





About Us


Harmony Forum

Peace from Harmony

Gandhian Global Harmony Association (GGHA)

Harmonious Civilization Spiritual Culture

Citizens of Earth, Gandhian spherons of all countries!

Unite in harmony for nonviolence, love, peace, true, justice, freedom, equality, fraternity and happiness!

GGHA since February 15, 2005 is an international peacemaking NGO uniting more than 600 humanities scientists

in 65 countries and more than o­ne million participants from the GHA collective members.

Web: www.peacefromharmony.org

Board: 32 GGHA members from 14 countries


GHA headquarters: Office A 170, New Manglapuri, New Delhi 110045, India;

M. +91 9910241586; E-mail: schandra101@gmail.com

GGHA Mission is:

To bring global peace from harmony and to pave a conscious way for nonviolent harmonious civilization o­n scientifically based ‘ABC of Harmony’, ‘Global Peace Science’ and ‘Gandhica’ through harmonious education in Gandhian Nonviolent Tetranet Thinking of the Spherons:



GHA Video: Social Genome of Peace from Harmony -http://youtu.be/hbxY5lREOeA

Harmonious Era Calendar:

June 21 – Global Harmony Day

As the symbol of eternal human aspiration to an ideal of harmonious civilization o­n the GHA

Harmonious Era Calendar: publication of this book in 12 languages o­n June 22, 2006



November 3, 2009 – Birthday of Harmonious Civilization;
Publication of the GHA book
Harmonious Civilization



February 11, 2012 – Opening of the Age of Harmonious Enlightenment;
First presentation of the GHA book The ABC of Harmony in Delhi, in the IASE University



January 24, 2015 – Birthday of Peacefulness Era and Global Peace Science in Russia;
Publication of the GHA book Global Peace Science in Russian language in St-Petersburg



Gandhian Global Harmony Association (GGHA)

International Board Structure: Four Spherons Groups.

GGHA Board: 32 members from 14 countries

On March 12, 2021


In English: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=249

In Russian: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=281

Board Member, Position



Employment, Website and

GGHA Honorary Titles


Projects and Board Groups


Dr. Leo Semashko,


Founder &

Honorary President




Global Peace Science (GPS),

Sociology of Harmony:

Word Harmony Gandhian Creator


GPS, ABC of Harmony, GWE and Website:


 The 3d group




Dr. John Avery,

GGHA Vice-President



Nobel Peace Laureate


Word Harmony Gandhian Creator

All projects.

 The 3d group



Hasina Parvin,

GGHA Vice-President

India, New Delhi


GGHA-India President,

+ 91-8527087765



All projects.

 The 3d group





Anam Kumar,

GGHA Vice-President


New Delhi

GGHA-India First Vice-President, CEO, 


All projects.

 The 3d group





Adam Greenwell,

GGHA Vice-President

New Zealand

GGHA Treasurer,


Word Harmony Gandhian Creator

All projects.

 The 3d group




Dr. Noor M. Larik,

GGHA Vice-President,


GHA-Pakistan President


Word Harmony Gandhian Creator

All projects.

 The 3d group






Sociogroup (P1)

Main employment is Sociosphere: PEOPLE


Dr. Pravat Dhal,

GGHA Vice President


GGHA-India Board Member,


Word Harmony Gandhian Creator

Professor, Educator,



Dr. Maitreyee Roy,

GGHA Vice President


GGHA-India Board Member,


Word Harmony Gandhian Creator

Professor, Sociologist,




Dr. Surendra Pathak,





President, Professor, IASE University


Programs of harmonious education o­n the ABC of Harmony and GPS base



Dr. Justo Bolekia Boleka,


Spain/Equatorial Guinea

GHA-Africa CEO, Professor in French Studies, Scholar, Poet, Writer

Harmonious education. translations


Rev. Dr.

Kurt Johnson, Vice-president


New York


Vice-president; Teacher at New York City’s o­ne Spirit Interfaith Seminary,


Lectures based o­n the ABC of Harmony and GPS



Dr. Charles Mercieca,





International Association of Educators for World Peace

World peace from harmony




Dr. Nina Meyerhof,





Children of the Earth: www.coeworld.com

Children, harmony for them


Dr. Ernesto Kahan,



Tel Aviv


World Academy of Arts and Culture, peacemaker, poet


Word Harmony Gandhian Creator

World peace from harmony


Heli Habyarimana




Educator, ABC Author

Word Harmony Gandhian Creator

Lectures based o­n the ABC of Harmony



Dr. Manijeh Navidnia,




Professor of sociology,


Lectures based o­n the ABC of Harmony


Svetlana Kuskovskaya,



New Ladoga



Harmonious education in primary school


Dr. Maria Cristina Azcona,



Buenos Aires

Psychologist, writer and poet


GHA Honorary Member

World peace from harmony





Infogroup (P2)

Main employment is Infosphere: INFORMATION


Dr. Ayo Ayoola-Amale,


Ghana, Accra


President, Poet, Writer & Lawyer, Word Harmony Gandhian Creator

Harmony poetry



Roxana Sadykova




Journalist, GHA-Russia Vice-President


Global Peace Science and Media


Dr. Takis Ioannides






Global Peace Science and Poetry


Dr. Ashok Chakravarthy,





Poet and writer



Word Harmony Gandhian Creator

Art and human rights Projects


Odoh Diego Okenyodo,





Infogroup Leader

Poet, Writer, Editor, Director, Splendors of Dawn Poetry Foundation,


Harmony poetry,


Maria Gerber,




Acting President, GGHA-Russia,




Susana Roberts,




Poet, Writer, Peacemaker:


GHA Honorary Member

Art for Global Peace Science


Dr. Uraz Baimuratov, Vice-president

Kazakhstan, Almaty

GHA-KZ President,

Academician of the National Academy of Science,

Harmonious economy

Finance and Banking Management Research Institute Director: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=561,








Orggroup (P3)

Main employment is Orgsphere: ORGANIZATION

Dr. Vladislav Krasnov,




President, RAGA - Russian-American Goodwill Association


Word Harmony Gandhian Creator



Umar Abubakar Aliyu,





CFO, Deputy Auditor In-Charge (Min of Mines and Steel)

Funding GHA-Africa and GHA Projects







Delasnieve Daspet,



Lawyer and poet:


Peacemaking GPS

daspet@uol.com.br, delasnievedaspet@gmail.com,

 Dr Bishnu Pathak,




 Coordinator: GHA Petition to the UN; Director Peace and Conflict Studies Center www.transcend.org/www.cscenter.org.np



Zaure Khizatolla,


Kazakhstan, Almaty

Lawyer and poet:



Pedagogy of harmony




group (P4)

Main employment is Technoecosphere:







Alexander Semashko,




Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Export Line,

Word Harmony Gandhian Creator

Marketing of The ABC of Harmony




Three Laws of the GHA Network in GHA Statutes

Approved by the GHA o­n May 08, 2016


In Russian: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=281

In English: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=249


The Laws of the GHA communication network are intended to prevent the episodical squalls of complimentary, poetic and little significant emails, which are repeated many times. Their multiple demonstrations create the precedents of "postal violence" in the network, destroying friendship and harmonious relations in it that frightens many of its respondents, forcing them to leave our network. The GHA network Laws protects it from destruction by "postal violence", from which suffer more than 600 members o­n both its parts: Russian-speaking and English-speaking.

Three Laws of the GHA Network:

1. No Complimentary Emails,

2. Silence in the Voting as Consent Sign and

3. O­ne Language.

-No complimentary emails. – It is demand do not share any complimentary emails with GHA members list in all communications. However you can always send complimentary emails to individual members.

-The Law of "Silence as Consent Sign" implies that in the discussions and voting of the GHA decisions you can make your public objection or any your opinion, but your silence will be recognized as sign of your consent and approval. This will significantly reduce the scale of unnecessary correspondence in the GHA network.

-The Law of "One language or compulsory translation to it." We get some letters in languages other than English and without translation. Our GHA network is intended only for o­ne language - English. If you do not know it, then you should translate your message into English (through an automatic translator) if you respect the other GHA members. The lack of translation - it's a sign of disrespect to the GHA members.

These Laws express the simple, clear and obvious rules of respectful and harmonious communication, without which the GHA cannot exist.

The implementation of these Laws is provided by the following norm:

For infringement of the 1st and 3d network Laws: more than o­ne complimentary email addressed to o­ne person o­n the same subject and more than two messages o­n a non-English language in an English-speaking network without proper translation, the author of such emails is considered as "persona non grata" for the GHA network and will be excluded from it for the repeated similar infringement. Exclusion from the GHA network does not mean exclusion from the GHA.

This norm is an effective tool to protect GHA network against any "mailing violence" in it, making our network of free space but self-limited harmonious communication for the GHA members. Harmony - is a self-limited freedom in interests of all people and their peaceful coexistence.

In Spanish:

Las Tres Leyes de la red (web) de la GHA, los Estatutos de la GHA

Aprobado por la GHA el 08 de Mayo, 2016


En Ruso: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=281

En Inglés: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=249


Las Leyes de la red de comunicación GHA están destinadas a prevenir los episódicos significativos tropiezos de correos electrónicos, poéticos y pequeños emails, que se repiten muchas veces. Sus múltiples manifestaciones crean precedentes de "violencia postal" en la red,destruyendo amistad y las relaciones armoniosas en la misma que asusta a muchos de sus encuestados, obligándolos a salir de nuestra red. Las Leyes de la red –GHA- la protegen de la destrucción por"violencia postal", de la que sufren más de 600 miembros en ambas partes: los de habla Rusa y los de habla Inglesa.


Las Tres Leyes de la Red de la GHA:

1. No E-mails Complementarios,

2. Silencioen el Voto como consentimiento de firma y

3. Un solo Lenguaje.


-No emails complementarios. – Se demanda no compartir ningún correo electrónico complementario con los miembros de la lista de la GHAen todas las comunicaciones. Sin embargo siempre se puede enviar correos electrónicos complementarios a miembros individuales.

--La Ley de "El silencio como firma deconsentimiento" implica que en las deliberaciones y votaciones de las decisiones de la GHA puede presentar su objeción pública o cualquier opinión, pero su silencio será reconocido como signo de su consentimiento y aprobación. Esto reducirá significativamente la escala de correspondencia innecesaria en la red de GHA

--La Ley de "Un idioma o traducción obligatoria a ella." Recibimos algunas cartas en idiomas distintos del inglés y sin traducción. Nuestra red de GHA está dirigida sólo a un idioma - Inglés. Si no lo saben, entonces ustedes deben traducir su mensaje al inglés (a través de un traductor automático) así se respetan a los otros miembros de la GHA. La falta de traducción - es un signo de falta de respeto a los miembros de la GHA.

Estas leyes expresan reglas simples, claras y evidentes de comunicación respetuosa y armoniosa, sin la cual no puede existir la GHA.

La aplicación de estas leyes es proporcionada en la siguiente norma:

Por infracción de las leyes de la Red-GHA, 1ª y la 3d: más de un correo electrónico complementariodirigido a una persona sobre el mismo tema y más de dos mensajes en un idioma que no sea Inglés en la red de habla Inglesa sin traducción adecuada, el autor de este tipo de mensajes es considerado como "persona no grata" para la red de GHA y será excluido de la misma por similares y repetidas infracciones. La exclusión de la red –GHA, no significa la exclusión de la GHA.

Esta norma es una herramienta eficaz para proteger la red de la GHA, contra cualquier " violencia de correo" en ella, haciendo nuestra red de espacio libre, pero de comunicación armoniosa auto-limitada para los miembros de la GHA. Armonía - es una libertad auto-limitada en interés de todas las personas y su coexistencia pacífica.

Translated in Spanish by Susana Roberts, Argentina, 02/06/16



Global Harmony Association (GHA)

International Board Structure: Four Spheral Groups.

GHA Board: 36 members from 14 countries

On October 24, 2018


In Russian: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=281

In English:http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=249

Board Member, Position



Employment, Website and

GHA Honorary Titles


Projects and Board Groups


Dr. Subhash Chandra

GHA President






All Projects. Priorities:

Global Peace Science and Education

The 3d group


Dr. Leo Semashko

GHA Honorary President




Global Peace Science (GPS),

Sociology of Harmony:


Word Harmony Creator

All Projects. Priorities:

GPS, ABC of harmony, and Website:



The 3d group





Dr. Noor M. Larik,

GHA Vice-President,


GHA-Pakistan President







Sociogroup (P1)

Main employment is Sociosphere: PEOPLE


Dr. Madhu Krishan,



New Delhi,



Academy Of Universal Global Peace (AUGP)


Global peace from harmony, Education.

Head, Sociogroup in GHA Board


Kanak Mal Dugar,




GHA-India Honorary President; Chairman, Gandhi Vidya Mandir,

Chancellor, IASE deemed University,


Word Harmony Creator

Programs of harmonious education o­n the ABC of Harmony and GPS base



Dr. Surendra Pathak,





President, Professor, IASE University


Programs of harmonious education o­n the ABC of Harmony and GPS base



Dr. Justo Bolekia Boleka,


Spain/Equatorial Guinea

GHA-Africa CEO, Professor in French Studies, Scholar, Poet, Writer

Harmonious education. translations


Rev. Dr.

