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Susana Roberts. Global Peace Science and Gandhica events

Susana Roberts:

Global Peace Science and Gandhica events

Gandhica: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=848


Personal page:




39th World Congress of Poets,

Bhubaneswar, INDIA, October 2-6, 2019,

Dedicated to Mahatma Gandhi birth 150 anniversary.

It united the poets and writers representing 82 nations.

Read more: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=902




Compassion through Poetry.

39WCP. Odhisa-India

          Compassion as this year's motto will unite poets from different countries who will be responsible for shaping this feeling in their works, a feeling that every human being has in their interior and with them the literary word will guide and lead to a valuable awakening and progressive feeling to others, united in empathy, respect, humility and solidarity in -sim-pathya- according to the Greeks, meaning of two words in that "suffer together" and thus to expose the deep meaning of this feeling in this art is to recognize us by excellence "brothers of the world". Compassion is the love feeling par excellence and is a quality of the most evolved souls, some people have the Grace of having a natural goodness that does not demand any effort, but represents the minority. The rest of us have to do a great job.

          The level of evolution in the world forces us to generate a defensive system that protects us from harm and violence. It is to understand that violent people act out of ignorance for their lack of perception of Life from the belief of separateness and unconsciousness. In this case, we the artists can rescue them with the gift of the word and the true sense of Unity as a duty to transmit. There are people who believe they stand in the truth and ruthlessly judge the faults of other human beings; they believe that it is lawful to follow God while despising the brothers

          To become a compassionate person is necessary to know ourselves, to face our miseries with humility, to meet our shadow, to open up the burden of defects and virtues that we do not know we have. That is why it is said that the spiritual path begins in hell as in the Divine Comedy of Dante, we explore and we will find our ugliness, consequently the impact that this produces in us prepares for humility and thus we will discover the similar we all are, o­nly when we are able to enter those inner tunnels and see ourselves clearly, so that, the highest feelings arise: love and compassion.

          The perception or empathy towards other beings in indigence, in pain, in overflowing emotions, shows aspects of our own nature. We have all been in those places in o­ne way or another, so we can help because we were also helped by others who took a step forward.

When a meeting is held to help another person, it must be stripped of all ego, for the ego divides, and takes pride, feels important before others and falls into its own trap, divided from humanity and from its own God.

          Compassion as the key to Tibetan Buddhism is a highly valued sentiment. According to Chogyan Trungpa, "awakened mind and heart prepare to integrate into their being the absolute or ultimate bodhichitta that is the union of emptiness and compassion, the essential nature of the awakened mind."

           Although Aristotle said that compassion is to feel pity because of an evil in someone who does not deserve it or that it happens to o­neself or someone close to us. Since we were born the seeds of compassion are sown in our human nature. According to David Hume: "there is a certain benevolence, no matter how intimate it is breathed into our chest, a spark of friendship for the human race, a bit of dove interwoven in our configuration, together with the elements of the wolf and the snake," Jaques Rousseau also quotes : "Compassion is a natural feeling that, by moderating the virulent selfishness of the individual, contributes to the preservation of the species. This compassion urges us to go impulsively to help those who are in disgrace. “Compassion approaches the very center of the moral conscience that allows us to glimpse the self of the neighbor. More than a century ago the philosopher Josiah Royce rightly expressed the concept by saying: What is your neighbor? ... and he responds that the neighbor is: "a mass of states, experiences, thoughts and desires, as real as yourself, are you sure what it means? "This is the origin of a radical change in your behavior towards him." The compassionate response can be made with an open and helpful disposition, with presence or silence, helping to feel united with others and with hope.

          If we could symbolize compassion, it would be with the sun, the bright is in the nature of the sun, the sun shines without needing to fight, in the same way the compassion, when isremoving the veils and obstacles that prevent its manifestation, it is revealed as something natural and human. The awakened mind is the o­ne that becomes independent of the tyranny of the ego. In the Parable of the Prodigal Son, compassion is expressed in an exalted form: joy, celebration, generosity and silence.

          In the 14th chapter of the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna expresses to Arjuna the following: "Harmonizing the body, the mind, the soul, attains the supreme bliss. Discover the being in all beings and all beings in the being. See that the whole is o­ne and o­ne that's it. Truly I tell you that I will never abandon or allow myself to be abandoned by whoever sees me in all things and sees all things in me. "

          Both, Judaism, Islam and Christianity have given much value to divine compassion or mercy. For Sufism, the real name of God is Rahman, the Merciful. For Christianity, compassion or being merciful is o­ne of the main divine attributes.

