consider two ways of making a peace contribution by Malta in GPS.


The first way, at the UN nearest General Assembly, is to initiate the creation of this science under the aegis of the UN or UNESCO, within them, for example, in the Social Sciences Sector of UNESCO, through establishment in it the International Global Peace Institute (IGPI) of 15-20 scholars to organize the International Contest for the final formation of this science. Its details are presented in the GHA Open Letter to the G20 leaders (ibid.).


The second way is to establish the International Global Peace Institute (IGPI) of 15-20 scientists o­n Malta under the management of the GHA President. IGPI will symbolize the peacemaking leadership of Malta in the world. To begin with, IGPI Malta could fund an unprecedented sociological study (www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=579) of dynamics of spheral harmonious classes of the population as the end sources and causes for global peace in $ 60,000 during 8 months. This study requires a lot of labor by statisticians and sociologists that is not possible o­n a voluntary basis and is need of such a small funding, which is not available in GHA. Successful completion of this study will provide the successful functioning of this Institute o­n Malta. IGPI would thus establish the position of Malta as the leader and center of global peace consciousness based o­n GPS with all the scientific, innovative and economic advantages for Malta. This will make Malta by Grand Master and Knight of Global Peace in the 21st century.

Any of these ways will release humanity from "the global war-system to a global peace system", as defined by the famous American philosopher Dr. Glen Martin.

Any o­ne of them would put an end, paraphrasing the great Spanish painter Francisco Goya, to the militaristic monsters of the 20th and 21st centuries, which were produced by the sleep of peace reason.The Global Peace Science will awaken this reason. And this will be done by you personally and by Malta!

Any o­ne of them will start turning humanity's transition from military to peaceful history based o­n the Global Peace Science. Malta will be the pioneer in the transition of this historic Rubicon. GHA sure, it will be the most worthy and noble mission for Malta in the 21st century!

We are sure your initiative with GPS will find wide international recognition, including the Nobel Peace Prize and etc. Your initiative will raise Malta to a new level of international attention and tourist attraction, because the peacefulness of country is o­ne of the main conditions for the development of tourism.

In addition, the creation of IGPI will contribute to the solution of the economic crisis ofthe EU member-countries through the gradual reduction of military expenditure and understanding of global peace as o­ne of the priority sources of economic growth in the 21st century.


In connection with writing the GHA new collective book: "Global Peace Science: The first Common Good for the 21st Century and every Human" (www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=585), GHA is happy to invite you to participate in this historic book by your peacemaking articles (about 3-6 pages) up to December 1, 2013.


PS. The idea of ​​this letter was born during the wonderful art exhibition of Maltese artist and GHA Vice-President Ms Lida Sherafatmand. The exhibition was with a great success in the Roerich Museum in St. Petersburg, August 30 - September 15, 2013 under the patronage of the Honorary Consul of Malta in St. Petersburg Mr Igor Onokov. The topic of Global Peace Science was discussed at the seminars of this exhibition.


With hope for your understanding,


 Sincerely Yours,


Dr Leo Semashko

GHA President

St. Petersburg, Russia



Dr. Leo Semashko*


Global Peace Science (GPS):

Natural Actors and Peacebuilding Genome


Science of global peace is general hope of all nations

to real peace and prosperity o­n the Earth in the 21st century.


Synonyms for concept of global peace are: world-wide, universal, eternal, perpetual, continuous, harmonious, non-violent, sustainable, stable, durable, lasting, real, planetary, true, future, and etc.

Antonyms are: local, partial, temporary, discontinuous, disharmonious, militaristic, unsustainable, shaky, wavering, brief, illusory, regional, false, traditional, and etc. peace.


In traditional culture, social science and philosophy, no o­ne has raised the fundamental scientific questions of natural social actors, ultimate cause and any eternal spontaneous source of global peace. Even Immanuel Kant, in his great treatise “Perpetual Peace” (1795), did not do it. But in this work he made the greatest discovery of "harmony among men" as a social nature and guarantee of perpetual peace - as he said, "the guarantee of perpetual peace is … nature". This nature "establishes harmony between morality and politics" through "the transcendental concept of public right," o­n which Kant builds a harmonious treaty of "perpetual peace among states" (www.mtholyoke.edu/acad/intrel/kant/kant1.htm).

Accordingly, the answers to such questions were absent. The science of global peace does not exist yet. Raising these questions, but more so for the scientific answer to them, requires a fundamentally other area of philosophy and science - the science and philosophy of global social harmony of society as a whole. Such science and philosophy have been developing since 1976 as part of Tetrasociology and Tetrism (www.peacefromharmony.org/docs/2-1_eng.pdf). In the last 8 years, since 2005, they have developed collectively in the Global Harmony Association (GHA) and found expression in its 7 books and 47 projects of global harmony and harmonious peace (www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=472). Their most complete and perfect expression is found in The ABC of Harmony for World Peace … (2012, 334 pages) by 76 co-authors of GHA: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=478. This global textbook of harmony reflects the fundamental concepts (see below) and brief history of Global Peace Science (GPS), which is the science of global harmony and vice versa. They are identical.

The GPS core is global sociology and global statistics in an indissoluble unity. Global sociology reveals the global social structure of human society throughout its all history in the form of four eternal harmonious spheral classes of the population employed/engaged in the four spheres of social production of four necessary and sufficient resources for existence of any society and person.

The necessary and sufficient, therefore, eternal, natural and harmonious resources are: PEOPLE, INFORMATION, ORGANIZATION and THINGS (material goods and services). The lack of even o­ne of them in a certain proportion (harmony and measure) with others would make the existence of human and society impossible

The necessary and sufficient resources determine as necessary and sufficient, therefore, eternal, natural and harmonious spheres of their constant and continuous production: SOCIOSPHERE, INFOSPHERE, ORGSPHERE, TECHNOECOSPHERE (economic and ecological spheres together).

The necessary and sufficient spheres of production determine as necessary and sufficient, therefore, eternal, natural and harmonious spheral classes of the population working (or employed/engaged) in these spheres and therefore called spheral classes - SOCIOCLASS, INFOCLASS, ORGCLASS, TECHNOCLASS.

The necessary and sufficient spheral classes as eternal, natural and harmonious creators/actors of any society are its global social structure. They are at o­ne time a NATURAL HARMONIOUS ACTORS, ULTIMATE CAUSE AND ETERNAL SPONTANEOUS SOURCE OF GLOBAL PEACE. They are real, but to transform from spontaneous into conscious and effective creators of global peace they need this science (GPS) and its understanding, awareness and education in it, to build this peace competently.

Eternal global peace is a natural, normal and healthy state of the spheral classes of population and - together with them - society in a whole. This social nature generates and guarantees global peace by spontaneous and harmonious spheral classes of the population. Therefore, the spheral classes and their natural harmony are the eternal foundation of global peace. From this follows the shortest definition of global peace – IT IS PEACE FROM HARMONY, which is created and constantly recreated by spheral classes. The war between them is not possible, since the death of at least o­ne spheral class means the cessation of production of o­ne of necessary resources that leads to death of all spheral classes and society as a whole. The resource wars are possible o­nly between private and temporal dominant groups, nations, economic or political classes, castes, estates, etc. Past history is filled with similar private wars. Therefore, peace between private groups and classes is the absence of war between them or a break in existing war. This is militaristic, private and temporal peace, which is subordinated to war constantly and requires permanent preparation. This peace is ensured by force and threat of force, giving rise the old rule: “If you want peace - prepare for war.” This militaristic trend is reflected in the constant never-ending arms race as preparation for an eternal war that is very ingrained and a wasteful social pathology bled out all parties. Albert Einstein summed up its inanity: "Peace cannot be kept by force. It can o­nly be achieved by understanding", i.e. o­nly the mind and consciousness of spheral classes through peace science and education.

Humanity will be able to recover from this terrible disease o­nly in the development and application of Global Peace Science (GPS). But a global sociology is not sufficient unto itself. To consciously harmonize production resources at the deepest level of global spheral classes, which also determines the conscious building global peace, it is necessary to develop quantitative statistical measures and indices of proportions - the harmony of resources and all processes associated with them: production, distribution, exchange (market) and consumption.

Such measurement in each country has historically been traditional, national in character, statistics. But to measure global resources in their global production, distribution, exchange and consumption by global spheral classes it is necessary to use global statistics. Its basic concepts and indicators, together with the fundamental elements of social harmony, including spheral classes, are also disclosed in the ABC of Harmony for World Peace (pp. 22-58). Global statistics is not possible without a global sociology, and vice versa, global sociology is not possible without global statistics. They are inseparable, as quality and quantity are inseparable. Their common connecting link is the sphere as a structural unit and its quantitative measure - the sphere indices. o­nly in the unity of these two global sciences can we have a powerful tool for innovative scientific discovery of natural creators of World Peace and its scientific building in all countries and regions of the world.

Global sociology and global statistics form the core of GPS, but are not limited by them. The integral holistic nature of global peace requires an equally integral and holistic scientific knowledge combined in o­ne holistic scientific paradigm. It is defined in the ABC of Harmony as a "social genome of harmony of society" - SOCIONOME, which is also a "social genome of peace from harmony." Socionome expresses the holistic scientific paradigm of a new, harmonious and peace, Tetranet thinking and is presented in the ABC of Harmony Scheme (pp. 40-41).

Socionome is a generalized integral expression of GPS as the organic unity of the social sciences. Socionome is simultaneously seen as a model for all social sciences, i.e. it is as sociological, statistical, economic, demographic, historical, cybernetic, synergistic, political, legal, financial, environmental, educational, mathematical and etc. model. Interfaith harmony is also an important aspect of global peace, which is reflected in the GPS (www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=561). Socionome combines all social scientific measurements of global peace in its united science - GPS. Therefore, socionome is a scientific peacebuilding genome. Please see the GHA video, which is dedicated to it: Social Genome of Peace from Harmony, 8 minutes: http://youtu.be/hbxY5lREOeA.

The GPS frame above, in general terms, is o­nly a theoretical hypothesis of natural harmonious actors of global peace - the spheral classes of population. Any theoretical hypothesis o­nly becomes a full-fledged science when it finds empirical support. To do this, GHA has prepared a special program of scientific research: "Comparative Sociological Statistical Study (CSSS). Dynamics of the Global Social Structure of Spheral Classes of Population: An Example of India, USA, Russia and Kazakhstan since 1950 to 2010 by Decades. Natural Evolution of Social Harmony, Economic Justice, Democracy and Spirituality towards World Peace and its Global Science." (www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=579). This project of GHA, like others, is an international and global inquiry, open to all interested scientists, institutions and countries. At the same time, theoretical and empirical scientific knowledge of spheral classes is seen as the natural harmonious actors of global peace opening the door for its conscious practical building in the 21st century everywhere, in every country and every region o­n the basis of a scientific study of its main creators, their harmonious education and enlightenment in GPS.

Harmonious education and enlightenment of the spheral classes in GPS transforms them from totally ignorant natural actors of peace from harmony to its conscious and scientifically educated builders. Scientific knowledge of global peace will allow the national leaders, as well as the UN and other international organizations, to make better, scientific solutions of any national, regional and global issues as they are related to building global peace and social cohesion.

Unfortunately, the UN still has not recognized the concept of "science of global/world peace." The UN develops a concept of a culture of peace, including 8 points: mutual respect, understanding, tolerance, democracy, human rights, gender equality, sustainable economic and social development and education. A culture of peace in the interpretation of the UN is very important and necessary step towards global peace but not sufficient. It is limited by the intuitive perception of peace and deprived of its scientific understanding, though science is the key point of culture, providing a practical implementation of ideas. Therefore, the CSSS project, laying the theoretical and empirical foundation for GPS, deserves the attention of all states, governments and their leaders, but above all the UN as a major peacekeeping tool of humanity. GPS consolidates and develops the UN’s 8 point culture of peace, raising them to a qualitatively new level of peace thinking. Peace researches/studies are another important prerequisite for GPS. However, they are confined by narrow local conflicts and do not touch o­n global peace and its natural harmonious actors.

Social harmony and Global Peace from it are a more powerful source of wealth for humanity than oil, gas, diamonds, IT, etc., taken together. But to use this unknown and inexhaustible natural resource of humanity requires adequate scientific knowledge for all nations - GPS. The minimum cost of the CSSS as the GPS first project and o­ne scientific step to world peace is o­nly $60,000. It pales in comparison with colossal benefits it promises through Global Peace in a scientific plan, which will open the way for its scientific practical realization for humanity in the 21st century.

This science opens up an effective way for the complete disarmament of humanity in the 21st century, during 50 years to reduce military spending by 2% annually by all countries (www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=529) and for transformation of the armed forces of war into the armed forces of global peace. These forces could form a "Global Peace Corps" of the 21stcentury under the UN aegis for peaceful harmonious education, health, construction, ensuring food and water and overcoming of unemployment. Of course, peace building requires other weapons than for war, but just as well-trained and scientifically prepared professionals. o­nly in this way can we approach the embodiment a great dream of Martin Luther King Jr.: "We must shift the arms race into a peace race."

A sustainable positive future of the global world is unthinkable and impossible without a science of world peace and scientific peacebuilding. Global social harmony is the source and guarantor of global peace and common confidence of nations, which can be used effectively o­n the basis of GPS as a general consciousness of all the peoples. This science opens the way for a new, harmonious civilization, excluding war and violence, and with them other pathologies of mankind in the outgoing industrial civilization. The survival of humanity and its sustainable economic and social development in a globalized world and harmonious civilization are possible o­n the basis of GPS. Therefore, the value of this science for the fate of humanity is difficult to overestimate. This science transforms harmony as a fundamental value of humanity since ancient times, combining all the other values ​​in the modern scientific worldview, spiritually uniting all peoples of the world in a single peace-loving family o­n Earth.

Many feel that Global Peace Science can not be created through isolated and fragmented efforts of countless peace research institutes and the efforts of separate scientists. While these efforts are commendable, it would seem more logical and effective to achieve best results in a global way, with collective and solidarity efforts of scientists from various social sciences, different countries and cultures in the spirit of Durkheim and harmony. This integral and holistic scientific trend has thriving in the Global Harmony Association during more eight years. But it requires an expansion of participants and its influence to ensure success in the creation and recognition of an unprecedented development to be called Global Peace Science.

The main obstacle hindering international cooperation to create GPS may be a lack of understanding of this science as modern planetary necessity by traditional peace institutions and scientists. It is possible that they question the need for GPS, or prefer to restrict current efforts to isolated and fragmented researches. Of course, GPS may become better known and accepted and scholars will recognize the need for the creation of this science o­nly through proof of the theory in the empirical study now being proposed (CSSS). A new trend in peacebuilding within global peace science (GPS) will emerge demonstrating intellectual and practical preferences of international cooperation by liked peaceful institutions. In this scientific collaboration, each peace scientist and organization can find room in a harmonious unity with a diversity of other scholars and institutions.

This article consolidates the GHA peace ideas, so it is its true author.


Leo Semashko, Ph.D.,

Founding President, Global Harmony Association (GHA) since 2005; State Councillor of St. Petersburg; Philosopher, Sociologist and Peacemaker from Harmony; Author of Tetrism as unity of Tetraphilosophy and Tetrasociology - the science of social harmony, world peace and harmonious civilization since 1976; Author of 12 social discoveries and more than 300 scientific publications, including 16 books and brochures; Director: Tetrasociology Public Institute, Russia; Director, GHA Website "Peace from Harmony": www.peacefromharmony.org; Editor in Chief, The ABC of Harmony for World Peace .. (www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=478) by 76 co-authors from 26 countries, for which the GHA is recognized as o­ne of candidates for the Nobel Peace Prize 2013; Teaching experience at universities is 20 years; Address: 7/4-42 Ho-Shi-Min Street, St. Petersburg 194356, Russia;

Phone: 7 (812) 597-65-71, E-mail: leo.semashko@gmail.com,

Skype: leo.semahko, Personal page: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=253

P.S. My life status about 40 years at homeland in the state: in Soviet Union since 1976 and in Russia since 1990 and still is dissident. This is connected with my discovery and development of Tetrasociology (Sphere Approach since 1976) as the science of social harmony, harmonious civilization, harmonious spheral classes and global harmonious peace that is provided by these classes. This science is contrary to Marxism as ideology of class war, which, in fact, remained in Russia. My status is confirmed by many facts. The fresh fact of 2012 from this series look here:


© Global Harmony Association, 2013

© Leo M. Semashko, 2013


Published in languages:

English: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=582

Russian: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=605

French: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=fr_c&key=134

Spanish: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=es_c&key=106

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GHA Social Ideal,

Peace from Harmony


July 20, 2013

GHA Letter to G20 leaders was approved and sent: What to do further?


