Spiritual Culture for Harmonious Civilization Gandhian Global Harmony Association (GGHA) Citizens of Earth! Unite in the Gandhian spherons’ harmony for love, peace, truth, nonviolence, justice, freedom, equality, fraternity and happiness!

GGHA was founded on February 15, 2005; initiator and founder is Leo Semashko.
GGHA unites more 600 members in 55 countries. GGHA was nominated for the creation of the Gandhian Spherons Global Peace MegaScience - spheronics to the Nobel Peace Prize in 2013, 2017 and 2020: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1000 Web: https://peacefromharmony.org, more than 19 million views in 18 years Board: 36 GGHA members from 14 countries: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=249 GGHA headquarters: Office A 170, New Manglapuri, Delhi 110045, India; hasina@worldgrowthforums.com GGHA Mission is: Global peace/security from harmony of the Gandhian equal spherons on the Spheronics ‘substantially new" (Einstein) tetranet thinking through their universal harmonious education: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=848 The India President in 2002-007, Dr. Abdul Kalam, about Spheronics as "the dawn of a first harmonious vision of peace and prosperity for all the Earth nations" in 2012: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=489 Formula: PEACEgoes through spherons, their thinking in peace science and spheronics education
 https://peacefromharmony.org --------------------------------------------------------------
TO: H.E. Mr Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud, Crown Prince and Prime Minister of Saudi Arabia SUBJECT. The macrosociological peace science, spheronics is the fundamental intellectual foundation of the world technological, economic and peacemaking leadership of Saudi Arabia, whose peacemaking is a necessary condition and meaning of its leadership. Comment. Before the global nuclear Armageddon, as the American nuclear scientists of “Judgment Day”, 90 seconds remained (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=924), i.e. its probability has grown since 1945 from zero to 99.9% and continues to rise every day. Therefore, the first problem today is the 1963 John Kennedy problem: "Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind", without than any aspiration for world leadership is deprived of historical meaning. What is it for? To burn in a nuclear war like everyone else. Or take postmortem responsibility for it? Publication: InEnglish: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1164 In Russian: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=1055 Dear Mr Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud, Let us introduce ourselves. We, the GGHA have been creating for almost 20 years, not counting the previous decades of work separately, the Gandhian spherons macrosociological peace science, SPHERONICS, integrating the capitalism and socialism advantages, for which we were nominated three times for the Nobel Peace Prize 1913, 1917 and 2020. We are happy to offer you, the BRICS country leader since 2024, who created in 2016 a great comprehensive program for the world leadership of his country until 2030 (“Saudi Arabia Vision 2030”, SAV30) in the post-oil era, our unique project based on spheronics “Scientific Ideology for BRICS+” (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1152). It is intended for the BRICS+ summit in 2024, as well as for the most effective implementation of your SAV30. At first glance, “crazy, mad” but verified by world history and statistics, the spheronics peace science, the truth of which we are ready to prove to everyone in 1-2 hours, provides the most effective solution to the BRICS strategic goals, primarily the world leadership of all its countries, including your. Spheronics brings to any country the highest pragmatic, multiplier effect due by the fundamental macrosociological structures and innovative technologies in each of the four spheres of social production. Their conscious, scientific harmony, balance and regulation as a single clockwork in each society accelerates their growth by 3-7 times, ensuring the constant reproduction of their world leadership, just as the change of seasons on Earth ensures the Life eternal prosperity on it. Based on spheronics and its technologies, the subject segments of your SAV30 acquire structural (spheral) and informational (statistical) integrity in a single software platform of strong artificial intelligence, guaranteeing SAV30 a multiplier effect. At the same time, your country receives a qualitative breakthrough and a quantum social leap of world leadership and a shift to a higher civilization peacemaking level. To develop this science in your country and ensure its world leadership, it is necessary to create an innovative “Saudi Arabia Academy of Peace and Accelerated Growth” (SAAPAG), initially consisting of 40 specialists in five breakthrough laboratories, with annual funding up to $2 million since the next year, 2024, beginning with your administrative leadership and my scientific leadership in it. The SAAPAG preliminary plan can be submitted in 1-2 weeks after my conversation with your Russian Sherpa via Skype: leo.semahko. As long as I am in good health at 82, I would be happy to implement the proposed project at the R&D level, launching it in one year, no more, in your country within the SAV30. Its meaning on 15 pages (without pictures and lists) of 32 coauthors from 17 countries, for the BRICS+ leaders is revealed on its first page to President V. Putin letter in the attachment or here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1152. With deep respect and hope for understanding, Dr. Leo Semashko, GGHA Founder (2005) and Honorary President, Philosopher, sociologist and peacemaker from harmony, Nominated three times for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2013, 2017 and 2020: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=253, E-mail: leo.semashko [at] gmail.com, Russia, St-Petersburg 07-12-23 ----------------------------------
“Saudi Arabia’s Vision for 2030”

"My primary goal is to be an exemplary and leading nation in all aspects, and I will work with you in achieving this endeavour."
Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman Bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud 
It is my pleasure to present Saudi Arabia’s Vision for the future. It is an ambitious yet achievable blueprint, which expresses our long-term goals and expectations and reflects our country’s strengths and capabilities. All success stories start with a vision, and successful visions are based on strong pillars. The first pillar of our vision is our status as the heart of the Arab and Islamic worlds. We recognize that Allah the Almighty has bestowed on our lands a gift more precious than oil. Our Kingdom is the Land of the Two Holy Mosques, the most sacred sites on earth, and the direction of the Kaaba (Qibla) to which more than a billion Muslims turn at prayer.
The second pillar of our vision is our determination to become a global investment powerhouse. Our nation holds strong investment capabilities, which we will harness to stimulate our economy and diversify our revenues. The third pillar is transforming our unique strategic location into a global hub connecting three continents, Asia, Europe and Africa. Our geographic position between key global waterways, makes the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia an epicenter of trade and the gateway to the world. Our country is rich in its natural resources. We are not dependent solely on oil for our energy needs. Gold, phosphate, uranium, and many other valuable minerals are found beneath our lands. But our real wealth lies in the ambition of our people and the potential of our younger generation. They are our nation’s pride and the architects of our future. We will never forget how, under tougher circumstances than today, our nation was forged by collective determination when the late King Abdulaziz Al-Saud – may Allah bless his soul – united the Kingdom. Our people will amaze the world again. We are confident about the Kingdom’s future. With all the blessings Allah has bestowed on our nation, we cannot help but be optimistic about the decades ahead. We ponder what lies over the horizon rather than worrying about what could be lost. The future of the Kingdom, my dear brothers and sisters, is one of huge promise and great potential, God willing. Our precious country deserves the best. Therefore, we will expand and further develop our talents and capacity. We will do our utmost to ensure that Muslims from around the world can visit the Holy Sites. We are determined to reinforce and diversify the capabilities of our economy, turning our key strengths into enabling tools for a fully diversified future. As such, we will transform Aramco from an oil producing company into a global industrial conglomerate. We will transform the Public Investment Fund into the world’s largest sovereign wealth fund. We will encourage our major corporations to expand across borders and take their rightful place in global markets. As we continue to give our army the best possible machinery and equipment, we plan to manufacture half of our military needs within the Kingdom to create more job opportunities for citizens and keep more resources in our country. We will expand the variety of digital services to reduce delays and cut tedious bureaucracy. We will immediately adopt wide-ranging transparency and accountability reforms and, through the body set up to measure the performance of government agencies, hold them accountable for any shortcomings. We will be transparent and open about our failures as well as our successes, and will welcome ideas on how to improve. All this comes from the directive of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud, may Allah protect him, who ordered us to plan for a future that fulfills your ambitions and your aspirations. In line with his instructions, we will work tirelessly from today to build a better tomorrow for you, your children, and your children’s children. Our ambition is for the long term. It goes beyond replenishing sources of income that have weakened or preserving what we have already achieved. We are determined to build a thriving country in which all citizens can fulfill their dreams, hopes and ambitions. Therefore, we will not rest until our nation is a leader in providing opportunities for all through education and training, and high quality services such as employment initiatives, health, housing, and entertainment. We commit ourselves to providing world class government services which effectively and efficiently meet the needs of our citizens. Together we will continue building a better country, fulfilling our dream of prosperity and unlocking the talent, potential, and dedication of our young men and women. We will not allow our country ever to be at the mercy of a commodity price volatility or external markets. We have all the means to achieve our dreams and ambitions. There are no excuses for us to stand still or move backwards. Our Vision is a strong, thriving, and stable Saudi Arabia that provides opportunity for all. Our Vision is a tolerant country with Islam as its constitution and moderation as its method. We will welcome qualified individuals from all over the world and will respect those who have come to join our journey and our success. We intend to provide better opportunities for partnerships with the private sector through the three pillars: our position as the heart of the Arab and Islamic worlds, our leading investment capabilities, and our strategic geographical position. We will improve the business environment, so that our economy grows and flourishes, driving healthier employment opportunities for citizens and long-term prosperity for all. This promise is built on cooperation and on mutual responsibility. This is our “Saudi Arabia’s Vision for 2030.” We will begin immediately delivering the overarching plans and programs we have set out. Together, with the help of Allah, we can strengthen the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s position as a great nation in which we should all feel an immense pride. His Royal Highness Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz, Crown Prince, Prime Minister, and Chairman of the Council of Economic and Development Affairs © Copyright 2023 Contact: https://www.vision2030.gov.sa/en/contact/ --------------------------------------