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Website “Peace from Harmony” for Harmonious Civilization: Updating Finish. February 25, 2010

Dear harmony friends,


I am happy to inform you, that we with our web designer Ivan Ivanov finished updating of the Main page of our site “Peace from Harmony” (http://www.peacefromharmony.org/) which is of the Global Harmony Association (GHA) information base. I express sincere gratitude to Ivan for his colossal and qualitative work o­n the site updating.

Our site became a unique information portal for conscious development of the harmonious civilization (which were born in 2009), that makes GHA Mission. Therefore it became a powerful information resource for the GHA independent financing (see below).


We created the following 12 new pages of the site Main menu:

About Us / History / Harmony Globalization / Harmony Science / Harmony Sphere Classes / Harmonious Democracy and State / Harmony: Beyond Corruption / Harmonious Civilization / Harmonious Education / Nuclear Zero: Harmony / Harmony Currency / Harmony Persons.

Now the Main menu emphasizes the major innovative aspects of our scientific-theoretical vision of a harmonious civilization and also its key practical projects of GHA.

Besides, the page “Mission” is essentially updated; and section “Harmony Films” replenished with the brilliant pictures of harmony of nature, countries (especially China, which the first begun the conscious building a harmonious society with 2006 and to pave the own way from socialism to a harmonious civilization) and people from all world which you sent. The site structure o­n a vertical became bilingual, and across – multilingual, connected o­n the centre from above the general book of harmony which we write, and the GHA united emblem from below. We found the site epigraph in genius o­n philosophy poetic lines:


Harmony nectar is in everyone,

Who is o­nly born or has lived long,

And to understand to us is very important,

In harmony God created the World!


We invite you attentively to look the new pages and to state your remarks.

Certainly, works with site modernization will proceed. Translation of the site new pages, first of all Mission, o­n 14 languages is a priority. Within 1-2 weeks I will send to our translators the small texts of Mission and some other pages for this purpose.

What became our site for 5 years and what its importance for GHA development in the future?

Our site is the first in the Internet and the o­nly thing in the world o­n the following two unique signs:

  1. On a harmony science. Within 5 years we lifted Tetrasociology, as the harmony theory, o­n our site o­n level of a science of social/global harmony and developed o­n its basis essentially new Tetranet Harmonious thinking. We proved their efficiency in 19 the GHA collective projects responding to the global challenges of humanity. Similar analogues in the world do not exist, though many scientists and groups move in the same direction of harmony. The human history did not know still a social science of harmony and harmonious four-dimensional thinking, except GHA and its site. It makes our main pride, honour and contribution to radical change of human history, to its transformation from spontaneous and violent (animal) in conscious (scientific) and consequently nonviolent (truly human, harmonious) history. This contribution synthesizes in itself practically all basic harmonious ideas of the past and the present from all areas of knowledge and world cultures. Our site is a beehive which collects nectar of harmony from all world and it is open to any new ideas of harmony always. We do not compete with them but we synthesize them in a science of social harmony and we attach to them scientific significance. These can explain constantly raising public attention to our site: if for the first 4 years the number of its visiting made about 1 million, that o­nly for o­ne last year it made about 700 thousand.
  2. On collectivity of a harmony science. We proved our five years' experience, that the social science can be o­nly harmonious and o­nly in the harmonious society/civilization, beginning with a small harmonious international community what is GHA uniting more 350 members from 48 countries of the world. The site unites hundreds the brilliant and usual minds devoted to global harmony and a harmonious civilization. 87 from them, i.e. almost every fourth, have the personal page o­n our site and is presented in the Main menu new section: “Harmony Persons”. Any person separately, without others, alone, never could create neither a global science of social harmony, nor its site and GHA. They are o­nly the COMMON achievement and o­nly the COLLECTIVE merit. o­nLY! The harmonious global contribution can be o­nly joint, i.e. harmonious o­n a way and the actor. Certainly, the individual contribution of everyone to the common achievement was a different but o­nly their synthesis and unity provided the GHA colossal result and its site. It is as in an old Russian tale about the turnip which could pull out o­nLY the general, but different, efforts of the grandfather, the grandma, the grand daughter, the doggy, the cat and the smallest mouse. This tale expresses Russian culture of harmony and is similar to similar tales in many other cultures. GHA also, o­nly together, could pull out “the turnip” of scientific comprehension of a harmonious civilization and present it o­n the site, in 4 books and 19 projects. Therefore the GHA each member can be proud of our general result in which there is also its share without which would be no this result. We can tell that our site embodies Durkheim’s “collective consciousness” and solidarity to the full.

Our site became a powerful information resource for GHA financing o­n the following channels (other channels are possible, except listed):

  1. Club-2009: the large political figures united in it, cannot do without financing and our site, and GHA.
  2. Grants of the different foundations and organisations for financing, first of all, youth Academy of Harmony o­n the information basis of the site in a minimum for 2-4 weeks.
  3. Reprinting “Harmonious Civilization” book, published o­n the site, in the mass edition with updating of this book.
  4. Use of our site for preparation of the mass edition of the textbook o­n Tetrasociology for schools and universities of the world.
  5. Use of our site as manual for schools, universities and house harmonious training, including individual teaching.

I am personally ready now to the following practical actions in this direction:

1. To read at any university of the world o­n the basis of our site as manual the following lecture courses in length of 40-120 class periods during 1 – 5 months:

  1. Tetranet Harmonious Thinking of the 21st century
  2. Harmonious civilization of the 21st century
  3. Harmony Globalisation
  4. Harmony Philosophy
  5. Science of Social Harmony
  6. Science of Individual Harmony
  7. Harmonious (Sphere) Management
  8. Culture of Harmonious Peace and etc.

The GHA many members could prepare similar lecture courses o­n an information basis of our site also.

2. To prepare a custom-made course of lectures o­n harmony for any university practically o­n any theme of any social science within 1-3 months with work advancing.

3. To act in a role of the house teacher for preparation of the ambitious young (age 17-23) person from an ambitious family as future (in 10-20 years) President for harmonization of any country of the world. I will be very grateful to everyone who can acquaint me with a similar family. Many GHA members also could seize this unique service o­n the basis of our site.

Concluding, it is possible to tell, that our site opens the essentially new theoretical and practical prospects and for GHA as a whole, and its each member, arming everyone a unique information resource.

Best harmony wishes,

Dr. Leo Semashko,

GHA President




The Site “Peace from Harmony”
News from March 5, 2009 to February 4, 2010

The brief news:

The main events for 11 months were:

1. Creation and publication of the Global Harmony Association program book “Harmonious Civilization” of 120 co-authors from 34 countries which provides the conscious, that is why nonviolent, formation of a harmonious civilization within a dying off industrial civilization. Distribution of this book opens the new Age of Harmonious Enlightenment.

2. Creation of the Youth Global Harmony Association (YGHA) since September 10, 2009.

3. Creation of the American Global Harmony Association (AGHA) since November 21, 2009.

4. Initiation of the International political Club-2009 for a harmonious civilization since December 21, 2009.

The basic news:

In the site "Contents" 55 new pages have been opened, making a total of 290. 49 new authors have appeared, making a total of 356 (including 24 children). The countries number o­n the site remains former: 48. 1156 new materials ("news") are published, including 12 translations in 4 languages: Spanish, Romanian, French and Japanese. Russian and English languages remain the basic languages of the site, translation o­n which is made by the site president basically. 6 new friendly sites have appeared, making a total of 113. The site visits number from the date of its creation o­n February 15, 2005 reached almost 1,7 million. For the year their number has made about 700 thousand.

The GHA top-priority tasks o­n the next year: search of financing for the World Harmony/Peace Academy; initiation of the Club-2009; development of the YGHA and AGHA; and also creation of the textbook o­n Tetrasociology as a science about social and individual harmony for the schools and universities.

Gratitude. I express my hearty gratitude to all the Global Harmony Association members for active participation in its projects.

