Ada Aharoni Two Chapters from the book PEACE FLOWER: A NUCLEAR SPACE ADVENTURE Chapter 1 LEE AND RONI
The sun in all its glory splashed golden beams over the deep blue Mediterranean Sea. It seemed to Lee as if the sun and the sea were sharing a secret intimate conversation with each other. "On a bright sunny afternoon like this one," Lee said to her friend Roni, "anything can happen...." Roni and Lee were strolling on the Bat Galim (Daughter of the Sea) Beach in Haifa, a lovely seaport in Israel, at the foot of Mount Carmel. Without any warning, Roni shyly took Lee's hand in his and to his delight she accepted. Lee looked at Roni and blushed a little, but she did not pull her hand away. His hand was warm and tender and she liked the feel of his palm. I knew something would happen, she thought joyfully. They were playing the game Roni liked most, "Dungeons and Dragons," and he thought Lee was enjoying it as much as he did. At the farewell party, just before the school's summer holiday began, Roni had asked Lee if she would like to be his girlfriend, and he was very glad when she accepted. Lee was not only the brightest girl in class, she was also one of the prettiest. She had a tremendous imagination, and original and funny ideas sometimes, but it made her still more attractive and unpredictable. Roni especially liked her because she was so different from some of the other girls. She did not care about fashionable clothes and did not like to gossip about other children, or to waste her time in trivial things. Like him, she loved reading exciting adventure books, and they also had the same taste for films, videos and computer games, at which she often beat him. This made him admire her still more, for he was known as one of the best experts in the whole school and he enjoyed being challenged. Whenever they played his favorite game, "Dungeons and Dragons," like now on the beach, Lee had more initiative and imagination than any of his friends. This is why he always enjoyed playing with her. However, this time Lee suddenly surprised him. In the middle of his question: "What would you do if the Dragon attacked you at this crucial moment in space and time?" Lee suddenly impatiently responded: "I have enough of playing this game!" "Enough of playing 'Dungeons and Dragons?'" Roni asked in surprise. "Lee, what's the matter with you? You're so good at this game!" Lee drew her hand away from his and started walking briskly before him. He ran after her and caught up with her. "Come on Lee, you can't really mean it?" He tried asking her a more difficult question, hoping she would be challenged into continuing to play the game. To make it more dramatic, he took hold of her shoulder and trying to imitate the gruff voice which he imagined a Dragon would have, he asked her: "And if the Dragon tells you suddenly, 'Ho, ho, ho, you just have one more guess princess! If you guess how you can escape from my dungeon, you will be free, if not - you're mine forever!' what would you answer?" "Roni, I told you I'm fed up with this silly game!" Lee said, sitting on the warm, golden sand. She gazed hazily at the bright setting sun and the azure blue sea, which was beginning to be covered with gentle, frothy white waves. A puzzled Roni sat next to her. "Enough of playing 'Dungeons and Dragons'?" he asked. "Lee, how in the world can you say you want to stop playing this exciting game?" "Watch me," Lee said, smiling defiantly. "But why?" Her beautiful blue-green eyes became misty, and she had a strange faraway look. "I want to do something real and important, and not just play games..." she said at length. Her voice was warm and wistful, and it had a strange new note in it which Roni could not define. He looked at her in surprise. "But you always loved playing 'Dungeons and Dragons' Lee, what's happened to you all of a sudden? You're better at it than any of the boys. That's why I liked you, and we became friends...""You liked me because of a game?" Lee asked, astounded. She stopped walking, and faced him squarely, "I can't believe my ears!" "The game and also some other things..." Roni said shyly. "Well, if there are also 'other things,' then I guess it makes it okay," Lee comment "But Lee, let's be serious, why do you want to stop playing? Has the Dragon bitten you?" he asked. His honey colored eyes twinkled and his dark curls glistened in the light of the setting sun. "Roni, stop joking and be serious for once. I've been thinking about this for some time, and this afternoon, perhaps because of the calm of the beach, I've reached a conclusion. It's a pity to waste our time on unreal, imaginative problems, when there are so many important real issues we can try to solve in life...." "What for instance?" Roni asked, while his twinkling honey colored eyes became darker and gazed at her curiously. "For example," Lee said, trying to find the right words, "we can try perhaps to be part of real, important adventures and not only play at them. We can attempt to solve real-life problems and not only play guessing games...." "Where will you find