
INTERNATIONAL PEACE DAY – 21 SEPTEMBER 2024 ‘CALL TO YOUTH – REJECT MILITARISM AND WAR’ by Mairead Maguire, Nobel peace laureate I would like to thank the Youth of the world for all they do to reject violence, militarism and war.I have been inspired wherever I have travelled by the imagination, courage and resistance of so many young people.They give me great hope for the future of humanity. The young are wise. They know that, yet again in our world, we, the people, are being propagandized for war.Government leaders, and main stream media, are telling us we must have enemies (Russia, Iran, North Korea, China, etc.) and prepare for increased military budgets in spite of the fact growing number of countries have ‘food banks’ and ‘charity shops’ to try to ease the high cost of living and allow increasing numbers of families to ‘feed their children’ and the elderly to heat their homes. Young people are protesting such policies and are going to prison to say ‘no’ to killing other humans and destroying (or stealing) their resources and land. Government leaders are going one way to militarism and war and young people are going another, asking for a humane way of living together, respecting the environment and solving peacefully the hugh problems, we all face. ‘Be gentle’ ‘Stay human’ appear on colourful placards in multiple peace movements from North Korea to North America, Beijing to Belfast, Tehran to Tokyo, and Moscow to Palestine. People, particularly the youth, are building an alternative to the cruelty of war, often doing so from inside prisons, from their own websites on alternative media, on the streets in civil disobedience to bad laws, an alternative way of human living, ‘A gentle’ more humane humanity and being in keeping with nature. There is a new consciousness, including science, and this will not be ‘silenced’ or ‘intimidated’ by those playing power politics with our children’s’ lives and future. Young people know what it is to suffer. They know the cost of austerity cuts, pandemics, forever wars, and it all takes a toll on their mental health and sense of despair and hopelessness. We, ‘the elders’ owe it to them to join in their brave efforts to change the world, to make things better for all the children everywhere.Let us therefore join our youth as they work for disarmament and peace and refuse to hurt or kill other people and hurt or kill children. We could join them by demanding an immediate end to the Russian/Ukraine war, an end to the Gaza genocide by Israel, and dialogue not death. And saying ‘NO’ to NATO’s preparation for a third world war as we will not, with our youth, be there to fight it. Mairead Maguire Nobel peace laureate www.peacepeople.com Publication: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1206 20-09-24 -----------------------------------------
The GGHA peacebuilding CATEGORICAL IMPERATIVE of the future for the UN “Summit and Pact of the Future” on Sept. 22, 2024, justified in the GGHA eight leaders updated article below, published without censored cuts in three languages: In English: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1206 Сборник 24-09-04 PDF: https://disk.yandex.ru/d/9_vcC8PmBCeBww In French: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=fr_c&key=151 In Russian: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=1082
Сборник 24-09-02 PDF: https://disk.yandex.ru/d/bJ-QjmrWiSdwKA
Nuclear Civilization: From the Hiroshima/Nagasaki Western Globalization to the Peace Science Alternative Globalization for the Harmonious Multipolar Future By Leo Semashko, Mairead Corrigan, Chaitanya Dave, Rudolf Siebert, Bishnu Pathak, Marie Robert, Takis Ioannidis, Rosa Dalmiglio* *Note. During more than a month of discussion of our article since August 8 in the GGHA Russian and foreign networks in the GGHA Russian and foreign networks with more than 2 thousand subscribers, it did not encounter a single objection that made it the GGHA collective article. The most significant responses of its support are published on our website along with the article: [https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1206] -----------------------------------------
Spiritual Culture for Harmonious Civilization Gandhian Global Harmony Association (GGHA) Citizens of Earth! Unite in the Gandhian spherons’ harmony for life, love, peace, truth, nonviolence, justice, freedom, equality, fraternity and happiness!

GGHA was founded on February 15, 2005; initiator and founder is Leo Semashko. GGHA is the volunteer Int. Academy of Gandhian Peace Science, Spheronics. GGHA unites more 600 members in 55 countries. It included the President of India, Dr. Abdul Kalam and five Nobel Peace Laureates. GGHA was nominated to the Nobel Peace Prize for the Peace Science (PS) creation in 2013, 2017 and 2020: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1000 Web: https://peacefromharmony.org, above 20 million views in 19 years Board: 36 GGHA members of 14 countries: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=249 GGHA HQ: Office A 170, New Manglapuri, New Delhi 110045, India: hasina@worldgrowthforums.com GGHA Mission is: To pave the global peace from the objective harmony of societal spherons by the instruments of their Peace Science, spheral AI and education in it: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=848 The India President in 2002-7, Dr. Abdul Kalam, the first world leader, who recognized the Spheronics value as "the dawn of a first harmonious vision of peace and prosperity for all the Earth nations" in 2012: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=489 GGHA Peace Formula: "Peace Comes from Spherons Harmony via their Peace Science and AI only along the path of their spheral, “substantially new manner of thinking,” which alone ensures the understanding and achievement of Kant’s “perpetual peace.”" -------------------------------------------------------------------- Two historical questions of nations for the UN “Summit of the Future” on Sept. 22, 2024, New York: https://www.un.org/en/summit-of-the-future - HOW did the US Democrats zero out global peace for 79 years and create the H/N global ruins future before the UN eyes during 79 years? - How long in the future, the UN will allow the construction of world ruins instead of global Kant’s “perpetual peace” building based on the fundamental and verified Peace Science, excluding confrontation? “Every people has the government it deserves.” Montesquieu
"Perpetual Peace" puts a "round zero" cruel sign On the democrats high presidential forehead. Periphrasis of Antonio Machado, Madrid, XX century. ---------------------------- Nuclear Civilization: From the Hiroshima/Nagasaki (H/N) Western Globalization to the Peace Science Alternative Globalization for the Harmonious Multipolar Future By Leo Semashko, Mairead Corrigan, Chaitanya Dave, Rudolf Siebert, Bishnu Pathak, Marie Robert, Takis Ioannidis, Rosa Dalmiglio* *Note. During more than a month of discussion of our article since August 8 in the GGHA Russian and foreign networks in the GGHA Russian and foreign networks with more than 2 thousand subscribers, it did not encounter a single objection that made it the GGHA collective article. The most significant responses of its support are published on our website along with the article: [https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1206] Abstract. This article by the GGHA coauthors was written for the 79th anniversary of the tragedy of civilians in two Japanese cities of Hiroshima/Nagasaki (H/N), on whom the US nuclear genocidal terror unmotivatedly fell for the first time in history. For 79 years, the West and its "nuclear alliance" of 32 NATO countries scaled it to the planetary globalization of a humanity potential "nuclear winter" in the world H/N, becoming a historical generator of a genocidal nuclear civilization. The need for humanity to survive in a nuclear civilization requires its immanent change through the launch of an alternative globalization of peace science in it. This science is a fundamental and verifiable true paradigm of the world community, equally necessary and acceptable to all peoples. It excludes their deep confrontation and ensures their prosperity and sustainable development in the Kantian "perpetual peace", and not in a series of fragile truces between endless wars. Keywords. Nuclear civilization, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, nuclear weapons, nuclear genocide and suicide, nuclear terror and ecocide, nuclear globalization, peace science, substantially new spheral thinking, alternative peaceful globalization. Publication: In English: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1206
+ https://www.transcend.org/tms/2024/09/nuclear-civilization-for-peace-science-in-a-harmonious-multipolar-future/ + https://www.globalresearch.ca/nuclear-civilization-peace-science-harmonious-multipolar-future-2/5866983 + https://www.globalresearch.ca/nuclear-civilization-peace-science-harmonious-multipolar-future/5866991 In Russian: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=1082 In French: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=fr_c&key=151 1. H/N: The Nuclear Criminal Civilization Birth and its Globalization H/N is the symbol of a lethal and criminal nuclear civilization, since which it was born in August 1945, lived with it, feeding and expanding the nuclear weapons race with priority budgets for 79 years and is not going to part with it up to now, ignoring or suppressing all fundamental peaceful and scientific alternatives. This symbol is presented in Figure 1 with all the objective parameters of this civilization emergence: source, process, place, time and scale of historical nuclear terror/genocide.

Fig. 1. Hiroshima/Nagasaki Symbol
The criminal nature attribute of nuclear civilization and the falsity of the so-called “nuclear deterrence” in it is revealed in the monograph of the famous lawyer Francis Boyle. “The nuclear age was conceived in the original sins of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6 and 9, 1945. The atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki constituted crimes against humanity and war crimes…” [1]. The H/N nuclear terror is the USA criminal fruit, the West as a whole, conceived by Hitler in 1939 in the "German Nuclear Program", provided with all the necessary resources [Wiki] for racist, Nazi purposes. Therefore, the West nuclear civilization that was born with it is the criminal Western "nuclear age" and a criminal "suicidal civilization" [2; 3]. It forced other countries and civilizations of humanity, for the purpose of self-preservation and security, to respond adequately, with nuclear weapons, to the existential Western threat, which launched its deadly, suicidal and ecocidal for all global race to this day. Therefore, all the nuclear civilization time since H/N is marked by the satanic sign of its suicidal globalization on the path of a continuous and accelerating nuclear weapons race, its unlimited "modernization" and infinite scaling both in the genocidal potential power and in the countries number involved in it. It dooms this criminal civilization and all humanity with similar trends to an inevitable nuclear Armageddon/Auschwitz. The genocidal historical potential of this civilization has reached the extreme level of risk and non-return, exceeding 99%, locked in a symbolic meszer 90 seconds of the humanity remaining life on the American nuclear scientists "Doomsday Clock" [4]. It is accompanied by an aggravation of the hellish military, psychological and spiritual confrontation within it on the fields of local genocide in Gaza, Ukraine and the like as a prelude and incitement of total nuclear genocide in a new and final world war. This criminal confrontation was heroically and selflessly illustrated by the protest self-immolation of the US soldier, Aaron Bushnell, in Washington, in front of the Israeli embassy on February 25, 2024, at 13-00 [5]. Today, the nuclear civilization is storming the global genocide top, the approach to which was first begun by Adolf Hitler. His "laurels" have haunted diligent students from the USA/NATO for almost 80 years. Their training in the genocide of about 40 nations in the years after H/N with conventional weapons led to the deaths of 20 to 30 million civilians [6, 7, 8, 8a]. Today, the US and NATO continue the genocide of civilians in the Gaza Strip, Ukraine and around the world. It is known that in 2023, there were 183 armed conflicts in the world, according to Bloomberg [9]. The frantic nuclear arms race launched by the US/NATO naturally gave rise to accelerated production of these weapons in those countries that were targeted to be the next victims after H/N in the plans to “wipe them off the map” [10]. These countries did everything to resist Western nuclear terror and not to become victims of its crime: the USSR, Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, India, Pakistan. one of the last acts of the criminal race was the suicidal decision of the West to invest 1.2 trillion dollars in the “modernization of nuclear weapons” by 2030, which is “capable of killing up to 90% of humanity” with the involvement of Australia, Japan, the Republic of Korea and New Zealand in the new nuclear bloc AUKUS [11]. The globalization of nuclear civilization and its generator – nuclear weapons – is in complete contradiction to all norms of international law, destroying and rejecting it. “… Nuclear weapons have never been beneficial instruments of state policy, but rather have always constituted illegitimate instrumentalities of internationally lawless and criminal behavior first of all.» [1] “The conclusion is inexorable that the design, research, testing, production, manufacture, fabrication, transportation, deployment, installation, maintenance, storing, stockpiling, sale, and purchase as well as the threat to use nuclear weapons together with all their essential accouterments are criminal under well-recognized principles of international law. Thus, those government decision-makers in all the nuclear weapons states with command responsibility for their nuclear weapons establishments are today subject to personal criminal responsibility under the Nuremberg Principles for this criminal practice of nuclear deterrence/terrorism that they have daily inflicted upon all states and peoples of the international community. Here I wish to single out four components of the threat to use nuclear weapons that are especially reprehensible from an international law perspective: counter-ethnic targeting; counter-city targeting; first-strike weapons and contingency plans; and the first-use of nuclear weapons even to repel a conventional attack.”