Spiritual Culture for Harmonious Civilization Gandhian Global Harmony Association (GGHA) Citizens of Earth! Unite in the Gandhian spherons’ harmony for love, peace, truth, nonviolence, justice, freedom, equality, fraternity and happiness!

GGHA was founded on February 15, 2005; initiator and founder is Leo Semashko.
GGHA unites more 600 members in 55 countries. GGHA was nominated for the creation of the Gandhian Spherons Global Peace MegaScience - spheronics to the Nobel Peace Prize in 2013, 2017 and 2020: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1000 Web: https://peacefromharmony.org, more than 19 million views in 18 years Board: 36 GGHA members from 14 countries: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=249 GGHA headquarters: Office A 170, New Manglapuri, Delhi 110045, India; hasina@worldgrowthforums.com GGHA Mission is: Global peace/security from harmony of the Gandhian equal spherons on the Spheronics ‘substantially new" (Einstein) tetranet thinking through their universal harmonious education: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=848 The India President in 2002-007, Dr. Abdul Kalam, about Spheronics as "the dawn of a first harmonious vision of peace and prosperity for all the Earth nations" in 2012: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=489 Formula: PEACE goes through spherons, their thinking in peace science and spheronics education
 https://peacefromharmony.org --------------------------------------------------------------
TO: The UAE President His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan Publication: In English: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1165 In Russian: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=1056 Dear Mr Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, SUBJECT. The macrosociological science of peace, Spheronics as the fundamental scientific basis for the UAE world technological, economic and peacemaking leadership, in the “We, UAE 2031” program and in the “Principles of the 50”. Their peacemaking meaning, together with similar documents of Saudi Arabia (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1164) is a necessary condition of your common Muslim leadership and ensuring the security of yours citizens at the highest level according to “its index.” The key peacemaking meaning of your long-term, half-century strategy is determined by the eighth and tenth principles of your “Principles of the 50”, the scientific validity and attractiveness of which is guaranteed by spheronics, developed since the Gandhian discovery of the nonviolent spherons in 1927, for almost a century ago. Comment. The UAE and KSA long-term plans inspire the development of fundamental social science as encouraging examples of peacemaking and humane socio-economic progress for other countries, if only they were fortunate to have just as much fundamental natural sources of investment - petrodollars, accessible only to some. The fundamental social source of investment, available to any society, is the accelerated and balanced growth of all four spheres of social production, conditioned only by the human divine mind, which all nations possess. Its gradually gaining power in the fundamental and integrative macrosociological peace science, spheronics, presented in the GGHA project “Scientific Ideology of BRICS+” in the attachment and here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1152 is becoming a consolidated reason for the social production accelerated growth as the only, peaceful way of being, coexistence of society and human. This transdisciplinary science, integrating social, technical and natural knowledge in their peaceful social use by the nonviolent spherons, transforms science from a partial, disciplinary “productive force” into a universal and holistic, informational and digital technological productive force of humanity as a whole and each people. Therefore, the consolidated reason for the accelerated and balanced growth of all spheres of social production is the gradually gaining strength of the fundamental macrosociological peace science, spheronics. It is “in the air” for more than a century and secretly, intuitively demonstrates itself in the “economic miracle” of annual growth of over 6-10% per year at the different countries: years, China, “Asian tigers”, your countries, etc. Together with this common scientific mind and thinking, the peoples of humanity are being transformed into one family of different but equal like-minded brothers, who own one, joint source of investing in their sustainable development, their common comprehensive science. To begin its joint, but sovereign and verifiable, true development in all countries, it is necessary to create small innovative and independent research institutes: “Academies of Peace and Accelerated Growth” (APAG) in consisting of five fundamental breakthrough laboratories with their annual venture funding. It can be of two different options, depending on its number: minimal, for APAG with 20 specialists and funding up to $1 million per year, which is accessible and acceptable to the poorest countries, and optimal, for APAG with 40 specialists and funding up to $2 million, which acceptable to other countries. The benefit, success and profit magnitude of similar venture investment is so immeasurably great in comparison with its nominal that it will be justify for the poorest country and the stingiest finance minister if he/she understood it. The UAE and KSA could take on the historical mission of providing assistance in investing APAG into the need countries, primarily Muslim and BRICS+, perhaps, first for Palestine and Israel for their joint APAG with 20 specialists from each side. It will open up to them a reasonable, scientific and nonviolent alternative of eternal peace and cooperation, instead of their endless war history and mutual genocide. The UAE could devote the next year to the selection and psychological