The Moral Revolution in Christianity, and other World Religions By Rudolf J. Siebert

Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, Michigan 2014 -------------------------------------------------
Rudolf Siebert. Golden Rule: Contra Ukrainian Nazism and Pro the Russian and American worlds solidarity.
Рудольф Зиберт. Золотое правило: Contra украинского нацизма и Pro солидарность русского и американского миров. Published: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1063
Personal page: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=51 February / March / April 2022 Dear Friends: Pope Francis is right, of course, concerning the tragic conflict in the Ukraine, and we should follow him: his appeal to our consciences before God, prayers, and fasting for peace in the Ukraine. On March 25, 2022,the Pope has just renewed the consecration of Russia, and the Ukraine, and the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the Mother of God, of her appearance in Fatima in 1917, in a repentance service in St.Peter's Cathedral in Rome . The Pope went to confession and heard the confession of other believers. The Pope carried in a most realistic prayer the sins of the world, its unlimited greed for money and power, in this its dark hour of war, to Mary, the Mother of God, who is also venerated in Russia and in the Ukraine, standing before the statue, portraying her as she had appeared in Fatima to the young shepherd children. After the end of the Spanish Civil War, the fascist General, Francisco Franco, told his allies, the most fanatic NSDAP leader, Adolf Hitler, that Mary, the Mother of God, had won his victory over the Spanish democratic Republic and over the communists: it had been a miracle! Hitler answered: No, I did it ! With fascist blasphemy, realism and arrogance Hitler meant to say: through Legion Condor, and through the stuka bombardments of Guernica and Madrid. It was the preparation for the project Barbarossa, i.e.the greatest Emperor of the First German Empire, Red Beard, namely Frederic II of Sicily, from the Hohenstaufen Family, the conquering and colonization of the Soviet Union, with 4 million men, and hundreds of army chaplains, from almost all European countries, which today constitute NATO, who would kill 27 million Russians, and 6 million Jews in the Slavic World. People from the Western Ukraine would join them against their own country.While Barbarossa was intended to makeEurope great again, it did the very opposite and moved it definitely into its retirement, and the American World and the Slavic World to the forefront of world history. One motive for the recent NATO extension toward the East hadcertainly alsobeen the Right -wing Hegelian time diagnosis of the end of history , of the ultimate victory of the political and economic order of the West. Alreadybefore, but then particularly with theUkranian conflict this diagnosis has proven itself as false conclusion. World history continues, nevertheless, under the leadership of the Post-European, American World and the Post-European Slavic World. During the Easter week of 1945, 77 years ago, I was engaged in the Battle of Aschaffenburg.On Easter Sunday 1945, I fought on the Hahnenkamp Mountain, where I lost all my comrades, 250 of them, whose graves I then visited for the next 50 years.
Ninety Hungarian fascist officers had deserted us secretly early on Easter Sunday morning, and opened our flank to General Pattons 80 tanks. We all had been trained to leave during this Easter week 1945 for Russia in the project Barbarossa, and to shoot down Russian tanks, which had reached the German border. Barbarossa had already killed 27 million Russians and six million Jews, and we were to continue the war against Russia, which had already been lost at Stalingrade and Kursk . That victory of Russia over fascist Europe will be celebrated again a few weeks from now, in the beginning of May. But then the American army crossed the Rhein River and the Main River, and we marched against it. Finally I was taken a prisoner f war by the American and Canadian Armyand was transported toCamp Allen, Norfolf, Virginia, where I was declared by the secret serviceto be an Anti-Nazi, because of my activities as leader in the Catholic Youth Movement in Frankfurt a.M. ,in Nazi Germany, and was trained to return back to defeated Germany,andto help to transform its fascist government into a liberal one. So I did. At that time, up to the Nürnberg Trial, America was allied with Russia against European fascism:What has happened to this great anti-Fascist alliance between the American World and the SlavicWorld,or Eurasia ? Today is Spy Wednesday. Is it okay to say Happy Spy Wednesday???? I don't think so. Spy Wednesday is the name traditionally given to the Wednesday of Holy Week. This is the day Judas betrayed Jesus. We hear about it in today’s gospel, Matthew chapter 26, verses 14-25. It’s called Spy Wednesday, because of Judas’ sneakiness. During Holy Week, the Church remembers the final days of Christ's earthly life and ministry. But we often forget just what it was that Jesus did to provoke the religious and political authorities and made them so hostile, that they wanted to stone him, or even to crucify him in the first place: Then Jesus entered the temple and drove out all who were selling and buying in the temple, and he overturned the tables of the money-changers... He said to them, 'It is written, 'My house shall be called a house of prayer;' but you are making it a den of robbers. Of course, Jesus also called his opponents sons of Satan. The more critical Jesus became against the establishment, the more grew its hostility toward him. Two-thousand years later, and we still see far too many corrupt leaders hijack faith and oppress already-marginalized communities for their own gain: Authoritarian politicians and televangelists touting dangerous conspiracy theories about election results and COVID-19 vaccines in Jesus's name. Right-wing Catholic bishops propping up the anti-life MAGA agenda while demonizing anyone who embraces LGBTQ love,and equality, and solidarity. Southern Baptist churches spreading white supremacy, Christian nationalism, and misogynistic purity culture with deadly results. And, of course, all of them hate Putin and the Russians!!!! I don't know if Jesus really wanted to be worshipped in tabernacle and monstrance, or if he wanted at all found a new religion. But I am sure, that he wanted his teaching to be practiced: the Sermon on the Mount, the Golden Rule: the meaning of the Law and of the Prophets, and of the Kingdom of Heaven: Matthew 5-6.. Mimesis or Imitatio Christi rather than cult andLord, Lord !!! f we're serious about following Jesus, we need to start flipping more tables ourselves. That precisely is what I try to do in this letter on The Golden Rule. It has caused much hostility . I have corrected the letter, and added new research to it, and sent it to friends in Crimea, Ukraine, Russia, India, USA, Europe, etc.for further critique and corrections. The truth is hard to get to, until it liberates. But we try. I am sending you once more my analysis of the Ukraine conflict. You may correct it further! I can send you no more actual and better Easter message than this letter on the Golden Rule in this tragic year 2022!
The first casualty of war has always been the truth.The propaganda war has always been very different from the real war, it pretended to report about.The propaganda was mostly projection of the Ego, conscious and unconscious, its ideas, and motivations, and actions, unto the enemy. The emotions of the masses were mobilized in the service of the propaganda war.That was also true about the Ukraineconflict of 2022. At least since March 29, 2022, CNN and other news organizaiions have been fully aware, that they were fed false information by the CIA about important aspects of the Ukranian War, as e.g. Russian atrocities in Bucha and Kiev, chemical warfare, etc., and how through them the minds of Americans and Europeans were shaped wrongly in a very emotional propagada war.The same happened intensely at the beginning of the Vietam War, concerning the Vietnames Gulf of Tonking attack, and at the beginning of the Iraq War, concerning the Iraqian poessession of weapons of mass destruction. Over the last ten years, Ukraine has dedicated hundreds of statues, memorials, plaques, and street names to Stepan Bandera and other World War II-era Nazi collaborators who played a direct role in the murdering of thousands of Ukrainian Jews and other ethnic minorities in the 1940s. A large part of all the Jews murdered in the holocaust were from Ukraine.Masses of people marched through the streets of the cities with swasticas and torches, and blood and soil symbols, tolerated by the government. Rightwing, exclusive, authoritarian personalties entered army, police and parliament .The public honoring of mass murderers would be inconceivable from a moral or political vantage point, if it was not sadly the reality within Ukraine over the last decade. Real genocide for nearly eight years happened in the Ukraine, when, almost 14,000 civilians, including children were killed over this time. Unfritunately, Kiev’s Western patrons were just pushing them to continue the bloodshed.,without any protest aganst atrocities. Andriy Biletsky, who served as the leader of both exclusive, Rightwing, authoritarian, fascist organizations, the Patriot of Ukraine (founded in 2005) and the SNA (founded in 2008), said in 2010 , that Ukraine’s national purpose was to lead the white races of the world in a final crusade … against Semite-led Untermenschen [inferior races]. Biletsky was elected to parliament in 2014. Despite all the evidence of genocide and ethnic cleansing of Russians by the Neo-Nazi militias in Ukraine to the contrary, the Western establishment media were full ofreports of alleged genocide of Ukrainians by the withdrawing Russian forces in the outskirts of the capital of Kiev. Hundreds of dead bodies buried in mass graves were found in Bucha, a town 37 km (23 miles) northwest of Kyiv, allegedly massacred by the Chechen contingent of the Russian forces occupying the area. After the atomic annihilation of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Pope Francis does no longer recognize as valid the traditional Seven Point Just War Theory by Augustine and Thomas Aquinas. .It had anyhow been practiced only twice, by two European Monarchs, in 1500 years. We can only hope that Pope Francis will not also become a victim of the propaganda war.So far, April 4,2022, he has resisted this temptation prudently and bravely. During the most painful Ukraine conflict, Patriarch Kirill of Moscow blessed President Putin and the Russian Federation. He thanked Pope Francis for his measured and moderate approach to the present military operation in the Ukraine. Shortly before the Ukrainian conflict Pope Francis blessed President Bidan and the First Lady in Rome. Moral equivalence everywhere! But during the Ukrainian tragedy Pope Francis did not only appeal to our consciences before God, prayers, and fasting for peace, but also to other aspects of the Golden Rule in the Sermon on the Mount, or the Sermon on the Mount in the Golden Rule: So always treat others as you would like them to treat you; that is the meaning of the Law and the Prophets. The very opposite was the outcry of hateful revenge: As you to me, so I to you! Retaliation functioned always again as oil put into the fire, as fire accelleration in all human conflicts. However, the Golden Rule was not only present in the Abrahamic Religions, in the Jewish Religion of Sublimity, and in the Christian Religion of Becoming, Freedom, and Manifestation, and in the Islamic Religion of Law, but also in most other world religions in the East and in the West, dead or alive, since the Axis Time. The Golden Rule has also been translated into the secular, modern philosophies