Network Spherons: The UN Harmony Replacing UN Disharmony.
Sociocybernetic Model of Spherons’ Global Harmonious Governance (SMSGHG) at the UN level
--------------------------------------------------------------- Global Harmony Association (GHA) Harmonious Civilization Spiritual Culture Citizens of Earth! Unite in harmony for love, peace, freedom, justice, fraternity and happiness!
GHA since February 15, 2005 is an international peacemaking NGO uniting more than 600 members in 65 countries and more than one million participants from the GHA collective members in 80 countries. Web: www.peacefromharmony.org
Board: 36 GHA members from 14 countries
List of GHA books and projects of global peace from harmony:
http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=472 GHA headquarters: Office A 170, New Manglapuri, New Delhi 110045, India; Ph. 124 4266169. Email: ghatrust@gmail.com
GHA Mission is:
To bring global peace from harmony and to build a conscious way for harmonious civilization on scientifically based ‘The ABC of Harmony’ and through ‘Global Peace Science’(GPS) by the projects of global harmony, harmonious education and intercultural dialogue Video. SOCIONOME: http://youtu.be/hbxY5lREOeA Scenario: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=578 The ABC of Harmony: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=478 Global Peace Science: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/docs/global-peace-science-2016.pdf ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Network Spherons*: The UN of Harmony and Global Peace Replacing the UN of Disharmony. Sociocybernetic Model of Spherons ’ Global Harmonious Governance (SMSGHG) at the UN level
*The network societal spherons (a network of spherons of different levels from micro to mega) is a special "soft" cluster of network structures that cover the population as a whole and all people from birth to death in the form of extremely large classes/groups engaged in four spheres of social production. Their primary cohesivecriterion is productive employment ("autopoiesis" of Maturana). Autopoiesis constitutes all the fundamental attributes of spherons: equality, harmony, peace, freedom, democracy, etc. See for more details below 2.3.5.
We propose a Spheral Model and Architecture of the UN Harmony Instead National Model and Architecture of the UN Disharmony
2023 addition
More details: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1116
The History and UN Bifurcation Point: Death in False Peace or Life in True Peace? By Leo Semashko (For dialogue and discussion) Publication: In English: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1120 In Russian: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=1024 It is known that any peace is better than war. But it is not true that every peace is an alternative to war and is free, pure from war. on the contrary, not every peace excludes war, not every rejects it, not every does not give rise to it. Therefore, thinkers have long divided peace into a false one, which prepares and gives rise to war, and a true one, which excludes it, preventing its sprouts. The history law is: every false peace ends by war. Therefore, the whole history is a change of different versions of traditional false peace. False peace is the illusory, partial and temporary peace of the break between wars and the war preparation. It is subject to war, therefore it is always militaristic that makes security in it always false, unequal, determined by the quantity and quality of weapons, constantly stimulating an unrestrained arms race. The false peace convincing fact is the last century: Versailles (1919-1937) and Yalta (1945) peace treaties. The Versailles Treaty, filled with local wars and an arms race, ended the WWII, which involved more than 60 countries and brought over 70 million victims. The Yalta Peace, concluded in February 1945, already in August of this year proved its falsity by the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and today - in Ukraine. For almost 80 years, it has been filled with 37 US wars with almost 30 million victims (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=816) and an accelerated arms race that has brought humanity to the very brink of nuclear genocide. During this time, it "hung" the humanity life to a thread of 90 seconds (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=924), leaving it only one chance in a thousand. For the next decade, it planned the prospect of its multiple compression in the new nuclear arms race, primarily the USA and Russia, which have 96% of the world's nuclear arsenal enough to destroy life on the planet by hundredfold. The strategies of their leaders: Biden’s “peace through force” and Putin’s “peace of guns and butter”, as well as the Europe leaders and others united by the Yalta’s UN, are identical during 80 years in false peace, with all the differences in their nuances, in the common slogan for humanity: “Forward, towards a planetary nuclear Auschwitz/Hiroshima!” They and their institutions do not know true peace, therefore they are unable to understand, want and discuss it in the dialogue, limiting themselves to the militaristic, false peace in the total peacemaking ignorance of true peace. As the League of Nations of the false Versailles peace inevitably led to the WWII, so the UN of the false Yalta peace during about 80 years stubbornly leads to the inevitable nuclear WWIII, increasing its probability and death of humanity by a thousand times that will become the history physical end. The quantum leap of the false UN into the true UN was proposed on the basis of spheronics in the GGHA 2017 scientific project (https://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=769 and https://www.transcend.org/tms/2018/01/network-spherons-the-un-of-harmony-and-global-peace-replacing-the-un-of-disharmony/) and in its 2020 “Anti-Nuclear Manifesto” (https://peacefromharmony.org/docs/Anti-Nuclear-Manifesto-XXI.pdf), which both are still tabooed by the false UN. Read more: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1120
Spheral Structure of the UN Harmony
The UN Sociocybernetic Reform Proposal: After more than 72 years of its existence, the structures and organisational processes of the United Nations (UN) are still dominated by dangerous militaristic disharmony among its members. This is bringing humanity closer to the threat of a new world (nuclear) war. The world’s peoples need a non-militaristic, harmonious, sociocybernetic, scientific structure and organisational process for the UN. A 50 year strategy for making the needed reforms is proposed.
The proposal is motivated and described in detail below. GHA 57-th network spheral project, Started on: July 15, 2017 Approved: December 16, 2017 Created on the basis of the "Global Peace Science" (2016) by 173 co-authors from 34 countries: http://peacefromharmony.org/docs/global-peace-science-2016.pdf Synopsis of the World Textbook for the UN global harmonious sociocybernetic education: "Spherons of Harmonious Peace, Governance and Cooperation" Authors: Leo Semashko, Bernard Scott, Subhash Chandra, Rudolf Siebert, Vladislav Krasnov, Ramesh Kumar, Sanjay Tewari, Uraz Baymuratov, Irina Medvedeva, Ayo Amale, Subhash Sharma, Takis Ioannides, Bishnu Pathak, Maitreyee Roy, Surendra Pathak, Alexander Semashko, Vera Popovich, Guy Crequie, Julian Korab-Karpowicz, Pravat Dhal, Michael Ellis: - the GHA 21 members
(personal pages of coauthors can be found at web: http://peacefromharmony.org) From 11 countries: Australia, Great Britain, Ghana, Greece, India, Kazakhstan, Nepal, Poland, Russia, USA, France With the support of 173 coauthors from 34 countriesof the book "Global Peace Science", none of whose coauthors rejected this project including support of two Nobel Peace Prize Laureates: Prof. John Scales Avery, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate (shared 1995 award), Chairman of the Danish Peace Academy, Copenhagen, Denmark, http://www.fredsakademiet.dk , http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=672 и Mairead Maguire, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate 1976, stopped the terror in Belfast, Northern Ireland, Community for Peace People, http://www.peacepeople.com/MaireadCMaguire.htm/ , http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=678 Dr. Leo Semashko is Project Initiator, Manager and Editor in Chief, Russia. GHA Founder and Honorary President; Honorary Member of the RC51, Sociocybernetics, International Sociological Association http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=253 - leo.semashko@gmail.com
"The GHA great project of our century is making a networked world a collaborative enterprise. Awareness of how interdependence creates specific and concrete opportunities as well as challenges is the sine qua non for success. SPHERONS is a valuable instrument for achieving that level of enlightened consciousness and global peace." Michael Brenner Michael Brenner is Professor Emeritus of International Affairs at the University of Pittsburgh and a Fellow of the Center for Transatlantic Relations at SAIS/Johns Hopkins. He was the Director of the International Relations & Global Studies Program at the University of Texas. He is a regular contributor to the Huffington Post and other news media: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=775 “We must dissolve the current geopolitical UN war system, and convert the UN to a global peace system.” Dr. Roger Kotila, Vice President, World Constitution and Parliament Association, Radio producer, “Earthstar Radio”, San Francisco, California, USA: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=680 “The evidence clearly shows that national security is far better achieved by intelligent diplomacy than by war. The way to national security is through peace and negotiation, not through war.” Dave Lindorff Dave Lindorff is an American investigative reporter: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=804
Dear Leo, Just to inform you that as you requested, I have sent the Global Harmony Assoc., Project to UN Sec General Antonio Guterres(sg@un.org) and to President of the UN General AssemblyMiroslav Lajcak (infopga@un.org) and copy to Spokesperson:Brendan Varma(varma@un.org) Peace, Mairead Maguire January 24, 2018
My dear friend Leo, I have contacted John Borroughs, the Director of the UN Office of the Lawyer's Committee on Nuclear Policy to ask about the possibility of delivering your document on UN reform by hand to the office of the UN Secretary General and the office of the President of the General Assembly. I will also send the document by post, and as I mentioned, I will let you know if I receive a reply. With love to you and to other dear GHA friends throughout the world, John Avery January 26, 2018
In English: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=769
https://www.transcend.org/tms/2018/01/network-spherons-the-un-of-harmony-and-global-peace-replacing-the-un-of-disharmony/ In Russian: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=736 In Spanish: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=es_c&key=113
In French: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=fr_c&key=142
In Arabic: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ar_c&key=12
Harmony will save the world, because: "The internal harmony of the world is the only true objective reality." Henri Poincare “You never change things by fighting the existing reality.To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” Buckminster FullerThe significant problems that we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them. Albert Einstein Einstein affirms here the necessity for a spheral, harmonious and holistic thinking as its historically new level, on which the significant problems created by traditional thinking solve. GHA “Vasudheva kutumbakam”, humankind is one family. Ancient Indian Vedas “Our Global System of the United Nations is not equipped to deal with today’s risks.
It is no longer fit for purpose to deal with 21st century risks ... We urgently need fresh new thinking” Laszlo Szombatfalvy Therefore, governglobal harmony can only by harmoniously and holistically excluding militarism, aggression, wars and other risks. Authors “Boldness has genius and power and magic”. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe “The greatest danger in times of turbulence is not the turbulence― It is to act with yesterday’s logic.” Peter Drucker The Science of War is being replaced by a Global Science of Peace based on love, Harmony, reverence for life and creation. Mairead Maguire Abbreviations list: 1.WWIII: The Third World War 2.WWII: Second World War 3.UNH: United Nations Harmony 4.TUN: Traditional UN or UND: United Nations Disharmony 5.PIHSC: Peaceful International Harmonious Scientific Cooperation 6.IHLO: International Harmonious Law and Order 7.IPAF: International Peacekeeping Armed Forces of UNH 8.JHC: Joined Harmonious Command of IPAF 9.SMSGHG: Sociocybernetic Model of the Spherons’ Global Harmonious Governance 10.GPS: Global Peace Science from harmony 11.SGC: Spheral Governing Clusters 12.SGCC: SGC Consensus 13.EUN: Experimental UN, identical to UNH 14.FSEUS: Four Spheral Equations Universal Standard 15.SHD: Spheral Harmonious Democracy 16.GHC: Global Harmony Charter for UNH 17.UNHSGA: UNH Spheral General Assembly 18.UNHSWG: UNH Spheral World Government 19.PHC: Peace from Harmony Council - analogue of the modern UN Security Council 20.PHSC: Peace from Harmony Supreme Court 21.SAGH: Sociocybernetic Axiom of Global Harmony 22.PIOT resources: People, Information, Organizations, Things 23.SIOT-spheres: Sociosphere, Infosphere, Orgsphere and Technoecosphere 24.SIOT-classes, Spherons: SocioSpheron, InfoSpheron, OrgSpheron and TechnoSpheron 25.SOCIONOME: Sociocybernetic Genome of humankind, or the genetic code of world peace from harmony 26.HTSM: Humankind Thermodynamic Spheral Model 27.TMDESE: Thermodynamic Model of Distribution and Exchange of Solar Energy for Natural Spheres of the Earth: Litho-, Hydro-, Atmo- and Bio- 28.TSSH: Tetranet Spheral Statistics of Harmony 29.SSHM: System of Spheral Harmony Matrices 30.ULNSSH: Unified Logical Network Statistical Space of Humanity 31.SHT: Spheral Harmonization Technologies 32.SIST: Spheral Information-Statistical Technology 33.IAHP: International Academy of Harmony and Peace 34.CPWE: Children's Priority and Women’s Equality 35.CSEP: Children's Suffrage Executed by Parents 36.GPD: Governments Peace Departments 37.GCDH: General and Complete Disarmament from Harmony 38.IPAF: UNH International Peacekeeping Armed Forces 39.INPCH: UNH International-National Peace Corps from Harmony 40.GFHHPE: General Free Higher Harmonious Peace Education 41.HRC: Harmonious Reserve Currency 42.ROEP: Roadmap for Overcoming Extreme Poverty 43.MMMM: Minimizing the Maximum and Maximizing the Minimum 44.EHFC: Earth Harmonious Federation Constitution 45.SIHA: Spherons’ Integral Harmony Axiology ----------------------------------- Contents Abstract – p.6 Preamble:World Harmony or a Nuclear World War III? – 7 1. Critical Part. The Main Shortcomings of the UN and its Charter Weakness - 7 2. Constructive part: Towards a UN of Harmony (UNH) and its Charter. Sociocybernetic Model of UNH – 10 Appendix 1. Picture "Spherons" - 32 Appendix 2. Motivation. Facts. War Globalization Trend - 33 Appendix 3. Philosophy and Dialectics of the UNH Spherons – 44 Appendix 4.Declaration. Human Right to Life, Global Peace and Social Harmony- 47 Appendix 5. The UN Harmony Goals of the 21st Century instead of the UN Disharmony "Millennium Goals" - 57 Appendix 6. Spherons of the USA and Russia: transformation of "enemies" into friends and partners -61 Appendix 7. Aphorisms and statements about harmonyof different thinkers for the UNH - 62 Appendix 8. Bibliography –65-77 Abstract The United Nations is a disharmonious organisation of nation states, in which the dominant powers are mired in an arms race and various wars. The project proposes a new holistic sociocybernetic and tetrasociological model of global harmonious governance for a new UN of harmony. The model is based on the four spheres of social production of the young Karl Marx, when his ideas were still free from political dogmas about a struggle between different classes, and the concept of autopoiesis of Humberto Maturana.The global population is engaged in the activities of the spheres as ‘spherons’. The four spherons are: 1. the sociospheron which produces people; 2. the infospheron which produces information; 3. the orgspheron which produces organisations; 4. the technospheron which produces things. Spherons, by definition, by their activities reproduce the human social world.Spherons can be viewed as the stochastic sociocybernetic genome of humankind - the genetic code of its harmony. Their dynamics are revealed in the information and organizational technologies that harmonise the entire range of direct and feedback linkages of society such that society is reproduced.Their harmonious working is prevented by mankind’s lack of awareness of these processes. Instead of learning about how the spherons are functioning so as to avoid disharmony,with the emphasis on nation states and individualism we are subject to conflict and other societal and individual pathologies. If we were to be aware of how spherons reproduce the world we would agree with this peace science and its proposals for how to move towards a more harmonious world. The project offers a unique sociocybernetic and tetrasociological model of global harmonious governance of spherons to replace the UN of disharmonybya new UN of harmony and peace. Key words: UN, USA, NATO, war, militarism, disharmony, peace, harmony, spherons, sociocybernetics, tetrasociology, global harmonious governance The US Has Killed More Than 20 Million In 37 Nations Since WWII. Lucas The US has deployed 240,000 troops in 172 countries around the world. Reimann You can't have a democracy that organizes itself around war. Giroux We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if mankind is to survive. Einstein Join together for a common vision – the total abolition of Militarism and war. Maguire Preamble:World Harmony or a Nuclear World War III? “Today, people are finally waking up to the dangers of a world war, which might emanate from the highest levels of the US government as pre-emptive strike against a ‘rogue’ state. [1] Seventy two years of the continual militarism of the United States since WWII, have proved two simple and ingenious truthsof the XX century. one belongs to Albert Einstein: "Peace cannot be achieved through violence, it can only be achieved through understanding." The other belongs to Martin Luther King: "The US government is the greatest purveyor of violence in the world". It is also true that other nation states and totalitarian ideologies have given rise to wars, terrorism and violent conflict. In the postwar period, the United Nations, established in 1945, called for peace and the prevention of wars, but has been largely incapable of fulfilling its peacekeeping mission. Why has this happened? The GHA 57th project is devoted to this urgent question, the main conclusion of which is the necessity and the possibility of creating a qualitatively (structurally) new UN of Harmony (UNH), which gradually will replace the existing UN of militaristic disharmony. But what are its main shortcomings? 1.Critical Part. The UN Main Shortcomings and its Charter Weakness We list the fundamental shortcomings of the UN, which make it disharmonious/militaristic during 72 years under the protectorate of the US-NATO militarism that prevails in the world and in the UN. It is confirmed by numerous facts, a small part of which is presented in Appendix 2 (below). 1. Ontological deficiency. The level of military danger for the survival of mankind and the preservation of a global peace for 72 years of the UN has not gone down but has grown to the extreme limit of a momentary (30 seconds) catastrophe. 2. Teleological defect. The absence in the UN documents and in its goals of the millennium of the first key goal is the global peace. Explanation. Is it possible to qualify and recognize the UN as a peacekeeping organization that does not even mention or plan the global peace among its own purposes for a thousand years (!!!)? No one can! Because if its ultimate goal is not global peace, then it becomes a global war! Therefore, such a UN is not a peacemaker but a disharmonious /militaristic institution whose real purpose is to preserve the war for a thousand years! 3. Humanitarian/humanistic shortcoming. The actual absence in the UN documents [118] of the first human right - the right to life (it is mentioned by the single word in article 3), which would put the war, armed violence and militarism outlawed as a crime against humanity. In the absence of a legitimate human right to life, war, armed violence and militarism in the UN are legitimized and not recognized as a crime, gaining the right to an endless life. 4. Epistemological defect. Superficial pacifism: the complete absence in the UN documents of a scientific definition and understanding of the global peace, its deep structure, source, guarantor and actors, as well as awareness of the primary need to create and develop the science of global peace as an alternative to military science blooming over 200 years. Pacifism prevails in the absence of the peace science, which will replace it when it (science) finds public recognition and support. Traditional pacifism, impotent against all wars of the 20th century is the main epistemological defect as a deficit of the scientific (systemic, holistic, harmonious) consciousness of global peace. This is a defining shortcoming that generates all the other shortcomings of the UN. Epistemological deficit is focused in the traditional non-systemic, torn, superficial, fragmentary and militaristic way of thinking, which engenders all negative globalizations and is powerless before them. In the middle of the last century, Albert Einstein defined its danger for humanity: "We must demand a fundamentally new way of thinking if humanity wants to survive." [71] The UN was unable to find in 72 years a" fundamentally new way of thinking", so it was powerless before the domination of the militarization negative trends. Our project offers for the UN a "fundamentally new way of thinking" - harmonious, peacemaking, networked, systemic, spheral, multidimensional and holistic in a single scientific sociocybernetic paradigm (below) that makes up the core of both natural and artificial intelligence. Without such thinking, repair and reforming of the TUN are impossible. 5. Axiological insufficiency. Complete disregard of the key integral value of social harmony, which expresses the genetic social structure of the spherons, constituting an objective source, guarantor and actor of global peace. The reason for this is an epistemological defect, or, more simply and clearly, - the scientific ignorance of traditional pacifism. 6. Praxiological defect. The UN is completely dependent from US-NATO militarism, which established, in fact, a protectorate over the United Nations, imposing to all its members a general arms race and total militarism without alternatives. Militarists have learned to profitably use the weakness of the pacifist UN in its mercantile purposes and as an ideological cover for their wars and aggressions, which enrich them with maximum profits. 7. Organizational shortcoming. Membership of the UN is militaristic; all members of the UN, without exception, have armies, military science and military budgets without borders, presenting a constant military threat to each other and therefore are forced to spend a total of about $ 5 billion each day to protect themselves from others [70]. The UN membership does not put any barrier to total militarism, which excludes all hope for peace. Another organizational shortcoming of the UN is the "inverted totalitarian" democracy organized around the war, devoid of scientific knowledge of peace, excluding the peaceful equality of all the UN members and incapable to organize itself for peace instead of war. 8. Information flaw. All the so-called "UN peacekeeping" resolutions, in the conditions of the above-mentioned limiting gaps, turn out to be unfounded, verbose, repetitive and crowded with "information noise", depriving them of true peacemaking sense and hiding their secret militaristic essence, disavowing any peace. All of them are practically inaccessible to the understanding of the majority of the population and alien to it. All the UN shortcomings are signs of a crisis and the degeneration of traditional pacifist peacemaking and its thinking, intellectually incapable to break with militarism and countering it with a constructive scientific alternative, an example of which is presented below. These shortcomings of the UN determine the weakness of its pacifist Charter. The UN Charter begins with the following remarkable pacifist statements: “WE THE PEOPLES OF THE UNITED NATIONS DETERMINED- to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, which twice in our lifetime has brought untold sorrow to mankind, and
- to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small, and
- to establish conditions under which justice and respect for the obligations arising from treaties and other sources of international law can be maintained, and
- to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom,
AND FOR THESE ENDS- to practice tolerance and live together in peace with one another as good neighbours, and
- to unite our strength to maintain international peace and security, and
- to ensure, by the acceptance of principles and the institution of methods, that armed force shall not be used, save in the common interest, and
- to employ international machinery for the promotion of the economic and social advancement of all peoples,
HAVE RESOLVED TO COMBINE OUR EFFORTS TO ACCOMPLISH THESE AIMS CHAPTER I: PURPOSES AND PRINCIPLESArticle 1The Purposes of the United Nations are: - To maintain international peace and security, and to that end: to take effective collective measures for the prevention and removal of threats to the peace, and for the suppression of acts of aggression …;
- To develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples,…;
- To achieve international co-operation in solving international problems of an economic, social, cultural, or humanitarian character, and in promoting and encouraging respect for human rights and for fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language, or religion; and
- To be a centre for harmonizing the actions of nations in the attainment of these common ends.”[119]
Which of these intentions and goals of the UN Charter have been fulfilled in 72 years? 1. Do the innumerable facts of continuous wars give grounds for "succeeding generations" to recognize that "the peoples of the UN", in the first 72 years of its existence, demonstrated a full "determination to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war"? It's impossible to recognize! We can only recognize the opposite! 2. Where is the UN as "the center for harmonizing the actions of nations in the attainment" to peace, when for 72 years on its agenda there was not one fundamental issue of global peace and no significant approximation to it? Instead, humanity sees only a steady approach to the final world war. 3. Where is "armed force shall not be used, save in the common interest "? When the US-NATO carried out armed aggressions and interventions in 37 wars almost every two years for 72 years! 4. What kind of "faith in fundamental human rights" can there be, if among them actually there is not (it is mentioned by the single word in article 3 of the Human Rights Declaration) the fundamental human right to life? Its ignoring makes the endless wars a legitimate, legally justified international norm. 5. What could be "the dignity and worth of the human person" if its life is not recognized as a original right and fundamental dignity and worth that opens up unlimited scope for military killings? Without the recognition of the fundamental human right to life and without the consequent prohibition of any war (other than the war on terrorism) as the highest crime against humanity, all other articles of the UN Charter remain empty gesturesfor global peace. This was confirmed by the 72 years of the UN. The way out of the reality of extreme militarism, historical ignorance of pacifism and the intellectual tragedy of the United Nations, like the League of Nations before it, is the development of Global Peace Science [78]. only on its basis can the scientific Charter of a UN of Harmony be created. only in a UN of Harmony is it possible to recognize the human right to life and the criminality of war. only a UN of Harmony is capable of proclaiming the uniting peoples in harmony of the deep communities – spherons, engaged in global social production with the provision of a universal peace from their genetic code. Of course, there are many positive particulars in the UN Charter that must be preserved in the new paradigm and architecture of a UN of Harmony and in its Charter. But this is only part of the general question: WhatispositiveintheUN? What are its achievements in 72 years? Of course, they are some, but no one has summarised them. We did not find any scientific work on this subject with evidence and facts. This is also a shortcoming, but not only ours. We intend to fill it in 2018 in the collective work "Achievements of the United Nations for 72 years, their quantity and quality" in order to separate the "wheat from chaff" and highlight those that should be included in the science of global peace and preserved in it and in the UNH project. Instead of a weak pacifist UN Charter, we need a scientific and strong UNH Charter, the general statements of which are formulated in this project. 2. Constructive part.
Towards a UN of Harmony (UNH) and its Charter. Sociocybernetic Model of UNH
2.1. Foreword. Tetrasociology and Sociocybernetics: concepts of societal spheres and network spherons for the UN harmony
The mutually complementary fruitful collaboration of Tetrasociology and Sociocybernetics as the holistic and pluralistic system theories that fully recognize each other began with the preface to the "Tetrasociology" [121] of the two leaders of the International Sociological Association's (ISA) Research Committee on Sociocybernetics (RC51) Dr. Bernd Hornung, Germany [122] and Dr. Bernard Scott, England [123]. The last of them kindly agreed to be the editor of the English edition of this book, which was presented at 32 sessions of XVI ISA Congress in Brisbane, Australia, in July 2002, where tetrasociology first became known to Western scholars. At the same time, the three of us wrote a long article about the correlation of the categories of our two sciences, especially the four spheres of social production and the four harmonious classes of the population employed in them [124], which were later laconically called "spherons"– "employed, engaged, occupied in spheres". In tetrasociology as a theory of social harmony, global peace and harmonious civilization, the concepts of spheres and spherons have been developing since 1976 [125]. Integrating with socio-cybernetics, tetrasociology acquires systemic cybernetic wealth from it and at the same time raises it to the level of the third order, enriching it with system categories of spheres and spherons and preserving all the achievements of its previous orders [126]. At this level, it becomes the sociocybernetics of the harmony of the societal spheres and the spherons occupied in them. Therefore, the proposed "Sociocybernetic Model of Spherons’ Global Harmonious Governance" (SMSGHG) for UN harmony is simultaneously tetrasociological, which is fundamentally revealed in "Global Peace Science" [78]. This model has long been prepared theoretically as a result of the scientific cooperation of Tetrasociology and Sociocybernetics, which are free from theoretical narrowness and scientific limitation of the traditional ideologies of the 20th century. 2.2. Introduction Global Harmonious Scientific Governance on the UN level: Sociocybernetics of the Spheres and Spherons’ Harmony Historically developed forms and models of national and global governance demonstrate the inability to effectively address growing national and global problems, risks and challenges. It expressed well here: “OUR GLOBAL SYSTEM IS NOT EQUIPPED TO DEAL WITH TODAY’S RISKS. Our current international system – including but not limited to the United Nations – was set up in another era, following the Second World War. It is no longer fit for purpose to deal with 21st century risks ... We urgently need fresh new thinking in order to address the scale and gravity of today’s global challenges, which have outgrown the present system’s ability to handle them” [70]. The root cause of the global governance insolvency after 1945 is disharmony, i.e. fragmentation, mismatch, imbalance and disproportion of international cooperation of the states-nations. Their disharmony engenders constant conflicts, tensions and mistrust between them in all directions, manifested in a multitude of global crises and risks: military, economic, financial, trade, migration, sports, religious, etc. The status quo of objective disharmony of international cooperation of national states is directly broadcast and continues in the UN for more than 70 years, which remains powerless before them for the same root cause of internal disharmony. Overcoming the disharmony of international cooperation and global governance is possible only by their harmony, the necessity of which was recognized by the outstanding thinkers of all civilizations: Egypt, Greece, India, China, Africa, Latin America from ancient times. Scientific global governance can only be harmonious in wholenessof all diversity of its parts; and the holistic in harmony (or harmonious in integrity) governance. It can only be scientific, not spontaneous and intuitive, requiring a new systematic harmonious scientific thinking. The absence of a scientific model of harmonious governance determines the absence of a harmonious model of organization and the subject of governance at all levels, including the UN. Based on the formulated fundamental prerequisites, we propose to govern international cooperation in order to address and prevent the global risks of disharmony and ensure the harmonious sustainable evolution of humankind by the United Nations in Harmony (UNH) on the basis of the fundamental scientific transformation of the traditional UN. From our point of view, the most promising way of developing fundamental social knowledge is focused in interdisciplinary Sociocybernetics. [see below]. It integrates the achievements of traditional knowledge, raising it to the level of global systemic integrity and overcoming its fragmentation. Our model of global governance develops within the framework of Sociocybernetics of spheres and Spherons’ harmony as Sociocybernetics of the third order, including its previous orders. It determines the "Sociocybernetic Model of the Spherons’ Global Harmonious Governance" (SMSGHG), which we suggest for the UNH. In this universal for all levels model, the Spherons are harmonious classes/communities of humanity constituting the key object and subject/actor of global harmony and its governance, revealed below. They are its center and heart. The UNH SMSGHG is based on the following fundamental scientific premises of Sociocybernetics: 1. The discovery of Norbert Wiener society as a cybernetic system of all diversity of its parts with feedback/influence of each of them to all others [127]. This idea develops in the writings of Ludwig Bertalanffy [128] and other system thinkers, for example, the background of Heinz vonFoerster, [129], Felix Geyer [130; 131] and Bernard Scott [132-138],which led to the creation of Sociocybernetics. 2. The discovery of Humberto Maturana: he determined the basic quality of "autopoiesis" (self-production) of all living beings including individuals engaged from birth to death in autopoiesis along with other people. The system of individual autopoiesis creates a system of public autopoiesis as a social production [139]. 3. The young Karl Marx’s hypothesis, before his materialism, of four spheres of social production [140]. This conjecture was scientifically confirmed and detailed in many works, starting with the fundamental works of Robert Park [141], Fernand Braudel [142], Talcott Parsons [143], Stafford Beer [144], Gordon Pasck [145], Niklas Luhmann [146; 147], Alvin Toffler [148; 149], Pierre Bourdieu [150; 151] and many others. They viewed the whole society as a system of those or other four socio-cultural production systems/spheres and corresponding actors, which provide society with four necessary and sufficient resources: people, information, organizations and things (PIOT resources). 4. The pluralistic philosophy of harmony Henri Poincare, the basic propositions of which he formulated as follows: "The internal harmony of the world is the only true objective reality. The best expression of this harmony is law [nature's regularity]... mathematics... The world is divine because it is a harmony."[152] This philosophy remained virtually unnoticed in the 20th century. But it has deep historical roots in knowledge of harmony of the cosmos, society and human in the works of Confucius, Buddha, Pythagoras, Plato, Neo-Platonists, Kepler, Kant and many other outstanding thinkers of humankind. Especially important are the ideas of Kant's social harmony as a deep human nature, ensuring eternal peace and sustainable functioning of society at all levels from the family and the nation to humanity as a whole. [153] The history of philosophy and sociology of harmony in the perspective of its blossoming futurology is considered in many of our works [154 and others]. 5. The Duality Law of "Harmony - Disharmony" and their mutual ousting in any society. [155; 156] Based on these prerequisites, we formulate the main, structural difference and alternative to traditional branch governance - the spheral Sociocyberneticstructure of global governance and its subjects/actors in the UNH SMSGHG. To four spheres of social production and four Spherons employed in these spheres correspond four spheral organizational subsystems of governance and four spheral subjects/actors of governance in it at all its levels. Legislative, executive and judicial bodies in the SMSGHG are structured and constituted into spheralgoverning clusters (SGC), which form typical modules of management institutions and ensure their structural similarity and their functional coherence at different levels that overcome the disharmony and structural mismatch of traditional branch governance. Spheral structural symmetry of the SMSGHG governing institutions at all levels is a necessary condition for effective global harmonious governance. This is its first rule. Its second law is coherence to establish and maintain the permissible limits of minimum and maximum for all operating parts/subsystems of the controlled and controlling systems. This is a universal law of harmony of effective global governance. Other rules are detailed below. Democratic decision-making procedures at the UNH SMSGHG are based on dialogue and spheral consensus of SGC at each level. Spheral consensus is the unanimity of the spheral actors of governance by the majority of votes in each of them. There can be no confrontation between the spheral actors of governance and the opposition on the issue of harmony as a single goal and strategy, but they are permissible and possible within these actors, between their different parts on ways and means of their implementation. This excludes antagonism between them and the suppression of any spheral actor, but leaves room for internal system opposition in resolving differences between their parts through the widest possible dialogue. The mechanism of built-in systemic opposition prevents any possibility of dictatorship and usurpation of power by any party and any official in the system of spheral democracy of UNH. A dynamic mechanism for mutual control of SGC in SMSGHG is ensured by free association of any of them for verification and control of any of them. It minimizes the total corruption that is irresistible in the traditional management and excludes it in principle. The procedure for the appointment of key persons in the SMSGHG is also exercised through the democratic mechanism of spheral consensus. 2.3. The UNH SMSGHG Description 1. International need for a fundamentally new model of global governance The founder of the Global Challenges Foundation in a result of his vast intellectual and practical experience for more than 60 years, came to the following irreproachable conclusions regarding the international need for a fundamentally new model of global governance: 1.Sovereign nation-states are unable to manage the global challenges in a satisfactory way. 2.No national politician is accountable for the good of all humankind. 3.The American electoral system should be reviewed. 4.Even though every nation says it wants to live in peace, we spend nearly five billion dollars every day to defend ourselves against each other. My belated conclusion is that no governance system can guarantee that there will be no future wars – unless we implement global and total disarmament. 5.I can only see one rational solution: We have to find a new, more effective way to cooperate globally. We urgently need to find a new system of governance, which would effectively and fairly manage the major global challenges. 6.I’m convinced that new ideas will continue to hatch as long as humans exist. New and better models can start a much-needed global debate. 7.Now there is a great risk and problem complex which the world urgently needs to address.” [157; 158]. In these 7 points, a correct assessment of the absolute inability and insufficiency of traditional global governance is expressed, and on the other hand - a firm awareness of the need for an alternative model and a clear strategy for its development. Both requirements are laid in the basis of the global governance model proposed below, which fully meets them. 2. Risks’ ranges and governance’s priorities According to the survey “The UN is considered the most able to respond to global risks (60%) but there is overwhelming support for it to be reformed (85%). - Usage of weapons of mass destruction is ranked as the global risk needing the most urgent response (62%), followed by politically motivated violence (57%) and climate change (56%).
