Contents Preface. Kanak Mal Dugar. The IASE Deemed University Ideals and the ABC of Harmony | | Introduction. The ABC of Harmony: Philosophy, Worldview and Thinking | |
Kanak Mal Dugar The IASE Deemed University Ideals and the ABC of Harmony IASE (Institute of Advanced Studies in Education) Deemed University feels privileged in supporting Global Harmony Association in the noble cause of spreading the message of Peace through Harmony in our joint publication of the ABC of Harmony. Harmony is inbuilt in the Nature. The conflicts are created by us.
At the end of the colonial era, just after Indian Independence, a divine inspiration guided the founder of Gandhi Vidya Mandir, Shri Kanhaiyalal Dugar to spread the message of Peace and Harmony through Value based Education. After due planning he started Gandhi Vidya Mandir on 2nd October, 1950, on the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi. Subsequently, he donated all his wealth and took Sanyas (asceticism) and was known as Swami Shri Ram Sharan ji Maharaj. The institution started working in the field of education, health, rural development, social welfare and research in the very backward and desolated that desert region of Rajasthan. In 2002 Gandhi Vidya Mandir proceeded a step ahead in the direction of achieving its long cherished goal of inculcating human values in the students when University status was granted to one of its constituent IASE Deemed University. Today it has eleven colleges, six schools, rural development centers, Agro-science centre, Gaushala (Cow Home), Orphanage and Craft Training facilities etcetera on its campus of over 1000 acres. Two most liked slogans which were the path markers in the life of our founder Swami ji were i.No one is other, No one is another (Koi Aur Nahi, Koi Gair Nahi) ii.No desires, be utilitized (Kuch MatChaho, Kaam Aa Jaao) Even today I think this is the royal path of harmony because till the evils like greed, selfishness, desires, laziness (idleness), feeling of inequality and intolerance persist in any equation the conflict remains. When no one is another, we are all the same as the creation of the Nature or the creation of its master (as one believes), thus disharmony dwindles; when there is no desire, conflict can never arise. When the feeling of being consumed and utilized for others comes, Harmony blossoms automatically. The spiritual master of our founder Revered Swamiji gave these ideals for Gandhi Vidya Mandir: 1.Introspection, that is by critically observing our mistakes through self generated power of discretion. 2.Emphatically resolving not to repeat our mistakes. 3.Adopt doctrinal experimentation with ourselves but have faith in others, keeping the binding of laws for ourselves but love and forgiveness for others. 4.Regenerate and reorient ourselves by the mastering our desires and senses, serving others, remembering supreme consciousness and quest for truth. 5.Never treat others duty as our right, others benevolence as our virtue, others weakness as our strength. 6.Develop family like oneness irrespective of the differences and diversity. 7.Render all possible creative service to the nearby society. 8.For physical betterment use self control in diet and recreation and maximize self-reliance in meeting our own needs. discretion 9.Make one-self beautiful by industrious body, Spartan mind, prudent intelligence, loving heart and egoless personality. 10.Give more importance to goods over coins; persons over goods; discretion over person and Truth over discretion. 11.Abnegate useless thoughts and positively utilize the present for a bright future. Another important reality is that disharmony has to disappear from the inside of the personality of individuals. one has to be in perfect harmony with themselves and only then we can think of Global Harmony. These golden principles when adopted can start the transformation from inside. Disharmony then will start fading down as the society starts proceeding towards adopting these principles. Then only Global Harmony from ABC to Z can be achieved. The ABC of Harmony lifts these principles and ideals on the new spiritual level of human integrity Therefore, the IASE University is ready to establish in its structure an international department of "Social Harmony and Harmonious Civilization" based on the ABC of Harmony in order for teachers of India and relevant scientists to spread the spirit of its harmonious philosophy, its outlook and thinking around the world. This is one of the main spiritual meanings of the ABC of Harmony for people of world, India, and for our university IASE in particular. This department and its training programs will significantly raise the national and international prestige of IASE University. Shri Kanak Mal Dugar Chairman, Gandhi Vidya Mandir, Chancellor, IASE Deemed University Honorary President, GHA-India January 9, 2012 Introduction The ABC of Harmony: Philosophy, Worldview and Thinking Harmony: an unassailable fortress of mind. Mankind started to think and to write about the harmony of man, society and nature more than three thousand years ago. And maybe even earlier. Man's mind tried to capture an unassailable fortress of harmony starting from the times of the Indian Veda, Confucius, Pythagoras and many other ancient wise men. If harmony is such an important and universal property, being the subject of man's thoughts in various local civilizations, countries, cultures and époques independently, why hasn't mankind created a simple alphabet or primer