Publications:In English: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1190 Original: https://worldgrowthforums.com/world-growth-forums-magazines/wgf-mag-may-2024 101-107 p In Russian: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=1072 ---------------------------------
WGF brings to its readers an exclusive Interview with Dr Leo Semashko, Philosopher, Sociologist and Peacemaker, and GGHA Founder & Honorary President. 1. WGF: You announced in the recent GGHA Message that ‘Peace Science’, created in the GGHA, ‘heals war-sick humanity, ensuring its survival and sustainable prosperity’ (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1187) by the accelerated growth of economy, investments and business up to 20% annually, similar to the ‘Chinese Economic Miracle’ of Deng Xiaoping. How do you briefly explain similar tempting and ambitious prospect for all? Dr Semashko: The ‘Chinese Economic Miracle’ nature is not explainable from the traditional, branch and fragmented approach standpoint. It finds an explanation in the innovative, spheral and holistic approach, in its civilizational logic of the necessary and sufficient societal spheres of social production, investments and business, on the fundamental basis of which the GGHA created for almost 20 years ‘Peace Science’ (PS). This logic constitutes the PS integration generative nature, allowing it to find, separate and concentrate rational ideas and enduring achievements from all past history within the framework of the constant spheral structure, common to all civilizations. Although the PS was created in embryo, figuratively speaking, only 1% and it still has a long way to go, already at the beginning of its path it reveals the enduring, peacemaking logic of the humanity spheres. 2. WGF: How could you present your ‘Spheral, holistic approach’ with its ‘logic of necessary and sufficient spheres of production, investments and business’ in their constant structure? Dr Semashko: This structure crystallized evolutionarily from many versions as a result of long, almost half a century of collective searches and research under my scientific leadership since 1976. Of these, almost 20 years of work by the GGHA, more than 700 co- authors of PS from more than 50 countries since 2005, turned out to be the most productive and effective. Omitting all evolutionary stages and their versions, the fundamental and verified macro-sociological structure of planetary humanity in its societal spheral constants is currently represented in the PS by the theoretical visual model with a dimension of 4x4 spheres (Fig. 1): Peace Science. Structural fractal model of planetary humanity

Fig. 1. Constants of 4x4 societal spheres The structural model expresses the PS essence – the eternal social genome (SOCIONOME) of humanity and the society eternal cell at all its levels, starting with the individual and family up to its planetary integrity. At the same time, this model is the semantic core of the integral map of scientific social knowledge about the spheral/societal constants of global society, uniform in all its civilizations in all their historical changes for safe planetary AI. The historical experience shows that the highest achievements and prosperity in all spheres were achieved by those civilizations, in which social equality of all population groups, primarily men and women, as the spherons eternal parts was spontaneously established. 3. WGF: What is the ‘logic of societal, necessary and sufficient spheres’ in this structure, ‘same for all civilizations’ in the PS? Dr Semashko: It begins with understanding and proving the necessity and sufficiency of four constant societal spheres of resources/products produced by society at all its levels. The spheres of these resources/products are: PEOPLE, INFORMATION, ORGANIZATIONS, THINGS. Abbreviated: PIOT. Why are they ‘resources/products’? Because they are first produced as products to become resources for the subsequent production of new products as new resources for the subsequent production of new products and so on continuously. In this continuous dialectic of their functional roles as “products/resources/products’/resources’” in their endless chain lies the source of their endless dynamics of historical change. Why are PIOT spheres necessary? Because each of the PIOT spheres is equally necessary for the life of society at all levels, starting with the individual and family. Because the absence, zero of any PIOT resource identically excludes their life. This is proven by the thought experiments, starting with the individual, if under the conditions of his life each PIOT is sequentially reset to zero. Any person who thinks is capable of conducting similar thought experiments in this existential logic not only for himself personally, but also for any social object: family, school, market, enterprise, city, country, etc. Why are PIOT spheres sufficient? Because there are no other societal spheres of artificial products/resources necessary for the society life at all levels. However, PS recognizes, together with PIOT, the unconditional need of natural resources as their foundation and source, without which the biosphere life, including its anthroposphere, is