Kurt Johnson, Vice-president


New York


Vice-president; Teacher at New York City’s o­ne Spirit Interfaith Seminary,



Lectures based o­n the ABC of Harmony and GPS



Dr.Charles Mercieca,





International Association of Educators for World Peace

http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=129, http://www.malaysian-iaewp.org/

World peace from harmony


Dr. Nina Meyerhof,





Children of the Earth: www.coeworld.com

Children, harmony for them


Dr. Ernesto Kahan,



Tel Aviv


World Academy of Arts and Culture, peacemaker, poet


Word Harmony Creator

World peace from harmony


Heli Habyarimana




Educator, ABC Authorhttp://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=361, Member

Lectures based o­n the ABC of Harmony


Dr. Manijeh Navidnia,




Professor of sociology,


Lectures based o­n the ABC of Harmony


Svetlana Kuskovskaya,



New Ladoga



Harmonious education in primary school


Dr. Maria Cristina Azcona,



Buenos Aires

Psychologist, writer and poet


GHA Honorary Member

World peace from harmony











Infogroup (P2)

Main employment is Infosphere: INFORMATION


Dr. A. K. Merchant,



New Delhi

General Secretary, The Temple of Understanding--India; National Trustee, Lotus Temple & Baha'i

Community of India,

Harmonious spirituality,

World Harmony Encyclopedia.

Head, Infogroup in GHA Board


Ayo Ayoola-Amale,


Ghana, Accra


President, Poet, Writer & Lawyer, Founder/President, Splendors of Dawn Poetry Foundation,

www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=524, www.splendorsofdawnpf.org and www.ayor.webs.com

Harmony poetry


Roxana Sadykova




Journalist, GHA-Russia Vice-President


Global Peace Science and Media


Dr. Takis Ioannides






Global Peace Science and Poetry


Dr. Tholana Ashok Chakravarthy,





Poet and writer


Art and human rights Projects


Leonid Timoshenko,


Russia, Moscow

Composer, writer, scholar:


Art projects



Dr. Laj Utreja,




Director, Institute of Spiritual Healing,

President, GHA-USA,


Harmonious Vedic Culture of India




Odoh Diego Okenyodo,





Infogroup Leader

Poet, Writer, Editor, Director, Splendors of Dawn Poetry Foundation,


Harmony poetry,


Julia Budnikova,




Acting President, GHA-Russia, Philologist, Deputy Director, Roerich Museum



Dialogue of Cultures: Russia and India


Susana Roberts,




Poet, Writer, Peacemaker:


GHA Honorary Member

Art for Global Peace Science


Dr. Uraz Baimuratov, Vice-president

Kazakhstan, Almaty

GHA-KZ President,

Academician of the National Academy of Science, Finance and Banking Management Research Institute Director: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=561,

Harmonious economy







Dr. Bruce L. Cook,



Publisher and Editor, www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=544

Harmonious Education o­n the ABC base and GPS publications









Orggroup (P3)

Main employment is Orgsphere: ORGANIZATION

Dr. N.S. Ravishankar,




Asst. Vice President, Axis Bank;

Funding GHA and its projects

Head, Orggroup in GHA Board


Umar Abubakar Aliyu,





CFO, Deputy Auditor In-Charge (Min of Mines and Steel)

Funding GHA-Africa and GHA Projects






New Delhi

Director, Sanbun Publishershttp://www.simplybooks.in/publisher_books/35/sanbun-publishers/

Publication and sale of the book: The ABC of Harmony


Delasnieve Daspet,




Lawyer and poet:


Peacemaking GPS

daspet@uol.com.br, delasnievedaspet@gmail.com,

 Dr Bishnu Pathak,




 Coordinator: GHA Petition to the UN; Director Peace and Conflict Studies Center www.transcend.org/www.cscenter.org.np



Zaure Khizatolla,


Kazakhstan, Almaty

Lawyer and poet:



Pedagogy of harmony











group (P4)

Main employment is Technoecosphere:


Dr. Subhash Sharma,




Poet, Director, Indus Business Academy


Harmonious economy and management,

Head, Technogroup

in GHA Board


Alexander Semashko,




Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Export Line,

Marketing of The ABC of Harmony




Global Harmony Association

International Board Structure and Staff:
Four Spheral Groups

On September 24, 2014

The GHA full members (with the ABC reviews) are 33 and

the Candidates (without the ABC review) are 2

35 members from 16 countries

Board Member, Position



Employment and Web

The ABC of Harmony Author: ABC Author,

Member or Candidate


Projects and Board Groups




Will be elected during the year to April/May 2015



Dr. Leo Semashko

GHA President




Sociology of Harmony


ABC Author, Member

All. Priorities:

ABC of harmony, GHA-India, Institute of World Harmony; Academy of Harmony; Harmonious democracy; Political Leaders of Harmony; Web: Peace from Harmony:




Executive Director-CEO, Vice-president


Will be elected during the year to April/May 2015





Sociogroup (P1)

Main employment is Sociosphere: PEOPLE


Dr. Madhu Krishan,

1st Vice-President


New Delhi,



Academy Of Universal Global Peace (AUGP)



Global peace from harmony, Education.

Head, Sociogroup in GHA Board


Kanak Mal Dugar,




GHA-India Honorary President; Chairman, Gandhi Vidya Mandir,

Chancellor, IASE deemed University, ABC Author,



Programs of harmonious education o­n the ABC of Harmony base



Dr. Surendra Pathak,





President, Professor, IASE University


ABC Author, Member

Programs of harmonious education o­n the ABC of Harmony base



Dr. Justo Bolekia Boleka,


Spain/Equatorial Guinea

GHA-Africa CEO, Professor in French Studies, Scholar, Poet, Writer


Harmonious education. translations


Rev. Dr.

Kurt Johnson, Vice-president


New York


Vice-president; Teacher at New York City’s o­ne Spirit Interfaith Seminary,



Lectures based o­n the ABC of Harmony



Dr.Charles Mercieca,





International Association of Educators for World Peace

http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=129, http://www.malaysian-iaewp.org/

ABC Author, Member

World peace from harmony


Dr. Nina Meyerhof,





Children of the Earthwww.coeworld.com


Children, harmony for them


Dr. Ernesto Kahan,



Tel Aviv


1st Vice-president, World Academy of Arts and Culture, peacemaker, poet


ABC Author, Member

World peace from harmony


Heli Habyarimana




Educator, ABC Authorhttp://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=361, Member

Lectures based o­n the ABC of Harmony


Dr. Manijeh Navidnia,




Professor of sociology,


ABC Author, Member

Lectures based o­n the ABC of Harmony


Prof. Celia Altschuler,

Puerto Rico

Acting President, GHA-LAC, Artist, Poet, Translator,




Dr. Maria Cristina Azcona,



Buenos Aires

Psychologist, writer and poet


ABC Author, Member

World peace from harmony


Svetlana Kuskovskaya,



New Ladoga



ABC Author, Member

Harmonious education in primary school


Renato Corsetti,

Rome, Italy

Professor of Psycholinguistics, University "La Sapienza" in Rome. President, World Esperanto-Association. www.uea.org, www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=97

World peace from harmony






Infogroup (P2)

Main employment is Infosphere: INFORMATION


Dr. A. K. Merchant,

1st Vice-President


New Delhi

General Secretary, The Temple of Understanding--India; National Trustee, Lotus Temple & Baha'i

Community of India, Member

Harmonious spirituality,

World Harmony Encyclopedia.

Head, Infogroup in GHA Board



Ayo Ayoola-Amale,


Ghana, Accra


President, Poet, Writer & Lawyer, Founder/President, Splendors of Dawn Poetry Foundation,

www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=524, www.splendorsofdawnpf.org and www.ayor.webs.com


Harmony poetry


Dr. Terrence Paupp



San Pedro

GHA-USA President,



Global Peace Science and USA Empire Fall



Dr. Subhash Chandra




Vice-President, GHA-India,



Global Peace Science and Education


Roxana Sadykova




Journalist, GHA-Russia Vice-President



Global Peace Science and Media



Dr. Takis Ioannides







Global Peace Science and Poetry



Dr. Tholana Ashok Chakravarthy,





Poet and writer



Art and human rights Projects


Abbas Panakkal,




Poet, philologist, documentalist and social activist, Member

Documentary film:

ABC of Harmony for Presidents and Population


Dr. Laj Utreja,




Director, Institute of Spiritual Healing,

President, GHA-USA,


ABC Author, Member

Harmonious Vedic Culture of India




Odoh Diego Okenyodo,





Infogroup Leader

Poet, Writer, Editor, Director, Splendors of Dawn Poetry Foundation,



Harmony poetry,


Julia Budnikova,




Acting President, GHA-Russia, Philologist, Deputy Director, Roerich Museum



ABC Author, Member

Dialogue of Cultures: Russia and India







Chamber Choir Artist


ABC Author, Member

Music of harmony


Dr. Uraz Baimuratov, Vice-president

Kazakhstan, Almaty

GHA-KZ President,

Academician of the National Academy of Science,Honored Scientist of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Finance and Banking Management Research Instituteat the Turar Ryskulov Kazakh Economic University, Directorwww.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=561, Member

Harmonious economy


Dr. Erika Lazarova,




Historian, President, GHA-Bulgaria,

ABC Author, Member

History of social harmony from Numa Pompilius




Orggroup (P3)

Main employment is Orgsphere: ORGANIZATION

Dr. N.S. Ravishankar,

1st Vice-President



Asst. Vice President, Axis Bank;

GHA Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Candidate

Funding GHA and its projects

Head, Orggroup in GHA Board


Umar Abubakar Aliyu,





CFO, Deputy Auditor In-Charge (Min of Mines and Steel) MEMBER

Funding GHA-Africa and GHA Projects






New Delhi

Director, Sanbun Publishershttp://www.simplybooks.in/publisher_books/35/sanbun-publishers/


Publication and sale of the book: The ABC of Harmony


Alexander Semashko,




Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Export Line,

ABC Author, Member

Marketing of The ABC of Harmony


 Dr Bishnu Pathak,




 Coordinator: GHA Petition to the UN; Director Peace and Conflict Studies Center www.transcend.org/www.cscenter.org.np








group (P4)

Main employment is Technoecosphere:


Dr. Subhash Sharma,

1st Vice-President



Poet, Director, Indus Business Academy


ABC Author, Member

Harmonious economy and management,

Head, Technogroup

in GHA Board


Dr. Raissa





 GHA-KZ Vice-President,

Doctor in Economics,Professor Turar Ryskulov Kazakh Economic University


 Harmonious economy andbusiness for harmony




GHA Membership

Thirty-third GHA project

Approved by the GHA: May 10, 2011


To New Members of GHA



In Russian: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=281

In English:http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=249


Copyright © 2011 Global Harmony Association,

Copyright © 2011 Leo Semashko


Old and new GHA


May 2011 was a watershed in GHA history. We divided it into old GHA, which existed before this time, and the new GHA, starting now.

People who come into the GHA, want to have a general idea of ​​the advantages and disadvantages of the old GHA, and the reasons for updating GHA and the key content of its new model.

The new GHA shifts priorities with projects to the people, to the ABC of Harmony and its learning.


Achievements and basic dignity of the old GHA


The old GHA was created in an industrial civilization, in February 2005 and lived over 6 years. The GHA’s main advantage that distinguishes it from all the organizations and communities - is a scientific, tetrasociological (four-dimensional, pluralistic) theory of social harmony and harmonious civilization. The core of this theory is the ABC of social and individual harmony (see below). Recently, the shortest (35 pages) and most complete explanation of this theory, can be seen at: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=400. For brevity, we title this theory as harmonism theory (or harmonism science) to differentiate it from all the theories of industrialism (industrial civilization) in all forms of capitalism and socialism. Harmonism theory integrates the advantages of the theories of communism and capitalism, overcoming their fundamental weaknesses and fights for their ideas.


For 6 years the GHA embodied this theory in the 32 innovative projects of global harmony (http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=472). They supported the GHA Mission: Pave thescientific way for a harmonious civilization, based o­n the harmony ABC with the priority of spiritual culture and the gradual abandonment of materialism and greed. For 6 years, 32 innovative projects – it is an index of high efficiency of the GHA theoretical knowledge - Tetrasociology as a science of social harmony at the level of a harmonious civilization (the harmonism theory).


Only this theory, and the corresponding new “tetranet harmonious thinking”, allowed GHA to understand the approach of a harmonious civilization and its birth in 2009 in its first system qualities: nuclear zero, science of social harmony and the mathematics of harmony. The historical fact of the birth of a new civilization is not aware in the world today, there is not a single theory and nor o­ne organization.The social reality of this civilization is created by building a harmonious society, as has been done in the EU since 1992 and China since 2006 with a total population of about 2 billion people - nearly a third of mankind.


However, both the EU and China builds by intuition and spontaneity, o­n the basis of traditional, o­ne-dimensional and non-harmonious industrial thinking, and not adhering to any theory of a harmonious civilization. This creates fluctuations and crises, lack of achievements and the continuation of industrial pathologies. For example, the EU has a failed policy of multiculturalism, which without the scientific theory of harmonism was doomed to failure from the beginning, in spite of its original societal correctness. The same type of problem exists in China, which can not decide the issues of Taiwan, Tibet, and multiparty democracy, etc., without using the scientific theory of harmonism. The absence of a scientific theory prevents China from defining a long-term strategy for the successful harmonious solution of these and similar problems. GHA is able to create appropriate scientific projects for the EU and for China, and to guide them o­n their path to harmony. We have repeatedly offered the EU and China the GHA projects, but due toincomprehension/ignorance their acceptance of harmonic thought will be a slow path.


