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Harmony Forum

Peace from Harmony
Global Harmony International Treaty for Nuclear Disarmament

Global Harmony Association (GHA)

Since 2005, GHA is an international NGO uniting more 300 members in 48 countries and more than o­ne million participants from the GHA collective members in 80 countries.
GHA Founder and President: Dr. Leo Semashko
Address: 7/4-42 Ho-Shi-Min Street, St. Petersburg, 194356, Russia
Telephone: +7 (812) 513-38-63,
Facsimile: +78125133863
Website: www.peacefromharmony.org
E-mail: leo.semashko@gmail.com or tacvarthy@yahoo.com

Global Harmony Association (GHA)

May 23 to July 22, 2009



Global Harmony International Treaty

for Nuclear Disarmament


Global Security Treaty for Nuclear Disarmament Based o­n

Harmonious Civilization Universal Declaration:



Draft Treaty


Dr. Leo Semashko, Russia

Prof. Ernesto Kahan, Israel

J.Dr. James T. Ranney, USA

Writer Robert Weir, USA


and 49 endorsers from 20 countries:

From Russia - 21: Lucy Alferova, Yuri Dorofeev, Ivan Ivanov, Dimitry Ivashintsov, Vladimir Kavtorin, Eugenia Kamunina, Alexander Olshansky, Natalie Sidorova, Genrih Skvortsov, Svetlana Vetrova, Valery Gergel, Nina Goncharova, Natalya Potapova, Alexander Semashko, AndreiSemashko, Peter Semashko, Andrei Smirnov, Nikolay Strelkov, Vladimir Strelkov, Basil Smirnov, Tatiana Tselutina.

From other countries - 28: Ada Aharoni, Maria Cristina Azcona, Reimon Bachika, Martha Ross DeWitt, Tholana Chakravarthy, Renato Corsetti, Guy Crequie, Noor Gillani, Francois Houtart, Takis Ioannides, Tatomir Ion-Marius, Mariam Khan, Dimitris P. Kraniotis, Evelin Lindner, Rose Lord, Francisco Matos, Charles Mercieca, Kae Morii, Matjaž Mulej, Terrence Paupp, Susana Roberts, Maitreyee Roy, Bernard Scott, Edward Soroko, Alexey Stakhov, Laj Utreja, Jiang Yimin, Taki Yuriko.


The co-authors and endorsers lists are opened for joining to the Treaty official recognition moment

Everyone who makes the amendments to Treaty for public discussion is recognized as its coauthor


The Project publication:









We, undersigned heads of the states, the governments and the independent international organisations consider necessary to underline an insolvency of the "peace by strength" or “balance of national power” doctrine of deterrence that will lead to a continuous arms race (Grenville Clark and Louis B. Sohn, 1958: http://www.san.beck.org/GPJ27-Clark-SohnPlan.html, etc.).It is now necessary “to re-define security for the twenty-first century” (Global Security Initiative, 2008: http://wage.wisc.edu/research/security_initiative/). The present Treaty redefines security for the twenty-first century through global harmony or the doctrine of “peace from harmony” and its corresponding thinking. What U.S. President John F. Kennedy said in 1961 in the United Nations General Assembly: “Mankind must put an end to war - or war will put an end to mankind,” remains true today, almost 50 years later. The alternative of global harmony and corresponding thinking inspires us to this Treaty and requires that we realize the new initiative of nuclear disarmament of the USA and Russia, which was put forth in a joint statement of President Obama and President Medvedev o­n April 1, 2009 in London.


We, undersigned heads of the states, the governments and the independent international organisations consider necessary:

  • To recognise the present Global Harmony Treaty (GHT) as the guarantor for world security and nuclear disarmament o­n the Harmonious Civilization Universal Declaration basis;
  • To take up the obligations, outlined in the given Treaty, to mainten and strengthen global harmony as the guarantor of general security and nuclear disarmament.

We, undersigned heads of the states, the governments and the independent international organisations consider necessary to agree with the following Treaty structure:

  • Preamble: defines mission, initial preconditions and the Treaty role,
  • General Part: defines general disarmament o­n the Harmonious Civilization Universal Declaration basis,
  • Special Part: defines the norms and requirements of global harmony in the solution of o­ne of global problems – nuclear disarmament,
  • Conclusion: defines organizational and technical aspects for the Treaty realization.


General Part


We, undersigned heads of the states, the governments and the independent international organisations consider necessary to define general and complete disarmament o­n the Harmonious Civilization Universal Declaration basis in the following requirements and norms:

  • Create the all-round General and Complete Disarmament Program over the next 50 years with an annual reduction of armies and military expenses of 2 % per year.
  • Create the Plan of Nuclear Disarmament over the next 10 years, beginning in 2009, and to consider it as a necessary part of the General and Complete Disarmament Program.
  • Recognise that full nuclear disarmament is impossible without the General and Complete Disarmament Program.
  • Foresee in the General and Complete Disarmament Program creation in each country of the Harmonious Peace Departments (Ministries) that would supervise disarmament, reduction of military expenses and their use for harmonious education and liquidation of extreme poverty in the world.

The present Treaty is submitted as the general platform for following efforts of the states and a civil society to decrease in the general intensity (Global Action to Prevent War): http://www.globalactionpw.org/?page_id=66):

  • Strengthening multilateral means of resolving conflicts, protecting human rights, and preventing armed conflict.
  • Reducing national military forces through a phased process of disarmament and replacing them with a modest UN force.
  • Supporting national policies of peace and disarmament by promoting the culture of harmonious peace and local initiatives such as harmonious/peace education.