- Eight adults in ten (85%) think that the UN needs to be reformed to better address global risks. only 7% do not think that it needs to be reformed.” [159]
3. Brief overview of the traditional global governance models The review of "Global governance models in history" showed the main weaknesses of traditional management models and some necessary requirements. The main one is that the global governance of mankind must lean "on the basis of what all have in common," which is revealed only by science in the best way. [160] However, scientific understanding of the general structure and actors of humankind is still missing. Another weakness of traditional management is the ignoring of the "fundamental law of Republic" of Montesquieu: "The firmness and prosperity of democracy always depend from the correct division on the classes of the population with the right to vote". [161] Purely legal models of global governance are helpless without scientific social grounds, as demonstrated by the failure of many attempts to implement them in the 20th century. The UNH SMSGHG can only be democratic, but in an updated form of spheral democracy, which, unlike traditional, "will allow us to make collective decisions at the global level, taking into account the interests of all." [160] We found the most adequate for it the system of legislative procedures proposed by lawyers Grenville Clark and Louis Sohn in 1958 [162 pp. 12-17; 163; 164]. This system, aimed at ensuring global peace and general disarmament is using with some modifications in our model of global governance. It can include some other legal projects of global governance and world democracy. 4. The UNH SMSGHG Structure This Model is proposed for the beginning, for 4-5 years of testing as an experimental mode of functioning of the traditional UN. Therefore, we will distinguish between two orders and two UN systems: "traditional UN" (TUN) and "experimental UN" (EUN) identical to the UNH. Both modes operate simultaneously, in parallel, but the experimental regime in the annual dynamic range of 2-6 months, is included in the TUN and is subordinate to it although it must have a relative autonomy enshrined in its Charter. Their fundamental difference is that the TUNhas reconciled over 70 years with endless disharmonies, especially militarism and wars, and the UNH excludes them by harmony in all ways and in all dimensions. For this the highest principle of the experimental UNH proclaims the "reality of global harmony" (Poincare) in its "deep societal structure" of four constant production spheres and the four constant Spherons of humankind. This "four-spheral" structure was discovered and explored in the first approximation by the spheral Sociocybernetics and Tetrasociology for more than 40 years [165; 166; and others], which requires further international systemic development in view of its extreme complexity and exceptional importance. The four-spheral structure is recognized as the highest structural law of all UNH management bodies, ensuring equal consideration of the interests of each of the four Spherons of humankind. The equality of the Spherons extends to the equality of the UN member states and the genders equality, regardless of their number. It is expressed for all levels by the Four Spheral Equations Universal Standard (FSEUS), which is recognizing in the UNH “Global Harmony Charter” (GHC). The three named governance equality (of spheres/Spherons, nation-states and genders) are integrated by the fourth, defining: "Spheral Harmonious Democracy" (SHD), based on an equal distribution of power between the Spherons and their genders. In the UNH Charter, the Supreme Legislative Body recognizes the “Spheral General Assembly” (SGA) of the UN 196 member-nations, the number of which, taking into account their dynamics, equates to 200 with the representation of each sphere from each state by one "spheral emissary" employed in the corresponding sphere, with a mandate for 3-4 years with equal gender representation of the spheres. The spheral emissaries are appointed by the highest legislative body of each UN member state. (Then they can be elected by the population of each country). As a result, the UNH SGA of the 800 members is created with an equal representation of the interests of each state, each of its production spheres, each of its Spherons and each of its gender, regardless of their number and dynamics. It is possible to expand the SGA twice (1600 emissaries), i.e. on 2 emissaries (woman + man) from each sphere of each member-state will be recognized. This option is more harmonious, fair and preferable, although it is more expensive. The spheral structure of the UNH legislative body with equal representation in it of four spherons from each of its member state is expressed by the corresponding Model-1 above. The UNH SGA is structured into four legislative "Spheral Committees" with the relevant subcommittees on the largest sectors/branches of each global sphere and with equality in all FSEUS dimensions: state, sphere/Spheron, gender and their power. The UNH SGA approves all their rules for the democratic procedures of decision-making. In the UNH Charter, the "Spheral World Government" (SWG) is recognized as the supreme executive body, which is approved by the UNH SGA from "Spheral Ministers" engaged in the relevant spheres of each member state with equal gender representation, with a total of 1,600 ministers who are appointed for 3-4 years by the highest legislative body of a UN member state. The SWG creates for the operational resolutions of the most important issues the "Peace from Harmony Council" (PHC) - analogue of the modern UN Security Council - from the spheral ministers of 20 countries with their alternate annual turnover. The structural similarity of the UNH highest bodies will ensure the equality and harmony of both its power branches. Its SWG is structured into four executive "Spheral Ministries" with the relevant Agencies for the largest sectors/branches of each global sphere and with equality in all FSEUS dimensions. SWG is also structured according to regional continents and subcontinents.The UNH SGA approves the rules and democratic procedures for decision-making and harmonious interaction of Spheral Ministries and their Agencies on the SWG proposal. At the next stage, after 2-4 years’ work of the UNH, SGA establishes its “Peace from Harmony Supreme Court” (PHSC) and approves its staff from the judicial Spheral Emissaries appointed by the UN member states. The UNH Departments should be established in the most conflict regions and hubs of contact of many civilizations: the Middle East, the Balkans [167] and others. This is in general terms the UNH SMSGHG organizational structure. The main attributes of UNH in contrast to the traditional UN: 1. A spheral structure of legislative, executive and judicial bodies, based not on the militarism of nation states and totalitarian ideologies, but on the fundamental peacefulness of the spherons - the harmonious classes of their population employed in the spheres of social production as a single deep structure and common societal denominator of all nations. 2. Membership of nation statesin the UNH implemented on the basis of peaceful and equal spherons. 3. The first peace condition for joining to the UNH is the rejection of militarism and a strict guaranteed obligation of voluntary annual reduction of the military budget of each country by 2%, which will end the arms race and lead in 50 years to general and complete disarmament. 4. The second peace condition for joining to the UNH is a rigorous guaranteed commitment to participate in a Peaceful International Harmonious Scientific Cooperation (PIHSC) with a reduction in military cooperation with other countries. 5. The third peace condition is the transfer of defense and protection of the national sovereignty, integrity and security of each country of the UNH member within the established borders to the competence of UNH and its International Peacekeeping Armed Forces (IPAF) for a transition period of 50 yearsand further. The Joint Harmonious Command (JHC) of the IPAF is created from the military specialists who are exclusively members of the new UNH, which finances it and the IPAF via 2% deductions from military budgets. 6. All the foundations, attributes and conditions of the UNH, including the creation and functioning the UNH IPAF are regulated by its Global Harmony Charter (GHC), the Earth Harmonious Federation Constitution (EHFC) and the Universal Declaration of the PIHSC. These three legal documents are the basis for a new International Harmonious Law and Order (IHLO), excluding war, aggression and militarismю They will be prepared jointly by the International Scientific Harmonious Commission (ISHC) and approved by the UNH legislative body during the 5-6 year transition period from the UN to UNH. The scientific and humanistic justification for the UNH model and its main structures and details are set out in the GHA project, which was prepared in it during more than 12 years. It provides for all peace-loving countries and governments a scientific "understanding" of global peace and the corresponding model of UNH as an alternative to the current UN. 5. Sociocybernetic model of humankind as a governance object in the UNH SMSGHG A scientific model of governance is possible only on the basis of a scientific model of its object. Both models are associated by the sociocybernetic feedbacks: the model of governance object includes and defines the model of its subject as its organizational, controlling, and observing subsystem, which in turn includes the scientific image/paradigm of governance object as an information basis for an adequate correction of changes in governance object. It is the supreme goal of all governance. The adequacy and other qualities of the object scientific model are the source of vitality, efficiency, stability and all other positive qualities of governance, its subject and its model. The UNH SMSGHGobject is the humanity in the unity of all its communities and states in its historical system of integral life-supporting production system. Spheral Sociocybernetics analyzes the humanity universal integrity in four research subsystems: Statics, Dynamics, Structuratics and Genetics. We confine ourselves to the brief summary of only the first three. All of them are based and integrated by the fundamental Sociocybernetic Axiom of Global Harmony (SAGH): The harmonious (sustainable) existence of a society in any place and at any time is defined by the measure in proportion of four equal necessary and sufficient social resources: People (P), Information (I), Organizations (O) and Things (T). (Things are any material benefits and services). Social resources are expressed in the chain: People (P) – Information (I) – Organization (O) – Things (T). In the acronym: P-I-O-T, or: PIOT. Their main attributes are: 1. Artificiality: they do not exist in a ready form in nature, therefore the society (population) in order to live should constantly produce PIOT resources; 2. The equal necessity of these resourcesclusters, because the absence, zero of any of them excludes the life of society and human; 3. Inseparability and mutual inclusion of "everyone in each", i.e. the impossibility of producing one without others and superposing the qualities of one to all others; 4. Sociocybernetic harmonious integrity of PIOT resources to a certain measure/proportion. It expresses society in static: S = P + I + O + T, where S is a whole society. Harmoniousness of PIOT resources determines the harmony of the spheres of their production and the classes occupied in them - the Spherons. PIOT resources logically require corresponding processes: production, distribution, exchange / trade and consumption: PDEC processes. PIOT resources logically require corresponding structures in which processes and resources are connected and which, according to the final product, are classified into four societal (macro) spheres of social production: 1.Social sphere, Sociosphere (S), the subject-product of which are people (P); 2.Information sphere, Infosphere (I), the subject-product of which is information (I); 3.Organizational sphere, Orgsphere (O), the subject-product of which are organization/s (O); 4.Technical (economic/ecological) sphere, Technoecosphere (T), the subject-product of which are things (T). Four spheres of production are: SIOT. PIOT resources logically require corresponding spheral communities or societal classes of the population, SPHERONS.[165] SPHERONS, spheral classes of people are extremely large “soft, stochastic” groups of the population, covering it as a whole, employed in four spheres of social production of PIOT resources and differing in term of primary (in time) employment in one of the spheres. They are the actors of social harmony, i.e. are harmonious by nature classes, because outside the harmony between them they are unable to produce PIOT resources. Therefore, they are the ultimate cause of global peace, its guarantor and actor/creator. Spherons are network social groups/classes of people in the spheres of production. These groups have a stochastic, probabilistic nature of employment/inclusion of people in the spheres, therefore spherons are "soft" classes, and they are not attached rigidly to any other permanent social attribute: property, power, income, etc. They are closely interrelated, dynamically flowing into each other and interacting at all levels, starting with the individual. This creates their network integrity parameter in conjunction with all their other properties. Spherons are a common network denominator of all the partial and transitory communities of humanity in its history from family and nations to civilizations. on this fundamental and everlasting community of spherons, the UN model of Harmony and Global Governance is being built. Summarizing, we can formulate the following definition. The network spherons (a network of spherons of different levels from micro to mega) is a special "soft" cluster of societal network structures that cover the population as a whole and all people from birth to death in the form of extremely large classes/groups engaged in four spheres of social production. Their primary cohesivecriterion is productive employment ("autopoiesis" of Maturana). Autopoiesis constitutes all the fundamental attributes of spherons and their elements: wholeness, integrity, stochasticity, systemic, equality in employment, balance, proportion, measure, harmony, peace, freedom from each other, independence from rigid parameters of property, power, income, race, nationality, sex, age and other partial properties. Polycentricism and the productive thermodynamic negentropy of spherons’ autopoiesis [168] make them, hence, humanity, the most adaptive to survival and sustainable development in the natural and cosmic environment. An attempt at a broader biological substantiation of autopoiesis and negentropy of harmonious spherons as an "anatomy of peace" was undertaken in the work of Michael Ellis. [169] Why does the knowledge of spherons begin only in the 21st century? Because their endless cultural diversity in human history and at different social levels from family to humanity was not allowed to see their community, as for the trees we cannot see the forest. The ultimate objective complexity of the spherons is the main epistemological reason for the lack of their scientific knowledge to this day, which was fixed by the temporary political interests of the temporary dominant partial classes of the fragmented world. The globalization of human society, on the one hand, makes spherons more mature and accessible to scientific perception, and on the other hand, it requires scientific penetration into the deep spheral structure of the population. In more detail about this structure in the nature of spherons see Chapters 1 and 2 of the book "Global Peace Science" [78]. The basis by which Spherons are differing between them is employment/autopoiesis in four spheres of social production. But employment (autopoiesis) has an ambivalent, dual biosocial nature, which is expressed by two axioms of employment: in society, autopoiesis/employment is part of the social sphere, and in the biosphere, autopoiesis/employment of a person includes four spheres of social production as their own parts. Taking into account the social nature of the human, he/she stochastically joins to the next four Spherons (classes) employed autopoiesis in four spheres of social production SIOT: 1.SOCIOCLAS, people employed in Sociosphere, P1; 2.INFOCLASS, people employed in Infosphere, P2; 3.ORGCLASS, people employed in Orgsphere, P3; 4.TECHNOCLASS, people employed in Technoecosphere, P4. Abbreviation of these classes is the same (SIOT) as the spheres, so they will differ by adding the word "class": SIOT-classes, SPHERONS. The population number at any level is the sum of four SPHERONS: P = P1 + P2 + P3 + P4. The products of three other spheres are divided in a similar manner, resulting corresponding matrix of the basic spheral statistical indices. This matrix is the foundation of global spheral mathematical statistics and its IT (below). P = P1 + P2 + P3 + P4 I = I1 + I2 + I3 + I4 O = О1 + О2 + О3 + О4 T = T1 + T2 + T3 + T4 All spheral resources, processes, structures and classes-Spherons in the UNH SMSGHG, as well as a mathematically calculated measure of their proportions in harmony and disharmony are expressed in this matrix of spheral statistics, which has infinite dimension in its decomposition. 6. Tables of Spheres and the Model of Humanity’s Spherons: the UNH SMSGHG object expression Indissolubility of the SIOT spheres and the Spherons involved in them is that the products "exits" of all spheres constitute their resources "inputs". It is expressed in the spheres statistical tables of their sector/branch structure in statics. These tables, presented in many of our works[78; 121; 125; 154; 165; 166; 168 and others], because they are very cumbersome, cannot be shown here. We confine ourselves to their simplest form. It is important that these tables are universal, include all, without exception, production functions and relevant professional groups of humanity’s spherons at all its levels. TABLE-1. Statics of SOCIOSPHERE and employed in it SOCIOSPHERON, P1 SOCIOSPHERE SOCIAL SECTOR, Branches | Subjects/Products: P = P1 + P2 + P3 + P4 | SOCIOSPHERON, P1, Employed in Sociosphere | Resources P1, I1, O1, T1 for Sociosphere | Education | People (P) | Teachers, etc. | | Health | People (P) | Doctors, etc. | | Sport, Tourism | People (P) | Athletes,Coaches, etc. | | Social Care | People (P) | Social workers | | Other services (Church, Philanthropy, Trade Unions,… ) | People (P) | Priests, Philanthropists, Trade unionists, Rescuers, etc. | | INDIVIDUAL SECTOR | | | | Family, family employment | Family (P) | Parents, children, family members | | Individual employment for oneself = autopoiesis | Individual (P) | Non-laboringindividuals | |
Notes to the table. 1. People/population (P) is the product of Sociosphere. People/population is produced for four spheres, therefore P = P1 + P2 + P3 + P4, where: P1 – is employed in Sociosphere; P1 constitutes SPHERON-1 or SOCIOCLASS, P2 – is employed in Infosphere; P2 constitutes SPHERON-2 or INFOCLASS; P3 – is employed in Orgsphere; P3 constitutes SPHERON-3 or ORGCLASS: P4 – is employed in Technosphere; P4 constitutes SPHERON-4 or TECHNOCLASS. 2. The employed in Sociosphere (P1), i.e. SPHERON-1 consists of two parts: the professionals working in social sector of this sphere (P1w) and all non-working (P1n) employed in the individual sector with self-production (pre-school children, students, housewives, non-working pensioners, disabled unemployed, etc.) and in the households. Therefore, the number of SPHERON-1 is the sum of employed in all sectors of this sphere: P1 = P1w + P1n. 3. To every SPHERONS a socially useful labor corresponds: P1w are employed by humanitarian labor, P2 – information labor, P3 – organizational labor, P4 – material labor. TABLE-2. Statics of INFOSPHERE and employed in it INFOSPHERON, P2 INFOSPHERE SOCIAL SECTOR, Branches | Subjects/Products: I = I1 + I2 + I3 + I4 | INFOSPHERON, P2, Employed in Infosphere | Resources P2, I2, O2, T2 for Infosphere | Culture | Information (I) | Cultural workers, etc. | | Science | Information (I) | Scientists, etc. | | Art | Information (I) | Artists, etc. | | Religion (as information) | Information (I) | Priests, etc. | | Media, publishing and advertising | Information (I) | Journalists, Publishers, Advertisers, etc. | | Designing | Information (I) | Designers, etc. | | Communication | Information (I) | Communicators, etc. | | Information service | Information (I) | Programmers, etc. | | INDIVIDUAL SECTOR | Information (I) | | | Family, informational employment | Information (I) | Parents, children, family members | | Individual informational employment for oneself = autopoiesis | Information (I) | Individuals in their inf. employment for themselves | |
Notes to the table. 1. Information (I) is the product of Infosphere. Information is produced for four spheres, therefore: I = I1 + I2 + I3 + I4, where I1 – Humanitarian information of SPHERON-1. I1 is required for it to produce people; I2 – information of SPHERON-2. I2 is required for it to produce information; I3 – organizational information of SPHERON-3. I3 is required for it to produce organizations; I4 – technical information of SPHERON-4. I4 is needed for it to produce things, material wealth. These clusters of information constitute the spheres of information or informational spheres of each SPHERON. 2. The number of SPHERON-2 is the sum of the employed in all sectors of this sphere. TABLE-3. Statics of ORGSPHERE and employed in it ORGSPHERON, P3 ORGSPHERE SOCIAL SECTOR, Branches | Subjects/Products: O = O1 + O2 + O3 + O4 | ORGSPHERON, P3, Employed in Orgsphere | Resources P3, I3, O3, T3 for Orgsphere | Policy | Organization (O) | Political figures, etc. | | Right | Organization (O) | Lawyers, etc. | | Army and security | Organization (O) | Military, policemen, etc. | | Tax Inspectorate | Organization (O) | Tax officials | | Governance | Organization (O) | Managers, etc. | | Banking and Finance | Organization (O) | Bankers, Financiers, etc. | | Non-governmental organizations | Organization (O) | Relevant workers | | INDIVIDUAL SECTOR | Organization (O) | | | Family, organizational employment | Organization (O) | Parents, children, family members | | Individual, organizational employment for oneself = autopoiesis | Organization (O) | Individuals in their org. employment for themselves | |
Notes to the table. 1. Organization (institutes, rules, order, norms) (O) is the product of Orgsphere. Organization is produced for four spheres, therefore: O = O1 + O2 + O3 + O4, where: O1 – humanitarian organizations (schools, hospitals, etc.) of SPHERON-1. O1 is necessary for it to produce people; O2 – informational organizations of SPHERON-2. O2 is required for it to produce information; O3 – administrative organizations of SPHERON-3. O3 is required for it to produce organizations; O4 – technical (economic and ecological) organizations of SPHERON-4. O4 is needed for it to produce things and nature protection. These clusters of organizations constitute the spheres of organizations or organizational spheres of each SPHERON. Each cluster organizations combine 4 types of organizations: political, legal, financial, management. To every sphere of society and each SPHERON corresponds its own organizational area of politics, law, finance, and management. Each SPHERON has his own money as an organizational tool of its sphere: social, informational, administrative and economic money [170]. 2. The number of SPHERON-3 is the sum of the employed in all sectors of this sphere. TABLE-4. Statics of TECHNOECOSPHERE and employed in it TECNOSPHERON, P4 TECHNOECOSPHERE SOCIAL SECTOR, Branches | Subjects/Products: T = T1 + T2 + T3 + T4 | TECHNOSPHERON, P4, Employed in Technoecosphere | Resources P4, I4, O4, T4 for Technoecosphere | Industry | Things (T) | Workers | | Agriculture and forestry | Things (T) | Farmers, foresters | | Construction | Things (T) | Builders | | Transportation | Things (T) | Transporters | | Trade, marketing | Things (T) | Traders, etc. | | Housing and household services | Things (T) | Workers, repairmen, etc. | | Fish industry | Things (T) | Fishermen | | Conservation of nature | Things (T) | Environmentalists etc. | | INDIVIDUAL SECTOR | Things (T) | | | Family, material employment | Things (T) | Parents, children, family members | | Individual, material employment for oneself = autopoiesis | Things (T) | Individuals in their material employment for themselves | |
Notes to the table. 1. Things (T) are the product of Technosphere. Things are produced for four spheres, therefore: T = T1 + T2 + T3 + T4, where: T1 – humanitarian things (buildings and equipment of schools, hospitals, etc., housing, food, etc.) for SPHERON-1. T1 is required for it to produce people; T2 – informational things (buildings and equipment of institutions of science, culture, media, etc., books, televisions, computers, etc.) for SPHERON-2. T2 is required for it to produce information; T3 – organizational things (administrative buildings and equipment of institutions of politics, law, finance and management, office equipment, etc.) for SPHERON-3. T3 is required for it to produce organizations; T4 – technical things (industrial buildings and equipment of enterprises of the Technosphere, the means of material production) for SPHERON-4. T4 is required for it to produce things and for nature protection. These clusters make things realm of things, the economy or economic spheres (physical environment) each SPHERONS. 2. The number of SPHERON-4 is the sum of employed in all sectors of this sphere. Basing on the proposed classification and definition of Spherons, covering the entire population of the planet, humanity appears as the unity of its four constant, harmonious Spherons (classes), which constitute its deep eternal societal structure of harmony and peace. This structure is the most complex object of human cognition; therefore it approached to its investigation in Sociocybernetics and Tetrasociology only at the beginning of the 21st century, although some of its properties and elements were discovered before (2.1. and 2.2.). Proceeding from what has been said, the total number of humankind (population, people of the planet) is composed of the sum of the number of global Spherons: PEOPLE (P) = P1 + P2 + P3 + P4. We know today: “World population reached 7 billion on October 31, 2011 according to the United Nations Population Fund. According to current projections, the global population will reach eight billion by 2024, and will likely reach around nine billion by 2042.” [171]. The generalized representation of the humanity’s spherons is expressed by the following model. Model-2: SPHERONS of Humanity
The total number of humankind (population, people of the planet) is composed of the sum of the number of global Spherons: PEOPLE (P) = P1 + P2 + P3 + P4. We know today: “World population reached 7 billion on October 31, 2011 according to the United Nations Population Fund. According to current projections, the global population will reach eight billion by 2024, and will likely reach around nine billion by 2042.” [171].
Today there are no statistics of Spherons. Therefore, the number of each Spheron of humanity today can be hypothetically determined according to the pattern of their statistical proportion found for one country according to its population census in 2010. These calculations are presented in detail in Chapter 2 of "Global Peace Science" [78]. The number of SPHERONS of this country (Russia) in millions of people and in percentage of the total population (rounded) is equal to: SOCIOSPHERON = 85 million or 59.4% INFOSPHERON = 4 million or 2.8% ORGSPHERON = 10.8 million or 7.5% TECHNOSPHERON = 41 million or 28, 6% Statistical error = 2.3 million or 1.6% The size of humanity’s SPHERONS in 2011 ($ 7 billion) in this proportion is: SOCIOSPHERON = 59.4% = 4.2 billion INFOSPHERON = 2.8% = 0.2 billion ORGSPHERON = 7.5% = 0.5 billion TECHNOSPHERON = 28, 6% = 2 billion Statistical error = 1.6% = 0.1 billion.
It is obvious that similar extrapolation of proportions of one country to the whole humanity is rough but the other does not exist today. The proportions of sizes of Spherons in each country and each region are very different. Their definition requires appropriate statistical studies as proposed in thismethodology, which was tested on one country statistics. These computations are very labor-intensive work for all countries and they are available only to the UNH. The logic and ontology of SPHERONS are simple and indisputablealthough they are deep, do not lie on the surface and are not visible empirically, with the naked eye (see Appendix). If we recognize, on the one hand, the Maturana’s "autopoiesis" (productive employment) of every person from birth to death, which can be carried out only in the spheres of social production, and on the other hand, if we recognize the reality of four equal necessary and sufficient spheres of social production of PIOT resources, we are forced to recognize the reality of four equal necessary and sufficient Spherons. They unite ‘softly’ all people/individuals employed by autopoiesis in the relevant spheres of production, which cannot exist without Spherons as they are their main productive force. 7. Sociocybernetic Genome (SOCIONOME) of Humankind as Genetic Code of its Harmony Above we defined 16 constant universal components of social production at any stages of its evolution: four PIOT resources, four PDEC processes, four SIOT spheres/structures and four Spherons - SIOT classes. The constancy of these components, their reproducibility in any and infinitely diversity of socio-cultural and civilizational forms, their integrity, mutual dependence and continuity constitutes them as the Sociocybernetic Genome of Humanity (SOCIONOME), which persists in any of its changes at all its levels and in all its societies. The carrier of this genetic code of harmony of any society and humanity as a whole are Spherons. They are able to perform their key productive function only in peace among themselves. Between them only harmony and peace from it is possible. Throughout human history, this genetic code ensures the reproduction of the deep societal structure of the Spherons harmony, which determines the peaceful nature of human and society (Kant) [153]. This nature is often violated by the disharmonies of partial, transitory classes, nations and groups, ignorance of which in the deep social harmony leads them to wars and violence, which ultimately restore the broken harmony but at the cost of colossal sacrifices. SOCIONOME is presented in the following scheme below, created in its basis back in 1978 [125] but it is constantly being improved. Scheme 1. Sociocybernetic Genome (SOCIONOME) of Humankind. Genetic code of social harmony and global peace
SOCIONOME and its 16 components detailed description can be found in dozens of our articles and books in almost 40 years, some of which are listed here: [78; 121; 125; 154; 165; 166; 168 and others] and on the GHA website: http://www.peacefromharmony.org SOCIONOME is the network core of the governance object in the UNH SMSGHG, on which defines the entire systemic set of global risks and challenges of humankind for their harmonious solution in the UNH. In it the different mathematical interpretations of SOCIONOME are constructed. We confine ourselves to only two: thermodynamic and statistical interpretations. 8.1. Thermodynamic interpretation SOCIONOME as a unity of four constant spheres of production and four constant in the structure of spherons occupied in them can be interpreted in dynamics as a four-chamber thermodynamic stochastic societal heart of humankind, which opposes to entropy of its energy and ensures the constant growth and strengthening of its negentropy. only the continuous work of this heart ensures the life of humankind and its social "autopoiesis" as a whole throughout its history. The dual, biosocial nature of a human being requires interpreting functioning of the four-chambered productive heart of social harmony with its inputs and outputs of PIOT resources within the "autopoietic" heart of biological harmony with its birthrate entry and mortality output. Moreover, "Autopoietic systems are thermodynamically open but organizationally closed" [129].The result of this interpretation is a five-block sociocybernetic model of biosocial harmony as a source of survival and sustainable development of humankind/noosphere in the Earth's biosphere. Let's clarify some details and their some important characteristics. If the spheres are the producing chambers of this heart, then the Spherons are their muscles, strength, motor and energy. Their "blood" is a continuous circulation through the channels of distribution and exchange of pulsating counter flows of life-sustaining PIOT resources, which they continuously reproduce every part of their life for the nutrition of all the Spherons, including themselves, but not only themselves. Each of them cannot exist without feeding others. The destruction or absence of at least one of the Spherons exsanguinates society and deprives it of life. Without each of the Spherons, society is dead. Therefore, they are equally necessary for society, regardless of their number. The reliability, stability and historical survival of this heart is ensured by its almost infinite division in levels from mega-, macro-, meso- to micro-levels in all human settlements to the family inclusively. Continuous pulsation of PIOT resources flows through inputs/outputs mechanisms of feedback and export/import channels of distribution and exchange can be expressed mathematically for all levels discretely of any dimension from a second to decades, centuries and millennia, depending on the practical and scientific goals of the managing subsystem - in our case – for the UNH SMSGHG. Based on any discrete dimension, the mathematical "Humankind Thermodynamic Spheral Model" (HTSM) is constructed with global inputs/outputs of people's birthrate/mortality (or migration/immigrationby regions) and production/consumption (or export/import) of other resources. Its first example is the "thermodynamic model of global peace" [168]. Similar approaches of thermodynamic modeling are demonstrated in other sources especially in the works of the Nobel laureate John Avery [172; 173; 174; 175]. Our HTSM rests on two interrelated nonlinear laws of stochastic distribution of PIOT resources between its chambers/spheres: 1. The law of proportions, measures and harmony (LPMH) of Spheron's integral employment and 2. The law of harmonious spheral limitation (LHSL) of PIOT resources. They exclude disharmony and entropy of any unbounded parts and attributes: the planet population, the richest people propertyand incomes, unlimited power, endless freedom, etc. By analogy with this model, we can build a “Thermodynamic Model of Distribution and Exchange of Solar Energy” (TMDESE) between four natural spheres: Litho-, Hydro-, Atmo- and Bio- (including Noo/Anthropo/Socio) spheres for global harmonious governance of the Earth ecology and climate. Another thermodynamic model. The spherical Sociocybernetic approach allows us to find a semblance of natural and societal spheres and express it in appropriate models not only for society but also for nature, for harmonious governance of global energy on the Earth, for its harmonization in order to solve and prevent its environmental and climatic risks. For this purpose, we can build a “Thermodynamic Model of Distribution and Exchange of Solar Energy” (TMDESE) between the socio/noosphere and the four natural spheres. It is a model of the five-chamber spheral energy heart of the Earth, composed by the inseparable unity of its spheres: Litho-Hydro-Atmo-Bio-Noo/Socio spheres. This model is similar to SOCIONOME and TMDESE models (above), therefore it reflects the coherent part of the UNH SMSGHG object for global harmonious governance of the Earth's ecology and climate to harmonize them in the 21st century. [176] 8.2. Statistical interpretation The dynamics of qualitative elements of SOCIONOMErequire their quantitative expression in adequate mathematical statistics. If the basis of the SOCIONOME is PIOT resources, then their quantitative, statistical measurements are necessary and sufficient for the quantitative measurement of all components of SOCIONOME. Based on these measurements, statistics, developed about 40 years, is called “Tetranet Spheral Statistics of Harmony” (TSSH). It is built on alphanumeric indices of resource elements of PIOT, called spheral indices. It is presented in detail in many previous works; therefore here we confine ourselves to a brief description of only its core - matrices of spheral indices or harmony spheral matrices. The units of measurement of spheral indices, generalizing natural units of measurement, can be cost, time and energy units. We confine ourselves to the most developed today - the cost/money units. We have established above that any society, including global humanity, in statics is expressed by the sum of all its resources PIOT: SOCIETY = P + I + O + T (1). To produce each of the PIOT resources, an appropriate set of their parts is needed. Therefore, each PIOT is divided into four parts, necessary and sufficient as resources for the production of new PIOT. This regularity is expressed by a 4x4 matrix of indices, which is called the basic matrix of spheral indices or spheral statistics. In the pure state, the 4-by-4 spheral matrix of PIOT resources looks like: P1 + P2 + P3 + P4 I1 + I2 + I3 + I4 О1 + О2 + О3 + О4 T1 + T2 + T3 + T4 (2) All matrixes that derive from a basic matrix are referred as spheral matrixes, which form spheral statistics. It is essentially different but connected with the traditional (branch or industrial) statistics. All branch indices are integrated in spheral indices, where they are systematized in harmonious spheral logic and Sociocybernetic system. The spheral matrix columns represent inputs of the corresponding production spheres using PIOT as the resources, and the spheral matrix lines (rows) represent outputs of the corresponding manufacturing spheres that produce PIOT as the products. The dual nature of the spheral resources (and the spheral indices) as input/resource and output/product of the SIOT spheres is expressed in double letter/numerical (alphanumeric) representation of these resources and corresponding indices. On the foundation of the 4-by-4 basic matrix, the infinite hierarchical system of spheral matrixes may be created in the dimensions of 4-by-16, 4-by-64, 4-by-256, and so on. Their continuum is possible not only in the positive but also in the negative, in fractional and in other infinities. However, at the first stage, we are bound by spheral matrixes only in a positive infinity, that is, 4х4"n", where "n" is the row of natural numbers from +1 to infinity. The entire infinite series of spheral matrices is constructed by a single algorithm:each line/row of any matrix turns into a column of the underlying matrix, and each index in the underlying matrix line appears as the sum of four indices that express a cluster of resources, necessary and sufficient for its production. This generating algorithm expresses the fractal nature of social resources and their indices, which are connected with Benoit Mandelbrot’s fractal mathematics. "A fractal is a structure consisting of parts which are in some sense like the whole" [177]. Here, the main mathematical problem of harmonious statistical and fractal proportions / measures between the fundamental components of SOCIONOME, which are represented by matrices of sphere indicators, should be solved [178; 179]. They were used in some management projects of a large 5 million city in USSR in 1982-1988 [125], but for known reasons they were not recognized by the leadership. The system of spheral/fractal matrices creates an “Unified Logical Network Statistical Space of Humanity” (ULNSSH) that is able to integrate, compose and decompose by the PIOT indices all the diversity of national statistics, overcoming their inherent fragmentation, rupture and disharmony. Without such a single statistical system of indices, effective global harmonious risk governance is impossible in the UNH. Therefore, the mathematical statistics of similar matrices of spheral indices is a necessary scientific tool of the UNH SMSGHG. Its recursive, fractal use can be successfully integrated with other similar technologies, for example with recursive, fractal cybernetic processes in Stafford Beer's VSM Model [180]. The mathematics of the Sociocybernetic spheral governance may be one of the fundamental scientific basis for the global harmonious digital economy, politics, education, artificial intelligence and management of the 21st century. 9.SOCIONOME: Digital and Structural/Organizational Technologies
Based on the subject and mathematical models of SOCIONOME, a wide range of different Spheral Harmonization Technologies (SHT) is being created that integrate, streamline and fundamentally expand traditional technologies. SHT includes two large clusters: digital and structural-organizational technologies of harmonization. on the SOCIONOME mathematics a cluster of digital technologies is formed, which was called the “Spheral Information-Statistical Technology” (SIST). For almost 40 years of development, this technology has found wide application in dozens of projects. In particular, it was used to manage a large city with a population of 5 million people in 1982-1988 [125]. SIST provides universal digitalization and global statistical informatization of the economy, politics, education, Internet and other sectors of society. SHTs develop at new level the global processes of informatization and globalization, supplementing them with two fundamentally new and inextricable system processes of global harmonization and pacifization. Harmonization is represented by components and functions of the UNH SMSGHG. Pacifization is a permanent universal process of appeasement as prevention and resolution of any international relations conflicts in a result of their harmonization, in which pacifization is one of its most important consequences. Pacifization should not be confused with local attempts of forced reconciliation – “pacification”[181]. Structural-organizational technologies on the basis of the spheral structures are presented in the main details below as aspects of the UNH universal and long-term Agenda below. 2.4. UNH Agenda This agenda presupposes the management of current and prevention of new challenges and risks in the long term at least 50 years in the UNH SMSGHG through structural-organizational technologies and strategies, which are systematized and defined in the most concise way below. They are presented in hundreds of works of our organization GHA, some of which have already been submitted [78; 121; 125; 154; 165; 166; 168]and others will be listed below. 1. Priority development of the Sociocybernetic science of spheral social harmony Today we are witnessing a powerful priority development of military science, which began more than two centuries ago with the book of Adam von Bülow in 1799 [182]. This science creates now new amazing means of destroying people and global disharmony especially in the 20th century, putting humankind at risk of constant self-destruction. The science of social harmony and its global peace science (GPS) [78], unlike it, is in a pitiful embryonic state, marginal, has lagged behind military science for two centuries and it practically does not exist until now. None of the governments and their UN, mired in wars, does want to recognize and develop it for militaristic reasons (see above). Therefore, its practical effect is zero today. Harmonious prevention and harmonious resolution of global risks is possible only at the priority development and financing of the Sociocybernetic science of spheral social harmony will as GPS. Its main content is presented in this project. These risks and challenges were generated in the 20th century by capitalism and communism, first of all, by their harmful partial disharmonious ideologies of "false consciousness" into dying industrial civilization, which totally fills its fake propagandist media. Therefore, they are unable to offer a new, alternative vision, which lies in the scientific, harmonious consciousness that defines the "third way" of development. For its working and constant development it is required to create under the UNH auspices an "International Academy of Harmony and Peace" (IAHP) with affiliates in the largest countries [183; 184; 185] with appropriate scientific and cultural support. [186; 187; 188; 189 and others]The most important work of this Academy is the scientific research of the spherons of each country and of humankind as a whole in their dynamics, beginning since 1950, according to the established and tested methods [190]. The main historical trend of this science of the 21st century comes from the periphery to the centers, because traditional centers (the USA, NATO, China and Russia) have become militaristic, they are completely absorbed in global militarism and the arms race, but in different ways. The US-NATO is initiating it, and others are forced to participate in it, so as not to become victims, similar to the victims of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The science of global harmony and peace cannot go from militaristic centers that we see more than 70 years after the WWIIend. It can go in our time only from the periphery: India, non-aligned and neutral countries, Africa, Latin America, etc. Many such peacemaking initiatives are born in local peripheral centers as well as new political ideas. [191; 192 and others]. The second priority task of this Academy is to prepare for the global harmonious education of the world textbook: "Spherons of harmonious peace, governance and cooperation", the synopsis of which is this project. This textbook combines the previous GHA textbooks [78; 154; 165], and includes the following chapters(approximately): 1.The 20-th century: outburstof violence, militarism, wars, revolutions and terror 2. World history of philosophy, sociology, politics and culture of harmony, 3. Network spherons of global harmony, peace and sustainable development, 4. Statistics of the spherons dynamics in countries and humanity as a whole, 5. Information-statistical technologies of harmony and cooperation of spherons, 6. Structural-organizational technologies of harmony and cooperation of spherons, 7. Individual and family harmonious development, 8. Yoga: an instrument of individual and family harmonious development. 9. The 21 century: non-violent victory of the spherons over the war and global risks 10. Future: Harmonious civilization of spherons in global peace and sustainability with nature. Additionalchaptersofthistextbookarepossible. Similar harmonious education during at least one year is mandatory for all emissaries and staff of the UNH SMSGHG. only after this testing it can be recommended for global use. 2. Priority of children and youth, equality of the women human rights and population reduction: transformation of quantity into quality Global harmony requires, first of all, the “Children's Priority and Women’s Equality” (CPWE) together with the gradual decline in the population, to begin with - to minimize its growth, which only exacerbates all global risks. Harmonious decline of the population is a necessary condition for improving the quality of human capital and its life and most importantly - overcoming its excessive, disharmonious burden on the natural environment, on ecology and climate. The humiliating position of women and children in the American world order, legalized in the UN, is presented in many works of this kind [192a]. Many international and regional instruments have drawn attention to gender-related dimensions of human rights issues, the most significant being the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), adopted in 1979 [193], which the United States has not yet ratified.In 1993, the UN World Conference on Human Rights in Vienna confirmed that women’s rights were human rights but they are not enforced. This statement speaks that women’s status as human beings entitled to rights is absolutely rightful and should have under no circumstances been in doubt. In identifying neglect of one half of humanity’s rights as human rights violation, clearly reveals as gender and human rights violations. In spite of these international agreements, the denial of women’s basic human rights is persistent and widespread. The UN was able to make these decisions but it was completely incapable to fulfill them because of its preoccupation with militarism. The empowerment and autonomy of women and the improvement of their political, social, economic status is fundamental for the achievement of sustainable development and global peace. There is the urgent need to advance a wider range of women’s rights and to ensure gender equality and women’s empowerment, which remain impracticable in the existing UN, despite the inclusion of this requirement as one of the eight goals of the UN Millennium Declaration [194]. The rights of children, approved in the relevant UN Convention [195] remain unfulfilled also. The only country in the world, which has not yet ratified it is the United States - the UN chief militarist. This once again confirms the truth that the UN under the USA militaristic protectorate and leadership is powerless to solve the problems with the rights for women and children. The possibility and practical ability to realize these obligations promises only the UN harmony and global peace through Spherons’ approach, proposed in our project. Global harmony requires prioritizing of children and youth and also the inclusion of women and gender expertise in designing and fulfilling peace accords, in which their role was far too low that the Security Council resolution 1325 (2000) on women, peace and security what it stressed [196]. Real peace required that the political, economic and social structures be comprehensive and include young people who must be acknowledged as a core heir in the maintenance of peace and security and they should be included in the decision-making process, preventive diplomacy and peace processes. The numerous appeals of Member States "to increase the inclusive representation of youth in decision-making at all levels" in Security Council resolution 2250 (2015) [197] remained an empty ineffectual "voice crying in the desert". The UN is deprived of such mechanisms, focusing on the peace-loving cover for the US militarism. The role and power of women and the youth in peace building and conflict prevention must be recognized as crucial to forging sustainable peace [198]. But it is able to do only the UN Harmony and global peace through harmonious structure of Spherons, ensuring real equality and advancement for women and youth. Consequently, they are the first advocates of this scientific vision and practice to approve the children’s priority and gender’s equality through children’s suffrage in Spheral democracy (or Spherons’ democracy). The priority of children, women's equality and harmonious reduction of the population (with the gradual prohibition of abortion) is provided by the structural-organizational mechanism of the "Children's Suffrage Executed by Parents" (CSEP), which was proposed in the first approximation 14 years ago [199; 200; 201]. It is inseparably linked with general harmonious education (see below). 3. Global peace from global harmony
