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Continuum and structure of TetraSociology

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2.15. Continuum and structure of TetraSociology

Four continuums are constructed above: first - coordinates and variable constants of social space - time; second, appropriate to it - the continuum of four dimensions and sections of TetraSociology; third – the quantitative continuum of sphere indices, embodied in the information technology (SIST), fourth - the continuum of the sphere sociocultural technology of harmony (SSTH). They are incorporated by the continuum of the social (HIOM) and together make (create) one continuum of TetraSociology which is schematically represented in the following figure. o­n it each qualitative coordinate and the constant - 24 parameters/dimensions of the social world in total are distinguished - submitted by an arrow expressing its quantitative changeability.

Fig. 1. o­ne Continua of TetraSociology.

WHERE the continuum of social space - time is:

  1. First axis of social space is RESOURCES with constants PIOT: P - People, I - Information, O - Organisations, T - Things;
  2. Second axis of social space is PROCESSES with constants PDEC: P - Production, D - Distribution, E - Exchange, C - Consumption;
  3. Third axis of social space is STRUCTURES with constants SIOT: S - Social sphere, I - Informational sphere, O - Organisational sphere , р - Technical sphere;
  4. Fourth axis is axis of social time - STATES with constants PDDD: п - Prosperity, D - Deceleration, D - Decline, D - Dying.

WHERE the continuum of four measurements and sections of TetraSociology is:

  1. Social STATICS, studying and measuring resources PIOT,
  2. Social DYNAMICS, studying and measuring processes PDEC,
  3. Social SRTUCTURATICS, studying and measuring structures (spheres) SIOT,
  4. Social GENETICS, studying and measuring states of development PDDD.

WHERE the continuum of sphere indices and Sphere Informational-Statistical Technology (SIST) is:

  1. SIST of a statics as calculation technology of social resources PIOT.
  2. SIST of dynamics as calculation technology of social processes PDEC.
  3. SIST of structuratics as calculation technology of social structures SIOT.
  4. SIST of genetics as calculation technology of social states PDDD.

WHERE the continuum Sphere Sociocultural Technology of Harmony (SSTH) is:

  1. SSTH of a statics as harmonisation technology of social resources PIOT.
  2. SSTH of dynamics as harmonisation technology of social processes PDEC.
  3. SSTH structuratics as harmonisation technology of social structures SIOT.
  4. SSTH of genetics as harmonisation technology of social states PDDD.

WHERE the uniting continuum of the Social (HIOM), distinguishing the social world from the natural, is:

  1. Human component of the social as reproductive employment (occupation) of people (H).
  2. Information component of the social (I).
  3. Organisational component of the social (O).
  4. Material component of the social (M).

WHERE the double arrows express quantitative, in directions of reduction or increase, variability of constants. Each of them is an empirical variable having statistical expression as for global and for any local scale.

The point of crossing of coordinates, their "zero", has some interpretations.

  1. At the zero meaning of o­ne or several coordinates, all the system is reduced to zero: the existence of the social world is impossible.
  2. The zero meaning expresses the complete identity of coordinates at which their system is reduced to zero, the existence of the social world is impossible.
  3. The point of crossing of coordinates as their beginning expresses the reproductive employment of people and the individual which gives a beginning to all the social, to all its parameters. It defines and constructs social space - time, all phenomena of the social world including the individual. Thus, the beginning of the system of coordinates of social space - time is reproductive employment of the individual. Zero of employment means zero of the social, death of society. While the individual is engaged in reproduction the social world lives. Concentrated in this point are both the life and death of the social world, its beginning and end.
  4. The point of crossing of coordinates as a beginning of all beginnings of the social world can be interpreted as the identity of the SST continuum with the employment continuum and the social time continuum. This highest theoretical identity of TetraSociology reveals the fundamental unity of the social world and its space – time structure with people's reproductive employment and with the time of their lives as social time. ONE (single) continuum of TetraSociology reflects just this unity as unity of a much - 24 parameters/dimensions of the social world - in tetrar rhythmics/metrics.

In the continuum of TetraSociology the research and harmonious transformation of any element of the social world is possible. o­n the other hand, each social theory can be considered as a certain interpretation of its continuum or its fragment.

The structure of TetraSociology (TS) can be summarised in the following table.

RESOURCESConstants PIOT StaticsSpheres and branches PIOTStatistics of resources PIOTSIST of resources PIOTSSTH of resources PIOT
PROCESSESConstants PDEC DynamicsSpheres and branches PDECStatistics of processes PDECSIST of processes PDECSSTH of processes PDEC
STRUCTURESConstants SIOT StructuraticsSpheres and branches SIOTStatistics of structures SIOTSIST of structures SIOTSSTH of structures SIOT
STATESConstants PDDD GeneticsCycles and stages PDDDStatistics of states PDDDSIST of condition PDDDSSTH of condition PDDD
TS as macrotheory and global model of the social worldTS as the theory of constants of the social worldTS as set societal (sphere) and branch theoriesTS as macrostatistics of the social worldTS as information technologyTS as sociocultural technology

Note. The movement from the left to the right in the summary table expresses the main transition of TetraSociology: the transition from the theory to technologies that take pragmatic advantage of the conceptualisations.

The multidimentionality of TetraSociology beget for musical associations and similarities. The polyphony of Carl Orff's "Carmina Burana" is represented to most adequate to this multidimentionality.

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