The Curse of NATO IN FOCUS, 7 Mar 2022 Roger Kotila, Ph.D. TRANSCEND Media Service 3 Mar 2022 – https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=680
Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky is getting adoration from Western media for bravely leading his nation in the war against Russia, rather than accepting that Russia absolutely does not want NATO in its neighborhood. Instead of neutrality, Zelensky opted for the “right” for eventual admittance to NATO, a position that Russian President Vladimir Putin made clear was unacceptable. Putin was also tired of the Russian-speaking separatists getting routinely attacked by an alleged Ukrainian neo-Nazi battalion. As a result, a frustrated Putin chose to invade Ukraine. Putin accuses the US as being an “Empire of Lies.” What Zelensky, a political neophyte, may not have known, is that the U.S. has a history of using other governments to further its own aims and that America’s oligarchy rulers appear to want to weaken Russia and achieve regime change. The war over Ukraine is an example of the curse of NATO. Russia reacted to the possibility of Ukraine being in NATO. This is not irrational in that US/NATO has over 750 military bases around the world, and many of these bases appear to be there to militarily encircle Russia (and China). Journalist John Pilger writes (17 Feb 2022): “Since the first Cold War, NATO has effectively marched right up to Russia’s most sensitive border having demonstrated its bloody aggression in Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and broken solemn promises to pull back. Having dragged European “allies” into American wars that do not concern them, the great unspoken is that NATO itself is the real threat to European security.” [From “War in Europe and the Rise of Raw Propaganda“] Too bad that it is too late for Zelensky to realize that his beloved country is being sacrificed to further the goals of the U.S. deep state government. Ukraine and its people have been sold out. Zelensky, probably believing that he’s doing the right thing to protect his country’s freedom and honor, is leading them to a horrible, bloody ending, not realizing that his country is another sacrificial victim of the U.S. ruling oligarchy and that Russia has good reason to fear NATO. US/NATO has a proven history of military invasion against nations it doesn’t like. There are signs that the US, like the Nazi’s of WWII, seek to conquer the world. Why else maintain over 750 military bases around the world, and why else appear to be encircling Russia and China, perceived as America’s main “adversaries” (i.e., “enemies”)? Most Americans and Europeans have been conditioned by mainstream media to believe that the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is a good thing, protecting “democracies.” Few see US/NATO as a threat to world peace, or as a leading criminal organization on the world stage, one which routinely violates international law and intends to rule the world. Unthinkable! Or is it? Students of U.S. foreign policy, for example, frequently quote American authorities and politicians who openly brag about U.S. “exceptionalism” as justification for its status as the world’s “hegemon.” “Hegemony” is the political, economic, and military predominance of one state over other states. — Wikipedia U.S. and US/NATO are so powerful that the United Nations and the International Criminal Court keep hands-off. The UN is hostage to US government funding. The US government, like Russia, has refused to submit itself to the ICC — knowing that its frequent violations of international law would land many U.S. generals and other government officials in the criminal court, prosecuted for war crimes and crimes against humanity (see Gordon, American Nuremberg, 2016). The unnecessary war in Ukraine will one day in the future be followed by a US/NATO war against China over Taiwan. Unfortunately for the world community which really only wants peace, again and again, they get war. Want to end the war? Think World Union Now, Earth Constitution, and a “new UN”. Think about THE SAN FRANCISCO PROMISE for UN Charter Review to launch the development of a geopolitical peace system to replace the present global war system. _____________________________________________ Roger Kotila, Ph.D. is a peace activist and a psychologist (ret.) with many years of clinical experience with the California Dept. of Corrections doing psychiatric diagnosis and treatment with inmates. President of Democratic World Federalists he is co-editor of DWF NEWS, and editor of Earth Federation News & Views. He supports a “new UN” under the Earth Constitution. www.earthfederation.info Email: earthstarradio@aol.com Personal page: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=680
