
Philosopher, poet, writer and lyric singer for peace Global Peace Science (2016) coauthor: http://peacefromharmony.org/docs/global-peace-science-2016.pdf
Global Peace Science Hero: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=697 General Director, National Harmony/Peace Academy (NHPA), France
Guy Crequie. Two Humanists of Non-Violence: Mahatma Gandhi and Léo Semashko: In English and French: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=883 In Russian: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=808 Gandhica, 2019, coauthor: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=848
Guy CREQUIE (2020) LE MESSAGER DE LA PAIX: https://editions-du-cordeau.com/index.php?id_product=49&id_product_attribute=0&rewrite=le-messager-de-la-paix&controller=product -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Our dear French friend, poet, writer, philosopher, singer and peacemaker Guy, GHA is happy to congratulate you with your wonderful birthday, wish you good health, new creative achievements, successful publication of the French Gandhica with the flag of a harmonious, Gandhian Enlightenment at the peace barricades against militarism in Paris, France and around the world! We love you and appreciate your colossal contribution to global peace from harmony within the GHA during almost 15 years! With love, on behalf of the GHA members, Leo, 02-11-19 Published on your personal page: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=106 Your contributions: https://peacefromharmony.org/docs/Guy-Crequie-Philosophy-Today-Philosophy-Tomorrow.pdf https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=696
Cher Léo, chers tous, Merci infiniment, à l’occasion de mon 76e anniversaire, en fin d’après- midi, je dédie mon concert ultime ou l’un des derniers = au Mahatma GANDHI, à GHA et son animateur Léo SEMASHKO, à mon épouse et à nos magnifiques ambassadrices de la paix! Ce sera en introduction de la chanson A VUCCHELLA! Certes, ce sera en langue française, mais vous comprendrez! Je vous transmettrai des extraits de ce concert demain 3 novembre. Chaleureusement. Guy CREQUIE
Dear Léo, dear all,
Thank you infinitely, at the time of my 76e birthday, in the end of after- midi, I dedicate my ultimate concert or one of the last = to Mahatma GANDHI, GHA and his presenter Léo SEMASHKO, to my wife and to our splendid ambassadresses of peace! It will be in introduction of song A VUCCHELLA! Admittedly, it will be in French language, but you will understand! I will transmit extracts in this concert tomorrow to you November 3rd. Cordially. Guy CREQUIE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Lors d’une conférence à la médiathèque de Bandol (France) le 27 septembre relative à son ouvrage “Itinéraire d’un ancien dirigeant syndical devenu messager de la paix” Guy CREQUIE a présenté le GHA GANDHI BOOK (“GANDHICA”) offert à la médiathèque. Cordialement. Guy CREQUIE 29-09-19
At the time of a conference to the media library of Bandol on September 27th relative to its work “Route of a former trade union leader become messenger of peace” Guy CREQUIE introduced the GHA GANDHI BOOK (“GANDHICA”) offered to the media library. Cordially. Guy CREQUIE 29-09-19 Published on the Gandhica presentations page: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=902
"Itinéraire d'un ancien dirigeant syndical devenu messager de la paix "
Edilivre Auteur Guy CREQUIE
Si jamais il y a un regret qu'on peut formuler au sujet de ce livre c'est le fait que son auteur ait confié sa publication aux soins d'Edilivre. Car la personnalité, le parcours , les rencontres , les réussites , les engagements et les publications multiples de Guy Créquie méritaient une reconnaissance internationale qu'aurait pu lui apporter un éditeur suisse comme " l'Age d'Homme". Guy Créquie qui n'a pas encore fini de nous étonner a déjà eu tant de vies qu'on s'égare dans les dédales de sa mémoire. Enfant né handicapé visuel , il recouvrera la vue tardivement , enfant trop tôt déscolarisé, il reprendra et réussira un cursus universitaire supérieur, syndicaliste de base, il deviendra une voix reconnue des luttes et conquêtes sociales internationales , enfant plutôt chétif et renfermé, il se transformera en une autorité morale incontestable et un chantre de la paix , enfin interprète de variétésrévélé par Lucien Morisse ( le découvreur de Dalida), il reprendra le chant lyrique , cette fois, plus de trente ans après.... Ce livre témoigne de toutes ces vies qui n'en font qu'une...celle d'un homme vrai , d'un authentique humaniste." Jacques Bruyas Président de l’Union des écrivains Rhône Alpes Auvergne France Officier des arts et des lettres –récipiendairede l’ordre national du mérite et des palmes académiques - chevalier de la légion d’honneur Merci à Jacques pour cette note courte mais si vraie dans la reconnaissance de mon parcours! Si j’ai choisi Edilivre pour ce 32 e ouvrage= comme (c’est mon dernier même si Jacques en Doute) : c’est uniquement car je ne voulais pas attendre des mois la réponse d’un éditeur traditionnel, et ainsi être obligé de reprendre le livre = je suis plus fatigué, et moins motivé avec 31 livres publiés avant celui-ci. Cet éditeur a dérogé à ses principes du point de vue couverture du livre, et dans ses conditions de promotion ce qui devenait acceptable pour moi Bonne continuation Guy CREQUIE 21-03-19
“Route of a former trade union leader become messenger of peace”
Edilivre Author Guy CREQUIE
If ever it regrets there that one can formulate about this book it is the fact that its author entrusted his publication to the care of Edilivre. Because the personality, the course, the meetings, the successes, the commitments and the multiple publications of Guy Créquie deserved an international recognition which a Swiss editor like “the Old one of Man could have brought to him”.
Guy Créquie who did not finish yet astonishing us already had as well lives as one is mislaid in the mazes of his memory. Visual handicapped newborn, it will recover tardily the sight, child too early taken out of the school system, it will take again and make a success of a higher university course, basic trade unionist, it will become a recognized voice of the fights and international social conquests, rather weak and contained child, it will transform himself into an undeniable moral authority and a cantor of peace, finally interprets varieties revealed by Lucien Morisse (the discoverer of Dalida), it will take again the lyric song, this time, more than thirty years after….This book testifies to all these lives which do only one of them… that of a true man, of authentic humanistic.” Jacques Bruyas President of the Union of the writers Rhône Alpes Auvergne France Officer of arts and the letters - member elect of the national order of the merit and the academic palms - chevalier of the Legion of Honor Thank you in Jacques for this short but so true note in the recognition for my course! If I chose Edilivre for this 32 E works = as (it is my last even if Jacques in Doubt): it is only because I did not want to expect months the answer of a traditional editor, and thus to be obliged to take again the book = I am tired, and less justified with 31 pounds published more before this one. This editor derogated from his principles from the cover point of view of the book, and under his conditions of promotion what became acceptable for me Good continuation Guy CREQUIE
Voici :ce qui a été fait durant 50 ans par un citoyen ordinaire = se rendre de par le monde sans aide reconnaissance ou soutien institutionnel = proclamer et chanter la paix et le respect des droits et devoirs humains. Rencontre avec Guy CREQUIE auteur de « L’itinéraire d’un ancien dirigeant syndical devenu messager de la paix » rédigé à Bandol durant l’été 2018 son 32 e et ultime livre qui est autobiographique. Vous pourrez trouver mon interview en suivant ce lien : http://bo-dock.edilivre.com/rencontre-avec-guy-crequie-auteur-de-litineraire-dun-ancien-dirigeant-syndical-devenu-messager-de-la-paix/#.XFsEYs9Kiys Voici le lien de présentation du livre : https://www.edilivre.com/itineraire-d-un-ancien-dirigeant-syndical-devenu-m-2a1f9f0fef.html/
Here: what was made during 50 years by an ordinary citizen = to go all over the world without recognition assistance or institutional support = to proclaim and sing the peace and the respect of the rights and human duties.
Meet with Guy CREQUIE author of “the route of a former trade union leader become messenger of peace” written with Bandol during the summer 2018 its 32 E and ultimate book which is autobiographical. You will be able to find my interview while following this bond: http://bo-dock.edilivre.com/rencontre-avec-guy-crequie-auteur-de-litineraire-dun-ancien-dirigeant-syndical-devenu-messager-de-la-paix/#.XFsEYs9Kiys Here the bond of presentation of the book: https://www.edilivre.com/itineraire-d-un-ancien-dirigeant-syndical-devenu-m-2a1f9f0fef.html/
Dear Sir Guy Créquie
Thank you for accepting our invitation. You had done much good for the world and received international acclaim for your achievements. We are happy to have you in IAEWP in the Diplomatic Commission and in the World Advisory Board ( http://iaewp2u.blogspot.com/p/advisory-board.html) as well as grant you the IAEWP World Peace Ambassador accolade in recognition of your published work. Our growing global team of National Chancellors can learn much from your works and contribution to the culture of peace. This year IAEWP celebrates is Golden Jubilee and we are busy with many peace activities. There is much you can do for IAEWP in lovely France. Please forgive me, I do not speak French and have to rely on your English translations. Welcome on board of IAEWP. Kind regards, Steve V Rajan IAEWP Executive Vice President Malaysia
You will find, below, a sixth sending in English language! I stop my vocal public life in 2019 at 76 years, but there remain my recordings and concerts which you can listen to I privileged the mode of audio clips, this, because the important thing is my voice and not my physique: at my age: I am not any more one leading man. My objective at my age is not notoriety and glory, but more modestly to give if I can it = a few moments of happiness to my public. You will find this day: My Destiny homage to Mario Lanza and the film https://youtu.be/nlb7qhtwu_sSerenade Coil to Me Tender Homage to Elvis Presley https://youtu.be/sTbYC2j_cEU Because Homage to Enrico Caruso https://youtu.be/juhYbn5MRj4 Tonight Homage to the 3 tenors: Placido DOMINGO, Luciano Pavarotti, José Carreras https://youtu.be/5tnYnnF6kN0 Be My Love = song interpreted by Mario Lanza and who sold in several million specimens in the United States contributed to the acceleration of the sales of the microgroove 45 turns all over the worldhttps://youtu.be/c77uhwUJeT8 The Indian song https://youtu.be/jd0AJWUkwVg Memories = only the https://youtu.be/UQK33J1PnLsvoice The Lord' S Prayer hymn = only the https://youtu.be/mLwadwOWuPs voice Cordially Guy CREQUIE 21-03-19 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Dear Léo, dear All, I express my sharper emotion, my indignation and the expression of my solidarity with the tested families with San-Petersburg, the Russian people and his President Vladimir PUTIN. From France, PLEASE, transmit to them the expression of my saddened condolences. I know: the words are often impotent vis-a-vis the pain, but solidarity against terrorism is necessary. These last months and years, France was tested hard by terrorism. The Frenchwomen and French understand your emotion and indignation. This loose attack in the subway of San Petersburg randomly striking innocent victims is the loose demonstration of the ignominy of the fanatic and totalitarian ideologies which dare to overlap with the religious coat. This kind of fact reinforces the importance of the theoretical work of development of a scientific approach for the peace which you imagined dear Léo, such that with will spherons impelled by GHA with the reality of GPS. The approach of Mr Daisaku IKEDA, with his new proposal for peace January 26th, 2017 is registered with others in this approach of peace according to which: peace does not expect, it prepares by a permanent commitment of the consciences equipped with healthy and right philosophy of the life contributing to peace. = each year since 1983, he forwards his proposals to the general secretary of UNO. Singer for peace, I offer this song of circumstance interpreted in this kind of circumstance and at the time of religious events. Beyond the cultures, traditions, philosophies confessions.It is universal songs which belong to the inheritance of humanity to connect the emotion of the hearts and the bodies and to rest the spirits. https://youtu.be/eM9Efooi8V8 Cordially. Guy CREQUIE Poet, writer and singer Messenger of the culture of peace by UNESCO Docteur Honoris Causa of the world Academy of the culture and arts Award-winning of the European Academy of arts Member of global area networks of peace and harmony. 04-04-17
Dear Guy, Timi, Takis and all: Many thanks for your condolences to the innocent victims of terrorist attack in St-Petersburg. I published your message, Guy, on your personal page: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=106 You are absolutely right in that “solidarity against terrorism is necessary”. But we need solidarity not only in blood, innocent victims and condolences, but also in means to prevent terrorism, wars and all kinds of violence. Such a tool can be, above all, the SCIENCE of Global Peace, without which terrorism and the militarism that generates it only flourish. But why we do not have solidarity in this saving science? Why we cannot think beyond blood and condolences, from which innocent victims will not come to life and which will not save new innocent victims in the future? Why we do not see solidarity in this science? Why do we, the peacemakers, ignore it? It has long been known that God deprives the mind of those people whom he wants to punish. Obviously, God deprived modern people of reason and the ability to think about peace from harmony, to punish people with a global calamity..... Leo, 04-04-17 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- March 21st: International day of the United Nations against racism, the anti-semitism, and against all forms of discrimination!
And however, science brings a lighting to us on our psychobiological reality. We all are of the human beings, it in a strict sense does not exist race. When the large plagues which threaten our humanities: the wars, the epidemics, the climatic disorders, poverty, the access to water, with energies, will be in the process of resolution, many evils will disappear which will support our to become common. Even if certain poisons will require a democratic vigilance still a long time and that differences far from being lived like obstacles or tares, but like inevitable and fertile wealths.
In the States, their governments, to be conscious about it! Especially: to the people to direct them from this point of view because it is the only likely one to save humanity. From this point of view of the spiritual leaders like the Pope FRANÇOIS and Daisaku IKEDA and Dalaï Lama for Buddhism, are éveilleurs of conscience, but it is also a scientific method of research for the peace initiated by the Russian thinker Léo SEMASHO, who has relay on all the continents, which transcends the membership of such philosophy and religion, and which by a scientific approach total science for peace (GPS: Global Peace Science), with the interaction of the spheres, offers a universal teaching means to mobilize the people for peace and the harmony. Thus, goes our humanity and our time, and as long as it will be thus, as long as there will not be an alarm clock citizen of the consciences = humanity will be decaying! All depends: if humanity wants to be creative values with a creative spirituality of peace and harmony, or if values of the power of the money, individual success by the handling of the people = The end justifies the means, are new God of the Masters of the moment.
Guy CREQUIE, I took the option of humblest, I engagements the ideologies of legitimation, racism and the anti-semitism under all their forms, I preach, another development model.
Personally, I take the contribution if it is useful for the development of the humanity of any author since the origin and more recently of KANT with LEVINAS, WEIL, HARENDT, IKEDA, KAHAN, GALTUNG, SEMASHKO, AZCONA, LINDER, CHANDRA, etc…. : man or woman, European or of another continent, whatever can be its nationality, its social and political commitment, its philosophy and confession, if it there A. If it brings to humanity, I recognizes it like such or such! Guy CREQUIE French poet social observant writer and singer 18-03-17 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cher Léo et chers tous,
Merci pour votre réaction et effectivement notre monde en perte de repères et de valeurs tangue sans boussole et les leaders d’opinion sont essentiellement accaparés par leur réussite personnelle, leur pouvoir et l’argent.