Global peace is the most acute systemic problem of humankind in the 20th and 21st centuries, the solution of which excludes the threat of its military thermonuclear destruction as the highest risk today. Achieving global peace is possible only on the basis of the science of global harmony, the priority of children and the equality of women, who in the first place need peace. Its decision requires recognition of its natural eternal peacebuilding actors - the Spherons of harmony, which are the only and completely interested in peace, unlike all partial, disharmonious and transient actors of the past. Therefore, global peace can proceed and be provided in full only by conscious Spherons owning the science of social harmony and overcoming theirpast ignorance and spontaneity in it. Its solution able provides such a structural-organizational mechanism as the "Governments Peace Departments" (GPD) in each country, united by the UNH SMSGHG. Only they, along with the science of harmony, disarmament and Spherons will make UNH completely antimilitarist that the TUN cannot achieve for more than 70 years. Hundreds of the GHA works are devoted to this problem, some of which are mentioned above [78; 121; 125; 154; 165; 166; 168+202; 203; 204; and others]. 4. General complete disarmament during 50 years and nuclear disarmament - over 10 years
Global peace is impossible without “General and Complete Disarmament from Harmony” (GCDH), which in our project is proposed on the basis of global harmonization under the UN auspices and under the control of the National Peace Departments in two structural-organizational forms: 1. Establishment of the “International Peacemaking Armed Forces” (IPAF) financed by UNH and under the Joint International Command of UNH, necessary and sufficient to prevent and suppress any armed aggression on the planet, to suppress terror, drug trafficking, armed crimes and any armed groups at the request of the local government if its police do not cope with them. The IPAF deployment is distributed to the main regions (10-20) with all necessary means, and 2. Transformation of the remaining parts of the national armed forces into an “International-National Peace Corps from Harmony" (INPCH) of the UNH SMSGHG with the functions of priority social services: building roads, hospitals, schools, housing and other social infrastructure facilities with part-time employment in them and with the priority transformation of military academies into the Academy of Peace and Harmony. The main lever of disarmament is a gradual annual reduction in the funding of the armed forces and the military industrial complex (primarily military science) of every country by 2% for 50 years, which will be enough to transform them into peaceful institutions and find peaceful application to hundreds of millions of military personnel and workers of the military-industrial complex in them. Priority, nuclear disarmament is carried out by the UNH for 10 years by reducing annually the funding of nuclear forces, armaments and manufacturing plants by 10% under UNH control. Hundreds of the GHA works are devoted to this problem, some of which are mentioned above [78; 121; 125; 154; 165; 166; 168 +202; 203; 204; and others]. 5. Global harmonious education and yoga as his tool The global harmonious education based on the science of social harmony provides not only a harmonious transformation of the younger generations’ consciousness, aiming them not at violentsolutions but at harmonious cooperation through appropriate knowledge creating the first condition for solution of all risks. The structural-organizational solution of this task begins with the creation of the IAHP in the UNH not only for scientific research but also for harmonious education. The IAHP most important task is to establish within 10-20 years the "General Free Higher Harmonious Peace Education" (GFHHPE) with the total education time of the Earth each citizen not less than 14 years: 11 years - high school and 3 years - higher education at the bachelor's level. It is implemented at the expense of disarmament funds and will be a material guarantee of the children and youth priority. It will become the spiritual condition of antimilitaristic immunity, which excludes all wars. Such education during 30-50 years will provide a new quality of the world's population, its conscious and voluntary reduction. Hundreds of the GHA works are devoted to this problem, some of which are mentioned above [78; 121; 125; 154; 165; 166; 168+202; 203; 204; and others]. Peace education as part of the educational curriculum in schools is attributed to Maria Montessori [205], John Dewey [206] and Paulo Freire [207], although earlier thought on education for peace is traced to Erasmus and Socrates, among other scholars. Conflict is the function of misunderstanding or lack of knowledge of the other which induces fear and mistrust. Learning permits the learner a greater context that promotes harmonious coexistence. The world is hungering for harmony and peace that can only be achieved by mutual respect and understanding of other culture, race, and religion. There is an urgent need for a culture of peace through using peace education in all that we do by integrating peace in good manners and right conduct, values formation, social studies, religion, social sciences, ethics, philosophy, and other curricular courses. UNESCO has established the education for a Culture of Peace to create and inspire peace ‘in the minds of men and women’, based on the universal values and fostering: 1. Culture of peace through education 2. Sustainable economic and social development 3. Respect for all human rights 4. Equality between women and men 5. Democratic participation 6. Understanding, tolerance and solidarity 7. Free flow of information and knowledge 8. International peace and security [208] Unfortunately, these eight values and areas of the peace culture are fragmented and not integrated by a holistic, systemic and constitutive for them value of harmony that defines a global harmonious peaceful education as the highest level of education. [209]. Declaration and Program ofAction on a Culture of Peace, outlines eight critical action areas and calls out for actors of peace to act at national, regional and international levels to eliminate the roots of conflict. The way to peace, conflict prevention and harmony is possible only through peace education. However in wider context conflict prevention and peace building will be sustainable when progress is made in creating a secure environment, in the promotion of sustainable democratic systems, economic and social well-being. Progress in peace education and all these sectors is necessary for sustainable peace and harmony. The UN should invest greatly in global harmonious peace education based on the science of social harmony because holistic education is the key to uniting nations and bringing human beings closely together. Therefore it is very important to recognize the crucial role of holistic education in contributing to building a culture of global peace from harmony. An important tool of harmonious education is Indian Yoga, which has been practiced for thousands of years [210]. Yoga is also evaluated as "the science of inner peace and practical tool of the global peace science (GPS)" [211]. 6. Harmonization of world religions
Harmonization of world relations is impossible without harmonization of relations between world religions through global harmonious education, harmonizing religious principles, the first of which is the "Golden Rule of Religions", opposing the law of retribution "Jus or Lex Talionis" and etc. The social ground of interfaith relations harmonization will be the social harmony of the conscious Spherons and their believers, educated in its science. Conscious harmony of Spherons as an alternative to disharmonious violent fundamentalism is the social foundation of religious harmony and antiterrorist immunity. Dozens of the GHA works are devoted to this problem, some of which are mentioned above [78; 121; 125; 154; 165; 166; 168; 202; 203; 204; + 212; 213; 214; 215]. 7. Spheral global 100% democracy or "Harmonious Democracy of Spherons"
The deep systemicevolutionary risk of the traditional political democracy, dominating since the 20th century, with its rampant pathologies of militarism, corruption, nationalism and inequality began to threaten the survival of humanity. It is a risk of ruling in democracy elite of 1% billionaires [84 and others]. Research literature about liberal, "full" democracy is filled with its anti-democratic estimates and definitions: "plutocracy, oligarchy, totalitarian democracy, democracy for the few, democratic despotism, fascist democracy, democracy of billionaires, brainwashing, zombie, manipulation democracy," [33; 40and others]. As one scientist said, "You cannot have a democracy that organizes itself around war" [86]. An alternative to this militaristic pathological 1% democracy is the really full, 100% "Harmonious Democracy of Spherons" (HDS) or “Spheral Harmonious Democracy” (SHD), including the entire population, which is based on equal division of power between the Spherons elected representatives in gender equal proportion at all levels. The HDS is the political center and key of the proposed UNH SMSGHG. The fundamental advantage of the HDS over traditional democracy is the mechanism of internally built spheral opposition, in which the spherons are united in a harmonious goal and a peaceful way of its realization, but can differ in the ways and means of achieving it [216; 217; 218]. Therefore, only Spherons are those truly actors of antimilitarist democracy and governance, which are capable to provide a deep spheral harmonious democratization of the entire social life of humankindto prevent and resolve all risks. It will constitute a new form of international and national cooperation at all levels. Hundreds of the GHA works are devoted to this problem, some of which are mentioned above [78; 121; 125; 154; 165; 166; 168; 202; 203; 204]. 8. Global harmonious currency
The traditional global reserve currency, based on the dominant disharmonious national currency, has long been a source of catastrophic financial risk, which is maturing in an almost continuous financial crisis. Global harmonious governance cannot be successful on the basis of a fundamentally risky reserve currency that is unfair for all nations. Therefore, the UNH SMSGHG suggests an experimental verification of the new forms of reserve currency. one of them is a “Harmonious Reserve Currency” (HRC) [219; 220] together with the corresponding structural-organizational forms, was considered in other GHA projects. only such a currency with uniform fair and harmonious rules for all without exception can overcome total fraud and corruption of national currencies, especially the US dollar, which stimulates the flowering of financial frauds and global economic crises. [63 and others] 9. Overcoming extreme poverty
The sociopolitical systems of capitalism and communism, which prevailed in the 20th century, demonstrated a complete inability to fundamentally solve the problem of poverty, in fact only reinforcing itin its "globalization" [64]. The UNH SMSGHG presupposes and creates all the necessary structural-organizational prerequisites, the first - a full 100% democracy for system solution of this challenge in "Roadmap to Overcome Extreme Poverty" (ROEP) in accordance with the spheral laws for 20-30 years [221 and others]. It is based on the principle of social partnership between different strata of the population, especially the poor and the rich, whose wealth growth will depend on improving the welfare of the poor. [Ibid.] 10. Global economy of moderate harmonious growth, its minimization and zero The creators of a balanced, just, crisis-free and efficient market economy of moderate harmonious growth, ensuring the guarantee of its sustainability, can only be harmonious Spherons. Spheral market economy is built on the constant mutualdependence of the Spherons’ economic position and all their partial groups and classes on the harmonious economic principle of "Mini-Max and Maxi-Min" (MMMM). [Ibid.] This is an endless evolutionary process of minimizing the maximum economic status and maximizing the minimum economic status in an integrated global economic system. Its norms are determined by the mechanisms of spheral democracy. The MMMM principle of the spheral harmonious economy is a spheral generalization and expansion of the "Tobin’s law" [222]. It develops on the basis of the mathematical theory of strategic games of John von Neumann [223] and it presupposes a sustainable economy, ultimately, without growth [224; 225]. Spheral democracy establishes dynamic, "floating" borders for harmonious, fair competition, excluding disharmonious limitless capitalist competition, collusion of monopolies and other vices of the imperialist economy [226]. Such competition, together with the economy demilitarization and the life of humankind, will ensure a stable but minimally necessary, economic growth that will smoothly decline to an environmentally required standard. 11. Harmony of humankind with nature: sustainable ecology and climate
Previous social evolution, especially since the 20th century, is associated with the predatory destruction of nature in the disharmonious industrial economic civilization that led to environmental degradation and the ever-escalating environmental and climatic risks. These systemic risks require a systemic holistic approach, proposed in our UNH SMSGHG, integrating other system approaches [172-176]. In the UNH creates a global ecological-climatic model of the Earth on the basis of thermodynamics and socio-cybernetics of the natural and social spheres of the Earth for permanent global monitoring, control, harmonious governance and prevention of any environmental and climate risks [ibid.] 12. World Harmonious Consciousness and "Earth Harmony Constitution" The world harmonious consciousness centered on the Sociocybernetic science of global harmony synergistically synthesizing all partial achievements of the past humanitarian history of humankind is focused and finds one of the important expressions in the global legal structural-organizational regulator of harmony - in the "Earth Harmonious Federation Constitution" (EHFC). It is built on the basis of the constitutional recognition of the Spherons as universal actors of global harmony, social production, global peace, harmonious democracy and other structural-organizational institutions designed to solve and prevent all global risks. It integrates all the achievements of numerous versions of similar Constitutions. This Constitution proclaims the main human right - the right to life guaranteed by global peace and the recognition of any armed violence and war (except the war on terror)as crimes against humanity. The right to life is virtually absent in the current "Declaration of Human Rights", it is mentioned by the single word in Article 3. This fundamental militaristic flaw in the American Declaration can be made up by the peacemaking Constitution of the Earth created by human ity’s spherons in their UN Harmony and Global Peace, excluding militarism from it. This Constitution is approved by the first goal of Global Peace, which is absent among the UN Millennium goals.It can also be supplemented by a special Declaration: The human right to life, global peace and social harmony (Appendix 4).The Constitution determines the conscious evolutionary transition of humanity from a militaristic, disharmonious and therefore dying industrial civilization to a harmonious civilization during 50 years, starting with the launch of the UNH SMSGHG. It ensures “shift of the arms race into a peace race” as Martin Luther King Jr. wrote [56]. 13. Two fundamental general risks of all risks:
disharmonious partial reason and similar civilization Above, we named the main contemporary global risks and challenges and proposed strategies for their systemic harmonious solution in the UNH SMSGHG. The picture of multiple risks and their solutions will be incomplete if we do not find their deep logical generalization. It is expressed by the definition of two interconnected fundamental general risks of all risks: a disharmoniously limited and disciplinary fragmented industrial partial mind (reason, consciousness, thinking), which generates a disharmoniously limited reality of the militaristic fragmented nations-states in a partial industrial civilization and vice versa. Both constitute the integral key historical risks of modern humanity [78 and others]. Therefore, no understanding of partial risks and their partial solutions outside the context of the holistic evolution of consciousness and civilization cannot be strategically effective. Therefore, they will exist as long as there is a disharmonious civilization. The solution and prevention of these risks as a whole can only be the new reality of a harmonious civilization, conditioned by its scientific harmonious consciousness/mind, which is laid in the UNH SMSGHG.[ibid.] 3. Assessment criteria 1. The main criterion: expected result The expected result of our UNH SMSGHG project, as defined above, is a solution and overcoming all global risks of the 21st century, as well as preventing the emergence of new ones within 50 years, starting with the launch of this model. 2. Decision-Making Capacity. The decision-making capacity within the framework of the UNH SMSGHG, in view of the distribution of its preparatory and preliminary discussions among the spheral sectors of this governance model, is maximally freed from crippling delays. It excludes any veto power as it presupposes a spheral consensus with the majority within the spheral segments of this governance model. 3. Effectiveness. The UNH SMSGHG handling all global challenges and risks, with its development and distribution to the lower levels, allows us to concentrate resources to eliminate, neutralize and prevent global risks at all levels. This will ensure high efficiency of practical implementation of solutions in this model. 4. Resources and Financing.
The UNH SMSGHG universality in its scale and depth will provide it with sufficient spheral PIOT resources including human and material ones. An equitable manner of their provision and financing is guaranteed by an equal sharing of power between the elected organs of the Spherons in this governance model. 5. Trust and Insight. The UNH SMSGHG, built on universal recognition of the value complex of harmony, its science and organizational structure, establishes an unshakable foundation of mutual trust of all the Spherons organs and the completeness of the necessary transparency and trust. It is ensured by universal mutual control, verification of all activities of these bodies and mutual monitoring of decisions and their implementation. 6. Flexibility.
The UNH SMSGHG possesses a wide flexibility and adaptability due to the almost unlimited variation of sectoral components and structures at different levels and for different regions within a single spheral structure. 7. Protection against the Abuse of Power.
Protection against the abuse of power is pre-installed at the UNH SMSGHG by its democratic spheral structure and continuous mutual control both outside and inside it. This monitoring control system will work the necessary preventive measures both for cases of the abuse of power including lobbying and for the cases of favoring the special interests of specific individuals, groups, organizations, nation-states or groups of states for the benefit of humankind. 8. Accountability. The UNH SMSGHG ensures successful resolution of global risks and prevention of new ones within 50 years and beyond. This is a sufficient time for their solution. But it can be delayed because of the inability of separate individuals and bodies to take timely decisions in a qualitative way, for that they are held accountable for their actions. It is stipulated in the UNH SMSGHG Charter. Conclusion. The key meaning of this project and its implementation lies in the fact that it provides a scientific, constructive and nonviolent transition for humankind from the past history of wars, violence, militarism and growing risks of survival to a new history of global peace, prosperity of all nations and harmonious sustainable development in the nature for the future generations. This project was able to include only a small fraction of the GHA work for more than 12 years of its active scientific and peacemaking activity. Therefore, it was able to express only some properties and capabilities of the proposed governance model and its unique Sociocybernetic spheral approach. It provides not only the prevention and resolution of global challenges and risks in new forms of harmonious international cooperation of the 21st century, but also constitutes an inexhaustible source of socio-economic, political, educational and information innovations and technologies, including artificial intelligence. Appendixes Appendix 1. Picture "SPHERONS" This is a visual illustration of spherons and Socionome a deep harmonious structure of humanity that provides its peaceful nature, which, under conditions of scientific ignorance of this nature is broken sporadically on its surface by partial and transitory disharmonious actors: some nations, classes, groups, etc. in their armed conflicts and wars. The depth of human nature and global society are harmony and peace, and on the surface we see disharmony, violence and war. They will be overcome by humankind, when the spherons will know and master the laws of a deep human nature, that is, laws of one's own being, life and sustainable development. The picture gives a visual expression of the global harmonious governance object with the main militaristic risk of humankind as the first for its solution in the UNH SMSGHG.
Appendix 2. Motivation.Facts. Globalization trend of war, genocide, neo-fascism, democracy of "inverted totalitarianism", environmental and climatic destruction, corruption, inequality, poverty, falsehood, "fake media", lawlessness, mafia and pathologies of fraud, crime and drugs. US-NATO militaristic protectorate over the UN: Vacuum of peacemaking leadership. Elimination of global peace from the new millennium goals. Note. This part is Facts. It determines the motivation of the sharpest necessity to reform the UN in the face of inevitably approximating danger of a new world (nuclear) war. US Has Killed More Than 20 Million In 37 Nations Since WWII. Lucas The US has deployed 240,000 troops in 172 countries around the world. Reimann You can't have a democracy that organizes itself around war. Giroux We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if mankind is to survive. Einstein Join together for a common vision – the total abolition of Militarism and war. Maguire 1.1.Introduction. Militaristic leadership of the US-NATO: War Globalization or Peace Globalization? “Today, people are finally waking up to the dangers of a world war, which might emanate from the highest levels of the US government. We are no longer dealing with a hypothetical scenario. The threat of World War III is real. Public opinion has become increasingly aware of the impending dangers of an all-out US-NATO led war against Iran, North Korea and the Russian Federation. WW III has been contemplated by the U.S. and its allies for well over ten years”. [1] 72 years of the continual ferocious and atrocious militarism of the United States in their "long war against humanity" after WWII, after the nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan in 1945, proved two simple and ingenious truthsof the XX century. one belongs to Einstein: "Peace cannot be achieved through violence, it can only be achieved through understanding." The other belongs to King: "The US government is the greatest purveyor of violence in the world". All these years, the US has been waging a continuous war, “killing more than 11 million in 37 countries after WWII”. [2] “The US has deployed 240,000 troops in 172 countries around the world – a sprawling global network which serves as a permanent gesture of threat.” [3] This means that under the UN's wing, the USA has occupied almost all of its members for 72 years, threatening to violate all naughty nations that is globalization of the USA violence and dictate and their militaristic protectorate over the UN, over almost all of its members. They immersed "The Earth in the Pentagon’s wars woe" and turning America into a "nation of war": "We are waging war. We are the Nation of War. We destroy. We kill. Everyone fears us." [4] This trend is rightly assessed as "Historical Tradition of American Empire War and Genocidal Crimes Against Humanity" [5; 6], excluding peace in the UN, under the wing of which the USA has built a real threat of "WW III on the horizon" of humanity [7]. Unfortunately, Russia, China, Iran and other peace-loving countries that did not attack anyone, unlike the US-NATO, in fact, without an alternative constructive model of the United Nations, are not able to take Einstein's truth as their strategy. Following the United States, they also rely on achieving peace not on "understanding", but on violence, on a reciprocal arms race, on their balance and military deterrence, which ultimately are also meaningless for global peace as the hegemonic aggressive arms race of the US and its allies. This is the main tragedy of modern peacemaking, weakened by the lack of scientific understanding of global peace and the scientific model of its UNH, which is the only one capable of liberating humankind from the arms race and new wars, including nuclear ones. 1.2. UN Disharmony: The US-NATO leadership of militaristic empire It is obvious that an international organization uniting all nations of the planet is called upon to ensure the life of humankind, but not to keep it for decades under the rapidly growing threat of total self-destruction that the UN demonstrates. What is the main reason for this fundamental defect of the UN? The fact that it was created by the most powerful economic and military power - the US - to legalize its militaristic imperial policy in the post-war unipolar world order. The United States suffered minimal losses in the Second World War (WWII) but was maximally militarized and enriched from it, becoming the world hegemon, the legalization of which was the UN, created for this purpose by the USA. Apple from the apple tree fell not far. Therefore, such a UN can rightfully be qualified as a UN disharmony (UND) or a traditional UN (TUN) like to the infamous League of Nations. The ultimate goal of humankind - global peace, was practically excluded from its agenda and tabooed in it; therefore, like the League of Nations it in fact did nothing fundamentally for peace in 72 years. At best the UN limited by peace in special fragmented cases. The UN Charter and its Declaration of Human Rights lacks the main right - the human right to life, according to which every war, mass armament and militarism are declared a crime against humanity and excluded from society. The absence of this right and an unswerving taboo on war, armament and militarism opened for them an unlimited free space of prosperity and endless growth that the UN was unable to overcome in 72 years. We will name only a few of the weightiest proofs confirming our conclusion. 1. Four months after the signing of the UN Charter in April 1945 in Los Angeles, the United States destroyed over 200,000 civilian populations of Japan in Hiroshima and Nagasaki by atomic bombing, without any military necessity, by showing the world and the newborn created by them the UN, who is now the boss and dictator in the world, whose “Ownership of the World”[8]. It was an act of conscious and intentional genocide. The US refuses to apologize for this crime against humanity until now, reserving the right of the first nuclear strike [9; 10; 11]. This is perceived by the UN during 72 years as a norm, which exposes it as an organization not of peace, but of war. With this bombing, the USA launched a new unprecedented round of the arms race of the UN members, accompanied by an uninterrupted cycle of their wars around the world. 2. The USA has not yet abandoned from the misanthropic right of a preemptive nuclear strike, threatening to destroy the North Korea (25 million people) in 2017, from the UN rostrum, with a new nuclear bombardment [12], which is being prepared in front of UN members with their silent encourages US war, militarism and aggression, with the exception of some votes. For 72 years, the USA has made dozens of "disliked" UN member countries with targets of aggressive invasions and militaristic preparations: "Target Russia, target China, target Iran" [13], and so on without end with the natural total indifference of the American UN war. For example, for Russia, the US-NATO is preparing a new version of Hitler's plan ‘Barbarossa’ on its Western border [14] and “Reckless Congress ‘Declares War’ on Russia”[15]. 3. All 72 years of the UN existence, the USA in its framework practice, in fact, a continuous genocide, with the full, practically, connivance of the UN. The genocide of the United States and Britain is well known against the Iraqi people [16; 16a]. The US genocide has deep historical roots since the destruction of many millions of American Indians [17].Therefore, it is not surprising that all 37 US-NATO wars after the WWII in 37 countries in which they killed over 20 million innocent victims [2] are an openly continuous "democratic" genocide in the eyes of a powerless UN and astonished humanity after the secret genocide of the US Indians. Therefore, it is not surprising that the US is planning genocide constantly so far. “According to a secret document dated September 15, 1945, “the Pentagon had envisaged blowing up the Soviet Union with a coordinated nuclear attack directed against major urban areas… to annihilate and kill the inhabitants of selected urban areas. The documents confirm that the US was involved in the “planning of genocide” against the Soviet Union.” The USA continues to plan genocide until now 72 years, under the UN hood, expanding targets on Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, etc. [18] America is a spiritually dead civilization whose government plans genocide rather than global peace, including genocide against several other nuclear powers. This USA plan at the governmental level could cause the global genocide of humanity, including itself. This is the insanity and tragedy of the American people not so different from the Germans under Hitler.Therefore Dr. Johan Galtung predicted the USA fall on 2020. [19]This is the result of its complete disharmony with humanity, to which it was led by its policy of hatred, misanthropy and dictate during 72 years: “US Has Killed More Than 20 Million In 37 Nations Since WWII”.[2] Therefore, the US and not terrorists, "keep the world record of the murder of innocent citizens" [20] under the UN wing. “A million Somali children have starved to death in the past 24 months and this crime goes unnoticed in the international media [UN and UNICEF]. ..The world had the food to prevent all these deaths, something the UN is supposed to be on top of. But then one of the top dogs at the UN is the Executive Director of UNICEF, supposedly the number one (N)o (G)ood (O)utfit with the responsibility to prevent this crime, headed by former National Security Advisor to Pres. Clinton and later failed nominee to head the CIA, Anthony Lake, whose appointment was a favor returned by Pres. Obama. Loyalty to empire can have its rewards in the form of being overlord of a multi-billion dollar a year aid empire internationally, UNICEF, and the ability to carry out “long term solutions” as in genocide by starvation of the Somali people.” He preferred "genocide by starvation for Somali children", as well as in the Rwanda Genocide in 1994 he preferred to "not doing anything” to stop the mass killings. [21] Under the helpless and indifferent observation of the UN, genocide of various forms is expanding in many countries: Somalia, Yemen, Burma and others, which can be qualified as "globalization of genocide" under the UN aegis [22;23;24] “If one asks the question “who benefits from the South Sudanese civil war?” the answer is clear. The USA is presently the only beneficiary of the ongoing horrors in South Sudan, for this latest round of conflict has once again shut down the Chinese run oil fields in the country…. the USA and its western vassals [are guilty] into these holocausts,… who really benefits and when it comes to the civil war in South Sudan the only party presently benefiting from these crimes is the USA.”[25] 4. For 72 years before the UN eyes, the USA has created a global network of more than 800 military bases around the world. [26; 27] For 72 years, in the UN eyes, American intervention without borders flourished and found globalization in the "long US war against humanity" [28]. This war demanded a "globalization of NATO" in the interests of the "American Empire": "Starting from Yugoslavia, NATO began its journey towards becoming a global military force. From its wars in the Balkans, it began to broaden its international area of operations outside of the Euro-Atlantic zone into the Caucasus, Central Asia, East Africa, the Middle East, North Africa, and the Indian Ocean. The Atlantic Alliance’s ultimate aim is to fix and fasten the American Empire." [29]. All NATO’s wars in Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and Africa were ‘dirty’: “Peace talks were subverted. Libya was barred from representing itself at the UN, where shadowy NGOs and “human rights” groups held full sway in propagating exaggerations, outright falsehoods, and racial fear mongering that served to sanction atrocities and ethnic cleansing in the name of democracy.” It is “the concept of humanitarian intervention” of imperialism; “hypocrisy of the U.S. elite, of the Gulf ruling classes and of the liberal bombardiers who emerged in the crucible of ‘humanitarian’ wars of the 1990s [with] NATO carried out extensive war crimes during the ‘liberation’ of Sirte” Libia [30; 31]. Now the US-NATO’s "shadow continental war" covers almost the whole of Africa: "The U.S. is waging a massive shadow war in Africa".[32] All US-NATO interventions are carried out under the banner of the "war on terror", which only extends it around the world [33]. The US-NATO uses the UN and its structures as a tool to justify the falsified, fake situations of their 'dirty wars', with the goal of blaming the countries they do not like, as was the case with the Syrian "chemical attack" recently. Such a disgraceful use of the UN has been practiced by the US-NATO many times in the UN. [34] Therefore, UND, like the League of Nations, deserves the dissolution and replacement of the new UN Harmony. 5. For 72 years, the US, together with its NATO allies and under the wing of the pocket UN, has created in their "new world order" a regime of "totalitarian democracy and a full spectrum of domination" [35] with the Pentagon's plan of "total war and military dictatorship". [36; 37] While China, Russia and other peace-loving countries "pivot to world markets,” militaristic America "pivots to world wars" [38] and prepares a "third world war with China" [39] and with Russia [15], etc. All of these wars of the United States are prepared in front of a silent and humbled UN, which is helpless to oppose anything by the USA, and whose peace-loving will is paralyzed by the militarism of the boss at the UN as a rabbit before a boa. This allows the US to be a "world mafia leader", as the Brazilian artist portrayed in a cartoon [39]. What becomes the UN for her 72 years? Maybe, "as if" its unintentional nest for 72 years? ... There is something to think about here. 6. Under the wing and guardianship of the UN, the USA is transformed into an "inverted totalitarianism and a fascist state" [40], provide "globalization of fascism" [41], "plan a nuclear war by Pentagon Fascism" [42], "established and supports ISIS" [43], providing it with weapons in defiance of the UN Charter, and because they constitute "the greatest threat to global peace" [44; 45; 46]. The USA has made terrorism an "ultimate weapon" of its imperial policy of "eternal war and genocide". [47]The USA lives in the UN with the full hope of "a win of nuclear war". [48] Therefore, "It's a Fairy Tale to Call the US the World's Peacekeeper" [49]. In reality, in the history, "the US fears peace." [50] During the time "from Hiroshima to the war of drones", the US-NATO approved "state terrorism" [51] and became the "spark of nuclear war" [52]. 7. The UN is powerless before the military-industrial-media-financial-scientific-congressional complex of the USA [53; 16], the manager of this UN. It is helpless before the US-NATO war crimes against humanity; they long ago deserved the "American Nuremberg" [54], which the UN is powerless to launch. Foreign policy trumps justice. “Justice Belied marks a turning point in understanding how tainted international criminal justice undermines political solutions and imposes superpower dictate.” [55] Summarizing such countless facts, Martin Luther King said: "The US government is the greatest purveyor of violence in the world." [56] Can this happen at the UN peace? No! This is possible only in the American UN disharmony! The USA ignores or violates the UN decisions and international law that interfere to its militaristic politics. They have withdrawn or are withdrawing from the ABM Treaty, from the Paris climate agreement, from the nuclear deal with Iran, from UNESCO as the most important UN body and etc. The Pentagon is the "privileged" destroyer of the planet's ecology and climate. [57] 8. Therefore, calling the UN a "global peacemaker" is the same tale as "calling the US a global peacemaker", which created the "American Century of Violence" [58], which “has plunged the world into crisis” [59]. The US constitutional law authorizing the possession of weapons, militarized half of the country's population, which almost monthly turns into mass executions, such as the "slaughter in Las Vegas" on October 1, which the UN cannot oppose anything. The war has become the American "narcotic addiction" [60], which will become the most important reason for the "American Empire fall" in 2020, most likely with a "military bang" than "with weeping," according to Galtung forecast [61] and others. The USA's groundless pretension to exclusivity and its rude assertion by absolute militarism is unequivocally deadly. The fall of the USA global militaristic empire is inevitable. It will put before the UN the question about its radical, anti-militaristic peacebuilding reorganization, which is proposed in our project. 9. Militarism generates a global economic crisis: “The economic crisis is accompanied by a worldwide process of militarization, a “war without borders” led by the U.S. and its NATO allies.” [62; 63]Militarism exacerbates poverty, "globalizing it in a new world order." [64] Militarism provokes dangerous genetic experiments, in particular with nutrition, "sowing seeds of destruction through genetic manipulation": "Control the food and you control the people.” This is no ordinary book about the perils of GMO.” [65] Allthisborderswiththetotal "softgenocide" [66]. Militarism and militaristic democracy generate total corruption and fraud as evidenced by millions of facts, before which the UN is powerless. [67] Militarism and the militaristic democratic establishment led by Hilary Clinton are conducting a global "war on truth" to justify their defeat in the presidential election. [68] “Clinton supported America’s endless wars, which have brought chaos, death and misery to million of people throughout the world.” [69] 10. Thousands of facts confirming the militaristic essence of the USA in the UN lead to an inevitable simple question: Why “the Exceptional Country once describing itself as Christian, along with its allies in Europe, now appear to be the oppressors?” [62]. Of course, we must admit that during the UN 72-year history, in it has sounded many remarkable peacemaking ideas, but they were all consigned to oblivion, they did not provide any fundamental approximation of humanity to global peace and drowned in its bottomless militaristic swamp. Therefore, the UN, like the League of Nations, has actually remained the institution of war, not of peace, despite the dense veil of peaceful declarations, resolutions, proclamations and speeches. But in the traditional UN, "Sovereign nation states cannot cope satisfactorily with global challenges ... Our global UN system does not cope with today's risks. We urgently need a new way of thinking "[70]. ThiswasbrilliantlyrealizedandexpressedbyEinstein: “We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if mankind is to survive”.[71] New, spheral thinking is presented in the constructive part of the project below as an alternative to the dying traditional ideologies. [72; 72a] The traditional ideologies of the past and the new centuries - Marxism and liberalism discredited themselves with the justification of various forms of violence and proved completely incapable to offer a constructive and effective model of peaceful global governance in the UN. Communism as a theory and practice debunked itself in 100 years. Because of the dominant of the total class struggle, it could not become a constructive alternative to capitalism and its boundless militarism. In the analogous position is liberalism as a "failed ideology and zombie doctrine" powerless before the crisis that "cannot be stopped without a coherent alternative."[73]. The UN's real global ideology in 72 years, the US-NATO made total militarism, removing from its agenda of any fundamental peacemaking problems and ignoring those constructive effective ideas, which were repeatedly offered to it. [74; 75] Militarism became the center of the dominant geopolitical picture of the world in the UN, which determined its peacemaking helplessness to solve any global problems, for example, such as Israel-Palestine armed confrontation for more than 60 years, peace between which is deliberately ‘obstructed’ by the USA and the UN. [76] The elementary truth is that "peace movements’ common vision is the abolition of militarism" [77], but if the total US-NATO militarism feeds the UN, this organization cannot be recognized and qualified as a peacekeeping one. Our project, presented briefly below, offers for the UN a fundamentally new, alternative geopolitical picture centered on HARMONY as the source of the life for nature, society and human, which was intuitively realized in all world civilizations, but ignored by dominant in the UN American militarism. only such a geopolitical picture can transform the UN disharmony into the UN Harmony. Our analytical part covered only a very small fraction of the vast array of tens of thousands of facts and evidences of the US-NATO militarism excluding the really peacemaking and effective work of their UN. More significant factual material on this topic is presented in two chapters (9 and 13) of the "Global Peace Science" [78]. But the fundamental generalization and systematization of these facts and the corresponding testimonies in thousands of books, articles and video still await their honest, strong and courageous peacemaking thinker. GHA and its friends made only the first step in this direction. This is a scientific aspect. The axiological aspect is that science, conscience and morality cannot and do not have the right to ignore the endless facts of US-NATO militarism, violence and aggression that dominate in the UN and turned it from an instrument of peace into an instrument of international legalization and justification of their criminal genocidal militarism. Ignoring these facts and refusing their scientific analysis and moral assessment can be regarded only as the encouragement and support of this militarism, its wars, deaths and violence. This is peculiar only to the militarists, but not to the true peacemakers. This is position of the GHA and its peacemakers for more than 12 years. 1.3. The USA Imperial Militarism: Exceptional Perversion of Human Values, Especially Freedom and Democracy The only moral justification in the UN and the world of all aggressions and genocide of the US-NATO, they made "Western values", especially freedom and democracy. But total US-NATO militarism has only perverted them, extremely pathologized and transformed them, in fact, into their opposite. The trend of the militaristic "exceptionalperversion" of fundamental values has long been established and has long been studied, beginning with the "inverted totalitarianism and USA transformation to fascist-like state" [40] and "full spectrum dominance: totalitarian democracy" [35]. Thousands of similar studies reveal the details of this "exceptional perversion", exposing, for example, "corporate fascism of the USA," whose militarism became "the murder of American democracy" [79], led to "the death of democracy and freedom in America" [80], "destroying democracy"[81], "broke democracy" [82] and turned it into an "oligarchy and plutocracy" [83], into a "democracy of billionaires" making up no more than 1% of the population [84], etc. A more detailed analysis of the militaristic perversion of American democracy with its ineradicable vices of violence, corruption, inequality and nationalism is presented in our work [85]. It is well summarized by the genius thought of the Canadian scientist: "you can’t have a democracy that organizes itself around the war" [86]. Similar militaristic democracy is naturally imposed by force, fire and sword in the world and in the UN, which silently tolerates the "America’s deadliest export of democracy" [87], which turned it into a "rogue state" [88]. "The deadliest export of democracy by a rogue state" is well illustrated by Africa: “The west uses “democracy”… to control Africa. This has resulted in over half a century of murder… Western “democracy” is all about controlling Africa for western benefit,… It is African blood that pays for the rich lifestyles of the western populace, and African blood that pays for social peace in western societies…. Western “democracy”, a system adopted by slave owners and redesigned to enable the preservation of a system of barbarism, maintained by force and violence, which has been forced on Africa” [89] The exceptional perversion of values in the USA, the transformation of freedom into permissiveness of any violence, weapons and militarism,-- “bad American values of freedom to lie, cheat, steal & kill” [89a] with unlimited aggression and the transformation of democracy into totalitarianism, fascism, hegemony and a world dictatorship which grew early-ripe on the short, 240-year-old historical soil of America, which is 93% filled with wars: “The US has only been at peace for 21 years total since its birth. For 222 out of 239 years – or 93% of the time – America has been at war. No U.S. president truly qualifies as a peacetime president. Instead, all U.S. presidents can technically be considered “war presidents.” No wonder polls show that the world believes America is the number 1 threat to peace.”[89b] For the sake of truth, we must note that the first and only US president who formulated the peacekeeping program of foreign policy in a powerful paradigm of global peace [89c] - Donald Trump, who thanks to it won the election, even with a minimum margin of 52% of the electorate, was immediately subjected obstruction and impeachment by the American "democracy of inverted totalitarianism" [40] not only in the face of "democratic" (militaristic) party of Hillary Clinton but also the USA "democratic" militaristic Congress and the militaristic "fake mainstream media." Their militarism completely paralyzed the Trump's global peace paradigm. [89c] The US historical militaristic soil, which absorbed Trump's only peace attemptof the USA,is devoid of fundamental harmonious traditions and reasonable restrictions, measures, proportions and accords of thousand-year civilizations: Indian, Chinese, Greek, Persian, Russian, Latin American, Egyptian, African and others. The American United Nations has suppressed these traditions by the total militarism of one country, whose population does not exceed 4% of the population of humankind, condemning it to imminent thermonuclear self-destruction. This deprives the UN of the mandate of an international governance body designed to preserve the peaceful life of humankind rather than leading it to destruction and keeping it under this fear for decades. America repeats the tragedy of the Great French Revolution values: "Ultimately, this revolution led to a blood bath, preceded with much fanfare and propaganda consisting essentially of the words “Liberté, égalité, fraternité,” ie, freedom, equality, brotherhood. It failed tragically."[62] These values were also failed in American militaristic execution under the fanfare and manipulation of fake media in the rampant imperial aggressions of the US-NATO global militarism. The UN of harmony and life cannot have a leader the country, even the richest and strongest, which degrades spiritually and agonizes in its perverted values, without promising the world anything but an imminent military collapse. If the US-NATO, with its values of freedom and democracy, unleashes a nuclear, pernicious for all war, this will not be surprising. They go to it and prepare for it during 72 years in the framework and under the cover of their UN war. Who should be blamed humanity in this case, if from him someone remains??? To the like UN the remarkable words of the brilliant French writer are: "To tolerate and ignore the actions that threaten humanity with war does not mean serving to peace" [90]. Therefore, we must act in search of a new, harmonious UN model with the foundation of the harmony values. An alternative model of global governance in the UNH requires an alternative value system, which retains all the advantages of traditional one but elevates them to the level of a new, scientific understanding and solution of global risks. What is the main drawback of the traditional value system? It is based on the absolutization and priority of one partial, albeit very important value of freedom. We are in no way rejecting its large achievements in the 15-20 centuries. Nevertheless, we cannot fail to see its degradation and degeneration into permissiveness as the main value risk in the 19th and especially in the 20th centuries bordering with the "free" extermination of humankind. The freedom degradation today begins with the freedom of "communism", Nazism, genocide, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, militarism, terrorism, etc. It is evident to almost everyone, almost in everything and is stated by almost all outstanding thinkers and writers of these centuries. Holistic and universal “harmony, as a value, stands distinct from all the rest at this juncture of history… So, harmony becomes the first priority because the very existence of human kind is threatened by forces of disharmony. … Even if harmony is not the most fundamental or most important value, it is presently to be given a high priority because, without it, the humankind is in danger of being lost. It should further be seen that though Harmony seems to be one single value, yet, in truth, it is the group name or corporate name given to a set of values, for, ‘Harmony’ has love, unity, concord, amicability, sociability, friendliness, spirit of co-existence and reconciliation, proper communication, openness of mind self-control, non-violence, sweetness, tolerance, consensus, etc. as its essential components. Without these values, there cannot be an enduring and holistic harmony.”[91] The priority and integral value character of harmony was emphasized long ago by many thinkers, especially the Indian and Chinese civilizations based on it. No other value, apart from harmony, is able to perform a holistic system mission in relation to other values, because only harmony expresses the eternal and universal source of the life of nature, society and human. Therefore, harmony is the priority value of every person from birth to death, as well as each society and humanity as a whole, even if they temporarily and ignorantly replace it with partial values of wealth, profit, power, etc. But it becomes available theoretically and for conscious practical embodiment only to the spherons, who consciously create the appropriate science and thinking of harmony. The partial values cannot preserve their viable potential without harmony, but harmony cannot be complete and viable without them, without their organic unity in it. Spherons consciously unite traditional partial values in harmony, providing a new public consciousness, a new spiritual appearance and a new moral level of humanity. On the holistic and system value basis of harmony, which unites all other values and protects them from any perversion, the UN Harmony is built.