Dr Leo Semashko,

Founder and President,

Global Harmony Association and «Peace from Harmony» Website

February 4, 2010


The new authors: 49

From Russia:

  1. Gulmira Bilulova, Teacher, Perm
  2. Victor Lebedinsky, Engineer, Moscow
  3. Eugenie Polishuk, Linguist, St–Petersburg
  4. Natalie Potapova, Translator,St–Petersburg
  5. Alexandra Prokudina, Music Teacher, St-Petersburg
  6. Tatiana Statevich, Sociologist, St–Petersburg
  7. Vladimir Strelkov, Worker, Moscow
  8. Gulnara Valiulina, Translator, St–Petersburg
  9. Vladimir Zakharov, Physicist, St–Petersburg
  10. Sofia Urgas, Teacher, Moscow
  11. Nina Yudina, Poet, St–Petersburg

From others countries:

  1. Gaspard Ahobamuteze, Teacher, Rwanda
  2. Mohammed Attah, peacemaker, Nigeria
  3. Debra Giusti, Artist, USA
  4. Dr. Mohamed Elmontassir, Morocco
  5. Wolfgang Fischer, Philosopher, Germany
  6. Lama Gangchen, Peacemaker, Italy
  7. Dr. Noor Gillani, USA
  8. Jean Hareremina, Peacemaker, Burundi
  9. Dr. François Houtart, Belgium
  10. Dr. Norman Kurland, Economist, USA
  11. Dr. Arlester McBride, USA
  12. M.Ed. Alexander Mercieca, USA
  13. Dr. Mazin Qumsiyeh, Palestine
  14. Dr. Steve Rajan, Malaysia
  15. Prof. James T. Ranney, USA
  16. Eyal Raviv, Peacemaker, Israel
  17. Mr. Lee Jon Young, journalist, South Korea
  18. Dr. Mike Whitty, USA
  19. Dr. Francis Fung, USA
  20. Dr. MariamKhan, Pakistan
  21. Dr. Bilongo Bolo Serge Christian, Cameroon
  22. Michael Moore, Producer, USA
  23. Teresinka Pereira, IWA President, Spain
  24. Dr. Lily Yeh, USA

Youth GHA:

  1. Vasily Smirnov, Lecture, Novgorod, Russia
  2. Oxana Ivanova, Post-graduate, Chita, Russia
  3. Vassiliki Ioannidou, student, Athens, Greece,
  4. Victoria Osipchik, post-graduate student, Minsk, Belarus
  5. Lizzie (Daiana Ortiz) Roberts, student, Buenos Aires, Trelew,Argentina
  6. Massimo Ripani, university degree, not working, Teramo, Italia
  7. Sebastian Koren, student, Lendava, Slovenia
  8. Satja (Mulej) Bratec, student, Maribor, Slovenia
  9. Ankhi Sen (Sanyal), Lecturer, Kolkata, India
  10. Dominica F. McBride, Ph.D., Huntsville, USA
  11. Hana Dhanji, Teacher (English classes) Toronto, Canada
  12. Raissa Uwineza, student (BAC), Kigali, Rwanda
  13. Theophile Nilingiyimana, journalist, Kigali, Rwanda
  14. Jean Bosco Ntawarubara, teacher at Doctrine Vitae College, Kigali, Rwanda

The new pages: 55

1-1-6. Barack Obama. 2009 Nobel Peace Laureate and 21st Century Global Harmony Initiator

1-3-1-2. Epoch of Harmony Globalisation: Global Harmony World Achievements since 1947. GHA List

1-3-1-3. Youth Global Harmony Association (YGHA)

1-3-1-4. American Global Harmony Association (AGHA)

1-3-3-7. WorldNet of Harmony Centers: “GlobHarmony”

1-3-3-8. International Reserve Currency of Global Harmony: “HARMON” (H)

1-3-3-9. Global Harmony as Necessary Guarantor for World Security and Nuclear Zero: Through Freedom towards Harmony

1-3-3-10. Harmonious Civilization Universal Declaration

1-3-3-11. Global Harmony International Treaty for Nuclear Disarmament

1-20. James T. Ranney: World Peace and Harmony through International Law

2-1-1. Leo Semashko. Sphere Approach: Philosophy, Democracy, Market, Person (Ru)

3-8-1.Woman: Harmony Goddess! Message to Women o­n March 8

3-8-2. Debra Giusti: Harmony Festivals Goddess

3-17. Dominica McBride: Harmony and Health for Youth

4-6-5. Lana Yang: Peace and harmonious reunion of China and Taiwan

4-6-6. Francis Fung. World Harmony Organization: Harmony Diplomacy for Harmonious Civilization

4-8-4. Mariam Khan: Great Pakistan Woman for Peace and Harmony

4-8-5. Noor Gillani: Muslim Pluralism and Interfaith Harmony

5-2-9. Kae Morii: Japanese Poetess of Peace and Harmony

5-2-10. Nina Yudina: Poetry of Love and Harmony

5-16. Lily Yeh: Warrior Angel. Barefoot Artists of Harmony

7-1. Alexander Yuriev. Political Psychology of Global Harmonization

7-9-1. Manifesto of sphere democracy as harmonious democracy (Ru)

7-11-1. Norman Kurland: Just Economy for Harmonious Civilization

7-14-1. Leonid Beluy. Crimea Uniting Culture as Peace and Harmony Way (Ru)

13. HARMONIOUS CIVILIZATION. Global Harmony Association program book, October 2009 (27 Webpages)

13-28. CLUB-2009: Global Political Organisation for Harmonious Civilization

14. 5 years to Global Harmony Association: congratulations, letters and perspectives

The new publications: 156

Translations: 12

Susana Roberts. Translation into Spanish of the GHA 3 projects: Antinuclear, Declaration and Treaty.

Tatomir Ion-Marius. Translation into the Romanian language of the GHA 3 projects: Antinuclear, Declaration and Treaty.

Heli Habyarimana. Translation into French of the GHA 3 projects: Antinuclear, Declaration and Treaty.

Kae Morii. Translation into the Japanese language of the GHA 3 projects: Antinuclear, Declaration and Treaty.

Messages: 10

News. Leo Semashko. USA-USSR: Harmony International. 24/01/10 (En, Ru)

News. Leo Semashko. Haiti: Industrial Civilizational Responsibility for the Any Victims. 18/01/10 (En, Ru)

News. Leo Semashko. REPORT about expenditure of donations o­n the GHA new book publication05/11/09 (En, Ru)

News. Leo Semashko. Hiroshima - Nagasaki August 6 /9, 1945-2009: Reminder of "Universal Nuclear Genocide" and its Alternative (En, Ru)

1-1-6. Leo Semashko. Open Letter to President Barack Obama, October 10, 2009: You make global harmony a new priority of humanity! (En, Ru)

1-1-6. Michael Moore. Congratulations President Obama o­n the Nobel Peace Prize – Now Please Earn it! (En)

1-1-6. Teresinka Pereira. About the Peace Nobel Prize for President Barack Obama (En)

1-14-2. Leo Semashko. June 21– Global Harmony Day: Harmonization Epoch Symbol and 59 Epoch Achievements (En, Ru)

1-14-2-1. Leo Semashko. June 1, 2009: GHA Children Priority Day (En, Ru)

3-8-1. Leo Semashko. Woman: Harmony Goddess! GHA Message to Women o­n March 8, 2009 (En, Ru)

Projects, articles and etc.: 134

1. The Secretary-General's Message o­n the International Day of UN Peacekeepers 29 May 2009 (En, Ru)

1-3-1-2. Leo Semashko. Epoch of Harmony Globalisation: Global Harmony World Achievements since 1951. GHA List (En, Ru)

1-3-1-3. Dominica McBride, Martha Ross DeWitt, Maitreyee Roy, Viktoryia Osipchyk, Raissa Uwineza, Ernesto Kahan, Noor Gillani, Laj Utreja, Ivan Ivanov, Leo Semashko. Letters about YGHA since September 10, 2009 (En, Ru)

1-3-1-3. Laj Utreja and Leo Semashko. Letters about AGHA since November 21, 2009 (En, Ru)

1-3-3-4. Dr. Mahathir Mohamad,Former Prime Minister of Malaysia. Open Letter to Barack Hussein Obama (En)

1-3-3-7. Leo Semashko with the GHA 70 coauthors from 23 countries. GHA Project: WorldNet of Harmony Salons: «GlobHarmony» (En, Ru)

1-3-3-8. Leo Semashko with the GHA 70 coauthors from 23 countries. GHA Project: International Reserve Currency of Global Harmony: «HARMON» (H) (En, Ru)

1-3-3-9. Leo Semashko with the GHA 138 coauthors from 34 countries. GHA Project: Harmonious Peace Culture through Harmony: Global Harmony as the Necessary Guarantor for World Security and Nuclear Disarmament. Or: Through Freedom towards Harmony (En, Ru)

1-3-3-9. Leo Semashko. Letter in the US Consulate about GHA Congress. Congratulation to President Obama with Nobel Peace Prize (En, Ru)

1-3-3-9. Ernesto Kahan. Letter in the US Consulate about GHA Congress (En, Ru)

1-3-3-9. The GHA Pro-Harmony and Anti-Nuke Project: Discussion, May 15-26, 2009. Response: US Consulate General, St Petersburg, Russia, August 13, 2009 (En, Ru)

1-3-3-10. Declaration and Treaty: Discussion of Philosophy and Importance of the GHA Projects

July 11 to September 3, 2009. Response: Russian Federation Ministry Foreign Affairs, October 09, 2009 (En, Ru)

1-3-4-1. Francisco Matos. Poems. Hall Harmony: words for a Hymn. Toward Harmonious Sustainable Peace (En)

1-6-1. Charles Mercieca. Articles. Free Education for All Citizens: Best Investment for World Peace.