of harmony (an ABC of Harmony) for everyone? If every time that people tried to possess this intellectual, unassailable fortress of knowledge in a new time and place, or when people approached it in a new why, why finally have they retired from their efforts? Answers to this and similar questions require writing a lot of books. In this brief introduction, we will try to trace our intellectual version of the first acquisition of this fortress, which is now capped with history's first ABC of Harmony, a methodology for harmony that is easy and available for all nations of the world. Harmony is an intellectual challenge of God and his creations. This is a challenge to the main human intellectual component – the human mind. Harmony is a maturity test for human thinking. Man's spirit develops by climbing many steps of an unassailable fortress of harmony, which is enclosed in every segment of creation: in nature, in society, in humanity, and in every single part of each. For this reason, a complete review of all history of harmonious mind evolution is impossible here. Therefore, we shall be limited to only one question: How did we succeed to create and present the intellectual fortress of harmony in our first global manual of the ABC of Harmony, and to do so surely in the first approximation and in the first onset. We have been climbing this peak for more than 35 years (see the relevant articles below). For us to submerge into the structural depth of harmony in this book so promptly and productively means that we can do it with every person who wants to understand and to penetrate into this ABC. Siege from the four sides. We possessed (to repeat only the first approximation and onset) this intellectual fortress of harmony because we held the siege for 35 years. We did so not only from one but from all four corners and of the mind's sides. No doubt, we didn't perform these thoughts and acquire this knowledge simultaneously. But every time we focused on new directions, changing our course, we ascended the intellectual spiral around the fortress, step by step, constricting and accelerating the knowledge that whirls around it. There are four directions in which the mind climbed in order to seize this fortress: 1. Harmonious philosophy – harmonious knowledge (harmonious epistemology); 2. Harmonious outlook/worldview – harmonious object of knowledge (harmonious ontology); 3. Harmonious thinking – harmonious logic of knowledge (tetranet harmonious thinking); 4. The ABC of Harmony – fundamental elements of harmony for praxeological application (harmonious praxeology or harmonious pragmatics as the start of harmoniously organized activity of society). These "terrible" philosophic terms will be basically expounded further in different sections and articles of this book. What is most important now it is to understand the intellectual integrity of this necessary work and the sufficient conditions and prerequisites of the ABC of Harmony that unites them and is impossible without them. Their integrity is inseparable unity and mutual entering of four intellectual forces or abilities of harmonious mind: harmonious philosophy, harmonious worldview, harmonious thinking/logic and harmonious praxeology or the ABC of Harmony. Their unity in mutual dependence is expressed by the logical model of tetranet harmonious thinking. Model-1. The unity of the abilities of harmonious mind

Harmony may be available only to a harmonious mind in the unity of its four harmonious abilities. This statement is discussed in out book. If it is really true, then it is clear why the ABC of Harmony appears only three thousand years after its perception. This is because the mind went toward it non-harmoniously and was disharmonious in its efforts to possess it from just one side, but not from the whole or entire perspective. The mind has achieved a lot in its one-sided directions: It has discovered a lot of facts and properties of harmony; it has created a lot of private philosophies, outlooks, theories and instruments of harmony; but the mind appears to have been unable to integrate these in an ABC of Harmony. For example, starting from the times of Euclid and Fibonacci, the mind has developed the mathematics of harmonious, "golden" proportions found in physics, chemistry and biology, which laid the basis of the very important mathematical tooling – the arithmetic of harmony. However, the mind appeared to be powerless in the face of harmony in the whole and first of all in the face of its apex – social harmony. Another example: the Prince of Wales declared about the need for a revolution in human outlook or perspective, proclaiming the necessity of transiting the harmonious worldview to all people. However, this important achievement remained private and partial without support from other abilities of the mind . Similar examples are discussed in our book below. Digital harmonious mind. Transition from a traditional, disharmonious mind to harmonious mind is connected with its transformation from an analogue – completely verbal, approximate and blurred description of harmony, lacking qualitative, logical and quantitative precision – into precise terms in all senses and a digital expression of all of the mind's abilities regarding the knowledge of harmony. The most difficult step was to find the digital precision of the harmonious mind. For thousands of years, the disharmonious mind has been successfully mastering its digital expressions in different forms of monism, which is but