Nominations of the ABC of Harmony for
Nobel Peace Prize 2013 Publication in languages: English: Russian: The Norwegian Nobel Committee informed the GHA President in a letter dated April 8, 2013 on the recognition of GHA as a candidate for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2013 for the collective book The ABC of Harmony on the basis of the respective nominations. Copies of this letter, as well as 11 nominations are presented: four in Russian on the specified page and 7 below in English. Under the Nobel Committee's conditions, the publication of nominations is not recommended before the announcement of the Prize recipient on October 11. Therefore, our nominations were published on November 27, 2013.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ July 21, 2012 TO: Norwegian Nobel Committee Henrik Ibsens gate 51 N-0255 Oslo Norway Subject: Nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2013 of the Global Harmony Association on behalf of the co-authors international group (76 co-authors from 26 countries) of the book: The ABC of Harmony for World Peace, Harmonious Civilization and Tetranet Thinking, Global Textbook, by Dr. Leo Semashko, Project Manager, Editor in Chief and GHA 75 coauthors from26 countries (first published in English in India, New Delhi, Doosra Mat Prakashan, 2012, 334 pages, ISBN – 978-81-923108-6-2) as an unprecedented in world history scientific and spiritual peacemaking instrument to achieve world peace from conscious social harmony through a global harmonious education and enlightenment in this ABC. The book contains the inscription: Nobel Institute and Nobel Committee for scientific literate understanding the ultimate cause of world peace as a global harmony, first disclosed in this ABC. Ladies and Gentlemen! We wish to draw your attention to the phenomenal spiritual peacemaking achievement of 2012, presented in the enclosed book by the Global Harmony Association (GHA), created by 76 authors: The ABC of Harmony for World Peace, Harmonious Civilization and Tetranet Thinking, Global Textbook, by Dr. Leo Semashko, Project Manager, Editor in Chief and GHA 75 coauthors from26 countries: first published in English in India, New Delhi, Doosra Mat Prakashan, 2012, 334 pages, ISBN – 978-81-923108-6-2. The book is submitted also in the two electronic formats: – HTML and - PDF. The authors’ 27 reviews are at: The book may be ordered at: The ABC of Harmony Contents: Preface. Introduction I.The ABC of Harmony II.Applications and Prerequisites. 2.1. Applications. 2.1.1. For World Peace from Harmony III.Harmony Stars IV.Harmony Poetry V.The Authors. The ABC of Harmony Meaning VI.Conclusion VII.References VIII.Appendices IX.Harmony Painting The ABC of Harmony is represented on all continents in the libraries of hundreds of educational institutions: schools, colleges and universities, as well as at the GHA members and friends in dozens of countries. The ABC of Harmony was prepared within GHA in 2011 and published in early February 2012 in Russian in St. Petersburg and in English in New Delhi, India. Among its 76 co-authors are prominent scientists, peacemakers, artists and politicians: former President of India, Dr. Abdul Kalam; architect of Ronald Reagan’s economic reform, Dr. Norman Kurland; head of the international organization of doctors (IPPNW), which received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1985, Prof. Ernesto Kahan; Chancellor of the Pedagogical IASE Deemed Gandhi University, Kanak Mal Dugar; Catholic Professor and the UN agent, Dr. François Houtart; President of World Esperanto Association, Prof. Renato Corsetti; President of International Association of Educators for World Peace, Prof. Charles Mercieca; President of International Forum for Literature and Culture of Peace, Prof. Ada Aharoni; Secretary General of "World Constitution and Parliament" Association, Prof. Glen Martin; prominent Russian Professors: Vladimir Bransky, Gregory Tulchinsky, Alexander Subetto, Dimitry Ivashintsov and many others. Five co-authors have the GHA highest honorary title: World Harmony Creator as explained at All of the co-authors, as well as all of the GHA members, are active peacemakers, each in his/her field. This is reflected on the GHA website Peace from Harmony (, which was visited by more than 3 million people in 7 years. The ABC of Harmony is the first book of this kind in the world history and the first global textbook on social harmony for the all nations, governments, presidents and the United Nations. The presentation of this book at the International Seminar of Teachers in New Delhi on February 11, 2012, marked the beginning of a new era of humanity: the Age of Harmonious Enlightenment and Education, which aims to overcome the total ignorance of the past history in regard to social harmony ( This total ignorance was, and remains, the deepest cause of all wars and violence. For example, the UN’s lack of knowledge of social harmony created, in 1948, the State of Israel without carefully considering and while ignoring the spiritual and social harmony of the two nations involved, Israel and Palestine. This UN decision generated a permanent fireplace of military tension in the world and has proved to be the cause of bloodshed in war, terror and violence for decades. This situation will continue to exist as long as both of these nations refuse to accept a unified program of harmonious education and enlightenment for future generations. Now, with