and forms of ethics and social ethics, as e.g. the ethics of the Kantian categorical imperative, and of the ethics of the Appellian and the Habermasian, unlimited communication community, etc. All opposed to the social-Darwinistic, Spencerian, fascist ethics and ethos of the aristocratic principle of nature, which aims at personal,racial and national inequality and superiority. The aristocratic principle of nature came close to what Fyodor Dostoevsky called in his book The Idiot, his Christology, thetriumph of the liberal right of might, i. e. the right of the individual fist and of personal caprice, as indeed has often happened inworld history. According to Dostoevsky, it was Proudhon who arrivedat the right of might. Dostoevsky remembered and mentioned, that in the AmericanCivilWar many of the most advanced Liberals declared themselves on the side of the southern planters on the ground, thatNegroes were Negroes, lower than the white race, andtherefore that right of might was on the side of the white men. Dostoevsky observed, that from the right of might to the right of tigers and crocodiles, and even to the right of Danilovs and Gorskys, was not a long step. In contrast, the Orthodox Christian Dostoevski was on the side of the Golden Rule, and of all men, and all races, and their universalequality and solidarity. According to Adolf Hiler's Mein Kampf, propaganda, in order to be successful, must always paint the opponent as archenemy, and its own group as in every relationship being noble and admirable. That is particularly important in every propaganda war, justifying one side of a struggle or confljct.There was no concern for the truth. The aristocratic principle of nature became practical in what Chancellor Otto von Bismarck, the founder of the Second German Reich, and Adolf Hitler, the founder of the Third German Reich called Realpolitik.According to the critical theorist Theodor .Wiesengrund Adorno , also if in the case of Hitler Realpolitik meant simply the right of the strong, this terminushad, nevertheless, deeper implications than mere rationalization of Machiavellian zynicism.Inspite of continualappeal to idealism, heroism andreadiness to make sacrifices, the fascist never forgot, to make conscious to his followers and supporters, that according to his will the evil was not to disappear from the world.Hitler was the student of Arthur Schopenhauer, the father of occidental, metaphysical pessimism. It was not the goal of the Nazi to supersede suppression or oppression, but rather to give the reigns into the hands of his own fascist paety: the NSDAP. The fascist mocked and sneered at utopias of all kinds.He enjoyed the representation and idea, that the world was not only bad, but that it should also remain that way.The fascist was a positivist, who after he had explored andregistered the facts, did not ask, if they were good or bad, and if they were bad, should be improved and made better: it is as it is, the bottle is still half full!. For the Nazi it was a punishable crime, to think, that the world could become different. This motto had influenced all reactionary theoreticians sincethe authoritarian Thomas Hobbes, and his Leviathan, and his thesis of the bellum omnium contra omnes, and the inventor of concentration camps..The motto followed all pompous ideologies of the modern age like a shadow. Hitler called himself the most conservative revolutionary, and meant counterrevolutionary. Neo-liberal and neo-conservative President Reagan called himself a most conservative revolutionary and meant also counterrevolutionary.Rightwing populist Fox News spoke dayly of a new revolution, and meant a new counterrevolution. In April2022, Finland and Sweden became members of NATO, close ro the boarders of the Russian Federation. That was once more Realpolitik: to be sure, against the Goldeb Rule.Hitler had not been able to persuade the fascist GeneralMannerheim inHelsinky to join him in his war against Russia.Sweden delivered in World War I and Wolrd War II the desperately needed iron ore to the German armament industry, e.g. the Krupps, and thus became very rich, and was thus able to become socialist. The aristocratic principle of nature was the ethics behind the projectBarbarossa. It was the ethics of the present white supremacy forces, groups and movements, in the West. It was the ethics of the OUN, the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists, the UPA, the SS Galician Division, the Neo-Nazi Azov Batallion, the fascist Militias, the Patriot of Ukraine, SNA,the Democratic Axe, the Right Sector, which persecuted Roma and LGBTQ people, and which marched with swasticas through Kiev, and which carried out the Full Spectrum Dominance of the West in the Ukraine. They all reached back romantically a thousand years to the Kievan Rus. Istayed in Kiev in a very good hotel of that name. Thearistocratic principle of nature was the ethics of all the young men from the European Union, from Strassburg, and Berlin, and London, who blinded by Western propaganda and Neo-Fascist ideology, travelled in the foot steps of their Barbarossa ancestors toward the East, in order to fight a new crusade shoulder on shoulder with the Azov Batallion, and other Neo-Nazi groups, against the Russian army, supported and armed by Nato and USA advisors and weopenry, and thus were only prolonging the hopeless, most painful war.In March 2022, Hungary voted in a Rightwing President, and France came close to do the same. In order to find the factual truth in all matters of world history, we must always listen to both sides of the conflict, to both opposed combatants. Then we may be able to conclude from the truth and the untruth on both sides, the real truth. It is better still to listen also to a neutral voice, if there is one left. During World War II, I listened in Nazi Germany, not only to England, which was forbidden at the time with the threat of the death penalty, but also to neutral Switzerland, since a long time the most neutral of all countries in Europe, until recently it became partisan as well, when the Ukrainian conflict started: pressured by the banks in Frankfurt a.M., Paris, London and New York. The West could have helped to avoid this human tragedy in the Ukraine, if in the last 8 years it would have followed the Golden Rule in any of its forms, and would have listened to the cries of the victims in the Donbass territories, e.g. the city of Donetsk, and had helped to realize the Minsk agreements, or the Package of Measures. The Ukrainian army, armedand advised by the West, causednearly 14 000 civilian casualties in the Donbas territory in the past 8years, and thus provoked the Russian invasion. During the Cuban Missile Crisis, the Russian Navy entered the Cuban space, a part of the USA interest,influence and security sphere. According to the Monroe Doctrine, President Kennedy wrote on September 13,1962: If at any time the communist build-up in Cuba were to endanger or interfere with our security in any way, or if Cuba should ever become an offensive military base of significant capacity for the Soviet Union, then this country,the USA,will do whatever must be done to protect its own. President Kennedy forced the Russian ships out of the American influence sphere, and they returned with their weapons to Russia,and the peace between the antithetical Slavic World and American World was preserved for the time being. In the 1960ties, the East did to the West what it did not want to have done to itself, namely the penetration of the latter's influence and security sphere, but corrected its behaviour, and there was peace. From 2015-2022 , the West did to the East what it had not wanted to be done to itself during the Cuban crisis, namely the penetration of the latter's influence and security sphere through NATO's massive Eastward expansion, following historically the Crusaders' invasion to Novgorod, and Napoleon's invasion to Moscow, and Hitler's invasion to Leningrad, now again St.Petersburg, and Moscow, and Kiev, and Stalingrad, now Wolgograd. That Western behaviour pattern has to be corrected, if there should be peace in future world-history. East and West have their influence spheres: their Monroe Doctrine, formulated or not.A look at the global map shows the situation very clearly. Since World War II, the Slavic World, or Eurasia, and the American World have moved beyond Europe, and have become the contemporary, world-historical powers, the heirs of Europe. They can and still do compete peacefully with each other to both their advantage, and that of the rest of the world, only, when they follow the Golden Rule: otherwise there will be war, at least proxy-war. Unfortunately, In the past 8 years at least, the West has violated the Golden Rule against the East through the new East-ward movement of NATO: the fundamental moral law, recognized in theory at least by most nations since the Axial Age and the Axial man. The West should have treated the Russian Federation as it itself wanted to be treated during the Cuba crisis. However, the West did the opposite. Since the West violated the Golden Rule, it became at least co-responsible for the consequences: e.g.the present Ukrainian suffering. The West has been warned by the Russian Federation for 8 years, during which the nationalist Ukrainian army continually bombarded with artillery and airpower the mostly Russian population of the two separatist republics in the East, and caused much collateral damage. But even at present, March 2022, during the ongoing conflict in the Ukraine, and during the hysterical, Russophobic propagada war, which had been going on for years, and in spite of all sanctions, Russians and Americans are still peacefully cooperating with each other in Iran and elsewhere. American corporations are still doing business in Russia. A group of Russian astronauts have just arrived at the international space station, and were warmly greeted by their American comrades. Peace is still possible. While I travelled continually between the American World and the Slavic World for 50 years, I also became personally familiar with Ukrainian nationalism in Kiev. I held my international course on Religion in Civil Society(2000 - 2024), a sister course to my international course on the Future of Religion ( 1975-2024) in Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia/ Croatia, not only in Yalta, Crimea, but also in Kiev, the capital of the Ukraine. The Russian and the Ukrainian language were both spoken, besides English, in the course on Religion in Civil Society. Ukrainian professors and students came from all over the country to our international course on Religion in Civil Society in Yalta and Kiev: including early on the very conservative Volodymir Zelensky. After his law studies, and before he became an actor and popular comedian, playing the President, before in 2014 he became the President of the Uraine through a regime change. It was supported by the fascistic, neo-Naci Svoboda and Right Sector parties, and which as being ethic minus, or guided by the predatory, aristocratic principle of nature, alienated the Russians in Crimea, in Donetske, in Luganske. in Odessa, etc.. Russian professors and students came from as far as Siberia Western professors and students came from the USA ,and Western Europe. We treated each other according to the Golden Rule. There was harmony. There was peace. I gave lectures on the Golden Rule not only in Yalta, but also in Simpheropol and Sevastopol, and in Kiev and later on in St. Petersburg. I established an exchange program between the University of Sevastopol and Western Michigan University. My essays on the Golden Rule appeared already early on in the documents of the GHA. My essays on the Golden Rule were translated from English into the Russian and Ukrainian languages year after year, and were published in articles, chapters, and books.They were part of proclamations, which were sent