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Thomas C. Mountain: Genocide of children under the UN, USA and UNICEF aegis

The UN and Genocide by Starvation in Somalia

By Thomas C. Mountain

Global Research, November 09, 2017


According to just released information sourced from the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the FSNAU between October 2015 and April 2016, a period of o­nly six months, upwards of 400,000 Somali’s, two thirds of whom were children, died of starvation.

And the famine, if anything, has gotten worse since then. Here the world is now, 18 months later and possibly a million more deaths, bringing the number of children who have died from starvation in the past 2 years in Somalia up to a million.


A million Somali children have starved to death in the past 24 months and this crime goes unnoticed in the international media? There are a lot of crimes being committed in the world today but can anyone say a million and a half dead Somalis shouldn’t be at the head of the list?

In the L.Shabelle region alone over 100,000 children under the age of 5 died of starvation from Oct. 2015 to April 2016 with the total numbers of Somalis who expired from starvation there running up to 150,000.


In this time period 17.6% of the population of the L. Shabelle region perished from hunger. Thats right, almost a fifth of the Somali people in this region expired in o­nly six months and the world stands by in silence.

In the Banadir region up to 70,000 children starved to death with another 32,000 over the age of 5 dying as well for a total of 16.6% of the regions population lost to famine in 6 months alone.

In the M.Shabelle region 25,000 under 5 starved to death with the region losing 9.7% of its people to famine in six months. And the list goes o­n and o­n, hundreds and hundreds of thousands, with everyday another 2,000 Somalis dead from starvation and famine, a famine that is continuing as I write.


What is it going to take for the international media to catch o­n to this most insidious of crimes, for the world had the food to prevent all these deaths, something the UN is supposed to be o­n top of.

But then o­ne of the top dogs at the UN is the Executive Director of UNICEF, supposedly the number o­ne (N)o (G)ood (O)utfit with the responsibility to prevent this crime, headed by former National Security Advisor to Pres. Clinton and later failed nominee to head the CIA, Anthony Lake, whose appointment was a favor returned by Pres. Obama. Loyalty to empire can have its rewards in the form of being overlord of a multi-billion dollar a year aid empire internationally, UNICEF, and the ability to carry out “long term solutions” as in genocide by starvation of the Somali people.


Tony Lake has a dark history of overseeing mass murder by violence or starvation in Africa going back to the Rwanda Genocide in 1994 when he “regretted not doing anything” to stop the mass killings. It was just a few years ago the UN admitted that 250,000 Somalis, again, 2/3 under 5, had died in what they then were calling the “Great Horn of African Drought”, all under Tony Lake’s watchful eye.


Hey, there is a “Somali Problem”, terrorism and Al Shabab, and so who will care if a million Somali children are allowed to die of starvation, the less Somalis the better, right?


That’s why it’s called genocide by starvation, 2,000 a day as I write, with the silence of the media lambs all to deafening. Shouldn’t the silence about this preeminent crime cause those who claim the mantel of human rights in their corner offices in NYC and London to expose and incite journalistic flagellation by those presstitutes writing for failing newspapers or braying o­n the airways?


A million dead Somali kids? Who is really going to give a damn anyway, this is old news, it has always been this way, right?


Thomas C. Mountain is an independent journalist in Eritrea, living and reporting from here since 2006. See thomascmountain o­n Facebook or best reach him at thomascmountain@gmail.com.


The original source of this article is Countercurrents






ООН и геноцид от голода в Сомали

Томас К. Монтейн


Согласно только что опубликованной информации, полученной от Продовольственной и сельскохозяйственной организации ООН (ФАО) и ФСНАУ в период с октября 2015 года по апрель 2016 года, период в шесть месяцев превысил 400 000 сомалийцев, две трети из которых были детьми, умер от голода.
И голод есть худшее.
Здесь мир через 18 месяцев и, возможно, еще миллион смертей, в результате чего число детей, умерших от голода в последние 2 года в Сомали, достигло миллиона человек.

За последние 24 месяца миллион детей из Сомали умерли от голода, и это преступление остается незамеченным в международных СМИ? В мире сегодня много преступлений, но может ли кто-нибудь сказать, что миллион с половиной погибших сомалийцев не должен возглавлять список?

В регионе L.Shabelle только более 100 000 детей в возрасте до 5 лет умерли от голода с октября 2015 года по апрель 2016 года, при этом общее количество сомалийцев, которые истекло от голода, сократилось до 150 000 человек.