Il est temps, que GPS et GHA avec les spherons retiennent leur attention et reçoivent leur adhésion pour la mise en œuvre de politiques au service des peuples. Bien entendu, toutes les recherches et penseurs qui vont dans le même sens sont les bienvenues = je pense entre autres, à la proposition pour la paix de Monsieur Daisaku IKEDA, transmise le 26 janvier 2007 au Secrétaire général de L’ONU. Allant sur ses 90 ans, il se consacre a ses écrits pour laisser un témoignage et héritage spirituel aux pratiquants du bouddhisme de son école dont il est le dirigeant, et je regrette, qu’il ne dispose plus de la possibilité de s’intéresser aux travaux de notre groupe dont GPS.
Pour ma part, en complément des travaux rédigés offerts à la conscience universelle, j’utilise le chant comme facteur de paix et d’harmonie, ceci, car la musique relie les cœurs et les corps de façon universelle, elle a un pouvoir de synthèse qui relie par la symbiose d’harmonie. Chaleureusement.
Dear Léo and dear all,
Thank you for your reaction and indeed our world in loss of landmarks and of values pitches without compass and the leaders of opinion are primarily monopolized by their personal success, their power and the money.
It is time, that GPS and GHA with will spherons hold their attention and receive their adhesion for the implementation of policies to the service of the people. Of course, all research and thinkers who go in the same direction are the welcomes = I think inter alia, with the proposal for the peace of Mr Daisaku IKEDA, transmitted on January 26th, 2007 to the General secretary of UNO. Going over its 90 years, it is devoted has its writings to leave a testimony and spiritual heritage to the practitioners of Buddhism of his school of which it is the leading one, and I regret, whom it does not lay out any more possibility of being interested in work of our group of which GPS.
For my part, in complement of the written work offered to the universal conscience, I use the song like factor of peace and harmony, this, because the music connects the hearts and the bodies in a universal way, it have a power of synthesis which connects by the symbiosis of harmony. Cordially.
CLASSICAL MUSIC The classical music transcends time Assert its moments Resist the modes Moments of beauty and serenity
Emotions of the heart Wonder of the spirit Sometimes shivers of the body Its harmony is a call of life
Classical music Nourished a multiplicity of sounds Express the eternal, the universal one, the unlimited one The music is love
In search of words Those and those which breathe the emotion of it Receive this sequence of agreements like: A scented breeze
White clouds in the sky One spring full with buds on the ground The music is a series of wavelengths “The scale of the 7 notes is the formula of the universe
Sounds instead of being the result of a tremor Are the principal engine In the physical universe, the sound currents owe their origin with a vibratory movement They have like goal, to continue a work of creation in various manners
The its product the development of infinite possibilities. The classical music, gives access to us the zone alpha This space, that the artists find spontaneously This zone of inspiration where the conscious one and the unconscious one exchanges
The classical music raises the frequencies of the spirit It is the harmony of the heart Who transforms sadness into hope Hostility in sympathy
It abolishes the distances between the people Cross civilizations, exceeds the centuries The classical music radiation of the culture Is sovereign human emotion
Concert of sacred music, prelude to the century of humanity The sound is the flown away thing The musical quality makes dream
Space and times form its bed Classical music One can retain this maxim of Lamartine “Borders with the sky, do you see some traces of them?” 10-03-17
Dear Leo, Guy, all, I think that when corruption is trivialized, I think we should expect the worst results. In my opinion, the current world is managed by two "gods": - An ideological god that eliminates any other ideology that refuses its alliance. -A god of money that engulfs every fortune with different means by extinguishing the planet the human and the nature with its fauna and its flora. -When the third god has been omitted and marginalized, it is the god of intellectuals, thinkers, scientists, philosophers, poets, artists, I think that god that creates harmony between spiritual and material ... I think the role of regulators is to try to make a bit of consciousness so that the Earth lives in peace, ecological balance.
Love and peace. Ammar Banni 10-03-17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
De : Guy Crequie
[mailto:guy.crequie@wanadoo.fr] Envoyé : mardi 7 mars 2017 09:52
La vie politique française est la risée de par le monde. J’ai de nombreux amis correspondants à l’étranger qui m’indiquent leur incompréhension et surprise s’agissant du déroulement (le spectacle) de la campagne électorale préparant l’élection présidentielle.
Après 6 semaines de débats sur les plateaux de télévision, dans la presse écrite, au sein des radios, bien des élus : LR (les républicains) ont exprimé leurs doutes, désarroi, certains ont quitté le candidat François FILLON,….Puis, à l’issue de 6 semaines et du rassemblement de soutien au Trocadéro = coup de sifflet final : tout le monde se rallie derrière le candidat lors d’un comité politique. Cela n’a rien à voir avec l’élégance d’un drame verdien, plus que du COURTELINE, c’est du TARTUFFE !
Les plus courageux et honnêtes ont été Alain JUPPE, Henri GUAINO, et le député lyonnais Georges FENECH, lesquels à leur façon respective avec hauteur et responsabilité ont indiqué que vie politique rime avec éthique et respect, et ils dirent leur désaccord au vu de la situation.
Entre les affaires FILLON et LE PEN, lesquelles certes, sont d nature différente, mais qui sont confrontées aux investigations et à la décision des juges et les déclarations de ces candidats ciblant Emmanuel MACRON = le résultat est que la campagne des 2 candidats de la gauche : Jean- Luc MELANCHON et Benoit HAMON est totalement absente des grands médias et inaudible et ce à 47 jours du premier tour de l’élection.
Certes et nouveauté : il y aura 2 débats télévisés avant le premier tour et les plus habiles et convaincants gagneront de l’audience. Ceci, sans parler des petits candidats, lesquels autre la difficulté de recueillir les 500 signatures de parrainage pour leur investiture sont marginalisés. La Quinquennat de François HOLLANDE a créé une situation politique inédite par sa non candidature et son bilan lequel certes est caricaturé a irrité tant sur sa gauche que sur sa droite. Son camp autour de lui, (mais le trouble auprès des électrices et électeurs demeure) : le candidat FILLON va-t-il réussir à être présent au second tour ? Sinon, aura- t-on le duel MACRON /LE PEN = 2 candidats non issus du sérail politique traditionnel et qui laisse planer un suspense pour les élections législatives qui suivront ou un constat de crise institutionnelle ?
Je l’ai précédemment indiqué : même si Marine LE PEN, ne gagne pas l’élection présidentielle, mais est présente au second tour, si elle recueille 40% ou plus de suffrages : ce serait un séisme politique pour la France ! Notre pays est en mauvais état, et le dépérissement des valeurs dans notre société provoqué par la place exubérante des pouvoirs de l’argent et de la réussite individuelle a pervertit nos modes de pensée et d’agir.
Je suis personnellement très en colère, mais surtout triste et peiné par l’image véhiculé par notre pays ! Le taux d’abstentionniste habituellement faible pour l’élection présidentielle sera à surveiller cette fois ci attentivement.
Copyright Guy CREQUIE Ecrivain observateur social Derniers ouvrages publiés en 2015 et 2016 par l’éditeur américain Bruce COOK - « Philosophie aujourd’hui –Philosophie demain » -Poésie de la paix et de l’harmonie » - Quel devenir pour l’Homo sapiens à l’horizon 2120 «
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Guy Crequie [mailto:guy.crequie@wanadoo.fr]
The French political life is the flurry all over the world. I have many corresponding friends abroad who indicate their incomprehension to me and surprised as regards unfolding (the spectacle) of the electoral campaign preparing the presidential election.
After 6 weeks of debates on the plates of television, in the written press, within the radios, many elected officials: LR (republicans) expressed their doubts, distress, some left the candidate Francois Fillon,….Then, at the conclusion 6 weeks and of the gathering of support for Trocadéro = final whistle: everyone joins behind the candidate at the time of a political committee. That has nothing to do with the elegance of a drama verdien, more than of the COURTELINE, it is of the SANCTIMONIOUS HYPOCRITE!
Most courageous and honest were Alain Juppé, Henri Guaino, and the Lyons deputy Georges FENECH, which with their respective way with height and responsibility indicated that political life versifies with ethics and respect, and they said their dissension within sight of the situation.
Between the business FILLON and Le Pen, which certainly, are D natural different, but which is confronted with the investigations and with the decision of the judges and the declarations of these candidates targeting Emmanuel MACRON = the result is that the countryside of the 2 left-wing candidates: Jean Luc MELENCHON and Benoît Hamon is completely absent from great media and inaudible and this at 47 days of the first turn of the election.
Admittedly and innovation: there will be 2 televised debates before the first turn and most skilful and convincing will gain audience. This, without speaking of small candidates, which other the difficulty in collecting the 500 signatures of sponsorship for their nomination are marginalized. The Five-year period of François Hollande created a new political situation by its noncandidature and its assessment which certainly is caricatured irritated as well on its left as on its line. Its camp around him, (but the disorder near the voters and voters remains): will the candidate FILLON succeed in being present at the second turn? If not, will one have T duel MACRON /LE PEN = 2 candidates nonresulting from the traditional political seraglio and which lets plane a suspense for the legislative elections which will follow or a report of institutional crisis?
I previously indicated it: even if Marine Le Pen, does not gain the presidential election, but is present at the second turn, if it collects 40% or more votes: it would be a political shockwave for France! Our country is in bad condition, and the deterioration of the values in our company caused by the exuberant place of the powers of the money and the individual success has perverts our ways of thinking and to act.
I in anger, but especially sad and pained by the image am personally very conveyed by our country! The usually low rate of abstentionnist for the presidential election will be to supervise this time Ci attentively.
Copyright Guy CREQUIE Social observant writer Last works published in 2015 and 2016 by the American editor Bruce COOK - “Philosophy today - Philosophy tomorrow” - Poetry of peace and the harmony” - Which to become for the Homo sapiens at horizon 2120 “ 07/03/17
Dear Guy, I was glad to publish your interesting article about Circus of French Politics on your personal page: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=106 This circus of disharmony exists and in the USA especially, and in the EU and etc. without harmony, without Global Peace Science and without understanding deep societal structure of SPHERONS. It is a circus of ignorance and collapse of the traditional civilization of militarism, wars and violence ... Amen. Best wishes for peace from harmony of SPHERONS, Leo Semashko, 10/03/17
The woman is the future of the man ..... and humanity
Poem: Humanity is made up of 2 sexes Their difference is a wealth For the development of humanity It did not register there by nature of stronger sex and weaker sex As of more the young age It is by education that one works Future our to become common No discrimination related to the sex is tolerable to the XXI E century No maltreatments is acceptable on the body of a woman Who must decide his life freely One cannot speak about the woman To think of it Without testing some admiration Because to think of the woman It is to evoke a hope To attempt to understand it It is to scan the signs patiently Of a reality always new and surprising They are the multiple biographies Who did of the woman what it is However the woman makes them evolve On an always mobile horizon I will not deduce from this text What it is advisable to do I am challenged on an entirety Where the woman precedes me Who does not carry in him The respect and some to be able of admiration Will remain unable to understand the woman. Copyright Guy CREQUIE Writer and social observant poet 08/02/17
La femme est l’avenir de l’homme …..et de l’humanité
Poème : L’humanité est composée de 2 sexes
Leur différence est une richesse Pour le développement de l’humanité Il n’y a pas inscrit par nature de sexe fort et de sexe faible Dès le plus jeune âge C’est par l’éducation que l’on façonne Le futur de notre devenir commun Aucune discrimination liée au sexe n’est tolérable au XXI e siècle Aucun sévices n’est admissible sur le corps d’une femme Qui doit décider librement de sa vie On ne peut parler de la femme Penser à elle Sans éprouver quelque admiration Car penser à la femme C’est évoquer une espérance S’attacher à la comprendre C’est scruter patiemment les signes D’une réalité toujours neuve et surprenante Ce sont les biographies multiples Qui ont fait de la femme ce qu’elle est Cependant la femme les fait évoluer Sur un horizon toujours mobile Je ne vais pas déduire de ce texte Ce qu’il convient de faire Je me trouve interpellé sur un entier Où la femme me précède Qui ne porte pas en lui Le respect et un certain pouvoir d’admiration Demeurera incapable de comprendre la femme. Copyright Guy CREQUIE Ecrivain et poète observateur social --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Normally in September 2017 = I intend to put an end to my public life after 50 years of commitment in the company for peace, the culture, education and more largely the rights and duties human.
During one period, I was trade union leader and political, but afterwards many disappointments = I chose the poetic and philosophical writing to express my convictions, and I also had the chance that God or the universe allows me to sing.
Thus since 1968, in spite of my visual handicap of childhood and adolescence which prevented to me from learning one second language (the English language) other that my mother tongue, at the adulthood, I was constrained to recover my backwardness at school = I went in about fifty countries to take part in demonstrations of peace, with conferences, congress, to read poems, to sing there the love in rooms, streets, public places.
Also, inter alia, I knew the tanks Russian in Prague in August 1968, and fearing for my safety a waitress of Hotel hid me in the wood of Prague, I was expelled by the pro-Franco police of the airport of Madrid in 1974, this because I came there to meet the working commissions of Spain, I intended to whistle the balls around me in Sri Lanka in 1989 at the time of the episode of the internal conflict between opposed religious factions, taking part in Iraq in the congress of the party Baath, I witnessed a pugilism except congress of confrontation to the knife, I went to the Middle East supervised by the secret services, I sang in homage for victims of the atomic tragedy in January 2009 and in August 2010 in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, in front of the stele of the poet Tamiki HARA, in the Church of Urakami which was entirely destroyed during the bombardment in August 1945 with Nagasaki, this, because it was the epicentre of the bomb and it was rebuilt in 1959. the Church was full when I sang on August 9th, 2010 there in front of the practitioners Japanese, the religious authorities and official, the media. Also the day before, with some friendly poets, we had sung for women reprocessed and handicapped in a provided with health care old people's home. I gave happiness to Masai children and Senegalese by singing in their camp the tyrolienne = I will never forget their amazed eyes, their radiant and moved face, etc ......
Before my withdrawal, I say this:great Institutions:Nobel, and alternate, UNO, or of the various continents and countries often give of the prices to official leaders, of onG, artists of reputation, personality international of science and literature, but those and those which in anonymity engage, move, take over their time and their finances to act = are ignored, even censured, discouraged.
This is why for my part without listening certainly to date = I proposed a world price of the ordinary people independent of the other prices = allotted by country, continent and by UNO or a foundation like the Nobel, and allotted on the only merits proven by the candidate or those which proposes it. Also that would stimulate the commitments by creating a positive emulation.
