1. Celia Altschuler
Catholic faith,
Acting President, GHA-LAC,
GHA Ambassador for Peace and Disarmament from Harmony in LAC,
Artist, Poet, Translator,
French Professor, Media Producer,
Address: Parguera, Puerto Rico
Phone: 787-462-1031
E-mail: psoleil5_at_yahoo.com
2. Ayo Ayoola-Amale
Catholic faith,
Poet, Writer, Lawyer,
Senior Lecturer & Head of Department of Law, Fac of Law, Kings University,
GHA Vice-president, GHA-Africa President & Ambassador of Harmony for Africa,
Founder/President Splendors of Dawn Poetry Foundation.
Address: Accra, Ghana and Nigeria
Web: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=524,
www.splendorsofdawnpf.org, www.ayor.webs.com
E-mail: ayo_at_splendorsofdawnpf.org
3. Daurenbek Aubakir
Muslim faith,
Ph.-Math.C., Ph.D., member of the Academy of IIA and ISAESNM, Professor Department of System Analysis and Control of Physics and Technology Department of L.N. GumilyovENU, Astana (Kazakhstan). Author of the book: "Harmony in science, technology and life - an inexhaustible source of life and the perpetual motion of the intellect" (Almaty, 2001, 200 p.). Address: Astana, Kazakhstan
Mobile: +7-701-367-79-33.
E-mail: segiz-seri_at_yandex.ru
4. Reimon Bachika
Shinto faith,
Professor Emeritus (Dept Sociology) Bukkyo University, Kyoto, Japan. He is one of founders of the GHA.
Coauthor, The ABC of Harmony: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=478.
Address: Yamamotodori 3-3-10 6F., Chuo-ku, KOBE, 650-0003 Japan
Web: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=24
E-mail: rbac05yamk_at_yahoo.co.jp
5. Uraz Baimuratov
Muslim faith,
GHA Ambassador of Peace and Disarmament from Harmony,
Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan,
Doctor of Economics, Professor, Honored Worker of Science of Kazakhstan,
Director of the Institute of Finance & Banking Management,
Author of the book: "Harmony of Society and Economy: World Paradigm" (2010)
Address: Almaty, Kazakhstan
Web: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=561
E-mail: uraz.baimuratov_at_gmail.com
6. Ammar Banni
Muslim faith,
Professor of education,
Poet & Writer. GHA Honorary Member since 2007. GHA Honorary Poet of Peace from Harmony for 2008. Famous Algerian and Moslem peace lover.
Coauthor, The ABC of Harmony: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=478
Address: Guemar, Algeria
Web: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=288
E-mail: ammarbanni_at_yahoo.fr
7. Julia Budnikova
Orthodox Church,
was graduated from the Philological Faculty of St. Petersburg’s State University in 1988. She currently holds the position of Deputy Director for exhibition work at the Roerich Family Museum and Institute, St Petersburg, Russia. Coauthor, The ABC of Harmony.
Address: St Petersburg, Russia
Web: www.roerich.spb.ru
E-mail: jb_at_roerich.spb.ru
8. Tholana A. Chakravarthy
Hindu faith,
Litt.D, GHA Vice-president,
Co-Director, Embassy of Human Rights from Harmony and Justice, Ambassador,
International Poet-Review Writer; Universal Peace Ambassador,
Coauthor, The ABC of Harmony: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=478.
Address: Hyderabad, INDIA
Web: www.worldpeacepoetry.com, www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=286
E-mail: tacvarthy_at_gmail.com
9. Bruce L. Cook
Catholic faith,
Ph.D., GHA-USA Acting President. GHA Ambassador of Peace and Disarmament from Harmony. Publisher and Editor. President, World Writers Resources, Inc. Author, Harmony of Nations: 1943 – 2020, Just Fiction Editions, 2012.
Address: 7337 Grandview Ct. Carpentersville, IL 60110 USA
Phone: 312-859-8090
Web: www.harmonyofnations.com, http://author-me.com, www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=544
E-mail: cookcomm_at_gmail.com
10. Robert D. Crane
Muslim faith,
GHA Vice-President,
Dr., Full Professor - Center of the Study of Contemporary Muslim Societies
Qatar Faculty of Islamic Studies
Hamad Bin Khalifa University
Address: P.O Box: 34110 Doha, Qatar
Tel: +974 445 42822Fax: +974 445 46620Mob: +97466766013
Web: www.qfis.edu.qa
E-mail: rcrane_at_qfis.edu.qa
11. Dmitry Delyukin
Orthodox Faith.
