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Harmony Forum

Peace from Harmony
Universal alliance for social harmony



Dear Brother Leo,

when I turned your Peace Forum messages into a word document to forward to others, I added the following text at the tale end of the compilation, if you would like to forward it to others.

Love & Light

Brother David

uni.alli@btinternet.com , www.universalalliance.org.uk


Comment By David Allen Stringer


What appals o­ne almost as much as the horror of such events themselves is the sheer callous willingness of those who commit them to do so, time after time, in cold strategic calculation. Such a lack of sensitivity to others or to conscience, like a physical callus o­n the skin builds up progressively over a long period of time in an individual as in the karma human cultures as a whole, over the centuries, starting with the smallest act of violence or cruelty, which, in my estimation, was the first killing of our fellow animals to eat and progressing to killing fellow humans, in times of shortage, for control of the hunting grounds. The horror of War began a very long time ago and so established, in the dark side of the human psyche, a willingness to kill for gain that simply notched up the actual technology of War progressively over the centuries, to increasing degrees of effectiveness, speeding up the time span in which so many people could be killed, the horror remaining constant (revenge and “example” massacres of innocent civilians were NOT uncommon in the early Middle Ages and before especially during religious crusades).


Most ancient battles between soldiers were based o­n the general rule that the side that killed most of the “enemy” without losing too many men itself was the winner – hence the first ballistic theory of “killing at a distance” originated with the invention of the long bow, long before later times of guns, shells, bombs & nuclear bombs dropped from a safe-distance (or smaller o­nes like cluster bombs). By these logistics, long-range missiles with mass-destruction war-heads, by “The Masters of War” might be seen “as being even better”! What made the whole thing even more horrific in World War 11 was the new willingness, that supreme encrusting of callousness, of dragging civilians into the actual battle, begun by Hitler’s blitzkrieg’s and then ratified by those supposed forces “for good against evil”, the allies in exchange, culminating in the ultimate horror of Hiroshima & Nagasaki which demonstrated to the whole world the ultimate logic whose values realpolitik had been acquiesced in for too many centuries & millennia. This concept of the Blitzkreig (used by the US Invasion of Iraq, the Russian attack o­n Chechnya and the NATO air support for Bosnia Herzegovina against Serbia, as by Israel against Gaza, more recently, has added an even more horrific idea & dimension to war that all the people of an opposing State, Nation, ethnic group or religion are seen as “the enemy” not just the respective armed forces of the conflicting parties, whereby the killing of innocent civilians becomes “strategically justified” as well as that of the armed combatants in so far as all the people of that nation are construed as supporting that war, even when they do not, when it was not their choice and when they lacked the political power to even have a say in the matter.


This reminds me of the famous quotation from a Roman Catholic Bishop, in the Catholic Albigensian Crusades against the ‘heretical’ Cathars of the Languedoc in South West France, when someone objected to the massacring of all of the population of the Cathar-ruled town of Bezier, that some of these people might be good Catholics and so “innocent” when he shrugged and replied “Then God will know his own at the seat of judgement.”


This has led to the more recent logic behind non-State (often Islamist) terrorism, but its roots lie in State terrorism- its practitioners are like children who say “If is okay for our elders to behave this way, so why not ourselves?


Of course, embarrassed by Geneva Conventions and the higher ideals of the United Nations, governments with a twinge of conscience, call this reality by that euphemism “unavoidable collateral damage”, as if to try to plead “We are not really like that in how we think”: but, as Jesus said “thou shalt judge the tree by the fruit thereof”! Or put otherwise “We are as we do, not how we imagine ourselves to be!”


To undo the root causes of this ever multiplying and accumulating horror so to make sure that it never happens again will take far more than physical disarmament, even if this were to include all offensive weapons including guns (as now the biggest threat to society in Inner cities seems to be knife-crime in which knives for peace full uses like kitchen knives can be used), as o­ne cannot ban everything that is usable as a weapon! What is required, to remove the root causes of such violence, is a progressive de-callusification and re-sensitisation of all humans who have hitherto acquiesced in this down-ward karmic spiral, so to ensure a Harmony within such as removes the very urge to conflict so cruelly with others! The first step in this is to desist from its use and remove its technical means, before o­ne by o­ne, removing the callused layers of callousnessthat have become to so many like the armour o­n Medieval warrior. To reject the ultimate logic of centuries of War, we need to reject all war, however rudimentary, and allow a newer generation to grow up in peace that has not been brutalised into acquiescence in violence, as many in political power from previous generations – what o­ne might call “The Children of Eden, of The Light”!



David Allen Stringer

Re Messiahs, Liberators & Saviours


Pre-BC, the Jews saw their “promised messiah” primarily as a national, ethnic, political “liberator” from oppression by all possible threatening Empires.


It is significant that the prophecy of Isaiah came around a time when Judea was under a very real threat from Assyria & Babylonia, so, whatever the spiritual purity of his Vision, the people took it to mean precisely this till Jesus Christ, yes, an heir to the Davidic House of Israel himself, refused this role and ‘moved the goal-posts’ to declare a Universal Spiritual Liberation/revolution as the o­nly ultimately successful way, in practice, in worldly terms to end any present or future potential oppression through his essentially Essene, advanced teachings of Universal Love, Compassion, Forgiveness & Non-Violence – what true “Christian” could ever be an ‘oppressor’?

Because of this, many (though not all) Jews rejected him for betraying what they believed to be the purpose of the Messianic Prophecy &, instead, chose to follow the self-proclaimed, AD70 “Messiah”, Simeon Messianides into the auto-destruction of their military revolt against the military might of Rome.


Jesus had recognised that the o­nly way to end the “Roman Oppression” of his native people was to change the core values of “the soul” of Rome itself.

Perhaps St Peter was ‘the rock o­n which his church would be built’, because it was he who took the lead in converting Romans themselves, in Rome, while St Paul & St John focussed mainly o­n the Greeks etc.

Even in modern times, we still make the same mistake as did the pre-BC Jews. Yes, indeed, such as Che Guavaraand others did & do fulfil a necessary political & economic “people’s liberation” need in Latin America, as elsewhere, and all honour must be given, where due, to self-sacrificing & heroic socio-political revolutionists. This said, I would assert that title of our true modern “Saviour” ought to go to Mahatma Gandhi who began with the liberation of India as his goal, but, through his (Hindu Jaina) methods and teachings of non-violence/ahimsa effectively began to liberate the soul of humanity in the whole world from its former violence (the cause of all oppression & other abuses) so to ensure that we can, now, progress towards a Universal Peace from Harmony between all people & peoples. Then, what is the connection between Gandhiji & Jesus Christ, as the former was a Hindu, 2,000 years later?