to the Presidents of the Russian Federation and the USA, and to the UN in New York. The Western sanctions, punishing the Russian Federation for its so called invasion into Crimea, forbid my further conducting the international course on Religion in Civil Society in Yalta, which continued, nevertheless, under the able leadership of my student and friend Tatyana. My friends in the Crimea noticed a Referendum of the people, in which even the Tartars participated, but no invasion, except the presence of the Russian Navy in Sevastopol, which remained there contractually, when the Crimea was given to the Ukraine as reward for Kiev surrendering its atomic weapons to Moscow. As result of the violation of the Golden Rule by the West for the past decades, the tragic and costly conflict has finally started, first in Georgia, and then in the Ukraine: a red line has been drawn by the Russian Federation against NATO expansion toward the East, which protects its interest and security sphere toward the West. At least since March 29, 2022, CNN and other news organizations have been fully aware, that they were fed false information by the CIA about important aspects of the Ukrainian War, as e.g. Russian atrocities in Bucha and Kiev, chemical warfare, etc., and how through them the minds of Americans and Europeans were shaped wrongly in a very emotional propaganda war. The same happened intensely at the beginning of the Vietnam War, concerning the Vietnams Gulf of Tonking attack, and at the beginning of the Iraq War, concerning the Iraqian possession of weapons of mass destruction. The triplicate-dialectical warfare practiced by the Russian Generals in the Ukrainian conflict, as before in World War II in Moscow, Stalingrad, Kursk and Berlin, is often more effective than the positivistic one, which the Germans practiced in Russia, and the USA in Vietnam, Iraq , Afghanistan, Syria, and Yemen, etc.: wars which were lost in spite of massive material superiority. Therefore, the Ukrainian conflict will be short. However, the potentially, or really, fascistic personality type, which is present in the Ukrainian army, police and parliament is as masochistic toward itself, as it is sadistic toward weaker others, and therefore often continues fighting and sacrificing itself and others long after the struggle has become meaningless, and after all rational chances for victory are gone, as it often happened in Germany toward the end of World War II, e.g. in the Battle of Aschaffenburg, in March 1945, in which I partcipated. That authoritarian personality type could prolong the tragic conflict in the Ukraine, even into World War III. In a recent speech to the Knethet in Jerusalem, President Volodymir Zelensky, predicted that the Ukranian conflict could even be broadened into the Third World War. American Generals contradicted the President. They want under all cricumstances limit the present conflict to the Ukraine, and therefore reject the President's idea of a no fly zone. In contrast to the corporate mass media, the Pentagon made known on March 23,2022, that the Russian army in the Ukraine does not aim purposefully at civilians and children, and does not want to destroy the encircled cities as would happen in a real war, e.g. in Aleppo, Syria, and keeps security zones open toward the West for trains full of refugies .The Pentagon does not want to promote a Third World War by fake news. Fascist forces instigated the Second World War, 20 years after the First World War was lost. The same fascist forces could easily initiate the Third World War, 80 years after for them the Second World War was lost: it would probably be an atomic war. During World War II, the American General Patton, was greatly admired by the German leadership, because of his authoritarian personality, and his military strategies and tactics. He planned at the end of the World War II, to start World War III rightaway and began already to retrain the beaten German army, in order to march back with it to Moscow, Stalingrad and Kursk. Congress prevented his plan from being actualized. For the authoritarian,conservative people war as such was always an iron necessity, anchored in the aggressive human nature.War as such was the greatest test of the strength and health of a nation, and the ultimate possibility of international conflict resolution. The conservative thesis, that wars were unavoidable, was represented even more sharpened and strongly by the authoritarian nationalsocialism and fascism, and Nazism, in spite of the fact that in other areas there existed great ideological differences between conservatives, on one hand, and fascists and Nazis, on the other. The conflict in the Ukraine, after the latter's demilitarizion has ended, will probably be followed by a so called denazification process. For years President Putin has been the focus point of Western propaganda, as if there was no Russian Federation, civil society with different classes, oligarchs and others, political state with division of powers, a Duma, a supreme court, several parties on the Right, in the Center and on the Left, generals, and an army, an airforce, and a navy, and allies, etc.: an old very effective propaganda trick, to personalize collective power systems, and structures, and thus to identify the enemy more concretely for the agressive passions of the authoritarian masses. President Putin and his former comrades have admittedly experience with denazification in the Ukraine, and in the German Democratic Republic. They contributed to the East-German denazification as much as possible, and It was indeed very effective as well. I was there. The denazification in the German Federal Republic was phonie and ineffective. I was there as well.During the Adenauer restauration, all the old Nazis put on a liberal mask, and returned happily into their old positions.That is why fascism continued under the cover of the Marshall Plan and the consequent economic miracle. The later Chancelor Ehrhard prepared the German currency reform already under Adolf Hitler, and on his orders, and executed it in 1948. It left the German class system unchanged. Soon denazification was stopped entirely, in order to win over the German people for the new struggle against the Soviet Union and communism. Denazification will probably not fail in the Ukraine. The denazification will probably contain a tribunal following the model of the Nürnberg Trial, the Tokio Trial, and the present Den Haag War Criminal Tribunal, which the USAand Russia established, but unfortunately did not sign on to. The charge of the Ukraine tribunal will probably be genocide against the Russian population of the two Eastern Republics during the past eight years and using human shields in Mariupol,etc.. In reality the denazification started already, while the demilitarization was going on, in the sense that Russian soldiers searched from village to village, town to town, city to city, for members of the different fascist organizations, some of which reached back to World War II andthen were allied with Barbarossas, and others were of more recent origine, and all were held responsible for the regime change of 2014, and forthe massacres in the Donbase region, andfor the beginning and continuing of the present military conflict. Only on April 6, 2022, four weeks into thepropaganda war , using many of Dr.Joseph Goebbels' tricks, MSNBC admitted finally, stimulated by an article in the New York Times, that the Nazi Asov Batallion played, being embedded inthe Ukranian army and government, a mostpowerful role not only in the cities of Maiupol and Bucha, but throughout the Ukraine, continually supported by young volunteers andarmament from the West, and thus prolonging the war. But American news media did still not yet admit the many other Nazi organizations fightingagainst the Russian army in the Ukraine: the National Militias, the Democratic Axe, the Right Sector, etc. . MSNBC asked for helpthe Yale Professor Timothy Snyder, author of thefamous and popular book On Tyranny, who then told the audience, that the word Nazi had no content any longer in the Ukraine, except the other than us, who was to be excluded. It did no longer embrace the personality traits of exclusive authoritarianism, identitarianism, rightwing, extremist populism, romanticism, nationalism, capitalism, sadism, masochism and racism. Thus, the Nazis had comveniently disappeared from the Ukraine! Obviously, the disagreement between the antagonists in the Ukranian conflict concerning the atrocities and war crimes, between the USA and the European Union, on one hand, and Russia, and China and India, on the other, could not be resolved by the massmedia on both sides, but only throughprofessional investigations and by a court of law, after the end of the war, andafter the return of reason and some objectivity. That was fortunately the case after World War II and the Yugslav Civil war. That was unfortunately not the case, after the Vietnam War, and after the two Afghanistan Wars, and after the Iraq War. According to Benjamin Medea and Nicolas J. Colas J.S. Davies, from Source: www.CounterPunch.org on April 14, 2022, from Mosul to Ragga, from Ragga to Mariupol, killing civilians was a crime.Americans have been shocked by the death and destruction of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, filling American and Europeanscreens with bombed buildings and dead bodies lying in the streets. But the United States and its allieswere accused to have waged war in country after country for decades, carving swathes of destruction through cities, towns and villages on a far greater scale than has so far disfigured Ukraine. Hedges, Chris/Laila Al-Arian spoke of collateral damage in America's War against Iraqui civilians,in Nation Books,from New York,in 2009. Medea, Colas and Davies recently, in 2022, reported, that the U.S. and its allies have dropped over 337,000 bombs and missiles, or 46 per day, on nine countries since 2001 alone, from Source: www.CounterPunch.org .April 14, 2022. Also here the accused have the right to be heard, and to explain, and to defend themselves, to be investigated professionally,and, if necessary to be tried by the Den Haag International War Criminal Tribunal, and not by the mass media ot world opinion. It would be greatly desirable, that the USA and the Russian Federationwould also sign on to the international War Criminal Tribunal which thet themselves initiated in Nürnberg in 1945. It never makes any sense to victimize the victims once more by abusing them in and through the propaganda war. In recent weeks, President Volodymir Zelensky travelled from country to country in the West, in order to ask for more weappons, and evenfor a no fly zone. The rethoric of themost conservative President Volodymir Zelensky became the more fascist the more it developed. He finally even suggested , that theUN Security Council shoulddesolve itselve, if it was not able to help him to win the war against Russia. He was even willing to risk an atomic third world war, in order to reach that goal. Adolf Hitler'sNaziGermanyleft altogether the Völkerbund, the League of Nations , before World War II, and Barbarossa. Thefinal denazification mayeven take place in spite of the fact, that on March 25,2022,in Brüssels, President Biden, and the International Court in Den Haag have already declared President Putin to be a war criminal: without due process. on March 26,2022 in Warsaw, Poland, President Biden wanted President Putin to be removed from office: another regime change after the last one in Kiev in 2014, under the supervision of then Vice-President Biden, while his son became interested in the Ukrainian energy business, The regime change went badly. It was another violation of the Goden Rule; another catastrophy; maybe the last, total world tragedy! According to national and international law, a person is to be considered to be innocent until found guilty