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Peace from Harmony
Harmonious Educational Competition-Partnership: GHA Supply and Letters to 15 Governments

Global Harmony Association (GHA)

February 19, 2009



Harmonious Educational Competition-Partnership

Marketing project




Dr. Leo Semashko, project manager

with 75 GHA collaborators from 23 countries


From Russia: 34 coauthors:


Leo Semashko, Ph.D.,

Global Harmony Association President,

St.Petersburg State Councillor,

Director, International Website "Peace from Harmony",

Author of Tetrasociology as social science about harmony and its 10 discoveries,

Director, Public Institute of Tetrasociology,

Social philosopher and sociologist,

Author more 200 scientific publications, including 12 books,

Pedagogical experience: 20 years,

Member of four International organizations.

Address: 7/4-42 Ho-Shi-Min Street, St. Petersburg, 194356, Russia

Tel: +7 (812) 513-38-63

E-mail: leo44442006@yandex.ru


Andrei Arsenchuk, Student, St-Petersburg

Sergei Busoff, Professor, St-Petersburg

Yuri Dorofeev, Economist, St-Petersburg

Natalie Hramikhina, Artist – Designer, St-Petersburg

Ivan Ivanov, Student, St-Petersburg

Dimitry Ivashintsov, Professor, St-Petersburg

Abram Jusfin, Professor, St-Petersburg

Vladimir Kavtorin, Writer, St-Petersburg

Andrei Semashko, Entrepreneur, St-Petersburg

Igor Shadkhan, Professor, St-Petersburg

Alexei Shepel, Candidate, Historian, St-Petersburg

Natalie Sidorova, Journalist, St-Petersburg

Genrih Skvortsov, Professor, St-Petersburg

Grigory Toulchinsky, Professor, St-Petersburg

Tamara Trushnikova, Professor, St-Petersburg

Olga Ushakova, Psychologist, St-Petersburg

Svetlana Vetrova, Educator and Bard, St-Petersburg

Alexander Yuriev, Professor, St-Petersburg

Talgat Akbashev, Professor, Ufa

Valery Gergel, Professor, Moskow

Nina Goncharova, Artist, Novosibirsk

Alexander Olshanski, Writer, Moskow

Igor Prihodkin, Educator, Cheliabinsk

Alexander Semashko, Economist, Kaluga

Petr Semashko, Lawyer, Kaluga

Andrei Smirnov, Professor, Novgorod

Nikolay Strelkov, Bisnessman, Ulianovsk

Tatiana Tselutina, Dr. Sociology, Belgorod

Vladimir Bizianov, Dr., Economist, St-Petersburg

Vadim Trifanov, Dr., Mathematician, St-Petersburg

Peter Sergienko, Mathematician, Serpuhov

Sergey Sukhonos, DSc, Moscow

Basil Smirnov, Candidate, Historian, Novgorod


From other countries: 42 coauthors:


Dr. Ghassan Abdallah, CARE Director, Palestine

Prof. Ada Aharoni, IFLAC President, Israel and France

Dr. Maria Cristina Azcona, Argentina

Prof. Reimon Bachika, Japan

Prof. Ammar Banni, Algeria

Mr Jean de Dieu Basabose, Educator, Director, Shalom Centre for Africa, Rwanda

Dr. Tholana Chakravarthy, India

Dr. Renato Corsetti, UAE President, Italy

Dr. Guy Crequie, Poet and Philosopher, France

Rosa Dalmiglio, Intercultural Peace Art Manager, Italy

Dr. Martha Ross DeWitt, USA

Prof. John W. Forje, Cameroon

Dr. Mona Gamal-El Dina, France

Prof.Ananta Giri, India

Takis Ioannides, Poet and Writer, Greece

Tatomir Ion-Marius, Poet and Writer, Romania

Muhammad Iqbal, Poet and Writer, Pakistan

Prof. Ernesto Kahan, Israel

Helene F. Klingberg, Poet and Writer, Norway

Dr. Dimitris P. Kraniotis, President of World Poets Society, Greece

Rose Lord, Poet and Writer, USA

Prof. Charles Mercieca, IAEWP President, USA

Dr. Nina Meyerhof, President, Children of the Earth, USA

Kae Morii, Poet and Writer, Japan

Prof. Matjaž Mulej, Slovenia

Susana Roberts, Poet and Writer, Argentina

Dr. Maitreyee Roy, India

Dr. Bernard Scott, England

Prof. Rudolf Siebert, USA

Claude Veziau, Composer, Canada

Robert M.Weir, Writer,USA

Prof. Jiang Yimin, China

Prof. Alexey Stakhov, Canada

Prof. Oleg Bodnar, Ukraine

Prof. Edward Soroko,Belorussia

Manager, Rama Narayana, India

Poet, Taki Yuriko, Japan

Prof. Patricia Rife, Ph.D., USA

Dr. Lana Yang, MBA, USA

Dr. Laj Utreja, USA

Dr. Leonid Beluy, Ukraine

GDR. Prof. Sir Varant Seropian, Lebanon


Co-authors' 23 Countries:


  1. Algeria - 1
  2. Argentina - 2
  3. Cameroon -1
  4. Canada - 2
  5. China - 1
  6. England - 1
  7. France - 2
  8. Greece - 2
  9. India - 4
  10. Israel - 2
  11. Italy – 2
  12. Lebanon - 1
  13. Japan – 3
  14. Norway - 1
  15. Pakistan - 1
  16. Palestine -1
  17. Romania - 1
  18. Russia - 37
  19. Rwanda - 1
  20. Slovenia - 1
  21. USA – 9
  22. Ukraine -2
  23. Byelorussia - 1


Was approved by the Board, the Honorary Advisory Committee and General Directorate of the Global Harmony Association o­n February 19, 2009


Project publications:

In Russian: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=382

In English: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=356


Copyright © 2009 Global Harmony Association

Copyright © 2009 Leo Semashko




1. Sources and logic of a harmonious competition-partnership

2. Practical beginning of a harmonious competition in harmonious education

3. Qualitative difference of a harmonious competition-partnership

4. GHA letters in the governments and its marketing supply

5. Motivation of the GHA members concerning a harmonious competition and the letters

6. Perspectives of development of a harmonious competition-partnership and marketing


We must shift the arms race into a peace race

Martin Luther King, Jr


1. Sources and logic of a harmonious competition-partnership


The Global Harmony Association (GHA) formulated in the Magna Carta of Harmony (2007) a Law of development of humankind at the present stage: «Humankind or will survive in conscious global harmony, or it will destroy itself». In other GHA project: «Global Harmonious Revolution of Modernity» (2008) we (GHA) unfolded the new objective tendency of harmonization in modern, since 1990, world development, generalizing more than 40 facts of harmonization in all spheres and o­n all continents. This world tendency expresses objective aspiration of humankind to conscious global harmony as to a sole way of a survival.


Two our (GHA) conclusions were a logical consequence of these law and tendency:

  1. The World Harmony Peace Academy (WHPA) as the generator of general harmonious education will inevitably be created by humankind for its survival. The o­nly question is where and when?
  2. For realization of this project it is required $27 million for 3 years, o­n $9 million per o­ne year: It is the paltry sum for the budget of any country, even for the poorest. Hence, any country, even the poorest, has a chance to become a cradle of world harmony and to start a harmonious civilization

These conclusions have been made by us in the GHA integrated project WHPA (2008). These conclusions and GHA academic project found the first international recognition, appreciation and approval o­n the World Peace Congress of the Educators in October 2008, in Malaysia and in its Resolutions.


These conclusions became the logic basis and source of a global harmonious competition and marketing in the field of general harmonious education, which is defined in our academic project. In June 2008 the GHA, after end and book publication of this project, reached a decision to direct it in the different countries Governments with supply to finance a creation of similar Academy in these countries. By this decision we crossed Rubicon between the theory and practice. We got past the point and entered another, economic, sphere, in which we should submit to its market laws of supply, demand and competition.


2. Practical beginning of a harmonious competition in harmonious education


Subject of the economic supply in the GHA letters is «Pilot National Harmony/Peace Academy». "Pilot" - it means experimental, trial, similar to "trial sales» or to market testing. "National" – it means direction o­n priority national development and decision of national problems. «Harmony/Peace Academy» expresses the global, educational approach to the decision of national problems by means of general harmonious education and harmonization of all spheres and branches o­n the basis of harmonization of the person since childhood, family and school. As it is known from economy, by the demand, expressing needs, have the phenomena possessing consumer qualities. Therefore, any economic supply should answer demand and needs.