1.4. Conclusions of the UN 72-year history for its repair via reorganization in a harmonious scientific paradigm The facts of Chossudovsky and Luсas [1; 2] and similar [3-89 and others] provide a sufficient scientific basis for the conclusion that since Hiroshima, more than 72 years continuously, the USA is really leading an undeclared “‘long war’ against humanity” [28] under the wing and cover of their UN, flouting international law. The United States has never done anything fundamental for global peace in 72 years, never initiated it in the UN in any form. The USA excludes global peace from the life of humankind and the UN agenda. Their global and eternal postwar strategy was only their own national security and the "national interests" of world domination, which became the flag and justification for their exceptional militarism, wars and aggressions without end. only such militarism became the true "exclusiveness" of post-war America, which frightens the whole world for 72 years since Hiroshima. Militarist security of the USA is imposed on all countries, it draws them into the American arms race, forcing all the nations that do not want to become innocent victims of American aggression like Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Korea, Vietnam, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, etc. The USA militaristic security has superseded and suppressed both the consciousness and practice of global peace. All of the endless array of the facts of US aggressions and interventions, together with NATO allies since 1949 - all of them - neither together nor alone, have been convicted in the UN for 72 years. They are the facts of militaristic indulgence of the UN for the USA. Both clusters of militaristic facts - for the US/NATO and for the UN - are interdependent, but different. Together they constitute the necessary scientific basis, both for theoretical generalizing conclusions and for immediate pragmatic solutions. The inevitable logical conclusions from clusters of militaristic facts. 1. All 72 years, the UN has been and still remains the UN disharmony/militarism and not peace for all peoples, to which humanity has not approached a single step, but only rapidly approached to a global nuclear war and complete self-destruction. 2. All 72 years, the UN has been and still is a militaristic organization of the USA and its military security, and not an institution of global peace, as it was formally proclaimed by the UN Charter. Necessary pragmatic solutions based on militaristic facts and their scientific generalization. 1. Either immediately dissolve this UN, like the League of Nations, for its powerlessness before the wars and indulgence for them. Declare the annual period of the International Scientific Competition for the Best Project of the Global Peace Governance: the UN Harmony Project. 2. Or, for the same reason, launch an immediate process of cardinal reform of the UN disharmony to replace it with the UN Harmony, capable of beginning to defend global peace of all peoples, and not security of the world dictator. The UNH project for its discussion, initiation and adoption by peace-loving countries was prepared by international peacemaking organizations in this text on the basis of the "Global Peace Science" [78]. The political will to initiate pragmatic decisions on UN reform. The most difficult question in any matter, the more global, is the personnel one. Who among the modern peace-loving political leaders would be able to initiate UN reform and unite around themselves and his country the supporters of this reform for its practical implementation and overcoming the inevitable confrontation of US-NATO and their allies? Are there really many truly peace-loving countries and truly peacemaking leaders who can unite to achieve a global peace on a scientific non-violent and anti-militarist basis? The GHA researches on this score and our repeated sounding of different groups of political leaders in the UN, G20 and others in different years [92] do not inspire optimism in us. We came to the sad conclusion that the political leaders for reforming the UN are more likely to wait for the American nuclear WWIII with its usurped right of the first nuclear strike than to warn it with the necessary reform of the UN that it would become the guarantor of its impossibility and remove it from the public consciousness forever. Of course, everyone knows the world leader who would be able to start implementing UN reform today. He admits "that there is no alternative to the UN" and stands for immediate nuclear disarmament. But he still does not realize what an alternative to the existing disharmonious/militaristic UN can, is and should be. If this alternative is sought by a Swedish billionaire in an international scientific competition [70], then why cannot our promising leader organize such and lead it? Unfortunately, he does not yet have that Einstein "understanding" that "alone ensures the achievement of peace." This is a scientific understanding of harmony. Peacekeepers from harmony can only hope for the progress of this leader consciousness, the awakening of his constructive peacebuilding political will on the basis of a scientific understanding of peace from harmony and not from militarism. But this hope is not unpromising, because in his consciousness the idea of social harmony and a "harmonious future" is growing and developing, as it can be seen from all his speeches, especially from the latter at the Valdai Club. He perfectly expressed here the main trend of the present to the future in the title of his paper: "The World of the Future: Moving Through Conflict to Cooperation" *. [93] (* It is very strange that the Russian term "harmony" is translated into English by the weak in this case and the inadequate term "cooperation.") Paraphrasing Joseph Schumpeter, one can say that "from the creative destruction" of the disharmonious UN "a new order and a new world are born" - the harmonious order of global peace. But harmony requires science, which is not exist until now and which must be created. God grant that all political leaders understand this! Now in Russia people also are beginning to understand more and more the need for a radical reform of the UN, which turned into "the USA puppet." "Why does Russia need an organization (the United Nations) that works for the United States, which is increasingly degrading ... Perhaps Russia should not wait for a new war so that the new victors (and whether will be they?) will determine the just organization of the world but to propose that this be done peacefully?"[94] But constructive structural ideas for the UN reform are not proposed. Together with their absence, there is also no political will or diplomatic initiative by Russia in this strategic direction. UN: prospects for the future. Today, looking at the UN, a legitimate question arises: why the peace-loving countries in the UN should trail behind the ruling militarists? Why from the peace-loving countries in the UN do they not sound global peacebuilding initiatives? For 72 years, they see that the UN was not able to resist any US-NATO aggression. They actually resigned themselves with them as an inevitable fate. Although they are sometimes outraged, they cannot do anything with them. All got used to the fact that the King (UN) is naked! - Powerless to ensure peace and eradicate militarism for 72 years and does not even try to promise it! How long can this continue? Until the new Hiroshima and nuclear WWIII? Meanwhile, the US does not sit idly in the UN, like peace-loving countries. The United States is actively using the UN to discredit the peace-loving countries and their peacekeeping actions by all unworthy means. only under pressure from the USA, could the UN exclude the global peace from the "Eight Millennium Goals" [95]. The disharmonious/militaristic UN does not promise a global peace even in the third millennium, obviously believing in favor of the USA that this will be the millennium of American militarism. But some leaders like the Prime Minister of India are beginning to understand the need to change the unipolar world order and its UN [96]. The disharmonious UN has no future and no prospects for it in any case. Ultimately, only conscious harmony of the UNH is capable to improve not only the UN, but every UN member, every state and society, every government and party, every family and every citizen of the planet. only conscious harmony is able to resist and non-violently overcome all social pathologies, including militarism, nationalism, Nazism, terrorism and any fundamentalism as disharmony. The trend of expanding the conscious harmony [97] covers more and more citizens and sooner or later it will find and put forward worthy young political leaders capable of initiating and boldly leading UN reform. These young leaders of the near future will understand that scientific and harmonious peacefulness of the UNH is the most powerful economic, political and social stroke (but nonviolent, "soft"!) by which to overcome the militarism of the USA and other countries to the extent that corresponds to the scale of their militarism. But this blow is stretched in our project for 50 years, so that it was minimally painful. At the same time, this will be a powerful breakthrough into a harmonious digital economy that will ensure prosperity for all nations; into harmonious democracy ensuring equality and justice for all peoples and productive classes; into harmonious education and way of life and into spiritual culture of harmonious civilization in the XXI century. Only such a perspective creates and ensures the eradication of militarism, violence and wars from the life of the future of humankind, "shift of the arms race into a peace race" (King [56]). It is presented in detail in the Global Peace Science (2016) by 173 authors from 34 countries in Chapters 8 and 10 [78]. 1.5. The American militarism peak is the UN "nuclear club": Zero nuclear ban that guarantees a nuclear world war. The USA is the “father-founder” of the UN nuclear club, the instigator and promoter of the nuclear arms race because America was the first to invent and first tested nuclear weapons twice in the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, destroying more than 200,000 civilians easily and quickly. The US only usurped the right of a "first, preventive nuclear strike" that, within 72 years of the UN, became a permanent source of the nuclear arms race, turning into a "perpetual motion" for the race of all other weapons of the UN members, which was powerless to transform it into an "eternal engine" of global peace. For 72 years, the deadly right of the "first nuclear strike" in order to protect against it created a "nuclear club" of 9 members in the UN. [98] Five of the strongest of them (USA, Britain, France, China and Russia), the UN elevated to the highest rank of "permanent members of the Security Council" and gave the absolute right of "veto" to all proposals, including peacemaking initiatives. This is a perverted militaristic logic: in the UN the greatest privileges and honor are given to the most powerful militarists, who pose the greatest threat to global peace, primarily to the USA and its allies.
This logic, imposed by the USA, cannot be assessed otherwise than as an "American mockery" over the UN peacemaking mission, to which it is called by its Charter, but which the UN actually neglects. The nuclear club is constantly growing at the expense of countries that are secretly engaged in the development of technology for the manufacture of these weapons, contrary to the 1970 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. It has not yet been signed by four countries [99]. There are at least 11 countries with military nuclear programs. The extreme danger of nuclear thinking was expressed by Mairead Maguire, Nobel Peace Prize laureate:“The thought that we have the right to use nuclear weapons and commit genocide is the most disturbing thing of all.[Therefore we should] join together for a common vision – the total abolition of Militarism and war.” [100] American militaristic leadership in the UN has perverted its peacekeeping logic, according to which the only nuclear countries that are the greatest threat to the survival of mankind and to global peace must be deprived of domination in an international peacekeeping organization and the right of veto. But this did not happen in the UN, which, under the influence of powerful nuclear powers, set out in pursuit of the mythical "checks and balances" of nuclear weapons, ensuring its firm endless preservation in the "balance" instead of its destruction. Preservation of nuclear weapons - a constant "powder keg" under the globe without any "counterweights" - excludes the possibility of saving humanity and the planet from a guaranteed military catastrophe - the "Nuclear Winter", which "US leaders reject" [ 101], which constitutes a "crisis for human civilization and the biosphere". [102] This is ignored by the US, still hoping "to win the nuclear war." [48]. The US only exacerbates and destabilizes the situation in the world, undermining the "nuclear deal with Iran" approved by the UN [103]. They also destabilize relations with nuclear North Korea, manifesting themselves as the "true axis of evil": instead of negotiations - blackmail, provocation and threats from the UN rostrum on "total destruction" with the full connivance of the "silent pro-American majority". Where is here the peaceful UN? Who can fill the vacuum of peacekeeping leadership in the UN? Confrontation and contradictions within the nuclear club are constantly growing, the disastrous result of the dynamics of which is predictable for all sane people, including the majority of UN members, except nuclear powers and their satellites. In July 2017, 122 of them approved the Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapons, except nuclear powers and their satellites. "The world's nine nuclear-armed powers - the US, Russia, Britain, China, France, India, Pakistan, North Korea and Israel - all of whom boycotted the UN in July 2017."[105] "All of the countries that bear nuclear arms and many others that either come under their protection or host weapons on their soil boycotted the negotiations." [106] Where are democracy, justice and equality here, when out of the UN 193 members, the majority - 122 approved the ban on nuclear weapons, but it remains an empty sound for nuclear members and their satellites led by the USA? This fact proves that the UN does not have any hint of democracy, equality and justice, which are suppressed by the US-NATO militaristic dictatorship and their allies. This fact proves that the UN is under the protectorate of a militaristic minority led by the United States, in which hopes for a nuclear ban are empty and groundless, because in the UN 72 years there is no democracy and peacemaking. The nuclear ban is excluded in it because of its militaristic nature. It is possible only in the UN Harmony and global peace provided that there is a world leader who will have the mind, peacefulness and courage to initiate it. From the nuclear powers leaders, only the president of Russia, who deserved the highest recognition in the world, including the proposals of the Nobel Peace Prize [107; 108], has long offered nuclear disarmament, which he confirmed for the last time at the Valdai Club in late October 2017 [109]. But the US-NATO is resisting nuclear disarmament. only Putin, having unified all non-nuclear countries and unilaterally, for at least one year, having begun reducing nuclear military spending, is able to launch global nuclear disarmament and UN reform on the peaceful principle of harmony that eradicates its militarism. There is no other start to real nuclear disarmament and UN reform. But can Putin and Russia initiate a historic global reform? And if not they, then who is? Will there be a similar country and a similar leader in the world? These are questions of the nearest history. Obviously, most likely, they will be leaders from the BRICS and SCO group, which recognise its priority: "To Strengthen International Peace and Security" and "Peace, peaceful life has been and remains the ideal of humanity." [110; 111; 112; 113] This aspiration and appeal are expressed in the GHA Message to BRICS leaders and other peace-loving countries [114]. Here, the peacemaking will of the peaceloving part of global civil society is focused [115; 116; 117] in contrast to its apathetic or militaristic zombie by the fake media part. Appendix 3. Philosophy and Dialectics of the UN Spherons: Consolidation and Uniting Nations in Deep Structural Harmony.
For God in his dispensation of all events, perfects them into a harmony of the whole. [Harmony of the whole perfects and improves all its parts and opposites] Logos/Cosmos: harmony and war of opposites. [Harmony of opposites is in depth and their war, disharmony are on the surface] The hidden harmony is better than the visible. [The hidden harmony of depth is better - wider, more important and stronger than visible harmony of the surface] Much learning does not teach one to have understanding. [Much knowledge of the empirical, disharmonious surface does not teach the deep mind of harmony] Heraclitus of Ephesus, 5th century BC. The internal harmony of the world is the only true objective reality. Henri Poincare, early 20th century. The harmony of natural law reveals an Intelligence of superiority. Albert Einstein, 20th century middle.
We approached to the philosophy,dialectics and science of the societal spherons deep structural harmony, which determines conscious harmony of the social surface excluding its wars, militarism and other social pathologies and risks of disharmony. Leo Semashko, 20th end and 21st beginning. The GHA project (http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=769)proposes a cardinal reform and a restructuring of the UN. Reforming the UN is required by the life of modern humanity and is supported by 85% of the population in international polls. Reforming the UN it needs not only in the public opinion support and a scientific project but also in its philosophy, both general and social. It is detailed in the GHA books, especially in “The ABC of Harmony” (2012) and in the “Global Peace Science” (2016). It is summarized in the “Table. Dialectics of the Spherons Harmony.” Table. Dialectics of the Spherons Harmony
Two levels of social Cosmos: surface and depth | Philosophical and social paired categories expressing the levels of social Cosmos, its extreme characteristics or attributes | The struggle/war of opposites / differences. Partons are the innumerable historically transitory parts of the Spherons: humanity social surface, its disharmony | Parts, phenomenon, surface, many, difference, variable, temporary, random, mobility, immensity, imbalance, disproportion, asymmetry, chaos, external, limitless, finite, etc.
War, violence, struggle, hatred, slavery (unfreedom), human rights, lawlessness, inequality, injustice, enmity, violent rivalry, rupture, priority of material wealth, monarchy, "democracy of inverted totalitarianism" (or "totalitarian democracy" of 1% of billionaires) etc.,.. ….. | Deep harmony of the Spherons opposites: Social foundation and Genetic code (genome) of humanity
| Whole, essence, depth, single, identity, constant, eternal, law, stability, measure, balance, proportion, symmetry, order, internal, limited, infinite, etc.
Peace, nonviolence, friendship, love, freedom, human rights, legitimacy, equality, justice, brotherhood, nonviolent competition, unity, priority of children and spirituality, democracy, spheral 100% democracy, etc .... |
In this table, we try to summarize almost the entire history of philosophy in its fundamental categories, to which millions of philosophical works are devoted over many thousands of years. Therefore, naturally, our generalization, like any other, cannot pretend to be final and complete. But this does not mean that we cannot make some relative generalizations for specific purposes of justifying individual practical projects. Based on this methodology, we can conclude that the UN, like the League of Nations, was created at the surface level of disharmonious militarized nations immersed in the infinity of their historical social, economic, political, cultural, religious and other differences. This is good, because the richness of the differences and diversity ensures the survival and vitality of the peoples in various geographic, spatial, temporal and international conditions. Differences are eternal; they were, are and will increase. But the differences change the sign from positive to negative, when they become more acute and turn into irreconcilable contradictions resolved by this or that power and military methods, which undermine all the foundations of human existence. The more such destructive differences-contradictions become, the stronger the centrifugal forces of mankind, tearing up its unity and cooperation of different countries, the more their cohesion, harmony and its centripetal unifying force is needed. Today is such a critical period of human history when the risk of a world war of nine nuclear countries/parts/nations of humanity threatens now with destruction for it and for its common planet in 30 seconds proximity to this irreparable disaster. Therefore, the international organization of almost 200 countries, designed to prevent this catastrophe and any of its risk - the UN, should find the unity of nations not in militarism, chaos and disharmony of their centrifugal superficial contradictions, but in harmony, peace, love and brotherhood of their common and constant deep structure of spherons. (Let us recall that spherons are four societal groups of the population, covering it as a whole and engaged in four spheres of social production). Only this structure constitutes their genetically unified essence, law and wholeness. one experiment with the superficial League of militaristic nations failed with the beginning of the WWII. An even more hard failure is the repetition of similar 72-year experiment with the UN, in which the risk of a new world, nuclear war flared up to the extreme limit of a half-minute affinity. Maybe humanity and its UN should not bring this knowingly failed experiment to the end and wait for the start of a new world war? The failure of this experiment for 72 years is proved by that small set of facts, which is collected in Appendix 1 of this project. It sufficiently motivates the need for the proposed reform of the UN. The sad age-old experience of the UN and the League of Nations to prevent war and ensure a global peace should make it necessary to seek a new, viable and effective way of uniting nations on the basis of social harmony but not militaristic security, ready at any second to explode nuclear catastrophic war. The peacemaking effectiveness of harmony is confirmed by history long ago, beginning with Numa Pompilius (7 century BC), the second king of Rome, who was able to pacify the militant Roman people and provide it with a peaceful life during 43 years of social harmony. Other similar numerous facts are considered in the GHA mentioned books. This remains an unattainable goal of humankind and its international organizations, primarily the UN, of the 20th and 21st centuries. The general philosophy and dialectics of harmony was laid by the "founding father" of ancient dialectics - Heraclitus of Ephesus more than 2,5 thousand years ago, whose key ideas of harmony together with their modern transcription are given above as epigraphs. The depth of his philosophy of harmony - the hidden dialectics of the "harmony of opposites" in social reality has not been known so far, except for a few intuitive guesses of geniuses; for example, Poincare and Einstein (see epigraphs). Unfortunately, for 2.5 thousand years after Heraclitus, human knowledge could not penetrate into the structure of thesocial "harmony of opposites", which contains the genetic code of humanity or the social genome of the human raceand its global eternal peace. Today humanity knows harmony no better and no more than Heraclitus 2,500 years ago, and in something less and worse than he because of the domination of violent ideologies and superficial one-dimensional disharmonious philosophies of the last two centuries. This is the result of disharmony in the development of the "two cultures", which Charles Snow already noted in the middle of the last century. In this disharmony, the rapid development of technocratic and military knowledge, supported by violent ideologies and excessive military budgets of national militaristic states, suppressed and practically stopped the development of social knowledge and the humanities that found themselves in a deep more than two-century stagnation and depression. The disharmony of two cultures can only lead to one result - to the military self-destruction of humankind, to which the priority of its military-technical culture was brought closer to maximum, for 30 seconds. The only way out is in the revolutionary Copernican shift to a deep structural knowledge of social harmony, the beginning of which Heraclitus laid. It is necessary, but not enough.It was continued only in the pluralistic spheral harmonious philosophy and sociology of the late 20th and early 21st century on the basis of the discovery of spherons, which became the main scientific hypothesis of social cognition today. But we will back to Heraclitus. The main shortcoming and weakness of the philosophy of harmony with Heraclitus to the present day, as well as the practice of its application as a tool of reconciliation, lies in the absence of scientific structuring of social harmony, which has become the epistemological cause of the stagnation of social cognition. Passing through all the numerous attempts, we can say that the conscious scientific (sociocybernetic and tetrasociological) structuring of social harmony began in 1976 in a small youth club "Demiurge" in which about 30 members were divided into four equal spheral "micro-groups" reflecting the deep societal harmonious structure of Spherons (http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=305). The UN should unite nations not in their superficial and eternal dividing militarism of any nature and degree, but in their one and common denominator of a deep harmonious structure of spherons. This constant production structure ensures the life of every nation always, everywhere and without exception, therefore it must become the foundation for UN peace and harmony. only such a UN is able to overcome the national militarism of all sorts and degrees and save humanity and the planet from a nuclear catastrophe. On this basis, the "Axiom and the Structural Law of the UN of Harmony" is formulated, which constitutes its philosophical and scientific foundation: "The consolidation of nations in the UN Harmony is carried out on the basis of their deep harmonious structure of spherons, one and constant for all nations, excluding wars, militarism and violence between them. on the basis of a unified structure of national spherons, the UN spheral structure is formed with equal representation of the spherons of each nation in it (including gender equality), ensuring the harmony of the UN and the exclusion of any militarism from it." on this axiom, the UN harmony structural project, proposed here, was built. The war of nations and opposites is always on the visible surface, and their harmony is deeply hidden in the spherons natural structure that unites them. Wars will not cease until nations know their common structural spherons of harmony in order to follow and obey to their laws of peacefulness. The UN Harmony should unite the nations in this structure in order to assist them in its cognition and share its awareness into joint building global peace, for the liberation of humankind from the debris and slavery of historical militarism, trampling and ignoring the first exclusive human right to life, which is not recognized by the modern UN. The global peace will be included in the UN Harmony Millennium Goals, of which it was excluded by the modern UN.This is the exclusive purpose and priority mission of the United Nations of Harmony: to help nations to free themselves from wars and militarism through scientific cognition, use and conscious implementation of the structural harmony of spherons. Now, no one is helping nations in this, so they often prefer war instead of peace, constantly preparing for it in a continuous and endless arms race instead of building a global peace. Effective for a global peace, the UN can be created only at the deep harmonious level of the national spherons, which (and those, and others) should be equally represented in the UN Harmony. only the conscious scientific structural harmony of the spherons at the national and global levels is capable "to shift of the arms race into a peace race," as Martin Luther King Jr. dreamed of. This is the significance of our UN Harmony project in its constructive part. His motivating part is presented in "Appendix 2. Facts. Motivation" inthecompositionofthisproject. Appendix 4. Declaration. Human Right to Life, Global Peace and Social Harmony (The original version) Preamble
1. Declaration of Human Right to Life, Global Peace and Social Harmony - hereinafter abbreviated as DHRL is the continuation, deepening and development of the "Universal Declaration of Human Rights" (1948), hereinafter abbreviated to UDHR, one right - right to life, which is mentioned only once (Article 3 of the UDHR), without justification of its role, without its definition, decoding and detailing and without its maintenance. All this is filled in this Declaration. The concept of "freedom" in different combinations and linguistic forms is used in the UDHR 33 times, and the concept of "right to life" is used only once in Article 3, although without life freedom does not exist. 2. Recognition of a human's life - the fundamental existential attribute of a person, which determines his/her first natural-biological right to life, as well as the existence of the human race - is the basis of all human rights as they do not exist outside of a person's life. Therefore, the right to life is the foundation of the Constitutions of almost all countries of the world. 3. Neglect of human life led to hundreds of millions of acts of his murder only in the last century, the most massive of which are committed during world wars and other armed actions of the different states and also various terrorist and bandit groups. 4. The human right to life must be fully protected by the rule of law, so that people are not forced to resort, as a last means, to an uprising against lawlessness or powerlessness of power to ensure the human right to life, primarily from threats of military genocide and terror. 5. The human right to life in its fully safety is ensured by global peace, unity and brotherhood, which are consciously built by the world’s peoples together from the most profound, genetic structure of social harmony of the spherons in humanity, in each nation and each settlement. They cover all population as a whole, without any exception at all levels. 6. The human right to live in its fully security can only be guaranteed by the global peace of all nations from the deep conscious harmony of the spherons, which frees people from any weapons, militarism and wars and prevents any conflict by spherons consensus, consent or compromise through the mechanisms of spheral democracy with the built-in institution of harmonious opposition of the spherons, with equal representation in it of men and women who, as parents legislatively provide the children's suffrage, which makes the spheral democracy by 100% representative democracy. The children's suffrage exercised by parents is a necessary political and legal condition for ensuring the right to life from birth and childhood. 7. The lack of human right to life frees any mass military assassination of people from any responsibility and actually reduces the value of human life and human resource to zero. It opens an unhindered path for the prosperity of wars, the arms race and militarism, which are still thriving in human history. only the recognition of right to life, supported by the recognition of any war, apart from the war on terror, the crime against humanity and genocide, can put an end to the militaristic inhuman history. But this requires the UN Harmony, because the previous pacifist international organizations were powerless to do anything in this direction for almost two centuries. 8. Taking into account the key importance of human right to life among all its rights/freedoms and for the existence of each nation and all of humanity, the UNHGeneral Assembly proclaims this Declaration of human right to life, global peace and social harmony as a task that are for all peoples and all states so that every person and every institution of society, constantly keeping in mind this Declaration, aspires through education and enlightenment to promote respect for the human right to life as a foundation of all his rights and freedoms, and strict execution in all national and international actions of states - members of the UNH and others. Article 1
All human beings are born for life, therefore the human right to life is the first natural-biological and continuous human right from birth to death, constituting the fundamental base of all of its rights, its dignity, freedom and equality with similar human beings endowed with reason and conscience for life behavior in the spirit of peace, harmony and brotherhood. Article 2
The human right to life, given by God and nature, does not know the difference in any natural or artificial features, such as race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, class or other provision. Furthermore, no distinction should be made on the basis of the political, legal or international status of the country or territory, to which a person belongs, regardless of whether this territory is independent, trust, non-self-governing, or otherwise limited in its sovereignty. Article 3
Everyone human being has the right to life, which is directly related to his/her and is expressed in his/her personal safety and personal immunity, determined by the whole systemic set of national and international existential conditions. Article 4
Architecture and context of natural-biological human right to life are not only broader than other human rights but also deeper, encompassing the entire natural, ecological human habitat, the unfavorable conditions of which can be deadly to the individual. Therefore, the social and legal care of humanity and every society about the life of each person should be more universal, scientifically fundamental and humanisticly exhaustive. Article 5 The scientific fundamentalism of the human right to life in the biosphere is determined by the Umberto Maturana’s discovery of the general nature of all living beings, including human, in "autopoiesis" (self-production) from birth to death. Human life is his/her autopoiesis in four spheres of social production, which ensure the life of human and society with four necessary and sufficient resources: people, information, organization and things (all material goods and services). Article 6 Human right to life is provided only by the harmony of all natural and social conditions of life, because any of their disharmonies directly and indirectly and in time dynamics lead to deathand to the murder of a person. Harmony is the life of human, his/her noosphere / humanity and disharmony is their death. Intuitively, this discovery was made by mankind a long time ago, but Henri Poincaré first expressed it scientifically: "The inner harmony of the world is the only true objective reality," because only this reality survives, and human and his/her noosphere along with it, if he/she is in harmony with it, inside it and not outside it for their own free or involuntary disharmony. Article 7 The third fundamental scientific discovery that reveals the human right to life is the participation of each person in social solidarity autopoiesis with other people in a deep harmonious structure of four spherons engaged in the production of four necessary and sufficient resources for the life of each person and each society. The stochastic, probabilistic transition of each individual from one network spheron to another during his/her life from birth to death and every day is investigated by the sociocybernetic science of the infinite system of direct and inverse connections of spherons that always strive for balance, equilibrium and harmony as a condition for their survival along with all individuals included in them. Outside the spherons harmony their production activity of the necessary resources is impossible, i.e. autopoiesis of every individual and every society, regardless of place and time. Article 8 Human right to life is identical with the human right to global peace and social harmony that constitute the universal, integral and fundamental conditions of human life on the planet. Human life in a global society is ensured by the social harmony of humanity spherons, from which their global peace flows and arrives. Therefore, the human right to life is inseparable and identical with his/her right to a global peace and social harmony. Article 9 On the background of three fundamental discoveries of key human life conditions that determine the structure of his/her natural right to life, its most dangerous disharmonies are revealed as its massive and persistent threats. They include environmental and climate disharmonies and threats to human life, the overcoming of which is possible only through the consciously harmonious attitude of the noosphere/humanity to the biosphere and all nature as a whole. That, in turn, is possible only through the formation of a conscious harmony of spherons and all their parts - nations, classes, cultures, religions, etc. within the noosphere. Article 10 The inner harmony of the noosphere/humanity faces a number of persistent and even growing disharmonies in the form of such challenges and risks as continuous and increasingly bloody and dangerous wars, arms race, militarism, terrorism, growing inequality and poverty, uncontrolled population growth, deepening crisis of traditional democracy, the growing stagnation and lag in the social sciences, a moral crisis, etc. Article 11 The UN Harmony (presented in a special project), based on the fundamental scientific discoveries that determine human right to life, recognizes all wars apart from a war on terror, as well as related militarism and arms race, as a crime against humanity and genocide, since every war is a deliberate and intended mass murder of people, regardless of the causes and conditions that motivate it. All wars must be criminalized and recognized as a crime in the same way as the crime is recognizing the murder of an individual in each state. Article 12 The UNHarmony only legitimate war recognizes the war on terrorism, which should not be imposed on individual countries but on joint UNH forces, designed to counter and suppress any armed violence, especially terrorism. Terrorism is individuals or any groups that recognize only armed violence and murder in order to achieve their own goals. Any illegal armed groups for any criminal purpose - robbery, banditry, seizure of power, violence against any groups of people or an individual, etc. equated and united in terms of "terrorism", "terror" and "terrorist group/individual". only an international organized war on terror is legitimate for the sake of human rights for life. Article 13 The independent, conscious and deliberate refusal of the individual from the right to his own life - euthanasia - is regulated by national legislation in accordance with the norms of his culture and traditions. Outside of them, as suicide, it is recognized as an unworthy act that tramples the dignity of a human. Article 14 The right to life excludes the death penalty in all its forms and allows us to recognize only life imprisonment the highest penalty. Article 15 Human right to life is recognized by the UNH as the primary, fundamental and most powerful right not only for societies and states, but for every individual, imposing on his/her the duty to keep and preserve own life not only as a higher social value, but also as a higher individual valueand vice-versa. The individual is obliged to observe all the fundamental both natural and social requirements of life, to take care of his/her health and harmonious all-round filling and development of his/her life, using for this purpose all the necessary spiritual, material, political, educational and natural conditions and qualities of the own character. Article 16 1. In exercising own right to life, each person shall be subject only to such restrictions as are established by law solely for the purpose of ensuring due recognition and respect for right to life of others and for the satisfaction of the just requirements of morality, public order and general welfare in a democratic society. 2. The exercise of right to life should in no way be contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations of Harmony. Article 17 Nothing in this Declaration can be interpreted as giving any state, group of persons or individuals the right to engage in any activity or to perform acts and abuse aimed at the destruction of human right to life, set out in this Declaration. (This draft was drawn up by Dr. Leo Semashko on 12-12-17 for further discussion, correction and approval by the GHA) Appendix 5. The UN Harmony Goals of the 21st Century instead of the UN Disharmony "Millennium Goals" In 2000, the UN approved the UN Millennium Declaration [194], where it solemnly proclaimed seven "key objectives" of the third millennium, which the UN "assigns special significance". They are presented in the following table in two languages. Table 1. The "Millennium Goals" of the traditional UN
The UN stressed that its members bear a "collective responsibility" for the fulfillment of these goals. But the means to achieve them were reduced, as a rule, to common promises and appeals. For example, the achievement of the goals of "peace, security and disarmament" was limited to the following: "We will spare no effort to free our peoples from the scourge of war, whether within or between States, which has claimed more than 5 million lives in the past decade. We will also seek to eliminate the dangers posed by weapons of mass destruction."This means that the UN does not plan to exclude the wars in the next millennium; it preserves them and plans only “to free our peoples from the scourge of war"! Only!