[1] “… Humankind must abolish nuclear weapons before nuclear weapons abolish humankind… the doctrine known as "nuclear deterrence," which is really a euphemism for "nuclear terrorism." [Ibid] Of course, at the same time it is necessary to distinguish between Western nuclear aggressors that use nuclear weapons for dictatorship over the states that are objectionable to them, and other countries that create nuclear weapons for defense from nuclear aggressors. If initially, humanity allowed one aggressor to create and use nuclear weapons, then what right does it have to deprive other countries of the right to adequate, nuclear defense, as the USSR did, in response to US aggressive plans, “erase it with a map of nuclear weapons”? [10]. It is immoral to put the aggressor on one board and its victim. The NATO Washington Declaration on July 10, 2024 again confirms the criminal nature of this nuclear alliance. “9. As long as nuclear weapons exist, NATO will remain a nuclear alliance… NATO remains committed to taking all necessary steps to ensure the credibility, effectiveness, safety, and security of the Alliance’s nuclear deterrence mission, including by modernising its nuclear capabilities, strengthening its nuclear planning capability, and adapting as necessary.” [12] Our general assessment of the "golden billion" criminal Western civilization is presented in our "Anti-NATO Manifesto" with colleagues [13]. As a result, for almost 80 years, the nuclear civilization, imposed by force and threat of force by the West on humanity, has become a turning point in its history. on it, humanity will either end its existence, or radically change its strategic vector of the future in the direction of planetary and scientific "perpetual peace" according to Kant [14] in all spheres of society, as well as in all countries and institutions, including international law, as a common normative bridge to it. For this fateful turn, humanity needs to master the fundamental verified Peace Science, which can become its common mental base and the nonviolent instrument acceptable to all nations for the eradication of nuclear weapons as the West “Absolute Evil” [15]. The possibility of its eradication on the scientific base was first considered by the GGHA in its collective “Anti-Nuclear Manifesto” of 46 coauthors from 26 countries with the participation four Nobel Peace Laureates in 2020. [16] 2. Hiroshima/Nagasaki from the American Political Kitchen Inside in 1945 The American political kitchen of 1945, where the criminal strategic decision to destroy the civilian population of H/N was cooked up, is revealed in detail in many works [8; 17; 18; 19; 20; 21], from which we will select the most important and characteristic attributes. 1. The first attribute is the lie of the main official motive for the H/N atomic bombing that it was allegedly necessary to “stop the war” and that H/N had “military bases”, the destruction of which allegedly “prevented the death of up to half a million American soldiers”. All sources confirm that Japan was ready to capitulate in order to stop the war and there were no military bases in H/N, so there was no military need for their atomic bombing [Ibid]. 2. The true reason for the H/N atomic terror was the USA desire to establish its world hegemony. "The intentional targeting of civilian women and children in a highly populated urban area was intended to create the maximum psychological impact on the minds of the Japanese, the Russians, and the world." [8] "Why did they commit such a crime? Well, more than anything, they wanted to show Russia the new weapon the United States possessed. They not only wanted to show Russia, but also to proclaim to the world that the United States would not hesitate to use any means to protect and guard its interests!" [Ibid]. Another source: "In fact though, the goal, it was clear: it was not just to destroy buildings but to instantly kill an unprecedented number of people," to "send a message" to the Soviet Union that the United States now had a monopoly on nuclear weapons and would henceforth command the postwar world. To achieve this, almost half a million Japanese civilians had to die, including those who later became victims of the effects of the bombs; radiation. [18] And so on in all sources. 3. The immorality and barbarity of the H/N Bombings. "Only the utter inhumanity and brutal ruthlessness of man can commit such crimes against civilians of any country!.. The crime crosses all the limits of barbarity when one realizes that the whole tragedy was avoidable!" [8]. The immorality of the criminal decision to bomb the H/N innocent inhabitants is revealed by the hypocritical detail of its satanic blasphemy. "It was utter, Satanic blasphemy, when the first atomic bomb was called Trinity, the holiest name [in many religions]... It was blasphemy, when an army chaplain blessed the Hiroshima bomb with holy water. He even blessed the Nagasaki bomb, after he had seen the casualties produced by the Hiroshima bomb, a few days earlier." [21]. H/N became an atheistic desecration of all religions and of a nuclear civilization doomed by God to nuclear suicide unless an alternative paradigm is born within it. The only bright and highly spiritual event of this vile political kitchen is how “Theodore Hall, a 19-year-old American Los Alamos scientist, the youngest physicist on the Manhattan project and a Soviet spy, handed over to an American spy courier working for the Soviet Union, complete plans for constructing the “Fat Man” plutonium bomb.” [18] 4. The highest vileness and meanness of America's militaristic foreign policy is exposed by President Truman's decision to exterminate hundreds of thousands of civilians in H/N for the sake of US world hegemony and intimidation of the USSR. He became the second state mass murderer after Hitler, now the “atomic butcher” and eternal criminal against humanity in history, having ordered the H/N atomic bombings, for which there was no military necessity. They will forever preserve his shameful “Herostratus glory” of the West “satanic absolute evil” with his posthumous portrait with two nuclear explosions in an embrace and with his fruit of the Hiroshima scorched empty, which instantly killed 80 thousand children, women and old people in Figure 2.

Fig. 2. "National atomic butcher" Truman and his fruit in 1945 ~ 300K victims Truman brilliantly and sophisticatedly continued the Satanism of the gas ovens of Hitler's "death camps" like Auschwitz as an instrument of the racist "Mein Kampf", which will celebrate its 100th anniversary in 2025, in the innovative Western policy of globalizing genocidal H/N for 79 years, which has now become the "NATO nuclear alliance" official policy of 32 European countries. [12].
Two historical questions of nations for the UN “Summit of the Future”.
HOW did the US Democrats zero out global peace for 79 years and create the H/N global ruins future before the UN eyes during 79 years? How long in the future the UN will allow the construction of world ruinsinstead of global Kant’s “perpetual peace” building based on the fundamental and verified Peace Science, excluding confrontation?
The approval of Kamala Harris as the Democratic Party candidate for the US presidency, her complete rejection of peace and confirmation of Biden's tough militaristic course: "As president, I will stand strong with Ukraine and NATO..." [12a], means 100% inevitability of the global nuclear war with Russia, which will never agree with the Nazi Ukraine and NATO in it. Therefore, if Harris wins the election, its inevitable fruit will be the global H/N, starting since the Washington-Hiroshima ruins. She will fulfill the long-standing prediction of the American experts that "ruin is our future" [12b, 12c, 12d]. Inciting with laughter and pleasure an unbridled, "democratic" militarism with an American Hiroshima, Harris obviously does not understand what she, stupid is say and doing. With her, the H/N globalization threatens to become 100%, absorbing her and the USA. Therefore, she will surpass Truman and become a "world nuclear butcher" that is expressed in Figure 3. 
Fig. 3. "World nuclear butcher" Harris: "As president, I will stand strong with Ukraine and NATO...." This will be the H/N for Washington and America as her funniest fruit... In the nuclear civilization of America, all of its 14 presidents, without exception, starting since democrat Truman, who launched H/N on a national scale, regularly served its globalization with their generous priority contributions to it. If democrat Truman is limited to its national scale of Japan, then democrat Biden, after 79 years of the USA efforts and its NATO nuclear alliance, scaled potential H/N to the planetary level and 99%. His potential democratic shifter Harris promises to raise it up to 100%. This intention, if realized, will make it an unsurpassed criminal against humanity. It seems that only John Kennedy from the full spectrum of the USA militaristic presidents was able to understand the absolute evil of nuclear weapons, its war and its planetary H/N. He formulated an absolute peacemaking imperative against it: “Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind”, for which he was “democratically” killed in democratic America as only “perpetual peace” can ‘put an end to war’, which for the USA government is the Holy Cow in all its history 248 years. None of the other American presidents dared to admit this true imperative of survival and democracy and bring it to life. The only one who approached it was and is Trump that confirmed the alliance with him Kennedy Jr, but he also fell under the sight of the "democratic" hawks, including Harris. The American/West nuclear civilization inexorably rushes into the abyss of global H/N and none of the democrats even know the word “peace”, set to zeroit like Harris in the 40-minute speech in Chicago and drowning peace in her global H/N. 3. Globalization of H/N in Numbers for 79 Years: 1945 - 2024. Table. The best illustration of the H/N Western globalization scale over 79 years is the map in Figure 4, which was created by self-critical Western scientists from the FAS [22]. 
Fig. 4. Estimated Global Nuclear Warheads Inventories, 2024. Based on this map and taking into account additional sources, we have constructed a table of the equally estimated scale of the H/N Western globalization over 79 years. Why “estimated”? Because, as the authors rightly emphasize, “The exact number of nuclear weapons in each country’s possession is a closely held national secret, so the estimates presented here come with significant uncertainty. Most nuclear-armed states provide essentially no information about the sizes of their nuclear stockpiles.” [Ibid] Another, principal opinion, contrary to the double standards of fake mainstream media: “The dangers of nuclear war are not an object of debate and analysis by the mainstream media. Public opinion is carefully misled... Nuclear weapons are portrayed as peace-making bombs.” [17] However, taking into account the inevitable error, the data found in the sources give a general picture of the H/N globalization objective trend for 79 years and the "constant growth of the nuclear warheads number" in the direction of the inevitable collapse of nuclear civilization in global H/N. This globalization is presented in the table in Figure 5.