So, after 6 years, GHA’s main achievement is: it introduced a new social science, a subject which is called the science of harmonious civilization. GHA has used this science in 32 projects. The GHA achievements are obligated by their existence to new scientific knowledge – to the use of the harmonism theory. Which is the core and foundation of the spiritual culture of harmonious civilization. Therefore, the main advantage of the GHA is that it is able to provide its members with a unique culture and science of harmonism via their numerous projects for the conscious building a harmonious civilization o­n all levels: from individual to global. This quality defines the basic appeal of the GHA for the new members.


This knowledge has connected the GHA Mission – it has paved the scientific way for harmonious civilization, and its high spiritual meaning for each GHA member, who, having mastered this knowledge, transforms into a conscious creator of our civilization.


All these years, GHA, as the institution of public sociology, has sought to collect and publish o­n its website "Peace from Harmony” (www.peacefromharmony.org) the diversity of ideas/knowledge of the social harmony of different authors from any country without restriction. As a result of this research, the GHA has collected from more than 100 authors of different schools of thought the world's ideological heritage of social harmony including works from: existentialism, idealism, Marxism, Confucianism, Taoism, Hinduism, and others. Many of these important ideas have been seamlessly integrated into tetrasociological theory/science of harmonism and the GHA’s 32 projects. The GHA has not found any alternative theory in the world during the last 6 years of research. GHA hopes and does not exclude the possibility of an alternative scientific knowledge of social harmony and harmonious civilization. The harmonious competition of this scientific knowledge would be a powerful source for its development.


Therefore, GHA equips its members with knowledge, which is devoid of dogmatism and aggression, is in constant creative development and cooperation with all the ideas and theories of social harmony, and hopes that the members of GHA willingly and openly share the ideas of social harmony with their network of friends and colleagues worldwide.


Deficiencies and the basic contradiction of the old GHA


For 6 years – the founders of the “old” GHA hoped that the GHA members would master the alphabet of harmony and overcome ignorance in it, and work to avoid conflicts of mutual contempt and aggression. Unfortunately, this did not happen. If an organization that strives to build a harmonious peace in society is not able to build it within itself, that organization will fail, and o­n this basis the “old” GHA failed, because it could not be harmonious within the organization.As a result the Founders of the original “old” GHA have created a new GHA and will o­nly welcome members who have the same ideals and goals of harmony, following the ABCs of harmony or the Harmony ABC and commit to learning and understanding that theory of relationship. Therefore, in the GHA new model the priority and main objective is the knowledge of its members of the Harmony ABC, its learning and careful application, not o­nly in developing new projects, but also in building a harmonious interpersonal relations as a like-minded people who have a common basic knowledge of the harmony alphabet. Of course, common knowledge - it is also not an absolute guarantee against conflict, but it creates a general atmosphere of the inner spiritual culture of harmony focusing the GHA members o­n finding common positive and constructive solutions.


The “new” GHA will be based o­n the following conditions:


The “new” GHA will be presented in its projects and publications, primarily in the GHA program book "Harmonious Civilization" 2009 (http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=379).

There are two alternative tendencies of humanity. First - the industrial civilization (industrialism) leading mankind to destruction. Second - harmonious civilization (harmonism) which insures sustainable development for humanity and elevates it to the highest historical level.This is GHA’s goal.

Simply put, we live in a militaristic and dirty world of dying industrialism.GHA, in 2009 began with the hope to encourage and promote a harmonious world civilization. The GHA mission is multi-faceted and holds within it the priority of a spiritual culture of harmonism as its main condition, with acceptance of the ABCs of Harmony in different social spheres and countries, combined with the goal of non-violence in all cases of conflict.


Conditions of entry into the GHA


To join the GHA, Members are required to read and understand the following :

1. The Harmony ABC, and its learning with goal to overcome the industrial ignorance in social and individual harmony. The most concise definition of the ABC of Harmony is: 20 fundamental, necessary and sufficient elements/spheres that express the deep structure of social and individual harmony, and which define all the infinite variety of its manifestations. The Alphabet of harmony has 20 fundamental elements which include:

·Four resources: people, information, organization and things (PIOT)

·Four processes: production, distribution, exchange and consumption (PDEC)

·Four structures/spheres of production: social, informational, organizational and technical (economy + ecology) (SIOT)

·Four spheral classes of the population employed in the spheres: SOCIOCLASS, INFOCLASS, ORGCLASS and TECHNO(ECO)CLASS as the key actors of social harmony and harmonious democracy (SIOT-classes)

·Four resources/spheres of an individual: character, conscience, will and body (CCWB).

2. The GHA mission is - Peace from harmony, or: Pave the scientific way for a harmonious civilization with the priority of spiritual culture and gradual rejection from material priority of industrialism (based o­n ABC's of social harmony).

3. GHA Statutes: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=249

4. The categorical imperative of mutual respect, with a categorical rejection of any disrespect or aggression.

5. Universal Declaration of Harmonious Civilization (2009, 9p.):

http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=383 and its learning to overcome industrial ignorance in social and individual harmony. Note. In September 2011 the GHA will open the system of continuous education and learning Harmony ABC and the Declaration for beginners.

6. Your participation in at least in o­ne of the GHA’s 32 projects, from which you choose o­ne or two.

7. Your participation in o­ne of the four groups of GHA (Socio, Info, Org, and Techno), which are the parts of harmonious spheral classes of the population and expresses their interests. Your participation in o­ne of the groups within GHA is up to the individual member, depending o­n your preference and priority of employment with o­ne of the four subjects/resources: people, information, organization and things.


If you agree with these requirements, then you must send along with your brief biography and your photograph, a letter to the GHA President Dr. Leo Semashko: leo.semashko@gmail.com about your desire to join the GHA, and your agreement with all the requirements for GHA membership. Here you tell GHA which group and project you would like to be a part of. The new member can request up to o­ne month more time for a more complete examination of the GHA positions, website, and papers.


If the new member, while in the process of examining the documents, has questions about o­ne or more items of requirements, he/she may seek clarification from the GHA President. In case of disagreement with at least o­ne requirement, then he/she will not be the GHA member as these requirements are required and are o­ne part of the whole.

For the GHA former members these requirements are valid for three years. This is the time for the soft and gradual transition from the old to the new quality of the GHA membership. Those who disagree with these rules and criteria may leave the GHA.

Not all industrial people can be GHA members and o­nly those who are literate in the Harmony ABC, who feel comfortable and competent in using it toward reaching GHA's mission and recognize it as the core of spiritual culture of harmonious civilization, are welcomed into the “new” GHA organization.New civilizational culture always begins with a new alphabet and with new people who create it and enlighten others about it.


This historic cultural mission falls o­n the GHA members in our time. They can do it o­nly with the knowledge of the harmony alphabet and o­n the basis of appropriate harmonious structure of the membership in GHA. Today is no any organization in the world able to take this mission because none o­ne has the necessary scientific knowledge for harmonious civilization and its alphabet of harmony.


History and Explanation of the Spheral, Harmonious Social Structure of the GHA


The GHA social structure is the structure of its membership and should reflect the deep social structure of a harmonious civilization, which is expressed in the four spheral classes of the population with appropriate self-awareness based o­n knowledge of the harmony ABC. This knowledge allows understanding of the deep structure of social harmony developed using qualitative measurements to create a harmonious civilization o­n all levels, from individual to global.


(1) For the first time this knowledge was used 35 years ago to create the spheral (harmonious) structure of the youth club "Demiurge" in St. Petersburg (1976-1980): http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=259

(2) The second time this knowledge was used to create the spheral (harmonious) structure of Studio for Harmonious Development of Children (1985-1986): http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=257

(3) The third time this knowledge was used to create the spheral (harmonious) structure of the political factions of Spheral Democracy in the St-Petersburg City Parliament (1990-1993):


(4) The fourth time this knowledge is now used to create the spheral (harmonious) structure of the new GHA as the basis of its community, its harmonious organization and its harmonious democracy.


All these groups are the first historic examples of conscious harmonious communities, and o­nly such a structure can transform GHA into a harmonious social community in its most profound manner.

Therefore, each member of the new GHA from the beginning knows this deep social structure of the GHA’s harmonious community and consciously incorporates their work with GHA and their contribution toward the work of GHA into o­ne of the four spheral groups corresponding to the spheral or harmonic classes.


The GHA harmonious community spheral groups are:

1. Sociogroup, the subject and product of which are the people (humans) within the branches and institutions of the sociosphere: family, church, education, health, sports, social welfare, etc.

2. Infogroup, the subject and the product of which is the information within the branches and institutions of Infosphere: science, culture, art, media, design, communication, etc.

3. Orggroup, the subject and the product of which is the organization within the branches and institutions of Orgsphere: politics, law, management, finance, security, government, public organizations, etc.

4. Techno(Eco)group, subject and products which are things within the branches and institutions of Technosphere (economy + ecology): industry, agriculture, construction, transport, trade, consumer services, environment, etc.



1. For a more detailed and well-founded presentation of ​​spheral classes of the population and branch structure of spheres please look in the book: Leo Semashko. Tetrasociology: Responses to Challenges. St. Petersburg, 2002, p. 59-76 (http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=179


2. Identification. The four GHA spheral groups could be labeled and named in o­ne of three ways: (1.) Sociogroup, Infogroup, Orggroup and Techno(eco)group (2.) Relevant indicators of spheral statistics: P1, P2, P3, P4 and (3.) By ordinal: First, Second, Third and Fourth. The practice of using these identifications will select the most simple and effective, or create a new o­ne.

The ABC of harmony and its theory allows GHA to scientifically diagnose its state of being and its principal contradictions, as well as scientifically building its new model, according to the principles of harmonious civilization.

Edited by Catherine H. Chase Peters,

May 11, 2011



Spheral, harmonious structure of the GHA membership


Each member of the GHA is busy at the same time, during the day, in all spheres, going from o­ne to another. Therefore, he/she belongs to all of spheral classes. Therefore the spheral social structure, unlike the others, is a soft, timeless, universal and harmonious. However, every adult is occupied mainly by the time and training in o­ne sphere, which he/she preferred, in which he/she is more competent and which is his/her life priority. This criterion defines the spheral social structure and distribution of the GHA members in it. This criterion is based o­n free self-determination and conscious choice of each the GHA member, who must determine their own place in o­ne of four groups and write your name in the appropriate table below.

The second choice, which will make the GHA new member, is the choice of o­ne, or 2-3, GHA projects from the relevant list (http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=472), in which he/she would like to participate.

The above two free choice constitute the position of each member of the GHA in its spheral social structure that receives the most simple and clear expression in Table of GHA's membership, consisting of four related tables.


Table 1. GHA Sociogroup (P1)

GHA Member:

First and last name


Main employment

Project(s) participation


























Table 2. GHA Infogroup (P2)

GHA Member:

First and last name


Main employment

Project(s) participation


























Table 3. GHA Orggroup (P3)

GHA Member:

First and last name


Main employment

Project(s) participation


























Table 1. GHA Techno(eco)group (P4)

GHA Member:

First and last name


Main employment

Project(s) participation


























Harmonious Democracy in GHA


The GHA spheral social structure defines its spheral, harmonious democracy. What is spheral democracy at all? About this can read in more detail here: (http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=424). The GHA spheral democracy is based o­n the spheral division of GHA members. This division corresponds to the harmonious spheres and harmonious classes, engaged in them, so, just like democracy is harmonious. Already Montesquieu, in his basic law of democracy, established dependence of the quality of democratic governance from the quality of the population division into classes entitled to vote and elect representatives to the authority bodies.

The GHA construction and procedures of spheral harmonious democracy will be presented in the new Charter of the GHA.




So, the first step - entry into the GHA, as presented above in a model of its membership - is an act of knowledge of harmony and conscious free choice of its spheral (harmonious) class characteristic for each new member of the GHA. Naturally, the GHA member will be o­nly o­ne who would be capable o­n this act of knowledge and ready for the corresponding free choice of harmony. This step involves o­nce the GHA member in its mission, i.e., puts his/her o­n the path of conscious development of a harmonious civilization based o­n knowledge of the alphabet of social and individual harmony. Such an initial immersion in the GHA mission overcomes the alienation of GHA member from this mission, which was typical for the GHA old members. This raises new GHA to a qualitatively new and more perfect stage for harmonious development.

Under the GHA membership conditions, it is now the world's first conscious harmonious organization, structure and social institution, which can continuously produce and extended reproduce from harmony love, peace, justice, brotherhood and happiness as the highest values ​​of a harmonious civilization. Organization and social structure of the GHA will be a benchmark and a practical example for the conscious creation of new organizations and harmonious social structures in all spheres and at all levels of a harmonious civilization. This is the beginning of conscious building a harmonious organizational resource, which eventually will cover the entire population. It can start in any country, for example, during the next population census, which must be accompanied by public education in the harmony ABC.

Therefore, the GHA social experiment with a harmonious structure and democracy o­n the basis of this alphabet has a unique value for the development of human harmonious civilization. This gives each member of the GHA and GHA this project a high spiritual meaning in modernity.





GHA Membership: Harmonious Social Structure

Since May 2011


Each member of the GHA is busy simultaneously, during the day, in all four social spheres, going from o­ne to another. Therefore, he/she belongs to all spheral classes. Therefore spheral social structure, unlike the private and hard disharmonious economic structures of industrialism, is a soft, harmonious and universal. A human never goes out of it. He is in it all the time, o­nly changing own spheral employment, that determines the priority of his/her main employment.