To this was added a small list of very narrow measures: "respect for the rule of law", implement "the decisions of the International Court of Justice", "to make the United Nations more effective in maintaining peace and security by giving it the resources and tools it needs for conflict prevention, peaceful resolution of disputes, peacekeeping, post-conflict peace-building and reconstruction." "To strengthen cooperation between the United Nations and regional organizations,","to ensure the implementation, by States Parties, of treaties in areas such as arms control and disarmament","to take concerted action against international terrorism", "to intensify our efforts to fight transnational crime in all its dimensions "," strive for the elimination of weapons of mass destruction, especially nuclear weapons," "to strive for the elimination of weapons of mass destruction, particularly nuclear weapons", “to call on all States to consider acceding to the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-personnel Mines”, "we urge Member States to observe the Olympic Truce". We can name also dozens of similar partial measurescompletely powerless to eradicate wars and ensure a global peace. At the end of the Declaration, it is again declared "We solemnly reaffirm, on this historic occasion, that the United Nations is the indispensable common house of the entire human family, through which we will seek to realize our universal aspirations for peace, cooperation and development. We therefore pledge our unstinting support for these common objectives and our determination to achieve them." It seems that the UN recognizes its "solemn statements and pledges" as the most effective means of achieving peace, which in reality it and its members have never fulfilled in 72 years. We think that in the world there is not a single sensible person who believes that such "solemn promises" and similar half-measures as the "Olympic Truce", the banning of anti-personnel mines and drugs, the fight against terrorism, respect for the rule of law and the International court, and dozens of appeals to "strengthen," "ensure," "intensify" can achieve the goal of "peace, security and disarmament." Because none of the promises for 72 years has been fulfilled and instead of approaching to peace we see a rapid approach to a new world war.It is ridiculous and foolish to believe this, because all this has nothing to do with the reverse reality of the globalization of wars, genocide, militarism, the arms race, the growth of military budgets, the invention of new types of mass destruction, and the like. The UN, which accepts such Declarations, lives in a different, fantastic world, completely inadequate to reality. The tragedy of this Declaration for humankind lies in the fact that among its countless "solemn promises" there is no promise of global peace in the future. To us are promised only "to free from the scourge (sorrows - L.S.) of war", obviously, assuming it (war) in the endless future! The traditional UN does not promise a global peace even in the third millennium! The global peace goal is excluded from the Declaration for the next thousand years! It lacks a scientific definition of its essence, as well as a necessary and sufficient system of means to achieve it. It is limited to purely pacifist, unsystematic and superficial means, unable to provide peace and bring humanity closer to it, that it sees 72 years of the UN existence. Similar Declaration rather serves the interests of growing militarism than the peace-loving expectations of humanity. It testifies the limitations and impotence of traditional pacifist thinking, which, contrary to Einstein, tries to solve problems at the same level of thinking that created them. No one intellectual or theoretical innovation in this Declaration is present. But these "Millennium Goals" lasted only 15 years in the UN itself, because in 2015 it adopted another Declaration: "2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development" with its "17 Sustainable Development Goals", which, in fact, crossed out the "Millennium Goals" although the Agenda was declared they "are broader in scope and go further". [238] Among the "Millennium Goals" there is no "sustainable development" and among its purposes there is no separate special goal of a global peace, which in fact is absent and among the "millennium goals" as we have seen above. Both UN Declarations, at a distance of 15 years from each other, testify to the insignificant nature, in content and form, of the UN superficial pacifist thinking, which created all global problems in its 72 years of existence. At this superficial level of thinking there is no understanding of the deep identity and continuity of sustainable development and global peace that are divided in the UN documents. Their pacifist weakness and incapacity have served the whole of the last century and up to the present day the screen for prosperity to the most ferocious militarism of the US-NATO. The UN poor level of traditional thinking can be overcome only at a new, deeper level of spheral thinking, which is represented in this UN Harmony project. If the traditional UN for 72 years of existence was unable to promise global peace and sustainable development, even in the new millennium, the UN Harmony guarantees their joint, inseparable achievement and ensuring during 50 years. It preserves some of the most important partial goals of the traditional UN and subordinates them to the goals of global peace, social harmony, sustainable development and the human right to life as the defining right for them. Therefore, these goals of the UN Harmony will be goals not of a vague millennium, but of a modern, 21st century, within which it guarantees the achievement and maintenance of both a global peace and sustainable development within a 50-year period of complete and universal disarmament. All these goals are goals of a single social harmony of the spherons. Based on the "UN Harmony Agenda" in this project, we formulate the "Goals of the 21st Century" within the spheres/spherons’ thinking in the following table: Table-2. The goals of the 21 st century of UN harmony and global peace. Цели гармонии 21 века | Harmony goals for the 21st century | 1.В течение 50 лет глобальный мир и устойчивое развитие в природе из сознательной социальной гармонии и равноправного партнерства сферонов на всех уровнях, начиная с ООН на основе «Науки глобального мира» (НГМ) [78] что обеспечит человечеству переход в гармоничную цивилизацию в конце 21 века | 1. During 50 years are: global peace and sustainable development in nature from conscious social harmony and equal partnership of spherons at all levels, starting with the UN on the basis of "Global Peace Science" (GPS) [78] that will provide humanity with the transition to a harmonious civilization to the late 21st century | 2.Развитие НГМ и всего комплекса социальных наук через исследование сферонов человечества, каждой страны и каждой ее части вплоть до семьи и индивида [190] | 2. Development of GPS and the whole complex of social sciences through the study of humanity spherons, in each country and every part of it, up to the family and the individual [190] | 3.Развитие глобальной духовной культуры гармоничного мира и гармоничной цивилизации на основе глобального гармоничного образования высшего качества с детства, семьи и школы и обеспечение соответствующей достойной работы | 3. Development of global spiritual culture of harmonious peace and harmonious civilization on the basis of global harmonious education of the highest quality from childhood, family and school and ensuring appropriate decent work | 4. Обеспечение полного разоружения и безопасности в течение 50 лет путем ежегодного всеобщего сокращения военных бюджетов на 2% с приоритетом ядерного разоружения в 10 лет | 4. Ensuring complete disarmament and security for 50 years through an annual general reduction of military budgets by 2%with the priority of nuclear disarmament in 10 years | 5. В рамках устойчивого мирного развития общая охрана окружающей среды; обеспечение доступной и чистой энергией; экологичные города, поселения, производство и потребление; сохранение климата и биосферы | 5. Within the framework of sustainable peaceful development, overall environmental protection; providing affordable and clean energy; ecological cities, settlements, production and consumption; conservation of climate and biosphere | 6. Полное искоренение голода и нищеты путем установления материальной, ресурсной ответственности богатейших слоев за беднейшие слои в границах их гармонии | 6. Complete eradication of hunger and poverty by establishing the material, resource responsibility of the richest strata for the poorest layers within their harmony
| 7. Обеспечение хорошего здоровья, жилища, санитарии, чистой воды, воздуха и благосостояния для всех слоев | 7. Ensuring good health, home, sanitation, clean water, air and well-being for all strata | 8. Гендерное равенство, приоритет детей, снижение других неравенств путем учреждения сферной 100% демократии как глобального гармоничного управления, начиная с ООН, с равным распределением власти между сферонами; с механизмом внутренней гармоничной оппозиции и эффективной политической системы; с сильными и справедливыми институтами, свободными от милитаризма, коррупции и национализма; с обеспечением всех прав и свобод человека на основе приоритетного права человека на жизнь | 8. Gender equality, children's priority, reduction of other inequalities by establishing spheral 100% democracy as global harmonious governance, starting with the UN, with equal distribution of power between the spherons; with the mechanism of internal harmonious opposition and an effective political system; with strong and just institutions free from militarism, corruption and nationalism; with the provision of all human rights and freedoms on the basis of the priority human right to life | 9. Гармоничный рост экономики, индустрии, инфраструктуры, технических инноваций с приоритетом гуманитарных инноваций на основе гармоничного социального знания | 9. Harmonious growth of the economy, industry, infrastructure, technical innovationswith the priority of humanitarian innovations based on harmonious social knowledge | 10. Гармоничное развитие ООН путем ее качественного, структурного реформирования в ООН Гармонии и Глобального Мира на основе НГМ, как предложено в данном проекте. Эта реформа – единственный способ усилить и уберечь ООН от печальной участи Лиги Наций, к которой она стремительно приближается вместе с крайним ростом вероятности новой мировой войны. | 10. Harmonious development of the UТthrough its qualitative, structural reform in the UN Harmony and the Global Peace on the basis of GPS, as proposed in this project. This reform is the only way to strengthen and protect the UN from the sad fate of the League of Nations, to which it is rapidly approaching, together with the extreme increase of the likelihood for a new world war. |
These 10 UN goals of 21st century harmony include all the goals of both UN Declarations, but transform them, reinterpreting them in the new sociocybernetic paradigm of spheres and spherons at a new level of tetranet thinking [165]. Deep scientific thinking of spheres and spherons overcomes / resolves all global problems, challenges and risks generated by traditional surface thinking. The first, the main and holistic goal, including all the other goalsis the achievement of a global peace during 50 years on the basis of GPS and UN Harmony as proposed in the GHA project. In the first comparison, the undoubted effectiveness of deep goals and means of UN harmony in relation to the unsystematic, unscientific and superficial, essentially empty and devoid of any effectiveness of the traditional UN disharmony goals becomes clear.
(This draft was drawn up by Dr. Leo Semashko on 14-12-17 for further discussion, correction and approval by the GHA) For more details, see here:http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=769 Appendix 6. Spherons of the USA and Russia: transformation of "enemies" into friends and partners. How can an enemy be a partner? The USA has long regarded Russia as an "enemy" (like many other countries in the world [38a]) and is constantly preparing for war with it [15; etc.]. Taking into account the period of the USSR, this lasts a century. on the contrary, Putin on behalf of Russia constantly names the US "partners" and is preparing not only to repel possible American aggression, but also to broader peaceful cooperation. Why such mutually exclusive assessments? Do they have a common denominator? We, thinking representatives of both sides, who recognize only one, perspective of peaceful cooperation, with all our differences tried to answer questions about "enemies, partners, their war or peaceful cooperation." We will have to touch history, philosophy, science and politics a little, and we start with Einstein's simple genius thought: "The significant problems that we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them." At what level of thinking did the hostile confrontation between the US and Russia arise? It arose at the level of superficial ideological thinking of the USA ruling elite, defending the imperial domination and superiority of America in the world order, which it creates under its global leadership. What is in its end? The USA is constantly and continuously waging wars with all countries and peoples that somehow encroached to dispute or oppose the American dictate. As a result, "US Has Killed More Than 20 Million In 37 Nations Since WWII " [2]. Among the "enemies" of varying degrees in the past two decades, the United States is recorded today by more than 10 countries, with a total of almost a third of humanity [38a]. Russia is surrounded along the entire perimeter of land borders by US military bases: Western Europe, Afghanistan, Japan, South Korea. The US is planning a third world war, considering its different scenarios with different victims [1; 18[. Some of these scenarios were approved by the "insane Congress" [15]. As a result, the US is mired in the "globalization of war" for a century, and "The US government is the main supplier of violence in the world" as wrote Martin Luther King Jr.[56] What is Russia in the past century? As the USSR foundation, as a result of communist ideological terror, it lost tens of millions. After the collapse of the USSR, especially in the era of President Putin since 2000, Russia has embarked on an independent development beyond the American dictatorship and the necessary build-up of military capabilities necessary to repulse. As a result of an independent policy, Russia has become an "enemy #1" for the American ruling elite. Putin repeated a thousand times that Russia was not going to attack anyone, but would give an adequate response to any aggressor. Therefore, Russia is focused primarily on cooperation and is ready to partner with any country, including the United States, despite all its hostility. Therefore, he always names the US "partners" of Russia. The different geopolitical approaches of the US and Russia and the reciprocal contrasting definitions of "enemy" / "partner" are not accidental, not political terminology or petty cunning but intuitive expression of different levels of thinking. one of them is immersed in the surface layer of the apparent contradictions of the irremovable ruling elite (under the propaganda tinsel of the pseudo-democratic signboard of the replacement puppet presidents), who cares not about the life of the nation, but only about its world domination. Another of them takes into account visible threats, prepares for their active military repulse, but is not limited to the militaristic surface, but rests on the life foundation of universal peace and harmonious cooperation, Putin: "Peace, peaceful life were and remain the ideal of humanity", and his way to it he sees thus: "The world of the future: through a clash to harmony" [93,111]. Putin's intuition is deeper than the traditional superficial militaristic thinking of the US ruling elite, its military (Pentagon)-industrial and media-congressional complex [53]. The depth of Putin's thinking lies in his ability to feel behind the clashes of interests the fundamental harmonious foundations of the peaceful life of all nations without exception, including the United States and Russia. About these levels of reality, Heraclitus reflected more than 2.5 thousand years ago, speaking of "harmony and war of opposites", where war is surface and appearance, and harmony is depth and hidden. (Please, see Appendix 3: "Philosophy and Dialectics of the UN Spherons") Unfortunately, the scientific understanding of structural harmony remains unknown until now. The first scientific approximation to this structure was carried out in the GHA, in its statistical studies of the spherons presented in the "Global Peace Science" [78]. Only a scientific understanding of the harmonious structure of spherons as the genetic code of each country and the genome of humankind as a whole raises the mindset to that new level where the solution of the global problems of humankind opens, first and foremost the problem of achieving global peace that is revealed in details in the GHA named book. At this level, the "partnership of enemies" - cooperation between the US and Russia - becomes clear. At this level, the fundamental reform of the UN, which calls for the unification of nations not on a disharmonious militaristic surface, but at the level of their deep structural harmony of the spherons, becomes understandable at this level. At this level, the structure and essence of the fundamental law of the United Nations - the "Earth Constitution" as the Constitution of harmonious spherons of humanity, which constitute the common denominator of all nations, becomes understandable at this level. If "peace is achieved not in war but in understanding," as Einstein wrote, an historic summit of the USA and Russia is needed to understand the new scientific level of thinking that has reached the level of knowledge of the deep structural harmony of the spherons, as the basis for peaceful life and cooperation of all countries of the world, including the US and Russia. The USA and Russia Summit (maybe with the invitation of China, India and the European Union) on this topic, ccoul be called "Global Summit of Peace, New Thinking and Harmonious Cooperation", or otherwise, keeping the main thing in the title: transition to a new level of thinking that provides deep, fundamental vital interests of the US and Russia, like all other countries, harmonious cooperation without wars, violence, sanctions, threats, militarism and superiority. only then the US and Russia will be able to fulfill the great testament of Martin Luther King: "shift the arms race into a peace race." The first shift that is required for this is a shift of the USA surface militaristic thinking, on which they think of themselves and Russia (and others) as "enemies", to a deep harmonious thinking of the spherons, in which all nations are friends. Russia and Putin are at this deep level, intuitively sensing the spherons in the long historical perspective of Orthodox sobornost, consent and peace. Without it, the shift in thinking from the traditional surface and militaristic level to a deep harmonious and peace-loving level, it is impossible to transform the military confrontation into peaceful, harmonious cooperation. only in this case, the enemies can become partners, or, as Christ said, "the enemies will become friends." (This article was written by Dr. Leo Semashko on 30-11-17 for its further discussion, adjustment and approval in the GHA). Appendix 7. Aphorisms and statements about harmony and peace of different thinkers for the UNH: Indian Vedas: ‘Let all men live in peace and harmony’, and ‘Let all people be happy in life’. This knowledge enables us to live in harmony with all beings and our environment. They had harmony of the mind, heart and hand in a way that was beneficial to the society as a whole. Buddha: Harmony comes from within. Do not seek it without. Happiness comes from harmony, not money or fame. Confucius: 70 years is understanding of the harmony of the universe. A noble husband strives for harmony and consent with others and with himself. Pythagoras: (Pythagoras discovered the laws of harmony and harmonic relations between sounds). Measure is in all things. Measure is in all respect. Consider sacred numbers, weight and measure, / Here are the children of equality of grace. It is the greatest of the blessings that are given to us. / Know, the numbers are the gods on earth. Where there is a weapon, there are no wise there laws. Do not avoid there and the war and the grief of mountains. What is Wisdom? The first principle of it is in harmony of mind. only approaching a harmonious sound, we comprehend secrets hidden in silence. That in Tetraktida, being, is known. It is Harmony, in which the forces of the world. From death, that soul will be saved, that in love, / In harmony friendly, in harmony of the family. Hierocles of Alexandria(V century AD, commentator of Pythagoras): The basis of everything is a measure. Chetveritsa, an inexhaustible life source. Chetveritsa is a well of the eternal world order, it is the same as the god-creator. Plutarch, about Numa Pompilius, the second Roman king (7th century BC): He (Numa) divided the whole (Roman) people into several parts / classes by employment (by professional shops) in order to make a difference between citizens of the other kind, to destroy the first, the main reason for disagreement between (the two enmity parts / tribes of the Roman people) ... that brought harmony and unanimity (into the militant Roman people, providing its with 43 years of peaceful life, eliminating any wars and insurrections). Heraclitus: Cosmos is harmony and war of opposites. The hidden harmony is better than the visible. Plato: (Teachings on the harmony of the four spheres and elements Plato expounds in "Timaeus.") Cosmos is a living being, the harmony of four elements: fire, water, air and earth. The body of the sky was born visible, and the soul - invisible, participial to harmony ... The soul harmony the Muse was bestowed upon every sensible admirer ... All things were a state of complete disorder, and only God brought each of them to harmony ... the God first arranged all this, and then composed from this our Universe - a single living being ... All good, no doubt is beautiful and beautiful is proportionate (harmonious) .... Of all the types of purification and strengthening of the body, gymnastics is most preferable. The thoughtful discretion of the world's harmonies and revolutions... Aristotle: Harmony is a combination of opposites. Zoroaster/Zarathustra: Absolute Goodness is harmony of the World, absolute Evil - destruction ... Zarathustra preached harmony of three levels of order ... Leonardo da Vinci: A creative person must first of all know the mathematics, be able to master it, in order to comprehend harmony, because it rests on proportion, measure and number, serving as the fundamental principle of order in the world. Kepler: Harmonices Mundi. Harmony of the World Kant: Natural harmony among men is the guarantee of perpetual peace, Poincare:
The internal harmony of the world is the only true objective reality There is peace at the heart of the din, concord in babel. Dostoevsky: Russia …is all world, … of great general harmony, fraternal final consent. Tolstoy: In the hands of war is billions of money, millions of obedient troops and in our hands is only one, but the mightiest tool in the world — the truth. Having been born, a person represents a primordial harmony of truth, beauty and goodness. Alexander Bogdanov: Philosophy changes its tasks, changes itself, as soon as it forgets that in the living experience lays its material and its starting point, that the harmonization of life is its unchanging goal . Roerich: Humankind, although slowly, is moving towards harmony. ... Such far-off concepts as love, good, perfection, that is, all satellites of harmony? Harmony is often not understood. But harmony is not an abstract chant. Harmony, harmonization of centers is the identification of activity in all its power ... Gandhi: Non-violence is the greatest force at the disposal of mankind. It is mightier than the mightiest weapon of destruction devised by the ingenuity of man. Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony. Einstein: Harmony of natural law reveals an intelligence of such superiority ... We have to admire in humility the beautiful harmony of the structure of this world. Gordon Pask Evil is that which restricts the right of actors to interact. Gregory Bateson The only way out is spiritual, intellectual, and emotional revolution in which, finally, we learn to experience first hand the interloping connections between person and person, organism and organism, action and consequence. George H. Mead Warfare is an utterly stupid method of settling differences of interest between different nations.
Solzhenitsyn The artist is given only sharper than others to feel the harmony of the world, beauty and disgrace of human contribution to it - and acutely transfer it to people. And in failures, and even at the bottom of existence – in poverty, in prison, in illnesses – a sense of stable harmony cannot leave his. "Imitation". Konstantin Kushner: -Worldwide Spherons: Winged words are a peaceful alternative to winged missiles. Winged words know no boundaries and fly further winged missiles. "Imitation". Leo Semashko’s aphorisms and statements about harmony, life and death: - Harmony is life, disharmony is death, war, struggle. -Harmony gives birth to life, and disharmony is violence and death. -You can live only with harmony, but not with war, with which you can only die. - Spherons are the heart of the social harmony of social production. -If you cannot, or do not know how, or do not want to live in any ideology by harmony, then you have only one thing, to live in struggle, violence and war of all with all, to die ingloriously and without a trace. These are terrorists and other rapists. - Violence, by its primitivity, quickly finds leaders; but harmony, by its depth and complexity, finds them for a long time, hard and little. -Violence is too tempting with its simplicity and apparent efficiency. -Total violence, as absolute disharmony, is ruthless to life, depriving it of every place and displacing it by death. - Anyone who is not able to live harmoniously, intuitively or consciously, is doomed to death. - Marxism-Leninism is a "dead dog" of its own class struggle violence, devoid of harmony. - Marxist violence, like any other, was superfluous for life. - Marxism absolutized the superficial violent struggle of classes; therefore deep harmony was inaccessible to it, in the ignorance of which it died.Similarly, liberalism and any monism of violence. -Studying harmony almost all my life, at the end of it I can say, following Socrates: "I know that I do not know anything in world harmony." - People live in harmony by intuition, remaining ignorant in it, consciously venturing into all minor disharmonies. - Violence is permissible in harmony in the only case to protect life from violence. - Aphorism is a compressed harmony of words for peaceful mutual understanding. - People come in and out into different network spherons of harmony many times a day and master it in different spheres and in their different networks. - Production is possible only in the deep harmony of spherons, between which parts there can be temporary disharmony and violence, paralyzing the corresponding part of the production. - Violence needs arms and legs, and for harmony the main thing is a deep mind. - Health is the harmony of everything, always, in everything that does not harm life.
- Democracy without deep harmony of spherons: the harness of wild horses/groups without driver and rudder. It is only capable of fighting, destroying the people who elected it. - Deep harmony is only available to a deep mind and democracy of the spherons. -------------------------------------------- Appendix 8. Bibliography 1.Chossudovsky Michel (2012; 2017) Towards a World War III Scenario: The Dangers of Nuclear War: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=772 1a. 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Spherons of Harmony: The Third Way of Religions Reconciliation http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=782 213.Semashko Leo (2008) General Harmonious Education as the Best Way for Harmonization of Relations between Religions: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=352 214.Semashko Leo and GHA 110 coauthors from 17 countries (2012) World Interfaith Harmony on the ABC of Harmony Platform: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=541 215.Semashko Leo and GHA 48 coauthors from 22 countries (2013) Center (School) of Interfaith Harmonious Education: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=561 216.Semashko Leo (2017) SPHERONS: 100% Democracy and Peace Geopolitics: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=424 217.Semashko Leo (2017) Global Democracy of SPHERONS: Main Institute of Peace Policy: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=368 218.Semashko Leo (2010) “Sphere Democracy Group” in Petrosovet Parliament 1992: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=58 219.Semashko Leo and GHA 67 coauthors from 23 countries (2009) Alternative Reserve Currency of Global Harmony: «HARMON» (H): http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=367 220.Semashko Leo, Semashko Alexander (2016) Alternative Reserve Currency of Global Peace – HARMON instead of US Dollar as War Currency: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=606 221.Semashko Leo (2016) Global Peace Laws. Maximin and Minimax for SPHERONS’ Incomes. Global Peace Economy: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=603 222.Marchetti, Raffaele (2013) The EU “Tobin Tax”: A Paradox in-between Anti-globalization Social Justice and Supranational Market Harmonization: http://wpfdc.org/blog/our-columnists/raffaele-marchetti/18289-the-eu-tobin-tax-a-paradox-in-between-anti-globalization-social-justice-and-supranational-market-harmonization 223.Frenkin, B.R. (2005). Neumann Minimax Theorem: Commonly Known and Unknown. // Mathematical Education, Ser. 3, 9 – M .: Izd MTsNMO. – P. 78–85. 224.Daly, HermanE.(1977) Steady-State Economics” and (1989) “For the Common Good”. 225.Kurland, Norman G., Dawn K. Brohawn, Michael D. Greaney (2004) Capital Homesteading for Ever Citizen: http://www.cesj.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/CapitalHomesteadingForEveryCitizen.pdf 226.Semashko Leo and the GHA 75 coauthors from 23 countries (2009) Harmonious Educational Competition-Partnership. Marketing project: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=356 227.Chossudovsky Michel (2017) Who is Behind “Fake News”? Mainstream Media Use Fake Videos and Images: https://globalresearch.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=2cc48fb30f331d97157a65aa2&id=0f3da60d37&e=7634b2334b 228.UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: http://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/development-agenda/ (Total 244 sources) Note. The more full bibliography in more than 700 sources was presented in the “Global Peace Science”: http://peacefromharmony.org/docs/global-peace-science-2016.pdf , pages: 580-597
Discussion Since 23-11-17
Network Spherons:
The UN Harmony Replacing American UN War The GHA 57th Project. Discussion and approval during 5 days Dear GHA peacemakers, friends, Please excuse my delay with updating the project. As always, there was a lot more real work than planned. Today, I am happy to send you a substantially updated version of our Swedish project with the updated title "Network Spherons:The UN Harmony Replacing American UN War." (37 pp.). It was supplemented by a critical part, and the list of literature is increased more than 3 times, work with which was the most time consuming, but it is not the end either. I hope you send your new articles and books to it. The project is presented in the attachment. It is also published on our website, on the main page of which (http://peacefromharmony.org/) the following banner of this project with its addresses was put: Network Spherons: The UN HarmonyReplacing American UN War. Sociocybernetic Model of Spherons’ Global Harmonious Governance (SMSGHG) at the UN level: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=769 | Spherons (S) of the United Nations Harmony (UNH) Сфероны (S) Организации Объединенных Наций Гармонии ООНГ
| Сетевые Сфероны: ООН Гармонии вместо Американской ООН войны. Социокибернетическая модель глобального гармоничного управления сферонов (СМГГУС) на уровне ООН: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=736 |
This is a very important peacemaking project that requires new coauthors (the invitation is published therein) and wide discussion in different audiences without restriction. In this regard, we announce its discussion during 5 days, until October 28 inclusively (if it is required we will extend it) and invite you to approve (or not to approve) it with your "YES" or "NO". All replies and opinions about it will be published on our website. We invite you also to make your intellectual peacemaking contribution to it your editing of any part of it, your text additions up to the 1 page and your additional references to your books and articles. Watch this in more detail at the end of the project. Please send all your additions in the project text in red so that we can see your contribution. All coauthors are eligible for paid scientific research within this project since May 2018. Thank you very much for your participation in the discussion of this unique and extremely necessary project for global peace. Heartily, the best wishes for peace from harmony through science, Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA Honorary President, http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=253 23-10-17 -------------------------------------------------------------------- My dear friend Leo, I hope that you are in good health. Thank you so much for sending me the link to your new publication on UN Harmony. I have read it with great pleasure, and I think that the references listed at the end are especially valuable. My own health continues to be very poor, and I am uncertain about how long I will live. Nevertheless, I am continuing to work as hard as my health allows on a book with the title: "THE CLIMATE EMERGENCY: Two time scales". As soon as it is finished, I will send you a copy. With my warmest greetings, and very best wishes for the success of your extremely important work for peace, John Avery, 24-10-17 My dear friend John, Many thanks for your frank reply. I'm very sorry for your "poor health," but I see how much you write and publish in every weekly TMS Digest your wonderful essay on outstanding peacemakers in human history “We Need Their Voices Today!”. This is a wonderful idea and a gigantic work that will be highly appreciated. When do you plan to finish it? How many names will be (or is) in it (22)? Could you send me all these essays in the one file WORD? I will be happy to publish it on a separate page of our website. Do you agree with this? Is it possible for your? I am very glad to your new book about Climate – it is great work!!! I will be happy to receive it and publish it, if you permit me, on our web. Please, see how much you do !!! This is the main thing!!! After all, your other thought “I am uncertain about how long I will live”, which is peculiar to every person, should not bother you and distract you from your work. only God can answer: how much each of us will be to live. The matter of the livings is to create and live up to the end of our days. You confirm this with all your great labors!! These works prolong our life in a direct and figurative sense, that is, after we left it. Please, let only one, if it possible for you, important for me and GHA question and request: could you support our new, the GHA 57th project about the UN reform in the UN of Harmony, in one short phrase something like the following: “Although I have some criticisms on this project, but I fully endorse and share its main focus on peace from social harmony that is absent (or lacking, or bounded) in the modern UN. I wish success to this project." It will be your great support and help to the GHA. Of course, you are free to edit it as you want. A could you send this phrase as reply on the my email with this project (October 23) or directly in our net: “Global Harmony Association ”? Is it possible for you? Thank you very much. With Love, peace and harmony, Leo 26-10-17 --------------------------------------------------------------- Лев Михайлович, добрый день! Поздравляю с окончанием очередного труда. Работа проделана большая, анализ трудов различных исследователей - серьезный, выдвигаемые предложения - порой революционные. Явным недостатком текста являются ссылки почти исключительно на сайт ГСГ. Надо указывать источники, откуда вы брали статьи, книги тех или иных авторов. В идеале это должна быть ссылка на печатное издание (уверена, в большинстве случаев на сайтах указывается, где был опубликован труд), частично это могут ссылки на первичные интернет-источники с датой обращения. Возможно, что на сайте ГСГ такой источник указан, но для печатного издания надо приводить в ссылках первоисточники, а не адреса перепостов. Желаю дальнейших успехов, с неизменным уважением, Юлия Будникова, президент ГСГ-Россия http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=577 24-10-17 Дорогая Юля! Спасибо за поздравления и критические замечания. Но в итоге что? – Одобряете (Да)? Или Нет? Да, все мои перепосты на нашем сайте обязательно имеют адрес оригинала. Но мы пока не собираемся публиковать этот проект в печатном виде. А там видно будет. А сейчас главное довести этот проект до ума и определить его соавторов, которых мы можем приглашать на платную работу. В связи с этим, могли бы Вы подобрать книгу или статью Рериха с его цитатой либо критики милитаризма, либо с его идеей мира из гармонии? Я бы с радостью включил его цитату и этот источник в проект. Вместе с ним Вы могли бы прислать Вашу пояснительную фразу для тех же целей. Это возможно для Вас, могу ждать? Всего доброго, Лев Семашко Лев Михайлович, вашу работу я одобряю. Что касается Рериха, то его статьи о мире я Вам высылала. Мои пояснительные фразы, думаю, никому не нужны. Их уже достаточно в вашем тексте. Юлия Будникова Президент ГСГ-Россия, 24-10-17 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Вселенские Сфероны Крылатые слова - мирная альтернатива крылатым ракетам. Крылатые слова не знают границ и летят дальше крылатых ракет. Константин Кушнер konst44@mail.ru 24-10-17
Dear Friend, Please read my article on Plato's Political Philosophy on the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. There are some hints. When we are writing world manifestos, we should not refer to Marx (whether young or old) but to Plato, Vivecananda and other deep thinkers and spiritual leaders of humankind. Best regards, W. Julian Korab-Karpowicz http://www.iep.utm.edu/platopol/ 24-10-17 ----------------------------------------------------------- Dear Friends, Unfortunately this does not look like a bright future for humanity -- quote from the text: "seize the great victory of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era" We do not need any conquests or victories, except the victory over ourselves. Instead of seizing any great victories for socialism, first go deep into your own self and once you come to universal consciousness, you will achieve victory and give a good example to humanity. This would be the tradition of Lao Tze, Confucius, Vivecananda, Plato and other great thinkers and spiritual leaders. Socializm (like capitalism) has already causes so much misfortune and is a false track. Why, because it is a materialist approach and has departed from human spirituality. To proceed forward with human evolution, we now need to rediscover our true identity -- which is the soul -- and gain victory in ourselves. My last book (see below) may be helpful. Best regards, W. Julian Korab-Karpowicz
I hope, that these large people, and his leaders impregnated of Chinese legendary wisdom, and in the continuity of its large universal philosophers, the peaceful way with humanity will show;… and the commitment of the Chinese leaders on the climate is already a convincing sign! Admittedly, there remain problems to be solved, but personally, he always shocked me: that leaders of country of a few ten million having themselves problems to solve so much, make the lesson, criticize a country from approximately 1 billion 300 million inhabitants. With CONFUCIUS and LAO TSEU, the writings of Marco Polo, the operetta of FRANTZ LEHAR the country of the smile = I was impressed in the Seventies by the dialogs of Mr Daisaku IKEDA, with the Former Prime Minister: CHOU EN LAI at the time of the Russo tensions Chinese, and Mr IKEDA, had even met the leaders of then of the former USSR, this, to encourage with the dialog and peace between the two people and in the world. From here a few days, I will record celebrates it song” the PALOMA” in tribute to the dove of peace with a full orchestra and his famous trumpet player! At 74 years on November 2nd = I move less, however, I confirm that with honor and emotion, I could sing for you in France or elsewhere, and for your leaders. Cordially with you. Guy CREQUIE France 24-10-17 The general assembly called on the whole party and the people of all nationalities throughout the country to closely rally around the party central committee with comrade Xi Jinping as the core, hold high the great banner of socialism with chinese characteristics, and conscientiously study and implement the new era of Xi Jinping the thinking of socialism with chinese characteristics is determined to forge ahead and work hard to achieve the three major historical tasks of promoting modernization, accomplishing the motherland's reunification, and safeguarding world peace and promoting common development, it is necessary to build a well-off society in an all-round way, to seize the great victory of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, to realize the chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of Chinese nation, and to realize the people's yearning for a better life . Lana Yang楊幗蘭 和諧卋界從心開始 A Harmonious World Begins in the Mind Altruism is the Foundation of World Peace 24-10-17 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Dr.Leo I have followingsuggestions to includeinNetwork* Spherons: The UN Harmony Replacing American UN War. 1A key condition for the membership of any state in the UNH can be if state acceptsan annual reduction in military spending by at least10 %in place of 2 %annual. Since 2% reduction is insignificant due to price fluctuations and long period in achieving disarmament. 2The nation states must also pledge for no further development,productionand trading of arms. 3All the weapon and arms, that are to be removed annually, should be handed over to IPAF for disposal or to modify for peaceful purposes. 4The nation states to fund UNH, IPAF and PIHSC byannual defined amountout ofsavings, due to reduction in their annual military budget. 5WCPAhas alsodevelopedEarth Constitution and concept of one world one parliament. It will be better ifGHAand WCPA can work together as joint force, as both have common goals. 6Following may be added under Para 2.4 UNH SMSGHG Agenda, sub point 6 under “Harmonization of Religions” The world will get peace when hardcore religious men / women, will shed their religious symbols and join mainstream world citizens. The peace will come fast when people, will shed religious rituals and work for humanity, equality and harmony. The peace will come still faster when all, start realizing self- consciousness and take decisions for the betterment of society in place of running after materialistic pursuits. The peace will come still fastest when al, l start adopting Yoga, meditation and nature cure for betterment of body and mind. with best wishes. RAMESH KUMAR Executive Director (CEO) and Vice-President Global Harmony Association (GHA) http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=658 25-10-17 ---------------------------------------------- Путин: Реформа ООН Гармонией Дорогие члены ГСГ, друзья! Рад послать вам на обсуждение в дополнение к проекту ГСГ о реформе ООН, который я посылал вам два дня назад (http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=736) небольшой параграф в 2 стр. и письмо Путину с предложением инициировать эту реформу (см. прикрепления). Думаю, это важное дополнение, высвечивающее (возможную) лидирующую роль России в фундаментальной трансформации прогнившего американского мирового порядка и беспомощной ООН перед милитаризмом США, созданной ими для прикрытия своего мирового диктата. Будем благодарны вашим откликам с конструктивными дополнениями и предложениями до 28 октября. Спасибо за участие в ключевом международном проекте. Лучшие пожелания мира из гармонии через науку Сферонов, Лев Семашко, Почетный президент ГСГ, 25-10-17 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Dear Dr Leo, , Dr Sanjay Tewari, Mr Ramesh Kumar, Dr.Surendra Pathak, GHA Peace Leaders and all Friends, Greetings from India The GHA 57th Project: Network Spherons: The UN Harmony Replacing American UN War Many thanks for your mail and initiating the GHA 57th Project: Network Spheron’s: The UN Harmony Replacing American UN War YES! I agree with the proposal and I suggest the topic as United Network*Spheron’s (UNS): World Peace & Global oneness United Network*Spheron’s (UNS) The UN Harmony for World Peace & Global oneness of Humanity Sociocybernetic Model of Spheron’s’ Global Harmonious Governance (SMSGHG) at the UN level United Network*Spheron’s (UNS)- Sociocybernetic Model of Spheron’s’ Global Harmonious Governance (SMSGHG)at the UN level. Sociocybernetic Model of Spheron’s’ Global Harmonious Governance (SMSGHG) at the UN level One Democracy ~ one Global Harmonious Governance~ one Humanity = United Network*Spheron’s (UNS) United Network*Spheron’s is a great Global Revolution of Global transformation and planetary transformation, for creating a new world order, by Sociocybernetic Model of Spheron’s’ Global Harmonious Governance (SMSGHG) at the UN level The worldwide uprisings against nuclear war that became a global phenomenon now and have continued a wave of change show us just how significant and important this ‘time of transition’ form culture of war to Culture of UN Harmony for achieving World Peace & Global oneness of Humanity. The UN: World Harmony (UWH) is harmony of diversity, without which there is no harmony. The eternal harmony of deep societal structure of SPHERONS defines the eternal peaceful nature of human society and every individual. The UN: World Harmony (UWH) is based on ancient Indian philosophy of –Vasudheva Kutumbkam (World is one Family) and Unity in diversity. Greetings of Peace & Harmony to all. Dr. Subhash Chandra, GHA President and the GHA Board Chairman GHA Ambassador of Peace and Disarmament from Harmon http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=583 M +91 9910241586 ,E-mail:: schandra101@gmail.com 26-10-17 Dear Subhash, Many thanks for your approval of the GHA project “UN Harmony”. Re your proposal of its new title that we cannot understand: which from your 8 titles is your proposal? Please, select onE to discuss it. Please, write neatly, carefully and without repetition, so that the reader can understand your idea simply without crosswords. What are your texts under title “A Great Transition” about World Peace, Nuclear war and Democracy? In which paragraphs of the project do you offer your 3 pages? And why with pictures is it? Please, let us know what you wanted to offer? Thank you. Let us follow the old wise rule: less is better, but better. Do you agree with it? Best wishes for peace from harmony, Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA Honorary President, 27-10-17 -------------------------------------------------------- Dear Dr Leo, Dr Subhash, Mr Ramesh, Dr Bernard, Dr Rudolf, Dr Krasnov (Author and Co-Authors) and all of my Dear GHA Friends Greetings from India!! Thanks Dr Leo for your final version, and suggestion for each of the Co-Authors to work over this project, edit it if necessary and then revert back to you till 28th Oct’17. While going through the project, there are some editions which I propose as follows: The title, in order to avoid any controversy, should be “Network*Spherons: Mitigating the domineering on UN through Harmony” Till now, we have understood that Dr Leo’s spheron’s reproduce the social human world. As the human being is unaware of such kind of a world, or lack’s eagerness to know, hence this results into small differences at the first, which later on grow to disproportionate heights, resultantly, into conflicts, wars and destruction. This project is a small initiative towards this direction, to create and expand this knowledge and thereupon to attain the ultimate objective, i.e. Peace and Harmony. Me, in my role as a Sport Sociologist, with inter cultural connections, would intend to concentrate on both the micro sociological level as well as the macro sociological level. This will enable me to connect myself at the ground level (intra) and the upper level (inter), so that pertinent changes may occur in the belief systems, which will be of permanent in nature. At the intra level, an individual will have to visualize his or her actions within the framework of humanity, rope in consciousness and love for the surroundings, and then at the inter level, once harmony is attained at the intra stage, these intra structures can be combined to produce the larger concept, i.e. the inter, or the “among”. These changes will necessitate both the micro and macro level to adopt with the harmonious practices, thereby deriving good end results. However, in order to achieve the desired, the concept of“Sociospheron” coined by Dr Leo requires the most concentration and work, as “People” need to be grown up in such an environment and culture which make them able citizens. I agree on all the other points. Truly Dr Sanjay Tewari Co-Author GHA 57-th network spheral project,Started on: July 15, 2017, Approved: October 28, 2017 (In process) BSc, LLB, MA (Sociology), MBA-HR, UGC NET Sociology, PhD GHA Ambassador of Peace and Disarmament from Harmony in India, Personal page: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=758 GHA – Board Member GHA – Executive Secretary http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=758 26-10-17 Dear Sanjay, Thanks for your response with your approval of the project as we understand. Our project pretends to be scientific, based on the facts, interpretation and evaluation of which in any science are controversial. Therefore, we should not be afraid “controversy” and hide from them like ostriches. In this regard, your title of the project is vague and incomprehensible. What did you want to tell them? What is its clear idea? Could you suggest a more adequate title? Regarding the second part of your letter with your opinion about the harmony of micro and macro levels, we do not understand what to do with it? It is pure philosophy. It cannot be included in this project. Please, carefully think through and edit your idea and find for it place in the project. Is this possible? Thank you for participating. Best wishes for peace from harmony, Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA Honorary President, 27-10-17 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Leo, Thank you. I will send a detailed response asap before 10th November. Of course, the discussion can go on. Best, Julian 26-10-17 Ps. My new book Social Harmony Or the Principles of a Happy Society [in Polish-- Harmonia spoleczna] has come out today! It has been presented at the International Book Fair in Cracow. This book is a continuation of the Tractatus Politico-Philosophicus and is published in the important book series: +/- Infinity, as you can see on the cover. We can translate it to other languages if you are interested. I maintain translation rights. The book presents social harmony, harmonious international relations, happy societies and good governance. It ends with a vision of human evolution -- of the new age evolutionity, which replaces the current postmodernity -- and a vision of the new politics -- a new cooperative and evolutionary one, which replaces our today's power-driven Hobbesian politics. https://www.amazon.com/W.-Julian-Korab-Karpowicz/e/B005N2WI8C W. Julian Korab-Karpowicz is one of Poland's most renowned philosophers and political thinkers. Brought up in the city of Gdansk, he was a student leader in the Solidarity movement. As a graduate student he was awarded the Scholarship of the Leadership Development Office of the Presbyterian Church (USA). He has received his doctorate from the University of Oxford and has taught at many universities around the world, including Anglo-American University of Prague, Texas State University in San Marcos, and Lazarski University in Warsaw. He is currently Professor at the Department of Interdisciplinary Studies at Zayed University in Dubai. He is the author of several books, including on the History of Political Philosophy and Tractatus Politico-Philosophicus: New Directions for the Future Development of Humankind.