He has graduated from the Philology faculty of Saint-Petersburg State University in 1994. Now is the employee of Saint-Petersburg State Museum-institute of Roerich family. Coauthor, The ABC of Harmony: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=478.
Address: Saint-Petersburg, Russia
E-mail: dimdel10_at_yandex.ru
12. Pravat K. Dhal
Hindu faith,
PhD, M.SC., M.ED., GHA-India member,
Principal, Grizzly College of Education.
Address: Koderma, Jharkhand (state), India
E-mail: pravatkumar.dhal_at_gmail.com
13. Michael Ellis
Buddhist faith,
MD, BA (Hons), GHA Ambassador of Peace from Harmony for Australia,
Doctor of Medicine,
Address: Melbourne, Australia
Web: www.peacecentre.org, http://vergemm.com/, www.xcellentu.com
E-mail: mindquest_at_ozemail.com.au
14. Michael D. Greaney
Catholic faith,
CPA, MBA; GHA Embassy Co-Director, Human Rights from Harmony and Justice, Ambassador
Center for Economic and Social Justice (CESJ).
Address: P.O. Box 40711, Washington, DC 20016, USA
O: 703-243-5155
F: 703-243-5935
Web: www.cesj.org
E-mail: thirdway_at_cesj.org
15. Kurt Johnson
Rev. Dr. Kurt Johnson, co-author of The Coming Interspiritual Age (2013, Namaste Publishing). Ordained in three traditions and with a PhD in evolution, ecology, systematic and comparative biology Dr. Johnson was associated with the American Museum of Natural History for twenty-five years and now teaches at New York City’s one Spirit Interfaith Seminary. GHA member. More can be learned at Wikipedia (Kurt Johnson, entomologist).
Address: New York, USA
Web: www.isdna.org, www.thecominginterspiritualage.com,www.namastepublishing.com
E-mail: kurtjohnsonisd_at_yahoo.com
16. APJ Abdul Kalam
Muslim faith,
B 1931, is one of the most distinguished scientists of India with the unique honour of receiving honorary doctorates from 42 Universities and institutions from India and abroad. Dr. Kalam became the 11th President of Republic of India on 25th July 2002. After five eventful years he demitted office on 25th July 2007.
The GHA Highest Honorary Title: WORLD HARMONY CREATOR: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=513
Coauthor, The ABC of Harmony: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=478
Address: No 10, Rajaji marg, New Delhi-110011, India
Phone: 011 23793601
Web: www.abdulkalam.com, www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=95
E-mail: apj_at_abdulkalam.com
17. Tatomir Ion-Marius
Ecumenical faith,
GHA Ambassador of Peace and Disarmament from Harmony in Europe,
Poet and Peace Worker,
The ABC of Harmony coauthor: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=478
Address: Maramures, Romania,
Web: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=274
E-mail: tatomir_at_gmail.com
18. Glenn T. Martin
President, World Constitution and Parliament Assoc. (www.wcpa.biz)
President, Institute on World Problems (www.worldproblems.net)
Professor of Philosophy and Chair of Peace Studies at Radford University (www.radford.edu/gmartin)
Coauthor, The ABC of Harmony: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=478
Address: Radford, USA
Web: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=428
E-mail: gmartin_at_RADFORD.EDU
19. A. K. Merchant
Bahá’í Faith,
Vice-President, Global Harmony Association.
The author is the General Secretary, The Temple of Understanding — India [NGO with consultative status at the United Nations]; National Trustee, Lotus Temple & the Baha’i Community of India. He also serves as Chairperson, Sarvodaya International Trust — Delhi Chapter; Associate Secretary General, Global Warming Reduction Centre; Visiting Faculty, Centre for Cultural Resources & Training, Government of India; Member, Ethics Committee, Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital; subject expert for interfaith harmony & Indian culture, Jawaharlal Memorial Fund.
Dr. Merchant is the author of three monographs:
Communal Harmony — India’s Greatest Challenge (1991);
Hindu Dharama evam Bahá’í Dharma — Ek Adhayyan (1999);
Five Basic Human Values & the Bahá’í Faith (2009),
and 200 research articles and papers published in international and national journals and as book chapters.
