Dr. GhassanAbdullah Global Harmony Association Board Member
Сo-director of Middle EAST Children Association (Israeli-Palestinian joint Association ) Director and founder of CARE – Center for Applied Research in Education Dr. Ghassan Abdullah P.O.Box 17421 Jerusalem Tel. 02-2954021 Fax 02-2986127 E-mail : care@palnet.com Resume Education: Phd in Education , New Port University , California , 1998 Phd in Educational Counseling , Cambridge University, 2003 July 1995: Higher Diploma in Education =Higher Diploma , University of Surrey, England March 1991 : Advanced Certificate in Education , University of London August ,1978 B.A , English language , BirZeit University Awards :- 1-December 2000, UNESCO Honorable mentioning prize 2- March 2003, The KONRAD ADENWAR FOUNDATION prize. 3- November 2003, The Hauge Appeal for Peace prize 4- March 2004, The search for Common ground Award, Washington - 1993 Honorable Citizenship, State of Maryland,USA 5- 1993 Honorable Citizenship, State of Denver, U S A 6- 1992 Palestinian Teachers Union prize, Palestine 7- 1990 Palestinian Writers Union prize, Palestine Experience : - 1998 till now part –time lecture of education at AL-QUDS Open university. -1997 till now co-director of Middle EAST Children Association (Israeli-Palestinian joint Association) - August 1989, Director and founder of CARE – Center for Applied Research in Education. A Palestinian educational NGO that was established in the year 1989 for the sake of promoting HRE, Democracy teaching and CR management. - 1981-1986 a part time researcher and translator at the Society of Arab Studies Jerusalem - Co chair of the International Advisory Board of the Hague Appeal for Peace / New York , 2005 till now - Co chair of ALLMEP / Washington DC , 2007
Accomplishment : 1. Social and Organizational: One of the Four founders of the Palestinian Writers Union, 1985, Became Director of public relations at the writers union from 1985 – 1990. Spokesman of UNRWA Teachers Union, West bank, 1984-1991. One of the founders of the Palestinian Democratic Teachers Union. One of the founders of the Palestinian Democratic Cultural Action Committees . One of the founders of the International Decade for a Human Rights Education, head. One of the founders of the Middle East Children Association.( An Israeli-Palestinian joint educational Association ) Member of the Palestinian NGO Committee since 1995. Member of several local and International educational, cultural and voluntary NGO’s . Editor of HEWAR-Dialog by –Monthly educational and cultural magazine from 1993 till now. 2- Member of the International Advisory Board , The Hague Appeal for Peace , New York , U S A 3- CO-Chairperson of the Steering Committee for the Hague Appeal for Peace , New York , U S A 4- Cochair : ALLMEP , Washington DC.USA Conferences and Seminars: Regular participant in the NGO meeting for the Rights of the Palestinian people (usually at Geneva or Vienna) Several Educational Conferences and Seminars (at Home or abroad) such as: Education for Integration and change Dublin, 1993. Buildings strategies and methodologies for Teaching Human Rights and Democracy Amsterdam, 1996 The International Annual conferences of the:: National Endowment for Democracy, USA 1993+ 1995 The International Seminar / of the 21 St .Century TRUST, 1997. All educational seminars, round tables ad conferences held by CARE. Peace education Seminars held by the Hague Appeal for Peace: Columbia University,New York 2002 , 2003 , Tirana – Albania 2004 Publications: 1.Books - Palestinian Workers in Israel: A survey Army, 1981 Jerusalem -Palestinian Theater, A documentary study, Nablus, 1980- -Arabs in the Jewish state, Ian Lustick- Translation-Abo Arafah Press, Jerusalem, 1985 - Israeli Violations in the Occupied Territories, Society of the Arab studies, Jerusalem 1983 -Restriction Orders and Home Arrests, Society of the Arab Studies,Jerusalem 1984 -Palestinian Deportees, AL-Aswar, Acco, 1986 -Twenty Years of Terror, Dar AL- Somoud AL-Arabi, Nicossia, 1987 -AL-Intifada and Israeli: Analytical study on the effects of the Intifada about The Israelies thinking, AL-Aswar, Acco, 1987 -Reading and Reading Comprehension among Palestinian Puplic, CARE (1993) - Human Dignity, Beaty Reardon-translation-CARE, 1994 -Democracy for All, Ed. Brain –Translation-CARE, 1995 -Human Rights for All, Ed . B RAIN-Translation- CARE, 1995 - What do drop outs cost the Palestinians? CARE, 1995 -Violence Communication in Schools and method s to minimize it, CARE, 1996 -Israeli Violations against Palestinian Education , The Dammount Research Center, New Jerssy, -Islam and Human Rights, CARE ,1997 . -The Turtles Strategy: a manual for Conflict Resolution in class, 2001, MECA. (sponsored by the Konrad Adenwar Foundation /Germany) -Time to Abolish War – A translation to Arabic – (A manual issued by the Hague Appeal for Peace (sponsored by the Hague Appeal for peace) _ Anti- Hate Educational Manual : A workbook for Parents,Students and Teachers, ( sponsored by the United States Institute for Peace , Washington Dc.) 2 - Articles:: publishing frequently in the : Al-Quds Newspaper, Jerusalem HEWARE – Dialogue – Educational and Cultural magazine, Ramallah Al-Itihad Newspaper , Haifa Personal Data : * Born:: 1955 and have two sons : Ousamaa student of medicine and Kareem a student ofEngineering , The American university ,CAIRO Maha, a daughter in the 11th grade, Schmidt Girls College /Jerusalem -------------------------------
CARE was established in 1989, through the initiative of educationalists and intellectuals. The foundation’s legal status being based on the Israeli legislation ( Reg. No. 511 59343-6) and later on ( 7-25/106) the Palestinian legislation and International Conventions. It is a nonprofit, voluntary institution whose objective is to initiate and promote activities that lead to the development of democracy, civic society, culture, and a more human world. The foundation’s work mainly focuses on providing democratic knowledge and educating teachers, students, parents’ councils and elementary school children. Since 1989, CARE has initiated numerous programs and activities in cooperation with international institutions. Our means to promote the realization of human rights and mutual understanding are, among others,workshops, round tables or seminars, and exhibitions organized in cooperation with local or international institutions and the school adminstrative bodies. The training workshops offer trainina in teaching methodologies on how to introduce the issue of human rights and democracy concepts into primary and secondary classes. Foundation representatives also regularly participate at conferences and seminars focused on human rights and civic education ------------------------------------------------------------ RECORD OF ACHIEVEMENTS
Based on its mission, CARE organized the following programs and conducted the following activities since it was established. Educational Round Tables : Title | Place | No. of participants | Efficiency of the Tawjihi ( high school examination) | Catholic school ramallah | 93 | Parents councils and their needed task | Latin Church School; Ramallah | 87 | Role of head teachers and now | Friends Boys School; Ramallah | 75 | Culture and education for peace | Friends Boys School; Ramallah | 117 | Spelling mistakces in Teaching Arabic language | CARE | 43 | Future perspective on Palestinian Education | Arab Journalists Union; Jerusalem | 107 | Non- violance communcation in the class | CARE | 33 | Jerusalem in the Palestinian textbooks | Commercial Forum; Ramallah | 54 | Available Educational servicies | CARE | 60 | Cheating in exams | CARE | 52 | Private lessons and its effects | CARE | 40 | Methods of communicating with pupils | CARE | 37 | Teachers centers: mobile immediate clinics | CARE | 22 | Education: A modern Approach to Peaceful Resistence | CARE | 39 | A Training course for Palestinian Israeli Teachers in Kindergartens on how to teach tolerance and democracy for children | Different Palestinian/Israeli Kindergartens | 24 | Educational Seminars | Role of Ed. in Development | Kalandia Traning Center; UNRWA | 90 | Teaching through Communicative approach | Al-Najah Univ; Al-Quds Univ Hebron Univ. | 127 | Data Analysis | Ramallah | 32 | Rolw of Education in Democracy | Jerusalem | 187 | Role of School in promoing Social Cooperation | Catholic School; Ramallah | 85 | Needs of Palestinian kindergartens | Gaza | 68 | What do drop- outs Cost Palestinians | Ramallah
| 163 | Violance Communications in Schools | Ramallah | 175 |