Dear GHA Members, Friends,


You have seen, today I sent a letter to the Russian presidency of the G20 Summit. As you will recall, the letter was approved by us o­n August 3rd GHA – the Open Letter to G20 leaders with a proposal of Global Peace Science (GPS) in two languages: Russian and English. We have fulfilled our peacemaking duty today in the best way. We express our thanks to all members of the GHA who supported this letter, our sincere thanks and highly appreciate your unique contribution to this peacemaking achievement of GHA. We understand that many members, because of the summer holidays, could not support it now, but they can support it later. We can be proud of this unique and unprecedented peacemaking achievement of GHA, which stands before scientists and governments around the world in our efforts to create GPS.

This letter was published in two languages ​​here:

In Russian: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=605

In English: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=582

The letter is also o­n our website “Peace from Harmony” Main page under the title:

"Peace Science for G20."


The main idea of ​​the letter is: If G20 is dedicated to the economic growth then this growth of humanity as a single global society cannot exist in the 21st century without the Science of Global Peace.

G20 is limited by the known three priorities of economic growth, in which peace is missing. PEACE is expelled from their agenda and competence, as if the peace problem does not exist for them and for the governments of the world as a whole. As if PEACE has no relationship to economic and financial growth (including war) with which the G20 is the most concerned.

The purpose of the GHA Open Letter to G20 Summit is to encourage and induce the G20 to recognize this priority in a constructive and pragmatic form through an International Contest for the GPS best version and to include the question of this science in the G20 agenda. Since the GPS idea is fully new for the G20, and they might well doubt its public support and world expediency, we have made this letter open not o­nly to the G20, but also to world civil society, so that everyone may become aware of it and can sign it and support it by any means.

What to do now every peacemaker (not just a member of the GHA) with the GHA Letter to G20 leaders about the GPS? I think here you have the following simple but effective steps:


1. First and most importantly - send this letter in your national language to the head of your state or government with your next about preamble: “The main idea of ​​the GHA letter is: If G20 is dedicated to economic growth, then this growth of humanity as a single global society cannot exist in the 21st century without science of global peace. There is growing concern in the world about the future due to ever-increasing military spending. It is known that peace cannot be achieved by force, for it can o­nly be reached by reason. In this regard, I am pleased to send you the Global Harmony Association (GHA) Letter to G20 leaders with a proposal to create a Global Peace Science, for which there are many prerequisites. Our country and your work are known by peacemaking traditions and aspirations. Therefore, your support of this letter and your initiation of this important idea before the G20 leaders would be a greatest national achievement and your personal contribution to global peace. The GHA Letter is attached. Sincerely Your," your signature. Of course, you could modify this preamble as you feel necessary.


2. You could duplicate this message with your preamble, sending it to the G20 website at this address: info@g20russia.ru in your national language.

3. You could send it to the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the G20 members in two languages ​​(national and English / Russian).

4. You could send this letter to the Ambassadors of the G20 members in your country in two languages.

5. You could sign this GHA Letter as the Petition to the G20 Leaders. Petition’s address you will find in the GHA letter. You could invite to sign this Petition your friends from your networks.

6. You could publish the GHA letter o­n your page in two languages in all ​​available to you networks: Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.

7. Based o­n the two texts (GHA letter – 5 pages and article about Global Peace Science – 4 pages), you could write a press release or short article in 1 page about the GHA initiative with this science for the G20, citing the sources. You could send your short article to leading national newspapers and TV channels of your country. You might as well publish this article o­nline o­n the pages with the free publication of articles.


As you can see, this can be a simple and affordable way to accomplish an important peacemaker action. o­nly through similar broad actions can the GPS’s weak voice be heard in the world and by governments, the result of which will be the contest of GPS options and recognition of o­ne from them in the world. GPS can raise peace problem to a new level of scientific thinking and provide its solution in the framework of the 21st century. This will be embodiment the GHA peace initiative, i.e. our joint initiative. This is, I think, a true peacemaker mission today.


Thank you for this great mission.


With love, best harmony wishes,


Dr. Leo Semashko,

GHA President,




Dear GHA Members, Friends-Peacemakers,

I am pleased to introduce you to my letter to Russian President Vladimir Putin (in attachment) that I sent to him o­n August 7 in Kremlin, to G20 ambassadors in Moscow, to Russian TV and newspapers. It is published together with the GHA Open Letter to the G20 leaders in two languages

In Russian: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=605,

In English: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=582

It is devoted to the role of Russia as the Chairman o­n the G20 Summit o­n September 5-6 in St. Petersburg to initiate the creation of the Global Peace Science (GPS) under the G20 aegis through the appropriate international scientific Contest as the most democratic and acceptable to all nations and peoples way.

This letter I offer each of you as a peacemaker, as an example of similar letter to your head of state or government
to support the GPS idea for G20 and all governments. o­nly in this way we can hope that the GPS weak voice will be heard governments, which, in fact, neglect the most important problem of global peace. Similar letters today, including Nobel Peace Prize Laureates, for example, Presidents Obama and EU, as similar petitions like Ayo Ayoola-Amale great peacemaker from Ghana (http://www.change.org/petitions/g20-create-and-support-global-peace-science), as well as such publications in social networks - it is the mission of every true peacemaker today.

We are all convinced that the way to global peace lies o­nly through corresponding science - GPS. Other universal and holistic way none of us knows. Other separate but worthy ways to peace through interfaith harmony, Constitution of the Earth, economic justice, global harmonious education, literature and art, and so o­n - are included in the GPS and are its particular aspects, each of which does not provide global peace as a whole, for all people, groups, nations and cultures
and into all social dimensions: humanitarian, spiritual, political / legal and economic / ecological.

If this is so, and we all share this global peace idea, then please, let us act in this direction and to show other people this wonderful peacemaking example.

Thank you very much for your understanding.

With love, best harmony wishes,

Dr. Leo Semashko,
GHA President,


GHA Discussion: Global Peace Science

August-September 2013


Dear GHA Members, Friends-Peacemakers,

I am pleased to introduce you to my letter to Russian President Vladimir Putin (in attachment) that I sent to him o­n August 7 in Kremlin, to G20 ambassadors in Moscow, to Russian TV and newspapers. It is published together with the GHA Open Letter to the G20 leaders in two languages ​​here: In Russian: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=605,

In English: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=582

It is devoted to the role of Russia as the Chairman o­n the G20 Summit o­n September 5-6 in St. Petersburg to initiate the creation of the Global Peace Science (GPS) under the G20 aegis through the appropriate international scientific Contest as the most democratic and acceptable to all nations and peoples way. This letter I offer each of you as a peacemaker, as an example of similar letter to your head of state or government to support the GPS idea for G20 and all governments. o­nly in this way can we hope that the GPS weak voice will be heard by governments, which, in fact, neglect the most important problem of global peace. Similar letters today, including Nobel Peace Prize Laureates, for example, Presidents Obama and EU, as similar petitions like Ayo Ayoola-Amale great peacemaker from Ghana (http://www.change.org/petitions/g20-create-and-support-global-peace-science), as well as such publications in social networks – can be the mission of every true peacemaker today.

We are all convinced that the way to global peace lies o­nly through corresponding science - GPS. None of us knows of any other universal and holistic way.

Other separate but worthy ways to peace through interfaith harmony, Constitution of the Earth, economic justice, global harmonious education, literature and art, and so o­n - are included in the GPS and are its particular aspects, each of which does not provide global peace as a whole, for all people, groups, nations and cultures and into all social dimensions: humanitarian, spiritual, political / legal and economic / ecological. If this is so, and we all share this global peace idea, then please, let us act in this direction and show other people this wonderful peacemaking example. Thank you very much for your understanding.

With love, best harmony wishes,

Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA President,




Some exciting news out of California. Thanks to our CA Peace Alliance organizers and other key supporters, the CA Democratic Party recently endorsed legislation to establish a U.S. Department of Peacebuilding and a peacebuilding platform.

This is a meaningful development.The CA Democratic party (CDP) o­nly endorses a handful of bills each session -- and this is some of the most comprehensive peacebuilding support in any party platform in the nation.In fact, neither party has done a good job of including peacebuilding language in their platforms, and with CA being the largest state in the union, this could help set a trend.

[Lily Marie, Nancy Merritt, Jeriln Stapleton @ TPA booth]

New provisions to both the CDP Platform of 2012 and DoP 2013 include:

°Provide for public education programs that promote tolerance and respect for diversity

°Create school and community cultures where students and staff are free from bullying and harassment by implementing curricula in nonviolent conflict resolution education for teachers, students, parents, school community and community at large

°Assist in re-entry for incarcerated individuals by including training in anger management, peacebuilding skills, life skills, education and job skills

°Assist in creating strong & healthy families, including supporting mental health service, domestic violence prevention, gang prevention, anti-bullying programs, substance abuse prevention, and parenting skills

°Provide restorative justice programs in the criminal justice system to bring together offenders, victims, and community members to repair harm through accountability and rehabilitation.

Big props to our CA team and all those who helped! Their vigilance and hard work paid off.

"CDP officials told us to make them support peacebuilding -- and that’s just what we did.We took peacebuilding to the Party.Hard work, strategy, education, networking, coalition building and some luck resulted in the CDP’s dual peacebuilding endorsements. This involved not o­nly blood, toil, sweat and tears, but also perseverance, learning, listening, connecting, alignment of the stars and real joy...” said Nancy Merritt, Peace Alliance State Coordinator. Read the Full Report

You can read Nancy's full report, with many inspiring details and quotes.

You can also watch a video of the proceedings and check out all the photos o­n Facebook.


Bob Baskin, Peace Alliance President, Washington, USA, info@thepeacealliance.org,



Dear Bob,

Many thanks for your wonderful peace news "California Democratic Party Endorses US Dept. of Peacebuilding" and its peace-building platform. In this connection, our GHA offers you Peace Alliance and CDP to complement this platform in the following key for the 21st century proposal: "To support creation of the Global Peace Science (GPS) under the G20 aegis through International Scientific Contest for the GPS best version as a scientific foundation of DoP and global peace o­n Earth in the 21st century." Do you agree to put this proposal in discussion of your Alliance and CDP? U.S. Dept. of Peacebuilding (DoP) can be regarded today as an intuitive practical (organizational and political) embodiment of GPS. DoP and GPS are the two inseparable sides - practical and theoretical – of a 21st century model of peacebuilding. They mutually need each other and they mutually reinforce each other and develop. Therefore, they are doomed to unity.

GHA understands and recognizes this and is willing to work in this direction. Does your Alliance understand and recognize this? Is it ready to cooperate in this regard? The first practical step in this cooperation, we see a joint (GHA-USA + your Alliance) letter to President Barack Obama, as a Nobel Peace Prize winner, to support (or initiate) at the G20 Summit o­n September 5-6 in St. Petersburg. This is the creation of Global Peace Science through International Science Contest sponsored by the G20 and under its aegis, stressing that this science is the necessary theoretical foundation for DoP, a bill of which has been widely discussed in the U.S. and is already approved by CDP and others.

Support or initiation of the GPS o­n the G20 Summit will provide for U.S. world leadership in peace-building and make the U.S. the first country in the world which will make the "shift from the arms race to a peace race," bequeathed by the great Martin Luther King Jr. Who does not like the idea that Obama, the Democrat, and Nobel Laureate, would support and / or initiate an idea of GPS? Who better than the GHA and your Alliance to write about it to Obama? As you know, the idea of ​​GPS through an international scientific Contest under the G20 aegis is detailed in the GHA Open Letter to the G20 leaders, which I sent to you and which is published here:www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=582.

Materials of your letter (http://org.salsalabs.com/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=b2iujJwzv%2FPbQJFSNMS7D0UluS1573yi well illustrate that the U.S. government, like other countries, is concerned about weapons and considers as a priority - war, not peace is their first concern. This priority, in fact, is preserved in the G20, the Summit of which is dedicated to economic growth especially for the war, which is well veiled in his agenda. The inclusion in the Summit agenda a question of creating GPS will change the government’s military priority to a peace priority. Another example of the military priority is Snowden’s small issue, which overshadowed the peace priority for the governments of USA and Russia. To change the military priority to a priority for peace, it is necessary to strengthen a weak voice of GPS for G20 by broad and strong support of global civil society, especially our two organizations.

Without our unity, the weak voice of GPS as well as a weak voice of DoP and all other peaceful weak voices will never be heard by governments. The idea of ​​global peace will be doomed to endless stagnation in the endless prosperity of the arms race and the unlimited growth of military spending, as it has existed since the end of World War II in 1945. This means o­nly o­ne thing: preparing for the last for mankind third world war, in which mankind will destroy themselves with their own hands and their own military mind and military science. If we want to change the status quo since 1945, we as peacemakers are simply obliged to support the GPS creation as the scientific foundation of global peace and all its institutions, including the DoP, UN, UNESCO, and the like.

This is our peace duty and responsibility. GHA welcomes your Alliance, as well as other peace organizations to understand and share this key peacemaking duty today. Thank you for your understanding.




Dear Leo,

Today I sent my letter in Italian by post to the Italian Prime Minister, who will participate in the G20. I have attached the original letter in English. That is not a problem for our Prime Minister. I hope that something will be made. Best whishes,

Dr. Renato Corsetti, President, Universal Esperanto Association, Rome, Italy,



Dear Renato,

Many thanks for your practical contribution to global peace. Your letter to your Prime Minister Mr. Enrico Letta greatly increases the chance that a weak voice of the Global Peace Science (GPS), which was proposed in the GHA Open Letter to the G20 leaders will be heard and included in their agenda. You started a "peace race," which takes the place of "the arms race" (Martin Luther King Jr.). WHO of the 20 leaders of the G20 FIRST initiate the GPS within their Summit o­n September 5-6 in St. Petersburg? We, in the GHA letter, offered it to all 20 leaders. I offered it to Russian President Putin. You offered it to the PM of Italy. Other members of the GHA will offer it to other members of the G20 - the leaders of India, Argentina, France, Japan, USA and so o­n. This is the best and most worthy of the human mind race in world history! GHA highly appreciates your contribution to peace and your peacemaker responsibility.

Please let me continue your initiative in the next direction. You are President of the Universal Esperanto Association (www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=97), representing some 2 million Esperanto speakers from around the world. All Esperantists are peacemakers, because communication between them is possible o­nly within the paradigm of peace, not war. You are always actively involved in all peacekeeping GHA projects, as reflected o­n your personal page (above), and in many publications o­n the GHA website "Peace of Harmony" in the Esperanto section. In this connection, I would like to invite you, together with your colleagues, to translate two GHA texts in Esperanto: GHA Letter to G20 and article "Global Peace Science" (www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=582 - both together - 9 pages).

Their translation into Esperanto will allow us to publish them as o­n the GHA website and o­n websites, in schools and in the networks of Esperantists, so that they can discuss and support them, to sign the Petition and invite the G20 leaders of their countries to support creation of the peace science (GPS) now, at least through 200 years, after the creation of war science. The creation of this science will allow Global Education to pass from the militaristic to harmonious (peace value). This will be a huge practical contribution of Esperantists to global peace, which will be the honor and pride of your Association and raise its prestige in the world.

Please, let us know what you think about this peace idea. You will give it a good example for other groups and organizations of peacemakers - believers, teachers, artists, writers, journalists, doctors, scientists and others. Thank you for your understanding and support that opens up new possibilities and perspectives before global peace from harmony.





Our peacemaking letters to our Governments o­n example of Ayo’s letters

Dear friends-peacemakers,

I am happy to send you a letter in the attachment of our great peacemaker in Africa (Ghana) Ayo Ayoola-Amale to the President of South Africa Republic as a member of the G20 Mr. Jacob Zuma to initiate the creation of Global Peace Science (GPS) through an international Contest of scientists-peacekeepers under the G20 aegis. This letter is published here: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=582

Ayo sent 9 similar letters to 9 leaders of the three countries: Nigeria, Ghana and South Africa. We are happy to congratulate Ayo with this unique and unprecedented contribution to global peace! We appreciate this real contribution and offer Ayo’s letter, which we discussed with her and Bruce, as an example and model for all peacemakers. Each of your similar letters (with your appropriate editing) to the leaders of your countries will be a unique and unprecedented contribution to global peace and your great gift to the International Day of Peace o­n September 21.

I think none of the peacemakers any doubt the GPS need. I think none of the peacemakers have any doubt of the need for the International Democratic Contest of scientists to create this science. (As a version of this science, created in the GHA o­n the basis of theory of social harmony which we consider as o­nly o­ne of the possible examples, is ready to compete with any other). If so, then these two key ideas that have been deployed in Ayo’s letter deserve the attention of all governments in the world. Today, our duty as peacemakers is to bring these simple ideas to our governments and their leaders. In this matter, we should not be shy and afraid of nothing, as our similar letters work for global peace and serve its real approaching reality. Therefore, we hope that the peacemakers not o­nly from the GHA will follow our example and find in yourself the mind, will and determination to write and send a similar letter to the leaders of your government. The more such letters exist, the more significant will be their impact, and the stronger will be the voice of global peace.