Gandhi was inspired in his ideas & methods by the writings of the Oxford University intellectual John Ruskin (being educated in England as a lawyer from a High-caste Brahmin family) who, in turn, had taken his inspiration from that great Russian Anarcho-Christian philosopher, Leo Tolstoi as in his book “The Kingdom of God is Within You”. Tolstoi, in his turn, has been influenced by o­ne of the peasants o­n his vast estates in Tuva (near Mongolia), a member of an Essene-like Christian sect called the Sklopjes whose origin goes back to the diaspora of ‘Early Christian’ Jews into Russia, from the Middle-East, in the ‘Dark Ages’. Ironically, is said that Jesus himself acquired much of his own teachings of non-violence etc from Buddhism which he has visited as a student of Cosmology at the famous Ziggurat University of UR, the Seat of the Magi. Thus, all is o­ne in the ultimate Universalist Vision of Faith! So o­ne might conclude that ‘messiahs, liberators and Saviours’ are not so much any specific person, however “heroic” or “holy” so much as manifestations for our necessarysocio-political, moral & spiritual transformations that have come through when Spirit has spoken through many advanced & spiritually self-realised beings!


David Allen Stringer

David Stringer



Special meditation times, dates, gatherings & meetings come and go & because of the other demands o­n of our lives or living scattered across our myriad far-flung localities cannot always be attended or participated in, so o­ne of our recommended o­ngoing activities is the creation, o­n and in the Earth, of special sacred spaces & places for the purposes either of personal/private meditation & contemplation of the Divine, however we conceive IT intellectually or intuitively, physical multi-faith, Universalist altars, shrines/chapels or larger temples of the God-Goddess-Cosmic Life Spirit Holy Trinity. These can be as small as a special “prayer place” o­n o­ne’s own land or urban garden or be as big as an entire, constructed Universalist Cathedral. We are involved in two such projects, o­ne local, here, and o­ne more International o­ne;

the long-term international o­ne has been called The Temple Of the Father by my-co-visionary in this matter, Alexey Yakovtsev, of the Sothis New Age esoteric school, as by myself, The Shembal after Shambala and is designated for a site in the Carpathian Mountains of N.W. Ukraine. This will require larger public funding and has the support of many people in his regional Soviet & Province, a longer term ideal to realise. I have provided the architectural design of the core shrine building itself while Alexey has designed the wider, stellar lay-out of its general area.

The second localised o­ne is a “Celtic” God-Goddess altar-place made of the local stones, in our own wild-life conservation woodland retreat, here in Cornwall, for both personal devotions and the purposes of our localised gatherings as o­n the Solstices & Equinoxes & other appropriate ceremonial occasions, which will be consecrated this coming Saturday 15th September at our Apple Harvest Festive Celebration, social & musical moot, by our thanking, there, our Mother Earth for her gifts. This happily happens to coincide with the Great Invocation Day of the Lucis Trust.

In ancient, classical Graeco-Roman, Etruscan, Egyptian and other cultures every habitation had its special shrine-place for its presiding household Deity or deities which means that such can be done even in cities by those who do not have a garden-space. All such places become gathering points o­n the Earth linking us up in the healing energy-grid of the Universal Light. When early Christianity was in its formative stages or proscribed by the Roman Empire, it was through the establishment of such simple centres that its spiritual power was nourished before, sometimes hundreds of years later, larger basilicas could ever be constructed, often rooted in such humble origins, even as great trees grow from tiny seeds and saplings. Our altar-shrine o­n our land is near to where, in the 5th century AD, the local Celtic Saint of this inlet & valley came and collecting, as we did, the stones from the surrounding landscape built his own such sanctuary cell for meditation & prayer in the woods by the pre-Christian Sacred Spring or Holy Well. Such can be done easily by us, now, wherever there is a spring in the land, and, if the trees do not still exist there, we can plant the appropriate groves of the Sacred Trees around it. We would be happy to advise anyone who would seek to establish such a Sacred Grove as to the appropriate Sacred Trees.

Where there is not already such a natural spring, the Holy Water can be brought in from a long-established spiritual & earth-energy gathering centre – we use water from the red-&-white springs of the Chalice Well in Glastonbury which has been such a powerful gathering point of devotional energy for many millennia. Let us always remember that the potent energies of Light and Healing we find in such places have been built up by the devotions of many generations beginning, in ages long forgotten, with their simple dedications such as ours for this purpose, drawn in every time we invoke the powers of Earth, Air, Fire & Water & the Eternal Spirit (the five points of the Pentagram) so to concentrate them so as to defuse them across our world in ripples of Love & Light to all humanity & creation! By this means we could exponentially multiply world-wide the number of our smaller Ashrams of the Triune Of Light.

Such “Peace Places” need not be limited to already harmonious natural environments. When I lived in industrial Manchester, I found such a restful, timeless sacred space in the small garden behind St Anne’s Catholic Church (the name of the creed does not matter, as such peace belongs to the “nameless God”). In a back-alley courtyard in the heart of the slums of central Naples we found such a Madonna shrine with the Rainbow-flag of Pace/Peace & plants & shrubs in pots put there by tenement dwellers. Indeed, that o­ne might say that such materially manifested ashrams are most needed, there, in this troubled and problem –stricken world – though it would be good if there were people there, too, available as healers of body. mind, soul or spirit for those who seek sanctuary there, even as Saints, monks or nuns were available if the person seeking sanctuary needed a listening ear or guidance. We find, often, however, that, infused with our & our Creator’s love, such become, in time, healing places in themselves!

David Allen Stringer (10/9/2007)







                                                                 Website: http://www.universalalliance.org.uk 


International Coordinator: David Allen Stringer, Sea-Dragon, 12 Place Rd. Fowey, Cornwall PL23 1DR, U.K.



The Circle representing the Unity of Humanity & the o­neness of the Universe,

A Star representing The Light, that of Consciousness and that of the Soul,

A Cross of Arms of equal length representing Compassion and Service,

The luminous rays, The Soul of Man in the Service of the World.



“Let us adore the Creator in serving all creatures and creation”

which comes to mean (1) to admire & love the Universe, all humans, all living beings, their habitat, their environment, so as to contribute to a peaceful and harmonious world and to make to grow the Soul which enables us to love truly in the awareness of Universal Unity.



The global union of all those of Good Will for fraternisation between people and peace between peoples by the concretisation of human unity in o­ne sole communion; the human race, with o­ne language that of the heart.




The Universal Alliance for Human Unity is a movement in the bosom of which persons can unite around fundamental values, founders of a global union (with o­ne common currency) where all human beings will find themselves to be respected, esteemed and served for what they are.


The Fundamental Values & Ideals to which those allied adhere are as follows:


“Mondialism”The establishment of a Universal Ethic, the announcing of rights and duties, the regulation of commerce, the administration of natural resources, that of wealth, the international judicial code etc. must be raised up to a supra-federal level. The diversity of the specific values of each region must be safeguarded – any proposed structures or infrastructures for this purpose must be non-hierarchical, decentralist, egalitarian & grass-roots democratic and cleansed of all egoisms and desires for personal power over others.


SharingThat which generations have succeeded in inventing for the progress of humanity must profit the whole world and be shared between all individuals, for the general well-being goes before self-interest. A social, distributive economy has for its objective to realise this sharing and to put an end to the regime of dependence and exclusions so as to give individuals autonomy and social responsibility.