impossible. Pythagoras defined the necessary and sufficient spheres of natural resources of biological life more than two thousand years ago. He and his followers taught that ‘quaternion is the source of inexhaustible life’ and ‘depositary of eternal universal order’ referring to the four planetary spheres: earth (lithosphere), water (hydrosphere), air (atmosphere), sun (heliosphere). The absence, zero of any of them excludes the possibility of biological life, and therefore social life as its part. Man and society are not capable to produce spheres of natural resources but by producing artificial, social resources of PIOT from them, they are capable to destroy them by the pollution incompatible with life in industrial and nuclear civilizations. This dictates the need to replace them in an adequate, ecological logic of the new civilization, defined in the PS, in spheronics. Why are 12 other societal spheres of society necessary and sufficient? Because their equal necessity and joint sufficiency (ENJS) is dictated by the ENJS PIOT. If the logic of spheres works in the interests of the whole society and the harmony of all its parts, then the branch logic works in the interests, first of all, of the most powerful parts, corporations of the whole, striving to dominate over it that turns destructively both for the whole and for the parts that dominate it. Each PIOT resource can become a product only as a result of their passage through the four ENJS process spheres of their Production, Distribution, Exchange and Consumption (PDEC), which are axiomatic not only for things but also for other spheres of PIOT. The unique laws and attributes, irreducible in their differences to each other, determine the nature of each PIOT. Therefore, their creation according to their immanent laws gives rise to four different ENJS spheres of their production: SOCIOSPHERE of production of PEOPLE, INFOSPHERE of production of INFORMATION, ORGSPHERE of production of ORGANIZATIONS, TECHNOSPHERE of production of THINGS, all material goods and services (economy). Abbreviated: SIOT spheres. The SIOT spheres are also eternal and constant, like the PIOT spheres of their resources/products. Since the only actor, the living productive resource of all PIOT products are people, they, employed in the SIOT spheres in the production of the corresponding PIOT products, which are differ and divided according to this key criterion of employment into four ENJS SPHERONS. They are constant in structure but variable in social historical content. Their names are adequate to the spheres of production in which they are employed as their living actors: these are SOCIOSPHERON in the sociosphere, INFOSPHERON in the infosphere, ORGSPHERON in the orgsphere, TECHNOSPHERON in the technosphere. Abbreviated: SIOT spherons. As you can see, the ENJS PIOT logic dictates the ENJS logic of 12 other societal spheres of society. Therefore, in conclusion, all of the listed 16 ENJS societal spheres at all social levels in their general 4x4 tetrad structure constitute the humanity constant, in which the absence of at least one of them at any level makes its life impossible, permeating its entire history, which scientifically can only be understood on their basis. 4. WGF: If in the logic of 16 ENJS societal spheres the determining role of actors is played by spherons, then how can they be presented in more detail and evidence and not just terminologically? Dr Semashko: Spherons are the constant social structure, which in the humanity employment demography of every nation at all its levels is presented in the model (Fig. 2):
 Fig. 2. Social structure of people in employment demography
The branch content of the constant social structure is presented in the model (Fig. 3): Fig. 3. Spherons social structure by branch employment This model is detailed in a large- scale model of the branches list of social production by spheres, the sum of branch employees in which in annual statistics verifies and proves the objective reality of spherons at any social object where they work. Due to the cumbersome nature of such statistical models, they cannot be presented in interview. They are revealed using the example of statistical data from dozens of countries and other social objects in the GGHA collective book ‘Gandhica’, 2019, in four languages: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=848. Every literate person, starting with the schoolchild who has mastered arithmetic, is able, using our simplified method, to verify the spherons of any social object in 2 hours and be convinced of their objective truth and universal reality: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1125. The spherons verification ensures verification of the all other social spheres truth in their ENJS logic. But this process in infinitely large statistical data is extremely complex and cumbersome. It is inaccessible to the unarmed human mind and requires adequate, spheral AI along with other PS tools created in it. The Peace Science is based on Mahatma Gandhi’s fundamental discovery in 1927 of the ‘eternal and equal varnas/spherons of humanity’ with their ‘Newtonian law of mutual gravitation’ and their ‘greatest force of nonviolence, peace and harmony’. 