In your letters you can use the translations of the GHA Open Letter to French by Mr. Heli Habyarimana (Rwanda), which is published here: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=fr_c&key=135, and in Spanish by Dr. Justo B. Boleka (Spain) published here: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=es_c&key=107.

Some also use a short article (4 pages) about the Global Peace Science (www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=582), which is now also translated into:

French (www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=fr_c&key=134),

Spanish (www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=es_c&key=106),

Japanese (www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=jp_c&key=12) and

Greek (www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=gr_c&key=8) languages ​​of the GHA members:

Heli Habirimana, Celia Altshuler, Kae Morii, and Takis Ioannides respectively. GHA is deeply grateful to you and highly appreciates your great work with these, very important for world peace, translations. The peacemakers letters, equipped with these translations are convincing facts of possibility and necessity for GPS. It is the goal of our letters to achieve peacemaking from harmony and our great life mission as peacemakers.

Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA President,



Dear Leo:

Thanks for asking me to write to Obama as Nobel Peace Laureate. The letter you composed for me or, as a matter of fact, for anyone that may eventually write him, is quite impressive and very well written.

You caught me during a time when I am somewhat stressed with a lot of work. I do not feel I can concentrate thoroughly under the circumstances to do this kind of job at this moment. I am right now preparing to leave for Malta, Switzerland and Spain.

I propose we ask another in the USA for this task someone like Dr. Noor Gillani, Dr. Laj Utreja, Dr. Arlester McBride, Dr. Dominica McBride, Ms. Lana Yang, Dr. Terrence Paupp, Ms. Tania Hering, Mr. William Thompson, Dr. Thomas Brindle, Mr. Frank Dorrel.

I am sending a copy of this message to the 10 names I just indicated to write such the letter you proposed to President Obama which I know it is very appropriate, pertinent and important by all means. Please feel free to contact them yourself as well if you wish.

As far as I am concerned, I love doing the work you proposed. I find it challenging and highly appropriate but, as I stated, at this time I cannot concentrate o­n such an assignment considering that within a short time I will be in Europe, as already indicated.

Dr. Charles Mercieca, GHA Vice-President, President, International Association of Educators for World Peace, USA,



+ YOUR ETHIC DESIRE to serve for global peace

Dear Charles and American peacemakers,

Today is the time to test of your true spirit of peace. o­n the o­ne hand, we see America as "a state of permanent war" (see an excellent article o­n this topic by Prof. Dr. Albert A. Stahel in the attachment). At the same time, we see in America, the most peaceful centers, foundations, societies - a huge army of peacemakers with your participation, headed by President Obama - Nobel Peace Laureate (NPL).

How do we explain this American war-peace paradox? Some explain it by saying that American peacekeepers in their deep and hidden nature are warlords making a peacekeeping umbrella for American militarism - the first and most powerful in the world. They create o­ne of the favorable conditions of constant heyday of American militarism and unbridled growth of military expenditures and the arms race. Is this true?

Today, o­n the eve of the G20 Summit o­n September 5-6 in St. Petersburg, the single NPL among G20 leaders U.S. President Barack Obama, has a historic opportunity at this Summit to initiate a key condition for world peace - Global Peace Science (GPS). This feature is simple, clear and understandable to any student. But why is it not clear and is not accessible to U.S. peacemakers?

Only o­ne, Dr. Bruce Cook, the GHA-USA President, decided to send a letter to him to push him to this peace initiative. This initiative is able to transform the U.S. from the first militarist in the world to the first global peacemaker - “to shift the war race into a peace race” as bequeathed by another NPL great, Martin Luther King Jr. Why do other U.S. peacekeepers, including the great peacemakers, not want to use this historic opportunity to transform the U.S. to the first peacemaker in the world? This is the most efficient and simultaneously painless transformation! o­nly o­ne is required, so that every American peacemaker wrote a similar letter (in attachment) to President Obama as NPL, which he received in advance of the world anticipation from him in the great peace initiatives. Initiation of creation GPS at the G20 Summit and under the G20 aegis - this is the best and greatest peace initiative for the Nobel Peace Laureate.

President Obama has a lot of military advisers, but he is devoid of peace advisers. Peacekeepers U.S. could make up for this American lack and become the peaceful advisors. WHAT IS PREVENTING YOU FROM FULFILLING THIS TRUE PEACEMAKING MISSION? In Charles’ email, the great peacemaker since 1958, when he created the International Association of Educators for World Peace, we do not find, unfortunately, clear answers and explanations in this regard. Peacekeeping letter to NPL Obama requires from a peacemaker maximum of o­ne hour and an ETHIC DESIRE to serve world peace. In this regard, let me ask Charles and every American peacemaker: WHAT you lack - the first (one hour) or second (desire)?

GHA and global civil and peace-making society is hoping that at the U.S. peacemakers will find o­ne hour of time to carry out the mission of the peace adviser for the NPL President Obama. We see that dozens of GHA members-peacekeepers from other countries have found the desire and time to write and send a similar letter initiating GPS to their heads of states and governments: Russia, India, France, Italy, South Africa, Spain, Nigeria, Ghana + (pending) Argentina, Japan, Brazil, Australia, Pakistan and so o­n, as well as the UN and UNESCO.

What prevents American peacekeepers from following these examples as the free inner choice of the true peacemaker? There are still two weeks before the G20 Summit to find o­ne hour to follow suit. GHA and global civil society is waiting your emails about your letters to Nobel Peace Laureate to President Obama. Please, help your President to get out of the military captivity and environment helping his mission for global peace.





Dear Leo, Charles & Others,

You can read the book I have published entitled: “ADDICTED To WAR, Why The U.S. Can’t Kick Militarism” o­n line at: www.addictedtowar.com/bookpreview.html

You Can Watch My Film: “What I’ve Learned About U.S. Foreign Policy: The War Against The Third World" - o­n-Line at: www.youtube.com/watch?v=V8POmJ46jqk

This is a 2-hour video compilation featuring the following 10 segments:

1. Martin Luther King Jr., Civil rights leader speaking out against the U.S. war in Vietnam.

2. John Stockwell, CIA Station Chief in Angola -1975, under CIA Director, George Bush Sr.

3. Coverup: Behind the Iran-Contra Affair U.S. support of the Contras in Nicaragua.

4. School of Assassins, Our own terrorist training school at Fort Benning, Georgia.

5. Genocide by Sanctions, 5,000 Iraqi children die every month due to the U.S. sanctions.

6. Philip Agee, Former CIA official who spent 13 years in the agency, wrote CIA Diary

7. Amy Goodman, Host of Democracy Now, Pacifica Radio NY, o­n the CIA and East Timor.

8. The Panama Deception Academy award for best documentary o­n U.S. invasion of Panama

9. Ramsey Clark, Former Attorney General, talking o­n U.S. militarism and foreign policy.

10. S. Brian Willson, Vietnam Veteran -Wages Unconditional Peace against U.S. imperialism

Obama is part of the system. He is not a peace-maker at all. He is a trick presented to the American people. He represents the corporations and the war machine. And most all of the people in the Congress and the Senate are the same. I’m sorry to say this but it is true. And most Americans are o­nly concerned with their life and do not want to see what those of us in the anti-war peace movement have been trying to tell them. It is the Big Lie - The Matrix ‘1984’ come to be real. There is a fairly big peace movement here but we are relegated to the alternative media. The biggest person in the alternative media is Amy Goodman with her daily program titled: Democracy Now: www.democracynow.org – which is now o­n over 1,000 radio & television stations. Michael Moore has made some great movies telling much truth: Fahrenheit 9-11: www.youtube.com/watch?v=cY0OCdHICCo š- www.michaelmoore.com š-

But o­nce again, most Americans are busy with their own lives and do not want to know that the United States is the biggest terrorist country in the world.

I will send you a list of some other excellent anti-war films telling the truth about the United States that you can watch o­nline.

Here is my short biography: www.addictedtowar.com/frankdorrel.html

In Peace,

Frank Dorrel

Publisher, Addicted To War,

P.O. Box 3261, Culver City, CA 90231-3261, USA

310-838-8131, fdorrel@addictedtowar.com, www.addictedtowar.com


Dear Frank,

Many thanks for your great work o­n the criticism of U.S. militarism. I looked at your websites and admire their critical content. But my criticism is - it's o­nly half the story, even less. We can sink and drown in the criticism and do not add any positive iota to global peace, and this is happening now and what is also helpful and too useful to militarism. Militarism fears o­nly positive alternatives. In my opinion, our most important work relates to the creation and the positive transformation of the U.S. from the first world warlord in the first world peacemaker. And for that, the U.S. has a huge background and the opportunities that await uniting in the right direction of peacemaking.

GHA offers a combining and transforming basis into the Science of Global Peace (www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=582). In this regard, we are happy to invite you to membership in GHA and join with your powerful intellectual potential in our positive scientific direction in peacekeeping activity. Do you agree to cooperate with us? If so, your first and most important step here would be your letter to President Obama as Nobel Peace Laureate.

I have read your unflattering opinion about him. But let us, you first of all, make another attempt and new step. Did you read the GHA draft of the letter that I sent to Charles? Could you edit it in your style and send it to President Obama? His response to similar letters will show who he is truly: a peacemaker or a militarist. Similar letters will be a very good test for him. Do you agree with that?





Dear Leo,

I am sorry to say that you and many of the people involved in the Universal Alliance are out of touch with the people at the grass roots. Also you all gave your support to Obama who has always been involved in a 'war' all of his living life.

You anticipate peace from a man who was funded by Islam during his life to further the Islamic cause in America and around the world. Even Muslims at the grass roots have woken up around the world to the real intentions of Obama, and many know who he is as stipulated by biblical prophecy.

Seriously, where are you all coming from? With the greatest respect, Obama has been asked to return Nobel Peace Prize that he was given. Given without creating any peace in any country, in any region. Or any state, least of all his own of Chicago. He gave the order to bomb Pakistan four days into his first presidency, and you think that Obama will listen to any of you? The heavenly Father told me prior to him taking up his seat that this is what Obama would do and when, in the November prior.

The o­nly way there will ever be any peace anywhere, is when Obama leaves office. What Obama and his cronies have co-created for the USA is beyond measure in debt and division. Sadly, you all supported him to gain that office in the first place, and still do. The LORD will create an epic situation to ensure that you all open your eyes to the truth that is continually shared with the universal alliance but never shared with its participants. I recommend that you read Isaiah 8 for I have given you the testimony of warning many times.




+ Our hope o­n God and the human mind, which is of God


Thank you for your inner spiritual revelation.

But I can agree with it o­nly half because it is devoid a positive hope for every person. Everything you write about Obama is true, but o­nly half, because you do not want to see his positive peaceful steps, albeit small and discrepant, inconsistent, but the important building blocks for global peace: the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq and Afghanistan, etc.

Of course, this is a drop in the USA militaristic ocean, but it is the seed from which may grow a tree of peace in the United States to transform the first warlord into the first peacemaker. It was foreseen by Martin Luther King Jr. with his positive appeal to the United States to "shift the arms race into a peace race." This is more like for me than to paint Obama or USA o­nly with o­ne black color.

It has long been known that human nature is contradictory. In each person lives good and evil, God and devil, animal and mind and as written by the great Italian philosopher Pico della Mirandola (1463 – 1494), from the person, each of us, from the will and the mind of each o­ne depends the decision to rise up to God or down to the animal and the devil. The social nature of humanity is that we help each other in these two directions.

GHA and our idea of ​​Global Peace Science from harmony extends help to people, including Obama, to rise to God, to the highest peace mind as to the true human dignity to save the mind and will from the humiliation of falling to the animal, devil and evil.

Isaiah 8 also says: nations, be at enmity, arms, but tremble before God, remember God and His punishment. Evil, as well as all the negative aspirations, will not go unpunished by God - that's the main idea of ​​Isaiah, which pushes people to turn their will and mind from evil to good, harmony and peace.

The GHA as and Universal Alliance peacemakers in the letters to the heads of states and governments, who are steeped in militarism and think at G20 about economic growth for war, not for peace (http://ru.g20russia.ru/docs/g20_russia/), encourage them to find in their souls the good will and reason to initiate the creation of the global peace science (GPS). Without this science the good and divine mind does not prevail o­n Earth, which is still in captivity and slavery at the hands of militarists and financiers working for them.

I do not know whether you are woman or man, Christian or Muslim. I do not know your country: USA, Britain or Pakistan, but I invite you to actively take the side of the divine mind to support in humans, including Obama and leaders of your country, a positive start.

Help them to do so, please. Write to the leaders of your country a similar letter (in attachment). Push them to initiate today the best for humanity achievement of the human mind - the Science of Global Peace. This will be the best response to the challenge of God. Do you agree with that? Thank you. Best harmony wishes,





Dear Leo

I translated your text to Farsi (Persian). I send you with two form word and pdf.


Dr. Manijeh Navidnia, GHA Vice-President, Dr. of Sociology, Iran



Dear Manijeh,

Thank you very much for your great and careful work with your translation (in attachment). GHA appreciates your contribution to the establishment and spread for Global Peace Science (GPS) as the best, intellectual, condition for peace and security in the world, including your country. Let me ask a very important question for you: Could you send to the new president of Iran the GHA Open Letter to G20 leaders based o­n the model of letter to the Prime Minister of India in attachment? Other documents for the G20 Summit, you could have a look here: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=582.

GPS may be the best reasonable tool as a common platform for solution of all wars and for any peace negotiations in any conflict. This is the most powerful peaceful means of global, regional and national security, which, unfortunately, is not yet known to mankind because of the lack of this science, although military science thrives by the governments of more than 200 years. The GHA initiative with GPS opens light o­n global peace at the end of the military tunnel of history.

Iran's government (as and government of Palestine), if it really wants peace, not war, could initiate GPS before the G20 and the UN General Assembly in the fall. GPS is in the interests of all countries, without exception. Have you read about this in our letter to the UN and UNESCO? Your letter, like all similar letters of the GHA members to leaders of their countries, could be the trigger for a series of subsequent peace initiatives from the local to the global level.

You, as a sociologist of social security, likely clearly understand me and this task. Therefore, GHA is waiting o­n you to write to your President - of course, if this is acceptable into traditions of your culture. Thank you.




To:To Russian Presidency at the G20 Summit, September 5-6, 2013, St. Petersburg, Russia

Copy of the letter is provided

August 19, 2013


Mr. Barack Obama, USA President, 2009 Nobel Peace Laureate … (This letter is published above)

Dr. Bruce Cooke, GHA Vice-President, GHA-USA President,



Dear Bruce,

Thank you very much for your excellent, detailed, with many facts, letter to President Obama as the o­nly Nobel Peace Laureate among the G20 leaders with a copy to Russian Presidency at G20 Summit below.

It is difficult now to say who of the G20 Summit participants is more able to initiate Global Peace Science (GPS) and to put its question into this agenda - there are too many different circumstances and chances for each of them. But theoretically, of course, Obama more than others can do it, and as Nobel Peace Laureate – it is his trump and potential, and as the initiator of "nuclear zero", the idea of ​​which was included in the Agreement with Russia o­n a new nuclear arms reduction in 2009, in London in the spring. This important idea for the world was enough to win the Nobel Peace Prize.

GHA praised the "nuclear zero" as the first sign of a new, harmonious civilization, being born within the industrial o­ne and going to replace it. That is expressed in two program collective books of GHA: Harmonious Civilization, 2009: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=379, and The ABC of Harmony for World Peace ... 2012: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=478. o­n the other hand, Obama's nuclear zero recognizes is the knowing the stalemate of military progress and the arms race. This is a logical self-negation of military science and military thinking.

Nuclear disarmament is the engine of general and complete disarmament. But both of them are not possible without a new, peaceful thinking and reason, embodied in GPS, which defines the non-military guarantees and non-violent sources for global peace and world security.

Another important fact of our time is that, for the most part, economic growth is eaten by increasing military spending. This leads to a permanent increase in state debt and periodic cumulative economic / financial crises in the world. This can be understood o­nly in a paradigm of peaceful thinking and its science (GPS), but not in the paradigm of military science and thinking. Therefore, we can say with complete justification that GPS is a conscious way out from the two interrelated deadlocks of modernity: (1) military (deadlock of military progress in the arms race) and (2) economic (deadlock of economic growth focused mainly o­n unmeaning military spending with concomitant global economic and financial crises).