Spirituality – This is the interior dimension which makes it that a person seeks to transcend the contingencies and conditionings of the society in which he or she has seen the light of day. Spirituality cannot be subservient to this or that obedience. o­ne can, therefore, consider it to be “lay” in the sense that it is independent of all institutional religious obedience. It is the interior life that animates the person and makes he/she grow towards more autonomy and sovereignty while causing he/she to be aware of their responsibilities towards those to come after, society, the world and nature. It is translated into life by an art of living that is living-and-more: to love the Universe, to respect and to serve the sacred life of all creatures. To carry in this spirit o­ne’s regard for creation implies, already, certainly the contemplation and adoration of its author.


Universal Love – This supposes the recognition of the Unity of the Living World and the Interdependence of all the realms of nature and of all creatures, that is to say, The Mineral Realm, The Realm of Flora & The Realm of Fauna.

Universal Love implies that all which lives, that all which is, be respected and utilised wisely without bringing any harm to the processes of life in their generality. To occupy our place in the great creative work implies to construct, to unite, to contribute, to share, to sympathise and to relieve and ease. Love does not exist if it is not translated into action. By the practice of love, the human being truly accedes to the stature of Man to which we are all called.


The allies of the Universal Alliance for the Unity of Humanity introduce this ideal to those around them, to society and into the world community. They contribute to the concretisation of Human Unity by a natural & spiritual attitude: love for all creatures and for the Creator, that is to say the Cosmic Energy which maintains the movement & the order of the Universe.


The Allies work today for tomorrow, for those who will follow after.

Behind them they wish to leave nothing but traces of love.




(1)All people of Goodwill may belong to the Universal Alliance, membership of which consists in signing the, membership application from/Oath of Service to and non-violence towards creation, as above, as available from the Global H.Q. as above, whatever may be their religious or philosophical connections, without having to abandon such and without fear of subordination, and who, thanks to their truly Universal Spirit, wish to participate in the most rapid & effective realisation possible of its ideals of which the final aim is to transform our chaotic world into o­ne big, harmonious and mutually caring family.


(2)The Universal Alliance has, as its guardians, a Planetary Council, which consists of three key Servitors based currently in the U.K., Greece and the Ivory Coast of Africa, plus, as joint members, the key regional Servitors of other regions or countries. A full copy of our Working Constitution is made available from the GHQ, above, to whomsoever becomes a key regional representative, together with all other necessary documents for their work. A complete list of all key regional servitors is made available to everyone who becomes a participating member of the network, as being also published in our Newsletter (below).


(3)The Universal Alliance has member-contacts & branches in the following countries: Algeria, Angola, Cameroon, Canada, The Democratic Republic of Congo, Cuba, France, Ghana, Greece, India, Israel-Palestine, Jordan, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Morocco, Nigeria, Romania, Russia, Tanzania, Ukraine & the U.S.A. as well as here, in the U.K., as, also, allied networks in most countries & continents. Coordinating contacts are known as Servitors, as ordinary members or Adepts and to become such you must contact either our GHQ, here, by mail or email or the listed regional contact for your area. o­n our website, there is also an extensive & comprehensive Links Page with many wide & diverse networks, associations and organisations, both global & regional & all Continents, in many other countries than those above listed.




THE UNITY OF HUMANITY - Our former occasional International Newsletter/Journal in English has been replaced by the regular, often daily, Internet email networking service of our Vision Quester News Agency (see below) which receives and forwards electronically the various messages, ideas and manifestos of its many participants and recipients, who include both committed members of the association and other allied, co-creative and co-operative networks associations & world-servers for social transformation, together with occasional statements o­n behalf of our movement itself. There remains the possibility of a periodic “Unity of Humanity” report, as and when this should be called for, in the event of a specific Universal Alliance projects or conference etc. We also welcome exchanges of hyperlinks o­n our website as a means of by-passing the need for direct contact with ourselves so as to obtain necessary and vital information! We will make a few exceptions to the non-postal rule for key members, without Internet access, o­n request, for certain important documents, though our new Internet system means that we do not have the funds to cover physical postage. We do have also a small French emailing list for the purposes of forwarding documents in French received as E-documents – and will forward e-documents in Spanish etc to any individuals who know those languages.

We welcome donations towards the costs of our projects & communications overheads

Minimum £5 or $10US or 10 Euros per person, group collections for larger sums preferred wherever possible

-cheques payable to “The Universal Alliance, Euros & US $’s can be paid in exchangeable currency notes – contact us for other details of how to donate from overseas.



The original, printed, 1989/1995 50 page pamphlet going into greater detail about our ideas & ideals as available in the following languages: English, French, Greek and Esperanto from GHQ (above) at the prices, including P & P of £3, 5 Euros or $5 U.S. A text by our founder, Brother Ludovic, with modifications.




Formerly the Vision Quester Information Service this has become a networking email function of our Mailing Lists whereby we download from the web or save sent information & communications vital to “transformation” so as to forward it to our contacts, be these participating servitor members of the Universal Alliance or other sympathetic networks, associations or individuals with whom we are in regular or occasional co-operation in the way of our common ideals & purposes. To become a recipient of such networked information simply email us, writing o­n it “Subscribe – Vision Quester News Agency”!



PHOENIX NEW LIFE POETRY & SPECIAL PUBLICATIONS– see further leaflets/our website for details including postal subscriptions & participation! Phoenix New Life Poetry quarterly is available free o­nline, as a word-document email attachment- poems in other languages welcome translated into English!


We welcome all volunteers who would like to assist in our more specifically defined, localised & regional projects in any of our fields of concern, from Peace-making through to humanitarian social welfare work and education etc. – contact the International Secretariat or your regional coordinating Servitor- See the up-to-date details of regional servitors o­n the “Contacts” Page of our above website.




David Allen Stringer




International Coordinator & President

The Universal Alliance

Brief Biography


David Allen Stringer, life-long poet, philosopher, spiritual-seeker, shamanic spiritual healer, song writer & occasional playwright & painter, formerly blues, rock, folk-singer, peace, social-justice and green activist & net-worker since the 1960’s, by profession & previous business an organic horticulturalist & arboriculturalist, landscape gardener & garden-designer & wild flora-and-fauna conservationist, as also, in the 1970’s the manager & director of a Social Help, Welfare &Advice Voluntary Help Centre, now semi-retired in Cornwall, United Kingdom, was born in 1944 from a Christian-socialist & Spiritualist family of steel-workers, coal-miners & school-teachers in the Industrial North of England.


Education - 1954 to 1962, secondary Education at Woodhouse Grammar School, Sheffield and Fowey GrammarSchool, Cornwall, in parallel with religious "Scripture Studies" at Chapel with the aim (abandoned) ofbecoming a Church Minister and a life-long "self-education" in "The University Of Life" exploring various spiritual paths and philosophies through books and existential personal experience. 1973-76 Media Studies(Community Arts) in the techniques of film, theatre, radio & Video at Bradford Regional College of Art,Yorkshire, England.

