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Peace from Harmony
Jose Maria Lopera: Spanish poet of peace and harmony





Born in La Bobadilla (Alcaudete-Jaén), Spain, poet, writer, archaeologist and historian, journalist and translator,. Director de la Revista políglota internacional de poesía y Dibujo “Álora, la bien cercada”





How terrible is the anger of the men that kill,
of the volcano that inside melts down feelings,
’til souls break in a crater of extermination!
What storm, what thunder, what flash of violence
seeks to kill or mutilate those who are innocent!

Where is the light of the smile, placed
by God into mankind that it may love?
And where is it, the light of awakening,
that shines between men when they live in harmony?
Where is it, Peace? Tell me. Where is it?

Is it in the Science of Peace that condemns
the Nazi genocide of Auschwitz
or in the macabre science of Hiroshima?
Is it for thousands of years in the mind
of the men who kill with their science?

Time itself cries complaint in the seconds when
a shell delays even the terror that you feel,
and when it goes off, in its smoke you can breathe
the pleasure to feel life amongst the dead.

I knew as a child the smell of my blood
in the horrible panic of the whistling bomb.
I overflowed with the hurt of my wounded flesh,
the lacerating fear that time does not cancel,
and the scream that I bear that curses war.

And you who speak so much of God,
who invoke Him so often against the rest,
who worship Him so much in his justice,
what rubbish soul do you keep Him in?

Tell me. What race, what land, remains
for you  to defend or else to attack
with fangs of fratricidal hate
if your fanaticism isn’t worth
the dying breath of a single child?

If God is the LIGHT of life in harmony
And an eternal source of a LIBERTY sublime…
Where is the PEACE that he put in your spirit?
With what seed of hate did you sow it,
that yields blades of death from the wounded earth!
Copyright-Jose Maria Lopera.

Poetical biographical sketch of the Dr. Ernesto Kahan:

Dear Dr. Leo Semashko.

Dear Dr. Subhash Chandra.

Dear GHA members,





Ernesto Kahan takes in his lucid mind

and in the sublime beats of his spirit

the desired PEACE that is dying in pain.


Ernesto Kahan writes in radiating light

and in the dreamed shades of his echo

such a PEACE that his soul inspires.


He encourages in the perfumes of the future

and in the sublime nectar of love

a Peace that smiles to us in HARMONY.


Jose Maria LOPERA (Spain).

(Spanish poet of peace and harmony.)




I cannot feel peace while

genocidal wars kill

innocent children,

helpless men and women

with the cruel weapons of science


I will not enjoy a guiltless life,

indifferent to the drama of immigrants,

as they flee in terror

the appalling barbarism

of imposed fanaticism.


My light is in darkness

when I suffer

Men are wise and free

but enslaved by science,

creator of frightening works

of efficient killing.


There is the threat of extinction

in human genes

where even the light of light

shouts out darkness.


Jose Maria Lopera (Spain).

Spanish poet of peace and harmony

(Translated for Ruth Petersen.)





No puedo sentir paz mientras que matan

a niños inocentes

y a mujeres y hombres desvalidos

en guerras genocidas

con crueles armas que la ciencia inventa.


No deseo gozar vida sin culpa,

sintiendo indiferente

el drama de inmigrantesaterrados,

huyendo del vil odio

que la crueldad fanática impone.


Mi luz está en tinieblas cuando sufro

que hombres sabios y libres

sehacen esclavos de una ciencia bélica,

creadora de ingenios terroríficos

para más exterminio en menos tiempo.


En los genes humanos

existe una amenaza de extinción

y hasta la luz de Luz grita tinieblas.


José María Lopera (Espain).

La luz de la Luz no crea sombras.





Academic (Correspondent) of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Telmo in Malaga (Spain),

Honorable member of the National Union of writers Spanish;

Member of the World Academy of Arts and Culture (WAAC).

Component of the International Forum of Literature and Culture for Peace, UNESCO;

Knight of the Order of the Danube with the grade of Commander in Literature (Romania);

Honorary Member of Croatian P.E.N.. (A World Association of Writers Croatian Centre - Founded 1927, Croatia);

Honorary Member of the International Writers Association (USA), Honorably Academic Benemérito - Ad honorem-"Do Sodlicio of Cultura" in Felgueiras, (Portugal)

GHA, Member.