the creation of the ABC of Harmony, the UN and the Jewish and Palestinian peoples have a real opportunity to correct this historical mistake and set in the region, even after 20 to 40 years of harmonious education, an eternal peace through harmony. (GHA created for this the special project: see below). Similarly, for the ABC of Harmony can be applied to all other military conflicts, beginning in the minds. They are needed to replace disharmonious, violent consciousness with a mentality of harmonious peacemaking through education in the ABC of Harmony. Harmonization of consciousness through education, instead of militarization, is the way to resolve armed conflicts in the 21st century. The governments and presidents are also ignorant in regard to harmony; they do not know the way to create solutions for conflicts. They put their trust in so-called peace affairs that are not designed for harmony but for war. They do not know about social harmony and do not know how to apply it. The governments and presidents daily call each other to establish peace, and yet, every day, they increase military expenditures that are growing tremendously fast, feeding maximum profits into the military-industrial complex and ensuring sustainable development only for more weapons and more war. The result for society as a whole is the inevitable death of the human species. The terrorists and the governments of any country who are fighting with each other are the most ignorant people in regard to the principles of harmony. They trample any thoughts about harmony, ultimately approving together the dominion of disharmony, chaos, violence and self destruction. This is the fruit of their neglect of harmonious education since childhood. They are not able to find peace because, in their minds and consciousness, they have no knowledge of harmony as deep, final cause of peace. Neither their families, their schools nor their universities taught them about harmony. Why? Because there were no textbooks about harmony. The ABC of Harmony is the first global textbook for harmony. The ABC of Harmony removes this ignorance, this illiteracy. For the first time in history, this textbook on harmony fills the gap in the spiritual culture of society and person. Therefore, the ABC of Harmony has crucial peacemaking value. Its significance cannot be overstated nor can it be denied. In the words of Nelson Mandela: "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." So, the ABC of Harmony, which arms humanity with the most important, harmonious, educational tool is the most powerful peacemaking “weapon” to change the world by freeing humanity from all wars forever. A more powerful weapon for peacemaking does not exist. The ABC of Harmony rejects the dominance of war over peace. It debunks the old slogan: "If you want peace, prepare for war" as a false and militaristic principle, profitable only for the military-industrial complex, that completely eliminates the prospect for global peace. This principle subordinates peace to war, focusing human attention only on war, and turning peace into a slave and wretched appendage for war. This slogan denigrates peace to nothing more than a break and time of rest between the wars. But such a “peace” is false because tension and insecurity exists while nations prepare for new wars. This is how governments define peace to this day. Governments do not see that a different perspective is possible. on this principle of militaristic industrial pseudo-peace is built the traditional culture of peace, which is partial and excludes from its notion eternal, total global peace. The concept of “peace” installed through military build-up does not recognize that social harmony is the deepest and everlasting reason and cause for true peace (see the UN Declaration on a Culture of Peace 1999: Therefore, the military-motivated culture of peace is not effective. It coexists in a stated of false peace along with an annual growing arms race. It does not prevent new wars but only masks them. Universal world peace cannot be found in a militaristic foundation. However, war or the war mentality is universally found in industrial societies not only in time but in space, capable of flaring up anywhere at any time. Peace, on the other hand, is found only in the consciousness of social global harmony, which was first scientifically unfolded in the ABC of Harmony textbook, which determines not only the advantages of peace but also war’s natural shortcomings. Nobody anywhere in world history, prior to creation of the ABC of Harmony, has unfolded the twenty elements of social and individual harmony that are necessary and sufficient fundamental to peace. Nobody anywhere in world history, prior to the ABC of Harmony, has created from these elements a coherent scientific picture of harmony in society and humanity. Nobody anywhere in world history, prior to the ABC of Harmony has built from these principles the scientific, integral genomes of harmony for society and individuals as a whole. Nobody anywhere in world history, prior to the ABC of Harmony has explained scientifically how the deep structural genomes of harmony are able to reproduce the eternal world peace on Earth. Nobody anywhere in world history, prior to the ABC of Harmony has shown that peace is possible only under one condition: that all people be educated in the principles of harmony so that humanity can and will consciously and competently use this