The Harmony/Peace Academy, creating general harmonious education, which in equal measure is useful and necessary for all people to learn and be able to live in social harmony, possesses universal and constant consumer quality. (We will remind: humankind can survive o­nly in conscious harmony, which each person should learn since childhood, family and school). So, harmonious education has constant and global demand.


The basic useful consumer quality of this education is the scientific knowledge of fundamental elements (spheres) and laws of social and individual harmony. This knowledge gives Tetrasociology as a science about social and individual harmony, arising together with an informational harmonious society (civilization). Consumer value of this knowledge as universal information is expressed integrally in 10 global theoretical discoveries of Tetrasociology since its birth, since 1976:

  1. Tetrasociology as the first in history science of social and individual harmony
  2. Sphere classes of population as conscious actors of social harmony
  3. Sphere democracy based o­n equal division of the political (legislative, executive and judicial) power between four sphere classes of population, as democracy of social harmony. Sphere state as the political tool of social harmony adequate to sphere democracy.
  4. Sphere management providing constant harmonization of social processes in all spheres, branches and institutes. It is a constant conscious state policy of social harmonization.
  5. Social priority of children as a necessary condition of social harmony of spheres and sphere classes of society.
  6. Harmonious peace culture recognizing the true peace by a consequence of social harmony, and the reason of wars and conflicts – social disharmony. It is alternative to the traditional industrial peace culture recognizing peace by a consequence of war or arms race.
  7. Sphere macrosocial statistics as statistics of social harmony.
  8. Sphere information-statistical technology as a complex of technologies of social, cultural, political, economic, and individual harmonization.
  9. Sphere marketing as harmonious economy, free from financial and other crises.
  10. General harmonious education as a universal way of humankind to a survival through social harmony.

These theoretical achievements, which have concentrated the huge idea riches, found reflexion in the GHA 11 projects since February 15, 2005 and are united in its key, academic, project.


Thus, a subject of the GHA economic supply expressed in its letters to the Governments is the fundamental scientific information embodied at institutes of general harmonious education, first of all in the Academies as its generator. They are necessary and useful to all nations and each person. Therefore Academies of Harmony with their base scientific information has a universal customer demand as well as any other science: mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, etc. together with corresponding education. Therefore, the GHA supply has practically unlimited economic base with all following consequences.


The main thing from them is the birth of corresponding, harmonious, competition. If the single viable form of economy is market, that all previous history has proved, its constant motor is a competition. Just as the mankind cannot be released from the market and exist without it, also it cannot be released from a competition and exist without it. However, well-known, as a market and competition can have the different forms, subordinated or to the common, or to the private blessing/interest. The first provide common prosperity and are adequate (or come nearer) to social harmony and the second generate disharmony, social injustice, violence, wars, etc. Unfortunately, the history knew until now basically disharmonious forms of the market and competition, therefore it was history of disharmony, violence and wars.


  1. Qualitative difference of a harmonious competition-partnership


The GHA economic supply creates the first-ever precedent of the harmonious market, harmonious marketing and a harmonious competition. More precisely: GHA supply conducts to them, begin them. Harmonious quality of the market, competition and marketing is provided with harmonious quality of the scientific information, general harmonious education and its institutes (first of all by Academies as its generator), created o­n the basis of this information. The economic supply of the harmonious consumer values creates a new, harmonious, consumer demand and corresponding harmonious needs as any new supply creates new needs and demand. For example, the needs and demand o­n cars, TVs, computers and others new things arisen together with them invention, production and development, which then are stimulated with demand. Let's notice, that all in the beginning: cars, TVs, computers and others things was "unrealistic", had no demand and needs, also as today harmonious education and its Academies have no them still. Now, in the beginning 2009, we are in the beginning of occurrence of the needs and demand o­n general harmonious education, together with which is born a new, harmonious, competition. In what its qualitative difference and preferences before a traditional competition consists?


The traditional competition is aimed at reception of the maximum monetary profit and always assumes a win of o­ne party at the expense of loss (or destructions) other party. In this form it is incompatible with social justice and humanity. Especially harmful competition form is the militaristic arms race from which practically all lose, except for a narrow circle of the owners of the military enterprises. The harmonious competition is partnership and has the prime target in reception of harmonious result and society harmonization, therefore lost in it does not exist. However, as the secondary result, it assumes to receive a necessary monetary profit for the most effective harmonizing activity and for the highest results of harmonization. Therefore, in the GHA letters is a thought: «All nations, especially those that take the lead, will benefit from this project». It is natural, as innovation, ingenuity and efficiency in harmonization processes and also in harmonious societies should be encouraged. They cannot develop o­n a way of infinite harmony without them and without harmonious competition.


4. GHA letters to the Governments with the Marketing Supply


From June 2008 to February 2009 GHA prepared letters in the governments of 22 countries, and also in EU, United Nations and UNESCO: in all 25 letters for today. A subject of the economic supply of these letters is: «A $27M investment over a three year period to create pilot National Harmony/Peace Academy (NHPA)». From 25 letters 11 are already sent and 14 are in completion or wait for necessary conditions. Letters are standard except for specific goals and the character conditions of the concrete country for creation of Academies. Process of creation of each letter was difficult. Some letters, for example, in the USA passed ten stages of discussion with the basic co-author Dr. Laj Utreja. The GHA tens members, especially members of General Directorate, accepted active participation in discussion of these letters, in their translation into different languages, for example, o­n Chinese – Prof. Jiang Yimin,, o­n French – Prof. Ammar Banni, Claude Veziau and Heli Habyarimana; in their editing: Dr. Martha Ross DeWitt, Dr. Bernard Scott, Prof. Reimon Bachika and Robert M. Weir; in their dispatch: Dr. Guy Crequie, Dr. Renato Corsetti, Mr. Jean de Dieu Basabose, Prof. Ammar Banni and others all of who deserved the highest appreciation. During preparation of these letters the number of GHA members and co-authors of the academic project increased. Standard letters for this time were enriched with many new constructive ideas and details. The number of letters will vary: new letters in other governments will be created and some of the prepared letters will disappear for whatever reasons, first of all in the absence of leaders (General Directors) of National Academies from the corresponding countries. Search of their leaders is the most difficult question. However, recently the way out has been found: to suggest the governments to appoint General Directors if GHA cannot offer them.

The countries list, in which governments the GHA letters are prepared, is presented below. From this letters, as an example, 1-2 letters are published.


5. Motivation of the GHA members concerning a harmonious competition and the letters


Though GHA made the decision o­n creation of letters in the governments, however some could not cross this boundary in practice and doubt in the letter "realistic". These doubts are clear, as they are connected with the unprecedented project and its unprecedented economic supply. What failures and hardship would not expect the GHA o­n the way of realization of this project, in any case it is positive, inspiring and perspective. These letters show, that we are not limited to infinite conversations about harmony and peace and we undertake practical steps for embodiment of our key, educational, project, which unites the GHA others 10 projects and also opens before them perspective of a practical embodiment. Other our motive consists that we cannot cancel economic laws, therefore we are not afraid of traditional concepts with negative nuance, like concept "competition", and we bring in them a new, humane and harmonious sense.


The main motive is our responsibility as world citizens, as scientists, artists and peacemakers for, o­n the o­ne hand, destiny of the GHA global and peace projects, especially academic project, and o­n the other hand, for destiny of the world and our countries. If we created the educational and peace-making project of world value we cannot be indifferent to its practical embodiment. o­n the other hand, as world citizens and patriots of the countries, we cannot deprive the governments of our countries, as well as the international organizations (United Nations, UNESCO etc.), a possibility to know our academic project and its social, economic and peace-making preferences and dignities. We cannot be by modern Pontius Pilates «to wash hands» and in relation to our academic project and in relation to our countries and the world as a whole, if we are responsible world citizens really. We cannot also killing by keeping silent our academic project together with its new ideas of harmonious peace and education.


As stated Martin Luther King, Jr. “we must shift the arms race into a peace race”. Peace race is a competition, but a harmonious competition-partnership from which will win all. o­nly general harmonious education can make this shift worldwide, that the peace race becomes a priority for all nations and to exclude «clash of civilizations» and arms race. The GHA letters in the governments given signal to start a peace race as to a humane competition-partnership in the field of harmonious education in the beginning of 2009. We, as peacemakers, have no moral right to ignore, forget or neglect this great peace-making ability of our educational project as 'a peace race' for the 21st century.


6. Perspectives of development of a harmonious competition-partnership and marketing


Harmonious competition and marketing are the unprecedented phenomena, to which GHA has begun its letters in the governments. They are absolutely unknown subjects. While we a little that can tell about them and their future. The solving step will be the first financing of the Harmony Academy and its first practical results in 1-2 years, which will exemplify for others countries and for practical expansion of these phenomena. But if their seeds are thrown, they will inevitably give shoots. Very many depends from our civil responsibility and activity. As told Margaret Mead: ‘Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world.Indeed, it is the o­nly thing that ever has.’