BILINGUAL MCA (Escritores y Poetas por la Paz.) Member

IFLAC, Member.




Golden Prize Giralda (RNE), Seville, Spain 1967;

Nunciata de Plata. Radio Nacional de España-Peña Malaguista, 1967.

Price Vélez-Málaga City, 1970.,

Prize Platero, Spanish Book Club of United Nations (Geneva), 1988.

Prize"Classroom of the Guadalhorce" Coín-Malaga (Spain),, 2000.

Prize "Lugia", for promoting the culture of the Southern Sierra of Jaén (Spain), 2004.

Price XXXIV Concurso Nacional de Peteneras. Paterna de Rivera (Cádiz), 2009.

Prize Alcaudete City de Poesía breve, 2010.




Decorated with the collective Laureada Cross San Fernando,

Gold Medal of the Fundatia Culturala Antares (Galati-Romania),

Gold Medal of San Ildefonso of the Spanish National Writers Union.

Gold Medal Álora City.




Director - founder of the Magazine “Álora, la bien cercada” , an international polyglot publication of Poetry and Drawing, not venal, which is edited from 1991 to the present day and publishes unpublished poems written in any language of the world, translated into the Castilian in confronted pages.

Director (in the year 1994) of The First International Meeting of European Poets, celebrated in Álora (Malaga).

General Director-Coordinator General of the 1st International Biennial of Poetry County council of Malaga (Spaín), celebrated from May 26 to May 29, 2004.




17 poetry books,.

Huellas” (Prize Giralda de Oro de Sevilla, 1968. Málaga ).

2Desde esta Orilla2 (Ed. Ángel Caffarena, Publicaciones de la Librería Anticuaria el Guadalhorce, 1968. Málaga).

Singladuras” (Ed. Ángel Caffarena, Publicaciones de la Librería Anticuaria El Guadalhorce, 1970. Málaga).

Cal y Hierros” –Illustrated by Rafael Pérez Estrada- (Edición Ángel Caffarena, Publicaciones de la Librería Anticuaria El Guadalhorce,1978. Málaga).

“Soleares, malagueñas y nanas”,Ed. Ángel Caffarena, Publicaciones de la librería Anticuaria El Guadalhorce, 1979, Málaga;

“Blanca Solera” (Ed. Ilmo Ayuntamiento de Álora e Ilma. Diputación Provincial de Málaga, 1985. Málaga)

“Crines Encendidas”(Prize Platero del Club del Libro en Español de las Naciones Unidas, Ginebra. Ed. Ángel Caffarena, Publicaciones de la Librería Anticuaria El Guadalhorce, 1989. Málaga).

Consumación(Ediciones Ángel Caffarena, Publicaciones de la Librería Anticuaria El Guadalhorce, 1988. Málaga).

“Dormivelando sueños”(Publicaciones de la Antigua Imprenta SUR, 1996. Málaga)

Sentimientos que anidan” –Illustrated by Antonio Povedano (Publicaciones de la Biblioteca Alcaudetense, (Ilmo Ayuntamiento de Alcaudete y Exma. Diputación Provincial de Jaén, 1996. Jaén.)

“Vivit sub pectore Vulnus”. Ed. Ateneo de Málaga. 2001. Málaga.

Luz de luz”. Ed. Extensión Atneo de Málaga, 2001, Fuengirola (Málaga).

Pjesme – Poesía”, Bilingual publication Croatian-Spanish (Traductor: Dinko Telecan) Ed. Croatian P.E.N Centre, Croatian Writers Society y Ministarstva Kulture Republike Hrvatske. 2005. Zagreb (Reública de Croacia).

“Villancicos”, Ed. de su Autor, Álora, 2007;

La Semana Santa en mis Poemas y saetas”, Ed. Ilmo Ayuntamiento de Álora (Málaga), 2007; “Poesía-Poetry” Bilingual publication English-Spanish, I. Castillo Ediciones, 2007, Álora (Málaga); “Benito Moreno de Álora canta a José María Lopera”

CD with Lopera’s poems. Ed. Fono)))ruz

“Flamenco para cantar palo a palo”, Ed. Publicaciones E.L.A. La Bobadilla, 2009 (Included CD ,

Palos del Flamenco”, CD sung by Alfredo Arrebola; 10 temas de “Flamenco para cantar palo a palo”.