This day, = I offer 4 songs famous of the lyric art to you and popular in French language, English, Italian and Castilian.
https://youtu.be/VEttrV-vaiY For a kiss in French language
https://youtu.be/juhYbn5MRj4 Because in English language
https://youtu.be/EfbA2XJ2aa4 Torna A Surriento in Italian language
https://youtu.be/6idu8lkMix8 Cielito Lindo in language Castilian
Guy CREQUIE Poet, writer and singer French 15/10/16 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Order a book can here: www.reservebook.com In this book the author proclaims the beauty and variety of our planet. His promenade includes verbal paths of nature, humanity, culture, love, war, violence, terrorism, peace and human diversity. He has poetized the many places he has traveled and invited his readers to accompany him as a UNESCO messenger and opera singer throughout the world for five decades. He dissects the evolution of the present world and its rise of populism and fanaticism which has caused death and sorrow and destructive war. He anticipates the need for a rebirthed humanity, awakened by education and social awareness, based on values that promote peace and harmony. Here we find an artist, Guy Créquie, an inveterate philosopher, who has something vital to say to mankind through his poetry and who also has gifted the book musical links to his memorable with his musical opera tunes. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Guy CRÉQUIE. Philosophy Today – Philosophy Tomorrow [PDF]

Hello, I pay homage to Léo SEMASHKO, this innovative thinker of our inventive time of the tetrasociology (system of the harmony of the spheres). For about ten years, I have been the persevering projection of his work in spite of my difficulty with the English language = difficulty: exit of my situation of quasi blind during the essence of my childhood and my adolescence. His work and those of the network which he animates are a hope for humanity. Previously, and with 2 recoveries, I had the occasion to meet close to Geneva the Professor GALTUNG, one of the pioneers of research for peace, as I had the occasion at the time of several congresses to meet Ernesto KAHAN. The French representation of UNESCO proposed this year for the price to me 2016 MADANJEET SINGH of the tolerance and non-violence, this for 50 years of uninterrupted commitment in favor of peace, the rights and duties human, based on listening and the dialog. Since the end of the Sixties, I went in about fifty countries to protest there by the conferences, poetry, the song = peace and the harmony! At present, I have some pains which make more delicate the long voyages. I remember to have sung the Tyrolienne for Senegalese young children who had never heard this kind of sound and of which the filled up eyes of amazement seemed to leave their orbits. From Russia in the USA, Jordan in the Viêt - Nam, Sri Lanka in Brazil, Mexico in Singapore, China in Turkey, From Japan in Italy, Greece in China, Morocco with Australia, etc. I preached the opening of the heart and the wisdom of the spirit. For Léo = I offer this song “BECAUSE “, whose besides Bruce COOK, who appreciates it, member of the network interpreted it with the French horn for the marriage of his sister. This difficult song is one of that which reveals more the intensity of the harmony between the voice and the instrumental accompaniment. This song was immortalized by Mario Lanza in film which pays homage to the other great voice of the 20th century: that of Enrico Caruso, in film of Richard Thorpe in 1951. This day = I offer it to Léo SEMASHKO! Live peace and the harmony. https://youtu.be/juhYbn5MRj4 Guy CREQUIE Poet, social observant writer, and French singer 19/05/16 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Léo, With the sending with publication with pleasure of a specimen of my book with your intention = the 17 specimens which I bought in Bruce COOK all will be diffused: family, personalities of which you, people who wrote a foreword, Institutions: UNO, UNESCO, company of writers, and a specimen for price UNESCO of the tolerance and the non-violence for which the French representation proposed to me, and for which, certain personalities of GHA like Ernesto KAHAN, François HOUTART, Ammar BANNI, supported to me with other personalities and the representation of UNESCO Puerto Rico. Simply, the sending of these 17 pounds at a cost, and unfortunately, I am limited by my budget, if not, it is with pleasure that I would have addressed it to other leaders of GHA. I am unaware otherwise I doubt it, if Bruce can address another specimen to Mr Ramesch KUMAR, this, because its budget is limited and this work with 11 splendid paintings color to a cost for him. I think however, that the presentation of the book by Cook edition could be put on the site of GHA with the 2 forewords incentive at reading and buying this book. I am happy dear Léo to offer it to you, this, because you are a anticipator of becoming future mankind. To how tells it me my friend Reimon BACHIKA, you are a kind of MARX adapted to the XXI E century! Even if alas, my bad relationship to the English language makes difficult my active contribution with your work, I support you and remember: at the time of your first achievements since 2006, I encouraged your work by buying and popularizing those on my personal funds. Cordially. Guy CREQUIE 16/05/16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hello, After 50 years of uninterrupted commitment of 1967 to 2017, I will put an end to my public life in September 2017 after the French presidential election! I said 50 years and during my displacements in the world, I lived various adventures:end of the spring of Prague by the tanks Russian in August 1968, expulsion of Spain by the pro-Franco police in 1974 whereas I came to meet the working commissions of Spain there, shooting in the streets in Sri Lanka in 1989 between rival factions whereas I sang for the people, confrontations in Iraq I do not remember any more which year, this, whereas I had been invited to a congress of the Baath party, etc ............... I sang peace all over the world in many public Churches or places: In Hiroshima, in January 2009 video united for the poets of the peace of this city in front of the stele of Tamiki Hara, in Nagasaki in August 2010 at the time of the celebration of the 65 E birthday of the tragedy in elects of Urakami, which placed at Ear centers atomic bomb was entirely destroyed and rebuilt in 1959, and in an old people's home of women handicapped since the tragedy… http://youtu.be/lYcriGZcF-8 I sang peace in many Churches all over the world, in France certainly, but also in Brazil: Ouro Preto, Salvador de Bahia, in Mexico:Our lady of Guadeloupe, in Israel “Church San pedro” thanks to Shine Ambroggio, in Kenya, in Jordan in Aman in the amphitheater, in Greece, in Italy in Rome,…. Thus, the support given to my candidature for the Price 2016 Madanjeet Singh of the tolerance and non-violence is not unmerited! After the edition of my the last 2 books by the end of 2016: ” Poetry of peace and the harmony” and Which to become for the Homo sapiens at horizon 2120” I will record my the last 7 titles “Granada, Valencia, Belle, Core grato, A Marechiare, Tonight, Brindisi of the opera of Made green” Traviata.“Then, I will make some concerts of good-bye! In May 2015 = I carried out the first concert in the world “Only the voice for peace” = 19 titles interpreted without the assistance of a microphone and instrumental accompaniment in a room of 1200 places. https://youtu.be/fzTlD6K2CrA This day, I address 9 of my the most appreciated interpretations to you https://youtu.be/7DTC8jw3f1w https://youtu.be/EfbA2XJ2aa4 https://youtu.be/3mLiFo5LcvE https://youtu.be/nlb7qhtwu_s https://youtu.be/6idu8lkMix8 https://youtu.be/m0KFjQyjn_c https://youtu.be/9kcxJuT-_dA https://youtu.be/mLwadwOWuPs https://youtu.be/logRra-YISE Cordially. Guy CREQUIE 16/05/16 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Dear Léo, I address to you my sincere wishes of a happy birthday! As indicated it my friend Ramon BACHIKA (from Japan) = you are a kind of modern MARX whose thought illuminates our world plunged in the fog. Even if my free design and timetable, of a function criticizes philosophy prevent to me from adhering exclusively to a system of thought proposed, it does not remain about it less than I appreciate with his right value the creativity of your contribution, the hope which it brings to the people, and importance of your mobilization for this purpose: you devote your existence to it! In an original way by wishing you longevity and happiness at the time of this birthday = I unite these some songs which express the universalism of the love: https://youtu.be/7DTC8jw3f1w; https://youtu.be/3mLiFo5LcvE; https://youtu.be/c77uhwUJeT8; https://youtu.be/m0KFjQyjn_c; https://youtu.be/VEttrV-vaiY; Cordially with you.
Guy CREQUIE, Ordinary French social Observer and Philosopher, France, 21-06-15 ---------------------------------------------------------
Hello, You will find, below, the text of my marked conference on August 2nd at the University of Tokyo under the aegis of the Goi Peace Foundation. Mr Ernesto KAHAN, as a doctor and physicist also pronounced a conference in front of the same public of experts, of academics, representatives of onG and Institutions. Guy CREQUIE CONFERENCE FOR PEACE AND SUGGESTION RELATING TO ATTRIBUTION NOBEL PRIZE 2010 Contribution of Guy CREQUIE “Of a WORLD DOMINATES BY the NUCLEAR THREAT HAS a WORLD FINDING SENS OF the VALUES OF the LIFE” Ladies and gentlemen, At the suggestion of Mrs Kae MORII, I went to Japan in January 2009. I remained three days in Hiroshima. I viewed various documents. I sang the Ave Maria de Gounod in front of the stele of the poet martyr: Tamiki HARA. I had a discussion with Mr Steven Loyce LEEPER, the director of the world center of peace in Hiroshima. Returned to France, a few months afterwards, in April, I emitted for the first time, the idea that Mayors of the towns of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, elected representatives of the populations and victims of the martyrdoms cities, and organizers of the world network of the Mayors for peace could be proposed for the attribution of the Nobel Prize of peace in 2010. The attribution of the Nobel Prize in 2009 with the president of the USA, Barack OBAMA for its first decisions and the assertion of its intentions reinforced my convictions; Indeed, the attribution of the Nobel Prize of peace to these two mayors appeared being to me an obvious result with the nomination of Mr OBAMA. These cities and their mayors, are at the same time the representatives of the dramas of the past, and the efforts of the present for peace; this, in order to propose a future of peace to the future generations. When I spoke to professor Ernesto KAHAN, of my proposal, it joined there and better it enriched it by its drafting by what became our suggestion. He added and developed, the dimension of the animation of the world network of the mayors for peace. Since this suggestion was supported by several onG international. Let us not forget indeed, that the mayors are the elected officials of the communes and thus, the structure nearest of the hopes and sufferings to the populations. The proposal in favor of the martyrdoms cities represented by their mayors reconciles thus; past, present and future. The suggestion, is written by Ernesto KAHAN, which, profits from its experiment of member elect of this price into 1985 within the Association of the doctors for the prevention of the nuclear risks. He answered by advance, with the criteria and appreciations of the Nobel Committee based on the will of Alfred NOBEL. Those are centered on: engagement for peace, the human rights, the democracy and the diplomatic action. My letter addressed to President OBAMA on April 25th, 2010, summarizes well it why of this suggestion. This is why, I give it to you. Some, some, asked me the question: why to have made this suggestion since it is not you who give this price, but the Nobel Committee? I am not Japanese, not even Asian. This proposal does not bring personal glory to me, which I do not seek besides. However, why not propose, especially since the payment of the Nobel Committee, since 2003, allows at personalities and Institutions to present their suggestion. More basically, with my modest manner, like citizen of the world, I make mien what said Albert EINSTEIN in the writings published to New York in 1954. It then expressed its ideas and opinions on its vision of the world and it indicated, I quote: “my eternity is now. only one thing interests me: to achieve my intention, where I am! ”. The French philosopher, Gabriel MARCEL wrote it in a work: “Decline of wisdom”. There exists always a tension between particularisms of the circumstances and the universality of the law. The 65ème and sad birthday of the atomic tragedy in 2010, with few survivors, recall us, that it is the circumstance, which can make it possible to award this prize to your two mayors: Sirs Tadatoshi AKIBA, and Tomihisa TAUE, respectively mayor of the towns of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. They are witnesses of the last history and actors at the present, of his topicality, for a future removed from the nuclear weapons. On several occasions, they reaffirmed the need for a world without nuclear weapon by 2000. Their determination was expressed with glare during the examination of the NPT (Treated nonproliferation) in New York in May 2010. Let us recall already, the existence of the protocol known as of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which is an additional protocol with the NPT and in particular being its article VI, for the establishment by 2020, of a world without nuclear weapon. I come to the contents from my contribution which accompanies the letter that I addressed to President OBAMA. To summarize my position, I entitled my contribution: “Of a world dominated by the nuclear threat, in a world finding the direction of the values of the life”. At present, sciences and technology seem to be with the exclusive service of financial logic. However, the research of the direction and the totality of the raison d'être of our presence on our planet, must be: “to serve the being like an end and not like a simple means “and this, in osmosis with natural environment. The idea expressed by Martin HEIDEGGER, according to whom, which is truly worrying it is not technology in oneself, but the ridiculous inadequacy of our answer to the challenges which it presents, remains well topicality. Then, that scientific progresses and technological progress in a continuous way and seem to accelerate the history, like it had already pronounced Mahatma GANDHI in 1938, “the good, travels to a snail pace”. The philosopher Simone WEIL, for its part, noted already before the second world war, a weakening of the direction of the values. Paul VALERY, this other French great writer, in his text VARIETY, it seems to me, mentioned: that the words which refer to the good were degraded, such: truth, nobility, honor, generosity, humanism…. The philosopher Gabriel MARCEL, already quoted, deplored, that the person can be brought back to the simple reality of an abstraction. More recently, the philosopher Lucien SAP, a long time only philosophizes member of the advisory national committee of ethics in France, wrote in a work: “For a criticism of the reason bioethics, published in 1994, I quote it: ” the language of the biologists generally shines by his precision; that of the lawyers too. But when one comes to the most common concepts without which no ethical opinion can be formulated: human being, nobody; respect, dignity, etc… similar preoccupation with an explanation, seems not to be more necessary…. ” GOETHE, Victor HUGO, TOLSTOI, THOREAU, and more close to us GANDHI, and Pasteur Martin Luther King, have to bring to us still much, in any case, more than the ideologists, or those called the new philosophers who are in fact, of the servants of the exaggerated liberal ideology. To allot the Nobel Prize of peace to the mayors of the martyrdoms cities and to ambassadors of universal peace, would give the human one to the place, and would reconcile us with the world of the values. It would be the era of the capacity SOFTWARE, substituent with the capacity HARDWARE. Today, the nihilism and the worship of the money, are the two sad twin brothers generated by outrageous liberalism. The money and the capacity, are the new gods poorer and smaller than the philosophical debates of antan. Rather, that the respect of the life and its dignity, to make bear fruit the money, to ensure the domination of the military power became the single criteria of the human value. I approach now, the more technical part related about the military nuclear power and of the suggestion of the attribution of the Nobel Prize of peace 2010 to the 2 Mayors: Sirs AKIBA and TAUE. My country, France, remains attached to its doctrines of nuclear deterrence, and I regret it. Indeed, the doctrines known as of dissuasion have two defects: it remains dependant on the vertical proliferation by the need for maintaining, to improve the network. It is likely to support the horizontal proliferation by the technology transfer nuclear with other states and entities. Example: in the European Union, two countries, France and the United Kingdom have the atomic weapon. on the assumption of more pushed European integration, the risk is real. I would have liked that my country signs model convention for the abolition of the nuclear weapons presented to the United Nations in December 2007, by Costa Rica and Malaysia. The charter of the United Nations remains a reference strong and sufficiently not exploited to my taste. Admittedly article 11, which allows the General meeting UNO to make recommendations was used. However, article 26 was left too a long time in sleep by the Safety advice of UNO, which has the possibility of working out plans in order to establish a system of regulation of the armaments. From where, importance of the top of the Safety advice in September 2009 concerning the nonproliferation and nuclear disarmament. Since several years, and in a text entitled: “for a reform of the United Nations” I expressed the idea, of a more direct representation of the representatives of the people within the general meeting. Currently, of onG are invited there with advisory voice. The Safety advice of UNO, and the general meeting must work more in co-operation. Example, being article 26: it is the Safety advice which must formulate plans: why not make them constant real by the public opinions, by making them adopt by AG of UNO and its representatives of the people”. I also state that your country: Japan, is now nonpermanent member of the Safety advice of