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The Site “A New Culture of Peace from Social Harmony and Children’s Priority”
News from October 18, 2007 to July 6, 2008

Brief news:


The main events for almost 9 months were:

1. Creation of the first in the world the Global Harmony Association (GHA), which the Statutes was approved o­n November 30, 2007;

2. Creation of the unique educational project of global importance: World Harmony/Peace Academy (WHPA) by 65 (now more 70) coauthors from 20 countries. For active participation in the project 47 co-authors were recognized by the Global Harmony Association Honorary Members.


Basic news: In the site "Contents" 20 new pages have been opened, making a total of 214. 45 new authors have appeared (including 7 children), making a total of 286 (including 24 children). The seven new countries: New Zealand, Slovenia, Cameroon, Rwanda, Byelorussia, Egypt, Lesotho have appeared, making a total of 46. 202 new materials ("news") are published. 11 new friendly sites have appeared, making a total of 105. The number of visits of the site from the date of its creation exceeded 550 thousand.


Our top-priority task: search of financing for the World Harmony/Peace Academy and beginning of its realization in o­ne of the countries of the world. It is an extremely complex and unprecedented task, which will require of us of concentration of all our forces and release from other tasks and any distracting or destructive actions.


The announcement: In view of a new top-priority task and abundance of materials, their publication o­n the site is sharply limited.


Gratitude. I express hearty gratitude to all authors of the World Harmony/Peace Academy project for participation in its creation. Without our joint creativity this project could not appear.


Dr Leo Semashko,

Founder and President,

Global Harmony Association and «Peace from Harmony» Website

July 6, 2008 ã.


The new authors:

Dr. K. Laxminarayana Sarma, M.A, Ph.D, LL.M, Research Officer, Telugu Academy; H.No. 2-2-1144/1/A/1; Opp: Prakash Sai Villa, New Nallakunta, HYDERABAD - 500 044 [AP] INDIA

Dimitris P. Kraniotis, Litt. D., Medical Doctor and Poet, President of the World Poets Society (W.P.S.) Address: 2, Panagoulis str., 41222 Larissa, Greece; dkraniotis@yahoo.gr; http://www.dimitriskraniotis.com/

Peter Bentley, IAEWP Vice President, Australasia, senseadventures@yahoo.com.au,

Harmony Kieding, Vestfold, Norway, ladyharmony23@yahoo.com,

Liu Xiaocheng, Vice Chairman of China Disabled Person’s Federation, Adviser of China Disabled People’s Performing Art Troupe; ystwlb@sina.com; www.mydream.org.cn

Alexander Olshansky, writer, Moscow, Russia, aa@olshanski.ru, http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=80, http://www.olshanski.ru,

Doug Ogilvie, Magic garden, Bilambil, Australia, 2486; www.alphernet.com.au/dogilvie,


Alexander Prohorenko, Chair, "Tolerance" Programme, St-Petersburg Government, Russia


Ilongo Fritz Ngale, Writer and Poet, C/O Beatrice Ekanjume Ilongo, NUL PO BOX ROMA 180, LESOTHO, SOUTHERN AFRICA, TEL: 0026658562077, Website: www.ilongosphere.com, cactuso2001@yahoo.com,

John W. Forje , PhD, Prof., Department of Political Science, University of Yaounde II-Soa, Republic of Cameroon, jowifor@yahoo.fr

David Maidman, Executive Producer, P.O. Box 283, 720 6th Street, New Westminster, BC V3L 3C5, Canada; http://thinkpeacemovie.com/; pumpkinheadbc2005@yahoo.ca

Hoda Hussein, Egypt, january26@googlegroups.com,

Ghassan Abdallah, Dr.CARE Director, Palestine, www.care-palestine.com


Eugenie Antonovich, philosopher, St-Petersburg, Russia, antonpet14@rambler.ru

Edward Soroko, PhD, Institute of philosophy, National Academy of sciences, Minsk, Byelorussia,


Alexey Stakhov, Grand PhD in Computer Science, Professor, Academician of the International Higher Education Academy of Sciences, President of the International Club of the Golden Section, Canada, http://www.goldenmuseum.com/, harmonybook@hotmail.com,

Oleg Bodnar, PhD, Professor, National Academy of Arts, Lviv, Ukraine: bodnar_o@ukr.net

Jean de Dieu Basabose, Co-founder and Executive Director, Shalom Educating for Peace, P.O.Box 6210 Kigali, Rwanda, Tel. 250 08403868, e-mail: basajd@yahoo.fr

Dalia Steiner, Dr, WICO- founder and Int. President; WICO -"Women's International Coalition " - for Culture of Peace, Non-Violence and Empowered Women", Israeli: www.wicointernational.org,

www.wicohome.org, daliast@netvision.net.il

Robert Najemy, Director, Center of Harmonious Living, Athens, Greece: http://www.HolisticHarmony.com, info@holisticharmony.com

Jagdish Gandhi. Founder chairman of City Montessori School (CMS), Lucknow, India:


Rama Narayana, administrator, Auroville, India: http://www.auroville.org/, auroram12@yahoo.co.in

Ernesto Kahan, Prof., Israel, ekahan@post.tau.ac.il,

Nina Meyerhof, Dr., President, Children of the Earth, USA, www.children-of-the-earth.org, Coevt@aol.com,

Alexander Lomanov, Dr., Russia, http://www.globalaffairs.ru/numbers/29/8835.html

Ian Harris, Prof., Department of Educational policy and Community Studies, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, P.O. Box 413, Milwaukee, WI 53201,USA; Tel: 1+ (414) 229-2326; fax: 1+ (414) 229-3700; President of the IPRA Foundation: http://www.iprafoundation.org/; imh@uwm.edu

Sebastian De Assis, PH.D, Northwest Human Services, Director, USA, http://www.northwesthumanservices.org/, sdeassis@nwhumanservices.org

Meg Hartfield, Poet, Wanganui, New Zealand

Andrei Arsenchuk, Student, St-Petersburg, arsenchuk@gmail.com

Natalie Hramikhina, Artist – Designer, St-Petersburg, hranat2008@yandex.ru,

Konstantin Cheremnykh, Economist, St-Petersburg, chk-69@mail.ru

Igor Prihodkin, Educator, Chelyabinsk, garmonia2@yahoo.com,

Andrei Smirnov, Professor, Novgorod, smirnvasiliy83@yandex.ru,

Nikolay Strelkov, Businessman, Ulianovsk, strelkov@2a2.ru,

Andrei Semashko, Entrepreneur, St-Petersburg

Alexander Semashko, Economist, Kaluga, mch40@mail.ru,

Petr Semashko, Lawyer, Kaluga, spit@inbox.ru,

Tamara Trushnikova, Professor, St-Petersburg,

Mother, India,
Velimir Linderman, journalist, Israel.
7 disabled children from
organization: Beautiful Mind, Kolkata, India:








The new pages:

1-3-1-1. Collective members of Global Harmony Association: Agreements

1-3-4-1. The poetic texts for a Hymn to Harmony from the poets of the world

1-20. Edward Soroko: «Pythagoras of ÕÕ century". Structural harmony of systems

2-1-3. Tetrasociological laws of deep (sphere) structure of social and individual harmony

2-1-4. From Liberty to Harmony: a deep revision of value priorities

2-1-5. Merit of the tetrasociological discoveries in comparison with merit of Marx's discoveries

3-15. Disabled children's organization 'Beautiful Mind' at Kolkata, India

3-16. Harmony: Children and Pets. Photo-gallery

4-1-5. Manifest of social harmony for Russia

4-1-6. Tolerance: To great city - harmony in diversity. St.-Petersburg Governments Declaration

4-1-7. Alexander Olshansky: information, harmony and new vision

4-4-3. Jagdish Gandhi. City Montessori School of peace and harmony

4-4-4. Auroville: Indian island of integral Yoga harmony

4-9-1. John W. Forje: African peace scientist, educator and peacemaker

4-10-1. Singapore: Country of racial harmony

4-10-2. Kazakhstan: Way to peace and harmony of civilizations

5-2-9. Dimitris P. Kraniotis: poet of Greek harmony

7-4-6. Oleg Bodnar: doctrine about harmony - in education

7-20-1. Robert Najemy: Holistic Harmony for health and happiness

7-27. Alexey Stakhov: «Fibonacci of XXI century». Mathematics of Harmony and Generalized Golden Section Principle


The new publications:

News. Leo Semashko. "Peace from Harmony", the Third Anniversary o­n February 15, 2008: Results, Problems and Challenges (En, Ru)

1-3. Tholana Chakravarthy and Laxminarayana Sarma. Magna Carta of Harmony. Telugu translation

1-3-1. Leo Semashko with 30 co-authors. The Global Harmony Association Statutes (En, Ru)

1-3-1. Leo Semashko. Order of transfer of the Association membership fees to children in need and Board Decision (En, Ru)

1-3-1. Leo Semashko and Renato Corsetti. The final letter about the Global Harmony Association Statutes (En, Ru)

1-3-1. Tatomir Ion-Marius. The Global Harmony Association Statutes. Romanian translation

1-3-1. Maria Cristina Azcona. The Global Harmony Association Statutes. Spanish translation

1-3-1-1. Charles Mercieca and Leo Semashko. Agreement between GHA and IAEMP (En, Ru)

1-3-1-1. Leo Semashko. Agreement between GHA and Organization (General Form) (En, Ru)

1-3-3. Leo Semashko with 64 co-authors. World Harmony/Peace Academy and General Harmonious Education. Project (80 pages) (En, Ru)

1-3-4. Leo Semashko. Invitation for the poets and composers to create the Harmony Hymn (En, Ru)

1-3-4-1. Tholana Chakravarthy and Leo Semashko. Ammar Banni: Honorary Poet of Peace from Harmony for 2008 (En)

1-3-4-1. Tholana Chakravarthy and Leo Semashko. Rules and requirements of Selection Committee for a Hymn to Harmony (En, Ru)

1-3-4-1.Nina Goncharova. A Hymn for Harmony (En, Ru)

1-3-4-1. David A. Stringer. A Hymn for Harmony (En)

1-3-4-1. Tholana A. Chakravarthy. World Without Frontiers (En)

1-3-4-1. Ammar Banni. The glory of peace (En)

1-3-4-1. Guy Crequie. Anthem with the Human Love (En, Fr, Sp)

1-3-4-1. Ilongo Fritz Ngale. Hymn to Harmony (En)

1-6-1. Charles Mercieca. Role of Religious Leaders in Guiding the World to Peace and Harmony. Analysis of the Foreign Policy of Barack Obama as President of the United States. Mother’s Day Special Celebration (En)

1-6-4. Leo Semashko. World Wisdom of Harmony: Peaceful Reunification of China and Taiwan through traditional culture of harmony. For Kosmos Journal (En, Ru)

1-6-9. David A. Stringer. Poems. Beowulf & the Elemental Forces (En)

1-6-10. Douglas Mattern. American Chronicle. Our Childhood’s End. The Next Great Evolution (En)

1-14-2. Leo Semashko. June 21, 2008 as the third anniversary of the Global Harmony Day (En, Ru)

1-14-2-1. Leo Semashko. June 1, 2008: Children Protection and Priority Day o­n the Harmonious Era Calendar of Global Harmony Association. Tholana Chakravarthy. Poem: A RAGPICKER’S PLIGHT. Nina Goncharova. Poem: Fairy Child. Ammar Banni. Poem: Peace and love (En, Ru)

1-14-2-1. Leo Semashko. Harmony Song (devoted to June 1 and 21) (En, Ru)

1-14-8. David Maidman, Hoda Hussein, Leo Semashko, Singapore. New dates in the Harmonious Era Calendar (En, Ru)

1-18. Claude Veziau. Poem. And so... the children (En, Fr)

1-20. Edward Soroko: «Pythagoras of ÕÕ century". Structural harmony of systems (Ru)

1-20. Alexey Stakhov. Contribution of the Byelorussian philosopher Edward Soroko in development of general theory of Harmony and Gold Section (Ru)

2-1-3. Leo Semashko. Tetrasociological laws of deep (sphere) structure of social and individual harmony (En, Ru)

2-1-4. Leo Semashko. From Liberty to Harmony: a deep revision of value priorities (En, Ru)

2-1-5. Leo Semashko. Merit of the tetrasociological discoveries in comparison with merit of Marx's discoveries (En, Ru)

2-7. Leo Semashko. Interview given to writer Takis Ioannides for the Greek newspaper “EPIKAIRA” of New Smyrna, Athens, which is published by February 16, 2008 (En, Ru, Gr, Ro, Fr, Ar)

Interview translation o­n languages:

Leo Semashko – English,

Takis Ioannides - Greek,

Ammar Banni - French and Arabic,

Tatomir Ion-Marius – Romanian

Susana Roberts – Spanish

2-7. Leo Semashko. Interview to Russian newspaper “Evening Petersburg”, March 14, 2008: The scientist - sociologist created the theory of a survival and harmony for humankind (Ru)

2-7. Leo Semashko. "Peace from Harmony", the Third Anniversary o­n February 15, 2008: Results, Problems and Challenges (En, Ru)

3-15. Maitreyee B. Roy, Tholana A. Chakravarthy, Leo Semashko. Global Harmony Association: Aid for disabled children's organization 'Beautiful Mind' at Kolkata, India (En, Ru)

3-15. Maitreyee Roy. Report about reception and expenditure of the GHA membership fees by the disabled children Organization, 'Beautiful Mind', Kolkata, India (En, Ru)

3-16. Harmony: Children and Pets. Photo-gallery: 15 photos (En, Ru)

4-1-5. Leo Semashko. Manifest of social harmony for Russia for the future Presidents (Ru)

4-1-6. Alexander Prohorenko. "Tolerance" Programme, St-Petersburg Government (Ru)

4-1-7. Alexander Olshansky. Way to harmony (Ru)

4-4-2. Tholana A. Chakravarthy. Poems. A Ray of Hope. The Ripe Time. There Cannot Be. A Ragpicker’s Plight. Oath o­n Humanity (En, Sp, Ru)

4-4-2. Takis Ioannidis. Translation from English into Greeks the Chakravarthy’s Poem ‘A Ray of Hope’ (Gr)

4-4-3. Jagdish Gandhi. City Montessori School of peace and harmony (En, Ru)

4-4-4. Mother. Auroville: Indian island of integral Yoga harmony (En, Ru)

4-4-4. Rama Narayana. Letter to Leo Semashko from Auroville (En)

4-6. Rosa Dalmiglio. Chinese Art and Charter of Harmony in Vatican (En)

4-6. Alexander Lomanov. China: Harmony is the Highest. About XVII CPC Congress (Ru)

4-6-1. Michael Holmboe. China: harmony of society (En)

4-6-1. Liu Xiaocheng and Leo Semashko. Letters about China Disabled People’s Performing Art Troupe (En)

4-8-2. Ammar Banni. When The earth speaks! Poem (En, Fr)

4-8-2. Ammar Banni. Peace and love. Poem for Children's Day, June 1 (En, Fr, Ru)

4-9-1. John W. Forje: African peace scientist, educator and peacemaker (En, Ru)

4-10-1. Singapore: Country of racial harmony (En, Ru)

4-10-2. Velimir Linderman. The Path to Peace and Harmony of Civilizations from Kazakhstan (En)

4-12. Leo Semashko: Intolerance is a Reaction of the Uneducated People. Scientist - Sociologist Created the Theory of a Survival and Harmony for Humankind. March 14, 2008, Interview (Ru)

4-13-5. Nina Goncharova. Wanderer's Song (En, Fr, Ru)

4-13-5. Nina Goncharova. To my son Artem (En, Ru)

4-15. Rene Wadlow. World Day Against Child Labour. Leo Semashko’s Response (En, Ru)

5-2. Takis Ioannidis. Poems: Hymn to Peace. Fly with the vision of PEACE (En)

5-2. Meg Hartfield. A Culture of Peace poem (En)

5-2-1. Helene F. Klingberg. Poem. Do we see the child? (En)

5-2-1. Stephen Gill. These Children. Poem (En)

5-2-6. Susana Roberts. Alone (En, Es)

5-2-9. Dimitris P. Kraniotis. Biography. Poems (12): Fictitious line, Ideals, Illusions, The end, Rules and visions, Denials, o­ne-word garments, Maybe, What I ask, The "don'ts" and "zeros", Ashes, Limits, They called her crazy (En)

5-3. Maria Cristina Azcona. A Guide to Find Peace. With reviews by Stephen Gill, Ada Aharoni and Ernesto Kahan (En)

5-13. Guy Crequie. March 30th, 2008. Day for the Ground. Poem (Fr, En, Sp)

7-2. Rudolf J. Siebert. Saint Petersburg- Yalta Report. November 2007 (En)

7-2. Rudolf J. Siebert. Memories about my good friends, the Professors Ivan Supek, Branko Bosniak, and Srdan Vrcan (En)

7-3-2. Yuri Dorofeev. Green stars o­n a background of a white grand piano. To Ludwig Zamengoff anniversary (Ru)

7-4-1. Ian Harris. Peace Education: Definition, Approaches, and Future Directions (En)

7-4-1. Sebastian De Assis. Is It Possible To Teach Peace? (En)

7-4-3. Carol Hiltner. Meeting of Altai natives with American Indian in the USA (Ru)

7-4-4. Hong Tao-Tze. Letter to Leo Semashko (En)

7-4-6. Oleg Bodnar. Doctrine about harmony - in education (Ru)

7-4-6. Alexey Stakhov. Oleg Bodnar’s fillotaxis geometry (Ru)

7-7. Martha Ross DeWitt. The sociologist and woman from harmony. To Peace Workers. Earth Odyssey. My pilot study of young teenagers. Child Suffrage Question in my Teen Study (En)

7-20-1. Robert Najemy. Holistic Harmony for health and happiness (En, Ru)

7-24. Bernard Phillips. How to save world? (En)

7-27. Alexey Stakhov: «Fibonacci of XXI century». Mathematics of Harmony and Generalized Golden Section Principle (En, Ru)

8-2. Peter Bentley. Letter about the Global Harmony Association (En)

8-2. Leo Semashko. Response to Peter Bently. Global Harmony Association: harmonious ideas, knowledge and projects (En)

8-2. Harmony Kieding. Letter about Peace and Harmony (En)

8-2. Alexander Olshansky. About Magna Carta of Harmony. Mark of harmony and happiness (Ru)

8-2. Doug Ogilvie. The anarcho-gnostic credo and Leo Semashko’s response (En)

8-2. Konstantin Cheremnykh. About harmony (Ru)

9-1. Michael Holmboe. Street Children & Child Labor & Child Soldiers (En)


Friendly Websites:

Dimitris P. Kraniotis,http://www.dimitriskraniotis.com/

Liu Xiaocheng, www.mydream.org.cn

Alexander Olshansky, http://www.olshanski.ru,

David Maidman, http://thinkpeacemovie.com/;

Ghassan Abdallah, www.care-palestine.com

Dalia Steiner, www.wicointernational.org, www.wicohome.org,

Robert Najemy, http://www.HolisticHarmony.com

Jagdish Gandhi. http://www.jagdishgandhi.org/index.html

Rama Narayana, http://www.auroville.org/,

Nina Meyerhof, www.children-of-the-earth.org,

Ian Harris, http://www.iprafoundation.org/;


Dr Leo Semashko,

Founder and President,

Global Harmony Association and «Peace from Harmony» Website

July 6, 2008

"Peace from Harmony", the Third Anniversary on February 15, 2008: Results, Problems and Challenges

Dear Peace from Harmony Authors, Global Harmony Association Members, Friends!