GPS provides scientific, acceptable to all nations, answers to these two key challenges of our time, revealing the advantages of global peace and as a world security guarantee, and as a key to sustainable economic growth without crises. Consequently, GPS, with similar unprecedented intellectual abilities, beneficial to all countries, without exception, is worthy of close attention by all governments and deserves to be a permanent theme o­n the agenda of each summit of G20, for each UN General Assembly.

Global peace through the prism of relevant science (GPS) gives to these bodies and all governments a sustainable peace measurement based o­n a new universal paradigm of scientific social thinking and knowledge.

Open the high road for this scientific paradigm in the 21st century - this is the historical task of the G20 Summit. Who o­n it will be the first able to understand and put this task? This is Hamlet's question today for global peace: to be or not to be?

Dear Bruce, your excellent letter to President Obama, as well as other similar letters of GHA members: Renato Corsetti - to Prime Minister of Italy; Ayo Amale – to Presidents of South Africa, Nigeria and Ghana; Subhash Chandra and Surendra Pathak - to Prime Minister of India; Justo Boleka - to Prime Minister of Spain; Guy Crequie – to President of France; my and Roxanna Sadykova – to President of Russia; mine - to the UN and UNESCO leaders - all these letters help participants of G20 Summit in St. Petersburg to understand this historical problem in a peaceful solidarity. (These letters are published here: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=582).

Global peaceful solidarity grows out from deep harmony of civilizations, cultures and nations of the Earth, disclosed GPS. Similar letters (listed and new, preparing) – are the highest peace responsibility of GHA and peace dignity of its members, of which we can by rights be proud. I hope our peace responsibility finds appreciation not o­nly in the GHA, but also in the world. Thank you.




From: Muhammad Yunus Khan <yunushavaida@gmail.com>

Sent: Monday, August 26, 2013.

To: Russian Presidency At G-20 Summit:<info@g20russia.ru>


Very humbly I am sending this letter along with necessary enclosures to the RUSSIAN PRESIDENCY At G-20 Summit to be held 5 - 6 September, 2013 depicting GHA efforts to initiate the Global Peace Science under G-20 Summit. As a Peacemaker I could not miss out their unique opportunity. Thanks.


Truly yours,

Muhammad Yunus Khan

Member: Global Harmony Association (GHA)

One of the Peacemaker Volunteers

CC to: Dr. Leo Semashko


State Councillor of St.Petersburg,

Philosopher, Sociologist and Peacemaker from Harmony;

Director: Tetrasociology Public Institute, Russia;

Founding President Global Harmony Association (GHA);

Director: GHA Website "Peace from Harmony".www.peacefromharmony.org

(3) Attachments:

(i) Emblem: Peace from Harmony.

(ii) Re: Global Harmony Science (GPS ) Under G-20 Summit.

(iii) GHA Open Letter.


Dear Muhammad Yunus Khan,

Many thanks for your deep and persuasive letter (in attachment) to the Prime Minister of Pakistan! I was happy to publish it along with similar letters here: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=582. Your letter is a major contribution to global peace and its science, without which it would be impossible. You have shown yourself as true peacemaker practically: you really want peace, not war, so you wrote a letter to your leader, to find out what he wants in reality: war or peace? And if he wants world peace, which is impossible without its science, he will initiate it before the leaders of G20, and at each General Session of the United Nations, and to UNESCO to establish the International Peace Science Institute, etc. Each peacemaker and every national leader is tested today: what he/she actually wants - peace or war? Does he or she want to support peace science, without which peace cannot be?

You formulate a wise thought: "As a Peacemaker I could not miss out their unique opportunity". You're a wise human, and a true peace-loving Muslim Peacemaker with a capital letter! Kudos to you! GHA is proud of like peacekeepers in spirit and heart! The more similar peacekeepers will be, the more similar letters in each country will be, the sooner will the Science for Global Peace be created and the sooner will be global peace, necessary to every nation of the world!

This truth is clear to every child, but unfortunately, not all people who call themselves peacekeepers. Of course, this is a difficult process of internal consciousness to shift from the traditional dominance of military science to the priority of peace science and scientific peace thinking, unknown to humanity, the question of which first was raised in the world by GHA in 2013 before the G20 leaders. Your letter to the leader of Pakistan, as well as other similar letters, show that this internal transition is possible and necessary to everyone who is a peacemaker today. Many thanks to you and all who wrote such letters for your great example that GHA appreciated as a model for all peacemakers of the 21st century.





Dear friends of various peace and harmony organizations

Attached is the IPPNW Statement o­n Chemical Weapons and access to Health Care in Syria.

With respect and friendship,

Prof. Emeritus Dr. Ernesto Kahan, MD University Professor - Poet – Physician, GHA Vice-President, Israel,



Dear Ernesto,

GHA fully supports the IPPNW Statement o­n Chemical Weapons and access to Health Care in Syria. It is timely and necessary, but not sufficient to prevent local military conflicts like Syria. They require more fundamental instruments than statements. o­ne of these tools is fundamental Global Peace Science (GPS) as Science of Global Harmony, which is presented in the first approximation in the GHA collective global textbook "The ABC of Harmony for World Peace ..." (2012) by the GHA 76 co-authors from 26 countries, including you, dear Ernesto. GHA is considering this science as o­ne of the possible options of GPS. Therefore GHA initiates GPS creation through an International Scientific Contest among more than 400 peace organizations in the world before the heads of states and governments, as well as before international bodies - G20, the UN and UNESCO. The GHA membershave already written and sent more than 20 letters to heads of states and governments with a proposal to initiate the creation of GPS under the aegis of international bodies o­n a democratic path of an international scientific contest.

In this connection, let me a few questions to you as a distinguished peacemaker, o­ne of the IPPNW leaders, recognizing that (IPPNW) won the Nobel Peace Prize 1986:

1. Could IPPNW support the GHA peace initiative with the GPS creation under the G20, the UN and UNESCO aegis through the International Science Contest and to express this support in a relevant statement to the leaders of G20, the UN and UNESCO?

2. Could you personally, as GHA Vice-President, as outstanding peacemaker and co-author of the GHA Open Letter to G20 leaders: "Global Peace Science for G20 and Humanity - Growth through Peace and for Peace but not for War" by GHA 57 members, including you, write your personal letters to the President of Israel and the President of Russia to initiate the GPS creation by similar path? The examples and models for your personal letter can be any of the more than 20 such letters, over 10 of which have been published in four languages: English, French, Spanish, and Russian here: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=582 together with GHA’s Open Letter.

Your similar letter needs o­nly two things: o­ne hour of your time and a desire to serve world peace through the creation of its science. I'm sure, you, as a great peacemaker, have both of these things to serve for peace now. GHA has high hopes for you and your writings as a strong voice in support of the GPS weak voice. This will be your new great contribution to global peace, which GHA will highly appreciate as and other international peace organizations.

I have sent letters of invitation to Ernesto Kahan also drawn to other great peacemakers GHA: Abdul Kalam, Kanakmal Dugar, Charles Mercieca, Ada Aharoni, Rudolf Siebert, Celia Altschuler, Glenn Martin, François Houtart, Laj Utreja, Yehuda Stolov, Evelyn Linder, Hedva Bachrach, Maria Teresa, Kurt Johnson, Bishnu Pathak and all the other GHA members-peacemakers. We can join shared solidary efforts to raise our peace care in the 21st century to a new level and step over the past century. Thank you for your understanding and your support of GPS as the peace mind that opposes reason of war, consolidated in military science. Paraphrasing the brilliant words of Martin Luther King Jr., we can say that today "we must shift the science of war into the science of peace - GPS."





My dear old friend Rudolf Siebert,

We read your wonderful information for the tenth time! It may be enough? It may be better to write a letter to President Putin as President of the G20 Summit 5-6 September in St. Petersburg at address: info@g20russia.ru with the support of Global Peace Science (GPS). Without this science we cannot offer any interfaith harmony and any harmony between fundamentalism and secularism that is the main theme of your wonderful workshop in wonderful Crimea for the wonderful 12th time.

Do you support GPS or you reject it? You are the first “World Harmony Creator” in the GHA since 2007 (www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=513). GHA hopes that you will justify this high trust and this GHA highest honorary title and will support GPS in your any letter to Pres. Putin. You can find more than 10 sample letters for it here: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=582. I think it will be more useful waste of your expensive time than o­n endless mailing your ads.

Similarly, for Charles Mercieca, who spared no time for endless mailing petty information, but cannot find o­ne hour to write a letter to Putin to support GPS, as if he is indifferent to the peace science, hence, to world peace, to which he devoted nearly 50 years of life. But what is this without the

support of a fundamental instrument of modern peace - without the Global Peace Science?

Please let us be consistent peacemakers and to be at the level of global peace in 2013, which requires fundamental science and without which it will die in a womb still unborn. Or are you waiting for permission and invitation of our governments that nurture global war by the trillions of their budgets?

Without our hard reminder to them of the global peace and its science, they will never remember about them. So, we have an alternative: either we are waiting silently and cowardly the death of world peace, or we justify our peacekeeping mission and raise our voices in its defense through the creation of Global Peace Science. It is an ethical choice before us: what do we prefer? The first choice will be late cross o­n the grave of traditional peacekeeping, which degenerated into chaos of small, insignificant, fragmented and spontaneous peacekeeping efforts. The second choice will be the germ of a fundamentally new peacekeeping, o­n the basis of uniting all peacekeepers SCIENCE OF GLOBAL PEACE as peace mind of humanity in the 21st century! What choices will make each of us for the rest week before the Summit G20?




Dear Leo,

I didn't forget your proposition but I was far from my home… Find in attachment my letter sent to Mr François Hollande, President of the French republic (3 pages + open letter copy). I transmitted a copy to Mrs Ségolène ROYAL, I met her o­n yesterday in Geneva, and I'll send another copy to the o­nU General Director in Geneva next Monday. I met him yesterday. I'll do the same to Mme Irina BOKOVA, UNESCO director General in Paris. With love for our humanity best harmonious thoughts.




+ Your letter to establish the Institute of Global Peace Science at UNESCO in Paris

Dear Marie,

Many thanks for your wonderful letter to the President of France (in the attachment), and to other leaders of your country, the UN and the media. I was happy to publish your letter, together with similar letters the G20 leaders o­n the GHA website here: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=582

I hope to publish in the future all of these letters together with our discussion of the GHA project GLOBAL PEACE SCIENCE in a special GHA collective book in the near year.

Another important detail: please send your wonderful letter to the Chairmen of the G20 Summit September 5-6 in St. Petersburg, Russian President Putin at the email here: info@g20russia.ru (on the website: http://ru.g20russia.ru/docs/g20_russia/ Thank you.

The idea of Global Peace Science should be circulated as widely as possible among the leaders of the G20 and other countries so they will think instead of war and growth of military budgets about peace and peace budgets.

Especially important will be your letter to the UNESCO Director General Irina Bokova, from who the creation of a small (10-15 scientists to begin with) of International Global Peace Science Institute (IGPSI) within the UNESCO Sector of Social Sciences under my leadership depends. If it will find understanding and recognition by the UNESCO Director-General, you will be the first, who I will be happy to invite to this unique first-ever Institute for the artistic and poetic expression of this science.

I will also be happy to invite to this Institute with the same mission Lida Sherafatmand whose remarkable exhibition was opened in the Roerich Museum (www.roerich.spb.ru) in St. Petersburg yesterday, which will last until September 15, and then will be exhibited in London, at the Higher School of Economics. GHA has enough scientists to ensure the formation of the scientific staff of this Institute.

But, very important, its mission will be to translate the language of science in art, visual and poetic expressions, because the language of art is more accessible for perception than the professional language of science. This Institute from the outset will be express the synergy and synthesis of two cultures by Charles Snow - science and art.

Another mission of this Institute is an interfaith harmony o­n the GPS (science of social harmony in its ABC) foundation, together with the integration of science and religion through the harmonization of their relationship, cultures, and educations. As you know, this is o­ne of the most pressing spiritual and social issues of modernity, the decision of which this Institute integrates o­n the basis and in unity with the Global Peace Science by providing a common spiritual foundation for world peace.

It will be a harmonious spiritual platform SCIENCE - RELIGION - ART - PEACE for the global 21st century humanity. Therefore, we hope that this science and its Institute in UNESCO (or maybe in the UN, or in every country) will find acceptance and support not o­nly the peace organizations, but also religious (primarily interfaith harmony), cultural and artistic: poets, musicians, painters, sculptors, writers, journalists, artists of film and television, and so o­n.

This will be a cumulative spiritual platform which will bring together in harmony all the areas of cultural diversity for the sake of world peace and prosperity.

Dear Marie, I am very thankful to you and appreciate your letter, which was the source of inspiration and incentive for my articulation of these ideas of the GHA cultural boiler. You could share these ideas in your letter to the UNESCO Director General, together with your proposal to create in UNESCO the Institute for Global Peace Science. Do you agree with these new ideas, which are very important for peace, science, art and religion? Thank you for your understanding.




Dear Svetlana Kuskovskay, great teacher from Russia,

Many thanks for the warm greetings with the beginning of school year, with September 1 as the Day of Knowledge! GHA has enriched human knowledge with the SCIENCE OF GLOBAL PEACE (www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=582). If I'm not mistaken, a good tradition is still preserved to start the school year in schools with a PEACE LESSON - "THAT WAS NOT WAR" as we say in Russian families. A very good supplement for this lesson will be a topic of PEACE SCIENCE, which is the science of social harmony (see the GHA global textbook: The ABC of Harmony for WorldPeace … 2012: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=478), developed by GHA during over 8 years and represented in its 7 books and 47 projects and videos. The use of this science will prepare our children, first their mind, for global peace of global humanity of the 21st century.

I am happy to congratulate the GHA members also with the start of a new season in our creative community under the symbol of GLOBAL PEACE SCIENCE, which was first created and for the first time presented to the highest global bodies - G20, UN, UNESCO , and to all governments of the world to discuss , including in their agenda the establishment of the International Institute of Global Peace Science as an instrument of international scientific contest at its best option and for its constant development.

With love and best wishes of harmony to teachers and parents o­n the path of peaceful parenting as the most useful for children, providing them the most important - life instead of death in the next war, which is still a sword of Damocles hanging o­n our heads, the heads of our children and grandchildren first.

Leo Semashko, GHA President



Dear Leo,

I inform you and all GHA friends that Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Emma Bonino will be presented to the next World Conference in SCIENCE for PEACE o­n 15-16 November 2013 into Milan University Bocconi, and also o­n this occasion an ART for PEACE AWARD 2013. The Africa-winner will-be guest Betty William Nobel Peace Laureate of the foundation CHILDREN-PEACE-CITY in Italy.

All Italian Cities and people, including Assisi Frairs, asked for a stop to war. I ask you to put o­nline all letter you received including the Italian letter for Premier, written by Renato Corsetti. This is important for publication o­n weibo, Chinese-web with 500 million of contacts. Best regards

Rosa Dalmiglio, UNESCO-CHINA-ARTISTS for PEACE, Italy,



Dear Rosa,

Thank you very much for your very valuable information about the World Conference in Italy, dedicated to the development of SCIENCE for PEACE. I was happy to publish it along with all the GHA members letters, including Renato Corsetti’s letters to the Italian Prime Minister here:


I would also like to send his letter in the attachment.

I would be happy to participate, along with the wonderful Italian peacemakers developing the peace science in your conference in Milan in November, if I would invited by Milan University Bocconi. Could you help to this invitation with pay of my expenses? Is this possible or not? It would be great and we could meet with you in the second time, after our meeting in St. Petersburg.




G20 Summit o­n September 5-6: It must be for peace, not for war. Let us support a peace mind! "We must shift the arms race into a peace race" as called Martin Luther King Jr.


Dear Friends,

The Summit of "Great Twenty", G20, dedicated to the economic growth will take place in St. Petersburg, Russia, September 5-6. It is mainly directed to the war, the arms race and the growth of military spending. The agenda of this summit is absolutely devoid of the key problem of global peace and prevention of all wars. See G20 website: http://ru.g20russia.ru/docs/g20_russia/

Therefore, if you want peace, not war, if you want that our governments and political leaders we have chosen to care about peace and not war, o­n economic growth for peace, not for the arms race and rabid military expenditures, the Global Harmony Association (GHA: www.peacefromharmony.org), invites you to support and sign the GHA Open Letter to the G20 leaders called: Global Peace Science for G20 and Humanity - Growth through Peace and for Peace but not for War. It is published here: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=582

The science of Global Peace, consolidating peace consciousness of all people, acceptable to all the nations of the world and opposing to military science, consolidating military consciousness and arsenal of war to kill each other - this is the most worthy question for the agenda of our governments at the Summit and beyond it. Military science exists and is nursed by our governments for more than 200 years, and Global Peace Science does not exist until now.

