GHA "Gandhicracy" 2020: The highest author’s peacemaking motivation, the highest quality of the book and the list of proposed articles in its positive part. “The road will be mastered by the walking one and Gandhicracy – thinking” By Dr. Leo Semashko, Initiator and the Gandhicracy Editor-in-Chief GHA 76th project. Approved by the Gandhicracy co-authors on February 21, 2020 Publication: In English: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=926 In Russian: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=828 Highest author peacemaking motivation 1. For 75 years after the end of the most bloody World War II, humankind not only didn’t get closer to global peace, but left it even further than in 1945 and came close to nuclear ecocide / genocide, from which we are only 100 seconds from the nightmare approval of nuclear scientists. All 75 years have proved that the existing institutions of traditional democracy, which fill military budgets, politics and international law, remain essentially militaristic, supporting militarism and war, powerless to ensure global peace. Only the GHA scientific activity for 15 years has found the fundamental peace-building nonviolent societal energy of the four Gandhian spherons, covering the entire population, capable of achieving and ensuring global peace before the end of the 21st century, if humanity recognizes and begins to consciously use this energy. This goal is subject to the creation of the "Gandhicracy". This goal defines the highest peacemaking motivation of its co-authors. No one except us is capable of fulfilling this historic mission. only our book and the GHA ones preceding it, integrating all peacemaking achievements, are capable of turning over the “grave, suicidal progress” of militaristic democracy and power. 2. We, the “Gandhicracy” coauthors, understand well that there is no other possibility, instrument and way, besides it, to achieve global peace in the 21st century. 3. Our key motive is not yet another passing and dead publication, after which at least grass does not grow, but the promotion of decisive scientific knowledge of the Gandhian spherons and the corresponding breakthrough project of democratic governance in order to ensure the victory of global peace and exclude wars and violence from the life of humankind. Therefore, each of the co-authors is required to have a clear understanding and devotion to this supreme peacemaking motivation. (You could edit and refine it.) The book top quality GHA cannot afford the low quality of the 10th, the final book in a series of its 15-year publications. This book/knowledge constitutes the highest intellectual, scientific and political value to achieve global peace in the 21st century. This circumstance requires the GHA, its chief editor and each author to be the strictest and demanding on the quality of all articles in this book, which determine its highest quality as a whole. Since the core of Gandhicracy are Gandhian varnas/spherons, then to be qualitative, i.e. competent, professional, convinced, scientific and highly responsible participant/coauthor of the book can onLY with deep knowledge and assimilation of the Gandhian varnas/spherons. This knowledge, which determines the quality of articles, is recorded in two short authors’ texts up to 1 page, which are published in the book as evidence of the competence of each author in this key knowledge of this book. The first text. 1 page review of the book "Gandhica": (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=848). Review method. The structural sequence of the study/reading of “Gandhica” in order to write not a formal, superficial, but a qualitative review consists of the following steps: 1. To study the text of Gandhi on the Varna in “Gandhica” (p.163-164) or in the original source: http://gandhisevagramashram.org/my-religion/chapter-36-varna-and-caste.php (Chapter 36: Varna and Caste) 2. To study the article of Maitreyee Roy and Leo Semashko in this book (p. 94-97) 3. To study in general terms the Gandhian system “substantially new manner of thinking” (Einstein) by the spheres and spherons in Part 1 of this book (p. 12-40). 4. To get acquainted with the empirical evidence of spherons by world statistics in Part 2 of this book (p. 41-88) (These four steps will require a maximum of 3-4 hours for an intellectual person familiar with scientific work). 