Outdated American Constitution Provides Continued Violence. Perspective of Three Major Philosophies in Human Relations. Global Leader of Social Harmony (En)

1-6-8. David Stringer. Re Hiroshima & Nagasaki Messages from Peace from Harmony (En)

1-19. Terrence E Paupp. The Future of Relations: Crumbling Walls, Rising Regions and Harmonious Societies (En, Ru)

1-20. James T. Ranney. World Peace through Law:Rethinking an Old Theory. Global Constitution Forum (En, Ru)

2-1-1. Leo Semashko. Sphere Approach: Philosophy, democracy, the market, the person. St-Pb, 1992, 386 p. [PDF] (Ru)

2-1-10-1. Petr Sergienko. The Elements of Harmony Mathematics. Euclid’s task (proposal II.11) and algorithm of its solution (Ru)

3-8-2. Debra Giusti. Harmony Festivals Goddess (En, Ru)

3-13. Vladimir Strelkov. Memoirs o­n Workers’-Student's Club "Demiurge" 1976-1980 (Ru)

3-13. Sergey Busov. Memoirs o­n Workers’-Student's Club "Demiurge" 1976-1980 (Ru)

3-13. Svetlana Vetrova. My Demiurge. Memoirs o­n Workers’-Student's Club "Demiurge" 1976-1980 (Ru)

3-17. Dominica McBride. Moving Towards Holistic Equity. YGHA Mission (En, Ru)

4-1-3. Valery Gergel. Movement of young peacemakers and peace schools in Russia 1998-2009 (Ru)

4-1-3. Sofia Urgas. Poem. Heroes (Ru)

4-2. Reimon Bachika. Tetrasociology and Values. Report from Seoul (En, Ru)

4-2. Reimon Bachika. Hiroshima, No More (En)

4-4-2. Tholana Chakravarthy. Poem, dedicated to June 21, 2009 - Global Harmony Day: Forever! Forever! And Poem, dedicated to June 1, 2009 – Children’s Priority Day: Can We Justify Ourselves. With Martha DeWitt’s response (En)

4-4-5. Laj Utreja. 8 Letters about GHA, YGHA and AGHA (En)

4-6. Rosa Dalmiglio. The world peace city children building in Italian Basilicata region. Heshum is in Peace and Harmony (En)

4-6-6. Francis C W Fung. Five essays about harmony diplomacy. Letter to President Obama about harmony diplomacy. Chinese harmony renaissance. Can world ignore it? (En, Ru)

4-8-4. Mariam Khan. Pakistan and Afghanistan Border Tribal Belt: Partnership, Prosperity and Security (En, Ru)

4-8-5. Noor Gillani. Four Letters to Youth GHA (En)

4-9-2. Jean de Dieu Basabose, Corianne Wielenga. Rwamagana PREST Event Report (En)

4-12-1. Matjaz Mulej. Stop Causing Humankind’s Suicide, Please! Five Reviews (En)

4-13-4. Nina Goncharova. The International Academy of Harmony as Nomadic school of harmonisation. Press release following the results of 24th expedition “Altai – Planet” (Ru)

4-14. Rene Wadlow. 16 October: World Food Day. Nonviolent Action: Can There Be A Second Act? The Uyghurs: The Periphery Moves. Cultural Heritage Conservation: Challenges and Responses. A Harmony Renaissance – review (En)

4-16. François Houtart. General Assembly of the United Nations: Panel o­n the Financial Crisis.

Present and Future Impact o­n the Crisis. Proposal for a Universal Declaration o­n the Common Well-Being of Humanity (En)

5-2. Francisco Matos. Poem dedicated to June 21, 2009 - Global Harmony Day: Harmony Day. And Poem: Needed: Nonkilling History of the World (En)

5-2. Takis Ioannides. Poem. WE NEVER FORGET! (En)

5-2. Kae Morii. Poem. The Sun. No More Hibakusha from Hiroshima and Nagasaki (En)

5-2. Katherine Shabat. Poem. The Structure of the Whole (En)

5-2-4. Tatomir Ion-Marius. The X-th Historical Carnaval of Savaria (En, Ru)

5-2-5. Susana Roberts. Poems. Intention. Moan. Midday's Message. A Place in the world. The Shout (En)

5-2-9. Nina Yudina. 14 Poems of Last Years (Ru)

5-8. Natalia Sidorova. Petersburg creative club "PARADISE" (Ru)

5-13. Guy Crequie. Poem. Classical Music (En, Fr, Es)

5-13. Guy Crequie. Poem. “NEVER THAT!” (En, Fr)

5-14. Ernesto Kahan. Poem, dedicated to June 21, 2009 - Global Harmony Day: Trip to Harmony. With Susana Roberts’ response (En)

5-14. Ernesto Kahan and Guy Créquie. Petition to promote the Organization called Mayors for Peace for the Nobel Peace Prize (En)

5-15.Taki Yuriko. Poems. A Dead Child at Hiroshima. Big, Yet Small (En, Ru)

5-16. Lily Yeh. About Barefoot Artists (En)

7-4. Gaspard Ahobamuteze. Strategic Plan of College Doctrine Vitae(2010-2014), Rwanda (En)

7-7. Martha Ross DeWitt. Transition to Social Harmony and Korea peaceful reunification (En)

7-9-6. Leo Semashko. Manifesto of sphere democracy: non liberal project (Ru)

7-11-1. Norman Kurland and coauthors. Capital Homesteading For Every Citizen (2004). Executive Summary. Introduction (En)

7-14-1. Leonid Beluy. Uniting Culture as the Factor of the International Integration (Ru)

7-20-1. Robert Najemy. Holistic Harmony Center Work (En)

7-27. Alexey Stakhov, Ernesto Kahan, Maria Azkona and Susana Roberts. Letters o­n the mathematician of harmony (En, Ru)

9. No author. Every year 350 million children face violence in schools worldwide (En)

13. Leo Semashko and 119 participants from 34 countries. HARMONIOUS CIVILIZATION. Global Harmony Association program book, October 2009 (En, Ru)

13-27. Alexander Olshansky. No man is prophet in his own country. GHA book “Harmonious Civilization” review (En, Ru)

13-27. Maria Azcona, Victoria Osipchik, Laj Utreja, Tatomir Ion-Marius, Rene Wadlow. GHA book “Harmonious Civilization” reviews (En, Ru)

13-28. Leo Semashko. CLUB-2009: Global Political Organisation for Harmonious Civilization. GHA Resolution (En, Ru)

14. Ada Aharoni. Congratulations to GHA o­n 5-year anniversary (En, Ru)

Friendly Websites: 6

Dr. James T. Ranney: www.globalconstitutionforum.org

Dr. Francois Houtart, President of the Tricontinental Center (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium): www.cetri.be

Francis C W Fung, Ph.D., Director General, World Harmony Organization, San Francisco, CA: www.worldharmonyorg.net

Gaspard Ahobamuteze, College Doctrine Vitae, Rwanda: www.doctrinavitae.org

Dr. Norman Kurland, Center for Economic and Social Justice: www.cesj.org, www.eei-consultants.com

Lily Yeh: www.barefootartists.org

USA-USSR: Harmony International

TO: Project Harmony International, Ms Ann Martin and Mr David Koenig, Executive Directors

SUBJECT: Cooperation of two organisations devoted to harmony: Global Harmony Association (GHA) and Project Harmony International (http://www.ph-int.org)

Dear Ms Ann Martin and Mr David Koenig!

I was happy to receive the information o­n your remarkable organisation, related to our, from Dr. Edward Soroko, Belarus, to who I am very grateful for it.

Your organisation has been created by three citizens from the USA in 1985. It has gone through cold war and won it because harmony is stronger than war and finally wins all wars.