https://www.transcend.org/tms/2022/03/the-curse-of-nato/ ------------------------------------------ Проклятие НАТО В ФОКУСЕ, 7 марта 2022 г. Роджер Котила, доктор философии. Президент Украины Владимир Зеленский получает восхищение от западных СМИ за смелое руководство своей страной в войне против России, вместо того, чтобы признать, что Россия абсолютно не хочет, чтобы НАТО находилась по соседству. Вместо нейтралитета Зеленский выбрал «право» на возможное вступление в НАТО, позицию, которую президент России Владимир Путин ясно дал понять, неприемлемой. Путин также устал от постоянных нападений на русскоязычных сепаратистов украинского неонацистского батальона. В результате разочарованный Путин решил вторгнуться в Украину. Путин обвиняет США в том, что они являются «империей лжи». Чего Зеленский, политический неофит, возможно, не знал, так это того, что США имеют опыт использования других правительств для достижения своих собственных целей, и что правители-олигархат Америки, похоже, хотят ослабить Россию и добиться смены режима. Война за Украину — пример проклятия НАТО. Россия отреагировала на возможность вступления Украины в НАТО. Это не иррационально, поскольку США/НАТО имеют более 750 военных баз по всему миру, и многие из этих баз, по-видимому, предназначены для военного окружения России (и Китая). Журналист Джон Пилгер пишет (17 февраля 2022 г.): «Со времен первой холодной войны НАТО фактически подошла к самой чувствительной границе России, продемонстрировав свою кровавую агрессию в Югославии, Афганистане, Ираке, Ливии и нарушив торжественные обещания отступить. Втянув европейских «союзников» в американские войны, которые их не касаются, великим невысказанным является то, что НАТО сама является реальной угрозой европейской безопасности». [Из «Войны в Европе и роста сырой пропаганды»] Жаль, что Зеленский слишком поздно осознал, что его любимая страна приносится в жертву ради достижения целей правительства глубинного государства США. Украина и ее народ проданы. Зеленский, вероятно, считал, что поступает правильно, защищая свободу и честь своей страны, ведет их к ужасному, кровавому финалу, не понимая, что его страна — очередная жертва правящей олигархии США и что у России есть все основания опасаться НАТО. У США/НАТО есть проверенная история военных вторжений против стран, которые им не нравятся. Есть признаки того, что США, как и нацисты времен Второй мировой войны, стремятся завоевать мир. Зачем еще содержать более 750 военных баз по всему миру и зачем еще окружать Россию и Китай, воспринимаемых как главные «противники» (т. е. «враги») Америки? Ведущие средства массовой информации внушили большинству американцев и европейцев, что Организация Североатлантического договора (НАТО) — это хорошая вещь, защищающая «демократии». Немногие видят в США/НАТО угрозу миру во всем мире или ведущую преступную организацию на мировой арене, регулярно нарушающую международное право и стремящуюся править миром. Немыслимо! Или так? Исследователи внешней политики США, например, часто цитируют американские власти и политиков, которые открыто хвастаются «исключительностью» США в качестве оправдания их статуса мирового «гегемона». «Гегемония» — это политическое, экономическое и военное превосходство одного государства над другими государствами. — Википедия США и США/НАТО настолько сильны, что Организация Объединенных Наций и Международный уголовный суд держатся подальше. ООН является заложником финансирования правительства США. Правительство США, как и Россия, отказалось подчиняться МУС, зная, что его частые нарушения международного права приведут к уголовному суду многих американских генералов и других правительственных чиновников, привлеченных к ответственности за военные преступления и преступления против человечности (см. Гордон. Американский Нюрнберг, 2016). За неоправданной войной на Украине однажды в будущем последует война США/НАТО против Китая из-за Тайваня. К несчастью для мирового сообщества, которое на самом деле хочет только мира, оно снова и снова получает войну. Хотите закончить войну? Подумайте о Мировом союзе сейчас, о Конституции Земли и о «новой ООН». Подумайте об ОБЕЩАНИИ САН-ФРАНЦИСКО для Обзора Устава ООН начать разработку геополитической системы мира, которая заменит нынешнюю глобальную систему войны.
| From: earthstarradio@aol.com |
| Subject: An Earth Constitution: Has Its Time Come? "Breakthrough Strategy: The Earth Constitution & the United Nations" | [*This is an original article written for the Great Transition Initiative program titled "An Earth Constitution: Has Its Time Come?" Also published in DWF NEWS.]
September 16, 2021 Breakthrough Strategy: The Earth Constitution & the United Nations* Roger Kotila, Ph.D. Personal page: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=680
The public is largely unaware that forming a world federal union government is the solution to critical world problems, or that the EARTH CONSTITUTION is the key to the needed changes. The United Nations, hampered by its fatally flawed Charter, is trying to resolve global problems with one hand tied behind its back.