In advancement of global harmony as a new doctrine of human security, the leading role belongs to the new institutional structures, especially inter- and non-governmental organisations (Global Security Initiative, 2008: http://wage.wisc.edu/research/security_initiative/).


Special Part:


We, undersigned heads of the states, the governments and the independent international organisations consider necessary to define following features, requirements and norms of global harmony concerning nuclear disarmament:

  1. Nuclear disarmament is a process of globalisation and the sharpest global problem of mankind. Disarmament qualitatively differs from armament, demanding a universal, acceptable and necessary value for all people, science and the culture of global harmony as the guarantor and general platform, as expressed by the Harmonious Civilization Universal Declaration.
  2. The nuclear disarmament initiated by the USA and Russia in April 2009 opens a new epoch of priority value and thinking of global harmony.

The present Treaty, together with Harmonious Civilization Universal Declaration, are recognized as the necessary guarantor and the general platform of the states to work out, coordinate, approve and execute the following technical Treaties of nuclear disarmament:

  1. Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty;
  2. Verifiably Cessation of Fissile Materials Production for Nuclear Weapons;
  3. Minimal Deterrence Mission as a Transitional Step o­n a Path to Zero Nuclear Weapons;
  4. Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty;
  5. Civil Nuclear Cooperation and International Fuel Bank;
  6. Security of all Vulnerable Nuclear Material and Nuclear Terrorism Prevention.
    (These Treaties are listed in President Obama’s speech o­n April 5, 2009 in Prague).

The present Treaty transfers the centre of execution of technical Treaties from inspections and sanctions/threats o­n the international trust, economic and social cooperation of the nations within the limits of norms of global harmony.

The present Treaty is admitted as the general platform of economic and social cooperation of the states and nations in the following directions:

  1. Civil nuclear cooperation with a view of preserving the climate, achieving world peace, and eradicating extreme poverty;
  2. Use of funds, released from nuclear disarmament, to the creation of global harmonious/peace education and building schools, hospitals, lodging and roads in Africa, Asia, Latin America and developing countries;
  3. The regular Summits and Civil Congresses at global, regional and national levels o­n nuclear disarmament and its benefits;
  4. Revival of the World Peace Movement through its transformation to movement for ‘Peace from Global Harmony’ in connection with nuclear disarmament.



We, undersigned heads of the states, the governments and the independent international organisations consider necessary to define here the Order of introduction, ratification and subscription of the present Global Harmony Treaty in the following norms:

  • The Treaty is created by the Governments of the USA and Russia;
  • The Treaty comes into force after its ratification by the US Congress and Russian Parliament.
  • The Treaty is opened for joining by all countries through its ratification by the countries parliaments.
  • Each amendment which is brought in the Treaty is ratified by parliaments of all countries, which joined the Treaty.
  • After ratification the Treaty subscribes the head of the state, the government and the international organisation.

Participation in the Treaty of the international public organisations will provide cooperation of the states and of world civil society.





United States of America, President: …

Global Harmony Association, President: Dr. Leo Semashko

Russian Federation, President: …

International Association of Educators for World Peace, President: Dr. Charles Mercieca

People’s Republic of China, President: …

Universal Esperanto Association, President: Prof. Renato Corsetti

And so o­n

International Forum for the Literature and Culture of Peace, President: Dr. Ada Aharoni


And so o­n


Note. The draft Treaty passes in the GHA a procedure of annual discussion and new editing until it will not be ratified by the USA and Russia that will begin its official life.


Copyright © 2009 Global Harmony Association

Copyright © 2009 Leo Semashko


Global Harmony Association (GHA)

July 29, 2009


His Excellency Barack Obama

President of the USA


SUBJECT: The GHA three Projects (in enclosure) in support and advancement of the American and Russian initiative of nuclear disarmament in a world civil society.


Dear Mr. President:


The GHA is honored to send you three collective projects devoted to the support and advancement of the remarkable American and Russian initiative of nuclear disarmament. The initiative is of historical significance in the sense that o­nly disarmament can begin the formation of a harmonious civilization and disarmament is possible o­nly in it. These mutually inclusive ideas have been the subject of discussion in our projects.


The first project, “Peace Culture through Harmony: Global Harmony as a Necessary Guarantor for World Security and Nuclear Disarmament” (17 pages), contains an analysis of the American concept of nuclear disarmament which you admirably presented in your speech in Prague o­n April 5, 2009. In support and advancement of your initiative we offer a number of measures, beginning with holding International Civil Congresses worldwide to raise world public consciousness. In that regard, we’ve conveyed our willingness through a letter, dated June 29, 2009, to the US Consulate General, Ms. Sheila S. Gwaltney in St. Petersburg, to hold the first Congress in the autumn 2009 in St. Petersburg, Russia.


We consider that the doctrine of global harmony or harmonious civilization can be the general basis and a precondition for the world nuclear disarmament. It is presented in the drafts of two fundamental documents:

  1. Harmonious Civilization Universal Declaration (8 pages)
  2. Global Harmony International Treaty for Nuclear Disarmament (4 pages)


We’ve also provided copies of the above three projects to President Dmitry Medvedev of Russia. We are confident that these documents serve the interests of both countries, the USA and Russia in the solution of nuclear disarmament. It is our sincere hope that you will consider them in the light of importance they deserve.


Very sincerely yours,

Laj Utreja, Ph.D., GHA Vice-president for the USA,

Add: 207 Veranda Drive, Madison, AL 35758

Email add: ish0001@aol.com


© Website author: Leo Semashko, 2005; © designed by Roman Snitko, 2005