“The Spherons Argumentation.” Over 20 reviews from 11 countries including: Britain, USA, Japan, India, Australia, Ghana, Pakistan, Russia, Slovenia, Kazakhstan, Nigeria. 2017 Publication:
In English: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=747 In Russian: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=718 Bernard Scott: https://sociocybernetics.files.wordpress.com/2017/09/rc51-newsletter-34.pdf. "Tetrasociology of Spherons", Earlier reviews: English: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=15
Russian: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=85 Martha DeWitt: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/026858090702200207 ------------------------------------------------
Happy birthday together with the spherons Cybernetics in the spirit of Plato and Aristotle!
https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=885 https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=996
Dear friend Bernard, The GGHA wishes you a happy birthday, good health and new creative successes in the development of Sociocybernetics, which we have been doing with you and our colleagues for over 20 years and that is reflected in our numerous congratulations on your 75th anniversary here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=255 Now I want to recall only your key scientific achievement over 20 years within the GGHA and, in parallel, the ISA Research Committee 51 (RC51) on Sociocybernetics, which is presented in almost all 10 of our GGHA collective books, especially in the last two: "Gandhica", 2019 (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=848) and «Anti-Nuclear Manifesto», 2020 (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=908). The main achievement of Sociocybernetics in the 21st century, with our joint initiation, from my point of view, is that it has risen to the level of third order Cybernetics (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=64). Here, Cybernetics, preserving all the achievements of the previous orders, entered the most difficult and most important for humanity stage of understanding society, not only as an observable and observing cybernetic system (its first two orders from Wiener and Forster), but also one that found the key cybernetic actor, both primary and secondary in their direct and reverse production or autopoietic relations. The entire megasystem of the historical evolution of humanity is closed in their ring, and in which there is nothing but it in its endless spiral development in the inexhaustible number of its socio-cultural forms. I remember your initial skepticism about third-order cybernetics, the idea of which is now spreading in the world and about spherons as its core, the idea of which, nevertheless, you have always supported in your publications on this topic. They started with your first, the highest degree brilliant and the best review in 20 years of my fundamental book "Tetrasociology: Responses to Challenges", 2002 (https://peacefromharmony.org/docs/2-1_eng.pdf, pp. 6-8; https://peacefromharmony.org /docs/2-1_rus.pdf, pp. 6-8). This review/introduction ended with the words that inspired me all this time: "I wish … to help him (Semashko) refine and apply (his ideas) in pursuit of his noble aims". Your last review about the spherons you publish in 2017: https://sociocybernetics.files.wordpress.com/2017/09/rc51-newsletter-34.pdf. Between them and still concluded our powerful intellectual discussion on these issues, reflected on the GGHA website, especially on your personal page, as well as in the GGHA joint books and projects, in which you participated in almost all of them. All this intensive mental joint work was embodied in the creation of an embryo of Cybernetics new branch, which I proposed to call "Cyberspheronics", i.e. social cybernetics (third order) of spherons, covering all of humanity and differing in basic employment in one of the four spheres of social production or social autopoiesis. The term "Cyberspheronics" is defined and widely used in the “Anti-Nuclear Manifesto” (above). The highest epistemological complexity of the spherons reality and their nescience and no recognition still lies in their thermodynamic, nonlinear and stochastic, deeply hidden nature, similar to the nature of Plato's eidos (ideas) ideal eternal essences, the verification of which is impossible. Spherons are the real eidoses, essences of all historical groups, partons of humanity that exist in them and through them, defining their genetic, constantly reproducible deep form/structure and Aristotelian entelechy, which you drew attention to back in 2002 in your preface (above)… The reality of the spherons eidos, in contrast to the Plato’s otherworldly eidos, is proved and verified by world statistics in the GGHA book "Gandhica" with your participation. Today the spherons theory development as a concept of real (verified) of Plato’s eidoses and Aristotelian entelechy is the next, highest level of their knowledge in Cyberspheronics, to which I and the GGHA are happy to invite you and your RC51. For us intellectuals, what birthday present can be better than a new, common idea of "eureka!", which was born by us together almost 20 years ago and is waiting for our work?! I am glad to invite GGHA members to it to celebrate your birthday. We, in turn, would like to hope that you will invite your fellow cyberneticists from RC51 to it. Is it possible for you? Happy birthday with this brilliant idea of ours together with Plato and Aristotle! With love, Leo, 16-05-21 -------------------------------------------------