We are glad to include the fact of creation of your organisation as the 67th achievement of global harmony since 1947 in the GHA Book of Achievements/Records of World Harmony: http://peacefromharmony.org/? cat=en_c&key=382,

http://peacefromharmony.org/? cat=ru_c&key=407.

Our organisation, as a matter of fact, also is the Harmony International, uniting 350 individual members from 48 countries and many collective members. Therefore we suggest to begin close cooperation between us that you joined to our 19 projects of global harmony, and we – to your projects in six countries: America, Russia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia, Ukraine.

We offer also cooperation with American GHA (AGHA) through its President Dr. Laj Utreja (lutreja@tecmasters.com) and with Youth GHA (YGHA) through its President Dr. Dominica McBride (dmcbride@asu.edu). I see, that the majority of your staff makes youth for which global harmony represents the greatest interest: young live in a harmonious society, therefore young to build it first of all.

We invite you to get acquainted with our program book “Harmonious Civilization” (http://www.peacefromharmony.org/? cat=ru_c&key=405,

http://peacefromharmony.org/? cat=en_c&key=379), which will allow you to know the GHA in all basic aspects: innovative (19 projects), social, political, cultural, peace-making, philosophical, sociological and personal.

February 15, 2010 it is executed five years of GHA. It, as a matter of fact, develops all this time, deepens and expands your activity in a harmony and consensus direction between the USA and Russia first of all. These two leading countries of the world begun a new, harmonious, civilization of humankind in 2009 by a consent about nuclear zero. In this connection, GHA initiates creation of the international political Club-2009 for a harmonious civilization: http://peacefromharmony.org/? cat=ru_c&key=437,

http://peacefromharmony.org/? cat=en_c&key=409. We invite in this civilizational Club the political and civil leaders who brought the contribution to global harmony of the 21st century. In this connection, we are glad to invite you in this club as the leader of “Project Harmony International”.

Best harmony wishes.
Sincerely Yours,
Dr. Leo Semashko,
GHA President,

Haiti: Industrial Civilizational Responsibility for the Any Victims

Dear Friends of Harmony!

I received many troubled responses with feelings of deep sympathy in connection with colossal victims: from 70 to 200 thousand persons as a result of Haitian earthquake. I join these voices of sympathy as well as all others.

Unfortunately, nobody raised the question about responsibility for so colossal victims and destructions in the most pauper country. o­nly Randall Robinson, author of An Unbroken Agony: Haiti, it seems the first declared: ”Bush Was Responsible for Destroying Haitian Democracy” and, hence, for so severe consequences of the earthquake. (I am grateful Lane Yang for its message about Randall Robinson’s interview: http://www.democracynow.org/2010/1/15/bush_was_responsible_for_destroying_haitian).

We, GHA, should recognise responsibility not o­nly Bush and America, as leading industrial power, but also all industrial civilization as a whole for Haitian victims. Why? Because a priority of this dying civilization is self-damage and self-destruction now. Because it annually increases expenses o­n weapons as the destruction tool, leaving hungry and illiterate about 2 billion people in the world, including Haiti as the poorest country. This civilization is today antihuman totally. It works o­n destruction, instead of o­n survival of humankind. Therefore I suggest to enter into the GHA scientific concept of harmonious civilization which is presented in its program book “Harmonious Civilization” (2009, 260 p.: http://peacefromharmony.org/? cat=en_c&key=379) a new concept ‘Civilizational Responsibility’ for an estimation of responsibility of a leaving industrial civilization for all without an exception human victims o­n the Earth. Haitian earthquake, as well as other spontaneous disasters, were predicted by scientists, but these predictions have not been taken into consideration. Why? Because destructions from these disasters operate in the same direction, as a destructive industrial civilization. Those noble but modest actions of the help for Haiti cannot rescue a life of 70 thousand victims and are scantiest in comparison with scale of destructions to Haiti. This help is more likely similar o­n hypocritical crocodile tears.

In connection with Haitian victims, GHA should remind o­nce again to the world the predictions of victims in hundred millions people (including our children and grandsons) in the end of 2010 or in 2011-2012 as a result of an unprecedented financial collapse of reserve currency. GHA, as well as some other organisations and scientists, predicted this collapse in the project “Alternative Reserve Currency of Harmony” which is published in GHA mentioned book (p. 119-126). We directed this project to the IMF and to the G20 leaders. The result is known: ignoring. Leaders of an industrial civilization do not want and cannot hear a ringing of bell which calls o­n this civilization. The ring of financial crisis 2009 is insufficient for them. The ring of Haitian earthquake is insufficient for them. Obviously, the ring of a bell from hundreds millions victims in all countries, first of all in the most developed is necessary for them, that they and each person o­n the Earth understood what to live in this civilization it is IMPOSSIBLE MORE. That time of an alternative, harmonious civilization with corresponding, alternative harmonious democracy of the population sphere classes excluding weapons and poverty has come. o­nly the similar civilization, which scientific picture is presented briefly in GHA mentioned book, is capable to replace a priority of self-destruction with a priority of the human and social harmony. o­nly this civilization will be capable to prevent or minimize the victims of any foreknow disasters: as natural and social.
Dr. Leo Semashko,
GHA President,

REPORT about expenditure of donations on the GHA new book publication

November 5, 2009

Dear harmony friends,

On November 3 I handed the text of GHA new book: “Harmonious Civilization” in publishing house where final cost of its publication in two languages: Russian and English has been defined.

Two important circumstances have affected change o­n the publication initial plans:

1. The book length increased twice in comparison with the first: now it makes 260 pages (it was planned in 120-150);

2. The prices for publishing services raised o­n 20 % in comparison with May. As a result, I have been to refuse from the very expensive colour press of photos of GHA 38 members and to reduce the edition circulation from 2000 copies to 1200.

EXPENSES o­n the publication of the book and its dispatch were made $4750 (USD).

Expenses in the USD:

Publishing house: 3200

English text editing: 750

Design – 100

Making-up – 300

Book publication o­n the site - 100

Dispatch – 300

TOTAL: 4750

These expenses have been covered from the following sources:

1. Donations of GHA 17 members from Russia: $2000

2. Donations of GHA 15 foreign members: $1470

3. Leo Semashko's credit: $1280


1. Three foreign sponsors promised to bring the donations later: they will be spent for credit payment.

2. My credit is provided, basically, my sons: Alexander and Andrey to whom I am very grateful and highly appreciate for their help.

Now I am glad to publish the list of GHA members, who brought donations for the edition of GHA new book. This list is published also in the book.

From Russia

  1. Yuri Dorofeev, Economist, St-Petersburg
  2. Ivan Ivanov, Webmaster, St-Petersburg
  3. Dmitry Ivashintzov, Professor, St-Petersburg
  4. Vladimir Kavtorin, Writer, St-Petersburg
  5. Andrey Semashko, Entrepreneur, St-Petersburg
  6. Henry Skvortsov, Professor, St-Petersburg
  7. Svetlana Vetrova, Educator and Bard, St-Petersburg
  8. Natalya Potapova, Translator,St-Petersburg
  9. Peter Semashko, Lawyer, St-Petersburg
  10. Alexander Semashko, Economist, Kaluga
  11. Andrei Smirnov, Professor, Novgorod
  12. Vasily Smirnov, Teacher, Novgorod
  13. Nicolay Strelkov, Businessman, Ulyanovsk
  14. Vladimir Strelkov, Worker, Moscow
  15. Lucy Alphiorova, School Director, Chelyabinsk
  16. Alexandra Prokudina, Music Teacher, Tyumen
  17. Julia Semenova, Businessman, Tyumen

From other countries:

  1. Prof. Reimon Bachika, Japan
  2. Dr. Guy Crequie, Poet and Philosopher, France
  3. Dr. Noor Gillani, USA
  4. Dr. Martha Ross DeWitt, USA
  5. Prof. Ernesto Kahan, Israel
  6. Dr. Dimitris P. Kraniotis, Greece
  7. Prof. Charles Mercieca, USA
  8. Kae Morii, Poet and Writer, Japan
  9. Prof. Matjaž Mulej, Slovenia
  10. Dr. Bernard Scott, England
  11. Prof. Rudolf Siebert, USA
  12. Robert M. Weir, Writer, USA
  13. Prof. Edward Soroko,Belorussia
  14. Poet, Taki Yuriko, Japan
  15. Dr. Laj Utreja, USA

I extend my warm gratitude to all the GHA sponsors thanks to the donations of whom this book has been published. The book publication, as well as its creation, also became demonstration of the GHA collective harmonious will. It is a high moral dignity of our book, as well as all previous and deserves the highest recognition.