5. Writing the review text (1 page) on the book "Gandhica" with a brief explanation and general principled assessment of the Gandhian concept of spherons as the theoretical foundation of the Gandhicracy model - Gandhian Spheral Peacemaking Democracy (GSPD) alternative to Traditional Militaristic Democracy (TMD). (This process will require different times for different people, but on average no more than 2 hours. TOTAL, writing a high-quality scientific review of the book "Gandhicracy" will require an average of about 6 hours. Its key intellectual value is that it will arm the co-author of the article in "Gandhicracy" with the necessary knowledge, which provides him with scientific competence. It transforms various co-authors with different ideas and views into a team of like-minded people, harmoniously combining and coordinating their diversity on the basis of fundamental knowledge of spherons theory). NOTE. The review must be formalized in accordance with the scientific standard: Review title, author name, text (font 12), footnotes (among them must necessarily be footnotes to Gandhi and Gandhica), the author’s bio note - 3 lines, date. A review can only be accepted in this standard. The second text. A statistical research (1 page with one table of 8 spheral indicators) of the spherons of your country, region (state, province), city or university to your choose. The method and algorithm of this research are presented in the Gandhicracy project, paragraph 2 (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=907 - each author should have this project as a general team guide to action). This text requires no more than 4 hours, and optimally - only 2 hours. I am ready to help everyone who has not conducted statistical research in it via Skype or email. Feel free to contact me for this help. Such research will allow everyone to be convinced on their own scientific experience in the correctness and universality, fundamental nature of the theory of spherons. Both authors’ texts are a reliable foundation and guarantee of high quality of each article and the “Gandhicracy” as a whole. Each author will acquire the ability to competently explain to himself and others the logic of his article and the book as a whole as its co-author. This will turn us into a team of like-minded people, preserving our diversity in the holistic harmony of our reflection. Each author, having mastered this ability and knowledge, will demonstrate them both in his article and in the subsequent public presentation of our book. only after gaining this ability, the participation of each author can be recognized as competent, convinced and scientifically professional, high-quality in this "substantial" innovative book and work. Therefore, the requirement of this ability from each author is natural. An exception to a statistical research can only be made for health reasons. The lack of this personal ability is offset by co-authorship with one of the editors of this book, who has mastered it enough. We have no moral right to derogate from this requirement in any article of our unprecedented in content and significance “Gandhicracy”. only with it can we make a breakthrough in practice, in business. Our immediate final goal of the book, after its publication at the end of the year, as you know, if you read the Gandhicracy project, is to find an order for a spheral project of governance/democracy in any country for 100 thousand dollars a year for the GHA team of 8 co-authors of the book. We can only achieve this goal by gaining knowledge and the ability to prove the unprecedented benefits of the Gandhian spheral democracy and governance project. A breakthrough in business with similar projects is presented in more detail here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=923. So, the highest quality of the book, its public presentation and promotion in government, political and business structures is guaranteed only by high peacemaking motivation and responsibility of the authors, as well as the high quality of their scientific preparation through the Gandhica review and an independent statistical research of spherons. The list of proposed articles (2-4 pp.) in the “Gandhicracy” positive part № | Author | Suggested title/topic | 1. | Leo Semashko | Equal distribution of power between the four spherons | 2. | Maitreyee Roy, Leo Semashko | Gandhi’s varnas and the spherons of Gandhian democracy | 3. | Subhash Chandra | Gandhi on democracy, its virtues and vices | 4. | Leo Semashko | Department / Ministry of Peace | 5. | Ayo Ayoola-Amale Thea Marie Robert | Children’s Suffrage Executed by Parents * | 6. | Ayo Ayoola-Amale Thea Marie Robert | Gender balance in institutions of power and governance ** | 7. | Pravat Dhal | Harmonious spheral education for the Gandhian democracy | 8. | Ernesto Kahan | Cultural, Religious and Political Tolerance | 9. | Leo Semashko, Bernard Scott and Lucas Pawlik | Third-order cybernetics of spheres and spherons: the fundamental scientific base of the Gandhian peacebuilding democracy | 10. | Matjaž Mulej | Responsibility of democracy for national and global peace | 11. | Leo Semashko | Strategy for General and Complete Disarmament | 12. | Ellen Brown | Financial/Budget Priority of Peace in the Gandhicracy | 13. | Leo Semashko | Gandhicracy: Third