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Easter GGHA Petition to the UN in defense of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church


GGHA Petition to the UN

in defense of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church

and millions of its believers.

From Catholic Easter o­n April 9 to Orthodox Easter o­n April 16

От Католической Пасхи 9 апреля до Православной Пасхи 16 апреля


GGHA 85th peacemaking project.

GGHA Petition to the UN in defense of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church

and millions of its believers.

Started: April 8, 2023

Finished: April 20, 2023.

Presented to the Russia leaders and the UN.


In English: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1126

In Russian: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=1026


We, the Gandhian Global Harmony Association (GGHA) members and supporters, an international peacemaking organization headquartered in Delhi, established o­n February 15, 2005 and bringing together more than 600 humanities scholars and peacemakers from more than 50 countries, including the President of India, Abdul Kalam, 5 Nobel Peace Prize laureates and leaders of many international peace organizations have signed and are sending to the UN the following Petition “In defense of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church and millions of its believers”.

We, the undersigned believers of good will, Orthodox and Catholic Christians in the first place, PROTEST against the monstrous violent persecution of the state nationalist leadership of Ukraine against the Ukrainian Orthodox Church and millions of its believers. Orthodox churches in Ukraine, in accordance with the authorities spiritual Satanism and legal nihilism, which grossly violate the rights and freedoms of millions of Orthodox believers in the country, burn and destroy Orthodox churches with heavy machinery, persecute and kill Orthodox priests, forcibly close Orthodox monasteries, seize the premises of Orthodox churches and mock the Orthodox believers in the most disgusting way, humiliating their human dignity in every possible way. Blessed Augustine was truly right when he pointed out that earthly kingdoms like the modern Ukrainian regime are "kingdoms of Satan" that are perishing from it.

We SUPPORT the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in its constitutional right to life and millions of Orthodox believers in their right to freedom of Orthodox conscience and religion, serving to universal peace, truth and unity of all believers.

We are outraged by the illegal actions of the Ukrainian nationalist authorities, we DEMAND the restoration of legality and justice in relation to the Ukrainian Orthodox Church and its congregation.

We INSIST o­n the immediate response of the UN and UNESCO in defense of the believers millions rights the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, if they remain international bodies of support for them and have not become bodies of assistance in trampling them.

We INVITE all people of good will publicly, through the GGHA networks, to SIGN our Petition since Easter to Easter, since April 9 to April 16, indicating your name, faith (if you want) and country. The list of signatories who have PUBLICLY signed the Petition, in order to rule out any suspicion, will be published o­n the GGHA website

in Russian: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=1026

and English: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1126, and
https://www.ismatimes.com/en/Easter-GGHA-Petition-to-the-UN, - Delhi, - and in:

http://freenations.net/petition-to-the-un-in-defense-of-the-ukrainian-orthodox-church/, - London, to officially submit this list to the UN and UNESCO. It will be exempt from all comments of the signers.

We ASK all people of good will to publish and widely distribute our Petition in solidarity and with the Easter peace, with which we congratulate everyone!



Leo Semashko, GGHA founder (2005) and Honorary President, Russia,

Julia Budnikova, GGHA-Russia President,

Andrey Smirnov, GGHA Vice President, Russia,

April 9, 2023


Emails to sign: leo.semashko@gmail.comиleo.tetrism76@gmail.com




Leo Semashko, GGHA founder (2005) and Honorary President, Russia

Julia Budnikova, GGHA-Russia President,

Andrey Smirnov, GGHA Vice President, Russia,

Panagiotis -Takis D Ioannides, GGHA Co-founder and Vice President, Greece,

Подписываю эту петицию с гордостью за ГГСГ. Как православный человек, не могу остаться в стороне, наблюдая ту бесовщину, которую творят украинские националисты. Господь справедлив, надеюсь каждому воздастся по заслугам.

Вера Попович, Россия,

My signatory of this excellent petition.

Matt Meyer, Secretary-General, International Peace Research Association, USA,

Dear Leo. Thank you for the great petition. I fully agree.

Prof. Rudolf Siebert, Catholic, USA,

Hello Leo. Namaste!Mir! Please add my signature.Thank you.

Andre Sheldon, Founder and Director, Global Strategy of Nonviolence, Catholic, USA,

Congratulations! Please, add my signature! 

Dr. Lucas Pawlik, Catholic, Austria,

Yes, I wish to be added o­n the petition to stop Ukraine's sociopaths, Nazis, and other assorted demons from destroying the Orthodox Church. Looking forward to Russia swiftly reclaiming its lands, too.

Lori Price, Editor-in-Chief, CLG News, https://legitgov.org/, USA,
Well said. Rodney Atkinson, Protestant, Britain,

Dear Leo. Yes, please also add Democratic World Federalists to the petition list. For peace and humanity,
Dr. Roger Kotila, President, Democratic World Federalists, USA

Прошу поставить мое имя в петиции в поддержку Украинской православной церкви.

С уважением, Дмитрий Делюкин, православный, Россия,

Binod Dawadi, poet, Nepal,

Mohammad Ismail, Muslim, ISMATIMES Editor: https://www.ismatimes.com/en/, India,

I would like to sign please. Lynn Atkinson, Britain,

Please add my name to the petition. Raymond Adams. S/England.