Fig. 5. Table. H/N Globalization. "Progress" of the US Democrats. Abbreviations: H/N – Hiroshima & Nagasaki; NW – Nuclear Warheads; GG – Growth of H/N Globalization in % 1. NP – Nuclear Powers Producing Nuclear Weapons; 2. NNCD NW – Nuclear and Non-nuclear Countries Whose Military Bases May be Deployed NW; 3. NNW NP - Number of NW at NP; 4. NWCD – NW on Combat Duty; 5. H/NNWTC - H/N NW Total Capacity 1945; 6. TCNW24 – Total Capacity of NW 2024; 7. NVH/N - Number of H/N Victims; 8. NPPV24 – Number of Population Potential Victims on 2024. A few strokes to the table. The modern “modeling results generally confirm the conclusions of simpler models from the 1980s that a full-scale nuclear conflict between Russia and the United States would lead to a “nuclear winter”… The “nuclear winter” hypothesis, which arose in the tense political situation, showed that the consequences of a nuclear war have not been sufficiently studied and are little taken into account in the decision-making process regarding the use of nuclear weapons… [The] inconsistency of the assertion that “the presence of nuclear weapons by two antagonists increases their restraint in the use of military force” already at the distant approaches to the nuclear threshold has been proven”… Narrowing of strategic choice and short-term thinking in crisis situations cannot guarantee rational decision-making on the issue of using nuclear weapons, just as the justification of such a decision by national rivalry or the ideology of confrontation cannot.” [24] “It's long been known a major nuclear war could destroy modern ci1ilization and kill most of humanity... This report summarizes the latest scientific work, which shows that a so-called "limited" or “regional” nuclear war would be neither limited nor regional. on the contrary, it would be a planetary-scale event. In fact, it would be far more dangerous than we understood even a few years ago. A war that detonated less than 1/20th of the world's nuclear weapons would still crash the climate, the global food supply chains and likely public order. Famines and unrest would kill hundreds of millions, perhaps even billions…Using less than 3% of the worlds nuclear weapons, a nuclear war between India and Pakistancould kill up to every 3rd person on earth [~2,7 billions].”[25] Potentially, this is almost 10,000 times more victims of H/N, 1,000,000%. This is the supposed scale of H/N Western globalization today from only 3% of the world's nuclear weapons. In other, more severe scenarios of "regional" nuclear war, considered by the author, the damage to humanity becomes even more devastating. [Ibid] Conclusions. 1. The humanity nuclear civilization is Western, American in its origin, center and its main driving force of the “golden billion” with its “nuclear alliance” NATO, which has ensured the H/N globalization to a potential planetary nuclear winter with its inevitable probability over 99% for the past 79 years. [4] 2. This civilization was imposed on humanity by force and the threat of force of the “nuclear weapons absolute evil”, the priority race of which for the past 79 years has involved, more or less, practically all countries in one or another sphere, making a new H/N danger universal for all nations. The nuclear civilization signs its own death warrant with its global H/N 79 years, which is more than 99% ready for launch today. 3. In the global nuclear war with the H/N billion-fold scaling in this civilization, humanity will be thrown back in its evolution by tens or hundreds of thousands of years to the stage of savagery and paleoanthrope, at which the remaining survivors will be doomed to radioactive extinction for many centuries, as in the Chernobyl disaster zone. 4. The nuclear civilization history for 79 years, with all its impressive partial achievements, has exposed the West/NATO total, growing militarism with its only holistic ability to nuclear destroy itself and most of humanity. 5. Militarism has shown itself to be the generic “Achilles heel” of nuclear civilization, first of all, of its “founding father” West/NATO, deprived of the ability to find a way out of its military doom. It was capable for 79 years only to destroy the old and suppressing new shoots of a common, positive science and culture of peace with them stigma of “madness, crazy, dissidence and chimera”, having done nothing for their growth during these years.. [25a, 25b, 25c] 6. The West cognitive and ideological limitations by militarism have deprived it of the opportunity and ability to create in 79 years a fundamental and verifiable scientific alternative to the inevitable nuclear suicide of its nuclear civilization. 7. Militarism as a pathological attribute of social nature, aimed not at its life, but at its death, together with the humanity holistic ignorance and impotence becomes with them an insurmountable source of its eternal, cognitive and ideological confrontation. 8. Nuclear civilization will remain in the humanity history last, crowning and completing the multi-thousand-year period of violent civilizations, in which the main instrument of violence – weapons, at the level of nuclear weapons, self-denies itself, reaching the humanity planetary nuclear suicide ceiling, incompatible with its life and future. 4. The Nuclear Civilization Mysterious Paradox and Antinomy How and why in this prosperous civilization of the "golden billion" for 79 years of its existence, with all its brilliant achievements in each of its parts: branch, corporation, city and country, with all their striving for the best, but as a whole for humanity, objectively, against the will of all its parts, a general suicidal-genocidal result of the potential planetary H/N, prepared by 99%, was obtained? In this civilization history, there are practically equivalent testimonies of both its life and its death, determining the objective antinomy of its existence for 79 years. Its general situation is characterized by the well-known aphorism: "we wanted the best, but it turned out as always [badly]", which, when decoded for this civilization, means: all its parts: branches, cities and countries wanted to live better, but as a whole, for everyone together it turns out to be death, the life end. We constantly hear the call to "make world better", but in fact we are moving it into the abyss. How can this be? There is no room in a short article to resolve this philosophical paradox and the macrosociological cognitive antinomy "to be or not to be?" of the humanity nuclear civilization. Our brief conclusion and answer to this question is as follows. The nuclear civilization knows its parts well: branches, corporations, cities and countries, it has good and useful command of them in its partial, disciplinary organizations, sciences, politics and diplomacy. However, it, in fact, knows nothing about their immanent and eternal system-structural integrity and it doesn't any way possess its objective macrosociological laws, unified and common to all parts and nations of humanity without exception. The level of its historical knowledge and thinking has not yet risen to the substantial, system-structural level of knowledge and understanding of the parts integrity. It has remained for 79 years limited by the sectoral, disciplinary level of specific functions of parts of the whole and by those partial, false ideologies that try to theoretically justify the advantage and exclusivity of one or another social part: a sector, a class, a party, a nation, a state, etc. This limitation and fragmentation of this civilization sectoral knowledge and thinking, as well as all previous ones, gives rise to an eternal indomitable confrontation of social parts deprived of knowledge and understanding of a single and common system-structural integrity for them with the entire spectrum of universal negative consequences, up to including suicidal nuclear genocide of humanity. An explanation of some key moments of the nuclear civilization cognitive antinomy on the path to a holistic systemic-structural and scientific exit from it is briefly presented below. 5. The Nuclear Weapons Problem Insolubility in Nuclear Civilization. Einstein's Cognitive Law The Western nuclear civilization has been suffocating in the convulsions and chaos of total uncontrolled violence for 79 years. Its globalization of H/N is institutionalized in all social spheres by a multitude of legitimate branch institutions of militarism. Globalization of H/N alienates this civilization from the social nature of Kant’s “perpetual peace”, suppresses all fundamental peaceful alternatives and deprives its only immunity of peacemaking survival, thereby condemning it to inevitable nuclear suicide. The criminal nuclear civilization, at the initiative of the West, has actually destroyed the main institution – international law of fundamental norms adopted in Nuremberg and after, regulating the limitation and prohibition of genocidal nuclear weapons as criminal against humanity [1; 2: 3]. But the reason for the actual collapse of international law was not only the constant Western militarism over 79 years, but also the cognitive peacemaking weakness of traditional law, deprived of fundamental scientific, objective inviolability and general recognition by all peoples and governments without exception. The West total militarism and its cognitive peacemaking impotence define the law of “ineradiation and insolubility of the nuclear weapons absolute evil in the nuclear civilization”, which is confirmed by the entire history and all the attributes of this civilization for 79 years, outlined briefly above. If the militarism of this civilization is revealed by the H/N globalization, then its peacemaking impotence was defined by Albert Einstein at its dawn 70 years ago in his holistic cognitive imperative. In his definition, he comes from the rational nature of homo sapiens in a society in which everything begins with thinking and ends with thinking, including nuclear weapons and its civilization. In his definition, this cognitive imperative of the nuclear civilization is formulated as follows: in it, “the significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them [therefore] we shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if humanity is to survive.” [26] We can assume that the West, in 79 years of its nuclear civilization, has been unable to understand and use “substantially new thinking,” because it does not want and is unable to live any other way than in militarism, which inevitably leads it to nuclear suicide. Or vice versa? It condemns itself to extinction in militarism because it does not know and does not want to know “substantially new thinking,” is unable to rise to it, suppressing it and thereby closing the way to a fundamentally new, peaceful way of life excluding militarism? That from this dilemma is true, time will tell. But one thing is clear: the destruction of nuclear weapons and overcoming its nuclear suicidal civilization is not a question of the traditional level/quality of thinking, but only “substantially new.” The nuclear weapons absolute evil is not eradicated by its planetary scaling in the H/N globalization. It does not increase, but nullifies national and global security. The more it is produced, the less it is both at the national and global levels. This evil is created by partial, disciplinary and fragmented thinking, which can only be overcome by "substantially new thinking". The only question is what this thinking is like, and what "substantial" social nature determines it? The rational grains of understanding and thinking of this extremely complex, large-scale and eternal nature were spontaneously, intuitively born throughout the humanity written history over the last 3-4 millennia, which must be separated and integrated. The conscious and purposeful task of separating, verifying and integrating such true grains of "substantially new thinking" in the global macrosociological PEACE SCIENCE development was set and solved in the GGHA for almost 20 years since its establishment on February 15, 2005. During this time, the process of its development by us with more than 700 of its coauthors from more than 50 countries in the GGHA is presented in many books, articles and peacemaking projects [27], the first of which should be named our fundamental book "Global Peace Science" by 174 coauthors from 34 countries in 2016 [28]. Naturally, its development is an endless process, which has been fulfilled in the GGHA volunteer academy only at the initial stage in a minimal volume, conditionally defined by us in "one percent". But, as they say, "the spool is small, but expensive", opening up an unlimited perspective of development on this path. What is the essence of its understanding today? 6. Peace Science: Its Substantial, Spheral Thinking and Its Institutionalization as the Common Way Out from Nuclear Civilization Genocidal Deadlock The fundamental and verifiable macrosociological Peace Science, necessary and acceptable to all nations, was born within the nuclear civilization, despite and independently of it, based on the integration of key peacemaking and at the same time scientific achievements of the past. These include, first of all, the discoveries of nonviolent varnas/spherons of humanity by Mahatma Gandhi, the noosphere of Vernadsky, Chardin, Leroy, the four necessary and sufficient societal resources of PIOT (below) Bertalanffy within the framework of the humanity spheral, "substantially new thinking" for understanding and implementing Kant's "perpetual peace". Its most compressed expression over the decades today is the following engram in Figure 6 with brief definitions. Peace Science: Humanity's spheral, "substantially new thinking" of Kant's "perpetual peace" in the peacebuilding imperative of the UN future strategy since 2024