My following letter, tomorrow, will be devoted to importance of this book and prospects which it unfolds before GHA and its each member.

Best harmony wishes,
Dr. Leo Semashko,
GHA President,

Hiroshima - Nagasaki August 6 /9, 1945-2009: Reminder of "Universal Nuclear Genocide" and its Alternative


Dear Takis, Dear All!


Today is the tragical day for all mankind. This day shown 64 years ago with o­ne's own eyes "universal nuclear genocide” (Ernesto Kahan and Taki Yuriko) and proved to everything, that the industrial civilization IS CAPABLE FREELY to destroy for few minutes mankind also as IT WAS CAPABLE FREELY to destroy Hiroshima and Nagasaki (about 200 thousand innocent victims: children, women, old men, men) for o­ne minute in August 1945. Therefore, I was happy to publish today the talented and inspired me poetic protest-reminder of known Greek poet Takis Ioannides “WE NEVER FORGET!” together with the same strong protest-reminder of the world famous poets Ernesto Kahan, Israel and Taki Yuriko, Japan – their immortal book "GENOCIDE" o­n our site “Peace from Harmony”:

http://peacefromharmony.org/? cat=en_c&key=35.


In “universal nuclear genocide” not so much separate countries are guilty: Japan with Perl-Harbor 1941, or the USA with Hiroshima and Nagasaki 1945 etc. (this list is infinite as well as hostile disputes round it), as the world order of an industrial civilization pushing each country to violence and in which almost each country brings its evil contribution. The interdependent global mankind can exist now o­nly in other world order of a harmonious civilization that each country could be the contributor not in a universal genocide but in universal harmony.


We, as members of the Global Harmony Association (GHA) and authors of 19 projects of global harmony which are topped by the "Harmonious Civilization Universal Declaration” (http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=375), scientifically realize, that alternative to "universal nuclear genocide”, which 64 years hang as the Sword of Damocles over mankind, can be o­nly a global harmonious civilization. Presidents of Russia and the USA began this civilization since April 1, 2009 by the joint statement o­n reduction and liquidation of the nuclear weapons. Nuclear disarmament is impossible in an industrial civilization. Nuclear disarmament is possible o­nly in a new civilization which begins with the beginning of nuclear disarmament. The GHA paves a way to this civilization by the projects of global harmony. The more intensively and more widely worldwide we will advance these and similar projects of global harmony, the more likely mankind will be released from horror and fear of universal nuclear genocide, constantly hanging over it. We never should afford and another to forget this horror, a reminder to which talented creations of the GHA many members serve. At the same time, we should understand very clearly: o­ne reminder is insufficiently: the persistent and heavy everyday work o­n development of a harmonious civilization, o­n comprehension of its sharp necessity as our saving positive alternative is necessary. We do it with you in our projects of global harmony and in its poetic creations.


One of such creations is the new book of the GHA Honorary Member, “Harmonious Peace Hero”, known Argentina poetess Susana Roberts. I was happy to publish a cover of this book together with Ernesto Kahan foreword o­n the GHA website: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=275. I hearty congratulate Susana with her new poetic achievement of harmony for harmonious civilization.


I also was happy to publish a poem SAYING “HIROSHIMA” of the known Japanese poetess Sadako Kurihara who Taki Yuriko with comments kindly sent to me today. This poem is ingenious that it expresses the mutual guilt and responsibility for a universal nuclear genocide in an industrial civilization:

http://peacefromharmony.org/? cat=en_c&key=360.


Dr. Leo Semashko,

GHA President



The Site “A New Culture of Peace from Social Harmony and Children’s Priority”
News from July 7, 2008 to March 4, 2009

Brief news:

The main events for 8 months were:

1. Recognition of the project of the Global Harmony Association (GHA) project World Harmony/Peace Academyby80 co-authors from 23 countries o­n the 18th IAEWP World Peace Congress: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, October 29-31, 2008 and its recommendation as educational reform for all countries of the world.

2. The GHA letters in the governments of 11 countries: China, Kazakhstan, Singapore, Malaysia, India, Argentina, Algeria, Rwanda, Russia, France, England and also in EU, the United Nations and UNESCO with the offer to invest $27 million in a three-year stage of creation of the Harmony/Peace Academies in these countries.


The basic news: In the site "Contents" 21 new pages have been opened, making a total of 235. 18 new authors have appeared, making a total of 307 (including 24 children). The two new countries: Croatia and Lebanon have appeared, making a total of 48. 108 new materials ("news") are published, including 12 translations in 5 languages: Chinese, Spanish, Romanian, Greek and French. Russian and English languages remain the basic languages of the site, translation o­n which is made by the site president. 2 new friendly sites have appeared, making a total of 107. The site visits number from the date of its creation o­n February 15, 2005 exceeded o­ne million.

The GHA top-priority task o­n the next year: search of financing for the World Harmony/Peace Academy and beginning of its realization in o­ne of the countries of the world and also creation of the world textbook o­n Tetrasociology as a science about social and individual harmony for Academies and schools of global general harmonious education.

The announcement: In view of a new top-priority task and abundance of materials, their publication o­n the site is sharply limited.


Gratitude. I express my hearty gratitude to all the Global Harmony Association members for active participation in its projects.


Dr Leo Semashko,

Founder and President,

Global Harmony Association and «Peace from Harmony» Website

March 4, 2009


The new authors: 19

Dr. Laj Utreja, USA, Founder, Institute of Spiritual Healing: www.ishdhaam.com, ish0001@aol.com

Lana Yang, USA, biologist, Ph.D equivalent degree in Physiology and Pharmacology from the School of Medicine at the University of California, San Diego. Past 10 years: business strategic planning and financial forecasting as I have studied Business Administration at the Wharton Business School later; LanaYang@mac.com, USChinaBA@gmail.com

Patricia Rife, Prof., Ph.D., Graduate School of Management and Technology, Maryland University, USA, rifeassociates@gmail.com

Cori Wielenga, Master’s Degree in Conflict resolution and Peace Studies; Cofounder, Shalom Educating for Peace in Africa, South Africa: cori@absamail.co.za

Heli Habyarimana, Translator, Linguist, Rwanda, haheli2001@yahoo.fr

Surya N. Prasad, Dr., IAEWP Executive Vice President, India, dr_suryanathprasad@yahoo.co.in

Nenad Javornik, Dr., IAEWP Secretary-General, Croatia, nenad.javornik@hck.hr

Peter Sergienko, Philosopher, Mathematician, Serpuhov, Russia, ssp2000@rambler.ru

Vladimir Bizianov, Dr., Economist, St-Petersburg, bizanov80@mail.ru

Vadim Trifanov, Dr., Mathematician, St-Petersburg

Sergey Sukhonos, DSc, Moscow

Basil Smirnov, Dr., Historian, Novgorod, smirnvasiliy83@yandex.ru

Taki Yuriko, Poet, Japan, yrktaki@ybb.ne.jp

Leonid Beluy, Academician, Ukraine, Simferopol, Soliris-crimea@rambler.ru

Varant Seropian, GDR,. Prof, Lebanon, iaewp-un@live.com

Chen Jianguo, Wang Linghui, and Zhao Lingge: graduate students at East China Normal University in China, Shanghai

Osho, Indian mystical philosopher, 1931-1990

The new pages: 21

1-3-3-1. Textbook. Tetrasociology: Science about Social and Individual Harmony

1-3-3-2. General Harmonious Education as the Best Way to Indestructible Global Peace

1-3-3-3. General Harmonious Education as the Best Way for Harmonization of Relations between Religions

1-3-3-4. World Peace Congress of Educators 2008: Appeal to the UN and states of the world to establish General Harmonious Education

1-3-3-5. Harmonious Educational Competition: GHA Supply and Letters to 22 Governments

1-3-3-6. Competition-partnership of two Academic projects: National (USA) and Global (GHA)

1-3-5. World Harmony/Peace Festival 2010: Revolution of advertising and exhibition activity

1-14-1. RussiaGeorgia: Harmonization through Education instead of Militarization

1-14-12. Peace Goes from Harmony - Harmony Gives Peace! Which is “the Chicken” and which is “the Egg”?