“El Gran libro de las nanas”, Edicíón de Carme Riera. El Alep Editores. 2009 Barcelona.( He is mentioned as distinguished poet from the 20th century),

El pequeño libro de las nanas, CD included, edición de Carme Riera (Ed. El Aleph Editores, Barcelona, Octubre de 2010) and they are of his creation the letter of 4 of 10 topics of the attached CD to the same o­ne interpreted by Carmen de Carmen.

He appears in multiple anthologies such as:

Antología de Poesía Flamenca del siglo XX” (Ed. Arrebola, 1993).

"Poetas Hispanoamericanos para el tercer milenio" (Ed. Frente de Afirmación Hispanista, A.C., México, 1994.




As Archeologist - investigator, he took part in:

(1) The 24th National Congress of Archaeology of Cartagena (Spain). Volume 3 (Colonial Impact and Iberian South-east) with a Communication to Presentation:

Votive offerings líticos Punic with gods identical with La Bobadilla (Jaen) pp. 65-84. Ed. Autonomous community of the Region of Murcia., ISBN: 84-88570-24-4. Volume 3. Depósito Legal: MU-400-1999. Cartagena, 1997.

(2) The 25th National Congress of Archaeology of Valencia (Spain) with two Communications to Presentation:

a) Two new Punic litografitos (one with writing) and the ceramics tartessio-fenicio-púnica of Bora's oppidum (La Bobadilla, Jaen).

b) Finding in Bora (La Bobadilla - Jaen) of ceramics of thin walls, italic sigillata, Gallic (marmorata) and Hispanic sealed. Pp. 546-561

Ed. Diputacion of Valencia ISBN: 84-7795-202-7. Depósito legal: V-1044-1999. Valencia, 1999.

(3) The 27th National Congress of Archaeology of Huesca (Spain) with two Communications:

a) Recovery in Álora (Iluro) of a statuette of bronze that represents Mercury and finding Tartessian, Iberian, and Roman ceramics.

b) Finding of a sheet of lead with Tartessian-Turdetano writing in Álora (Iluro), province of Malaga-Spain.

Volume II Protohistoria, pp. 263-276 and 277-287. Ed. Institute of Studies Altoaragoneses, (Diputación of Huesca) Magazine Bolskan. Depósito legal: HU. 242 - 1984. ISBN 0214 - 4999. Huesca, 2002.

In these Congresses he has demonstrated:

a) The location of the Tartessian-Iberian-Roman City of "Bora-Cerealis", in La Bobadilla (Jaen-Spain), with discovery and he delivers to the Provincial Museum of Jaen of " Punic Litografitos with writing and identical gods ".

b) The definitive location of the Tartessian-Iberian-Roman City of "Iluro" in Álora (Malaga-Spain), with study and the first reading of Tartessian-Turdetano writing, recorded in a SHEET of lead (s. IV-V B.C.), found in surface close to the walls of Álora's castle for the neighbor Jose Luis Ocaña Sanchez, the o­nly testimony of the first writing in Western Andalusia till now, and that already forms a part of the funds of Álora's Municipal Museum (Malaga-Spain).


Dear Leo:


José María Lopera




You already are the sovereign dictator

having usurped everything,

imposing your swindle and excessive robbery

to the creative miracle of this planet,

to the honorable task of the human being...

You are the shade of the hunger that pushes,

a sibilante asphyxia without answer,

miserable usury,

without any soul that will restrain you,

or any power that will change or annihilates you.

Gold sewer you are

vomiting avarice;

dirty tiniebla in light that burns without lamp.

In front of you there is no remedy,

nothing, even complete virtues

even the power of God is not strong enough.

And here we are, pending of your logo,

without knowing a thumb

that will indicate if it is death or truce.

Ave, high finance,

morituri te salutant!

© Copyright Jose Maria LOPERA (Spain)


(Translated by Ernesto Kahan)





Lopera’s and Chakravarthy’s Poems: How to make harmony of strong, able to put end to our slavery? "Glory Harmony! Learners you're coming for you!"

Dear Jose,

Thank you very much for your strong poem “HIGH FINANCE”, dedicated to the highest financiers as the triumph of disharmony in financial (=militaristic) slavery of our world. I was happy to publish it o­n your personal page here: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=442. (I invite the famous Russian poet Adolf Shvedchikov translate it into Russian).

