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Jonathan Cook. Why We’re Blind to the System Destroying Us. Neoliberalism’s collapse


Why We’re Blind to the System Destroying Us

By Jonathan Cook

September 17, 2018 "Information Clearing House"


-I rarely use this blog to tell readers what they should believe. Rather I try to indicate why it might be wise to distrust, at least without very good evidence, what those in power tell us we should believe.


We have well-known sayings about power: “Knowledge is power”, and “Power tends to corrupt, while absolute power tends to corrupt absolutely.” These aphorisms resonate because they say something true about how we experience the world. People who have power – even very limited power they hold o­n licence from someone else – tend to abuse it, sometimes subtly and unconsciously, and sometimes overtly and wilfully.


If we are reasonably self-aware, we can sense the tendency in ourselves to exploit to our advantage whatever power we enjoy, whether it is in our dealings with a spouse, our children, a friend, an employee, or just by the general use of our status to get ahead.

This isn’t usually done maliciously or even consciously. By definition, the hardest thing to recognise are our own psychological, emotional and mental blind spots – and the biggest, at least for those born with class, gender or race privileges, is realising that these too are forms of power.

Nonetheless, these are all minor forms of power compared to the power wielded collectively by the structures that dominate our societies: the financial sector, the corporations, the media, the political class, and the security services.


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But strangely most of us are much readier to concede the corrupting influence of the relatively small power of individuals than we are the rottenness of vastly more powerful institutions and structures. We blame the school teacher or the politician for abusing his or her power, while showing a reluctance to do the same about either the education or political systems in which they have to operate.

Similarly, we are happier identifying the excessive personal power of a Rupert Murdoch than we are the immense power of the corporate empire behind him and o­n which his personal wealth and success depend.

And beyond this, we struggle most of all to detect the structural and ideological framework underpinning or cohering all these discrete examples of power.


Narrative control


It is relatively easy to understand that your line manager is abusing his power, because he has so little of it. His power is visible to you because it relates o­nly to you and the small group of people around you.

It is a little harder, but not too difficult, to identify the abusive policies of your firm – the low pay, cuts in overtime, attacks o­n union representation.

It is more difficult to see the corrupt power of large institutions, aside occasionally from the corruption of senior figures within those institutions, such as a Robert Maxwell or a Richard Nixon.

But it is all but impossible to appreciate the corrupt nature of the entire system. And the reason is right there in those aphorisms: absolute power depends o­n absolute control over knowledge, which in turn necessitates absolute corruption. If that were not the case, we wouldn’t be dealing with serious power – as should be obvious, if we pause to think about it.

Real power in our societies derives from that which is necessarily hard to see – structures, ideology and narratives – not individuals. Any Murdoch or Trump can be felled, though being loyal acolytes of the power-system they rarely are, should they threaten the necessary maintenance of power by these interconnected institutions, these structures.

The current neoliberal elite who effectively rule the planet have reached as close to absolute power as any elite in human history. And because they have near-absolute power, they have a near-absolute control of the official narratives about our societies and our “enemies”, those who stand in their way to global domination.


No questions about Skripals


One needs o­nly to look at the narrative about the two men, caught o­n CCTV cameras, who have recently been accused by our political and media class of using a chemical agent to try to murder Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia back in March.

I don’t claim to know whether Alexander Petrov and Ruslan Boshirov work for the Russian security services, or whether they were dispatched by Vladimir Putin o­n a mission to Salisbury to kill the Skripals.

What is clear, however, is that the British intelligence services have been feeding the British corporate media a self-serving, drip-drip narrative from the outset – and that the media have shown precisely no interest at any point in testing any part of this narrative or even questioning it. They have been entirely passive, which means their readers – us – have been entirely passive too.

That there are questions about the narrative to be raised is obvious if you turn away from the compliant corporate media and seek out the views of an independent-minded, o­ne-time insider such as Craig Murray.

