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Peace from Harmony
Leo Semashko. GHA Peace Project. "Israel - Palestine: Harmonization through Education instead Militarization"

Harmonious Civilization Culture

Citizens of Earth!

Unite in harmony for peace, justice, fraternity and happiness!


Global Harmony Association (GHA)

Since 2005, GHA is an international NGO uniting more 400 members in 48 countries and more than o­ne million participants from the GHA collective members in 80 countries. GHA Founder and President is Dr. Leo Semashko

Address: 7/4-42 Ho-Shi-Min Street, St. Petersburg, 194356, Russia

Telephone: +7 (812) 597-65-71, Email: leo.semashko@gmail.com

GHA 1st Vice President is Prof. Ernesto Kahan, Israel

GHA-USA President is Dr. Laj Utreja

Address: 122 Foxhound Drive, Madison, AL

Telephone: 256-604-6927;e-mail : ish0001@aol.com
GHA-Japan President is Kae Morii
GHA Web: www.peacefromharmony.org

GHA Mission – from harmony to peace; Pave the conscious way for harmonious civilization


GHA Peace Project

Israel - Palestine: Harmonization through Education instead of Militarization

Was approved by GHA, January 18, 2011


The Project main slogan:

Learn, learn and learn again harmony to build jointly a o­ne harmonious society!


First educational step:

Introductory lectures course o­n the theory of a harmonious society, joint building of which - the o­nly way to resolve conflict


Imperative requirement for all project coauthors and co creators:

The participants pledge unconditional restraint from violence (from the ideas and incitement to actual commission of violence) in response to any form of verbal abuse or criticism. This requirement alone allows the participants to build high character necessary to perform the project functions. Anyone who does not voluntarily accept this requirement may not participate in the project.


The Project coauthors:


Dr. Leo Semashko, Russia, GHA President,

Dr. Ernesto Kahan, Israel, GHA 1st Vice-president, Project Curator (Manager),

Dr. Laj Utreja, GHA-USA President,

Ms Kae Morii, GHA-Japan President,


Endorsements of the GHA 19 members from 15 countries:

Ghassan Abdallah, East Jerusalem; Eugene Abrahamian, Russia; Hedva R. Bachrach, Israel; Leonid Bely, Ukraine; Claude Veziau, Canada; Martha R. DeWitt, USA; Takis Ioannides, Greece, Renato Corsetti, Italy; Guy Crequie, France; Natalie Kulinich, Ukraine; Ramesh Kumar, Pakistan; Charles Mercieca, USA; Alexander Olshansky, Russia; Marie Robert, France; Bernard Scott, England; Heli Habyarimana, Rwanda; Yuri Zimbalist, Russia; Svetlana Zimbalist, Russia; Taisir Yamin, Germany;


Copyright © 2010 Global Harmony Association,

Copyright © 2010 Leo Semashko


Publications in:

Russian: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=481

English: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=454


In the past century and through this century thus far the main mode of human existence has been conduct of wars, revolutions, violence, and maximizing profits. Correspondingly, the main educational slogan was: "Learn, Learn and Learn again" wars, revolutions, violence, and maximizing profits. Therefore this period has been the bloodiest in history, while the major industries such as oil, drug, defense and others have amassed unimaginable profits. Simultaneously, this time has been most detrimental for the environmentand for quality of theworld's population as social capital.

One of the major impacts of such a mode is the Arab-Israeli conflict. Its source is the creation of an enemy image between the two neighboring nations – Israel and Palestine, well analyzed by Dr. Ghassan Abdullah (www.care-palestine.com). Therefore, for more than 60 years, the Jews and Arabs are still critiquing, fighting and killing each other. Unless the underlying education basis is changed, this conflict may continue for another 600 years to a mutual or unilateral destruction. This fate is unacceptable to the world community as a whole. Therefore, to achieve peace, there is a need to introduce a fundamentally different education – harmonious education to indoctrinate children and young people of both sides. The purpose of harmonious education is creation of positive image of each people and peacemaking through joint building a harmonious society.

Traditional education and based o­n it the solutions and governance continue to this day. But the paradox: the farther away is this education, the more reveal the incompetence of the corresponding solutions and governance, manifested more than 60 years in this conflict. They more often show the inability to foresee and prevent the permanent militarization of the conflict that has o­nly deepened. Insolubility of this conflict demonstrates the failure of industrial civilization, its social knowledge, its education and its managers in solution of this regional and global problem.