From the point of view of the scientific tetrasociological approach and its distant perspective, the harmonious competition-partnership in a field of education is the first and very narrow phenomenon of the future harmonious economy of the conscious sphere classes of the population and a conscious harmonious competition-partnership between these classes in all spheres of a global harmonious society. But all big begins with small, with a seed. Such seed of the future harmonious competition-partnership of the sphere classes of a harmonious society is the harmonious competition in a field of education, which beginning put the GHA in 2009.

In summary it is necessary to underline, that in this project the theoretical ideas of a harmonious competition-partnership are expressed very shortly. They, naturally, demand the further scientific development and also practical check and advancement. It is o­ne more «ugly duckling» of the harmonious civilization, born by GHA. When a beautiful swan of this civilization will grow from it is to tell difficultly. Clearly o­ne: his life depends from our love and care.



From June 2008 to February 2009 the letters in the following 22 countries governments have been prepared (the sent letters are marked: "sent") o­n continents, and also in EU, the United Nations and UNESCO:


July 1, 2009


His Excellency Barack Obama

President of the USA


CC: The Honorable Arne Duncan, Secretary of Education


SUBJECT: A $27M investment over a three year period to create pilot National Harmony/Peace Academy (NHPA) at a suitable location in the USA


Dear Mr. President:


We have been very encouraged with your statement when you said: "I will open the doors of government and ask you to be involved in your own democracy again." Indeed, this is what we as a community have been doing!


We’ve learned from a history of 6,000 years of human civilization that every government that relied o­n solving problems through weapons and the wars had later its economy collapsing. Your Excellency, you are o­ne president, who is doing his very best to bring the nation together and the rest of the world as well. We at the Global Harmony Association (GHA) congratulate you and stand by you o­n your efforts to nuclear zero as the humanity first step to global harmony. In a separate letter, we delineate GHA support and assistance to your anti-nuke initiative. A paramount factor for success in this endeavor is through global harmony.


In 2007-08, 65 co-founders of Global Harmony Association (GHA) from 20 countries created an educational project: World Harmony/Peace Academy (WHPA) to be developed in many countries. Details are found in “World Harmony Peace Academy and General Harmonious Education,” posted o­n GHA website: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=277 in five languages: Russian, English, Chinese, Spanish and Romanian and in the attached book.We offer to start the National Harmony/Peace Academy (NHPA) in the USA o­n the basis of the WHPA project to provide national leadership in the area of harmonious education based o­n the new science of social harmony and new information technology (IT).


All nations, especially those that take the lead, separately or together, will benefit from this project. The first country, which will create the NHPA, will become the educational cradle for world harmony and for harmonious civilization.


Education is the most effective way of development and care of the people. Confucius, founder of the Chinese culture of harmony, maintained this point of view as far back as 2500 years ago, when he said, “If you are thinking 100 years ahead - educate the children. In November, 1921, Mahatma Gandhi emphasized also: “If we are to reach real peace in this world, we shall have to begin with the children”. o­nly education can bring the needed transformation, about which Nelson Mandela spoke: “Education is the most powerful weapon, which you can use to change the world.” Today our charter should be: “It is o­nly with the children’s harmonious education that we can achieve global peace, common good, justice, and prosperity for all.


The GHA has the following resources necessary to initially pull off the WHPA project:

1. Staff: Now 80 co-authors of the WHPA project, 50 of who are ready to enter its faculty.

2. International resource: 300 active members from 48 countries and more than o­ne million participants in more than 80 countries from the GHA collective members. The WHPA project was approved by the 18th World Peace Congress of the International Association of Educators for World Peace (IAEWP) held in Malaysia, October 29-31 2008 (http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=355). The Malaysian Congress emphasized: “The modern tendency of global harmonization requires general harmonious education. Therefore, a conclusion made in Congress was natural: The World Harmony Peace Academy (WHPA) as the generator of general harmonious education will inevitably be created. For realization of this project it is required $27 million for 3 years, o­n $9 million per o­ne year: It is a paltry sum for the budget of any country, even for the smallest o­ne.

3. Information resource: A new science of social harmony – Tetrasociology, which has been under development for more than 33 years (since 1976). It is presented in more than 200 scientific works, including 12 books in 1- 16 languages. Tetrasociology resulted in many social discoveries, more than 100 projects, and has been taught in universities of Petersburg for 10 years (1993-2003). o­nly Tetrasociology, as the science of social harmony, gives to general harmonious education an essentially new form as a proposed "education revolution” (Eleanor Roosevelt) for the 21st century.

4. Management resource: 16 co-authors of the GHA WHPA project, who form the WHPA General Directorate, from the 16 countries of the world.


The GHA has all the needed initial resources for creation of the WHPA except a physical location, material, equipment and finance. An initial layout of approximately $27M ($9M/year) over a three-year period is a minimum amount needed for rental space, sociological research, technology development, textbooks publication, salaries, tuition and living expenses for invited registrants.


We believe the NHPA is well suited for educational reform in the USA to establish technology-based market-driven harmonious/peace education. The NHPA will retrain the teachers for schools, colleges and universities through appropriate educational curricula. The NHPA will also train experts for the other areas: commerce, economy, finance, information, environment protection to cultivate harmony and peaceful resolution of inter-groups conflicts. The innovative technologies developed through the NHPA have a great potential for the USA businesses to make large profits both inside and in the world markets. In three years, the NHPA will become a self-supporting and profitable educational entity.


The emerging society, culture and politics in the USA offer a fertile ground to establish NHPA. They are the peaceful people of the USA and mass peace movements which united millions of Americans; National campaign to establish a US Department of Peace; 13 towns in the USA have ‘Harmony’ in their names reflecting American dream and aspiration; Annual National Harmony Festival in California since 1978; 14 ‘Harmony Schools’ have arisen in the states of Texas and Louisiana since 2000 (on the basis of these schools for retraining of their teachers the first USA NHPA can be created); tens of educational and public establishments are devoted to peace and harmony and etc. Above all, Mr. President – through your “change” campaign platform you’ve o­nce again harmonized the interests of different groups of the country o­n the base idea of “United States of America.”


The NHPA presents nine great opportunities for the USA:


  1. An allocation of a small percentage of the budget for Iraq and Afghanistan wars can finance the establishment of NHPA with its satellite branches in Iraq and Afghanistan and other countries that offer potential for reduction of the terrorism sources in the future.
  2. In 2 years the USA could offer WHPA to Russia as a joint project, which would be important for global peace and nuclear disarmament. Such policies with Iraq, Afghanistan, Russia and others countries will be an embodiment of a new, positive principle of the international relations: “Harmonization through education instead of confrontation through armament,”
  3. In 2 years the NHPAcould develop new humanitarian technologies for harmonization of the youth and for economic and financial harmonization to prevent the local and global financial crisis in the future.
  4. In 2 years the USA could mass construct the schools of harmonious education and NHPAs in all states and worldwide, which will help solve the unemployment problems and recovery from financial crisis. Just as after the crisis of 1929-31 and WWII, the USA built the interstate highway systems, so in 2011, the USA can build mass NHPAs.
  5. In 2 years the USA, o­n the basis of prepared in the NHPA specialists, could create a national service network of the Harmony Centersfor the country population and then globally.
  6. In 2010-11, under the auspices of the UN, host the First World Harmony Festival and Summit, “Peace Harmonization through Education instead of Confrontation: Strategy for Disarmament, Survival, Global Peace, Prosperity and Sustainable Development,” and proclaiming the UN decade 2011-2020 as "Decade of Harmonious Education of Children for Global Peace.”
  7. Understanding and imbibing the concept of ‘intellectual city’ through NHPA. In 4-6 years each Academy will potentially turn to ‘harmonizing intellectual city,’ constantly generating the new harmonizing ideas and projects of regional and global influence.
  8. In 1-2 years the NHPA will be a World Centre o­n scientific, educational, cultural and civil maintenance for the USA antinuclear initiative and harmonization of relations with Islamic world – the two great USA policy changes, which you initiated in April and June 2009.
  9. The NHPA, the educational reform and economic harmonization in USA will be your great national reform, change and legacy for the future generations.


As stated Martin Luther King, Jr. “we must shift the arms race into a peace race.” o­nly general harmonious education through the NHPA can make this shift worldwide, that the peace race becomes a priority for all nations and to exclude ‘clash of civilizations.’ The USA must take the first place in this great initiative.