compatibility of Palestinian and Israeli specialists for their joint APAG in order to repeat the vote of its wonderful resolution on their reconciliation in December 2024 in the UN Security Council at a higher level of scientific and social validity than now. However, the UAE and KSA similar historical mission will be justified, proven and worthy of trust among the BRICS+ countries and others if they will create similar Academies in their countries, ensure their operation within a year and obtain breakthrough, convincing results for accelerated growth and peace. Our project and all our messages to the BRICS+ leaders are subordinated to this ultimate goal, the main working points of which are emphasized below. Firstly. About your most noble desire and concern to ensure the highest level of security for citizens in the UAE. Unfortunately, in our time, the planet inhabitants overall safety, according to American nuclear scientists, has been reduced to 90 seconds in a ‘Doomsday Clock’ (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=924), i.e. its probability has shrunk from one in 1945 to 0.1% today and continues to decrease every day. Therefore, the “first” or “highest” security anywhere on the planet is the “powder keg security.” This is the planet first life challenge since 1945. It was first recognized and brilliantly expressed by John F. Kennedy in 1963: "Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind". The highest and “first” security for all citizens can be ensured only by true, global peace, which humanity can establish on the basis of fundamental macrosociological and verifiable peace science in our project. The UAE and KSA Muslim leaders could make a decisive contribution to its development and make their countries its pragmatic homeland by promoting its innovative Academies in the Global South poor countries within the framework and with the support of BRICS+. Our message to you and attached project are dedicated to this. Secondly. We are happy to offer you, the BRICS country leader since 2024, who created in 2022 a comprehensive program for his country world leadership until 2031 ('We the UAE 2031') within the framework of your long-term, half-century "Principles of the 50" our unique project based on spheronics "Scientific ideology for BRICS+" (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1152) to compare them. Our project is intended for the BRICS+ summit in 2024, as well as for the most effective correction and implementation of your “We, the UAE 2031”. Our projects almost coincide in their four fundamental bases, which you call “the four national priorities, the four pillars, the main sectors of interest” etc., and we have “four spheres of social production, in which its four eternal actors, spherons are occupied, covering the entire population” etc. They are also identical in recognizing people, spherons in our terminology, or “human capital” in yours, as “the main drivers of future growth,” the fourth principle. If people, human capital are “the main productive force of society,” then “the main productive force” at the human is science as the reason highest, true form, ensuring all his civilizational progress. The transdisciplinary spheronics, holistic, macrosociological peace science claims to become the first and general “productive force” of every mature person, equally accessible, necessary and acceptable to people of all nations. It opens up deep and broad perspectives for the scientific refinement of your “We, the UAE 2031”, with all its terminological differences but within its core structural identity, to overcome its dissonances, which in the long run threaten to grow into the fatal fundamental errors, miscalculations and limitations. Thirdly. Our peace science, spheronics, the truth of which we are ready to prove to everyone in 1-2 hours, brings to any country the highest pragmatic, multiplier effect with fundamental macrosociological structures and innovative technologies in each of the four spheres of social production. Their conscious, scientific harmony, balance and regulation, like a single clockwork in every society, accelerates their growth by 3-7 times, ensuring the constant reproduction of their world leadership, just as the change of seasons on Earth ensures the eternal prosperity of life on it. Based on spheronics and its technologies, the subject “pillars” of your plan “We, the UAE 2031” acquire structural (spheral) and informational (statistical) integrity on a single software platform of strong artificial intelligence of global statistics. It is guarantees your strategy a multiplier effect and your country a qualitative breakthrough and a quantum social leap in the world leadership for a shift to a higher civilizational and peacemaking level. At the same time, the indicators of your final goals acquire coherence, consistency and validity in the spheral, fractal statistics of spheronics, the calculations of options for different management/control situations are ensured by its strong artificial intelligence. Fourthly. To develop this science in your country and ensure you global leadership as an example for BRICS+, it is necessary to create an innovative “Emirates Academy for Peace and Accelerated Growth” (EAPAG), initially consisting of 20 or 40 specialists in five breakthrough laboratories. Its annual funding is up to $1 (for 20) or up to $2 million (for 40 specialists) since the beginning of next year, 2024, with your administrative leadership and with my scientific leadership. The EAPAG preliminary design can be submitted in 1-2 weeks after a conversation with your Russian Sherpa via my Skype: leo.semahko. This commitment is consistent with your (3) principle of “the Emirates scientific excellence” and (8) “the country will remain supportive... of all...international organizations that promote peace”. This is about our peacemaking international organization since 2005. Fifthly. While I am in good health at 