Ivan Ivanov 
Global Peace Science Hero: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=697 GHA Vice-President and Tecnical Director The GHA many books coauthor: The ABC of Harmony, Global Peace Science and etc. He is the web designer providing technical service of the site “Peace from Harmony” together with Dr. Leo Semashko since 2005. He completed in 2009 Saint-Petersburg State University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics. He is the GHA Board Member and also the Secretary of GHA projects. He accepted active participation in the site “Peace from Harmony” and GHA creation in 2005. Address: 30/2-231, Hudozhnikov Pr., St. Petersburg 194352, Russia; Ph.: 8-960-286-61-80; E-mail: monkey-island@yandex.ru Web: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=11 -----------------------------
8.23. GHA Website "Peace from Harmony": Beginning of GPS Development Ivan Ivanov Article from the Global Peace Science, 2016, p. 304
In our age of information society the existence of any science, especially fundamentally new, such as GPS, is impossible without a considerable information base and support. GHA, which creates this science, fortunately, has a powerful website "Peace from Harmony” [101]. History and features of this site since 2005 were presented in my article three years ago in "The ABC of Harmony" in 2012 [10, 116–117]. Today the site includes 16 language segments, 22 sections and about 1300 pages of information in English and Russian among others. on it there are published 50 projects of global harmony/peace and 8 GHA books for 10 years of its existence. The total number of site visits from more than 70 major countries reached nearly 7 million, i.e. the average counts are about 600 000 per year, 50 000 per month, 2 000 per day. Currently a daily attendance of a site is within the 2.5–3.5 thousand. GPS is developing on this information basis. Its preliminary materials, articles and chapters in different versions began to publish on the site since the beginning of the project in March, 2013. For the representation of GPS on the home page was created a special section with various banners expressing key ideas of the global peace in Russian and English. Of course, this scope of work on information support of GPS on almost volunteer basis is considerable but not sufficient. In the presence of financing there are the following possible directions of development of GPS information support. 1. Creation of the social network on the basis the site "Peace from Harmony" with the same name for all peacemakers with the purposes of discussion, education and development of GPS and all the key institutions of global peace, beginning with the majors: SPHERONS as actors of peace, Children’s Suffrage, SPHERONS's Democracy, HARMON currency, Disarmament in 50 years, Mass Peace Movement and etc. 2. Creation of language divisions of the site "Peace from Harmony" with the purpose of GPS development on all continents. These divisions could continuously monitor the dynamics of the priorities of peace and war on continents and largest countries [102]. 3. Creation of a special large-scale project of the site "Peace from Harmony" with the title "Global Peace Culture and Art" for the publication and dissemination of works of all art forms and cultures, dedicated to world peace. 4. Creation of project of amateur videos, dedicated to condemnation of the existing wars and armed conflicts and to signs, seedlings and most various manifestations of global peace in the history, science and culture of our planet. Of course, this list of directions of support and development of GPS information base can be considerably expanded. Ivan Ivanov, Webmaster "Peace from Harmony" site, GHA Technical Director. GHA Vice-President and the GHA projects Secretary. St. Petersburg State University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics graduate. Address: St. Petersburg, Russia Web: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=10 E-mail: ivanov.ivan.spb@gmail.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Competition for youth: Students of schools, colleges and universities BEGINS on March 15, 2005 International, Multicultural and Interdisciplinary Website "A New Culture of Peace from Harmony" www.peacefromharmony.spb.ru
REQUIREMENTS for the ESSAYS COMPETITION on the THEME: Opportunity for Harmonious Peace in an Information Society Young people are offered an opportunity to write on the above theme an essay or paper of no more than 8 pages (font: Times New Roman, size:12, interval of lines: 1.5, all fields: 2 cm ). For example, the following may be included in the plan for the essay/paper: - "A Complaint of Peace" by Erasmus Rotterdamsky, and his basic ideas for an eternal peace. (Instead of Rotterdamsky, any of nine similar classics: Kaminski, Penn, Sen-Pier, Russo, Kant, Fichte, Herder, V. Malinowski can be investigated, which are submitted in the book: The Treatises about Eternal Peace. Moscow, 1963. Others thinkers, from Homer, Plato, and Aristotle to Tolstoy, Gandhi, Russell, Saharov, Martin Luther King, Gorbachev, etc may be considered. Each of these great thinkers was focused on the problem of "War and Peace." At the beginning, a young person should get acquainted with and understand the ideas of just one.)
- The tetrasociological model of harmonious peace of an information society: its advantages and lacks. (This model is submitted briefly in the Website "Mission" statement and in more detail in other works on tetrasociology placed on the Website.)
- Other modern models/ideas of harmonious peace from any source.
- Comparison of the considered models/ideas of harmonious peace, their assessment, and one’s own ideas or further development of any model/idea considered.
- Conclusion: how is possible and why is it necessary to build a harmonious peace?
The goal of youth essays about harmonious peace, in an Information Society, is to eliminate for oneself and one’s own children the possibility of participation and destruction in future wars and future terrorism. For this purpose, youth should demonstrate an understanding of the nature of a harmonious peace, and consider what they believe to be the requirements for building a social order and a culture of peace that will prevent wars, terrorism and poverty. The essays will reflect what you want for the future. You will answer for yourselves the questions: WHAT will the future hold: war or peace? HOW can the younger generation build a harmonious peace, with WHAT priorities, on WHAT social base? These questions HAVE NO standard answers today, yet there are many ideological ideas to consider. The purpose of this competition is to persuade youth to speak out about opportunities for harmonious peace in an information society, to think about these themes, to search for answers to these important questions, and to try to build a harmonious peace. If young people can create a harmonious peace for themselves, the world can be harmonious for many generations to come. The best of the youth essays/papers will be translated on the Website into other languages. In January, the four best of the published essays will be selected for special recognition, and the best of these will receive a money prize of $100 dollars US. A commission of 5 experts in different languages and 5 students will make the selections. The Website director will head the commission. Leo Semashko, Website director