Every adult human is busy mainly by the amount of time and training in o­ne of the spheres, which he/she preferred, in which he/she is the most competent, and that is his/her priority o­n the long stage of life.

This criterion defines the GHA spheral social structure and the distribution of its members in it. This criterion is realized through free self-determination and conscious choice of GHA each member, who should determine independently his/her place in o­ne of four spheral groups and write your name in the appropriate table below.

The second choice, which should make the GHA new member - is the choice of o­ne or several (according to some criterion) GHA projects from the relevant list (http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=472), in which he/she would like to participate.

The above two free choices constitute the position of each member of the GHA in its spheral social structure that receives the most simple and clear expression in GHA's Membership Table, consisting of four sub tables.

At May 17, the spheral structure of the new GHA members is presented in the following table, which will continue to grow with new members.


Table: Four Spheral Groups of GHA

At state o­n May 19, 2011 – GHA 31 members


GHA Member:

First and last name

Country and City

Main employment

Project(s) participation

Email and





Sociogroup (P1)Main employment is HUMAN, PEOPLE



Maria Cristina Azcona

Argentina, Buenos Aires

Educator and Thinker

Education Projects



Henry Skvortsov

Russia, St. Petersburg


Education Projects




Russia, St. Petersburg






Russia, St. Petersburg






Ukraine, Sumy





Anna Ostapenko

Ukraine, Ternopol




Heli Habyarimana

Rwanda, Kigali


All Projects


Surendra Pathak


India, Rajasthan


Education Projects



http://iaseuniversity.academia. edu/SurendraPathak

Maitreyee Bardhan Roy




Education Projects


Mary Luz Sandoval Robayo

Manizales, Colombia

Teacher at the university

Sociological projects




















Infogroup (P2)

Main employment is INFORMATION



Leo Semashko

Russia, St. Petersburg

Philosophy and Sociology

All Projects


Ivan Ivanov

Russia, St. Petersburg

Informatics, Webmaster

Design Projects


Alex Semashko

Russia, Kaluga

Marketing information

Any Project



Russia, Moscow


Art Projects



Russia, Moscow

God, Religion

Harmony Religions Projects


Yuri Tsimbalist

Russia, Moscow

Poetry and music

Art Projects


Marina Kozlovskaya

Ukraine, Kiev

Innovation Platforms

Innovation Projects


Vladimir Ilchuk

Ukraine, Kiev

Innovation Transfer



Alexander Tarariko

Ukraine, Kiev

Cosmic Research of Soil

Scientific cooperation


Эрнесто Кахан

Israel, Tel Aviv


Any Project


Susana Roberts

Argentina, Trelew




Tatomir Ion-Marius


Poetryand Philosophy



Jose Maria Lopera





Nina Yudina

Russia, St. Petersburg

Poetry and music

Art Projects



Russia, St. Petersburg


Ecosocial Projects












3 members



Orggroup (P3)

Main employment is ORGANIZATION



Peter Semashko

Russia, St. Petersburg


Law Projects



Tatyana Tselyutina


Management, consulting

Management Projects


Antonina Lysenko

Ukraine, Dnepropetrovsk
















3 members



Techno(eco)group (P4)

Main employment is THINGS



Andrey Semashko

Russia, St. Petersburg


Any Project



Russia, Moscow

Electrical Engineering, Environmental Technology and sociosystem

Any Project


Oksana Kravchenko

Ukraine, Poltava

Animal husbandry and Ecology

Ecology of nutrition












* Note. The Webpage and email of the GHA member o­n its name can be found through the "SEARCH" o­n the GHA Website: www.peacefromharmony.org o­n any of its page except the main o­ne. In the Table is included the email and webpages o­nly beginners who are not yet available o­n the GHA website.


The table of the GHA spheral (harmonious) social structure models a similar structure at all levels of society: family, city, province/state, country and humanity as a whole. The GHA Spheral model allows to study the spheral structure at all other levels. This raises the GHA as an institution of public sociology in a new research stage.

This model is identical for all, without exception, harmonious social structures, conscious creation and progress of them o­n the base of the ABC and theory of a harmonious civilization ensure harmonious peace, sustainable development, ecological balance and to overcome all the social pathologies and the economic crisis of industrialism.


Dr Leo Semashko

GHA Founder and President




Global Harmony Association:


Was approved by GHA, December 5, 2010



In Russian: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=281

In English: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=249


GHA Board Member and Country

Function in GHA and in the world

Personal Webpage

Dr. Leo Semashko, Russia,

Board Chair,

GHA President


Prof. Ernesto Kahan, Israel

GHA 1st Vice-President,

GHA Poetry Contest


Litt. Dr. Tholana Chakravarthy,India

GHA Vice-President,

Children’s priority


Dr.Renato Corsetti, Italy

GHA Vice-President,

Esperanto, PR in Europe


Dr. Ananta Kumar Giri, India


Sociological Studies


Dr. Charles Mercieca, USA

GHA Vice-President,

PR in N. America


Ivan Ivanov, Russia

Technical Director






Dr. Steve Rajan,


GHA Vice-President,

PR in Asia


Dr. Maria Cristina Azcona, Argentina

GHA Vice-President,

PR in S. America


Heli Habyarimana, Rwanda

GHA Vice-President,

PR in Africa




Leonid Timoshenko,


GHA Vice-President,

Music and Harmony Festivals


Litt. Dr. Dimitris P. Kraniotis, Greece

GHA Board Member, Harmony Poetry




Dr.Ghassan Abdallah, Palestine

GHA Board Member, Harmonious Education




Tatomir Ion-Marius, Romania

GHA Board Member, Harmony Poetry


Dr. Laj Utreja,


President, GHA-USA




Mariam Khan, Pakistan

President, GHA-Pakistan





Jacob Eagan Bright, Liberia

President, GHA- Liberia







GHA Statutes Article 30 (Board), new edition (approved by the GHA o­n March 3, 2011):

“Board is a key collective body of democratic governance in the GHA. GHA update and approve the Board o­nce every three years. The Board is formed of the GHA’s most capable, active, organized and responsible members who agree to work in the Board and carry out their responsibilities. The GHA President heads the Board as its Chair. Any member of the GHA can nominate self or any other candidate to the Board. Their request is considered by the Board and approved by the GHA. All projects and initiatives of the GHA are first discussed and approved by the Board, and o­nly then are ratified by the general GHA membership. The core initiative group of the Board comprises four members: President, First Vice-President and the leaders of the U.S. and Japan offices. This group prepares preliminary materials for projects/initiatives and determines the agenda of the GHA Board.

The Board members are the GHA leaders in different areas of the GHA activity in the world. They are the leaders of the world harmony. A Board member determines his/her own direction and area. He/she has the right to raise any relevant question for discussion by the GHA Board. The main requirement for a Board member is mandatory participation in the discussion/approval of all Board decisions and in promoting/implementing the GHA projects. A Board member loses his position and removed from it, if he/she for no good reason and without warning to the Board members is silent and does not respond to the three consecutive procedures of the Board discussion/approval. These procedures are announced by the GHA President via the internet. All questions and projects are discussed in the Board for three days, and no more, except in specified cases requiring the special need to extend the discussion. Feedback from members of the Board shall be public, i.e. for all members of the Board.”


Global Harmony Association (GHA)

May 26 – June 14, 2010


GHA Information Order

Was approved by GHA June 14, 2010

GHA Information Order (GHAIO) is based o­n the following principles:


  1. GHA, by the Statutes and Peace from Harmony Mission, cannot admit in information exchange any party of the irreconcilable conflicts within the peace from harmony making organisation. We, GHA members, are pigeons instead of hawks. We can encourage o­nly respectful exchange of information according to the Information Order. Those, who want to be disrespectful in it and to kindle any enmity, have no place among peacemakers.
  2. The GHA member is focus o­n the positive projects of peace from harmony, therefore he/she voluntary refuse from discussions of the advance irreconcilable private opinions to keep our friendship and unity in GHA for the sake of the peace from harmony general ideal.
  3. Quality, dignity and sign of the GHA members as peace humans are ability to stop any kindling of enmity in the association. The members must concentrate o­n effective ways for search of positive peace decisions in the interests of all parties. Any notion aimed to cause escalation of any enmity and to continue its kindling in interests of o­ne party is quality and sign, which are incompatible with the GHA membership. GHA unites peaceful people and excludes people who cause hindrance to peace from harmony.
  4. The imperative requirement for discussion of religious questions is the public consent in accordance with the GHA Declaration of Religious Harmony, based o­n the corresponding state Declaration of Singapore in the following edition:


"We, the GHA members and friends, declare that religious harmony is vital for peace, friendship and consent in our multi-cultural and multi-religious organisation.

We resolve to strengthen religious harmony through mutual tolerance, confidence, respect, and understanding.

We shall always:

Recognise the secular nature of our organisation,

Promote cohesion within our community,

Respect each other's freedom of religion,

Grow our common space while respecting our diversity,

Foster inter-religious communications,

and thereby ensure that religion will not be abused to create conflict and disharmony in GHA."


GHA Information Order Rules


  1. The GHA Information Order (GHAIO) is intended to provide two general guide lines: (a) GHA freedom of speech and cyber-discussions, and (b) strengthening the GHA Peace from Harmony Mission.
  2. The place of all GHA cyber-discussions o­n the peace from harmony areas such as education, religion, ecology, policy, democracy, human rights and others is the GHA Forum: peace-from-harmony@yahoogroups.com. (All interested in the above mentioned cyber-discussions, either to read them or to participate in them should be registered at this forum home page: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/peace-from-harmony).
  3. All discussions at the GHA Forum should abide by the Peace from Harmony Mission and the GHAIO.
  4. The right of the general dispatches for all GHA members and its affiliates (GHA-USA and YGHA) belongs o­nly to the corresponding Presidents who organize or solicit general discussions o­n the GHA related issues.
  5. Each GHA member has the right to create his/her own information platform of cyber-discussion o­n any GHA related issue, having advised about the respective GHA president. He/she is exclusively responsible for any organizational liability in such discussions within the GHAIO. Whereas the GHA members are free to participate in other discussion forums in the cyberspace, they may follow GHAIO in cyber-discussions when contributing as a GHA member.
  6. Each GHA member has the right to join and leave freely any discussion at any time consistent with GHAIO.

The purpose of GHAIO is to facilitate free flow of cyber-discussions in an ethical manner and to organize information streams in the spirit of our Peace from Harmony Mission and unity strictly for the GHA to prevent any conflicts of the participants.


The public recognition of the GHA Information Order principles and rules is an obligatory condition for GHA all discussions participants.


Was approved by the GHA o­n June 14, 2010


This text was edited by Dr. Laj Utreja, GHA-USA President; June 15, 2010



In Russian: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=281

In English: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=249



Global Harmony Association:

Board and Committee, from 06/09/08



Member name + country + email + webpage

PROJECTS Participation + hours of employment by them per day or week:

Dr, Social Philosopher Leo Semashko, Russia,

Board Chair:



Academy of Harmony; Harmony Festival 2010;

8 hours per day

Doctor of Literature, Poet TholanaChakravarthy, India, Board Vice-Chair:


Harmony Hymn; Harmony Festival 2010;

2-4 hours per week

Student, Director for publications, Ivan Ivanov, Russia, pogrebalniy.zvon@gmail.com, http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=11

Site service; Academy of Harmony; Harmony Festival 2010;

2 hours per week

Dr Charles Mercieca, USA,



Academy of Harmony; Harmony Festival 2010;

2 hours per week

Poet Tatomir Ion-Marius, Romania,


Harmony Hymn; Harmony Festival 2010;

2 hours per week

Prof. Alexey Stakhov, Canada:



Academy of Harmony; Harmony Festival 2010;

2 hours per week

Prof. Ernesto Kahan, Israel:



Academy of Harmony; Harmony Festival 2010;

2 hours per week

Dr. Ghassan Abdallah, Palestine:



Academy of Harmony; Harmony Festival 2010;

2 hours per week

Mr Jean de Dieu Basabose, Rwanda:



Academy of Harmony; Harmony Festival 2010;

2 hours per week

Dr. Dimitris P. Kraniotis, Greece:



Harmony Hymn; Harmony Festival 2010;

2 hours per week

Composer Claude Veziau, Canada:



Harmony Hymn; Harmony Festival 2010;

2 hours per week

11 Board members of 9 countries: India, Greece, Canada, Israel, Palestine, Russia, Romania, Rwanda, USA,





Honorary Advisory Committee:

Member name + country + email + webpage

PROJECTS Participation + hours of employment by them per day or week:

1.Dr Renato Corsetti, Italy;




Spread Esperanto & goals of the Association; peace-from-harmony Yahoo list;

2 hours per week

2.Prof. Reimon Bachika, Japan;




Examination for new ideas;


  1. Dr. Martha Ross DeWitt, USA, mrossdewitt@sbcglobal.net,


New variant of the Magna Carta of Harmony;

  1. Dr., Poet Maria Azcona, Argentina;azconacristina@hotmail.com,


New variant of the Magna Carta of Harmony; TV for Harmonious Peace Culture;

5. Dr. Maitreyee Roy, India ;



Children’s priority;

5 hours per week

6. Prof. Rudolf Siebert, USA,



religious harmonization through Golden Rule;




7. Dr Bernard Scott, England:



Sociocybernetics of harmony;

      8. Poet, Honorary doctor Guy Crequie, France;



TV for Harmonious Peace Culture; Association registration in the UNESCO

       9. Prof. Jean Faullimmel, France;




10.  Dr. Kamran Mofid, England;



The Common Good through harmonization;

11.     Prof. Ammar Banni, Algeria:

TV for Harmonious Peace Culture;

8 hours per week

        12. Painter Nina Goncharova, Russia:




Altai youth village of harmony; TV project; Theatre of new time;

2-6 hours per day




     13. Poet, Kae Morii, Japan



Poetic and art creativity of a harmonious peace culture: 2-6 hours per week

     14. Prof. Dongrong Sun, China,



For social harmony in the world;

2-4 hours per week

      15. Prof. Grigory Toulchinsky, Russia;



Ethics and philosophy of the harmonious world;

2 hours per o­ne week

      16. Prof. Igor Shadkhan, Russia;



Videofilm: "Way to Peace from harmony";

17.  Journalist Yury Dorofeev, Russia;



Children’s priority;

18.  Psychologist Olga Ushakova, Russia;




19. Composer, Prof. Abram Jusfin, Russia,



Harmony Hymn; Musical encyclopedia of the harmonious world;

   20. Writer Alexander Olshansky, Russia,     aa@olshanski.ruhttp://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=80, http://www.olshanski.ru

Academy of Harmony;

2 hours per o­ne week

        21. Writer Vladimir Kavtorin,Russia;



Children’s priority; harmony of the interethnic relations;

1-2 hours per o­ne week

        22. Sociologist Tatiana Tselutina, Russia,



Magna Carta of Harmony;

2 hours per o­ne week

         23. JournalistNataly Sidorova, Russia,



Art of harmony; Conference 2010; expansion of communications;

2 hours per o­ne week

23 Committee members of 10 countries: Algeria, Argentina, England, France, India, Italy, Japan,Russia , USA




The Board and the Honorary Advisory Committee WERE APPROVED

by September 6, 2008.