by a court of law through due process, and not through hostile propaganda and public opinion.Unfortunately, the West will probably be charged as well in the denazifiction trial, because of its participation through advisors and the massive supply of weapons for the Ukraine since 2014. World history is world judgement for East and West. World history teaches us, that the only thing which people learn from history is that they do not learn anything. We hope, nevertheless, that West and East shall be teachable in the future, and follow the Golden Rule, and thus avoid catastrophies and tragedies like the one which is going on right now in February and March 2022 in the Ukraine. If West and East, particulary the two world - historical front powers, do not learn to practice the Golden Rule from the family, through civil society, the political state, and history, to culture, including art, religion, philosophy and science, we shall not live very long. West and East can not only learn the Golden Rule from the Sermon on the Mount, but also the latter's fourth commandment against revenge and retaliation, the foundation of Mahatma Gandhi's and Martin Luher King's method of peaceful resistance. Revenge may be understandable, but it only produces new revenge, and suffering, and certainly no positive resolution of any conflict. The Russian Federation has shown the world in past decades, that also the fourth commandment of the Sermon on the Mount can be practiced even in the sphere of world history, and that it is not a sign of weakness, but to the contrary, it needs and shows the greatest courage and bravery. For example,the Russian Federation did not practice revenge, when its ambassdor was assassinated in Turkey, or when its military airplane was shot down in Turkey, or when its 300 soldiers were killed in Syria, etc, etc. West and East can also learn from the fifth commandment of the Sermon on the Mount, not only to love the neighbour and the friend, but also the enemies.That means at least, not to hate, and to dehumanize, and to demonize the enemy, and to lye to him and about him, and to assassinate him. on March 2/3, 2022, the Right-wing, exclusive, authoritarian, populist Fox News and an oustanding U.S. Congressman,a Republican, asked for a Russian Spring and the assassination of President Putin by his own people, in order to end the war in the Ukraine, provoked mainly by the West through its new expansion toward the East. At the same time, CNN at least warned its listeners in the USA, that a no-fly zone over the Ukraine by NATO could lead to alternative Future II - a nuclear world war, which would not only destroy Europe, but American cities as well. Politics is more than the art of the possible. Politics is more than a dirty business. Politics is more than the identification of the enemy, as the fascist Carl Schmitt has defined it, the jurist and theologian of Adolf Hitler. Politics is also more than war with other means. Politics at its best is rather a means to realize the perfectibility of man on the slaughterbench and Golgatha of world-history. The goal of good politics is the realization of alternative Future III - an always more perfect union, a more reconciled society. The existentialist Jean Paul Sartre must not necessarily remain right: the others must not necessariiy remain hell for ever. In any case, love of the enemies means to look through their eyes as well. It means not to be hypocritical, but to take the plank out of one's own eyes first, so that then one will see clearly enough to take the splinter out of the enemy's eyes. Also that is taught by the Sermon on the Mount: by the Rabbi Jesus of Nazareth, who fought most passionately against hypocrisy. The Pope Francis of Rome and the Patriach Kirill of Moscow must follow as well the Sermon on the Mount, the Golden Rule, the commandment of non-violent resistance, and the commandment of the love of the enemies, which makes man perfect like God, who's image man is, and who lets his sun shine and his rain fall on good and evil people. Otherwise, Pope and Patriarch would not be really and truely Christian and religious, and ethical and moral people at all, nor genuine representatives of Western and Eastern Catholicism, and culture. President Putin is a practicing Eastern Catholic, and President Biden is a practicing Western Catholic. Both Churches, Eastern and Western Catholicism, teach the Golden Rule, and hopefully also practice it: rich cult and liturgy, but also mimesis and imitation Christi! Both Christian leaders should be able to convince their many religious and secular followers, soon to come to an agreement with each other concerning the conflict in the Ukraine, and other issues, like e.g.international interest spheres and security zones, on the basis of the Sermon on the Mount, and of the Golden Rule, and of the practice of non-violent resistance, and of the recognition of even the potential and real enemies as equal human beings, in order thus to avoid Post-Modern, alternative Future I - the authortarian, totally administered society, and alternative Future II - the entirely militarized society, and to achieve Post-Modern alternative Future III - a more peaceful world society. Democratic states in Europe, or America, can not prevent or overcome exclusive, authoritarian, Right-wing populism, neo-Fascism, or neo-Nazism inside of themselves, while supporting and promoting it abroad in other states. What has become of the great anti-fascist alliance between the American World and the Slavic World of only 80 years ago, which defeated Nacism in 1945, then during the Cold War ? Penemünde was distributed equally between the American World and the Slavic World. Many SS men, like e.g. Werner von Braun, and his experts, and other Nazis were rehired not only for rocket production and for going to the moon, or even to Mars, but also for fighting and defeating the Soviet Union.The struggle continued unfortunately against the post-communist Russian Federation, after it refused to be integrated into the European World, and insisted on the independence and souvereignty of Eurasia and its enomous natural and human resouces. The struggle goes on in the Ukrain in 2022. The Fathers of the modern French and American constitutions knew, that democracy could not prevail and survive in a state, the citizens of which were not virtuous. The word virtue has almost been forgotten. At the same time they knew paradoxically enough, that the citizens were actually not virtuous, and that the state was not able to produce a moral disposition in them: that was to be left to the family, or to civil society, or to religion, or to philosophy. All modern states still had religions, and they all shared the Golden Rule, and could on its basis provide the citizens with a moral disposition, which could make democracy possible and maintain it in its existence. All modern states had philosophies, which had inherited the Golden Rule from the religions, and could thus also help to make citizens virtuous, and thus consequentially could also make possible democratic republics, or constitutional monarchies . The talk about the Golden Rule may seem to be as naive, silly, or even rediculous to the perspective of the fascist ethics and ethos of the aristocratic principle of nature, as Miguel de Cervantes Saavedras' Don Quixote, or Alexander Pushkin's poor knight, or Fyodor,Mikhailovich Dostoevsky's Idiot,particularly in the face of the present antagonism and conflict between the world-historical Slavic, or Eurasian World, and the American World. Napoleon's, or Hitler's, or Stalin's bigger batllions alone are supposed to decide the fate of democracy and survival! However, the existence, or non-existence, power or powerlessness, of the moral dispostion of the citizens of states should not be underestimated. The Golden Rule in all its forms has its own realism and power: if the American World, and connected with it the European World, on one hand, and the Slavic World, and connected with it the Chinese World and the Indian World with their enormous populations of over two billion people, on the other, will not guarantee each other mutually, on the basis of the Golden Rule in all its forms, their interest and security spheres, they shall sooner or later annihilate each other through their always more developed atomic weaponry. How more realistic can it get ? The world - historical powers, the American World and the Slavic World, could compete peacefully with each other: who would follow the Golden Rule more closely and more effectively; who would have the better education and enlightenment; who would have the better living standard for all people; who would have fewer urban and rural slums; who would have the longer life expectancy; who would have the lower abortion rate;who would have the lowerdivorcerate; who would have the lowest unemployment rate;who would have the higest minimum wage; who would have the highest health insurance and social security for all people; who would have most rational freedom and equality? The rest of the nations would follow the better example voluntarily, without sanctions, and regime changes, and military actions, and wars. The immediate future of humanity, and even of the surrounding natural environment, depends on the peaceful cooperation of the two antagonistic world - historical front runners, the Slavic World and the American World: their task and responsibility is enormous, and can only be fulfilled realistically in the spirit of the Golden Rule. On March 30, 2022, there were no American ships in the Back Sea, particularly near Sevastopol, or Mariupol, and there were no Russian ships in the waters near the Cheasepeak Bay and Norfolk Virginia. The Golden Rule can be practiced effectively not only by individuals andfamiliesm and civil societies, but also by states and civilizations: as they overcome themselves they can also come closer to each other. According to the critical theorist Martin Jay, the most simple and laziest form of journalism is war eeporting, Actually, the stories practically write themselves for the simple reason that many of the normal requisites of reporting don’t apply in conflict zones.The truth is that it’s the lowest hanging fruit and there is almost no impetus either on the ground or from media bosses to check facts. But what will these journalists do when the truth gets out after the war ends in Ukraine, when they become the focus of opprobrium? In a more distant, post-modern Future III, the antithesis of the Post-European AmericanWorld and Slavic World may be resolved and reconciled on the basis of the Golden Rule intoa more peaceful,democratic world federation, with one army, if not postmodern Future I - the totally administered society, the triumph of the authoritarian personality, will become full reality, or post-modern Future II – the entirely militarized society will appear,preparing for the final ABC wars. Sooner than that peace may come to the Ukraine, when East and West will practice the Golden Rule, and consequentially will be able to trust each other again, and to guarantee mutually to each other their interest and security spheres. Mir ! Peace ! Dr. Rudolf J. Siebert