Hopelessness of this conflict is related with the lack of a common civic society of Israel and Palestine, with the lack of unity of the numerous small peace organizations in the region, which also implacably opposed to each other as the militarist governments. For 60 years, these organizations as well as civil society in the region have been unable to unite, to stand together against violence, terror and militarization. They have no common uniting spiritual alternative, which can o­nly be harmonious education, which is acceptable and necessary to both Israel and Palestine. o­nly this education would save them from eternal war and destruction in the end. o­nly this education is adequate to the reality of a harmonious civilization, the o­nly salvation for humanity of the 21st century.

Harmonious civilization, the first global criteria which appeared in 2009 (with the beginning of a movement between United States and Russia toward the “nuclear zero,” and the emergence of the theory of a harmonious civilization and harmony mathematics), takes the place of a dying industrial civilization. It requires a fundamentally different, harmonious, social knowledge, which provides pertinent thinking, education and governance. Without harmonious knowledge, the nations, primarily Jews and Arabs, can not survive and flourish together o­n o­ne planet Earth, in o­ne global village. The above is concluded from a six-year experience of the Global Harmony Association (GHA):

1. The GHA Mission statement is: From harmony to peace; pave the conscious way for harmonious civilization. Harmonious civilization is impossible without a harmonious education, and learning the alphabet, language and thinking of social harmony. Social harmony in the system of scientific knowledge represented as a first approximation in the GHA book “Harmonious Civilization” (http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=379).Global (planetary) harmonious education is the main path for conscious building and non-violent evolution of this civilization. Therefore, its main slogan is: “Learn, learn and learn again the harmony.” This is a radical rethinking from the traditional in the spirit of nonviolence. It is particularly relevant to Israel and Palestine.

Its striking practical realization is Singapore, which adopted and introduced in all educational institutions of the State Declaration of Religious Harmony, which prevent any interreligious strife far more effectively than any police and militaristic measures, the impotence which we have seen in Israel, Palestine and other territories and countries. China, building a harmonious society, gives a brilliant example of this slogan in the economy, which showed the highest steady pace, even in crisis years. It brought China's economy to second place in the world and in the nearest years will give it global leadership. While the image of a "harmonious China" spoils of his Marxist ideology and single-party, but it eventually, abandon them, just as he declined in 2006 from the main ideas of Marxism - the dictatorship of the proletariat, replacing it with "building a harmonious society."

2. The GHA first moral duty and intellectual responsibility is to learn Harmonious education ourselves before we teach others. We should be an example and a model of harmonious learning for other people whom we call to develop a harmonious civilization. We can’t competently talk about it without knowing the alphabet. Our harmonious education (at least in the initial stage) is a necessary internal condition and the first spiritual prerequisite for effective implementation of all GHA projects, especially, “IsraelPalestine.” o­nly through harmonious education we can overcome our own ignorance of the alphabet and language of harmony.

3. The first step in peacemaking project “Israel – Palestine” in any form – a two-state or a unified society, should be an introductory educational course and its systemic implementation that will enable its: distribution to all schools and universities, development to broader courses, application to corresponding TV projects, and creation of appropriate educational TV channel in Hebrew and Arabic (the GHA TV Project now is translated into those languages).

GHA offers as a first step Dr. Leo Semashko’s introductory (monthly) training course "Building a Harmonious Civilization/Society: Theory, Modernity and the Future for Israel and Palestine" (below). This course will grow, perfect and be supplemented in the similar courses of other professors and teachers. These trial courses are organized by the project participants at any university or college of Israel and Palestine, o­n the any training basis of any organization and for any joint Arab-Jewish student audience. They will initiate the Academy of Harmony in Israel and Palestine for the training of school teachers, university professors and managers. o­nly the development of such educational courses and institutions opens in the future the possibility of building a harmonious society and peace from harmony (harmonious peace) in this region. The GHA invites and would be happy to include in this Project any similar course of any professor from any country.

This project is intended to unite all peacemakers from different countries interested in achieving peace in the Middle East through harmonious education and able to make any contribution to this project.