The drawbacks in the UN Charter are similar to those found in the original US Articles of Confederation. Conflicts grew between the 13 states. In response, the founding framers abruptly abandoned the Articles and replaced them with a federal constitution. Although not all of the states immediately accepted this new type of governance, eventually they all joined the federal union.
Much like the Articles of Confederation failed, the UN Charter has failed. The UN has not been able to save the world from wars, weapons of mass destruction, climate change, or human and environmental injustices.
The Charter's defects have been no mystery to world federalists who know what's wrong, and know what changes are necessary. And YES, the time for the EARTH CONSTITUTION is NOW. It can serve as a guide and model for the UN General Assembly to transform the UN to a democratic world federal union with enforceable world law.
The Earth Constitution is specifically designed to correct the defects which prevent the UN from doing what is needed to resolve life threatening global problems. It represents a "fast track" strategy similar to the adoption of the US federal constitution. Some world federalists prefer a "slow track" which models its strategy after the gradual development of the European Union.
A breakthrough strategy is already underway thanks to the visionary work of the World Constitution & Parliament Association. WCPA's Earth Constitution is waiting in the wings, ready to go. I have described Glen T. Martin's "The Earth Constitution Solution: Design for a Living Planet" as the 'Big Idea' and have argued that the book "rivals the famous Federalist Papers drafted to gain support for the US Constitution."
The Earth Constitution represents a potentially powerful living symbol to inspire, lead, and guide our troubled world out of danger. A real breakthrough is possible. It will be possible to explain concretely how global challenges can be handled by the UN under the Earth Constitution compared to the UN Charter.
The potential breakthrough comes through Article 109-3 which legally requires Charter review, but which has yet to be completed according to the Center for UN Constitutional Research (CUNCR). The UN General Assembly could launch Charter review opening the door for the Earth Constitution. Democratic World Federalists call this strategy THE SAN FRANCISCO PROMISE.
Despite the urgency of a world out of control, many world federalist organizations have held back from fully embracing the Earth Constitution. Part of this reluctance may have to do with insecurity caused by unproven assumptions, what I believe are "myths."
Myth 1: We don't need to change. We can handle the world's problems with the present UN and its 193 sovereign, independent nations. [Wishful thinking.]
Myth 2: We cannot succeed until we have "unity." [But there will always be doubters.]
Myth 3:We must first gain a large membership before we can hope to make the necessary changes. [The history of revolutions (change) is full of the unexpected, of surprise, of the unlikely often brought about by a small group of people.]
Myth 4: "The process that leads to a constitution is no less important than the constitution itself." [The quality of a (world) constitution must be judged on its own merits regardless if an individual drafted it, a group drafted it, or a drunk wrote it. Even a well designed constitutional convention could write a bad constitution.]
Myth 5: "World federal government according to a 'Theory of Change' is not possible until the Year 2045." [We can't wait this long. The psychological error here is the danger of a self-fulfilling prophecy.]
The Earth Constitution strategy allows us to move quickly. We cannot wait 25 to 50 years for the UN to become a world federal government as proponents of the European Union model advocate. That is unrealistic. The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists has the doomsday clock close to midnight.
During the signing of the Charter the US government made a mockery of the UN's ideals by dropping the horrendous atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The other Permanent 5 veto powers on the UN Security Council have also betrayed the UN's core mission, and like the US, have refused to accept international law for themselves.
The US is the leading weapons dealer in the world. Its foreign policy is based on militarism, secret operations, economic warfare and nuclear weapons rather than on cooperation, respect, and true caring. The P-5 powers all have used threats of violence or violence and refuse to accept for themselves the International Criminal Court and international law.
The world community and the UN General Assembly must take over from the Security Council P-5 whose undemocratic status lacks legitimacy. The P-5 should no longer be allowed to remain above the Law and to commit world crimes with impunity.
There comes a time when the dangers to our beloved world become too much for the existing UN geopolitical system, -- it's time for system change. A decisive and bold strategy highlighting the Earth Constitution could make the difference and become the inspiration for a worldwide peace and justice movement for a "new UN" and the establishment of a democratic world federal union.
Roger Kotila, Ph.D. is a psychologist and the President of Democratic World Federalists. He is the co-editor of DWF NEWS, and editor of Earth Federation News & Views.
17-09-21 ========================== |