





About Us


Harmony Forum

Peace from Harmony
Surendra Pathak. Gandhian thinker of harmony and global peace of one family


Prof. Surendra Pathak



GHA-India President:


GHA Vice-President:


Global Peace Science Hero:


Personal updated: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1217


. The Way Forward for Global Peace.568 p.
Dr. Markandey Rai, Dr. Prabhas Chandra Sinha, Dr. Surendra Kumar Pathak

New Delhi, First Edition: 2024:



Publication in PDF o­n the GGHA website



Prof and Head, Department of Value Education (Chena Vikas Mulya Shiksha)


EDUCATION: all from Dr. H S Gour University of Sagar, MP


M. Tech. (Applied Geology),

M.J.M.C. (Master of Journalism and Mass Communication),

U.G. & P.G. Diploma (Yogic Science),

Ph.D. (Journalism & Linguistics).



IASE University: Sardarshahar, Rajasthan (http://www.iaseuniversity.org.in/)

Professor and Head, Department Value Education,

Director Research and Dean Faculty of Arts and Social Science

Project Director, Interdisciplinary Research Project and world Conference o­n Existential Harmony – 2012-2015 (http://existentialharmony.org/)

Somaiya Vidya Vihar : Mumbai

Former Director, Jeevan Vidya Study Centre (2007-2010)

Makhanlal Caturvedi National University of Journalism, Bhopal, MP

Lecturer Journalism (2000 to till date)

Assistant Director, Project: History of Journalism in India after independent

Incharge, Department of Science Journalism

Mahatma Gandhi Chitrakoot Gramodaya University, Chitrakoot, Satna, MP

Lecturer Journalism (1993)

Dr. H S Gour University of Sagar (1992)

Lecturer – Journalism & Mass Communication (Adhoc)




President: GHA–India (Global Harmony Association) www.peacefromharmony.org),

Special Consultant: IAEWP (www.iaewp.org),

Member, WCPA (www.wcpa.biz/),

Member Scientific Advisory Board, Deep University Press (www.deepapproach.com)

Member, Advisory Board: Ground Report India (www.groundreportindia.com)

Member Editorial Board ‘Global Peace’ (an international Journal of Philosophy, Peace, Education, culture and civilization)




Honorary association:

Bureau Chief, Newsleaks (News Portal: New Delhi), South - East Asia (www.newsleaks.in/)

Advisor: Paryavaran Urja Times (Raipur)

Editor:Sarthak Samvad (Bhopal)

Subject Expert: Samagam- Journal for media and cinema (Bhopal)


(During 1994 to 2000)

Former Chief Sub Editor: Free Press (Indore),

Former General Manager: Free Press (Raipur),

Former Editorial Advisor: Swadesh (Raipur, Bhopal),

Former News Editor: Deshbandhu (Bhopal)

Former member Editorial Board: Media Mimansa (MCRPVV Journal, Bhopal)



Participated and presented a paper and chaired some sessions in six international seminars and more than 24 national seminars and edited Seminar Proceedings. I was convener of international Seminar o­n Teacher Education for Peace and harmony, New Delhi



Conducted more than 35 Jeevan Vidya Workshop (Human Values) (seven-days each) at Somaiya Vidya Vihar, Mumbai University, IASE University, Gujrat Vidyapith, Lok Bharti, Sanosara, Gujarat Based o­n Madhyasth Darshan-Shaastitvad Propounded by Shri A Nagraj, Amarkantak, MP (http://madhyasth-darshan.info)



Date of Birth: Dec 4, 1962


Postal Address:

Residence: Teacher Colony (Gurujan Vihar), IASE Deemed University, Gandhi Vidya Mandir, Sardarshahr, 331401, District Churu, RAJASTHAN

Office : IASE Deemed University, Gandhi Vidya Mandir, Sardarshahar, 331401, Dist-Churu, Rajasthan, India, Phone: 01564 223625, Fax- 01564-220057, 2236827

mobile: 09414086007 Email: pathak06{@}gmail.com,




Early Letters


Respected Sir,

I love to share some thoughts and views of our organization. I am working with IASE University of Gandhi Vidya Mandir (founded ) as Associate Professor and Head of the department of value education. We are interested to do research projects o­n human value, Peace and Harmony etc. Can we work with your collaboration in India?We are going to start the graduate and postgraduate (BA and MA) programs in Value education form July 2011. We are also going to organize an international seminar o­n ‘teacher education for peace and harmony’ o­n Feb 11-13, 2012. We are going to publish a directory for value education India which include the information of the those institutions who are running the human value,ethical, moral, character, peace and spiritual education courses in India. We will also publish its second edition o­n international level. This Directory includes the list and brief information of institutions, organizations, experts and programs related to human value education.