A former British ambassador, Murray is asking questions that may prove to be pertinent or not. But at this stage, when all we have to rely o­n is what the intelligence services are selectively providing, these kinds of doubts should be driving the inquiries of any serious journalist covering the story. But as is so often the case, not o­nly are these questions not being raised or investigated, but anyone like Murray who thinks critically – who assumes that the powerful will seek to promote their interests and avoid accountability – is instantly dismissed as a conspiracy theorist or in Putin’s pocket.

That is no meaningful kind of critique. Many of the questions that have been raised – like why there are so many gaps in the CCTV record of the movements of both the Skripals and the two assumed assassins – could be answered if there was an interest in doing so. The evasion and the smears simply suggest that power intends to remain unaccountable, that it is keeping itself concealed, that the narrative is more important than the truth.

And that is reason enough to move from questioning the narrative to distrusting it.


Ripples o­n a lake


Journalists typically have a passive relationship to power, in stark contrast to their image as tenacious watchdog. But more fundamental than control over narrative is the ideology that guides these narratives.Ideology ensures the power-system is invisible not o­nly to us, those who are abused and exploited by it, but also to those who benefit from it.

It is precisely because power resides in structures and ideology, rather than individuals, that it is so hard to see. And the power-structures themselves are made yet more difficult to identify because the narratives created about our societies are designed to conceal those structures and ideology – where real power resides – by focusing instead o­n individuals.

That is why our newspapers and TV shows are full of stories about personalities – celebrities, royalty, criminals, politicians. They are made visible so that we do not notice the ideological structures we live inside that are supposed to remain invisible.

News and entertainment are the ripples o­n a lake, not the lake itself. But the ripples could not exist without the lake that forms and shapes them.


Up against the screen


If this sounds like hyperbole, let’s stand back from our particular ideological system – neoliberalism – and consider earlier ideological systems in the hope that they offer some perspective. At the moment, we are like someone standing right up against an IMAX screen, so close that we cannot see that there is a screen or even guess that there is a complete picture. All we see are moving colours and pixels. Maybe we can briefly infer a mouth, the wheel of a vehicle, a gun.

Before neoliberalism there were other systems of rule. There was, for example, feudalism that appropriated a communal resource – land – exclusively for an aristocracy. It exploited the masses by forcing them to toil o­n the land for a pittance to generate the wealth that supported castles, a clergy, manor houses, art collections and armies. For several centuries the power of this tiny elite went largely unquestioned.

But then a class of entrepreneurs emerged, challenging the landed artistocracy with a new means of industrialised production. They built factories and took advantage of scales of economy that slightly widened the circle of privilege, creating a middle class. That elite, and the middle-class that enjoyed crumbs from their master’s table, lived off the exploitation of children in work houses and the labour of a new urban poor in slum housing.

These eras were systematically corrupt, enabling the elites of those times to extend and entrench their power. Each elite produced justifications to placate the masses who were being exploited, to brainwash them into believing the system existed as part of a natural order or even for their benefit. The aristocracy relied o­n a divine right of kings, the capitalist class o­n the guiding hand of the free market and bogus claims of equality of opportunity.

In another hundred years, if we still exist as a species, our system will look no less corrupt – probably more so – than its predecessors.

Neoliberalism, late-stage capitalism, plutocratic rule by corporations – whatever you wish to call it – has allowed a tiny elite to stash away more wealth and accrue more power than any feudal monarch could ever have dreamt of. And because of the global reach of this elite, its corruption is more endemic, more complete, more destructive than any ever known to mankind.

A foreign policy elite can destroy the world several times over with nuclear weapons. A globalised corporate elite is filling the oceans with the debris from our consumption, chopping down the forest-lungs of our planet for palm-oil plantations so we can satisfy our craving for biscuits and cake. And our media and intelligence services are jointly crafting a narrative of bogeymen and James Bond villains – both in Hollywood movies, and in our news programmes – to make us fearful and pliable.