knowledge at all levels from the individual and family to local, national, regional and global arenas. APJ Abdul Kalam has expressed with genius this climb to global peace from harmony in his poem "Oceans Meet," published in the ABC by poetic imagery: The wise sage Confucius said,/ "When there is beauty in the character,/ There is harmony in the home"./ The enlightened one, the Buddha added,/ "When there is harmony in the home,/ There is order in the nation,/ When there is order in the nation,/ There is peace in the world". These brilliant lines, showing peace flourishing from harmony, became the ABC epigraph, revealing its most profound meaning. Science of global harmony in the ABC is at one time science of world peace from harmony. Therefore, the ABC of Harmony is of paramount importance to achieve global peace. It opens a new, still unknown possibility to humankind, a path through social harmony and harmonious education. If it is true, as confirmed by UNESCO and the UN, that wars begin in the minds of humans and nations, then it is also true that, until the ABC of Harmony, humankind did not have a generally acceptable model for the expression of a harmonious global scientific consciousness among a wide diversity of peoples, cultures, religions and local civilizations that could and would forever eliminate war. The ABC of Harmony allows that nonviolent and peaceful solutions of any global problems of humanity can be attained without the very possibility of war. The ABC of Harmony, for the first time in world history, synthesizes peacemaking intellectual richness of the past, gives to humanity a complex but accessible mechanism for understanding any human conflict, and provides to nations the scientific picture to achieve permanent peace based on social harmony as its most fundamental platform. This is the first textbook in the world to present a scientific understanding of the ultimate causes of global peace, which enables humanity and governments, to lift a culture of peace to a new level: the level of harmonious peace culture, the concept which was first introduced into scientific use by Prof. Aharoni in 2004. Knowledge of the 20 fundamental elements of social harmony in the ABC has raised this concept on a strictly scientific level. The ABC of Harmony creates the scientific foundation for entirely new peace culture: a culture of harmonious peace, the key idea of which casts aside the old slogan—“If you want peace, prepare for war.”—and replaces it with a radically different, that is: “If you want peace, create harmony.” This principle permeates all the Global Harmony Association projects, all of which are designed to create peacemaking through harmony and harmonious education. Of course, the ABC of Harmony is not easy to understand because it represents "the fundamental revolution in science and paradigm shift in human consciousness," as defined by the outstanding American philosopher and co-author of the ABC and World Constitution Prof. Martin: The scientific revolutions and paradigm shifts require a new fundamental education for new generations beginning in childhood. It is for this reason that GHA’s educational mission was created and that the ABC of Harmony was crafted as the world’s first global textbook on harmony. On the basis of the scientific concept of world peace from harmony, the GHA developed in the last seven years, ten direct peacemaking projects and nine additional projects of harmonious education aimed ultimately at forming a global harmonious peace consciousness among humanity. We call these projects: • Magna Carta of Harmony, 2006; • Russia-Georgia: Harmonization through Education Instead of Militarization, 2008; • World Harmony/Peace Festivals similar to Olympic Games, 2008; • Harmonious Competition-partnership of two Peace Academies: USA and GHA, 2009; • Global Harmony as Guarantor for World Security and Nuclear Zero, 2009; • Global Harmony International Treaty for Nuclear Disarmament, 2009; • Harmonious Civilization Universal Declaration, 2009; • The Future: Harmonious Civilization, or What? – Program for the World TV Broadcast, 2010; • Harmonious Civilization Sculpture as a Symbol of Peace United Humanity in a New Millennium, 2011; • Israel - Palestine: Harmonization through Education Instead of Militarization, 2011; • School of Peace through Harmonious Education for Youth of Israel and Palestine, 2011, (The full list of Global Harmony Association’s 35 projects is published on this web site: GHA has already proposed these projects, based on the ABC of Harmony, to the governments of China, India, Russia, Kazakhstan, Latin America and Africa. Thus, GHA initiated the harmonious global contest, if you will, "The Harmony Race", which is intended to supplant "the arms race". The harmonious global contest strengthens, develops and implements the dream of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.: "We must shifts the arms race into a peace race." Only with the advent of the ABC of Harmony can humankind realize this shift consciously, scientifically and systematically in every country and continent on the basis of global harmonious education in this ABC. only the advent of the ABC of Harmony will allow the United Nations to develop the Global Harmony International Treaty for nuclear, general and complete disarmament during the next 50 years by means of annual reductions in military spending in the world at 2% per year and to finance global harmonious