ARE WE READY TO LEARN TRUE PEACE IN DIALOGUE, UNTIL IT'S NOT TOO LATE? To answer this question, a textbook is required to overcome the total peacemaking ignorance as the main obstacle to the survival dialogue. The textbook will be created in the GGHA this year, the features of which are revealed in the banner.
 Spheronics. Discussion:
Peace Petition: More details: , --------------------------- 3.2. Spheronics History
Three stages of spheronics history can be distinguished: 1. Indian, by Mahatma Gandhi (1927-1948), starting with his discovery in 1927 of the “varnas/spherons” of ancient India, the initial idea of nonviolence of which was supported by Leo Tolstoy writer; 2. Russian (1970-2005) and 3. International within the framework of the "Gandhian Global Harmony Association" (GGHA), which brings together more than 600 scientists and peacemakers from more than 50 countries (2005-2022), which are disclosed here:
In the process. Translation into English of the Russian text published here: You could translate it into English yourself via Google Translator if you wish.