20 years of Petrosovet: Birth of Harmonious Parliamentarism for a Harmonious Civilization
“Spheral Democracy Group” in Petrosovet 1992: The First Political Sprout of a Harmonious Civilization And a Way for Exit of Russia from the Century Failure By Dr. Leo Semashko, Member of St-Petersburg Parliament (Petrosovet) in 1990-1993, Global Harmony Association (GHA) Founder and President, 2005. GHA unites more 350 members from 48 countries. GHA Mission is to pave a conscious way for a harmonious civilization. Paper at the jubilee meeting of MPs in honour of 20 anniversary of Petrosovet Mariinsky Palace, St.-Petersburg, April 5, 2010 Friends! My colleagues have unfolded in their previous papers the value of achievements of Petrosovet as the first embodiment of parliamentarism in Russia for her past and present. Let me, as a philosopher and sociologist-futurologist, to draw your attention to other dimension of its achievements: for the future. What its achievement will not only be remembered but also developed over 50 - 100 years? In infinite pluralism of the democratic Russian revolution in the beginning of 90th years there was one, strange at first sight, political formation. It is “Sphere Democracy Group” (SDG), arising in Petrosovet in 1992 and uniting about ten deputies under my management. Almost 20 years required to us to understand its deep political meaning. I will be limited here only by three strokes. The first stroke is scientific. Tetrasociology (sphere approach) as a science of social harmony of four sphere classes of population was put in the SDG basis. In it Charter, published in my book (“Sphere Approach”, St-Petersburg, 1992, p.355-358:, it is written down: “the SDG proceeds … from recognition in any society the four sphere universal classes”. This idea has been developing in our city for 35 years from the youth club "Demiurge" 1976, which was divided in four sphere groups, accordingly to the sphere classes. These classes differ - by employment in one of four spheres of social production, - by number but they are equally necessary, universal and sufficient as without the products of their work there can not be any society. They make a deep, invisible for eyes, structure of social harmony in which they play the defined roles of its actors-creators. They have one purpose – harmony but - different ways to it. They demand a constant conscious coordination through the mechanism of deep harmonious parliamentarism of the sphere classes.It expresses the new, harmonious, four-party democracy built on equal distribution of legislative and executive power between these classes, between the representatives elected by them. But this parliamentarism and democracy cannot show up without a corresponding science. Therefore, before appearance of this science the sphere classes remained unknown and spontaneous, on historical surface in which the priority role is played by their various, private, disharmonious and hostile social groups and classes which are breaking off their deep harmonious unity. The second stroke is historical. The last 20 years confirmed the world tendency toward comprehension and globalisation of harmony, from which each nation wins, by tens of facts. They are presented in the international book of the Global Harmony Association (GHA) “Harmonious Civilization” (St-Petersburg, 2009, 254p.: by 120 coauthors from 34 countries. This book is the first example of the new thinking which received the title “Tetranet Harmonious Thinking”. This book found recognition of the many known figures, including the Chairman of the Russian Upper Chamber Mr Sergey Mironov. The GHA fixed 2009 as year of birth of the new, global, harmonious, civilization, connected with two world events: the beginning of “nuclear zero” of the USA and Russia and creation of a science of this civilization which replaces a dying off industrial civilization. Together with these events humanity entered into the Age of Harmony Renaissance and Harmonious Enlightenment. From the point of view of a new civilization, SDG is its first political sprout which has begun its harmonious four-party democracy, i.e. deep sphere parliamentarism. Charles Montesquieu’s fundamental law of democracy, which is ignored by the democratic Constitutions, revives in this sprout: “Durability and prosperity of democracy always depend on the correct division into classes of the population having the right to vote" (Charles Montesquieu. Selected works. About Spirit of Laws. Moscow, 1955, p. 171-172). He gave the examples of Solon’s 4 classes, Servius Tullius’ 6 classes but nowhere he found the "correct" division. SDG found it in the sphere harmonious classes and created the unique projects of the sphere structures of legislative and executive power as state mechanism for the deep consent of these classes. The third stroke is national. In Russia for 20 years there has been a widely known unflattering definition of democracy: it is at all on hearing. It is not very far from truth in view of absence of correct division of the population in classes and ignoring of their deep interests. In general the institute of industrial democracy in the world, except the very rare small countries, degrades and degenerates in the plutocracy expressing political essence of an industrial civilization. Democracy revival at the level of a new civilization is possible only through "correct", sphere, division of the population into classes which found the first political expression in SDG. What to do with this democratic innovative miracle, furnishing the key for revival of all dying modernizations of Russia, the population of which remains in poverty along with its inexhaustible richness of resources? We should not lose this world’s priority, "as always". Because it will go away or to the USA where “harmony schools” are growing quickly now, or to China where almost a quarter of humanity builds “a harmonious society”, or in another country, which will be the first to establish the sphere harmonious four-party democracy together with the related harmonious education of the population. In the 20th century Russia paid the biggest blood in revolutions, civil and world wars for the right to prosperity through social harmony in the 21st century the ideas of which have been developed by the Russian most brilliant minds under the