education from these resources. only the ABC of Harmony will allow the peoples and governments of all countries to voluntarily recognize and consciously implement this treaty so that, 50 years after its approval, humankind can verify the achievement of world peace from global harmony. only the ABC of Harmony will allow research to restructure the UN itself to aim that global entity to ensure global harmony as the ultimate cause for world universal peace in the 21st century and humankind’s subsequent future. No other peacemaking document in the world—many of which are synthesized in the ABC of harmony in one way or another—provides humanity with any peaceful global scientific minds, any universal treaties of general and complete disarmament, or any harmonious global education. The ABC of Harmony is so vital to the survival all nations and to humanity as a whole, to provide sustainable development and prosperity in the eternal harmonious peace. The ABC of Harmony is a turning point in human history—from the history of eternal wars to the history of eternal peace through harmony. The ABC of Harmony turns the eternally elusive dream of peace into an eternal reality on Earth, where, until now, only war is real. Therefore, we believe that the ABC of Harmony, as a source of new global peacemaking consciousness, which is the foundation for world peace, is worthy for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2013 more than any other peaceful achievement. Awarding the Nobel Peace Prize in 2013 to the ABC of Harmony would be unprecedented and the most significant for all history of the Nobel Committee because none of the achievements of peace and no peace person of the past, despite their enormous importance for peace, has ever before opened humanity as a whole with this type of scientific perspective for eternal world peace. The ABC of Harmony will be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize only if the Nobel Committee will be aware its revolutionary and unparalleled peacemaking importance. None of the Nobel Peace Prizes since 1901 have been motivated by social harmony; rather, they have been motivated mainly by arbitration, mediation and peacekeeping efforts in the settlement of military conflicts, i.e., in the area of private military consequences and private humanitarian initiatives and not in the area of universal source for world peace. In this regard, the concepts presented in the ABC of Harmony are greater, grander, and more universally expansive than the concepts presented by all other previous Nobel Peace Prize recipients. The Nobel Committee now has power to select one of two alternatives. The first alternative is: to give humanity a new and most effective spiritual and educational tool to achieve world peace—the ABC of Harmony—and place it in the mainstream of global peacemaking interests, human survival and sustainable peace development. The second alternative is: to deprive humanity of this instrument for an indefinitely long time and, thus, further enable the interests of the military-industrial complex and militarist forces. The choice is up to the Nobel Committee. Sincerely Yours, Global Harmony Association Members: Leo Semashko, PhD, Professor of Philosophy, GHA President and The ABC of Harmony Editor in Chief, Russia Kanak Mal Dugar, Chancellor, IASE deemed University, India Erika Lazarova, PhD, Professor of History, Bulgaria Matjaz Mulej, PhD, Professor of Economics, Slovenia Madhu Krishan, Ph.D, Founder & Chairman of AUGP (Academy Of Universal Global Peace), India Rudolf Siebert, PhD, Professor of Religion, USA Charles Mercieca, PhD, Professor of History, USA Renato Corsetti, PhD, Professor of Linguistics, Italy Francois Houtart, PhD, Catholic Professor of Sociology, Belgium Reimon Bachika, Professor of Sociology, Japan Surendra Pathak, PhD, Professor of Education, India Ernesto Kahan, Professor, Board member, IPPNW, 1985 Nobel Peace Prize, Israel Ammar Banni, Professor of Education, Algeria Vladimir Bransky, PhD, Professor of Philosophy, Russia Alexander Subetto, PhD, Professor of Philosophy, Russia Subhash Sharma, PhD, Professor of Management, Director, Indus Business Academy, India Bishnu Pathak, PhD, Professor of Philosophy, Director, Peace and Conflict Studies Center, Nepal Mary Luz Robyo, PhD, Professor of Sociology, Colombia And so on, more 60 GHA members PS. This collective nomination will be supplemented to February 1, 2013 by individual nominations of persons named above and others.
12 December 2012 TO: Norwegian Nobel Committee Henrik Ibsens gate 51 N-0255 Oslo Norway
Subject: Nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2013 for the Global Harmony Association on behalf of the co-authors international group (76 co-authors from 26 countries) of the book: The ABC of Harmony for World Peace, Harmonious Civilization and Tetranet Thinking, Global Textbook, by Dr. Leo Semashko, Project Manager, Editor in Chief and GHA 75 coauthors from26 countries (first published in English in India, New Delhi, Doosra Mat Prakashan, 2012, 334 pages, ISBN – 978-81-923108-6-2) as an unprecedented in world history scientific and spiritual peacemaking instrument to achieve world peace from conscious social harmony through a global harmonious education and enlightenment in this ABC. Note. This book was send to your Committee and it may be available here: – HTML and - PDF. The authors’ 27 reviews are here: The book may be ordered here: Ladies and Gentlemen!