Fig. 6. Peace Science Engram The Peace Science has gone through three historical stages of its development. 1. Indian, beginning since the humanity spherons fundamental discovery by Mahatma Gandhi in 1927 that explains this science title as "Gandhian". 2. Russian, beginning since the spheral macrosociology (spheral approach and tetrasociology) development since 1976. And 3. International stage, beginning since the creation of the international peacemaking GGHA in 2005 as the first, informal institutionalization of the "substantially new thinking" in the world civil society. These stages and their achievements are presented in a large list of more than 1,500 publications, books and projects [29; 28; 27], not counting many complementary historical sources. In the last stage, over almost 20 years, the Peace Science has been created by more than 700 coauthors from more than 50 countries with the participation of the India President Abdul Kalam and five Nobel Peace Laureates, acquiring its modern form and presentations in the mentioned numerous publications in 1-12 languages. [Ibid] Today, the holistic result of the Peace Science integrative nature knowledge is presented in its engram above, which expresses the humanity societal transdisciplinary genome at all its levels, starting with the individual and the family in the structural form of 16 constant spheres of society. They are the eternal sociological laws of the humanity social existence within the constant framework and harmonizing shores of which all its transient, historical changes occur at all stages of sociogenesis. [13, etc.] The Peace Science is verified by world statistics and is available for verification in 2 hours for every literate person since the age of 10, who knows arithmetic and a computer [30]. The Peace Science creates and equips itself and its spheral, “substantially new thinking” with adequate new tools of spheral statistics and its digital technology of Spheral Artificial Intelligence (SAI) [31], built in the system-spheral architecture, logic and structure of the humanity societal genome on Fig.5. Its information substance is structured in two key segments: holistic, constant spheral knowledge, accessible to human and partial, changeable disciplinary knowledge, inaccessible to human in the hole due extreme size of its big data. To paraphrase, we can say that the SAI information principle is expressed by the well-known saying: "To Human/God – God’s things, and to machine/Caesar – Caesar’s things", which ensures the harmonization of human and the "AI super-intelligence", preserving the control, governancing function for human, leaving the machine an auxiliary, instrumental role. Similar structure excludes the fear of "dominancing machine over human" and his transformation into a slave of robots, to whom human will never transfer his social spheral logic of "substantially new thinking", preserving constant control over it as his highest intellectual property. The Peace Science, by virtue of scientific truth, are united, necessary, acceptable and perpetual for all nations without exception and humanity as a whole, if it will be recognized and understood by them in its culture, thinking and education of peace. But in order to overcome the violent nuclear civilization of the "nuclear weapons absolute evil", powerfully institutionalized in all four vital spheres of society, the Peace Science and its spheral, "substantially new thinking" must also be institutionalized in all spheres of the world community and each country. only in this global institutionalization in the humanity spheral objective logic, presented in the engram, is the evolutionary nonviolent overcoming of the Western nuclear civilization, its H/N globalization and a harmonious, spheral civilization is born within the nuclear one. only it is capable to evolutionarily displacing and replacing all military institutions of the nuclear civilization in all spheres, but preserving all the positive from them, especially peaceful safe nuclear energy, which can be used for peacebuilding of a new, nonviolent civilization. The first peacemaking institution of each state should be the political and diplomatic "Department of Peace" in the orgsphere, proposed as a counterweight to the "Department of Defense/War" by Benjamin Rush for the US government. But its militaristic nature made it impossible to establish it in 230 years after 11 failed attempts to approve its bill in the Congress. This once again proves the USA ineradicable militarism, which has been able to fight and destroy peace throughout its history, 230 years out of 248, but is not capable of creating and independently emerging from its suicidal nuclear civilization without the help of other countries and their Peace Science. Unfortunately, there has never been a state leader in history who was able to recognize not only the Peace Science global need, as former Indian President Abdul Kalam did in 2012, recognizing it as necessary “for peace and prosperity of all the nations of the planet Earth” [32], but also to move from the words about peace to its practical, organizational institutionalization in all spheres of society, starting with the creation of “Department of Peace.” In the infosphere, similar institution, instead of numerous military research institutes, should be the independent "Academy of Peace and Accelerated Development", proposed for the BRICS+ countries by us [33], the prototype of which is the independent "China Academy of Social Sciences" of Deng Xiaoping, as well as the similar British and Pontifical Academies of Social Sciences. Of course, this institutionalization should also integrate and preserve all the positive experience and achievements of military science that can be used for peacebuilding. In the sociosphere, similar institution, instead of numerous military educational Academies, universities and schools, should be the Peace Science system of fundamental peacemaking education, starting with secondary school and all universities of civil education, of course, with the preservation and integration of all the positive components of military education necessary for peace. A list of more than ten educational projects of the GGHA for almost 20 years is presented here [27]. In the technosphere, in the economy, similar institution is already all civil public production, which only needs to be freed from the military-industrial complex, but again, with the preservation of all its positive fragments necessary for peace. The key innovation of the Peace Science economic institutionalization consists in the spheral fractal organization of social production and its management (governance) at all levels, which ensures its efficiency and increase labor productivity in it at times. The “economic modernization” of Den Xiaoping, which provided China with the “economic miracle” of the economy unprecedented growth over three decades for more than 15% annually, remaining unsolved and unique anywhere [34; 35]. The Peace Science allows for the first time to define and separate spheral surplus value at all levels of social production that makes the peace economy the most attractive and profitable for business [36]. only this surplus value ensures the GDP highest growth rate in each country and in the world that Deng Xiaoping intuitively achieved in the “Chinese Economic Miracle.” It is clear that this is only a contour road map of the Peace Science institutionalization in its long evolutionary process of globalization, over the course of, obviously, no less than half a century, in which it will systematically displace the H/N nuclear civilization globalization from all its spheres, while preserving and integrating all its achievements useful for peacebuilding. Only a similar process, evolutionary in time, but revolutionary in structure process of a single spheral logic of the Peace Science institutional globalization, but infinitely diverse in its local cultural and national forms is capable nonviolently displacing and replacing the genocidal nuclear civilization in its H/N globalization by the harmonious civilization of spheral multipolar future. It arose at the beginning of our century [Ibid]. 7. The Spheral Bridges to the Multipolar Future Harmonious Civilization in Transition Period The great historical transition from a nuclear to a harmonious civilization, which will take no less than five to six decades of changing at least 2-3 generations of humanity, begins since the conscious design and construction of the necessary bridges and tools in each sphere of human life, many rational elements of which were discovered and prepared long ago. They are waiting their integration in the Peace Science of the new civilization. The cognitive superiority of this science is determined by its social nature of the spheral, "substantial new manner of thinking", which, with its holistic and transdisciplinarity character, liberates traditional, partial/disciplinary and sectoral thinking from its generic limitations and harmfulness as a whole, with all its partial advantages and countless achievements. only within the framework of transdisciplinary, spheral thinking are these advantages and achievements preserved and receive a harmonious life with the social whole, without exposing it to the risks of self-destruction, as in a nuclear civilization. Without similar fundamental change in the manner of thinking, there cannot be an equally fundamental civilizational change that ensures global “perpetual peace” as the highest and unconditional security of all nations together with their prosperity in sustainable historical development. Only similar Peace Science and its spheral, substantial thinking are capable to ensure all the peoples over many decades the joint construction of the future multipolar civilization in harmony, without any confrontation in all sectoral and national vectors, preventing the emergence of all their conflicts by common, harmonious and true preventive solution, as in a friendly family. The Peace Science ensures the creation of innovative tools and the renewal of traditional bridges for exiting the nuclear civilization and transitioning to a harmonious civilization of the future. Above, we have listed many of the main ones. In conclusion, we will briefly dwell on the most relevant and practical of them today. Renewal of international law. By their nature, law and peace are identical, as are their sciences. Law serves peace, and peace requires special international law in the organizational sphere. No international law for 79 years without and outside the Peace Science has been able to stop the H/N “absolute evil” globalization. This can only be done by international law based on this science, the spheral foundations of which were defined in it by the brilliant Roman lawyer Gaius in his “Institutes” of Roman law in the second century AD [37]. The systematic presentation of Roman private law, both civil and praetorian, in his Institutes is permeated with the principle: “Omne autem jus, quo utimur, vel ad personas pertinet vel ad res vel ad actiones” (“All law that we use relates either to persons, or to things, or to claims”). This key, holistic principle of law expresses three spheral social resources that are regulated by law always and everywhere: people/persons, things, claims, the last of which expresses the organization of relations between the first. Naturally, for almost two thousand years after Gaius, law has not only deepened and become more detailed in the relevant spheres, but has also expanded to the sphere of information in the copyright, publishing and similar segments of its law. Therefore, law as a whole, like international law, is actually based on the same spheral pillars of societal, perpetual resources of PIOT, as the Peace Science. [Ibid]. The globalization of Peace Science institutions as norms of international law for the future harmonious civilization extends to family law [38; 39], to the constitutional right of peaceful resolution of territorial conflicts on the basis of the interested countries legal condominium, for example, Israel and Palestine [40], to the UN right to transform the global governance structure, which really ensures global peace and harmony of international relations [41; 42]. Peace Science displaces disharmony, wars and the militarism that generates them. Militarism was raised by the nuclear civilization up to the “absolute evil” of total genocide, which has become the main threat to world security, primarily for the USA [43]. The same idea of the global danger of militarism for the future of humanity, primarily for the USA, found a fundamental economic and social justification here [44]. What else besides the Peace Science and its institutionalization is capable of opening up to humanity a common, objectively necessary and acceptable to all nations way out of a suicidal nuclear civilization? Bibliography 1. Boyle F. The Criminality of Nuclear Deterrence/Terrorism. 2002: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=957 2. Boyle F. The Criminality Of Nuclear Deterrence. Chapter 2. The Lessons Of Hiroshima And Nagasaki. 2002: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=957 3. Boyle F et al. Nuclear Weapons and International Law. Draft Report. 1987: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1204 4. 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ISBN: 978-5-6050696-9-0 Dr. Leo Semashko, Russia, Orthodox, Philosopher and Sociologist, GGHA Founder (2005) and Honorary President on behalf of the Peace Science more than 700 coauthors, including India President Dr. Abdul Kalam and 5 Nobel Peace Laureates, from more than 50 countries for almost 20 years, Russia, St. Petersburg, Web: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=253
Mairead Corrigan Maguire, United Kingdom, 1976 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, The Nobel Women's Initiative, Belfast, Northern Ireland, Web: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=678 Chaitanya Dave, USA,
The GGHA Vice-President, Follower of Mahatma Gandhi and Hinduism’s Vedanta philosophy, Entrepreneur, California, Web: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1205 Dr. Rudolf Siebert, USA, The GGHA Vice-President, Catholic, Professor Emeritus, University of Michigan, philosopher, antifascist, Wehrmacht soldier in 1943-1945, theologian, the USA House of Mir founder since 1965, Kalamazoo, Michigan, Web: https://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=51 Dr. Bishnu Pathak, Nepal, The GGHA Vice President, Peacemaking experience of over 25 years, Follower of Mahatma Gandhi, Hindu, Kathmandu, Web: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=910 Marie Robert, France, GGHA Vice-President, Web: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=467 Takis Ioannidis, Greece, GGHA Vice-President, Web: https://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=138 Rosa Dalmiglio, Italy, China, GGHA Vice-President, Web: https://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=28 06-08-24. Updated: 18-09-24
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Исторический вопрос наций для ООН. +++ Мир требует науки и соавторства в ней вместо конфронтации Дорогие миротворцы! Мы рады послать Вам и пригласить к соавторству, в нашей, ГГСГ статье: «Ядерная цивилизация: от западной глобализации Хиросимы/Нагасаки к альтернативной глобализации науки мира для гармоничного многополярного будущего» в прикреплении об обнулении демократами США глобального мира и их глобализации руин Хиросимы/Нагасаки 79 лет на глазах ООН для «Саммита Будущего» 22 сентября в Нью Йорке: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=1062. Выходом из «демократических» руин глобальной Х/Н Запада может быть только общая, единая для всех наций Наука Мира. Она требует сегодня, как никогда, коллективного развития и имплементации в соавторстве всех миротворцев в качестве их единого видения глобального, «вечного мира» Канта, без которого у человечества не может быть будущего, кроме руин Х/Н. Она открыта для интеграции всех конструктивных миротворческих идей и ищет их. Мы с 31 августа до 14 сентября на каникулах. Может быть, за это время, Вы сможете добавить и прислать в статью ваши идеи, чтобы опубликовать ее обновление с ними, с вашим соавторством и послать его в ООН и мировым лидерам? Это будет ваша реальная поддержка и вклад в глобальный мир, без которого у нас и у новых поколений будущего не будет. Мы послали нашу статью лидерам России (ниже), так как вопрос будущего для народа России, на границах которой демократы НАТО разжигают мировую ядерную войну, стал первостепенным, как у Шекспира: «Быть или не быть»? С уважением и пожеланием мира, Лев Семашко от имени соавторов ГГСГ 27-08-24
Уважаемый Владимир Владимирович Путин!
Уважаемый Сергей Викторович Лавров! В ООН 22 сентября состоится "Саммит Будущего». Мы, народные дипломаты ГГСГ сформулировали и послали для ООН исторический вопрос наций: «КАК демократы США обнулили глобальный мир и создают 79 лет будущее глобальных руин Хиросимы/Нагасаки на глазах ООН?» Миролюбивая Россия первая заинтересована национально и глобально в этом вопросе, чтобы предотвратить мировую ядерную войну, разжигаемую на ее границах демократами США.
Поэтому, в национальных интересах России приоритетно акцентировать этот вопрос на саммите. Он обоснован и содержит в себе ответ в нашей коллективной интернациональной статье в прикреплении 14 страниц. С глубоким уважением и нашей Победой в этом году! От имени соавторов ГГСГ, Лев Семашко 27-08-24 Большое спасибо!