Therefore, we invite every person who loves peace not o­nly to sign the GHA letter but also be able to write a letter to the President of Russia as the Chairman of the G20 Summit and to the heads of your governments and states to ask that they initiate the creation of this science, including its issue o­n the agenda and begin to think and take care about it as a key of global peaceful consciousness of humanity in the 21st century. More than 20 examples for your letters in different languages​​: English, French, Spanish and Russian can be found o­n the same page: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=582

Please, send your letters to the Summit President and the heads of you states and governments to address: info@g20russia.ru (see website of G20).

GHA hopes for peace solidarity among all people of good will. Hurry to show it! Up to the Summit we have o­nly two days! Invite to this global peace action all your friends from different social networks and send them this information!


Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA President, State Councillor, Saint - Petersburg, Russia




September 3rd, 2013

Global Peace Science (GPS) at the G20 Summit


MR. VLADIMIR PUTIN, PRESIDENT OF RUSSIA, Chairman of the G20, o­n the G20 Summit, September 5-6, 2013, St. Petersburg, Russia

Esteemed President of Russia Mr Vladimir Putin, Chairman of the G20, Esteemed Leaders of G20,

I am a living witness - a victim of war - a refugee. I have experienced the horrors of war, I mourn victims of my relatives, I have suffered many years in the nights by nightmares of war. I've lived with orphans, widows, disabled, mentally ruins around me.

Could you please I answer some questions of mine. When will the wars be stopped at last? Who has the courage and the dignity to take this action? Who can understand the great meaning of PEACE? Who can walk the road of PEACE? Who can bring Global PEACE o­n Planet Earth?

I don’t know it. What I do know is that there are real people, fortunately nowadays, who think their fellow human beings are suffering by wars, and yet have the vision of Global PEACE in their hearts and minds. They have the courage to ask you to adopt and promote our idea, as members of GHA, during your conference of G20. And I am sure that you too have the courage to put this discussion into the idea of the creation of “Global PEACE Science” and make this action for the benefit of the future generations. Sincerely Yours,

Athanassios Koumouris, Blind, poet, writer, Member of GHA, Member of IFLAC,

Home address, 14A Lotou str Panorama Ano Liosion, Athens, Greece


Dear Athanassios Koumouris,

Thank you very much for your wonderful peace letter to President Putin with the support of the Global Peace Science for G20! I will be happy to publish it here: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=582

You are a blind writer and poet, known and revered throughout Greece. Your letter to President Putin and the G20 leaders to support Global Peace Science, probably, is the most concise and at the same time the most vivid and convincing for all people of the world. You put before the world's leaders the most important questions: When will the wars be stopped at last? Who has the courage and the dignity to take this action? Who can understand the great meaning of PEACE? Who can walk the road of PEACE? Who can bring the Global PEACE o­n Planet Earth?

This is the honest, courageous and fearless questions of the true peacemaker. And you give the main answer to these questions: they can o­nly be solved through SCIENCE of GLOBAL PEACE! So who from the world leaders will support and recognize this science and begin to work in this direction, which ignites the light at the end of a long historical military tunnel.

Verily, while you are blind, you can see deeper and further than many of today's peacekeepers, who have made peace a sinecure or mask. GHA appreciates your courageous and wise letter, which is the GHA great contribution to global peace. You are a peacemaker - model for all members of the GHA and all other peace organizations in the world. I bow before you as peacemaker with the wise, truly peace loving, mind and spirit.




Dear Dr. Lemashko,

Thank you for sharing your initiative to the UNSG, G20, UNESCO, et al with TRANSCEND International. We have watched this YouTube video and would like to know more about your work.

Peace Research has existed for over 50 years now and exists today in very many countries and with quite concrete achievements. Peace science is currently being taught in over 500 universities in the world and is being implemented in concrete peace projects all over the world, among others by members of IPRA the International Peace Research Association - who have been active globally for peace since 1964.

And, as you appeal to the world’s political leaders for support, we would like to inquire about your track-record of achievements and of o­ngoing projects in which you have put your writings to the test. We ask you to provide us with such material in order to have a more concrete idea of what you are effectively and practically done and are doing.

We would be grateful if you could instruct your offices to share pertinent material o­n the above mentioned track record with us.

We would be delighted to receive material in this sense at your earliest convenience - as we are working o­n your mail right now. If you could send us the instructive material before the end of this week, we would be most grateful. Thank you very much,

Marcel Ewert, TRANSCEND International



The GHA works to cooperate

Dear Marcel,

Thank you very much for your interest in the work of the Global Harmony Association (GHA). As you requested, I have prepared for your leadership the GHA works pack, which may be of interest for your organization to cooperate. The main idea of our proposal to cooperate is in the following.

GHA and your organization (TRANSCEND International - TI) study o­ne thing - peace, but from different perspectives and different approaches and theories. Our theory is general: it is dedicated to world/global peace in a whole, and to the study of its ultimate causes and the general actors. Still Immanuel Kant wrote that this object is not chimerical.

Two centuries after his it has become apparent. Your theory, which we appreciate, is wonderful, but the particular theory, which is dedicated to the peaceful transformation of conflicts by non-violent ways (Peaceful Conflict Transformation) (http://www.transcend.org). This is just o­ne particular aspect of global peace as a whole. (Unfortunately, we did not find o­n your website a list of practical achievements of your wonderful theory from its beginning in 1993 - Please let us know them - thank you.)

Our theories are very well in complementing each other. Our theory is able to include (and will do so in the future) your theory of peaceful conflict transformation in its context to open up new, deeper prospects before it and raise it to a higher level of scientific knowledge and application. At the same time, our theory will be enriched by your theory of peaceful conflict transformation. Therefore, our cooperation will be mutually beneficial and useful, from which the first will win universal science of Global Peace, which does not exist yet, despite numerous partial and limited approaches to peace in the IPRA and other similar organizations. The synthesis of these particular approaches o­n a common platform of universal scientific theory of global peace is required. This is the key idea of our cooperation, the meaning of which is revealed, in the first approximation, in the GHA next works pack, which we are happy to send you in the attachment:

    1. The GHA Proposal to Cooperate in the CSSS,
    2. The GHA Open Letter to the G20 leaders to create Global Peace Science,
    3. Global Peace Science (Contour o­n 4 pages)
    4. CSSS (Comparative Sociological Statistical Study).

We could send you a wider list of GHA works o­n the subject, many of which are mentioned here, if you need it. Thank you for your attention.




Dear Roxana,

I was happy to publish today your 5 letters with an invitation to initiate the Science of Global Peace o­n the Summit to Presidents Putin, Obama and the UN in two languages ​​here:



This is your great contribution to global peace and its science as a true peacemaker! You give an example of true service to peace for the modern peacemakers, some of which have made peace by sinecure or mask.

GHA appreciates your letters that make the GHA a great contribution to global peace. Thank you very much for these letters. I also admire and am deeply grateful to you for your great work in social networks to spread the GHA Open Letter to the Summit leaders to initiate the science of global peace.

Leo, GHA President




Dear Dr. Lemashko,

Dear representatives of Dr. Lemashko,

We seem to be misunderstanding each other quite a bit. Please help clarify the points below at your earliest convenience.

1: Please find under this link a short version of some of TI's achievements in concretely building peace and preventing violence - concrete interventions of TI in human societies suffering the plight of violence be it structural, direct or cultural. That is what we mean by "track record" of action for peace. Peace is a very concrete state of social interaction within and between human societies. How much of it have you concretely brought about? Where (geographical location o­n planet earth) have you implemented peace? Who (individual, initiative, institution) was the beneficiary of the peace you helped bring about? When (dates indicating period of action) did you bring about the said peace to the beneficiaries of your intervention

2: IPRA is an association, not an actor doing research and engaged in peace practice. IPRA, founded in 1964, is an association, not an actor. Its members have done considerable work in both peace theory and peace practice. They do action and work for sustainably nonviolent and empathic societies: That is what peace work is about: concrete + constructive contributions to social reality.

3: To be clear, dear Dr. Semashko, we have been asking you through this channel for a track record (or call it an executive report) detailing the outcomes of your efforts at establishing harmony in human society. We did not mean to receive more material about your statistical research project and your highly conceptual framework. Besides, you are asking us to provide financial assistance to your statistical group in order for them to integrate our work into their work. A rather disturbing proposal. We have oceans of statistics in our 22 publications under TUP.

4: When, in your writings, you refer to concepts that others have elaborated with no quotes or references such as the concept of "deep structure" in the context of "peace", you must surely understand that it is rather problematic. The word for the worst case in academia is plagiarism. We are considering the possibility of plagiarism in scrutinizing your work.

Please do provide us with a serious list of concrete cases of success or attempts in your attempts to foster and implement peace among men and women of any given society o­n this earth.

Marcel Ewert for TRANSCEND International



Our peaceful work is at the level of global peace science and global peace consciousness as a source for global peace - see our 54 achievements here (below)


Dear Prof. Galtung,

Dear his representative Marcel Ewert for TRANSCEND International (TI: http://www.transcend.org),

Our two organizations - our GHA and your TI are peacemaking, but we speak different languages ​​and work in different paradigms of peace. You speak the language of peaceful transformation of the temporal and local conflicts in which there is no concept of global peace and its universal causes. In contrast, we are working within the conception of perpetual/world/global peace o­n the basis of social harmony that began with Immanuel Kant and the details of which are presented in our 4 projects that we have sent to you o­n September 6. We have demonstrated our commitment to offer you a mutually beneficial cooperation and mutual complement of our approaches for the sake of global peace and also understanding your theory and respect to it. We demonstrate the preservation of peacemaking diversity and peacemaking pluralism, as well as its integration and holism o­n the overall, and acceptable to all peacekeepers, theoretical platform of social harmony, which has pledged Kant. (Please, read his brilliant work Perpetual Peace, 1795: www.mtholyoke.edu/acad/intrel/kant/kant1.htm).

Unfortunately, as we can see, you have demonstrated the opposite, absolutising your particular, useful and important but limited approach devoid of holistic and scientific vision of the world/global peace. And this is the third time. We offered you to support our project of complete disarmament in 50 years (on 2% per year: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=529), and a new International peace movement from harmony (www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=537), but both times, as now, you have ignored our suggestions.

It is said that you neglect peacekeeping diversity and pluralism, and that you are not able (or not want) to understand the different approaches and different peacekeeping languages with other peacekeeping concepts, including ours, and thus you ignore the peacekeeping partnership. You honestly and arrogantly admit to your unwillingness to understand us and cooperate with GHA by saying "We did not mean to receive more material about your statistical research project and your highly conceptual framework". This means that you do not want or are not able to develop the idea of global peace of Kant and other great thinkers of humanity.

Your claims and criticism to us are o­nly in the fact that GHA deprived the achievements that have your TI. But this is natural because we have different missions and different approaches. - Your mission is with temporary and local conflicts, and our mission is global peace in a global society and a global harmonious civilization. The path to global peace we see in the establishment and development of a global peace consciousness through global harmonious education in the science of global peace.

For over 8 years, GHA has created 7 books and 47 projects of global peace, education and science, the list of which I have repeated to you many times, it is here: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=472.

We offer our theoretical and cognitive achievements, o­n the o­ne hand, to the nations, the ordinary people, educational institutions, schools and universities, etc., and o­n the other hand, to the world leaders, governments, international bodies: G20, G8, UN, UNESCO and etc. to raise and develop their peacekeeping consciousness o­n a global level. This was clearly demonstrated o­n the last G20 summit in St. Petersburg. In their minds, including the Summit Chair President Putin, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate President Obama and Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, they did not go beyond the local and temporal Syrian conflict and primitive militaristic question, to bomb or not to bomb Syria, o­n which opinions were divided about fifty-fifty. The peacemaking mind of the world leaders did not rise above it. (By the way, the Syrian conflict is your thing and mission, but we have not found your suggestions to it in the list of your achievements).

I think our 54 achievements for 8 years are not less worthy than your 30 achievements for 20 years, of which almost half you honestly recognize the failures (http://www.transcend.org/tms/2013/08/peace-proposals-work-sometimes/). Our both achievements complement and reinforce each other, but you do not want to see it and cooperate. In any case, we will include your theory and advances in the science of global peace, where they will get more in-depth study, appreciation, along with criticism of their limitations. Your plagiarism allegation is frivolous and unfounded so we ignore it. You need to be more responsible for such findings if you are serious scientists.

If you really want no surface pacification but peace ("We are talking about peace, not glib pacification"), as Prof. Galtung writes (footnote above), then we have reason to hope that in the future you will understand the need and mutual benefit of our addition and cooperation, as you cannot do without the Science of Global Peace (www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=582), which determines the cause of true peace and does not stop at the "glib pacification", which is achieved through your "Peaceful Conflict Transformation". We are always open to it o­n the basis of peace pluralism and the preservation of peace diversity for the sake of global perpetual peace, without which humanity cannot survive in the 21st century, and that is not possible without the science of global peace.

We will publish our discussion o­n our website (www.peacefromharmony.org) and would be grateful if you publish it o­n your site (http://www.transcend.org). This will contribute to our better understanding, if you want it and if you are open, not closed. Best harmony wishes,

Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA President,



Dear Leo:

Your message to Rene Wadlow about his proposal to plant trees in the area of military operations in Syria was excellent.

Like you said, what we need is to find all possible ways to encourage the solution of human conflicts through healthy dialogues and never through wars and artificial decorations.

We need to continue to raise our voices loud and take all needed positive and constructive actions in this regard. Keep up the good work. Your philosophy of genuine peace is excellent to say the least.

Charles Mercieca



Voice of America Interview broadcast 9/6/2013

Peter Cottley (VOA) with Dr. Bruce L. Cook (VP - GHA)


Cook: Peter, a lot of the people in the [GHA] group were asked by Dr. Leo Semashko who heads it up, to contact the Heads of State in their countries so that they could encourage those Heads of State to discuss peace at the G20. And the GHA had o­ne particular project in mind. But the thought of the group was – here’s a chance for all the world leaders to get together, representing over 80% of the world’s population as I understand it, and it would be wonderful if they’d talk about peace.

And so we made a proposal to each of them and – kind of like a pressure group – asking them to take up our cause as just a little part of their agenda. And possibly continue it next year.

Cottley:Dr. Bruce, some people say that it’s very difficult for these Heads of State to be talking about peace right now, especially when the focus is o­n striking the capabilities of Syria.

Cook: Oh, that’s exactly true. The problem is to look at today’s situation versus looking long range for an enduring peace. Even the conference was supposed to be about t economy, banking, and trade, but what we hear from the media now is that the main concern was concern over the tragedy in Syria. So you’re right – how do you step back from that.

The approach that Dr. Semashko, our President, took was to recommend that they establish an international scientific contest under the aegis of the group so that they could appoint something like a standing committee and that committee would consider peace proposals from all around the world - and there are like 500 different universities that deal with this – and pick out the best things to do and then further discuss this next year at the next G20.

Cottley:What do you say to critics who say that your group’s working for peace around the world is a utopian idea and not too pragmatic o­n the daily basis?

Cook: Well, I can certainly understand your point there. You know, Martin Luther King addressed that when he said, “We must shift the arms race into a peace race.” Now, that’s not easy. It is utopian. You’re absolutely right. But we have to begin somewhere.And I know the group has o­ne particular study in mind. There are some basic ideas of – even in our educational system – to start to work towards peace, and encourage the first steps to make everybody think of it – to have harmony in those groups. To have mutual respect for each other’s faith. And to even have them come together and have good regard for each other. And to impress o­n them the golden rule. The group in Toronto – Scarboro Missions – has outlined the fact that this is in all the world’s religions. The Golden Rule.

Now those are basic.They are utopian.But it’s not that we can’t do them. We could begin doing them and at the same time, with the cooperation of the G20 and the group there – possibly a committee – we could begin looking at dispute resolution and some things that really address these current problems that are so tragic.

Cottley:What do you think are the prospects of the objective of a sharing peace around the world as your group works towards?

Cook:Well, I think they’re very good ultimately. You know, this is kind of crazy. But the more we’re threatened as a population – as a world population – the more we’re threatened by these instruments of war – and – it’s getting worse in the last few weeks, isn’t it? – the more we’re threatened by that the more seriously we will want peace.

This will o­nly work if everybody wants it. Actually, I think that everybody does want peace.It’s the leaders – in some nations – that don’t want peace. So if the rest of us could encompass that and have a dialogue with these leaders – among those leaders – there’s a chance. And the more we’re threatened the more likely – you know, by these instruments – the more we’re threatened by that the more likely we are to have success in achieving – at least – an agreement that would lead to peace. A political agreement among the leaders – all leaders.

-End -

Bruce L. Cook, Ph.D., President, GHA-USA, Vice-President, GHA,

Director of CSSS Publishing and Editorial team, President, World Writers Resources, Inc.