one, dualism, which consists of two, and triadism, which is a group of three. Triadism is the most developed form of a disharmonious mind, prevailing in the industrial civilizations until recent times. But for three thousand years, all these forms appeared to be weak in the knowledge of harmony, in creating its ABC and in its conscious use in all areas of human activity. None of the previous mind forms offered any variants of the ABC of Harmony. However, as we have already mentioned, they had created a lot of prerequisites for it, the majority of which is synthesized in this ABC and is provided in detail in this book. The natural, logical conclusion of this search, three thousand years long, was an attempt to define the harmonious mind and its abilities with the number four – a tetrad or a group of four. The power of this number attracted attention of the great minds of mankind, starting from Veda, Buddha, Homer, Pythagoras and ending with Parsons, Bourdieu, and others. This millenary digital tradition of a tetrad, which remained marginal and unclaimed, was generalized by us in the creation of a four-dimensional or tetrad philosophy, outlook, thinking and in this ABC of Harmony. on this basis, a large group of tetradic terminology appeared that was formed by adding the prefix "tetra" to traditional notions and disciplines: Tetraphilosophy (tetrism), Tetraoutlook/worldview (tetrism), Tetrathinking (tetranet thinking), TetraABC, Tetrasociology, Tetramathematics, Tetraeconomics, Tetrapsychology, and others. Most of these notions have precise definition and are details are provided in this book or in previous works (see the references list). Integral harmony and harmonious integrity of objects is available only to the disciplines of this kind. Harmony is fundamentally an integral property, covering the object in the unity of all its basic parts – the number of which is four (tetra) – and in various objects with necessity and sufficiency. on the other hand, the only way that integrity can exist and develop in its four fundamental parts is through harmony. Without harmony, integrity will fall into pieces, destroying itself and leading to its death and chaos of all its parts. In other words, creating disharmony. The digital, four-dimensional, tetradic notions of the mind, expressing the integrity of harmony as well as the harmony of integrity in all levels, transforms the mind and its abilities from disharmonious to harmonious. This mind is a capable mind. And only this mind can express integral harmony and harmonious integrity in all levels, including its first, highest, and most complicated level – in the level of society and of man. It is this tetradic harmony that is represented in the tetraABC of social and individual harmony. This ABC requires addition information from the ABC of natural tetradic harmony, which, we are convinced, will be created in the nearest future. The digital, tetradic, harmonious mind in the unity of its tetradic harmonious abilities and forces is the only mind able to possess, intellectually, the fortress of the universal harmony and to apply it consciously in all spheres of life and human activity. Our ABC of Harmony is the first conscious expression of this mind. Naturally, this expression is far from being ideal. Like all discoveries, it is a beginning. However, this ABC of Harmony takes the first step and initiates the beginning of future limitless perfection. Previous history has shown that the human mind comprehended and revealed a lot of its private dimensions and forms: the natural-philosophical and introspective mind in ancient times; the pure and practical mind of Kant; the absolute and subjective mind of Hegel; the economic and revolutionary mind of Marx; and so on. But now the human mind has reached the point of knowledge of the integral and conscious harmonious mind. This mind now appears in the form of this first ABC of Harmony, a book that leads us to the threshold of the first and, truly, the only globally harmonious human civilization. Second Axial Age. We may speak about the flourishing of the second axial human period, which occurred since birth of a harmonious civilization in 2009 (see below) and its marriage with the relevant harmonious mind. But the beginning of this second axial age should be drawn to 1947 when India, being one of the largest inhabited countries in the world, reached national independence under leadership of Mohandas Gandhi. After the World War II, the trend of world harmonization increased, especially with the growth of globalization, which turned the world into a "large village," and made it possible to live in harmony with all nations. Globalization has brought harmony as a spiritual value to the fore, making it one of the steps to spiritual globalization, which is integrally reflected in this ABC of Harmony. The process of changing the axiological paradigms and worldview is the question of mankind's spiritual revolution according to the definition of the Prince of Wales (see below). In 1949, famous German philosopher Karl Jaspers (1883–1969) created the theory of the first "Axial Age." Jaspers explained the spiritual revolution as a change mindsets and a shift of axiological paradigms, dating to approximately in 800–200 BC, into three independent local civilizations of that time: Ancient India, Ancient China and Ancient Greece, which were identical in their spiritual achievements [43, 32–49]. "At that time a man realizes the existence in a whole…, the main categories