Professor Emeritus of Comparative Religion Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan USA https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=51 22-04-22 --------------------------------- Dear Leo: Thank you for the new, excellent geo-economic report. I wish you and your dear Family a Happy Easter: He is resurrected! We all have hope still in a dark time. Below you find my family and friends letter. You are our Friend! You are Family! Attached you also find my completed letter on the Golden Rule, which went to friends in the Ukraine, Crimea, Russia, India, the USA, etc. In Solidarity, your Rudi, from the House of Mir 16-04-22 Дорогой Лео: Спасибо за новый, отличный геоэкономический отчет Глазьева. Желаю вам и вашей дорогой семье счастливой Пасхи: Он воскрес! У всех нас есть надежда в темное время. Ниже вы найдете мое письмо моей семье и друзьям. Ты наш Друг! Вы Семья! В приложении вы также найдете мое законченное письмо о Золотом правиле, которое разошлось друзьям в Украине, Крыму, России, Индии, США и т.д. С солидарностью, ваш Руди, из Дома Мира Dear Family,Dear Friends! Happy Easter for all of you ! During the Easter week of 1945, 77 years ago, I was engaged in the Battle of Aschaffenburg.On Easter Sunday 1945, I foughton the Hahnenkamp Mountain, where I lost all my comrades, 250 of them, whose graves Ithen visited for the next 50 years. Ninety Hungarian fascist officers had deserted us secretly early on Easter Sunday morning, and opened our flank toGeneral Pattons80 tanks. We all had been trained to leave during this Easter week 1945 for Russia in the project Barbarossa, and to shoot down Russian tanks, which had reached the German boarder. Barbarossa had already killed 27 million Russians and six million Jews, and we were to continue the war against Russia, which had already been lost at Stalingrade and Kursk . That victory of Russia over fascist Europe will be celebrated again a few weeks from now, in the beginning of May. But then the American army crossed the Rhein Riverand the Main River, and we marched against it. At that time America was allied with Russia against European fascism:What has happened to this great anti-Fascist alliance between the American World and the Slavic World, or Eurasia? Today is Spy Wednesday. Is it okay to say "Happy Spy Wednesday"???? I don'tthink so. Spy Wednesday is the name traditionally given to the Wednesday of Holy Week. This is the day Judas betrayed Jesus. Wehear about it in today’s gospel, Matthew chapter 26, verses 14-25. It’s called Spy Wednesday, because of Judas’ sneakiness. During Holy Week, the Church remembers the final days of Christ's earthly life and ministry. But we often forget just what it was that Jesus did to anger the religious and political authorities and made them so hostile, that they wanted to stone him, or even to crucify him in the first place: "Then Jesus entered the temple and drove out all who were selling and buying in the temple, and he overturned the tables of the money-changers... He said to them, 'It is written, 'My house shall be called a house of prayer;' but you are making it a den of robbers.'" Of course,Jesus also called his opponents"sons of Satan." The more critical Jesus became against the establishment, the more grew its hostility. Two-thousand years later, and we still see far too many corrupt leaders hijack faith and oppress already-marginalized communities for their own gain: Authoritarian politicians and televangelists touting dangerous conspiracy theories about election results and COVID-19 vaccines in Jesus's name. Right-wing Catholic bishops propping up the anti-life MAGA agenda while demonizing anyone who embraces LGBTQ love,and equality, and solidarity. Southern Baptist churches spreading white supremacy, Christian nationalism, and misogynistic "purity culture" with deadly results. And, of course, all of them hate Putin andthe Russians!!!! I don't know if Jesus really wanted to be worshipped in tabernacle and monstrance, or if he wanted at all found a new religion. But I am sure, that he wanted his teaching to be practiced: the Sermon on the Mount, the Golden Rule: the meaning of the Law and of the Prophets, and of the Kingdom of Heaven.Mimesis or Imitatio Christi rather than cult and "Lord, Lord !!!" If we're serious about following Jesus, we need to start flipping more tables ourselves. That precisely is whatI tried to do in my letter on "The Golden Rule." It has caused much hostility . I have corrected the letter, and added new research to it, and sent it to friends in Crimea, Ukraine, Russia, India, USA, Europe, etc.for further corrections, The truth is hard to get to, until it liberates. But we try. I am sending you once more my analysis of the Ukraine conflict. You may correct it further! I can send you no more actual and better Easter message than this letter on the Golden Rule in this tragic year 2022! On this Easter we are most grateful for Agnes's recovery from her operation and thank her for all herlove and good work for the family. On this Easter we also hope and pray for Karen's fast recovery from her illness and are most grateful to her for all her wonderful care and love for our family. I hope you all shall see soon my new porch with the new work of art, the Triangle as symbol of the Trinity, and in it the Dove as symbol of the Holy Spirit, the God reconciled with himself and with nature and man, individuals and nations, who elevate themselves to him. I am with all my love to all of you, your Dad, Granddad and Greatgranddad, fromtheHouseofPeace Дорогая семья, дорогие друзья! Счастливой Пасхи для всех вас! В течение пасхальной недели 1945 года, 77 лет назад, я участвовал в битве при Ашаффенбурге. В пасхальное воскресенье 1945 года я сражался на горе Ханенкамп, где потерял всех своих товарищей, 250 из них, чьи могилы я затем посетил для следующие 50 лет. Девяносто венгерских фашистских офицеров тайно дезертировали от нас рано утром в пасхальное воскресенье и открыли наш фланг для 80 танков генерала Паттона. Нас всех учили уходить в эту пасхальную неделю 1945 года в Россию по проекту «Барбаросса» и сбивать русские танки, достигшие границы с Германией. Барбаросса уже убил 27 миллионов русских и шесть миллионов евреев, а нам предстояло продолжать войну против России, уже проигранную под Сталинградом и Курском. Эта победа России над фашистской Европой вновь будет отмечаться через несколько недель, в начале мая. Но затем американская армия переправилась через Рейн и Майн, и мы выступили против нее. В то время Америка объединилась с Россией против европейского фашизма. Что случилось с этим великим антифашистским союзом между американским миром и славянским миром или Евразией? Сегодня шпионская среда. Можно ли сказать "Счастливой шпионской среды"???? Я так не думаю. Шпионская среда — традиционное название среды Страстной недели. Это день, когда Иуда предал Иисуса. Мы слышим об этом в сегодняшнем Евангелии от Матфея, глава 26, стихи 14-25. Это называется «Шпионская среда» из-за подлости Иуды. Во время Страстной недели Церковь вспоминает последние дни земной жизни и служения Христа. Но мы часто забываем, что именно Иисус сделал, чтобы разозлить религиозные и политические власти и сделать их настолько враждебными, что они хотели побить Его камнями или даже распять в первую очередь: «Тогда Иисус вошел в храм и выгнал всех, продающих и покупающих в храме, и опрокинул столы меновщиков... Он сказал им: написано: „Мой дом наречется домом“ молитвы; а вы превращаете его в вертеп разбойников». Конечно, Иисус также называл своих противников «сыновьями сатаны». Чем более критично Иисус относился к истеблишменту, тем больше росла его враждебность. Две тысячи лет спустя мы все еще видим, как слишком много коррумпированных лидеров захватывают веру и угнетают и без того маргинализированные сообщества ради собственной выгоды: авторитарные политики и телеевангелисты рекламируют опасные теории заговора о результатах выборов и вакцинах от COVID-19 во имя Иисуса. Правые католические епископы поддерживают программу MAGA, направленную против жизни, и демонизируют любого, кто разделяет любовь, равенство и солидарность ЛГБТК. Южные баптистские церкви распространяют идею превосходства белых, христианский национализм и женоненавистническую «культуру чистоты», что приводит к смертельным последствиям. И, конечно же, все они ненавидят Путина и русских!!!! Я не знаю, действительно ли Иисус хотел, чтобы ему поклонялись в скинии и дарохранительнице, или же он вообще хотел основать новую религию. Но я уверен, что он хотел, чтобы его учение практиковалось: Нагорная проповедь, Золотое правило: смысл Закона и Пророков, и Царства Небесного. Мимесис или ImitatioChristi, а не культ и "Господи, Господи!!!" Если мы серьезно относимся к следованию за Иисусом, нам нужно самим начать переворачивать столы. Именно это я пытался сделать в своем письме о «Золотом правиле». Это вызвало большую враждебность. Я исправил письмо, добавил к нему новые исследования и разослал его друзьям в Крым, Украину, Россию, Индию, США, Европу и т. д. для дальнейших исправлений. До правды трудно добраться, пока она не освободится. Но мы стараемся. Посылаю вам еще раз свой анализ украинского конфликта. Вы можете исправить это дальше! Я не могу послать вам более актуальное и лучшее пасхальное послание, чем это письмо о Золотом правиле в этот трагический 2022 год! В эту Пасху мы очень благодарны Агнес за выздоровление после операции и благодарим ее за всю ее любовь и хорошую работу для семьи. В эту Пасху мы также надеемся и молимся за скорейшее выздоровление Карен от болезни и очень благодарны ей за всю ее прекрасную заботу и любовь к нашей семье. Надеюсь, вы все скоро увидите мое новое крыльцо с новым произведением искусства, Треугольником как символом Троицы, а в нем Голубем как символом Святого Духа, примирившегося с Собою и с природой и человеком, людьми и народы, возносящиеся к нему. Я со всей любовью ко всем вам, Ваш папа, дедушка и прадедушка, из Дома Мира Рудольф Зиберт 15-04-22 ------------------------------ Dear Friends:February / March /April 2022 Pope Francis is right, of course, concerning the tragic conflict in the Ukraine, and we should follow him: his appeal to our consciences before God, prayers, and fasting for peace in the Ukraine. On March 25, 2022,the Pope has just renewed the consecration of Russia, and the Ukraine, and the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the Mother of God, of her appearance in Fatima in 1917, in a repentance service in St.Peter's Cathedral In Rome .The Pope went to confession and heard the confession of other believers. The Pope carried in a most realistic prayer the sins of the world, its unlimited greed for money and power, in this its dark hour of war, to Mary, the Mother of God, who is also venerated in Russia and in the Ukraine, standing before the statue, portraying her as she had appeared in Fatima to the young shepheard children. After the end of the Spanish Civil War, the fascist General, Francisco Franco, told his allie, the most fanatic NSDAP leader, Adolf Hitler, that Mary, the Mother of God, had won his victory over the Spanish democratic Republic and over the communists: it had been a miracle. Hitler answered: No, I did it ! With fascist blasphemy,realism and arrogance Hitler meant to say: through Legion Condor, and through the stuka bombardments of Guernica and Madrid. It was the preparation for the project Barbarossa, I.e.the greatest Emperor of the First German Empire, Red Beard, namely Frederic II of Sicily, from the Hohenstaufen Family, the conquering and colonization of the Soviet Union, with 4 million men, and hundreds of army chaplains, from almost all European countries, which today constitute NATO, who would kill 27 million Russians, and 6 million Jews in the Slavic World. People from the Western Ukraine would join them against their own country.While Barbarossa was intended to makeEurope great again, it did the very opposite and moved it definitely into its retirement, and the American World and the Slavic World to the forefront of world history. The first casualty of war has always been the truth.The propaganda war has always been very different from the real war, it pretended to report about.The propaganda was mostly projection of the Ego, conscious and unconscious, its ideas, and motivations, and actions, unto the enemy. The emotions of the masses were mobilized in the service of the propaganda war.That was also true about the Ukraineconflict of 2022. Over the last ten years, Ukraine has dedicated hundreds of statues, memorials, plaques, and street names to Stepan Bandera and other World War II-era Nazi collaborators who played a direct role in