Dr Leo Semashko

President, Global Harmony Association



 The Global Harmony Association Statutes are also available in the following languages:



    Romanian (PDF)

Global Harmony Association


I. Preamble


  1. The Global Harmony Association is a non governmental and not-for-profit International Peacemaking Organization, which was created by the International Website "Peace from Harmony" authors in October-November, 2007. The Website "A New Culture of Peace from Social Harmony and Children’s Priority", shortly: "Peace from Harmony" (www.peacefromharmony.org) makes the centre of the Global Harmony Association communication space and also its main information body and resource. The Global Harmony Association constituent members (new co-founders) can be any international or national organizations sharing its Statutes. Initially, these are the o­nes listed o­n the site.


  1. The International Website "Peace from Harmony" was created o­n February 15, 2005. It now unites more than 240 authors-peacemakers: scientists, writers, artists and peace activists from 39 countries of all continents of the world and is published in 17 languages. Its Founder and Director is the social philosopher and sociologist Dr Leo M. Semashko of St. Petersburg, Russia.


  1. The Global Harmony Association is based o­n recognition of an inherent social harmony of spheral classes, globally and in each nation, and o­n an understanding of their natural evolution, which incorporate a peaceful essence of humankind to ensure its survival. Sphere classes differ from other historical classes and groups by their characteristics of universality, social partnership and mutual aid, which exclude the potential for antagonisms, competitive, struggles and enmity among them. Sphere classes of humankind reproduce themselves by reproducing each other, and, by their very nature, make the social base for global harmony. Self-conscious awareness of sphere classes and their conscious creation of global harmony are possible o­nly at a high level of development of humankind: at the level of an information civilization, replacing an industrial civilization at a stage of its inevitable crisis and decay. The essentially new, harmonious era of a human history begins with an information civilization. The scientific understanding of sphere classes and the harmonious era, connected with them, found the first expression in the collective works of the "Peace from Harmony" site authors: "Harmonious Era Calendar" (2006-2007, by 38 authors) and "Magna Carta of Harmony for an information civilization" (2007, by 43 authors), published o­n the site and in the books written in the basic world languages. These books are distributed through many countries and libraries o­n all continents. They include a comprehensive, scientific analysis of social harmony, which is now the worldview of the Global Harmony Association. This worldview of harmony or harmonious worldview is acceptable for all people of the world. Therefore the Harmony Association includes Global in its title. This worldview unites universal, humanitarian values of harmony and provides a new spirituality and general cultural nucleus for a new information era.


  1. The Global Harmony Association recognizes a nonviolent and evolutionary way for the establishment of social harmony in the world and in every country. The harmonious state, harmonious education of children and harmonious human development are the basic ways for its establishment. The harmonious state is structured o­n the spheres. It governs the societal spheres as a natural and fundamental source of harmony, yet also gives back the private jurisdiction to an overwhelming majority of the economic branches and enterprises/firms making spheres. The harmonious state serves to interests of sphere classes of all population instead of private groups. Spheres are a structural and organizational synonym of harmony. The state, organized o­n spheres, becomes the key instrument for creation and development of social harmony in any country. The basic ways and means of theharmoniousstatein an establishment of social harmony are: economic equilibrium of the spheres; the eradication of hunger and extreme poverty; restriction on ‘superincomes; children’s suffrage and their priority; the ministries and departments of peace; full disarmament; religious and interfaith harmonization;harmonious science, art and impartial mass-media; harmonious culture of peace;sharing in harmonious language like Esperanto; harmonizinginformationtechnologies and uses;harmoniouseducation; harmonious public health service and environment; and harmonious democracy through harmonious legislation and harmonious political multi-party system. Through the harmonious family, harmonious spirituality and harmonious worldview the state becomes nonviolent and creates a harmonious energy of mutual, unconditional love among the peoples, sphere classes, nations, genders and generations.


  1. The creation of the Global Harmony Association, its Statutes and managing Committees are the first attempt at the organizational expression of social harmony o­n the basis of an appropriate worldview and corresponding peacemaking spirituality. The members, Committees and activities (projects) of the Global Harmony Association are structured according to four inherent spheres and spheral classes of humankind.


  1. The Website "Peace from Harmony" Director is the first President of the Global Harmony Association. The President is responsible the Association members and its Committees and he/or she announces decisions o­nly coordinated with them. In o­ne year the procedure of the Association President election and also recognition of the world peacemakers as the Honorary Presidents and World Leaders of Global Harmony will be established.


  1. The Global Harmony Association (further: Association) Statutes are approved and annually corrected by its Committees in September - November with the purpose of maintaining consensus. The Association Statutes will be registered at the UN and UNESCO. The Association appoints in these organizations the representatives, who are included in the Board staff.


  1. The Association headquarters is based in that country and in that city, where all necessary and favorable conditions for the Association activities, according its Statutes, can be created. The Association creates the regional branches worldwide.


II. Principles


  1. The Association’s ultimate aim is global peace from global conscious social harmony, the world energy which creates the common good for all ethnicities, universal human rights and dignity, harmonious education and harmonious social consciousness, wakening harmonious sustainable development and unconditional love within humankind; with the main focus o­n a priority for the children of the world and harmonious peace culture that excludes wars, enmity, famine, poverty, and also humiliation and suffering from them. This broad aim includes the similar narrower purposes of other peace organizations aspiring to social harmony for a better world without wars.


  1. On the basis of voluntary consent the Association unites the citizens of the world, as representatives of different cultures, religions, and civilizations of the world, and also various public and others organizations sharing its worldview and Statutes. The main organizational task for the Global Harmony Association consists in strengthening the organizations included in it and in widening their opportunities for achievement of universal purposes of peace and harmony. The Association creates a new civil quality and organizational energy for the solving of the global problems of humankind through the union of the many (possibly thousands) of isolated but related organizations. It is a task of globalization of peace and harmony.


  1. The Association welcomes cooperation and integration with other international and national non governmental organizations (NGOs) and also with the creative associations, institutions and enterprises/firms, which recognize its views and Statutes, share its ultimate aim in some part and do not contradict to other its part.Affiliation or integration into the Association by any organization is registered officially in a separate agreement signed by the parties, which is included in the Association Statutes. These organizations are the collective members of the Association.


  1. Each organization in the Association has the right to its own ideological, cultural and organizational diversity (pluralism), which aspires to harmony and does not contradict the Association’s worldview and Statutes.


  1. The Principles of Individual and Social Harmony, formulated in the "Magna Carta of Harmony" (2007) are recognized as the basic principles of the Association. Their fundamental values are: tolerance, respect, understanding, dialogue, compromise, consent, consensus and mutual aid. Consensus and mutual aid as the higher forms of harmony are the adequate method for the spiritual and organizational life of the Association and all of its Committees and members.


  1. The search for consensus o­n the Statutes and other important Association documents is multi-level aimed at including in discussion all members of the Association and by several steps to avoid an infinite number of disagreements. At the first step the document is coordinated within the framework of the 4-5 most competent and responsible members. Then, it is transferred for discussion and approval of the Association Committees (more than 30 persons). Then, it is transferred for discussion to all members of the Association (more than 200 persons). In o­ne year the process is repeated if consensus is not found. The Board specifies other documents, besides Statutes, that also undergo this process so that the search for consensus is democratic, transparent and practically continuous. During the discussions and voting, the silence of an organization member is considered as a mark of the consent.


  1. All organizations which cooperate and integrate with the Association have equal rights and duties and will be co-managed by their Presidents and the common Committees, formed o­n the principle of equality.


  1. Each organization which cooperates or integrates with the Association has the right to cease its membership, and should inform the Board two months before its exit.


  1. The Association reserves the right to be released from any member organization that breaks its principles or discredits its Statutes.


  1. The Association’s ultimate aim is reached through the realization of the various projects offered and fulfilled by its members. The list of these projects is shown below and are a part of the Statutes. Two hours per month is recognized as the minimal participation of an Association member in its projects and as his/her minimal contribution to global harmony and mutual aid. The resource of the collective time of the Association members is the main resource for fulfilling its projects and purposes, and also it is the resource for partnership, cooperation and the overcoming of alienation.


  1. An Association member is any world citizen who shares the Association’s Statutes, actively participates in at least o­ne project and helps the Association by the annual membership fee of USD10 (for developing countries) and of USD50 (for developed countries). Donations are also welcomed. Children, all students and disabled persons are exempt from the membership fees. The membership fees are paid in November - December each year. The annual membership fees are directed to its first and major project: "Making children a priority in the world", by transfer of membership fees in o­ne of the developing countries to meet the needs of poor and disabled children. It will be a symbol of the Association’s aspiration to social harmony by starting with children and through children. This process is set out in the Association’s separate document: "Order of transfer of the Association membership fees to children in need". The members who have paid fees are recognized as full members. Other members are recognized as potential members (or members-candidates). o­nly full members can be the members of the Association’s Committees. All questions of membership are resolved by the Board Association.


  1. The communication space of the Association is solely devoted to the promotion of the Culture of Peace. All political accusations, expressions of violence, and all infringements of Human Rights recognized by the UN are incompatible with Association membership.


III. Guidelines for Global Harmony Association Committees


  1. The primary guidelines for the formation and work of all the Association Committees are consensus, mutual aid and assistance as the higher forms of harmony. The Association should show the example of internal, organizational harmony in consensus and mutual aid so as to correspond to the name "Harmony Association." We should aspire to harmony, not o­nly within and between individuals, but also within and between the collective organization of the Association and all of its Committees. The aspiration to consensus and mutual aid applies to all steps in the formation and work of all the Committees but within certain limits: the search for consensus is limited by time frames of from 1 to 4 weeks. If consensus is not found, decisions are accepted by the principle "of the majority." For deciding urgent questions, the President can reduce the time for the search for consensus to just o­ne week. All documents and decisions accepted by a majority vote are reviewed in the following year and a new search for consensus is undertaken. If consensus is still not attained, the search for consensus by this procedure continues in the subsequent years.


  1. Consensus in voluntary organizations begins, first of all, with the agreement and wish of its member to actively participate and consent to the requirements of the various Committees. An Association member chooses o­ne or more projects or initiatives from the Association’s list (below) and decides o­n the hours of employment to be devoted to the project(s) per day, week or month. This commitment is entirely a matter of personal choice. Nobody has the right to interfere with it.


  1. The Association President, expressing the general requirements, determines the consensus of personal desires and collective interests. He formthe Committees choosing from those who wish to staff the Committees in accordance with the tasks of these Committees and with the hours of employment to be devoted to the project(s). The President reports personal staff of the Committees to Association members and publishes this information o­n the site.


  1. The procedure for updating Committees is made annually in September - October o­n the President’s initiative. He has the right to not include in the Committees those members who have failed to meet their commitments.


  1. The Association has three primary Committees: the Board as a primary Committee of operative management; the Honorary Advisory Committee as a primary Advisory Committee; the Council of Directors as a primary linguistic and translation Committee. The creation of other Committees is possible. At this stage o­nly two Committees have been created: the Board and the Advisory Committee.


  1. Each Committee is competent at half from its limiting number (can operate with half of its maximum staff).


  1. The President has the right to add new staff up to the maximum number any Committee at any time.


  1. The Board approves the Statutes and other normative documents of the Association after, usually, a recommendation from Advisory Committee.


  1. The common communication space in English for the Association members is the yahoo-forum. It is used o­nly for discussion of the Association projects and distribution of general information, but not for the exchange of personal information. All members of the Association Committees should join this forum. Any group of the Association and also each Committee can create a separate communication network.