Petition details please. Russell Hicks. UK

I wish to sign this petition. Graham Wood, Britain,

I am CofE, English (non church-going) , and I am appalled at the persecution of orthodox Christians in Ukraine. UN should intervene to stop it and the worldcondemn it.

Tony Woodcock, Bournemouth UK,

I wish to sign petition for support to Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

Theodore Karakostas, Boston, Ma USA,

Kay Rowham. 3Lyons Ave DH50HS, UK,

Eileen Findlay, Episcopalian, United States of America, США,


Кусковская С.Ю., Член ГГСГ, Россия,

Please add my and wife's signatures:

Edward Lozansky - President, American University in Moscow and Professor, National Research Nuclear University, Russia,

Tatiana Lozansky - Editor, Kontinent USA, www.RussiaHouse.org

Lord William Scott Johnson BA HONS, UK,

Поддерживаю петицию в защиту Православной церкви на Украине, особенно это касается Киево-Печерской лавры. С уважением, 

Александр Степанович Конанчук, православный, ГГСГ, Россия,

I wish to sign the petition in defense of the Ukrainian Orthodox church.

Erik Göthe, member of the Swedish protestant church,

I sign! mvh/Leif Stålhammer. Skolgatan 1, 73831 Norberg, Sweden, 0731-432480

Прошу добавить мою подпись в поддержку "Пасхальной Петиции в ООН в защиту Украинской Православной Церкви". Сегодня, в Страстную пятницу, остается только молиться, что наступит просветление в головах людей!!! Всем ГАРМОНИИ в Душе и Мире! С уважением и Надеждой на Светлое Будущее, которое мы творим своими мыслями и поступками:

Светлана Ветрова, православная, ГГСГ, Россия,

Протестую против насильственных гонений со стороны националистического руководства Украины в отношении Украинской Православной Церкви и миллионов ее верующих. Поддерживаю Украинскую Православную Церковь в ее конституционном праве на жизнь и миллионы Православных верующих в их праве свободы совести и вероисповедания. Включите мой голос в петицию:

Ирина Медведева, православная, ГГСГ, Россия,

Безусловно я поддерживаю Петицию ГГСГ в ООН в защиту Украинской Православной Церкви и миллионов ее верующих. С надеждой и уверенностью, что не потерявшее разум мировое сообщество даст отпор попыткам возрождения средневекового мракобесия и воинствующего нацизма:

Ольга Кашина, православная, ГГСГ, Россия,

Поддерживаю петицию в защиту Православия на Украине,

Бацова Екатерина, православная, ГГСГ, Россия,

Поддерживаю петицию в защиту Православия на Украине,

Брагин Вячеслав Иванович, православный, ГГСГ, Россия,

Я согласен с каждым словом инициаторов ПЕТИЦИИ в ООН, поэтому я поддерживаю ее.
Петр Сергиенко, член ГГСГ, автор новых знаний математики гармоничного мироустройства, Россия,

Дорогие коллеги полностью поддерживаю пасхальную петицию. Этот документ поднимет людей в защиту мира и подержит православных, которые борются за свои права. С уважением
AlexSimens, православный, ГГСГ, Россия,

Согласен с инициатором и подписантами петиции в ООН. Наша вера прошла много гонений и преследований, где эти борцы с нашей верой, их нет, а вера есть и вдохновляет нас на новые благие деяния. Я поддерживаю ПЕТИЦИЮ в ООН. 

Степан Семашко, православный, ГГСГ, Россия,

I would like to sign the petition in support of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

Joseph Markham, Bible believing, UK,

Peter Grafström. Christian, Sweden,

С удовольствием подписываю петицию!

Боян Дуранкев, профессор эмеритус экономики, Болгария,

         I will not change my position o­n Russia, Orthodoxy; I support them and everything you are doing, your respectful Serbian friend, Professor, Viseslav Simic,



Petition to the UN in defense of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church


April 11, 2023In: News 

The Gandhian Global Harmony Association Petition to the UN in defense of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church and millions of its believers. From Catholic Easter o­n April 9 to Orthodox Easter o­n April 16. To sign please email: leo.semashko@gmail.com  

We, the Gandhian Global... Read more 



Publications of the GGHA Easter Protest Petition in London


Dear Rodney,

Thank you very much for your excellent and courageous publication of our Petition in Defense of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) below.

Within 4 hours of your posting, 7 Britons and Americans have sent signatures to the Petition: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1126. This is more than all the Orthodox Russians from our, GGHA, network, covering more than 1500 emails in 2 days, as if they had died out. I will not now draw a theoretical conclusion from our sociological experiment-survey by this Petition, but its trend is actually o­n the face in the list of its signatories.

This Petition has deep peacemaking significance as the first step of dialogue; therefore, its signature from any country means support of global peace and civic solidarity. Silence in relation to it is a betrayal of the world, it is militarism, support for war and the breakdown of dialogue o­n the brink of a nuclear Armageddon, when it is urgently needed as the first tool to prevent it.

Best wishes for true peace in dialogue,


Dr. Leo Semashko





© Website author: Leo Semashko, 2005; © designed by Roman Snitko, 2005