According to Alfred Nobel's will, "the prize should be awarded to individuals or groups that have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses" [1]. By those words Egil Aarvik, Chairman of the Norwegian Nobel Committee, initiated his speech on the occasion of the award of the Nobel Peace Prize for 1985, to the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War – IPPNW. I understand that the Organization Global Harmony Association gathered all the conditions to merit such a prestigious distinction that influences the world politics.I am a former vice-president of IPPNW and guest at the ceremony of presentation of the Nobel Prize in 1985, join this petition. "The ABC of Harmony opens before humanity the fundamentally new way to world peace through global harmonious education, which creates a global peace-making harmonious consciousness of mankind as the deepest and most solid pillar for the eternal peace. Therefore, the organization that created the ABC of Harmony for this global harmonious education - Global Harmony Association - certainly deserved and is worthy the highest world recognition in the Nobel Peace Prize." Now the GHA based on the ABC of Harmony, revived the campaign for general and complete disarmament in 50 years by annual reduction of military spending at 2% per year in the form of the mass petition to the United Nations ( The GHA also started, on the ABC of Harmony base, to create a new International peacemaking movement in the face of the threat of another world war, which may be in a result of military attack on Iran ( The GHA also created on the ABC of Harmony base the Project of Interfaith Harmony and Schools of this harmony within the UN World Interfaith Harmony Week. In this project, the harmony of religions was substantiated as the most important and powerful tool for world peace: A simple list of the GHA Projects of world peace on the ABC of Harmony basis demonstrates its unique peace-making power. In the world there is not a single book that would open as many similar colossal perspectives for world peace. Therefore, once again, the organization that created this book - Global Harmony Association, is fully worthy of the Nobel Peace Prize, which will repeatedly reinforce the global peacemaking role of the ABC of Harmony in our time. SincerelyYours, Prof. Emeritus Dr. Ernesto Kahan MD MPH Prof. Emeritus Dr. Ernesto Kahan MD University Professor - Poet – Physician Tel Aviv University, Israel. Honorary President- Israeli Association Writers. Spanish Branch 1st Vice President & Secretary General- World Academy of Arts and Culture USA Former Vice President of IPPNW (Association awarded the Nobel Peace Prize) and the actual president of the Israeli Branch Honorary President of SIPEA – International Society of Poets Writers and Artists Vice President Intl Forum for Literature and Culture of Peace (IFLAC) Co-President -UHE- International Union of Hispano-American Writers Former 1st Vice President. Global Harmony Association (GHA) Hanita 7/2. Kfar Sava 44405, Israel. Tel:+972-9-7671733 Cel:+972-52-2210028 [1] Presentation Speech delivered by Egil Aarvik, Chairman of the Norwegian Nobel Committee, on the occasion of the award of the Nobel Peace Prize for 1985, Oslo, December 10, 1985. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr François HOUTARTDecember 21st, 2012 Avenue Sainte Gertrude, 5 B- 1348 Louvain-la-NeuveNorwegian Nobel Committee BelgiumHenrik Ibsens gate 51 N-0255 Oslo Nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize of 2013 Ladies and Gentlemen, It is for me an honor and a pleasure to recommend for the prize of next year the Global Harmony Association, headed by Dr Leo Semashko of the University of San Petersburg and backed by so many intellectuals and peace-loving people around the world. The perspectives spread by the Association are intellectually quite useful for concrete actions in education and among social movements. It is also conducing to proposals for a peaceful universe, like disarmament and training sessions in specific areas of conflict. Such a work merits support and the Nobel Prize for Peace would be a way of contributing to world’s harmony. Very sincerely yours. Dr François Houtart Professor emeritus of the Catholic University of Louvain (Belgium) Honorary PhD of Notre Dame University (USA) and La Habana University (Cuba) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prof. Dr. Bishnu Pathak is a Founding President/Director, Peace and Conflict Studies Center, Nepal ( under construction) PO Box 11374, New Colony, Sukedhara, Mahankal VDC-9, Kathmandu, Nepal. Tel: +977-1-4650696 Email:; Chief Coordinator, Petition to the UN for Total Disarmament, Global Harmony Association, December 25, 2012 Norwegian Nobel Committee Henrik Ibsens gate 51 N-0255 Oslo Norway
Subject: Nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2013 for the Global Harmony Association on behalf of the international (from 26 countries) group of 76 co-authors of the book: The ABC of Harmony for World Peace, Harmonious Civilization and Tetranet Thinking, Global Textbook, by Dr. Leo Semashko, Project Manager, Editor in Chief and GHA 75 coauthors from26 countries (first published in English in India, New Delhi, Doosra Mat Prakashan, 2012, 334 pages, ISBN – 978-81-923108-6-2) as an unprecedented in world history scientific and spiritual peacemaking instrument to achieve world peace from conscious social harmony through a global harmonious education and enlightenment in this ABC. Note. This book was send to your Committee and it may be available here: – HTML and - PDF The authors’ 27 reviews are here: Other reviews are here: The book may be ordered here:
Dear Madams;
