Celia Altschuler

Acting President, GHA-LAC, GHA Ambassador for Peace and Disarmament from Harmony in LAC, Artist, Poet, Translator, French Professor at University, Media Producer, Address: Parguera, Puerto Rico Phone: 787-462-1031 Emaile: psoleil5@yahoo.com Web: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=557 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The Silver Medal I was honored with in Paris from the ASL was because of my performance as an artist (painter) and as a poet, besides all the rest I have done in communications, education and promoting cultural events. The Arts, Sciences and Literature Academy is a very prestigious society in France.
June 15, 2013 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Review on
The ABC of Harmony for World Peace All of us humans who seek for a loving, peaceful, harmonious way of living must consider reading the ABC of Harmony for World Peace.It is an open door that brings solutions for our issues of a better way of living on Earth. Unconditional Love and a sense of collectiveness are at need for humanity. The proposal set on the ABC of Harmony serves human beings with a broad approach and already gives us an example of service, and respect for all there is on Earth. It represents more than just a written document about social, educational, political, ecological, gender, multicultural, interfaith religious problem solution for the world. It is a philosophical and practical guide to Peace and Balanced Education. In its essence and betweens lines a feeling of deep spiritual growth arises through the exercise of love and service as it transpires from its authors. Peace is the ultimate result of loving harmony on Earth. We must seek peace for the benefit of the human family. We are living every day at the verge of a possible Third World War with fear of terrorism, local community violence, delinquency, racial, religious, and gender crimes, which make our daily news. Hunger, injustices and poverty are everywhere bringing more than tears to our hearts. This is all the result of our industrial material way of living in disharmony and now we face the time for an upgrade in order to bring a healing moment, a more spiritual and knowledgeable way to passage through life. The fruit is ripe and we face a moment of transition. We must welcome change to our lives. The ABC of Harmony for World Peace philosophy is rooted on the seed of sage visionary thinkers as Buddha, Confucius, Plutarch, Jesus, Laozi, Gandhi, Einstein, so on to name a few. Later it was brought into light by the GHA Founder and President Leo Semashko, who with the collaboration of other authors has compiled all this knowledge in a book. It must be disseminated promptly in our world, especially in schools, universities and local libraries and among the general public. It is another tool that God and mankind have put together as a gift for all. The ABC of Harmony for World Peace book is a proposal of wise change for mankind and we all must appreciate it. Reading it has brought light and joy to my heart. Thank you. 14/02/13 Published: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=506 ------------------------------------------------------------------
I was born in Mayagüez Puerto Rico (PR), on March 27, 1954. My mother Gladys V Lopez Chabrier was a librarian and my dad Pedro J Padin was a surgical tech. I was raised in New York City and studied in St Anselms Catholic School with Irish nuns. When I arrived to PR I studied in a Free School of Music, which included musical program and academics. I also went to a beaux arts private school in PR on an after school program. I studied voice lessons, violin, ballet, drama and pantomime, jazz and folk in these schools. After this I went to University of PR and studied education, becoming a French professor. I have a BA education in French and English minor, also a licensee of the Dept Instruction for teaching. I continued after graduating my studies in translation at the University. I also went to study art at the Art League in San Juan and had private art professors and took courses at the University of Plastic Arts. Recently I went to Japanese Boogie School to study Sumie, ink art at Valencia. I am married to Dr. Daniel Altschuler, Physics professor at the University. I have two children Manuel, BA in Biology, also poet and a daughter Estela, BA in business and accountant. I have worked as a ticket agent at the airport in PR, public Relations at the Aliance Francaise, communications and media, publishing articles and radio producing and hosting programs www.radioatenas.com, WMNT Radio Atenas 1500 am. I have taught in local high schools and colleges, French, English and Spanish. I also translated for various companies. I wrote two musicals that were on stage during 1990 and 1992 in theaters in San Juan, Institute of Culture and Interamerican University Theater. I have given talks, workshops for teachers, recitals, made book presentations and sang in theaters and special cultural events. I have also done volunteer work with battered women and mistreated children, including teen pregnant girls that live with the nuns. At present I am a full artist and poet, having exhibits and poetry throughout the world and still performing in local media. I am fully trilingual, English and Spanish and French. Plus I have studied speak and write German, Italian and some Arabic. She just published her first indri so (poem) in Arabic in an Anthology in Brazil this year. Most of her poems are written