2-1-6. Mathematics of Harmony and Global Harmonious Social Revolution very early 21st

2-1-7. A Global Harmonious Revolution of Modernity: Movement toward a Peaceful World

2-1-8. Fractals of Social Harmony and Harmony Index in "Golden Tetrasociology"

2-1-8-1. Peter Sergienko. About the beginnings of harmonious formalization of fractal matrixes in tetrasociology

4-1-8. Vladimir Bizunov. Harmonisation of older persons life in an information civilization

4-4-5. Laj Utreja: Vedic culture of harmony in a history of India

4-4-6. Osho: Love Arises from Harmony

4-8-3. Ghassan Abdullah. Palestinian educator for harmonious peace

4-9-2. Jean de Dieu Basabose. Peace and harmony in Africa through education

4-9-3. Heli Habyarimana. African peace teacher

5-14.Ernesto Kahan: world creator of harmonious peace

5-15. TAKI Yuriko: Harmony Against Genocide


The new publications: 54

Translations: 12

Jiang Yimin, Chen Jianguo, Wang Linghui, and Zhao Lingge: Translation on the Chinese language of the GHA project: World Harmony/Peace Academy

Jiang Yimin: Translation on the Chinese language of the GHA letter to China Minister of Education

Tatomir Ion-Marius: Translation o­n the Romanian language of the GHA project: World Harmony/Peace Academy

Maria Cristina Azcona and Susana Roberts: Translation o­n the Spanish language of the GHA project: World Harmony/Peace Academy

Susana Roberts: Translation o­n the Spanish language of the GHA project: Global Harmonious Revolution of Modernity:

Susana Roberts. Translation into Spanish of the Resolutions of the 18 International Congresses of Educators for Peace, Malaysia, October, 2008

Susana Roberts: Translation o­n the Spanish language of the GHA Letter to the President of Argentina

Heli Habyarimana, translator and Claude Veziau, editor: Translation o­n the French language of the GHA project: Russia - Georgia: Harmonization through Education instead of Militarization:

Ammar Banni, translator and Guy Crequie, editor: Translation of the letter to President Sarkozy o­n the French language:

Takis Ioannides. Translation on the Greek language Magna Carta of Harmony

Takis Ioannides. Translation on the Greek language the Messages for 4th anniversary of the site

Heli Habyarimana: Translation o­n the French language the Messages for 4th anniversary of the site


Messages: 2

Leo Semashko. February 15, 2009: Peace from Harmony Fourth Anniversary. Sources and Results (En, Ru)

Leo Semashko. December 15, 2008. World requires harmonizing changes! $27 million as GHA strategy. New Year's message. (En, Ru)


Projects, articles and etc.: 40

1-3-3-1. Leo Semashko with the GHA 56 coauthors from 20 countries. GHA Project: Textbook. Tetrasociology: Science about Social and Individual Harmony (En, Ru)

1-3-3-2. Leo Semashko. General Harmonious Education as the Best Way to Indestructible Global Peace (En, Ru)

1-3-3-3. Leo Semashko. General Harmonious Education as the Best Way for Harmonization of Relations between Religions (En, Ru)

1-3-3-4. Dr. Leo Semashko, Dr. Charles Mercieca, Dr. Surya N. Prasad, Dr. Nenad Javornik and orhers. Resolutions of the 18th IAEWP World Peace Congress: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, October 29-31, 2008 (En, Ru)

1-3-3-4. Patricia Rife. An Inter-connected World: 21st Century Visions of E-Business and E-Leaning, the Pathway to World Peace (En)

1-3-3-5. Leo Semashko with the GHA 75 coauthors from 23 countries. GHA Project: Harmonious Educational Competition: GHA Supply and Letters to 22 Governments (En, Ru)

1-3-3-6. Leo Semashko with the GHA 29 coauthors from 16 countries. GHA Project: Competition-partnership of two Academic projects: National (USA) and Global (GHA) (En, Ru)

1-3-5. Leo Semashko with the GHA 72 coauthors from 22 countries. GHA Project: World Harmony/Peace Festival 2010 (En, Ru)

1-6-1. Charles Mercieca. The Crime of War in Iraq. How to Create a World Without Wars. Education for World Citizens. Impact of Culture in Developing Countries (En)

1-14-10. Leo Semashko. Are we true peacemakers or true militarists? (En, Ru)

1-14-11. Leo Semashko with 70 coauthors from 22 countries. RussiaGeorgia: Harmonization through Education instead of Militarization (En, Ru)

1-14-12. Leo Semashko. September 1, 2008: Peace Goes from Harmony! Harmony Gives Peace and Happiness! (En, Ru)

1-20. Edward Soroko. Contours of holistic intelligence from TETRAD-methodology positions. The person as the subject-creator: from a harmony measure to harmony of measures (Ru)

2-1-6. Leo Semashko. Mathematics of Harmony and Global Harmonious Social Revolution very early 21st (En, Ru)

2-1-7. Leo Semashko with the GHA 72 coauthors from 22 countries. A Global Harmonious Revolution of Modernity: Movement toward a Peaceful World (En, Ru)

2-1-8. Leo Semashko with the GHA coauthors. Fractals of Social Harmony and Harmony Index in "Golden Tetrasociology" (En, Ru)

2-1-8-1. Peter Sergienko. About the beginnings of harmonious formalization of fractal matrixes in Tetrasociology. From fractal mathematics of harmony of trialectics to fractal mathematics of harmony of Tetrasociology. About the beginnings of general harmonious education (Ru)

2-1-8-1. Peter Sergienko. From fractal mathematics of harmony trialectics to fractal mathematics of harmony Tetrasociology (Ru)

3-13. Nikolay Strelkov. Memoirs o­n Workers’-Student's Club "Demiurge" 1976-1980 (Ru)

4-1-7. Alexander Olshansky. The New Middle Ages and New Renascence (Ru)

4-1-8. Vladimir Bizunov. Project: Harmonisation of older persons life in an information civilization (Ru)

4-4-4. Rama Narayana. 21st February, The Mother's Birthday (En)

4-4-5. Laj Utreja: Vedic Principles of Harmonious Living for Peace Education (En, Ru)

4-4-6. Osho: Expressions about Harmony (Ru)

4-6-1. Rosa Dalmiglio. “My Dream” Chinese Artists for peace promotion by UNESCO (En)

4-8-3. Ghassan Abdullah. Bio. Photos. CARE (En, Ru)

4-9-2. Jean de Dieu Basabose. Bio. Photos (En, Ru)

4-9-3. Heli Habyarimana. Bio. Photo (En, Ru)

4-9-2. Jean de Dieu Basabose and Cori Wielenga. Shalom: Educating for Peace (En)

4-13-5. Nina Goncharova. About Taiwan visit – 10 – 17 July 2008 (En, Ru)

5-2. Francisco Matos. Poem. Teaching English for PEACE (En)

5-14. Ernesto Kahan. Short CV. Photos. Poems. The Role of Humanism in the Interaction between Art and Science.Preventing Nuclear War, with L. Follow (En, Ru)

5-15. Taki Yuriko. Short CV. Photos. Poems. A Dead Child at Hiroshima. Instead of Vengeance. The Red Sahara Desert. Article: Real Causes of the Historic Genocide (En, Ru)

5-2. Helene F Klingberg. Poem. Bombs or bread? (En)

5-2. Kae Morii. Poem. Echoes of Harmony Voice (En)

7-2. Rudolf Siebert. 2008: USA Super- Capitalism (En)

7-4-2.Leo Semashko. Tetrasociology as the first in Russia realization of pluralistic sociological education (Ru)

7-4-5. Oleg Bodnar. First in the world a Festival of Harmony. Lviv, 2008 (Ru)

7-15-1. Bernard Scott. The Role of Sociocybernetics in Understanding World Futures (En)

7-27. Alexey Stakhov. The Mathematics of Harmony: Clarifying the Origins and Development of Mathematics (En, Ru)

Friendly Websites:

Institute of Spiritual Healing: www.ishdhaam.com

Teachers Without Borders (TWB), http://www.teacherswithoutborders.org


Dr Leo Semashko,

Founder and President,

Global Harmony Association and «Peace from Harmony» Website

March 4, 2009

February 15, 2009: Peace from Harmony Fourth Anniversary. Sources and Results

February 15, 2009: Peace from Harmony Fourth Anniversary. Sources and Results

The GHA’s ugly ducklings, Pontius Pilate, and warm care about harmony nestlings

Anniversary Message


Dear Peace from Harmony authors, Global Harmony Association members, and friends!


In this anniversary, please allow me to remind us of our sources and to view the results of our first four years.


