

GGHA AND WORLD PEACEMAKERS SOLIDARY PLAN FOR “PERPETUAL PEACE OF RUSSIA AND UKRAINE” (PPRU)* Within the established geopolitical and military realities framework of the 2024 end. For discussion at the BRICS summit in Kazan, October 22-24, 2024. The plan integrates key peace initiatives of the BRICS members. Approved in an update by the coauthors on October 6, 2024. By Leo Semashko, Mairead Corrigan, Noam Chomsky, Markandey Rai, Li Ruohong, Roger Kotila, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, René Wadlow, Igor I. Kondrashin, Rodney Atkinson, Matt Meyer, Kurt Johnston, Julia Budnikova, Surendra Pathak, Chaitanya Dave, Rudolf Siebert, Bishnu Pathak, Théa Marie Robert, Takis Ioannidis, Rosa Dalmiglio, Vera Popovich: 21 peacemakers of public diplomacy from 10 countries: Britain, China, France, Germany, Greece, India, Italy, Nepal, Russia, USA. Publication: In English: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1219 + https://www.transcend.org/tms/2024/11/perpetual-peace-plan-for-the-russia-ukraine-war/
In Russian: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=1086 Russia and Ukraine, because of bilateral and multilateral negotiations within the framework of BRICS and G20, have come to a consensus on the following positions of their PERPETUAL peace: 1. The common historical nature of perpetual peace for the two countries: Russia and Ukraine are one multinational and multi-confessional family of peoples in harmony of good-neighborly, sovereign and democratic states, which guarantee all human rights on a federalist basis. 2. Russia and Ukraine recognize the canonical Orthodoxy established by the Jerusalem Synod of 1672 as a common spiritual foundation, embodied by the united Orthodox Church and its golden peacemaking rule as the highest moral imperative of relations between the peoples of Russia and Ukraine. only the enemies of the peoples of Russia and Ukraine seek to destroy their common spiritual platform of canonical Orthodoxy in order to condemn these peoples to eternal mutual destruction and endless mutual genocide. 3. On a common spiritual and moral platform, Russia and Ukraine are developing a renewed peace culture and peace science with the safe AI, for which they are creating joint innovative working institutes: - "Department of Peace and Harmony" at the level of the country’s Foreign Ministries, - "Academy of Peace Science and Accelerated Development" at the level of the country’s Academies, - "Center for Safe AI and Digital Economy" at the level of the country’s Ministries of Economy. These innovative institutes (DAC) are recognized as key working tools for the practical implementation of the eternal peace for Russia and Ukraine. 4. Russia and Ukraine recognize both the neutral status of Ukraine outside and without the NATO “nuclear alliance” and other military alliances that threaten the security of Russia, and the neutral status of Russia outside and without any military alliances that threaten the security of Ukraine. 5. On a common spiritual platform and using the DAC innovative tools, Russia and Ukraine, guided by the international principle of equal and indivisible security, excluding its change for some countries at the expense of other countries, ensure the complete demilitarization of Ukraine and predict in the future the complete demilitarization of Russia within the framework and in the course of global demilitarization carried out by the UN on the basis of the approved “Peace Constitution of the Earth” in the future. 6. On a common spiritual platform and using the DAC innovative tools, Russia and Ukraine ensure the complete denazification of Ukraine, which results in the constitutional prohibition of Russophobia, Nazism and any forms of racism by analogy with Russia, where they have long been prohibited by its Constitution and are guaranteed by the organization of culture, media and the entire education system since kindergarten. 7. On a common spiritual platform and using the DAC instruments, Russia and Ukraine guarantee the complete exclusion in the future of any irreconcilable confrontation of new generations, providing them with perpetual peace and harmony instead of perpetual war and blood. 8. On a common spiritual platform and using the instruments of the DAC, Russia and Ukraine recognize the historical, Orthodox and moral justice of the Russian jurisdiction of the territories of Crimea, Donetsk and Lugansk republics, Kherson and Zaporozhe regions within their established borders as integral subjects of the Russian Federation. 9. On a common spiritual platform and using the DAC instruments, Russia and Ukraine recognize the eternal need in the future for an equal international condominium in the joint use of these territories resources in corporate, academic and cultural cooperation on the listed subjects of the Russian Federation. 