UNO. January 13rd, 2009, it made a Joint Declaration with the United States, this for a world free from nuclear weapons. You lay out, in your Constitution, of an unique article for a large industrialized country: your article 9. This one prohibits to you to have recourse to the war and to have expansionist aimings and warmongers. If you accompany that by the creation of a ministry for peace, your country would be a headlight for humanity. In March 2010, the negotiations on the examination of the NPT proceeded in New York. The mayors of the towns of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, held an active role and noticed during these negotiations. Let us recall, that from 2000 to 2007, the military expenditure of the Member States of UNO passed from 800 billion dollars to 1334. Also let us remember, that the number of States equipped with the military atom almost doubled since the implementation of the NPT in 1970. Let us add, that certain countries holders of the nuclear weapon, are not signatories like India, Pakistan, Israel. The North Korea, for what concerns, used article 10, to use its right of retirement. The State of Israel to the past persecuted by the Nazis, always has this anguish of its safety. The creation of a zone free from nuclear weapons to the Close East, would defuse many tensions and assumptions but, of course, its realization, makes by an global agreement of peace to the Close East, of which the negotiated payment of the israélo-Palestinian conflict, with the common recognition of the 2 States. AFTER the CONFERENCE Of EXAMINATION OF the NPT NEW YORK From May 4th to 28th 2010 HAS: Already, I am pleased with the approval of the final document of the conference of examination of the NPT (treated nonproliferation) by consensus of the 172 States represented this May 28th. It has been the first agreement for 10 years, especially, after the failure of the conference of 2005. The adopted text, envisages an action plan for each of the 3 pillars of the treaty: nonproliferation, the peaceful use of nuclear energy, and the denuclearization of the Close East. Without any doubt, the impulse given by Presidents OBAMA and MEDVEDEV, weighed on this result, with the determination of the movement of the nonaligned countries, onG international of peace, and their representative: Mr Maged ABDELAZIZ, Ambassador of Egypt at the United Nations. Admittedly, the calendar proposed by the Mayors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, being total nuclear disarmament by 2020, remains an objective. Indeed, the adopted document, remains a compromise between representatives of the States. Certain countries, did not wish, to have the reference to dated and quantified engagements, and definitively to commit themselves for the countries which have the nuclear weapon, not using them the first on countries which do not have this terrifying weapon. This is why, from this point of view, the adopted proposal, giving to the general secretary UNO: Ban Ki-moon, the responsibility to organize a meeting of all the States of the Close East, to study the means of denuclearizing the area is of importance. I will return there, further in my text. This result of the examination of the NPT in May, confirms the interest and the importance of my made suggestion dice April 2009, concerning the attribution of the Nobel Prize of peace to the Mayors of the cities from Hiroshima and Nagasaki, precisely, for these martyrdoms cities, the victims died, and those which suffer in their flesh and their spirit, and concerning the role of the 2 Mayors to animate the world network of the Mayors for peace for total nuclear disarmament. : Being the Close East, the concern of the MNA (movement of not aligned), is legitimate. An honest step and of dialog, also justifies to understand that the State d¨' Israel, which knew the holocaust, has the preoccupation with a its safety, and the guarantees given by Iran of nonaccess to the nuclear weapon, could support the adhesion of the State of Israel to the NPT, and its acceptance of control by the IAEA; and jointly, the deprivations, sufferings of the Palestinian people have only too durations. He has right, in a recognized State, free suited to the co-operations. Thus my proposal is: My country, France, always maintained good relationships with the Arab countries and the Palestinian authority. Also, France has historical links with the Hebrew people and his leaders. I thus suggest, that the facilitator in relation to UNO, which will discuss with the representatives the Arab countries, and those of the State of Israel, in order to denuclearize the area, contacts with the French government. In 2011, in Paris, with the participation of the representatives of the Arab countries whose Iran, the various Palestinian factions, and the State of Israel, could be held a preparatory conference with that of 2012, for determining the points of contention collectively well to be exceeded, to prepare the best conditions of success of 2012. This preparatory stage, without requirement of result, but of sincere dialog, should profit from the participation of the permanent members of the Safety advice of UNO, and the representation of the European Union = continental structure nearest of the area, and maintaining the relationships to all the parts. This, so that finally, the international community shows in acts, its negative image to make succeed positively this file which poisons the international relations. After the second nuclear military test carried out in May 2009 by the North Korea, during the last time, in spite of the agreement reached with Turkey and Brazil relative with uranium enrichment, the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) like the Safety advice of UNO, confirmed their fears concerning Iran and its intention not acknowledged to obtain the atomic weapon. The attribution of the Nobel Prize of peace to the two Mayors of the towns of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, would be it, I am persuaded of it in their spirit and their heart, not for themselves, with personal capacity, but, with the service of universal peace. Of course, for the victims of the tragedy, local populations, and their universal role in the animation of the world network of the mayors for peace. This recognition, would contribute, to stress the necessary international relaxation. This strong gesture, would be an invitation with the transfer of financial means towards the fight against poverty and for environmental protection. The top of the objectives of the millenium for development (OMD) of September would open, by knowing, that the prospect for nuclear disarmament would give other possibilities to solve a major part of the evils of humanity which feed the international tensions and are a natural compost of food of the recruitment of international terrorism. Then, that Afghanistan remains a subject of concern, let us delight us by this glimmer of hope which constitutes, 17 months after the terrorist attack of Bombay, the fact that India and Pakistan, two countries equipped with the nuclear weapon, joined again a dialog. In order to arrive at disarmament in 2020, as shout it high and strong Sirs AKIBA and TAUE, it is other necessary measures which will support the result of it. Some examples: it international penal court could classify the use of the nuclear weapons among the war crimes. - To arrive at nuclear disarmament, it is advisable to create, everywhere, where it is possible, of zones of nonuse of the nuclear weapon. ZEAN: there exist already treaties for zones free from nuclear weapons, in Central Asia, in African countries, or similar agreements in countries of the Southern Pacific, the Caribbean and the South Asia east. Such zones, in reaction, would facilitate the TICP (treated complete prohibition of the nuclear tests.) - Let us remember, that this year 2010, corresponds to Xème birthday of the resolution 1325 of the Safety advice of UNO, which, stresses the contribution of the women to peace. Let us not forget, that the women give the life. In a recent work “To reconcile the right and the duties for the future of humanity” that I will offer, to the organizer of this conference, I announced, to have found an official report dated February 12th, 1932, in which, it is announced, the existence of weeks for the peace organized under the aegis of late Société of the Nations with the collaboration of the networks of the international womens' organizations of laic or denominational obedience. Why, not to reactivate them, by adapting them to the context of the years 2010-2015? - The year 2010, is the last of the international decade for the promotion of a culture of peace to the profit of the children of the world. UNESCO, and its program of education, could grow rich by a vote of the States concerning their promotion, as of the entry in progress preparatory, and progressive throughout the schooling, of an education of the values and behaviors, facilitating the respect of the two sexes, promoting the tolerance, the respect of the ethnos groups, confessions, philosophies and banishing, the use of discriminatory practices. This, by the training of a pedagogy of the dialog, allowing to solve the conflicts peacefully. - Lastly, from the point of view of the nuclear disarmament preached by Sirs AKIBA and TAUE for the horizon 2020, I suggest a point of stage which would be held in Hiroshima in 2015, with the representatives of UNO, of the continents and Member States of the United Nations, but also associating the direct representation of the civil society: onG, trade unions, representative associations ....... The large British historian, Arnold TOYNBEE, published in 1951, a work: “Civilization with the test” in which, (and that will be used as conclusion with my contribution, because in 2010, that remains the stake of our wills and acts,) it indicates, I quote it: “we are not condemned to be made repeat the history. It is possible for us thanks to our own efforts, to print with the history, a new turning, and without precedent”. Copyright Guy CREQUIE French poet writer and singer for peace and the human rights Messenger of the culture of the peace of the UNESO, Prize winner of the Academies European and world of the culture and arts. blog http://guycrequie.blogspot.com ADDITIVE WITH THE CONFERENCE OF GUY CREQUIE August 2nd HAS TOKYO (Peace on ground and total nuclear disarmament) - The nuclear States must begin to carry out a moratorium on any future development or modernization of the nuclear weapons. It would be an encouragement with the limitation of the countries which wish to have the nuclear weapon, like signs military and political power. - The States having the nuclear weapon, can increase considerably the transparency on their nuclear capacities. It is what was made by my country: France, and its Foreign Minister, Bernard KOUCHNER, specified of them the methods in a letter of May 25th, 2010 which was transmitted to me by a vice-president of the Senate of my country. I regret however, the choice of my country, to maintain his deterrent force nuclear, even known as of dissuasion. - It would be appropriate, to determine for each country while laying out, and with the planetary scales, the maximum number of nuclear weapons; this, in preparation for general nuclear disarmament in 2020. The exemplarity of the permanent members of the safety advice of UNO, is paramount for the safety of peace. - The United Nations, have the possibility, to develop, a roundtable experts, in the abolition of the nuclear weapons while being based on the experiment of the UNODA (the office of the businesses for disarmament for the United Nations.) This office, can submit a periodic report, on the threats which the nuclear weapons make weigh. This type of document, can contribute to rejoin the public opinions, with the idea of nuclear disarmament. I have just known, by the very serious strategic research institute: the SIPRI, that the military expenditure of the Member States of UNO, reached the figure record (- in spite of the financial crisis and economic) of 1531 billion dollars in 2009. I point out that this same expenditure, had passed from 800 billion in the year 2000, at 1334 in 2007. - It would be judicious, to promote the development of a medical care more adapted, intended for the people who, all over the world, continue to suffer from the effects of the exposures to radioactive substances. - The encouragement using control sociétal by the public opinions, the checking of the actions of their governments, can find a support important with the action of onG international: like that of the doctors, lawyers, engineers and physicists, such: IPPNW, LALANA, INESAP,… - After Indonesia, which decided in May 2010, the ratification, while making ratify the TICEN (treated complete prohibition of the nuclear tests) by the American Senate, President OBAMA, could encourage China to do it, then India and Pakistan. Thus, perhaps then, these changes, could encourage, Israel and Iran which did not ratify it, and the North Korea, not signatory of the TICEN, to take similar measures. - The nuclear weapons, should be removed of the security policy. The obligation to carry out the complete disarmament stipulated by article VI of the NPT (treated nonproliferation), is not limited to the only States equipped with the military nuclear power, but, relates to all the adherent States of the NPT. - Being Asia of North East: All countries engaged on the negotiations on the Korean northern nuclear program: China, Japan, South Korea, Russia, the North Korea, the United States, should declare Asia of the North-East = area of nonuse of the nuclear weapon. - These 6 countries, adhered to prohibition on the convention of prohibition of bacteriological weapons. 5 of these countries, but not the North Korea, adhered to the convention of prohibition of the chemical weapons, the treaty making of Asia of the North-East a zone of prohibition of the nuclear weapon, could encourage the North Korea to ratify it in its turn. Copyright Guy CREQUIE July 2010 ==========================================,_
August 6th, 1945 HAS HIROSHIMA August 9th, 1945 HAS NAGASAKI August 6th and 9th 2010 65 ème birthday of the atomic bombardments in Hiroshima and Nagasaki POEM “NEVER THAT!” On August 6th and 9th 1945 Humanity stopped Cruelty carried it! In Hiroshima, then Nagasaki The man showed the horror Of its most hideous capacity To have anticipated and have imagined The desire to kill In conscience By envisaging the extent of the damage This bomb has experimental At summer conceived to destroy To make suffer, destroy The human ones, their environment Any form of life As that had never occurred 65 years after in 2010, Certains States has a nuclear arsenal Still more destroying Being able to destroy whole planet If it were deployed On these sad anniversaries “NEVER THAT! ” The desire should be killed to kill! The need to kill Is born in the spirit from the men It is in their heart That it is necessary to plant Conscience of a planet of peace and harmony The respect of the other Quite as human as me. Enough tears and blood Let us destroy the 2700 nuclear warheads Existing all over the world Nuclear weapons! Out of the ground, space Sea and time Makers of war Out of the governments Let us destroy terrorism By solving this serious plague That is that of poverty Us them people, Let us decide, on the five continents, To transmit to the future generations A planet ground In harmony with all the lives. Copyright Guy CREQUIE Poet, writer and lyric singer for peace Blog http://guycrequie.blogspot.com In homage to the victims of these bombardments, as a sign of respect for this tragedy, efforts of the Mayors and the inhabitants of these two towns of rebuild a dignified life, in recognition for the efforts of the Japanese people which call of it the universal conscience for: never that! To testify to the universal perception of the recognition of the efforts of the world center of peace in Hiroshima, and his animation of the network of the Communes, Departments and areas for peace, I propose: That the towns of Hiroshima and Nagasaki via their Mayor, receive the Nobel Prize of peace during the last quarters of the year 2010. Guy CREQUIE French poet and writer Messenger of the culture of the peace of UNESCO Prize winner of the European Academy of arts Docteur Honoris Causa of the world Academy of the culture and arts French representative within IFLAC (World forum of the literature and art for peace) Medal-holder of vermeil of the French academic company: Art-Science-letters, crowned by the French Academy. ---------------------------------------------------------- Mr Guy CREQUIE French poet and writer Messenger of the peace of the Proclamation 2000 of UNESCO Prize winner of the European Academy of arts Honorary doctor of the world Academy of the culture and arts French representative within IFLAC (world forum of the literature and art for peace. ) 53 street Auguste Renoir 69200 VENISSIEUX (04 78 70 80 85 Mel: guy.crequie@wanadoo.fr Mr Nicolas SARKOZY President of the French Republic Cabinet of the President Elysée palace 55 street of the Holy Suburb Honore 75008 PARIS Vénissieux on June 13, 2007 Subject: gift of the calendar of harmony And invitation on September 21 with the Senate at the time of the world festival of Poets on the topic of peace Mr. President of the Republic, At the request of the writers of this calendar of harmony for one new era (of which I am), I offer it to you with emotion. Indeed, this collective work of 27 authors of the five continents translates into 12 languages, has as an ambition to transmit to youth the values peace and of harmony. I you wish good reception and reading of it. From 19 to September 23 in Paris, will be held the first world festival of the poets on the topic of peace. I am one of the promoters of this demonstration of which you will find on the http://poetesaparis.aceblog;fr bond the program and the current list of the participants always evolutionary. September 21 from 9 to 1 P.m., in the room Gaston Monnerville of the Senate will be held the world congress of the poets engaged for peace. This one coincides with the international day of the United Nations. This morning will be concluded by a call to peace from the poets from the five continents.
I allow myself to request your attention with our request: With the participation of the President of the Senate, we would wish that of the one of your Ministers (of the culture) who can bring during a few moments the safety of your government to the poets of the world present. With this hope, and in waiting of your position, the organizers of which the Director of the festival Yvan TETELBOM I remain $$sp10 sincerely yours Guy CREQUIE P.J the calendar and presentation of the festival.