Dear Julian! I am happy to congratulate you on the new great book "Social Harmony"!!! This is a notable phenomenon in the development of the scientific and philosophical consciousness of social harmony in the 21st century, which, you are absolutely right in this, is able to replace obsolete postmodernismwith Marxism and "our today's power-driven Hobbesian politics" of the war of all against all. The Global Harmony Association (GHA), which develops the philosophy and sociology of social harmony for more than 12 years and published 8 books about it and created about 60 network projects about it, hopes that its unique world potential of a harmonious consciousness of the 21st century, uniting the contribution of hundreds of modern thinkers from more than 60 countries, has not passed by your attention unnoticed and is reflected in your book. Especially since you have been cooperating with the GHA for about two years and we have opened your personal page on our website (http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=724),where the information about your remarkable "Social Harmony" is now published. Of course, we will be happy to help translate your book into other languages, primarily English and Russian, if you send complete information about the book, its annotation and the content in English. Maybe you know Russian and could send this info in Russian? As for your "detailed response", we are waiting for it as soon as possible, but in any case, it will be taken into account, discussed and published on our website. Best wishes for peace from harmony, Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA Honorary President, 27-10-17 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Добрый день, дорогой Лео и члены ГСГ! Я еще раз ознакомился с Проектом и, как раньше, горячо поддерживаю его. В то же время даю свои дополнения и изменения последней редакции текста Проекта, которые выделены красным жирным шрифтом. Эти дополнения уже официально опубликованы в СМИ, в моих книгах и статьях на разных языках, широко обсуждались и поддержаны научной общественностью в течение ряда лет. В подобных ответственных международных проектах необходимо выражаться дипломатично, взвешенно, аккуратно, не допуская эмоциональных слов и выражений. Этот Проект должен объединять страны, а не создавать конфронтацию между народами. Как прекрасно говорится в Священной книге «Коран» о добре и зле: "оттолкни зло добром, тогда твой злейший враг станет твоим близким другом" (я передаю смысл Божественного слова). С наилучшими пожеланиями Гармонии, Ваш Ураз Баймуратов Вице-Президент ГСГ, Президент ГСГ-Казахстан, ГСГ Посол Мира и Разоружения из Гармонии в Евразии, Академик Национальной академии наук Республики Казахстан, доктор экономических наук, профессор, Заслуженный деятель науки РК, директор Научно-исследовательского института финансово-банковского менеджмента Алматы, Казахстан Открытие «ЗАКОНА СОЦИАЛЬНО-ЭКОНОМИЧЕСКОЙ ГАРМОНИИ»: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=629 Соавтор "Науки Глобального Мира" (2015 и 2016): http://peacefromharmony.org/docs/global-peace-science-2016.pdf http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=561 27-10-17 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Leo, Yes, I want to be a co-author and to contribute articles to theGHA 57th project: “Network Spherons: the UN harmony replacing American UN war.” Yes, i approve this project and will make my intellectual peacemaking contribution to it, including my editing of any part of it, and my text additions up to the 1 page and my additional references to my books and articles. Manythanks. Bestharmonywishes, Ayo Ghana 27-10-17
"Social harmony" in Poland instead of postmodernism, Marxism and Hobbesian politics + Kazakhstan Dear GHA members, friends, I am glad to send you strong support of the outstanding Academician-economist from Kazakhstan, the director of the Financial and Banking Institute of the Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan, the author of the well-known book "Harmony of Society and Economics" (http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=561) of the new GHA project on transformation UN in the "UN Harmony", as well as his criticisms with which we agree, and the harmonious wisdom of the Quran, which we fully share (below). I am happy to send you also the glad tidings about the publication of the remarkable book "Social Harmony" by the famous Polish philosopher and political scientist Prof. Julian Korab-Karpovich (http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=724), below. GHA highly appreciates the support of our project from Poland and Kazakhstan and sincerely thanks their authors. Best wishes for peace from harmony through the science of Spherons, Dr. Leo Semashko, GHAHonoraryPresident 27-10-17 ------------------------------------------------------------ Two Nobel Peace Laureates: Supporting UN Reform in the GHA Project Dear GHA members, friends, peacemakers: I am happy to report on the responses (below) of two Nobel Peace Laureates: Ms Mairead Maguire from Northern Ireland and prof. John Avery from Denmark, with support for UN reform in the GHA 57th project (http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=769), but in different ways, in varying degrees and forms, as expressed in my responses to each of them below. My dear friend John,
The GHA highly appreciates and heartily thanks you for the "fully endorse and share" of the GHA 57 project with the UN reform in the UN Harmony "in its main focus on peace from social harmony that is lacking or bounded in the present UN." We also appreciate and thank you for your unique work in the history of peacemaking and humanism "We need their voices today" with essays on 22 peacemakers and humanists, beginning with St. Francis of Assisi and ending with Helen Keller and George Orwell. We are happy to congratulate you on this unprecedented peacekeeping contribution. We will gladly publish it in PDF format (it's enough), which you sent to me, on our website "Peace from Harmony" together with your personal page in the coming days, which we will inform everyone. Thank you very much. With love, peace and harmony, Leo 28-10-17
Dear Mairead, Thank you very much for your response with the support of "Abolition of NATO, Nuclear Weapons and War", which assumes a radical reform of the UN, which for 72 years of its existence only contributed to the continuous expansion of "NATO, nuclear weapons and wars". This is a fact that you cannot deny and which you have repeatedly confirmed in your bold peacemaking works. Therefore, we consider your support for their "Abolition" as support for our project of reforming the militaristic UN in UN Harmony, which alone is able to ensure your "Abolition" and wider. As for your fair comment on the United Nations' Social and Political Program, the Developing and Reforming UN, we would be happy to include in our project your additional paragraph of 1-2 pages, no more, about this "UN Program" with the answer to the main the question: how can this program, for all its usefulness, be able to ensure a global peace and the "Abolition of NATO, Nuclear Weapons and War"? We very much doubt this ability of the current UN for 72 years. But if you could present weighty facts and arguments on this score, we would be happy to discuss them and listen to them. Unfortunately, we do not have such arguments for 72 years. For all this time, this UN was unable even to raise the issue of their "Abolition" in its Agenda, all the more; it did not do much for this. Therefore, instead of them "Abolition", we see only their infinite free expansion "without borders" to "nuclear winter". How long should we wait for their "Abolition" yet? Another 72 years? Another 720 years? Or up to complete self-destruction of humankind and the planet? How many? Up to what limit? But, perhaps, this is our omission and we do not know something from the secrets of this UN. Therefore, we will be very grateful to you and anyone who will fill it in and disclose at least any of its real, and not propagandistic, abilities for a global peace. Thank you very much. With love, peace and harmony, Leo 28-10-17
My dear friend Leo, Thank you so much for your extremely kind letter! I am delighted that you like my book, "We Need Their Voices Today!" I am attaching some of the files in Word format, and I will send others. The complete book has been published on line by Countercurrents, and is also available from Lulu as a free pdf file. Here are the links: http://www.countercurrents.org/tag/we-need-their-voices-today/ http://www.lulu.com/shop/john-scales-avery/we-need-their-voices-today/ebook/product-23378861.html About the GHA 57th Project on UN Reform, although I have some criticisms of this project, I fully endorse and share in its main focus on peace from social harmony that is lacking or bounded in the present UN. I wish success to this project. With love, peace and harmony, John Prof. John Scales Avery Nobel Peace Prize Laureate (shared 1995 award), Chairman of the Danish Peace Academy, Copenhagen, Denmark http://www.fredsakademiet.dk http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=672 28-10-17 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Leo, Thanks for your email. I support work of UN and their Social political programme as in the development programme of UN. And hope there will be reform and hope they will get gov's funding out of military to meet their development work. I will continue to work for Abolition of NATO, Nuclear weapons and war. Thanks Mairead Sent from my iPhone Mairead Maguire Nobel Peace Prize Laureate 1976 Stopped the terror in Belfast, Northern Ireland Community for Peace People http://www.peacepeople.com/MaireadCMaguire.htm/ http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=678 One of the founders and coauthors of Global Peace Science: http://peacefromharmony.org/docs/global-peace-science-2016.pdf With her great "message that armed groups, militarism and war do not solve our problems but aggravate them challenges us to use new ways and that is why we need to teach the science of peace at every level of society" 27-10-17 -----------------------------------------------------------
Dear Dr Leo Thanks for your feedback. I do not want to hide anything, because the main document contains these issues. You know one thing, the title should not look offensive, though the contents may speak and deliver on reality. That is why I preferred to erase the word "America" and replace it by "domineering" or coercive in true terms. You will agree that there have been other nations too, who have dislooked at world orders and preferred to gallop their own ways. Nonetheless, this does not mitigate what and how the US looked at the UN... The micro and macro sociological view points, to me are not philosophical, rather pragmatic. They speak about the inner self, which grows and then connects to the outer. This inner self is the "real", and as such its development and shape of growth is of prime importance. Nevertheless, this was my take. You know that this project on whole has already my consent and approval. Regards, Dr SanjayTewari 28-10-17
Dear Sanjay, Thank you for your valuable thoughts. I agree with you and others who propose to correct the title. You are right, not only America is guilty in the UN militarism, but all other countries also with their military budgets, although the US role in militarism is dominant. The USA military budget is equal to the military budgets of other countries, they have the strongest armies, the largest military bases around the world (800), the most powerful nuclear potential, and so they are widely recognized as the main threat to global peace. But otherscountries participate in the American arms race, even if it is forcedly and in feedback. In this regard, I propose to change the project title (its first part) as follows: "Network Spherons: UN Harmony Replacing UN Militarism."Militarism is a common vice of all countries of the UN members with their military budgets. I think this definition will be the most fair. Do you agree with him? Thanks for the response. Best wishes, Leo 28-10-17 Dear Dr Leo, This us so nice of you. I am thankful to you that you understood what I intended to point out. Yes, I totally agree with this title. It is mild, and at the same time, enforcing too. Good wishes, Dr Sanjay Tewari, India 28-10-17 -------------------------------------------------- Dear Dr Leo, Greetings from India Many thanks for your mail & your kind suggestion, I am suggesting the following points to be considered for The GHA 57th Project. The GHA 57th Project: Network Spherons: The UN Harmony Replacing American UN War I am suggesting the Title as: Network Spheron: “UN Harmony -World Peace & Global oneness”. 1. Critical Part. American UN war: Imperial Leadership of US-NATO Militarism 1.1.Preamble. The UN: World Harmony or a Nuclear World War III? “A Great Transition” about Nuclear war III. Humanity is passing through a time of great transition, an unprecedented global crisis and real threat of nuclear war. There are many global challenges of climate change to extreme poverty and growing inequality, from food and energy shortages to the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction are accelerating and increasing the threat of nuclear war. New ways of thinking and taking actions together are urgently needed. A new humanity paradigm of United Network*Spheron’s (UNS) would offer a positive vision of a civilized form of globalization for the whole world and for the welfare of humankind. Paul Raskin.: "a future of enriched lives, human solidarity, and environmental sustainability is possible”. President Paul Raskin is the founding President of the Tellus Institute http://www.tellus.org/about/people United Network*Spheron’s is a great Global Revolution of Global transformation and planetary transformation for creating a new world order by “Sociocybernetic Model of Spheron’s’ Global Harmonious Governance (SMSGHG) at the UN level”. The worldwide uprisings against nuclear war that became a global phenomenon now and have continued a wave of change show us just how significant and important this ‘time of transition’ form culture of war to Culture of UN Harmony for achieving World Peace & Global oneness of Humanity. United Network*Spheron’s (UNS) is to prevent the WWIII: The Third World War, there is great need for “Abolition of NATO, Nuclear Weapons and War" for reforming the UN system. It is the time of great transition and global shift of axis of militarism to axis of peace & harmony for establishing the World Peace.It is time of Abolition of NATO: Nuclear Weapons and War” The UN Harmony will be the Great Transformation to prevent the WWIII for saving the civilization in 21st century. The GHA 57th project “United Network*Spherons”(UNS)will not only provide the solutions of global challenges: 1) Reforming the UN system; 2) Security of the world from Nuclear War – Establishing the Global security policies by adopting the “Sociocybernetic Model of Spherons’ Global Harmonious Governance (SMSGHG) at the UN level” but also provide the direction of establishing world peace by its Global Harmony Charter (GHC), the Earth Harmonious Federation Constitution (EHFC). United Network* Spheron’s is a great Global Revolution of Global transformation and planetary transformation, for creating a new world order, by “Sociocybernetic Model of Spheron’s’ Global Harmonious Governance (SMSGHG) at the UN level”. The worldwide uprisings against nuclear war that became a global phenomenon now and have continued a wave of change show us just how significant and important this ‘time of transition’ form culture of war to Culture of UN Harmony for achieving World Peace & Global oneness of Humanity. The UN: World Harmony (UWH) is harmony of diversity, without which there is no harmony. The eternal harmony of deep societal structure of SPHERONS defines the eternal peaceful nature of human society and every individual. The UN: World Harmony (UWH) is based on ancient Indian philosophy of –Vasudheva Kutumbkam (World is one Family) and Unity in diversity. Greetings of Peace & Harmony to all. Dr. Subhash Chandra, GHA President and the GHA Board Chairman GHA Ambassador of Peace and Disarmament from Harmon http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=583 M +91 9910241586 ,E-mail:: schandra101@gmail.com ---------------------------------------------------------
Two titles of the project: which is better? Dear Sanjay and Subhash,
Many thanks for your active participation in the discussion of the GHA 57th project and your suggestions for its title (for its first part). Sanjay agreed with the title that eventually expressed it as: "Network Spherons: UN Harmony Replacing UN Militarism." Subhash proposed other title: "Network Spherons: UN Harmony - World Peace and Global oneness." Let's compare both titles and determine which is better? From the point of view of my and our argumentation, the first title is better because it is built on a contrast that motivates the transformation and transition from the existing 72 years UN with the common vice - the militarism inherent in all countries albeit to a different degree to a fundamentally new UN harmony, from the outset overcoming militarism. This title reflects the dynamics of the UN development and its qualitatively different stages. What is your argumentation in favor of your name? I see in it only the interpretation unfolding of the concept of "harmony" in terms of the "world peace and global oneness", which are very important, but in essence are identical to harmony, without which they cannot exist. Yes, these are the principal points of the content of harmony, but it is not exhausted by them and includes hundreds of other almost synonymous with harmony of concepts: love, brotherhood, justice, friendship, consent, faith, life, and so on. Harmony does not exist without them and assumesthem. But to determine the UN harmony they, in my opinion, are superfluous if they are included in it. It is much more important to emphasize its difference from the existing UN disharmony, mired during 72 years in the militarism of the nations-states and their "Hobbesian politics" of the war of all against all. But you can offer your own argumentation to prove that your title is better. In any case, we invite the GHA members and all our friends to make your, justified by the arguments, choosing one of the two names. To do this, we extend our discussion of this project for another 5 days until November 3, inclusively. As for your passage "A Great Transition", we do not understand where you propose to include and in what edition, because in the proposed it is incomprehensible. Could you suggest a more accurate and meaningful wording for its discussion. It has interesting thoughts that we could use in the new definitions of the UN Harmony. Let us understand their meaning, for example: "United Network Spherons" (UNS) and others. Thanks, Best regards, Leo, 29-10-17 ------------------------------------------------- Good decision. We have to harmonize the world without hurting others. Best wishes RAMESH KUMAR India 29-10-17 ------------------------------------------------------ Dear Leo, I approve the project. Spherons based vision of harmony is a new vision needed by all nations for Prosperity, Justice and Peace (PJP) at the nation and global levels. With best wishes. Prof. Subhash Sharma Director Indus Business Academy Lakshmipura, Thataguni Post Kanakpura Main Road Bangalore 560062 http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=453 29-10-17 Dear Subhash, Many thanks for your approval of this GHA project, with the understanding that "Spherons are opening a new vision of harmony, necessary for the prosperity, justice and peace of all nations." This statement makes you as the project coauthor and opens valuable and useful for both parties the prospects for cooperation of the GHA and your wonderful Business Academy. As you know, we expect in May 2018 a Swedish grant in $ 1 million for further research in the framework of this project (its constructive Sociocybernetic Model = please, see it). Therefore, we plan to create paid research teams of 15 young scientists (statisticians, sociologists, economists, etc.) in different countries as national branches of the International Academy of Global Noosphere Peace (http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=750). In India, the GHA could create 2-3 similar teams, one of which you could gather and lead as its leader in your Business Academy from its graduate students, masters undergraduates and doctoral students. Scientific work (previously on the statistical study of the national Spherons) of each of them will be pay up to $ 500 per month according to the leader's statement. Detailed rules for the formation of these teams, their functioning and payment will be offered in November. one of their most important norms is the payment of the team leaders by $ 200 for each involved and trained member of this team. If you form a team of 15 young scientists until May 2018, then you will receive 3 thousand dollars. This is one of the rules. We will talk about others ones later - in November. Let us know, are you ready to participate in similar work? Is it possible for you? Do you agree with it? Thanks for the response. Best wishes, Leo, 31-10-17 --------------------------------------------------------- DearDr.Leo, Dr. SanjayandMr. Ramesh, Manythanks for your mail and your kind suggestion & activediscussion of the GHA 57th project. My proposed title: "Network Spherons: UN Harmony - World Peace andGlobal oneness." In the Title UN Harmony means bringing the Global system from chaos &disorder to balanced global order for establishing World Peace andGlobal oneness in 21st century. According to the Free Dictionary “Harmony is the balance of parts andwhole or the merging of the various components of an object into asingle organic whole”. In ancient Greek philosophy, harmony meant theorder of the universe, or cosmos, as opposed to chaos.In the TitleUN Harmony means brining the Global system from chaos & disorder tobalanced global order through Network Spherons to achieve the visionof World Peace and Global onenessHarmony - definition of harmony by The Free Dictionaryhttps://www.thefreedictionary.com/harmony Regarding the passage "A Great Transition" forfirst part 1. Critical Part. American UN war: Imperial Leadership of US-NATO Militarism 1.1.Preamble.The UN: World Harmony or a Nuclear World War III? It is the time of “A Great Transition” about stopping the Nuclear war III, and the time for initiating theGlobal transformationwith the project of UN Harmony - World Peace and Global onenessforAbolition of NATO, Nuclear Weapons and War" for reforming the UN system and to create World Peace & oneness of humanity. United Nations was created, after the second WWII (1939-1946), in 1947 to bring world peace; Even after 72 years the United Nations appears helpless in preventing bloody conflicts the UN failing in its mission to create the World Peace. “Our Global System of the United Nations is not equipped to deal with today’s risks. It is no longer fit for purpose to deal with 21st century risks ...We urgently need fresh new thinking” Laszlo Szombatfalvy It is the time of “A Great Transition” from Industrial Revolution in 19th century to Information Revolution in 20th century to Network Spheron’s Revolution in 21st century to achieve the vision of “World Peace and Global oneness by "Network Spherons: UN Harmony" "Network Spherons: UN Harmony is the process of Global transformation and planetary transformation, by Sociocybernetic Model of Spheron’s’ Global Harmonious Governance (SMSGHG) at the UN level to provide the solutions of21st century risks andto prevent the WWIII for saving the humanity and the Earth’s protection. •UN urges action on sustainable development to create pathways for global 'transformation'. The President of the United Nations General Assembly today called on the international community to take action on the new UN sustainable development agenda in order to begin a transformation for the benefit of all people and the planet, or risk failure that will be felt for generations to come. UN General Assembly President Mogens Lykketoft on 21 April 2016. Reference: Mogens Lykketoft on21st April 2016- The President of the United Nations General Assembly - UN urges action on sustainable development to create pathways for global 'transformation' http://www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp?NewsID=53744#.WfbBBbXt42x United Network* Spheron (UNS): New ways of thinking and taking actions together are urgently needed. A new humanity paradigm of United Network*Spheron’s (UNS) would offer a positive vision of a civilized form of globalization for the whole worldand for the welfare of humankind. United Network* Spherons is a great Global Revolution of Global transformationand planetary transformation, for creating a new world order, by Sociocybernetic Model of Spheron’s’ Global Harmonious Governance (SMSGHG) at the UN level. The worldwide uprisings against nuclear war that became a global phenomenon nowand have continued a wave of change show us just how significant and important this ‘time of transition’ form culture of war to Culture ofUN Harmony for achieving World Peace & Global oneness of Humanity UN Harmony - is the process of Global transformation to achieve the World Peaceand Global oneness. The UN: World Harmony (UNWH) is harmony of diversity, without which there is no harmony.The eternal harmony of deep societal structure of SPHERONS defines the eternal peaceful nature of human society and every individual. The UN: World Harmony (UNWH) is based on ancient Indian philosophy of –Vasudheva Kutumbkam (World is one Family) and Unity in diversity. Greetings of Peace & Harmony to all. Dr. Subhash Chandra 30-10-11
Dear Subhash! Many thanks for your active participation in the discussion and new wonderful thoughts. But let us dwell on two main questions. 1. I offer you a harmonious compromise in the central issue of theproject’s title. I propose the following compromise and harmonious combination of our titles: "Network Spherons: UN Harmony and Global Peace Replacing UN Militarism." I included in this title your part "Global Peace" as the main goal of UN harmony, but excluded the other part of "World oneness", which essentially repeats the concept of the "United Nations". In the project title there should not be superfluous, synonymous terms. It should be extremely concise: the shorter, the better. If you accept this harmonious compromise, then, please, offer it as such for further discussion in the GHA. Do you agree with this? Could you do this? Thank you. 2. You published more than 20 articles in the GPS. Could you choose 3-5 of them for the 57th projects in its bibliography? For example, when you read in the project phrases about Hiroshima with the source [7], then you could offer your (or our joint) article in this form: <<7a. Chandra Subhash (2016) (Article title): its address on the GHA website>>. Another example: you propose for the "Harmonious Education" section your article with number [118a] in the same form <<>> in the bibliography. Please, send me your 3-5 most valuable articles in this form. Is this possible for you? Thank you. Other issues we will discuss after these. Waiting for your response azap. Best wishes, Leo, 31-10-17 ---------------------------------------------------- DearAll I feel this is better, gives message of harmony and avoids conflict: "Network Spherons: UN Harmony - World Peace and Global oneness." with best wishes RAMESH KUMAR India, 30-10-17 ------------------------------------------------------ Dear Leo, Subhash and GHA members, peacemakers. I would like to propose to add the word GLOBAL in the first title. UN GLOBAL Harmony. And this in order to focus on all UN activities globally. With harmonious wishes for peace via harmony. Dr Takis D Ioanndes GHA Vice President Greece http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=138 31-10-17 ----------------------------------------------------- Добрыйдень, дорогиечленыГСГ! Я ознакомился с 57 Проектом ГСГ и горячо поддерживаю его. Идея структурировать ООН по сферному принципу это прекрасная идея. Самое главное, что сферный подход это новая социальная технология. И есть опасность, что кукловоды в ООН используют эту технологию в своих милитаристических целях. Как использовали миротворческую идею, заложенную в ООН для маскировки своих истинных имперских и геноцидных целей. С уважением Александр Семашко Менеджер, Калуга, Россия, 01-11-17 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Friends, Please wait with the final decision on the title. There is nothing like "UN Militarism". The UN as organization was founded to guard peace. In general, the title should convey a positive idea. I will give you my feedback in a few days. Best regards, W. Julian Korab-Karpowicz Professor, Zayed University 02-11-17 -------------------------------------------------- Dear Dr. Dr,Leo Greetings from India Full title of the 57th project. We both agreed with a compromise title: "Network Spherons: UN Harmony and Global Peace Replacing UN Militarism. Sociocybernetic Model of Spherons’ Global Harmonious Governance (SMSGHG) at the UN level" I am submitting Bibliography for"UN Harmony and Global Peace Replacing UN Militarism” Greetings of Peace & Harmony to all. Dr. Subhash Chandra, 02-11-17 ------------------------------------------------ Thank you so much for the proposal. Yes I agree. Prof. Bishnu Pathak, Nepal 03-11-17 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Dear All I would prefer the title UN for Peace and Harmony -No Militarism Please. Thank you. Dr. Maitreyee Bardhan Roy India 03-11-17 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Subhash, Leo, GHA members and peacemakers globally, I do approve the new title, "UN Harmony and Global Peace". My contribution article will be ready in time. We all experience an outrageous activity of wars, nuclear and conventional equipment, violence against children, women, and civilians. The hypocrisy of International Organizations, supposedly acting for the protection of the communities and the prosperity of the world, must be replaced by the Peace, the Love, the Dignity, and all the other values of human life. Greetings of Peace & Harmony to all and love. PS. I am sorry for my long absence, caused to many problems. Life and survival are not so easy in my country any more. Dr. Takis D Ioannides GHA Vice President 03-11-17 --------------------------------------------------------------- Dear All, Warm Greetings from Thumbi C Murali, Singaporean and Overseas Citizen of India We All Are A Part of one in this Universe and not APart. Please see the 3D animation of Next Wonder of The World project concept to Unite Humanity http://tinyurl.com/PeaceTower Almighty's World Peace Tower tinyurl.com Peace Tower, The Universarium & Statues of Gods/Goddess of major religions to unite humanity as one through education of science and spirituality amalgamated... Full details in my website: www.almightyworldpeacetower.org Almighty World Peace Tower www.almightyworldpeacetower.org Almighty’s World Peace Tower is upcoming Super Mega Spiritual Theme Park or call it the First Biggest Temple for all Religions in the world In this project The Universarium will change mindset of 8000 visitors per day, $100 fee per pax to use for global Humanitarian and Charity works If you liked it please help / Lead to get it executed in an ideal country and location - You may even consider to build this as GHA's new Head Quarters Awaiting your response / advise (pls contact my mobile / whatsapp for fast communication) Thanks and warm regards Thumbi C Murali mobile / whatsapp: +6590665442 THUMBI MURALI thumbi_murali@hotmail.com 04-11-17 ------------------------------------------------- Hello, I am in agreement with Léo: the doctrines of the Marxism Leninism = incompatible “with the Spherons” objectify harmony in the facts. If it is as follows: it is that the doctrines are bad and the worst Stalinist caricature the fight against the transformation of oppressing structures of the society was transformed into destructive fight enters, and against the people. Then, that even worsened by theoretical weakness, this, by misinterpretations of comprehension, and against direction of translation. It was thus for example in the interpretation made by MARX, of the writings of KANT in “on the religion” .la famous formula ...... it is the opium of the people = is a intellectual construction, which badly represented the perception of KANT, which, in the context of then, or dying them finished their days in their residence = surrounded by their family and their friends, KANT spoke about the good drug that one managed with dying to relieve his physical sufferings and morals. Then, in the Seventies, for my work of philosophy, I had read 42 works of MARX and LENINE, and I had noted a dramatic misinterpretation of translation of Russian to German, as regards the design of Lénine compared to the morals expressed in the tasks of the unions of youth. In its text, LENINE is already not tender, but the translation in German went even further speaking about destruction from the members about the old exploiteuse company… This makes me think of the recent speech D Donald TRUMP with UNO, or he spoke to destroy the people of the North Korea. Even if my bad perception of the English language prevents my active investment within the network, which I read of your work = has nothing to do with the practical and theoretical anti humanism on many texts of the Marxism Leninism. Then? after LENINE: STALIN and MAO TSE TOUNG even weaker than intellectually gave him the negatively most completed potion Communism. Cordially with all and all. Guy CREQUIE Philosopher France http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=106 04-11-17 --------------------------------------------------- Dear Leo, I agree with you that the UN is a flawed institution. I have known this since I was a teenager. I also observed that the world as a whole is militaristic. I already told you my focus is on nurturing wisdom and understanding at the individual level, rather than reforming institutions. Of course both are important. I believe the former can in time lead to the latter. We share the intent to be global and holistic in our thinking. You may find the attached paper of interest. Best wishes, Bernard Dr. Bernard Scott, Gordon Pask Professor of Sociocybernetics, International Center for Sociocybernetics Studies, Bonn, http://www.sociocybernetics.eu/wp_sociocybernetics/ England, Personal page: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=255 04-11-17 Dear Bernard, Many thanks for your valuable articles, which I published in your archive on our website:http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=255 Some figures in them will be placed later. As I understand it, you agree with the definition of the United Nations as the "UN of Militarism." This is very important and we highly appreciate it. I fully share your opinion that our ontological levels are different, but they are interrelated, and also complement each other epistemologically and practically. This is a very important cognitive cooperation.Best wishes, Leo 04-11-17 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Leo I approve the project. Spherons based vision of harmony is a new vision needed by all nations for Prosperity, Justice and Peace (PJP) at the nation and global levels. With best wishes. Dr. Surendra Pathak, Professor-Value Education, Former Dean Social Science and Director Research (IASE Deemed University), President, Global Harmony Association India https://iaseuniversity.academia.edu/SurendraPathak https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-surendra-pathak-79a6068 http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=481 06-11-17 ---------------------------------------------------------------- …. Norwegian Johan GALTUNG, one of the pioneers of research for peace developed and practiced the going beyond by the creativity for the resolution of the conflicts. The Pope JEAN XXIII, recommended peace on ground with his encyclical of 1963 “PACEM IN TERRIS” and its successor Paul VI, at the beginning of the Seventies, with the platform of UNO preached the civilization of the love. Today: the Colombian Joseph BEROLO, develops education with peace by the culture, with the seeds of youth and creation the United Nations of the Letters! At present, there exist a multiplicity of onG international, of Foundations, of Institutes, networks, devoted to peace and the harmony of which the international association of the mayors for peace The philosopher and Russian sociologist of the University of San Petersburg, Léo SEMASHKO the inventor of the tetrasociology, created a group of international researchers for peace and the harmony. Being based on the history and the scientific thought, social sciences and human. This group GHA recommends total science for peace (GPS) by the existence and the interaction of harmonious spheres. Thus, by the thought and our acts = let us develop philosophies of the existence for the creation of human values. Copyright Guy CREQUIE Social observant French writer French representative of onG international of peace and harmony - messenger of the culture of the peace of UNESCO http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=106 07-11-17 ------------------------------------------------------ Dear Leo, I approve it. Dr Takis D Ioannides Dear Leo, I approve it. Guy CREQUIE 07-11-17 Dear Leo, I approve the project. Peace, Ayo 08-11-17 ------------------------------------------- Dear Friends,