82, I would be happy to implement the proposed project at the R&D level, launching it in one year, no more, in your country as part of the “We the UAE 2031” program. Our proposal meets your Seventh Principle, which defines science and its innovations as the UAE source of economic development and global leadership, their effective, socially oriented diversification. Sixthly. Your investment (principle 9), at least partial, by 50%, and the organization of similar Peace Academies in Muslim and other countries, especially BRICS+, will make the UAE not only a global investment center, but also a peacemaking global center, forever preserving for them your name and behind you the eternal title of their practical “founding fathers.” We hope that you will positively perceive our proposal in accordance with your principles and your goal of “becoming the best country in attracting talent from all over the world”, which will raise the UAE to the higher level than, what you planned, ensuring its highest scientific efficiency. The meaning of our project on 15 pages (without drawings and lists) by 32 coauthors from 17 countries (with the participation of Ela Gandhi, granddaughter of Mahatma Gandhi from South Africa), for the BRICS+ leaders is revealed on its first page in a letter to President V. Putin in attached or here (above). With deep respect and hope for understanding, Dr. Leo Semashko, GGHA Founder (2005) and Honorary President, Philosopher, sociologist and peacemaker from harmony, Nominated three times for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2013, 2017 and 2020: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=253, E-mail: leo.semashko@gmail.com, Russia, St-Petersburg 12-12-23 --------------------------

2017 – 2071: Launch of UAE Centennial 2021: Announcement of the “Principles of the 50" Towards New Peaks We the UAE 2031 https://wetheuae.ae/en ‘We the UAE 2031’ aims to translate the vision of His Highness the President of the UAE for the future of the UAE into a tangible reality. Accordingly, all institutions in the UAE will work to fulfil it, leading to the achievement of the UAE Centennial Plan 2071 and the Principles of the 50. The main areas in this document are divided into four national priorities representing the main sectors of interest, with clear focus areas and measurable targets. Download the vision: https://wetheuae.ae/en/download-file/about-we-the-uae-2031 Throughout the last 50 years of the UAE’s history, there have been exceptional developmental leaps across all sectors thanks to the wise vision of the founding fathers. The UAE has also implemented a developmental model that has become an inspiration for many countries around the world. We are now on the cusp of a new stage defined by an accelerating pace of change. The UAE steps confidently towards the future under the leadership of UAE President His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, UAE Vice President, Prime Minister, and Ruler of Dubai, and the members of the Federal Supreme Council. The journey of development and growth that was started by the founding fathers, continues and will project the UAE towards becoming the best country in the world within the next 50 years. “We the UAE 2031” contains four national priorities 1. Forward Society We the UAE, proposes an advanced and integrated social empowerment model that unleashes the potential of our people, contributes in building the spirit of cohesion, harmony, tolerance and giving. This model is embedded in a society that preserves its cultural heritage, national identity and human values, using an education system that instills moral values and enriches knowledge throughout all life stages, and also using an advanced and integrated healthcare system that is available to all with the highest levels of readiness. Read More: https://wetheuae.ae/en/pillar/forward-society 2. Forward Economy We the UAE, an economy that is competitive, growing at exceptional rates, diversified and of high value in new strategic growth areas, excelling in promising future sectors, and confirming the UAE's role as a leading economic power. We stimulate Emirati human potential, and embrace unique minds and attract global talent. We nurture an environment that encourages innovation while abiding by international standards and that is supportive of pioneering research and development. Such an environment is vital for entrepreneurs, and allows for the private sector to play a pivotal role in creating the economy of the future. Read More: https://wetheuae.ae/en/pillar/forward-economy 3. Forward Diplomacy We the UAE, a significant force in global diplomacy, a trusted bridge for trade and partnerships, and a major contributor to humanitarian relief and peace efforts. A world leader in environmental sustainability, at the forefront of green innovation, and a pioneer for a clean, emissions-free future. Read More: https://wetheuae.ae/en/pillar/forward-diplomacy 4. Forward Ecosystem We the UAE, the safest and most secure country in the world, with the most connected and efficient infrastructure, adopting the next generation of advanced digital technology, and having a government that is the smartest, most dynamic and agile in the world, capable of achieving the impossible and leading the nation into the future. A nation that meets the needs of the society promptly and efficiently, and preserves human rights and dignity through an advanced legislative and judicial system. Read More: https://wetheuae.ae/en/pillar/forward-ecosystem ----------------- ‘We the UAE 2031’ vision https://u.ae/en/about-the-uae/strategies-initiatives-and-awards/strategies-plans-and-visions/innovation-and-future-shaping/we-the-uae-2031-vision ‘We the UAE 2031’ vision represents a national plan through which the UAE will continue its development path for the next 10 years, with focus on social, economic, investment and development aspects. The plan seeks to enhance the position of the UAE as a global partner and an attractive and influential economic hub. It aims to highlight the successful economic model of the UAE and the opportunities it provides to all global partners. ‘We the UAE 2031’ follows ‘UAE Vision 2021’, which was created to accelerate the nation’s growth in the healthcare, education, sustainability and infrastructure sectors. Related links: ‘We the UAE 2031’ vision - (PDF, 33.2 MB). Key national indicators of the vision ‘We the UAE 2031’ vision aims to: double the country’s gross domestic product (GDP) from AED 1.49 trillion to AED 3 trillion generate AED 800 billion in non-oil exports raise the contribution of the tourism sector to the GDP to AED 450 billion raise the value of the UAE’s foreign trade to AED 4 trillion rank the UAE as:
·1st globally in developing proactive legislations for new economic sectors ·one of the top 10 countries globally in the ‘Human Development Index’ ·one of the top 10 countries globally in the quality of healthcare position the UAE globally ·among the top 10 countries in attracting global talent ·as first in the ‘safety’ index ·as one of the top 10 countries in the ‘Global Food Security Index’ ·as one of the top three countries in the ‘Global Cybersecurity Index’. ‘We the UAE 2031’ was launched during the UAE’s Government Annual Meetings that was held on 22 November 2022. All government entities and institutions and the private sector will cooperate to ensure the advancement of the development process in accordance with the 10-year framework of the plan. Read news coverage on WAM: https://wam.ae/en/details/1395303104665 Updated on 21 Sep 2023 ----------------------------------------- Principles of the 50 The 10 principles of the UAE for the next 50 years https://wetheuae.ae/en/principles-of-the-fifty "We the UAE 2031" was based on multiple inputs, mainly the Principles of the 50 that act as guidelines for all government institutions in the UAE, strengthening the union across the Emirates in addition to building a sustainable economy, and harnessing all resources to progress towards a more prosperous society. The Principles of the 50 are 10 principles that act as guidelines for all institutions in the UAE as the country approaches a new phase of development over the next 50 years. They chart the strategic roadmap for the UAE’s new era of economic, political and social growth. The 10 principles are as follows: The First Principle The key national focus shall remain the strengthening of the union, its institutions, legislature, capabilities and finances. The development of the urban and rural economies throughout the nation is the fastest and most effective way to consolidate the union of the Emirates. The Second Principle We will strive over the upcoming period to build the best and most dynamic economy in the world. The economic development of the country is the supreme national interest, and all state institutions, in all fields and across different federal and local levels, shall bear the responsibility of building the best global economic environment and maintaining the gains achieved over the past 50 years. The Third Principle The Emirates’ foreign policy is a tool that aims to serve our higher national goals, the most important of which is the Emirates’ economic interests. The goal of our political approach is to serve the economy. And the goal of the economy is to provide a better life for the people of the Union. The Fourth Principle The main future driver for growth is human capital. Developing the educational system, recruiting talent, retaining specialists and continuously building skills will be key to ensuring the Emirates remains the most competitive national economy. The Fifth Principle Good-neighborliness is the basis of stability. The geographical, social and cultural position of the country in its region is the first line of defence for its security, safety and its future development. Developing stable and positive political, economic and social relations with its neighbours is one of the most important priorities of the country’s foreign policy. The Sixth Principle Consolidating the reputation of the Emirates globally is a national mission for all institutions. The Emirates is one destination for business, tourism, industry, investment and cultural excellence. Our national institutions must unify their efforts, benefiting mutually from their shared capabilities, and work to build global enterprises under the umbrella of the Emirates. The Seventh Principle The digital, technical and scientific excellence of the Emirates will define its development and economic frontiers. The consolidation of its position as a global hub for talent, companies and investments in these sectors will make it a future global leader. The Eighth Principle The core value system in the Emirates shall remain based on openness and tolerance, the preservation of rights, the rule of justice and the law. We believe in the preservation of human dignity, the respect for cultural diversity, the strengthening of human fraternity, together with enduring respect for our national identity. The country will remain supportive, through its foreign policy, of all initiatives, pledges and international organisations that promote peace, openness and humanity. The Ninth Principle The Emirates’ foreign humanitarian aid is an essential part of its vision and moral duty towards less fortunate peoples. Our foreign humanitarian aid is not tied to religion, race, colour or culture. Political disagreement with any country should not justify failing to provide relief to that country in cases of disasters, emergencies and crises. The Tenth Principle Calling for peace, harmony, negotiations and dialogue to resolve all disputes is the basis of the Emirates’ foreign policy. Striving with regional partners and global friends to establish regional and global peace and stability is a fundamental driver of our foreign policy. -------------------------------