Although ancestry wise from Gujarat, he was born in Myanmar and spent his early childhood over there. He is a member of the Bahá’í community since 1975 and has travelled to some 35 countries and lived in different parts of India — West Bengal, Goa, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Jammu & Kashmir; for the last 28 years in Delhi.
Mailing address: S – 28, Greater Kailash Part I, New Delhi 110 048, India.
Telephones: 011-29237919 / 9810441360
E-mail: akmerchant_at_hotmail.com, ak9merchant_at_gmail.com
20. Charles Mercieca
Ph.D.; President, International Association of Educators for World Peace
Dedicated to United Nations Goals of Peace Education,
Environmental Protection, Human Rights & Disarmament
Vice-President, Global Harmony Association
Professor Emeritus, Alabama A&M University, USA
Hon President & Professor, SBS Swiss Business School, Zurich
Coauthor, The ABC of Harmony: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=478
Web: www.iaewp.org, www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=129
E-mail: mercieca_at_knology.net
21. Nina Meyerhof
Jewish faith, spiritual seeker,
Ed. D.; GHA Vice-President,
Founder and President, Children of the Earth (COE).
Address: Vermont, USA
Phone: +802-862-1936
Web: www.coeworld.org
Skype: nina_meyerhof
E-mail: nina_at_coeworld.org
22. Manijeh Navidnia
Moslem faith,
PhD; Assistant Professor in Sociology; Faculty member at Azad University, Garmsar Branch. She was born in Tehran, Iran, 1964. Specific researches are sociology of security particularly concerning Societal Security. GHA Board Vice-President.
Coauthor, The ABC of Harmony: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=478.
Address: Sociology Department of Azad University, Daneshjoo Blvd. Garmsar, Iran – P.O Box: 3581631167
Web: www.SocietalSecurity.com
E-mail: navidnia_at_hotmail.com, navidnia_at_societalsecurity.com
23. David Robert Ord.
He is editorial director of Namaste Publishing, a multifaith practitioner who is a former Presbyterian (USA) minister and a graduate of San Francisco Theological Seminary. Most recently he is co-author, with Dr. Kurt Johnson, of the very popular book The Coming Interspiritual Age. He is also co-author with Dr. Robert B. Coote of The Bible's First History—From Eden to the Court of David with the Yahwist; In the Beginning — Creation, Priestly History; Is the Bible True?; and Understanding the Bible Today. With Namaste Publishing he has also authored Your Forgotten Self: Mirrored in Jesus the Christ.
Address: Phoenix, USA
Web: www.namastepublishing.com
24. Abbas Panakkal
Muslim faith,
PhD, GHA Vice-President,
Coordinator, International Seminar on Interfaith Harmony and Tolerance, Malaysia,
Professor, Ma’din Academy,
Address: Vegara, India,
E-mail: apanakkal_at_gmail.com
25. Bishnu Pathak
Hindu-Buddhist faith,
PhD; Board Member, TRANSCEND Peace University,
GHA Chief Coordinator: GHA Petition to the UN for Total Disarmament
GHA Ambassador of Peace and Disarmament from Harmony (www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=532),
Convener, TRANSCEND International (South Asia),
Director, Peace and Conflict Studies Center (PCS Center).
Address: P. O. Box 11374, Sukedhara
Kathmandu, Nepal
Phone: +977 1 4650696
Mobile: +977 9841 345514
Web: www.transcend.org, www.cscenter.org.np, www.insightonconflict.org/conflicts/nepal/peacebuilding-organisations/pcsc/
E-mail: pathakbishnu_at_gmail.com
26. Steve V. Rajan
Muslim faith,
PhD; Founder and Chairman of Borneo Open International University, USA (www.borneo-edu.us); IAEWP Vice President for Strategy as well as GHA's Representative for Asia Pacific. In 2008, he had successfully organized the 18th IAEWP World Peace Congress in Malaysia. GHA Vice-President.
Address: Malaysia
Coauthor, The ABC of Harmony: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=478.
Web: www.malaysian-iaewp.org, www.welcome2peace.org
E-mail: steve_rajan_at_yahoo.com
27. Maitreyee B. Roy
Hindu faith,
GHA-India Vice-President; Coauthor, The ABC of Harmony: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=478.
Principal Basanti Devi College, 147B Rash Behari Avenue, Kolkata-700029. President, Beautiful Mind: a parental organization of special children.