As I wrote earlier, I will give you a feedback by 10th November and I will keep my word. However, I can already share with you some thoughts. First, The beginning of the text The UN Harmony Replacing American UN War is largely negative describing the UN as a disharmonious organization and the US as a militaristic state. This will immediately qualify the project as anti UN and as anti American. Thus instead of uniting humanity, it the text creates another division. It contradicts the idea of harmony. Thus, it contradicts itself. This division and contradiction has to be removed if the project is to have any positive practical result. Second, as the main source of war the militarism of nation-states is given, but when we look at history only some nation-states were militaristic. Militarism is not a permanent characteristic of nation-states. The main sources of war in the last 100 years are not nation-states but the following: ideologies (communist, fascist and liberal or democratic, represented today's by the US) and arms sales profiteering. Those are not nation-states but nation-states influenced by ideologies, such as the fascist Germany, the communist USSR or China, and the US trying to impose its model of democracy on the rest of the world that are main sources of international conflict in today's world. We can also add the Zionist ideology of Israel and the jihadism of ISIS. In addition, we need to add those interest groups that profit from wars. Thus, in order to change the world for a more peaceful one, we need first to address the question of ideologies and war profiteers, and leave nation-states in peace. Third, the nation-state is in fact the oldest political organization of humankind, as it goes back to the Sumerian and Greek city-states. There were conflicts among them, but at the same time this political organization based on political diversity has contributed to the greatest progress of humankind. As we well know there were some many wonderful things that the Sumerians had once invented and ancient Greeks with their drama, poetry and philosophy do not need any introduction. The main point is, we need to understand the value of political diversity. once Sumer and Greece were subjected to empires -- the Babylonian one and the Roman one, they lost their earlier creativity. Their creativity was never recovered. To conclude, we need political diversity of nation-states for humanity creativity and progress. A world empire is a wrong direction. Forth, if we want to improve the world, to make it more peaceful and harmonious, the first thing we should do is to start with a reflection. Who are we as human beings? What is our goal? My answer is that we are evolutionary beings. We develop throught history towards intellectual and moral perfection. Therefore, any sound social and political construction must take an account of human evolution and allow human beings to develop. These are the basic initial remarks. I would say the second part of the project where the technical aspects of SPHERONS are described is better, but the first and the whole idea of the world governance should be revised. Political diversity should be preserved and there should be room for human evolution. Please see attached an introduction to my new book Tractatus Politico-Philosophicus: New Directions for the Future Development of Humankind (Routledge 2017). It addresses some of the issues, especially the question of good governance, happy societies, international cooperation and human evolution. Best regards, Prof. W. Julian Korab-Karpowicz Zayed University, Dubai http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=724 08-11-17 ------------------------------------------------------- Thank you very much for your email and your work for peace. I would like to add to your point by reminding everyone of American military planning in the 1950s for the use of atomic weapons against Poland. The cynical disregard for human life that characterized the imperial Western powers (England, France and Germany) prior to and during World War II was invisible to Poland's gullible statesmen who let themselves be provoked by the English into a war against Germany and then bore such destruction during the war with Warsaw actually bearing more physical damage than Hiroshima. The Poles fought under the impression that they were part of the Western coalition and struggling to uphold the Versailles treaty, but were betrayed and then targeted for nuclear annihilation immediately following the war by the very nations they foolishly fought to save. Today, Poland continues to be a playground for imperial powers which desire to use it to provoke Russia. The militarization of Poland and the continued agitation keeping Poland on a war footing while millions flee west in search of basic economic security is a sad testimony to how the hopes that East-West peace would follow the Cold War has not materialized. The only way to maintain and expand peace in the region is to ensure peace in Ukraine and return to the process of reconciliation and good relations between Poland and the former Soviet bloc. From a military perspective the Warsaw Pact was a good thing for Poland, Belarus and Ukraine because it shifted the Flashpoint of any future war from Polish territory to German territory, to Berlin specifically. Now, with German unification and NATO expansion Poland is again a war front. No one wanted to continue the Communist system and its demise was welcome, but we may have thrown the baby out with the bath water by allowing for not only the dissolution of military cooperation between Eastern Europe and Russia but also by assuming that a broad East-West defense zone would emerge and expanding NATO instead of abolishing it in favor of a new Eurasian security pact. Instead NATO literally acted to take advantage of Soviet demise and shift the lines in their favor. Now as in the Cold War and the 1930s, the Polish (and Belorusian) people are in the center of what could become another imperial war. For the imperial powers Poland, Belorus and Ukraine are primarily staging grounds for geopolitical struggles. If the peoples of these countries wish to break out of this tragic cycle of war which has stifled their development they must work more closely and cooperate with Russia which has a natural security interest in making sure its western neighbours do not become staging grounds for Western attack (history has shown that while the West is forever manufacturing propaganda about Russian invasions Russia has been invaded three times by Western powers (Poland in the 1600s, France in the Napoleon era and then Germany under Hitler)) . The United Nations is indeed a failure in this regard and nothing but a tool for imperialist policy. There should be a new International Organization built on the principle of the right of nations to self-determination and on a more equitable basis that does not put all power in the Security Council but has a more democratic structure. The imperial powers will not do it, not only because their elites do not have an interest in it but also because what is always characteristic of the popular opinion in Western countries in times of economic crisis is that they immediately wish to withdraw from any political associations rooted in internationalism or idealism. This is particularly true for the European Union which is coming apart because of its Western members refusal to treat the Union as a mechanism for authentic European peace and democracy and wish to use it only to further Western hegemony. As soon as they feel that their own pockets are threatened they will not act to reform multilateral institutions but to withdraw from them. What really needs to happen is that the people of the World (not the decadent West) begin to take charge of the world and build a new United Nations. The headquarters should not be in New York city but preferably there could be a branch of the United Nations in major cities of each continent. Unfortunately all of the progress for peace made since 1989 is now on the brink of unraveling. In fact why is the UN not in Hiroshima? Or Minsk? Or Warsaw? Why are cities which have suffered the true horrors of war not now the bearers of global peace institutions? Best to all Peter Poland 08-11-17 ------------------------------------------------ My approval for the same. Regards Prof. Pravat Dhal http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=329 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- I also approve the replacement. Best wishes, your Rudi Siebert Professor of Religion and Society from the House of Peace http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=51 Professor Rudolf J. Siebert, Department of Comparative Religion, Western Michigan University, Michigan, USA http://www.rudolfjsiebert.org 10-11-17 ------------------------------------------------------- Dear Friends, Dear Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA Honorary President, Many thanks for your mails and suggestions. Please see below my feedback concerning the GHA 57th Project and the attached document. Sincerely, Prof. W. Julian Korab-Karpowicz 11-11-17 ............... Network Spheron’s: UN Harmony and Global Peace Feedback on The UN Harmony Replacing American UN War In general, all negativities and accusations of the UN and the US and references to WWIII should be removed. They will not contribute to the common cause of making one peaceful world, but on the contrary will continue to divide us into opposing camps. Those are my suggestions: 1) The title should be changed. My new title proposal, similar to that of Dr. Subhash Chandra, is: Network Spheron’s: UN Harmony and Global Peace 2) The sources of wars should be properly identified. This is not correct to see the causes of international conflicts in nation-states. Most of them are peaceful. only some of them provoke conflicts with other states. The main sources of war in the last 100 years are not nation-states but the following: ideologies (communist, fascist and liberal or democratic, represented today's by the US) and arms sales profiteering. The greatest problem today are those groups, mainly in the US, who profit from wars. They have often links to Israel. Israel and Saudi Arabia, for different reasons, are the greatest sources of instability in the Middle East and their lobbies largely influence US foreign policies. 3) The UN based on the idea of international society of independent nation-states, with the goal of preserving of peace, is a good idea as a system of collective security. Also, the concept that the major powers should dominate the Security Council is a good idea as well. As an alternative to sovereign states, unrestrained by any rules in their relations with others, in the paradigm of international society, nation-states could be linked to one another by mutual obligations. They thus form a great society of nations, the practical expression of which is the United Nations. 4) There are voices that the UN is not efficient and not fully adequate to our times. However, we need to properly understand when the UN can work efficiently as a preserver of peace, and when it cannot. The UN has been devised to ensure collective security, and is a security system in which all member states undertake a common action against any country that threatens the security of another state. The logic of collective security is flawless provided that all nations subordinate whatever conflicting interests they may have to the common good defined in terms of collective defense of all member states. In practice, however, the security system of the UN can only function when it is supported by the major world powers and where there is a consensus among these major powers in the Security Council. As a matter of fact, for most of the history of the UN, the principal member states of the Security Council did not share a consensus. Nevertheless, what this proves is not a failure of the United Nations Organization but rather the power of human self-interest, as well as the existence of ideological and cultural differences between nations. 5) How to improve the UN? The improvement is not to change the UN into a completely different organization in a form world government. Since we are now living within a sophisticated global environment, the UN activities can be supported by the work of other intergovernmental and nongovernmental organizations; also by formal and informal agreements among states and various public-private partnerships. They all can contribute to global governance, which needs to be clearly distinguished from world government. 6) The SPHERONS should not be seen as an alternative, but rather as an additional component of today’s UN. If the UN can be compared to an international higher house or senate, and the UN security council to a council of state, the SPHERONS, whose representatives would come from different MNCs and NGOs, could be compared to a lower house. Like a lower house they would be able to engage in deliberation and making of international rules, and to propose solutions to world problems. The presence of for-profit MNCs and non-profit NGOs would result in deliberation and bargaining, and eventually lead both parties to reasonable compromises. Further, thus institutionalized non-state actors would be able to exert effective pressure on national governments, so that they would support beneficial initiatives that could facilitate a positive world transformation. While wielding power that at present none of the MNCs or NGOs today represent, it would be a life promoting and enhancing instrument of world society through which a more humane world could be achieved. 7) To conclude, in the future model of global governance, the UN based on nation states should be preserved, but a new component should be added, namely that of Global Civil Society (GCS) based on SPERONS, in which representatives of MNCs and NGOs should be present. It is important to understand that the nation-state is in fact the oldest political organization of humankind, as it goes back to the Sumerian and Greek city-states, and as communities they have always been the greatest source of progress of humanity. Thus, we need political diversity of nation-states for humanity creativity and progress. To replace the society nations with a world empire is to go into a wrong direction. What should be done is to make the UN based on the nation-states more efficient. 8) Any social construction should always take into consideration the question of human evolution. We are evolutionary beings. Human evolution is no longer related merely to matter, but proceeds through the development of mind, as it is expressed in our scientific and technological achievements. However, the expansion of knowledge aimed at our intellectual perfection is not enough, if ethics is lacking. Thus to move humanity forward, we need to make all humankind aware of our evolutionary goals and promote moral education. By merely struggling for wealth and power, we distort our destiny. We must thus learn to pursue both intellectual and moral perfection, by the way of self-transformation, and to so is to put humanity on the right track again. Best regards, Prof. W. Julian Korab-Karpowicz, D.Phil. (Oxon) Zayed University, Dubai and Lazarski University, Warsaw Author of Tractatus Politico-Philosophicus (Routledge 2017) and other books. 11-11-17 ------------------------------------------------
Dear Julian, Many thanks for your philosophical approach, in-depth analysis and proposals in the GHA 57th project on UN reform (http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=769) In connection with the scope and depth of your ideas, the GHA should extend the discussion of this project, at least for another 5 days until November 15 inclusively. I invite all the participants in the dialogue to express their attitude to the proposals of Julian. The right to a detailed answer I keep in conclusion, on November 15, so as not to influence the opinions of others. However, I will allow myself a few fundamental remarks for organizing our dialogue in key areas. 1. You write: "all negativities and accusations of the UN and the US and references to WWIII should be removed". But what is about thousands of scientific critical sources with the UN and the US? Should we cross them out? Why? If we ignore them, it will be immoral and unethical and counterproductive for science. We will be accused in one-sidedness and falsification of reality. We will show ourselves as ostrich peacemakers, who are hiding from the reality of a new world nuclear war. We put the UN and the US above criticism, like Jesus Christ, as the highest shrines that are not subject to accusations? I think that such a position hardly corresponds to the position of true peacemaking, which we do not see 72 years of the UN existence, when humanity is increasingly moving away from global peace and more and more closely with the WWIII. Could you take the liberty and work to justify scientifically and ethically your refusal to criticize the UN and the USA? If you are able to do this, then, please, send us this text instead of the first, critical part of our project. If your argument convinces us, we will accept it. If it does not convince us, we can publish it as your personal alternative project to our project. But this will be another project. This is also a diversity but scientific. 2. You write that our project with criticism: "will continue to divide us into opposing camps". Yes, this division in peacemaking is also natural, as is natural division in culture, science, politics, etc. Diversity in everything is a sign of vitality and you write about it. Why is diversity and division in peacemaking you acknowledge harmful? Humanity 72 years is waiting for peace after WWII, but instead sees only the approach to the new WWIII. Why, then, in this situation, can there be no separation of the camp of effective, scientific, spheral peacemakers (with their new peaceful thinking) from (away) inefficient peacemakers ensuring the approach of a new war? This division and diversity, from my point of view, will only be useful. only it gives hope for peace, because the traditional UN has excluded global peace from the goals of the millennium and deprived humanity, at least for 1000 years, ANY HOPE FOR GLOBAL PEACE!!! I, as a scientist and world citizen, cannot agree with this militaristic doom! I cannot by my science and by my ethics and by my duty to my and all children and future generations. I CAN NOT! Therefore, I and the GHA distanced themselves from those peacemakers who for 1000 years have reconciled with the absence of peace and the dictate of wars, which promise only one thing - a catastrophe for humankind and the planet. I and the GHA want they live, not perished in the WWIII, which is 99.99% is inevitable today, and for 1000 years - 100% without exception and without a doubt. What position do you share, Julian? 3. Our project does not exclude the UN, but it transforms it qualitatively, what 85% of the world's population want according to international polls. It is not "There are voices that the UN is not efficient and not fully adequate to our times." 4. Spherons cannot be a complement to the diversity of nation-states and their alternative, they constitute their common peace-loving essence, their universal and uniform for all their diversity genetic code of global peace and social harmony. Now the UN is built on superficial national hostility and external militarism. The GHA proposes to build it on their deep inner unity and on their deep peace-loving identity, which the modern UN during 72 years does not know. Spherons do not exclude or reject nation-states, but constitute their deep peace-loving identity, on which “the United Nations” of harmony and peace should be built. Do you agree with this evolution of the UN? With the evolution of cognition and practice from the hostile militaristic surface to the deep peace-loving structure of societal harmonious spherons? This is my initial position for the dialogue, to which I invite everyone. Thank you. Leo, 11-11-17 ----------------------------------------------- Dear Leo I enclose my article – “Anatomy of Peace – Harmony of the Spherons” with references. For completion of the GHA 57th project: "Network Spherons: UN Harmony and Global Peace Replacing UN Militarism. Sociocybernetic Model of Spherons' Global Harmonious Governance (SMSGHG) at the UN level" I would like to contribute the following comments from the enclosed attached article--- Global Peace A harmonious peace loving society needs to take into account the holographic nature of each human being their deep connection through an Antony of light to multidimensional levels of existence in a sacred universe of life which by its very nature is negentropic and self-creating and based on a toroidal cartography of love, cooperation, synergy and inter connectedness The confirming identity and essence of human survival is determined by a spiritual law grounded in the western world through the Ten Commandments and in the Eastern world by the inner spiritual traditions based on a search for wholeness This law idealized as an overarching fundamental law has become fragmented as culture vies with culture and religion with religion and as each nation takes on a colour of a specific religion and culture competing with every other nation for supremacy 2500 years of Buddhism and 2000 years of Christianity have not changed the essential patterns of kingdoms, Nation states, transnational organisations and bureaucracies vying for dominance throughout the world and ignoring the basic needs of human beings for micro and macro self actualization. The ideal way forwards for Global Peace would be to have and overriding law to which each nation is determined to be answerable to. A start has been the international court of justice at The Hague but despite this governments have little respect for their citizens as Nation state competes with Nation state for ascendancy. The military industrial complex is now costing globally over 1 trillion dollars / year and genocide by governments against their own people was 223 million in the twentieth century. Evidently currently the fate of humanity is not determined by the hopes and aspirations of the individual human being!! We are indeed up against an enormous challenge as immature humanity dwarfs itself before enormous technological military and artificial intelligence advances in a world where the Natural law is invaded by DNA mutation of all living things including humanity herself A new peace Global process determined by the overarching law as described by Leo Semashko in terms of the harmony of the spherons in his book could be the answer to our current dangerous human predicament where out very survival as a species is at stake This is where the harmony of the SPHERONS is actualized when we can perceive the SPHERONS as informational spheres of negentropic light and life deeply and inseparably connected with a living biological self-referential sacred universe of light. Kindest Regards Michael Dr. Michael Ellis, FRACGP. MRCP. DCH. BA (Hons) President Club of Budapest Australia President Global Peace Centre GHA Ambassador of Peace and Disarmament from Harmony in Australia Personal page: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=760 12-11-17 ------------------------------------------------
Hi Leo, I don't believe you are the primary subject of this e-mail, it's Adam Marshall Dobrin, who sends these bizarre nonsensical missives.You at least seem to have an ongoing discussion with one of the long-time active members of this list. However, it does seem like your messages to the list are more like copying this list on a discussion you're having with one or a few individuals on a somewhat different topic than cybernetics.I suspect that people on this list would welcome your perspective on cybernetics and related topics (as a long time follower of the list, although rarely an active participant, I appreciate new voices joining us), so please don't hesitate to initiate or contribute discussions.If you're just CCing CYBCOM on all discussions from another mailing list, I'd suggest that that may not be ideal. Regards, Brent, BrentAuble 13-11-17 Dear Brent,
Many thanks for your kind explanation, which requires my explanation in the feedback. I work closely with RC51 (Sociocybernetics) since 2002, when I published my first book in English "Tetrasociology: Responses to Challenges" (http://www.peacefromharmony.org/docs/2-1_eng.pdf)for the Sociological Congress in Brisbane, 2002. The decisive role in the publication of my book, in its forewords, in collaboration with the RC51 and in my participation in the Congress belongs two wonderful people, Dr. Bernd Hornung and Dr. Bernard Scott (http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=255), with whom we became close friends since then and together wrote several articles on the connection, proximity and intersection of Tetrasociology and Sociocybernetics. We realized that both of these sciences are related as systemic, holistic and pluralistic conceptions, complementing and enriching each other. Especially close was the cooperation with Bernard, with whom we, together with more than 30 sociologists from different countries, created the peacekeeping "Global Harmony Association" (GHA) in February 2005, with the principle "Peace from harmony instead of war" (http://peacefromharmony.org) It was developed in the GHA hundreds of articles, in 8 books and 57 projects in 12 years. The positive core of these works was focused in the latest project "Network Spherons: Sociocybernetic Model of Spherons of the Global Harmonious Governance (SMSGHG) at the UN level", which was submitted to the Competition of the Swedish Global Challenges Foundation in September, the results of which will be known in May 2018. This model in its objective logic, structure and organization excludes militarism in the United Nations, which flourishes there 72 years after the WWII and almost completely (in 30 seconds on the Doomsday Clock) brought humankind closer to the third, nuclear war. Atomic scientists can now only state the approach of the catastrophe, but they are powerless to stop it. Therefore, now the GHA should motivate the extreme necessity of reforming the UN so that this global holistic organization would be able to save humanity from militarism and wars, and not extend them in the new millennium, as it is doing now. Nuclear scientists have created nuclear weapons, from which they do not know how to get rid of so far; and the GHA social scientists have created a model of global peace governance that provides rescue from any weapons during 50 years. But if there was no resistance to atomic weapons, it was desirable for militaristic governments, primarily for the US, then the model of peaceful administration meets with colossal resistance of all militarists and governments dominating the world and the UN. And not only because many philistines, including many scientists, zombied by the dead violent ideologies of Marxism and liberalism of the 20th-century, are convinced that man and society are militaristic, violent by nature, therefore, wars have always been, are and will be: they are unavoidable for humanity in its entire history, from its beginning to its end. The GHA, following the Buddha, Pythagoras, Kepler, Kant, Poincare, Tolstoy, Gandhi, Einstein and many other great thinkers, considers this position as deeply erroneous, false, profitable only for the militarists, who made "democratically"the war a better business with better profits for 1% billionaires on the blood of the other 99%. Therefore, now the GHA should present a strong justification (facts, proofs and evidences) to fundamentally motivate the urgent need for a cardinal reform of the UN: "UN of Harmony and Global Peace Replacing UN of Militarism and War." Now the GHA discussion is concentrated on this issue since October 23 and we invite all honest and courageous scientists to join it in order to return to the discussion of the details of the UN Harmony proposed Socio-Cybernetics model. It makes Sociocybernetics the leader of social knowledge and social sciences of the 21st century, deriving them from the two centuries of stagnation and backwardness from the natural and military sciences. Therefore, on the Sociocybernetics of harmony of spheres and spherons there is (lies) no less responsibility for the elimination of nuclear weapons than on its creators more than 70 years ago. (They were able to create it, but were powerless to stop 70 years and exclude it from the life of society). We will be happy if the RC51scientists of the socio-cybernetics join this discussion, so we invite you to it with your articles, ideas, proposals, intellect to stop together militaristic madness on the verge of a global military catastrophe of humanity and the planet. Our project is now published with the discussion here: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=769. All contributions to the discussion and the project will be published on the GHA website. We, the sociocyberneticians and peacemakers, are responsible today primarily for the life of humankind and the planet, because no one except us can offer a scientific nonviolent holistic model and organization of global peace governance beyond wars and militarism. The future of humankind is connected with the progress of Sociocybernetics. Best wishes for peace from harmony through Sociocybernetics, Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA Honorary President, 13-11-17 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mairead Maguire, Nobel Laureate: Great Peace Presentation in Vatican Dear Mairead, The GHA is happy to congratulate you on a very important, original and courageous presentation at the Pontifical Symposium in the Vatican (Rome, November 11, 2017), devoted to the "Perspectives for Nuclear and Integral Disarmament". We were happy to publish it on your personal page (http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=678),widely quoted in the GHA 57 project on the UN reform and include it in the bibliography along with your other wonderful peacemaking works. Your presentation is richly saturated with scientific and humanistic meanings. I chose your most bold and burning peacemaking thoughts of a philosophical and humanistic nature in the next sorting quotations. Mairead Maguire. The main thoughts about peace, nuclear and integral disarmament, militarism and the science of peace: “- Violence never works. - At the heart of a peace culture is a recognition that every persons life and their humanity is more important than a persons ethnic inheritance. - We join with everyone around the world to build a demilitarized peaceful world. - The thought that we have the right to use nuclear weapons and commit genocide is the most disturbing thing of all. - It is an illusion that we are in control and that these [nuclear] weapons give us security. - We have yet to learn the lessons of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. An apology to the Japanese people by the US Government, those responsible for the genocidal act of using Nuclear bombs will help the healing of relationships and ensure such genocidal acts will never happen again.The policy of Nuclear weapons, show that we have lost our moral compass. - Join together for a common vision – the total abolition of Militarism and war. - We do not need to limit ourselves to civilizing and slowing down militarism, (which is an aberration and system of dysfunction), but demand its total abolition. - Acknowledge that our common humanity and human dignity is more important than our different religions and traditions. - Science of Waris being replaced by a Global Science of Peace based on love, Harmony, reverence for life and creation.” They make up your new great contribution to global peace from harmony, to its humanistic and scientific understanding. We highly appreciate its uniqueness and significance. Thank you very much. With love, Leo, Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA Honorary President, 14-11-17
The final definition of the UN and the GHA project title Dear GHA members, friends, peacemakers!
