Harmonious Civilization Culture Citizens of Earth! Unite in harmony for peace, justice, fraternity and happiness!

Global Harmony Association (GHA) Since 2005, GHA is an international NGO uniting more 460 members in 56 countries and more than one million participants from the GHA collective members in 80 countries. GHA Founder and President is Dr. Leo Semashko Address: 7/4-42 Ho-Shi-Min Street, St. Petersburg, 194356, Russia Telephone: +7 (812) 597-65-71, Email: leo.semashko@gmail.com GHA 1st Vice-president is Dr. Ernesto Kahan: Address: Hanita 7/2, Kfar Sava 44405, e-mail: ekahan@post.tau.ac.il GHA-USA President is Dr. Laj Utreja: Address: 122 Foxhound Drive, Madison, AL;Telephone: 256-604-6927; e-mail: ish0001@aol.com, GHA-Japan President is Kae Morii GHA Web: www.peacefromharmony.org GHA Mission – from harmony to peace; Pave the conscious way for harmonious civilization
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- February 12, 2011 Message: Global Harmony Association (GHA) Sixth Anniversary Publication: Russian: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=491 English: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=463 Dear GHA Members and friends: February 15, 2011 marks the sixth anniversary of the GHA. We are grateful for your continued support and solidarity and wish you health, happiness and harmony in your lives! Let us briefly summarize the past year, our achievements and shortcomings, and define our role in the contemporary world situation. This was the first year of a harmonious civilization, born in 2009. For the past year the number of the GHA members has increased by 70 people to 460. The number of the countries represented in the GHA has increased from 48 to 56. The number of pages added on our site, “Peace from Harmony” has increased from 290 to 330. The number of the site visits has increased by more than 500,000 to more than 2.2 million. The GHA delegations participated in three major International Congresses: Sociology in Gothenburg (July 2010), Mathematics in Odessa (October 2010) and Spiritual Culture in Astana (October 2010). Reports of our participation in the congresses were published. These and similar conferences in the past year, in the general direction to harmony, is yet another confirmation of the birth of a harmonious civilization in 2009, which began immediately to know itself at the different layers of spiritual culture. Another no less important activity undertaken by the GHA in the past year was the creation of its national offices in four countries: Ukraine, Liberia, Pakistan and Israel with Palestine. In total now, we have 6 branches. In addition, there is a preparation for the offices in Kazakhstan, Greece, India, Rwanda and Bulgaria. The main thrust of our collective work is to collectively create the various projects of global harmony. We discussed and approved about 10 such projects, including 4 educational along with media publicity through television, translated in 10 languages. Our projects reflect the GHA mission – pave the conscious way for a harmonious civilization in which self-consciousness can come only through an appropriate, harmonious education. Therefore, our focus is education. The principal significance of our Academies and Schools of Harmony lies in the fact that they appear on the boundary between the industrial and harmonious civilizations. They form the bridge of non-violent transition across the chasm between the two civilizations for different communities, regions and countries. Lastyear,the GHAcontributedtoglobalpeaceof harmoniouscivilization, developinga Nuclear Zero project, which began in2009withan agreement between Russia and theUnited States, as well asthe Praguespeechof U.S. PresidentObama. The GHAmembersparticipatedinpeaceconferencesinTokyoand the MiddleEast,for the 65th anniversary ofthe atomicbombings of Hiroshima andNagasaki. With all the GHA successes accomplished in the past year, a major flaw was also noted. Unfortunately, our members are still deprived of the scientific knowledge of harmonious civilization and the ABC of global harmony. Without this knowledge, we cannot be successful in achieving our mission, especially in the educational projects. We cannot teach others the alphabet of harmony without first knowing it ourselves. Therefore, the knowledge of a harmonious civilization must now be the first requirement for each member of the GHA. This is especially important in today's aggravating situation of regional and global tensions, which can be defused only through the knowledge of social harmony embodied in the educational, informational and political institutions. Social harmony can only be based on this knowledge and relevant institutions, the need of which is growing rapidly in the modern world. During the last several weeks we witnessed massive waves of protests and riots in Tunisia and Egypt that have expanded, like an epidemic, to other countries in the region such as Algeria, Yemen and Jordan. Most analysts are predicting increasingly more confrontations and conflicts, not only in the Arab countries, but in the entire world. Therefore, an institution such as GHA, which provides the greatest ideology to achieve a universal peace through harmony, is important and significant. Prof. Ernesto Kahan*, the 1st GHA Vice President wrote in 2010, “Our civilization never, in all its history, was under two real opposed feasibilities. on the one hand, through slow destruction of the environment by the use of atomic weapons, it faces the possibility to completely exterminate the life on Earth. on the other hand, through the necessary level of development that the human society has reached, it is now possible to totally eliminate hunger in the world-what seemed incredible just few years ago-and also to achieve a universal contract of harmony that will assure the peaceful relationship among the countries. But, what does harmony mean? For me harmony is the state of equilibrium among the components of a system that by nature tend to entropy. Harmony should be the basis for the peaceful coexistence among nations and political agreements. Harmony can never be eternal and complete, but is essential in the present stage of our civilization if mankind have to survive.” At this crucial time in the history of humankind, the GHA is a key institution which offers means to achieve peace from harmony. In the face of the multitudes of local and regional confrontations, it is necessary to explore the real possibility to achieve peace.Thus far the conflicts have been mitigated through hegemony, or in other words, defeating the enemy.Continuing this trend to resolve global tensions would result in irreparable universal catastrophe. At the entrance of the new millennium, when the prevalent ideologies were at odds with reality, arose GHA, a new world civic institution, which offers to humanity the necessary philosophical and political ideology for the continuity of civilization and social progress through harmony on the way to global peace. We welcome you in the dialogues for peace from harmony!