originally in English, Spanish or French. She is actually the host and producer of “Cita con las Artes” (A Date with The Arts) on WMNT Radio Atenas, Manatí 1500 or www.radioatenas.com (live show) every Thursday from 4:00 to 5:00P.m. For during seven years I produced a French Radio Program, France Chez-Vous (French at your home), with French music and Culture. You can read her poetry in more than 17 Lord Byron editions published by Leo Zelada “Antología Nueva Poesía Hispanoamericana”, as well as “Antología Multilingüe Letras de Babel”, in Uruguay Abrace Edition,“Antología Hispano-árabe”, “Páginas Latinas”, in Algeria, “Shabbdagucha”, in India and also in New York, “Journey” in South Africa, “Peace on Earth” in Japan,“Antología de Indrisos” in Brazil, “Anthologie Les Cahiers de Poesie” , France and in some internet sites for literature and some cultural Magazines as Epikara by Takis Ionides (Greece), L’Assaba (TheMorning)Journal d’Algerie, Destine literaire, Canada et Rumanie and also some Web Sites as www.agonia.com, www.poetasdelmundo.com, www.epars.com. Her poems have been translated into Bengali, Greek, Japanese, Chinese, Rumanian, and Arabic. Her book “Gaviota del Caribe”, was translated into Arabic, (Caribbean Seagull). It has brought her this nickname among peers and literary critics. Some book covers of poetry are dressed with her paintings in Algeria, India, USA, PR, Spain, Brazil, Uruguay, Greece. Her art work has been exhibited in various countries through the world, EU, Mexico, Spain, Japan, Puerto Rico, Turkey and Japan. Some of them remain in local Museums in PR, at Eugenio Maria de Hostos Museum in Mayagüez, and René Marquéz in Arecibo as part of their collection, also in Tokio University and Nagasaki Museum.

She was awarded first prize in poetry by the Arts and Sciences Academy in Puerto Rico in 2010. on some local magazines as “Business PR” and also “Arecibo Es” you can read some of her articles on travel and culture. In 2011 she was nominated and selected among the best 75 artists in the island by “Caras Magazine” in San Juan, PR. In 2012 she was awarded a third prize in Europoèsie in Paris.
Now she is: Member of International Writers and Artists Association Ohio, USA Member of the World Congress of Poetry Member of Manatí Artists Association Member of IFLAC International Literary Peace Culture Forum Member of “Coalición de Artistas de Puerto Rico” Member of “Asociación de Pintores de Manatí” Lady of Culture and Adoptive daughter of Manati, PR Advisor of Club UNESCO PR since 2012 Member of IFLAC International Literary Forum for Peace Culture Member of Poetas del Mundo( Chile) Chosen one of the most acknowledged artists in PR “Caras” Magazine , San Juan First award in Poetry Contest 2010 Academy of Arts, Sciencesof PR Second award Poetry Contest in Politécnica University in May 2012 Third award in Poetry Contest in Europoèsie in Paris 2012, Paris, France Finalist Contest in Toledo Spain, 2012 Delegate of “Uniletras” Naciones Unidas de las Letras, Colombia Ambassadeur for Peace and Culture in PR for the “Cercle des Ambassadeurs de la Paix et la Culture, Suisse et France (Colaborator , translator and editor for thetwothe organizations above) Member for the Academy of Arts, Literature and Sciences, Paris, France 2012 Member of the Academy of Arts Sciences and Technologies in Valencia Spain 2012 Member of Europoesie Paris, France Resident at “Récollets des Résidence des Artists Internationales” in Paris 2012 Artistic Studies at Bugei School, Sumie (ink oriental Art) Japanese School in Valencia, Spain Artistic studies at University of PR, Art Dept, Prof, Carola Vega Art League (Liga de Arte in San Juan PR)Artist My elective courses were on Business Administration, Intensive German, Intensive Italian and Courses at the Art Dept. I have taught students at different levels from elementary to college and even business school. I have translated from Spanish to English, Spanish to French, French to Spanish. I have translated for different Companies and Language Schools and organizations and also poets. I have experience and additional studies as a Ticket Agent Airport Aviation Services, Horticultureand Beaux Arts School,, Dance, voice lessons and musical instruments (violin, quarto). I worked at the Alliance Française of PR as Public Relation Person for several years and taught dance for 12 years to women and girls. I actually continue singing for social purposes. I volunteered at Julia de Burgos, Home for Battered Women rendering services as an educator, special program for school examination and diploma from 1983. I also worked at St Euphrasy home for pregnant teens as an educational art teacher 2008. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Peace on Earth Original poem by Celia Altschuler
Peace walks the paths of lifelonely as a shadow in the light soft steps of graceful beauty gentle lyrics written on a poem
Peace wants us to be touched Peace wants us to be embraced She floats among smiling spirits embellished Suns on warm waters
Her gentle essence flies above oceans, Earth, winds and skies Her song is the silent melody Sensible to the human heart
Peace is a dance that invites compassion and respect to heal wounds of war , racial, gender, religious and cultural conflicts Her music remains in the notes of our beloved nurturing nature a visual caress , coloring the Sea all there is in the Spirit of Love
Peace is the awakened heart a gift for future generations be part of it by walking along soft graceful steps for harmony©.