My o­nly regret about it sad and hopeless end: the slaves of financiers praise them, not knowing the end! In the 21st century, we have scientific knowledge of social harmony in its ABC, which reveals to us the way out of our financial slavery in harmonious civilization through harmonious education and harmonious spheral classes. We are required o­nly an unprecedented effort in the development of this knowledge and its dissemination through the global harmonious education and enlightenment of all people with children, so they know their involvement in the global harmonious classes rather than a doomed involvement to slaves of financial barons. Then humanity can exclaim: “Glory Harmony, knowing you're coming for you! We are not ignorant slaves of financiers!”

GHA is going this path consciously 8 years and encourages everyone to follow him! I invite you and other poets of the GHA, write poems not o­nly about our slavery and financial dictatorship, and the power of harmony and triumph of the harmonious mind, illuminating a new world order of harmonious classes beyond dictators and oligarchs, Caesars and the accompanying them wars, violence, hunger and slavery. It will be a triumph of Harmony, to which global humanity will come in the 21st century! Please write about this dream that come true when we believe in it and when we talk about it and do not be silent.

I was happy also to publish another brilliant poem, another poet of the GHA, India, Tholana Chakravarthy dedicated to the Mother’s Day, "The Compassion Incarnate" o­n his personal page: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=286. Maternal compassion - this is o­ne of the most beautiful feeling and a natural source of harmony. But it is not enough and too powerless, as history shows, before financial slavery and any violence. This harmony source also find its power and strength in scientific knowledge of social harmony and its main actors - spheral classes of the population, which are presented in the GHA ABC of Harmony and that will be studied in detail in an upcoming case study GHA in the coming year. o­nly this knowledge can give mankind the full and true freedom from financial, militaristic and other slavery and to ensure social harmony as the highest embodiment of freedom and justice! It will be a true victory of humanity. It will be a victory over the total ignorance in harmony, generating fascism, war, financial slavery and other disharmony in the world. o­nly the knowledge of harmony will make this world a better place!


Glory Harmony! Studying you're coming for you! Ave, Harmonia, studendo te vade! (If I made a mistake in the Latin translation - correct me, please).

Best wishes o­n Victory Day as triumph of harmony over fascism! For it will follow triumph of a harmonious civilization as victory over the financial slavery, war and militarization!

Dr. Leo Semashko,
GHA President

PS. Thanks to our poets Jose and Tholana, who inspired me to this message!


José María LOPERA


Peace from Harmony


Who knows of light, knows aboutspirit

and understands the perfume of the souls

knows the love through tenderness

that relieves the pain of those who suffer;

who knows the muses and loves

understands the sublime beauty

and a song bewitches them with harmony:

has the sun of a rose among their verses.


Copyright : José María LOPERA (Spain)

Translated: Susana Roberts (Argentina)


- - - - -


Мир из гармонии


Кто просветлён

и знает, где источник света

и ведает, в чём благоухание душ,

что нежность - проявление любви ответа,

утешив боль, и в сострадании слёз, не чужд.

Тот ведает о Музе, о Любви,

тот красоту возвышенного

видит и поймёт,

в волшебной музыке,

в Гармонии,

и из бутонов розы,

стихами Солнце создаёт.


Copyright José María LOPERA (Spain)

Traslated by Zaure Kihzatolla (Kazakhstan)
November 2011


I lost my childhood


I lost my childhood

at seven years old I was a man

a man of war and ofdeath

a man of a weapon that whistles

and the bomb that explodes in surprise


And Ilost my infancy because I was

hungry for bread and my spirit was in torment,

Innocent of non-existent peace,

Tenderness of fear in the entrails;

A sponge for the hatred ofmen.


And I lost my childhood because I saw

How the war was destroying friends

And its infantile blood, shaded my light,

It stayed in my memory forever

As a fragrant flower that withers.



Translation in english-Susana Roberts





Y me perdí la infancia,

porque con siete años era un  hombre;

un hombre de la guerra y de la muerte,

del proyectil que silba

y la bomba que estalla por sorpresa.


Y me perdí la infancia porque fui

hambre de pan y espíritu en tormento,

inocencia de paz inexistente, 

ternura de pavor en las entrañas;

esponja para el odio de los hombres.