Address: Kolkata, India
Web: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=317
E-mail: maitreyee25_at_rediffmail.com
28. Leo Semashko
Orthodox faith,
PhD; Philosopher and sociologist; Global Harmony Association (GHA) Founder and President since 2005. Editor in Chief, The ABC of Harmony: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=478.
Address: Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Web: www.peacefromharmony.org
Е-mail: leo.semashko_at_gmail.com
29. Sunita Singh Sengupta
Hindu faith,
Ph.D., GHA Ambassador of Peace and Disarmament from Harmony for India,
Professor of Organizational Behaviour, University of Delhi (www.fms.edu)
Founder & Honorary Convener
Integrating Spirituality and Organizational Leadership Foundation
Address: Delhi, India
Web: www.isolindia.org
E-mail: sunita.singhsengupta_at_gmail.com
30. Varant Z. Seropian
Lebanese-Armenian Christian faith;
H.E. Grand Dr. Prof., GHA Ambassador of Peace and Harmony from Harmony in MENA,
IAEWP-UN ESCWA representative.
Employment : Doctor Physician - Inventor - Scientist – Academician – Philosopher – Educator.
Address: POBox 70063 Antelias, Lebanon
Web: www.iaewp.page.tl
E-mail: iaewp-un_at_live.com
31. Rudolf Siebert
Roman Catholic faith,
B. 1927, Professor of Religion and Society in the Department of Comparative Religion at Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA. He develops the Critical Theory of Society and Religion presented in about 300 scientific publications in 12 languages, including 28 books and 35 chapters. He is the leading researcher of the world religions Golden Rule as the first conscious principle of social harmony. Director of the two international courses: 1. "Future of Religion" in Dubrovnik, Croatia since 1975, and 2. "Religion in Civil Society" in Yalta, Crimea, Ukraine since 1999. He is the "Peace from Harmony" and GHA founder in 2005 and has the GHA highest Honorary Title: World Harmony Creator.
Coauthor, The ABC of Harmony: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=478.
Address: USA
Web: www.rudolfjsiebert.org, www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=51
E-mail: RSieb3_at_aol.com
32. Yehuda Stolov
Jewish faith,
Executive director of the Interfaith Encounter Association, an organization that works to build peaceful inter-communal relations in the Holy Land by fostering mutual respect and trust through active interfaith dialogue. Dr. Stolov has lectured on the role of religious dialogue in peace-building throughout the world. He holds a B.Sc. and an M.Sc. in Physics and a Ph.D. from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Coauthor, The ABC of Harmony: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=478.
Address: P.O. Box 3814, Jerusalem 91037, Israel
Web: www.interfaith-encounter.org
E-mail: yehuda_at_interfaith-encounter.org
33. Laj Utreja
Sanatana Dharma faith;
Dr. Laj Utreja has worked in various capacities, as hands-on engineer, as technical leader in people management, and as CEO of a small business. He has been an ardent student of Sanatana Dharma for most of his adult life. His reverence for Bhagavad Geeta has in part motivated him to write his two books, "Who are we?" and "What is our origin?" He is founder of the Institute of Spiritual Healing (ISH); GHA Vice-president; Peace Ambassador, IAEWP; Director, Institute of Global Harmony, Gandhi Vidya Mandir. My faith is Sanatana Dharma (the Eternal Truth); Coauthor, The ABC of Harmony: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=478
Address: 122 Foxhound Drive, Madison, AL 35758, USA
Web: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=353
E-mail: lutreja7_at_gmail.com
34. Rene Wadlow
Liberal protestant,
Prof.; President, Association of World Citizens,
Representative to the UN, Geneva. GHA member,
Coauthor, The ABC of Harmony: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=478.
Address: Le Passe, France
Web: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=272
E-mail: Wadlowz_at_aol.com
35. Chintamani Yogi
Hindu faith,
Dr., GHA World Ambassador of Peace and Disarmament from Harmony,
Founding Principal, Hindu VidyaPeeth-Nepal (HVP),
Founding Chairperson, Shanti Sewa Ashram (SSA),
Patron, Youth Society for Peace ( YSP),
Founder, Society for Value Education (SVE),
Chairperson, Nepal Inter-faith Movement (NIM)
Coordinator- GNRC-Nepal.
Address: Po. Box: 6807, Kathmandu, Nepal; Ph. 00977-1-5527924 /5006125
Web: www.cmyogi.org,www.hvp-nepal.org,www.peaceservicenepal.org.np,www.childrenspeacehome.org
E-mail: mail2cmyogi_at_yahoo.com