A WHPA will inevitably be created by humankind for its survival. The o­nly question is where and when? We believe that Your Excellency recognizes its importance and will embrace this historic opportunity to make an unprecedented contribution to the USA and to global harmony.


To provide a practical efficiency of the NHPA technologies in the USA, we propose a trial project that could be run in the first year at 10% of the total amount requested, i.e., $2.7M.


GHA has the honor to nominate Your Excellency as the USA NHPA Honorary President.


Sincerely Yours,


The WHPA General Directorate of 16 members as representatives from 16 countries of the world:


- Dr. Leo Semashko, Russia; GHA President; Chair, WHPA General Directorate, leo.semashko@gmail.com  

- Dr. Laj Utreja, USA; General Director, NHPA, ish0001@aol.com

- Prof. Ernesto Kahan, Israel; Vice-Chair, WHPA General Directorate, ekahan@post.tau.ac.il 


WHPA General Directorate members:

Prof. Ammar Banni, Algeria; Prof. Maria Cristina Azcona, Argentina; Prof. John W. Forje, Cameroon; Prof. Alexei Stakhov, Canada; Prof. Jiang Yimin, China, Mr. Takis Ioannides, Writer, Greece; Dr. Bernard Scott, England; Dr. Guy Crequie, France; Dr. Tholana Chakravarthy, India; Dr. Renato Corsetti, Italy; Ms. Helene F. Klingberg, Poet, Norway;Prof. Reimon Bachika, Japan; Mr. Jean de Dieu Basabose, Rwanda.


Endorsements from USA:

-Prof. Charles Mercieca, USA, President, International Association of Educators for World Peace (IAEWP). Founded in 1967, IAEWP is devoted to the goals of peace education, environmental protection, human rights and disarmament (http://www.iaewp.org). Headquartered in Huntsville, AL (USA), it has branches in more than 80 countries with over 50,000 members; mercieca@knology.net,

-Mr. Robert M. Weir, USA, Writer, Congressional District Leader for U.S. Department of Peace initiative in Michigan's 6th Congressional District, www.thepeacealliance.org; Robtweir@aol.com,

-Mrs Rose Lord, USA, Program Director, Global Coalition for Peace; www.globalcoalitionforpeace.net; rose@food4peace.com,

-Prof. Rene Wadlow, USA, Editor, Transnational Perspectives:

www.transnational-perspectives.org, wadlowz@aol.com; and others.



1. Singapore



February 4, 2009


TO: Government of Singapore

TO: - President Mr. S.R. Nathan

TO: - Prime Minister Mr. Lee Hsien Loong

TO: - Senior Minister Mr. Goh Chok Tong


CC: - Minister of Education Mr. Ng Eng Hen


SUBJECT: A $27M investment over a three year period to create pilot National Harmony/Peace Academy (NHPA) at a suitable location in Singapore.


Dear Mr. President, Mr. Prime Minister and Mr. Senior Minister,


In 2007-08, sixty five co-founders of Global Harmony Association (GHA) from 20 countries created an educational and economic project of world importance, called “World Harmony/Peace Academy” (WHPA). This project is a direct consequence of the progress made over the last 20 last years toward global harmonization. In that regard the GHA proposes to establish WHPA as developer of general harmonious education in the host countries. The operational details and the social and economic benefits of harmonious education based o­n the WHPA principles are available in its conceptual form in the attached book, “World Harmony/Peace Academy and General Harmonious Education in an Information Society,” which is posted o­n the GHA website: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=277 in five languages: Russian, English, Chinese, Spanish and Romanian. o­n the basis of the WHPA project we offer to create the pilot NHPA in Singapore to provide its leadership in the area of harmonious education based o­n the new science of social harmony and new information technology (IT).


All nations, especially those that take the lead, separately or together will benefit from this project. Briefly, the tangible and prospective advantages include global leadership in the following areas:

1. Development of humanitarian and eLearning technologies for harmonious education,

2. Development of IT to harmonize the different spheres of a society,

3. Establishment of a new standard for academic schools of harmony world-wide,

4. Creation of a global market for technologies of harmonious education and associated educational services including building construction, installation and equipment,

5. Creation of a Trans-National Educational Development Corporation with a potential to realize substantial (billion) profits in the near future,

6. Establishment of a culture of peace through teaching harmonious ideas of human values, rejecting aggression, war, terror and hunger in the world, and

7. Harmonization of international, interethnic and interreligious relations.


In summary, the first country to create pilot NHPA will become the educational cradle of world harmony (and civilization in the real sense of the word) with associated social, cultural and economic benefits resulting from this global undertaking. Education is the most effective way of development and care of the people. Confucius, founder of the Chinese culture of harmony, maintained this point of view as far back as 2500 years ago, when he said, “If you are thinking 100 years ahead - educate the children. Mahatma Gandhi emphasized also: “If we are to reach real peace in this world, we shall have to begin with the children” (19th November 1921). We should add today: “with the children’s harmonious education”. o­nly general harmonious education can execute today the decisive transform role, about which Nelson Mandela spoke: “Education is the most powerful weapon, which you can use to change the world” and to reach global peace, common good, justice and prosperity for all.

The GHA has the following resources necessary for the WHPA’s initial stage:

1. Staff: About 80 co-authors of the WHPA project, 50 of who are ready to enter its faculty. (Dr. Leo Semashko, the project initiator and chief, is ready to accept citizenship of the host country, which first finances the WHPA project and to bring with him 10-15 professors from Russia to provide scientific, educational and technological directions of work in the Academy.)

2. International resource: 300 active members from 46 countries and more than o­ne million participants from the GHA collective members in more than 80 countries. The WHPA project was approved and recommended to establish worldwide by the 18th World Peace Congress of the International association of Educators for World Peace (IAEWP) congress held in Malaysia, October 29-31 2008 (http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=355). The Malaysian Congress emphasized: “The modern tendency of harmonization requires general harmonious education. Therefore, a conclusion made in Congress was natural: The World Harmony Peace Academy (WHPA) as the generator of general harmonious education will inevitably be created. For realization of this project it is required $27 million for 3 years, o­n $9 million per o­ne year: It is the paltry sum for the budget of any country, even for the poorest. Hence, any country, even the poorest, has a chance to become a cradle of world harmony and to start a harmonious civilization.”

3. Information resource: A new science of social harmony: Tetrasociology, which has been under development for more than 33 years (since 1976). It is presented in more than 200 scientific works, including 11 books in 1 - 16 languages. For 10 years of it has been taught in universities of Petersburg and has made more than 10 social discoveries and associated technologies with more than 100 examples of their practical application in all spheres. o­nly Tetrasociology, as the science of social harmony, gives to general harmonious education an essentially new form as a proposed "education revolution” for the 21st century. Information resource include also the 11 GHA projects, from which two unique educational projects have special value: WHPA (2008) and Magna Carta of Harmony (2007). Besides, GHA is preparing the basic textbook for academies and schools of harmonious education: "Tetrasociology: The Science of Social and Individual Harmony.” The textbook is 70 percent complete and is based o­n a previous textbook written in 1999.

4. Management resource: 17 co-authors, who form the WHPA General Directorate, from the various countries and continents of the world. The mission of the General Directorate is strategic management of the WHPA development keeping in mind its deep social and economic importance for modernity.


As stated above, the GHA has all the necessary initial resources for creation of the WHPA except a physical location, material, equipment and finance. An initial layout of approximately $27M ($9M/year) over a three-year period is a minimum amount needed for rental space, sociological research, technology development, textbooks publication, administrative costs, salaries, tuition and living expenses for invited registrants. We sincerely believe that the asked amount is a meager investment for its world-wide social and economic impact o­n global harmony and realization of world peace.


We believe the NHPA is well suited for educational reform in Singapore to establish a technology-based market-driven harmonious/peace education. The NHPA will retrain the teachers for schools, colleges and universities and prepare them to impart the harmonious/peace education through appropriate educational curricula. The NHPA will also train designated individuals in the other areas of commerce, economy, finance, information, environment protection to cultivate and manage harmony and peaceful resolution of inter-groups conflicts. The innovative technologies developed through the NHPA have a great potential for the Singapore businesses to make large profits both inside and in the world markets. At this time of the global financial crisis a meager of $27M will be the judicious investment to rescue the trillions lost. The NHPA can and should solve not o­nly peace and educational, but also economic problems both locally and globally. After three years, the NHPA will become a self-supporting and very profitable educational establishment.


The emerging culture in Singapore offers a fertile ground to establish NHPA:

1.Peaceful Singaporean people.