by means of which we think today, by means of which the fundamentals of the world religions were laid and defining people's life today were developed at that time" [43, 33]. These civilizations "stupefy with their affinity… each of them speaks about the same" [43, 38]. Their common denominator is harmony as the center and integrity of the positive values of the mankind: good, beauty, justice, love, and others. Modern time has added freedom, equality and brotherhood. And recent time has added peace, sustainable development, prosperity and happiness. At the same time, Jaspers makes the parallel between the first Axial Time and our time, suggesting that we are entering a new, second Axial Time: "Our epoch has the crucial significance in respect for the width and the depth in the all human life. only the history of mankind in a whole may represent the scope for understanding of what is happening nowadays" [43, 29]. The heritage of the first Axial Age couldn't vanish into thin air and be relived in the spiritual globalization of the modern time This is why this time consequently defines "the scope … of all preceding and subsequent development" [43, 39]. Following Jaspers, the authors of the ABC of Harmony originate from "the confidence in the fact that mankind has one origins and common goal" [43, 31]. Similar to the sophists of the Axial Time, they sense and know that, nowadays, in the ABC of Harmony "something extraordinary is born" [43, 35]. If the first Axial Age came to an end in all three civilizations (India, China and Greece) with the violent creation of powerful empires, which seemed eternal [43, 36], the result of spiritual globalization of harmony nowadays would be the birth of the global harmonious globalization in 2009 (see below), which precipitated the birth of this, our ABC of Harmony. If natural harmony was the spiritual quintessence of the first époque, the spiritual quintessence of the second Axial Age is social human harmony in a new global world where a new harmonious civilization is born along with a harmonious mind in all its abilities: philosophy, worldview, thinking and the ABC of Harmony. The second Axial Time, predicted by Jaspers, revealed itself as more spiritually vivid and more significant in the ABC of Harmony. The values and knowledge of the first period were developed and integrated in the knowledge and values of the second one. Their multidimensional correlation, represented in the ABC, is expressed in the Model-2: Model-2. Knowledge and values of harmony in the two periods

Both axial periods are connected by the understanding of the "integrity of existence" [43, 33], as the integrity of harmony and harmony of the integrity. The empirical proofs of this conclusion are presented in many articles of the ABC. This conclusion, confirmed after 2.5 thousand years of modern spiritual globalization, transforms the ABC of Harmony into the Spiritual Renaissance of Harmony of the second Axial Age. This transformation is proved by hundreds of facts: the development of the harmonious society in China and European Union; the recognition of the "nuclear zero" in the USA and Russia in 2009; the renunciation from violence of Mohandas Gandhi in India's independence from Great Britain; Japan's decision after World War II to use military forces only for self defense; the fact that Costa Rica doesn't have an army, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Declaration of Religious Harmony of Singapore, which affirms Singaporeans commitment to religious harmony, similar Declaration of China, and others. Many of the similar facts are collected and published by the Global Harmony Association (GHA) in the project: "Epoch of Harmony Globalization" [3, 13–20]. All of these governmental decisions, proclamations and declarations support the value of the ABC of Harmony, which allows for uniting, generalizing and explaining the related components of the spiritual Renaissance of harmony in the second axial time, i.e. as the birth of new, harmonious mind and harmonious civilization. The shift of the modes of thinking. Among the abilities of the mind, the philosophy and worldview, in their realized forms, are the destiny of a few, and thinking on a large-scale is the destiny of all people. Therefore, the ABC of Harmony is closest to thinking. In fact, the ABC of Harmony may be the only consequence of harmonious thinking and is only accessible through harmonious thinking. Disharmonious thinking, which has not been able to create the ABC of Harmony during its long history corresponds to the disharmonious mind. Disharmonious thinking, unable to solve the holistic problems created by it, is the main cause of death of all past civilizations, including the industrial civilization, which perished under the weight of its own insoluble problems. Therefore, when a society is at death's door, there are always the questions of changing the paradigm or mode of thinking. This law was clearly and briefly expressed by Einstein: "The problems can't be solved at the same level of thinking which has created them." This means that they may be solved only at higher and more perfect level of thinking. This law was felt and expressed by many thinkers. For example, Karl Jaspers, as we already stated, assumed the approach of the second axial time with the radical shift of the mode of thinking. Vladimir Vernadsky, who introduced the concept of the noosphere, also spoke about the shift of paradigms occurring once in millenniums. The beginning of