Y me perdí la infancia porque vi

como la guerra destrozaba amigos

y su sangre infantil, luz hecha sombra,

quedaba en mi memoria para siempre

como olorosa flor que se marchita.



Álora, 23-03-2011



איבדתי את ילדותי


אבדתי את ילדותי

בן שבע , הייתי איש

איש המלחמה והמוות,

איש הנשק השורק

והפצצות המתנפצות לפתע


ואיבדתי את תום ילדותי,כי רעבתי ללחם

נשמתי התמימה התייסרה

לשלום שאיננו קיים

הייתי ספוג לשנאת האנושית

ובקרבי שכן הפחד.


אבדתי את ילדותי כי

ראיתי איך המלחמה הרסה

חברים ואת דמם התמים

ראיתי איך הצליל אורי על ילדותי.

זה נשאר בזכרוני לנצח

כפרח מבוסם שקמל.


חוזה לופררה

תרגום לעברית – דליה רהב


Потерянное детство


Мне пришлось покинуть детство,

повзрослев, к семи годам.

Человек войны и бедства.

Смерти свист, сюрприз глазам -

Бомбы взрывы и оружье


Человек-войны в удушье.

Я младенчество покинул.

Голод. И мечты о хлебе.

Дух мучения нахлынул,

Мир исчез в невинном небе,


Чувство страха в каждой клетке.

Ненависть – теперь отметке.

Детство, потеряв навечно,

Всех друзей, теряя рано.

Кровь войны, столь быстротечна,


Не латая мои раны,

Свет мой, тенью затмевала.

Только в памяти навечно -

Запах сломленных цветов.


Перевод: Зауре Хизатолла,

Президент ГСГ-Казахстан

29 марта 2011



Дрожал румянец твоей скромности
В благоухающем лоне. Моя нежность
Обнималась с жаром твоей талии
Со всей душой, заключенной в желании.
Из моей руки струились ласки,
Торжествуя в твоем теле. Сладостно
Раскрывался цветок твоей невинности,
Предвкушая любовь в наслаждении.
Страсть губ, соединенных влечением
Во вкус поцелуя, нас завязывала
Узлом кровным, в плод желаемый.
Нам покорилось все. И радость
Жизни тел, сплетенных воедино,
Впитала свет, подаренный Вселенной.
© Copyright José María LOPERA
Translated by; LiMi Kravtsova
Te temblaba el rubor de la pudicia
en los senos turgentes. Mi ternura
se abrazaba al ardor de tu dulzura
con toda el alma puesta en su codicia.
Era mi mano sangre de caricia
gozándose en tu cuerpo. Con dulzura,
iba abriendo la flor de tu clausura,
oferente de amor y de primicia.
La pasión de los labios, conjugados
en el sabor del beso, nos hacía
nudo de sangre, fruta sin cercados.
Y consumamos todo: La alegría
vital de nuestros cuerpos ayuntados
tomó la luz que de la luz venía.
      © Copyright: José María LOPERA



© Copyright Jose Maria Lopera (Spain)

translated by Ernesto Kahan


You already are the sovereign dictator

having usurped everything,

imposing your swindle and excessive robbery

to the creative miracle of this planet,

to the honorable task of the human being...


You are the shade of the hunger that pushes,

a sibilante asphyxia without answer,

miserable usury,

without any soul that will restrain you,

or any power that will change or annihilates you.


Gold sewer you are

vomiting avarice;

dirty tiniebla in light that burns without lamp.


In front of you there is no remedy,

nothing, even complete virtues

even the power of God is not strong enough.


And here we are, pending of your logo,

without knowing a thumb

that will indicate if it is death or truce.


Ave, high finance,

morituri te salutant!




© Copyright José María Lopera


Ya eres la dictadora soberana.

Has usurpado todo,

imponiendo tu estafa y robo desmedido

al milagro creador de este planeta,

al honroso quehacer del ser humano.


Eres la sombra en luz de hambre que empuja,

la sibilante asfixia sin respuesta,

la usura miserable,

sin alma que te frene,

sin poder que te cambie o aniquile.


Eres cloaca de oro

vomitando avaricia;

sucia tiniebla en luz que arde sin lámpara.


Ante ti no hay remedio,

de nada sirven íntegras virtudes

y hasta el poder de Dios se tambalea.


Y aquí estamos, pendientes de tus siglas,

sin saber del pulgar

que indique si es la muerte o una tregua.