2.Culture of harmony in Singapore, which found bright expression in the following: Establishment since 1964 o­n July 21st Racial Harmony Day, which is marked annually; Statement of the Religious Harmony Declaration in 2003 at the initiative of then Prime Minister (now Senior Minister) Mr. Goh Chok Tong; Creation of the Inter-Racial and Religious Harmony Circle, comprising representatives of the religious groups in Singapore. The Declaration underlines: “We, the people in Singapore, declare that religious harmony is vital for peace, progress and prosperity in our multi-racial and multi-religious Nation. We resolve to strengthen religious harmony through mutual tolerance, confidence, respect, and understanding.

3.The strategic planning for a state culture of harmony in Singapore has transformed it into o­ne of the leading countries of social harmony in the world.


Therefore Singapore is the best country for creation of the world first National Harmony/Peace Academy. Harmonious education is required for racial and religious harmony and for their strengthening and development. It fully corresponds to the country’s motto: "Onward, Singapore"


The NHPA presents to Singapore six great opportunities:

1.In 2 years Singapore could offer the NHPA to Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, China and other surrounding countries as a joint international project, which would be very important for global and regional peace. Such politics with nearby countries will be an embodiment of a new, positive principle of international relations and world order: "Harmonization through education instead of militarization".

2.In 2 years the NHPA could develop new humanitarian technologies for: harmonization for youth (to channel their potential) and economic and financial harmonization (to help prevent local and global financial crisis in the future).

3.In 2 years Singapore could create schools of harmonious education in the state and worldwide, which will help solve some of the unemployment problems and recovery from financial crisis emulated by other nations of the world.

4.The NHPA and harmonious education will essentially strengthen and will lift to a new qualitative level social (racial, religious and another) harmony in the country.

5.Each National Harmony/Peace Academy develops the concept of "intellectual cities». In 4-6 years each of the Academies can turn to «harmonizing intellectual city», constantly generating the new harmonizing ideas of regional and global influence.

6.The NHPA, the educational reform and economic harmonization in Singapore will be your great legacy for the future generations.


As stated Martin Luther King, Jr. “we must shift the arms race into a peace race”. o­nly general harmonious education can make this shift worldwide, that the peace race becomes a priority for all nations and to exclude «clash of civilizations». GHA has sent similar letters to many Governments, therefore the peace race through a new humane competition and cooperation for harmonious education has started from the beginning of 2009.


A WHPA will inevitably be created by humankind for its survival. The o­nly question is where and when? We believe that your Government recognizes its importance and will embrace this historic opportunity to make an unprecedented contribution to Singapore and to global harmony. The Singapore NHPA and general harmonious education will execute a great precept of Eleanor Roosevelt about the “necessity of educational revolution” in the world.


To be persuade of the practical efficiency of the NHPA technologies in your country, we propose a trial project that could be run in the first year at a cost of c.10% of the total requested, i.e., $2.7M. o­nce it receives a positive expression of interest, the GHA, in consultation with your representatives, will develop detailed project plans with deliverables and timelines.

GHA has the honor to nominate Mr. Goh Chok Tong, the initiator of the great world idea of the Religious Harmony Code and Declaration, as the Singapore National Harmony/Peace Academy Honorary President and the Academy Trusteeship Council Chair.


Sincerely Yours,


The WHPA General Directorate of 17 members as representatives from 17 countries of the world:

-Dr. Leo Semashko,

Russia; President, GHA; Chair, General Directorate; General Director, WHPA;

http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=253; leo.semashko@gmail.com;  


- Mr. Goh Chok Tong, Singapore; National Harmony/Peace Academy Honorary President; The Academy Trusteeship Council Chair;

- Dr. Martha Ross DeWitt, USA; Vice-Chair, General Directorate, mrossdewitt@sbcglobal.net;

- Prof. Ernesto Kahan, Israel; Vice-Chair, General Directorate, ekahan@post.tau.ac.il


General Directorate members:

Prof. Ammar Banni, Algeriaammarbanni@yahoo.fr

Prof. Maria Cristina Azcona, Argentina, bilingualmca@hotmail.com

Prof. John W. Forje, Cameroonjowifor@yahoo.fr

Prof. Alexei Stakhov, Canadaharmonybook@hotmail.com;

Prof. Jiang Yimin, China, ymjiang@graduate.hku.hk,

Mr. Takis Ioannides, Writer, Greecetakis.ioannides@googlemail.com;          

Dr. Bernard Scott, Englandb.c.e.scott@cranfield.ac.uk

Dr. Guy Crequie, France, guy.crequie@wanadoo.fr

Dr. Tholana Chakravarthy, Indiatacvarthy@yahoo.com

Dr. Renato Corsetti, Italyrenato.corsetti@esperanto.org;

Ms. Helene F. Klingberg, Poet, Norway, hele-kli@online.no;

Prof. Reimon Bachika, Japanr.bac05@w7.dion.ne.jp

Mr. Jean de Dieu Basabose, Rwanda, basajd@yahoo.fr;


Others GHA letters are similar to it


2. China

TO: Chinese People’s Republic Government

TO: Dr. Zhou Ji, Minister of Education

Sent: January 9, 2009

In English and Chinese languages


3. Kazakhstan

TO: President, Nursultan Nazarbayev

Sent: February 2, 2009

In Russian


4. Japan

TO: Taro Aso, Prime Minister

In English


5. Malaysia

TO: Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, Prime Minister

Sent: October 30, 2008

In English


6. Taiwan

TO: President: Ma Ying-jeou

TO: Premier: Liu Chao-shiuan

In English


7. India

TO: President of India: Pratibha Patil

TO: Prime Minister of India: Manmohan Singh

Sent: February 26, 2009

In English



8. Аргентина

TO: President of Argentina: Mrs Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner

CC: Ministry of Education: Mr. Juan Carlos Tedesco

Sent: February 17, 2009

In English and Spanish languages


9. The United States of America

TO: President of the USA, Barack Obama

In English



10. Algeria

TO: Mr. Abdelaziz Bouteflika, President

TO: Mr. Ahmed Ouyahia, Prime Minister

Sent: January 12, 2009

In English


11. Rwanda

TO: President of the Republic: Mr. Paul KAGAME

TO: Prime Minister: Mr. Bernard MAKUZA

CC: Minister of Education: Mrs. Dafrose GAHAKWA

Sent: January 8, 2009

In English


12. Cameroon

TO: President of Cameroon: Mr. Paul Biya

TO: Prime Minister: Mr. Ephraim Inoni

In English


13. Congo (Brazzaville)

TO: President: Denis Sassou Nguesso

TO: Prime Minister: Isidore Mvouba

In English


14. Israel

TO: Shimon Peres, President of Israel

TO: Tzipi Livni, Acting Prime Minister

CC: Yuli Tamir, Minister of Education

In English


15. Kenya

President: Mwai Kibaki

Prime Minister: Raila Odinga

In English


16. Lebanon

TO: Michel Suleiman, President of Lebanon

TO: Fouad Siniora, Prime Minister

CC: Bahia Hariri, Minister of Education

In English



17. Russia

TO: Dmitri Medvedev, President of Russia

TO: Vladimir Putin, Prime Minister

Sent: February 7, 2009. In the first edition: o­n January 28, 2008

In Russian


18. France

TO: President: Nicolas Sarkozy

Sent: October 20, 2008

In French


19. Greece

TO: President: Karolos Papoulias

TO: Prime Minister: Kostas Karamanlis

In English


20. Norway

TO: Prime Minister: Jens Stoltenberg

In English


21. Great Britain

TO: Prime Minister: Gordon Brown

Sent: February 16, 2009

In English


10 Downing Street, London

From the Direct Communication Unit, 26 February 2009

Dear Dr. Leo Semashko

The Prime Minister has asked me to thank you for your recent fax. Your comments have been carefully noted.

Mr. Braun has asked me to pass your fax to the Department for innovation, Universities and Skills so that they may reply to you o­n his behalf.

Yours sincerely,

. M. Davies

22. Ukraine

TO: Prime Minister: Julia Timoshenko

In Russian


23. European Union

TO: European Commission President: José Manuel Barroso

Sent: January 20, 2009

In English


24. The United Nations Organization

TO: Secretary-General: Ban Ki-moon

Sent: November 11, 2008

In English



TO: Director General of UNESCO: Koïchiro Matsuura

Sent: November 14, 2008

In English


In addition

March 14, 2009


His Excellency Zine El Abidine Ben Ali

President of the Tunisian Republic



SUBJECT: A $27M investment over a three year period to create pilot National Harmony/Peace Academy (NHPA) at a suitable location in Tunisia.


President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali said: “I would like to express my sincere thanks and consideration to all Tunisians … for their spontaneous and generous contributions: thus promoting social cohesion and strengthening the relations of mutual support among all our people’s categories.”

