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Leo Semashko. Israel - Palestine: GGHA Peace Academy of Spherons to close the war 70 years



GGHA Peace Academy of Spherons Projects to solve this conflict







Dear Bernard,

As you know, I am in the middle of war, running to shelters every time

this is an alarm, we have o­nly half minute to do so.

When I will be in a better situation, I will see you book.

Ernesto Kahan,






Dear Ernesto, Hedva and Bella,

with the copy to Prof. Mazin Qumsiyeh, mazin@qumsiyeh.org and

and Prof. Yehuda Stolov, yehuda@interfaith-encounter.org

I sympathize with your suffering under the constant and deadly threat of rocket attacks. I am very worried about the conflict between Arabs and Israelis. It amazes me that for 70 years no fundamental proposal has been found and taken to solve it. I am even more surprised that none of the humanities scholars and peacemakers o­n both sides, not a single peacemaking organization has offered ANY FUNDAMENTAL and long-term alternative to a militaristic solution. Therefore, this conflict IS DOOMED TO BE ENDLESS in such a situation. We, the GGHA, with your participation, wrote about this 10 years ago in two GGHA projects in 2011:

Israel - Palestine: Harmonization through Education instead Militarization, January 2011:


School of Peace through Harmonious Education for youth of Israel and Palestine, February 2011: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=461

I am sending you a fragment from the final paragraph of our "Anti-Nuclear Manifesto" at the UN, where we propose to create an "International Research Laboratory (IRL) for Global Security/Peace" for a start from 8 GGHA humanitarians for 6 months with funding of 100 thousand dollars." (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=908)

I am also sending you an excerpt from the Nobel Laureate letter Mairead Maguire to the Presidents of the United States and Russia, where she expresses a wonderful proposal in the spirit of the GGHA:

Please, President Putin and President Biden: Make peace not war, start to disarm and give the world some hope. It will become solid and reliable if you will create a joint scientific Peace Academy to replace violence with reason, primarily between Arabs and Israelis. This would be your joint immortal peacemaking contribution to history. We have the fundamental proposals of this Academy for your consideration." (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=997)

These proposals, together with our two projects and the banner above, you could use to unite several peace organizations in your countries, including Prof. Yehuda Stolov and prof. Dr. Hedva Bachrach, to come up with a proposal to the leaders of your countries to create a joint (Israel/Palestine) Academy of Peace with the participation of humanities from the United States and Russia in about 8-12 people for o­ne year with funding of about 250 thousand dollars. I could become the scientific director of this Academy and come to Israel for a few months. YOU all could also take part in it. Together with you, we could conduct a statistical study of the Gandhian spherons (as in “Gandhica”: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=848) of both countries and show how powerful the social peace potential of your peoples is in the nonviolent resolution of the conflict and ensuring lasting peace and cooperation of your peoples.

This is the o­nly sensible, nonviolent, Gandhian path to stable peace in your region for all 70 years. Why do we neglect and ignore it, why are we silent about this saving alternative, that prevents you, the Nobel laureate, from calling o­n other Nobel laureates to support our saving scientific alternative to the Gandhian spherons and the education of youth in its spirit in all Arab and Israeli schools? WHY do we forget that colossal, saving peacemaking nonviolent potential that we, the GHA have created and accumulated over 16 years??? Is it really better to tremble from fear and the risk of being killed at every minute than to actively use and promote the created peacemaking tool?

I hope you understand me and, together with Bella and your other fellow peacemakers, take active steps in this alternative, nonviolent direction. I and other members of the GGHA will be happy to help you in it. Friendly, take care, best wishes for health and safety,

Dr. Leo Semashko,

GGHA Founder and Honorary President,





Dear Mairead,
       Could you support our, GGHA suggestion for our Israelis friend below,

which I sent yesterday?



Dear Leo

Thank you for your email

Please accept my support for your

Proposal re Israel Palestine friends

Every good wish to you all

Mairead Maguire, Nobel Peace Laureate





© Website author: Leo Semashko, 2005; © designed by Roman Snitko, 2005