За этот период 17,6% населения района Л. Шабелле погибло от голода.
Правильно, почти пятая часть сомалийского народа в этом регионе истекла всего шесть месяцев, и мир стоит молча.
В Банадирском регионе до 70 000 детей умерли от голода, еще 32 000 человек в возрасте старше 5 лет погибли, а в общей сложности 16,6% населения региона потеряли голод только через 6 месяцев.
В регионе М.Шабел 25 000 человек в возрасте до 5 лет умерли от голода в регионе, потеряв 9,7% своих людей от голода в течение шести месяцев.
И этот список можно продолжать, сотни и сотни тысяч, с ежедневными еще 2 000 сомалийцев, умершими от голода и голода, голодом, который продолжается, когда я пишу.

Что он собирается предпринять для того, чтобы международные средства массовой информации могли уловить эту самую коварную преступность, поскольку в мире есть еда, чтобы предотвратить все эти смерти, то, что ООН должно быть на высоте.
Но тогда одна из лучших собак в ООН является исполнительным директором ЮНИСЕФ, предположительно, номером один (N) o (G) ood (O) utfit, ответственным за предотвращение этого преступления, возглавляемым бывшим советником по национальной безопасности в Президиуме. Клинтон и позже потерпели неудачу кандидатуру на пост главы ЦРУ, Энтони Лейка, назначение которого было благосклонностью, которую вернул Пре. Обама.
Лояльность империи может иметь свои награды в виде того, что она является повелителем многомиллиардной международной империи помощи, ЮНИСЕФ и способностью «долгосрочных решений», как в геноциде, голодом сомалийского народа.

У Тони-Лейка есть темная история наблюдения за массовым убийством в результате насилия или голода в Африке, восходящего к Геноциду в Руанде в 1994 году, когда он «сожалел о том, что ничего не предпринимал», чтобы остановить массовые убийства. Было всего несколько лет назад ООН признала, что 250 000 сомалийцев, опять же, 2/3 до 5 лет, погибли в том, что они тогда называли «Большим рогом африканской засухи», все под наблюдением Тони Лейка.

Эй, есть «сомалийская проблема», терроризм и «Аль-Шабаб», и кто будет заботиться о том, чтобы миллион сомалийских детей мог умереть от голода, чем меньше сомалийцев, тем лучше, верно?

Вот почему это называется геноцидом голодом, 2000 в день, когда я пишу, с тишиной СМИ ягнят все оглушительно.
Разве молчание об этом превосходном преступлении не может заставить тех, кто утверждает, что в своих офшорных офисах в Нью-Йорке и Лондоне предъявляют казнь прав человека, чтобы разоблачить и подстрекать журналистское бичевание теми составителями, которые пишут о неудачных газетах или обрушиваются на воздушные трассы?

Миллион мертвых сомалийских детей? Кому все равно наплевать, это старые новости, это всегда было так, верно?




Controlling Africa with Western “Democracy”

Thomas C. Mountain



The west uses “democracy”, as in elections, to control Africa. This has resulted in over half a century of murder and mayhem because all
but o­ne African country is a mixture of different ethnicities and nationalities, with "tribalism" dominant in African societies.

Elections mean tribal winners and "tribal" losers and no in between, or consensus based governance. This has been a recipe for disaster, as in tribal conflict, since the end of direct western colonial rule and the imposition of neocolonialism after WW2.

Its called “divide and rule” and towards this end western style “democracy” has been a big hit in Africa as far as Pax Americana and its western minions are concerned.


In more recent times, “crisis management” has been the de facto policy, as in create a crisis ("tribal" conflict in the run up to an election) and then manage the crisis to better rape and pillage African resources. As long as the “native tribes” are killing each other the less chance of any sort of “united front against Imperialism” as in independent, nationalist African governments demanding a fair share of Africa’s wealth.

Western “democracy” is all about controlling Africa for western benefit, something crucial to the ability of the western leaders maintaining the support of their population by being able to deliver the goods, economically speaking, in the form of higher standards of living. It is African blood that pays for the rich lifestyles of the western populace, and African blood that pays for social peace in western societies.


The western elites don't care if it is buy, rig or steal when it comes to African elections as long as “my bastards” win everything is copacetic. Election instigated "tribal" violence is so standard that when an election is fixed without an outbreak of murder and mayhem, it comes to be a cause of wonderment in the western media. The very first thing Pax Americana and its vassals demand after any African crisis are “elections”. And sure enough, another crisis is brewing.

Western “democracy” is really American “democracy” for the system used in Europe, and most of the rest of the world, originated in the United States of America. The amazing job of brainwashing that has been done to convince both Americans and their acolytes internationally is that somehow American Democracy was ever something progressive.


The historical fact is that the war for independence by the British colonies in North America was a counter-revolution for the purpose of preserving slavery. That's right, Washington, Jefferson et al were fighting for independence for the British colonies to preserve slavery, the most criminal, inhumane and barbaric crime against humanity the world has ever known, the enslavement of Africans in subhuman bondage.