Assumptions of inevitability


Most of us abuse our own small-power thoughtlessly, even self-righteously. We tell ourselves that we gave the kids a “good spanking” because they were naughty, rather than because we established with them early o­n a power relationship that confusingly taught them that the use of force and coercion came with a parental stamp of approval.

Those in greater power – from minions in the media to executives of major corporations – are no different. They are as incapable of questioning the ideology and the narrative – how inevitable and “right” our neoliberal system is – as the rest of us. But they play a vital part in maintaining and entrenching that system nonetheless.

David Cromwell and David Edwards of Media Lens have provided two analogies – in the context of the media – that help explain how it is possible for individuals and groups to assist and enforce systems of power without having any conscious intention to do so, and without being aware that they are contributing to something harmful. Without, in short, being aware that they are conspiring in the system.


The first:


When a shoal of fish instantly changes direction, it looks for all the world as though the movement was synchronised by some guiding hand. Journalists – all trained and selected for obedience by media all seeking to maximise profits within state-capitalist society – tend to respond to events in the same way.


The second:


Place a square wooden framework o­n a flat surface and pour into it a stream of ball bearings, marbles, or other round objects. Some of the balls may bounce out, but many will form a layer within the wooden framework; others will then find a place atop this first layer. In this way, the flow of ball bearings steadily builds new layers that inevitably produce a pyramid-style shape. This experiment is used to demonstrate how near-perfect crystalline structures such as snowflakes arise in nature without conscious design.


The system – whether feudalism, capitalism, neoliberalism – emerges out of the real-world circumstances of those seeking power most ruthlessly. In a time when the key resource was land, a class emerged justifying why it should have exclusive rights to control that land and the labour needed to make it productive. When industrial processes developed, a class emerged demanding that it had proprietary rights to those processes and to the labour needed to make them productive.


Our place in the pyramid


In these situations, we need to draw o­n something like Darwin’s evolutionary “survival of the fittest” principle. Those few who are most hungry for power, those with least empathy, will rise to the top of the pyramid, finding themselves best-placed to exploit the people below. They will rationalise this exploitation as a divine right, or as evidence of their inherently superior skills, or as proof of the efficiency of the market.

And below them, like the layers of ball bearings, will be those who can help them maintain and expand their power: those who have the skills, education and socialisation to increase profits and sell brands.

All of this should be obvious, even non-controversial. It fits what we experience of our small-power lives. Does bigger power operate differently? After all, if those at the top of the power-pyramid were not hungry for power, even psychopathic in its pursuit, if they were caring and humane, worried primarily about the wellbeing of their workforce and the planet, they would be social workers and environmental activists, not CEOs of media empires and arms manufacturers.

And yet, base your political thinking o­n what should be truisms, articulate a worldview that distrusts those with the most power because they are the most capable of – and committed to – misusing it, and you will be derided. You will be called a conspiracy theorist, dismissed as deluded. You will be accused of wearing a tinfoil hat, of sour grapes, of being anti-American, a social warrior, paranoid, an Israel-hater or anti-semitic, pro-Putin, pro-Assad, a Marxist.

None of this should surprise us either. Because power – not just the people in the system, but the system itself – will use whatever tools it has to protect itself. It is easier to deride critics as unhinged, especially when you control the media, the politicians and the education system, than it is to provide a counter-argument.

In fact, it is vital to prevent any argument or real debate from taking place. Because the moment we think about the arguments, weigh them, use our critical faculties, there is a real danger that the scales will fall from our eyes. There is a real threat that we will move back from the screen, and see the whole picture.

Can we see the complete picture of the Skripal poisoning in Salisbury; or the US election that led to Trump being declared president; or the revolution in Ukraine; or the causes and trajectory of fighting in Syria, and before it Libya and Iraq; or the campaign to discredit Jeremy Corbyn as leader of the Labour party; or the true implications of the banking crisis a decade ago?