March 30th, 2008 DAY FOR THE GROUND It carries our feet Thoughts of our spirits It undergoes Our acts which strengthens it or destroys it The ground is a treasure of harmony It is round and turns With an infinite precision To travel by the image, the sound, The plane or another method Allows to meet diversified beings On our five varied continents The ground is made to love us Instead of us to make the war Education with peace Is more the nice gift To transmit to the new generation For its life on this ground Ci So many grains raised The ryegrass of humanity Or of bestiality So many human beings died On this ground War victims, of ethnic violences, sexists Economic conflicts, attacks, Or quite simply to claim peace, justice and the human rights There was and it is regularly Nobel Prize It is also at present: those and those known which work with peace Starting from a mandate: UNO, UNESCO, onG, political officials (some) religious authorities and spiritual……. He is as much people of the civil society: trade unionists, militant associations, of the world literary, scientific, musical, of the comedy, the cinema, the sporting and artistic world in the broad sense…. known or anonymous whose life merges with the ideal of peace. I hope to be able to put at it my name beside others, of which personalities like: Federico MAYOR, Daniel BARENBOIM, Johan GALTUNG, Daisaku IKEDA, Léo SEMASHKO, Ada AHARONI, Marie ROBERT, Ammar BANNI, Majïd TEHRANIAN, Maria CRISTINA AZCONA, Hazel HENDERSON, etc…. The day of the ground It is that of an engagement So that the people link themselves For the harmony of mankind on this ground Connected to natural environment. Copyright Guy CREQUIE
INTERNATIONAL DAY FOR THE PEACE OF THE UNITED NATIONS on SEPTEMBER 21, 2007 The sentence of the day: Peace does not wait, it is gained by citizens decided to giveotherness to dreams bya a practice ofengagement through citizenship of the world. During the occasion ofthe internationalpeace day of the United Nations on thisSeptember 21 st 2007, poets of the world are assembled in congress within the Senate of the French Republic. For this exceptional circumstance, I offer them this poem below. The poem: “I had a dream” Loss of reference mark and values Groundings ofpolitical speeches Grimer of appearance To charm our hierarchic superieur Confusion on the business vocabulary in ferms The naming of hieratic religious leaders Humanof this endingcentury Walking staggeringly lost in the fog Illusions or disappointments I had a dream One withthe arpeggio of complementary identities One with slingerlaughter Sunny seasons When the ground thunders Under the steps of the decided citizens To give to our civilisation.... The Argentine voices Have another flavor Those ot the disharmoniousand lound screamsof the military remarks That keep torturing fear In which deaths falls Whose silence tears Shredded bodies, stripped Broken by the hideous hand Hatred of the other The lapse of memory ofmankind One and indivisible For just one planet,one cosmos For universal mankind Images of the sharp colors of Uranie After the Thébaïde Will succeed the glowing joys Of happy heads Impregnated with the hallow of the light oflife I had a dream At this beginning of millenium Madness or clearness of call Pure dream or reason to hope Action is the only way To join the sky on this earth For the human responsibility Heirs to survival Codécideurs of the future. Copyright Guy CREQUIE Presentation of Guy CREQUIE - Poet and writer, believer in the universalpeace in resolut action, I am the author of 16 books, of poetic collections and essais on society. From March 20, 2000 to March 20 2005 included, I addressed to the large international organizations (of which the secretary-general of UNO) my proposals in favor of: peace, culture, education, rights and duties of the person. These proposals were published into a bookon December 2005 by the editor the Manuscript in Paris under the title: “The humanistic challenge of an ordinary citizen (for the dialogue between civilizations. ) Internet site www.manuscrit.com. In 2006 and 2007, I made proposals on the conflicts in progress: to consult my blog http://guycrequie.blogspot.com I am engaged in supporting this promoter: Yvan TETELBOM, in the preparation of the first world festival of the poets on the topic of the peace, which, will be held in Paris fromseptember 19th to september 23rd, 2007. Aiming for youth and students, I took part as author in collective workslike “the first total project for the harmonious cultures and peace throw a society of informations.” The coordination of this multi-field and multilingual works authors of various continents under the aegis of IFLAC is Léo SEMASHKO. He is also the promoter of thisproject and its collective realization. Among my permanent proposals for peace, the culture, education, social justice, the promotion of the rights and the duties of the persons, appear: the creation of a Ministry for peace in each country andthe substitution of the words “humans right” by actions, treaties, constitutions, byrights of the persons which are , immediatelystated in the decition to take in consideration the 2 components of humanity which are: The female sex and the other the male sex. These last years, I have engaged my signature for the Proclamation 2000 of UNESCO. I collected personalyapproximately 1500 signatures. Indicated as secretary for a club in theUNESCO in a suburb town(Vaulx-in-Vellum), our club organized actions of solidarity for: Palestine, Cuba, Nicaragua, Colombia countries. on a also personaly have decided to help“ les pacifistes sans frontières” that are already installedinTogo. I took part on the initiative of the Mayor of the town of Lyon concerning the dialogues about the earth and the meeting between Israeli and Palestinian Mayors. In December 2004, during the exchanges within workshop 2 of this meeting, I proposed the idea that under the aegis of UNO, a world demonstration of the Mayors for peace can be organized. Indeed, the Mayors and their town councils are the elected officials of proximity closest to the populations in particular when those are the innocent victims of wars and conflicts. I published poems in relation with the events of the United Nations, or in relation with the everyday newst;for examples: “Ministry for peace, Dialogues between civilizations, the earth and the century to come (after the adoption of the charter of the earth), poem to my brother (after the attacksSeptember 11th, 2001), the universalization of the spirit, Chetchnia, I hear your cry, Afghanistan lives again! My creed for humanity, cry of love of the poets(concerning the israélo-Palestinian conflict) the humans right, the woman is the future of the man (in connection with the basic rights of the woman), ..... “ - Being September 21, 2006, you will find on my blog, my reflections and proposals relating to the reform of the United Nations. I currently prepare my capital test: “The revolution of the spirit (for humanism in action) in relation to my literary agent Guy CREQUIE Poet and writer France E-mail guy.crequie@wanadoo.fr Or gcrequie@hotmail.com Blog http://guycrequie.blogspot.com Translated by Vanina Flutet
June 1: International day of child welfare June 21: Day of the era of harmony! Which philosophical lesson for human conduct? For the daily application of a true philosophy of life? To GASSENDI, which reproached him for using the ambiguous notion of soul, DESCARTES, answered that, in effect, it emanated from these names imposed by ignorant persons, so that they do not always correspond correctly to the things that they mean... Mais that, since they are once received, we are not free to change them. only, we can correct their signification when we see that they are not understood! The person, writes KANT, is this subject whose actions are susceptible of imputation. Imputation, in the moral sense, is the judgement by which we look at somebody as author of an action. Who says person, says, at the same time, subject and freedom! As a natual being, man is subjected, of course, to organic determinisms. However, as a being of reason, man is able of ethical determinations independent of sense impulses. In this only, he is a person. The person, is the freedom of a being of reason. What is our adults' mission in relation to the new generation so that this one pratices a culture of peace and nonviolence for an epoch of harmony every day? A human being is human because he has humanity as a biological species as starting point . The person is human, in a very different sense. In the sense that it takes humanity as a purpose as regulating ideal. As points out philosopher Lucien SEVE (for a long time, the onlyphilosopher member of the advisory national committee of ethics) in the human being, humanity is present as a fact! In the person, it is represented as a value. This symbolism, heavy in meaning, seems me to recapitulate the request of Léo SEMASHKO, with the Magna Carta of harmony. To protect the children is, of course, to protect their existence from the vagaries of war, diseases, it is to contribute to their intellectual awakening by family and scholastic education. Then, by the socialization of professional occupation and aprenticeship of responsibilities in civic life. The transmission of knowledge has not, as purpose, the ego of the Master or teacher, but his creative work which aims at making easier the acquisition of knowledges to be and knowledges to live by the child. They will favour his{her} autonomous conscience, able of thinking by itself of the world, of its difficulties and contradictions. Culture, in its pedagogic sense, is to allow to the child, over the years, a progressive and multiple-subject education granting in arts and in sports disciplines their righteous place. These last favour respect and knowledge of rules, while allowing to the children to go to sound their internal depth as understood by BAUDELAIRE. Thus, this taking over of culture allows to a child to better understand the society in which he lives and its characteristics, then, to dominate it in the sense of understanding it so as to act better, positively, upon it. June 21st is, in our northern societies, the day of the year when the sun sets latest. It coincides with the beginning of summer. It is a period where brightness is in its peak; it inspires painters, poets, musicians, various artists. The day of harmony,is also that of symbiosis between the beings of our century and nature. It should also be a hymn to humanity of hearts by dialogue between civilizations, respect for any form of life, a creative spirituality of peace and harmony. In France, during preparative debate to the presidential election, a debate was engaged in relation to the part of the innate and acquired knowledge in human behaviour. For my part, I think that psycho biological conditions are conditions of possibility. But, from early childhood, a child is modelled in his{her} personal history by his{her} social, family and scholastic objective relationships. Although it is carried by the physical individual, the psychical child is related not with human nature, but from history and from a history which, is specific to him{her} according to his(her) course of existence. Certainly, as a rule, it will not be a long calm river! So, to be humanly woman or man is not a state but an act. That's why, inheritance, instructive values which we transmit to the children are important. What is our challenge as aware adults towards youth?
It is that, endowed with our action and understanding of our world, conscious of the delays which we caused by manhandling nature; aware that criteria of power, management, money and selfish individual success became the new Masters, it is needed of us to: - Fill up the abyss between what mankind knows how to do and what planetary requirements motivate that we be capable of controlling and making = here lies the emergency! With the globalization of exchanges, Internet, television images, the world goes quickly, too quickly? Technology erupts and universal moral conscience does not go to the same rhythm. To link up the real world with thought, theoretical science cannot remain the monopoly of a few enlightened so-called experts, but powerless to anticipate and to react on the movement of reality. As DIDEROT pointed it out: « let us hurry to make philosophy popular « so that humanitycan live with the warmth of life. on his part, GRAMSCI, mentioned that all men can become philosophers, decide on their lives, but provided that they get some help to get there. Pray that we are able to give to the new generation the tools of analysis which it needs for the designs of humanity. It is therefore by the movement of uninterrupted whole knowledge, that philosophy will be taken away from the status of debates on interpretation to the real status of transformation to a world of solidarities and creativities without duality with its natural environment. Guy CREQUIE French poet and writer Blog http://guycrequie.blogspot.com Translation in English language Claude VEZIAU Internet site: http://troubadourdevie.site.voila.fr May 30 2007 -----------------------------------------
PRINCIPLE Of HARMONY AND SOCIAL REALITY = THE WAY OF THE TRASFORMATION The Harmony! For Emmanuel LEVINAS, in an article which prepared the philosopher's stone “Totality and infinite” it affirms that the question of the other overflows that of the being and it writes: “Philosophical research could not in any case be satisfied with the reflection on oneself or the existence. The reflection does not deliver to us that the account of a personal adventure ...... Thus, it can say: The human one is offered only to one relation which is not a capacity. The harmony, is not an abstracted gasoline, a new kind of fixed and separated thing itself. Initially, because producer, the report/ratio of harmony itself is produced: New duality in the unit, new contradiction. Thus, the report/ratio could not be detached from the lawsuit of which it is one moment, and any report/ratio is relationship with other relationship forming between them a whole organic vaster and more complex, which calls the study of the modes of relation that they have between them. The principle of harmony is that where the seemingly stable things, develop and die while passing by an uninterrupted change during which finally, despite everything the apparent chances and the behind temporary returns, a progressive development towards the harmony ends up being done day. In 2007, it ran out 50 years, since the Buddhist Josei TODA, in front of 50.000 young people brought together in the stage of Mitsuzawa with Yokohama in Japan denounced the nuclear weapons like an absolute evil and it howled like a lion by requiring their abolition. On the surface, without speaking of the current failure of the NPT (treated nuclear non-proliferation) one could think that this call was not listened to bus like writes it Mr Daisaku IKEDA, in his proposals for the peace on January 26, 2007, transmitted to the Secretary-general of UNO: Round of applause Ki-Moon, “… It is regrettable, that we entered the 21è century encumbered of the burden of 27.000 nuclear warheads .....” The principle of harmony? It will be when the human ones put in acts Proclamation RUSSELL - EINSTEIN published into 1955 who said: “The call that we launch, is that of human beings to other human beings; you point out that you are race of the men and forget the remainder…. ” From this point of view, the Proclamation 2000 of UNESCO prepared by Nobel Prize of peace is the prolongation of this proclamation while insisting on the dignity and the respect of any form of life. The principle of harmony, begins already in its own existence aiming at a human revolution founded on daily efforts to transform our existences of the interior. For changing that of the others or seeing themselves ballotté by changing external phenomena, it is necessary to personally obtain a serious philosophy of the life. Always in his proposals for the peace of this year, Mr Daisaku IKEDA, refers to the French philosopher André COUNT SPONVILLE and with its work “capitalism is moral?” This one distinguishes four different orders or fields in the human society. Two first being of a nature économico-technico-scientist and juridico - political; the two last being about morals and of ethics. COMPE SPONVILLE is not worried a fifth order for those and those which one a faith which is invested in a confession or precise spirituality. The crucial point is consisted the interactions between them because, the question is not that to subject an order to another. It was undoubtedly one of the errors of Karl MARX, which, tried to subject the technico-economic order to that of morals. It preached the raising the moral standard of the economy by exposing the concept of alienation and while expressing that the capital was initially a social report/ratio of exploitation of the man by the man. It resulted the design Marxist from it from the class struggle which degenerated into totalitarian drama at the XXè century. What is serious, it is that without the knowledge, lasting more than 50 years, of the Marxists referred to morals according to LENINE. This, whereas the interpretation in force which nourished many revolutions and of the conflicts resulted from an erroneous translation. The fault comes from against direction of translation from Russian to German, then of German to French of the work of Lénine: “The tasks of the unions of the youth “of 1920, I believe. LENINE, had expressed the idea, that morals Marxist is that which is with the service of the fight counters structures alienating and oppressive. However the interpretation which was used for 2 or 3 generations of individuals was that which morals Marxist is used to destroy the exploiteuse company and its servants and representatives = design quite far away from the possible harmony by the dialog or the traditional political action. It would be also an error to want moraliser the capitalism which has its logic interns which, place the human being in the second plan if the requirement of profitability can be faded. Mr IKEDA to quote it again specifies that ACCOUNT SPONVILLE, chooses the creation of a social order of harmony but in the direction ascending and alone, the person can achieve such a rise. It is education with the total citizenship: that of a citizen of the world of course anchored in a local and national environment explaining the rights and pointing out the duties dice the youth which will contribute to the cognitive training of the process of harmony. “To act local must be connected to thinking total” this, in order not to be unaware of the interdependence between all the human ones supporting the dialog and the comprehension of the existence of all civilizations with their cultures and varied systems of thought. If not, we remain in the diagram of the education which the thinker Norman COUSINS denounced when he wrote in his work “Human options (human options): “The great failure of education ....... is that it made become aware with people who they belong to a tribe rather than with a species.” The principle of harmony will be possible, when we understand that if the virtues to which they referent are the same ones, the order of morals is based on the duty and the interdict. The ethical order or order of the love, is propelled by the vectors of the joy and the realization. This vision joined humanism because these 2 orders lead us to develop a total direction of what links us… Then remain to define in the order of morals, the place of the religion whose GANDHI affirmed that those which claim that the religion has nothing to do with the policy did not include/understand what is the religion ...... By respect for the availability of my translator or my translator in English language, I stop this chattering, the continuation will be in another contribution when I find time. Copyright Guy CREQUIE Honorary doctor of the world Academy of Culture and of arts. May 31. 2007 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fathers' Day
The word and its religious origins God of creation was named at all times God the Father. Then it was Abraham, father of the believers (XIXth century before JC) and biblical patriarch. The Jewish, Arab and Christian people all claim to be descendants of him. The Romans also had their fathers, the emperors named Fathers de la the Homeland. Besides, Father comes from latin "Pater", sometimes used in creator's sense, sometimes filled with loving, authoritarian and protective fatherly feelings. For the Christians, fathers were of course the members of the ministry. the pope himself is named Holy Father by the Catholics.