path of historical development | 14. | Glenn Sankatsing | The Ideology of Equality and Justice of the Gandhicracy | 15. | Leo Semashko | Model of spheral ecology in the Gandhicracy | 16. | Rudolph Siebert | Interfaith Spherons Harmony of the Gandhicracy | 17. | ??? | The Law prohibition of Nazism, terrorism and any ideology of violence in the Gandhicracy | 18. | Leo Semashko | Typical Model of the Constitution for the Gandhicracy | 19. | Habyarimana Heli | African ideology of the Gandhicracy | 20. | Steve Amoah, Leo Semashko | Spheral statistics of the Gandhian peace democracy | 21. | Vladislav Krasnov | Contribution of A. Solzhenitsyn to the Gandhicracy | 22. | Bishnu Pathak | Model of the peace process in the Gandhicracy | 23. | Takis Ioannides | Hellenic premises of Gandhicracy: tetrarchy, etc. | 24. | Adam Greenwell, Leo Semashko | Valuable foundations of the Gandhicracy | | | * This topic is proposed to two co-authors, if they agree ** This topic is proposed to two co-authors, if they agree |
The proposed topics are brought up for discussion by co-authors who can accept them or offer their own article title, which is necessarily associated with the Gandhicracy. Each author determines his/her deadline for writing his/her article, usually within two months, planning another two months for its discussion with the editors of the Gandhicracy. A list of 14 of its editors is presented in its project (above). Whoever decided to refuse to participate in this book for any reason, please, let us know this so as not to disturb you again. All discussions of this book text will go in this circle of co-authors, so please do not expand it with new emails. This project is submitted for your discussion and approval by your YES or NO with your corrections within 3 days until February 21 inclusively. Together with your responses on it, we expect from each of you three lines of your work schedule based on the samples published with this text here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=926 Best wishes for peace from the harmony of the Gandhicracy spherons, Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA Founder and Honorary President, 18-02-20
Project organizing our work in the Gandhicracy +++ Discussion and approval it until February 21 Dear coauthors of the Gandhicracy, Sorry for my delay, I was sick and very busy. Now I am happy to present the 76th project (3 pages below and attached) organizing our work in the Gandhicracy for your discussion and approval by your YES or NO with your corrections within 3 days until February 21 inclusively. Together with your responses on it, we expect from each of you three lines of your work schedule based on the samples published with this text here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=926 Whoever decided to refuse to participate in this book for any reason, let us know this so as not to disturb you again. All discussions of this book texts will go in this circle of co-authors, so please do not expand it with new emails. Thanks you. Leo, 18-02-20 Responses Yes I approve. I will submit later when I return to Baireson March 10th María Cristina Azcona 18-02-20 Yes I approve. I am out of Athens . I shall return after a week. Then I shall prepare and submit it. Takis Ioannides Dear Leo, Thank you for your explanatory response. Please reset my deadline for the Gandhica Review to March 30th. Peace, Adam Greenwel Dear Prof. Leo Semashko; Yes, I approve. Thank you. Bishnu Pathak Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA Founder (2005) and Honorary President (2016), Greetings from India GHA "Gandhicracy" 2020: The highest author’s peacemaking motivation, the highest quality of the book and the list of proposed articles in its positive part. The road will be mastered by the walking one and Gandhicracy – thinking” by Dr. Leo Semashko, Initiator and the Gandhicracy Editor-in-Chief YES! I approve the project GHA "Gandhicracy" 2020: The highest author’s peacemaking motivation and new revolution of Gandhian, Nonviolent Spheral Democracy in 21st century. My Work Schedule for the GHA “Gandhicracy”, three items as follows: 1.My review of Gandhica, my deadline: February 29th, 2020 2.My joint statistical research of the India University Spherons was published in Gandhica (71 p.) 3.My article title is “Gandhicracy-2020: Gandhian, Nonviolent Spheral Democracy as the New Revolution in 21st Century», my deadline: March 30th, 2020 With Peace, Harmony & love to all. Prof. (Dr.) Subhash Chandra, GHA President and Board Chairman, GHA Ambassador of Peace and Disarmament from Harmony in India http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=583 M-09910241586 E-mail: schandra101@gmail.com 20-02-20