10. On a common spiritual platform and using the DAC instruments, Russia and Ukraine are jointly developing a long-term “Marshall Plan” as a program for the accelerated restoration of the Ukraine infrastructure and economy (Ukraine Recovery Program) with the participation of the BRICS countries, which will be open to the accession of other countries, including the EU and USA. In order to restore and develop a culture of peace, peace education, peace museums and peace art, interfaith harmony and social diversity in Ukraine, ensure, under the UNESCO auspices, the broad involvement of relevant international institutions in its territory instead of neo-Nazi entities and for their cultural denazification as the “Marshal Plan” special part. 11. On a common spiritual platform and using the DAC instruments, Russia and Ukraine recognize the need for an eternal, egalitarian and inclusive society of the peoples of both sovereign democratic states as their one family with common institutions of people’s diplomacy of a single civil union of their peoples as a guarantee of perpetual peace and the inviolability of their friendship in the future. 12. After agreement by the parties of the previous 11 points by the end of 2024 and their subsequent ratification by the countries’ parliaments, Russia and Ukraine declare since the beginning of 2025 the cessation of all military actions on the contact line and all arms deliveries to it. Since this will begin the implementation of the approved plan for PERPETUAL PEACE OF RUSSIA AND UKRAINE (PPRU). The PPRU plan updated draft was prepared by peacemakers of international peacemaking organizations with whom the GGHA has cooperated (with one exception) for up to 10 years or more: Leo Semashko, Russia, philosopher, sociologist, GGHA Founder (2005) and H/President, Web: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=286 Mairead Corrigan, Britain, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate 1976, Web: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=678 Noam Chomsky, USA, linguist, philosopher, cognitive scientist, well-known political activist, leading critic of U.S. foreign policy and dissident - peacemaker, Web: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=637 Markandey Rai, India. Global Peace Foundation, President, Web: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=807 Li Ruohong, Chairman, China World Peace Foundation; President, Beijing International Peace Culture Foundation. Web: http://www.cwpf.org.cn Roger Kotila, USA, Earth Federation, President, Editor, News & Views, Web: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=680 Helga Zepp-LaRouche. Germany, President, Schiller Institute, Web: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1077 René Wadlow, France, President, Association of World Citizens, Web: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=272 Igor I. Kondrashin, Russia, President, World Philosophical Forum, Web: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=1089 Rodney Atkinson, Britain, President, Free Nations, Web: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1064 Matt Meyer, USA, Secretary General, International Peace Research Association (IPRA), Web: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1034 Kurt Johnston, USA, Rev., The Coming Interspiritual Age, 2012, author, publisher, Web: https://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=554 GGHA Vice-Presidents: Julia Budnikova, Russia, GGHA-Russia President, Web: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=577 Surendra Pathak, India, GGHA-India President, Web: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1217 Chaitanya Dave, USA, entrepreneur, Web: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1205 Rudolf Siebert, USA, philosopher and theologian, Web: https://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=51 Bishnu Pathak, Nepal, philosopher and historian, Web: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=910 Théa Marie Robert, France, poet and artist, Web: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=467 Takis Ioannidis, Greece, historian and writer, Web: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=138 Rosa Dalmiglio, Italy and China, journalist, Web: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=28 Vera Popovich, Russia, cultural scientist. Web: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=578 UPDATE: 06-10-24. *The plan justification is revealed in the coauthors’ article "Nuclear Civilization...", published here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1206 . The similar plan for perpetual peace can be offered to other conflicting and warring countries upon their request, first of all for the solution of the Palestine problem, which can be resolved only from the standpoint of perpetual peace, on the spiritual basis of the religions Golden Rule with using the DAC instruments, as well as an international legal condominium in the disputed territories and in no other way. ------------------------