Отправленное 27.08.2024 Вами письмо в электронной форме за номером ID=11350801 будет доставлено и с момента поступления в Администрацию Президента Российской Федерации зарегистрировано в течение трех дней. Обращение отправлено Ваше обращение будет направлено в Приёмную МИД России и обработано по утверждённым правилам. Результат рассмотрения обращения будет направлен на почтовый адрес или указанную электронную почту в установленные сроки. ------------ ОТКЛИКИ. RESPONSES
Dear Leo
I apologise for my belated reply to your email but this was due to Personal reasons. I have read your anti-military article and as a pacifist I agree with the Focus of this article and therefore would like to accept your proposal to coauthor it. Peace, Mairead Corrigan Maguire, Nobel peace laureate 1976, Web: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=678 27-08-23. 20:32 -----------------------
GGHA peace letter to President Putin Dear peacemakers, Please read, support, coauthor and promote the GGHA peace letter to President Putin to other world leaders for their "Summit of the Future" at the UN in New York on September 22: https://www.un.org/ru/summit-of-the-future Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin! Dear Sergey Viktorovich Lavrov! Our article on the UN "Future Summit" 09/22/24, sent to you on 08/27/24, was supported by the British Nobel Peace Laureate Mairead Corrigan, who became its coauthor, promised the support of other Nobel Laureates and updated the GGHA questions for this summit: 1. How did the US Democrats zero out global peace for 79 years and create the future of global ruins of Hiroshima/Nagasaki (H/N) before the UN eyes during 79 years? 2. How long in the future, the UN will allow the construction of the H/N world ruins instead of global Kant’s “perpetual peace” building based on the fundamental and verifiable Peace Science excluding confrontation? (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1206) The rationale and answer to these key international questions of survival are contained in the attached update of our article by its now five coauthors with the participation of Mairead. It is in the national interests of peace-loving Russia to prioritize promoting these peace issues at the summit, which the US Democrats suppress, making all peacemakers their dissidents and enemies. With deep respect and our Victory this year! On behalf of the GGHA coauthors, Leo Semashko 08/29/24 Thank you very much! The letter sent by you on 08/29/2024 in electronic form under ID=11355947 will be delivered and registered within three days from the moment it is received by the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. ------------------------ Dear Leo I approve it. Fortunately President Putin resist to West, protecting the principals and rights of humanity. With peace via harmony and our Global Peace Science Panagiotis -Takis D Ioannides Co-author, GGHA Vice president, https://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=138 Greece 29-08-24 ----------------
Dear Leo, Once you update this article, I will forward it to TRANSCEND Media Service, the world's largest peace network for publication. Thank you. Sincerely yours in peace, Prof Bishnu Pathak, Nepal
WEb: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=910 29-08-24 --------------------------- Dear Leo: I agree with your international letter of peace to Putin. I wish you and your dear wife, wonderful vacations. After your hard peace work, you deserve a wonderful, creative vacation. I hope to hear from you again in the second half of September. Best vacation wishes to you and your dear wife, Your friend Rudi, from the House of Mir, USA, Web: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=51 29-08-24 -----------------
Dear Leo, Yes, I approve. Best regards, May we create peace together on our earth, Dr Thea Marie Robert from France, Web: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=467 30-08-24 --------------
Orban, Trump, Putin, Xi, Modi + BRICS: Global Peace Institutional Axis. 10 theses from the GGHA leaders’ collective article: By Leo Semashko, Mairead Corrigan, Chaitanya Dave, Rudolf Siebert, Bishnu Pathak. Nuclear Civilization: From the Western Globalization of Hiroshima/Nagasaki to an Alternative Globalization of the Peace Science for Harmonious Multipolar Future. 28-08-24: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1206 TO: Viktor Orban, Prime Minister of Hungary. Today, the building global peace can be institutionally ensured only by the states leaders, who recognize its absolute necessity and are capable to create the “Department of Peace” (DP) for this purpose in their country. It will always find support from 60 to 80% of the population. It can most likely be started by the leader of Hungary, Viktor Orban, who boldly and openly demonstrates his peacemaking within the most hostile conditions of Western/NATO militarism. He is capable to create the first DP in the world and in Europe in Hungary under his leadership and giving all like-minded leaders in the world an example, first to Donald Trump of solidary and institutional construction of global peace. He could present this example at the UN "Summit of the Future" on 22-09-24 in New York. Below are 10 theses of this initiative justification from our article. I. on the brink of nuclear war 1. The world is on the brink of the nuclear WWIII with a 99% probability of a global genocidal Hiroshima/Nagasaki (H/N) and a "nuclear winter" of humanity, which has been proven by scientists over 79 years of nuclear civilization and is summarized in the table from the mentioned article [GGHA, 6] 
Fig. 5. Table. Globalization of H/N. "Progress" of US Democrats over 79 years. 2. Understanding the causes of the H/N Western globalization since 1945 in international politics with the leading and generating role in this destructive world process of the USA/NATO within the UN institutional structure is focused on two historical questions of nations to the UN "Summit of the Future" on Sept. 22, 2024 in New York. [Ibid, 4] 3. The fundamental reason for the H/N suicidal globalization and the WWIII inevitability for 79 years is the West "golden billion" persistent desire to impose its unipolar hegemony on the rest of humanity by force of the nuclear alliance of 32 NATO countries, leaving the other 7 billion with the status of a neocolonialist raw materials fiefdom. The dictate of force gives rise to natural, armed resistance, continuously intensifying the arms race, primarily nuclear, and constitutes the total international confrontation of 79 years in the entire historical spectrum of its various stages as the final indomitable source of WWII. only confrontation in its entire immanent context constitutes the eternal breeding ground for militarism, violence and all wars in history, including WWIII. [Ibid, 5-7] 4. A fundamental and true, necessary and acceptable to all nations way out of total confrontation is possible only on the path of fundamental macrosociological science, since only the truths of the fundamental sciences (physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, etc.) are recognized by humanity and used for the benefit of all peoples without exception and without any confrontation about them. Humanity does not know wars and violent conflicts in any of the fundamental sciences. only the integrative Peace Science is capable to replace confrontation with integration, first, of common values and scientific truths. [Ibid, 8-9] II. Cognitive and institutional outputs 5. Albert Einstein formulated the nuclear civilization cognitive imperative 70 years ago: in it, "the significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them [therefore] we shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if humanity is to survive." This concerns, first, the problem of global peace for humanity as a complete and equal 100% security for all peoples, unattainable by any weapon, as all violent history shows. only scientific and holistic "substantial thinking", integrating partial and disparate truths in history, can be unified and general, which completely excludes confrontation of peoples, their false and temporary ideologies. [Ibid, 8-9] 6. In accordance with this cognitive imperative, the international peacekeeping GGHA has formed over almost 20 years, through the efforts of more than 700 coauthors, scientists and peacemakers from more than 50 countries, with the participation of the India President Abdul Kalam and five Nobel Peace Laureates, a framework of fundamental macrosociological and integrative Peace Science (PS). It is accessible to verification by every literate person on Earth. This framework is focused in the system structure of 16 eternal constants of the social life spheres for all peoples and at all times, ensuring spheral, “substantially new thinking” of the “perpetual, true peace” of humanity according to Kant. It is presented in the PS engram in Fig. 6. [Ibid, 9-10] 7. All 16 eternal societal spheres of society in its four spheral complexes and corresponding macrosociological categories of thinking were discovered and historically expressed long before the GGHA, whose only merit lies only in their systemic integration within the spheres fractal architecture of the social genome at all levels in a single dimension of 4x4n. L. Bertalanffy, A. Smith, K. Marx and M. Gandhi discovered these system-spheral complexes, respectively. They are confirmed by a different number of scientists, from units to thousands, and verified in the GGHA by world statistics. [Ibid, 9-11] 8. The fundamental sciences truths are dead in disunity and without organizational unity in the corresponding state institutions of society. Kant's global and perpetual peace can never become a reality if his fundamental macrosociological truths do not find institutionalization in all spheres of society and do not displace from them powerful militaristic institutions that provide continuous wars with spheral resources. The construction of the global perpetual peace consists in the institutionalization of the PS objective truths. [Ibid, 11] 9. The key institution and trigger for launching the entire chain of spheral institutionalization of PS is the creation in each country of the strategic "Department of Peace" (DP), first proposed 230 years ago by B. Rush for the US government. It must be under the leadership of country leader at the level of its "Security Council" of 7-15 senior officials and 5-10 scientists and peacemakers of the "International Supervisory Council" in DP. Peacemaking institutions cannot have any secrets or conspiracies. They are 100% open and transparent in all aspects. The national DPs are created for the purpose of spheral institutionalization of PS in each country. They work in full, in all spheres, international cooperation under the renewed UN auspices with the same goal, which will ensure its peacebuilding purpose, which it has not found in 79 years. [Ibid, 11] 10. Another necessary institution of peacebuilding is the creation of an independent “Academy of Peace” in each country for the PS development, its adaptation to the conditions of each country and the creation of its necessary, spheral artificial intelligence and law. [Ibid, 11-12] The article authors, 31-08-24 ------------------------------------- Barbara Boyd. Support for Kamala Harris Or Others Running the Ukraine War, Now Means Imminent Nuclear War. Sept 13, 2024: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1214 The truth is that Ukraine is losing this war. Rather than negotiate a peace, like Donald Trump proposes, Harris and those running her will escalate this war because they cannot admit to the American people that over 1,000,000 Ukrainians have perished needlessly. The truth here would be political suicide for them, they think. Apres moi, le deluge, is their mindset. Call your Congressman now, 202–225-3121, and tell him or her, no missile strikes against Russian territory, no missiles capable of striking Russia to Ukraine. No war with Russia. Use your social media to push this statement out. Mobilize your friends and neighbors now to vote for Donald Trump. If you are polled by anyone, tell them you don’t want to die. Your kids deserve a future. Washington’s war mongers must be driven from power. Whoever you were voting for, if it was not Donald Trump, tell the pollsters, you just changed your mind and you’re voting for Trump because Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will cause a nuclear war. ---------------------------------- Dear Leo, Here is the translation in French of "GGHA Coauthors. Hiroshima Globalization and Peace Science » (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1206). I did my best for you and GGHA. In PDF and Word in French: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=fr_c&key=151. My motivation as a woman for peace is : the murder of my 2 grandfathers during the terrible WAR I 1914/1918 by authorities… !!! And the consequences : My own mother was alone without parents ( Her mother abandoned her 20/01/1918, she was one day old ) These are the reasons why I was born on this earth and why I became a messenger of the culture of peace as an artist, poet and photograph video also. (More details: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=467) Théa Marie ROBERT, GGHA member FROM FRANCE Muse of Harmony and more… Gandhian Creator GHA women Messenger of the Culture of Peace nominated at UNESCO 2000… 13-09-24 -------------------------- Together with peace, the democrats have nullified the life last chance and made nuclear war inevitable Dear peacemakers, During my vacation, the GGHA collective article with the Nobel Peace Laureate Mairead Corrigan was translated into French (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=fr_c&key=151) and published in Global Research in two parts with cuts justified in the conditions of fierce Western censorship, about than more details are in the attachment and here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1206. The GGHA sincerely thanks Marie Robert from France for her careful translation of our article, as well as Bishnu Pathak and Chaitanya Dave for its publication. The key international issue today: the US/NATO Democrats' not only zero out peace for 79 years, but also the life last chance making a nuclear war 100% inevitable with their militaristic decision to launch missile strikes across Russia. The West leaves Russia no other choice and forces it to respond with nuclear hypersonic strikes, against which NATO's missile defense is powerless and the power of which could reach a million Hiroshimas (Fig. 5. Table in the article). The Democrats hide this truth, deceive their people and are merciless to them, preparing them for a senseless sacrifice (Fig. 3 in the article). Naturally, Russia also sacrifices. But defending its freedom from the aggressive West for a thousand years, it has never "been behind the price", no matter what losses awaited it. The peacemakers have never faced such an extreme danger and are in complete confusion, which is overcome in two ways. GGHA proposes to TACTICALLY support and promote the only reasonable decision of Barbara Boyd to vote for Trump-Vance, and STRATEGICALLY convince them to proclaim the course on the creation of the "Department of Peace" as the fundamental patriotic idea of America, whose Democrats have been powerless to implement it for 230 years. Widely advertising national superiority under the slogans: "Only peace will make America great as never before" will provide Trump-Vance with the support of 60 to 80% of the country's voters. Both proposals are expanded in the attachment. Starting since October 2, the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi and GGHA veteran Rudolf Siebert from the USA, we will focus on the team, 15-25 coauthors, completion of our popular primer as the Gospel of Peace Science that we will announce later. Friendly, with hope for peace, Leo Semashko 15-09-24 --------------------
Уважаемый Владимир Владимирович Путин! Уважаемый Сергей Викторович Лавров! Очевидно, Вы согласитесь с тем фактом, что только Российская Миротворческая Православная Цивилизация заинтересована за 1000 лет своей истории, как никакая другая, инициировать на «Саммите Будущего» ООН 22-09-24, а затем на саммите БРИКС в Казани, фундаментальный миротворческий императив: «ТОЛЬКО МИР СДЕЛАЕТ РОССИЮ, АМЕРИКУ, КИТАЙ, ИНДИЮ И КАЖДУЮ СТРАНУ ВЕЛИКОЙ КАК НИКОГДА ПРЕЖДЕ, В ОТЛИЧИЕ ОТ МИЛИТАРИЗМА, ГОТОВОГО СЕГОДНЯ УНИЧТОЖИТЬ ИХ И «СТЕРЕТЬ С КАРТЫ МИРА» СВОЕЙ 100% НЕОТВРАТИМОЙ ЯДЕРНОЙ ВОЙНОЙ.» Люди и народы всех стран, которые хотят мира и жить в мире, не могут поддерживать и голосовать за геноцидный ядерный милитаризм демократов США/НАТО. Они могут поддерживать только фундаментальный миротворческий императив, который реализуется в международных отношениях только его институализацией в национальных «Департаментах Мира» и «Науке Мира», что раскрывается в нашем прикреплении. С глубоким уважением и нашей Победой в этом году! От имени соавторов ГГСГ, Лев Семашко 16-09-24 Публикация на сайте ГГСГ: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=1082 Большое спасибо! Отправленное 16.09.2024 Вами письмо в электронной форме за номером ID=11396282 будет доставлено и с момента поступления в Администрацию Президента Российской Федерации зарегистрировано в течение трех дней. -------------------------- Уважаемый Владимир Владимирович Путин! Уважаемый Сергей Викторович Лавров! ГГСГ миростроительный международный императив будущего для «Саммита и Пакта Будущего» ООН на 22 сентября 2024 г., обоснованный в обновленной статье восьми лидеров ГГСГ ниже, опубликованной без цензурных купюр в трех языках: На русском: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=1082 На английском: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1206 На французском: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=fr_c&key=151 Кто лучше определит стратегию мира ООН 22-09 на будущее в МИД РФ, чем здесь? «ТОЛЬКО МИР НА ОСНОВЕ ДЕПАРТАМЕНТА И НАУКИ МИРА СДЕЛАЕТ КАЖДУЮ СТРАНУ ВЕЛИКОЙ КАК НИКОГДА ПРЕЖДЕ, В ОТЛИЧИЕ ОТ МИЛИТАРИЗМА НА ОСНОВЕ ВОЕННЫХ ИНСТИТУТОВ И НАУКИ, КОТОРЫЙ ЗА 79 ЛЕТ ЕГО ЯДЕРНОЙ ЦИВИЛИЗАЦИИ С ХИРОСИМЫ И НАГАСАКИ 1945 ГОДА СДЕЛАЛ НЕОТВРАТИМОЙ НА 100% ГЕНОЦИДНУЮ МИРОВУЮ ВОЙНУ.» Лев Семашко, Мейрид Корриган, Чайтанья Дейв, Рудольф Зиберт, Бишну Патхак, Мари Роберт, Такис Иоанидис, Роза Далмигли ПДФ финальной статьи может быть выслан каждому по персональному запросу. С глубоким уважением и нашей Победой в этом году! От имени соавторов-миротворцев ГГСГ, Лев Семашко 18-09-24 Большое спасибо! Отправленное 18.09.2024 Вами письмо в электронной форме за номером ID=11401785 будет доставлено и с момента поступления в Администрацию Президента Российской Федерации зарегистрировано в течение трех дней. Обращение отправлено Ваше обращение будет направлено в Приёмную МИД России и обработано по утверждённым правилам. Результат рассмотрения обращения будет направлен на почтовый адрес или указанную электронную почту в установленные сроки. -------------------------------------
GGHA peacebuilding imperative of the future for the UN “Summit and Pact of the Future”. WHO will better define it?