Dear Sirs; The ABC of Harmony opens before humanity the fundamentally new way to world peace through global harmonious education, which creates a global peace-making harmonious consciousness of mankind as the deepest and most solid pillar for the eternal peace. Therefore, the organization that created the ABC of Harmony for this global harmonious education - Global Harmony Association - certainly deserved and is worthy the highest world recognition in the Nobel Peace Prize. Now the GHA based on the ABC of Harmony, revived the campaign for general and complete disarmament in 50 years by annual reduction of military spending at 2% per year in the form of the mass petition to the United Nations ( The GHA also started, on the ABC of Harmony base, to create a new International peacemaking movement in the face of the threat of another world war, which may be in a result of military attack on Iran ( The GHA also created on the ABC of Harmony base the Project of Interfaith Harmony and Schools of this harmony within the UN World Interfaith Harmony Week. In this project, the harmony of religions was substantiated as the most important and powerful tool for world peace: A simple list of the GHA Projects of world peace on the ABC of Harmony basis demonstrates its unique peace-making power. In the world there is not a single book that would open as many similar colossal perspectives for world peace. Therefore, once again, the organization that created this book - Global Harmony Association, is fully worthy of the Nobel Peace Prize, which will repeatedly reinforce the global peacemaking role of the ABC of Harmony in our time. Sincerely Yours, Prof. Dr. Bishnu Pathak ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dr. Norman G. Kurland, J.D., Lawyer, Political Economist, World Citizen President, Center for Economic and Social Justice, U.S.A. Co-author of Capital Homesteading for Every Citizen (2004) and Curing World Poverty: The New Role of Property (1994) and author of “A New Look at Prices and Money: The Kelsonian Binary Economic Model for Achieving Rapid Growth Without Inflation”, The Journal of Socio-Economics (2001) Vice President, Global Harmony Association (GHA) Co-Chair and Director, GHA Embassy of Human Rights from Harmony and Justice Registered World Citizen, World Service Authority, World Government of World Citizens Retired Member of the Bar of the District of Columbia, Washington, D.C. Former Deputy Chairman, Presidential Task Force for Project Economic Justice (appointed by President Ronald Reagan) Former Executive Director, Institute for the Study of Economic Systems Former Director of Planning, Citizens Crusade Against Poverty Former Federal lawyer on Education, Civil Rights and War on Poverty Issues Resigned commission during Vietnam War as a U.S. Air Force Officer
28 December 2012 TO: Norwegian Nobel Committee Henrik Ibsens gate 51 N-0255 Oslo Norway Subject: Nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2013 for the Global Harmony Association on behalf of the co-authors international group (76 co-authors from 26 countries) of the book The ABC of Harmony for World Peace, Harmonious Civilization and Tetranet Thinking, a global textbook by Dr. Leo Semashko, Project Manager and Editor in Chief and its 75 other co-authors (first published in English in New Delhi, India, Doosra Mat Prakashan, 2012, 334 pages, ISBN-978-81-923108-6-2) as an unprecedented in world history scientific and spiritual peacemaking instrument to achieve world peace from conscious social harmony through a global ABC of harmonious education and enlightenment. Please Note: This book was previously sent to your Committee and it may also be available at: - HTML and PDF The authors’ reviews are here: The book can be ordered here:
Ladies and Gentlemen,
As Alfred Nobel stated in his will, “the prize should be awarded to individuals or groups that have done the most or the best work for the fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses.”The Center for Economic and Social Justice proudly nominates the Global Harmony Association for the 2013 Nobel Peace Prize.We believe the Global Harmony Association has met Alfred Nobel’s challenge and richly deserves the prestigious distinction of being awarded the 2013 Nobel Peace Prize for its unique approach to working for global peace. Through the collaborative and creative initiatives of its expanding volunteer membership of religious leaders, social scientists, political leaders, artists, poets and spiritually oriented members now in 56 countries, GHA has produced The ABC of Harmony.This new global textbook will help re-educate global leaders and global citizens generally, based on universal and ultimate spiritual principles of personal and social Harmony, to encourage them to work together for Peace, Prosperity and Freedom for all. The world design science architect R. Buchminster Fuller complemented GHA’s vision with these inspiring words: “We are called to be architects of the future, not its victims. … [Our challenge is to] make the world work for 100% of humanity in the shortest possible time through spontaneous cooperation, without ecological offense or the disadvantage of anyone.” The ABC of Harmony presents to humanity the fundamentally new strategy for world peace through global harmonious education.This wil create a global peace-making harmonious consciousness of mankind for eternal peace. The GHA, through The ABC of Harmony, is reviving the campaign for general and complete disarmament over the next 50 years, calling for each nation to reduce its military spending by 2% per year.This will take the form of a mass petition to the United Nations.Such savings to the taxpayers of the world could then be rechanneled into teaching peace as prescribed in The ABC of Harmony.(