IV. The Global Harmony Association primary Committees

  1. The Board is a basic operative executive Committee of 12 persons that discusses and ratifies the decisions o­n any questions of the Association, within no more that two weeks. The decisions about complex questions are usually accepted o­n the basis of recommendations by the Advisory Committee. The Board members have the right to pose any question concerning the Association. Each Board member chooses for himself o­ne or several directions (projects) of activity, or suggests new o­nes, which should be approved by the Board. The main requirement of each Board member is participation in discussions, and acceptance of the operative decisions o­n all questions decided by the majority. The response should be made within 1-2 days. Members who are o­n holiday and away from their computers should inform the Board. The Board Chair can discharge or replace the Board member if he does not accept participation in its work 1 month for the unknown reasons.
    The Board is headed by the Chair, who is the President, and the Vice-chair, who is elected by Board o­n the Board Chair recommendation.

  1. The Honorary Advisory Committee is created as a managing Committee with the status of a collective advisory or consultative body. Working recommendations for the Board o­n the Association each project (direction) is the Advisory Committee basic task. It comprises from 15 to 25 outstanding and skilled members, who are very busy members of our Association, and cannot participate in the work of the Board (i.e., cannot participate in discussions and react in during 1-2 days) but who can bring to the Association large benefit and help by their advice and recommendations. All questions and documents, presented at this Committee, are discussed within 1-3 weeks and its recommendations are reported to the Board. A Committee member may or may not participate in discussions. However, if he/she does not participate in discussions of any question for o­ne year, the following year his/her place is considered as vacant.
    The Committee is headed by the Chair and two Vice-Chairs who are elected by the Committee o­n the President’s recommendation. o­ne Vice-Chair is from the Russian-speaking part of the Committee and the other is from the English-speaking part of the Committee.


  1. The Council of Directors is a basic linguistic and translational Committee. It is created from the Directors of the linguistic segments of our site for translation of the site texts and pages from the base languages (Russian and English) to others languages established o­n our site. Each Director has the right to define the segments priority pages, their design, translations, size etc. The Directors are responsible for our site linguistic sectors, for widening of the publications o­n each of them, and in the main, for widening the audience, first of all youth, for our site in each of these language. At strength this Council corresponds to the number of the site languages. We have now 17 languages o­n the site, therefore this Council should comprise 17 Directors. (The Director’s work will require his/her time for the text translations. This requires payment. Therefore, this body can work o­nly when the Association will have money for its payment.)
    The Council of Directors is headed by the Chair and the Vice-chair, who are elected by Council o­n the Presidents’ recommendation.


The possible Directors o­n languages:

  1. Ukrainian - Alexander Verbitsky, he already translated into the Ukrainian language our Calendar and 14 site pages,

  2. Esperanto - Viatcheslav Ivanov, he translated Magna Carta and some site pages into Esperanto,

  3. Romanian - Tatomir Ion-Marius, he translated our Calendar and Magna Carta into Romanian,

  4. French - Claude Veziau, he translated our Calendar and Magna Carta into French,

  5. Greek - Takis Ioannides, he translated our Calendar into Greek,

  6. Chinese – Jiang Yimin, he translated our Magna Carta into Chinese,

  7. Urdu - Muhammad Iqbal-D, he translated our Calendar into Urdu,

  8. Hindi and Telugu - Tholana Chakravarthy, he translated our Calendar and Magna Carta into Hindi and Telugu,

  9. Spanish - Susana Roberts, she translated our Magna Carta into Spanish,

  10. Arabic - Ammar Banni, he translated our Magna Carta into Arabic.


V. The Global Harmony Association Activity Directions (Projects)


The ultimate aim of the Association is realized through the projects and initiatives listed below.




  1. Movement: "Making Children a Priority in the World"

  2. Movement: "For social harmony in the world" (Support and development of the Chinese experience in building a harmonious society)

  3. Search of the world leaders for the Association projects

  4. Magna Carta of Harmony

  5. Harmonious Era Calendar

  6. Publication and dispatch of the books and leaflets of the Association

  7. Poetic and artistic creativity for a harmonious peace culture

  8. Creation of the photo, video, art and memorial galleries o­n the site

  9. Scientific researches of the sphere classes of social harmony, harmonious peace and its culture

  10. Lecture course for schools and universities: "A Culture of Harmonious Peace"

  11. International Open Academy of Harmony

  12. International TV by Satellite for Harmonious Peace Culture & Literature

  13. World Conference o­n "A Culture of Harmonious Peace" in 2010 under aegis of the UN, UNESCO and UNICEF

  14. Development of 17 linguistic segments of the site

  15. Spreading the Esperanto language

  16. Seeking sponsors for the financing of the site and the Association

  17. Association registration as a UN and UNESCO NGO (non-governmental organization) department

  18. Publication of the Magna Carta and Calendar of Harmony in various countries (in o­ne language) and mass circulation for the schools and universities, as well as major libraries

  19. Organization of peacemaking actions

  20. Participation in the International Congresses, Conferences, Peace Festivals and Forums

  21. "Children first": Poems, songs, music and competition

  22. "Harmony Hymn": Poems, music and competition

  23. "Harmonious society": students and youth essays and competition

  24. Celebration of the Harmonious Era Calendar basic dates: Days of Harmony, Children’s Priority, Golden Rule, Earth Environment preservation, etc.

  25. Widening the connections with related organizations, groups and sites

  26. Authors’ materials, poetry and prose publications o­n the “Peace from Harmony” site

  27. Site texts translations

  28. Site technical service and updating

  29. Videofilm: "The Way to Peace from Harmony"

  30. Site Honorary Titles, jubilees and nomination for Prizes

  31. Site members increase

  32. Musical encyclopedia of the harmonious world

  33. Altai youth village of harmony

  34. Ethics and philosophy of the harmonious world

  35. Religious harmonization

  36. Sociocybernetics of harmony

  37. The Common Good through harmonization


In the future, in addition:


1. Movement: "For transformation of the Olympic games into Olympiads of Peace from Harmony"

2. Creation of school museums "Peace from harmony"

3. Summer youth camps and schools "Peace from harmony"

4. Summer adult expeditions "Peace from harmony"

5. Harmonizing information technology for children and youth

6. Addition of the site’s new linguistic segments

7. Theatre for new era


The projects and initiatives are amended and confirmed in September - October of each year by the Board.


The Statutes were approved by the Board and the Honorary Advisory Committee on November 30, 2007


Dr Leo Semashko

President, Board Chair; Global Harmony Association

Dr Renato Corsetti

Honorary Advisory Committee Chair, Global Harmony Association


The Statutes have been edited by Dr Bernard Scott, UK.


November 30, 2007



Global Harmony Association: Final Letter about Statutes


Dear Global Harmony Association Members and Friends!


We, Dr Leo Semashko and Dr Renato Corsetti, are glad to inform you (more than 200 persons), that the revised Association’s Statutes as presented above and o­n the site: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=249, were approved by the consensus of the Board and Honorary Advisory Committee Members (by 31 persons). The approval of the Statutes is the birth of an organization. We congratulate all members of the Global Harmony Association o­n the birth o­n November 30, 2007! It was brought about by our site "Peace from Harmony" authors! Honour and praise to us!


The work o­n the Statutes took about two months, and the consensus search took 4 weeks, time-limit (clause 21), since November 2. It was a difficult and laborious work, which practically began anew after the IFLAC (Ada Aharoni) announced about its independence o­n November 12. The consensus search was not done without ideological conflicts, which, however, strengthened harmony and cleared the internal atmosphere. Even in harmony, the new does not come without conflicts with the old. The consensus search was finished, from our point of view, by the excellent success in the creation of an unprecedented organizational document of global scale and importance. As the artist from Romania, Tatomir Ion-Marius, expressed poetically: "After some clouds passed away, it seems the Statutes begin to shine in clarity as the sun o­n the clear sky." Prof. Charles Mercieca with no less enthusiasm responded about it: "These highly inspired and providential statutes may eventually serve as a springboard to the development and implementation of a genuine world peace."


The Statutes incorporate the ideas of about 20 members of "Peace from harmony". Now it is impossible to list all of the changes and additions made during the last month. o­n behalf of the Board and Honorary Advisory Committee we express deep gratitude to everyone, who actively participated in the discussion, but first of all to Martha Ross DeWitt, Reimon Bachika, Tholana Chakravarthy, Harold W. Becker, Claude Veziau, Guy Crequie, Nina Goncharova, Tatomir Ion-Marius, Ivan Ivanov, Yury Dorofeev, Olga Ushakova, Vladimir Kavtorin and another. We express special gratitude to Dr Bernard Scott, from England, who edited the Statutes text three times.


No o­ne from the members has rejected the Statutes. But in them there are roughnesses, which will be corrected annually. 3-4 members, approving the Statutes as a whole, objected to some of its rules. For example, Yury Dorofeev disagrees the with annual updating of the Statutes. Harold and others offered changes to clause 19 about membership fees in the last day of discussion, and they will be discussed in o­ne year, if a compromise is not found. But these private disagreements do not affect consensus in the approval of our Statutes as a whole. We congratulate all with this consensus as o­ne of highest displays of harmony. Our Association begins its history with consensus.


The Statutes outstanding advantages include:


1. A scientific definition of social harmony as natural relations among the four sphere classes of humankind and the inevitability of the establishment of global harmony in an information society, o­nly by such harmony can humankind survive and prosper.


2. The recognition that o­nly evolutionary ways lead to social harmony.


3. The establishment of social harmony through the harmonious state, harmonious education of children and their priority and harmonious human development. The harmonious state is a sphere state. It governs the societal spheres as a natural and fundamental source of harmony, yet also gives back the private jurisdiction to an overwhelming majority of the economic branches and enterprises/firms that make up the spheres. The harmonious state serves the interests of the sphere classes of all the population not just of private groups.


4. The integration o­n these ideas and purposes of by a multitude of international and national organizations aspiring to peace and harmony in separate directions: through art, education, health, environment etc. The main organizational task for the Global Harmony Association consists in strengthening the organizations united within it and in widening their opportunities for the achievement of the universal goals of peace and harmony. Thus is achieving a globalization of peace and harmony.


These advantages of the Statutes make the Global Harmony Association acceptable and attractive for the many thousands of organizations aspiring to a better world beyond wars, enmity and poverty.


For the near future: invitations to the first three actions of harmony.


1. According to the approved Statutes, in December we should pay the membership fees (clause 19), join in o­ne of the projects and confirm it by our full membership in the Global Harmony Association. This year, o­n the Board’s decision, our fees will be directed to the disabled children’s organization in Calcutta, India (President, Dr.Maitreyee Bardhan Roy). The "Order of transfer of the Association membership fees to children in need" was published o­n the site together with the Statutes. In the coming days, those responsible for the transfer of the membership fees for 2007, Tholana Chakravarti and Maitreyee Bardhan Roy, will inform you of the necessary accounts and addresses. It is desirable, you send membership fees by Christmas, as your Christmas gift for the children. It will be the first action of the Global Harmony Association, confirming its aspiration to harmony.


2. Each member of Association can express its opinion concerning changes or additions to the Statutes during the next year, but it is best to do so in the near future. Your opinions will be collected. They will be discussed in o­ne year according to clause 7. You can send your opinions to us or any member of the Board and Committee or to our forum: peace-from-harmony@yahoogroups.com. It will be by the continuous search for consensus that confirmation of our harmonious intentions will be affirmed.


3. We invite the 30 organizations listed o­n our site, "Peace from harmony", first to discuss the question of joining the Global Harmony Association as o­ne of its co-founders or affiliated organizations, according to its Statutes, and to choose from the general projects for united activity.


With the best regards for our newborn Global Harmony Association,


Dr Leo Semashko, President, Board Chair, Global Harmony Association


Dr Renato Corsetti, Honorary Advisory Committee Chair, Global Harmony Association


November 30, 2007


Edited by Dr Bernard Scott, UK



Order of transfer of the Association membership fees to children in need


1.The Order is approved by the Board according to the Global Harmony Association Statutes clause 19: "The membership fees are paid in November - December each year. The annual membership fees are directed to its first and major project: "Making children a priority in the world", by transfer of membership fees to o­ne of the developing countries to meet the needs of poor and disabled children. It will be a symbol of the Association’s aspiration to social harmony by starting with children and through children. This process is set out in the Association’s separate document: "Order of transfer of the Association membership fees to children in need"."


2.The Board defines the developing countries and the specific children's organizations, to which membership fees will be transferred. They are transferred in US dollars (USD).


3.The list of the developing countries for the transfer of membership fees is approved each year for the following three years.


4.The children's organization to which membership fees are transferred is approved each year.


5.The Board approves two Responsible persons for the transfer, use and report o­n any expenditure of membership fees. The first Responsible person is the Board member, as a rule, from the appropriate developing country, who offers a concrete children's organization from his country for transfer of membership fees. The second Responsible person is the Chief of this children's organization, with the indication of all his data: post, titles, home and work addresses, all telephones, faxes and emails.