the 21st century has given us many signs of a similar transition from disharmonious to harmonious thinking. The most developed form of the disharmonious thinking is the industrial thinking in the form of triadism. The embodiment of harmonious thinking of harmonious civilization is the ABC of Harmony. Mankind's transition from the industrial disharmonious thinking to harmonious thinking of the new civilization comprises the basic spiritual content of the modern age. Every mode of thinking has strongly marked attributes and tools. Disharmonious industrial thinking is based on monism, i.e. on the recognition of one absolute, primary origin (part), which generates and suppresses others parts and constantly causes conflict among and the parts as well as within the whole. From here, there is the eternal war both in the social reality and in screens, in consciousness and in thinking. A cell of this thinking as well as of the corresponding society, by Marx's definition, is the universal economic phenomenon – the commodity that appears to be the private display of only one, material sphere of society and only of industrial civilization. In the modes of this thinking, by Hegel's definition, are the private triads: the thesis, the antithesis and the synthesis, which express the antagonistic forms of the commodity (first of all the economic classes of proletariat and capitalists) and constantly reject each other. These properties define the disruptiveness of this thinking and the absence of network qualities of connectivity and coherence that creates internal bellicosity and aggression. The whole, or improvement of the whole, is ignored in this thinking. The priority belongs, instead, to the disharmonious parts and particulars, which are at enmity with each other and which aspire to domination over the whole. An ideal of this thinking is the industrial civilization and the one-dimensional (Marcuse) economic person – homo economicus or homo industris, whose primary target is profit rather than harmony. This way of thinking in aggregate of its attributes, progressive in due time from second half of the 20th century, shows its inconsistency in the decision of the global problems, which it only multiplies and under pressure of which its industrial society collapses. This thinking may be defined by many synonyms with different accents: disharmonism, triadism, monism, and others. We will use two of its most typical definitions: disharmonism as its essence, and triadism as its digital way of its expression. The harmonious thinking of the harmonious civilization possesses totally different attributes. Harmonious thinking is based on the pluralism of the tetradic type, i.e. on the recognition of four equally necessary and sufficient harmonious parts that make the social whole at any level, from the atomic (person) to the global (mankind). The main quality of these parts is the harmony (proportion, coordination) among themselves, which defines harmony of the whole. The whole is, of course, more than the sum of its parts, but it does not exist without those parts nor without their harmony. From the harmony of the parts and the harmony of the whole, there is eternal (harmonious) peace both in social reality and in thinking. The cell of this thinking, as well as of the corresponding society, is not the commodity but the social whole in the harmony of its necessary (fundamental) and sufficient parts. The mode of this thinking is in the universal tetradic models, the chains of concepts and the abbreviations (see below) that express the cells of this thinking. These models possess the property of incorporation into the network of any dimension, any subject, and at any level from the atomic to the global that defines its network qualities of connectivity and coherence. Therefore, this thinking is called the network harmonious, or just tetranet thinking. It consciously accepted and developed in the ABC of Harmony, which represents the alphabet for this thinking and its language. The priority in this thinking is the whole, which is the "harmony of the parts" or the "harmony of the parts as the whole," where the parts are harmonious and aspire to reach concordance among each that would be equivalent to consent of the whole. This excludes any suppression of the parts and domination by one part or another part over the whole. The ideal manifestation or outcome of this thinking is the harmonious civilization and the harmonious person, homo harmonicus, whose primary goal is maximization of harmony rather than unfair and unruly acquisition of individual wealth. This purpose makes the parts by the harmonious parts consciously. This mode of thinking, in aggregate of its attributes, is necessary in order for modern mankind to reach the decisions to rectify humanity's insoluble global problems of industriadism and for humanity's survival and prosperity in the future while still preserving everything progressive and harmonious from past civilizations. This thinking may be defined by many synonyms with different accents: harmonism, tetrism, tetrapluralism, and so on. We will use two of its most typical definitions: harmonism, which is its essence; and the tetrism, which is the way of its expression. Tetrism synthesizes in itself all the tetradic ideas of monisms and keeps all the partial achievements of industriadism and triadism. Tetrism does not reject forms of private thinking, including the triadism, but includes them, reconciles their conflicting forms and uses, within itself, all their private achievements and advantages [3, 189–223; 9, 22–30; 11, 73–182; et al.]