As Victor Hugo reminded us: “All the armies of the world cannot defeat an idea whose time has come. The GHA also created through its ABC of Harmony initiative, the Project of Interfaith Harmony and Schools, as part of the UN World Interfaith Harmony Week. In this project, the harmony of religions was substantiated as the most important and powerful tool for world peace: What impressed our Center for Economic and Social Justice (CESJ) was the open-mindedness of GHA to the synergy between GHA’s and CESJ’s approaches to global peace and harmony.This resulted in an invitation to incorporate our ideas within The ABC of Global Harmony (pages 100-101), plus suggestions to form a GHA Embassy for Human Rights from Harmony and Justice based on the many writings available at and add a new book to be entitled The ABC of Economic Justice. Just as people are ignorant of the principles of Harmony, they are also mis-educated about the essential moral nature of Justice for minimizing conflict and creating sustainable and harmonious global peace. No wonder so many leaders do not apply fundamental principles of Justice, especially morally sound interpretations of terms like “Social Justice” and “Economic Justice” when trying to end conflict and war. Leaders have failed to apply accelerating scientific, technological and system changesto cure the cancerous economic roots of global poverty, war, terrorism and violence. If we accept the challenge posed in the hopeful quote above by Bucky Fuller and are inspired by the monumental work of the Global Harmony Association, we should also think seriously about these words by Pope Paul VI on World Peace Day January 1, 1972: “If you want Peace, work for Justice.” If there is no Economic Justice, there can be no Social Justice.If there is no Social Justice, there can be no Peace. Therefore, once again, the Global Harmony Association, having created a unique strategy for peace, is fully worthy of the Nobel Peace Prize.The award of this prize will repeatedly reinforce the global peacemaking potential of The ABC of Harmony. Sincerely, Dr. Norman G. Kurland, J.D. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DR. GLEN T. MARTIN President World Constitution and Parliament Association (WCPA) President and Trustee Institute on World Problems (IOWP) President International Philosophers for Peace (IPPNO) Member Advisory Editors Council Journal for Globalization Studies Published in Russia Member Global Advisory Board Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies (Human DHA) Chair and Trustee Editorial Board Institute for Economic Democracy Press (IED Press) Member Global Advisory Board International Society for Intercultural Study and Research (ISISAR), Kolkata, India Radford University Professor of Philosophy and Chair of Program in Peace Studies RU Box 6943, 106E Fairfax Hall, 706 Fairfax Street Radford University, Radford, Virginia, 24142 USA Office: +540-831-5897 Email: 31 December 2012 Norwegian Nobel Committee Henrik Ibsens gate 51, N-0255 Oslo, Norway Dear Colleagues of the Committee: It is my great pleasure to nominate the Global Harmony Association (GHA) for the Nobel Peace Prize of 2013. An international group of some 76 authors from 26 countries, under the leadership of Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA President from Russia, have published the book: The ABC of Harmony for World Peace, Harmonious Civilization and Tetranet Thinking as a global textbook to guide humankind toward a realistic actualization of world peace and a harmonious global civilization. I believe this book has been sent to your committee. It is also available on-line at It was published in English from Doosra Mat Prakashan Publishers, New Delhi, India, 334 pages. Under the vision and guidance of this book, the Global Harmony Association is leading worldwide projects in a number of areas essential to world peace: First, it is promoting world-wide education directed toward human mutual understanding, nonviolence, and affirmation of unity in diversity. See the GHA website at Second, it leads an Interfaith Harmony Project in coordination with the UN Interfaith Harmony Week: Third, in cooperation with IASE Deemed University and Gandhi Vidya Mandir in India, it is supporting the development of an Institute for Global Harmony that will promote harmony across the academic disciplines and worldwide education for peace. Fourth, it has forged a world peacemaking movement dealing with current threats to world peace involving middle eastern countries and hostile military forces that threaten them: In the light of the worldwide scope and energy for peace embodied in this movement under the leadership of Dr. Semashko, I urge you to consider the significance for the future of humankind by awarding the Nobel Peace Prize to this global peace movement. Sincerely, DR. GLEN T. MARTIN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- January 19, 2013 Dr. Rudolf J. Siebert
Director of International Course on Religion and Modern Society Yalta, Crimea, Ukraine Director of International Course on The Future of Religion Dubrovnik, Croatia Professor of Religion and Society Comparative Religion Department Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, MI 49008 U.S.A. 630 Piccadilly Street
Kalamazoo, MI 49007 269-381-0864 Personal Web:
Norwegian Nobel Committee Henrik Ibsens Gate 51 N-0255 Oslo Norway
