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Peace from Harmony
Slavica Pejovic. Serbian poet and scientist


Slavica Pejovuć




She didn’t know


she had

eyes, hart and soul

and she felt everything that could be felt...


she listened to even what she shouldn’t listen...

and she spoken when everybody else were silent.


she didn't draw a hart...

she had it,

while the others were soulless.


she didn't know

that read, sometimes, isn't red,

and that the blue of the sky plunges into the twilight


she didn't know

that the river will never flow upstream,

that the rainbow goes down into it.

and that the stars are, actually, red

no... she didn't know...


but, she knew ... the peace of her soul 

is the image of peace

in a world where love exists.



Biographical note. Slavica Pejovic


Graduated the Faculty of Political Sciences - Department of Diplomacy of the Belgrade University. She is editor-in-chief of Majdan journal of literature, art and science and is the poetry manifestations with a hundred poets from other Countries from the World. She write publications o­n the history, culture and she is author 11 books of poetry She is member of the Association of Serbian Writers

Address: Slavica Pejović, 12 000 Požarevac, Draže Markovića 19 A/2, SRBIJA; Email: slavicapejovic2@gmail.com



My response to the GGHA New Year's philosophical message of its President

Leo Semashko: “Peace science and the humanity fate in the Elon Musk hands in 2024

On January 4, 2024


Thank you, to the Science of Peace WITH the help of Elon Musk's artificial intelligence… I believe in it!

          In my poetry:

….she didn't know

that the river will never flow upstream,

that the rainbow goes down into it.

and that the stars are, actually, red

no... she didn't know...

but, she knew ... the peace of her soul

is the image of peace

in a world where love exists.

         Slavica Pejovuć,

Graduated the Faculty of Political Sciences, Department of Diplomacy,

Belgrade University,

Editor-in-chief of Majdan journal of literature, art and science,

Author of poetry 11 books, + publications o­n the history and culture,

Serbian Writers Association member,

Web: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1169

Email: slavicapejovic2@gmail.com,




Мой отклик на Новогоднее философское послание ГГСГ его президента Льва Семашко:
«Наука мира и судьба человечества в руках Илона Маска в 2024»

4 января 2024

Спасибо вам, Науке Мира С помощью искусственного интеллекта Илона Маска… Я верю в это!

         В моих стихах:

….она не знала

что река никогда не потечет вверх по течению,

что радуга спускается в нее,

и что звезды на самом деле красные

нет... она не знала...

но, она знала... мир ее души

это образ мира

в мире, где существует любовь.

                   Славица Пейовуч,

Окончила факультет политических наук на кафедре дипломатии Белградского университета,

Главный редактор журнала литературы, искусства и науки «Мажидан»,

Автор 11 поэтических книг и публикаций по истории и культуре,

Член Сербской Ассоциации Писателей,

Web: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1169.

Емайл: slavicapejovic2@gmail.com,




© Website author: Leo Semashko, 2005; © designed by Roman Snitko, 2005