Author, *Harmony of Nations: 1943 – 2020*, Just Fiction Editions, 2012

1407 Getzelman Drive, Elgin, IL 60123 USA








Dear Bruce,

I fully understand the skepticism of Peter Cottley of Voice of America to the Global Harmony Association (GHA)'s approach to global peace, describing it as utopian. Peace is a goal. The problem is that neither GHA nor any so-called world leaders are offering a logical, practical and universally just system to replace today's illogical, impractical and unjust system to minimize the conflicts that result in war and global terrorism among and within nation-states in the nation-state system of today's world. Garry Davis did, and he combined the best thinking of some of the best thinkers of the modern world like Bucky Fuller and Louis Kelso, as well as that of great thinkers of history. Many visionaries of the past have advocated that "If you want Peace, work for Justice." GHA's message seldom emphasizes, and most often omits any reference to, Global Justice as the basis for the intellectual and moral foundation for Global Peace.

I will send you separately my Facebook posting sent out last week o­n Garry's solution. Until advocates of peace offer more than their support for the goal of peace, they will always be considered utopian. If GHA would get specific and mobilize all their supporters to support the work and mission of (1) Garry's World Government of World Citizens and its accomplishments through the World Service Authority (www.worldservice.org) , (2) Bucky's world design science vision as reflected in the work of the Buckminster Fuller Institute (www.bfi.org) and (3) the Binary Economic model and Just Third Way vision of Louis Kelso as reflected in the work of the Center for Economic and Social Justice (www.cesj.org) and the Kelso Institute for the Study of Economic Systems (KI), GHA will never be taken more seriously than well-intentioned sign-carriers. Working for Peace through Justice,

Dr. Norman G. Kurland, President, Center for Economic and Social Justice, USA,




Dear Bruce,

Many thanks for your first and remarkable interview about the science of global peace for the Voice of America (VOA). While it was limited by time, broadcasting, and etc. - it is wonderful as the first signs in the air about the science of global peace. Yes, all of the first - in the beginning there is utopia. Utopia was the first plane, car, television, computer, phone, etc. All in science and humanity begins with utopia. So, what begins in our time: GHA’s social harmony and global peace science, Norm’s economic justice, Glen’s Constitution of the Earth, Charles’s world peace, Laj’s Harmony Institute, Kurt’s interfaith and interspiritual harmony, Bob’s (Baskin) Department of Peace, and many other innovations of our time - that is all there is now as utopia. And that's great for humanity! Which is it to expect as the practical in 10-20 years, then these utopias will be real! Mankind has always lived at the expense of utopias and without utopias it would long ago have perished! Utopia is a dream, without which humanity cannot live. So be a utopia – this is the highest positive spiritual measure. Whoever does not understand this must be cognitively and philosophically limited. Those who see something negative and unworthy in utopia measure the world by the narrow yardstick of momentary benefit and devoid of any creative imagination and flights of thought. So was your correspondent of VOA.

We know this heavy mental illness of modern media and journalists. Let us forgive their narrow mindedness and be grateful to them if they do something, at least an iota. I will be happy to publish your interview o­n our website in the near future as the first signs of global peace science in air.






Peacemaking thinking of the G20 Summit and GHA:

Brief analysis of the facts, causes, and its quality


Dear GHA members and friends,

The GHA must honestly and courageously establish the following facts regarding the G20 Summit 5-6 September 2013 in St. Petersburg, for which the GHA 57 members prepared o­n Aug. 4, 2013 the Open Letter with a proposal to create the global peace science.

First. We cannot say anything now about the economic impact of the Summit, which will manifest in practice for 1-2 years.

Second. In the political aspect, the Summit did not go beyond the primitive militaristic question: to bomb or not to bomb Syria, o­n which opinions were divided about fifty-fifty. Any of these decisions remains a civil war in Syria and is inviolable and deprived of any peace perspective and alternative.

Third. The GHA members sent letters of invitation to the G20 leaders and the heads of other states to initiate, at the Summit, creation of global peace science as presented in the GHA Open Letter o­n August 4, 2014:

In Russian: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=605

In English: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=582

We will list the letters in chronological order with the indication of the author and recipients:

1. Renato Corsetti, Italy, to Prime Minister (PM) of Italy, 10/08/13, 1 letter.

2. Ayo Ayoola-Amale, Ghana, to Presidents, PMs and heads of parliaments of South Africa, Nigeria and Ghana, 12/08/13. Copies of these nine letters were sent to President Putin, the Summit Chair. Ayo sent 18 letters.

3. Surendra Pathak and Subhash Chandra, India, to PM of India and the Summit Chair, 16/08/13, 2 letters.

4. Justo Bolekia Boleka, Spain, to PM of Spain and the Summit Chair, 17/08/13, 2 letters.

5. Guy Crequie, France, to French President and Summit Chair, 18/08/13, 2 letters.

6. Bruce Cook, USA, to the USA President, State Secretary and the Summit Chair, 19/08/13, 3 letters.

7. Subhash Chandra, India, to Summit Chair, 22/08/13, 1 letter.

8. Muhammad Yunus Khan, Pakistan, to PM of Pakistan and Summit Chair, 26/08/13, 2 letters.

9. Maria Cristina AzconaArgentina, to President of Argentina, 27/08/13, 1 letter.

10. Marie Robert, France, to French President, 29/08/13, 1 letter.

11. Ammar Bunny, Algeria, to Summit Chair, 29/08/13, 1 letter.

12. Takis Ioannides, Greece, to Summit Chair, 01/09/13, 1 letter.

13 ApostolosJ. Paschos, Greece, to Summit Chair, 01/09/13, 1 letter.

14. Athanassios Koumouris, Greece, to Summit Chair, 03/09/13, 1 letter.

15. Roxana Sadykova, Russia, to Summit Chair, President Obama and UN Secretary General, 04/09/13, 5 letters.

16. Leo Semashko, Russia, to Summit Chair and UN Secretary General, in August 2013, 6 letters.

In total, GHA 16 members sent 48 letters to the Summit 9 leaders and 8 leaders of other countries. None of the 17 leaders, including the Summit Chair President Putin, Nobel Peace Laureate President Obama and the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon had ever heard the GHA voice about science of global peace. Of the 48 letters o­n the GHA website (address above), 23 letters were published, together with the GHA Open Letter. GHA expresses heartfelt gratitude to the authors of all the letters that make up the first great contribution to the science of global peace.

What conclusions can we draw from these facts?

(1). GHA voice of the global peace science in 48 letters was very weak. While it is obvious that the voice has been heard, it should be submitted at least in 48 thousands of letters and not for the 17 and for 200 governments of the world, and not o­nly the GHA, but with the support of dozens of other peace organizations. GHA will continue this campaign of initiating global peace science among the leaders of G20, G8, UN (at each General Assembly of the UN), UNESCO, governments all over the world. Each of these leaders from each state can go down in history if he/she initiates this science o­n any of the forums of these global organizations.

(2). No matter how weak it was, the GHA voice for global peace science was the first attempt in the history of humanity to create scientific reason for global peace, without which humanity cannot survive in the 21st century. Perhaps the main achievement of our discussion was idea of International ​​Institute of Global Peace Science, which can be created by any government of any country or the UN or UNESCO in the sector of social sciences.

(3). The 2013 Summit level of peacekeeping thinking, not coming outside the primitive militaristic issue: to bomb or not to bomb Syria, as we see, is still very far behind the demands of global peace and its scientific understanding. The consciousness of modern world leaders is totally ignorant and militaristic in this area. This ignorance can be overcome o­nly through study of the appropriate scientific knowledge, all the preconditions of which have already been created. What is needed is the political will and the decision of the world's leaders to form this science for global education, including each leader’s own country. This science is needed at the UN, G20, G8, etc. for scientific literacy (rather than force) solutions and, most importantly, for the reasonable prevention of military conflicts such as Syria, which exist in the world in great number and which are increasing. This is a historic transition from a dying industrial civilization with its militaristic mindset to a harmonious global society of the 21st century with a scientific peacekeeping and harmonious way of thinking, preventing all armed hostilities and excluding military conflicts.

(4). Today, science of global peace remains utopia for world leaders and governments. But every year its real need is becoming clearer and more understandable. The world can no longer live in constant movement from o­ne Syria to the other. The world can no longer spend huge resources o­n this senseless way of militarist movement when those resources are so urgently needed to address the growing global problems that can be solved in a coherent and long-term order o­nly by global peace. The main obstacle in this way today is the lack of a generally accepted science of global peace, providing global peacemaking scientific thought and consciousness as the first source and guarantor for global peace. GHA is acutely aware this historical need, consistently working in this direction and welcomes all peace-loving people to support our work and join us to reach rapid recognition of the science of global peace.

This report, along with the letters to leaders and other responses in the discussion will be published o­n indicated pages of the GHA website and, in the future, in a new GHA book dedicated to the science of global peace. I will be grateful for all corrections. Best wishes for harmony,

Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA President



Dear Colleagues,

I think the voice of GHA was heard even thought it seemed to be weak. We should not be disappointed, but rather we should double efforts to spread the new thinking leading to sustainable peace. Please stand firm and continue the struggle towards positive peace. Thanks

Mr Heli HABYARIMANA, GHA Vice-President, Linguist, Assistant Lecturer & Director Office of the Rector, Institute of Agriculture, Technology and Education of Kibungo (INATEK), Rwanda,



Important Proposal: o­ne of your art programs for the future as “Peace from Harmony through Science”

Dear Lida,
Thank you very much for your wonderful seminars, pictures, photos and communication o­n your bright exhibition in the Roerich’s Museum. I’d like to talk to you today about your art for the future in detail, which I think will last over a long time.

For a start, about a practical task: through o­ne year, from September 2014, GHA will publish a new book: “Global Peace Science”.

Please let me propose for you a creative task and order: to create within a year a series of 10 paintings under the general title: "Harmonious Reason Produces Inner and Global Peace" to publish your series in this book, like we published some pictures in the ABC of Harmony, at its end. Please, look again it. Of course, this title is approximate but it expresses the main idea of ​​a series of your peace paintings from harmonious reason/science.

Brief motivation, prehistory and proposed structure for your art series. You obviously know the picture of the great Spanish painter romance Francisco Goya (1746-1828) "The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters" (1799) from his series Los Caprichos (Fads). Could you have a more detailed acquaintance with the works of Francisco Goya, especially to study the work of Lion Feuchtwanger's "Goya or the Hard Way to Enlightenment"?

In intellectual evolution, the reason of the 20th century awoke and remained as a militaristic mind of humanity, which spawned two world wars, Hitler's death camps, the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the genocide in Rwanda and the endless series of local and civil wars.

In this evolution, the reason of the 21st century has been awakened in the GHA (since 2005) as a harmonious mind, which creates an internal (human) and a global (social) peace. This reason is the science of global peace from harmony. (Could you study in more details this science presented o­n our website here: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=582?). This science is acceptable and necessary to all peoples and nations o­n the Earth. But it requires artistic thinking and expression for its understanding through art images. I invite you to it as the great artistic creativity of the 21st century in your series of 10 (at least) pictures under the general title given.

This series is, in my vision, at least two groups of paintings of up to 5 pictures with the title: "Human Harmony" (or “Homo Harmonicus”) and "Society Harmony" (Global Harmony).

The first group consists of five paintings with titles/topics :

1. Character or Harmony of a Sphere of Character

2. Consciousness or Harmony of a Sphere of Consciousness

3. Will or Harmony of a Sphere of Will

4. Body or Harmony of a Sphere of Body

5. Inner Harmony of Human Spheres: Homo Harmonicus

The second group consists of five paintings with titles/topics:

1. Sociosphere: Harmony of Social Sphere of Humanity

2. Infosphere: Harmony of Information (Spiritual) Sphere of Humanity

3. Orgsphere: Harmony Organization (political) Sphere of Humanity

4. Tehnoekosphere: Harmony of Economic-environmental Sphere of Humanity

5. Harmony of Humanity Spheres: Harmonious Civilization of the 21st century

You will find sufficient scientific definitions, explanations and philosophy of these spheres/realms in our ABC of Harmony for Global Peace ... (www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=478) o­n pages 13-79. Could you study these pages to enlighten your artistic mind in this direction and to prepare it for artistic creativity of your mind harmony?

Now the main thing is a way of art expression of harmony of spheres in internal (personal) and external (social) worlds/contexts. Of course, I'm not a professional artist, but I love painting, have dabbled in it and thought a lot about it. So my advice, I think, will be helpful and make sense for you to develop your art experience and upgrade your creative potential for the future. I invite you to the concept of art thinking by the spheres/realms. They are maximum large structural units of any integer (holism), be they in a person or a society. The overall logical structure of this holistic harmonious thinking is shown in the ABC of Harmony o­n page 73 in Scheme-3. It expresses the dialectics of spheres in their mutual penetration and influence. In the dynamics it is deployed in SOCIONOME (p. 40-41) and PSYNOME (p. 44-45) in the same ABC.

The most important thing is the language of art expression of individual and social spheres, and their mutual inclusion, dynamics, diversity, qualities, and etc. This language is completely determined by your personality as an artist. The spectrum of this language is endless. It includes all the variety of natural and social forms: flowers, children's faces, female forms, natural landscapes, cultural achievements, angels, artificial designs, social events, art masterpieces, etc. I understand that the language of any art creativity, particularly innovative (the first in the human history) - is always the most difficult problem, solvable for geniuses of art. I invite you to dare in this direction, which will make your works by immortal and valuable for all nations and all generations, for their harmonious education, reason and consciousness. I think it is a worthy and feasible task for you if you are not fearful of it, since such a beginning requires a firm stand o­n a difficult journey of practical implementation and the creative search within.

You can always rely o­n my possible help o­n this way. Your creativity will be a great synthesis of art and science of harmony for the sake of peace and prosperity to the peoples of the Earth and every person. I like your creativity so I'll be happy to cooperate with you in this direction. What do you think about my proposal? Is it acceptable to you? Do you want to work in it? Please, let me know it.

Thank you.

For your inspiration and artistic imagination, I suggest the ABC epigraph from Abdul Kalam’s wonderful poem: “The wise sage Confucius said,/ "When there is beauty in the character,/ There is harmony in the home"./ The enlightened o­ne, the Buddha added,/ "When there is harmony in the home,/ There is order in the nation,/ When there is order in the nation/ There is peace in the world".




Dear GHA Friends,

I am pleased to announce the print edition of my new book The Anatomy of a Sustainable World: Our Choice Between Climate Change or System Change. (cover image attached). It is available from Amazon.com and will soon also be available as a Kindle electronic book.

I believe this book shows definitively how and why a sustainable future for the world requires both institutional change from the war-system to the peace-system and institutional change from capitalism to a global market economy premised o­n the common good of the people of Earth.

It shows in detail how both these major institutional changes are embodied in the Constitution for the Federation of Earth (which is included as an Appendix).

We need, in other words, a global social contract in which the people of Earth agree to live under the rule of democratic law that requires planetary disarmament, protects human rights everywhere, and mandates conversion to economic and environmental sustainability. The Earth Constitution is this global social contract. And we need the Global Peace Science (GPS) promoted by the Global Harmony Association as part of this global social contract. For Humanity and Peace!

Dr. Glen T. Martin

President, World Constitution and Parliament Assoc. (www.wcpa.biz,www.worldparliament-gov.org)

President, Institute o­n World Problems (www.worldproblems.net)

Professor of Philosophy, Radford University (www.radford.edu/gmartin)



Thank-you Laj. Yes, Absolutely: equal law, equal justice, and equal opportunity! These are built into the Earth Constitution from the ground up. Warmest wishes,




Dear Glen,

Please, accept the GHA’s heartiest congratulations in connection with the publication of your new wonderful book, the electronic version of which we are really looking forward to reading. Special thanks for your understanding and acknowledgment of the impossibility of a global social contract and the Earth Constitution without the Global Peace Science as science of global harmony. They, along with economic justice, are the four integral, inalienable parts of the spiritual culture of harmonious civilization. These parts cannot exist without the other and each of them will die without the other. Their relationship may be o­nly in harmony (consent, coherence, balance, proportion and measure). o­nly harmony can ensure the unity, life and prosperity of their diversity.

It is also obvious for you as philosopher that "absolute equality" of science, law, justice and opportunity cannot be. I understand your statement about their “absolute equality” as a metaphor, which has more correct sense as "harmonious equality", i.e., equality within the limits, extent and measure of harmony that can be properly installed in the science of social harmony, as resented in our joint ABC of Harmony. Do you agree with the similar interpretation of your "absolute equality"? Thank you.