It characterizes Tunisia as the harmonious society, which is the most favorable for National and World Harmony/Peace Academies. The harmonious society needs in harmonious education.


Dear Mr. President:


In 2007-08, sixty five co-founders of Global Harmony Association (GHA) from 20 countries created an educational and economic project of world importance, called World Harmony/Peace Academy (WHPA). This project is a direct consequence of the progress made over the last 20 last years toward global harmonization. In that regard the GHA proposes to establish WHPA as developer of general harmonious education in the host countries. The operational details and the social and economic benefits of harmonious education based o­n the WHPA principles are available in its conceptual form in the attached book, “World Harmony/Peace Academy and General Harmonious Education in an Information Society,” which is posted o­n the GHA website: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=277 in five languages: Russian, English, Chinese, Spanish and Romanian. o­n the basis of the WHPA project we offer to create the pilot NHPA in Tunisia to provide its leadership in the area ofharmonious education based o­n the new science of social harmony and new information technology (IT).


All nations, especially those that take the lead, separately or together will benefit from this project. Briefly, the tangible and prospective advantages include global leadership in the following areas:

1. Development of eLearning technologies for harmonious education,

2. Development of IT to harmonize the different spheres of a society,

3. Establishment of a new standard for academic schools of harmony world-wide,

4. Creation of a global market for technologies of harmonious education and associated educational services including building construction, installation and equipment,

5. Creation of a Trans-National Educational Development Corporation with a potential to realize substantial profits in the near future,

6. Establishment of a culture of peace through teaching harmonious ideas of human values and rights, rejecting aggression, war, terror and hunger in the world, and

7. Harmonization of international interethnic and interreligious relations.


In summary, the first country to create pilot NHPA will become the educational cradle of world harmony (and civilization in the real sense of the word) with associated social, cultural and economic benefits resulting from this global undertaking. Education is the most effective way of development and care of the people. Confucius, founder of the Chinese culture of harmony, maintained this point of view as far back as 2500 years ago, when he said, “If you are thinking 100 years ahead - educate the children. In November, 1921, Mahatma Gandhi emphasized also: “If we are to reach real peace in this world, we shall have to begin with the children”. o­nly education can bring the needed transformation, about which Nelson Mandela spoke: “Education is the most powerful weapon, which you can use to change the world.” Following the preceding lines of thinking from the world’s historical giants, today our charter should be: “It is o­nly with the children’s harmonious education that we can reach global peace, common good, justice and prosperity for all.


The GHA has the following resources necessary to initially pull off the WHPA project:

1. Staff: now 80 co-authors of the WHPA project, 50 of who are ready to enter its faculty. Dr. Leo Semashko, the project initiator and chief, is ready to accept citizenship of the host country and to lead the WHPA project along with his international team of 20-30 professors to provide scientific, educational and technological directions of work in the Academy. Other part of the faculty is formed from national professorate of the hold country.

2. International resource: 300 active members from 48 countries and more than o­ne million participants from the GHA collective members in more than 80 countries. The WHPA project was approved and recommended to establish worldwide by the 18th World Peace Congress of the International association of Educators for World Peace (IAEWP) congress held in Malaysia, October 29-31 2008 (http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=355). The Malaysian Congress emphasized: “The modern tendency of global harmonization requires general harmonious education. Therefore, a conclusion made in Congress was natural: The World Harmony Peace Academy (WHPA) as the generator of general harmonious education will inevitably be created. For realization of this project it is required $27 million for 3 years, o­n $9 million per o­ne year: It is a paltry sum for the budget of any country, even for the smallest o­ne.

3. Information resource: A new science of social harmony: Tetrasociology, which has been under development for more than 33 years (since 1976). It is presented in more than 200 scientific works, including 11 books in 1 - 16 languages. During this period, Tetrasociology has resulted in many social discoveries, associated technologies, hundreds of applications in all spheres and it has been taught in universities of Petersburg 10 years (1993-2003). o­nly Tetrasociology, as the science of social harmony, gives to general harmonious education an essentially new form as a proposed "education revolution” for the 21st century. Information resource also includes the GHA 12 projects, from which two unique educational projects have special value: WHPA (2008) and Magna Carta of Harmony (2007). Besides, GHA is preparing the basic textbook for academies and schools of harmonious education: "Tetrasociology: The Science of Social and Individual Harmony.” The textbook is 70 percent complete and is based o­n a previous textbook written in 1999.

4. Management resource: 16 co-authors, who form the WHPA General Directorate, from the various countries and continents of the world. The mission of the General Directorate is strategic management of the WHPA development keeping in mind its deep social and economic importance for modernity.


As stated above, the GHA has all the necessary initial resources for creation of the WHPA except a physical location, material, equipment and finance. An initial layout of approximately $27M ($9M/year) over a three-year period is a minimum amount needed for rental space, sociological research, technology development, textbooks publication, administrative costs, salaries, tuition and living expenses for invited registrants. We sincerely believe that the asked amount is a meager investment for its world-wide social and economic impact.


We believe the NHPA is well suited for educational reform in Tunisia to establish technology-based market-driven harmonious/peace education. The NHPA will retrain the teachers for schools, colleges and universities and prepare them to impart the harmonious/peace education through appropriate educational curricula. The NHPA will also train designated individuals in the other areas of commerce, economy, finance, information, environment protection to cultivate and manage harmony and peaceful resolution of inter-groups conflicts. The innovative technologies developed through the NHPA have a great potential for Tunisia businesses to make large profits both inside and in the world markets. After three years, the NHPA will become a self-supporting and very profitable educational establishment.


The modern Tunisian society, culture and politics offer a fertile ground to establish NHPA:

  1. The harmonious, prospering, open, peaceful Tunisian society based o­n justice, tolerance, solidarity and the human rights, constructed since 1987, for years of His Excellency Zine El Abidine Ben Ali presidency.
  2. The society’s balance and cohesion, country stability and the citizens’ feeling of serenity and harmony.
  3. The harmonious culture of Tunisia as a product of more than three thousand years of history and important multi-ethnic influxes: Phoenicians, Romans, Vandals, Byzantines, Arabs, Turks, Spaniards, and the French who all left their mark o­n the country.
  4. The Tunisian Constitution, anchoring the values of solidarity, mutual support, tolerance and the human rights together with the modern Tunisian politics, embracing the principles of democracy, pluralism, rule of law, justice and equality.
  5. The principle of world solidarity incarnatedin the establishment of a World Solidarity Fund during the 57th session of the United Nations General Assembly o­n December 20, 2002.
  6. A deep reform-based governmental approach, that emanate from national history, civilizational roots and strong resolve.

The NHPA creation will be a new strong expression and development of this reformatory approach.


The NHPA presents Tunisia seven great opportunities:

  1. In 2 years Tunisia could offer the WHPA to Algeria, Libya, Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Egypt and Israel as the joint project, which would be important for regional and global peace. Such politics with these countries will be an embodiment of a new, positive principle of the international relations: "Harmonization through education instead of militarization".
  2. In 2 years the NHPA could develop new humanitarian technologies for: harmonization for the youth (to channel their potential) and economic and financial harmonization (to help prevent the local and global financial crisis in the future).
  3. In 2 years Tunisia could mass construct the schools of harmonious education in allthegovernorates and worldwide, which will help solve some of the unemployment problems and recovery from financial crisis.
  4. In 2 years Tunisia could create o­n the basis of prepared in the NHPA specialists a national service network of the Harmony Salons for the country population. The national network will develop in a global o­ne.
  5. Encourage for 2010 the UN First World Harmonic Festival and Summit covering the following topic “Peace Harmonization through Education instead of Militarization: Strategy for Survival, Global Peace, Prosperity and Sustainable Development” and requesting the UN to proclaim the decade 2011-2020 as "Decade of general harmonious education of children for harmonious global peace".
  6. Each National Harmony/Peace Academy develops the concept of "intellectual cities». In 4-6 years each Academy can turn to «harmonizing intellectual city», constantly generating the new harmonizing ideas of regional and global influence.
  7. The NHPA, the educational reform and economic harmonization in Tunisia will be your great initiative and legacy for the future generations.


As stated Martin Luther King, Jr. “we must shift the arms race into a peace race”. o­nly general harmonious education can make this shift worldwide, that the peace race becomes a priority for all nations and to exclude «clash of civilizations». GHA has sent similar letters to 11 Governments: China, Kazakhstan, Singapore, Malaysia, India, Argentina, Algeria, Rwanda, Russia, France, and England and also in EU, the United Nations and UNESCO (http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=356). Therefore the peace race through a new humane competition-partnership for harmonious education has started from the beginning of 2009. Tunisia can take the first place here.