We are also planning some independent research projects o­n the above mention areas. We want your cooperation and guidance to do philosophical, ideological, axiological research with reference to the coexistence in nature and human society an alternative approach by A Nagraj.

Our institution i.e. Gandhi Vidya Mandir signifies an educational establishment that sows the seed of humanism into each human being. If I were to elaborate, 'Gandhi Vidya' would augment a life-style that is useful to all and benign to all; which could keep the human society held together despite diversity of views, environments and aptitudes, by an abiding bond of love; and that should, as well, be able to prevent degeneration of human society by providing equitable education of the highest order in different streams of knowledge.

We think that your Organization will cooperate us and give us an opportunity to work with your organization.

Thanks and regards.

Dr. Surendra Pathak,

HOD & Associate Professor, Value Education, (Chetna Vikas Mulya Shiksha)

IASE University (http://www.iaseuniversity.org.in/),

Gandhi Vidya Mandir(http://www.gandhividyamandir.org.in/)

Sardarshahar, 331401

Dist. Churu, Rajasthan

Mobile. No.09414086007

Former Director, Jeevan Vidya Study Centre, Somaiya Vidya Vihar, Mumbai







+ http://iaseuniversity.academia.edu/SurendraPathak





Дорогой Dr. Surendra Pathak

Большое спасибо за ваше внимание к нашей организации, о которой (и обо мне) вы можете узнать больше: смотрите ссылки внизу.

Извините меня за задержку ответа – я изучал ваши сайты и искал вашу биографию и фото. Однако, к сожалению, не нашел.

Я восхищаюсь вашим университетом, и наша организация будет счастлива сотрудничать с вами. Я предлагаю создать в вашем университете Кафедру «Гармоничной Цивилизации».

Я рад пригласить вас в члены ГСГ и создать вашу персональную страницу на нашем сайте, на которой я опубликую ваши био, фото и короткую (до 3 страниц) статью. Я посылал вам наш новый документ: ГСГ Членство. Если вы разделяете его условия, то, плиз, пришлите таблицу вашей занятости. Я уверен, наше сотрудничество будет очень плодотворным.

Лев Семашко,



Dear Dr. Surendra Pathak,

Thank you very much for your attention to our organization, about which (and me) you can find out more: see the links below.

Excuse me for the delay in response - I have studied your websiteы and looking for your biography and photo. However, unfortunately, is not found.

I admire your university and our organization will be happy to cooperate with you. I propose to establish in your University the Harmonious Civilization Department.

I am pleased to invite you into the GHA members and create your personal page o­n our website, o­n which I will publish your bio, photo and a short (up to 3 pages) article. I sent you our new document: GHA membership. If you share its conditions, then, please send a table of your employment.

I am sure our cooperation will be very fruitful.

Leo Semashko




Respected Leo Semashko,

I feel great to be part of the new GHA members, I consider myself at the Academic sphere. You can see my details and CV in Academia.org in the following link.


I have joined IASE University o­n Feb 2011, website of IASE University is not updated. Details will appear after the updating. My department is very much interested to establish the Harmonious Civilization Department and others. I have already discussed the matter with president of Gandhi Vidya Mandir, and I will also discuss the matter with Vice Chancellor. Finally, matter will present before the Academic Council & Board of management of the university. Your proposal is the opportunity for us. You and your association is doing great job for the entire humanity. It will be prestigious for us if you will associate us with GHA. I am requesting you to please guide us and send the detail planning for establishing the department. Meanwhile I am going through the GHA website and others details.

Thanks and regards

Dr. Surendra Pathak



New Letters

Our Book o­n Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam: The way forward for Global Peace

Dear Dr. Leo and Dear Friends,

I hope this message finds you all in good health and spirits.

I am pleased to share with you the soft PDF copy of my latest book o­n Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam (VK).It is my humble effort to contribute towards the vision of a peaceful and united world. I would be honored to receive your blessings and comments o­n the work.

I look forward to the day when the world truly becomes a peaceful and united family, as envisioned in the philosophy of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam.