I am happy to send you this message with my deep gratitude for your fidelity to the world harmony and with my heart congratulations concerning the THIRD anniversary of our site "A New Culture of Peace from Social Harmony and Children’s Priority" (briefly: "Peace from harmony": www.peacefromharmony.org), which was open o­n February 15, 2005.


Let briefly to tell about our achievements for this year in comparison with two last (http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=253), and also about problems and challenges, with which we confronted.




In past year we continued to carry out our mission "peace from harmony", i.e. creation of the global peace o­n the world harmony basis. It was expressed in three our major achievements of world importance.


First, it is creation of the Magna Carta of Harmony for an information civilization" by 43 authors from 16 countries, which is the first world document by scientific (tetrasociological) comprehension of social and individual harmony, ways of their achievement and construction o­n their basis of the global harmonious peace and appropriate culture.


Secondly, it is creation of the Global Harmony Association Statutes, as the first world organizational document for the conscious movement to world harmony.


Thirdly, it is creation of the Global Harmony Association (GHA) as the first world organization of conscious evolutionary movement to world harmony. GHA is, as a matter of fact, a seed and beginning of the new International of Harmony and Peace (or) Peace from Harmony, which essentially differs from the traditional Internationals of an industrial society: they divided the people o­n hostile camps but not united them for global peace and harmony. GHA creates the scientific and most effective, through harmonious education, way to achieve global harmonious peace for all peacemaking organizations of the world. I am happy to inform, that the first organization o­n February 10 joining to GHA, is the oldest (with 1969) and o­ne of most powerful NGO: International Association of Educators for World Peace (IAEWP). It is the GHA first collective member. IAEWP has branches in 80 countries of the world and unites more than 50 thousand members. The world famous teacher and scientist Professor Charles Mercieca, the GHA Board member and our “of harmony and peace bell”, is the IAEWP Founder and President. The Agreement about IAEWP joining to GHA is published at the address:http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=316. It can serve a sample for the other organizations, which we call to join GHA.


We continued to collect o­n the site the ideas and persons of harmony from all world and to unite them in the different projects of a harmonious peace culture, which (projects) now are totaled more than 40.


The most significant of them is the World Harmony Academy (WHA) project, which practically unites almost all others our projects and gives them a way for realization through harmonious education of children, youth and new generations as world citizens. It is a long but the most effective way for achievement of indestructible harmonious peace and its culture. Spreading WHA and harmonious education worldwide is capable for 15-20 years not o­nly to stop all modern wars but also to prevent all wars in the future. It is the most effective way of the fight for peace. (This project was discussed by 20 Russian co-authors about 3 months. Now it - 25 pages - is translated o­n the English language and in 2-3 weeks will be submitted for discussion of its foreign co-authors).


We begun the new project of a Hymn to Harmony, called to create a poetic and musical masterpiece of modernity inspiring all peoples of the world o­n creation of global harmony as source of true peace. Since January 19 we received 6 poems: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=315.


Our past projects developed also. So, for example, a number of the Harmonious Era Calendar authors increased up to 42 with 27, and number of its dates up to 53 with 27. The project For Social Harmony in the World in Support of China found wide reflection o­n the site separate page and appropriate photo-gallery. The Children’s Priority project found a new support in annual transfer of the GHA membership fees in o­ne of children's organizations of developing countries. In this connection let o­nce again to remind you kindly, that the membership fees and donations transfer to disabled children organization, Kolkata, India proceeds up to February 28. (Organization Chief: Dr Maitreyee Bardhan Roy: maitreyee25@rediffmail.com).


The site continues to unite cultures of the East and West, North and South. o­n it all the basic religions and local civilizations of the Earth are submitted. It synthesizes the Western structural idea of spheres and the East value idea of harmony. It overcomes polarization "of two cultures": technical and humanitarian and creates creative unity for science and art.


For o­ne year the number of our site authors, who write the wonderful book Peace from Harmony together, increased with 190 up to 254 persons. Each author has brought the unique contribution to our site as a treasury of world harmony by the information of the first-rate quality. Each author deserves the warmest and sincere gratitude all of us. The countries representation o­n the site has grown with 33 up to 41 countries from all continents of the world. The publications of the site has grown with 15 up to 17 languages.


Subjects of our site have extended considerably. o­nly number of the site "Contents" pages has grown with 158 up to 202, though some of them still wait the authors and appropriate information. The friendly sites number has increased with 80 up to 100.


In October - November 2007 the GHA Board was created, which includes 8 authors from 7 countries, and also Honorary Advisory Committee, including 23 author from 10 countries. For our site the new place was led. Now it is defined in the GHA Statutes (clause 1) as "the centre of the Global Harmony Association communication space and also its main information body and resource".


The site appearance and its Main page changed considerably also, o­n which the site new emblem in a line of three female symbols of harmony, replacing each other appeared. The merit of the site technical updating belongs to my young colleague, student Ivan Ivanov, to who I am very grateful for it. The site and its forum number of visits for o­ne year increased with 60 thousand up to about 360 thousand. The number of daily visits reached about 1000 and it is not a limit.


So, for o­ne year the site authors made the significant contribution to development of a harmonious peace culture. We have all bases highly to estimate this contribution and to congratulate each other with excellent work and productive cooperation. However, for three years the internal problems and external challenges have ripened and aggravated.




From many our problems I want to name two.

1. The financial problem has become aggravated up to a limit: I am shame to ask tens time of tens people to carry out laborious works for translation, editing etc. without any of material compensation. The problem of translation o­n the site is sharpest. More than 2500 texts published o­n it, wait for translation o­n its 17 languages. Here I want to express general gratitude and high appreciation to our voluntary translators, who translated and edited for the site tens pages of the different texts: Tholana Chakravarthy, Martha Ross DeWitt, Claude Veziau, Maria Cristina Azcona, Bernard Scott, Reimon Bachika, Susana Roberts, Renato Corsetti, Jan Faullimmel, Takis Ioannidis, Guy Crequie, Nina Goncharova, Robert Weir, Alexander Verbitsky, Tatomir Ion Marius, Muhammad Iqbal and others. All active translators received (or will receive) the Honorary Tittles of our site and GHA.

2. The GHA and site tasks were considerably complicated in connection with their quantitative growth and quality of the new projects. They conduct to an aggravation of the attitudes between us. As all of us are come from an internally hostile industrial society and are still very far from internal harmony, at us (at me including) not always gets the skills and tact of harmony for the harmonious decision of the conflicts. Some our members are not capable to understand and accept a scientific novelty of our projects, therefore they leave organization or remain passive. But o­n their place the new and young people come, with new energy of harmony, which freshens and updates our Union. All of us learn in harmony, all of us are its pupils but not all and not always we are its excellent student. It is natural process. It should be perceived with understanding, calmness and without a forcing of negative emotions concerning our separate disharmonious trivialities and reactions. The harmony supposes tolerance, forgiveness and magnanimity.




The external challenges go from the aggravating political conditions in the world, from a new coil of arm race, from crisis of traditional peace culture and fight for peace (I have devoted to this crisis special work: A New Quality of the Fight for Peace: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=301). GHA is non political organization; we do not intervene in the modern political conflicts strengthening enmity instead of harmony. But we can not be outside of them. Traditional peace culture and fight, at all their high moral status, shown the practical powerlessness and full inefficiency. The world movement for peace, all the numerous peacemaking organizations of the last and new century did not know the reasons of peace, therefore they could not stop any war. Efficiency of traditional culture and fight for peace are close to zero. They have o­nly moral importance and are in this respect very important. They are not capable to counteract war in another way. Therefore they are mistrustful to the GHA’s ways and projects and resist to them. And the modern society, which remains in a majority industrial, in general is hostile to harmony and its projects.


Our GHA for the first time in the world scientifically, o­n a basis of tetrasociology, showed a way of an establishment of global peace: harmony of social spheres and sphere classes of humankind and each society. They are a single reason and ground for the global harmonious peace, which we opened in our documents and projects having no analogues in the world. Traditional culture and the fight for peace do not know this reason, therefore they are powerless and are inefficient. The reasons of wars are the private interests of groups and separate countries, which (reasons) are eliminated o­nly by harmony of the universal sphere classes. Therefore movement for peace can be effective not by struggle AGAINST the private militarist interests, but FOR universal sphere harmony. Unfortunately, last is unknown to social science, except for tetrasociology, and to traditional peacemaking organizations, except for GHA. We are in opposition to each other. We throw each other challenge. Our challenge consists that we invite a social science to rise o­n a level of tetrasociology and the organizations aspiring to the effective fight for peace and peacebuilding to join GHA.


Absence of scientific understanding of the reason and source of peace as social harmony and constant arms race are the most powerful challenges for GHA and our worldview. Variant of a temporary defeat of our projects and even of the GHA disintegration therefore is not excluded. But a bit later they will be claimed with necessity, as the objective global harmony tendency, which we see and understand, grows simultaneously. This gives us strong hope for a survival.


We fulfil a mission of pioneers for conscious world harmony, harmonious peace and its new culture. This mission is extremely complex; it contradicts to a traditional society and traditional peacebuilding but o­nly it is perspective for humankind. The history of our GHA is a small part of the new, difficult, but inevitable history of a harmonious civilization going o­n change of an industrial disharmonious civilization. This history includes the European Union with its motto of harmony; Singapore with its Declaration of racial harmony and creation of "the race harmonious nation"; Russia with its “sobornost” as harmony; China with its "building society of social harmony" and culture of harmony going from Confucius; Kazakhstan with its idea of harmony of Europe and Asia; USA with them 14 schools of harmony arisen with 2000 in the states of Texas and Louisiana and other tendencies of an objective harmonization unknown for us. Our merit consists that we consciously and scientifically begun a new history of harmony. Let's congratulate each other with it in day of our third anniversary! Let's wish each other so fruitful movement in the future.


With love, gratitude and best harmony wishes,


Dr Leo Semashko,

The Site and GHA Founder and President




The Site “A New Culture of Peace from Social Harmony and Children’s Priority” (briefly: Peace from Harmony)
News from May 21 to October 17, 2007

Brief news:

The main events for 5 months became: publication of the Magna Carta of Harmony by 43 authors from 16 countries in 7 languages (plus the Romanian translation) as the separate book; its presentation o­n the Cultural forum in Beijing, China in July and o­n the Poetry Festival in Paris in September; spread more than 300 copies of the Magna Carta of Harmony between schools, universities and citizens of 22 countries of the world; beginning of integration of two international organizations "Peace from harmony" and "IFLAC" in "Global Harmony Association".

Basic news: In the site "Contents" 21 new pages have been opened, making a total of 194. 34 new authors have appeared, making a total of 241 (including 17 children), from them the organization members are 176. The three new countries: Ethiopia, Holland and Liberia have appeared, making a total of 39. 369 new materials ("news") are published, making a total more than 4000. 9 new friendly sites have appeared, making a total of 94. o­ne new language has appeared o­n the site: Telugu, making a total of 17.

Our nearest the most important events are: December 16 as the first publication anniversary of the Magna Carta of Harmony o­n December 16, 2006 o­n our site. February 15, 2008 as the third anniversary of the International site "Peace from harmony", which was open o­n February 15, 2005.

The announcement: From an abundance of materials, sent o­n the site, their publication temporarily stops since 17 October o­n some months until introduction of the new order and criteria of their publication.

Our top-priority tasks: Formation of the Association bodies (Semashko, Aharoni, Chakravarti, Holmboe); Discussion and approval of the Association Statute (Semashko, Aharoni, Chakravarti, Holmboe); Discussion and approval of the Honorary Titles recognition (Semashko, Aharoni, Chakravarti, Holmboe); Creation and approval the publication order o­n the site (Ivanov, Semashko); Search of financing (Semashko and others); Registration of the Association Statute in the UN (Chakravarti, Mercieca, Ion- Marius  and others); Development of the new variant of the Magna Carta of Harmony (Martha DeWitt and others); Creation of videofilm "Way to peace from harmony" (Semashko, Holmboe); Creation of harmonious peace TV (Aharoni and others); Harmonizing information technology for children and youth (Semashko and others).

I express sincere gratitude to all authors and translators of the Magna Carta of Harmony and also to all the site authors. Our site became a unique collection of the information and documents about harmony from all continents of our Planet. This collection has no analogues in the world. It plays the very important peace role, attracting to itself not o­nly new ideas of harmony, but also uniting around of it the increasing number of people, which get quality of a new global community - community of harmony. The creation "Global Harmony Association" is the significant contribution to development of this global community. Many thanks to all members of this community and association, each of whom brought the contribution in the statement of global harmony and harmonious peace o­n the Earth.

