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Peace from Harmony
EU: Against US/NATO Military Bases. Democracy or Empire?

Spherons are the Gandhi’s “Nonviolence greatest force”.

Only spheral/Spherons democracy is able to extract and use

this "greatest" energy of nonviolence:



Mairead Maguire,

Nobel Peace Laureate






November, 16-18 2018 Dublin, Ireland)


Dear Friends,


It is good to be here with you all. I would like to thank the organizers for inviting me to address the conference. Firstly I thank each and every o­ne of you for all your work for peace and for the abolition of war.It is good that we will have an opportunity in the next few days to get to know each other and together discuss what kind of a world we want to live in? There will be many different perspectives o­n this and the way forward, but let us agree to be civil and respect each other and to remain in deep listening and conversation no matter how hard and where the dialogue might take us! Let us be encouraged by the fact that wehave made an important first step when we agree to enter into dialogue, and not to kill each other, and when we agree that Peace is both the means and the great achieveable gift. It would be wonderful too no matter what area of social/political change we work in, if we can unite o­n a shared vision of a demilitarized world and find strength in agreeing we will not limit ourselves to civilizing and slowing down militarism, but demanding its total abolition.


Some people might argue that Peace is not possible in such a highly militarized world.However, I believe that Peace is so urgent and it is possible. It is achieveable when we each become impassioned about peace and filled with an ethic that makes peace our objective and we each put into practice our moral sence of political/social responsibility to build peace.


To build peace we are challenged to reject the bomb the bullet and all the techniques of violence.We are constantly bombarded with glorification of militarism and war so building a culture of Peace will not be an easy task.We are hearing about the building of a European Army and whilst asked to accept austerity cuts and budgets cuts to prove basic health care and education, etc., whilst increasing money to our own armies and also European Military expansion. I believe the US/ North Atlantic Treaty Organization (US/NATO) which should have been disbanded when the Warsaw Pac was dissolved, continues to carry out wars and proxy wars in many countries, and pushes towards the borders of Russia, resurrecting a cold war between the East and West.I believe that NATO should be disbanded and should be made accountable and make recompense, for the millions of people whose lives it has destroyed and countries, i.e., Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, etc. it has illegally and cruelly attacked, invaded, destroyed.We will never be allowed by our Governments, nor our Main stream media, to hear many of the stories of the lives of so many civilians killed by US/NATO forces. NATO forces has targeted and assassinated individuals, and entire families. It is to all our shame in the International community, that their illegal criminal actsof horror and bloodletting which embodies the comeback of barbarism, is being paid for with tax payers money, and rewarded instead of being brought before the International Criminal Courtfor war crimes.


Ireland’s peace activists have been peacefully protesting US military use of Irish airports whereby over two and a half million armed US troops have passed through Shannon airport o­n their way to an from the US led Afghan and Iraq wars.


Note. The key inspirational thoughts were underlined in red by me - Leo Semashko

Abolish militarism and war: nonviolence, Spherons and their democracy.

Rubicon of our history


Dear Mairead, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate,

Thank you very much for your courageous and inspiring speech “Abolish Militarism and War” at the Dublin International Conference “Against the US / NATO Military Bases” o­n November 16-18. We were glad to publish it o­n a special page here: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=849, as well as o­n your personal page.

In this speech you refer to the nonviolence of Gandhi, therefore we accompanied your text with the key idea of the new GHA book devoted to Gandhi:

Spherons are the Gandhi’s “Nonviolence greatest force”.

Only spheral/Spherons democracy is able to extract and use

this "greatest" energy of nonviolence:



What does this mean and how this to understand? If you think honestly, without guile, o­n a large scale, scientifically and briefly, then the whole answer fits into three theses.

1. For almost 75 years after WWII, the traditional militaristic democracy has prepared for 100% by the fattest military budgets a “nuclear Holocaust” - “the shameful self-destruction of humanity” (Helena Roerich). This democracy has o­nly to push the nuclear triggers under the fakeglib excuse, which is actively concocted in the world "democratic" capitals by their special services and media. This "democracy" is not capable and does not want to go to peace, having driven it into a dead end of the ruling and all the overwhelming militarism under its fake slogan: "If you want peace, prepare for war." The traditional peacemaking movement was also powerless for 75 years to get peace off the ground and to oppose thriving militarism in any way weighty. Therefore, both peacemaking and traditional democracy do not see, do not know and do not want to know the way out of humanity from the “nuclear Holocaust”. They cannot answer the key questions: “Who, How, At what level and When will abolish militarism and war” and “put an end to war before war puts end to mankind”, J. Kennedy, 1963. Traditional democracy and peacemaking for almost 75 years do not answer these questions. They are helpless in the face of these challenges of survival, so these institutions are waiting and require a radical transformation. But which way?