Thanks to cutting edge historians such as Dr. Gerald Horne, amongst others, there is indisputable historical evidence to convict the founding fathers of the USA of waging war to preserve slavery, which, with the help of the slave owning French aristocracy, succeeded in doing so for almost another century in the USA.


Britain had outlawed slavery in the British Isles and Washington, Jefferson et al saw the handwriting o­n the wall, that their way of life based o­n the barbaric exploitation and degradation of Africans could o­nly be preserved by independence from Britain. So they formed the Colonial Congress and carried out their counter-revolution with its goal to preserve their barbarism, for the system of slavery they enforced so viciously can hardly be considered civilization.

The historical record of the form of barbarism practiced by the slave owning leadership of the newly independent USA is most powerfully exemplified by what is probably the o­nly reliable first hand account of how that “Founder of American Democracy”, Thomas Jefferson treated “his” Africans.


“After dinner the master [Jefferson] and I went to see the slaves plant peas. Their bodies dirty brown rather than black, their dirty rags, their miserable, hideous half-nakedness, these haggard figures, this secretive anxious air, the hateful timorous looks, altogether seized me with an initial sentiment of terror and sadness that I ought to hide my face from. Their indolence in turning up the ground with the hoe was extreme. The master [Jefferson] took a whip to frighten them, and soon ensued a comic scene. Placed in the middle of the gang, he menaced, and turned far and wide [on all sides] turning around. Now, as he turned his face, o­ne by o­ne, the blacks changed attitude; those whom he looked at directly worked best, those whom he half saw worked least, and those he didn’t see at all, ceased working altogether; and if he made an about-face, the hoe was raised to view, but otherwise slept behind his back”. (Thanks to “The Many Headed Hydra...” for the previous quotation)


This first hand account is from a founding member of the French “Society for Friendship with Blacks”, the first French antislavery organization. His name was Constantine Volney and he was the author of that African-Centered classic historical work, “Ruins; Or, Meditations on the Revolutions of Empires” in 1791. It is a fascinating account about his visit to Africa’s Nile Valley as a part of Napoleon's scientific team before the last major desecration's began.

Being an honest, anti-racist historian, Volney believed, based o­n what he saw with his own eyes in the Egyptian tombs and temples, that civilization began in Africa, o­n the banks of the Nile River.

In his own words; “It was there that a people, since forgotten, discovered the elements of science and art, at a time when all other men were barbarous, and that a race, now regarded as the refuse of society, because their hair is wooly and their skin is dark, explored among the phenomena of nature, those civil and religious systems which have since held mankind in awe”.

“Ruins” was o­ne of the most widely read historical texts of the late 18th and early 19th century. It was published in 6 languages in over 15 editions.

Volney was eventually driven from the USA by the forerunner of the Undesirable Aliens Act, passed by a slave owner Congress still having difficulties achieving a good night's sleep, haunted by dreams of the revolution in Haiti and the slaughter of their fellow slave owners by their erstwhile captives, Toussaint and his fellow Africans.


Thomas Jefferson was the author of the Constitution of the United States of America, which with its hypocrisy drenched words of “All men are created equal”, is supposed to be the template for the governance of African societies?

Its bad enough that Whites and Asians accept this falsehood but that it is essential that we in Africa must do so as well?.


Any wonder why western “democracy” has brought about so much murder and mayhem in Africa? That a system that was created by a society that treated Africans so barbarically should o­nly result in barbarism in Africa when forced upon the people here?

It is more that a little ironic that the very structure used to govern the newly independent slavery dominated USA was plagiarized from the League of the Iroquois, the federation of American Indian nations whose grand council and democratic processes were adopted almost without change by the original author of what became the Constitution of the USA, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson’s mentor.


Can you tell me of anyone, scholar or laymen in the USA, or its acolytes internationally, who know this fact, that the supposedly barbaric American Indians were the very people whose method of governance was adopted and distorted to become the basis of the system of governance known today as American “democracy”?

The League of the Iroquois was composed of nation “states” which had jurisdiction over affairs of the “state” o­nly. Each “state” had its own elected legislature, which, as in Franklin’s Constitution, chose a number of “electors” to the “federal”  League of the Iroquois. These “electors” were accorded to each “state” based o­n the individual “states” population. The “electors” met regularly in the sacred hall for their deliberations. This “grand council” (the name Franklin used in the original draft of the Constitution for what came to be the Congress of the USA) was unicameral, as was Franklin’s original white settler “council”, later Congress, of the former British colonies.

This Grand Council of the League of the Iroquois declared war and negotiated peace treaties, sent and received ambassadors, decided o­n the new members joining the League and in general acted as a “federal” government whose decisions superseded those of the “states” in affairs of the “nation”.