Our Synergistic Solidarity in the PPRU Plan. Confirmation in 1 day Dear colleagues-peacemakers, Today we are all united by the deepest concern for global peace of human survival. Our historical "moment of truth" on the nuclear abyss edge of militarism requires from us extraordinary solidary actions to prevent it in the conflict around Ukraine within the framework of our people's peace diplomacy. The attachment presents our updated unique plan, 3 pages of the "Perpetual Peace of Russia and Ukraine" (PPRU) in two languages, which integrates our peacemaking ideas and is published in an update here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1219 We have been discussing it for more than 10 days, since Sept. 26. During this time, our plan has not found a single serious, reasoned objection and not a single conceptual alternative except full support, public or silent, like the "UN Future Pact" at its assembly on Sept. 22. We, 21 of its coauthors from 10 countries, together and with each of your, have been cooperating in peacemaking for 10 to 22 years within the GGHA framework. During this time, your personal pages have been open on its website, each except one (China), on which dozens of your works have been published, the main ideas of which have been synthesized by our joint Peace Science that made all of us by its coauthors. This fundamental and verified science constitutes the theoretical basis of the PPRU plan. Therefore, I had every moral and practical reason to include you and your organizations as coauthors of this plan and to symbolize our synergetic solidarity with a united banner of our 11 international peacemaking organizations, despite our many small, unprincipled disagreements. In order to avoid misunderstandings, we invite you, within one day, October 6, publicly, in a narrow circle of coauthors, OR to support the PPRU plan and thereby confirm your coauthorship in it, OR publicly refuse to support it and co-authorship in it.Your silence will be a sign of your support and coauthorship in it. Now let us define the fundamental positions of the unification and integration superiority for the PPRU plan coauthors together with our peacemaking ideas in it. 1. Our peace ideas, of each of us without exception, are useless and powerless before the cumulative power of militarism outside of their synthesis, integration and synergistic solidarity in each plan for a peaceful resolution of any conflict, primarily around Ukraine, as the most fraught with an irreparable nuclear war. 2. Our peace ideas acquire their life, social significance and practical immortal meaning only in synthesis, integration and synergistic solidarity, capable of really resisting the synergistic historical power of militarism. 3. The peacemakers refusal to provide solidary support and synergistic synthesis of their peacemaking ideas means their own murder, their death in the "proud solitude" of an egotistical individualist mole, which at the same time, in the social aspect, means a faint-hearted and cowardly capitulation to militarism without a single weighty, solidary word of resistance to it. 4. Our peace ideas are capable of finding their insurmountable superiority only in the synergy of their solidarity and integration, overcoming their deadly egotistical and individualistic isolation, incompatible with the PEACE social solidary nature. This superiority, “mightier than the mightiest destructive nuclear weapon,” has been best demonstrated in history by Gandhian nonviolence. The individualism of peace ideas is their suicide. Only their integration in synergy ensures their insurmountable cognitive and practical superiority over militarism and the fearlessness of peacemakers before it. If the UN is not able to propose the PPRU plan, then why can’t we propose it together no matter how far from the full truth it was, in order to push its collective search? 5. The question and test of history today: are the peacemakers of the 21st century able to unite in at least one, the most significant and necessary project to prevent a nuclear war? Our practical response-action of a positive or negative nature will find an appropriate historical assessment for each peacemaker, each of us. We will discuss the issue of practically prompting our PPRU plan to the BRICS summit on October 22 in Kazan through our direct and indirect lines of communication with its leaders, primarily Russia, India and China, after its final approval on October 6. Solidarity in peace, Dr. Leo Semashko, GGHA Founder (2005) and Honorary President 05-10-24 ---------------------------