real-life problems which we can solve? Like what for instance?" Roni's voice had an ironic note, which slightly bothered Lee, but she ignored it. "Like trying for instance, to help in banning war from the world and to bring peace to Israel and to the Middle East...." She blurted out, shaking her beautiful hazel hair in a typical gesture that Roni knew well and liked so much. He looked at her in disbelief. Were her eyes more blue or turquoise? He asked himself and checked carefully. They were definitely turquoise, like the sea. She was not making fun of him; this was the color her eyes became when she was especially serious and concentrated. Yet, her words astounded him. This time, Lee was being more unconventional and unpredictable than ever! "Lee, you must be joking!" Roni burst out after he got over his astonishment. "Where do you get your strange ideas from? To bring peace to Israel and to the Middle East is hard enough, without starting to speak of banning war from the whole world! How do you imagine that two pupils can do anything about banning war not only from the Middle East, but also from the world?" His tone was ironic, but it also included a note of hidden admiration that his girlfriend should have such original and ambitious ideas. "I don't know how," said Lee, "all I know is that I've had enough of war! It's a barbaric way to solve conflicts and we have to stop it!" "But how?" Roni asked again. "I told you already Roni, I don't know how," Lee repeated, "but we have to try our best to find a way. The whole idea of war seems so absurd to me! Do you remember the poem by Wilfred Owen, the British poet, which we studied in class, called "Arms and the Boy?" He's so right Roni, our teeth should indeed be smiling around apples, and not to have arms and bombs attached to them...." "Yes I remember, it's a beautiful poem, but what has a poem to do with real life?" "Don't you see it's about real life Roni?" Lee said slowly. "Wilfred Owen himself died in the trenches from poisonous gases during the First World War, when he was just twenty five years old. He wrote his beautiful poetry to warn us that we can change this horrible practice called war, and build a brave new world beyond war. If we want it very much, we can do it Roni. "Who can do it? Us pupils? Ha, ha!" "I don't know how or who, but I know this is what I want...." "And like the French proverb says, "What woman wants God wants...." "Stop laughing at me Roni," Lee said, though she couldn't help smiling at his proverb. "Lee, you're a real astronaut! Don't make me laugh Lisa Lee, and I won't laugh at you...." This was her full name, but he knew she preferred to be called just Lee. He called her Lisa Lee only when he wanted to challenge her. Lee retorted by calling him by the name she used when she wanted to reprimand him: "Roni-Ron, laugh as much as you want, but don't forget that you already had your Bar-Mitzvah quite some time ago and you're not a child anymore.... We're young adults Roni, and there are many things in the world which we can help to repair...." "Like what for instance?" Remember the 'Mitzvah' blessing - 'Tikkun Olam,' 'To make the world a better place'? At least we can try Roni...." "But try what? How?" Roni asked, still astounded by what she was saying. "For instance, as I was saying, try and ban this terrible practice called war from the Earth forever...." "Not only to ban war," Roni interrupted her ironically, "but forever...! Dear Lee, how?" Lee ignored his question and she went on,"Everybody hates wars, and yet we have them all the time, and so many people suffer from them! Do you know that there are more than forty wars being fought in the world just now?" "So what? It's terribly painful and all that, but what can we 'young adults' as you put it Lee, what can we do about it?" "Lots." Lee said simply. "We have to try to do something because we are the generation which will inherit the world in the year 2000, as Mrs. Levy, our Bible teacher, keeps reminding us." "Oh, I see," Roni said satirically, scratching his head comically, "we just tell the old generation, move out now, you've made a mess of our world, now it's our go, and bingo, we take War by the tip of its tail and drop it into the ocean in the most democratic way we can think of...." Lee couldn't stop herself from laughing at what Roni was saying, but she still tried to explain herself. "Roni-Ron, stop making fun of me, and try to be serious and to listen for once," she pleaded. "Okay, I'm all ears, look!" Roni said, making a funny face and pulling his ears. "And speaking of being 'democratic,' can't you see that war is simply undemocratic Roni?" Lee asked, overlooking his funny gesture. "If most of the people of the world hate War so much and have enough of it, why can't we ban it? Humanity should find a way to throw it out of our lives and out of the world and the sooner the better, before we all blow up in a war...." Roni looked at Lee in amazement, but was too taken aback to say anything for a while. However, she had succeeded to arouse his curiosity, and at length he