6.The Chief of the children's organization should present to the Board (to the Board Chair and to the Responsible person of the Board) the following FIVE documents:


a. INFORMATION about the Chief of the children's organization: name and surname, education, scientific and other titles, age, post (how many years), material situation (average income per o­ne month), address of children's organization, home address, all telephones, faxes, emails and sites of children's organization and her Chief. The bank accounts of the children's organization and addresses for the various forms of transfer of membership fees should be specified here.


b. AN APPLICATION for transfer of the Association membership fees to the children's organization for rendering assistance to children. To specify the kinds of help: children's food, children's clothes and footwear, children's toys, medicines, school belongings etc.


c. A LIST of children, with the indication of their surname and name, age, material situation (average income of the parents per o­ne month), condition of health, education, address of residing, their parents (surname and name, age, average income per month of each parent, number of children in family, home address, telephone and email).


d. A LIST and average size in dollars of prime needs of the children's organization for possible repeated transfers of membership fees or additional donations.


e. A DOCUMENT of a local authority body CONFIRMING authenticity of the first four documents. This document should be printed o­n an official form and with the body’s seal. All FIVE documents are to be sent to the Board (Responsible person) in electronic and paper formats.


7. o­n the basis of the five specified documents the Board will make a decision o­n the transfer of membership fees to the children's organization, to the accounts and addresses,. All the Global Harmony Association members will be informed of the decision.


8. The membership fees from Russia and other developing countries are collected by the appropriate Responsible persons, whom the Board affirms. The membership fees, collected by these persons, are transferred to the children's organization.


9. The membership fees are transferred in November - December (as an exception, in January of the following year). The Global Harmony Association member transferring a membership fee simultaneously informs this fact to the Board Responsible person.


10. o­n March 31 of the following year the Chief of the children's organization and the Board Responsible person present a Report o­n the received membership fees (sum and list of the members who have sent fees), their expenditure o­n concrete kinds of help to children and the number of children who received the help, for the Board’s approval.


11. The Report, approved by the Board, will be dispatched to all the Global Harmony Association members in April.


This "Order" was approved by the Global Harmony Association Board o­n November 29, 2007.


Dr Leo Semashko

The Board Chair

Edited by Dr Bernard Scott, UK


Global Harmony Association Board DECISIONS:


1.November29,2007. APPROVE "Order of transfer of the Association

membership fees to children in need" and to publish it o­n the site "Peace from



2.November 29, 2007.  APPROVE the following list of the developing countries

for transfer of membership fees and the Board Responsible persons:


- 2007. India; the Board Responsible person: TholanaChakravarthy.

-2008. Ethiopia; the Board Responsible person: Mussie Hailu.

-2009. Russia; the Board Responsible person:


3.November29,2007. APPROVE “Organization for the disabled children”,

Address:AE 697 Salt Lake City, Kolkata, 700064, India; President, Dr.Maitreyee

Bardhan Roy,Tel:91-33-2337-1098ormobile:9433060084,e-mail:

maitreyee25@rediffmail.com; for transfer of the Global Harmony Association

membership fees in 2007. Offer Dr.Maitreyee Bardhan Roy to present to Board

the necessary documents in week term and to announce to the Association members

about bank count, address and terms of transfer of membership fees.


Dr Leo Semashko

The Board Chair

November 30 2007



Updated Rules of Recognition of Honorary Titles in the Global Harmony Community

Draft (it is the subject for discussion and approval)


General regulations


The International site "A New Culture of Peace from Social Harmony and Children’s Priority", shortly: "Peace from Harmony" is created in February 15, 2005. For this time a world (global) community of harmony has grown o­n it. It is group of people incorporated by a recognition of harmony as a source of the true peace and general aspiration to harmony in o­ne, children and world, irrespective of a gender, age, education, trade, creed, country, culture, language and other distinctions. Now community of harmony unites more than 200 humans from 36 countries of the world, and its site, as the information tool of its association and development, is published in 17 languages of the world.


These people are peacemakers, but special, as they consider individual and social harmony as a source for true peace. They recognize a development (deepening and distribution) of individual and social harmony all over the world as own mission. Therefore they name themselves "peacemakers of harmony" or "peacemakers from harmony" to emphasize the difference from the traditional peacemakers. However, this difference does not prevent them to cooperate with anyone peacemakers. (Something from these general regulations should go away in the site Statute and Mission)


Community of harmony unites peacemakers of harmony of the different abilities. The community welcomes and encourages ANYONE, even most modest, contribution into individual and social harmony, in culture of harmonious peace. At the same time community of harmony counts possible and necessary a special moral encouragement for the outstanding contribution to harmony and harmonious peace culture in all spheres of the human and society. o­n this basis the community establishes institute of the International Honorary Titles, which includes a number of the Rules.


Rules of the Honorary Titles Recognition


1. The community of harmony establishes the International Honorary Titles of three nominations and three levels. (Further the nominations number and levels of Honorary Titles extend).


2. Nomination of the first level:

А. "Peace from Harmony" Honorary Author: recognize for the most outstanding publications, translations, editing, programming and design of the site materials, and also for active discussion of different themes o­n the site

Б. Honorary Volunteer of Global Movement "Making Children a Priority in the World": recognize for the special contribution to creation for children a priority in the world, for an appeal to it the political, public and other leaders and for active participation in the appropriate movement and its development


3. Nomination of the second level: Honorary Title: "Creator of World Harmonious Peace Culture": recognize for the special merits in the statement of harmonious peace culture in the international scale.


4. Nomination of the third level: the Highest Honorary Title: "Global Harmony Creator": recognize for the unique merits in the creation of global harmony in all spheres of humankind.


5. The assignment of Honorary Titles is defined as their RECOGNITION for the concrete person, which contribution corresponds to this titles.


6. The recognition of the Honorary Titles for the community members occurs during year, but is officially nominated to o­ne day in year - at June 21 - Global Harmony Day o­n the Harmonious Era Calendar.


7. The Honorary Titles of harmony community can be recognized not o­nly for its members but also other people, which correspond to criteria of these titles.


8. o­nly o­ne Honorary Title beginning at their first level, as a rule, can be recognized for o­ne human in year.


9. The Honorary Titles are recognized by the site President (further - Board) o­n the basis of the offers and recommendations, and also at the consent of the site co-authors or at absence of their objections.


10. Except the Honorary Titles other forms of moral encouragement of harmony peasmarkers are established: gratitude of the site Board and President, rewarding by memorable gifts, in particular by books of harmony peasmarkers and others.


11. Result the last recognitions of the Honorary Titles since June 15, 2005 in conformity with the New Rules


Are approved temporarily by the site President

Dr Leo Semashko

June 16, 2007


Board of the International Website and Global Community

"Peace from harmony"

since June 17, 2007




Professor Ada Aharoni, Israel:




Professor Reimon Bachika, Japan:




Professor of French language and Poet Ammar Banni, Algeria:


Doctor of Literature and Poet Tholana Ashok Chakravarthy, India, Board Vice-Chair:


Renato Corsetti, Italy:




Painter Nina Goncharova, Russia:




Dr Charles Mercieca, USA,




Poet and writer Susana Roberts, Argentina:




Dr Bernard Scott, England:




Composer Claude Veziau, Canada:




Dr, Social Philosopher Leo Semashko, Russia, Board Chair:




11 Board members represent 10 countries of the world.


Professor, Composer Abram Jusfin, Russia,

(http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=37) asked to remove his from the Board but to keep as the Board Adviser.



Strategy and Plan of the "Peace from Harmony" Website Work o­n 2007


Dear Website Authors, Friends!


Before to present the Strategy and Plan of the site work, let me to present the site Board, which was formed in October - November 2006 and which has developed this document. The Board necessity is dictated by growing number of the site authors, now it reached 180 from 32 countries of the world, and main, by a wide spectrum of the site questions requiring the preliminary discussions and operative decision. The Board Statute will be worked the next year, therefore Board is created while without the Statute o­n the basis of desire of some authors enter in its staff. The Board total number is limited by 12 persons. Now 9 persons have come in it. I like to present them and their personal pages.


Ada Aharoni, Israel, ada@tx.technion.ac.il,http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=2


Professor Reimon Bachika, Japan, bachika@bukkyo-u.ac.jp, http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=24

Renato Corsetti, Italy, renato.corsetti@esperanto.org, http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=97


Painter Nina Goncharova, Russia, gong3000@ngs.ru, http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=248


Professor, ComposerAbram Jusfin, Russia, jusfin@mail.ruhttp://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=37


Dr Charles Mercieca, USA, mercieca@knology.net, http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=129


Dr Leo Semashko, Russia – Board Chairman, leo44442006@yandex.ru, http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=253


Dr Bernard Scott, England, b.c.e.scott@cranfield.ac.uk, http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=255


Composer Claude Veziau, Canada, cveziau@globetrotter.net, http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=243


From October 1 to December 5 2006 the Board considered two questions/drafts: 1. About the top site Honorary Title and 2. Strategy and Plan of the site work o­n 2007. All Board members expressed the opinions about both drafts. At first let to present the site work Strategy/Plan approved the Board. Certainly, this document will be specified and changed according to the new requirements of life and the site authors suggestions. It is published o­n the site special page: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=249. Each site author can send the offers to any Board member. To the site Strategy the most important directions of its work are referred, and the operative and current questions are included in the Plan. The Strategy/Plan corresponds with the site Mission. The Strategy/Plan will be corrected in November - December of each year for the next year. The participation of the site EACH author in work o­n the Strategy/Plan EACH item is VOLUNTARY (at wish). It means each author can INCLUDE himself in any item of the Strategy/Plan or EXCLUDE himself from any of them, about what he/she should inform o­ne of the Board members.


The Board Strategy/Plan for the site o­n 2007

Are approved by the site Board in December 2006


Strategic directions of the site "Peace from Harmony" work o­n 2007

5 directions of the site strategy:


1. Harmonious Era Calendar,

2. International University/Academy of harmonious peace culture,

3. TV Satellite for harmonious peace culture,

4. International Conference o­n harmonious peace culture in 2010,

5. Global movement "Making children a priority in the world".

6. Magna Carta of Harmony: development, distribution and practical realization (added since May 23 2007).

Strategies details


1.Harmonious Era Calendar, its development and distribution:

1.1. Addition in its the new authors, dates, statements and translations o­n the new languages. (All site authors o­n wish)

1.2. Publication of the Harmonious Era Calendar by the separate brochure (40-70 pages) in o­ne language in the different countries with greetings/welcomes of the religious, political and cultural leaders. (All site authors o­n wish)

(Argentina: Maria Cristina Azcona, Susana Robertsand others.

Canada: Claude Veziau, Helena Green, Anna Dodds and others.

France: Guy Crequie, Rene Wadlowand and others.

Greece: Takis Ioannides,Kostas Konstantinidis and others.

India: Maitreyee Bardhan Roy, Subir Bardhan Roy, Ramkrishna Singh and others.

Israel: Ada Aharoni, Hillel Schenker and others.

Italy: Renato Corsetti, Rosa Dalmiglio and others.

Japan: Reimon Bachika and others.

Russia: Leo Semashko, Vladimir Kavtorin, Nina Goncharova, Talgat Akbashev, Tatiana Tselutina and others.

Ukraine. Alexander Verbitsky and others

USA: Harold Becker, Rose Lord, Martha Ross DeWitt, Bernard Phillips, Charles Mercieca and others.)

1.3. Distribution of the Harmonious Era Calendar o­n the schools, universities, youth, parental, peacemaking and religious organizations. (All site authors o­n wish)

1.4. Nominations of the Harmonious Era Calendar for the International Peace Prizes and search of financing (Leo Semashko, Charles Mercieca and others o­n wish)

1.5. Preparation and reading of lectures "Culture of Harmonious Peace" at schools and universities of the different countries of the world. (All site authors o­n wish)

2.Formation of the Organizational Committee for creation of the International Open and Interconfessional University/Academy o­n Culture of harmonious peace (Leo Semashko, Charles Mercieca, Ada Aharoni, Nina Goncharova, Talgat Akbashev, Renato Corsetti, Rosa Dalmiglio, and others o­n wish)

3.Formation of the Organizational Committee for creation of the Television Satellite for culture of harmonious peace (Ada Aharoni, Nina Goncharova, Renato Corsetti, Rosa Dalmiglio and others o­n wish)

4.Formation of the Organizational Committee of the International Conference "Culture ofharmonious peace for an information civilization" in 2010 (Leo Semashko, Charles Mercieca, Ada Aharoni, Nina Goncharova, Talgat Akbashev, Claude Veziau, Renato Corsetti and others o­n wish)

5.Formation of the Organizational Committee of the Global Movement "Making Children a Priority in the World". (Leo Semashko, Bernard Scott, Nina Goncharova, Talgat Akbashev, Claude Veziau and others o­n wish)


Board Work Plan for 2007:


  1. Working and approval of the site Board Statute (Reimon Bachika and Claude Veziau)

  2. Correction of the site Mission in connection with the past experience (Leo Semashko)

  3. Creating the site personal pages: Bernard Scott "Sociocybernetics of social harmony" and Leo Semashko "Tetrasophy of harmony and harmonious peace" (Bernard Scott, Leo Semashko). Finish off others personal pages.

  4. Formation of the Organizational Committee for working of the Rules and Title of the International Olympiad (Contest?) of harmonious peace culture o­n the basis of our 15 authors discussion: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=233 (Ada Aharoni, Reimon Bachika, Claude Veziau, Nina Goncharova, Abram Jusfin, Leo Semashko,Renato Corsetti and others o­n wish)

  5. Attraction of o­ne new co-author for the Harmonious Era Calendar by each Board member (and other authors of the site o­n wish)

  6. Working of o­ne lecture o­n Culture of Harmonious Peace by each Board member (and other authors of the site o­n wish)

  7. Celebrating February 15, 2007 of the second anniversary of creation of our site "Peace from harmony " (Leo Semashko, Ada Aharoni, Reimon Bachika, Martha Ross DeWitt, Rose Lord, Maria Cristina Azcona, and other authors of the site o­n wish.)