Dear Leo, Mairead, and all, Apologies for my long absences in communication. The work of the International Peace Research Association (IPRA) and the intense travel time and recovery needed to further that work has made it difficult for me to keep up with our alliances and Peace colleagues. That said, i find it too crucial a time, and this too crucial a document, to continue with the simple "silence = consent" approach, which is usually fine with me. I wanted to communicate clearly and directly that I affirm all of the important twelve points of our joint statement and Plan, including the use of IPRA's logo, my name and title, and our full association with this initiative. I would also like to take a moment, internally among us and not necessarily for public consumption, to note two concerns not relating to this statement or Plan, but to other matters which have come across these threads from within the GGHA framework. Simply put, they are: a) a concern that the mainstream BRICS, while surely a positive force against the evils US imperialism and NATO, is not in my humble opinion the main force of structural good in the world today, as some imply. IMHO, only a grassroots network of Peace People can satisfy this need, as some suggest in a "BRICS from Below" approach. b) While I surely do not count on Kamala Harris or the Democratic Party as peacemakers in any sense of the word or deed, I also do not believe based on the data and substantial evidence that - as some here have stated or implied (not on behalf of GGHA) - that Donald Trump or the Republican Party are any more committed to peace or the ability to negotiate or implement long-term peace building options. To think otherwise about Trump is at best hopelessly short-sighted. We here in the USA, truly facing what Johan Galtung correctly posited as "end of empire" times, are in a downward spiraling dilemma not satisfiable by either major US electoral party. Despite these concerns and differences, I remain happy to be part of this loose network, including with my name publicly associated as a co-author of this solidarity plan. All the best and warmest regards for peace to all of you, MattM Professor Matt Meyer Secretary-General International Peace Research Association; Senior Research Scholar, University of Massachusetts/Amherst Resistance Studies Initiative www.matt-meyer.com 05-10-24 ----------------------- Dear Leo and All Friends, In 2008, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao invited in Beijing all World Minister of Culture and Peace Art-Operator. He proposal to dedicated Cultural Exchange for PEACE, approved by 22 ASEAN Minister- and ALL European Minister UNESCO-RUSSIAN and UCRAINA, with the best example of SEATTLE-UNESCO in INTERFAITH DIALOGUE between Different Religions. I suggested to UNESCO-PARIS to introduced CHINESE UNIVERSITY of PEACE and WOMEN (IMAN) that in CHINA since 2005 are Manager Directors on the Silk Road. All PEACEMAKER and PEACE MUSEUM are WELCOME TOLERANCE and RESPECT to ALL DIVERSITY is based of STOP WAR in every countries. For this reason I proposal GOVERNMENTS and RELIGIONS LEADERS partner include these UNESCO institutions that protect, in case of WARS, ART MUSEUM-HISTORY of HUMANITY. Welcome to NOBEL MUSEUM of ART. Welcome all MUSEUM that used ART for PEACE Rosa Dalmiglio,
China 05-10-24 ----------------------- Dear Colleague, I am pleased that the PPRU Plan is going ahead well and will be glad to learn of positive reaction. I was wondering if you could give me a link to the China World Peace Foundation, one of the co-signers but I do not know it and I saw no Chinese looking name among the list of presenters. With all best wishes, René Wadlow President, Association of World Citizens, France 05-10-24 -------------------------- Dear sirs, The attached following document is planned to be announced by WPF representative at the conference in European UN Headquarters in Geneva on October 14. Please, send me your comments, if you like to.... Regards, Igor Kondrashin 05-10-24
Commentary by Leo Semashko: A Philosophical Feast During a Military Plague Dear Igor, Your proposal to the UN about returning the teaching of ancient philosophy to educational institutions, about “to develop and implement as soon as possible a specific plan for the withdrawal of Mankind from the current, the most dangerous in history for the entire population and all living things on the planet DEADLY CRISIS and its prevention in the near future!” and about the creation of an Emergency Committee for this deserves attention and discussion, but not now. It is published with my commentary on your page here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=1089 and here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1219 with my conclusion: you are putting yourself in an insoluble temporary contradiction contrary to all logic, including ancient one. on the one hand, you quite rightly claim that “the 3rd World War is flaring up for the 3rd year already”, that “the Bulletin of atomic Scientists leaves Humanity only 90 symbolic minutes until the Doomsday - the Apocalypse” (seconds, not minutes, as you mistakenly write: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=924). on the other hand, your proposal “to develop and implement as soon as possible a specific plan …” is fantastic. Since Hiroshima in 1945, a nuclear civilization, in the conditions of the most severe confrontation, has been unable to create similar global and comprehensive “plan” in 79 years. How many decades will your “develop and implement as soon as possible a specific plan” require, when the world war is already burning and is ready to flare up at any second with a nuclear Armageddon? In addition, you are drowning it with your untimely and unnecessary proposals for