said, "Okay, go on, I'm listening." Lee was glad that he seemed to be listening to her seriously at last, and she continued earnestly, "I pity so, all those young soldiers and innocent people who are killed in wars, as in Lebanon, Bosnia and Rwanda. I saw on the TV news last night something that shocked me so! I couldn't shut my eyes at night after that! I kept seeing this horror again and again...." "What was it Lee?" Ron asked. "They showed on TV a river in Rwanda full of bloated dead bodies floating like thousands of drowned fish, and many of them were just youngsters like us Roni! It was horrible! I couldn't stop my tears! How can human beings do that to other human beings?" She trembled a little. Roni put his arm around her shivering shoulders and caressed her fine amber hair. "Yes, I saw it too, Lee," he said gently. It was ghastly, and I know exactly how you feel...but what can we do? Rwanda is so far away, and we're just two kids, I'm sorry, just two 'young adults' as you put it.... What in the world can we possibly do Lee?" "Roni, after seeing that river full of bloated floating bodies, it was as if I myself was one of them, floating among them .... Somehow, I don't feel a young adult anymore... I feel I've grown.... I'm sure we can do our own little bit to help. Do you know there are more children and youngsters who die in wars than soldiers?" "Is that so?" Roni asked sadly. "But I feel so helpless... what can we do?Well, we've organized that 'Fund for Rwanda Victims' at school, and we've both contributed, as so many other pupils did, and we can contribute some more...I'm even ready to give them my whole weekly allowance if needed..." "What difference can your whole weekly or monthly or even yearly allowance make?" Lee cut him. "We're speaking about totally stopping war in Rwanda, Bosnia, Lebanon and in the whole world! Not only saving a few people after they've been wounded and mutilated by the horrors of war..." "But how, Lee? How?" Roni asked in exasperation. "I don't know exactly how, however there are different ways that can be investigated...." "As what for instance?" Roni asked. "One of them could perhaps be by having an international law which would make war illegal." "But who would pass it?" "The United Nations Organization," Lee retorted. "But how would they implement it?" Roni inquired. "Unfortunately their teeth are not strong enough yet. They're not doing too well in stopping the war in Bosnia are they?" Lee shook her head sadly. The sky filled with bright orange, purple and blue hues and streaks, like one sees in Chagall's pictures of the twelve tribes. The golden sun's thirsty lips drank in all its glory, then dipped into the cool azure blue Mediterranean Sea for a peaceful night sleep. "If you make a wish just before the last tip of the sun disappears," Roni told Lee, "Then your wish will come true. But don't reveal it to anyone, except to me, or else it will not be fulfilled....” I wish war would be banned from the earth before year 2000, Lee whispered to herself in the depth of her heart. "What did you wish?" Roni asked her. "Tell me your wish and I'll tell you mine...." "We're not supposed to tell our secret sun-wish to anybody ... so I won't tell even you," Lee said smiling. "But you can tell me, because I'm your friend...." Roni said coaxingly. "I won't tell you my secret wish," Lee said, standing up and facing the sea wistfully, "but if you want, I'll tell you about the International Law to abolish War which I would pass, if I were the Secretary General of the United Nations...." "Yes, Miss Secretary General," Roni said smiling, "which Law are you passing today?" "Today's Law is the following," Lee said resolutely: "Any nation that wages war on another one, or sells arms to another nation to wage war - should be economically boycotted and ostracized by all the countries of the world." Her eyes shone and her whole figure suddenly seemed to reflect a strange light. "Wow Lee! You look like one of the Delphian virgins in Ancient Greece! And what you just said sounds so logical! Why didn't humanity think of this before?" Then he paused and shook his head, "I guess it's too simple to be feasible...." "Roni, look at it this way - at least we've thought of it now!" Lee paused for a while, then she continued. "Most of the countries of the world have suffered so much from wars throughout history! Which countries at the UN would dare vote against a law abolishing and outlawing the very principle and the practice of war?" "But Lee, we ourselves, you and me, I mean, can't even vote yet, remember? And we're already suggesting international laws to the UN ... I can't believe it!" Roni cried. "But this has nothing to do with us having the vote or not Roni. Now that the leaders of the world are talking about a new world order toward year 2000, we who are the next generation, have to contribute our part toward this goal, and not leave all the work merely to governments. We will be the citizens and the soldiers of the future, and it involves our own lives and our own safety too!" Lee faced Roni