Ladies and Gentlemen! I would like to nominate for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2013 the Global Harmony Association on behalf of the Co-Authors International Group because of the book The ABC of Harmony for World Peace, Harmonious Civilization and Tetranet Thinking, Global Textbook by Dr. Leo Semashko, Project Manager, Editor in Chief and GHA 75 Co-Authors from 26 countries. The book is an unprecedented scientific and spiritual peacemaking instrument to achieve world peace from conscious social harmony through a global harmonious education and enlightenment. The ABC of Harmony opens for humanity the fundamentally new way to world peace through global harmonious education, which creates a global peace-making harmonious consciousness of mankind as the deepest and most solid pillar for the eternal peace. Therefore, the organization that created the ABC of Harmony for this global harmonious education - Global Harmony Association - certainly deserves and is worthy of the highest world recognition in the form of the Nobel Peace Prize. The GHA based on the ABC of Harmony, has revived the campaign for general and complete disarmament in 50 years by annual reduction of military spending at 2% per year in the form of the mass petition to the United Nations. The GHA also started, on the ABC of Harmony base, the creation a new International peacemaking movement in the face of the threat of another world war, which may be the result of a military attack on Iran. The GHA also created on the ABC of Harmony base the Project of Interfaith Harmony and Schools of this harmony within the UN World Interfaith Harmony Week. In this project, the harmony of religions was substantiated as the most important and powerful tool for world peace. There will be no peace among nations without peace among religions. There will be no peace among religions without discourse among them. There will be no discourse among the religions without mutual knowledge of their interpretation of reality and orientation of action. A simple list of the GHA Projects of world peace on the ABC of Harmony basis demonstrates its unique peace-making power. In the world there is not a single book that would open as many similar colossal perspectives for world peace. Therefore, once again, the organization that created this book - Global Harmony Association, is fully worthy of the Nobel Peace Prize, which will repeatedly reinforce the global peacemaking role of the ABC of Harmony in our time. Sincerely Yours, Rudolf J. Siebert Professor of Religion and Society Department of Comparative Religion Western Michigan University ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr. (economics), Dr. (Management) Matjaz Mulej, Prof. Emeritus (Systems and Innovation Theory) University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics and Business, Institute for entrepreneurship, Maribor, Slovenia; International Academy of Systems and Cybernetic Sciences, Vienna (vice-president), European Academy of Sciences and Arts, Salzburg, member, European Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Humanities, Paris, member, IRDO Institute for Development of Social Responsibility, Maribor, President of the Experts Board; Home address: Gregorciceva 27, SI-Maribor, Slovenia Email: Phone: +386-31-39-39-16
26 January, 2013
TO: Norwegian Nobel Committee Henrik Ibsens gate 51 N-0255 Oslo Norway
Subject: Nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2013 of the Global Harmony Association on behalf of the co-authors international group of the book: The ABC of Harmony for World Peace, Harmonious Civilization and Tetranet Thinking, Global Textbook, by Dr. Leo Semashko, Project Manager, Editor in Chief and GHA 75 coauthors from26 countries (first published in English in India, New Delhi, Doosra Mat Prakashan, 2012, 334 pages, ISBN – 978-81-923108-6-2) as an unprecedented in world history scientific and spiritual peacemaking instrument to achieve world peace from conscious social harmony through a global harmonious education and enlightenment in this ABC.
Note. This book was send to your Committee and it may be available here: – HTML and - PDF. The authors’ 27 reviews are here: The book may be ordered here:
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen! I wish to nominate the Global Harmony Association (GHA) for the Nobel Peace Prize of 2013. "The ABC of Harmony opens before humanity the fundamentally new way to world peace through global harmonious education, which creates a global peace-making harmonious consciousness of mankind as the deepest and most solid pillar for the eternal peace. Therefore, the organization that created the ABC of Harmony for this global harmonious education - Global Harmony Association - certainly deserved and is worthy the highest world recognition in the Nobel Peace Prize." Now the GHA based on the ABC of Harmony, revived the campaign for general and complete disarmament in 50 years by annual reduction of military spending at 2% per year in the form of the mass petition to the United Nations ( The GHA also started, on the ABC of Harmony base, to create a new International peacemaking movement in the face of the threat of another world war, which may be in a result of military attack on Iran ( The GHA also created on the ABC of Harmony base the Project of Interfaith Harmony and Schools of this harmony within the UN World Interfaith Harmony Week. In this project, the harmony of religions was substantiated as the most important and powerful tool for world peace: A simple list of the GHA Projects of world peace on the ABC of Harmony basis demonstrates its unique peace-making power. In the world there is not a single book that would open as many similar colossal perspectives for world peace. Therefore, once again, the organization that created this book - Global Harmony Association, is fully worthy of the Nobel Peace Prize, which will repeatedly reinforce the global peacemaking role of the ABC of Harmony in our time. Sincerely Yours, Matjaž Mulej --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------