5. WGF: Could you, in general terms, determine the PS spheral tools composition, which ensures mastery of the cognitive potential of this science as a whole? Dr Semashko: This is one of the most difficult questions, in answering which we will have to limit ourselves to only a simple list of innovative tools and corresponding PS languages, created in varying degrees of readiness over their almost half-century history. Firstly, this is the PS conceptual language of spheral macrosociology, presented in more than 1,500 publications, including about 20 books and more than 300 projects since 1976, the semantic core of which is the spheral terminology of the social genome in Fig. 1, detailed by the terminology of model concepts derived from it. Secondly, this is a unique, spheral global statistics, abbreviated as GlobStat, whose spheral indices aggregate the traditional statistics indices, overcoming gaps and fragmentation of the national statistics. GlobStat constitutes the PS qualimetric language, which began to be developed in 1980 and is presented in the first book publication: https://peacefromharmony.org/docs/leo-semashko-spheral-approach-1993.pdf-an. In developed form this language is presented in the above-mentioned book ‘Gandhica’. Thirdly, this is the spheral mathematical statistics language based on the spheral indices fractal matrices by size 4x4n, where ‘n’ is an infinite series of natural numbers, or the series of other numbers depending on research and practical tasks. This language quantitatively expresses the social topology and harmony of the spheres and spherons connectedness in all their historical diversity and infinity, the calculation and understanding of which requires AI. Fourthly, this is spheral AI in the spectrum from planetary to individual (in the smartphone) scale, built on the basis of the three named languages and, possibly, requiring a special spheral programming language, work on which began in 1991 in the ‘TETRASPHERE Software and Methodological Complex’. More details are here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1168. Fifthly, it is the visual language of spheral structural modeling, which accompanies all instrumental languages of PS, has a long-standing philosophical justification and is illustrated in almost every PS project, book or article by corresponding visual models. Sixthly, this is a special class of the most effective spheral fractal organization of production and governance/ management, ensuring exponentially accelerated growth of the economy, investment and business. The first experimental attempt at its practical implementation was made for the spheral organization of city governance in St. Petersburg in 1992–1993 (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=58). The second attempt was made in the UN spheral organization project of global governance in 2017 in five languages (https://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=769).
6. WGF: on what basis did the PS receive the names ‘Gandhian’ and ‘Spheronics’? Dr Semashko: The Peace Science is based on Mahatma Gandhi’s fundamental discovery in 1927 of the ‘eternal and equal varnas/spherons of humanity’ with their ‘Newtonian law of mutual gravitation’ and their ‘greatest force of nonviolence, peace and harmony mightier than the mightiest [nuclear] weapon of destructions’ [above: Gandhica]. Therefore, it rightfully received and bears his name: ‘GANDHIAN PEACE SCIENCE’ (GPS). The nonviolent spherons constitute the PS societal substance as the only actors of the humanity social production (SP) and its only way of being in ‘perpetual peace’ on Kant. Spherons define the humanity eternal social structure in all diversity of its historically transient subjects, cover the entire population, all people from birth to death, which differ only in employment in the SP spheres by the PIOT final products. Therefore, the PS in its societal substance and substantial way of thinking is called spheronics. Every literate person, starting with the schoolchild who has mastered arithmetic, is able, using our simplified method to verify the spherons of any social object in 2 hours and be convinced of their objective truth and universal reality. The spherons verification ensures verification of the all other social spheres truth in their ENJS spheral logic. 7. WGF: How does the PS ‘logic of the spheres’ work in the humanity modern, antagonistic civilizations? Dr Semashko: The PS logic of the spheres, defining the societal spheral structures, norms, laws and constants common to all humanity, allows us to separate its healthy state from various pathologies, to grasp their degree in each civilization and country and to understand the deep, spheral causes of antagonisms and confrontations. The main thing about it is that by revealing the general societal nature of all civilizations, even extremely antagonistic and hostile ones, it reveals ways to overcome antagonisms, prevent wars and establish lasting, ‘perpetual peace’ between them according to Kant, which has not yet been proposed by any planetary conception. The PS logic of the spheres works the same in all different civilizations, regardless of all their internal