Dr Leo Semashko,
Website Founder and President
October 17, 2007

The new authors:
Martin Luther King Jr., 1964 Nobel Peace Laureate
Elie Wiesel, 1986 Nobel Peace Laureate
Nelson Mandela, 1993 Nobel Peace Laureate
Pope Benedict XVI, http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/benedict_xvi/
Nicholas Roerich,  Russian artist and thinker
Ying Lian, journalist, China Internatiomal Radio, China, crieng@crifm.com, www.crienglish.com
Dr. Neelam Narayana, Retired Professor of Economics, Sri Venkateswara University,                  Address   :  Dr. N.V. Narayana, Plot-92, L.S. Nagar, Near SV Dairy Farm,                 TIRUPATI - 517 502 (AP) India
Natalia Shelaru, Administrative Director, TRANSCEND Peace University (TPU), Tel/Fax: +40 264420298, Tel: +40 729217096, E-m natalia.shelaru@transcend.org Web-site: www.transcend.org/tpu Mailing address: OP 1-CP 331Cluj-Napoca, 134 919, Romania
Jean Faullimmel, Ph.D. in Polymer Science, Environmental Expert, Address: 20,rue Champs, 67550 Vendenheim-Strasbourg, France; tel : 33(0)3 69228451; email: jean.faullimmel@evc.net
David Williams, BA MA MEd, PGCe MCIM, Peace Association Director, Oxford (UK) Excellence Chief Executive, Councillor of the Oxford Green Party; Address: 320 London Road, Oxford, OX3 8DN; tel: +44 (0)1865 765852; web: www.oxfordukexcellence.co.uk, email: mail@oxfordukexcellence.co.uk
Dongrong Sun, Ph.D., Philosophy teacher at the Graduate School of the Communist Party of Huainan, Beijing, E-Mail: sundongrong@163.com
Jan R. Hakemulder, Prof., D.Ed., Ph.D., Psy.D., D.Litt (Hon), International President of the Intercultural Open University; Holland,  http://www.iouedu.comiou@iouedu.com
Valery Guerguel, Ph. D. in history, researcher of the laboratory of Moscow Institute of Open Education, UN military observer in 1973-1976, director of the Museum of Peacekeeping Operations; Russia; director@un-museum.ru; http://un-museum.ru/
Irina Barchukova, teacher, Moscow, Russia
Olga Knyzeva, teacher, Moscow, Russia, knyasevao@rambler.ru
Zaharov V., peacemaker, Moscow, Russia,
Isaenko A., peacemaker, Moscow, Russia,
Komlyakov E., peacemaker, Moscow, Russia,
Hong Tao-Tze, Ph.D., Zhang-men-ren of Tai Ji Men, President of Tai Ji Men Qigong Academy, President of Federation of World Peace and Love; Federation of World Peace and Love (FOWPAL) 545 Meridian Ave., Suite D, san Jose, CA 95 126, USA; e-mail: info@fowpal.org ; http://fowpal.org
John Hallam, Nuclear Flashpoints, Sydney, +61-2-9810-2598, foesyd4@ihug.com.au,
306/99 Lilyfield Road Lilyfield NSW Australia 2040
Kamran Mofid, PhD (ECON), Founder, Globalisation for the Common Good Initiative
www.globalisationforthecommongood.info, Co-editor, Journal of Globalisation for the Common Good www.commongoodjournal.com, England, k.mofid@btopenworld.com
Lama Gangchen, T.Y.S.,  L.G. World Peace Foundation UN NGO, Italy: http://www.lgpt.net/, gangchen@micronet.it
Netugba Wesseh, Secretary Liberian National Commission for UNESCO, Ministry of Education; Addres: P.O. Box 9012, Monrovia, Liberia; Home address: Peugeot Garage Freeport of Monrovia Bushrod Island Monrovia, Liberia Cell: 231-7-474-522/231-6-474-522 Email: netugbawesseh@yahoo.com 
Mussie Hailu,  Chairman of African Diaspora Foundation, Board Chairman of Interfaith Peace building Initiative, and Regional Coordinator of URI for Africa;
Address: P.O.Box 7785, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; Email: mussiepeace@yahoo.co.uk
Helene F. Klingberg, Poet, Journalist, Norway, hele-kli@online.no
Kae Morii, Poet, Japan, moriikae@ybb.ne.jp
Gershon Baskin, Journalist, Israel
Yoshika Tatsuya, Peace Boat, Director, Japan, www.peaceboat.org, pbglobal@peaceboat.gr.jp
Kushuchi Mari, Peace Boat, Head of Tokyo Office, Japan, www.peaceboat.org, tokyo@peaceboat.gr.jp
John Perkins, Economist, USA
Lars Sande, Norwegian poet and musician
Mark Bochkis, peacemaker, USA, www.fireflykids.org, mbochkis@fireflykids.org,
Eugenia Ermolaeva, peacemaker, Russia, zhenya@eii.spb.ru,
Kosta Makreas, peacemaker, USA, gmakreas@sanbrunocable.com

The new pages:
1-3-4. From Ode to Joy towards Harmony Hymn: to the new poetic and musical imagination
1-6-11. Kamran Mofid: Globalisation of the Common Good as Global Harmony
1-14-2-1. June 1 as Protection and Children Priority Day
1-14-10. A new quality of the fight for peace
3-14. International Save the Children Alliance
4-1-2. Nicholas Roerich about harmony and children
4-1-3. Valery Gergel. History of the Museum of the UN Peacekeeping Operations and movement of the young peacemakers
4-1-4. Sobornaiy Russia is  harmonious Russia: way for social healing
4-6-2. China and Russia: aspiration to harmony. 2007 Year of China in Russia
4-6-3. China - Taiwan: peaceful reunification through traditional culture of harmony
4-6-4. Dongrong Sun. The Chinese woman of harmony
4-7-1. Pope Benedict XVI: discover life meaning to the great cosmic harmony
4-12-1. Destruction of an industrial civilization as corporate empire
5-2-6. We call the world poets to create peace from harmony (appeal in six languages)
5-2-7. Michael Holmboe: Norwegian Writer and Encyclopaedist of harmony
5-4-1. Songs of harmony
6-4. Video in Internet. Peace from harmony: 1000 films
7-2. Rudolf Siebert: Golden Rule of Peace from Harmony in religions and society
7-3-3. Address to Esperantists of the world
7-4-4. Jan R. Hakemulder: the Intercultural Open University for Harmony
7-4-5. Hong Tao-Tze: The Education of World Citizens: A Harmonious Life and the Principle of Yin and Yang

The new publications:
Slide – film. China: Nature and People (En, Ru)
1-1-3. Martin Luther King Jr., 1964 Nobel Peace Laureate (En)
1-1-4. Elie Wiesel, 1986 Nobel Peace Laureate (En)
1-1-5. Nelson Mandela, 1993 Nobel Peace Laureate (En)
1-3-1. Leo Semashko. Updated Rules of Recognition of Honorary Titles in the Global Harmony Community (En, Ru)
1-3-1. Ada Aharoni, Leo Semashko. Global Harmony Association. Statute (En, Ru)
1-3-2. Ammar Banni. UN Convention o­n the Rights of the Child (1989) and Magna Carta of Harmony (En, Ru)
1-3-4. Leo Semashko. Appeal to the poets and composers to create the Harmony Hymn (En, Ru)
1-6-1. Charles Mercieca. Who Are the Insurgents? Perspective of Church and State Relations in Russia (En)
1-6-6. Gershon Baskin. 'Ministries of peace' in Israel and in Palestine and in every country (En)
1-6-6. Kosta Makreas. News from the 3rd Global Summit for Ministries and Departments of Peace (En)
1-6-9. David  Stringer. Creating Universalist Altars, Shrines & Temples. Re Messiahs, Liberators & Saviours (En)
1-6-10. Douglas Mattern, John Hallam. Lowering operating status of nuclear weapons (En)
1-6-11. Kamran Mofid: The Istanbul Declaration 2007 for harmony in diversity. Bio (En, Ru)
1-6-11. Kamran Mofid. Today, September 30th, 2007 is Rumi's, Persian philosopher, mystic of Islam and planetary poet, 800th Birthday (En)
1-13. Harold Becker. About unconditional love. Inspiring People to Love Unconditionally (En)
1-14. Dr Ashok Chakravarthy and Dr. N.V. NarayanaHarmonious Era Calendar. Telugu translation
1-14-2. Leo Semashko, Tholana Chakravarthy, Susana Roberts, Nina Goncharova, Claude  Veziau, Reimon Bachika, Ammar Banni, Renato Corsetti. June 21: Global Harmony Day. Congratulations, Poems and Greetings (En, Ru)
1-14-2-1.Tolana Ashok Chakravarthy. Poems: A  Justification. Love abd Concern (En, Ru)
1-14-2-1. Susana Roberts. The Children are our Priority (En, Ru)
1-14-2-1. Ammar Banni and Mrs Banni Malika. Poems: For the children of our Planet. Oh my child!! (En)
1-14-9. Yoshika Tatsuya and Kushuchi Mari. Peace Boat and Global University (En)
1-14-10. Leo Semashko. A new quality of the fight for peace (En, Ru)
1-15. John McConnell. What will decide the future of the human family and their Planet. Biography Summary (En)
1-18. Claude Veziau. Song. Live and Learn (En)
2-7. Terrence E. Paupp. Letter of Reference for Dr. Leo Semashko (En)
2-7. Reimon Bachika. Reference Letter for Dr. Leo Semashko (En)
2-7. 5-8. Nataly Sidorova. About Academy of Harmony and Nobel Prize (Ru)
3-5. Eugenia Ermolaeva and Mark Bochkis. Substitute family as alternative for the boarding schools (Ru)
3-14. Michael Holmboe. International Save the Children Alliance (En, Ru)
4-1-2. Nicholas Roerich about harmony and children (Ru)
4-1-3. Valery Gergel. History of the Museum of the UN Peacekeeping Operations and movement of young peacemakers (En, Ru)
4-1-4. Herman Vitruk. Sobornaiy Russia as  harmonious Russia (Ru)
4-1-4. Leo Semashko. Harmony of the sphere classes as a way for healing of Russia (Ru)
4-4-1. Muhammad Iqbal. The Globe in Nuclear Claws (En)
4-4-2. Tholana Chakravarthy. Mahatma Gandhi. Poems: Where there is peace. Is there the spirit. Come out. Peace is our right – unity is our might. Strength in unity. The seeds of peace. A space for hope (En)
4-6. Rosa Dalmiglio. Letter about China (En)
4-6. Ying Lian. The message o­n the basic themes of the Chinese International radio (En)
4-6-2. Unknown author. China Opens Website for "Year of China" in Russia. China and Russia. Year of China in Russia. President of the Organising Committee in Russia. President of the Organising Committee in China. China, Russia to Set up Third Confucius Institute. The 2nd St.Peterburg Sino-Russian Singing Contest Unveiled. Qingzhou Buddhist Sculpture Exhibition (En, Ru)
4-6-3. Charles Mercieca. China’s Transition into a Society of Social Harmony (En)
4-6-3. Lana Yang: Developing a Culture of Peace - A Stepping Stone into a Harmonious World (En)
4-6-3. Jean Faullimmel: How Can Sustainable Development Contribute to World Peace and Harmony between Nations? (En)
4-6-3. David Williams: To Construct a Harmonized World (En)
4-6-3. Lama GangchenMessage to the First Cross Straight High Level Forum o­n Chinese Traditional Culture, Beijing, China, 5-9 July 2007 (En)
4-6-3. Leo Semashko: How to construct a harmonized social world? (En, Ru)
4-6-3. Leo Semashko. China - Taiwan: peaceful reunification through traditional culture of harmony. The report about trip in China (En, Ru)
4-6-3. Lana Yang, Jean Faullimmel, David Williams, Leo Semashko. More than 65 photos about the Forum and Beijing (En, Ru)
4-6-4. Dongrong Sun. From Meltung Pot to Salad Bowl – Change of American Multiethnic Conditions (En)
4-7. Takis Ioannides. The ninth monad of Pythagorians is the law of Harmony (En)
4-7, 4-15. Rene Wadlow. The Light of Harmony in Western Civilization (En)
4-7-1. Pope Benedict XVI: discover life meaning to the great cosmic harmony (En, Ru)
4-8-2. Ammar Banni. Translation of Helena Klingberg’s poem o­n Franch and Arabic laungages. Poems: My Universal religion. Our doves of peace. By the love. Peace and evolution. Harmony passes in priority. Virus. The glory of peace (En)
4-9. Mussie Hailu. Peace Message sent o­n behalf of all Africans at home and abroad (En)
4-9. Netugba Wesseh. Peace for Harmony (En)
4-11. Will Hoonaard. Baha’i testifies at U.N. about understanding among religions (En)
4-12-1. John Perkins. The Secret History of the American Empire (En)
4-13-5. Nina Goncharova. Cultural and educational expedition “Earth as garden of the people” (En)
4-15. Rene Wadlow. Israel-Palestine : Necessary World Efforts Prior to a US-sponsored Conference in November (En)
5-2-4. Tatomir Ion-Marius. Interview for Radio TRANSILVANIA: Toward a Culture of Peace and Harmony (En)
5-2-5. Susana Roberts. About Argentine poet Leopold Lugones (En)
5-2-5. Susana Roberts. Poems. Meanwhile. In this south. During autumn   (En)
5-2-5. Susana Roberts. Love and defenseless children. My words about Peace. During autumn (En)
5-2-6. Leo Semashko, Ada Aharoni and others. We call the world poets to create peace from harmony (appeal in six languages) (En, Ru, Fr, Sp, Ar, Hi)
5-2-6. Nina Goncharova. Report o­n trip in Paris to Poetry Festival (Ru)
5-2-6. Ada Aharoni. About Parisian Poetry Festival (En)
5-2-6. Susana Roberts, Nina Goncharova, Kae Morii and Ada Aharoni. 16 Photos from  Parisian Poetry Festival (En)
5-2-7. Helene Klingberg. The Mother of Peace Prize (En)
5-2-7. Michael Holmboe. Biography. Children. The Mother of Peace Prize (translation). About St-Petersburg and Russia. Children labor (En)
5-4-1. Lars Chr. Sande. Song: Distant Sound (En)
5-4-1. Leo Semashko. Children’s harmony lilt (En)
5-13. Guy Crequie. Letter to the President of France Mr Nicolas SARKOZY about the Harmonious Era Calendar and World Festival of Poetry (En, Fr)
5-13. Guy Crequie. Principle of harmony and social reality (En, Fr)
5-13. Guy Crequie. June 1: International day of child welfare. June 21: Day of the era of harmony! (En, Fr)
6-4. Leo Semashko. Video in Internet. Peace from harmony: 1000 films (En, Ru)
7-2. Rudolf Siebert. The Critical Theory of Religion: The Evolution of the Moral Consciousness from the Jus Talionis to the Golden Rule (En)
7-2. Leo Semashko. Professor Rudolf Siebert: 80 years! Warm Congratulations! (En, Ru)
7-3-1. Renato Corsetti. An Update o­n Esperanto (En)
7-3-3. Leo Semashko and Site Board. The address to the World Esperanto Congress, Japan, August 2007 (En, Ru, Es)
7-4-4. Jan R. Hakemulder: The Intercultural Open University for Harmony (En, Ru)
7-4-5. Hong, Tao-Tze. The Education of World Citizens: A Harmonious Life and the Principle of Yin and Yang (En, Ru)
8-2. Leo Semashko, Claude Veziau and  Michael Holmboe. Discussion about peace and harmony (En, Ru)
9-1. Michael Holmboe. Children labor (En)
9-2. Jury Dorofeev. Public hearings about observance of the children rights in the specialized children's establishments of St.-Petersburg (Ru)

Friendly Websites:
Kamran Mofid, Globalisation for the Common Good Initiative: www.globalisationforthecommongood.info, and www.commongoodjournal.com
Lama Gangchen, L.G. World Peace Foundation UN NGO: http://www.lgpt.net/           
Hong Tao-Tze, Federation of World Peace and Love (FOWPAL): http://fowpal.org
Valery Guerguel, Museum of Peacekeeping Operations: http://un-museum.ru/
Jan R. Hakemulder, Intercultural Open University:  http://www.iouedu.com
David Williams, Oxford (UK) Excellence Chief Executive: www.oxfordukexcellence.co.uk
Natalia Shelaru, TRANSCEND Peace University (TPU): www.transcend.org/tpu
Ying Lian, China Internatiomal Radio: www.crienglish.com
Yoshika Tatsuya, Peace Boat, www.peaceboat.org,

Dr Leo Semashko,
Website Founder and President
October 17, 2007

Website “Peace from Harmony”
News September 27, 2007

Dear Peace from Harmony Friends,


Financial report about the charges o­n the book "Magna Carta of Harmony"

and Activity Directions


Three days back I sent the last requested copies of our Magna Carta, but the dispatch will proceed with the new applications. Now I should report before you for the financial help, received from you. At the expense of this help I published the book "Magna Carta of Harmony (2007)", by 43 authors, from 16 countries, in 7 languages, o­n 228 pages, circulation in 400 copies and also in the English and Russian languages separately in circulation 200 copies.


Since April 2007 I received o­n the edition of the book the financial help from 5 co-authors and friends (2 foreign and 3 Russian) in a total sum the USD4970:


Bernard Scott - 300
Reimon Bachica - 100
Dimitry Ivashintsov - 600
Nicola Strelkov - 200
Lucy Semashko - 3770
In total - 4970


These means are spent for the following purposes:

- Magna Carta text translation o­n the Chinese language - 750

- Magna Carta text translation o­n the Esperanto language - 400

- Text editing - 550

- Publication of the book 400 copies in publishing house - 2000

- Publication of the book 200 copies in publishing house - 400

- Dispatch of 220 copies - 870


In total: 4970


At the expense of your help our book was sent or handed to the following 19 countries in the following copies:

Algeria - 4

England - 7

Argentina - 6

Greece - 3

Israel - 7

India - 10

Italy - 17

Canada - 3

China and Taiwan - 48

Norway - 10

Russia - 67, including 16 books for Beslan’s school, undergone the terrorist attack o­n September 1 2004, in which more than 350 humans, from which half is children were lost.

Romania - 8

USA - 28

Ukraine - 2

France - 12

Japan - 4

Pakistan - 3

Uganda - 16, for school, in which fighting clashes between the Christians and Moslems.


Let me to thank all donors from my heart and also o­n behalf of our union all members. I should emphasize that o­nly due your help the Magna Carta of Harmony as the first global scientific project of a harmonious information civilization of humankind was published and distributed in 19 countries of the world. Thank you very much to all!


Now let to present you a list of our activity directions, which comparison with those scanty means, which we have, opens the huge gap between them. It is our sharpest and deep problem, to solve which I invite all members and friends of our union "Peace from harmony"


The Union/Site "Peace from Harmony" Activity Directions

"Peace from Harmony" is the harmonious union more than 220 citizens of 37 countries, which represent the basic religions and civilizations; it is peace-loving union of different cultural harmonies of the world, which was formed since February 2005


(The term "union" I consider, at least in Russian, as the most adequate of others, similar terms: group, community, team, association, etc.)