Dear peacemakers, The GGHA international peacebuilding imperative of the future for the UN “Summit and Pact of the Future” on Sept. 22, 2024, justified in the GGHA eight leaders updated article below, published without censored cuts in three languages: In English: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1206 In French: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=fr_c&key=151 In Russian: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=1082 Who will better define the UN PEACE strategy for the future than here? "ONLY PEACE BASED on THE DEPARTMENT AND SCIENCE OF PEACE WILL MAKE EVERY COUNTRY GREAT AS NEVER BEFORE, IN CONTRAST TO MILITARISM BASED on MILITARY INSTITUTIONS AND SCIENCE, WHICH IN 79 YEARS OF ITS NUCLEAR CIVILIZATION SINCE HIROSHIMA AND NAGASAKI IN 1945 HAS MADE THE WORLD GENOCIDAL WAR 100% INEVITABLE." Nuclear Civilization: From the Hiroshima/Nagasaki Western Globalization to the Peace Science Alternative Globalization for the Harmonious Multipolar Future By Leo Semashko, Mairead Corrigan, Chaitanya Dave, Rudolf Siebert, Bishnu Pathak, Marie Robert, Takis Ioannidis, Rosa Dalmiglio*
*Note. During more than a month of discussion of our article since August 8 in the GGHA Russian and foreign networks in the GGHA Russian and foreign networks with more than 2 thousand subscribers, it did not encounter a single objection that made it the GGHA collective article. The most significant responses of its support are published on our website along with the article: [https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1206] The PDF final article could be sent every on the personal request. With the scientific peace instead scientific genocidal militarism, Dr. Leo Semashko: -State Councilor of St. Petersburg, Russia; RANH Professor; -Philosopher, Sociologist, Cybernetician and Peacemaker from AI Peace Science; -GGHA Founder (2005) and H/President: www.peacefromharmony.org; 18-09-24 --------------------
Dear Takis, Thank you very much for your excellent publication of our collective article and the GGHA peacebuilding "Categorical Imperative" of the future for the UN summit in Greek. But unfortunately, we do not know where you published it, for which audience, under what title? In a Greek newspaper, magazine or website? What is its title in English and its address on the Internet, so that everyone can see your publication. With these clarifications it will be published on our website. You and other coauthors could take part in the UN discussion with our imperative tomorrow and the day after (below), that would be best! More details later. Friendly, best wishes for peace instead of militarism, Leo 19-09-24
Dear Leo,
These were published in all, Tik Tok, Instagram, Facebook. We will be publish it also via broadcasting. With respect and love, Takis Ioannides, Greece, Web: https://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=138 19-09-24 --------------------------------
Mairead Maguire:Call to Youth and PEACE CATEGORICAL IMPERATIVE for the Future Generations +++ Who else could add the fundamental details or enough? The GGHA peacebuilding CATEGORICAL IMPERATIVE of the future for the UN “Summit and Pact of the Future” on Sept. 22, 2024, justified in the GGHA eight leaders updated article below, published without censored cuts in three languages:
In English: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1206 In French: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=fr_c&key=151 In Russian: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=1082
Who will better, including the US State Department, the Russian Foreign Ministry, the UN, etc., define the PEACE CATEGORICAL IMPERATIVE strategy for the future of young generations than here below? "ONLY PEACE BASED on THE PEACE DEPARTMENT AND SCIENCE, INCLUDING SAFE AI WILL MAKE EVERY COUNTRY GREAT, PROSPEROUS AND SUSTAINABLY DEVELOPING AS NEVER BEFORE IN THE WORLD ORDER MULTIPOLAR HARMONY, IN CONTRAST TO MILITARISM BASED on MILITARY INSTITUTIONS AND SCIENCE, WHICH IN THE 79 YEARS OF ITS NUCLEAR CIVILIZATION SINCE HIROSHIMA AND NAGASAKI 1945 MADE THE GENOCIDAL WORLD WAR 100% INEVITABLE FOR NEW GENERATIONS." Nuclear Civilization: From the Hiroshima/Nagasaki Western Globalization to the Peace Science Alternative Globalization for the Harmonious Multipolar Future By Leo Semashko, Mairead Corrigan, Chaitanya Dave, Rudolf Siebert, Bishnu Pathak, Marie Robert, Takis Ioannidis, Rosa Dalmiglio* *Note. During more than a month of discussion of our article since August 8 in the GGHA Russian and foreign networks in the GGHA Russian and foreign networks with more than 2 thousand subscribers, it did not encounter a single objection that made it the GGHA collective article. The most significant responses of its support are published on our website along with the article: [https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1206] The PDF final article could be sent every on the personal request. With the scientific peace instead scientific genocidal militarism, Dr. Leo Semashko: 20-09-24 -----------------------------------------
Уважаемый Лев Семашко, Я полностью согласен с Мейрид Магуайр, НО: ... Остановка войн - гораздо более трудное дело, на сотни лет из-за 1) Агрессивности чел. души, почти животного генома, 2) Государственной системы управления (государства = примитивные, полуразумные животные), 3) Отсутствия единого центра управления человечеством. США подавили ООН. "Пока гром не грянет, мужик не перекрестится": только вследствие 3 МВ (2055 - 2062) и убийства 5-6 млрд чел. будет организован Центр согласования интересов (Китай-Россия-Запад). Прошу при случае передать мои сомнения Мейрид. Д.ф.н., проф. Войцехович В.Э. 20-09-24 Уважаемый проф. Войцехович! Первое. ГГСГ поздравляет Вас и всех членов ГГСГ с инт. Днем Мира, который неизбежно должен искоренить войны, если человечество хочет выжить, о чем давно писали Кант, Эйнштейн, Ганди, ДФК и другие, немногие беспрецедентные в истории планетарные миротворцы. Второе. Большое спасибо за Вашу поддержку с «полным согласием» с молодежным призывом Мейрид, которое я был рад опубликовать в откликах на нашу совместную статью о «Ядерной цивилизации. Глобализация Хиросимы/Нагасаки…» здесь: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=1082 Третье. Ваш отклик опубликован частично, без Ваших «НО», т.к. они являются следствием Вашего незнакомства с этой статьей. Когда Вы прочитаете ее, то, скорее всего, согласитесь со мной и их обсуждение, хотя бы по большей части, отпадет. Я приглашаю и надеюсь, что Вы напишите профессиональную рецензию на нее для публикации, которую мы первые опубликуем на Вашей персональной странице здесь: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=1085. Она будет переслана Мейрид. Мы очень ценим и давно Ваши философские работы, начиная с Вашей статьи «Развитие науки как поиск собственных форм» 2014, которая опубликована там же. Четвертое. Мы уже более 10 лет обмениваемся мнениями, но весьма эпизодически, хотя имеем множество точек научного и философского пересечения и дополнения. Поэтому мы приглашаем Вас к более системному сотрудничестве, если у Вас к тому нет препятствий. Пятое. Мы оба – последователи Канта. Но Вы, почему-то, вопреки ему, утверждаете милитаристский тезис «агрессивности человеческой души», несовместимый с его категорическим императивом «вечного мира» социальной природы человечества «как нравственным законом внутри человека», который исключает насилие, войны, милитаризм. Но человечество еще не доросло до него на своей тинэйджеркой ступени. Все у него впереди с ним, с Наукой Мира, макросоциологически обосновывающей его. Что Вы думаете об этом? Приглашаем к сотрудничеству в этом неразрешенном еще вопросе человечества, почему оно и воюет так долго в истории. Но эта, насильственная эпоха сама выкопала себе вечную могилу… С уважением, Лев Семашко 21-09-24 --------------------------------------- Respected members, It time to work together for making world peaceful ,I agree that young generation will be main focus. Wish you for the best to come, Dr Noor M Larik GGHA Vice-President, Pakistan, Web: https://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=722 20-09-24 ------------------------- Поздравляю всех миротворцев от имени ГГСГ с Международным Днем Мира 21 сентября и надеждой, что МИР победит, ДОЛЖЕН победить и покончить с войной, пока она не покончила с человечеством, о чем писал еще президент Кеннеди и что повторяет Мейрид. Мейрид гениально увидела в молодежи самую активную и прогрессивную часть каждого ненасильственного миротворческого сферона Ганди, отличая ее от части старших поколений сферонов, которые участвовали в войнах и, как правило, не мыслят жизни общества без милитаризма/войн. А молодежь способна видеть и активно отвергать милитаризм и его геноцидную сущность, что она делает сейчас, отвергая расизм и геноцид Израиля по отношению к палестинцам, а также нацизм и геноцид Украины по отношению к русским. Поэтому её воззвание фундаментально дополнило и обновило Кантовский категоричный императив мира ГГСГ, который выработан и обоснован у нас почти за 20 лет солидарной международной работы. Огромная благодарность Мейрид от всего ГГСГ за её гениальную идею, которая гармонично интегрирована нашей Наукой Мира. С уважением Вера Попович Россия 21-09-24 -------------------------- Our Book on Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam: The way forward for Global Peace Dear Dr. Leo and Dear Friends,
I hope this message finds you all in good health and spirits. I am pleased to share with you the soft PDF copy of my latest book on Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam (VK). It is my humble effort to contribute towards the vision of a peaceful and united world. I would be honored to receive your blessings and comments on the work. I look forward to the day when the world truly becomes a peaceful and united family, as envisioned in the philosophy of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam. Warm regards, Dr. Surendra Pathak 22-09-24 --------------------------------
Your Great Book and Peace Renaissance Dear friend Surendra, We are happy to hear from you and congratulate you and your colleagues on your great peacemaking work "VASUDHAIVA KUTUMBAKAM" (VK), 568 p, which is extremely relevant as a fundamental alternative to the militarism of the nuclear civilization since Hiroshima. It is disclosed in the GGHA collective article here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1206 and in the attachment. It is very important that VK is supported by the Government of India, and Narendra Modi made this idea a key one at the G20 and at all international meetings that promises it a good perspective. We have started publishing your book (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1216) and will translate it into Russian, if we have enough strength and if you allow. Your book makes India with its great peace legacy of VK and Gandhi’s nonviolence the global peacemaking leader. But it will remain an unrealized empty phrase, as well as for 2 thousand years, if India, as the nuclear power, is not establish the first national "Department of Peace" (DP), proposed 220 years ago by the wise Benjamin Rush in America, which the USA democratic militarists are still powerless to create. India is capable and should set an example of the first DP under the leadership of its leader to all other nuclear powers, after that all other countries and the UN will follow. The UN is still powerless in peace, even in the "Pact for the Future" of 22-09-24 (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1215), nullified due to the absence of the national DPs and the dictatorship of militarism in the national "Ministries of War/Defense" (MWD). Without DP, PEACE, as it was at zero and minus for centuries, will remain there. And only DP, in India, will be able to establish the first "Academy of Gandhian Peace Science" (AGPS) for the strategy of global peacemaking as example for every country. The MWD militarism will NEVER begin the movement towards peace! To the VK! NEVER!!! The