As in Franklin’s Constitution, in the League of the Iroquois, the electors could not be serving in the military while holding office. In both cases an electorate chose the electors and could recall their choice at any time. o­ne of the main differences between the structures of the two “democracies” was that in the League of the Iroquois the electors were reserved for men but elected by the women. That’s right, in the League of the Iroquois the women elected the leadership, something much more “democratic” than the actual minority of men who made up the electorate in the USA.

The League of the Iroquois maintained a national state that stretched from New England to the Mississippi River that existed in conditions of internal peace for a thousand years or more.

Africans, like the American Indians, traditionally practiced a more consensual form of democracy, not a winners and losers system of divide and rule. The introduction of American “democracy” was critical to the success of neo-colonialism in Africa and it’s implementation is responsible for most of the conflict and destruction wrecking Africa today.


Western “democracy”, a system adopted  by slave owners and  redesigned to enable the preservation of a system of barbarism, maintained by force and violence, which has been forced o­n Africa, with this foreign infection subsequently proving to be critical in the continuing subjugation of the African continent by the western powers.

It’s all about controlling Africa with western “democracy” and like Cuba in Latin America, there is o­nly o­ne country o­n the African continent that rejects this system of exploitation, the small climate disaster wrecked nation of Eritrea. Here in Eritrea we prefer to build our own system of “democracy” based o­n a peoples liberation war of 30 years and a culture of unity despite religious and ethnic differences that has withstood invasion, sanctions and climate disaster without faltering in our commitment to building a “Rich Eritrea without Rich Eritreans”, in other words Socialism. The west can have its so called “democracy” as far as we Eritreans are concerned.


Original: https://www.geopolitica.ru/en/article/controlling-africa-western-democracy



USA vs. China in South Sudan

By Thomas C. Mountain 

Jan 23, 2014


If o­ne asks the question “who benefits from the South Sudanese civil war?” the answer is clear. The USA is presently the only beneficiary of the o­ngoing horrors in South Sudan, for this latest round of conflict has o­nce again shut down the Chinese run oil fields in the country.

The USA has determined that it’s in its “national interests” to deprive China of access to Africa’s oil fields and has succeeded in its goal of again shutting down Chinese oil production in Sudan, the o­nly majority Chinese owned oil field in Africa.

What other evidence links the USA to the South Sudanese civil war?


Thanks to Wikileaks, we know that the USA via the CIA has been paying the salaries of the South Sudanese Army (SPLA) since 2009. In other words, both the soldiers (“rebels”) supporting Riek Machar and the soldier supporting President Salva Kiir are being paid by the USA, paid to kill each other? Don’t take my word for it, go check Wikileaks.

Another question not being asked by the international media is how is Riek Machar funding his army? Where is he getting the funds to pay for his soldiers’ ammunition, the fuel to run their trucks and equipment, to pay for their food? Where is this money coming from in a country complete destroyed by the o­ngoing fighting? If it’s coming from funds stolen by Riek Machar while he was Vice President of South Sudan, where are the funds deposited and how is he accessing them?


The USA prefers proxies to do its dirty work so as to keep its self-insulated from charges of foreign interference and to keep its “hands clean” so to speak. The fact that “rebels” supporting Riek Machar have been receiving weapons from Ethiopia is a matter of public record with reports from the past year exposing what is just the tip of the iceberg in the matter.

What is Ethiopia’s interest in this? Isn’t the Ethiopian regime a “neutral party” hosting “peace talks”?

The fact that Ethiopia has some 10,000 soldiers/peacekeepers o­n the Sudan/South Sudanese border this past year, including the oil fields, is another matter being ignored by the media. Again thanks to Wikileaks, we know that Ethiopia has an o­ngoing fuel crisis and spends up to 75% of its foreign currency earnings o­n fuel imports. The Sudanese oil fields are the o­nly immediately available supply for Ethiopia’s problem and with Brazil promising to build a $1 billion railway from the South Sudanese border to Addis Ababa this would be the quickest solution to Ethiopia’s major headache.


I, for o­ne, am really, really sick of Africans being portrayed as tribalistic animals murdering each other in never ending slaughters when the o­nly real beneficiary of such are foreign powers—mainly the USA and its western vassals. If o­ne does just a little research into these holocausts, o­ne begins to see who really benefits and when it comes to the civil war in South Sudan the o­nly party presently benefiting from these crimes is the USA.

How this will play out will be an omen of things to come for the USA and China are certain to be at odds in the future when it comes to exploiting Africa’s oil fields which today supply half of the USA’s oil imports.


Original: https://www.foreignpolicyjournal.com/2014/01/23/usa-vs-china-in-south-sudan/




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