Profit, not ethics


Just as a feudal elite was driven not by ethics but by the pursuit of power and wealth through the control of land; just as early capitalists were driven not by ethics but by the pursuit of power and wealth through the control of mechanisation; so neoliberalism is driven not by ethics but the pursuit of power and wealth through the control of the planet.

The o­nly truth we can know is that the western power-elite is determined to finish the task of making its power fully global, expanding it from near-absolute to absolute. It cares nothing for you or your grand-children. It is a cold-calculating system, not a friend or neighbour. It lives for the instant gratification of wealth accumulation, not concern about the planet’s fate tomorrow.

And because of that it is structurally bound to undermine or discredit anyone, any group, any state that stands in the way of achieving its absolute dominion.

If that is not the thought we hold uppermost in our minds as we listen to a politician, read a newspaper, watch a film or TV show, absorb an ad, or engage o­n social media, then we are sleepwalking into a future the most powerful, the most ruthless, the least caring have designed for us.

Step back, and take a look at the whole screen. And decide whether this is really the future you wish for your grand-children.


Jonathan Cook is a Nazareth- based journalist and winner of the Martha Gellhorn Special Prize for Journalism. https://www.jonathan-cook.net/


==See Also==

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Jonathan Cook’s key thoughts


“Neoliberalism is driven not by ethics… the western power-elite is determined to finish the task of making its power fully global, expanding it from near-absolute to absolute. It cares nothing for you or your grand-children. It lives for the instant gratification of wealth accumulation, not concern about the planet’s fate tomorrow.”

Conclusion. The collapse of neoliberalism is absolute domination.

-The most of us are much readier to concede the corrupting influence of the relatively small power of individuals than we are the rottenness of vastly more powerful institutions and structures.

-But it is all but impossible to appreciate the corrupt nature of the entire system.

- The current neoliberal elite who effectively rule the planet have reached as close to absolute power as any elite in human history. And because they have near-absolute power, they have a near-absolute control of the official narratives about our societies and our “enemies”, those who stand in their way to global domination.

-The narrative is more important than the truth.

-The ideology guides these narratives. Ideology ensures the power-system is invisible not o­nly to us, those who are abused and exploited by it, but also to those who benefit from it. It is precisely because power resides in structures and ideology, rather than individuals, that it is so hard to see.And the power-structures themselves are made yet more difficult to identify because the narratives created about our societies are designed to conceal those structures and ideology – where real power resides – by focusing instead o­n individuals.

-Neoliberalism, late-stage capitalism, plutocratic rule by corporations – whatever you wish to call it – has allowed a tiny elite to stash away more wealth and accrue more power than any feudal monarch could ever have dreamt of. And because of the global reach of this elite, its corruption is more endemic, more complete, more destructive than any ever known to mankind. A foreign policy elite can destroy the world several times over with nuclear weapons.

-Journalists – all trained and selected for obedience by media all seeking to maximise profits within state-capitalist society – tend to respond to events in the same way.

- The system – whether feudalism, capitalism, neoliberalism – emerges out of the real-world circumstances of those seeking power most ruthlessly.

- Those few who are most hungry for power, those with least empathy, will rise to the top of the pyramid, finding themselves best placed to exploit the people below. They will rationalise this exploitation as a divine right, or as evidence of their inherently superior skills, or as proof of the efficiency of the market.

- And yet, base your political thinking o­n what should be truisms, articulate a worldview that distrusts those with the most power because they are the most capable of – and committed to – misusing it, and you will be derided. You will be called a conspiracy theorist, dismissed as deluded. You will be accused of wearing a tinfoil hat, of sour grapes, of being anti-American, a social warrior, paranoid, an Israel-hater or anti-semitic, pro-Putin, pro-Assad, a Marxist.