We congratulate you for a successful year in harmony and many thanks for your contributions in it!
Dr. Leo Semashko,
GHA President |
Prof. Ernesto Kahan, GHA 1st Vice President, Israel
Dr. Laj Utreja, GHA-USA President |
Kae Morii, GHA – Japan President |

Harmonious civilization *Prof. Emeritus Ernesto Kahan. Tel Aviv University, Israel 1st Vice President of Global Harmony Association (GHA) 1st Vice President - World Academy of Arts and Culture President-Israel Physicians for Peace and Preservation of the Environment & Former Vice President of IPPNW (Organization awarded Nobel Peace Prize 1985) Co-Executive President of UHE Hispano-American Writers Union Vice President-IFLAC (Intl Forum for Literature and Culture of Peace) --------------------------------------------------------------------
Congratulations on the GHA 6th anniversary February 12 – 20, 2011 During the last weeks we were witnesses of massive waves of protests and riots in Tunisia and Egypt that have been extended, like an epidemic, to other countries in the region such as Algeria, Yemen and Jordan. Thus, every day and every minute of an institution as GHA, which have the greatest ideology to achieve a universal peace through harmony, is important and significant. Global Harmony Association is a key institution at this historical crucial time of humankind in which it is indispensable to achieve peace from harmony. The unique approach that remains is to achieve some harmonic agreement among the parts. Just at the entrance of the new millennium, when the prevalent ideologies entered in contradiction with reality, arises GHA, as the result of the initiative of Dr. Leo Semashko, Director of the Tetrasociological Institute and the Founder and President of Global Harmony Association. This last Institution is at the moment, the one that offers to humanity the necessary philosophical and political ideology for the continuity of civilization and social progress in peace. Congratulations GHA! Prof. Emeritus Ernesto Kahan, Tel Aviv University, Israel 1st Vice President of Global Harmony Association (GHA) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We congratulate our self for carrying out our GHA activities for such a long years and could be able to influence so many people from the universe by these years. I could remember the days when we started our journey with five of six persons from different parts of the world with Leo Semashko as our path finder. I remember Barnard Scott and also other members who were scanty in number from there in our march we could be able to include more than a hundred members. It is high time to look back again and to compile a big list of our doing and undoing our success and our failures to convert our failures into successes by finding out our mistakes or thinks undone. I shall be glad if we stat a look back or revisit along with our development activities. We should at least once look back towards those suffering from the disease of hunger and malnutrition we should think of their wellbeing along with our peace and harmony concept. Each member of GHA can do the work individually in his own land while carrying our peace and harmony mission as a group. Please report the situation in your own country and mention at least what you have done for them individually while doing for peace and harmony in group. Thank you and best wishes to you all. I am writing from a hotel in the Texas University area in USA and far away from my home and realized the need for working for the poor. Dr. Maitreyee Roy, India ------------------------------------------------- Congratulations on the sixth anniversary of the Global Harmony Association. Progress has been made in spreading the concept of harmony as the philosophical basis for society even if the concept can also be used as an excuse for not upsetting the status quo. Again with best wishes, Prof. Rene Wadlow, France ------------------------------------------------------ I am joining congratulations to Leo and everybody really active, which I have been very partially due to time constraints caused by activities following the same line, especially with our social responsibility and well being projects.
Best, Prof. Matjaz Mulej, Slovenia ------------------------------------------------------------ Congratulations on GHA achievements. May God help us to remain committed to our mission. Best harmony wishes. Mr Heli HABYARIMANA, Rwanda ---------------------------------------------------------------- Good anniversary all GHA friends Best regards Rosa Dalmiglio, Italy ------------------------------------------------------ Dearest all brothers and sisters in soul of GHA FAMILY, Let’s continue all together doubly the humanist mission in this life, with vision and virtues. Priority to children and their education!!!!!! Congratulation to ALL!!!!!!!!! With Love Peace & Harmony TakisIoannidis, Greece ---------------------------------------------------- Dear Dr. Leo and all Congratulation of 6th Anniversary, and the wonderful poem! Svetlana and Yuri Tsimbalist - http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=480 Translated into English by Zaure Khizatolla: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=466 Love and regards, Kae Morii, Japan ------------------------------------------------------------ DearLeo! We represent you and all the GHA members our joint work with Svetlana, a poem: "To the Global Harmony Association Anniversary." She has dictated the first three verses that I write in a hospital room and the rest I wrote. All from the heart, sincerely and frankly are. Happy birthday GHA! Yuri and Svetlana Zimbalist, Moscow, Russia -------------------------------------------------- --------------- Dear Leo! Let harmony and joy of love boundlessly finds a place in our hearts! Thank you for your contribution to the world of harmony and love! Happy Birthday! Sincerely, Zaure Hizatolla, Almaty, Kazakhstan -------------------------------------------------- ------------ Hi, Leo, GREETINGS from a family of Harmony! - Where each is accepted and understood, where every one is free and love. Your Nina Goncharova Novosibirsk, Russia ----------------------------------------------------------- Hi, Leo. Congratulations - you are a genius Your Nina Goncharova Novosibirsk, Russia ------------------------------------------------- With the sixth anniversary of us all! Best regards, Ivan Ivanov St. Petersburg, Russia -------------------------------------------------- -----