The true peace must embrace the entire society, humanity as a whole at all its levels from the individual to the planetary scale. The true peace cannot be limited by any location, branch, and any social object. The true peace is sole and one for all without exception and limitation on the planet. Therefore, before answering the question "what is true peace?" it is necessary to answer the question "what is society?"
The humanity has been moving towards the answer to this question for a long time through many different hypothetical assumptions, approaching its scientific definition and understanding. only at the end of the last century, the Chilean biologist Umberto Maturana (1980) defined the common essence of all living things as "autopoiesis", literally "self-production". In this paradigm, the life of human society, like society as a whole, is a "social autopoiesis", i.e. social production, exhausting all social life in all its diversity. All living things, including humans and their society, can only live in one way, producing for themselves the life necessary resources. For each living species, they are specific and them production are also specifically that constitutes their life as autopoiesis, as self-production of themselves and all necessary conditions/resources.
The key feature of social autopoiesis is its conscious nature, provided, to one degree or another, by historical homo sapiens that makes the genesis of this autopoiesis, on the one hand, a special complexity, and, on the other hand, a special effectiveness of its integrity.
In this scientific paradigm, society is always and everywhere a system of social production of the necessary resources for all people, both in general and for all its parts, including every individual, without exception, from birth to death. Therefore, in the future we will proceed from this scientific truth that society is social production or social autopoiesis and nothing more, constituting a special sphere within the biosphere, which is called the anthroposphere.
The social production integrity constantly ensures the integrity and interdependence of the entire population, which is fully employed in production spheres, structuring it into spherons at all its levels and vectors. Spheronics Megascience (SM), as an integral science of society, is limited to the study of society as a whole in those of its fundamental parts, called "spheres", which are necessary and sufficient for society as a whole in any social space of the planet and at any historical stage of the society existence. This paragraph is limited to the spheral structure of society, its production at the present level, leaving an explanation of the generating causes and logic of this structure for the next paragraph.
The society science, like any science, is always the science of its structure, i.e. about its whole and about the parts that make up the whole of this object. SM integrates all possible structures of society: vertical (hierarchical), horizontal (at each level), spatial (territorial), historical (temporal). All structures are built on the principle of "whole-parts". As Claude Levi-Strauss defined, the meaning and result of science is the modeling of the structure in its parts, which reproduces the object deep logic both in its integrity and in its parts. (Levi-Strauss K. Structural anthropology. EKSMO-Press, 2001). Without going into the philosophical details of the anthroposphere/society structure, let us present its model or scheme in the most simple and clear vertical-horizontal coordinates.
Scheme. Vertical-Horizontal Structure (VHS) of society

The scheme/model shows 6 levels of society, social production, nested like matrioshkas in the highest, holistic level of society.
SP - social production, social autopoiesis: the synonyms for society
The scheme 2nd level abbreviations:
E. - Education
H. - Health care
Ot. - Other
S. - Science
D. - Design
G. - Governance
F. - Finance
Agr. - Agriculture
Ind. - Industry
Designations for the scheme underlying levels
(n) – variable number of social objects/units at relevant levels of society
The presented VHS of the society, OP, is detailed and concretized in its spatial and historical/temporal coordinates and corresponding structures.
The spatial coordinates/structures of society: planet, continent, subcontinent, region, country, country territories, settlements of the country's territories from the largest cities to the smallest settlements, houses and apartments with corresponding addresses. This is the simplest empirical classification of the spatial social structures, which is studied by the relevant scientific disciplines, the fundamental, verified knowledge of which is integrated in the transdisciplinary SM. All spatial social structures are temporary carriers of the spherons substantial, sociogenetic eternal structure of society. These transient carriers are studied in the relevant historical sciences.
The historical coordinates/structures of society is a classification of different periods of social genesis, which can relate both to the history of different spatial social structures, and to the humanity history as a whole, making up the PERIODIZATION OF HISTORY. The following eight chronological periods are distinguished in it:Prehistory, Ancient history, Late antiquity, Post-classical history (Middle Ages), Early modern period, Late modern period, Modern history, and Contemporary history (Wikipedia). It distinguishes several approaches: formational, civilizational, modernization, neo-evolutionary and world-systemic. SM is not included in their analysis, using primarily a civilizational approach and some elements of others in the analysis of different historical epochs of spherons, The spherons remain an unchanged sociogenetic substance, continuously changing in all their spatial structures. In their relationship, the dialectical contradiction of the spherons nature is clearly manifested in different respects: they are eternal/unchanging as a sociogenetic substance but are temporary/changeable in spatio-temporal and vertical-horizontal structures on the eternal regular skeleton of the spherons social structure, which is discussed in the next paragraph.
The SM, in its elementary introduction to our peacemaking primer, limits itself to stating the system of the four named dialectical structures of the society spherons. Their detailed consideration requires a deeper, transdisciplinary study format that is not provided for our primer. The named structures are necessary and sufficient ways of the society spherons existence as a whole, outside and without any of which a holistic vision of both spherons and society, its autopoiesis is impossible. Therefore, their analysis is necessary for our primer as for the SM elementary introduction.
Leo Semashko,
The social production structure. Paragraph 4.
Dear coauthors-peacemakers,
We are glad to send you for discussion in a dialogue with your objections and questions the 4th paragraph (3 pages) of our peacemaking primer until May 31 inclusive.
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Four responses in the form of your questions and objections to the previous paragraph are processed in the system with responses to the first paragraphs. They will be compared with the theses of Erwin Laszlo's program book of Western vision "The Survival Imperative" ( This book is translated by me into Russian, from which the necessary fragments are highlighted for comparison and dialogue in two languages.
Best wishes for your health and true peace,
Leo Semashko,