bureaucratic Earth Citizenship and similar bows. Therefore, your plan is “a feast during the plague”, in which today only one thing is relevant: “No time for fat, just to survive!” This requires a plan for immediate peace between Russia and Ukraine in the next 3-6 months, NO MORE!!! You do not have similar peace plan. We have already developed similar PPRU plan. It integrates peace proposals from China, India, Brazil and other countries. WHAT prevents you from supporting it and promoting it in the UN as a joint plan of more than 10 international peacemaking organizations with your coauthorship in the context of your LONG-TERM plan? Your plan buries the emergency, cognitive and solidarity mobilization of an immediate peaceful end to the conflict around Ukraine through negotiations and recognition, with adjustments, of the PPRU plan. What prevents you from agreeing with this evidence in order to mobilize and focus on its peaceful resolution as soon as possible, before it is too late? The Western nuclear civilization, forcefully imposed on humanity, has been slept in the peacemaking mind, giving birth to nuclear monsters for almost 80 years, and now it needs to wake up, mobilize in the PPRU, so as not to burn itself in the global fire of its nuclear militarism, without winners. Dr. Leo Semashko, GGHA Founder (2005) and Honorary President 06-10-24 -------------------------- Dear sirs, The attached is for your information and necessary actions. Regards, Igor Kondrashin 06-10-24 ---------------------------------- Thanks, Igor! I'm ready for that Universal State of Earth passport!! MattM Professor Matt Meyer Secretary-General International Peace Research Association; Senior Research Scholar, University of Massachusetts/Amherst Resistance Studies Initiative www.matt-meyer.com 06-10-24 --------------------- Dear Peacemakers, I wholeheartedly support the PPRU plan. Chaitanya Davé, USA 06-10-24 ------------------------------- Dear Leo and peacemakers around the world! In today's world, the right to live is an inherent, inalienable, non-derogatory, and inseparable natural right. Therefore, peace and harmony are essential for all. We are not seeking a silent peace, but a positive or constructive peace that ensures inner peace first. Peace knows no caste, language, color, region, creed, profession, or gender. Peace is essential for everyone. Informal, formal, indirect, and direct dialogues between Russia and Ukraine should be initiated as soon as possible. The GGHA should be prepared with a concrete plan for facilitation and mediation. I hope in advance that this GGHA organization can play a significant role in bringing warring parties to the round table for dialogue. I fully support its writings and coauthorship. Thank you. Sincerely, Bishnu Pathak, Nepal 06-10-24 --------------------------------- Dear Leo I have pleasured to inform you and all Peace Operators that 2024 is CHINA-RUSSIA year of cooperation in CULTURAL EDUCATION EXCHANGE. It included UNESCO-EDUCATION into CHINA WORLD PEACE FOUNDATION. In attaches news about its activity. It is signed agreement of UNESCO President and Chinese President XI JINPING about CHINA WORLD PEACE MUSEUM. Remember that President Xi Jinping has clear project about ACTION for PEACE, created a new department of Peace research, and guest in China 50000 American Student in 2024. Naturally I have good relation with China and Russian but under directly Ministry of Culture and UNESCO PRESIDENT that controlled and pressed in book collection my Activity and RESEARCH in SCIENCE and ART for PEACE in the GLOBAL PLANET Rosa Dalmiglio,
China 06-10-24 --------------------------- Dear Professor Matt Meyer, Your wish to have the Passport of the Universal State of Earth is quite reasonable. But before that you should become at first the Citizen of the Earth, like Socrates. The Application for that you can find here - http://glob-use.org/eng/socr-sch/wcznrq.htm Regards, Igor Kondrashin http://wpf-unesco.org/ 06-10-24 ------------------------- Even Socrates did not know of the full richness of cultural, religious and political diversity there was then. Today that diversity is far greater between cultures. A world citizenship and the power structures built on it would seek to crush them all. Not what the world wants. Rodney Atkinson, Britain 06-10-24 ------------------------- Solidary mobilization of peacemakers And new names in the Peace Pantheon Dear colleagues-peacemakers, Last week, two of our important peacemaking events coincided.

1. During this time, four firm and fearless before militarism peacemakers of the GGHA were approved without a single objection in honor of the 155th anniversary of the first world peacemaker - Mahatma Gandhi on October 2. Photo above. More details here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1220. Their names will be included in the GGHA Peace Pantheon forever. The GGHA is happy to congratulate the outstanding and fearless peacemakers who have dedicated their entire lives to the fight against militarism for peace with high world recognition.