the murdering of thousands of Ukrainian Jews and other ethnic minorities in the 1940s. A large part of all the Jews murdered in the holocaust were from Ukraine.Masses of people marched through the streets of the cities with swasticas and torches, and blood and soil symbols, tolerated by the government. Rightwing, exclusive, authoritarian personalties entered army, police and parliament .The public honoring of mass murderers would be inconceivable from a moral or political vantage point, if it was not sadly the reality within Ukraine over the last decade. Real genocide for nearly eight years happened in the Ukraine, when, almost 14,000 civilians, including children were killed over this time. Unfritunately, Kiev’s Western patrons were just pushing them to continue the bloodshed.,without any protest aganst atrocities. Andriy Biletsky, who served as the leader of both exclusive, Rightwing, authoritarian, fascist organizations, the Patriot of Ukraine (founded in 2005) and the SNA (founded in 2008), said in 2010 , that Ukraine’s national purpose was to lead the white races of the world in a final crusade … against Semite-led Untermenschen [inferior races]. Biletsky was elected to parliament in 2014. Despite all the evidence of genocide and ethnic cleansing of Russians by the Neo-Nazi militias in Ukraine to the contrary, the Western establishment media were full ofreports of alleged genocide of Ukrainians by the withdrawing Russian forces in the outskirts of the capital of Kiev. Hundreds of dead bodies buried in mass graves were found in Bucha, a town 37 km (23 miles) northwest of Kyiv, allegedly massacred by the Chechen contingent of the Russian forces occupying the area. After the atomic annihilation of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Pope Francis does no longer recognize as valid the traditional Seven Point Just War Theory by Augustine and Thomas Aquinas. .It had anyhow been practiced only twice, by two European Monarchs, in 1500 years. We can only hope that Pope Francis will not also become a victim of the propaganda war.So far, April 4,2022, he has resisted this temptation prudently and bravely. During the most painful Ukraine conflict, Patriarch Kirill of Moscow blessed President Putin and the Russian Federation. He thanked Pope Francis for his measured and moderate approach to the present military operation in the Ukraine. Shortly before the Ukrainian conflict Pope Francis blessed President Bidan and the First Lady in Rome. Moral equivalence everywhere! But during the Ukrainian tragedy Pope Francis did not only appeal to our consciences before God, prayers, and fasting for peace, but also to other aspects of the Golden Rule in the Sermon on the Mount, or the Sermon on the Mount in the Golden Rule: So always treat others as you would like them to treat you; that is the meaning of the Law and the Prophets. The very opposite was the outcry of hateful revenge: As you to me, so I to you! Retaliation functioned always again as oil put into the fire, as fire accelleration in all human conflicts. However, the Golden Rule was not only present in the Abrahamic Religions, in the Jewish Religion of Sublimity, and in the Christian Religion of Becoming, Freedom, and Manifestation, and in the Islamic Religion of Law, but also in most other world religions in the East and in the West, dead or alive, since the Axis Time. The Golden Rule has also been translated into the secular, modern philosophies and forms of ethics and social ethics, as e.g. the ethics of the Kantian categorical imperative, and of the ethics of the Appellian and the Habermasian, unlimited communication community, etc..all opposed to the social-Darwinistic,Spencerian,fascist ethics and ethos of the aristocratic principle of nature, which aims at personal,racial and national inequality and superiority. The aristocratic principlee of nature came closeto whatFyodor Dostoevsky called in his book The Idiot, his Christology, thetriumph of the liberal right of might, i. e. the right of the individual fist and of personal caprice, as indeed has often happened inworld history. According to Dostoevsky, it was Proudhon who arrivedat the right of might. Dostoevsky remembered and mentioned, that in the AmericanCivilWar many of the most advanced Liberals declared themselves on the side of the southern planters on the ground, thatNegroes were Negroes, lower than the white race, andtherefore that right of might was on the side of the white men. Dostoevsky observed, that from the right of might to the right of tigers and crocodiles, and even to the right of Danilovs and Gorskys, was not a long step. In contrast, the Orthodox Christian Dostoevski was on the side of the Golden Rule, and of all men, and all races, and their universalequality and solidarity. The aristocratic principle of nature became practical in what Chancellor Otto von Bismarck, the founder of the Second German Reich, and Adolf Hitler, the founder of the Third German Reich called Realpolitik.According to the critical theorist Theodor .Wiesengrund Adorno , also if in the case of Hitler Realpolitik meant simply the right of the strong, this terminushad, nevertheless, deeper implications than mere rationalization of Machiavellian zynicism.Inspite of continualappeal to idealism, heroism andreadiness to make sacrifices, the fascist never forgot, to make conscious to his followers and supporters, that according to his will the evil was not ro disappear from the world.Hitler was the student of Arthur Schopenhauer, the father of occidental, metaphysical pessimism. It was not the goal of the Nazi to supersede suppression or oppression, but rather to give the reigns into the hands of his own fascist paety: the NSDAP. The fascist mocked and sneered at utopias of all kinds.He enjoyed the representation and idea, that the world was not only bad, but that it should also remain that way.The fascist was a positivist, who after he had explored andregistered the facts, did not ask, if they were good or bad, and if they were bad, should be improved and made better: it is as it is, the bottle is still half full!. For the Nazi it was a punishable crime, to think, that the world could become different. This motto had influenced all reactionary theoreticians sincethe authoritarian Thomas Hobbes, and his Leviathan, and his thesis of the bellum omnium contra omnes, and the inventor of concentration camps..The motto followed all pompous ideologies of the modern age like a shadow. Hitler called himself the most conservative revolutionary, and meant counterrevolutionary. Neo-liberal and neo-conservative President Reagan called himself a most conservative revolutionary and meant also counterrevolutionary.Rightwing populist Fox News spoke dayly of a new revolution, and meant a new counterrevolution. In April2022, Finland and Sweden became members of NATO, close ro the boarders of the Russian Federation. That was once more Realpolitik: to be sure, against the Goldeb Rule.Hitler had not been able to persuade the fascist GeneralMannerheim inHelsinky to join him in his war against Russia.Sweden delivered in World War I and Wolrd War II the desperately needed iron ore to the German armament industry, e.g. the Krupps, and thus became very rich, and was thus able to become socialist. The aristocratic principle of nature was the ethics behind the projectBarbarossa. It was the ethics of the present white supremacy forces, groups and movements, in the West. It was the ethics of the OUN, the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists, the UPA, the SS Galician Division, the Neo-Nazi Azov Batallion, the fascist Militias, the Patriot of Ukraine, SNA,the Democratic Axe, the Right Sector, which persecuted Roma and LGBTQ people, and which marched with swasticas through Kiev, and which carried out the Full Spectrum Dominance of the West in the Ukraine. They all reached back romantically a thousand years to the Kievan Rus. Istayed in Kiev in a very good hotel of that name. Thearistocratic principle of nature was the ethics of all the young men from the European Union, from Strassburg and Berlin, who blinded by Western propaganda and Neo-Fascist ideology, travelled in the foot steps of their Barbarossa ancestors toward the East, in order to fight a new crusade shoulder on shoulder with the Azov Batallion, and other Neo-Nazi groups, against the Russian army, supported and armed by Nato and USA advisors and weopenry, and thus were only prolonging the hopeless, most painful war.In March 2022, Hungary voted in a Rightwing President, and France came close to do the same In order to find the factual truth in all matters of world history, we must always listen to both sides of the conflict, to both opposed combatants. Then we may be able to conclude from the truth and the untruth on both sides, the real truth. It is better still to listen also to a neutral voice, if there is one left. During World War II, I listened in Nazi Germany, not only to England, which was forbidden at the time with the threat of the death penalty, but also to neutral Switzerland, since a long time the most neutral of all countries in Europe, until recently it became partisan as well, when the Ukrainian conflict started: pressured by the banks in Frankfurt a.M., Paris, London and New York. The West could have helped to avoid this human tragedy in the Ukraine, if in the last 8 years it would have followed the Golden Rule in any of its forms, and would have listened to the cries of the victims in the Donbass territories, e.g. the city of Donetsk, and had helped to realize the Minsk agreements, or the Package of Measures. The Ukrainian army, armedand advised by the West, causednearly 14 000 civilian casualties in the Donbas territory in the past 8years, and thus provoked the Russian invasion. During the Cuban Missile Crisis, the Russian Navy entered the Cuban space, a part of the USA interest,influence and security sphere. According to the Monroe Doctrine, President Kennedy wrote on September 13,1962: If at any time the communist build-up in Cuba were to endanger or interfere with our security in any way, or if Cuba should ever become an offensive military base of significant capacity for the Soviet Union, then this country,the USA,will do whatever must be done to protect its own. President Kennedy forced the Russian ships out of the American influence sphere, and they returned with their weapons to Russia,and the peace between the antithetical Slavic World and American World was preserved for the time being. In the 1960ties, the East did to the West what it did not want to have done to itself, namely the penetration of the latter's influence and security sphere, but corrected its behaviour, and there was peace. From 2015-2022 , the West did to the East what it had not wanted to be done to itself during the Cuban crisis, namely the penetration of the latter's influence and security sphere through NATO's massive Eastward expansion, following historically the Crusaders' invasion to Novgorod, and Napoleon's invasion to Moscow, and Hitler's invasion to Leningrad, now again St.Petersburg, and Moscow, and Kiev, and Stalingrad, now Wolgograd. That Western behaviour pattern has to be corrected, if there should be peace in future world-history. East and West have their influence spheres: their Monroe Doctrine, formulated or not.A look at the global map shows the situation very clearly. Since World War II, the Slavic World, or Eurasia, and the American World have moved beyond Europe, and have become the contemporary, world-historical powers, the heirs of Europe. They can and still do compete peacefully with each other to both their advantage, and that of the rest of the world, only, when they follow the Golden Rule: otherwise there will be war, at least proxy-war. Unfortunately,In the past 8 years at least, the West has violated the Golden Rule against the East through the new East-ward movement of NATO: the fundamental moral