and she touched his face gently, "I don't want you to be killed in a war Roni," she said gently. Roni was moved by the fact that Lee had touched his cheek and that she worried about him. However, he still couldn't hide his astonishment at theturn the conversation had taken, Lee had again succeeded to baffle him."An international law to ban war?" he queried. "Try to be a little logical and realistic Lee. Not because you and I, and many people like us have enough of wars, that war will disappear from the world! There have always been wars, and by the way things are, unfortunately, there will always be wars.... " "This is what they all say!" Lee answered impatiently. "Don't be so 'anti', Roni," she pleaded. "Don't be like everybody else, because you're not! And this is, by the way, why I liked you from the start..." Lee's affectionate words pleased Roni. "A very good reason for liking me..." he pretended to joke about it. "Perhaps even better than liking me because of a game...." Lee smiled her charming smile he liked so much. He touched her wavy hair and reassured her softly: "Don't worry, Lee, I don't intend to die in any war, count on me!" "But that's the whole point Roni, I can't count on you, and the reason is that it doesn't depend on you at all!" Lee cried. "Do you realize that while we're speaking here, there are thousands of innocent people being killed in the wars going on in the world?" "Wow, what shining flashes you have in your sunbeam eyes! Lee you're wonderful when you get excited..." Roni said, trying to change the subject. "Roni, you're up to your games again, try to be serious for a moment more, can't you? Will you let me finish what I'm trying to tell you or not?" Lee asked him impatiently. "Okay, okay, don't be angry with me Lisa-Lee, because I really, really, like you a lot, despite all your strange ideas... And now, I lend you my ears ..." It was hard for him to be serious for a long time, but he tried. "Well," Lee continued, "I'm glad you're lending me your ears, but they also have to be opened," she said pulling his ear gently, and now listen: "These absurd ideas Roni, that wars can solve conflicts, and that there have always been wars and therefore always will be, are wrong! The whole hellish concept is - we'll bring our soldiers to the front and you'll bring yours to face them, they'll kill and kill and kill each other, as energetically as they can - and only after they have shed tons and tons of young blood on both sides, their governments will at long last sit down and agree to sign a Peace Treaty...." "As long as it ends with a Peace Treaty it's okay!"Roni said soberly. "Sometimes it goes on and on, without ending at all..." "At least the Peace Treaty between Egypt and Israel, and between Jordan and Israel, have been successful, and so are the recent examples of South Africa where Apartheid has been abolished, and Ireland where the fighting has stopped...." "That's true," Roni said. Then he asked dubiously, "why does the media report so much more on wars than on peace, I wonder? It makes us unaware that the march for peace is advancing, despite the wars... and it's not right." Lee was glad that Roni had at last started to see things her way. "Roni, I hope you see now how mad it is? Every war ends with a Peace Treaty, so why not begin with a Peace Treaty? Why not negotiate and sign the Treaty before all those soldiers and those innocent people are killed?" Lee asked earnestly. "Okay, okay," Roni said, reverting back to his joking tone, "I'm all convinced. So, Miss Lee, I suggest we begin with a Peace Treaty between us ...." He bowed to her then takingLee's hand in his, he shook it solemnly, with a comical look on his face. "Roni, you're hopeless!" Lee laughed. Chapter 2 NUKI THE WAR DRAGON Roni and Lee continued their walk on the beach, enjoying the marvelous glowing colors splashing over the sky and the silvery horizon after the sun had set. "Roni-Ron, you're just a clown," Lee said half angrily, "you fooled me for an instant! You just pretended to be convinced, but you're not convinced at all!" "Dear Lee, you still don't seem to realize that we're just school pupils? We're only tiny, teeny twigs in all this mad war-ridden whirlpool of a world! What can we do where much older and wiser and far more equipped people have failed? Who will listen to us at all, in this wild stormy jungle? At least lets wait until we become real respectable and powerful adults..." "Roni, we can't wait. We have to act quickly before we get to year 2000, and before a deadly war flood washes us all away, as we saw last week in that frightening and impressive movie On The Beach. "But we're not in the film's polluted beach, we're on our own peaceful Bat-Galim beach..." Roni protested, then all of a sudden he cried out: "Oh, Oh, Ouch! My poor foot, it's been attacked!"Roni had tripped over an ancient, strange casket half hidden in the sand. He spontaneously held Lee's arm to steady himself. "Attacked by whom?" Lee laughed, on seeing his dismayed expression. "By Martians, who are angry at you for not believing