          The use of language and its effects o­n experiences are intensively tested in these Congresses to the rhythm of the languages ​​of the world that trigger the awareness of new knowledge. According to studies o­n learning, there is an intercultural empathy to improve the self-consciousness and the critical awareness of the own interaction style, the way in which each o­ne is conditioned by the own cultural antecedents and thus be able to promote, through this art, a vision of global culture helping to abolish racism and differences to deprogram violence and promote the peaceful cultural union of peoples.



Dearest Leo,
Please, when you can, could you add this article about compassion to my web page and this foto.
I loved to talk to miles of children there in Bubhaneswar-Odhisa, 39 World Congress of Poets.


Dearest Leo,
I was awarded with the Roses Prize in Argentina.
I send you my recognition in India if you can publish in our group.
With so much Love and admiration..


 Dearest Susana,

Thank you very and very much for your important translation of the GHA two key projects (Women “WGHA” and “The ABC of Tetranet Thinking” – all 30 pages) of 2018 to the Spanish. Their translations were published here: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=es_c&key=114 and here:http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=es_c&key=115

For more than 12 years of work in the GHA, you have made many complex translations of the GHA projects into Spanish. The GHA has appreciated and recognized you as the

"GHA Honored Translator":


Dr. Susana Roberts

was recognized as the GHA Honored Translator

for his numerous translations into Spanish since 2007,

published in the Spanish section of the GHA website

"Peace from Harmony":


The last translations were published here:




This recognition with your other materials was published o­n your personal page:


Your valuable opinion about the WGHA project was published together with it:


Your wonderful photos with your great “Ladies Grand Masters Award-Senate of Argentine Nation-March 2018” were published o­n your new page “Susana Roberts. Global Peace Science events” here: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=828


We are happy to congratulate you with your great Award and this GHA high honorary title and thank you heartily for your important contribution to the global peace from harmony.

With love and best wishes for peace from harmony,

Dr. Leo Semashko,

GHA Honorary President



Congratulations Dr. Susana Roberts, great world master of peace

Ernesto Kahan


Dear Susana, your work is superb and exemplar, generates a great impact in our society

Ernesto Kahan




Dear Leo, be blessed!



My guardian cat


Smart peace cat from harmony of spherons

My Dearest Susana,

I admire your unique picture of your guardian! I was happy to publish it o­n your page along with a photo of your school children here: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=828 . He very well feels its harmonious magnetism and embraces its sourcewith love. Your cat is very much like the cat of Baudelaire, to whom he devoted many of his remarkable poems. At another genius poet, Alexander Pushkin, a cat - tells a fairy tales, and you have a cat - a scientist of the 21st century, purring about peace from harmony of spherons!

We see that you feed your beloved Patagonian guardian cat with the best spiritual food of our "Global Peace Science" (http://peacefromharmony.org/docs/global-peace-science-2016.pdf). Therefore, your cat is so peace-loving, wise, harmonious and quite contented with life even in the asceticism of the Argentine Patagonia. Obviously, you also feed your schoolchildren, whom you teach to peace from harmony, with the same high spiritual food. But why do not we see them next with our book in your wonderful pictures? Please, let us see your peace-loving and harmonious children, philosophically contented with life with our book, even in Patagonian asceticism. Many thanks. With love,

PS. Thank you very much for your translation, which I will report separately when I can publish it.

Умный мирный кот из гармонии сферонов

Дорогая Сусана,

Я восхищаюсь вашим уникальным снимком вашего покровителя! Я был счастлив опубликовать его на вашей странице вместе с фото ваших детей-школьников здесь: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=828. Ваш кот очень напоминает кота Бодлера, которому он посвятил много своих замечательных поэм. У другого гениального поэта, Александра Пушкина, кот – рассказывает сказки, а у вас кот – ученый 21-го века, мурлычет о мире из гармонии сферонов!