2. The way out of the “nuclear Holocaust” and the path of “Abolish Militarism and War” intuitively showed Mahatma Gandhi with his unprecedented historical nonviolence, which freed India from British rule without a single shot. There is no other way to transform democracy and peacemaking except for nonviolence among humanity. But who and how will breathe and realize the spirit of nonviolence in them? What are social actors and structures for it?

3. This question is answered by the “Global Peace Science”, created in the first approximation in the GHA for 11 years by the efforts of 174 scientists and peacemakers from 34 countries (http://peacefromharmony.org/docs/global-peace-science-2016.pdf). This science discoveries the fundamental societal structure of Spheron's of humanity at all levels, which by its nature is harmonious, peaceful and non-violent, excludes wars and violence, which arise o­nly as a deviation and pathology of a social nature. Spherons and their structural harmony constitute and define "the greatest" soft force / energy of nonviolence. The force of nonviolence is in the Spherons. Spherons are a source of non-violence and its energy. o­nly fundamentally new, sphere-based, or Spherons’ democracy, which abolishes militarism and war from the start, is able to mine and use this energy. It can o­nly be built o­n the relevant science of Spherons, universally confirmed by empirically statistics. Statistical evidence of Spherons has already been conducted in more than 12 countries and their number is constantly growing. Statistics of Spherons is the first science for spheral democracy, which relevant statistical research started in the GHA. Its ignoring in traditional democracy is fatal for it, aggravating its crisis and decay, and o­nly its recognition in it opens up the possibility for it of a nonviolent evolutionary fundamental transformation into spheral democracy. o­nly it is able to answer and realize the answers to the questions: "Who, How, At What Level and When Will Abolish Militarism and War", which are outlined and flow from the inspiring speech of the courageous Nobel Laureate Mairead Corrigan, who stopped terrorism in Belfast in 1976.

Yes, the continuation and development of her remarkable ideas requires “substantially new manner of thinking,” because “significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking at which we created them,” Einstein. Spherons and spheral democracy as a tool of non-violence, excluding militarism and war, is really a “substantially new manner of thinking” of our century, which we are forced to develop in order to survive. With the old democracy and thinking, we will not survive. “To be or not to be?” - This is the Rubicon of our history. Cross it that “to be” we can o­nly through the bridge of spheral thinking and spheral democracy.

With love,

Исключить милитаризм и войну: ненасилие, Сфероны и их демократия.

Рубикон нашей истории

Дорогая Мейрид, Лауреат Нобелевской Премии Мира,

Большое спасибо за вашу мужественную, смелую и вдохновляющую речь «Исключить Милитаризм и Войну» на Дублинской Международной Конференции «Против США/НАТО Военных Баз» 16-18 ноября. Мы были рады опубликовать ее на специальной странице здесь:http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=849 , а также на вашей персональной странице. В этой речи вы ссылаетесь на ненасилие Ганди, поэтому мы сопроводили ваш текст ключевой идеей новой книги ГСГ, посвященной Ганди: Сфероны – «мощнейшая сила ненасилия» Ганди. Добыть и использовать эту «мощнейшую» энергию ненасилия способна только сферная/сферонов демократия: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=452 , http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=788

Что это значит и как понимать? Если мыслить честно, без лукавства, масштабно, научно и кратко, то весь ответ укладывается в три тезиса.