A WHPA will inevitably be created by humankind for its survival. The o­nly question is where and when? We believe that Your Excellency recognizes the WHPA importance and will embrace this historic opportunity to make an unprecedented contribution to Tunisia and to global harmony.


To provide a practical efficiency of the NHPA technologies in Tunisia, we propose a trial project that could be run in the first year at 10% of the total amount requested, i.e., $2.7M. o­nce it receives a positive expression of interest, the GHA, in consultation with your representatives, will develop detailed project plans with deliverables and timelines.


The Global Harmony Association would like if your will nominate the Tunisian NHPA General Director.


GHA has the honor to nominate Your Excellency as Tunisia National Harmony/Peace Academy Honorary President and the Academy Trusteeship Council Chair.


Sincerely Yours,


The WHPA General Directorate of 16 members as representatives from 16 countries of the world:


- Dr. Leo Semashko, Russia; President, GHA; Chair, General Directorate; General Director, WHPA, http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=253; leo.semashko@gmail.com;  

- ??, Tunisia, General Director, NHPA

- Dr. Laj Utreja, USA; Vice-Chair, General Directorate, ish0001@aol.com;

- Prof. Ernesto Kahan, Israel; Vice-Chair, General Directorate, ekahan@post.tau.ac.il


General Directorate members:

Prof. Ammar Banni, Algeriaammarbanni@yahoo.fr

Prof. Maria Cristina Azcona, Argentina, bilingualmca@hotmail.com

Prof. John W. Forje, Cameroonjowifor@yahoo.fr

Prof. Alexei Stakhov, Canadaharmonybook@hotmail.com;

Prof. Jiang Yimin, China, ymjiang@graduate.hku.hk,

Mr. Takis Ioannides, Writer, Greecetakis.ioannides@googlemail.com;          

Dr. Bernard Scott, Englandb.c.e.scott@cranfield.ac.uk

Dr. Guy Crequie, France, guy.crequie@wanadoo.fr

Dr. Tholana Chakravarthy, Indiatacvarthy@yahoo.com

Dr. Renato Corsetti, Italyrenato.corsetti@esperanto.org;

Ms. Helene F. Klingberg, Poet, Norway, hele-kli@online.no;

Prof. Reimon Bachika, Japanr.bac05@w7.dion.ne.jp

Mr. Jean de Dieu Basabose, Rwanda, basajd@yahoo.fr;


PS. In Diplomacy Journal, 2009, 1, your speech devoted to the human rights and Alexander Mercieca’s article about the GHA Harmony Academy met not casually.


March 17, 2009


TO: Mr. Kazuo Inamori, President, Inamori Foundation,

620 Suiginya-cho, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto 600-8411, Japan


SUBJECT: A $27M investment over a three year period to create pilot National Harmony/Peace Academy (NHPA) at a suitable location in Japan, for example, in Kyoto.


Mr. Kazuo Inamori said: “We should rather live by high ethical standards based o­n altruism. … I am convinced that the wisdom with such ethics can o­nly lead to global stability and promises the survival of the earth and human race.” The Inamori Foundation Newsletter. 22, February 2009.

Altruism, global stability and survival of the earth and human race need a harmonious society/civilization, which can be established o­nly through general/global harmonious education.


In 2007-08, sixty five co-founders of Global Harmony Association (GHA) from 20 countries created an educational and economic project of world importance, called World Harmony/Peace Academy (WHPA). This project is a direct consequence of the progress made over the last 20 last years toward global harmonization. In that regard the GHA proposes to establish WHPA as developer of general harmonious education in the host countries. The operational details and the social and economic benefits of harmonious education based o­n the WHPA principles are available in its conceptual form in the attached book, “World Harmony/Peace Academy and General Harmonious Education in an Information Society,” which is posted o­n the GHA website: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=277 in five languages: Russian, English, Chinese, Spanish and Romanian. o­n the basis of the WHPA project we offer to create the pilot NHPA in Japan to provide its leadership in the area ofharmonious education based o­n the new science of social harmony and new information technology (IT).


All nations, especially those that take the lead, separately or together will benefit from this project. Briefly, the tangible and prospective advantages include global leadership in the following areas:

1. Development of eLearning technologies for harmonious education,

2. Development of IT to harmonize the different spheres of a society,

3. Establishment of a new standard for academic schools of harmony world-wide,

4. Creation of a global market for technologies of harmonious education and associated educational services including building construction, installation and equipment,

5. Creation of a Trans-National Educational Development Corporation with a potential to realize substantial profits in the near future,

6. Establishment of a culture of peace through teaching harmonious ideas of human values and rights, rejecting aggression, war, terror and hunger in the world, and

7. Harmonization of international interethnic and interreligious relations.


In summary, the first country to create pilot NHPA will become the educational cradle of world harmony (and civilization in the real sense of the word) with associated social, cultural and economic benefits resulting from this global undertaking. Education is the most effective way of development and care of the people. Confucius, founder of the Chinese culture of harmony, maintained this point of view as far back as 2500 years ago, when he said, “If you are thinking 100 years ahead - educate the children. In November, 1921, Mahatma Gandhi emphasized also: “If we are to reach real peace in this world, we shall have to begin with the children”. o­nly education can bring the needed transformation, about which Nelson Mandela spoke: “Education is the most powerful weapon, which you can use to change the world.” Following the preceding lines of thinking from the world’s historical giants, today our charter should be: “It is o­nly with the children’s harmonious education that we can reach global peace, common good, justice and prosperity for all.


The GHA has the following resources necessary to initially pull off the WHPA project:

1. Staff: now 80 co-authors of the WHPA project, 50 of who are ready to enter its faculty. Dr. Leo Semashko, the project initiator and chief, is ready to accept citizenship of the host country and to lead the WHPA project along with his international team of 20-30 professors to provide scientific, educational and technological directions of work in the Academy. Other part of the faculty is formed from national professorate of the hold country.

2. International resource: 300 active members from 48 countries and more than o­ne million participants from the GHA collective members in more than 80 countries. The WHPA project was approved and recommended to establish worldwide by the 18th World Peace Congress of the International association of Educators for World Peace (IAEWP) congress held in Malaysia, October 29-31 2008 (http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=355). The Malaysian Congress emphasized: “The modern tendency of global harmonization requires general harmonious education. Therefore, a conclusion made in Congress was natural: The World Harmony Peace Academy (WHPA) as the generator of general harmonious education will inevitably be created. For realization of this project it is required $27 million for 3 years, o­n $9 million per o­ne year: It is a paltry sum for the budget of any country, even for the smallest o­ne.

3. Information resource: A new science of social harmony: Tetrasociology, which has been under development for more than 33 years (since 1976). It is presented in more than 200 scientific works, including 11 books in 1 - 16 languages. During this period, Tetrasociology has resulted in many social discoveries, associated technologies, hundreds of applications in all spheres and it has been taught in universities of Petersburg 10 years (1993-2003). o­nly Tetrasociology, as the science of social harmony, gives to general harmonious education an essentially new form as a proposed "education revolution” for the 21st century. Information resource also includes the GHA 12 projects, from which two unique educational projects have special value: WHPA (2008) and Magna Carta of Harmony (2007). Besides, GHA is preparing the basic textbook for academies and schools of harmonious education: "Tetrasociology: The Science of Social and Individual Harmony.” The textbook is 70 percent complete and is based o­n a previous textbook written in 1999.

4. Management resource: 16 co-authors, who form the WHPA General Directorate, from the various countries and continents of the world. The mission of the General Directorate is strategic management of the WHPA development keeping in mind its deep social and economic importance for modernity.


As stated above, the GHA has all the necessary initial resources for creation of the WHPA except a physical location, material, equipment and finance. An initial layout of approximately $27M ($9M/year) over a three-year period is a minimum amount needed for rental space, sociological research, technology development, textbooks publication, administrative costs, salaries, tuition and living expenses for invited registrants. We sincerely believe that the asked amount is a meager investment for its world-wide social and economic impact.


We believe the NHPA is well suited for educational reform in Japan to establish technology-based market-driven harmonious/peace education. The NHPA will retrain the teachers for schools, colleges and universities and prepare them to impart the harmonious/peace education through appropriate educational curricula. The NHPA will also train designated individuals in the other areas of commerce, economy, finance, information, environment protection to cultivate and manage harmony and peaceful resolution of inter-groups conflicts. The innovative technologies developed through the NHPA have a great potential for Japan businesses to make large profits both inside and in the world markets. After three years, the NHPA will become a self-supporting and very profitable educational establishment, which cost will grow not less than in 10 times and will make $270M.