¡Ave, Alta Finanza,

morituri te salutant!



(Álora, (Spain) 19-12-2010.)








How frightening is the anger of the men who kill,

of the volcano which melts their feelings from within,

till it breaks their souls in its exterminating crater!

What a storm, what thunder, what a flash of violence

seeks death or mutilates people who are innocent!


Where is the light of the smile

which God bestowed o­n men to love?

Where is the light of dawn

which radiates harmony among men?

Where is PEACE, tell me, where?


Time becomes a scream in the seconds

which it takes for a shell to inflict the terror which you feel,

and, o­n exploding, in its acrid smoke you breath

the pleasure of feeling alive among the dead.


As a child, I knew the smell of my blood

in the horrific panic of the whistling bomb.

And I felt the tearing of my wounded flesh

and the lacerating fear, which time does not erase,

in the cry of my constant cursing of the war.


And you who speak so much of God,

whom so often you invoke against other men,

whom so much you worship to justify your actions,

into what base souls have you invited him?


Tell me, which is the race, which the country

that you wish to defend or impose

with fangs of fratricidal hate,

when not even the death of a tiny child

is justified by your fanaticism?


If God is the LIGHT of life in HARMONY

and eternal fount of LIBERTY supreme,

where is the PEACE he implanted in your spirit?

What seeds of hate are you planting there

that cut the wounded land with blades of death!





January 11, 2011





¡Qué terrible es la ira de los hombres que matan,

del volcán que, por dentro, les funde sentimientos,

hasta romper el alma en cráter de exterminio!

¡Qué tormenta, qué trueno, qué rayo de violencia

busca muerte o mutilaa seres inocentes!


¿Adónde está la luz de la sonrisa

que Dios puso en el hombre para amarse?

¿Adónde está la luz de amanecer

que la concordia irradia entre los hombres?

¿Adónde está la PAZ, decidme, adónde?


El tiempo se hace grito en los segundos

que un obús tarda hasta el terror que sientes,

y, cuando estalla, en su humo respiras

el placer de sentir vida entre muertos.


Yo supe, cuando niño, el olor de mi sangre

en el pánico horrible de la bomba silbante.

Y derramé el desgarro de mi carne herida

y el lacerante miedo, que el tiempo no me borra,

en el grito que llevo maldiciendo la guerra.


¿Y vosotros que tanto habláis de Dios,

que tanto lo invocáis contra otros hombres,

que tanto lo adoráis en su justicia,

en qué basura de alma lo tenéis?


¿Decidme, qué es la raza, qué es la patria

que queréis defender o que imponéis

con colmillos de odio fratricida

si vuestro fanatismo no merece

ni la gota de muerte que da un niño?


Si Dios es LUZ de vida en la concordia

y eterna fuente en LIBERTAD sublime...

¿Adónde está la PAZ que puso en vuestra espíritu?

¡Con qué semilla de odio la sembráis

que da filos de muerte en tierra herida!











Quelle est terrible la colère des hommes qui tuent,

du volcan qui fait bouillir en eux des sentiments

au point de briser leur âme en cratère dévastateur !

Qu!elle tempête, quel tonnerre, quelle foudre de violence

cherche la mort ou mutile des innocents !


Où est la lumière du sourire

que Dieu mit en l'homme pour s'aimer ?

Où est la lumière du matin

que l'harmonie fait luire entre les hommes ?

Où est la PAIX, dites-moi, où est-elle ?


Le temps n'est qu'un cri dans les secondes

que met l'obus à t'inspirer terreur

et quand il éclate tu respires dans la poussière

le soulagement de te sentir en vie parmi les morts.


J'ai connu, enfant, l'odeur de mon sang

dans la panique horrible de la bombe sifflante.

Et j'ai versé l'horreur de ma chair déchirée

et la peur qui lacère -le temps ne l'efface pas-

dans le cri que je jette pour maudire la guerre.


Et vous qui parlez tant de Dieu,

qui tant l'invoquez contre les autres hommes,

qui tant l'adorez pour sa justice,

dans quel cloaque de l'âme le tenez-vous ?


Dites-moi, quelle est cette race, cette patrie,

que vous voulez défendre ou imposer

avec les crocs de la haine fratricide,

si votre fanatisme ne mérite pas

une seule goutte de la mort d'un enfant ?