in what I was telling you?" Roni tried to smile, but his foot smarted, and he sat on the sand and took off his shoe and stocking. "My poor, innocent toe, what have you done to these naughty Martians, that they should attack you in this way?"Lee, who had taken a short Red Cross course at their school, examined his toe carefully. "You'll survive," she said, relieved to see that Roni hadn't really hurt himself. Roni massaged his toe, and when he decided he had recovered, they both scrutinized the ancient, mysterious casket curiously, trying to guess what it contained. It was covered by green and brown seaweed and sand, and two large, rusty metal bands enveloped it, as if to keep its secret from peering eyes. They wiped the sand away from its surface and knocked on it gently. But the mysterious casket remained silent. Lee and Roni decided at length to open the casket, but as hard as they tried they did not succeed. Roni in despair, hit it with his foot again, "Oh! My toe! Silly, stupid casket, I hate you!" he cried, trying to force it open again. When he did not succeed, he banged on it forcefully with his clenched fists. Something inside rumbled and groaned, almost like an animal of some sort, but it still remained shut. The two youngsters looked at each other in concernation. "It sounds strange," Roni said, "I wonder what's in it." "Perhaps it's peace?" Lee suggested. "Oh no," Roni protested, "it wouldn't come so easily and in such an original and mysterious setup.... But you got yourself a star, and you're allowed another guess." "Perhaps it's full of kisses," Lee said jokingly. "Yours or mine?" Roni asked. "Both yours and mine, silly," Lee answered. "That's great! I like that..." Roni said enthusiastically. "Our mutual kisses lying hidden in this strange casket for centuries and centuries ... I quite like this idea!" Lee laughed. "However, on second thought, I think I'd rather prefer it to be an old Roman Treasure, like the ones pirates used to find in those old pictures. Caskets full of golden coins and pearls, diamonds and rubies.... Why should the pirates be the only ones to own treasures? Aren't we worth having any?""What a materialistic pirate you are Roni!" Lee said, and they both laughed. Roni tried to open the casket again, but it was quite impossible. Lee looked around, and found a sharp, pointed white stone, shaped as a knife, and she handed it to him. "Perhaps you can open it with this knife" she suggested, "It's almost as sharp as your tongue...." Roni complimented her, "good girl, where did you find it?" "Where the last cave man on this beach left it..." she answered jokingly. Not far from Bat Galim beach, bones of prehistoric cave men had indeed been found. After strenuous efforts, with the help of the pointed, sharp stone which Lee found, Roni finally managed to open the casket. Roni and Lee smiled at each other in satisfaction. But their smiles disappeared when to their great concern they saw a thick black cloud of thick smoke erupting from it with a hissing roar. It had a bad smell and their eyes, ears and nostrils smarted. The repulsive smoke however, slowly dissipated, and the youngsters perceived a huge giant with a dragon's tail and a mushroom-like head, hovering over them, rolling his one eye menacingly at them. "He isn't at all like Aladdin's giant!," Lee whispered in a shaky voice. "He sure isn't!" Roni whispered back. "He's more like a dressed-up Dracula, if you ask me... And what a beastly smell, just like at the zoo!" He held his nose, and pulled Lee back. All of a sudden, the Dragon shouted: "Ho, Ho, Ho, a dressed up Dracula! What Dracula? What Aladdin? And what stupid nonsense!" he roared.I am not from your silly children's legends, I'm from your own life, you idiots!" "Sorry, Mr. Giant, but I've never seen you in my life before," Roni said bravely. "And yet I'm an integral part of your life you nonsensical lad! I'm Nuki, the mighty War-Giant himself! I'm the most powerful force in the whole universe! What are you youngsters being taught in schools these days?" the Dragon roared. "I don't like this chap at all," Roni whispered to Lee, "he's not to be trusted ...." "You're right!" Lee whispered back, "Roni, let's run for it." Lee and Roni held hands and ran as fast as their legs could carry them. The giant dragon ran after them shouting in a thunderous voice: "No use running you idiotic humans! I'll catch up with you anyway, you'll see! Nuki, the mighty War Dragon himself, in all his glory, thanks to you two stupid youngsters, will soon completely destroy the whole world!" "Oh no! Not the whole world!" Roni turned toward the giant and pretended to plead with him. "Please leave a small, tiny, weeny part for us...." "No! No, no, I say! Not this time!" Nuki roared. "It's your own fault. Why did your scientists have to meddle with me in their laboratories? Now that they've summoned me, I'm here for good, and this time I mean business! This time I'll destroy it all...." Nuki followed Roni and Lee closely, with heavy strides, breathing his smelly breath in and out menacingly, but Lee and