Comment of GUY CREQUIE: fathers' day exists in numerous countries in June, but: not necessarily at the same date. In France, it is on the third Sunday of June. Why not go back to the date of June 19th, as it was the case for the first fathers' day celebrated on June 19th, 1910 (original idea is of 1909) in the small city of Spokane in the United States?
Mothers' Day
Mothers' Day is an annual holiday celebrated in numerous countries. It is a holiday which celebrates the mothers, motherhood, their devotion, but it is especially a day which is aimed at showing our recognition and our love.
Origin of Mothers' Day In spring, in ancient Greece, they celebrated Rhéa, the mother of godhead. The first mother celebrated in Phoenicia and in all of the Roman empire would be Cybele. Then the Romans celebrated Matralia or Matronalia in favour of the wives and in the mothers who gathered in a temple to receive presents and gifts of money. Small American history In the United States, it is Anna Jarvis (1864-1948), following the grief caused by the death of her mother on the second Sunday of May 1907, who did everything she could to institute a day dedicated to the moms. Since 1911, Mothers' Day is a civic holiday celebrated in most parts of the American states. It was in 1914 thatpresident Woodrow Wilson, made Mothers' Day officialin all the country, the holiday is set for the second Sunday of May. Mothers' Day in France, some key dates
Happy Mothers' Day!
As we know it in France, Mothers' Day today comes to us from the United States and became institutionalized in the course of the first half of the XXth century. 1914-1918: During the First World war, the American soldiers present in France sent cards to the United States to mark Mothers' Day. After the war, the Frenchmen copied American usage and the government used it to promote natality and the repopulation of France. May 09th, 1920: Still in a context of pro-birth policy, the minister of Internal Affairs set up the first national day of the mothers of large families to reward those who repopulate France. The same year, teachers of Alsace help their pupils to make an object or to write a compliment in favour of their mothers. April 20th, 1926: First official ceremony with delivery of medals of the French family. May, 1950: the law of May 24th, 1950 institutes Mothers' Day, signed by the president of the Republic, Vincent Auriol. « Mothers' Day is fixed to last Sunday of May, when this date coincides with that of Pentecost, Mothers' Day takes place the first Sunday of June ». Because of this, Mothers' Day is part of mobile holidays whose date changes every year (on 2006: May 28th; 2007: June 3rd; 2008: May 25th; June 7th, 2009; 2010: May 30th...)
Comment of GUY CREQUIE, I shall offer the international institution of Mothers' Day as it originated in America in 1907, on second Sunday of May.
Why celebrate the mothers and the fathers as an instant of harmony in a society of information? Because their reality is universal. Humanity is made up of the 2 sexes without which there is no human life. This reality is common to all continents, all cultures. In a country such as France, every week, alas, a woman still dies because of the blows of her spouse. WAR: it is certainly conflicts between States or social groups, but warring mind already starts in the daily behaviour within one's family, at work, in local life ......
By celebrating parents as factor of harmony, it is also a remonder to youth that it is the parents who gave them life. The parents create psychobiological conditions of possibility starting at the birth of a child, for then, it is family and cultural conditions, along with those of all the social relationships that become the transmitters of important data (witness the tragedy of the unemployed or the children and women deprived of education, sometimes even literacy tuition) who will contribute to build the personality of the child and his or her peculiarity, his or her specific internal and social life because every human being is unique.
Guy CREQUIE French poet and writer -------------------------------------- PHILOSOPHY OF THE WORLD…..
(and stakes for peace and survival of our planet) The problems of the world in my opinion give again credit to philosophical analysis, too easily relegated to the rank of antiquated modes employed or reserved for some intellectual elites disconnected from realities. In effect, the most noted phenomenon of this beginning of millennium is that of globalization. The questions of sense and entirety are truly the problematic of our times. At present, with the complexity of the world, theoretical and practical problems go beyond the field of the methodology and even epistemology. In effect we are speaking here of a knowledgeable culture, well connected with educated social and political practices. The field of culture must alsoinvest more in the sphere of "politics". Philosophical work should no longer be stationed in the study of laws and categories and in the movement of concepts, but: it brings us back to the total link of our thought and our action to facts and objects. I have already proposed it, during extremely serious international problems, the invited experts should not limit themselves to the economists, jurists, the military and financial strategists, but, to include writers, academics, various artists. Certainly necessary, applied and fundamental science, is not however enough for sounding the depths of the real as pointed out by Baudelaire. Art and spirituality also reveal the depth of human interiority and energy which can be increased tenfold. With this analysis, how can a poet and ordinary philosopher comprehend the challenges of peace and, fundamentally, the future of the planet?The practice of abstraction, interpretation and the specific elaboration of the poet-philosopher produce modalities which pavethe way to the transformation of our world. I spoke about the globalization at the beginning of my text .. in effect, what characterizes our societies (and Statesare not all mobilized to the level of the event) and which will be in the heart of our century is the stake of globalization . Whether we speak about environment, about economy, about peace, about terrorism and about dialogue between civilizationsthe big problems, will be solved in the international sphere. We shall have to be able to articulate the vision of the nation, of regions, with the vision of the global citizenry. It is true, it is very rightfully spoken , of preponderance and exorbitant role of the United States relating to the business of our world and this (including in the negative with their non-signature of certain international protocols). Their military and economic potency sometimes drives themto complacency and to claim to be the model of civilization. It remains no less true that multilateralism would ask for a bigger effort of countries like China, India, Brazil, Russia with the European Union on the international scene. A real involvement of the big nations of different culture in the business of the world, would facilitate the reform of the UNO, with an opening of the Security Council to some of the emergent powers of other continents and especially, it would favour the opening of the UNO to the non state actors: labour unions, onG, associations, representatives of science, culture and sports. The Society of Nations represented the first generation of the peaceful governance of the world; the UNO, after the second world war, was the second generation. It is necessary to invent a new generation opened to civil society. Youth, can see its role augmented within the organization. My Canadian friend Claude VEZIAU, speaks about the possibility of creating a permanent council of youth to the UNO. He is right! A permanent council of youth would be set up with an advisory voice to the Security Council and with voting powers within AG (general meeting of the venerable institution.) of course, these measures would be progressive in relation with the necessities of our world. Lebanon was an example, albeit timid, of the possibility of multilateralism. It is necessary to go farther. The situation in Darfour is dramatic. Indeed, we give free hand to a new genocide which, if it goes on, will cause more deaths than in Rwanda. If this drama took place in Europe or in America, it would provoke indignation. Notably: Sudan is located in Africa, and alas, the international community is more than timorous. A day will come when, as suggests (I believe the President of Niger), the realization of the United States of Africa, will give this continent the weight, luster and representation which it deserves. The charter of United Nations with its chapter VII, would allow the UNO, to intervene with or without the consent of the government of Khartoum. Lebanese situation and its impact on the near States, is linked to the resolution of Israeli-Palestinian conflict. At present, this Israeli-Palestinian dossier is blocked, because at this time, there is in reality only one real interlocutor: The United States, who have other concerns. We are not any longer in 1979 or in 1993, if other world powers do not intervene for the resolution of this conflict by contributing to an international conference with all interested parties, the drama will continue with its procession of deaths, hate and distress. As well as scientists, by the technique of transmutation arrive qualitatively at passage from one state to another one, from a philosophical point of view, it is possible to envisage a state of the social relationships allowing the passage from antipathetic polarity to a non antipathetic polarity in a first stage in spiral, before other developments of the process of symbiosis. All this will not resolve easily. There will always be evils to be fought, contradictions to be resolved, in that sense, to be man or woman is an endless effort . However, the political will and the concrete acts register in and make the process more dynamic . As pointed out by PROFESSOR GALTUNG, distinguished specialist of international relations and resolution of conflicts, by creativity, the overtaking of frozen situations is possible. The human world is weary! Preoccupied by the internal problems of development, countries such as India, China, Brazil do not bring sufficient possibilities to the international community. Europe, faces with a certain anxiety, in the progressive incorporation of satellite countriesof former USSR, it wonders about its relations with Muslim Turkey; internally, it struggles with its social problems (suburbs. Crisis of the social accommodation, job shortage, training and the future of its youth, problems of natality for certain countries.) it does not influence enough the stakes of the world. The suffering of the people who suffer augments, and indifference in their respect becomes commonplace. I feel an enlarging rift between the countries of the North and those of the South, aggravated by the questions of environment, the lack of water and energy in certain lands, diseases not solved such as the proliferation of AIDS in Africa and in certain Asiatic zones. The global awaking will be terrible, it can perhaps be cruel and unpredictable as for its modalities of expression of fright and of despair except if .. This is why, among certain urgent measures which would contribute to the conscience of the global citizen, one of them would be to organize under the ferula of the General secretary of the UNO, a Marshal plan of the environment inaugurated and prepared by a worldwide conference. Foreign aid motivates fight jointly against the greenhouse effect and other pollutions. To persuade the emergent industrial countries to fight against these blights which threaten all the planet, IMF, World Bank, should clear special funds; the big worldwide business companies during a certain period would regulate a specific contribution to collected benefits when they exceed a limit to be fixed and which, apart from its indecent character, goes beyond the desirable productive investments broadly. Finally, over some years, 1 % of the household taxation could be used for this worldwide environmental battle that has an ethical dimension and would need a draft of all energies. At the time of this conference, every country of the world should have ratified the Kyoto protocol as for the fight against gases with greenhouse effect. I spoke in previous contributions of my considerations and proposals relating to the situation in north Korea, of the relations with Syria, Iran, of the Iraqi problem and of many other problems. I will not mentioned them today. Lucidity and courage are virtues in politics. My country: France, is preparing elections: Presidential election and general elections. I invite its candidates to think about my reflexions. Certainly, one can criticize, ameliorate this or that aspect recalled by my care, but: I try to fulfil my role of actor citizen. GUY CREQUIE - January 20th, 2007 French Poet andwriter French representative within IFLAC (worldwide forum of literature and art for peace) Messenger of peace of the UNESCO manifesto 2000 Laureate of the Academy European of arts Honorary Doctor of the worldwide Academy of culture and arts. N.B. Considering difficulties of translation, I did not treat all aspects of international politics in this contribution. It is obvious, considering the zones of poverty on the one hand and colossal expenses for the weaponry on the other, that the resumption of negotiations for general disarmament (about which we do not hear any more, the question of terrorism being more complex than its only military resolution) should be one of the ambition of the new general secretary of the UNO. TNP (treaty of nuclear non-proliferation) must be reinitiated after the failure of debates of May, 2005, and without procrastination. Otherwise: what will be the credibility of the great powers in issuing warnings(for instance) towards North Korea or Iran?. At this beginning of millennium, the kantian imperative to treat man as the end and not as a simple means should find its concrete expression by the respect for life (all lives.) I propose that at the end of the mandate of Mister Ban KI-MOON, no country undertakes the execution of the death penalty. Precision: the translation in English language was made by my friend Canadian type-setter Claude VEZIAU. Internet site http://troubadourdevie.site.voila.fr ---------------------------------------------------------------------- CALENDAR OF PEACE FOR A RADIANT ERA ....... WELCOME TO THE NEW SECRETARY-GENERAL OF UNO ..... AND ENGAGEMENT OF YOUTH The calendar of peace for a radiant era (Harmonious Era Calendar http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=190, developed in 2006 by 27 authors from 12 countries and published in 12 languages by the separate book) initiated by Léo SEMASHKO has the immense merit to want to bestow to the future generations a heritage of reference points and a system of values synonymous with engagements.However, this step is a challenge and an effort without end. It relates to all levels of society.I wish to take the opportunity, with the imminent arrival of the next secretary-general of UNO, Mr. Ban KI-MOON, to share some reflections concerning the relation between this worthy institution and youth. YES, the young people can and must take a growing part in the various deliberations of UNO, and in the missions of their local offices. Indeed, the future of humanity needs their ideas, their engagements, for planet Earth to become the fertile ground of the acts of humanity which: preserve the planet, develop the rights of the person, fight the zones of poverty, are indignant vis-a-vis the social injustices, fight for peace, contribute to the dialog between civilizations. The universal citizen begins his apprenticeship in early youth in his family, at school, in the district… The passage from the local, regional conscience to the nation, then, to international dimension starts by a transmission of teaching the creation of values to the younger generations. The young spirit: it is to be in correspondence with these Archimedes' principles when he declared: “Give me a place where I can stand and with a lever, I will move whole planet…”In his proposals for peace given on August 30, 2006 to the general under-secretary of UNO: Mr Anwarul K. CHOWDHURY, Mr Daisaku IKEDA, recalled: “It is said that approximately half of the countries emerging from a conflict are again trapped within it before five years have passed.” It IS THIS INFERNAL DILEMMA WHICH MUST BE REFUSED BY THE YOUNGER GENERATION AND IT HAS THE MEANS TO GET OUT OF IT. Some proposals: -A gathering of the representatives of the youth of the whole world, should be ESTABILSHED before the holding of the General meeting of the United Nations. Thus, the leaders of the world, would know the opinion of the rising generation. The regional preparations of these annual meeting, would be left to the initiative of the various information centers of the United Nations.-All the universities all over the world, should have a program presenting the role of UNO, its means, missions. All fields of formation: scientific, technological, commercial, literary, should obligatorily have training facilities for this presentation. -ONG (nongovernmental organizations) on their level, should be attentive(helped by the regional institutions) to the most underprivileged populations which are often the girls and women, which, are often furthest away from information and decisions. They are to be associated all the actions recommended by the United Nations for the durable development.