. Resolution of contemporary global problems is available only through thinking based on the harmonious integrity and holistic harmony, which are ignored in industrial thinking and which prefer fragmentariness (to divide into parts) and disharmony. The comparison of harmonious (tetrism) and disharmonious (triadism) thinking. Each of their attributes is explained in the ABC of Harmony. Therefore, in the Introduction, we will give only the comparison of the core attributes, as presented in the corresponding table. The Comparative Table of the Qualities of Tetrism and Triadism № | HARMONISM/TETRISM – is required to the harmonious civilization | DISHARMONISM/TRIADISM – is required to the industrial civilization | 1 | Harmony = the consent of four equally necessary parts of the whole | Disharmony = the enmity, the war of three parts with each other and the whole | 2 | The priority of the whole as the harmony of the parts. Holism | The priority of one part and its domination over the whole. Fragmentism | 3 | Maximization of the harmony of the whole. Life of global mankind and nature are sacred and inviolable. | Maximization of profit of the parts. Private property and profit from it are sacred and inviolable. | 4 | Tetra-Pluralism | Monism | 5 | Eternal harmonious peace from harmony of the parts and the whole, nonviolence and tolerance. | Eternal war of eternally hostile parts, violence and intolerance. | 6 | The thinking cell is the whole in the harmony of the parts | The thinking cell is the part that results in destroying the whole | 7 | The tetrad models, coherence and network quality of the tetranet thinking | The triads of the type: thesis, antithesis, synthesis, disruptiveness and the absence of network quality | 8 | The ideal is the harmonious civilization and the harmonious person – homo harmonicus, whose primary goal is harmony rather than profit. | The ideal is the industrial civilization and the one-dimensional person – homo economicus, whose prime target is profit rather than harmony. |
This table in the main qualities of triadism and tetrism can be represented in two tetramodels in the transition from first to second. Model-3. Major qualities of triadism and tetrism
Certainly, the named modes of thinking have many more attributes and epistemological dimensions, which are presented in detail in the special philosophical Appendix to the ABC of Harmony. The tetracells and tetramodels of harmonious thinking. The initial logical element of harmonious thinking in our ABC of Harmony is the tetradic cell (tetracell), which expresses society at any level, from the atomic to global, within the unity of its four necessary and sufficient parts, its four social and individual spheres. The tetramodels are used in all theoretical sections of the ABC of Harmony and in practically all of its articles. Its detailed philosophical basis is presented in the specified Appendix, and all that has been said about the harmonious thinking and its models is sufficient for the Introduction to the ABC of Harmony. Tetranet thinking and the ABC of Harmony coauthors. The harmonious social thinking through tetramodels, collectively (in the spirit of Durkheim) accepted and developed in the ABC of Harmony, has set before its coauthors an unprecedented problem of internal harmonization of all the diversity of their ideas in order to consciously make at least the first step toward this new level of thinking. Practically everyone has understood and has accepted the advantages of these sensual-rational models and their preferences for the author, the reader and the ABC as a whole, thus providing the network for harmonious coherence to all its articles and sections. Certainly, each author succeeded in solving this problem in a different way, which can be easily seen by each reader. But, as a result, the ABC not only speaks about harmony but it has also becomes the first example of harmonious tetranet thinking. Naturally, the ABC of Harmony is far from perfect, as everything is at first, but it begins the infinite development of this mode of thinking, which would not be possible without it in the future. These are, from our point of view, the most important conditions and preconditions of the ABC of Harmony and also its deepest value. Its philosophy, worldview and thinking are revealed in more details in the subsequent articles and appendices. Here, they are only outlined in the most general view. The first part of the ABC of Harmony is written on the basis of the first textbook on tetrasociology by Leo Semashko, published in 1999 [11]. It, in its turn, was written on the basis of a corresponding lecture course that the author has read for almost 10 years in the universities of St.-Petersburg. From the paragraphs of the ABC of Harmony, written by Semashko, almost three quarters were published in the textbook of 1999 and other editions of the author. Therefore, the new textbook coincides with approximately 75 percent of the former. Certainly, the old text is edited anew, taking into account the achievements of tetrasociology and other sciences over the recent 10 years. It also takes into account the mutual discussions and contributions of the coauthors for which I am very grateful. Without these coauthors and all of their ideas, thoughts, and input, this ABC of Harmony would not have appeared. Dr Leo Semashko, The Editor-in-Chief of the ABC of Harmony, December 25, 2011