Warm regards,

Dr Surendra Pathak,


Your Great Book and Peace Renaissance


Dear friend Surendra,

We are happy to hear from you and congratulate you and your colleagues o­n your great peacemaking work "VASUDHAIVA KUTUMBAKAM" (VK), 568 p, which is extremely relevant as a fundamental alternative to the militarism of the nuclear civilization since Hiroshima. It is disclosed in the GGHA collective article here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1206 and in the attachment. It is very important that VK is supported by the Government of India, and Narendra Modi made this idea a key o­ne at the G20 and at all international meetings that promises it a good perspective. We have started publishing your book (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1216) and will translate it into Russian, if we have enough strength and if you allow.

Your book makes India with its great peace legacy of VK and Gandhi’s nonviolence the global peacemaking leader. But it will remain an unrealized empty phrase, as well as for 2 thousand years, if India, as the nuclear power, is not establish the first national "Department of Peace" (DP), proposed 220 years ago by the wise Benjamin Rush in America, which the USA democratic militarists are still powerless to create. India is capable and should set an example of the first DP under the leadership of its leader to all other nuclear powers, after that all other countries and the UN will follow. The UN is still powerless in peace, even in the "Pact for the Future" of 22-09-24 (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1215), nullified due to the absence of the national DPs and the dictatorship of militarism in the national "Ministries of War/Defense" (MWD).

Without DP, PEACE, as it was at zero and minus for centuries, will remain there. And o­nly DP, in India, will be able to establish the first "Academy of Gandhian Peace Science" (AGPS) for the strategy of global peacemaking as example for every country. The MWD militarism will NEVER begin the movement towards peace! To the VK! NEVER!!! The task of peacemakers, our mission today is to promote the idea of ​​DP and its AGPS to the leaders of India, Russia, China, the USA - Trump, Orban in the EU and the like. This idea is scientifically fundamentally substantiated in our Peace Science (PS), created with your participation in the GGHA for almost 20 years, since 2005. It integrates with the VK a similar idea of ​​Kant's "perpetual peace" and many similar.

You have been collaborating in the GGHA since 2011, with active participation in the GGHA second fundamental book "The ABC of Harmony" (2012), in its international seminar with many of your photos (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1217). You still hold the post of GGHA-India President. You actively participated in the PS development by your individual and joint with Subhash Chandra (may he rest in peace) contributions both to Gandhian nonviolence and to the VK concept, which were forever integrated into PS and found in it a fundamental macro-sociological justification and statistic verification. Therefore, o­n Gandhi's birthday, we intend to nominate you for his highest Honorary title and include you in the GGHA Peacemakers Pantheon: https://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=513.

Later, in 2017, Dr. Markandey Rai also joined GGHA and contributed into PS: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=807

We recall the GGHA deep history to illustrate our fundamental origins for a new collaboration in promoting DP, PS, VK, Kant’s “perpetual peace”, Gandhi nonviolence, safe AI and many similar grains for global peace in our time to launch together the peacemaking Renaissance. o­nly it will become the practical and cultural alternative to genocidal militarism of the nuclear civilization, which has completely nullified peace and the culture of peace, freeing itself 100% for the inevitable nuclear world war. We hope that you will agree with this Peace Renaissance.

With respect and wishes for peace instead of war and militarism,




Dear Dr. Leo Semashko,

I want to begin by expressing that I love you and have the highest respect for you. My journey towards global peace started with GGHA, and I will never forget this. Your leadership and guidance have been instrumental in shaping my commitment to the cause of peace and harmony.

Warm greetings, and thank you for your kind words and for recalling our deep history of collaboration through the Global Harmony Association (GGHA). It has been an honor to contribute to the development of peace and harmony, particularly through initiatives such as "The ABC of Harmony" and our Gandhian nonviolence and Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam (VK) efforts. I truly appreciate your thoughtful recognition of my work, alongside my late colleague Subhash Chandra, in furthering these ideals.

I am deeply humbled by your intention to nominate me for the highest Honorary title o­n Gandhi's birthday and to include me in the GGHA Peacemakers Pantheon. Such recognition is not o­nly an honor but also an encouragement to continue striving for global peace and nonviolence.

The idea of a Peace Renaissance resonates strongly with me, especially in these times when the world is in desperate need of alternatives to the current trends of militarism and division. By promoting the principles of DP, PS, VK, Kant’s “perpetual peace,” and Gandhian nonviolence, we can offer a practical and cultural path to a more harmonious world. I fully support this initiative and look forward to working together to bring this vision to fruition.

With deepest respect and commitment to global peace,

Dr. Surendra Pathak





© Website author: Leo Semashko, 2005; © designed by Roman Snitko, 2005