law, recognized in theory at least by most nations since the Axial Age and the Axial man.The West should have treated the Russian Federation as it itself wanted to be treated during the Cuba crisis. However,the West did the opposite. Since the West violated the Golden Rule, it became at least co-responsible for the consequences: e.g.the present Ukrainian suffering. The West has been warned by the Russian Federation for 8 years, during which the nationalist Ukrainian army continually bombarded with artillery and airpower the mostly Russian population of the two separatist republics in the East, and caused much collateral damage. But even at present, March 2022, during the ongoing conflict in the Ukraine, and during the hysterical, Russophobic propagada war, which had been going on for years, and in spite of all sanctions, Russians and Americans are still peacefully cooperating with each other in Iran and elsewhere. American corporations are still doing business in Russia. A group of Russian astronauts have just arrived at the international space station, and were warmly greeted by their American comrades. Peace is still possible. While I travelled continually between the American World and the Slavic World for 50 years,I also became personally familiar with Ukrainian nationalism in Kiev.I held my international course on Religion in Civil Society(2000 - 2024), a sister course to my international course on the Future of Religion ( 1975-2024) in Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia/ Croatia, not only in Yalta, Crimea, but also in Kiev, the capital of the Ukraine. The Russian and the Ukrainian language were both spoken, besides English, in the course on Religion in Civil Society. Ukrainian professors and students came from all over the country to our international course on Religion in Civil Society in Yalta and Kiev: including early on the very conservative Volodymir Zelensky,after his law studies, and before he became an actor and popular comedian,playing the President, before in 2014 he became the President of the Uraine through a regime change, which was supported by the fascistic,neo-Naci Svoboda and Right Sector parties, and which as being ethic minus, or guided by the predatory, aristocratic principle of nature, alienated the Russians in Crimea, in Donetske, in Luganske. in Odessa, etc.. Russian professors and students came from as far as Siberia Western professors and students came from the USA ,and Western Europe. We treated each other according to the Golden Rule. There was harmony. There was peace. I gave lectures on the Golden Rule not only in Yalta, but also in Simpheropol and Sevastopol, and in Kiev and later on in St. Petersburg. I established an exchange program between the University of Sevastopol and Western Michigan University. My essays on the Golden Rule appeared already early on in the documents of the GHA. My essays on the Golden Rule were translated from English into the Russian and Ukrainian languages year after year, and were published in articles, chapters, and books.They were part of proclamations, which were sent to the Presidents of the Russian Federation and the USA, and to the UN in New York. The Western sanctions, punishing the Russian Federation for its so called invasion into Crimea, forbid my further conducting the international course on Religion in Civil Society in Yalta, which continued, nevertheless, under the able leadership of my student and friend Tatyana. My friends in the Crimea noticed a Referendum of the people, in which even the Tartars participated, but no invasion, except the presence of the Russian Navy in Sevastopol,which remained there contractually, when the Crimea was given to the Ukraine as reward for Kiev surrendering its atomic weapons to Moscow. As result of the violation of the Golden Rule by the West for the past decades, the tragic and costly conflict has finally started, first in Georgia, and then in the Ukraine: a red line has been drawn by the Russian Federation against NATO expansion toward the East, which protects its interest and security sphere toward the West. The triplicite-dialectical warfare practiced by the Russian Generals in the Ukrainian conflict, as before in World War II in Moscow,Stalingrad, Kursk and Berlin, is often more effective than the positivistic one, which the Germans practiced in Russia, and the USA in Vietnam, Iraq ,Afghanistan,Syria, and Yemen, etc.: wars which were lost inspite of massive material superiority.Therefore, the Ukrainian conflict will be short. However, the potentially, or really, fascistic personality type, which is present in the Ukrainian army, police and parliament is as masochistic toward itself, as it is sadistic toward weaker others, and therefore often continues fighting and sacrificing itself and others long after the struggle has become meaningless, and after all rational chances for victory are gone, as it often happened in Germany toward the end of World War II, e.g. in the Battle of Aschaffenburg, in March 1945, in which I partcipated. That authoritarian personality type could prolong the tragic conflict in the Ukraine, even into World War III. In a recent speech to the Knethet in Jerusalem, President Volodymir Zelensky, predicted that the Ukranian conflict could even be broadened into the Third World War. American Generals contradicted the President. They want under all cricumstances limit the present conflict to the Ukraine, and therefore reject the President's idea of a no fly zone. In contrast to the corporate mass media, the Pentagon made known on March 23,2022, that the Russian army in the Ukraine does not aim purposefully at civilians and children, and does not want to destroy the encircled cities as would happen in a real war, e.g. in Aleppo, Syria, and keeps security zones open toward the West for trains full of refugies .The Pentagon does not want to promote a Third World War by fake news. Fascist forces instigated the Second World War, 20 years after the First World War was lost. The same fascist forces could easily initiate the Third World War, 80 years after for them the Second World War was lost: it would probably be an atomic war. During World War II, the American General Patton, was greatly admired by the German leadership, because of his authoritarian personality, and his military strategies and tactics. He planned at the end of the World War II, to start World War III rightaway and began already to retrain the beaten German army, in order to march back with it to Moscow, Stalingrad and Kursk. Congress prevented his plan from being actualized. For the authoritarian,conservative people war as such was always an iron necessity, anchored in the aggressive human nature.War as such was the greatest test of the strength and health of a nation, and the ultimate possibility of international conflict resolution. The conservative thesis, that wars were unavoidable, was represented even more sharpened and strongly by the authoritarian nationalsocialism and fascism, and Nazism, in spite of the fact that in other areas there existed great ideological differences between conservatives, on one hand, and fascists and Nazis, on the other. The conflict in the Ukraine, after the latter's demilitarizion has ended, will probably be followed by a so called denazification process. For years President Putin has been the focus point of Western propaganda, as if there was no Russian Federation, civil society with different classes, oligarchs and others, political state with division of powers, a Duma, a supreme court, several parties on the Right, in the Center and on the Left, generals, and an army, an airforce, and a navy, and allies, etc.: an old very effective propaganda trick, to personalize collective power systems, and structures, and thus to identify the enemy more concretely for the agressive passions of the authoritarian masses. President Putin and his former comrades have admittedly experience with denazification in the Ukraine, and in the German Democratic Republic.They contributed to the East-German denazification as much as possible, and It was indeed very effective as well. I was there. The denazififcation in the German Federal Republic was phonie and ineffective. I was there as well.During the Adenauer restauration, all the old Nazis put on a liberal mask, and returned happily into their old positions.That is why fascism continued under the cover of the Marshall Plan and the consequent economic miracle. The later Chancelor Ehrhard prepared the German currency reform already under Adolf Hitler, and on his orders, and executed it in 1948. It left the German class system unchanged. Soon denazification was stopped entirely, in order to win over the German people for the new struggle against the Soviet Union and communism. Denazification will probably not fail in the Ukraine.The denazification will probably contain a tribunal following the model of the Nürnberg Trial, the Tokio Trial, and the present Den Haag War Criminal Tribunal, which the USAand Russia established, but unfortunately did not sign on to. The charge of the Ukraine tribunal will probably be genocide against the Russian population of the two Eastern Republics during the past eight years and using human shields in Mariupol,etc.. In reality the denazification started already, while the demilitarization was going on, in the sense that Russian soldiers searched from village to village, town to town, city to city, for members of the different fascist organizations, some of which reached back to World War II andthen were allied with Barbarossas, and others were of more recent origine, and all were held responsible for the regime change of 2014, and forthe massacres in the Donbase region, andfor the beginning and continuing of the present military conflict. Only on April 6, 2022, four weeks into thepropaganda war , using many of Dr.Joseph Goebbels' tricks, MSNBC admitted finally, stimulated by an article in the New York Times, that the Nazi Asov Batallion played, being embedded inthe Ukranian army and government, a mostpowerful role not only in the cities of Maiupol and Bucha, but throughout the Ukraine, continually supported by young volunteers andarmament from the West, and thus prolonging the war. But American news media did still not yet admit the many other Nazi organizations fightingagainst the Russian army in the Ukraine: the National Militias, the Democratic Axe, the Right Sector, etc. . MSNBC asked for helpthe Yale Professor Timothy Snyder, author of thefamous and popular book On Tyranny, who then told the audience, that the word Nazi had no content any longer in the Ukraine, except the other than us, who was to be excluded. It did no longer embrace the personality traits of exclusive authoritarianism, identitarianism, rightwing, extremist populism, romanticism, nationalism, capitalism, sadism, masochism and racism. Thus, the Nazis had comveniently disappeared from the Ukraine! Obviously, the disagreement between the antagonists in the Ukranian conflict concerning the atrocities and war crimes, between the USA and the European Union, on one hand, and Russia, and China and India, on the other, could not be resolved by the massmedia on both sides, but only throughprofessional investigations and by a court of law, after the end of the war, andafter the return of reason and some objectivity. That was fortunately the case after World War II and the Yugslav Civil war. That was unfortunatelt not the case, after the Vietnam War, and after the two Afghanistan Wars, and after the Iraq War. It never makes any sense to victimize the victims once more by abusing them in and through the propaganda war. In recent weeks , President Volodymir Zelensky travelled from country to country in the West, in order to ask for more weappons, and evenfor a no fly zone. The rethoric of themost conservative President Volodymir Zelensky became the more fascist the more it developed. He finally