We address in your great Foundation, which brought in the huge contribution to strengthening world peace and to development of the advanced technologies, science, art and education not o­nly in Japan but all over the world. Your Foundation could together with other Foundations and corporations of the country finance the NHPA to ensure modern educational reform in the country, to create new information and educational technologies.


The emerging culture in Japan offers a fertile ground to establish NHPA:

1. Recent mass peace movements which have united millions of the Japanese.

2. Traditional Japanese culture of harmony based o­n harmonious syncretism of Buddhism and Shinto religions.

3. Tens of educational and public establishments are devoted to peace and harmony.


The NHPA presents for Japan and your Foundation nine great opportunities:

  1. In 2-3 years your Foundation through Japan Government could offer the WHPA to Russia as the joint projects for establishment and construction of the joint Harmony Academy (Academic town o­n 20-40 thousand students and inhabitants) o­n o­ne of the Kuril Islands, which will be a free zone of two states. It would be very important and favorably and for two states and for global peace.
  2. In 2 years Japan could offer the WHPA to China, Russia and others countries-neighbors as the joint project, which would be important for regional and global peace. Such politics with these countries will be an embodiment of a new, positive principle of the international relations: "Harmonization through education instead of militarization", that develops the 9th article of Japanese Constitution.
  3. In 2 years the NHPA could develop new humanitarian technologies for: harmonization for the youth (to channel their potential) and economic and financial harmonization (to help prevent the local and global financial crisis in the future).
  4. In 2-3 years your Foundation could create a Trans-National Educational Development Corporation with a potential to realize substantial profits in the near future for mass construct the schools of harmonious education in the country and worldwide. It will help solve some of the unemployment problems and recovery from financial crisis.
  5. In 2 years Japan could create o­n the basis of prepared in the NHPA specialists a national service network of the Harmony Salons for the country population. The national network will develop in a global o­ne.
  6. Encourage for 2010 the UN First World Harmonic Festival and Summit covering the following topic “Peace Harmonization through Education instead of Militarization: Strategy for Survival, Global Peace, Prosperity and Sustainable Development” and requesting the UN to proclaim the decade 2011-2020 as "Decade of general harmonious education of children for harmonious global peace".
  7. Each National Harmony/Peace Academy develops the concept of "intellectual cities». In 4-6 years each Academy can turn to «harmonizing intellectual city», constantly generating the new harmonizing ideas of regional and global influence.
  8. Harmonious education unites all categories of the Kyoto Prize: Advanced Technology, Basic Sciences, Art and Philosophy, giving them the new stimulus of joint development o­n a global scale, first of all through children and youth.
  9. The NHPA, the educational reform and economic harmonization in Japan will be your great legacy for the future generations.


As stated Martin Luther King, Jr. “we must shift the arms race into a peace race”. o­nly general harmonious education can make this shift worldwide, that the peace race becomes a priority for all nations and to exclude «clash of civilizations». GHA has sent similar letters to 12 Governments: China, Kazakhstan, Singapore, Malaysia, India, Argentina, Algeria, Rwanda, Russia, France, England, and Tunisia and also in EU, the United Nations and UNESCO (http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=356). Therefore the peace race through a new humane competition-partnership for harmonious education has started from the beginning of 2009. Japan through your Foundation could take the first place here.


A WHPA will inevitably be created by humankind for its survival. The o­nly question is where and when? We believe that your will recognize the NHPA importance and will embrace this historic opportunity to make an unprecedented contribution to Japan and to global harmony. The Japan NHPA will make the great precept of Eleanor Roosevelt about “necessity of educational revolution”.


To provide a practical efficiency of the NHPA technologies in Japan, we propose a trial project that could be run in the first year at 10% of the total amount requested, i.e., $2.7M. o­nce it receives a positive expression of interest, the GHA, in consultation with your representatives, will develop detailed project plans with deliverables and timelines.


The Global Harmony Association would like if your will nominate the NHPA General Director.


GHA has the honor to nominate your as the National Harmony/Peace Academy Honorary President and the Academy Trusteeship Council Chair.


Sincerely Yours,


The WHPA General Directorate of 16 members as representatives from 16 countries of the world:


- Dr. Leo Semashko,

Russia; President, GHA; Chair, General Directorate; General Director, WHPA, http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=253; leo.semashko@gmail.com;  

-??, Japan, General Director, NHPA

- Dr. Laj Utreja, USA; Vice-Chair, General Directorate, ish0001@aol.com;

- Prof. Ernesto Kahan, Israel; Vice-Chair, General Directorate, ekahan@post.tau.ac.il


General Directorate members:

Prof. Ammar Banni, Algeriaammarbanni@yahoo.fr

Prof. Maria Cristina Azcona, Argentina, bilingualmca@hotmail.com

Prof. John W. Forje, Cameroonjowifor@yahoo.fr

Prof. Alexei Stakhov, Canadaharmonybook@hotmail.com;

Prof. Jiang Yimin, China, ymjiang@graduate.hku.hk,

Mr. Takis Ioannides, Writer, Greecetakis.ioannides@googlemail.com;          

Dr. Bernard Scott, Englandb.c.e.scott@cranfield.ac.uk

Dr. Guy Crequie, France, guy.crequie@wanadoo.fr

Dr. Tholana Chakravarthy, Indiatacvarthy@yahoo.com

Dr. Renato Corsetti, Italyrenato.corsetti@esperanto.org;

Prof. Reimon Bachika, JapanKyoto, r.bac05@w7.dion.ne.jp

Ms. Helene F. Klingberg, Poet, Norway, hele-kli@online.no;

Mr. Jean de Dieu Basabose, Rwanda, basajd@yahoo.fr


Dear Creators of Harmony,

Discussion of our project «Harmonious educational competition» come to the end. I received more than 20 responses, all from which are positive as well as all "approve". Therefore the given project of the GHA 76 co-authors from 23 countries is considered as approved since February 19, 2009. You could look it in definitive editing o­n our site: http://peacefromharmony.org/? cat=en_c&key=356.

I am sincerely grateful to all who sent the responses and offers. Some persons suggested to include the term "partnership" or "cooperation" in the project title and to use it together with the term ‘competition’ as: "competition-partnership" to fix a new meaning of ‘competition’ in a context of our project. I recognize this offer fully adequate and included it in the project.

Besides I added in the project 6th section o­ne paragraph: «….». It unfolds that idea, that in the long term the competition-partnership becomes universal and will supersede (will replace) all extremes and immoral forms and also all destructive qualities of a modern, industrial competition. But it will be possible o­nly at occurrence of the conscious sphere classes of the population and the corresponding organization of economy, market and state. It is far prospect, can be 15-30 years. Therefore we will not run forward so far. Now the main thing consists that the harmonious competition-partnership BEGUN in 2009 through GHA. When it will reach the developed form is depends from extremely big number of factors: time will show.

Dr. Maitreyee Roy, the Principal of a Girls College in India, underlining falling of moral among youth, has written: "The present project should try to introduce the development of a strong positive philosophy in the life of the young people". I share Maitreyee’s concern and a need of youth in positive philosophy of life as alternative to dominating destructive philosophy of violence, consumerism and easy money. However, let to remind the colleague, that all previous projects of GHA, first of all: Harmonious Era Calendar, Magna Carta of Harmony and the World Harmony/Peace Academy (WHPA) are devoted to "strong positive philosophy of a life". All these projects express differently the same paradigm: philosophy of social harmony of Tetrasociology. This sociological science of harmony simultaneously is, in other aspect, "strong positive philosophy of a harmonious life" or "philosophy of social and individual harmony". This philosophy, in the first approximation, is unfolded in the GHA named collective works. Certainly, she (philosophy) demands and waits for new, more detailed and intelligible expressions. The collective textbook will be o­ne of them: "
Тетрасоциология – a science about social and individual harmony in an information society", begun by us in last year. The next month-two we will return to discussion of its sections. The project devoted to a competition, even harmonious, in my point of view, not the most suitable place for similar philosophy. For it at GHA are other places and other forms.

The GHA new project is the eleventh under the account though, it was possible to include in this list and other our beginnings, for example, with creation of the Harmony Hymn, Harmonious TV (Dr. Ada Aharoni’s initiative), etc. However as these undertakings now are not actualized I do not include them in the GHA projects list.

The new project will find use in the next weeks: we develop o­n its basis the GHA business offer o­n a competition-partnership for organizers of National Peace Academy in the USA.

In summary let me to congratulate the GHA members as conscious creators of social harmony in different spheres and branches with our new project, which begun an official life from to-day. Best harmony wishes.

Dr. Leo Semashko,

GHA President,



© Website author: Leo Semashko, 2005; © designed by Roman Snitko, 2005