class, elite, political and economic contradictions, which, as a rule, always resist similar general and holistic methodology, what is still observed. The spheres deep logic, objectively aimed at the survival and sustainable development of the whole society in the harmony these spheres, fundamentally corrects ‘the branches logic’ that has been spontaneously operating for millennia. It is rather aimed at confrontation between the corporate elites, at forceful domination over the whole that undermines and threatens the survival of society generally. In our time, the branch logic is embodied in ‘controlled chaos’, in the strategy of ‘peace through strength’, in organisation ‘by rules’ instead of laws, in disharmony instead of harmony, in depression of economic growth, investment and business instead their acceleration, etc. If the logic of spheres works in the interests of the whole society and the harmony of all its parts, then the branch logic works in the interests, first of all, of the most powerful parts, corporations of the whole, striving to dominate over it that turns destructively both for the whole and for the parts that dominate it. 8. WGF: How does the ‘logic of the spheres’ ensure humanity’s survival and sustainable prosperity through accelerated economic growth, investment and business? Dr Semashko: The PS unique advantage and dignity is that its framework of societal spheres for the first time in cognitive history determines the meaning and content of ‘perpetual peace’ of the humanity social nature, which many thinkers of the past spoke about but could not fill it with concrete theoretical content. That’s why PS is called the ‘Peace Science’, that it proves that peace is the only way of being of the humanity social nature, determined by the Gandhian spherons, excluding war and violent. War is possible only between their local and transitory subjects as their historical genetic pathology, nothing more. The humanity social genome (Fig. 1) and its constant societal structure (Fig. 2) essentially do not leave any place for war as the alien and dangerous pathology of undeveloped homo sapiens, who have not yet matured to understand the PS and realize its only possible peaceful existence. The society peaceful existence is identical only to the spherons, the scientific understanding of which is provided in spheronics by the ‘substantially new manner of thinking’ in the categories of spherons and their spheres, ensuring the ‘survival of humanity’ (Einstein). only on this basis does the societal spheres logic ensure humanity’s survival and sustainable prosperity of every nation and state through accelerated economic growth, investment and business. The nonviolent spherons constitute the PS societal substance as the only actors of the humanity social production (SP) and its only way of being in ‘perpetual peace’ on Kant. Each of the PIOT spheres is equally necessary for the life of society at all levels, starting with the individual and family. Because the absence, zero of any PIOT resource identically excludes their life. 9. WGF: What is the social force and advantage of the ‘logic of spheres’ for accelerated economic growth, investment and business? Dr Semashko: The ‘logic of spheres’ social strength and advantage lies in the society’s natural priority of integral constant spheres over their sectoral, branch and historically transient parts, but with preserving and integrating all their rational, useful innovations, achievements and ideas. The humanity’s entire past history, due to the underdevelopment of its social scientific self-awareness, passed under the auspices of continuous attempts at total domination of certain parts of it (classes, estates, parties, elites, etc.) over its whole. The totalitarian confrontation of social parts, nullifying, minimizing and limiting their social energy, led to prevailing depression, stagnation or minimal growth in production, economy, investment and business. Their highest effectiveness is possible only in their peace harmony and their focus on the good of the whole, and not on their focus on private interests and the fight against competitors in order to suppress them. The spheral integration of the branches, corporations maximizes their double efficiency for themselves and for the whole society, their harmony, balance between themselves and with the whole, opening up an unlimited and yet unknown organizational space for accelerated economic growth, investment and business. This is the unique social force and advantage of the PS ‘logic of the spheres’. Therefore, the spheral fractal organization of production and its governance in all its spheres, primarily in economics, investment and business, is acquiring breakthrough social significance, accelerating their pace many times over, up to 20% annually. It is especially important for the countries of the ‘third world and Global South’ that was noted in the BRICS Declaration of South Africa 2023 (https://www.mid.ru/ru/foreign_policy/news/1901504/?lang=en). Here lies a deep scientific explanation for the spontaneous ‘Chinese Economic Miracle’ of Deng Xiaoping. Everyone recognizes the highest efficiency of the fractal organization of production and its