1.Традиционная милитаристская демократия за почти 75 лет после МВ2 подготовила на 100% самыми жирными военными бюджетами «ядерный Холокост» - «позорное самоистребление человечества» (Елена Рерих). Этой демократии осталось только нажать ядерные спусковые крючки под благовидным фейковым предлогом, который активно стряпается в мировых «демократических» столицах их спецслужбами и медиа. Эта «демократия» не способна и не хочет идти к миру, загнав его в тупик господствующего и все подавляющего милитаризма под своим фальшивым лозунгом: «Хочешь мира – готовься к войне». Миротворческое традиционное движение также было бессильно 75 лет сдвинуть мир с мертвой точки и хоть как-то весомо противостоять процветающему милитаризму. Поэтому и миротворчество, и традиционная демократия не видят, не знают и не хотят знать выхода человечества из «ядерного Холокоста». Они не могут ответить на ключевые вопросы: «Кто, Как, На каком уровне и Когда исключит милитаризм и войну» и «покончит с войной прежде, чем война покончит с человечеством», Дж. Кеннеди, 1963г. Традиционная демократия и миротворчество почти 75 лет не отвечают на эти вопросы. Они беспомощны перед этими вызовами выживания, поэтому эти институты ждут и требуют кардинальной трансформации. Но на каком пути?

2. Выход из «ядерного Холокоста» и путь «Уничтожения милитаризма и войны» интуитивно показал Махатма Ганди своим беспрецедентным историческим ненасилием, которое освободило Индию от Британского господства без единого выстрела. Другого пути трансформации демократии и миротворчества кроме ненасилия у человечества не существует. Но кто и как вдохнет и реализует дух ненасилия в них? Какие социальные акторы и структуры?

           3. На этот вопрос отвечает «Наука Глобального Мира», созданная в первом приближении в ГСГ в течение 11 лет усилиями 174 ученых и миротворцев из 34 стран (http://peacefromharmony.org/docs/global-peace-science-2016.pdf). Эта наука открывает фундаментальную социетальную структуру Сферонов человечества на всех уровнях, которая по своей природе гармонична, миролюбива и ненасильственна, исключает войны и насилие, которые возникают только как отклонение и патология социальной природы. Сфероны и их структурная гармония конституируют и определяют «мощнейшую» мягкую силу/энергию ненасилия. Сила ненасилия – в Сферонах. Сфероны – источник ненасилия и его энергии. Добыть и использовать эту энергию способна только принципиально новая, сферная, или Сферонов демократия, исключающая милитаризм и войну изначально. Она может быть построена только на соответствующей науке Сферонов, подтверждаемой повсеместно эмпирически соответствующей статистикой. Статистические доказательства Сферонов уже проведены более чем в 12 странах и их число постоянно растет. Статистика Сферонов – это первая наука для сферной демократии, которая начата соответствующими статистическими исследованиями в ГСГ. Ее игнорирование в традиционной демократии смертельно для нее, усугубляет ее кризис и распад и только ее признание в ней открывает перед ней возможность ненасильственной эволюционной фундаментальной трансформации в сферную демократию. Только она способна ответить и реализовать ответы на вопросы: «Кто, Как, На каком уровне и Когда исключит милитаризм и войну», которые намечены и вытекают из вдохновляющей речи мужественного Нобелевского Лауреата Мейрид Корриган, которая остановила терроризм в Белфасте в 1976 г.

           Да, продолжение и развитие ее замечательных идей требует «принципиально нового мышления», потому что «фундаментальные проблемы не могут быть решены на том же уровне мышления, на котором мы создали их», Эйнштейн. Сфероны и сферная демократия как инструмент ненасилия, исключающий милитаризм и войны – это действительно «принципиально новое мышление» нашего века, которое мы вынуждены развивать, чтобы выжить. С прежней демократией и мышлением мы не выживем. «Быть или не быть?» - вот Рубикон нашей истории. Перейти его, чтобы «быть», мы сможем только по мосту сферного мышления и сферной демократии.

          С любовью,
Лев Семашко,



https://www.pana.ie                         http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=849

The European Union– Democracy or Empire


Table of Contents


Introduction - The Future of Europe by Roger Cole 5

EU Militarisation by Lynn Boylan 6

Denmark has an opt out from the EU militarization by Lave Brock 8

Europe: Empire or Partnership of Democratic States? by Roger Cole 10

The EU, Brexit and Irexit The EU’s Myth of Origin by Anthony Coughlan 14

Imperialism and Colonialism in European Union Economic and Monetary Policies by Karen Devine 18

The Militarisation of the EU and the Threat to Peace by Gerry Grainger 23

Growing Involvement of Ireland in European Militarisation - NEW GOVERNMENT PROPOSAL by Seamus Healy 25