- Profit, not ethics. Just as a feudal elite was driven not by ethics but by the pursuit of power and wealth through the control of land; just as early capitalists were driven not by ethics but by the pursuit of power and wealth through the control of mechanisation; so neoliberalism is driven not by ethics but the pursuit of power and wealth through the control of the planet. The o­nly truth we can know is that the western power-elite is determined to finish the task of making its power fully global, expanding it from near-absolute to absolute. It cares nothing for you or your grand-children. It is a cold-calculating system, not a friend or neighbour. It lives for the instant gratification of wealth accumulation, not concern about the planet’s fate tomorrow. And because of that it is structurally bound to undermine or discredit anyone, any group, any state that stands in the way of achieving its absolute dominion.


Leo Semashko's commentary.


Absolute domination, absolute power exclude peace, since o­nly by war o­ne can assert their absolutism. It excludes diversity, because only monotony provides it; it excludes pluralism, because only its monism is adequate to it; it excludes any real freedom of thought and speech, which provide diversity and pluralism incompatible with it. Absolute domination and power were with the CPSU, at its elite in the USSR that turned into a complete collapse and its absolute Marxist ideology and its absolute party. Now the absolute power of neoliberalism has come to these boundaries, which is tantamount to its imminent collapse and self-destruction. The same fate awaits and neoliberalism, along with its world leader - the American elite. It's not far off.

If the Soviet Union collapsed as a result of its disintegration, then neoliberalism will fall, most likely, together with the collapse of its financial dollar system, the signs of which are becoming increasingly evident.

The author is well aware of the powerlessness of liberal disparate individualists over the power of the power structures of the absolute domination of neoliberalism, but does not understand the deep genetic code of the societal structural harmony of the Spherons, which constitutes an alternative to any absolute power. This understanding requires "a new manner of thinking, if humanity wants to survive," as stressed by Albert Einstein. A new level of thinking is thinking by spheres of social production and Spherons, the spheral classes employed in them, which provide global peace to humanity with their genetic structural harmony. This thinking is presented in the "Global Peace Science": http://peacefromharmony.org/docs/global-peace-science-2016.pdf




Ключевые мысли Джонатана Кука


«Неолиберализм обусловлен не этикой, …. западная властная элита детерминирована задачей сделать свою власть полностью глобальной, расширяя ее от почти абсолютной до абсолютной. Она никак не заботится ни о вас, ни о ваших внуках. Она живет для немедленного накопления богатства, а не для заботы о судьбе планеты завтра.»

Вывод. Крах неолиберализма: абсолютное господство.

Большинство из нас гораздо охотнее замечают коррумпирующее влияние индивидов, чем много более мощных институтов и структур.

Но почти невозможно оценить коррумпированный характер всей системы.

Нынешняя неолиберальная элита, которая эффективно управляет планетой, приблизилась к абсолютной власти, как любая элита в истории человечества. И поскольку они обладают почти абсолютной властью, они имеют почти абсолютный контроль над официальными повествованиями о наших обществах и наших «врагах», тех, кто стоит на их пути к мировому господству.

Нарратив является более важным, чем истина.

Идеология направляет эти нарративы. Идеология гарантирует, что властная система невидима не только для нас, тех, кого она эксплуатируют, но также и для тех, кто ею пользуется. Именно потому, что власть находится в структурах и идеологии, а не у отдельных людей, но это так трудно видеть. И сами властные структуры становятся еще более трудными для идентификации, потому что нарративы, созданные в наших обществах, призваны скрыть те структуры и идеологию, где находится настоящая власть, фокусируясь вместо этого на индивидах.

Неолиберализм, поздний этап капитализма, плутократическое господство корпораций - как бы вы его ни называли - позволил крошечной элите завладеть наибольшим богатством и получить больше власти, чем когда-либо мог мечтать любой феодальный монарх. Ввиду глобального охвата этой элиты, ее коррупция более эндемична, более полная, более разрушительная, чем когда-либо известная человечеству. Внешнеполитическаяэлитаможетнесколькоразуничтожитьмирядерныморужием.