In the present:


1.Movement: "Making Children a Priority in the World"

2.Movement: "For social harmony in the world" (Support and development of the Chinese experience in building a harmonious society)

3.Search of the world leaders for these movements

4.Magna Carta of Harmony

5.Harmonious Era Calendar

6.Publication and dispatch of the books and leaflets of "Peace from Harmony"

7.Poetic and art creativity of a harmonious peace culture

8.Creation of the photo, video, art and memorial galleries o­n the site

9.Scientific researches of the sphere classes of social harmony, harmonious peace and its culture

10.Lecture course for schools and universities: "A Culture of Harmonious Peace"

11.International Open Academy of Harmony

12.International TV by Satellite for Harmonious Peace Culture

13.World Conference "A Culture of Harmonious Peace" in 2010 under aegis of the UN, UNESCO and UNICEF

14.Development of 17 linguistic segments of the site

15.Spreading Esperanto language

16.Search of financing for the site

17."Peace from Harmony" registration as the UN NGO (non-governmental organization)

18.Publication of the Magna Carta and Calendar of Harmony in the separate countries (in o­ne language) by mass circulation for the schools and universities libraries

19.Organizational and rule-making work, organization of the peacemaking actions

20.Participation in the International Congresses, Conferences, Festivals and Forums

21.Poems contest: "Children first"

22.Poems and music contest: "Harmony Hymn"

23.Celebration of the Harmonious Era Calendar basic dates: Days of Harmony, Children’s Priority, Golden Rule, Earth and etc.

24.Widening of the connections with related organizations, groups and sites

25.Author’s materials publication o­n the site

26.Site texts translations

27.Site technical service and updating

28.Videofilm: "Way to Peace from harmony"

29.Site Honorary Titles, jubilees and nomination

30.Site members increase


In the future, in addition:


1. Movement: "For transformation of the Olympic games into Olympiads of Peace from Harmony"

2. Creation the school museums "Peace from harmony"

3. Summer youth camps and schools "Peace from harmony"

4. Summer adult expeditions "Peace from harmony"

5. Harmonizing information technology for children and youth

6. Addition of the site new linguistic segments


The sharp contradiction between our rich opportunities, enormous potential of global harmony and the insignificant means requires first of all the internal organizational reform, mobilizing and inspiring us. Its project I shall present you the coming days. This contradiction also requires the expert, which would be capable to solve this problem through the competent ways of financial search. I am ready to include in the Board anyone, who will declare this ability.


Dr Leo Semashko

Founder and President

Union/Site "Peace from Harmony"


Website “A New Culture of Peace from Social Harmony and Children’s Priority”
News June 30, 2007

Updated Rules of Recognition of Honorary Titles

in the Global Harmony Community

Draft (it is the subject for discussion and approval o­n the site Board in September 2007)


General regulations


The International site "A New Culture of Peace from Social Harmony and Children’s Priority", shortly: "Peace from Harmony" is created in February 15, 2005. For this time a world (global) community of harmony has grown o­n it. It is group of people incorporated by a recognition of harmony as a source of the true peace and general aspiration to harmony in o­ne, children and world, irrespective of a gender, age, education, trade, creed, country, culture, language and other distinctions. Now community of harmony unites more than 200 humans from 36 countries of the world, and its site, as the information tool of its association and development, is published in 17 languages of the world.


These people are peasmarkers, but special, as they consider individual and social harmony as a source for true peace. They recognize a development (deepening and distribution) of individual and social harmony all over the world as own mission. Therefore they name themselves "peasmarkers of harmony" or "peasmarkers from harmony" to emphasize the difference from the traditional peasmarkers. However, this difference does not prevent them to cooperate with anyone peasmarkers. (Something from these general regulations should go away in the site Statute and Mission)


Community of harmony unites peasmarkers of harmony of the different abilities. The community welcomes and encourages ANYONE, even most modest, contribution into individual and social harmony, in culture of harmonious peace. At the same time community of harmony counts possible and necessary a special moral encouragement for the outstanding contribution to harmony and harmonious peace culture in all spheres of the human and society. o­n this basis the community establishes institute of the International Honorary Titles, which includes a number of the Rules.


Rules of the Honorary Titles Recognition


1. The community of harmony establishes the International Honorary Titles of three nominations and three levels. (Further the nominations number and levels of Honorary Titles extend).


2. Nomination of the first level:

À. "Peace from Harmony" Honorary Author and Member: recognize for the most outstanding publications, translations, editing, programming and design of the site materials, and also for active discussion of different themes o­n the site

Á. Honorary Volunteer of Global Movement "Making Children a Priority in the World": recognize for the special contribution to creation for children a priority in the world, for an appeal to it the political, public and other leaders and for active participation in the appropriate movement and its development


3. Nomination of the second level: Honorary Title: "Creator of World Harmonious Peace Culture": recognize for the special merits in the statement of harmonious peace culture in the international scale.


4. Nomination of the third level: the Highest Honorary Title: "Global Harmony Creator": recognize for the unique merits in the creation of global harmony in all spheres of humankind.


5. The assignment of Honorary Titles is defined as their RECOGNITION for the concrete person, which contribution corresponds to this titles.


6. The recognition of the Honorary Titles for the community members occurs during year, but is officially nominated to o­ne day in year - at June 21 - Global Harmony Day o­n the Harmonious Era Calendar.


7. The Honorary Titles of harmony community can be recognized not o­nly for its members but also other people, which correspond to criteria of these titles.


8. o­nly o­ne Honorary Title beginning at their first level, as a rule, can be recognized for o­ne human in year.


9. The Honorary Titles are recognized by the site President (further - Board) o­n the basis of the offers and recommendations, and also at the consent of the site co-authors or at absence of their objections.


10. Except the Honorary Titles other forms of moral encouragement of harmony peasmarkers are established: gratitude of the site Board and President, rewarding by memorable gifts, in particular by books of harmony peasmarkers and others.


11. Result the last recognitions of the Honorary Titles since June 15, 2005 in conformity with the New Rules


Are approved temporarily by the site President

Dr Leo Semashko

June 16, 2007


Recognition of the Honorary Titles of the global harmony community since June 22, 2006


In honour of the second in history of Global Harmony Day in June 21, 2007 o­n the Harmonious Era Calendar "Peace from Harmony" Honorary Author and Member are recognized the following:


1.Tatomir Ion-Marius, poet and writer, Romania, for the Harmonious Era Calendar translation o­n the Romanian language


2.Tholana Chakravarthy, doctor of the literature, poet, India, for the Harmonious Era Calendar translation o­n two languages: Hindi and Telugu


3.Alexander Verbitsky, lawyer, Ukraine, for the Harmonious Era Calendar translation o­n the Ukrainian language


4.Muhammad Iqbal, poet, Pakistan, for the Harmonious Era Calendar translation o­n the Urdu


5.Ammar Banni, professor of the French language, poet, Algeria, for the Magna Carta of Harmony translation o­n the Arabic language


6.Susana Roberts, poet and writer, Argentina, for the Magna Carta of Harmony heroic translation o­n the Spanish language and outstanding publications


7.Jiang Yimin, doctor of sociology, China, for the Magna Carta of Harmony translation o­n the Chinese language


8.Viatcheslav Ivanov, teacher of computer science, Russia, for the Magna Carta of Harmony translation o­n the Esperanto language


9.Michael Holmboe, poet and writer, Norway, for the outstanding publications and active participation in discussions



Note. Claude Veziau, poet and composer, Canada, translators of the Calendar and Magna Carta o­n the French language: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=fr_c&key=5, is already recognized in two Honorary Titles of harmony community for his great contribution into harmony community. In this connection, it is necessary to remember, that 9 Honorary members of 2007 are added to 26 honorary members of 2006.


The site new Honorary Authors are awarded with a memorable gift - book.


Dr Leo Semashko

Founder and President, "Peace from harmony"

June 21, 2007

Website “A New Culture of Peace from Social Harmony and Children’s Priority”
News from February 16 to May 20, 2007

The short news:
The main event of "Peace from harmony" in this three-monthly period was development of the Magna Carta of Harmony by 43 authors from 16 countries and its preparation for the book publication in seven languages.

In the site "Contents" 15 new pages have been opened, making a total of 173. 16 new authors have appeared, making a total of 207 (including 17 children). The three new countries: China, Bolivia and Switzerland has appeared, making a total of 36. 144 new materials ("news") are published. 5 friendly sites has appeared, making a total of 85. o­ne new language have appeared o­n the site: Hindi, making a total of 16.

Our nearest the most important events are: June 1 as Protection and Children’s Priority Day and June 21 as Global Harmony Day.

I express sincere gratitude to all authors of the Magna Carta of Harmony and also its translators: Prof. Ammar Banni (Algeria), Claude Veziau (Canada), Susana Roberts (Argentina), Viatcheslav Ivanov (Russia) and Prof. Jiang Yimin (China) for the self-denying work with translation of the Magna Carta of Harmony o­n the appropriate languages: Arabian, French, Spanish, Esperant and Chinese. For the outstanding contribution in expansion of availability of the Magna Carta of Harmony by its translation o­n the basic languages of the world Prof. Ammar Banni, Claude Veziau, Susana Roberts, Viatcheslav Ivanov and Prof. Jiang Yimin and also Dr. Tholana Chakravarthy and Dr. M. Lakshmanacharyulu for translation of the Harmonious Era Calendar o­n Hindi language are recognized as the HONOURARY AUTHORS of the site "Peace from harmony". It will be posted o­n June 21, 2007 in a honour of Global Harmony Day.

Dr Leo Semashko,
Website Founder and President
May 22 2007

The new authors:
Jan Jacobsen, peacemarker, Norway, jan@worldpeace.no , www.worldpeace.no
Douglas Mattern, President, Association of World Citizens, San Francisco, USA,
worldcit@best.com, www.worldcitizens.org
Vladimir Putin, President of Russia, http://www.kremlin.ru/eng/
Patrick Buchanan, twice a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination, a political analyst, he served three presidents in the White House, author of seven books, USA,
Olesia Damm, designer, Novosibirsk, Russia, odamm@tvw.nsk.ru
Francisco Azuela, Poet, Director, Integrated Center of Documentation and Information (CIDI) of the International Institute of Integration of the Andrés Bello Convention, La Paz, Bolivia. azuelafranck@hotmail.com
Toni Iseman, Mayor of Laguna Beach, Endangered Planet Gallery, 384 Forest Ave., Gallery 13
Laguna Beach, CA 92651 USA http://www.endangeredplanet.org
Carol Hiltner, President, Altai Mir University, USA, www.altaimir.org, carol.hiltner@gmail.com
Tony Jenkins, Coordinator, Global Campaign for Peace Education (GCPE), USA, www.tc.edu/PeaceEd/newsletter, peace-ed@tc.edu
Jiang Yimin, Ph.D., Head of Department of Sociology, East China Normal University, Shanghai, Research focus: sociology of education, ymjiang@graduate.hku.hk,
Liu Zhongqi, 1975,Male,Lecturer of Research Center of Urban Society, Shanghai Administration Institute, China, hopeseason@163.com
Pan Hongyan, 1972,Female,Associate-professor of Research Center of Urban Society, Shanghai Administration Institute, Chiuna, physzx@163.com,
Livia Varju, Universal Alliance Servitor for Switzerland.
4 Chemin du Repos, 1213 Petit-Lancy, Geneva, Switerland Tel/fax: 41 022 793 0771
M. Lakshmanacharyulu, Ph.D., P.G. Dip. in Language Planning & Translation, Language Consultant, Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC), Hyderabad; Àddress : Flat No. 201, Difidols Vikas Plaza, Manjeera Road, Chandanagar, Hyderabad – 500 050 (AP) INDIA.
E-mail: laxman_marimganti@yahoo.co.in
Germain Dufour, Spiritual Leader of the Global Community, France, http://www.telusplanet.net/public/gpa/Lifeisprotected.htm, globalcommunity@telus.net
Lucy Semashko, member, “Peace from Harmony”, Russia

The new pages:
1-3-2. Comparison of the Magna Carta of Harmony with the World Documents of the 20th and 21st Centuries
1-3-3. Academy of Harmony
1-4-1. Announcements: Peacemaking Conferences, Universities, Publications, Grants etc.
1-6-10. Douglas Mattern. World Citizens for disarmament and Global Community of harmony
5-2-4. Tatomir Ion-Marius. May Peace Prevail o­n Earth through Poetry and Harmony
5-2-5. Susana Roberts: Hero of Harmonious Peace!
4-1-1. Russia in the world and in the world eyes
4-4-2. Tholana Chakravarthy: Poetry of peace and brotherhood
4-8-2. Ammar Banni. Islam for love and harmony
4-15. Rene Wadlow: World Citizen's Notes
4-6-1. Building of social harmony: the messages from China (En, Ru)
7-4-3. Altai-Mir University for harmony
7-26. History of sociology
8-2-1. Peace from Harmony: Alternative to War in Iraq
12-2-5. Ways to harmony of the poor capitalist countries

The new publications:
1.Joseph Caruana. Slide - film. China, Beijing. Olympiad 2008 (En, Ru)
Claude Vesziau, Nina Goncharova, Olesia Damm and unknown artist. Emblem: "Planet Earth: love, peace and harmony" o­n the site main page (En, Ru)
1-2. Ada Aharoni and Leo Semashko. The letter to Government of the People's Republic of China about the creation in China of an "International Harmonious Peace Culture TV by Satellite" (En, Ru)
1-2. Ada Aharoni and Leo Semashko. The International TV by Satellite for Harmonious Peace Culture (ISHPC) (En)
1-3. Leo Semashko and 42 contributors of 16 countries. Magna Carta of Harmony. In 7 languages:
English, Russian, Esperanto, Arabic, Chinese, French and Spanish. April, 2007 edition
(En, Ru, Es, Ar, Ch, Fr, Sp)
1-3. Leo Semashko. The address to President Vladimir Putin and young leaders to start building a social harmony in Russia (Ru)
1-3. Martha Ross DeWitt, Susana Roberts. Responses o­n the Magna Carta of Harmony (En, Ru)
1-3. Ammar Banni. Magna Carta of Harmony. Translation o­n the Arabiñ language
1-3. Viatcheslav Ivanov. Magna Carta of Harmony. Translation o­n Esperanto
1-3. Claude Veziau. Magna Carta of Harmony. Translation o­n the French language
1-3. Jiang Yimin. Magna Carta of Harmony. Translation o­n the Chinese language
1-3. Susana Roberts. Magna Carta of Harmony. Translation o­n the Spanish language
1-3. Leo Semashko. Magna Carta of Harmony. Translation o­n the English language
1-3-1. 2-7. Leo Semashko. "Peace from Harmony": Second Anniversary. Results and Congratulations (En, Ru)
1-3-2. Leo Semashko and Board. Comparison of the Magna Carta of Harmony with the World Documents of the 20th and 21st Centuries (En, Ru)
1-3-3. Leo Semashko and Board. International Academy of Harmony (En, Ru)
1-4. UNITED NATIONS. General Assembly. Declaration and Programme of Action o­n a Culture of Peace (1999) (En)
1-4-1. Leo Semashko. Announcements: Peacemaking Conferences, Universities, Publications, Grants etc (En, Ru)
1-6-1. Charles Mercieca. Essays: Living in Harmony with Nature. Backbone of Russian Spirituality. Toward a Culture of Peace Based o­n Human Rights. The Crime of War in Iraq. Prophet Mohammad: God’s Messenger of Peace. Global Leader of Social Harmony (En)
1-6-9. David Stringer and Livia Varju. Is a totally spiritually ethical politics possible? (En)
1-6-9. David Stringer. Manifest spiritual harmony (En)
1-6-10. Douglas Mattern. Assotiation of World Citizens. When War Business Rules The World. If The Atomic Clock Strikes Twelve – Midnight Is Forever (En, Ru)
1-9. Jan Jacobsen. GLOBAL-DISARM-CALL (En, Ru)
1-13. Harold Becker. About the fourth anniversary of Love Day o­n May 1, 2007 (En)
1-13. Leo Semashko and Board. Congratulations o­n the fourth anniversary of Love Day (En, Ru)
1-14. Tholana Chakravarthy and M. Lakshmanacharyulu. Harmonious Era Calendar. Translation o­n Hindi (in PDF format)
1-14-8. Germain Dufour, Jan Jacobsen, Tholana Ashok Chakravarthy, Lucy Semashko, David Stringer,
Alexander Verbitsky, Ammar Banni, Leo Semashko
. Additions in the Harmonious Era Calendar (En, Ru)
1-15. Toni Iseman. Earth Trustee City Proclamation from LAGUNA Beach, Calif (En)
1-16, 2-7. Robert Weir. Dr. Leo Semashko: a Global Leader of Peacemaking through Harmony and Children (En, Ru)
1-18. 4-13-5. Claude Veziau, Nina Goncharova. Drawing “Easter” (En, Ru)
1-18. Claude Véziau. Poem: (NO!) TO WAR (En)
2-5. Martha DeWitt. Review of Leo Semashko’s three books o­n Tetrasociology in the Journal: International Sociology. Reviews of books. Volume 22, # 2, March 2007 (En, Ru)
3-1. Rose Lord. What I've Learned in Guatemala (En)
3-11. Leo Semashko. Studio of harmonious development for preschool children (1985-1986) (Ru)
3-12. Leo Semashko. Studio of the young leaders of social harmony (Ru)
3-13. Leo Semashko. Statute of the student's club "Demiurg" (Ru)
4-1-1. Vladimir Putin. Unilateral Force has Nothing to Do with Global Democrecy (En, Ru)
4-1-1. Patrick Buchanan. Does Putin Not Have a Point? (En)
4-1-1. Charles Mercieca. Religious Persecution in Russia Takes New Form (En)
4-2. Reimon Bachika. Photo with students (En, Ru)
4-4. Stephen Gill. Peace and Freedom for Indian Women in the Dijutal Era (En)
4-4-2. Tholana Chakravarthy. Gateway to friendship and non-violence. Poem: Bond of Love. Bio (En, Ru)
4-6-1. Liu Zhongqi , Pan Hongyan. NGOs and Civil Society under the Context of Harmonious Community Construction: Practice and Review of China (En, Ru)
4-8-2. Ammar Banni. Poems about Peace, Love and Harmony. Bio (En)
4-10. Francisco Azuela. Poems: Matriarchal Mexico City. The Death of the Poet. Alien Eight (En)
4-15. René Wadlow. A Call. The World We Choose. The New Fire. Track II (En, Ru)
5-1. Hilarie Roseman. Poem: Children. Two pictures: Tetrasphere (En, Ru)
5-2. Stephen Gill. Poem. To Love (En)
5-2. Michael Holmboe. Poem for Maria Cristina Azcona. Buddhistic Poem (En)
5-2. Francisco Gomes de Matos. Poem. A World without weapons (En)
5-2-1. Katherine Shabat. Child of Peace (En, Ru)
5-2-4. Tatomir Ion-Marius. May Peace Prevail o­n Earth. Poems (En, Ru)
5-2-5. Susana Roberts. Poems, Letters, Articles, Photos, Bio (En, Ru)
5-13. Guy Crequie. Mother’s and Father’s Days (En, Fr)
7-4-1. Tony Jenkins. Global Campaign for Peace Education (En)
7-4-2. Carol Hiltner. Altai-Mir University for harmony (En, Ru)
7-9-5. Leo Semashko. Structure of power in Leningrad (1990) (Ru)
7-26. Leo Semashko. Web Approach and Simmel’s Formal Sociology (En, Ru)
8-2. 4-7. Michael Holmboe. What is Harmony? Is it possible to bring the world into Harmony? (En)
8-2-1. Charles Mercieca. The Crime of War in Iraq (En)
8-2-1. Leo Semashko. Peace from Harmony: Alternative to War in Iraq (En, Ru)
8-2-1. Celine Leduc. About war in Iraq (En)
10-6. Susana Roberts. About children’s prority (En)
11-1. Leo Semashko. Human resources of Global movement "Making children a priority in the world ". Briefly: "Priority to children!" Appeal to be united! (Ru)
12-1. Leo Semashko. Ways to a harmonious society from socialism (En, Ru)
12-2. Leo Semashko. Ways to a harmonious society from capitalism (En, Ru)
12-2-1. Leo Semashko. Ways to social harmony in the neoliberal rich countries (En, Ru)
12-2-2. Leo Semashko. Ways to harmony of the social-democratic countries of  Scandinavia (En, Ru)
12-2-3. Leo Semashko. Ways to harmony of the European Union (En, Ru)
12-2-4. Leo Semashko. Ways to harmony of the developing capitalist countries in the Third World (En, Ru)
12-2-5. Leo Semashko. Ways to harmony of the poor capitalist countries (En, Ru)
12-4. Leo Semashko. Global Civil Movement "For Social Harmony in the World" (En, Ru)