even suggested , that theUN Security Council shoulddesolve itselve, if it was not able to help him to win the war against Russia. He was even willing to risk an atomic third world war, in order to reach that goal. Adolf Hitler'sNaziGermanyleft altogether the Völkerbund, the League of Nations , before World War II, and Barbarossa. Thefinal denazification mayeven take place in spite of the fact, that on March 25,2022,in Brüssels, President Biden, and the International Court in Den Haag have already declared President Putin to be a war criminal: without due process. on March 26,2022 in Warsaw, Poland, President Biden wanted President Putin to be removed from office: another regime change after the last one in Kiev in 2014, under the supervision of then Vice-President Biden, while his son became interested in the Ukrainian energy business, The regime change went badly. It was another violation of the Goden Rule; another catastrophy; maybe the last, total world tragedy! According to national and international law, a person is to be considered to be innocent until found guilty by a court of law through due process, and not through hostile propaganda and public opinion.Unfortunately, the West will probably be charged as well in the denazifiction trial, because of its participation through advisors and the massive supply of weapons for the Ukraine since 2014. World history is world judgement for East and West. World history teaches us, that the only thing which people learn from history is that they do not learn anything. We hope, nevertheless, that West and East shall be teachable in the future, and follow the Golden Rule, and thus avoid catastrophies and tragedies like the one which is going on right now in February and March 2022 in the Ukraine. If West and East, particulary the two world - historical front powers, do not learn to practice the Golden Rule from the family, through civil society, the political state, and history, to culture, including art, religion, philosophy and science, we shall not live very long. West and East can not only learn the Golden Rule from the Sermon on the Mount, but also the latter's fourth commandment against revenge and retaliation, the foundation of Mahatma Gandhi's and Martin Luher King's method of peaceful resistance. Revenge may be understandable, but it only produces new revenge, and suffering, and certainly no positive resolution of any conflict. The Russian Federation has shown the world in past decades, that also the fourth commandment of the Sermon on the Mount can be practiced even in the sphere of world history, and that it is not a sign of weakness, but to the contrary, it needs and shows the greatest courage and bravery. For example,the Russian Federation did not practice revenge, when its ambassdor was assassinated in Turkey, or when its military airplane was shot down in Turkey, or when its 300 soldiers were killed in Syria, etc, etc. West and East can also learn from the fifth commandment of the Sermon on the Mount, not only to love the neighbour and the friend, but also the enemies.That means at least, not to hate, and to dehumanize, and to demonize the enemy, and to lye to him and about him, and to assassinate him. on March 2/3, 2022, the Right-wing, exclusive, authoritarian, populist Fox News and an oustanding U.S. Congressman,a Republican, asked for a Russian Spring and the assassination of President Putin by his own people, in order to end the war in the Ukraine, provoked mainly by the West through its new expansion toward the East. At the same time, CNN at least warned its listeners in the USA, that a no-fly zone over the Ukraine by NATO could lead to alternative Future II - a nuclear world war, which would not only destroy Europe, but American cities as well. Politics is more than the art of the possible. Politics is more than a dirty business. Politics is more than the identification of the enemy, as the fascist Carl Schmitt has defined it, the jurist and theologian of Adolf Hitler. Politics is also more than war with other means. Politics at its best is rather a means to realize the perfectibility of man on the slaughterbench and Golgatha of world-history. The goal of good politics is the realization of alternative Future III - an always more perfect union, a more reconciled society. The existentialist Jean Paul Sartre must not necessarily remain right: the others must not necessariiy remain hell for ever. In any case, love of the enemies means to look through their eyes as well. It means not to be hypocritical, but to take the plank out of one's own eyes first, so that then one will see clearly enough to take the splinter out of the enemy's eyes. Also that is taught by the Sermon on the Mount: by the Rabbi Jesus of Nazareth, who fought most passionately against hypocrisy. The Pope Francis of Rome and the Patriach Kirill of Moscow must follow as well the Sermon on the Mount, the Golden Rule, the commandment of non-violent resistance, and the commandment of the love of the enemies, which makes man perfect like God, who's image man is, and who lets his sun shine and his rain fall on good and evil people. Otherwise, Pope and Patriarch would not be really and truely Christian and religious, and ethical and moral people at all, nor genuine representatives of Western and Eastern Catholicism, and culture. President Putin is a practicing Eastern Catholic, and President Biden is a practicing Western Catholic. Both Churches,Easten and Western Catholicism, teach the Golden Rule, and hopefully also practice it: rich cult and liturgy, but also mimesis and imitation Christi! Both Christian leaders should be able to convince their many religious and secular followers, soon to come to an agreement with each other concerning the conflict in the Ukraine, and other issues, like e.g.international interest spheres and security zones, on the basis of the Sermon on the Mount, and of the Golden Rule, and of the practice of non-violent resistance, and of the recognition of even the potential and real enemies as equal human beings, in order thus to avoid Post-Modern, alternative Future I - the authortarian, totally administered society, and alternative Future II - the entirely militarized society, and to achieve Post-Modern alternative Future III - a more peaceful world society. Democratic states in Europe, or America, can not prevent or overcome exclusive, authoritarian, Right-wing populism, neo-Fascism, or neo-Nazism inside of themselves, while supporting and promoting it abroad in other states. What has become of the great anti-fascist alliance between the American World and the Slavic World of only 80 years ago, which defeated Nacism in 1945, then during the Cold War ? Penemünde was distributed equally between the American World and the Slavic World. Many SS men, like e.g. Werner von Braun, and his experts, and other Nazis were rehired not only for rocket production and for going to the moon, or even to Mars, but also for fighting and defeating the Soviet Union.The struggle continued unfortunately against the post-communist Russian Federation, after it refused to be integrated into the European World, and insisted on the independence and souvereignty of Eurasia and its enomous natural and human resouces. The struggle goes on in the Ukrain in 2022. The Fathers of the modern French and American constitutions knew, that democracy could not prevail and survive in a state, the citizens of which were not virtuous. The word virtue has almost been forgotten. At the same time they knew paradoxically enough, that the citizens were actually not virtuous, and that the state was not able to produce a moral disposition in them: that was to be left to the family, or to civil society, or to religion, or to philosophy. All modern states still had religions, and they all shared the Golden Rule, and could on its basis provide the citizens with a moral disposition, which could make democracy possible and maintain it in its existence. All modern states had philosophies, which had inherited the Golden Rule from the religions, and could thus also help to make citizens virtuous, and thus consequentially could also make possible democratic republics, or constitutional monarchies . The talk about the Golden Rule may seem to be as naive, silly, or even rediculous to the perspective of the fascist ethics and ethos of the aristocratic principle of nature, as Miguel de Cervantes Saavedras' Don Quixote, or Alexander Pushkin's poor knight, or Fyodor,Mikhailovich Dostoevsky's Idiot,particularly in the face of the present antagonism and conflict between the world-historical Slavic, or Eurasian World, and the American World. Napoleon's, or Hitler's, or Stalin's bigger batllions alone are supposed to decide the fate of democracy and survival! However, the existence, or non-existence, power or powerlessness, of the moral dispostion of the citizens of states should not be underestimated. The Golden Rule in all its forms has its own realism and power: if the American World, and connected with it the European World, on one hand, and the Slavic World, and connected with it the Chinese World and the Indian World with their enormous populations of over two billion people, on the other, will not guarantee each other mutually, on the basis of the Golden Rule in all its forms, their interest and security spheres, they shall sooner or later annihilate each other through their always more developed atomic weaponry. How more realistic can it get ? The world - historical powers, the American World and the Slavic World, could compete peacefully with each other: who would follow the Golden Rule more closely and more effectively; who would have the better education and enlightenment; who would have the better living standard for all people; who would have fewer urban and rural slums; who would have the longer life expectancy; who would have the lower abortion rate;who would have the lowerdivorcerate; who would have the lowest unemployment rate;who would have the higest minimum wage; who would have the highest health insurance and social security for all people; who would have most rational freedom and equality? The rest of the nations would follow the better example voluntarily, without sanctions, and regime changes, and military actions, and wars. The immediate future of humanity, and even of the surrounding natural environment, depends on the peaceful cooperation of the two antagonistic world - historical front runners, the Slavic World and the American World: their task and responsibility is enormous, and can only be fulfilled realistically in the spirit of the Golden Rule. On March 30, 2022, there were no American ships in the Back Sea, particularly near Sevastopol, or Mariupol, and there were no Russian ships in the waters near the Cheasepeak Bay and Norfolk Virginia.The Golden Rule can be practiced effectively not only by individuals andfamiliesm and civil societies, but also by states and civilizations: as they overcome themselves they can also come closer to each other. According to the critical theorist Martin Jay, the most simple and laziest form of journalism is war eeporting, Actually, the stories practically write themselves for the simple reason that many of the normal requisites of reporting don’t apply in conflict zones.The truth is that it’s the lowest hanging fruit and there is almost no impetus either on the ground or from media bosses to check facts. But what will these journalists do when the truth gets out after the war ends in Ukraine, when they become the focus of opprobrium? Peace will come to the Ukraine, as soon as East and West will practice the Golden Rule, and will be able to trust each other again, and to guarantee mutually to each othertheir interestand security spheres. Mir ! Peace ! Dr.Rudolf J. Siebert
Professor Emeritus of Comparative Religion Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan USA 15-04-22 --------------------------------------