Roni managed to escape by hiding behind a large jutted cliff. Nuki looked around for them, while emitting strange growling noises as if a mighty hurricane were approaching. "I smell humans," Nuki growled, approaching the rock. The frightened youngsters looked at each other in consternation. They suddenly held hands and started running away gasping on the beach, towards their secret cave. The War Giant spotted them and ran after them swiftly, making strange sounds and gestures. He suddenly pounced on Lee and tried to eat her nose. "I will start with this dainty and tasty white nose, I love to pollute young tender noses!" Poor Lee cried out in fright, and tried to push him away with all her strength. Suddenly she remembered she still had the sharp stone in her pocket, and she hit Nuki hard on the head with it. Roni came to her aid and together they succeeded to throw Nuki on the ground. They then ran with all their might, and at length managed to hide in their secret cave. From a slit in the wall of the cave, they watched Nuki while he roared menacing slogans and gesticulated madly, shouting with all his might: "It will not help you in the least to run away you foolish humans, for you have dug your own grave. This time I intend to fully succeed in my aim of destroying the whole world completely, and not merely a small part of it as in Hiroshima, Nagasaki and Chernobyl.... All of you, people of the earth," Nukishouted, "all of you will soon be boom-boomed, just wait and see! Now that you have freed me, nothing in the world or in space, can help you! I give you Nuki's word!". Nuki waved a microphone in the shape of a war bomb menacingly above his head, while he sniffed around for the youngsters, roaring at the top of his polluted lungs. He was angry that they had managed to escape from his clutches, and he looked for them behind every rock he encountered. However, the secret entrance to the cave was so well hidden, that he did not notice it. Finally, tired from his search, Nuki lay on the beach and fell fast asleep. He snored like a thousand boiling kettles all at once. Roni and Lee had watched him approaching their cave in great concern and with a growing fear in their hearts, then they breathed in relief when he lay on the sand and fell asleep. They sat down gasping in the vault of their secret cave and tried to catch their breath before planning their next move. "Look what a fix we're in Lee," Roni said, "with your bright ideas of having a real life adventure? Wouldn't it have been better to go on playing our "Dungeons and Dragon" game, and not meddle with the real War Dragon?" "What an escapist you are Roni!" Lee retorted. "We have to face our conflicts and problems and try to solve them, and not run away from them!" ****** * The book Peace Flower: A Nuclear Space Adventure, by Ada Aharoni, was awarded severalInternational Prizes,and it has been translated into eight languages. It is used in Peace Education Institutions all over the world, and it can be ordered through in conjunction with --------------------------------------------- The Exquisite Fragrance of "Peace Flower" – A most original and exciting book for all ages By Ada Aharoni Reviewed by Michael Holmboe (Norway)
"Peace Flower: A Nuclear Space Adventure", a book by international writer Ada Aharoni, transports us into a world of magic in the future, where the Peace Flower blossoms. Heroic, smart and lovable Lee and Ron, succeed, after many exciting adventures in space, to bring the exquisite Flower of Peace to our present on earth, where it is so much needed!
The dangerous and destructive nuclear giant, Nuki; pursues Lee and Ron in their extraordinary adventures in space but they succeed to escape his cruel clutches. With the help of Muzi, the most ultra Hi-Tech spatial car, that speaks and laughs, and Petra, their magic guide, the sister of Peter Pan, they finally succeed to penetrate the Future, and joyfully accomplish their mission.
Those two courageous youngsters succeed to overcome Nuki and to reduce him to a toy dinosaur and to imprison him forever, with the help of the exquisite fragrance of the Peace Flower, which they profusely pour into his eyes. Thus it is the children that save our Planet from destruction. As representatives of the new generation, they recreate our global village, as a beautiful World Beyond War, which we all yearn for.
This extraordinary ”Peace Flower” is a Must for all! Its magic is more exciting and impressive than even that of Harry Potter, and far more meaningful, for it is a powerful allegory symbolic of our own lives and times. It shows how children are our hope in the present and the future, and they are the ones who can save our world from all its maladies, such as war, terror, violence and famine.
Children and young people adore the "Peace Flower," and adults buy it for their children, but grab it and read it first... It is greatly recommended for all ages, and is a wonderful gift for all occasions.
The book is available through the following website: in conjunction with ---------------------------------------