Friendly Websites:
Dr Tholana Ashok Chakravarthy: www.poetryofpeacewings.com
Jan Jacobsen, www.worldpeace.no
Douglas Mattern, World Citizens: www.worldcitizens.org
Carol Hiltner, www.altaimir.org
Tony Jenkins, Global Campaign for Peace Education, www.tc.edu/PeaceEd/newsletter

Dr Leo Semashko
Website Founder and President
May 22, 2007

Website “A New Culture of Peace from Social Harmony and Children’s Priority”
News from December 3, 2006 up to February 15, 2007

The short news:
In the site "Contents" 22 new pages have been opened, making a total of 158. 11 new authors have appeared, making a total of 191 (including 17 children). The new country - Algeria has appeared, making a total of 33. 124 new materials ("news") are published. 8 friendly sites has appeared, making a total of 80. Three new languages have appeared o­n the site: Ukrainian, Romanian and Urdu, making a total of 15.

Additions in the Harmonious Era Calendar since September 2006
to February 15, 2007

New authors: 8:
Poet, Dr Mona Gamal El-Dine, France,
Writer Robert Weir, USA,
Professor Charles Mercieca, USA,
Poet Tatomir Ion-Marius, Romania: he translated the Calendar o­n the Romanian language
Poet Muhammad Iqbal, Pakistan: he translated the Calendar o­n Urdu,
Lawyer Alexander Verbitsky, Ukraine: he translated the Calendar o­n the Ukrainian language
Journalist Natalie Sidorova, Russia
Professor Ammar Banni from Algeria

New Dates: 11
New Statements: 5
New Languages: 3 – Ukrainian, Romanian and Urdu
New Countries: 3 – Ukraine, Romania and Pakistan

Total o­n February 15, 2007 the Harmonious Era Calendar have:
Authors: 35
Dates: 38
Statements: 24
Languages: 15
Origin Countries: 15

On behalf of the site authors I express everyone, who has brought in the additions into the Harmonious Era Calendar a deep gratitude and high appreciation for your contribution. The special gratitude and appreciation I express his translators o­n the new languages: Tatomir Ion-Marius, Muhammad Iqbal and Alexander Verbitsky for their great work for social harmony. I offer to recognize behind them the Highest Site Honorary Title "Creator of World Culture of Harmonious Peace", if not will be the site authors objections, and officially to announce about this o­n June 21 as the Global Harmony Day o­n Harmonious Era Calendar.
Leo Semashko

The new authors:
Wadlow Rene, editor of "Transnational Perspectives" journal, representative to the United Nations, Geneva for the Association of World Education, France, www.transnational-perspectives.org, Wadlowz@aol.com,
Nataly Sidorova, journalist, Chair, Paradis Club, Sankt-Petersburg, Russia, Paradiz@rol.ru,
Dr. Yehuda Stolov, Director, The Interfaith Encounter Association, P.O.Box 3814, Jerusalem 91037, Israel, Phone: +972-2-6510520, Fax: +972-2-6510557, Website: www.interfaith-encounter.org,
E-mail: yehuda@interfaith-encounter.org
Kathy J. Ward, Poet; MA, CTRS, ADC, CALA, CGP; President: WEL, World Elder Land™ - Spokane, New York City, USA. E-mail: WEL@WorldElderLand.com; Websites: www.elderrecreationtherapy.com, www.worldelderland.com, www.betterworld7.com
Tatomir Ion-Marius, Writer, Poet, published in India, Australia, Cyprus, UK, Love Ambassador; Translator; Volunteer/Representative o­n behalf of the World Peace Prayer Society for Romania, Maramures, E-mail: tatomir@usa.com; Website:http://site.neogen.ro/worldpeace
Yvan Nguyen, Poet, Doctor of Dental Surgery in California, USA; awarded Doctor Degree of Literature of World Academy of Arts and Culture (approved by UNESCO) in 1994; E-mail: yvandds@yahoo.com
David Stringer, International coordinator, The Universal Alliance, England; E-mail: universalalliance.org@tinyworld.co.uk; Website: http://www.universalalliance.org.uk
Ammar Banni, Writer, Poet, Professor of French in the college, in Guemar, Algeria.
 Email: ammarbanni@yahoo.fr
Terrence E. Paupp, Professor, doctor in law, expert in the fields of international law and human rights, USA; TPAUPP@aol.com
Vladimir Kramnik, Professor, Political Psyhology, St-Perersburg University, Russia
Trevor Osborne, author: World Harmony Network; engineer, Northampton, Western Australia;

The new pages:
1-3. The Great Charter of Harmony for an Information Civilization
1-3-1. Board Strategy/Plan for the Website o­n 2007
1-6-9. Universal alliance for social harmony
1-20. Terrence Paupp. From the Fall of Empires to the Rise of a Harmonious Global Community
2-7. Leo Semashko. Life for harmony, children's priority and peace
7-9-3. Sphere Democracy Group in St.-Petersburg Parliament
7-9-4. Mentality of Russin power
7-9-5. Projects of sphere organization for St.-Petersburg power
7-15-1. Bernard Scott: Sociocybernetics of harmony
3-11. Studio of harmonious development for preschool age
3-12. Studio of harmonious formation of the young leaders for a new civilization
3-13. Youth club of harmonious development "Demiurg"
12. Technology and ways to a harmonious society and global harmonious civilization
12-1. Ways to a harmonious society from socialism
12-1-1. Communist Multi-Party as a way from socialism to social harmony
12-2. Ways to a harmonious society from capitalism
12-2-1. Ways to social harmony in neoliberalism rich countries
12-2-2. Ways to harmony of the social-democratic countries of Scandinavia
12-2-3. Ways to harmony of the European Union
12-2-4. Ways to harmony of the developing capitalist countries in the Third World
12-3. Global Leadership of Social Harmony
12-4. Global civil movement "For social harmony in the world"

The new publications:
1-1-1. Ivan Ivanov. Slide - film "Mother Òåðåçà". Translation o­n Russian (Ru)
1-3. Leo Semashko. The Great Charter of Harmony for an Information Civilization. Harmony Charter: New Year's surprise and Minute for Peace! (En, Ru)
1-3-1. Leo Semashko. Strategy/Plan of the "Peace from Harmony" Website Work o­n 2007 (En, Ru)
1-6-1. Charles Mercieca. Global Leadership. Exodus from Empire: Perspective of America’s Future (En, Ru)
1-6-1. Charles Mercieca. 13 essays about culture of war and peace and others (En)
1-6-1. Leo Semashko. About Global Leadership (En, Ru)
1-6-9. David Stringer. Universal alliance: A Movement of People of Good Will for Unity & Peace between All People & Peoples (En)
1-9. Trevor Osborne. World Harmony Network (En, Ru)
1-9. Lia Diskin. Approval of the Federal Parliament of Peace Culture Council in Brazil (En)
1-9. Yehuda Stolov. Sprouts of the Arab-Israeli harmony (En)
1-9. Celine Leduc. The numerous stories: Jews and Muslims were friends (En)
1-14. Alexander Verbitsky. Harmonious Era Calendar. Translation o­n Ukrainian
1-14. Tatomir Ion-Marius. Harmonious Era Calendar. Translation o­n Romanian
1-14. Muhammad Iqbal. Harmonious Era Calendar. Translation o­n Urdu
1-14-6. Leo Semashko. Letter to the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon about Harmonious Era Calendar (En, Ru)
1-14-8. Mona Gamal El-Dine, Robert Weir, Charles Mercieca, Tatomir Ion-Marius, Muhammad Iqbal, Alexander Verbitsky, Natalie Sidorova, Ammar Banni, Leo Semashko. Additions in the Harmonious Era Calendar (En, Ru)
1-15. John McConnell. Minute for Peace. December 22, 2006–Provides the Way to Global Peace. What will Decide the Future of the Human Family and their Planet? (En)
1-18. Claude Veziau. About: What Is Consensus? (En)
1-19. Leo Rebello. Nobel candidate o­n literature 2007. o­n global conflicts and terrorism (En)
1-20. Terrence Paupp. Bio. Exodus from Empire: Preface and Introduction (En, Ru)
1-20. Charles Mercieca. Exodus from Empire: Perspective of America’s Future (En, Ru)
2-5. Bernard Phillips. Review of Tetrasociology (2002) in Canadian Journal (En)
2-7. Leo Semashko. Life for harmony, children's priority and peace (En, Ru)
2-7. 12-3. Charles Mercieca. Global Leader of Social Harmony (En, Ru)
3-1. Rose Lord. Guatemala: Growing Food and Friendship (En)
4-2. Reimon Bachica. Bio. Photo (En, Ru)
4-4-1. Muhammad Iqbal. 20 poems about peace, harmony and children. Bio (En)
4-6. Rosa Dalmiglio. Deciphering “HARMONIOUS SOCIETY” in China. Modern Distance Education in China. Harmony is aimed Healthy Ecology in China (En)
4-6. Unknown author. China for scientists (Ru)
4-8. Ammar Banni. Poems: Peace. Harmony. Proposals in the Harmonious Era Calendar (En, Fr)
4-13-4. Nina Goncharova. 11th International Congress “Education of the World Citizens” June 27-July3 2007 (En, Ru)
4-13-5. Nina Goncharova. Poem: Peace. My home is Altai. Bio (En, Ru)
4-13-5. Leo Semashko. Child o­n the harmony holiday (En, Ru)
5-2. Susana Roberts. Poem: To Give (En, Ru)
5-2. Kathy J. Ward. Poem: Can We Handle God? (En)
5-2. Dr.Yvan Nguyen. Haiku. Bio (En)
5-2. Tatomir Ion-Marius. Poems. Bio (En, Ru)
5-2. Celine Leduc. Poems: Umoja. Harmony (En)
5-8. Natalia Sidorova. Paradis as the St-Petersburg island of Russian harmony (Ru)
5-13. Guy Crequie. The calendar of peace for a radiant era. Welcome to the new Secretary-General of the UN and engagement of youth. Philosophy of the World and Peace (En, Fr)
7-3-1. Renato Corsetti. Bio. Photo (En, Ru)
7-4. Rene Wadlow. Democracy and Education: The Culture and the Aspirations of the People (En, Ru)
7-8. Leo Semashko. The Meanings of Cultural Sociology. Review of Jeffrey C.Alexander’s book The Meanings of Social Life: a Cultural Sociology. New York: OxfordUniversity Press, 2003. International Sociology. Review of Books (ISRB), Volume 21, no. 6, November 2006, 834-838 p. (En, Ru)
7-9-4. Vladimir Kramnik. Ambivalent mentality of the Russian power. Power as the mental dealings in society (Ru)
7-9-3. Leo Semashko. Statute of the Sphere Democracy Group in St.-Petersburg Parliament (1992-1993) (Ru)
7-15-1. Bernard Scott. Bio. Photo (En, Ru)
8-2. Ada Aharoni, Martha DeWitt and Leo Semashko. Discussion: “From” or “For” (En)
8-2. Charles Mercieca, Bernard Phillips, Claude Veziau, Ada Aharoni, Leo Semashko. Discussion about Global Leadership, Knowledge, Children and Social Harmony (En)
8-2. Celine Leduc. Harmony as a combination of retribution and restitution (En)
12-1-1. Leo Semashko. Communist Multi-Party of China (En, Ru)

Friendly Websites:
Leo Rebello: www.healthwisdom.org
Kathy J. Ward: Websites: www.elderrecreationtherapy.com, www.worldelderland.com,
www.betterworld7.com, www.kathyjward.com/blog
David Stringer, The Universal Alliance, Website: http://www.universalalliance.org.uk
Bernard Phillips, Sociological Imagination Group, Website: www.sociological-imagination.org
Trevor Osborne,World Harmony Network; http://www.world-harmony.com/index.html

Dr Leo Semashko
Website Founder and President
Februaty 13, 2007

Dear Calendar Authors, Harmony Friends!

Brief report for 2006 and Greetings Season

First of all from my heart I thank all of you for your great contribution to harmonious peace, which you have made in 2006. o­nly due your efforts the Harmonious Era Calendar (http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=190), proclaiming and opening this era became probable. Our Calendar has anticipated the turn of China to "society of social harmony", which practically, really has opened a Harmonious Era. Therefore our efforts, both collective and individual
lay in a channel of the positive tendency of humankind movement to social harmony from which the inevitable and true sustainable peace is born. I like to name names of our Calendar new co-authors, which have joined it and have brought to it (or are going to bring in) the contribution. It is:

Poet, Dr Mona Gamal El-Dine, France,
Writer Robert Weir, USA,
Professor Charles Mercieca, USA,
Poet Muhammad Iqbal, Pakistan: he translates the Calendar o­n Urdu,
Lawyer Alexander Verbitsky, Ukraine: he translates the Calendar o­n the Ukrainian language
Journalist Natalie Sidorova, Russia.
The Calendar authors became 33 in 2006.

I am sure, that the next year of the Calendar authors Calendar will be much more, especially, if each of you will try to join it even o­ne new author. I congratulate the Calendar new authors with joining the first world project of harmonious peace culture!

In our Multicultural smelting furnace many individual and collective projects and ideas of harmonious peace were born, which I have tried to list in the Harmony Charter (http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=3). This Charter also "was smelted" in this furnace and o­nly to it is obliged by birth. I realize both difficulty and ambiguity of this document pretending to an explanation of a qualitatively new stage of a human history: era of harmonious development. This
era is represented to me as a true human, social, mature, which essentially distinguished from an aggressive animal nature. The difficulties of understanding of new era and its conscious expression will be overcome successfully at your active participation in discussion and addition of this Charter, to what I invite you o­n the site Forum: (http://forum.peacefromharmony.org/viewtopic.php?t=977).

In our smelting furnace were born the Board Strategy/Plan for site work o­n 2007 (http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=249). This document expresses our ambitious intentions o­n the future. These intentions are adequate to our idea potential and human capital. Each of the almost 200 co-authors of the site can find in this Strategy/Plan the place and niche to bring in the contribution to harmonious peace culture.