The “Gandhicracy” Authors Work Schedules Each author himself determines his own deadline for each item of his/her work schedule. In the work process, especially editing article together with editors, deadlines are adjusted. Publication: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=926 “Gandhica” book in three languages: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=848
Prof. (Dr.) Subhash Chandra, India Work Schedule for the GHA “Gandhicracy”, three items: 1. My review of Gandhica, my deadline: February (when) ???? 2. My joint statistical research of the India University spherons was published in Gandhica (71 p.) 3. My article title is “Gandhicracy-2020: Gandhian, Nonviolent Spheral Democracy as the New Revolution in 21st Century”, my deadline: (when) ???? Personal page: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=583 11-02-20 Prof Bishnu Pathak, Nepal, Work Schedule for the GHA “Gandhicracy”, three items: 1. My review of Gandhica, my deadline: February 21, 2020. 2. My statistical research of the Nepal spherons, my deadline: ???? 3. My paper on “A Comparative Study on Gandhicracy and Galtanism”, my deadline: ???? Personal page: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=910 08-02-20
Adam Greenwell, New Zealand, Work Schedule for the GHA “Gandhicracy”, three points: 1. My review up to 1 page on the “Gandhica” book, my deadline: February 6 (attached). 2. My statistical research of the New Zealand spherons, my deadline: February 20 (Request prompting and guidance). 3. My article title for the “Gandhicracy” book is "GHA-AHIMSA, SATYAGRAHA, GANDHI, ST. FRANCIS, RAIMON PANIKKAR: THE TRUTH IS IN THE WHOLE", my article is attached – my deadline to edit it finally is March 30. Personal page: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=912 06-02-20
Dr. Ayo Ayoola-Amale, Dr. Stephen Amoah, Ghana, Work Plans for the GHA “Gandhicracy”, three lines: 1. Our two reviews of Gandhica, our deadlines: February 28, 2020. 2. Our statistical researches of the 5 African countries spherons were published in Gandhica (43-47 p.) 3. Our articles (1. Ayo) “Peace Education and Enlightenment”, my deadline: (March 30) ?? (2. Stephen) …… ??, my deadline: (March 30) ?? Ayo’s personal page: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=524 Stephen’s personal page:https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=837 02-02-20 Dear Dr Leo, I'm sorry I'm too busy this February, so that I may not make any commitment before March 5th, 2020. If the date does not matter, I may pledge. Looking forward to having your consideration. Thanks. Habyarimana Heli, Rwanda, https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=361 10-02-20 OK, we are waiting your work schedule om March 5. Leo, 10-02-20
Dear Leo, Warm greetings! I hope this e-mail finds you well. Kindly find attached file for my review of GHA Gandhica.Thanks. Best harmony wishes, Ayo 21-02-20 Dear Leo Sir and All Peace Aspirants, It is wonderful project! My proposal is as below: 1. Review of Gandhica- March-31 2. Article Harmonious Spheral Education for the Gandhian Democracy-April30 3. Regarding Statistics,I have presented in 3 places in Gandhica. Hope the best! Regards Pravat Kumar Dhal, India Magadh University, Bodhgaya 20-02-20 Adam Greenwell, New Zealand, Work Schedule for the GHA “Gandhicracy”, three points: 1. My review up to 1 page on the “Gandhica” book, my deadline: March 30th 2. My statistical research of the New Zealand spherons, my deadline: March 30th (Request prompting and guidance). 3. My article title for the “Gandhicracy” book is "GHA-AHIMSA, SATYAGRAHA, GANDHI, ST. FRANCIS, RAIMON PANIKKAR: THE TRUTH IS IN THE WHOLE", my article is attached – my deadline to edit it finally is March 30. Personal page: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=912 06-02-20
Dear Leo, Yes, as I have already said to the GHA publicly i accept the invitation to the Gandhicracy. I am writing to inform you that i will like to write my 2-4 pages in the area of theme: “Peace education and enlightenment.”Thanks Best harmony wishes, Ayo 01-02-20 Fraternal Greetings Leo and friends in the GHA Community: Thank you so much for the opportunity to be part of this wonderful Gandhica Book initiative. I am delighted to read the presentations coming through this email distribution. Please find attached my final submission, with slight changes to the earlier version I sent you privately. The attached article is titled: GHA -AHIMSA, SATYAGRAHA, GANDHI, ST. FRANCIS, RAIMON PANIKKAR: THE TRUTH IS IN THE WHOLE. If I may, I would, with your permission also like to send the article to His Holiness Pope Francis, the Franciscan community worldwide (which includes the largest Catholic laity with over 1 million people) and other world leaders and institutions which we will already be contacting through Prof. Elizabeth Greenwell's Global Cooperation Day/Watering the Fields of Humanity project.With renewed thanks, Peace and blessings, Adam 31-01-20 In process