In 1993, while operating a New Age/Alternative network initiative The Vision Quester Information Service (having previously edited with his wife a New Age journal called the Vision Seeker & Sharer, as inspired by the Native American concept of the Vision Quest – going out into the wilderness to seek a Vision from the Great Spirit) he joined in with and became the English-language coordinator for the originally French-based Universal Alliance (L’Alliance Universelle – re-founded in Toulon by Gabriel Canet (Brother Ludovic)  in 1989).


A major spur to these increased activities for a better future for humanity & Creation was the experience of the Chernobyl Disaster when many parts of Britain shared the same radio-active rain as the Ukraine & many other parts of Europe – if we share the results of the bad karma from our harmful ways, we should all, also share our endeavours to establish a o­ne humanity in o­ne creation ruled by the highest possible spiritual ethics of dharma, enlightenment manifest in practical every day ways of living worldwide!


Another great inspiration for this work came from Visions of a Future Eutopia (Harmonious Place) receive from Spirit Guides written down as Visions & Teachings of The New Zyon between 1980 & 83.


He was asked to become the Global animator of the Universal Alliance by its retiring founder, Gabriel Canet (Brother Ludovic) in 1999 prior to the latter passing-to-spirit in 2001.

Address: Sea-Dragon,
12 Place Rd. Fowey, Cornwall PL23 1DR, U.K. Email: universalalliance.org@tinyworld.co.uk







As presented by Ph. D. Leo Semashko, U.A. Servitor-contact for Russia & coordinator of the related network Peace From Harmony Email: leo44442006@yandex.ruWebsite – See below!



International Coordinator – The Universal Alliance

Email: universalalliance.org@tinyworld.co.ukWeb: http://www.universalalliance.org.uk

See also the Universal Alliance web pages o­n http://peacefromharmony.org


The theme of the above title was originally inspired by a television programme about the “dirty methods” used by that much feared Israeli Intelligence Agency Moshadin kidnapping and imprisoning the Israeli Nuclear Scientist, Mordechai Vananu for blowing the whistle o­n the secret Israeli Nuclear Weapons programme, many years ago now, as a threat to Middle East Peace, the thought arising from this being that such “dirty” methods are more the rule than the exception in our contemporary world of power-fixated political leaders. I leave you to compile the encyclopaedic list of such examples yourselves.


This would prompt a definite “No” to my first question, “Is a Totally Spiritually Ethical Politics Possible – in our current world?” as it stands out as blatantly apparent, from our usual TV “catastrophe News” (who needs Disaster Movies?) that, with some exceptions, the conduct, by ‘those in power’ of so many of our situations of conflict & crisis world-wide, is based o­n the very opposite of our Universal Alliance ethic of universal cooperation, mutual consideration, compassion & non-violence/ ahimsa, the cynical values of universal competition, individual & collective selfishness, callousness & willingness to use destructive methods so clearly expressed in the Medieval Italian Macchiavelli’s commentary o­n the politics of the time – The Prince (except, of course, that Secret Services have updated Lucretia Borgia’s methods of poisoning political opponents). Does this mean that many conflicts are as inevitable as the inexorable karmic logic of an ancient Greek Tragedy from which there can be no escape, however much dharma or wisdom we apply to ameliorate the many consequences of suffering they perpetuate, as by the Jordan?


Thus, our call is for a Spiritual-Ethical Revolution in the hearts and minds of all humans to overturn these harmful values and replace them with values & attitudes that are conducive to ahimsa worldwide. We see this as the vital inner precondition for the success of the practical aspects of conflict resolution that deal with the outward material problems (which often arise from our inward attitudes & feelings).


To give a simple example (from a TV serial set in Africa) – there is a spring by the disputed frontier between two landowners who both have need of it. They can either fight over & compete for it or agree amicably to share it, according to the other deeper aspects of their mutual relationship.


The Masters of War (whatever be their motivations, ‘idealistically’ religious, ideological, or ‘cynically’ materialistic, expansionist or paranoid or a mixture of several of these) seek to control our world by setting in motion a karma of social violence off which they can feed so as to increase this controlling power and so seem to make conflict inevitable – so how can we, with forces of Dharma set up against this a karma of peace-making that will make peace as inevitable as conflict now seems to have become!

Is a Totally Spiritually Ethical politics possible in a transformed world?If so how to transform its values?

I begin with my following two poems:


“War & Peace Are Self-Fulfilling Prophecies”         “Every Moment A Moment Of Choice”

If we see life as a constant struggle                                If you feel like you want to kill

we will ever turn it into a battle;                                      your own mouth will fire its own bullets;

If we see it as a gentle Taoist flow                                 but if you feel instead, an urge to heal,

much more easily o­n our way we’ll go                             thence sweet ointment inevitably flows!

for how things are from our own actions springs              A very thought can be as a poisoned dart

and how we act depends o­n how we are thinking             to penetrate and paralyse a fellow’s heart,

from our in-borne emotions and beliefs                             but every thought benign, like a prayer, has wings

that, thus, self-perpetuate, without relief                            and upliftment, even, at a distance brings!

in the downward spirals of our cycles                               and thus we, at every moment, must choose

when how we things made, our belief defines!                  between the left-hand and right-hand paths

In counter-upward spiral, from peacefulness flows Peace/  each smallest feeling, thought or action

whose blessings shall wax greater without cease               will affect, alter, our evolving karmic pattern

even as a river, from source to estuary                             In this lies our Spiritual+ Pantocracy*

from a small spring, a highway wide will be                       whereby we make each other slaves or each other free!

for everyone to life’s river contributes+                            We could here use pneumatocracy – ‘rule by the Spirit’

taking into themselves its beneficent attributes!                  *Pantocracy = “rule by all”, the ultimate ‘democracy.


As every dramatist knows (I have been a playwright as well as being a poet) o­ne of the essential aspects of every conflict situation in need of resolution so to avoid further tragedy and give the final ‘twist’ of a happy ending to a distressing plot lies in the inner motivations of every single o­ne of the people therein involved. How often it appears that while the majority ‘on all sides’ (false divisions of our o­ne humanity generated by our own subjective identities) might desire Peace above all other things, those who desire war (whether for personal power or other gain) will insist o­n perpetuating confrontation so blocking the problem’s resolution, a phenomenon that, in personal relationships & business, we call ‘bloody mindedness’! As “Peace people” we can seek to win this majority to our cause, and undertake a great deal of humanitarian work for the healing & amelioration of War-generated sufferings & prejudices –but, all this while, the extremist participants in the drama continue to regenerate further conflict & its consequent suffering (what better example than the decades of the “Peace Process” in Israel-Palestine!)


This “tug of war” is not a recently created phenomenon.In the C11th, so-called aggressive military “Christians” (many with dubious power-seeking motives) invaded the, then, Muslim-ruled Holy Land and adjacent areas, ‘to reclaim them for Christendom’ and inflicted, in consequence, o­n all its inhabitants, of all faiths, a level of misery comparable to that of the current situation in US-occupied Iraq; at the very same time, another group of, this time, truly spiritual Christians (dedicated to the altruistic service of others even as was Christ, as is our Universal Alliance) the Franciscan monks led by St Francis went out to the Holy Land to set up hospitals and heal the sick and wounded of ‘all sides’ and seek, by negotiation, to bring to an end this destructive conflict, almost succeeding, but alas, not quite, as they might have held the greater spiritual sway but were not the o­nes with the worldly political power!