Responses Happy Birthday Bernard Scott Lic. María Cristina Azcona Argentina 16-05-21 Dear Bernard Scott I wish youhappy birthday with health love and peace. Dr Panagiotis D Ioannides Co founder and VP of GHA. Greece Dear Bernard, enjoy the next thirty years in wonderful health! Best, Matjaž Mulej P.S. You asked me a while ago, if you can join IRDO conference (on line) with no paper. The answer is: YES, as I said then. What is your decision? The point ic connection between social responsibility and digitalization. Raul Espejo will give a plenary talk. The first day will be in English and scientists, the second day will in Slovene and more expert/professional. Dear other recipients: you are welcome, too. Dear all, this is neither the first nor the only 3rd order cybernetics. Robert Vallee lounched it soon after the publication of the 2nd order cybernetics, which was in the same year as my Dialectical Systems Theory, 1974 (but mine was in Slovene, two year later in Englishin EMCSR conference 1976 in Viena. Now, there are several 3rd order cybernetics, one of them is from Russia. Best, Matjaž Mulej Happy Birthday to you Bernard Scott. Wishing you health, wealth and happiness my brother. Peace and Blessings Terence Barry Executive Director www.generationhiphopglobal.com +27 83 502 3920 South Africa 16-05-21 -------------------
Happy birthday to you dear friend, from Noor Muhammad Larik, Pakistan 17-05-21
HappyBirthday, Bernard. Laj Utreja lutreja7@gmail.com USA Happy birthday, Bernard. With renewed thanks and congratulations on your ongoing achievements. Peace and all good, Adam Greenwell New Zealand 17-05-21 Happy birthday Bernard.. All be blessed.. Peace, harmony! Susana Roberts Argentina Dear Leo, Thank you for your birthday good wishes and the rather flattering description of my contributions… In recent years, I have been working on a book project, which is now completed. FYI, I attach a PDF copy of the book. I was working to a word limit so could not mention everyone I would have liked to, including you and the GHA. If you wish, you may include the PDF on your website… As always, I wish you and the GHA well. The world is a very troubled place and needs love and goodwill more than ever. May God bless you and your work. Love and best wishes, Bernard, https://www.bernardcescott.co.uk/ 17-05-21 Happy birthday Dear Bernard Congratulations Théa Marie ROBERT, Marie Robert France
Happy birthday dear Bernard,
Please a let me use this opportunity to express my loving respect, appreciation, and admiration for you, and your work.You are such a gift to the world, to our network, AND TO ME Ernesto Prof. Emeritus Dr. Ernesto Kahan MD University Professor - Poet – Physician Tel Aviv University, Israel 18-05-21 Dear Ernesto, Thank you very much for your kind words. Despite health problems, I have managed to complete a small book, Cybernetics for the Social Sciences, which may well be my 'swan song' in the academic world. I attach a PDF file for your interest. Best wishes, Bernard Dear Bernard, Happy birthday dear Bernard =vous be an outstanding personality of peace and harmony I excuse myself, if I intervene less, but I am handicapped by my channel carpien and its incidences for my mains.l the situation at the Middle East points out to us the urgency of the implementation of our work: this conflict will it find T an exit without the reality of 2 States and the regulation of the status of Jerusalem Is? At present, I make my last concerts Guy CREQUIE Lolita = with orchestration respecting the Castilian style of the lyric https://youtu.be/BPyItkHfchE airs Serenade of Toselli = the preferred song of its wife https://youtu.be/RcreBxNq2YY Serenade deToselli This summer, in July, on the ports of the south of France like: Marseilles, Toulon, Sanary, Bandol, Saint-Cyr military school on sea = I will present my the last 4 books where I speak about our work: “The messenger of peace, planetary Poetry, Gandhi and since, and with the pandemia of Covid-19 (hasten we to make philosophy popular and necessary.” Good continuation, take care of you. Cordially. Guy CREQUIE France Dear Guy, Thank you indeed for your good wishes and for your beautiful music. Best wishes, Bernard Cher Guy, Merci en effet pour tes bons voeux et pour ta belle musique. Meilleurs vœux, Bernard Dear Bernard, As you know, I am in the middle of war, running to shelters every time the is an alarm, we have only half minute to do so. When I will be in a better situation, I will see you book. Ernesto 19-05-21 May God keep you safe, Ernesto, and may this war end soon. Best wishes, Bernard I wish you the same better future. Best, Matjaž Slovenia 19-05-21 ---------
Dear Bernard, dear GGHA members, We are happy to announce that Bernard received 18 birthday greetings from 12 countries, all of which were published on his page in two languages: Russian and English: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=885 https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=996 Together with them, Bernard's wonderful new book “Cybernetics for the Social Sciences”, 2021, was published in PDF here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=946. We wish Bernard good health and long years of creativity in sociocybernetics, which in cybernetics of the third order (spheres/spherons) acquires its true, holistic societal subject, freeing itself from the social abstractness of its first two orders and raising cybernetics to the highest level of scientific universality, covering all three levels of the universe: nature, society and thinking. Cybernetics here for the first time becomes a philosophical, interdisciplinary, transdisciplinary science, and scientific philosophy, i.e. worldview/vision of a new era of nonviolence, peace, love and sustainable development from the harmony of the corresponding spheres and societal spherons. During your life devoted to it, you have made your significant, unprecedented contribution to the development of this cybernetics, which is reflected on the website, in the books and projects of the GGHA for 16 years of its work and cooperation with you, for which he was awarded its highest honorary title (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=513). May God bless you and your work. With love and best wishes, Leo, 23-05-21
Dear Leo, Thank you for your good wishes. Thanks to GHA members for their good wishes. Your friend, Bernard 24-05-21 -----------------