management, but only a few people understand that it is implementable not at the sectoral/branch but at the spheral level, revealed in the PS. 10. WGF: What political and legal transformations are required to implement the most effective ‘logic of spheres’ to accelerate economic growth, investment and business? Dr Semashko: The PS logic of the spheres proposes fundamental social and political transformations for this purpose, as well as for the humanity overall sustainable growth and prosperity in peace. This is, first of all, the establishment in the future of social, constitutionally enshrined, equality of spherons based on the law of their ENJS, regardless of their historical and territorial numbers volatility. The historical experience shows that the highest achievements and prosperity in all spheres were achieved by those civilizations, in which social equality of all population groups, primarily men and women, as the spherons eternal parts was spontaneously established. The social equality question cannot be resolved in sectoral/branch logic, and holistic, spheral logic, unfortunately, today is far from recognition and understanding, so we will not delve into it now. A similar question also is the question of radical social restructuring of traditional democracies, built not on the spherons social equality but on the dominance of one or other sectoral/branch elites. The bankruptcy of these democracies in solving all global problems, primarily in preventing nuclear genocidal war, ecological catastrophe and overcoming actual economic stagnation is obvious to all unprejudiced people. The PS has long been developing and proposing the spheral structure of all power branches, primarily legislative and executive, providing them with an equal number of seats for the representatives elected by the spherons in these bodies. No matter how fantastic this idea may seem, it has its historical prototype in the Roman Empire ‘tetrarchy’ during 20 years since 293 to 313, which played a key role in solving its crisis at that time. But we also cannot delve into this issue in our interview. Thanks for it. The ‘Chinese Economic Miracle’ nature is not explainable from the traditional, branch and fragmented approach standpoint. It finds an explanation in the innovative, spheral and holistic approach, in its civilizational logic of the necessary and sufficient societal spheres of social production, investments and business, on the fundamental basis of which the GGHA created for almost 20 years ‘Peace Science’ (PS). -------------------------------
Invitation to the next WGF Forum in Dubai, UAE,
June 29, 2024 as keynote speaker On the topic of the published interview.
Dear Dr Leo Semashko, Greetings from World Growth Forums! https://worldgrowthforums.com and https://blogs.worldgrowthforums.com PFB and PFA details ABOUT World Growth Forums Global Business and Investment Forum (WGF–GBIF) Atlantis, the Palm, Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE) on 29th June 2024. WGF–GBIF Possibilities and Opportunities At WGF-GBIF UAE (Dubai) 2024, the following four types of possibilities and opportunities are being offered: A. WGF Networking Opportunities B. WGF Media Promotions and Branding Services C. WGF Sponsorship Partnership D. WGF Artificial Intelligence Projects Complete list and details of all the above-mentioned WGF–GBIF Possibilities and Opportunities are have been shared in the attached PDF file "Media Services for WGF-GBIF UAE (Dubai) 2024". Please check all attachments. Kindly note that all Felicitations at WGF-GBIF are part of our WGF Media Promotions and Branding Services, and are being offered pro-bono. We wish to invite you to WGF-GBIF UAE (Dubai) 2024 as a Keynote Speaker. In addition, we wish to invite and felicitate on stage you (Dr Leo Semashko) as WGF World's Top Nation Builder from Russia. ………………. ……………… We look forward to a long-term positive association with you. Let's do great things together! P.S.: I'm always available to answer any query you may have. Kindly reach out to me through mail (india@worldgrowthforums.com; abhishek@worldgrowthforums.com) or phone (including WhatsApp) (+91 – 85270 87765; +91 – 9650 54 7050). You may kindly view the photos and videos of WGF-GBIF Thailand (held on 24th February 2024) at the following link: https://worldgrowthforums.com/wgf-global-business-and-investment-forum/ May 14, 2024 ------------------------------ Dear Leo, We completely understand your high-level commitments.We had a deadline for our WGF Magazine; otherwise, we wouldn't have insisted, and would have offered you more time, please. I have checked and edited your full text. Please rest assured that everything is fine with the text. There's no need for shortening or simplifying it. I have read your text with much interest, as I am also a Graduate in Philosophy. The way you have explained everything in such simple language and terms, it would be easy to understand for any reader, while retaining its complete impact and excellence. What you have shared in your Interview is simply awesome! We are publishing it as shared with you, please. Thank you very much! Warm Regards, Hasina Parvin WGF Chief Executive Officer and Magazine Editor-in-Chief 09-05-24