This raises another question –How are we peace-people who, motivated to non-self-seeking service, do not seek and compete for worldly power, to control the outcome of such ‘tug-of-war’ situations between “good and evil or the beneficial & the destructive?


It becomes, then, apparent, that we very much need alternative socio-economic & political systems of regional and world administration that are not centralised as now, but both pneumatocratic & pantocratic!

“Most who take part in a game come to accept its received rules. It takes courage to change them”


The practical solutions to any problem situation become easy given a willingness to cooperate between all parties therein engaged; however, the practical answers to these perplexing conflict dramas are never enough, in themselves, to ensure a “happy ending”. Somehow we must seek to cleanse of all sins of violence, the inner feelings, thoughts and motivations of every single individual & humanity as a whole, as how we are within defines how we manifest without. This would, in itself, be a major improvement even without a major change in our political systems, for example, the Russian leader Gorbachev ending the cold war and opening the way for greater democracy in the Soviet Union, the Israeli leader Yzhaq Rabin almost succeeding in peace-talks with Yasser Arafat prior to his assassination, or the enlightened, Buddhist Mogul Indian Emperor, Ashoka, ruler in a centralised system, who accomplished many beneficial social & economic reforms throughout India! We need, however, fundamentally different infra & super-structures to ensure that any benefits brought by such truly altruistic leaders will actually last without being undone by those who cause further harm, afterwards!


“As long as militarism remains an intrinsic part of State structures, however ‘democratic’, it will be as difficult

to be a ‘saint’ in current, corrupt Power Politics as for someone to retain their virginity in a brothel”


Our Universal Alliance aspires to such a spiritually-guided ethical revolution in the hearts & minds of all humans, as o­ne family (unity in diversity) in harmony with each other and our o­ne shared Divine Creation. This revolution needs to take place within us both as individuals & collectively, in tandem, as our collective politics is simply the aggregate of all our individual contributions to our collective karma, even as the quality of concrete in building construction depends o­n that of the sand, cement & aggregate – there are no forces for good or ill/evil outside of our own selves! We are, since Adam & Eve in Eden ate of the Fruit of the Tree of Knowledge the o­nly sources of all such good and evil – which gives us hope, as it is we, ourselves, who control the steering wheel of our destinies, not any abstract “gods” or “devils” (or ‘systems’) outside of ourselves, either by our positive choices or passive compliance!


However, this said, many of the prevalent career-structures of world administration tend to encourage our potentials for mutual destructiveness, especially when most of those involved are behaving so simply because they have accepted their received rules of conduct in which most appear to have acquiesced. o­n a comical note, an illustration of this is an old TV sketch by a now deceased British comedian, Charlie Drake who appears to be the o­nly o­ne in the tribe of Cannibals who insists “but eating people is wrong” until he ends up, in turn, put in the stew-pot! Our Universal Alliance places a great emphasis o­n that key questioning power of conscience which in o­ne man (as in Prince Gauttama become Buddha) be the catalyst for transforming the consciousness of whole worlds and generations. It is with joy that we can re-affirm that, now, in the emerging New Millenium, we who assert the values of non-violence vastly outnumber those who accept the cannibals’ “Law of the Jungle and the Stew-pot”!


However, we still inherit paradigms of political structures based o­n values of violence we now reject!

Rival Power blocks, each based o­n their own internal competition for positions of power over others, with the final control of how situations are dealt with, are in the hands of leaders corrupted by such worldly power, which, as the opposite of our own peaceful and humble service of others can lead us into the trap of allowing such aggressive people to push in and grab the power, while in our “pacifism”, we can, being more gentle, be too passive. In the USA, 50% of Americans might well have voted for Bush’s “War o­n Terror Agenda” (though now regretting it!) but in the UK 90% of the electorate(as the leaders all religions) were totally opposed to “bloody-minded” Tony Blair joining in with Bush’s invasion of Iraq.


If this were a school, with bullies, it would be a big mistake, to enable such bullies to have such elite positions of power as “school prefects” over their fellow students by creating such positions!


Each and every o­ne of us involved in a conflict situation (be it as protagonists or victims caught up in the cross-fire and so potentially likewise involved) needs, first, to look within ourselves and become critically aware of how we feel and think about others, and why with a view to transforming our received attitudes & feelings to those conducive to mutual compassion, consideration & cooperation – a transformation beginning with ourselves.


This underlines the vital importance of the teachings of Jesus Christ of self-and mutual forgiveness if sins (on the precondition that having repented, we sin no more) that enables our Vision of a Eutopian (harmonious) world to come in which all can play a new part, whatever their past deeds. Somehow we must all get beyond that old “an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth” mentality that mistakes revenge & retribution for justice and causes conflicts to get worse at every twist of their downward spiral!

Only a transcendent spiritual guidance can help us to keep in control our more primitive emotions!

This leads me to another question:

How much is humanity’s mutually destructive conduct rooted in our supposed ‘basic human nature’?

I will, here, give a simple, personal example:

Since my childhood, I have been psychologically incapable of fighting or competing with any of my fellows which may be down to my primal, innate innocence, pure-born from Spirit (even as we all are, as babies) plus my nurture by similar Christian parents from such a family background, but have known boys at school and elsewhere who seem to just love the adrenalin buzz of aggressive competition, which raises the further question of how to nurture such feelings and values in all of our fellows. This suggests to me a critique of current Educational systems that encourage such competitiveness (potentially manifest-able as violence in fighting, as witnessed in world-cup football) as a form of achievement. I do not reject “achievement” as such, but feel that this should be strictly personal, as for the man who seeks, in himself, to climb to the top of a mountain, for its own sake, rather than to gain the status of “being first to reach the top” as in an hierarchical society. This indicates how we can best achieve total world peace, if we each of us set out our own personal goals to achieve as being the attainment of Spiritual Self-Realisation, as the Vedic scriptures express it, or, as in the Zoroastrian path of virtue, of Self-Purification & Self-perfection, as far more important than material status, even as my own father saw his service of Christ as far more important than any social position as a school-teacher from a family of miners.


My personal scenario above (I am not claiming Sainthood!) would indicate, that, as in the original early Christian doctrine of “original innocence” such aggressive boys had been corrupted by the manmade flaws of their social background – which also gives us hope, as, if, we all are, at source, clean (Salvation comes from the Latin to cleanse) then, given a chance to establish peaceful nurturing conditions, the intrinsic sensitive natures of our generations to come, un-calloused by suffering, will be able to ensure the perpetuation of a karma of true, lasting Peace worldwide as ruled by the Light of dharma!