Recently in Vienna, was held the constitutive congress of the CSI (international trade-union Confederation) gathering trade-union organizations of 170 countries. With this Institution and in relation to ILO (International Labor Organization) the new secretary-general of UNO, could organize an international conference of youth every 3 years on the topic of peace. This conference prepared in the various places in relation to the social forces , universities, would bring together delegates elected by: - The CSI, and its national and regionalrelays for the sharp forces of work, - Universities all over the world, relative with the elected delegates representing the technology, science, creation, and research sectors. -One of the means also, of making the Institution credible to those of therising generation would be to create a peace prize of the United Nations reserved to youth (18-25 years) and allotted by continent via the regional office of the United Nations. By continent, the States, onG, social forces, trade-unions, political, religious Institutions, ..... would make known their proposal for the prize winner at the regional office which, then, would submit this argued proposal to the Secretary-general of UNO. Of course, all this justifies that the States and Unions of States lay out and grant the finances adapted to the stakes at hand. I again submit these reflections to the new Secretary-general of UNO to whom I say: WELCOME and TAKE COURAGE! CopyrightGuy CREQUIE French poet and writerMessenger of peace of the proclamation 2000 of UNESCOPrize winner of the European Academy of artsHonorary doctor of the world Academy of culture and arts.25/12/2006------------------------------------------------------------------ INTERNATIONAL DAY FOR THE PEACE OF THE UNITED NATIONS on SEPTEMBER 21, 2006 The sentence of the day: Peace does not expect, it is gained by citizens decided to give to the dream otherness the practice of an engagement of citizen of the world. The poem: “I had a dream “ Loss of reference mark and valuesCrash of the political speechesGrimer of appearanceTo like its senior in rankDarknesses of the vocabulary of companyHieratic stating of such religious leaderThe human one of this end of centuryBringuebale lost in the fogIllusions or disappointments I had a dreamThat of the arpeggio of complementary identitiesThat of the critical laughterSunny seasonsWhen the ground thundersUnder the steps of the decided citizensTo give to our company The Argentinas voicesHave another savorThat gutturaux cries of the military remarksFear which torturesDeath which breaksWhose silence tearsShredded bodies, strippedBroken by the hideous handHatred of the otherThe lapse of memory of the mankindOne and indivisible For only one ground, only one cosmosFor universal mankindImage of Uranie to the colors sharpIn ThébaïdeWill succeed the glowing joysHappy headsNimbées of the light D life I had a dreamAt this beginning of milleniumMadness or clearness of callPure dream or reason to hopeTo act is the only wayTo join the sky on the groundFor the human responsibilityHeirs to survivalCodécideurs of the future. Copyright Guy CREQUIE Presentation of Guy CREQUIE - Poet and writer, combatant universal for peace, I am the author of 16 pounds, poetic collections, tests of company.From March 20, 2000 to March 20 2005 included I addressed to the large international organizations (of which the secretary-general of UNO) my proposals in favor of: peace, culture, education, rights and duties of the person. These proposals were published delivers of it in December 2005 by the editor the Manuscript in Paris under the title: “The humanistic challenge of an ordinary citizen (for the dialog between civilizations. ) Internet site www.manuscrit.com.-In 2006, I made proposals on the conflicts in progress: to consult my blog http://guycrequie.blogspot.com -I am implied in the preparation of a interreligieux dialog which will be held, 2006 in filiation of a culture of peace and non-violence. C dialogs whose topic is: “To go to the meeting of the other, to recognize it, dialog to act together for the common good.” This initiative will profit from speakers: catholics, Protestants, Moslems, Jews, Buddhists and will be published in book by an editor. -I am engaged in support for his promoter: Yvan TETELBOM, with the preparation of the first world festival of the poets on the topic of the peace, which, will be held in Paris from 19 to September 23, 2007. -Bound for youth and students, I took part as author in collective work “the first global project of a culture of harmonious peace for an information society – Harmonious Era Calendar.” The coordinator of this multi-field and multilingual work ofmany authors of various continents under the aegis of IFLAC is Léo SEMASHKO (www.peacefromharmony.org ). He is also the promoter of the project and his collective realization. -Among my permanent proposals for peace the culture, education, social justice, the promotion of the rights and the duties of the person, appear: that of the creation of a Ministry for peace in each country and that of the substitution of name “humans right” in the acts, treaties, constitutions, by that of rights of the person which, dice the statement decides by the catch in consideration of the 2 components of humanity which are: one of female sex, the other of male sex. -These last years, I engaged for the signature of the Proclamation 2000 of UNESCO. I collected on a purely personal basis approximately 1500 signatures. Indicated as secretary of a club UNESCO of a town of suburbs (Vaulx-in-Vellum), our club organized actions of solidarity for: Palestine, Cuba, Nicaragua, Colombia. on a purely personal basis, I helped the pacifist ones without borders installed in Togo. I took part on the initiative of the Mayor of the town of Lyon concerning the dialogs for the ground and the meeting between Israeli and Palestinian Mayors. In December 2004, during the exchanges within workshop 2 of this meeting, I proposed the idea that under the aegis of UNO, a world demonstration of the Mayors for peace can be organized. Indeed, the Mayors and their town councils are the elected officials of proximity closest to the populations E particular when those are the innocent victims of wars and conflicts. -I published poems in relation to the events of the United Nations, or in relation to the topicality; examples: “Ministry for peace, Dialogs between civilizations, the ground and the century to come (after the adoption of the charter of the ground), poem with my brother (after the attacks of September 11, 2001), the universalization of the spirit, Chetchnia, I hear your cry, Afghanistan lives again! My creed for humanity, cry of love of the poet (concerning the israélo-Palestinian conflict) the humans right, the woman is the future of the man (in connection with the basic rights of the woman), ..... “ - This 21 September 2006, you will find on a file Word with share, my reflections and proposals concerning the reform of the United Nations. Individuo CREQUIEPoeta y escritor francesesEmbajador universal de la pazMensajero de la paz del Manifiesto 2000 de la UNESCOLaureado de la Academia Europea de las artesDoctor honoris causa Honoris Causa de la Academia mundial de la cultura y las artes 53 calle Auguste Renoir69200 VENISSIEUXFrancia Correo electrónico guy.crequie@wanadoo.fr
In already named work: « The humanist challenge of an ordinary citizen (for dialogue between civilizations) » I enunciated various proposals for a reform of the United Nations.
The charter of the United Nations starts with these words: « We the people …» and however, today even, the Institution appears to have moved well away from knowledge that the citizens have of her. In actual facts, it became an Institution of representation of States (governments) in spite of the participation of associations, NGOs, in its general meeting. Concerning this international day for peace of September 21st, independently of union, associative, political activists, official representatives of organizations, how many citizens of the civil society feel concerned by this day and rally as « citizen actors? » The organization is nowadays mostly that of Nations which defend their national interests. However, this critical introduction alters not at all the necessity of its existence in the first place, nor the merit of what was undertaken, or the efforts of its leaders to achieve worldwide peace. Kofi ANNAN homself, actual general secretary of the Institution, set up a study group of experts which gave him their proposals. As an example, I remember that the jurist and former French Minister Robert BADINTER, had the honour to appear among the members of the study group and in an interview for the weekly " Le Nouvel Observateur " he had given his personal thoughts and the state of the work of the group. At present, I think that since the end of the Soviet empire which certainly was arguable (and it is not the purpose of this contribution) the weight of the USA on the worldwide playing field is excessive, this, without disclaiming the importance of the responsibility and historical role of the United States in global history since their creation. The moral conscience of global change, is not necessarily determined by the economic, financial and military potency of nations, groups of individuals according to their options, their beliefs and philosophies. Unilatéralism is an obstacle to the necessary circulation and confrontation of ideas, guarantee of democracy in societies focused towards the well-being of be their fellow-countrymen. So that United Nations become the worldwide gouverning body chosen and negotiated for peace without altering the specific role of States and unions of states , it would need to be presented starting as early as the school system according to the levels of studies and this, under the aegis of the UNESCO as for the pedagogy of presentation in the different educational echelons. With the reality of educational unbalances and the role of continuing education for the adults who did not all benefit of a high scholastic curriculum, this presentation would be adapted in relation with the ILO (international labor organization) which could issue its suggestions for the professional level. The preoccupation of the preservation of the planet should be in the center of the implementation. Financing of the UNO (also for the popular credit of the institution) should not be reserved only to States. So, there are in many countries the annual days of mobilisation with the help of mass media to combat blights: fight against the spread of the AIDS, genetic diseases, etc. There could be a day of this type in the benefit of the UNO. Also, products that can not be normally sold on a national territory or as part of regulated international exchanges should be made available to the UNO for directed and appropriate assistance. A specific tax on sales of weapons should be paid to the UNO. Finally, concerning States, I propose at first draft that the Member States of the institution contribute 0,5 % of their tax receipts for its actions in the service of the planet. The Security Council of the UNO should to be representative of the five continents and not be a place of dominance of the big powers which, alone, have a right of veto. The evaluation of the ecosystem of the millennium (MY) was offered by the general secretary of the UNO, Kofi ANNAN in June, 2001 and created in March, 2005. We cannot but ascertain ongoing deforestations in Amazon, in Central America, etc.., the global warming caused by the greenhouse effect with all its climatic impact on fauna and flora. This evaluation should find an intermediary by continent with the constitution of a centre of protection of nature as there should be a centre for the prevention of conflicts. It would also be necessary to create a worldwide environmental fund and to adopt an international treaty for the promotion of renewable energy sources. As pointed out by the Buddhist and Japanese essayist Daisaku IKEDA in his proposals for peace addressed to the general secretary of the UNO on January 26th, 2006, (extracts): « Humanity is confronted with a whole series of complex problems which stop in no way at national borders - threats such as terrorism, armed conflicts, poverty, the deterioration of the environment, hunger and illness. An serviceable and reinforced UNO is essential to allow efficient reactions to the worldwide challenges of this new epoch .. » On the occasion of sixtieth anniversary of the UNO, in 2005, GENERAL SECRETARY KOFI ANNAN produced a report titled: A higher freedom: towards development, security, and human rights for all. He develops a broad view of the mission of the UNO and purposes of reform " living sheltered from need, from fear and in respectability." During the World summit of 2005, it is the proposal to create an council of human rights of the United Nations to replace the commission of human rights which drew attention. This advice should implicate members of the society more broadly and concern itself with the rights of minorities and the fundamental rights of women in a more forceful manner. It has the possibility of recommending to states stricter measures against abuses and acts of violence and their compensation. The mandate of the actual secretary of the UNO ends at the end of the year His successor (whose the mandate of 3 years is renewable once) could set out to persuade the governments to create a Ministry of peace within their borders. Indirectly, this type of creation would have salutary effects towards worldwide relaxation starting with the renewal of negotiations on TNP (treaty of nuclear non-proliferation) out of commission since May, 2005. For my part, relating to my proposal of substitution of the appellation "human rights" by that of "rights of the person" more respectful by the integration of the 2 sexes, I would be favourable to the designation of a person of female gender as a secretary of the UNO. This nomination wouldindirectly allow advantageous effects for new advances concerning the fundamental rights of women and their representation in institutions and national and international Parliaments. For many years, a certain number of adopted resolutions of the UNO, are not applied by the concerned States. A debate should be established during a next general meeting of the organization to offer alternatives facing such facts which do not give credit to the institution. A reform is an act of respect for the institution and a proof that its usefulness is primordial facing the challenges of our times. But, as pointed out in an article for the monthly magazine "Third Civilization" of September, 2006, madam Masako DELALIEU, it is necessary to see unsurpassed progress brought by the UNO, I cite: " ..establishment of international norms which concern us every day without our even thinking about it, .. Promotion of international law, human rights and their moral fortitude, advent of the international criminal court, .. Irreplaceable role of the UNO for humanitarian missions, .. Common policy for the sustainable development." From this point of view, it is necessary to remember the objectives fixed by the summit of the millennium with the cooperation of all member governmentsof the institution. Particularly, that of diminishing the level of poverty of the most underprivileged, to ameliorate human rights and the fight for environmental protection across the realization of eight objectives in ten years between 2005 and 2015. The interested persons can consult the site: www.un.org/french/milleniumgoals/
Last minute additions my contribution: - The collective international work to which I contributed conducted by Léo SEMASHKO, and that aims at the transmission of the values of a culture of peace and of nonviolence to youth leads me to offer the holding of an assembly of youth (representative of 5 continents) every year, before the holding of the general meeting of the UNO. - I support the proposal made by Mr Jean-Paul NOUCHI, founding president of the ambassadors of peace, asking the General secretary of the UNO, the creation of a multidisciplinary commission of experts, these persons of various philosophical and/or religious options with the mission, from a clear definition, of determining movements that can be designated as a sect. » Their report given to the general secretary would act as international reference for all governments concerning this touchy problematic. In several countries (primarily European) parliamentary committees issued reports, objects of debates and contested particularly by jurists and sociologists of religions, who were not consulted during their elaboration. Freedom of conscience: as the respect for public decency and for public order have to be able to live together after the study of the true practical doctrines of the accused movements. The list of movements that can be classified as a "sect" would be updated every 3 years with the same criteria of observation defined by the commission according to the conditions of contract requested by the UNO. Copyright :Guy CREQUIE53 rue Auguste Renoir69200 VENISSIEUX -FRANCEFrench poet and writerMessenger of peace of the Manifesto 2000 of the UNESCOUniversal ambassador of peace (Geneva, worldwide capital for peace)Laureate of the European Academyof artsHonorary Doctor of the worldwide Academy of culture and arts and worldwide congress of poets. Edited by Claude Veziau October 7, 2006
Reflections of an ordinary citizen, relative with: The APPOINTMENT Of an EMISSARY OF PEACE ............ RELATIVE TO SITUATION A the MIDDLE EAST The secretary-general of UNO Kofi Annan, announced that it designated an emissary, which will work in discretion to work with the release of the 2 Israeli soldiers prisoners by Hezbollah with the counterparts to be negotiated relative with Palestinian and in Hezbollah. Of course, all the personalities parts which can play a part for this exit will be requested.
I can only be delighted by this initiative and I wish his diplomatic success.The question which perhaps posed is this one: Why, not to have taken this initiative dice the beginning of the hostilities with Lebanon? It would have saved many human lives, of the destruction, the anguishes. The answer to this question in spite of its cruelty is undoubtedly the following one: Israel, like Hezbollah, would have hopper doubts refused the mediation in the beginning, this, because one counted on its military superiority, and the other, intended to dismount its capacity of resistance, its determination, and to seek international supports on an emotional base starting from the destruction and victims among the Lebanese civil population. Thus, the horror of the war as solution is only more obvious.With the approach of the international day for the peace of the United Nations on September 21, these events show once more, that it is the propagation of a culture of peace and non-violence by all the existing vectors to begin with the school system dice the childhood which is the true solution.If not, the man who can be a wolf for the man as philosopher HOBBES wrote it, they are his greed, his will of domination and power which will continue to control the history of our world. Copyright: Guy CREQUIEFrench poet and writerMessenger of the peace of the Proclamation 2000 of UNESCOUniversal ambassador, of peacePrize winner of cultural institutions: European and world. -------------------------------
5 YEARS AFTER THE ATTACKS OF SEPTEMBER 11, 2001SOME REFLECTIONS of an ORDINARY CITIZEN Five years after made an attempt on the lathes of World Trade Center some reports and lessons The United States wanted to make the war with terrorism. However, their priority was to make another war, that in Iraq against the mode of Sadam HUSSEIN and not in Afghanistan where is Al-Qaida even if troops of the coalition are and carry out military actions there. This area is destabilized even. The changes of mode were not replaced by permanent democratic modes.
The use of the average soldiers against terrorism was not crowned success. Bin Laden seems quite alive; This, whereas military quotas were sent in the area of Lebanon until Afghanistan. In addition, the israélo-Palestinian conflict is not correlated with terrorism. There exists since the creation of the State of Israel and must find a solution political and nonmilitary. If one holds up the reality of terrorism like entity of this conflict, one will throw the Palestinians in the arms of Al-Qaida.
Like indicated it a specialist in Islam Olivier ROY, in an interview with the daily newspaper the Progress of Lyon on September 10, 2006, I quote “extracted: … There is no important man of Al-Qaida which was killed or stopped by military operations. ..... They all it have be by police operations or information.”