The friendship and scientific cooperation of the group of sociologists, psychologists, linguists, and artists in six countries who were interested in Tetrasociology as a theory of social harmony in 2002 has became a source of the web site “Peace from Harmony.” This group developed as a result of discussion of my fundamental sociological work: Tetrasociology: Responses to Challenges (2002, in Russian and English languages), which was presented in the 16th World Sociological Congress in Brisbane, Australia, in July 2002. This group consisted of: myself, Dr. Leo Semashko of Russia, philosopher and sociologist and initiator of the group; also from Russia: Professor of psychology Alexander Juriev, linguist Boris Kondratjev, and writer Vladimir Kavtorin; Doctors of sociology Martha Ross DeWitt and Bernard Phillips from the USA; Doctor of sociology Bernard Scott from England; Doctor Bernd Hornung from Germany; artist Hilarie Roseman from Australia; Professor of sociology Reimon Bachika from Japan; and others for a total in all of 15 persons.


The book Tetrasociology: From Sociological Imagination through Dialogue to Universal Values and Harmony (2003) in three languages (Russian, English and Esperanto) became the first collective fruit of this group (http://www.peacefromharmony.org/? cat=en_c&key=149) and a prototype of all subsequent projects listed below. This group became the foundation for the web site “Peace from Harmony” o­n February 15, 2005, and for the community, from which arose the Global Harmony Association (GHA), which received the legal Statutes o­n November 30, 2007.


On behalf of this group of pathfinders in a scientific paradigm of social harmony and pioneers in the harmonizing world union, I am happy to congratulate all creators and friends of social harmony o­n our fourth anniversary of its conscious and purposeful global life!


For four years, the number of site authors and GHA members has grown to more than 300, representing 48 countries of the world. Some original and collective works of the GHA members were published o­n the site in 17 languages. In addition, GHA unites the collective members with more than o­ne million members from more than 80 countries. The number of site pages has reached 230 and has become the unique global book of world harmony, uniting many cultures of harmony of the East and the West, the North and the South. The number of site visits reached almost o­ne million within these four years, including more than 500 thousand in the last year alone. But our main accomplishment is this: Within these four years, we created so many new ideas and projects that they allowed us to cross the Rubicon from words and theory to the practice of harmonious peace. Our work has allowed us to enter into the area of economic, market embodiment through our key, academic project.


However, the market has its own laws and requirements. The market lives by competition. The market demands advertising and that we provide a clear understanding of our resources and achievements. In order to answer the market’s demand and to realize global acceptance of our projects, which are our product, we gladly and proudly announce that, in the last four years, GHA created 11 global projects of world value:


1.International web site and community “Peace from Harmony,” since February 15, 2005

2.Movement “Making Children a Priority in the World,” since May 2005 and the Law “Children’s Suffrage,” since March 2004

3.Harmonious Era Calendar, since January 2006

4.Magna Carta of Harmony, since December 2006

5.World Harmony/Peace Academy and General Harmonious Education, since May 2007

6.Textbook: Tetrasociology: Science about Social and Individual Harmony, since July 2008

7.Russia–Georgia: Harmonization through education instead of militarization, since August 2008

8.World Harmony/Peace Festival 2010 (similar to Olympic Games) since September 2008

9.Fractals of Social Harmony and Tetrasociological Mathematics of Harmony, since October 2008

10.Global Harmonious Revolution/Transformation of Modernity, since October 2008,

11.Global Harmonious Competition-Partnership, or “A Peace Race” of states and projects in the field of harmonious/peace education, since January 2009


We could accomplish so much and create so many effective world projects so quickly o­nly because of our scientific basis: Tetrasociology, developed of 1976. The GHA projects arise from, are developed through, and, thereby, unite ten global theoretical discoveries that are at the core of Tetrasociology:


  1. Tetrasociology, as the first science of social and individual harmony
  2. Sphere classes of population, as conscious actors of social harmony
  3. Sphere democracy, based o­n equal division of the political (legislative, executive and judicial) power between four sphere classes of population, as democracy of social harmony; and the sphere state, as the political tool of social harmony adequate to sphere democracy.
  4. Sphere management, which provides constant harmonization of social processes in all spheres, branches, and institutes and which is a constant conscious state policy of social harmonization.
  5. Social priority of children, as a necessary condition of social harmony of spheres and sphere classes of society.
  6. Harmonious peace culture, which recognizes that true peace is a consequence of social harmony, and that social disharmony is the true reason of wars and conflicts; the harmonious peace culture is the alternative to the generally accepted industrial peace culture, which readily accepts the “arms race” and recognizes o­nly a “pseudo peace” as a temporary pause in hostilities between war and conflict.
  7. Sphere macrosocial statistics, as statistics of social harmony.
  8. Sphere information-statistical technology, as a complex of technologies of social, cultural, political, economic, and individual harmonization.
  9. Sphere marketing, as harmonious economy, free from financial and other crises.
  10. General harmonious education, as a universal way for humankind to experience social harmony and survival.


These discoveries have more than 100 examples of practical (technological, social, cultural, educational, organizational, political) applications in all spheres since 1976. These discoveries are presented in more than 200 scientific works, including 11 books that have been published in o­ne to 16 different languages. Tetrasociology has been taught for more than ten years at the Universities of Petersburg since 1993.


Yet, the discoveries of Tetrasociology and GHA projects o­n which they are based are still very weak and still very far from perfection. The current “lack” of acceptance allows us to title them as “ugly ducklings” or “sprouts” of harmonious civilization born within GHA. Even though apparently weak, these (21: 10 discoveries and 11 the GHA projects) ugly ducklings already possess powerful advantages. Our duty as responsible world citizens and “parents” of these sprouts is to protect them in the current competitive environment and to make sure they do not die but grow into beautiful, elegant swans of a harmonious society.


However, there is o­ne competitive partnership that we have created in the educational area between the states and similar projects. GHA created and declared this competition in the beginning of 2009: http://peacefromharmony.org/? cat=en_c&key=356. As stated by Martin Luther King, Jr., “shift the arms race into a peace race.” A peace race, as a harmonious competition-partnership in education, will include our academic project, plus existing Academies of Peace and Harmony, the Muslim leader Aga Khan Peace Academies, and the new Academies of Peace that are being planned in the USA and other countries. A peace race “competition” supersedes the arms race and the “clash of civilizations” as the most dangerous threat for harmony sprouts.


For our “ugly duckling nestlings” to survive, three basic conditions are required:

1.We must keep them safe from indifference, neglect, and the disbelief that those beautiful “swans” of a harmonious civilization can grow within the competitive environment. It is our internal “Pontius Pilate,” the skeptic who washed his hands of the fate of Christ, from which we should release ourselves.

2.We must provide fertile ground and smooth waters in order to create for youth, who embody the emerging swan mentality, a Harmony Academy, which would cost $27 million for three years ($9 million every year).

3.We must accept our responsibility, our partnership, and our care for the “nestlings” of harmony. We cannot allow them to die a frozen death; rather, we must warm them in the heat of sincere support and practical help. This is necessary.


Fortunately, we are already showing this care, which we can consider as “anniversary gifts,” in many various ways: Translations in Spanish from Susana Roberts and in French from Prof. Ammar Banni; GHA letters to the governments of England, Argentina, and India from Dr. Bernard Scott, Prof. Maria Cristina Azkona, and Dr. Tholana Chakravarthy; variants of mathematics of social harmony from Peter Sergienko and Vadim Trifanov; poems from Taki Yuriko; drawings from Nina Goncharova; and many more from many others. We extend our sincerest “thank you” to all of our colleagues who brighten the colours of our anniversary with a firework of gifts for our emerging swans.


Today, the day before our anniversary, per the invitation of Rose Lord, the Global Coalition for Peace Co-chair and devoted GHA member, we begin a new Harmonious Era tradition: We started to participate in the Worldwide Weekly Meditation/Prayer for Peace. I call upon GHA members and friends to join this prayer every Saturday evening, at 6:00 PM (local time). I ask that you meditate or pray this specifically: “I pray that the world harmony of spheres for global conscious harmony o­n the Earth will provide for the survival of humankind. I pray that global sphere classes of the population will emerge as creators of global conscious harmony and harmonious peace. I pray for harmonious peace, for peace from harmony, and for harmony that gives us true peace and happiness. I pray for general harmonious education as a way of humankind, primarily the children of the world, to accept and appreciate harmonious peace and happiness. And I pray for the Global Harmony Association.”


Such are our achievements and tasks as a result of our four years of development. We have good reason to be proud and to be assured of our ability to solve, with dignity, new problems o­n way of the birth of the harmonious civilization that excludes wars, terror, poverty and other industrial pathologies. o­nly the harmonious civilization can provide for survival, prosperity, happiness, harmonious peace, and the common good to children and future generations. We have walked together o­n this difficult, but noble, path for four years, and we have every right to congratulate ourselves and our friends for what we have accomplished.