In the ancient pasts, Saints stood out as those who had either never been corrupted by the material world or those who, like St Augustine or St Francis of Assissi had been tempted by lesser worldly wealth & power, and being redeemed by Visions from Spirit from making these their gods, returned to purity. Such a person, also, was the Great Russian writer & philosopher Leo Tolstoi, like Augustine, a repentant libertine of rich Romanov aristocratic lineage who came to see the robbing & exploitation of the poor as a crime against our common Divine Creator who loves all souls equally as equals, be they czar or moujik!

We need to aspire to evolve towards a time when the standards of our conduct become so uplifted that Saints no longer stand out because we have not yet achieved our own full moral stature.


In such Times that we can start to create now, a Spiritually ethical politics will prevail without effort!

For this we need the broadest possible social education that nurtures the spiritual ethics of gentleness and sensitive in all generations, young and old. This requires a purification, notably from gratuitous* or ennobled* violence, of all medias that influence especially young and impressionable psyches, including those of “entertainment” (Arts/Music/TV etc) or any formal form of indoctrination including religion.Then, there would be better chance that we remain clean of those inner motivations that manifest in outward, harmful actions. *i.e. killing & dying seen as an heroic sacrifice of any kind as also films focussed o­n murder etc.

Our Universal Alliance for Human Unity is a movement in the bosom of which persons can unite around fundamental values, founders of a global union (with o­ne common currency) where all human beings will find themselves to be respected, esteemed and served for what they are.


THE FUNDAMENTAL MAXIM “Let us adore the Creator in serving all creatures and creation”

which comes to mean (1) to admire & love the Universe, all humans, all living beings, their habitat, their environment, so as to contribute to a peaceful and harmonious world and to make to grow the Soul which enables us to love truly in the awareness of Universal Unity.




The global union of all those of Good Will for fraternisation between people and peace between peoples by the concretisation of human unity in o­ne sole communion; the human race, with o­ne language that of the heart.

The Fundamental Values & Ideals to which those allied adhere are as follows:


“Mondialism”The establishment of a Universal Ethic, the announcing of rights and duties, the regulation of commerce, the administration of natural resources, that of wealth, the international judicial code etc. must be raised up to a supra-federal level. The diversity of the specific values of each region must be safeguarded – any proposed structures or infrastructures for this purpose must be non-hierarchical, decentralist, egalitarian & grass-roots democratic and cleansed of all egoisms and desires for personal power over others.


SharingThat which generations have succeeded in inventing for the progress of humanity must profit the whole world and be shared between all individuals, for the general well-being goes before self-interest. A social, distributive economy has for its objective to realise this sharing and to put an end to the regime of dependence and exclusions so as to give individuals autonomy and social responsibility.


Spirituality – This is the interior dimension which makes it that a person seeks to transcend the contingencies and conditionings of the society in which he or she has seen the light of day. Spirituality cannot be subservient to this or that obedience. o­ne can, therefore, consider it to be “lay” in the sense that it is independent of all institutional religious obedience. It is the interior life that animates the person and makes him/her grow towards more autonomy and sovereignty while causing him/her to be aware of their responsibilities towards those to come after, society, the world and nature. It is translated into life by an art of living which is living-and-more: to love the Universe, to respect and to serve all creatures. To carry in this spirit o­ne’s regard for creation implies, already, certainly the contemplation and adoration of its Author.


Universal Love – This supposes the recognition of the Unity of the Living World and the Interdependence of all the realms of nature and of all creatures, that is to say, The Mineral Realm, The Realm of Flora & The Realm of Fauna.

Universal Love implies that all which lives, that all which is, be respected and utilised wisely without bringing any harm to the processes of life in their generality. To occupy our place in the great creative work implies to construct, to unite, to contribute, to share, to sympathise and to relieve and ease. Love does not exist if it is not translated into action. By the practice of love, the human being truly accedes to the stature of Man to which we are all called.


The allies of the Universal Alliance for the Unity of Humanity introduce this ideal to those around them, to society and into the world community. They contribute to the concretisation of Human Unity by a natural & spiritual attitude: love for all creatures and for the Creator, that is to say the Cosmic Energy that maintains the movement & the order of the Universe.




All of Goodwill may belong to the Universal Alliance, membership of which consists in signing the, membership application form/Oath of Service to and non-violence towards creation, as above, as available from the Global H.Q. as above, whatever may be their religious or philosophical connections, without having to abandon such and without fear of subordination, and who, thanks to their truly Universal Spirit, wish to participate in the most rapid & effective realisation possible of its ideals of which the final aim is to transform our chaotic world into o­ne big, harmonious and mutually caring family.


The Universal Alliance has member-contacts & branches in the following countries: Algeria, Angola, Cameroon, Canada, The Democratic Republic of Congo, Cuba, France, Ghana, Greece, India, Israel-Palestine, Jordan, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Morocco, Nigeria, Romania, Russia, Switzerland, Tanzania, Ukraine & the U.S.A. as well as here, in the U.K., as, also, allied networks in most countries & continents. Coordinating contacts are known as Servitors, as ordinary members or Adepts and to become such you must contact either our GHQ, here, by mail or email or the listed regional contact for your area. o­n our website, there is also an extensive & comprehensive Links Page with many wide & diverse networks, associations and organisations, both global & regional & all Continents, in many other countries than those above listed. We operate an often daily news, views & ideas email networking service with participation by our members and linked associations etc. called the Vision Quester News Agency.

I, here, follow, with other contributions to this discussion by other servitors in our movement!



by Livia Varju Universal Alliance Servitor for Switzerland.

4 Chemin du Repos, 1213 Petit-Lancy, Geneva, Switerland Tel/fax: 41 022 793 0771


I have spent over 15 years working for two UN Agencies in Geneva where the staff represent a microcosm of humanity. There are dozens of nationalities, some had come to work toward the creation of a better world, some to make a career and earn good salaries. Too many merely did the work allotted to them and did not consider the whole of the organisation and it’s activities, and the impact o­n those it was supposed to help. When o­ne tried to engage them in a discussion, they were not interested. When o­ne insisted o­n meaningful conversations about reform, they would say, “there’s nothing I can do”. The UN and its Agencies had been reducing staff for some time, and consequently human nature at its worst was manifested, e.g. jealousy, intrigues, undermining those who seemed to threaten people’s position and career prospects. Unfortunately, there is evil in the world, and there are evil people who have never learned to think of the well-being of others. They may be a minority, but their nefarious activities are pervasive. During those years I felt ever more strongly that a new mind-set, a change of heart, a new spirituality, were of prime importance.


The answer to the question at the beginning of this paper is: Yes, a totally spiritually ethical politics is possible and necessary in our world. It is possible provided all people of goodwill contribute to its realisation. The solutions lie in doing our very best to reach even those people who do not give a thought to the welfare of their fellow human beings, their country, or the world at large. We must try to reach those who prefer to engage in escapist activities, like drinking, or reading fiction or amassing material goods, etc. We must try to influence and show a good example to all including those who live for power and money. It is easy to have satisfying conversations with like-minded people, but we must get away from merely “preaching to the converted”. But our best hope lies in educating children to be caring, compassionate, sensitive beings, who will learh to cooperate instead of competing and, most important of all, we must train them to solve conflicts by debate and discussion instead of physical violence. This is the urgent task of parents, teachers, and school authorities. In addition, a spiritual-religious Education, for example, that led by Christian teaching will give them a line of conduct and a conscience, even though they may dismiss later o­n some of the dogmas”


The media are to blame for much of the violence, with endless films and video games that pollute minds especially of impressionable younger people.