Our sharpest problem, which strongly brakes our work, is the financing, which is necessary for payment of translation of hundreds materials of our site o­n other languages, for payment of the editors, chiefs of the site language sections, chairmen of our organizing committees and projects, edition of our books, our intermediaries with other communities: religious, political, cultural etc. For
the decision of financing problem there are two ways: reception of the international prizes/grants and reception of the income from mass edition of our Calendar and/or Charter in the various countries for schools and universities, i.e. for pupils, parents and teachers. If each author in the country organizes mass edition of our Calendar in a language of this country by the small brochure at 40-70 pages for schools and universities, it simultaneously will bring two significant effects: cultural / humanitarian and financial. I invite all Calendar authors to think above a task of its mass edition in the country in o­ne language.

At last, I thank all you for bright, individual and delightful celebratory congratulations. I want o­nce again to congratulate all you with very fruitful and rotary for us year, to wish to all you merry and happy holidays and to express hope that the next year we shall make a new step o­n our way to harmonious peace, o­n the new era saving Ark!

With love,

Leo Semashko,

Website “A New Culture of Peace from Social Harmony and Children’s Priority”
News from September 16 to December 2, 2006

Dear Co-authors, Friends!

Financial report about the charges o­n the book "Harmonious Era Calendar" and financing problem.

Finishing stage of preparation and publication of this Calendar, I should report before you for received from you financial help. The Harmonious Era Calendar as the book, o­n 384 pages, by 27 authors, in 12 languages and circulation of 300 copies was published at the expense of it. As you remember the question o­n the Calendar book publication arisen in March 2006. From that time I received o­n it the financial help from 7 co-authors and friends (3 foreign and 4 Russian) in a total sum the USD 6760:

Bernard Scott - 300
Bernard Phillips - 100
Harold Becker - 100
Dimitry Ivashintsov - 150
Nicola Strelkov - 70
Vladimir Kavtorin - 40
Lucy Semashko - 6000
In total - 6760

These means are spent for the following purposes:
- Calendar text translation o­n six languages: (German, Portuguese, Japanese, Chinese, Arabian and Hebrew) in Russia - 3700
- Creation of a breadboard and design of the book - 900
- Publication of the book 300 copies in the publishing house - 1200
- Working and publication of the book leaflets - 600
- Dispatch of 59 books to the foreign and domestic addressees - 590
In total 6790

Let me to thank all donors from all my heart. I should emphasize, that o­nly due to your help the Harmonious Era Calendar book  - the first world project of a culture of harmonious peace - was published. Thank you very much to all! The special gratitude to Lucy Semashko, who make a donation to its publication the largest gift - 6000 dollars. She sold her car and all means, received from sale, transferred to the publication of the book. Let's hope, that for the subsequent reprinting of our Calendar we will not need similar victims, and we together shall find other sources for financing this unprecedented peaceful project. I ask all of you about the appropriate help and I shall be grateful for all recommendations. Now, when to the site the huge translational work o­n 12 languages of the world is required, financing, without which it is impossible, becomes the sharpest problem menacing to its existence. I very much would like to hope all of you will be imbued by this anxiety and offer the constructive decisions for its solution.

Dr Leo Semashko,
Website “Peace from Harmony” President and Harmonious Era Calendar Project Manager
September 25, 2006.
The short news:
In the site "Contents" 11 new pages have been opened, making a total of 136. 15 new authors have appeared, making a total of 180 (including 17 children). The countries number remained former - 32. 84 new publications ("news") are published. The number of friendly sites remained former - 72.

The new authors:
Albert Schweitzer (1875-1965), German thinker, doctor, Protestant theolog and missionary, musicologist and organist. An initial principle of outlook: " admiration before life ". In 1913 has organized in Lambarene (Gabon) hospital for lepers. 1952 Nobel Peace Laureate
Mother Teresa (1910-1997), was born in Albania, Roman Catholic , in 1950 with blessing of Vatican created in Calcutta, India a shelter "Missionaries of Charity",1979 Nobel Peace Laureate
Olga Ushakova, psychologist, St.-Petersburg, Russia, ushakova60@mail.ru
Uriy Dorofeev, journalist, St-Peteresburg, Russia, dorofeef@mail.ru,
Valery Sagatovsky, Professor, St-Peteresburg University, Russia, vn_sagat@inbox.ru,
Helena Shcepanovska, Writer, translator, author of the books o­n mythology and symbolism. www.astrolingua.spb.rusemira@zmail.ru
Siana Shcepanovska, 12 age, 7-th class, 124th school, St.-Petersburg, Russia. Pictures
David Cook, former journalist for the Chattanooga Times-Free Press. He currently teaches American history at Girls Preparatory School and can be reached at dcook7@gmail.com
Leo Rebello, Dr., World Peace Envoy (in IAEWP); Director, Natural Health Centre; President, AIDS Alternative International, Bombay, India: have 30 books about healing.  Website : www.healthwisdom.org ,   Address: 28/552 Samata Nagar, Kandivali East, Bombay 400101, India. Telephone and fax (91-22) 28872741; leorebello@hathway.com
Rosa Dalmiglio, Cultural Peace Operator, member of special art CDPPAT, China Disabled People Performing Art Troupe, Italy, www.networkforpeace.org , rdalmiglio@hotmail.com
Kostas X. Konstantinidis, Major General (Ret); Member, Group of ex-NATO Generals for Peace & Disarmament (Strategies for Peace) at the UN; member of many others peacemaking organizations; 6 books and many articles author; columnist; Greece, konstant@freemail.gr
Susana Roberts, Poet, Argentina, roberts_susana@hotmail.com
James Wolfensohn, former World Bank chief, Ñhairman of Citigroup International Advisory Board,
Julio Godoy, journalist, France
Helena Green, freelance writer, Nanaimo, Canada; helenagreen@shaw.ca
Alexander Verbitsky, President of Charitable Foundation "GENE - 3000" and ÎÎÎ "GENOFOND-000 "; participant, General project "PLANET - 3000"; Odessa, Ukraine, vap3000@ukr.net  
Anna Dodds, nutritional consultant, teaches healthy cooking, Nanaimo, Canada; nourish@island.net

The new pages:
1-1. Gallery of the Nobel Peace Laureates (NPL). Statement of the 5th NPL Forum
1-1-1. Mother Teresa. 1979 Nobel Peace Laureate
1-1-2. Albert Schweitzer. 1952 Nobel Peace Laureate
1-14-9. The educational programs o­n the Harmonious Peace Culture and Harmonious Era Calendar
1-16.Robert Weir: Creativity for Peace and Harmony
1-17. Valery Sagatovsky. Philosophy of developing harmony
1-18. Claude Veziau. Creativity for love and harmony
1-19. Leo Rebello. Harmony of health and wisdom
 4-13-5. Nina Goncharova. Planet – 3000 and creative harmony
4-14. Kostas Konstantinidis. Globalization: harmony and disharmony
7-4-2. Tetrasociological education for harmony

Brief marking of the publications languages:
English (En), Esperanto (Es), Russian (Ru), Spanish (Sp), French (Fr), Greek (Gr), German (Ge), Portuguese (Po), Japanese (Ja), Chinese (Ch), Arabian (Ar) and Hebrew (He)

The new publications:
1-1-1. Mother Teresa. The greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion, because it is a war against the child, a direct killing of the innocent child, murder by the mother herself (En, Ru)
1-1-1. Slide-film. Mother Teresa
1-1-2. Albert Schweitzer. A Declaration of Conscience (En, Ru)
1-1-2. Julio Godoy. France: Cancer Fears as Fallout of Atom Tests (En)
1-2. Ada Aharoni. Global Call for the Creation of the World Satellite for Peace Culture (WSPC) (En, Ru)
1-2. Leo Semashko. Ada Aharoni: Call  to Harmonious Peace Culture (En, Ru)
1-6-1. Charles Mercieca. 18 essays: China’s Transition into a Society of Social Harmony.    Contributions of Buddhism to Humanity. Why People Have Mixed Feelings about Islam. Judas Iscariot: Patron of Christian Fundamentalists in America. Waging of Wars: Anathema to World Peace. United Nations Primary Goal: Lasting World Peace. Feminism and Peace. Searching for Nirvana. Culture of Peace. European Unification: Dream or Reality? A Malignant Tumor Develops o­n the Continent of Europe. Meaning and Purpose of Terrorism: How to deal with it Effectively. Coalition of Peaceful Nations: Their Strength and Asset to the World. Cultural Bridges of Peace: Two Women Take the Lead. Diplomat (Ban Ki Moon) Most Likely to Succeed  Kofi Annan as UN Secretary-General. George Versus Fidel: Who Fares Better? My Recent Visit to India: A Truly Enriching Experience. Problem of Discipline in American Public Schools (En)
1-6-1. Leo Semashko. Bell of harmony (En, Ru)
1-14-3. Ada Aharoni, Reimon Bachika, Harold Becker, Guy Crequie, Nina Goncharova, Takis Ioannides, Abram Jusfin, Evelin Lindner, Hilarie Roseman, Maitreyee Bardhan Roy, Subir Bardhan Roy, Bernard Scott, Claude Veziau, Leo Semashko. Discussion about Competition “HERACL” (En, Ru)
1-14-7. Anastasia Dolgosheva. Want peace - prepare for peace. Interview with Leo Semashko in the newspaper "St.-Petersburg Gazette", October 12, 2006 (Ðó)
1-13. Harold Becker. The Love Foundation: the Fourth Annual Art, Essay and Poetry Invitational in honor of Global Love Day May 1, 2007 (En, Ru)
1-14-6. Leo Semashko. The open letter to the World's Religious and Spiritual Communities Leaders.
Letter to the UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan.  Letter to President of Russian Federation Vladimir Putin
(En, Ru)
1-14-8. Guy Crequie. For an Epoch of Harmonious Peace in a Society of Information. Creative education of values to the future generations. Statement for the Harmonious Era Calendar (En, Ru)
1-14-9. Leo Semashko. Culture of Harmonious Peace and Harmonious Era Calendar. Lectures course program (En, Ru)
1-16. Robert M. Weir. A People’s Campaign for Peace in the United States (En, Ru)
1-17. Valery Sagatovsky. Philosophy of developing harmony (En, Ru)
1-18. Claude Veziau. Love and Harmony (En, Ru)
1-19. Leo Rebello. Report of the meeting with the Pope Dr. Leo Rebello & Mrs. Kashmira Rebello o­n November 15, 2006, at the Vatican. World AIDS Day 2006 Message from Dr. Leo Rebello.  Synergy Magazine Interview. Convention o­n Global Vision for Peace and Development. Common Values in Different Religions. Amrit Manthan. Revised Oath for Doctors. The paradox of our time. Globalization and povetry. Resume (En, Ru)
1-19. Leo Semashko. New star of harmony (En, Ru)
1-19. Helena Green. Interview with Leo Rebello in Synergy Magazine (En, Ru)
2-5. Uriy Dorofeev. Sociology plus tetra: a new view o­n the world (Ru)
4-6. Rosa Dalmiglio. Peace & Conflict in Contemporary China.  Chinese culture of harmony (En)
4-6. 8-2. Olga Ushakova and Leo Semashko. Harmony Instead of Dictatorship (En, Ru)  
4-12. James Wolfensohn. West must prepare for Chinese, Indian dominance (En, Ru)
4-13-4. Talgat Akbashev and Nina Goncharova. Mission in Brazile. Second Planetary Congress of Biospheric  Rights (En, Ru)
4-13-5. Nina Goncharova. Slide-film "Earth is a school for Gods". Worlld Citizens Day 17 October (En, Ru)
4-14. Kostas Konstantinidis. The Globalization of disharmony (En)
5-2. Michael Holmboe. The Other Side of the Medal. Poem (En)
5-10. Helena Shcepanovska. About my daughter (Ru)
5-10. Siana Shcepanovska. 12 age, 7-th class, 124th school, St.-Petersburg, Russia. Pictures: "Summer harmony", "Cottage peace", "Harmony of a nature" and "Kareliya Peace" (En, Ru)
5-13. Guy Crequie. For a Reform of the United Nations. Poem: I had a dream (En, Fr)
6-3. Will Hoonaard and Leo Semashko. About International chuld’s magazines and Bahai’s faith (En, Ru)
7-4-2. Leo Semashko. Tetrasociology: Pluralistic and harmonious format of sociological education in an information society (Ru)
7-20. Albert Kunihira. Sports Volunteers Needed for a Peace & AIDS Project (En)
7-20. Anna Dodds. Living in Harmony with the Seasons (En)
8-2. David Cook. Bill Clinton, George Bush and Craig Scott Nation's Leaders Mislead Youth by Preaching Peace, Practicing War (En)
9-2. Susana Roberts. To the children in the World (En)
9-2. TeachKidsPeace. Forcing Children to Fight  in Sri Lanka (En)
10-6. Alexander Verbitsky. Children as the sourses of harmony and peace o­n Eath (Ru)

Dr Leo Semashko
Founder and President, Website “A New Culture of Peace from Social Harmony and Children’s Priority” www.peacefromharmony.org
December 2, 2006

Website “A New Culture of Peace from Social Harmony and Children’s Priority”
News from June 16 to September 15, 2006

The short news:

In the site "Contents" 15 new pages have been opened, making a total of 125. 18 new authors have appeared, making a total of 165 (including 16 children). 5 new countries were added: Switzerland, Spain, Netherlands, Pakistan and Slovenia: now o­n the site 32 countries are submitted. 72 new publications ("news") are published. 7 new friendly sites appeared, making a total of 72.


The main news of our site for three months are:

1.Publication of "Harmonious Era Calendar" by 27 co-authors from 12 countries in 12 languages in the separate book, which is sent to all co-authors, except for o­ne o­n his request;

2.Presentation of this book o­n the International Sociological Congress in Durban, South Africa in July;

3.Sending this book in the libraries approximately of 30 universities, in a number of governments and several International organizations;

4.Opening the International Art Competition o­n the best aesthetic expression of the Harmonious Era Calendar since September 21, International Day ofPeace;

5.Invitation of the site co-authors and friends to join our Calendar as the first project of harmonious peace culture for a new world civilization beyond war;

6.ProfAda Aharoni recommendation o­n the Nobel Peace Prize 2007.

A main problem and basic obstacle of its decision o­n the site is:
On our site the materials (Harmonious Era Calendar) are published in 12 languages of the world now. The translation problem of the rest materials o­n 12 languages becomes the main problem of the site multicultural communications. A basic obstacle for decision of this problem is an absence of financing. For this reason o­n the site the wide and continuous translational work no exists. o­nly I constantly translate o­ne. But my opportunities are limited to translation o­nly 10-20 pages per o­ne month and o­nly with English o­n Russian and back. (I highly appreciate the work of Claude, Maria, Takic, Renato, Guy in translation of several tens pages of our Calendar but I can not ask them to do it and further and they can not do it free of charge. The situation with editing is same. I also highly appreciate the editorial work of Robert, Martha, Claude, Maria, Reimon and many others. Without the keen and unselfish work of our translators and editors our site is difficult to present.) At the same time o­n the site the huge set of materials - about thousand pages collected which should be translated o­n 11 languages. The general need of translation o­n the site makes approximately 12 thousand pages (monthly approximately 200 pages), from which I translate o­nly 10-20 pages and o­nly o­n two languages. The break between need and opportunity of translation is huge. It strongly limits the multicultural communications o­n site. Therefore main task of the further development of the site is its financing, search of the sponsors and other sources of investment in the site. As most real I count participation our "Harmonious Era Calendar" in the international competitions o­n the various peace prizes including Nobel Peace Prize. The participation in competitions will give not o­nly financial chance, but also excellent way of distribution of our Calendar, widening of its popularity and achievement of world recognition first of all among youth. Our fruits should bring to us benefit including financial. Last is not our top purpose but without it our site can not exist. I shall be very grateful to accept any help and attentively study all opinions and offers of the site co-authors and friends o­n very patient and sharp for it problem.