| Training of Trainers Workshop;HRE | St. George School; Jerusalem | 57 | Training Session on: Implementing the Convention of the HR of the Child | CARE | 43 | Palestinian HR in the Future | Ramallah | 93 | Towards Tax System that guarantees Social Justice | Ramallah | 103 | Seven Human Rights round tables in seven different geographical areas | Nablus, Tulkarim, Ramallah, Jerusalem, Jenin, Hebron, & Gaza | 318 | Seven Human rights round tables in seven different geographical areas | Nablus, Tulkarim, Ramallah, Jerusalem, Jenin, Hebron, & Gaza | 294 | Democracy: its forms and shapes | Graduates Union College; Hebron | 149 | Democracy : among the Palestinian People | Ramallah | 97 | Islam and Human Rights | Al-Najah Univ.; Nablus | 150 | Democracy and Islam and Christianity | Lawyers Union; bethlehem | 74
| Traning sessions for School Head Teachers: Democratization of School Administrations | Ramallah; hebron; & Gaza | 40; 49; 52 | Freedom of Exression and Democracy | Al-Najah Univ.; Friend Society | 77 | Towards Implementing Democracy | Al-Shawa Center; Gaza | 93 | Human Rights and Democracy | Red Cresent; Jenin | 85 | Islam and Education for Democracy Hebron | Hebron | 73 | Celebrating the International Day of Tolerance | Jerusalem | 90 | Aspects of Democracy in Palestinian & Israeli Textbooks | Jerusalem | 70 |
---------------------------------- A courageous vision Establishing a permanent peace in the Middle East has proven to be a difficult and complicated undertaking. Today much of Israeli and Palestinian interaction occurs within the context of confrontation and is perceived through the lens of political conflicts. Beyond the difficult and sensitive modalities of peace making, the lingering effects of half a century, filled with animosities, fear, and mutual destruct have added a meaningful obstacle to the peace process. The conflict has embodied itself within the social structure of both people and had hindered any true cooperation, trust, tolerance, and accepting the other cannot be taken for granted just tried to be settled. Educational efforts in both sides would begin to bring near and to humanize the other party through communication and understanding. Education has a meaningful and formative impact on Palestinian and Israeli identity and perception of the other. Since the beginning of the Arab- Israeli conflict, education has been a tool for promoting different ideologies. As a result, the curriculum on both sides evokes cognitive and emotional reactions that reinforce adversarial attitudes. Consequently, the " knowledge" and perception of the other is often limited to selected a negative images, harmful stereotypes and at best, a dementias distorted understanding of the other's culture and religion. The ultimate success of peace will be depending on the capability of both ethnic groups to live and work together, not just side by side, but in close cooperation of amicable interaction and in mutual respect. Any attempt to establish a permanent peace in the middle east will have to address education as an influential factor, and this requires sensitive and flexible educational planning on both sides. -------------------------------------------- CARE managed to translate, publish and distribute the following: Name | Author | No. of Issues | The Convention of the HR of the Child | General Assembly/ UN | 200,000 | Methods of Teaching HR | UNESCO | 3000 | HUMAN DIGNITY | BEATY READON | 3000 | HUMAN Rights for All | David Mason and others | 3000 | Democracy for all | Ed. O’Brain & others | 3000 | Islam and HR | Dr. Ghassan Abdullah | 3000 | HEWAR – Dialog | A Bi-monthly Ed. HR+CR and Democracy Magazine | 5000 | The Effects of Israeli Closure on Palestinians | CARE | 2000 | An Educational Plan to implement the convention of the HR of the child | CARE | 10,000 | Role of the Ed. in promoting Democracy | CARE | 2000 | Pictures Talk – a tool for teaching English through the communicative approach | CARE | 10,000 | Role of the Ed. in promoting Democracy | CARE | 2000 | Role of school promoting social cooperation | CARE | 1000 | The Turtles strategy Amannual for conflict Resolution in the class | D.Ghassan Abdullah | 5000 | The Phenomena of violence communication in school | D.Ghassan Abdullah | 5000 | Facing school-violence through creative thinking | D.Ghassan Abdullah | 5000 |
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