International Day for Peace
October 21, 2010


Interfaith Meeting through Love and Education Religious beings can meet through the greatness of human love and solid education. Love is the strongest and most peaceful word on Planet Earth. It heals our human nature. It brings closure to our differences including these: racial, gender, cultural or religious. Are we ready to learn to love? Are we ready to teach its many ways of expression and manifest it through our lives?This is a question that leads us to meet the core of our existence in this world. We pass briefly though this life, yet we have lost touch with the essential beauty of our main purpose and need for unity through love. If we close our eyes for a minute and open them to an aware state of our mind, recognizing that we need to be part of our humanity and our Earth and its needs, our life and attitude will change. But we need to meet our challenge and reach that Oasis to mankind called Love for all there is. And I might add that this kind of love requires respect and service to all that surrounds us in this Planet, including its Nature. Love admits no separation. It is “the marriage of true minds”, like William Shakespeare says in his sonnet number 116. I now remember a dear friend in Valencia who made a comment on how mothers love their children and said “You see my fingers - they are all different, so are my children with different personalities, behaviors and needs, and yet I love them all the same and try every day to fulfill their spiritual, emotional and material needs. It does not matter if they respond differently. It will continue to be a challenge of great love expression.” Love cannot gear its way through the path of Unity if it is not guided by compassion and respect. Unfortunately we have lost compassion for others. We are too immersed in our microcosms, unwilling to return to collective unity. We walk in fear, greed, and loneliness as we have established a micro world of our own, without time for others. Our ego has made us self centered prisoners not willing to unchain our hearts from it. A free open heart can enrich its soul by creating change and returning to a compassionate service to family, community and country.It is to our reach. It just requires humility, and willingness. We have a great need to respect life as it is. This is a healing medicine for humanity. Our surroundings in our Planet teach us a lesson of life and its development on Earth. Beauty surrounds us and we must be aware of it and feel gratitude for its greatness. We must realize that we are part of that beauty and respect its noble nature while coexisting with it. Our spiritual essence should lead our souls to look at nature and life through the eyes of Love and respect for every living being on this Planet. The spiritual essence of interfaith harmony is also Love. Education is the key to freedom for humanity. It opens our eyes to a clear horizon and a better way of living. It suits us with the tools that we need to survive and sustain life in our Planet. But we need both Spiritual Education based on basic principles of good living and love, and education based on human reason and scientific knowledge of harmony. We need to know so we do not make the same mistakes over and over. We need to open education to reach every end of the Earth, an equal human right for all, FREE at the reach of every human being. We must create an effort to create strong media education for the world and adult generations. It is happening but we still must continue an effort on reaching a great amount of audience with high quality educational programs. In many of our countries there is still need to bring computer education and machines to the less fortunate young population of public schools, to the elders in homes and to the children in hospitals. Our libraries must be fully equipped with materials and ready to have an agenda for speakers, educators that can reach the public audience. The museums must be another mean to education by offering talks on art exhibits, workshops for the community on how to appreciate art, and plastic arts for the adult community or youth. We can not achieve interfaith harmony without all of this. Poetry events must meet in the local plazas, with an open microphone as we meet in Mayagüez “Plaza de Colon” in Puerto Rico every last Friday of the month at 7:00pm. This cultural event is open to the general audience and there is a book to sign in order for each person who will read two poems. It is a friendly cultural gathering, enhanced by two musicians that usually accompany us. Plaza visitors and tourists are also attracted to join the event, which is sponsored by the Municipality and its Major José Guillermo Rodriguez. Poets, artists, scientists, engineers, agronomists and students, community members, and tourists are there for the Poetry evening. Poetry is very important for interfaith harmony and meetings. In education, Science and Arts must meet to bear a renaissance human spirit which will be at ease with both, while bringing the educated to a completion and balance. We must respect science for bringing us to scientific reason and knowledge and keeping us away from nurturing false premises, but we also must respect the arts for the capability to create and reach sensibility to a spiritual understanding that all humans need. Creativity brings us to lift our spirits in order to touch our essence. Interfaith harmony cannot be without the unity of science and art, reason and intuition. Family education is also essential and should reinforce solid school education. Parents must receive