Dear Leo,

Thank you so much for your congratulations. It is indeed the case, as I said in my earlier email, that a global social contract under the Earth Constitution, cannot succeed without, and must be coextensive with, GLOBAL PEACE SCIENCE AS THE SCIENCE OF GLOBAL HARMONY.

And yes, indeed, you are correct that we must use the term “absolute equality” as a metaphor which might be better phrased as “harmonious equality.”

Under the current system of militarized, sovereign nation-states, recognizing no effective laws above themselves, I do not think a really effective Global Peace Science can ever be widely achieved, since peace is literally against the interests of the big imperialist, capitalist states. Hence: my view that a Global Peace Science and a Global Social Contract are conceptually tied together. To work for o­ne is to work for the other.

Something of this is suggested in the subtitle to my new book The Anatomy of a Sustainable World: Our Choice Between Climate Change or System Change. Just as ecological sustainability can o­nly happen with system change to a global social contract under the Earth Constitution so all the peace studies programs o­n Earth (such as the o­ne that I Chair at Radford University) will not give us peace unless we can create a real system change from the global war-system to a global peace system. Global Peace Science is both a means to that transformation and an end of that transformation. It is the same with the Earth Constitution: it is a means to system change and the end-product of genuine system-change. My best harmony wishes to you and your excellent work for peace,




Dear Leo,

See in attachment the answer of the Spanish Prime Minister. Best wishes

Justo Bolekia



Spanish Prime Minister is interested in Science of Global Peace

Dear Justo,

Many thanks for your very nice news for GHA! The Spanish Prime Minister has become the first world's leader in history, who was interested in the Global Peace Science and sent you a letter of thanks for the info about this science (see attachment)!

This letter was published along with your translation into English here: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=582. Of the 48 letters of GHA members to 18 world leaders o­nly yours received a positive response.

For comparison, it should be noted that our proposal was not noticed by the Summit Chairman President Putin nor the Nobel Peace Laureate President Obama nor the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. It was noticed o­nly the Prime Minister of Spain as Permanent Observer o­n G20. This is can have o­ne logical explanation. o­nly the administration of the Spanish leader was receptive to new peace ideas. The administrations of other leaders were not tuned in to the perception of new peace ideas, remaining sensitive o­nly to the militaristic ideas.

The Syrian conflict focus o­n the G20 Summit demonstrated the level of peacemaking thinking of world leaders, who never went any farther the primitive militaristic issue to bomb or not to bomb Syria. Their opinion was split about fifty-fifty. Any of these decisions leaves civil war in Syria, untouchable and deprived any perspective to peace alternative.

Exclusion of chemical weapons out of the conflict, of course, is a great step in the framework of international law but it also lacks any sense of peace to end the war in Syria. It will continue but without the chemical weapons.

Where here is the sense of peace? It is equal to zero. It appears that the war for world leaders is a sacred cow and the words about peace are o­nly mask of their militaristic mind and thinking. How brilliantly written by the famous American philosopher Glen Martin, that humanity at the present status quo of armed nation-states created a "global war-system" unable to move "to global peace system" without the appropriate science and the Earth Constitution of peace as peacemaking mind.

Yesterday, the astronauts reported that, thanks to science, mankind first has gone beyond the solar system. But humanity can not go beyond the global war-system and its endless series of wars.

This demonstrates how much peace thinking has lagged from scientific o­ne. o­nly the creation and use of Global Peace Science can raise the discussion to the modern scientific level and overcome its militaristic primitivism and globalism.

Without the science of global peace, humanity will remain in the area of ​​peacemaking by Stone Age savages. The transition to the scientific level of peace thinking is particularly important interest of Spain to Global Peace Science. This interest is tantamount to recognizingits necessity. In this connection, I offer the GHA following letter of thanks to Prime Minister of Spain from Dr. Justo Bolekia:

"Dear Prime Minister of Spain, Mr. Sr. D. Mariano RAJOY BREY,

The Global Harmony Association (GHA) is deeply grateful you for your interest in Global Peace Science, which we understand as your acceptance of need of this science. This makes ​​you the first world leader in history in this direction. It also puts our great country in position as the modern peacemaking leader of the 21st century. GHA highly appreciates your unique contribution to global peace. We think you could develop your unique peace contribution in two ways:

The first way is to initiate, at the nearest UN General Assembly, the creation of this science under the aegis of the UN or UNESCO, within them, for example, in the Social Sciences Sector of UNESCO through establishment of the International Scientific Institute for Global Peace with 15-20 scientists who can organize an international scientific contest for this science. Its details are presented in the GHA Open Letter to G20 leaders here: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=582

The second way is to create the International Scientific Institute for Global Peace of 15-20 scientists in Spain under the leadership of the GHA President. This will establish the position of Spain as the peacemaking leader in the world in the 21st century.

Any of these ways will release humanity from "the global war-system to a global peace system", as defined by the famous American philosopher Dr. Glen Martin.

Any o­ne of them would lead, paraphrasing our great compatriot Francisco Goya, to the militaristic monsters of the 20th and 21st centuries, which were produced by the sleep of peace reason. The Global Peace Science will awaken this reason. And this will be done by you personally and by Spain!

Any o­ne of them will start of turning humanity's transition from military to peaceful history based o­n the Global Peace Science. Spain will be the pioneer in transition of this historic Rubicon. I think it will be the most worthy and noble mission for Spain in the 21st century!

With hope for your understanding.

Sincerely Yours,

Dr. Dr. Justo Bolekia Boleka
GHA Vice-President,
Professor of French Studies at the Universty of Salamanca (www.usal.es
Philologist, Poet and Writer (www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Justo_Bolekia_Boleka
Diasporan Correspodant of Splendors of Dawn (www.splendorsofdawnpf.org
Visiting Scholar at the University of Ghana (www.ug.edu.gh
Vice-President and Chief Executive Officer of GHA-Africa
Advisor of EGJustice (www.egjustice.org/our-team
Salamanica, Spain".

Do you agree with such a letter, which you, of course, could edit? Your letter expresses the GHA peacemaking mission and will be a model for all peacemakers. Each member of the GHA as a peacemaker could write a similar brief letter to the leader of their own country about these two ways of peace mind for global peace today. Maybe someone other than the Spanish leader will take interest in Global Peace Science and support it in this or that way. We must not lose this hope and belief. Thank you.

Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA President,



Dear Leo,

I have read your message and agree with the letter to send to the Spanish PM Mr. Mariano Rajoy Brey. But I think this letter should be more effective if it would be sent by you as GHA President and me. So, you can write and scan it with your signature. o­nce I receive it, I will also sign it will send it to the Spanish PM, Mr. Mariano Rajoy Brey. I hope this action will led us to search the good way for the global world peace. With best wishes.

Justo Bolekia



Dear Justo,

Thanks you for your email. I understand your wish to make this letter more effective. But I do not think my name can make it so. In addition, and this is the most important, there is an ethical dimension. If I sign this letter, then your PM might raise some unpleasant questions: "I replied to o­ne Mr. Justo Bolekia but why did I get a response yet from the second person, whom I do not know and to whom which I did not answer? How can I understand this response from two persons? Etc." This may lead him to have negative feelings in the moral adequacy and it might hinder any effectiveness of this letter. To eliminate these concerns and to ensure ethical transparency of this letter, I think, it can be signed o­nly by you. Do you agree with these arguments?

In addition, you, as the GHA Vice-President, have all the credentials to write your reply to your PM independently.

Please, see below for some updated text of this letter, but you could edit it as you feel necessary in the interests of GHA and global peace. Please, send me the final version of your letter in English and Spanish. Thank you. If the Spanish Government will decide to establish the Institute for Global Peace in Spain under my leadership, I will be happy to invite you into it as my first Vice-Director. Will you accept this invitation?




Dear Leo,

All requests are possible and you receive them.

The newspaper EPIKAIRA of NEW SMYRNA is a FREE o­ne, too sensitive for humanity affairs as proven for years now with its publications. It is read by the Greek Parliament every week.

My next actions are. 1. To send the proposal of GPS to the Greek PM, to Greek Democracy President and to some minister Friends of mine to support it.

The too critical situations in all levels of our life in Greece forces our PM to travel abroad or to contact IMF representatives and also to coordinate the ministers. For 6 years now I have set my opinion that Greece has a civilization and culture crisis and not o­nly an economical o­ne. Peace must start from every citizen’s soul. We are leaders in Europe in numbers of people committing suicide...

First in unemployment. ...Too low salaries and pension salaries as well. I feel it as pensioner after 39 years of my own work. We as GHA in cooperation with other organizations, can make effective a big change for humanity,

I have explained the proposal of GPS to critical persons in Greece and ALL understand its great meaning and congratulate you and all members of GHA for it. After my live announcement via radio a week ago, too many people were asking, “What is GHA?”

That proves the interest of desperate people who seek a solution, a great and real o­ne, like that of GPS.

With harmonious wishes, love and hope

Takis Ioannides, student of this LIFE



Instead of Armed Forces of Greece - National Peace Corps

Dear Takis,

Thanks for your email. But your publications will not work. Please, let us know the direct address of your local newspaper o­nline. Thank you.

Due to the critical situation in Greece, could you suggest to your Government that it abandon the armed forces and transform the Greek military (about 200,000 people with a large military budget - Greece spends over 7 billion USD every year o­n its military, or 2.3% of GDP) to the National Peace Corps to work o­n the country’s infrastructure - building roads, airports, housing, hotels, housing, hospitals, schools, universities, etc. that radically increase the number of jobs in the country? This will allow Greece to solve the problem of unemployment and other problems associated with it and to ensure peace with Turkey and to be an example of peacekeeping around the world.

In that case, Greece would be the first country in Europe and the second country after Costa Rica, which renounced the armed forces in its constitution in 1949. I understand that the Government faces a sacred cow of the military and it’s very hard to abandon the armed forces. But you, together with your friends and peace organizations in Greece, could organize a massive national peace movement: “Peace Corps instead Military.” It will help the Government take the right decision. Together with the Peace Corps, you might require the creation of the International Global Peace Institute (IGPI) with my leadership for the beginning of 10 scientists. IGPI would provide scientific support for the transformation of the military in the Peace Corps, both inside the country and supporting the global civil society.

I think this will be a most worthy and noble mission for Greece in the 21st century and to overcome the national crisis and to provide global peacekeeping leadership! What do you think of this idea? Are you ready to promote this idea in practice? If yes, then we could discuss it in greater detail within the GHA. Please, let us know your opinion about it. Thank you.

But if you agree with this, then you could change your identification with “student of life” o­n a peaceful leader or the like. It is unlikely that the Government and the people will listen to the student. They need a leader who knows the purpose and is ready to lead the people to it. Are you ready for this mission?




Dear Leo,

I understand what you are trying to explain to me. I will re-write and send the letter to my PM. Let me notify you that Spain is trying to deal with its economic crisis and this is a big handicap for the creation of the Institute of the Global Peace Science. Anyway, I will send my letter and I hope we will have a good answer. Yours faithfully,

Dr. Dr. Justo Bolekia Boleka



Dear Justo,

Very well! I await your letter in the two languages.

I know about the crisis of your country and Greece and etc. (Did you read my letter to Takis?) But this Institute (IGPI) will help to solve your crisis through gradual disarmament and the reduction of military spending. Please, emphasize this idea in your letter. IGPI requires very paltry funding and will quickly pay for itself. I am also waiting your answer to my question. Thank you.

With love, best harmony wishes,









(GLOBAL PEACE SCIENCE article published via newspaper EPIKAIRA, September 14, 2013, English version)


            I have the honor to be a co-founder of the non-government Global Harmony Association (GHA) “with priority of the children” of the world, headquartered in St. Petersburg, Russia, chaired by the President Dr Leo Semashko, (www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=home). It has 500 active members from 56 countries, known international institutions, academics, writers, Nobel laureates, Presidents of the World Organization for Peace, Love, Children of the world, etc. proposed globally innovative proposal for the creation of the "Global Peace Science", described in our new book titled The ABC of Harmony for World Peace: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=478.

           This period we inform the leaders of all nations with GPS letters, and invite them to adopt it and call scientists of their countries, to participate and form it as science in order to educate young men and women everywhere, with the hope the next generations to live in Peace in the future!

           o­n the occasion of the G20 meeting in St. Petersburg, Russia (5-6 September 2013), personal letter about the "Global Science of Peace" was sent by members of the GHA to President Putin and to all the leaders of the G20 Summit. Letters sent also by three Greeksmembers of GHA, Dr. Takis Ioannides, co-founder of the GHA, the blind poet - writer Athanasius Koumouris, and Dr. nuclear medicine and Dr pathology, poet and historic writer Apostolos Paschos from town ofMetsovo of Epirus Greece.

          Today's publication of all above mentioned via this reputable newspaper, is fully aware of the major importance of the establishment of World Peace Science for our planet.

          A live announcement was made by Takis Ioannides days ago o­n radio station "Sport Metropolis” 95.5 in the city of Salonica. The recommendation of our President, Dr Leo Semashko is published o­n our website, and translated into the Greek language, which describes in detail our proposal for the "Global Peace Science" o­n page, http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=gr_c, together with other earlier announced projects, like, Contents Greece Section, Global Peace Science(http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=gr_c&key=8), The great map of Harmony for a Culture, Harmonious Era Calendar, The Future: Harmonious Civilization, or What? - The Program for the world TV Broadcast.

          Also in our page, www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=582, you can read all the letters sent by our members, from many countries in the G20 conference in St. Petersburg, Russia, and also to 48 prime ministers of their countries, proposing the establishment of the Global Peace Science. FYI, during the conference the delegates of the G20 dealt solely with it, if Syria will be bombed or not, and nothing else, proving vice versa, that the issue of World Peace is for them secondary or tertiary issue ...

         “Global peace science is a key of intellectual peace solidarity of humanity and general hope of all nations to real peace and prosperity o­n the Earth in the 21st century. GHA”

Harmony will save peace. GHA


Dr Takis Ioannides, student of this Life, Athens, Greece

Publication is co-signed by the members of GHA: blind poet writer Athanassios Koumouris and Dr Nuclear Dr Pathology poet historic writer Apostolos Paschos

September 16, 2013



Regarding GHA's new book: Global Peace Science, its key ideas and contents. Your approval up to 21 September


Dear GHA Members, Friends,

I am glad to send you for your discussion and approval by your YES or NO, up to September 21 inclusively, the GHA new project-book: "Global Peace Science: The First Common Good for the 21st Century and every Human" (see its contents below). This has been in discussion for a long time. The publication project is designed for o­ne year, until September 2014. This project will include our letters and proposals of this science to G20 leaders, discussion, fragments of our projects of interfaith harmony, CIHE and others. So it is o­ngoing and partially completed.

Although this is another unique project of GHA, it stands out because it is dedicated to the most important topic of the 21st century - Global Peace Science (GPS). At the same time, it brings us to the GHA’s 10th anniversary and a gift for International Day of Peace, 21 September. This will be the crown of our 10 - year-old research in the theoretical understanding of global peace.

I'm happy to invite GHA full members to this project. (We have already discussed the definition of full membership in detail, published here: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_d . Many members of the GHA have complied with these requirements, and others who wish to participate in the new project, could easily meet them. They are very simple.)

I am also pleased to announce the publication of a large part (about 30 pages of letters of about 20 GHA members) our discussion of GPS in August and September here in English: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=582 . These texts will be published completely within a week. Heartfelt thanks to Bruce Cook for editing of these texts.

GHA Vice -President Heli Habirimana of Rwanda has written to us that the voice of GPS is not weak, but it needs developing. This wonderful idea is reflected in the GHA’s new book, which of course will be a more prominent voice of this science in the world. You could understand that, having become acquainted with the key ideas and contents of this book below. I think they will inspire many members and friends of GHA. Best harmony wishes,

Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA President



Dear Leo:

I am at this moment quite close to you as I am writing you from Zurich and not from the USA. I went through the document you sent here below and I must say it was very well constructed. Hence, the vote you requested of me of YES or NOT is going to be YES. Keep up the good work. You are providing the entire world with genuine peace leadership, which is very much appreciated.

Charles Mercieca




Dr. Leo,

You know how busy I am at these moments because of the beginning of our academic year here in Spain. That is why I did not send you the letter that you can now see in the attachment.

I have also sent it to my PM this morning and as soon as I will receive any answer I will let you know.

Thank you for being so kind. Best harmony wishes.

Dr. Dr. Justo Bolekia Boleka, GHA Vice-President,



Dear Justo,

You wrote a brilliant and profound letter to the Prime Minister of Spain that concentrating o­n the GHA key ideas and world significance of Global Peace Science (GPS). It is published here: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=582 and in the attachment.

I am happy to congratulate you o­n this letter, and cordially to thank you for it. Here GHA sees another major practical step towards this science and an undeniable contribution to it! GHA highly appreciates this! Thank you very much for this unique contribution!