different names: Aleksey Khomyakov’s sobornost, Leo Tolstoy’s nonviolence, Vladimir Solovyov’s all-unity, Nicolas Roerich’s harmony, Paul Florensky’s consent, Vladimir Vernadsky’s noosphereand etc. Already Feodor Dostoevsky intuitively understood the key role of harmony in the words: “A beauty will rescue the world”, as a beauty is identical to harmony. From similar ideas of the outstanding Russian and foreign thinkers was born tetrasociology as a science of social harmony. Why Russia possessing this unique innovative scientific potential would not declare building into the country of a harmonious civilization while something similar has been made by China in 2006?! It will be a very ambitious and very effective Russian modernization of the 21st century, which will allow it to exit from the failure of the last century and to find prosperity at last! Building of a harmonious civilization will not prevent but only will help Russia to struggle with terrorism, corruption and other social pathologies, giving to this struggle a higher social meaning. To start to build it, this is possible in the new presidential project “Sun City” which has a chance to be “Harmony City”, not to die, "as always". The harmonious civilization is the best for Russia the practice and the spirituality, the sources of which lay in depth of Russian culture. At the same time it is the best for Russia national dream, national idea, national strategy and ideology of national consent which will replace the obsolete ideologies of national split: Marxism discrediting locally in the countries of socialism and liberalism, discrediting globally by a powerless before the world financial crisis and global problems. Both ideologies are responsible for the century failure of Russia with 1917 until now.Russia will exit from her century failure and will revive only inthe way of a harmonious civilization and the harmonious parliamentarism which was born almost 20 years ago. This way is opened today by the science of social harmony for all countries. A question arises now: which one of them will be the first will to stand up on it knowingly to get the advantages and priorities of the global harmony? Harmony race goes on to change from human’s arms race of so far! Will Russia take advantage of this new historical chance for her happy future? Thanks for attention. This text is published on the GHA website in English and Russian: The first responses in Russian mass-media: April 6, 2010 ====================================
Leo Semashko Tetrasociology: Global Sphere Democracy The IIS World Congress, Stockholm, July 2005, Session ‘Global Democratization’ Abstract A global world needs a global form of democracy that does not impinge on political specificity of the ethnicities and cultures. But it enters in them some general fundamental parameters. Modern forms of democracy cannot be a model for global democracy because they are based on branch classes and branch/bureaucratic organization of power. The branches and bureaucracy mutually reproduce each other but they are non-relevant to globalization. Branch classes create branch democracy. Global democracy requires a cardinal transformation to NON-branch, global structural, social and organizational bases of power. Their variant in the form of «sphere democracy» is conceptualised in tetrasociology as a postpluralistic, four-dimensional macro theory of social space - time. The structural basis of global democracy is composed of four spheres of social reproduction, within which, their own subjects, products and technologies differ: 1. Sociosphere: its subject and product are people, who are socially reproduced by means of humanitarian technologies of education, health etc. 2. Infosphere: its subject and product are information reproduced by informational technologies (IT). 3. Orgsphere: its subject and product are the organizations (political, legal, etc.) that are reproduced by organizational technologies. 4. Technosphere: its subject and product are the things which are reproduced by industrial and agrarian technologies. The spheres unite the relevant branches and conform to the law of harmony of spheres, which overcomes the law of branch disharmony. The reproduction spheres are inherent to all societies, therefore they provide a structural basis for global democracy. The social basis of global democracy is comprised of the productive sphere classes of the population, which differ with respect to reproductive employment in each of the spheres: 1.SOCIOCLASS: employed in the sociosphere, the workers in branches of healthcare, education etc., and also all non-working members of the population employed in reproduction itself; 2.INFOCLASS: employed in the infosphere, the workers in branches of science, culture, and communication, etc.; 3. ORGCLASS: employed in the orgsphere, the workers in branches of politics, finance, defence, etc.; 4. TECHNOCLASS: employed in the technosphere, the working class and peasants/farmers. Sphere classesas the conscious actors are formed in the globalization epoch, together with the formation of their self-consciousness and identity. The sphere classes are harmonious classes. They are inherent to all societies, therefore they provide the relevant social basis for global democracy. The organizational basis of global democracy apportions an EQUAL distribution of State power among sphere’s classes, and not only among classes but also between men and women, and between the younger and older generations. Each child should have the right to vote, exercised by his/her parents or guardians. Such democracy is "sphere," "tetrar," or "global." Its remote historical analog is the Tetrarchia of the ancient Greek and Roman empires. The democratic model of the European Union is the closest form of it today. Let's formulate a hypothesis for a four-polar world order, with conditions of global sphere democracy, for the 21st century. For conditions of sphere democracy, all of the world countries will be ranked (nominated) on development priority in four spheres, resulting in creation of a dynamic and four-polar world order of social harmony, which will replace the modern order of social disharmony. These democracy and harmonious order will ensure the new culture of peace, which will exclude wars and violence between civilizations and ethnicities.