community education from parent school workshops and community library meetings, from media education for parents, and education through local community cultural activities. This will reinforce home education for their children that will support the school curriculum for teaching values for Peace and Global Harmony as proposed in the ABC of Harmony (www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=478). This and similar global scientific textbooks of harmony constitute the necessary spiritual base for common interfaith harmonious education. Education then will nurture both the Spirit and the mind. It will bring the balance we all need. No doubt that to reach Peace and Harmony we must re- structure our curricula for an Education based on the principles of human values for Peace and Harmony as the ABC of Global Harmony expresses. In my country Puerto Rico, education is affected by political elections every four years. When a new governor is elected, radical changes are made through management and changes in policies and personnel are made. As an educator I believe education must not be part of a political issue. It must be detached from politics for the progress and sanity of all. It must have only one challenge to create a harmonious, peaceful, educated, loving human being who can contribute with a positive participation in this world and find the own way to interfaith harmony. The ABC of Harmony and globalization brings hope by offering a reasonable proposal to all humans. We must make a leap and reach a broader way of understanding our present needs.We need to work towards unity and a collective conscious interfaith harmony in order to solve our problems before it is too late. The first problem is interfaith spiritual harmony, beyond which there cannot be world peace and love. It is now our responsibility for all humanity, every living thing in nature and the Earth itself. Education for global Peace from Harmony is the way to go for a positive healing change. Love is equal to extending and embracing all the human beings in the world as our planetary family. When we speak Love, Peace finds its way from harmony for all, including religions. 16/02/13
Dove of Peace from Harmony


Family Story A conversation between a boy and his father How The ABC of Harmony works for Women Boy: Father, I am now a teen and I want to learn from you how to relate to girls? Can you explain to me: why are they so different?What is your opinion dad? How can I relate to them? Father:They are different because of their sex, they are less intelligent and they are physically weak. They can have babies, cook, clean, look after their family, and follow their spouse’s decisions. If you’re lucky they can be also good providers and bring extra income to your home. That is what God made them for to help and serve their family, specially their beloved men. Some day when you grow up, you will learn how to deal with women. It is pretty easy. They are a easy piece to fit in your pocket if you know how to control them. Remember you are the man. You are here dominating and subdue everything on this Planet. We men were made strong intelligent beings. We can hold a family, and also all the women we can conquer to love us. We must feel free to have sex because we were made that way. Men need more sex than women. Our women have to be submissive and obey our rules, while we can go around having all the girlfriends we want to have and do as we wish. All men cheat once in a while and your girlfriend or your wife has to accept it from you. But son it is better if she never finds out, because women are hysterical and less intelligent creatures. Remember you are here to control them and fit them in your pocket. Son: Dad but I have been learning things differently. In our school there is a teacher that has provided us with a book called the ABC of Harmony for Peace, which founder is Dr Leo Semashko and his collaborators, and we have learnt that us humans are equal, that we must depart from love and Peace from Harmony in our relations and that this is the beginning of our turning point in our human relations for a better world. It is a great moment in the history of our Planet, when humans will speak a different language in their relations, a langue of Love and respect. Father: My son but I wanted to teach you to be a MAN. You are the KING Species of the Planet. Son: And I want to show you that because of our egocentric and self center behavior, we have not only damaged us humans but it has also hurt our nature. Look and see with me our newspaper. It is filled with, war, injustice, hunger, sorrow and civil rights abuse, ecological damage. There is also so much domestic violence, rapes and crimes and delinquency.But we have the possibility to improve our quality of life. Father: How? Son:Well dad,to start , tonight there will be a PTA meeting to discuss the introduction of the ABC from Harmony for Peace and how parents can get involved in their children’s process of learning about it. You will promise me that you will be there at 8:00 pm dad. Father: I don’t understand what you are talking about, but I sure want you to study and succeed in life. I want to be a proud father and I’ll do what it takes to help you. I don’t want you to be poor and unhappy.I’ll be there I’ll promise, but just to listen. Note: This is a good step to embrace our harmony project in education. It is opportunities to liberate parents from ignorance. Why not already visualize it happen? It can be there at our door. No doubt it will bring a positive change and sanity to the wounded heart of HUMANITY. 06/03/13