task of peacemakers, our mission today is to promote the idea of DP and its AGPS to the leaders of India, Russia, China, the USA - Trump, Orban in the EU and the like. This idea is scientifically fundamentally substantiated in our Peace Science (PS), created with your participation in the GGHA for almost 20 years, since 2005. It integrates with the VK a similar idea of Kant's "perpetual peace" and many similar. You have been collaborating in the GGHA since 2011, with active participation in the GGHA second fundamental book "The ABC of Harmony" (2012), in its international seminar with many of your photos (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1217). You still hold the post of GGHA-India President. You actively participated in the PS development by your individual and joint with Subhash Chandra (may he rest in peace) contributions both to Gandhian nonviolence and to the VK concept, which were forever integrated into PS and found in it a fundamental macro-sociological justification and statistic verification. Therefore, on Gandhi's birthday, we intend to nominate you for his highest Honorary title and include you in the GGHA Peacemakers Pantheon: https://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=513. Later, in 2017, Dr. Markandey Rai also joined GGHA and contributed into PS: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=807 We recall the GGHA deep history to illustrate our fundamental origins for a new collaboration in promoting DP, PS, VK, Kant’s “perpetual peace”, Gandhi nonviolence, safe AI and many similar grains for global peace in our time to launch together the peacemaking Renaissance. only it will become the practical and cultural alternative to genocidal militarism of the nuclear civilization, which has completely nullified peace and the culture of peace, freeing itself 100% for the inevitable nuclear world war. We hope that you will agree with this Peace Renaissance. With respect and wishes for peace instead of war and militarism, Dr. Leo Semashko 24-09-24 ------------------------------- Dear Dr. Leo Semashko, I want to begin by expressing that I love you and have the highest respect for you. My journey towards global peace started with GGHA, and I will never forget this. Your leadership and guidance have been instrumental in shaping my commitment to the cause of peace and harmony. Warm greetings, and thank you for your kind words and for recalling our deep history of collaboration through the Global Harmony Association (GGHA). It has been an honor to contribute to the development of peace and harmony, particularly through initiatives such as "The ABC of Harmony" and our Gandhian nonviolence and Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam (VK) efforts. I truly appreciate your thoughtful recognition of my work, alongside my late colleague Subhash Chandra, in furthering these ideals. I am deeply humbled by your intention to nominate me for the highest Honorary title on Gandhi's birthday and to include me in the GGHA Peacemakers Pantheon. Such recognition is not only an honor but also an encouragement to continue striving for global peace and nonviolence. The idea of a Peace Renaissance resonates strongly with me, especially in these times when the world is in desperate need of alternatives to the current trends of militarism and division. By promoting the principles of DP, PS, VK, Kant’s “perpetual peace,” and Gandhian nonviolence, we can offer a practical and cultural path to a more harmonious world. I fully support this initiative and look forward to working together to bring this vision to fruition. With deepest respect and commitment to global peace, Dr. Surendra Pathak 24-09-24 ---------------------
Dear peacemakers, GGHA expresses the sympathy to inhabitants of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and to the Japan people. Hiroshima/Nagasaki (H/N) passed 79 years of Western globalization and were scaled by the number of countries with deployed, or possibly deployed nuclear weapons in 120 times, on military bases of almost 120 countries that infected all of them with the H/N suicidal carcinogen. Please see updated article in details in attachment and here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1206. We understand that many are currently on vacation, but we invite those who can to discuss this article over 2 days, August 8 and 9, to refine it and enrich it with new ideas and authors in the interests of enhancing its peacemaking impact. With peace free from the X/N globalisation, Dr. LeoSemashko 07-08-24 --------------- RESPONSES Dear Leo and peacemakers, We don't forget the great crime against Hiroshima and Nagasaki unarmed civilians. Armies fight against armies, not against people, like women, old, young, children... Global community wants to close the cycles of wars. Unfortunately the global elites violence is present nowadays. Who can be silent in such a day? We own the peace and a future without nuclear weapons and wars to generations to come. The life is a gift given to humanity by God. Let's respect and protect it . With memory to victims of Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Dr Panagiotis -Takis D Ioannides Co-founder and Vice president of GGHA, Greece Web: https://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=138 07-08-24 ----------------------
It was utter, Satanic blasphemy… Dear Leo:
I am recovering. I with you and all our friends remember today Hiroshima and Nagasaki. I was a prisoner of war in August 1945, when Hiroshima and Nagasaki was announced. GGHA contains the hope, that Hiroshima and Nagasaki will never be repeated again in the future. To realize this hope, we must discover the causes of this horrendous violence, and remove them. One cause was authoritarian blasphemy. It was utter, Satanic blasphemy, when the first atomic bomb was called Trinity, the holiest name in Hinduism, the Religion of Imagination, and in Christianity, the Religion of Becoming, Freedom and Full Manifestation, and in the Chinese Religion of Measure, thePersian Religion of Light and Darkness, Good and Evil, the Syrian Religion of Pain, the Egyptian Religion of Riddle, the Greek Religion of Fate and Beauty, the Roman Religion of Utility, and the Germanic Religion of Blood and Soil, which the Nazis tried to revive. It was blasphemy, when an army chaplain blessed the Hiroshima bomb with holy water. He even blessed the Nagasaki bomb, after he had seen the casualties produced by the Hiroshima bomb, a few days earlier. We must hope that such blasphemy can be prevented in the future. Ernst Bloch developed the philosophy of hope. Jürgen Moltmann developed the theology of hope. Attached you find our ZOOM on Moltmann's theology of hope. Best wishes, Your Rudi from the House of Mir, USA. Video: Jürgen Moltmann: Theodicy, Hope, and the Crucified ~ Rudolf J. Siebert: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBYsm5mVyVY&t=38s Jürgen Moltmann was born in Hamburg, Germany, in 1926, to an irreligious family. As a youngster, Moltmann adored Albert Einstein, and looked to study mathematics... Dr. Rudolf Siebert, Professor Emeritus, University of Michigan, philosopher, antifascist, Wehrmacht soldier in 1943-1945, theologian, the USA House of Mir founder since 1965, GGHA Vice-President, Kalamazoo, Michigan, https://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=51, 08-08-24 ------------------- Все мы понимаем, что ждать от милитаристского Запада изменений в политике, которая заточена на шантаж, угрозы, диктат, в угоду только своим личным интересам, нет никакого смысла. Альтернативой ядерному безумию может быть только Гандианская Наука Мира. Теперь весь вопрос заключается только в том, какая сторона и какая страна будет способна первой понять и использовать фундаментальное научное превосходство Науки Мира. С уважением, Вера Попович Россия 08-08-24 ----------------------------- 
Michiko Kono What it means to survive an atomic bomb Michiko Kono speaks to Vatican News about her life as an atomic bomb survivor, 79 years after Hiroshima and Nagasaki. By Francesca Merlo 08-08-24 https://www.vaticannews.va/en/world/news/2024-08/what-it-means-to-survive-an-atomic-bomb.html + https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1206 Michiko was only four months old on 6 August 1945. on that day, 79 years ago, the US B-29 fighter plane dropped the atomic bomb, known as “Little Boy,” over her hometown of Hiroshima. It was 8:15 in the morning and Michiko and her parents were at Hiroshima station, where her mother had just placed her on a wooden bench to change her nappy. Shortly after, just 2km away and 2,000 feet in the air, the A-bomb “Little Boy” was detonated. 80,000 people died instantly. The heat from the explosion reached the station, and although her parents suffered severe burns, Michiko got lucky on her wooden bench – the backboard shielded her from the heat and she was left unscathed. 1.6km south, back at their house, her grandmother was widowed. Having been only four months old at the time, Michiko has no recollection of the event, but she does know what it feels like to have spent her whole life a survivor, dedicated to spreading a message of peace and hope to younger generations. Her voice is in perfect harmony with that of Pope Francis, who visited the bombing sites in Hiroshima and Nagasaki - bombed just three days after Michiko’s Hiroshima. Following in the footsteps of his predecessor, John Paul II, who visited the sites in 1989, Pope Francis stood at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial thirty years later, and gave an historic speech that denounced the use and possession of atomic weapons as “immoral”. On that occasion, the Pope highlighted that “the use of atomic energy for purposes of war is today, more than ever, a crime not only against the dignity of human beings but against any possible future for our common home. The use of atomic energy for purposes of war is immoral, just as the possession of atomic weapons is immoral”, before warning: “we will be judged on this." Conquered time
Mrs. Kono believes that the voice of influential leaders, too, are voices of peace and hope. “Now people are more aware of what happened. Of the dangers of the atomic bomb”, she tells Vatican News. She is in Italy making sure of this, as she attends the annual Tonalestate International Summer University. It has run annually since the year 2000, and this year, the University is focusing on the theme of “Le temps vaincu – time conquered” and Michiko Kono is participating in a day entitled "It is a sign of great character to always hope". A childhood in the shadow of the Bomb
The Hiroshima Peace Museum that Pope Francis visited and Michiko Kono now volunteers at was opened in 1955, ten years after the bomb. It took her 40 years to find the courage to visit the museum. “My mother took me when I was ten years old, but I was too afraid to enter”, she says. In 2001, “I realised it was my duty as a survivor to tell my story.” It was only in the museum that she realised just how lucky she was. “I lived on the suburbs of Hiroshima as a young girl, and attended school there. There, I did not see so much of the aftermath of radiation. From the museum, I learnt of its consequences and of the children that died in their elementary years from leukaemia and other diseases caused by the bomb.” There were 350,000 people in the city and by the end of the year, 140,000 had died. Over half of those who died were turned instantly into unidentifiable ashes, now lying in the crypt of the memorial. Many people suffered from the after-effects of radiation. Many of them died, and to this day, many more are still suffering the effects of the radiation. In 2005, Michiko joined the legacy successor system at the museum. There she met Mitsuo Kodamo, whom she spent two years speaking to and learning from. He was 16 when the atomic bomb hit and he lived with severe effects of radiation until his death at age 66. Now, Mrs. Kono travels the world, telling his story and legacy. Side-effects?