Your letter is a model for all GHA members, who can send similar letters to the Heads of States and other Governments. Our 48 letters to them, which can be considered as a sociological study of their relationship to the GPS, showed that the situation is not hopeless. Of the 17 Heads, o­ne was sensitive to it. So, o­n the theory of probability, of the 200 Heads of States and Governments in the world, we might expect at least 11 to be similarly sensitive and interested in GPS. We need to find these 11 leaders to encourage them to initiate this science o­n the UN General Assembly, in UNESCO, G20, G8, etc. We see that this chance is very small, but it is not zero, accounting for about 10%. We can also make a conclusion from this sounding that world leaders and governments, while limited to plans for war and the military mindset, about 90% and o­nly 10% are open to peace, peace-making, peace thinking and GPS. I repeat: this is very small, but not zero and we need to look for these 10% through our invitation letters to support GPS.

In connection with GHA preparation in the coming year, in this unprecedented book of key importance for GPS, "Global Peace Science: The First Common Good for the 21st Century," we have every reason to invite participation by the Heads of States and Governments. I think, in your new answer to the response of your PM, it would be wise to invite his participation in this historic book and request them to write a short article for it in 2-3 pages. This would be his contribution to GPS, which will be his peacemaking merit and honor. A similar remarkable contribution was made ​​by the President of India (2002-2007) Dr. Abdul Kalam in his articles and poems in the ABC of Harmony (www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=478). Any leader can make a similar contribution if we endeavor to positively motivate them, for at least 10% of the sensitive peaceful ideas. They also need peace enlightenment. Particularly important in it are the following two key ideas from the GHA new book, which have been developed in connection with its discussion.

The first o­ne belongs to the Spanish genius Francisco Goya, and the second - the scientific genius Albert Einstein. Here they are in the interpretation of GHA:


The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters. - Francisco Goya

The Sleep of Peace Reason Produced War Monsters of the 20th and 21st Centuries. o­nly Global Peace Science will awaken this Reason. But this science does not yet exist. We must create this science so that military monsters of military science do not engulf humanity in the sleep of peace reason. – GHA


Peace cannot be kept by force. It can o­nly be achieved by understanding. - Albert Einstein

Hence, peace can be achieved and built o­nly by reason, armed with global peace science and embodied in global consciousness through global education. We should overcome the challenge of scientific disarmament and ignorance of peace reason in the face of the powerful and excellent armament of militaristic reason by highly developed for two centuries military science, which today serves millions of military experts, scholars, teachers and students in thousands of military headquarters staff, academies and colleges of the world. – GHA


They can and should be repeated endlessly for every person and every leader. Do you agree that these ideas deserve the most attention today for each peacemaker as well as every leader, who does not want war and peace? Let us hope that the Spanish PM will be the first among them. And you're first who prompted him to it! o­nce again, thank you very much!

Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA President,




Dear Leo and active Peace members of GHA,

I would like to inform you that this morning, o­ne of the biggest Greek radio and TV station in Greece, SKAI FM 100.3 and the journalist announced the innovative proposal by GHA for the creation of GPS, as it was published via the newspaper EPIKAIRA.

I have sent the announcement to more daily newspapers, because in my opinion, if the citizens of a country know of a critical and important project like this of GPS, then the politicians willfeel strong pressure and be forced to become active. I have tested via life this method with success.

With Harmonious Wishes and Love,

Takis Ioannides. Student of this Life



Dear Takis,

Thank you very much for publishing your article “Global Peace Science” in the Greek newspaper EPIKAIRA o­n September 14, 2013, as well as its English version, both of which are published here: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=582. I am also grateful to you for the announcement o­n Greek radio and in other newspapers in Greece. Please accept my cordial gratitude for the support of GHA's new book about Global Peace Science and transfer it to your friends: Athanassios Koumouris Dr Aposotlos Paschos. Thank you in three very much!

Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA President,



Global Peace Science:

The First Common Good for the 21st Century and every Human

World textbook for schools, colleges, universities and academies



To the GHA 10th anniversary, February 15, 2015 and

International Day of Peace, September 21


GHA 48th Project

Started: March 12, 2013

Approved by GHA o­n September 21, 2013

Approximate length: 300-400 pages

Approximate time of publication: September-November 2014

General purpose: to create a pattern of scientific, harmonious, peaceful, global consciousness and vision for a harmonious, peaceful, world civilization

Philosophy: tetradic (four-dimensional), harmonious, holistic, system pluralism (Tetrism)

Paradigm: tetradic, harmonious, network, scientific, model and planetary thinking (Tetranet thinking)

Genre: synergetic synthesis of science, philosophy, religion and art

Style: in the spirit of Emile Durkheim's collective solidary consciousness, integrating in harmony the diversity of peacemaking ideas and imaginations

Process: democratic discussion, selection and approval of texts from the beginning to the end of the book

The organization of creative process: is determined by the GHA Invitation

The book bricks are: individual art works or articles up to 3 pages in o­ne of the book sections (or new) with the answer to question: "What I imagine as the most effective pursuit of Global Peace Science for the 21st Century o­n the basis of GHA sources and my own vision?"

The GHA key sources for this book:

1. The ABC of Harmony for World Peace ... (2012: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=478)

2. Global Peace Science for G20 and Humanity (2013: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=582)

Empirical Foundation:

3. Comparative Sociological Statistical Study of Spheral Harmonious Classes of the Population:




Dr. Leo Semashko, Project Manager, Editor in Chief and GHA co-authors: _ full members from _ countries and also invited participants from other organizations.


The first 46 co-authors of 20 countries are:

Leo Semashko, Ernesto Kahan, Charles Mercieca, David Stringer, Heli Habirimana, Maria Cristina Azcona, Matjaz Mulej, Ayo Amale, Bruce Cook, Susana Roberts, Peter Jeffrey, Cici Jeffrey, Kurt Johnson, Mariam Khan, Alexander Semashko, Surendra Pathak, Andrey Semashko, Sergei Pokrovsky, Kae Morii, Mary Robert, Takis Ioannides, Athanassios Koumouris, Apostolos Paschos, Julia Budnikova, Eric Lazarova, Laj Utreja, Mohammed Iqbal, Subhash Chandra, Glen Martin, Maitreyee Roy, Svetlana Kuskovskay, Guy Crequie, Marianna Poghosyan, Subhash Sharma, Celia Altschuler, Lida Sherafatmand, Lateef Badaru, Peter Semashko, Muhammad Yunus Khan, Himansu Dugar, Justo Bolekia, Svetlana Vetrova, N. Ravishankar, Igor Shadhan, Roxana Sadukova, Bishnu Pathak,


Entry and exit for all the GHA projects are free.

(In the book authors will be included GHA authors of previous projects: The ABC of Harmony - 76 authors; Peace and Disarmament from Harmony - 86 authors; Interfaith Harmony and CIHE - 35 authors, etc.

Participants from other organizations will also be included.

The list of the book authors will be corrected in the process of its creation. For a definition of the GHA full membership, please visit:
About Us:


Copyright © 2013 Global Harmony Association

Copyright © 2013 Leo Semashko



In English: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=585

In Russian: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=606





For scientists, poets, painters and composers; for religious, political, women's, youth and other community leaders; for Heads of States and Governments; for employees of the UN, UNESCO, UNICEF and other international organizations; for Nobel Peace Laureates; for all who are known to be peace-loving with a firm commitment to peace.

The Global Harmony Association (GHA: www.peacefromharmony.org) is happy to invite you to participate in a unique o­n its world significance book: "Global Peace Science: The First Common Good for the 21st Century and every Human"(www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=585). We would be thrilled to include your art work or article up to 3 pages (at your request it may be more) to answer this subject: "What I imagine as the most effective pursuit of global peace science for the 21st Century o­n the basis of GHA sources and my own vision?” Your art work or article will be featured in o­ne of the book chapters or a new chapter, proposed by you.

The deadline for articles is November 30, 2013; for the art works is April 30, 2014.

This can be modified at your request.

Your article or work would be sent, by e-mail in attached file WORLD.doc, to the GHA President, the book Editor in Chief Dr. Leo Semashko (leo.semashko@gmail.com) or another GHA leader at the address here: Contact Us (www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=574).

GHA will highly appreciate and publish your response to this invitation with any suggestions and comments. This invitation may be distributed freely.



Key peace ideas and definitions of Global Peace Science:


The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters.

Francisco Goya

The Sleep of Peace Reason Produced War Monsters of the 20th and 21st Centuries.

Only Global Peace Science will Awaken this Reason.

But this science does not yet exist.

We must create this science that military monsters of military science do not engulf humanity in the sleep of peace reason.



Natural harmony among men is the guarantee of perpetual peace, which is not just a chimerical o­ne.

Immanuel Kant

Kant, in the spirit of his antinomic thinking, held antinomic definition of human nature: the military posed by Hobbes, and harmonious. His philosophy of harmonious social nature of people is the original theoretical foundation and source for the Global Peace Science. Therefore Kant is the ancestor of this science as a science of social harmony, which was most fully developed in the GHA peacemaking books and projects since 2005.

Social harmony provides the best, most just, most free and most equal opportunities and rights for the development of every person, every part of society/humanity and it as a whole. Therefore harmony excludes wars between the parts and is a natural and therefore the ultimate guarantor and source of peace. Hence, peace comes from harmony.



If we are ever to have real peace in this world, we shall have to begin with the children.

Mahatma Gandhi

If we are ever to have real peace in this world we shall have to begin with the children, with the ABC of Harmony as peace science, and with their harmonious peace education.



Peace cannot be kept by force. It can o­nly be achieved by understanding.

Albert Einstein

Hence, peace can be achieved and built o­nly by reason, armed with global peace science and embodied in global consciousness through global education in it.

We should overcome the challenge of scientific disarmament and ignorance of peace reason in the face of the powerful and excellent armament of militaristic reason by highly developed for two centuries military science, to which today are served millions of military experts, scholars, teachers and students in thousands of military headquarters staff, academies and colleges of the world.



In the hands of war are billions of money, millions of obedient troops

and in our hands is o­nly o­ne, but the mightiest tool in the world - the truth.

Leo Tolstoy

Of all the arsenals of humanity: culture, science, art, medicine,

education, economy, politics, etc., the most powerful and fastest

growing today is the war arsenal, consolidated by military science, which are nursing all

governments around the world with rabid military budgets, which now absorbs almost all the economic growth of humanity.

The peace arsenal is infinitely weak in comparison with it, first of all, because it is deprived of scientific expression of the peace truth as its mightiest tool. This truth is clearly expressed by Global Peace Science.



We must shift the arms race into a peace race.

Martin L. King Jr.

Global Peace Science reveals the truth that the main source of economic growth of humanity in the 21st century is global peace, not the exploitation of natural resources in military interests. When the governments of the world understand this truth in terms of economic stimulus, then they will come to a peace race, i.e. to emulation of the earliest transformations of military arsenals and military forces to the Peace Corps using military resources and expenses for the purposes of peaceful construction of roads, airports, housing, hospitals, educational institutions, sports facilities, etc. A peace race will overcome hunger, unemployment and other social pathologies and global problems. A peace race as such supersedes the economic and financial crises, resulting from the arms race and excessive military spending. A peace race based o­n Global Peace Science will ensure sustainable development of humanity, which is constantly being undermined by the arms race.



If you want peace - prepare for war.

Militaristic definition of peace

Peace is not merely a distant goal that we seek, but a means by which we arrive at that goal.

Martin L. King Jr.

To the militarist, having a false definition of peace, peace becomes a slave, a condition, a break between wars and preparations for war, Global Peace Science advocates true definition of peace: “If you want peace - create harmony o­n the basis of its science.” Peace can be reached o­nly by peaceful path of global peace consciousness through global peace education in this science, and not a global preparation to war in an endless arms race.

Militaristic definition and thinking of peace is limited the military means to achieve peace, which provides, at best, a temporary reconciliation, maintaining an endless war path. We see this throughout history, up to the present day. World leaders and governments are competent in military ways of achieving peace but they are ignorant in peaceful/harmonious means to achieve it.



Peace culture must be in priority, not war culture.

Nicholas Roerich

Only Global Peace Science reveals all the diversity of peace benefits before the war and provides insight into the true culture of peace. The lack of this science in human culture is its biggest flaw so far.

This science is the foundation for the Harmonious Culture of Peace , which is opposed to the militaristic culture of peace, absorbing and retaining its private positive moments.



The Earth Constitution provides a transition from global war-system of nation-states to a global peace system of the Earth nations.

Glen Martin

Global Peace Science creates the necessary scientific knowledge and global awareness for this transition.



Ah, if men could understand that giving love will achieve much more than giving hate!

Ernesto Kahan

Men can understand it through Global Peace Science, which unfolds the deep mystery of love as peace from harmony in all its bloom and dignity, eliminating hate as own defiling humiliation.



GHA creates Global Peace Science o­n the shoulders of world giants of human thought.

Global Peace Science is the consolidation of peace

consciousness of humanity in contrast to military science,

which is the consolidation of hostile consciousness in humanity.



If harmony is the ultimate guarantor and natural source of peace, Global Peace Science is the Science of Social Harmony, founded by Kant and which most fully represented in the ABC of Harmony for Global Peace (2012).



GHA does not know other variants of Global Peace Science and other theoretical approaches to its creation, but logically GHA supposes them opportunity and is ready both to compete with them in any international scientific contest for peace science, and to cooperation with them to complement each other in a mutual harmonious enriching.

GHA understands that all powerful militaristic host will hamper to the progress of Global Peace Science, so this task will not be easy and fast o­ne.



Contents (in the first approximation)


  1. Introduction. (The detailed expression of the Global Peace Science as Social Harmony Science is the GHA book: The ABC of Harmony for Global Peace ... (2012: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=478). Therefore, the new book is limited to o­nly a general outline of scientific theory of global peace from the ABC and the book is focusing o­n the program of empirical proof of this theory, its different private complements, applications, etc.)
  2. The ABC of Harmony trunk and its four branches of global scientific social knowledge as global social sciences:

2.1.Global Peace Science for Sociosphere

2.2.Science of Global Harmonious Worldview for the Spiritual sphere (Infosphere)

2.3.Science of Global Harmonious Democracy and Politics for Orgsphere

2.4.Science of Global Harmonious Economy, Ecology and Economic Justice for TechnoEcoSphere

  1. Military Science: Military Reason Consolidating the War Arsenal
  2. Historical Approaches to Universal Peace
  3. Immanuel Kant: Ancestor of Global Peace Science (GPS)
  4. The Theory of Global Peace as the Theory of Social Harmony
  5. Program of Empirical Study of Spheral Classes of the Population
  6. Dynamics of Military Spending in National Budgets over the past 50 years
  7. Pentagon: Today’s Highest Symbol of Military Science and Excessive Military Spending
  8. Disarmament as Transformation of the Armed Forces in the Peace Corps “Tetragon”
  9. International Global Peace Institute (IGPI)
  10. International Scientific Contest for the Best Option of GPS
  11. Peace from Interfaith Harmony
  12. Global Peace: The First Source of Economic Growth of Humanity in the 21st Century
  13. Global Peace: Key to Sustainable Human Development in Nature
  14. Private Peacemaking Theories and Researches: Prof. Galtung, Peace Department, etc.
  15. GPS: Unity with the Theory of Economic Justice (Norman Kurland) and the Earth Constitution (Glen Martin)
  16. Culture of Harmonious Global Peace (compared with the modern militaristic culture of peace)
  17. GPS: Consolidation of Peace Consciousness of Humanity
  18. Harmonious Peace Education through GPS as the Source of Peace Consciousness of Humanity
  19. Priority Role of Women in Advancing GPS
  20. Science and the Art of Global Peace
  21. Individual Peace
  22. Art Illustrations and Images of GPS:

24.1.GPS Poetry (Up to 10 the best poems of GHA members o­n the basis of poetic contest)

24.2.GPS Paintings (Up to 10 the best drawings by GHA members o­n the basis of art contest)

24.3.GPS Music (Up to 10 the best works of any genre of GHA members o­n the contest basis)

  1. GPS: Theoretical Platform for a New International Peace Movement
  2. References, including a list of all the GHA projects and books
  3. Appendixes:

1. Letters of the GHA members to G20 leaders, the UN, governments, etc.

2. GPS Discussion in the GHA (letters of the GHA members since 2013)


1. Offer: GHA Contest Commission and Jury for artworks: Ernesto Kahan - Chairman.

Members: Leo Semashko, Bruce Cook, Ayo Amale, Celia Altshuler, Surendra Pathak.

2. Scientific Texts, as usual, holding a brainstorming session in the GHA.



© Website author: Leo Semashko, 2005; © designed by Roman Snitko, 2005