Forward to an EU Army! by Frank Keoghan 27

Europe, the EU and Russia by Ray Kinsella 32

A European Defence Budget in an Extralegal Space by Sabine Lösing 37

The new push for militarisation by Paul Murphy 40
The EU’s relationship with Apartheid Israel exposes its hypocrisy over human rights by Kevin Squires 43

Contributors 46


The United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC) is the major antiwar and social justice coalition in the U.S. today.  As the New Year is approaching, we are preparing for another critical year of action and solidarity to build a vibrant antiwar movement in the U.S. that those under the gun from U.S. imperialism at home and abroad are desperately looking for.  It is ever more urgent that the evils of war, racism, poverty, and climate destruction are understood to be connected and rooted in the same source.

Please click here to make a generous donation o­n-line to support our work.

Or send a check to UNAC, PO Box 123 Delmar, NY 12054

If you want to make a tax deductible donation you can do that through our fiscal sponsor.  Please send a check made out to AFGJ/UNAC and send it to AFGJ 225 East 26th St., Suite 1, Tucson, AZ 85713.

2018 was another big year for UNAC:


We initiated and played the central role in organizing spring antiwar actions to protest the wars at home and abroad, which took place in 40 cities in the U.S.  We organized actions in many cities o­n the anniversary of the invasion and occupation of Afghanistan.  We opposed Trump’s projected military parade in DC, and when it was called off, we organized a People’s Congress with others and participated in the march and rally called by Veterans’ peace organizations in DC.  We organized solidarity actions o­n May 2nd in support of activists and family members of those killed by a fascist gang in Odessa, Ukraine.  UNAC leaders traveled to Europe to protest at a NATO meeting in Brussels and at the gates of the Ramstein U.S. base in Germany.


Additionally, we expressed solidarity and participated in meetings and actions for the migrant families forcibly separated by the U.S. government and the migrant caravan trying to escape intolerable conditions in Central America, largely caused by U.S. policies in the region.  We attended and organized meetings and actions against the Saudi/UAE/US war o­n the people of Yemen and in opposition to the Israeli attack o­n the Flotilla to Gaza and in support of those being shot down by Israel as they protest at the border wall in Gaza. We supported the Poor People’s Campaign and those organizing against arrests and attack of activists from the Afro-Columbian community fighting for their rights in Columbia and we supported the very important campaign of the people of Okinawa against the building of yet another U.S. military base o­n their territory, and much more.


UNAC co-sponsored a well-attended panel o­n opposing the wars at home and abroadat the Left Forum with the Black Alliance for Peace. We played a leading role in organizing a major conference in Baltimore to launch a campaign against U.S./NATO foreign military bases and then a similar international conference in Dublin, Ireland attended by activists from 35 countries.

Information and Analysis

The UNAC Blog continues to publish important articles and commentary from our members and friends (https://unac.notowar.net/).  As events and crises call for action, we issued statements that analyzed the current situation and call for necessary action (No. Korea, Venezuela, Syria, Palestine, Yemen and more).  (www.UNACpeace.org)

2019 This coming year will be pivotal in building a strong antiwar movement in the U.S. 

On April 4 2019, Trump will gather the leaders of the NATO countries to Washington, DC to “celebrate” the 70th anniversary of NATO.  April 4 is also the date of the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., exactly o­ne year after his famous antiwar speech at Riverside Church in New York City.  UNAC is playing a central role in organizing protests around that date, as we did the last time that NATO came to the U.S. in Chicago, 2012.  The fact that they chose April 4th for this meeting gives us the opportunity to organize with civil rights and Black liberation organizations to further the building of an all-inclusive antiwar movement that we know is necessary.  We will be organizing a Mass Anti-NATO March and Rally in Washington, DC o­n March 30, the weekend prior to the April 4th NATO meeting, and also supporting actions being organized by the Black Alliance for peace and others leading up to April 4.

All this costs money.  The social cost of not acting to combat the wars at home and abroad is far higher.  UNAC is solely supported by contributions from our supporters.  Please make a generous contribution and help to build the strong antiwar movement that these times demand.





In process

© Website author: Leo Semashko, 2005; © designed by Roman Snitko, 2005