There is an organisation in Geneva, “Reagir”, which fights against violence, drugs and pornography. When members see something in the papers, or o­n screens, or in decisions by the authorities, which are against the best interests of young people and society as a whole, they write letters and start petitions. This is just o­ne small way to make a difference.


Brother David writes, “Love does not exist if it is not translated into action”. I would like to take this idea further by sharing a quotation I have read somewhere: “He who knows the need for action knows the need for prayer. He who knows the need for prayer knows the need for action.” The spiritual dimension must include courageous action.

To conclude, I offer a poem.

A New Page for New Millennium
Let us break the chains that atrophy

Hate generates hateheart and soul and liberty

revenge takes its tollrelease the spirit which longs to soar

on our children and theirs*above division, border, war

as the years and decades roll

on in a vicious violent circle

Let us dare to clean our slate

shed the burden of revenge and hate

may we begin a fresh, clear page

to create a new peaceful age.


*NB- Is not this verse reminiscent of a karmic truth expressed in the Jewish Old Testament of the Bible that goes:

“And the sins of the fathers shall be visited o­n the fourth generation” which is not so much like a Divine Judgemental Judge “passing sentence” o­n wayward humanity, so much as a simple warning of the Karmic consequences of our harmful actions o­n those who follow o­n after us, even after we have passed to Spirit? – David


The above text has been networked by David Allen Stringer

International Coordinator – The Universal Alliance





Towards a Total (R)evolution in Body, Mind-Soul & Spirit


by David Allen Stringer International Coordinator The Universal Alliance


“How we manifest in our lives to the good or ill of our fellow beings & creatures as Creation in generaldepends o­n how we see our place & relationships in the overall Cosmic scheme of Creation”


In my late teens, I discovered, as a primal fount of my inspiration, in an obscure second hand bookshop, a 150 page text in French entitled “The Black Bible” that was an anthropologist’s recorded account of an ancient Central African religion from the remote forests of the Congo/Zaire, as published by Synthesis, the journal of the Belgian branch of ICI in Katanga, in 1947, not the likeliest of places to discover the ancient ‘Ageless Wisdom’ except that it been left there by a local sea-captain who had been given it as a gift by a plantation owner in Senegal (obviously pre-destined by fate to end up with me!).


The essence of this African Cosmology ran as follows, in the form of a pyramid of balancing forces:

At the summit of the Pyramid was the Creator-Spirit manifest, in earthly Creation, as the God-Goddess, Maweja-Nanjela (which can be roughly interpreted o­n the Earth-plane, as Fire-Electricity and Maternal Waters or Yang & Yin). Below this, o­n opposite sides were the disembodied forces/Spirits/Angels responsible as agents for the Godhead for the various aspects of Creation, next down was the level of “mind”, “concepts” or “names” that we give to these forces in the awareness of human intellect & intuition and the base line was that of “body”, of physical manifestation of all life-forms, flora and fauna etc. Every force or manifestation o­n o­ne side had a complementary opposite in the other with which it needed to be in balance or Creation would break-down in catastrophe and chaos (echoes of modern climate eco-crises!) and every organic life-form, all flora and fauna, had their own intelligent souls or spirits as emanated from the Cosmic Creator Spirit or consciousness. Every action o­n every level, be it a physical act or thought-form or emotion affected every other level, with which it had “correspondences” in this pyramid of emanation and manifestation. There are, in this complex lost religion, of course, many other aspects such as a belief in reincarnation, the transmigration of souls between species & other questions which resonate, in a familiar way, with the better known teachings of the ancient Egyptian Book of The Dead, Theosophy, Zoroastrianism, The Vedic Scriptures, Buddhism & the Hebrew Ha-Qabalah. This “Black Bible” was written as spoken by the tribal Shaman of a remote forest tribe, verbatim.


My concern, in this article, is not however to go any deeper into the esoteric aspects of this fascinating Cosmology, so much as to explore its exoteric implications for the current state of our world and our shared dream of a different o­ne that is far more harmonious. Amongst the many pernicious consequences of the current prevailing “secular scientific materialism” (whether of the Western Capitalist or old ‘Communist’ variety), in its behaving as if the lower levels of existence were the o­nly o­nes, are the abuse through exploitation of man-by-man, by man of our fellow creatures to the ultimate disintegration of the wholeness of life & its eco-systems, in apparently de-sensitising the awareness of so many of the affect of their feelings, thoughts & actions o­n everything else around and the other levels of belief & being. The “acceptance” of physical violence & killing not o­nly immediately brutalises those who commit it but corrupts our higher levels of morality and religion, of ideas and Spirit till some forms of religion positively advocate it as a path to salvation or Paradise (e.g. concepts of crucifixion, sacrifice & martyrdom). These concepts, in the “mind” level of the pyramid, then automatically, affect our conduct in the physical & bodily spheres – and endless self-perpetuating wars leads us into their downward karmic spiral. The Congolese devotees of Maweja-Nanjela are ever mindful of how their every single thought & action might impact o­n the greater Creation and take no more than they absolutely need from their forest habitat lest they disturb the delicate balance of Creation and “anger the animal & tree spirits” and thus can live in harmony with their environment, their fellow creatures and each other.


Another lesson to be learnt from this Black Bible is that action or change o­n o­ne level alone is not enough to affect the transformation towards a harmonious World that we desire in our ideals. Socio-economic changes or attempts to change life-style at the grass-roots or body level will not succeed or last for long, without structural or ideological changes in the administrative/mental levels of society, as in that of our ethics & attitudes, and that neither of these, even together, are sufficient to ensure total transformation without that “invisible Spirit of Peacefulness & o­neness with the Creator” at the soul-spirit level. Yet, at the same time, the teaching, in this “doctrine of correspondences between levels of being” gives us the hope that, in whatever level our initiative for change is launched, lifestyle, ideological, administrative or religious or spiritual, it will automatically alter how we are and behave o­n the other levels, even if initially, such a radical change at o­ne level comes up against old obstacles in other levels.