  8. Celebrating June 21 2007 as the Global Harmony Day in the second time (Leo Semashko, Ada Aharoni, Reimon Bachika, Martha Ross DeWitt, Claude Veziau, Nina Goncharova, and other authors of the site o­n wish.)

  9. Organization of a section "Culture of Harmonious Peace and its Calendar " o­n the Esperanto World Congress in Yokohama, Japan, at the beginning of August 2007 (Renato Corsetti, Nikoly Gudskov, Viatchesslav Ivanov and others o­n wish)

  10. Organization of a section "Culture of Harmonious Peace and its Calendar " o­n the 11 International Congress "Education of the World Citizens" in Russia, October 2007 (Nina Goncharova, Talgat Akbashev, Claude Veziau, and others o­n wish)

  11. Organization of a section " Sociocybernetics of social harmony" o­n o­ne of Conferences of the Research Committee 51 "Sociocybernetics", International Sociological Association (Leo Semashko, Bernard Scott and others o­n wish)

  12. Organization of working group "The Future and culture of harmonious peace" in Research Committee 07 "Research of the Future", International Sociological Association (Reimon Bachika, Leo Semashko and others o­n wish)

  13. Organization of Thematic group "Cultural sociology of harmonious peace" in the International Sociological Association (Leo Semashko, Reimon Bachika and others o­n wish)

  14. Creation of the working international group "Harmonization of the interreligious relations" for contacts with the religious leaders (Reimon Bachika, Rudolf Siebert, Nina Goncharova, S. Shimazono and others o­n wish)

  15. Project "Software of the SIST-INDIVID for harmonious development and personalgrowth of schoolchildren and university students" (Leo Semashko and others o­n wish)
  16. Project "Publication of Calendars of Harmonious culture for different groups of the population of St.-Petersburg " (Leo Semashko and others o­n wish)

  17. Project "Reading of a lectures course "Culture of Harmonious Peace" at schools and universities of St.-Petersburg " (Leo Semashko and others o­n wish)

  18. Project: "Preparation of new Global movement "For social harmony in the world"". (Leo Semashko and others o­n wish).

  19. Working of Rules and Nominations of the site Honorary Titles (Leo Semashko and others o­n wish)

  20. Work o­n development of the site "Peace from Harmony" and translation of its materials o­n 12 languages (Leo Semashko and others o­n wish).

  21. Project: seminars, concerts, presentations, youth cultural forums and festivals of vital creativity for harmonious peace culture (Nina Goncharova, Claude Veziau and others o­n wish).

  22. Project: " Theatre of the New Harmonious Time " (Nina Goncharova, Claude Veziau and others o­n wish)


Dr Leo Semashko

Board Chairman

December 15, 2006


On a question of the site top Honorary Title the Board considered the following five variants:


1. Reimon Bachika: Status of Peace-Harmony World Citizen = Status of PHWC

2. Nina Goncharova: Harmonious Peace Human

3. Nina Goncharova: Human Creating Harmonious Peace (or Harmony of Peace)

4. Leo Semashko: (initial variant, since May 2005): World Symbol of Harmonious Peace Culture

5. Leo Semashko: (compromise variant): Creator of World Harmonious Peace Culture


In result the Board members half: Renato Corsetti, Nina Goncharova, Charles Mercieca, Leo Rebello and Leo Semashko expressed for the fifth variant: Creator of World Harmonious Peace Culture. However, the search of more perfect name will proceed the next year. The Board members majority expressed for "Recognition" of the site Honorary titles and has rejected "Award".


The Honorary Titles are appropriated by the site President at the siteco-authors consent. The Honorary Titles are appropriated o­nce a year: o­n June 21 as the Global Harmony Day. The Rules of award of the Honorary Titles recognition will be developed by the Board in 2007. Twenty six site authors were recognized as the Creator of World Harmonious Peace Culture for the great contribution in "Harmonious Era Calendar" and/or culture of harmonious peace:







Renato Corsetti,

Guy Crequie,

Martha Ross DeWitt,

Nina Goncharova,

Dimitry Ivashintsov,

Takis Ioannides,

Abram Jusfin,

Abdul Kalam,

Vladimir Kavtorin,

Evelin Lindner,

Rose Lord,

John McConnell,

Charles Mercieca,

Bernard Phillips,

Hilarie Roseman,

Maitreyee Bardhan Roy,

Subir Bardhan Roy,

Igor Shadkhan,

Rudolf Siebert,

Tatiana Tselutina

Claude Veziau


The special congratulatory cards and book gifts will be sent to everyone in January 2007. I congratulate our Honorary authors with a recognition of their high contribution in harmonious peace culture.


Dr Leo Semashko

Board Chairman

December 15, 2006


"Peace from Harmony": Second Anniversary. Results and Congratulations

Dear "Peace from Harmony" Authors, Friends!

First of all let me to present you and people of all world in San Valentine’s day (Lovers Day) a delightful art gift of our authors Nina Goncharova (Russia) and Claude Veziau (Canada) as the symbol of deep heart inspiration with creativity of Love, Peace and Harmony o­n our Planet.


I am happy to send this letter in connection with the second anniversary of our site "A New Culture of Peace from Social Harmony and Children’s Priority", shortly "Peace from Harmony"  ( http://www.peacefromharmony.org/ ), which was opened o­n February 15, 2005. Its creation began with my acquaintance with Professor Ada Aharoni at the International Sociological Congress in Beijing, China, in July, 2004, where for the first time I learned about her idea of "a culture of harmonious peace". This idea is compatible with my Tetrasociology as a theory of social harmony. Therefore Ada’s idea has inspired me to create our site. It became a daughter Website of the International Forum for the Literature and Culture of Peace: IFLACPAVE PEACE, the founder and president of which is Ada Aharoni since 1999. She became the godmother for our International and Multicultural site. The key contribution to it, which all of us deeply appreciate and are grateful for, belongs to Ada Aharoni.


The site was created by the efforts of an informal international group about 40 persons from 10 countries: Russia – Leo Semashko, Dmitry Ivashintsov, Grigory Toulchinsky, Alexander Yuriev, Vladimir Kavtorin, Andrei Stolyarov, Valerie Isaev, Michael Lebedinsky, Maria Abolskaya, Anne Butkevich, Nicolas Gudskov, Vaycheslav Ivanov and others; Australia - Hilarie Roseman; Israel - Ada Aharoni; Japan - Reimon Bachika; Argentina - Maria Cristina Azcona; Brasil - Araken Guedes Barbosa, Francisco Gomes de Matos, Lia Diskin; Britain – Bernard Scott; Germany – Bernd Hornung; India - Ananta Guri; USA - Martha Ross DeWitt, Rose Lord, Rudolf Siebert, Bernard Phillips, Lynn Comerford and others.


During the preparatory period, October 2004 to February 15, 2005, we discussed about 10 variants of the site’s Mission, a set of variants of its title and contents, and prepared about 30 publications and translations. The site since the first day had three languages: Russian, English and Esperanto, in o­ne month was added Portuguese, then Spanish etc.


As the site’s Mission we recognized the creation of a new culture of harmonious peace and its social base through appropriate international movements and projects. The site was called to collect the ideas and people of harmony from the entire world and to unite them in the different projects of harmonious peace culture.


What has been created o­n the site by its authors during these two years? The site unites cultures of East and West, North and South. O­n it there are contributions from almost all religions and civilizations. It synthesizes the western structural idea of spheres and the eastern values of harmony. It overcomes the polarization "of two cultures": technical and humanitarian and creates a creative unity of science and art. o­n the site, approximately half of the publications concern science and half - the arts, literature and poetry. o­n the site, there are texts not o­nly of "adults" but also "children" culture such as children's drawings, photos, magazines etc. It overcomes a break of generations, giving a lot of pages for youth. And all this is subordinated to the idea of the formation of harmonious peace culture preventing war, poverty and violence.


General strategic and integrated aspiration to social harmony, which alone is capable to ensure global peace and to prevent wars, poverty and violence, are embodied in the various international actions o­n the site. We have made a start for two global civil movements: "Making children a priority in the world" and "For social harmony in the world ". The last movement is created for the support and promote worldwide building a society of social harmony in China, which began it since 2007. We have developed the two first projects of a harmonious peace culture. The first is the "Harmonious Era Calendar", which includes now 38 peaceful dates and unites 35 authors, from 15 countries and is published in 15 languages. The book with a "Harmonious Era Calendar " is distributed to many countries and is in more than 100 libraries of cities and universities o­n all continents. The second project is the Magna Carta of Harmony, which has brought together ideas from 50 authors o­n the site. We have developed the first educational project "Culture of Harmonious Peace". We have offered to create at the UN and worldwide the Universities / Academies of Harmonious Peace Culture, or with a shorter title: Universities / Academies of Social Harmony. We have offered to lead in 2010 the World Conference "Culture of Harmonious Peace", and proposed that the UN establish the decade 2011-2020 as "Decade of Harmonious Peace Culture for Children of the World ". We have supported Ada Aharoni’s idea about the creation of a “ World TV Satellite for Harmonious Peace Culture”. These and other initiatives of our site bring an essential contribution to strengthening peace o­n the Earth and a new culture of harmonious peace.


During these two years, the number of the site authors, who writetogether the wonderful book “Peace from Harmony”,has increased from 40 to 190 persons among which are 17 children. Each author has brought a unique contribution by information of top quality to our site as a treasury ofworld harmony. Therefore each author deserves the warmest and sincere gratitude all of us. The representation of the countries o­n the site has grown from 10 to 33 countries from all continents. The publication has grown from 3 to 15 languages: English, Esperanto, Russian, Spanish, French, Greek, German, Portuguese, Japanese, Chinese, Arabian, Hebrew, Ukrainian, Romanian and Urdu.

But o­n 7 of them o­nly the Harmonious Era Calendar is published. The problem of translation o­n the site is great, as all translations are made voluntary as we have no means for payment for regular translation work o­n the site. The translation for 10-15 languages is needed for more than thousand texts published o­n our site. Here I want to express our general gratitude and high appreciation to our voluntary translators, which o­n good will have translated and edited the tens of text pages for our site: Martha Ross DeWitt, Claude Veziau, Maria Cristina Azcona, Araken Guedes Barbosa, Reimon Bachika, Renato Corsetti, Takis Ionides, Rose Lord, Guy Crequie, Nina Goncharova, Robert Weir, Alexander Verbitsky, Tatomir Ion Marius, Muhammad Iqbal and others. All active translators and also almost all co-authors of "Harmonious Era Calendar" have received (or will receive) a top HONOURARY TITLE of our site: "Creator of World Culture of Harmonious Peace".


During these two years the subjects of our site have extended considerably. The site "Contents" has grown from 47 to 158. A numbers of friendly site links has increased from 8 to 80.

In October 2006, the site Board was created which includes 10 authors from 8 countries: Ada Aharoni, Israel; Reimon Bachika, Japan, Claude Veziau, Canada; Nina Goncharova, Russia; Renato Corsetti, Italy; Charles Mercieca, USA; Leo Rebello, India; Leo Semashko, Russia – Board Chairman; Bernard Scott, England; Abram Jusfin, Russia. For each Board Member a personal page with the biography, photo and presentation texts is open. The Board approved the strategic plan of the site for 2007 and following years. Its main direction are the development of the Global Movements for a priority of children and social harmony; the creation of an International TV Satellite for harmonious peace culture; the development of the International project "Harmonious Era Calendar ", in particular, its publication as a small brochure in o­ne language in different countries for mass circulation in schools, universities, and among students, parents and teachers; the nomination of our projects, first of all "Harmonious Era Calendar " for various International Prizes. It is already been accepted o­n o­ne of them with the sum of 200 thousand dollars. The award will be known in o­ne year.


The site appearance, its Main Page has changed considerably. o­n it has appeared a site epigraph in Martha Ross DeWitt’s wonderful words: "Social harmony begins with each of us". o­n the site menu o­n the Main Page new rubrics have appeared, for example, "Tell a friend", "Charter of Harmony", "Slides - films" etc. The site Forum was updated also. The large merit for this support belongs to my young colleague, student Ivan Ivanov, who for two years has helped me to solve technical questions o­n the site. I am very grateful to him. It is useful to note that the number of site visits and its forum for the two years is about 60 thousand.


So, for two years the authors of our site have brought a significant contribution to the statement of peace, and development of a harmonious peace culture. We highly appreciate these contributions and congratulate each of us for the excellent peacemaking work and productive cooperation. Its result is the formation of the nucleus of a new global community of harmony people. It may be that the birth of this community, which is unique, within an information society is the main achievement of our site. These achievements allow me, o­n behalf of the site authors, to offer in the Harmonious Era Calendar o­ne more date: "Global Harmony Community Day" or "Pioneers Day of GlobalHarmony Community" o­n February 15 in honor of the opening our site. (Please, send me your offers for this date). This date, in my opinion, will be the best monument for our site and his authors.


With love and deep gratitude,

Dr Leo Semashko,
Site Founder and President
February 14, 2007


© Website author: Leo Semashko, 2005; © designed by Roman Snitko, 2005