With love and gratitude,


Dr. Leo Semashko,

Website “Peace from Harmony” (http://www.peacefromharmony.org)Founder o­n behalf of other Founders:


Prof. Alexander Juriev and writer Vladimir Kavtorin from Russia,

Dr. Martha DeWitt and Dr. Bernard Phillips from the USA,

Dr. Bernard Scott from England,

Artist Hilarie Roseman from Australia,

Prof. Reimon Bachika from Japan,

Dr. Bernd Hornung from Germany,

and all others.


December 15, 2008. World requires harmonizing changes! $27 million as GHA strategy. New Year's message.

Dear Harmony Academy Authors, Friends!


2008 comes to an end. What are its results?

In 2008, through Barack Obama’s election to the United States Presidency, the world understood the necessity of change.

Shocks of this year: global financial crisis in USA; youth revolts in Thailand, Greece, France, and Russia, which tomorrow could occur in any country worldwide; continuous multi-milliard swindles in USA and Germany, creeping worldwide, and others.

These are the modern attributes of the breakdown of an industrial civilization in addition to its traditional defects: wars, violence, terror, poverty, pollution, armaments and so o­n.

The combination of traditional defects blended with these modern shocks led the world to comprehension of the necessity for immediate changes at last.

But what are changing? And in what is direction? What are the mechanisms and processes of change?

It became obvious, that the industrial deity — that is, money — is a useless mechanism for making decisions about global problems and it is a very small and narrow yardstick for measuring the accomplishments of human beings. Money, as it is well known, will not buy happiness, love or peace. o­nly harmony, social and individual harmony, can give people happiness, love and peace. o­nly harmony is a complete and adequate measure for humans.

Harmonization is the true modern change for humans and the world. Harmonization is the o­nly salvation for humans and the world. Therefore, in 2009, I am convinced that the world will realize this change through harmonization and in harmonization.

The conscious, universal and systematic beginning of change toward harmonization, including the means to resolve modern global problems, world crises and youth revolts, can o­nly be General Harmonious Education and World Harmony/Peace Academy (WHPA).

The world has closely approached to this consciousness of harmonious education. It has created practically all the necessary resources and preconditions for this purpose. The World Peace Congress of educators in Malaysia, at the end of 2008, approved the WHPA project as a means of educational reform, which is necessary for modernity. Now, it is necessary for the modern world, as stated by Eleanor Roosevelt, to experience an "educational revolution."

This educational revolution is required in order to resolve global problems of mankind. The educational revolution is required in order to resolve the youth revolts.

Why do young people revolt? It does not suffice for them to have money? Young people revolt because hopelessness in the absence of positive alternatives. Young people revolt because there is an absence of happiness. Happiness can be realized o­nly through harmony. And harmony can be learned o­nly through general harmonious education.

If the consciousness of youth is limited by a narrow vocational training and disharmonious knowledge of mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, economy, engineering, business, and so o­n, then the consciousness of youth is open to any destructive system or any anarchic revolt.

Therefore, the resolution of all crises and revolts of modernity are the SUBCONSCIOUS REQUIREMENT of harmony and general harmonious education. This education is a priority throughout the world! And I am convinced that, in 2009, this WILL BE CLEAR for all.

The main contribution to the world’s comprehension and acceptance of harmonization belongs to the Global Harmony Association (GHA), to its ten projects, the crown jewel of which is the WHPA. The brief evolution of our Academic (educational) project since the end of 2007 has concentrated o­n a search of its financing, in the amount of $27 millionfor the first three years of its first stage. GHA has ALL necessary resources: staff (faculty), information (science), international support and organization for creating the Harmony Academy, EXCEPT FOR $27 million in financing.

What is $27 million? It is a very modest payment for the beginning of a system global harmonization through general harmonious education. It is a paltry sum for the budget of any country, even the smallest and poorest. Business venture capitalists, for example, could invest $27 million in the Academy and sell it to a government in three to four years and show a ten-fold profit.

Some of the GHA members, panicked by crises, have begun to say that now is not the time to search for money for WHPA. I can not agree with that statement. I think differently. I think the opposite: that the modern crises and revolts REQUIRE that we search for $27 millions. Now is not a time to push a brake, but a time for ACCELERATION toward the realization of this project as a positive global change and as a hope for youth and children. o­nly this Academy is capable of creating every o­ne or two years the essentially new humanitarian technologies of harmonization for youth and technologies for economic and financial harmonization that are capable of preventing these crises from continuing and growing at global and local levels in the future.

Therefore, within the conditions of this long crisis, the WHPA project requires expansion of its recognition by others: NGOs, advertising, governments, and funding organizations. We need discussion in MASS-MEDIA, in Congresses of scientists, among teachers and so o­n. If we, the authors of this project, shall be silent, be inactive, and wait for the mythical "best" industrial times, which never will be, then the positive, harmonizing changes will not be either. Not in USA, nor in Greece, nor in France, nor in any other country. GHA must strengthen our strategies to search for $27 million for Academy financing. This strategy was approved in June 2008. Since then, the chances of the WHPA project coming into existence during these conditions of long crisis are not lowered, but raised.

In this respect, we have made much progress. We sent letters to Governments of four countries: Russia, France, Malaysia and Rwanda and to the UN. We prepare letters for 15 Governments: China, Taiwan, USA, Greece, India, Norway, Israel, Japan, Singapore, Lebanon, Kazakhstan, Ukraine (Crimea), Congo (Brazzaville), Kenya, and Cameroon. I am sure that, in 2009, from these 20 Governments, we will be find o­ne, two, or three that will respond positively to our letters o­n financing.

The main problem is the search for the leader or General Director for the WHPA national branch and its team. I think each member of the WHPA General Directorate could be such leader, or be a member of this team, or find team members among friends and prepared youth. I think about each author of the project as the member of a national team for this Academy.

Another accomplishment is that our Academic (educational) project has been translated into five languages: Russian, English, Spanish, Chinese and Romanian. It is still necessary that we translate this project into at least four other languages: French, Arabic, Japanese, and Esperanto; the French translation is currently under way, thanks to Prof. Ammar Banni.

The WHPA project is being actively advertised by: Alexander Olshansky in Moscow; Genrih Skvortsov in St. Petersburg; Susana Roberts in Argentina; Guy Crequie in France; Charles Mercieca, Robert M. Weir, and Martha Ross DeWitt in USA; Takis Ioannides in Greece; Rosa Dalmiglio in the European Union and China; Jiang Yimin in China; Lana Yang o­n Taiwan; Maitreyee Roy in India; Jean Basabose in Rwanda; Muhammad Iqbal in Pakistan; and many others. I am sincerely grateful to each of these people for their great contribution to the Academy project.

Of significance is that the WHPA project was submitted at two international conferences in 2008: in Kuala Lumpur, where it found support of the International Association of Educators for World Peace, and in Yalta’s Conference o­n interfaith relations where it caused the large interest.

However, these efforts are not enough. Each of the almost 80 co-authors could be telling about this project, its insignificant cost of $27 million, and its highest effect at any public assembly before any audience. This project is urgent for each country in the world. The recognition and destiny of our educational project depends o­n each of us. I hope, that each of the authors understands this and, in the next year, will define and refine their own initiatives to speak out o­n behalf of progress of this project.

Personally, I am going to be engaged, until February 1, o­nly in the writing of letters to Governments and in finishing our approved strategy. In view of the special circumstances of the previous 2.5 months when I was unsettled, I can not be engaged in any other of our current projects: mathematics of harmony, textbook, article, etc. However, I shall return to active participation in those areas in February, and we shall approve the plan of our work for 2009.

I also offer to transfer, during the period of February through May, the updating of GHA Statutes and our membership fees into o­ne of the children's organizations, for example, in Kigali. In this connection, I have asked Jean Basabose to find in this city the poor little children's establishment into which we could transfer our membership fees.

There is o­ne more personal problem: my health, which, unfortunately, is not better. The doctors have, for a long time, recommended that I enter a hospital for two or three weeks. Quite probably, I shall be compelled to do that, either prior to or soon after the New Year.

As a whole, the 2008 was great for us and for all GHA members. But I am sure, that the next year will be even greater as the practical realization of the WHPA project will begin in o­ne or several countries of the world.

Merry Christmas and happy New Year to all you!!! In the New Year, the new steps to harmony, happiness and peace will wait us!!!

With love,


Dr. Leo Semashko,


GHA Founder and President


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