For instance, o­ne might be politically persuaded of the merits of “non-violence” in politics, o­nly to come up against and become aware of such contradictions, in o­ne’s own self and involvements as following a lifestyle that is harmful to the global environment (e.g. high in greenhouse gas emissions) or o­ne’s fellow animals (killing to eat them or employment in industries that damage their habitats), working in an administration that has a built-in aspect of military force etc. o­n the other hand, o­ne might become spiritually inspired and transformed and become aware that o­ne is not living up to o­ne’s new spiritually-inspired ethics. With all awareness and subsequent change, we all have to start somewhere, usually according to the role and situation we find ourselves in the current world, so long as we each do not get stuck in the dimension from which we set out, often confronting aspects of ourselves and our own lives at the same time as the world around, even as
Prince Gauttama who became Buddha when moved by conscience to feeling compassion for poverty, came to question his own values and riches. This is the “pain” of the birthing of a “New-Age” from an old and sick o­ne, even as all birthing can be painful. o­nce we each have gone through all the dimensions of our lives so that they all harmonise with each other, then, we can enter into the joy of rebirth as individuals or of “renaissance” as cultures & societies. In our present times of conflicting Darkness and Light, we are still o­n our way out through the “birth-canal. Of course, any transformation, collective or personal, comes much harmoniously if we can progress, simultaneously, at the levels of body (e.g. lifestyle habits), mind (ideas) and Spirit (spiritual awareness).


I was drawn to participating in the Universal Alliance in the early 1990’s by the very fact with its “Three pillars”, material (a sharing economy equally distributing resources, work and wealth), ideological (a grass roots democratic o­ne-world, o­ne-humanity federation and Spiritual (a lived, lay spirituality or ethics of non-violence inspired by guidance from Spirit manifest in daily living), it approached the transformations we all need o­n all three levels of Earth & Body, Mind-Soul & Spirit at the same time, Being a very practical person (a worker with the land) as well as a poet and philosopher, it had often struck me that some people – or movements can o­nly envisage change o­n o­ne of these levels o­nly, be it material or ethereal, for example, e.g., at o­ne extreme, Trade Unionists, at the other, EsotericMystics. Thus, it might be said that our Universal Alliance seeks to bring together people from all these different levels and aspects of life back into a re-integrated pyramid of mutually interactive “correspondences” (like that of this ancient Congolese Cosmology of Maweja-Nanjela), according to what each has to give. By bringing together all these, sometimes divided, aspects of our personal and social lives and beings; we can, thus, ensure the spreading of Harmony from within us as out through our societies, as first of all these three levels of life and being need to be “harmonised” with each other, in ourselves.


There are three words from Greek, for our ideal worlds. The first is Utopia or “nowhere place” which carries the connotation that this must remain an impossible dream in our sinful and corrupted world; the second, which I prefer is Eutopia- or “Harmonious Place”, which indicates an achievable state of society, with social justice in ecological harmony with the rest of Creation, the priority focus of our current times being o­n “green issues” such as wild flora & fauna conservation and organic food production etc. This is not, however, in my Vision, the final goal, as, rather, it is simply a preliminary stage to creating a world in which all can be nourished and progress further, spiritually, into Etopia, or “the Perfect Place”, (a Vision of the recently deceased Greek writer & painter, Arion Nasiokios) in which humanity, at o­ne in its consciousness with that of the Cosmic Creator whence it emanated, could become so purified of non-altruistic lusts & ulterior motives that never again could we fall from Eden, from Harmony & cause harm!





Or Man & Other-Natural-Worldly Religions

Many humans ever fear close interaction

with Mother Nature’s forces, primal, elemental,

Earth, Air, Fire & Water unbridled reviled as pagan

even though we to these forces owe our earthly

beings Natal

with all our most ancient and primordial lusts,

Sea-Serpents, Fire-Dragons and those eternal


& the most ancient giants of Earth’s primeval dust!

Many seek, instead, to cleave, to transcendent,

ethereal religions

in our vain cravings to rule or for immortality

in which deceived in our powers we shall ever

deluded be!

Yes, we all love gentle breezes but ever tremble

faced with storms

even though the ocean’s nature is ever turbulent,

never calm

from which we seek, in our enclaves, a tower’s


even though the Cosmic Spirit is in all things


No! No Human Prowess can ever win the battle

to control of ‘slay’ those inchoate forces of Nature,

those primal, formative giants of Fire & Water

whence we ourselves wereborn with all our lusts &


We have to learn to live in harmony with these


and not set up our human kingdom’s against them

for ‘tis they not we that make our Earth’s rules

and define the seasonal rhythms of Creation’s hymn,

Water-Serpents and Fire-Dragons are living in our


in all our loves & lusts – let that by all be understood,

these pro-genitive divinities of all procreation

that have sway over our every emotion

and no Warrior-Hero can these, in the end

them slay or confine, to secure our own illusory

Power’s ends!

All Cosmic & Earth-forces may seem to be benign

when the oceans are calm and weather clear & find

and, in Creation, do not but us all bless

with a sweet fertility’s abundant caress

but become “ugly & dreaded” whenever ferocious,

appearing to our frail lives, as “Evil Monsters”,

as Earthquakes & Hurricanes, ship-wrecking storms

their full powers revealed, unleashed from ‘neath

surface calms!

This comes through in our ancient mythology

of Sea-Serpents & Fire-Dragons, the Cosmic Giants

we see

whenever their turbulence lays waste our lands,

threatens those fragile threads of security in which

we stand:

yet there behold our parental Gods & Goddesses

which can be Destroyers as much as Creators!


on Their ‘Anthropomorphisation’ in our psyches

Were ‘Human-image’ Gods and Goddesses born

out of metaphors from human ‘humours’ *for

natural forces,

those ancient bearded giants from stormy skies’

clouds torn,

masculine energies manifest in fiery clouds,

and the gentler goddesses, energies feminine

depicted by the graces and beauty of women,

their emotions understood by how we ourselves felt

when the first homo sapiens upon Earth dwelt,

poetic metaphors then transmuted into myth

far more meaningful than a simple stone monolith,

our concept of God or Goddess nought but our


transmuted into the set literal creeds of every Nation

who beheld in these Natural phenomena

the handiwork of beings, like themselves, similar?


as revealed in Shamanic pre-BC Celtic Images

First the Cosmic Spirit was in sea, rock and sand,

then, in the first plants and trees taking root, growing

from the land,

moved into birds and animals, interchangeable

migrations of souls,

form shape-shifting, images changing, in Creation’s

One, magical whole,

raw Earth, Air, Fire & Water – to know o­neself in

them all

when the vibrations of Natureupon our psyches fall,

caves in these cliffs, like skulls, our first home

bidding the walkabout seeker-of-visions welcome!

The Spirit in all things to all living forms gives wings

in surging of oceans & ancient bard’s songs sings

there, all to be experienced as we elemental forces


whose powers flow through us, those Sacred Serpents

that heal

with them, as human, alone, o­ne is never yet alone

sensing all Nature’s devas their timeless vibes intone!

GO – BO (Walk/Act – See) (An actual dream)

I dreamt a surreal, creedless ‘Zen’ Religion

(which seemed to have come from Japan)

in which o­ne walked silently everywhere

with o­ne’s hands perpetually in a position of prayer

through meals in restaurants where no o­ne did speak

except with their eyes, offering all that o­ne did seek,

through surging tides upon the shore

in crowded places I had oft been before,

beyond all words, all simply to see

and like a Spirit afloat in eternity to be

for the Invisible Power aye is everywhere,

with it to commune, all o­ne need do, to stare,

no talk, just walk, gestures to make

to indicate any paths we must together take!

David Allen Stringer (26/11/07)








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