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TetraSociology is global multidimensional model of the social world in 24 parameters of four-dimensional spatial-temporary rhythmics. It is developed by the author in Russia more than 25 years.
Five discoveries of TetraSociology are: sphere classes as actors of social harmony, sphere democracy, sphere sociological statistics, sphere information-statistical technology, sociocultural technology of prosperity through harmony and information. They give the new responses to global challenges of century.
The first estimations of western sociologists of TetraSociology: "nugget of gold", "brilliant", "admirable scope and ambition", "ambitious imagination", "Parsonian theoryzing" and others.
The author is Ph.D., Associate Professor, Dept Politology of St. Petersburg State University of Low Temperatured Technologies, member of the International Sociological Association (ISA), Director of unstate Institute of Strategic Sphere (Sociological) Researches, in 1990-1993 years the deputy of Lensovet/Petrosovet, in 1990-1997 years the founder and President of Children's fund by name of F.M.Dostoevsky in St-Petersburg, author 67 proceedings, including 4 monographs, has 20 years of the pedagogical experience, since 1976 develops and applies TetraSociology.
This book, as the author's scientific "visit card," being not only a summation, but a program for the future as well, is intended for all those interested in sociology, especially women and the young, but first of all for sociologists, the XV World Sociological Congresses participants, so they could familiarize themselves with Tetrasociology and evaluate its potential.