Dr Leo Semasko
Site Founder and President
September 16, 2006 ã

New authors:
T. Ashok Chakravarthy, Poet-Essayist-Review Writer, India; tacvarthy@yahoo.com
Muhammad Iqbal, Poet, Pakistan; muhammadiqbal722@hotmail.com
Jean Nouchi, President Founder, Universal Ambassador Peace Circle & Universal Peace Embassy; Geneva, Switzerland; E-Mail: universal-peace-embassy@hotmail.com
Nancy Roof, Ph.D.; Founder, Kosmos Journal; USA; Website: http://www.kosmosjournal.org ;
E-Mail: nancy@kosmosjournal.org
Samone Myers, Director, EarthCURE; Event Coordinator, Circle the Pyramid Event, USA
Website: www.earthcure.org; E-Mail: circlethepyramid@yahoo.com
Mitchell Gold, Peacemaker,IAEWP General Secretariat; Executive Director, Homeplanet Alliance; Toronto, Canada; Website: www.homeplanet.org; E-Mail: mgold@homeplanet.org
Francisco Parra-Luna, PhD, Madrid University, Spain; parraluna@cps.ucm.es
Matjaž Mulej, Dr., Prof. Emeritus, University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics and Business;
SI-2001 Maribor, Slovenia, P.O.Box 142; E-mail: mulej@uni-mb.si
Pierre Fosseprez, Poet, Universal Ambassador for Peace; Founder: Peace World Cup and World Wide Peace Festival at Gaza; France. http://peace-world-cup.over-blog.com; E-mail : pierre-fosseprez@wanadoo.fr
Celine Leduc, Canada IFLAC Director, email: celine.l1@sympatico.ca 
Websites: http://effusion.2005.blogspot.com , http://loveisrael.blogspot.com
Lucy Alferova, Peace and harmony Museum in the Chelyabinsk Gymnasium 76 Director, Russia, E-mail :  dinagimn76@rambler.ru
Robert M.  Weir, Writer, Speaker, Communications Consultant; Author of Star of Hope: The Life and Times of John McConnell, Founder of Earth Day; http://www.robertmweir.com/
Congressional District Leader for U.S. Department of Peace initiative in Michigan's 6th Congressional District; http://www.thepeacealliance.org/; E-mail: Robtweir@aol.com; USA
Saul Arbess, Global Alliance for Ministries and Departments of Peace, Canada, sarbess@shaw.ca  ,
Diana Basterfield, Global Alliance for Ministries and Departments of Peace, diana.basterfield@ministryforpeace.org , www.peoplesinitiativefordepartmentsofpeace.org  
Stephanie Jensen, Global Alliance for Ministries and Departments of Peace, Canada, stephjc@uvic.ca  , www.peoplesinitiativefordepartmentsofpeace.org  
Yumi Kikuchi, Global Alliance for Ministries and Departments of Peace, Japan, yumik@fine.ocn.ne.jp  , www.peoplesinitiativefordepartmentsofpeace.org
Dot Maver, Global Alliance for Ministries and Departments of Peace, dot@thepeacealliance.org  ,
Biannca Pace, Global Alliance for Ministries and Departments of Peace, Australia, biannca@departmentofpeace-australia.org; www.peoplesinitiativefordepartmentsofpeace.org

New Contents pages:
1-2-1. NGO and IFLAC for Peace Culture
1-6-3. Mitchell Gold and HomePlanet: from Culture of War toward Culture of Peace
1-6-4. Nancy Roof ‘s Kosmos: Towards Global Civilization and World Community of Harmonious Peace
1-6-5. Samone Myers. EarthCURE  for harmonious peace
1-6-6. Global Alliance for Ministries and Departments of Peace: a great step to harmonious peace
1-6-7. World Harmony Foundation as a sprout of harmonious peace in an information society
1-6-8. Universal Ambassador Peace Circle & Universal Peace Embassy: envoys of a culture of harmonious peace within an information society
1-14-2. Global Harmony Day - June 21:  key date of Harmonious Era Calendar and main holiday of harmonious peace culture
1-14-3. International Art Competition "Heracl" o­n the Best Aesthetic Expression of a Harmonious Era Calendar (HERACL)
1-14-4. Program of development and distribution for the Harmonious Era Calendar
1-14-5. How to become the Harmonious Era Calendar coauthor?
1-14-6. Letters to political, religious, cultural and business figures with invitation to support and to join to Harmonious Era Calendar
1-14-7. Distribution of Harmonious Era Calendar to libraries, schools, universities, governments and NGO, o­n friendly Internet sites
1-14-8. Changes and additions of Harmonious Era Calendar: new authors, dates, statements, opinions, countries, languages (translations) and cultures
7-25. Humanistic Sociology and value system of harmony

New publications:
1-2. Leo Semashko. Recommendation of Prof. Ada Aharoni for the Nobel Peace Prize 2007 (En, Ru)
1-2-1.Celine Leduc. The Importance of NGO's for Peace Culture (En)
1-6-3. Mitchell Gold. If I were the U.S. President – What Would I Do? (En, Ru)
1-6-4. Nancy Roof. Towards Global Civilization and World Community (En, Ru)
1-6-4. Leo Semashko. Letter o­n cooperation to Nancy Roof (En, Ru)
1-6-5. Samone Myers. EarthCURE  for harmonious peace (En, Ru)
1-6-5. Leo Semashko. Caravan for Peace in Harmony at Gaza (En, Ru)
1-6-6. Saul Arbess, Diana Basterfield, Stephanie Jensen, Yumi Kikuchi, Dot Maver, Biannca Pace.
The second people’s summit for Ministries and Departments of peace (En, Ru)
1-6-6. Robert Weir. Movement for Department of Peace within the U.S. government (En, Ru)
1-6-7. Monica Willard. World  Harmony Foundation and Harmony Bell (En, Ru)
1-6-8. Jean Paul Nouchi. Universal Ambassador Peace Circle & Universal Peace Embassy (En, Ru)
1-6-8. Leo Semashko. Letter to Mr. Nouchi: about the website page and new Peace Decade for children (En, Ru)
1-9. Lucy Alferova. Peace and harmony Museum in the Chelyabinsk gymnasium (En, Ru)
1-9. Pierre Fosseprez. Caravan for Peace in Harmony at Gaza (En)
1-14-2. Sergio Tripi. First Global Harmony Day. Good News Agency of 7 July (En, Ru)
1-14-2. Leo Semashko. Congratulations o­n Global Harmony Day, June 21 (En, Ru)
1-14-2. Reimon Bachika, T. Ashok Chakravarthy, Monica Willard, Robert Weir, Mona Gamal El-Dine, Nina Goncharova, Claude Veziau. Congratulations with Global Harmony Day (En, Ru)
1-14-2. Nina Goncharova, Claude Veziau. Global Harmony Day Symbol (En, Ru)
1-14-3. Leo Semashko. International Art Competition "Heracl" o­n the Best Aesthetic Expression of a Harmonious Era Calendar (HERACL) (En, Ru)
1-14-4. Leo Semashko. Program of development and distribution for the Harmonious Era Calendar (HERACL) o­n 2006-2010 (En, Ru)
1-14-5. Leo Semashko. How to become the Harmonious Era Calendar coauthor? (En, Ru)
1-14-6. Leo Semashko. Letter to President Putin: Harmonious Era Calendar as gift to G8 members (En, Ru)
1-14-7. Leo Semashko. Report o­n trip to Durban and distribution of Harmonious Era Calendar o­n Sociological Congress (En, Ru)
1-14-7. Martha Ross DeWitt and Leo Semashko. Letters about distribution of Harmonious Era Calendar and trip to Durban (En, Ru)
1-14-8. Mona Gamal El-Dine. Letters about joining to Harmonious Era Calendar (En, Ru)
1-15. John McConnell. Words, Actions and  Songs that Most Benefit People and Planet;The human Adventure: Past, Present,  Future; Challenges Earth Trustee World View; Iran, Earth Day and Star of  Hope (En, Ru)
2-2. Nicholas Govorov. Scientific-social polylog (En, Ru)
4-4-1. Muhammad Iqbal. Poems: Don't Kill the Life; Smoking; Juctice; Peace; Directions; Food and Drink (En)
4-4-1. T. Ashok Chakravarthy. Poems: Identities; We are here……; Discover Wisdom; Give “PEACE” a chance; Seeking Love (En)
4-12. Rudolf J. Siebert and Tatjana Senyushkina. Religion and Civil Society:  Main Challenges to the Civilizations and their Responses (En, Ru)
5-4. Abram Jusfin. How to hear harmony of music (Ru)
5-13. Guy Crequie. 5 years after the attacks of September 11, 2001: some reflection of an ordinary citizen (En, Fr)
5-13. Guy Crequie. The appointment of an emissary of peace…..Relative to situation o­n the Middle East (En, Fr)
7-15. Matjaž Mulej. Systems theory: methodology of humans’ thinking, decisions and action (En)
7-25. Francisco Parra-Luna. Current sociological theory: a systemic perspective (En)
9-1. Hilarie Roseman. The scientists about poverty of children in Australia (En)

New friendly sites:
Global Alliance for Ministries and Departments of Peace, www.peoplesinitiativefordepartmentsofpeace.org
Nancy Roof, Kosmos Journal; USA; Website: http://www.kosmosjournal.org ;
Samone Myers, EarthCURE; Website: www.earthcure.org
Mitchell Gold, Homeplanet Alliance; Canada; Website: www.homeplanet.org;
Pierre Fosseprez, Poet, France. http://peace-world-cup.over-blog.com;
Celine Leduc, Canada IFLAC 
Websites: http://effusion.2005.blogspot.com , http://loveisrael.blogspot.com
Robert M.  Weir, Writer; USA; http://www.robertmweir.com/

Dr Leo Semashko
Founder and President, Website “A New Culture of Peace from Social Harmony and Children’s Priority” www.peacefromharmony.org
September 16, 2006.

Website “A New Culture of Peace from Social Harmony and Children’s Priority”
News from April 16 to June 15, 2006

Gratitude. In the name of more than 140 of our site co-authors, I express my deep and sincere gratitude to all authors (27 colleagues), translators and editors (apart of the authors) of our "Address to children, youth and future generations", which is translated and published o­n the site in 12 languages. It makes our Address accessible to youth and children of practically all basic world cultures and civilizations. Our Address, including the historically unprecedented Harmonious Era Calendar, due to the quality of content and world scale, represents a truly unique cultural-historical document. It brings a significant contribution to the development of a harmonious peace culture and practically facilitates its entrance and beginning at this historical time of humankind. Therefore it will keep its meaning for all subsequent generations. Already now it becomes the ideological flag of a new peaceful and harmonious global movement: "Making children a priority in the world", the beginning to which was put o­n our site year back. These dignities of the Address/Calendar and its extraordinary contribution to the statement of peace and a new harmonious culture, o­n the opinion of some our colleagues and friends, deserve the Nobel Peace Prize for all its collective participants. (This question requires additional serious discussion).

The merit of the Address/Calendar creation goes to an international creative collective of 27 authors of our site "A New Culture of Peace from Social Harmony and Children’s Priority" (www.peacefromharmony.org) from 12 countries of the world. This Address/Calendar could be born o­nly in a friendly atmosphere and o­n the grounds of the multicultural dialogue offered o­n our international site uniting more of 140 authors from 27 countries. The statement was created in the course a half-year through the sometimes difficult process of overcoming numerous obstacles: ideological, cultural, language, translational, personnel, financial, technical and organizational. But we have overcome these difficulties, to our great honour and collective creative merit. I congratulate all of our team for this great creative achievement and I offer my sincere gratitude for their creative and solidary participation. I wish to express special gratitude to Claude Veziau for the French translation of the Address and editing its English fragments; Maria Cristina Azcona for its Spanish translation; Takis Ioannides for the Greek translation; Renato Corsetti and Viatcheslav Ivanov for translation in Esperanto; to the editors in languages: in English: Martha Ross DeWitt, Will Hoonaard, Rose Lord; in German – Tomas Swiderek; in Japanese – Reimon Bachika; to the artists - Hilarie Roseman, Nina Goncharova, Claude Veziau and all others for creative participation and moral support. The Address could appear o­nly due to our large and arduous joint work.
Dr Leo Semashko
Initiator of idea and main editor of the Address to children, youth and future generations
June 15, 2006

Congratulations o­n the Day of protection and priority of children, June 1!

Dear Website Co-authors, Children’s Friends!

Children’s priority: humanity’s salvation!

I am happy to congratulate you for the International Day for the Protection of Children o­n June 1! As the best protection for children is their becoming a social priority, this day we made now also as "Children’s Priority Day" in our Calendar of the Harmonious Era, which is offered by 27 co-authors from 12 countries of the world. (Its last version with 20 author's statements o­n 12 or 4 languages is submitted in: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=131).
This Calendar is our International gift to children and spiritual will for them.
I want to wish you all success in the children’s priority statement, which alone can ensure the real and effective protection of children all over the world. Other similar means for the protection of children do not yet exist.

The salvation of humanity resides in children, and the rescue of children consists in establishing their priority with the help of the Law o­n children’s suffrage executed by parents. Modern societies offer little alternative: sooner or later, in the present state of affairs, it will either perish or be ravaged by its own weapons or be salvaged by the establishment of a global harmony the fulcrum of which is making children a priority. Making weapons a priority, as witnessed by our present industrial society, will inevitably ruin humanity, it is o­nly a matter of time. o­n the other hand, shifting the priority to children in a harmonious information society will inevitably save it. Therefore humanity, if it wants to survive and to be rescued in harmony, should create TRUE protection for its children, not a hypocritical and impracticable “Charter of Rights”. The priority of children in society should be legislatively established. Humanity’s future rests o­nly upon harmony and children’s priority. Just into them is its salvation.
Good into the contents but the impracticable UN Convention o­n the Rights of the Child (CRC 1989), should be complemented, for the sake of true protection of the children’s rights, ensured by establishing children’s priority through creating a Law o­n children’s suffrage executed by parents. (The project of Law, see: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/docs/2-4_eng.pdf ). This focus o­n the rights of children will be the fulcrum of the Convention, which will ensure its REAL, EFFECTIVE and UNIVERSAL application (up to now, UNICEF recognizes its impracticability). The suffrage and priority afforded to children will also secure the fulfilment of CRC article 4: "Signatory States shall undertake all appropriate legislative, administrative and other measures for the implementation of the rights recognized by the present Convention. With regard to economic, social and cultural rights, Signatory States shall undertake such measures to the maximum extent of their available resources". Actually, in this and other CRC articles (3, 6, 18) children’s priority is RECOGNIZED, but the reality is that today practically all states, with the very rare exception of the Scandinavian countries, BREAK this CRC recognition and direct their maximal resources not to children but to armament and military preparations.

Therefore, I have here the basis to accuse modern governments of a crime (CRC infringement) against children and in grand larceny against children for the sake of the interests of a military-industrial complex. The expenditures o­n armament are a grand larceny against children, youth and future generations. (The dictionary definition of larceny, according to Merriam Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary is, “the unlawful taking of personal property with intent to deprive the rightful owner of it permanently: THEFT”) The military expenditures today are a crime against humanity, children and future generations, practically all of the world’s governments are guilty of it. This accusation was put forward almost a century ago and it is still of great actuality; Janusz Korczak, who wrote about “the subjugated class” of children: "Have we not– the unjust stewards – by any chance disinherited, expropriated?...." That the governments served to children instead of the weapon the Law about children’s suffrage executed by parents and powerful International movement in support of this Law and children’s priority are necessary.
To stop this global larceny against children of the world and to ensure the application of the CRC children’s priority is the aim the of the Global civil movement "Making children a priority in the world", initiated a year ago by our site co-authors (http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=116 ). I congratulate all initiators of this Movement from six countries: Australia, USA, Russia, England, India and Israel for this first anniversary and I express my trust in its expansion and final (though not speedy) success. The first practical result of this movement has been the creation of the Harmonious Era Calendar project of an Information Society, created by 27 co-authors.
This Harmony Calendar represents in essence the Manifest of the Global movement for children’s priority, by excluding the war days and the expenditures o­n armament. It gives an entrance to children, youth and future generations into the era of a harmonious society. It creates for them a qualitatively new alternative of the survival and salvation in harmony of an information society. It leads them to a new peaceful culture excluding poverty, wars, terror and humiliation. Children and their recognition as a priority become the fulcrum for a harmonious information society, replacing weapons as the priority and fulcrum of a decrepit industrial-risk society. If, in this society, weapons absorb the maximal resources, the harmonious society gives back the maximal resources to children.
The primary contribution and responsibility of each and every child loving human being consists, at this very time, in addressing to the governments of their countries an appeal to "Make children a priority", i.e. to reserve the “maximal” resources for children instead of weapons. This will ensure the well-being of future generations and also the future of mankind.
I therefore call all people who love children and are concerned and responsible for their future, to address this appeal to their governments and to join the Global Civil Movement "Making children a priority in the world". The Movement slogan is: "Priority to children instead of weapons!" Or "Money for children instead of weapons!" When thousands and millions people, first of all of parents and grandparents, address this appeal, this Movement will become a powerful force of the humanity moral recovery and global peaceful politics.
With my best wishes of seeing children’s priority as a fulcrum of social harmony and eternal peace,

Dr Leo Semashko

Universal Peace Ambassador; ISSS, IFLAC Russia and Website www.peacefromharmony.org Director
May 30, 2006

Congratulations o­n Global Harmony Day, June 21.
Dear site co-authors, friends! I am happy to congratulate all o­n Global Harmony Day, June 21, for the first time in the history of mankind, established in our Harmonious Era Calendar of the site 27 authors from 12 countries in 12 languages (http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=131). Global Harmony Day is the uniting centre, common denominator and focusing date of the Harmony Calendar in view of the special vital meaning of harmony. Let me say some words about its philosophical nature and social meaning.

The whole world is harmonious to start with and exists o­nly due to harmony, which was marked in the most ancient civilizations. Harmony is natural. It was not invented by priests or philosophers; it is inherent to all existing. Harmony is a self-organizing, cybernetic and synergetic, system of fundamental structures penetrating the universe from micro up to mega-world. Harmony does not exclude conflicts and disharmony but o­nly up to the point where its fundamental structures ensuring existence and life collapse. Mankind, in all times and in all cultures and civilizations has dreamed of possessing harmony, dreamed of harmony as "the golden age", which until now remained but a dream. In a basis of harmony lay the fundamental and universal sphere structures of the universe, society and man. The universality of these structures begins to be realized by people and learnt by science o­nly in a global information society, wherein a universality of man and mankind is created. Harmony becomes a universal measure of the versatile person and universal order of universal mankind arising in a global information society. Therefore o­nly such a society can create the real spiritual, social, political and economic preconditions to acquire the fundamental structures of harmony. o­nly o­n the basis of these structures can the harmonious relations of people and civilizations, harmonious order of mankind and relations with nature be constructed.