Si Dieu est LUMIERE de vie dans l'HARMONIE

et fontaine éternelle de sublime LIBERTÉ

où est la PAIX qu'il a déposée dans votre esprit ?

Avec quelle semence de haine la semez-vous

que poussent des pointes mortelles dans une terre déchirée?




(Traducción de Nicole Laurent Catrice.)





Don’t you be frightenet –I told her.

It is the storm

coming back again today

and with more fury.


And she was shaking with fear

enfolded in the embrace of my arms,

seeking out protrction between my legs,

while she was grittingher teeth,

searchingwith her most stubborn sinews.


The ancientbaobab has welcomed us

into the damp-ridden shelter of its trunk,

hollowed out over millennia.


Rain drops were falling, erakling
in the foliage of the tree

and in the impenetrable grasses

of the unbounded savannah:

just like cooking salt

fallen into a ot fire.


The clouds were all lit up by

Blinding lightmimg flashes

was making the tree shudder

from shood tips to roots.


I was all while caressing

with my white fingers

the dark brown skin

of her beautiful face,

the wonderful origin

of the vital essence.


And I felt myself yremblig

as if in the deepest tegions

of yhe carth

and in the fecund womb of the young woman,

Africa was waking up from its lethargy

with ancestral impetus,

and was sharpening its claw

to go o­n the offensive.


And I felt shivers down my spine

from the guilt thatI was feelind

as a white man.


And I never did know why

the rainwas shivering in each and eerydrop

and the baobab singhing in its perfume.




(Translation of the Spanish: Frank SANDERS

with the help: Patricia Nieto.)

I.S.B.N. 13978-84-611-0316-5

(Of the bilingual book: Africa (Poesía-Poetry)




( A tribute to the Africans who,

in exchange for a more decent life in Europe,

have the sea bottom as their resting place.)


I am broken with amazement, in this world

with its steely claws and with petroleum for a soul.


Humankind allows to happen a great larceny

againstbeings both defenceless and ignorant

dragged into fratricidal conflicts or into

system-wide corruption without excuse,

for theft and plunder of their liberty and their fatherland.


In a land all bare and barren, barefooted,

a woman carrying a foetus in her uterus

and with some sticks of wood balanced o­n her head

with which to cook for the famine of her children,

held up at gun point with an assault weapon

by an adolescent, trembles and weeps.


Further towards the south or towards the east,

in savannahs or desert sands,

the towers of oil rigs are robbing and bleeding dry.


O God, if your rule is everlastingly fair and just,

then where is it, where, the sharp sword of my anger?




(Translation of the Spanish: Frank SANDERS

with the help: Patricia Nieto.)

I.S.B.N. 13978-84-611-0316-5

(Of the bilingual book: Africa (Poesía-Poetry)






You resemble o­ne hand

and the other from the same body,

light and shade together

as birth twins o­n a Boundary,

to engender the echo,

a unique rainbow

that smears out colours

in the same heartbeat;

fraternal riverbanks,

that the river Senegal unites with ots Waters.


You are two capricious injustices

ofa man-made boundary,

that divides everything

and covets everithing,

a line as a frontier,

that separates the two sides

of the river Senegal,

even bringing it to the point

of ignoring what dirinks it.


I drink the sadnes

of a tearful old woman, without papers,

who yearns without succes

to go to her daughter in childbirth.


The river also weeps.




(Translation of the Spanish: Frank SANDERS

with the help: Patricia Nieto.)

I.S.B.N. 13978-84-611-0316-5

(Of the bilingual book: Africa (Poesía-Poetry)






Upon my open window, the earthly chill of dusk I see.

Inside my home, crimson poppies creep,

At the sill, startled waves slowly leap.

The scented sea spills its flooding dark before me.

Fish flow freely about my forehead

Shaking their winged-tails in delight.

My body, as a jetty, strives to hold their flight

But becomes a vast sea that swells instead.

My reason fills with sharks whose harsh offense

Devour my powers, my free will

Leaving but an echo of my common sense.


With tremulous cadence I falter, I give in.

I slowly loose my patience to madness, letting

Its eternal note of sadness forever in.



(Translation of the Spanish::Silvia Rolle-Rissetto.)



© Website author: Leo Semashko, 2005; © designed by Roman Snitko, 2005