Other examples: the Iranian nuclear program, certainly is a problem but, it did not start with Mollahs, but under the Shah of Iran. It is thus well a political and nonmilitary question.American President George BUSH, refuses to negotiate with Syria which is suspect, According to him however, it does not consider military confrontation; thus, it is on the whole an ambiguous situation, without control. I could quote other facts, but this contribution is not exhaustive it has its limits on these complex subjects from where the difficulty. Concerning in our Western companies, the situation of youth resulting from immigration, it are not their refusal of the modernity which comes from the Occident. Much for the attacks or various violences is instrumentalisés with the means found and learned in our companies, the toughening comes from the deculturation. The problem is precisely as it did not have the appropriation of a culture there. Already at the end of the Seventies, a large French islamologist of the name of Mohammed ARKOUN, spoke about the islamology applied for comprehension by many Musulmans of their membership to a historical destiny.It is necessary to make a place with Islam like religion as such in Occident. Secularity with the Frenchwoman ceases being a constructive originality when it is held up like ideological secularity. Legal secularity resulting from the law of 1905 in France should be always more that of the confrontation and the circulation of the ideas. The French system is for much, that of a republican monopoly of the exercise of the worship and accreditation of the representatives of the various Churches.It generates realities such: the Protestant federation of France, union of the Buddhists of France, and the French council of the Moslem worship. Thus, our Institutions prefer to resort to entities created by them, and in conformity so that the Republic hopes for various religious movements, rather than a direct representation of the Religions themselves. This system consists in distributing the religious movements between the goods? The Churches or similar, it is to say official worships and the sects whose classification by the parliamentary reports/ratios is prone to many debates. Some are indeed a danger with the law and order and with the moralities, others, seem to be it on ideological criteria.
In fact social criteria, certainly, by penalizing more certain populations in suburbs which are school victims of failures, of lack of training, of negative discriminations to employment related to the facies, of a lack of social and decent housing,….Make the amalgam between religious realities and defective policies of our elected officials since decades. It is the diffusion of a culture of peace and non-violence near youth in a company of information as preaches it the collective international work to which I took part coordinated by Léo SEMASHKO qu constitutes one of the solutions with a future. Guy CREQUIEFrench poet and writerHonorary doctor of the world Academy of the culture and artsUniversal combatant for peace The recent articles will be put later on on my blog.
Excusez, SVP, les fautes de traduction en langue anglaise et espagnole.
The classical music transcends time Assert its moments Resist the modes
Moments of beauty and serenity Emotions of the heart, wonder of the spirit Sometimes shiver of the body Its harmony is a call of life
The traditionalmusic Nourished of a multitude of sounds Express the eternal, the universal one, the unlimited one
the music is love In search of words
Those and those which breathe the emotion of it Receive this sequence of agreements like: A scented breeze White clouds in the sky One spring full with buds on the ground
The music is a series of longieurs of wave “the scale of the 7 notes is the formula of the universe”
Sounds instead of being the result of a tremor Are the principal engine. In the physical universe The sound currents owe their origins with a vibratory movement And have like drank to continue a work of creation Various manners. Its product a development of infinite possibilities.
The classical music gives access to us the zone “alpha” This space which the artists find spontaneously This zone of inspiration, zone, where the materials enters The subconscious and the conscious one are exchanged.
The classical music raises the frequencies of the spirit It is the harmony of the heart Who transforms sadness into hope Hostility in sympathy
It abolishes the distances between the people Cross civilizations, exceeds the centuries classical music, radiation of the culture Is sovereign human emotion Concert of sacred music, prelude to the century of humanity The sound is the flown away thing The musical quality makes dream Space and times form its bed
Classical music one can retain This maxim of LAMARTINE:
“Of borders to the sky, do you see some traces of them”?
Or, let us contemplate the remarks of regretted philosopher Emmanuel LEVINAS: “the human task par excellence, is then that of the interhumain of the opening to the other in its unicity, without preoccupation with a reciprocity”
Copyright Guy CREQUIE Poet, writer and singer for peace and the human rights. Blog http://guycrequie.blogspot.com
Hello, Even if that does not have the sound sensitivity and the quality of a studio of recording or a micro professional of a concert hall This recording is the best this day made on the Web Camwood amateur in spite of his grésillements, this, because I moved back myself. You will hear “Parlami of amore Mariu there “interpreted in 1930 by Vittorio de Sica for the needs for a film. Then Tino ROSSI, put it at its repertory. In the Fifties, the 2 large tenors: Mario LANZA (the most beautiful voice of the XX E century and Guiseppe DI STEFANO, the usual partner of Maria FIXED, recorded it. And then, recently, in their concerts of the 3 tenors of the Nineties and the beginning of the year 2000, Jose CARRERAS, Placido DOMINGO and Luciano PAVAROTTI, put it at their repertory. You will hear this day, since its residence, and without accompaniment Guy CREQUIE (Gil CONTI) Guy CREQUIE, was also solicited to sing for peace with Nagasaki in Japan on August 9th, 2010, at the time of the ceremonies of the 65 E birthday of the atomic tragedy
With his age, Guy CREQUIE, does not sing solely for the pleasure of singing, it puts its voice at the service of the causes of the peace and the causes of human rights. It, for example, for Florence Cassez, arbitrarily will be thus held of it in Mexico on April 17th with the Zenith of Alençon. 19/01/2010 ----------------------------------
Poems written with our successors on June 1 for the international day for the protection of the children The teenager Whatever can be its nationalityThe color of its eyesThe aspect of its hairThe pigmentation of its skin Let us encourage itTo become a manAlways more man With a high spiritualityUnceasingly marked With the service of humanityOur Elder Copyright Guy CREQUIE The child The child is a gift of timeBy the birth, it affirms its existing At the time of the first stepsIt rolls here lowIts first glances are a delight of the eyesIts first wordsThey are for us two Comes time from the joys and tormentsSometimes the disease prevailsThe school symbolizes many concernPhantasm of the parentsMirror D their projectsReality of the childPredisposition for timeThe child does not belong to anybodyThat it carries out its intentionIt is one - him in the life Adult it will beMan or woman it will becomeThe social world it will knowHe only will holdWhat concerns its state. Copyright: Guy CREQUIE Of the child towards ........... the man When first murmursCause the admiring pleasureDe parents so surprisedForce of the lifeOf the imaginative infantIn search of attentionAnd of the first feeding-bottles The years passedIt depends on our humanitiesThat the challenged teenagerBy the difficulties of companyDo not be unaware of our rules of user-friendliness Diurnal or night periodAbandoned childrenSubsidiary love lackOf family and civic educationHave only violenceTo express their existencesAnd to show their waitings The love is a relationThat it is advisable to lavishIn order to perpetuateRules of companyWith the announced generationsAnd with those made upYoung disturbed beingsBy the hardness of the contingenciesOur conditions of existence If a word is to be givenIt is that of the effortThen of interior freedomTo prepare the young fearsWith solidarity by the agreementRespect of freedomRefusal of any warThe respect of any existenceIs that of the dignity of any life Each one being measuredBy the quality of exemption from paymentDelivered with the disturbed beingsBy the absence of humanity To transmit is to ensureEducational knowledgeResponsible adultsOf an animated descentFraternal traditionSo that the mankind livesBeyond the differences: ethnic, cultural, religious, philosophical These stated principlesParents of our citiesWill be able to assume themTo deliver themThe new epopeeAnnounced centuryIs your fixed challengePeople advised of the future ..... of the other Younger generations present and to come…. Copyright Guy CREQUIE
------------------------------------------------------- Guy CREQUIE
Dialog between civilizations From the five varied continentsIrrigated by the seas and the oceansSheltered by snow-covered mount and topsThe easy word between the nations do not be always realityTo obliterate with patience and tact badly apprehended differencesTo gain confidence by listening and the mutual respectTo link the wills for noble intentionsTo be rich D complementarity revealing our universality In year 2006 of this new milleniumWe are more than 6 billion humanThree times more than in 1927.Nous will be 9 billion in 2050.Reason moreover to decideIn finishing with: them warsit hunger, epidemics,reached them with the humans right- Aggressions against the environment- L `absence of reception for the refugees- The debt of the developing countries (their to remove)........................................................... 191 Member States of UNOStable elements D our regionsHave to developParliament of humanity Because we are made on this groundImmense of hearts multiple “our brothers”About the third milleniumIlluminated by the rainbowFertile faces of our citiesImmaculate of exemption from paymentAre filled of gloryDawn and evening interpenetrateSo many grains raisedInfinite brooksWhere resplendit the star, with laying down sunUs this glare comes from lightTender wisdom of the spirit People of the United NationsRadiate the gilded pearlPenetrate the glare of the sphereOn the bodies of the transparencyOur blue planetEntonne a vast clamorDiaphanous paddle then radiantStar of the human rebirthEmits the waves of the harmonyThe dialog between civilizationsHard but exciting taskWith us to make the topicality of itAnd to achieve to note intended Mankind is this priceGasoline of our identitiesCall our intelligencesTo know to workA plain world various butThe desire to like without prejudiceInterdependent needOf living in good community In its masterly work “Poor wretches “The large French poet Victor HUGO, mentioned: extract“Is needed, for walk in front of mankind, that there are on the tops permanently proud lessons of courage. Temerities dazzle the history and are one of great clearnesses of the man. The dawn dares when it rises ......”. The people, need a humanistic light which guides them.“To be citizen of the world”! Isn't it about a challenge of civilization?For this goal, the people D this millenium will testify by their construction to the destiny to the species to any nature, their passion noble for humanity. Copyright: Guy CREQUIE This poem was offered to UNESCO, at the time of the year 2001, presented as being that of the dialog between civilizations within the framework of decade 2000-2010 of a culture of peace and nonviolence.-----------------------------------------------------
Poet and writer53 street Auguste Renoir69200 VENISSIEUX(04 78 70 80 85 Mr Jacques ChiracPresident of the French Republic Elise palace(Cabinet of the President)55, street of the Saint-Honore suburb75008 PARIS Vénissieux on March 3, 2006 Subject: proposal of the creation of one Ministry for peace Mr. President, A few years ago, I offered the poem “Ministry for peace “to you. You thanked me for this text via your principal private secretary: Mrs Annie LHERITIER. Poet and writer, secretary of a club UNESCO in a town of suburbs, European and world prize winner of the Academies of the culture and arts, I was recently designated in Geneva “ambassador of peace “.I propose to you, from here the end of your mandate, for: at the same time to leave your print in the human history but also and especially, because this proposal would make honour with our country and would open the way, to be the First Head of State to propose this Ministry for peace. This Ministry would replace current Ministry of defence. Of course, in the current context, this change would mean by no means that our country gives up its defence and its average soldiers, but: it would translate dice the name of the Ministry, the desire of peace, a political good-will.This name, which can appear as symbolic system at the beginning, would all over the world open other prospects for other countries, this, whereas many conflicts and threats prevent. With thehope to be heard I remain Mr. President sincerely yours GuyCREQUIE
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Ministry for peace
The vocabulary With its raison d'être Who directs the body And aimings of the hearts
In the majority of the countries To protect from the borders Or to assert surfaces The deputy Minister Estimate yourself very honoured Of a marked name:"Minister for the armies Minister for defense Minister for the marine Minister for the collective security Sometimes even and alas Minister for the war. "With these titles of being able We assert the action Of a Ministry for peaceA such vibrato A fugitive thought darkness of a camaieu With the contempt of the arrogances Any ambulation In the long valleys On the seas turquoises Close to the silver plated peaks Guarantor of the life Your army is this cryPeace does not have a price Ministry for survival Safeguard spirits Will of cosmos Called our wishes.Guy CREQUIE French poet and writer
Some reference marks, to include/understand current violences against the occident and Denmark in particular from which one of the newspapers presented drawings making a caricature of the Prophet: Mahomet We pay with my direction, a historical and cultural delay in our approach of the Islam which today in a world where all is médiatisé; this whereas the Occident appears agent of a claim to the model by its richnesses, its numerical and technological superiority, its atomic armament and its ostentation of the money. Vis-a-vis that, countries and populations oppose a search for identity sometimes even exacerbated being able to degenerate in a nationalism or a hatred which can go until nonthe respect of the life and the failures to the gasoline even of the doctrinal corpus founder of the religion. Traditional Islamologie was born in France at the XIXè century, made by academics and missionaries. It was marked of an unquestionable ethnocentrism, with a dépréciatif glance bus carried by outside. Without any doubt, we did not seize, in the Seventies, the importance of currents like those of the islamology applied, aiming at adapting by the Moslems themselves their membership to a historical destiny. Even our representatives of the lights like MONTESQUIEU, (in the spirit of the laws) or VOLTAIRE, presented an apprehensive and erroneous vision of Islam. However, in the past, one saw two cadis (judges) condemned by the Abbasid capacity to IVè and Xe century to have disputed certain readings of the official corpus. It y have also, the philosophical movement carrying critical spirit and all these qualified movements heretics, savagely controlled or eliminated as it was also in the Christian Church at the time. The conditions of the capacity, required it on both sides. From XIIè century and the XXè century, these movements of dispute in Islam rarefied until disappearing completely. Thus, in Islam, there no were NIETSCHE or of MARX, known. This delay of Islam to adapt its own history and: the Western delay to know its situation exacerbated businesses such: RUSDHIE, with its satanic verses, where certainly it was intolerable that a writer can be threatened of died for his writings but which could be read only like one agitator and blasphemer Egalement, which humiliation for the Moslems, even for those hostile in Saddam Hussein, to see it captured, hirsute by American making him draw the Aujourd'hui language, whereas the Moslems, do not introduce to face the prophet, how you want that they understand that it can personify terrorism with a bomb related to him in a Danish newspaper. How to include/understand this quasi vacuum of authority criticizes between XIIè and the XXè century? At the time of the crusades, the diversion of the large economic and commercial currents to the profit of the Occident took place with the detriment of mainly Mediterranean Islam. There was, with the Turks and the Mongols, a wandering pressure which was exerted on a primarily town and even aristocratic Islam become. The capacity califal was shaken. Consequently, the rural world, controlled but maintained with the variation awoke, turning over to its antiquated diagrams always alive to its manners, with its ancestral beliefs. All this is diagrammatic. I return the reader and the reader to my work: Religions and company “(which prospect for humanity). Editions Risks 1995 prefaced by Emile POULAT, the large sociologist of the religions, Director of research at CNRS (national scientific research center) With the crisis of the suburbs of November, not limited to the youth of Moslem confession, but whereas many young people of these cities are it without use or formation, victims of their facies and culture, identity research, can led to a hatred against our civilization. An important work remains to be made to which specialists like Jacques BERQUE, Mohammed ARKOUN, Olivier ROY, others, are after working there. The design of the relation between the spiritual one and the temporal one, such as it was built historically with the charia, the concepts of modernity, secularity, etc must be analyzed, lived and put in prospect starting from a knowledge structured for the past, anthropological knowledge of the constitution of the social and ideological processes. The Moslems, are the Masters of their destiny, leave them, to decipher and ressourcer. But: it is by a respectful dialog between civilizations, of the true exchanges, on a plan of equality without spirit of sufficiency, which we will solve certain problems certainly heavy, but: nothing is impossible with the human intelligence and the opening of the heart. I hope, that these very reducing elements, will give you some keys of comprehension however. Guy CREQUIE Poet and philosopher ====================================