The universal sphere structures everywhere are various and exist o­nly through diversity. Therefore, harmony of diversity is everywhere and always different. The different spheres of man (character, consciousness, will and body) define a variety of individual harmony. The different spheres of society (social, cultural/information, political and economic) at its different levels (settlement, city, country, ethnicity, civilization, and mankind) define a variety of social harmony. But harmony, at the same time, is recognized by all as a coordination, moderation, equilibrium and proportionality of the universal sphere structures. Societies, people, civilizations and religions have always aspired to these qualities. But the ignorance of common universal structures, underlying harmony, created seemingly irreconcilable representations of it. The information society opens the united, sphere, universal structures of harmony and this creates the uniform basis for universal human harmony and for all of its infinite diversity. Harmony is not any separate feeling, as love, hope etc., not a separate event or phenomenon, as the Earth, water etc., not a separate quality or value, as freedom, justice, peace etc.

Harmony is a method of connection and organizational order of the relations between people including all constructive feelings, processes, phenomenon and qualities. Harmony is the most effective organization and most desired order of universal relations between humans in a society and in all its spheres: economical, political, cultural and social, including family. Harmony excludes violent struggle and unity of diversity in mutual destructive struggle. Harmony asserts the unity of different and opposite through consent, moderation, equilibrium and proportionality. Therefore harmony is identical to the beautiful and beauty, as asserted by some geniuses, will save the world. Harmony is aesthetic, ethic and humanistic. It is integrity and synthesis. It defines the special organizational (self-organizing) order of proportionality and equilibrium between different parts of a whole. This order creates the unity of diversity, most favorable for all parts and for their whole.

The harmonious social order created by a global information society is both a need and necessity for it. This order can be created by the new humans, which from childhood will grow and be brought up in the spirit of harmony. Our Harmonious Era Calendar, excluding poverty, injustice, pollution and war, becomes an entrance of children into a new harmonious order. It opens for them this order. It will require from them the development of new positive qualities, recognition of new values and priorities. The highest value becomes harmony, including peace, love, justice, freedom and other universal values of humankind. In the place of a priority o­n money, profit and material riches, harmony will put a priority o­n children and their quality, which make up the true riches of humankind. We have opened a new chronology for our children and grandchildren by this calendar. But it still requires a huge effort of all generations, including our own, to introduce this calendar in daily life.

As the first global condition of its introduction, I count o­n the development of the International movement "Making children a priority in the world". It requires that the parents and grandparents, all children’s caregivers (above 60-80% of the populations in the different countries) address this appeal to their governments and be united in it with the purpose of obtaining the support, in each country, of the law, according to its particular conditions, about children’s suffrage executed by parents. o­nly this law will ensure a real priority of children and childhood and by that will create a powerful social support to the order of social harmony. There is a saying, starting the work is half of the job done. We did the beginning, by creating the Harmony Calendar and proclaimed the Global Harmony Day uniting all people of the world. For this half of business, which we have executed, I congratulate you from my heart, reason and soul! With a holiday of Humankind Harmony! With harmony, which  mankind begins to master as a real positive alternative to poverty, injustice, pollution, humiliation and war!

Dr Leo Semashko
Global Harmony Day Founder; Initiator of idea and main editor of the Harmonious Era Calendar
June 15, 2006

The Site New Honorary Members:

In honour of the first (in the history of mankind) Global Harmony Day, June 21 2006 into a Harmonious Era Calendar, the following authors are awarded Honorary Titles of the Site "A New Culture of Peace from Social Harmony and Children’s Priority":

NINA GONCHAROVA (Russia), artist, poet, singer, scenarist, life devoted to disinterested creation of social harmony, for the huge contribution into statement of peace and harmony, for active participation in the site work and designing “Address to children, youth and future generations” is awarded with the Honorary Titles: WORLD SYMBOL OF A NEW CULTURE OF HARMONIOUS PEACE and HONORARY AUTHOR OF THE WEBSITE “A NEW CULTURE OF PEACE FROM SOCIAL HARMONY AND CHILDREN’S PRIORITY" o­n the first Global Harmony Day, June 21 2006.  Nina Goncharova’s publications o­n the site in the Russian, French, Spanish and English languages can be found at the following addresses:
http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=131 etc.

MARIA CRISTINA AZCONA (Argentina), Professor, Educational Psychologist, Bilingual Poet and Translator, Bilingual MCA Founder-editor & director www.bilingualmca.bravehost.com, IFLAC PAVE PEACE Argentina Director, Universal Peace Ambassador,  for the huge contribution to the  statement of peace and harmony, for the Spanish translation of “Address to children, youth and future generations” is awarded with the Honorary Titles: WORLD SYMBOL OF A NEW CULTURE OF HARMONIOUS PEACE and HONORARY AUTHOR OF THE WEBSITE “A NEW CULTURE OF PEACE FROM SOCIAL HARMONY AND CHILDREN’S PRIORITY" o­n the first Global Harmony Day June 21 2006. Maria Cristina Azcona’s publications o­n the site in the Russian, French, Spanish and English languages appear at the following addresses:
http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=131; http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=36 ; http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=36 etc.

EVELIN LINDNER, M.D., Ph.D. (Dr. med.), Ph.D. (Dr. psychol.), Social Scientist, global  citizen,  Founding  Manager  of  Human  Dignity  and Humiliation Studies (HumanDHS); www.humiliationstudies.org/, for the huge contribution into statement of peace and harmony and global peaceful citizenship, for the eminent scientific researches of human dignity and reasons of humiliation, for the eminent publications o­n the site is awarded with the Honorary Titles: WORLD SYMBOL OF A NEW CULTURE OF HARMONIOUS PEACE and HONORARY AUTHOR OF THE WEBSITE “A NEW CULTURE OF PEACE FROM SOCIAL HARMONY AND CHILDREN’S PRIORITY" o­n the first Global Harmony Day, June 21 2006.  Evelin Lindner’s publications o­n the site in the Russian, French, Spanish and English languages can be found at the following addresses:
http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=131 etc.

JOHN McCONNEL, World famous Catholic priest of USA, Founder of Earth Day o­n March 21 since 1970 and Hope Day o­n October 4 since 2007 and Chairman Emeritus of Earth Trustees Society Foundation for the huge contribution into statement of peace and harmony o­n Earth, for the eminent publications o­n the site is awarded with the Honorary Titles: WORLD SYMBOL OF A NEW CULTURE OF HARMONIOUS PEACE and HONORARY AUTHOR OF THE WEBSITE “A NEW CULTURE OF PEACE FROM SOCIAL HARMONY AND CHILDREN’S PRIORITY" o­n the first Global Harmony Day June 21 2006.  John McConnell’s publications o­n the site in the Russian and English languages are found at the following addresses:
http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=187; in 12 languages: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=131 etc.

CHARLES MERCIECA (USA), Ph.D., President, International Association of Educators for World Peace, Professor Emeritus, Alabama A&M University, for the huge contribution to development of the peace and harmony ideas, for the eminent publications o­n the site is awarded with the Honorary Titles: WORLD SYMBOL OF A NEW CULTURE OF HARMONIOUS PEACE and HONORARY AUTHOR OF THE WEBSITE “A NEW CULTURE OF PEACE FROM SOCIAL HARMONY AND CHILDREN’S PRIORITY" o­n the first Global Harmony Day June 21 2006.  Charles Mercieca’s publications o­n the site in the Russian and English languages are at:
http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=129  , http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=136 etc.

CLAUDE VEZIAU (Canada), Songwriter, composer and performer wholly dedicated to creating Harmony amongst all people in the world for the huge contribution into statement of peace and harmony, for the French translation of “Address to children, youth and future generations” is awarded with the Honorary Titles: WORLD SYMBOL OF A NEW CULTURE OF HARMONIOUS PEACE and HONORARY AUTHOR OF THE WEBSITE “A NEW CULTURE OF PEACE FROM SOCIAL HARMONY AND CHILDREN’S PRIORITY" o­n the first Global Harmony Day June 21 2006.  Claude Veziau’s publications o­n the site in the Russian, French, Spanish and English languages can be found at the following addresses:
http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=131 etc.

TAKIS IOANNIDES (Greece), Poet, Greece IFLAC director, Bilingual website director http://clubs.pathfinder.gr/LOVEandPEACE for the huge contribution into statement of peace and harmony, for the Greek translation of “Address to children, youth and future generations” is awarded with the Honorary Titles: WORLD SYMBOL OF A NEW CULTURE OF HARMONIOUS PEACE and HONORARY AUTHOR OF THE WEBSITE “A NEW CULTURE OF PEACE FROM SOCIAL HARMONY AND CHILDREN’S PRIORITY" o­n the first Global Harmony Day June 21 2006.  Takis Ioannides’ publications o­n the site in the Russian, French, Spanish and English languages are at the following addresses:
http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=131; http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=104 etc.

HAROLD BECKER (USA), Founder, Global Love Day May 1 since 2004, President and Founder, The Love Foundation, for the huge contribution into statement of love, peace and harmony, for the eminent publications o­n the site is awarded with the Honorary Titles: WORLD SYMBOL OF A NEW CULTURE OF HARMONIOUS PEACE and HONORARY AUTHOR OF THE WEBSITE “A NEW CULTURE OF PEACE FROM SOCIAL HARMONY AND CHILDREN’S PRIORITY" on the first Global Harmony Day June 21 2006.  Harold Becker’s publications o­n the site in the Russian, and English languages are at the following addresses:
http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=100; in 12 languages:
http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=131 etc.

Dr Leo Semashko
Website Director
May 21, 2006

The short news:
The main news is the publication in 12 languages, “Address to children, youth and future generations” with the Harmonious Era Calendar, opening an Harmonious Era in the history of humanity. The site languages number increases from 6 up to 12.  New languages are: Greek, German, Japanese, Chinese, Arabian and Hebrew. The number of the site Honorary Members increases from 13 up to 21. In the site "Contents" 8 new pages have been opened, making a total of 110. 5 new authors have appeared, making a total of 147 (including 16 children), from 27 countries of the world. 144 new publications ("news") are published. 2 new friendly sites have appeared, making a total of 65.

New authors:
John McConnell, Catholic Priest, Founder of Earth Day and Chairman Emeritus of Earth Society Foundation; Kentucky,  USA;  email:  TrusteeOne@aol.com ; sites: www.earthsite.org, www.wowzone.com
Thomas Swiderek; PhD, Professor of Sociology, Universität Wuppertal, Germany
Sergio Tripi; PhD, Editor, Good News Agency, Italy, www.goodnewsagency.org, s.tripi@tiscali.it
Paul Craig Roberts; PhD, Chairman of the Institute for Political Economy and Research Fellow at the Independent Institute, USA;  paulcraigroberts@yahoo.com
Shadkhan, Igor: known Russian producer, Chief of creative studio, St.-Petersburg, Russia; email: shadkhan@shadkhan.ru ;

New Contents pages:
1-15. John McConnell:  Earth  Day  and  Earth  Trustees  for harmony of mankind
3-7-1. Takis Ioannides: Children’s priority in the harmonious family
7-18-1. Sociology for participation of children: harmony and disharmony
4-13. Planet 3000: Creating through Education an alternative Culture of harmonious civilization
4-13-1. Planet 3000: Mission, Content, History 
4-13-2. Planet 3000: Youth Movement
4-13-3. Planet 3000: Calendar
4-13-4. Planet 3000: Organization and contacts

New publications:
1-6-1. Charles Mercieca. Contributions of Buddhism to Humanity (En, Ru)
1-9. Sergio Tripi. Folding paper flowers for religious harmony (En, Ru)
1-12. Evelin Lindner. A New Culture of Peace: Can We Hope That Global Society Will Enter Into a Harmonious Information Age? (En, Ru)
1-14. Leo Semashko, together with international contributors:
Ada Aharoni, Talgat Akbashev, Maria Cristina Azcona, Reimon Bachika, Harold Becker, Kerry Bowden, Renato Corsetti, Guy Crequie, Martha Ross DeWitt, Nina Goncharova, Dimitry Ivashintsov, Takis Ioannides, Abram Jusfin, Vladimir Kavtorin, Evelin Lindner, Rose Lord, John McConnell, Bernard Phillips, Hilarie Roseman, Maitreyee Bardhan Roy, Subir Bardhan Roy, Bernard Scott, Igor Shadkhan, Rudolf Siebert, Tatiana Tselutina and Claude Veziau.
Harmonious Era Calendar: The Quality of Social Existence and Future of Children. Address to Children, Youth and Future Generations. In twelve languages: English, Esperanto, Russian, Spanish, French, Greek, German, Portuguese, Japanese, Chinese, Arabian and Hebrew (En, Es, Ru, Sp, Fr, Gr, Ge, Po, Ja, Ch, Ar, He)
1-14. Ada Aharoni. The Necessity of a New Multicultural Peace Culture (En, Ru, Sp, Fr)
1-14. Rose Lord. To Those Who Will Design the Future (En, Ru, Sp, Fr)
1-14. Hilarie Roseman. Social Harmony: the Enlightened Hearts and Common Creativity of Man and Woman (En, Ru, Sp, Fr)
1-14. Martha Ross DeWitt. Power Sharing (En, Ru, Sp, Fr)
1-14. Nina Goncharova. Celebrations as synchronic waves of a New Harmonic World (En, Ru, Sp, Fr)
1-14. Maria Cristina Azcona. Peace and Literature (En, Ru, Sp, Fr)
1-14. Tatiana Tselutina. Consulting for youth (En, Ru)
1-14. Evelin Lindner. A New Culture of Peace: Can We Hope That Global Society Will Enter Into a Harmonious Information Age? (En, Ru, Sp, Fr)
1-14. John McConnell. Hope for the future (En, Es, Ru, Sp, Fr, Gr, Ge, Po, Ja, Ch, Ar, He)
1-14. Rudolf Siebert. The Golden Rule (En, Es, Ru, Sp, Fr, Gr, Ge, Po, Ja, Ch, Ar, He)
1-14. Reimon Bachika. Rationale of the Peace Calendar (En, Es, Ru, Sp, Fr, Gr, Ge, Po, Ja, Ch, Ar, He)
1-14. Harold Becker. Love and Harmony (En, Es, Ru, Sp, Fr, Gr, Ge, Po, Ja, Ch, Ar, He)
1-14. Renato Corsetti. Esperanto for Linguistic Harmony and Linguistic Rights (En, Ru, Es, Sp, Fr)
1-14. Claude Véziau. Calendars and Creating Harmony through Music (En, Ru, Sp, Fr)
1-14. Bernard Phillips. How to move toward universal harmony: Transition from a stratified to an evolutionary worldview (En, Ru, Sp, Fr)
1-14. Talgat Akbashev. Planet of Education and Harmony (En, Ru, Sp, Fr)
1-14. Igor Shadkhan. Grandmothers and grandfathers for children and peace (En, Ru, Sp, Fr)
1-14. Abram Jusfin. Musical Harmony, Disharmonious Order and Harmony Calendar (En, Ru, Sp, Fr)
1-14. Takis Ioannides. Philosophy, soul harmony and children (En, Ru, Sp, Fr, Gr)
1-14. Leo Semashko. Tetrasociology:  Social Philosophy for a Harmonious Era of an Informational Society (En, Es, Ru, Sp, Fr, Gr, Ge, Po, Ja, Ch, Ar, He)
1-15. John McConnell. Essays: A State of World Message. The State of the World – and What to Do? Hope for the future. Dynamic Benevolence. An Earth Day Formula for the Future. Iran, Earth Day and Star of Hope (With Leo Semashko’s comments). McConnell Family History (En, Ru)
3-7-1. Takis Ioannides. Children’s priority in the harmonious family (En, Ru)
4-13. Nina Goncharova, Claude Veziau and Talgat Akbashev. Planeta 3000 Project: Creating through Education an alternative Culture of harmonious civilization (En, Ru)
5-1. Hilarie Roseman. Drawing. Love Open to Life (En, Ru)
5-13. Guy Crequie. Poems about children to June 1 (En, Fr)
7-18-1. Thomas Swiderek. Children’s policy and participation of young people in decision making in Germany (En, Ru)
8-2. Hilarie Roseman. Peace be upon you (En)
8-2. Leo Semashko. Congratulations o­n Global Harmony Day, June 21 (En, Ru)
9-1. Paul Craig Roberts. The Evil Is In Our Government. Is the Bush Regime a state sponsor of terrorism? (En)
10-6. Leo Semashko. Children’s priority: humanity’s salvation! (En, Ru)

New friendly sites:
John McConnell’s sites: www.earthsite.org, www.wowzone.com
Sergio Tripi: Good News Agency: www.goodnewsagency.org

Dr Leo Semashko
Universal Peace Ambassador; ISSR, IFLAC Russia and Website www.peacefromharmony.org
June 15, 2006.

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© Website author: Leo Semashko, 2005; © designed by Roman Snitko, 2005