Журналисты - все обученные и отобранные для послушания со стороны средств массовой информации, стремящиеся максимизировать прибыль в государственно-капиталистическом обществе - склонны реагировать на события одинаково.

Система - будь то феодализм, капитализм, неолиберализм - возникает из реальных условий тех, кто наиболее беспощадно ищет власть.

Те немногие, кто больше всего жаждут власти, те, кто менее всего сопереживают, встанут на вершину пирамиды, сочтут себя лучше всех, чтобы эксплуатировать людей внизу. Они будут рационализировать эту эксплуатацию как божественное право, или как доказательство превосходства их неотъемлемых навыков, или как доказательство эффективности рынка.

И все же основывайте свое политическое мышление на прописных истинах, на сформулированном мировоззрении, которое не доверяет тем, кто обладает наибольшей властью, потому что они наиболее способны - и обязуются - злоупотреблять ее, а вас будут высмеивать. Вас заклеймят теоретиком заговора, погрязшим в заблуждениях. Вы будете обвинены как анти американец, параноиком, израильским ненавистником или антисемитом, про-Путиным, про-Ассадом, марксистом.

Прибыль, а не этика. Как феодальная элита была обусловлена ​​не этикой, а стремлением к власти и богатству через контроль над землей; так же, как ранние капиталисты были обусловлены не этикой, а стремлением к власти и богатству посредством контроля механизации; поэтому неолиберализм обусловлен не этикой, а стремлением к власти и богатству через контроль над планетой. Единственная истина, которую мы можем знать, - это то, что западная властная элита детерминирована задачей сделать свою власть полностью глобальной, расширяя ее от почти абсолютной до абсолютной. Она никак не заботится ни о вас, ни о ваших внуках. Это система холодного калькулятора, а не друга или соседа. Она живет для немедленного накопления богатства, а не для заботы о судьбе планеты завтра. Поэтому она структурно направлена на подрыв или дискредитацию любого, любой группы, любого государства, которые стоят на пути достижения ее абсолютного господства.


Комментарий Л. Семашко.

          Абсолютное господство, абсолютная власть исключают мир, так как только войной можно утверждать их абсолютизм. Он исключает разнообразие, т.к. только однообразие обеспечивает его; он исключает плюрализм, т.к. только его монизм адекватен ему; он исключают всякую реальную свободу мысли и слова, которые обеспечивают разнообразие и плюрализм, несовместимые с ним. Абсолютное господство и власть были у КПСС, у ее элиты в СССР, что обернулось полным крахом и его абсолютной марксистской идеологии и его абсолютной партии. На эти рубежи вышла теперь и абсолютная власть неолиберализма, что равносильно его неминуемому краху и саморазложению. Та же судьба ожидает и неолиберализм вместе с его мировым лидером – американской элитой. Она не за горами.

          Если СССР распался в результате его дезинтеграции, то неолиберализм падет, наиболее вероятно, вместе с крахом его финансовой долларовой системы, признаки которого становятся все более очевидными.

          Автор хорошо осознает бессилие либеральных разрозненных индивидуалистов перед мощью властных структур абсолютного господства неолиберализма, но совершенно не понимает глубокий генетический код социетальной структурной гармонии Сферонов, составляющей альтернативу любой абсолютной власти. Это понимание требует «нового уровня мышления, если человечество хочет выжить», что подчеркивал Альберт Эйнштейн. Новый уровень мышления – это мышление сферами общественного производства и Сферонами, сферными классами, занятыми в них, которые обеспечивают глобальный мир человечеству своей генетической структурной гармонией. Это мышление представлено в «Науке Глобального Мира»: http://peacefromharmony.org/docs/global-peace-science-2016.pdf



© Website author: Leo Semashko, 2005; © designed by Roman Snitko, 2005