For more than three weeks, we have been painfully looking by more than 20 active participants in our discussion to adequately define the UN activity for 72 years of its existence and the GHA 57 project title dedicated to the UN reform that is reflected here: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=769. We all agree with its negative assessment, as it brought humanity closer not to global peace but to the abyss (30 seconds on the Doomsday Clock) of a worldwide nuclear catastrophe. But we differed in the terminological definition of this assessment, without finding a satisfactory compromise and consensus. I will not repeat the whole discussion presented in detail on this website page but I will concentrate on the proposal of the well-known academician Uraz Baymuratov, the financial institute director in Kazakhstan, the author of the outstanding book "Harmony of society and economy: the world paradigm" (http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=561) which, I think, expresses the sought compromise for our consensus. As always, the decision turned out to be simple and ingenious: "UN Disharmony". The 72-year-old UN was not engaged in global harmony, which alone ensures global peace, justice and prosperity for all nations - not just the elite. For 72 years, the UN has been engaged in disharmony, stimulating and supporting negative trends in the interests of not humanity as a whole, but the most powerful part of it - militarist countries: the US-NATO, which, in fact, established a protectorate over the UN. US-NATO militarism has become the worst and most dangerous disharmony of humanity and the UN, generating all global risks and challenges. This destructive worldwide trend of 72 years was expressed in the systemic integration and globalization of the whole complex of partial disharmonies and pathologies generated by the US-NATO militarism. Its 72-year domination in the world naturally turned into a militaristic protectorate over the UN and was embodied in the negative trend of globalization of war, genocide, neo-fascism, democracy of "inverted totalitarianism", environmental and climatic destruction, corruption, inequality, poverty, lies, "fake mainstreams", lack of rights, the mafia, and the countless pathologies of fraud, crime and narcotics. It gave birth to the vacuum of peacemaking leadership. It excluded global peace from the goals of the new millennium, depriving humanity of the hope for peace in the new millennium. Paradoxically but the fact is: the main peacemaking organization of the planet worked not to achieve peace but to approach the war. This trend of global destructive disharmony has been confirmed for 72 years by millions of facts and evidences that are reflected and summarized in hundreds of thousands of scientific and journalistic publications, only a very small fraction of which (more than 200) is used in our project. Science cannot ignore this mass of publications, both for moral reasons and for reasons of objective reliability, which determines the motivation for the acute and burning need for UN reform necessary for a reasonable non-violent and harmonious prevention of the catastrophe that is hanging in 30 seconds. Of course, the UN for 72 years has many partial peacemaking achievements, but they, taken together, failed to bring humanity closer to global peace and did not break the 72-year trend of approaching an imminent catastrophe for a minimum distance of 30 seconds. This is obvious to everyone the general geopolitical fact of the objective reality in our tragic time, which can be ignored only by madmen or fools. Summary. on the basis of the foregoing, the following compromise title of the GHA 57 project is proposed: "Network Spherons: The UN of Harmony and Global Peace Replacing the UN of Disharmony. Sociocybernetic Model of Spherons’ Global Harmonious Governance (SMSGHG) at the UN level"(http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=769). Uraz also proposed a remarkable epigraph to the project: “Harmony Will Save the World”, which in the synthesis with Poincaré's epigraph was posed as the first meaning: "Harmony will save the world, because: "The inner harmony of the world is the only true objective reality." Henri Poincaré." This is our finish in consensus. This title takes into account all the suggestions and wishes, except one (expressed by the only participant) - to exclude the analysis and criticism of the destructive militaristic trend. It cannot be accepted for all reasons: scientific, ethical and motivating the sharpest need for urgent reform of the United Nations, which 85% of the world's population demands from international polls. The constructive, sociocybernetic part of the project remains unchanged, with the exception of a few clarifying details. This is the most important and valuable part of the project with many of its own purely scientific and theoretical problems, the discussion of which will continue after the approval of the project, the support of which was expressed by all participants without exception and no one objected to it in a whole. Therefore, the project is approved, with that we congratulate all members of the GHA and its friends. But I leave two days, until November 16 inclusively, for the final judgments. I ask you to remember the GHA law: "Silence is a sign of consent," but there may be some additions and objections. Let me express sincere gratitude to all participants of this difficult discussion and to all who openly and secretly support this extremely important and relevant project. Best wishes for peace from harmony through science, Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA Honorary President, 15-11-17 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Dr. Leo, Please find below two articles: Thank God for the UN! W. Julian Korab-Karpowicz http://peacephilosophy.org/16/thank-god-for-the-un-by-julian-korab-karpowicz and “Thank God for the death of the UN” by Richard Perle https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2003/mar/21/foreignpolicy.iraq1 Richard Perle was one of the chief architects of war in Iraq in 2003. He was the Chair of the Defence Policy Board at the Pentagon and at the same time he was involved in some profiteering from the US military industry and had links to the government of Israel. As Paul Wolfowitz and other similarly thinking individuals, he was trying to destroy the authority of the UN or even the organization itself. He can certainly be described as a militarist -- a person who promotes international conflicts and profits by them. Is this eye opening to you? The UN is not a militaristic organization. By contrast, it is made weaker by the militarists. Why? Because they do not see any interest in international society, do not want any criticism of Israel on international forum, and make profits for war. The main sources of war in today's world are: ideologies and war profiteering. These we should properly address if we want peace. Nation-states are mostly peaceful countries and the UN is their organization -- a society of states. Those who want to make the UN weaker are not friends of peace but its enemies -- the militarists. Global Harmony Association should not support them, but oppose them forcefully. In addition, the diversity of nation-states (independent countries) is necessary for our further development as human beings. They have been always a source of creativity. I propose to nominate Dr M. Ross DeWitt as Editor for the document Network* Spherons: The UN Harmony Replacing American UN War for which I propose the new title Network* Spherons The UN Harmony and Global Peace. Dr M. Ross De Witt is an author fully devoted to the cause of peace and English native speaker. I believe she has enough knowledge, sensitivity and diplomacy that would lead to a fully scholarly, unbiased text that can reach wide audiences and have a positive results. I would also be happy to help. Best regards, W. Julian Korab-Karpowicz, D.Phil., Professor, Zayed University 15-11-17 Different approaches to the UN and different thinking Dear Julian, Thank you for recommending two articles on the UN, one of which thanks God for itscreation and the other, the Pentagon's militaristic architect, for the UN death. Allow me a few brief remarks. 1.Your two approaches are fundamentally different (as well as a different understanding of God), and therefore the conclusions are opposite and mutually exclusive. You demonstrate the approach of political philosophy, relying on Machiavelli, Hobbes, Hegel, Morgenthau, etc., but completely ignore the scientific analysis of facts and reality. The Pentagon architect with his "brass head" demonstrates a crude pragmatic approach of American exclusiveness for the US imperial interests, trampling all philosophy, science and facts. 2. Our approach, unlike your two extreme ones, is scientific, sociological / sociocybernetic, based on a scientific analysis of reality, history and facts of 72 years of UN functioning. Our approach revives the UN in a true peacebuilding spirit and makes it strong, invincible for wars, unlike the current UN, powerless before the endless wars: the United States organized 37 wars in its 72 years in which they killed more than 20 million people. This is a fact of the UN's powerlessness, which you ignore, trying to keep it in its original form.Your ignoring of similar facts and historical reality deprives your ideas of the practical value for the UN reform. 3. The UN reform is not its "destroying for the militarists benefit". This is a groundless abstract statement devoid of meaning. Any reform is a requirement of life evolution. Everything that wants to live in a volatile world must be reformed.Our project works in this direction. And yours? But it does not exist. 4. 85% of the world's population require and support the UN reform. You, from the height of your philosophical positions, ignore this key fact. 5. You write that the source of wars is ideology, philosophy, although in reality they serve only as a justification for wars. 6. Both of your articles are very old, 2003, outside of the fundamental trend of the globalization of US-NATO militarism, which was just beginning in Iraq. Your articles ignore the key facts of the past 14 years, so they cannot be taken seriously. 7. You also ignore the fact of the fundamental scientific discovery in the Sociocybernetics / Tetrasociology of the deep societal structure of Spherons, which gives a fundamentally new explanation and understanding not only of history in a whole, but also of the facts of disharmony and dysfunctions of the United Nations for its 72 years. This discovery allows one to scientifically understand the profound human "nature of harmony", about which Kant wrote more than two centuries ago. Unfortunately, you do not consider this nature and think, like Hegel and Hobbes, that wars are eternal and inevitable. God and the Spirit personify and embody not war, but world harmony, that the Buddha, Christ, Confucius, Pythagoras, Plato, Kepler, Kant, Poincaré, Gandhi, Einstein, etc. knew. 8. At the same time, you ignore the discovery of Einstein: "We shall require a fundamentally new way of thinking if mankind is to survive." And more specifically: "The problems we are facing can not be solved at the same level of thinking on which we created them." Unfortunately, you are trying to solve the UN problem at the same level of philosophical and pacifist thinking on which it was created and do not understand the need for new, scientific, sociocybernetic harmonious thinking with spheres and spherons to solve this problem in reality, without philosophical fantasies. Our project gives an example of exactly this kind of thinking on a new level, therefore it is effective and practically promising. But if you want to prove the constructivism of your philosophy, please, write your UN reform project to compare it with our. While it is not exist, the conversation loses its practical meaning: there is no object for it, and it goes beyond the scope of our project. This is another song. 9. Your approach contains some partial constructive ideas. The main one is the idea of the social harmony of your last book. But you do not work with it in reforming the UN, you do not use it and do not know its practical power without spherons. In its development is the development of your political philosophy and its application, including the UN, as I think. 10. As for Martha / Nancy, we are waiting for her reaction. We do not know if she wants to participate or not, can or not, etc. The best wishes for peace from harmony through science, Dr. Leo Semashko, 16-11-17 ------------------------------------------------------------ Dear Subhash, Leo and GHA members, peacemakers,
I believe that None of GHA members hates the United Nations. However, we are obliged to the global community to point out the serious mistakes, the oblivious omissions, the tragic deviation of its duty to serve the Global Peace, for the benefit of all nations and people. And these are too many and fatal, unfortunately. We also applaud every good and right action of the United Nations ever happened. It’s the duty of all people and all nations to demand from the United Nations to respect and adhere to the principles by which they were instituted as an International Organization. Our planet cannot suffer more casualties, pain, catastrophe and despair caused by the wars. We all are free people and we demand for respect to all-moral principles and values built via centuries. Mostly these of Harmony, Peace and Dignity. As GHA makes all these years of its existence. With Peace from Harmony and Love Dr Takis D Ioannides Vice President of GHA 16-11-17 --------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Friends,
This is a big question, who can better evaluate the current world situation, a political philosopher or empirical scientists? Or perhaps we need both. Please see this video of someone who was involved with groups making billions from wars and illegal financial operations. Those are not nation states or the UN who are responsible for today's wars and we should keep countries and the UN strong, but those global interest groups and war profiteers who manipulate the global public opinion. Best regards, Prof. W. Julian Korab-Karpowicz Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nEpcY5JU120 16-11-17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dr. Leo Semashko, Dear Dr. Takis, Global Peace Leaders, GHA members and Global Peacemakers, Greetings from India! Dear Dr. Leo & All GHA Members, Great Congratulations to all the members for finalizing the title of the GHA 57th project with great discussion. The final GHA project title approved by all "Network Spherons: The UN of Harmony and Global Peace Replacing the UN of Disharmony. Sociocybernetic Model of Spherons’ Global Harmonious Governance (SMSGHG) at the UN level" (http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=769) ‘The UN of Harmony and Global Peace Replacing the UN of Disharmony’ – it is World without Nuclear War ~ World without Border. The 21st century began with the United States world dominance as the sole superpower in the absence of the Soviet Union, with nuclear threat to humanity. It is the humanity’s wake-up call. The present situation calls for a drastic strengthening of Global peace movement involving all the social, educational & political leaders of the world. The worldwide uprisings against nuclear war that became a global phenomenon now and have continued a wave of change show us just how significant and important this ‘time of transition’ form Culture of War to Culture of UN Harmony for achieving World Peace & Global oneness of Humanity. Nuclear War is a Real Threat Jeff Sachs Warns “Nuclear War is a Real Threat” as Trump Threatens to “Totally Destroy” North KoreaOn Tuesday September 21, 2017, in his first address to the United Nations General Assembly, boasting about the size of the U.S. military and threatening to “totally destroy” North Korea. “Nuclear war is a real threat,” said Jeffrey Sachs, “It’s not some idle imagination right now. You have two leaders—both seem unstable—yelling at each other. Both have nuclear arms.”September 21, 2017 Democracy Now! https://democracynow.org Jeffrey D. Sachs leading economist and director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University. Our Global Peace Future “There is no cause greater than shaping a world, in which every life enters it can look to a future of security, opportunity and dignity; and, where we leave our environment in better shape for the next generation. And, no cause that is more challenging. At 70, we are called to rise to that challenge, with our wisdom, experience, generosity, compassion, skills and technology” Modi's Speech at UN on September 26, 2015. Full text: http://www.ndtv.com/india-news/full-text-of-pm-modis-speech-at-un-1223100 ‘The UN of Harmony and Global Peace Replacing the UN of Disharmony’ is a global shift of moving from Axis of militarism to Axis of Peace from Harmony through global peace Science in 21st century for creating a New World Order i.e. World without Nuclear War: Subhash Chandra (2014) Global Peace Science in the BRICS Hands: Alternative to Nuclear War andCreating a Peaceful World Order. 4S Model: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=609 ‘The UN of Harmony’. The UN: World Harmony (UNWH) is harmony of diversity, without which there is no harmony. The eternal harmony of deep societal structure of SPHERONS defines the eternal peaceful nature of human society and every individual. The UN: World Harmony (UNWH) is based on ancient Indian philosophy of –Vasudheva Kutumbkam (World is one Family) and Unity in diversity. Harmony as Alternative to "New World Disorder“ Vladimir Putin at the UN General Assembly on September 28, 2015: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=609 Let me express sincere thanks to all members for their participation, cooperation and their sincerely support for this great project. Friendly, Best wishes for peace from harmony to all Dr. Subhash Chandra, Global Harmony Association (GHA) President &Board Chairman, GHA Ambassador of Peace and Disarmament from Harmony, Personal page: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=583 Email: schandra101@gmail.com M -9910241586 16-11-17 -------------------------------------------------------------
Dear Friends, The hidden subatomic forces can be observed only by their effects. A similar methodology can be applied to hidden political forces behind today's world politics. Their effects are money, wars and manipulation of public opinion. We can look (1) where the big money goes -- to what people and groups, (2) which regions are affected by wars and why, and (3) how is global media steered by these forces. The hidden global political forces are against independent countries and against religions, especially against Christianity. Thus, a country like Poland, which wants to maintain its independence and wants to save its cultural identity and religious values, will come under attack. Please see below an example from 11th November 2017. Please see how the peaceful and patriotic manifestation of about 60 thousand of people in Warsaw was presented in global media. All of them give almost identical description of the March and all of them tell lies, as if this was all orchestrated. This is an independent analysis by a journalist from Great Britain. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QczXFX0EYoE (Media Calls Polish Independence Marchers Neo-Nazis | Nationalism In Poland | European Union www.youtube.com) I have written an op-ed article (please see a fragment below) and have sent the text to The Independent, The Wall Street Journal and other newspapers. No one wanted to publish my article. This is how global media work.We Want God and Nation W. Julian Korab-Karpowicz Many foreign media sources, including The Guardian and CNN, have described the Independence March in Warsaw on November 11, in which between 60,000 to 100,000 participated, as nationalist, fascist or white supremacist, creating thus a negative image of this event. While a massive demonstration can attract people with many beliefs, some of them far-right, the vast majority of people who participated in it can be described as ordinary Poles. The march was not a disturbance of the Poland’s Independence Day, as some foreign media reported, but, on the contrary, it was its popular, spontaneous, and peaceful expression. The leading slogan of the 2017 march was “We Want God!” It has shown a continuous support by Polish people of two ideas that lie at the foundation of the Western civilization: God and nation. Best regards, W. Julian Korab-Karpowicz, D.Phil. (Oxon) Professor Interdisciplinary Studies, Zayed University https://zayed.academia.edu/WJulianKorabKarpowicz 19-11-17 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Hi, Thanks for the email. I likewise apologize for not submitting anything, but beyond my concerns related to persecution and writing, recent obligations made it impossible to write a good text for the project which was in its advanced stages anyways. I am happy to remain a participant in the conversation and remain open to future cooperation. As for the article by Dr. Karpowicz and Leo's response: I have read both and provide my brief thoughts below: 1) I certainly support Dr. Karpowicz's approach (political philosophy) because a politics which does not inquire as to the nature of the good cannot be effective for a good it does not know. That said, my one criticism of the article is that it reflects the chief failure of Western political thought (particularly in the realm of international politics) which is that it conveniently sees only abstract human beings (usually in some variation of the state of Nature) and artificial human constructs in the form of States. It is this Western rationalism which reached its apex in Metternich and paraded itself as sober realism which is actually quite unrealistic because it fails to see and account for the existence of Nations. Nations are an organic category which exist as a result of the development of natural processes in relations between particular humans of particular cultures and languages and while it is true that political science generally recognises the right of nations to self-determination through states, in practice Western political science knows very little about the nations because to know them it is necessary to depart philosophy for history. 2. I agree with Leo's point that what is very important is the notion or understanding of God that we have as well as his insistence to call out the United States specifically as a source of international destabilization. It has been a simple fact of the post 1989 period that while the former Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact nations have pursued peaceful growth and peaceful relationships (as well as often difficult reconciliation ), the United States has pursued war on all fronts in accordance with the doctrine of the Project for a New American century which can only be compared to Leninist doctrine following the "war to end all wars" when the USSR sought to take advantage of the weakness of post Great War Germany and the newly reborn nation states to her East to begin a campaign of conquest motivated by ideology. The United States has done likewise following the Cold War and while it seems to be weary of war, the ideology of the war party is still unfortunately the dominant foreign policy of both major US parties. Just as we should not hesitate to forever blame Germany for the second World War, so we have the United States to blame for the present time of tumult. America must undergo its own perestroika and to do so it must learn the language of truth. I understand the idea that diplomacy requires tact and tends to avoid an us vs them scenario, but as a Pole I think, judging by Poland's history, that this is ultimately futile. We will not avoid war by politely keeping silent about right and wrong. This direction only increases social and political tension until finally the truth bursts forth in the form of war because no avenue existed within which to speak it and no statesmen dared say it let alone work for change. The Western preference for diplomacy of taboo is the modus operandi of the EU now and the reason why it is collapsing and dysfunctional. It is a politics of cowardly unwillingness to confront real problems. I much prefer the bluntness of the Slavic cultures and the common sense ethos of American cowboy culture (think about the character of Nixon and Kruschev during the Kitchen Debate - this frank exchange is the best kind of diplomacy). In any case, even if one disagrees with this methodology of international relations, we are not diplomats but intellectuals and we should be able to handle controversy and debate. Americans are going to have to undergo great changes in their thinking if peace is to have a chance in the coming years. They will have to do what the Soviets did: pull back, back down and chose to be arbiters for peace in their region and cooperate to help negotiate peace elsewhere. Unless Americans change their thinking the world will continue spiraling towards permanent war and indeed World War III. Best regards, Peter 20-11-17 ----------------------------------------------
GHA approved the project "Spherons: UN Harmony Replacing UN Disharmony": http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=769 Dear friends: I am happy to inform that the GHA approved the 57th project: "Network Spherons: UN Harmony and Global Peace Replacing UN Disharmony: Sociocybernetic Model ..." (54 pages in the attachment) as a result of almost a month of discussion without a single objection "in a whole" but with many amendments and updated bibliography that grew by almost 100 sources (now there are 227 of them all). It took me 6 days to edit it. It creates a solid conceptual and factual platform for our scientific project. GHA cordially thanks and congratulates all participants of the discussion on the completion of the new unprecedented peacemaking collective project, which, undoubtedly, will attract attention at all levels. We appreciate your contribution. I was pleased to update the personal bibliographies in this project: Mairead Maguire- 3 sources, Bernard Scott - 8 sources, John Avery - 6 sources (especially his last unique book "The Climate Emergency: Two time scales (November 14, 2017)": http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=780), Subhash Chandra - 12 sources, etc. Together with the project, its banner was updated on the website Home page: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=home Network Spherons: TheUNHarmony ReplacingUN Disharmony. The UN has been unable for 72 years: 1. Prevent 37 US-NATO wars, in which more than 20 million were killed; 2. Recognize the supreme human right to life in order to end wars; 3. To include in the new millennium goals a global peace; etc. + Alternative: 4. Sociocybernetic Model of the Spherons’ UNH: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=769 | Spherons (S) of the United Nations Harmony (UNH) Сфероны (S) Организации Объединенных Наций Гармонии ООНГ
| Сетевые Сфероны: ООН Гармонии вместо ООН Дисгармонии. ООН была неспособна в течение 72 лет: 1. Предотвратить 37 войн США-НАТО, в которых было убито свыше 20 млн.; 2. Признать высшее право человека на жизнь, чтобы покончить с войнами; 3. Включить в цели нового тысячелетия глобальный мир; и т.д. + Альтернатива: 4. Социокибернетическая модель ООНГ Сферонов: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=736 |
It highlights the key facts and challenges to reform the UN Disharmony at the UN Harmony. We understand that this is only the beginning of a colossal scientific, political and organizational work to update the UN to prevent a new world military catastrophe. We are waiting and will be grateful for any suggestions in these areas, the systematic work in which we will begin in May 2018 at our Global Peace Academy, when we receive Swedish grant. But to this time we need a strong team of young scientists in different countries under the guidance of our experienced co-authors. This will be a special talk in the next two weeks. Best wishes for peace from harmony through science, Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA Honorary President, 21-11-17 --------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you very much for this information! We are with you. With best regards, Dr. Arvind Kumar Sharma, IPC India Commanding General of the International Police Commission - IPC India Command 22-11-17 --------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for this Information! Regards Prof. Dhal 22-11-17 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
My extremely dear friend Leo, Many many thanks for publishing my climate emergency book on your important and widely read GHA website. Holger Terp has already changed the file stored on the Danish Peace Academy website. I will certainly refer to your books in future publications. I have not yet received your GHA57 project but I hope that you will send it to me, after which I will be happy to write a few sentences about it. I wish you good health and great success in your vitally important work for peace. With my gratitude, admiration and warmest greetings, John Avery 23-11-17 My dearest friend John, Many thanks for your warm reply and your refer to our books. We will be happy to publish your opinion about the GHA 57 project (UN Harmony). Please, see it in attachment. With love and admiration, your Leo 23-11-17 ---------------------------------------------------------------- DearBernard, Thanksforyour response. I began to be tormented by doubts about the form of the first, critical part of our project "UN Harmony." I suppose that for the western mentality this form can be sharp and even rude. Therefore, I think it is necessary to make an updated, relaxed more soft version of this part but without distorting the facts of American history only mitigating their assessments, which I have expressed in Russian in a straightforward manner, that will only alienate the western public from this project. Could you edit the first part of the project (18-20 pages) in this spirit? You, with your deep scientific intellect and rich culture, are able to do this in the best scientific way, so that our sociocybernetic project will not be buried in its unacceptable form in the West. This would be your great work both for peace and for science - for sociocybernetics, so that it will be preserved from the shadow of doubt. Do not hesitate to delete from this part all the phrases and words that from your point of view are unacceptable in a scientific project. You could find an acceptable and worthy expression for them to replace them.We appreciate your unique contribution. Do you agree to do this? Is this possible for you? Nobody except you can do this workbetter. I really hope for you. Heartily, best wishes, Leo 23-11-17 ------------------------------------------------------
Dear Vladislav, friends, Many thanks for your philosophical message, in which you touch very important problems. In continuation of your intellectual message, let me suggest, from the Russian side, the vision and assessment of the most acute problems of peace and war, especially between Russia and America, as evidenced by thousands of scientific publications. I am happy to send the GHA 57th project (54 pages in attachment and here: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=769) to your audience concerning the replacement of the traditional UN, powerless before the continuous American wars: 37 wars with 37 nations, in which more than 20 million innocent victims were killed since 1945; 220 years of wars in the militaristic history of America from 240 years of its life; ignoring the right to life, which opens the door to America's endless wars and its continuing crimes before humanity; exclusion of global peace from the goals of the millennium of the UN; no one “peace president” and etc. Particularly acute for you, there will be the first, critical part of this project, motivating the urgent need to reform the UN as that international body that is called upon to prevent a third, nuclear world war catastrophic for humanity (including the US) and for the planet, but powerless to do so under the USA militaristic protectorate, which is proved by thousands and millions of facts. I did not invent anything, I just collected these facts and tried to generalize and evaluate them, as well as to offer a constructive solution in the second part of the project together with colleagues from the GHA. I understand that many will strongly criticize and reject this project. But I appeal to those who are capable to scientific thinking and a reasonable assessment of the facts in terms of their adequate evaluation. We, the GHA, will be very grateful to you and highly appreciate any of your constructive editing of the first part of the project (18 pages) without prejudice to its facts (their falsification, fraud or neglect are excluded) and we will be happy to include these persons in the coauthors of this project. This powerful creative cooperation of our peacekeeping organizations, our two great and nuclear powers - Russia and the USA. Can we cooperate intellectually, instead of planning wars with each other, some of which have already been approved by the "insane Congress" of the “inverted totalitarianism democracy” in the “bad freedom to lie, cheat, steal & kill”? We, the GHA hope for your sound voice without superiority and fakes. only honest and equal cooperation will save us from mutual genocide. This is the only alternative. Best wishes for peace from harmony of our countries through science, Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA Honorary President, 23-11-17 ---------------------------------------------------------
Dear GHA members, friends, After some reflections, discussions and internal anguish, I came to the conclusion that we need a diplomatic, soft and harmonious version of the first, critical part (20 pages) of our project "UN Harmony" (http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=769) to be read, not discarded. I spoke with some on this topic. Bernard Scott promised to offer his version in two weeks. I also began to think my version. I invite other members of the GHA, if you are interested in this, to offer your version of the first part until December 5. You can exclude from it any sharp and inadequate phrasesand words, but retain all references and facts. We cannot sacrifice facts / truth for diplomacy. But we must be as correct as possible. Although this will not save our project from militaristic ignoration. But we must focus on the mass public, so as not to frighten off its sharpness. I hope you understand me and our collective mind will find the right form of the first part of the project. Thank you for your understanding and participation. Best wishes, Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA Honorary President, 24-11-17 ----------------------------------------------------------
Dear Leo, Good to hear from you. I am very favorably impressed with your large collection of articles taking aim at the failed UN geopolitical system, and GHA's call for harmony and to seek out the best people in your 4 Spheron sectors to make global government succeed in a positive way. I've made some edits per your request through page 21 which seems to be where the most editing needs to be done; and after page 21 is not really my area of expertise. I've used the color gray to recommend deletions, and used the color yellow to indicate suggested re-wording -- in most cases the changes are minor, but the use of English is improved. (I salute you for writing in English! That is a difficult and onerous task but makes your material available to us who only use English -- proving that we Americans are very narrow culturally speaking!) No need to list me as a co-author. You've cited a couple of my articles which is good enough. I'm not going to write any phrases about the GHA project because it is an area that I am not an expert, and because my main concern is creating a popular following among activists and to obtain support at the UN for the Constitution for the Federation of Earth ("Earth Constitution"), of which I am a personal ratifier and strong advocate. Your critique of the UN and of US/NATO/(Israel) is very similar to my own thinking, and I respect you and your group for speaking out like you do. Hope all goes well for you. Although I deeply dislike President Trump's domestic plans (he helps the rich and hurts the poor), I would still like to have Putin and Trump co-host a Global Peace Summit, and include India and China...and of course, my own NGO group! Best regards, Roger Kotila PhD. Psychologist, Vice President, World Constitution and Parliament Association. Radio producer (Earthstar Radio, San Francisco). Address: Marin County, California, USA. Web: www.earthfederation.info, http://worldparliament-gov.org; Personal page: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=680 25-11-17
Dear Roger, Thank you very much for your laconic, but significant in meaning editing the project first (critical) part and most importantly for your courageous and powerful support of this UN reform project. You expressed an honest view of a scientist who recognizes the facts and is not afraid of them, does not hide from them and does not falsify them. You have congenially understood the essence of our approach to reforming the United Nations on the basis of the deep harmonious structure of the four Spherons of each nation that overcomes their wars and militarism. You have inspired me to the corresponding first, philosophical, part of the project in 2-3 pages, which I will send tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, and I will keep its critical part in the project as its Appendix. All this allows me to offer you a joint transformation of your "Earth Constitution" into the "Earth Constitution of Spherons’ Harmony" on the basis of the philosophy and sociology of the Spherons. Is this acceptable and possible for you? Could you answer this question after getting acquainted with the new, philosophical part of the project? Thank you, Best wishes for peace from harmony through the Spherons science, Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA Honorary President, 26-11-17
Philosophy and Dialectics of the UN Spherons
Dear GHA members, friends,
I am glad to send you 3 pages of the new first part of the UN reform project, the former first part of which is transformed into the category: "Appendix 1. Facts: Critical Part.Motivation." "Philosophy and Dialectics of the UN Spherons" (http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=785) has an independent meaning of the philosophical summary of the social harmony knowledge in its deep structure of spherons. It is extremely important in our time of the collapse of all old philosophical and ideological paradigms such as Marxism, liberalism, fundamentalism and others and the maturing fundamentally new ones, of which the philosophy of Harmonism/Tetrism has the deepest historical roots in all world civilizations. Especially Greek, in the face of Heraclitus, 2,5 thousand years ago realized the key meaning of harmony, which neglected the violent disharmonious ideologies of the past two centuries that led them to an irrevocable collapse. Amen to them! only the tree of harmony grows green! My resume is intended primarily for people with a philosophical mindset and who has at least some knowledge of the history of philosophy. From them I wait and accept with gratitude critical remarks which I will publish. Special expectations from the "Demiurge" members with whom we started this difficult and unique way of understanding the spherons represented in it as its four spheral micro-groups (http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=305) since 1976. It is very interesting to see how we have "come down" with our micro-groups / spherons for more than 40 years. I am sure that someday at the UN Harmony will erect a monument not only to Nume Pompilius, but also to the "Demiurge" for their contribution to global peace from harmony. Of course, if we do not burn everything in the American nuclear global Auschwitz (http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=613). But let us hope that God will save humankind, still unreasonable and ignorant in harmony, from this world evil. Unfortunately, there is no one else, even 72 years powerless against the wars of the UNwhich could save us. We can only hope for God's Grace. If we do not receive other versions of our project before December 5, it will be recognized as approved by the GHA.Many thanks to all for the hard work with this very important peacemaking project of the UN effective against the wars and militarism especially Roger Kotila, who inspired me to this text (see his personal page). Heartily, best wishes for peace from harmony through the spherons science, Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA Honorary President 28-11-17 -------------------------------------------------------------
Publication of articles: Chossudovsky, Petras, Kotila, Thompson, Engdahl, Mohamad, Burrowes Dear GHA members, friends: Over the last week I have looked and published seven important articles for the GHA 57th Project (UN Harmony: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=769) 1.Michel Chossudovsky. Independent Media Reveals the Criminal Nature of US Foreign Policy: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=789 “The US-NATO led war destroys humanity. Without the daily gush of war propaganda, America’s military endeavors would fall flat.” 2.James Petras. US Enemy List: Prospects and Perspectives: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=787 “For almost 2 decades, the US pursued a list of ‘enemy countries’ to confront, attack, weaken and overthrow.” 3.Roger Kotila. The world community deserves a "new UN" to solve global crises: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=794 “The US is becoming "a hereditary aristocracy of wealth and power." “The rhetoric against disarmament-the objective of this Committee and one of the primary principles of the United Nations-was more acute than ever, especially in the nuclear field.” “Civilization is facing two existential crises: the first is the use of nuclear weapons, the fast path to destruction; the second slower path is an environmental collapse.” 4.Tomgram: Erin Thompson. Curating Guantanamo: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=792 About “the USA global network of prisons beyondthe global law” 5.F. William Engdahl. Russia Can Solve All Economic Problems Itself: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=793 “How Washington and the International Monetary Fund robbed the new post-Soviet Russian Federation under Boris Yeltsin” 6.Mahathir Mohamad. The Criminalization of War: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=795 The USA is supporting “a genocide against the Yemeni people.” “Wars increasingly involve the killing of innocent people and are, therefore, abhorrent and criminal.” 7.H Robert J. Burrowes. Killing the Biosphere to Fast-track Human Extinction: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=790 Hence, in my view, the evidence is overwhelming that if we want to end human violence, whether inflicted on ourselves, others or the Earth, then the central feature of our strategy must be to end adult violence against children***. ***Dr. Leo Semashko publisher's note. The only thing that can be done to eliminate adult violence against children is the "Children's Priority and Women’s Equality" Institution, which is ensured by the "Law of Children’s Suffrage Performed by Parents", established by 100% Spheral Democracy (Spherons' Democracy) instead of 1% democracy of billionaires of the modern ruling elite ("totalitarian democracy"Engdahl, or "democracy of inverted totalitarianism of USA" Wolin). This institute was first proposed about 30 years ago and is being developed in many projects of the Global Harmony Association (GHA), especially in the book "Global Peace Science" (GPS, 2016), 174 co-authors from 34 countries, including the President of India, three Nobel Peace Laureates and many outstanding scientists, including Robert J. Burrowes:http://peacefromharmony.org/docs/global-peace-science-2016.pdf The systemic ineradicable violence of "1% totalitarian democracy" of disharmonious militaristic civilization, which can be overcome only by the 100% sherons’ democracy of harmonious civilization (see GPS), was well expressed by a Muslim scholar from Germany in his question about the double standard:
These are the fundamental facts and questions of the past two centuries to the western militaristic civilization, which were left without the fundamental answer offered in Global Peace Science.
I heartily thank all authors, as well as David Miller Townsend, Jr., J.D. "United States Department of Justice (USDOJ), Inspector General" as he writes, (if I'm not mistaken) for your articles and your help. I end with this reception and the publication of new articles in connection with the completion of the GHA 57 project and the transition to the next stage - to the stage of the staffing of the "Global Peace Academy" (http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=750).I will write about this in detail in the coming week. Best wishes for peace from harmony through the spherons science, Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA Honorary President 04-12-17
GHA Project “UN Harmony”: Final Dear GHA members, friends! I am happy to send you the final version of the GHA 57th project "UN Harmony", which is published here: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=769 It now has 70 pages, five new Appendixes, nearly 250 scientific sources and substantially restructured with the help of Bernard Scott (England). I am very grateful to him for the great help and editing of the main parts of this project. I am also grateful to Roger Kotila and Bruce Cook (both from the USA) for editing some parts of the project. All this great work required an additional month of efforts after its approval. If there are new comments and suggestions, we can resume its discussion and approval on a new circle. If they do not exist, we will consider it approved and will be sent it to the UN and UNESCO in January. This is a very important and unique scientific project, which is difficult for us to compare with anything.This is yet another proof of the truth and effectiveness of our "Global Peace Science" from harmony, which constitutes the scientific foundation and methodology of the new tetranet thinking in this project. Nevertheless, it still has a lot of shortcomings and requires continued deep scientific work, especially research on networked spherons from different countries, primarily India, Pakistan, Kazakhstan, UK and USA, where we will create the appropriate research teams of young statisticians, sociocybernetics and sociologists in 5-6 people. In the next week I will write a detailed letter about this. The more we will have statistical confirmation of the spherons in different countries, the more weighty will be the scientific significance of our project of sociocybernetic reforming of the UN. But this is the next stage. Now I'm happy to congratulate all the project coauthors and all the GHA members with our new scientific achievement in peacemaking in 2017 and wish everyone a merry Christmas and a happy New Year with strong harmonious health and mood! Withlove, Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA HonoraryPresident, 16-12-17
Dear Roger, Many thanks for your both excellent texts of the UN updating, which I published one on the Glen's personal page here: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=428 and other on your page here: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=794 I think the main problem of our approaches is to unite their advantages in order to strengthen the idea of a quality UN renewal. Your legal, juridical approach and our scientific, sociocybernetic and structural approach, in essence, without subjective preferences and inclinations, require a mutually necessary complement. We, the GHA, express this need clearly in our project of "UN Harmony" in the attachment. For the GHA this is obvious. We invite your “Democratic Federalist World Parliament” to publicly discuss the integration of our two projects to make them more adequate and strong in the transformation of the UN. What do you think about it? Are you ready to publish and discuss the GHA proposal democratically? Is this possible for you? We hope for your understanding and your responsibility for the quality and integration of the UN reform projects that will confirm the democratic character of your “World Parliament”. Thanks for the response, Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA Honorary President, 17-12-17
------------------------------------------------------------------------- GHA Open Letter to President Vladimir Putin: Your Foreign Policy Electoral Trumps. How softly, diplomatically to supplant US-NATO militarism and turn the enemy into a friend? http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=799 http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=746
Dear Mr. Vladimir Putin
Your re-election by the President is undoubted, because 4 out of 5 Russian electors vote for you on the principle "they are not looking for good from good". But it coincides with the extreme aggravation of international tension: the United States declared Russia an "enemy" and is preparing a nuclear strike against North Korea, which will turn into a world nuclear catastrophe. This makes your peacebuilding program a navigator of the ideology for the new presidential term, national and world security on the basis of your created complete defense capability of Russia. Since Munich, 10 years ago, you have proved to be a historical reformer of the crisis unipolar world order in the strategy of multi-polar harmony and global peace as an "unchanging ideal of humanity". It culminated in Russia's victory over terrorism in Syria, the international consolidation of countries in peace-loving alliances, the movement toward nuclear disarmament, the transformation of the "enemy" into a partner and the future architecture "from collision to harmony." Harmony as "peace, consent, concord" and "world destiny of Russia" (Dostoevsky) is our unshakable cultural value, heart and national idea that brings us spiritually together with China, India, Africa and Latin America, resisting US-NATO militarism. The harmony strategy is an objective world trend of the 21st century - your unconquerable electoral advantage and an irresistible force. The need for breaking down the dominant violence was determined by Martin Luther King Jr.: "We need to shift the arms race into a peace race" in order to put an end to the "greatest purveyor of violence in the world" - US militarism/government. The soft, diplomatic breakdown/shift/supplant of US-NATO militarism, which starts with nuclear disarmament, which was supported in July 2017 by 122 UN members and the prevention of a new world nuclear war, which are your undisputed electoral trump cards and lighthouses. No one has them! They will be supported by 90% of Russia's voters and world civil society! Their scientific justification as a strategy and engine of your peacemaking paradigm for a new presidential term is detailed in the GHA project: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=736 With deep respect, Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA Honorary President and the GHA 15 members: 1. Uraz Bayramatov, 2. Julia Budnikova, 3. Alexander Semashko, 4. Nina Yudina, 5. Vetrova Svetlana, 6. Kuskovskaya Svetlana, 7. Vladislav Krasnov, 8. Mairead Maguire, 9. John Avery, 10. Subhash Chandra, 11. Ramesh Kumar, 12. Ayo Amale, 13. Sanjay Tewari, 14. Roger Kotila, 15. Rudolph Siebert, St. Petersburg December 21, 2017 --------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Leo: Thank you for sending the GHA Open Letter to President Putin. I was recently reminded of the Russian Tear of Grief Monument of 2005 in Harbor View Park in New York to the Struggle Against World Terrorism, particularly for the victims of September 11, 2001. I also recently heard, that President Trump warned the Russian authorities of a possible terrorist attack against the Kazansky Cathedral in St. Petersburg. These are real as well as symbolical actions, which allow us to hope that the Slavic World and the American World will work together for peace and harmony in 2018. Thank you for your great peace work! I wish you and your dear family,and your great nation,a Merry Christmasand a healthy, creative New Year 2018. Love your Rudi and the whole Siebert Family, from the House of Mir. Prof. Rudolf Siebert http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=51 22-12-17 --------------------------------------------------------- My dearest friend John, Many thanks for your kind congratulations, important information and GHA support for peace-building projects and practices! Your latest (November 2017), truly great book of more than 300 pages, is especially attractive: "Nuclear Weapons: An Absolute Evil." More precisely and lapidary not say! I published your letter and my answer here: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=799, and on your personal page. We are happy to congratulate you on this unprecedented peacemaking achievement, with the definition of nuclear weapons as ABSOLUTE EVIL, GENOCIDE AND CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY, one intention to use which deserves an immediate new NURNBERG PROCESS!!! Humanity knows such a crime in 1945, in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which until now, 72 years later, will not wait for this process! His culprits do not even want to apologize for this crime! Its authors approved the "unilateral right of preventive use of nuclear weapons by the first." This is already an absolute evil, genocide and a crime against humanity! WHO STOPS IT??? only the new "UN Harmony" is able to do this on the initiative of the Russia President Vladimir Putin, who has long been advocating for nuclear disarmament the only of the nine nuclear leaders. We proved this in our UN respective project: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=769 Of course, I will be happy to publish all your texts, primarily your book "Absolute Evil", on our website, if you will permit. But I can do it in early January only. Could you also supplement your list of recent articles with our joint article: "Vera Afanasyeva, John S. Avery, Timi Ecimovic and Leo Semashko. Thermodynamics and Negentropy of Spheral Classes Societal Harmony: Global Peace Thermodynamics": http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=756. Is it possible to do? Thank you. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your wonderful family, so that in 2018 the possibility of absolute evil for all people disappears! Withlove, Leo 25-12-17
My dearest friend Leo, I wish you health and happiness during the new year! Let us hope that despite the very serious problems that are facing our poor world, 2018 will be a year of peace and global harmony. Here is a link where some of my books and articles on these problems are made available. http://eacpe.org/about-john-scales-avery/ Perhaps my dear friends in GHA would be interested in the link. I am attaching a Christmas letter with some news about my family. With my admiration for your vitally important work, and with best hopes for a peaceful future, John Prof. John Scales Avery, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate (shared 1995 award), Chairman of the Danish Peace Academy, Copenhagen, Denmark: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=672 Проф. Джон Скалес Авери, ЛауреатНобелевскойПремииМира 1995 г., ПредседательДатскойАкадемииМира, Копенгаген, Дания: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=672 24-12-17 -------------------------------------------------------- It was indeed great to get such a warm Christmas greeting from John Avery! I am happy to send Merry Christmas to all, or Поздравляю с Рождеством Христовым Лео и его друзей! … в своей рассылке RAGAAntidote 40 (Вы её получаете?) не преминул поддержать Вас и Ваше открытое письмо Путину (хотя Россия сейчас едва ли готова к ядерному разоружению). И тоже прошу исправить имя подписанта: не Вячеслав, а Владислав Краснов С Рождеством Вас и Веру! Sincerely, WGeorgeKrasnow (http://wiki-org.ru/wiki/Краснов,_Владислав_Георгиевич) President, RAGA www.raga.org 26-12-17 -------------------------------------------- Please visit at,http://groundreportindia.org/monthly/reports/2017/12/the-un-sociocybernetic-reform-proposal-network-spherons-the-un-of-harmony-and-global-peace-replacing-the-un-of-disharmony/ Thank you, With gratitude, With love, In solidarity, Vivek http://www.socialwayfarer.groundreportindia.org Sydney, Australia The international school project 28-12-17 My dear friend Vivek, Many thanks for your excellent publication of the GHA 57 Project “UN Harmony: Sociocybernetic (Spherons) Reform Proposal” on your wonderful website in Sydney here: http://groundreportindia.org/monthly/reports/2017/12/the-un-sociocybernetic-reform-proposal-network-spherons-the-un-of-harmony-and-global-peace-replacing-the-un-of-disharmony/ The GHA and I will be happy to publish also your great book “Education project towards Social Harmony and Sustainability” on our “Peace from Harmony” web if you will send it in PDF format and your photo. We also are glad to invite you create in Sydney, for starting, a little “Spherons Research Lab” in 5-7 young humanities scientists as scientific nucleus of your future unique “School/University of Social Harmony and Sustainability”. If you and your friends want it I can send you this project. Happy New Year for your and your friends in your great educational project of Social Harmony, from which exists sustainability, global peace and all human life: http://groundreportindia.org/monthly/reports/2017/10/inviting-you-for-an-education-project-with-the-initial-investment-of-around-four-million-usd-4-million-us-towards-harmony-and-sustainability/ With love, Leo 28-12-17 --------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Leo, Just to inform you that as you requested, I have sent the Global Harmony Assoc., Project to UN Sec General Antonio Guterres(sg@un.org) and to President of the UN General AssemblyMiroslav Lajcak (infopga@un.org) and copy to Spokesperson:Brendan Varma(varma@un.org). Peace, Mairead Maguire, Nobel Peace Laureate: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=678 January 24, 2018
Dear Mairead,
The GHA is very grateful and highly appreciates your great in significance presenting (below) our “UN Reform” project (http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=769) to its senior officials: the Secretary General and the General Assembly President. We are sure that your appeal as a Nobel Peace Laureate (http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=678) will not be left without attention and without response. Your info is published in this project and on the Home page of our website. Thank you very much. On January 20 our another colleague told me about similar intention: Prof. John Avery, also the Nobel Peace Laureate (http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=672), who wrote to me: “My dear friend Leo, I will do my best, and if I receive a reply, I will immediately forward it to you, all my dear GHA friends throughout the world, John”. The more such facts, the more likely it is that this unprecedented scientific project of the UN reform will attract the attention of this organization. I urge this to be done first of all by Anglo-Saxon scholars. Because I noticed that my appeals from Russia remain without attention and without an answer. They are simply ignored in international organizations, in which 90% of the apparatus is made up of Anglo-Saxons who are amused by the new kind of racism invented by them: Russophobia: it allows them to ignore all Russian appeals from the threshold. Therefore, in this situation, such letters of American scientists are especially valuable. We hope and appreciate their activity with the promotion of our unique project. Best wishes for peace from harmony, Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA Honorary President, 24-01-18 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
My dear friend Leo, I have contacted John Borroughs, the Director of the UN Office of the Lawyer's Committee on Nuclear Policy to ask about the possibility of delivering your document on UN reform by hand to the office of the UN Secretary General and the office of the President of the General Assembly. I will also send the document by post, and as I mentioned, I will let you know if I receive a reply. With love to you and to other dear GHA friends throughout the world, John Avery Nobel Peace Laureate http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=672 January 26, 2018 Dear Leo: I have sent the GHA Documents to the UN in New York. Let’s hope, that we receive a positive answer. When we do, I shall notify you. I have also sent the GHA Documents around in my University, in search for good statisticians, who would at the same time be interested in our GHA project. I shall inform you as soon as I receive a positive answer. Best wishes, your Rudi, from the House of Mir Prof. Rudolf Siebert, USA http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=51 28-01-18 ---------------------------------------------------------