Although one of the lucky families, Michiko Kono, and her family, had strange experiences growing up. “In June, the year after the explosion, I fell ill with high fever and diarrhoea. My doctor thought I would die. My father suffered from gum bleeding for a while after the explosion, whilst my mother had a continuous low fever. I remember when I was around nine years old, a lot of boils appeared on the lower part of my body. They hurt a lot. I still don’t know what caused them, she says. "Then, when I was a teenager in junior high school, I suffered from exhaustion in the summer. This, too, may have been an effect of radiation. And when I was in college, when I was tired, sometimes my fingers swelled. I always wondered if it was the radiation.” But Michiko doesn’t know if it was radiation, nor does she know if others, too, were experiencing strange things they couldn’t explain. “At that time, there was no information about the after effects of radiation. It was not commonly spoken of on the media, so we didn’t notice and couldn’t compare.” In the years following the war, Japan was occupied by the allies, led by the United States. There was a restriction on media coverage and information and research material regarding the A-bomb for 7 years, until the occupation ended in 1951. Every citizen of the world should know Now, Mrs. Kono says, “I think more people are starting to learn about the A-bomb.” She talks about world leaders visiting the Hiroshima Peace Museum, and learning about “how powerful and dreadful the atomic bomb was.” But it’s not enough, she continues: “every citizen of the world should know how cruel the atomic bomb was.” To young people, she says: “Please notice. Come to Hiroshima and Nagasaki and learn how dreadful and cruel the A-bomb was. Start thinking of the possibility of an end to nuclear weapons.” This, she concluded, “is necessary for a peaceful world.” 08 August 2024, Rosa Dalmiglio, Women Leaders Voice, China,
http://www.cwpf.org.cn/ -----------------------------------------
Hiroshima/Nagasaki from the inside and outside, globally Dear peacemakers, Our enemies - the silent and cowardly militarists regularly block my accounts, so I cannot respond to yours responses, and am forced to change my accounts as now. Today, August 9, the GGHA expresses sincere condolences of more than 600 of its members, humanitarians and peacemakers, from more than 50 countries to the residents of Nagasaki and the people of Japan. Our site now records from 5 to 15 thousand visits daily that we associate with this tragedy. Last day we received two brilliant testimonies of the Hiroshima/Nagasaki genocidal terror 79 years ago. First, this is a profound article by Mr. Chaitanya Dave (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1205) "America's Most Criminal Act: The Atomic Bombings of Japan", which has been translated into Russian and published on a separate page in two languages here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1207. I confess, I cried several times over it. Nothing else has impressed me so much about the H/N barbarity as this brilliant, heartfelt work of the great human. The author focuses on the immanent kitchen of this shameful greatest crime in the humanity history. He exposes the constant baseness and meanness of America's militaristic foreign policy, the deceit and vileness of President Truman, who became the second after Hitler, now the "atomic butcher" in the human history, calmly giving the order for two atomic explosions in H/N, which had no military necessity. They will forever preserve his shameful "Herostratus glory" of the West "satanic absolute evil" with his posthumous portrait with two nuclear explosions in an embrace and with his fruit of the Hiroshima scorched desert, which instantly killed 80 thousand children, women and old people with Dave's photos:

Dave's article is a full-fledged, immanent supplement to our article "Western globalization of genocidal X/N", which the "NATO nuclear alliance" of 32 countries has geopolitically extended to almost 120 countries with deployed, or possibly deployed nuclear weapons on their military bases, including nuclear powers. Now each of the 120 countries has potentially become a target of a nuclear strike. This means that any of the 120 countries have become latently and simultaneously genocidal and suicidal H/N in any, direct or counter vector of a nuclear strike. Its winner will only be a common radioactive desert of H/N, only a joint nuclear Auschwitz in "honor" of the 100th anniversary of Hitler's racist "Mein Kampf"! The West has powerfully advanced it in global H/N! In updating our article, we will quote Dave's unprecedented article, publish his photos with an expression of our deep gratitude for his courageous and honest article, which he published in Global Research. We will be happy to nominate him on October 2, Mahatma Gandhi's birthday, for his highest honorary title of GGHA (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=513). Another wonderful individual work is an interview with a Japanese woman Michiko Kono, who accidentally survived of the atomic Hiroshima epicenter, published in Vatican News, which was sent by our veteran Rosa, many thanks to her! It was also translated into Russian and published together with our article in two languages (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1206). It will also be included in its update. Our short, two-day discussion turned out to be extremely fruitful, enriching our article with the integration of two unique works and strong responses, which ensures its high-quality update. We will try to send it to everyone, if we are not totally blocked by the West in our right to freedom of speech. Again, many thanks to Dave and Rosa! With Peace without the West global X/N, Dr. Leo Semashko 09-08-24 ----------------------------------
In addition: To Roger Kotila and his "Democratic Federation" with the Earth Constitution: Our, GGHA, true, verifiable and acceptable to all nations alternative to the H/N Western Globalization of H/N, the only thing the West/NATO was capable for 79 years, is: Gandhian Peace Science with the humanity’s spheral, "substantially new thinking" of Kant's "perpetual peace". It was intuitively started a century ago by great thinkers: Gandhi, Vernadsky, Chardin, Leroy, Einstein, Bertalanffy but its spheral, eternal logic, structure and Macrosociological regularity are first presented in our engram below. 
No international law for 79 years without and outside the Peace Science was powerless to stop the globalization of the Western H/N "absolute evil". This can only be done by international law based on the Peace Science. It has been proven in our works for 50 years, most briefly in the last article devoted to the transition from the H/N "absolute evil of nuclear weapons" Western globalization to the alternative globalization of the Peace Science on the bridge of updated international law: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1206 Is the West capable to understand and discuss the true, verifiable, scientific paradigms of humanity instead of its own partial, unverifiable and false egoistic paradigms after 79 years of their collapse in its inevitably suicidal nuclear civilization of H/N? This is the Shakespearean question of the West's survival in history: "To be or not to be?" Leo 10-08-24 ---------------------------------- Уважаемый Лев!
Огромное спасибо Вам за сильную эмоциональную статью по трагедии Хиросимы и Нагасаки со ссылкой на статью Г-на ChaitanyaDave и на статью Г-жи MichikoKono, которые дали свои откровенные оценки этой варварской бомбардировки.... Согласен с Вами по характеристике этой трагедии в истории мирового сообщества... С уважением, Олег Пивоваров, https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=1079 09-08-24 ------------------ Dear Leo … I was born on May 29, 1943. I came to America as a 23 year old student from India. I had no idea about America's crimes--as America, by its massive propaganda machine, projects a glamorous picture of itself as a great, benevolent nation!!-- until I started watching news about the Vietnam War in 1967-68 and was shocked at the thousands of Vietnamese killed along with a few Americans killed. That is when I completely turned against US wars and foreign policy. Later years, I learned a lot about America's wars and foreign policy by reading lots of books, magazines and articles. I am 81 years old and am very active. I am impressed and love your organization GGHA and will definitely help it achieve its noble goals of world peace and harmony. I will also spread its message/website etc. to many friends and contacts. Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam--means The world is one Family!--What a beautiful idea in Hunduism's Vedanta philosophy! Warm regards, Chaitanya Dave USA Businessman, https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1205 10-08-24 ----------------------- Leo, thank you for this reminder of Hitlerism-Truman devastation. Read what author Dave Lindorff wrote about those August days in 1945: https://thiscantbehappening.substack.com/p/recalling-nine-world-shaking-events. See also Lindorff's book, "Spy for No Country" https://www.amazon.com/Spy-No-Country-Teenage-Atomic/dp/1633888959. Herein, Lindorff shows how the Soviet Union got their atomic bomb before the Truman administration would have invaded it with 400 nuclear bombs and made the rest of the country into yet another vassal state. Ron Ridenour https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1209 10-08-24 ----------------------- Dear Leo Excellent article by you on the most criminal act by the United States for the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombings on August 6th and 9th, 1945. The irony and criminality of that heinous act was that Japan was desperate and ready to surrender as I have mentioned in detail in my article. Their only demand was that 'Save our Emperor' who was like Jesus Christ--as to Christians--to them. What a criminal act by US president Harry Truman and his then Secretary of State, James Byrnes. I totally agree with your excellent article and with the principles and ideals of GGHA. World needs GGHA more than ever today. I 100% support GGHA and you can count me as a member of your organization. As responsible citizens of this earth, we all must work to bring peace and harmony to this world otherwise all of us will perish bya nuclear war triggered by some irresponsible nuclear powered nations. Please feel free to publish any of my several articles at Global Research. Let us all work for global harmony and peace. Thank you very much for your hard work for world peace. With warm regards and in solidarity for Global Peace, Chaitanya Davé California, USA https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1205 11-08-24 --------------------------- Dear Leo, Greetings from Nepal! I am sorry to hear that your email is being repeatedly blocked. This is a cowardly act that not only goes against the right to information and the right to know, but also violates international human rights law. It is also against the freedom of expression and speech. on the other hand, I am somehow happy that you have opened a new account under the name of Leo Spherons. The bombings at Hiroshima and Nagasaki were heinous crimes against humankind that caused physical, material, socio-cultural, psychosocial, and emotional losses. The bombings violated humanitarian law and human rights both at home and abroad. The details of it have been illustrated at The Tokyo Tribunal: Precedence for Victor’s Justice II. For more information, please visit https://doi.org/10.14738/assrj.88.10666. Thank you. Sincerely yours in peace, Bishnu Professor Bishnu Pathak, Ph.D. Former Senior Commissioner Commission of Investigation on Enforced Disappeared Persons, Nepal Academia.com: (independent.academia.edu/ProfessorBishnuPathakPhD) Web: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=910 13-08-24 ------------------------------
Dear Leo and all members, As a French woman and Messenger of the Culture of Peace, Muse of Harmony, and more, It’s important to say to all peacemakers through the world how I am shocked by the symbols of the Opening ceremony JO 2024 in PARIS. Luciferases symbols, Satanist symbols against the dignity of humanity and values of LIFE. Here is my message for 15th August, for Christian people through the world. To-day is the feast of MARIE QUEEN OF PEACE. For those who have inherited from others cultures, others languages, other visions, welcome in my heart if you serve PEACE for all, Peace for our humanity near, inside and everywhere you are living. Together we represent an enlightenment for our whole world with diversity and wisdom. Stay alive together! Europe and French president have other objectives than serving People and respecting THE LIFE. Sorry for that reality. I love Russia, India, America, Africa, Oceania and pray for our survival. Thank you for your attention. Peace is stronger than war, because war has no future…Love, Light and Peace, to know our spiritual nature, wisdom, are our future together. Thea Marie Robert FROM FRANCE YouTube, Thea Marie Robert, See: Incarnate; Baraketempo; Escaladanse. And others videos, The GGHA member since 2009, Web: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=467 15-08-24 ----------------------- Dear Leo: I am still recovering and my work capacity is still limited. The only thing I have to correct in the article is my own quotation... We can only hope that GGHA peace science will be accepted and learned by humanity, and that its global realization will happen still in time. We here in the USA shall try our best to vote for the Presidential candidate, who is most inclined toward peace, and who will try to help to end as fast as possible the war in the Ukraine and in the Middle East, and will then be able to reestablish at least the mutual confidence of the earlier, anti-fascist alliance, which conquered fascism the first time. In this new atmosphere of mutual trust and confidence, the perpetual peace project of the GGHA could be universally considered, accepted, learned and realized In a more harmonious world. There would be no need for bombs any longer. Will the original and inherited sin, to sacrifice the happiness of others for ones’ own happiness, allow such learning process? We can only hope for that and work for it together. Let’s do so in friendly spirit! We are all human and mortal. Let’s help each other to live as long and well as possible. Best wishes, Your friend Rudi, from the House of Mir, USA. Professor Rudolf Siebert, Web: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=51 23-08-24 ----------------------------------
In process