Мы видим, что вы питаете вашего любимого Патагонского кота-покровителя лучшей духовной пищей нашей «Науки Глобального Мира» (http://peacefromharmony.org/docs/global-peace-science-2016.pdf), гармоничный магнетизм которой он очень хорошо чувствует и обнимает его источник с любовью. Поэтому ваш кот такой миролюбивый, мудрый, гармоничный и вполне довольный жизнью даже в аскезе Аргентинской Патагонии. Очевидно, вы питаете и ваших школьников, которых вы учите миру из гармонии, той же высокой духовной пищей. Но почему мы не видим их рядом с нашей книгой на ваших замечательных картинах? Позвольте нам видеть ваших миролюбивых и гармоничных детей, философски довольных жизнью с нашей книгой даже в Патагонском аскетизме. Большоеспасибо. Слюбовью,

PS. Большое спасибо за ваш перевод, о котором я сообщу отдельно, когда смогу опубликовать его.





Susana Roberts


My speech during a bookfair in the South of Argentina, I talked about Harmony and show them
the ABC of Harmony..and more ..
Love and light in Peace to all.
Susana Roberts







ARGENTINA. Ladies Grand Master award



ARGENTINA. Ladies Grand Master award



Ladies Grand Masters Award-Senate of Argentine Nation-March 2018














Dear Ayo and Dr Leo

I send my contribution,

Love and big hugs..

Susana Roberts


The Global Future of Children.

The most precious heritage we should care for is Life. The language of Peace must be cultivated and taught in children and adults, it does not mean changing them, changing customs or religions, reading a high infinite number of books. It is "finding ourselves", maturing consciously in a reflective and meditative state and from there to observe the nature of things and the deterioration of them and of man himself and to know that the fertile path isthe simple contribution of the best we have inside, in our soul and heart,, the way we think and live, will be the seed to install and the fruit will be in the success of the other, therefore we will have participated in his joys by opening a natural conscience in this way of building Peace and brotherhood o­n earth.


If we achieve change, we can help children create a different world where men and women of all races and ethnic origins live in harmony as sons and daughters of the o­nly Father, inspired by goodwill where they can share resources wisely and peacefully with a sense of responsibility lovingly recognizing that interracial harmony, international unification. The spontaneous recognition of humanity will naturally be o­nE, the whole state of things will be natural.


To achieve a harmonious society, we must develop a harmonious thought, use a harmonious alphabet and a language at the individual and social level, therefore, and institutions created for that purpose. o­nly then can the culture of peace necessary for the development of people grow. This will lead to the prosperity of the Nations in the same harmonious truth of justice and humanism.

The Culture of the Spirit with its principles, the first universal law is LOVE: the salvation of Humanity cannot be achieved without the energy of love.

VIRTUE: With the examples left to us by the prophets and teachers of Humanity, they spoke of Virtue: To bring good to every living and sensitive being.

CREATION: Sign of Divine Will: When we act in complete harmony with creation we obtain salvation in other realms. The lack of true creativity in harmony with nature is the cause of our tense and current planetary situation, devastating disasters, dry lakes, burned forests, desertification, are the alerts. Creativity is the affirmation of the existence of Intelligence and the implementation of the divine will in our collective efforts.

EVOLUTION: Evolution demands a state of non-violence in which we can pursue the need for the spiritual welfare of humanity. Any violence against individuals, the human community, nature, biological life, is a crime against the foundations of divine morality, it is the crime against common sense, the path of nonviolence brings us gradual enlightenment human knowledge This will allow the SPIRITUAL LIGHTING that will bring-BENEFIT FOR THE WORLD through UNITY: in common values ​​of life: family, children, home, friendship, happiness, security, health, well-being and justice. Love, truth and beauty, keeps us together without differences of race, nationality, religion or social groups. Throughout life these values ​​are the highest guide of human life,

JUSTICE: to serve the Truth. Every sense of justice is inherent to our humanity and is required to live in community, so that there is no violation of human rights and freedoms. So then, UNIVERSAL BROTHERHOOD can survive and the CULTURE OF THE SPIRIT PF PEOPLE, the milestone of humanity.

Susana Roberts


Children and war

Every morning children integrates the seditious game of the masks

the pain is hidden in the slates

their littleness trembles in the corners

while my lunches cry a thirst for peace

my cheeks burn

they bleed to pieces

the tribulation and the words

the origin of prayer

a hope that does not arrive


what fault?

Any cradle?


some children front of me

today are crossing the fire district

violence andhungry

they risk their bodies

commands confuse their language.

Susana Roberts



Yes, Dearest Leo

I will do this translation. God help all of us..
Do you receive my photos where I talked to children about the harmonization of social spheres...and all about this group.
God bless you so much!..
This country is terrible depress...Children need Hope, love..

big hugs



© Website author: Leo Semashko, 2005; © designed by Roman Snitko, 2005