Immediate perspectives: After the development of the first lectures and their concurrence, the GHA suggests the following steps:

1. Creation of a branch of the GHA-Israel-Palestine to: accumulate the experience, implement the GHA peace education project, “IsraelPalestine,” organize educational activities and sociological researches in Israel and Palestine,

2. Translate this project in the Hebrew and Arabic,

3. Initiate a State Declaration of Religious Harmony for Governments and peoples of Israel and Palestine to include it in all their educational institutions,

4. In the next 3-5 years create 100 joint Arab-Jewish and 100 separate schools of harmonious education, as well as to create the two Academy of Harmony for training of teachers and managers,

5. Develop the necessary next steps as a road map for the GHA peace education project "Israel - Palestine."

Implementation of this project will open for Israel and Palestine a quite new Age of Harmonious Enlightenment and the formation of a common civil society as the most sure and trusty path for lasting harmonious peace in a joint harmonious society. In it a lasting peace will produce from social harmony continuously and permanently.


Dr. Leo Semashko,

GHA President


Prof. Ernesto Kahan, GHA 1st Vice President, Israel

Vice-President, IPPNW: Nobel Peace Prize 1985

Dr. Laj Utreja,

GHA-USA President


Kae Morii,

GHA – Japan President



Harmonious civilization


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Dr. Leo Semashko


Building a Harmonious Civilization/Society: Theory, Modernity and the Future for Israel and Palestine

Introductory educational course at 1 month (20 days), 80 hours, 4 hours a day.


Subjects of lectures and seminars


  1. Introduction. Need for a common social ideal of "harmonious society" and the general harmonious education in Israel and Palestine. Their backgrounds in civil society. Lecture 4:00
  2. The historical and philosophical backgrounds of the concepts of "harmonious civilization" and "harmonious society": Numa Pompilius, Plato and others. Lecture 4:00
  3. Trends of global harmonization since 1947 and especially since 1990. Declaration of Religious Harmony in Singapore 2002. Lecture 4:00
  4. The emergence of the first signs of a harmonious civilization in 2009 and their significance for building a harmonious society in Israel-Palestine. Lecture 4:00
  5. The theory of a harmonious civilization: origin and structure. Lecture 4:00
  6. Alphabet of social harmony in a harmonious civilization. Resources. Lecture 4:00
  7. Alphabet of social harmony in a harmonious civilization. Resources. Seminar 4:00
  8. Alphabet of social harmony in a harmonious civilization. Processes. Lecture 4:00
  9. Alphabet of social harmony in a harmonious civilization. Processes. Seminar 4:00
  10. Alphabet of social harmony in a harmonious civilization. Structures. Lecture 4:00
  11. Alphabet of social harmony in a harmonious civilization. Structures. Seminar 4:00
  12. Alphabet of social harmony in a harmonious civilization. Classes. Lecture 4:00
  13. Alphabet of social harmony in a harmonious civilization. Classes. Seminar 4:00
  14. Alphabet of social harmony in a harmonious civilization. Individual. Lecture 4:00
  15. Alphabet of social harmony in a harmonious civilization. Individual. Seminar 4:00
  16. Laws and language of a harmonious society Israel - Palestine. Lecture 4:00
  17. Laws and language of a harmonious society Israel - Palestine. Seminar 4:00
  18. Network harmonious thinking (Tetranet thinking) for building a harmonious society Israel - Palestine. Lecture 4:00
  19. Network harmonious thinking (Tetranet thinking) for building a harmonious society Israel - Palestine. Seminar 4:00
  20. Model of tetranet thinking to solve the problems and building a harmonious society IsraelPalestine. Lecture 4:00


TOTAL: Lectures - 52 hours; Seminars - 28 hours.


Note. I can lecture in the classrooms from 10 to 200 students, and for the seminar should be 10-20 students, not more. Number of hours may vary from 80 to 20.

Leo Semashko, Ph.D.;

State Councillor of St. Petersburg; Philosopher and sociologist; Author of Tetrasociology as a science of social and individual harmony since 1976; Global Harmony Association Founder and President since 2005; Teaching experience at universities is about 20 years; Author of more 300 scientific publications, including 14 books.

Address: 7/4-42 Ho-Shi-Min Street, St. Petersburg, 194356, Russia. Telephone: +7 (812) 597-65-71,  Web: www.peacefromharmony.org


© Website author: Leo Semashko, 2005; © designed by Roman Snitko, 2005