2. Under the solidary mobilization sign of peacemakers on the Western nuclear abyss, prepared by it for 79 years of its nuclear civilization and forcibly imposed on humanity since Hiroshima/Nagasaki in 1945, the discussion and unanimous approval without objections and alternatives but with amendments of the joint plan “Perpetual Peace of Russia and Ukraine” (PPRU) was completed. It is presented in a two-language update (3 pages each) in the attachment and published with all the responses for more than 10 days of its discussion here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1219 The PPRU plan, which integrated the peacemaking ideas of all 21 of its coauthors from 10 countries over a decade and more of cooperation, is open to new amendments and to the support of new peace organizations and peacemakers until October 22, when it will be presented at the BRICS summit in Kazan (ibid.). The symbol of our solidary mobilization in the PPRU plan on the nuclear abyss edge is the banner of our peace organizations logos (above). Peacemakers can defeat militarism and prevent a nuclear war not alone but only together, in support of solidary peace projects and in mobilizing our solidarity in them. With peace in solidarity, Dr. Leo Semashko, GGHA Founder (2005) and Honorary President 07-10-24 ---------------------------------
Уважаемый Владимир Владимирович Путин!
Уважаемый Сергей Викторович Лавров! Пожалуйста, смотрите в прикреплении (на 2 языках, по 3 страницы) план «Вечного Мира России и Украины» (ВМРУ), подготовленный 21 миротворцем из 10 стран для обсуждения на саммите БРИКС в Казани 22 октября в качестве катализатора и интегратора подобных проектов членов БРИКС со стороны народных дипломатов мирового гражданского общества. С глубоким уважением, нашей Победой и началом вечного мира с Украиной в этом году! От имени соавторов-миротворцев ГГСГ, Лев Семашко 07-10-24 Большое спасибо! Отправленное 07.10.2024 Вами письмо в электронной форме за номером ID=11446682 будет доставлено и с момента поступления в Администрацию Президента Российской Федерации зарегистрировано в течение трех дней. Обращение отправлено Ваше обращение будет направлено в Приёмную МИД России и обработано по утверждённым правилам. Результат рассмотрения обращения будет направлен на почтовый адрес или указанную электронную почту в установленные сроки. -------------------------
Dear friends-coauthors. First of all, I once again congratulate our steadfast and fearless peacemakers against militarism, Laureates of the Highest Honorary Gandhian Title and the inclusion of their names in the Pantheon of Great Peacemakers. Thank you all very much for your participation in our unique plan "Perpetual Peace of Russia and Ukraine" (PPRU), which I sent today and will send to our networks. It will become a catalyst for the world peacemaking process at the current turning point from a global nuclear war to global perpetual peace, starting with Russia and Ukraine, then Israel - Palestine, etc. Today I sent our plan to the Russia leaders, President Putin and Minister Lavrov (above, in Russian, for your translation via Google). Now we need to ensure its widest possible dissemination to attract new peacemakers to it and for its broad popular support throughout the world. Who could publish it on yours sites and networks? Who, especially from China and India, could forward it to the governments so that they could use it at the BRICS summit on October 22? Let us exchange views on this now key issue in our small circle of coauthors. I am thinking to invite Ela Gandhi to our plan as well, although she is in poor health and has been slow to respond to us. Does anyone have contacts with her, like Matt Meyer, who sent us the most brilliant and comprehensive response to our PPRU plan, to whom we all owe a huge thank you? Could the leaders of peace organizations organize an open discussion of our PPRU plan among their members, taking into account your and other responses? once again, I remind you that all responses are published on the page of this plan. If anyone else needs a copy of our plan in PDF or HTML, I am ready to send it. With peace in solidarity, Leo Semashko 07-10-24 ------------------------------- Greetings all, Though I don't recognize that I said anything brilliant, am I the "Matt Meir" you write of here (Meyer is the actual English spelling of my last name)? In any case, yes, I have some direct contact with Ela Gandi - she is a deal old friend - and I'd be happy to reach out to her re PPRU, etc. I'm driving through the northeast of the US all day today, but can write her privately late tonight as soon as I get to where I'm staying. Is there a particular invite or "ask" you'd want me to make of her? I think she'd be quite interested in working with us on this vital project in any case. Let me know, and I'll writing her - probably approx. 10 hours from now. Warmly, for Peace with Justice, MattM 07-10-24 Dear Matt, Sorry for the misspelling of your name – I will correct it. Ella Gandhi has participated in and supported several GGHA projects in the past over a decade of cooperation with her, but has always complained of health and financial problems with her Gandhian school and Leo Tolstoy farm in South Africa (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=852). So, please extend both our official invitation and my personal friendly request to support our common, Gandhian plan for the “Perpetual Peace of Russia and Ukraine” (PPRU) and participate in it as a coauthor. We will be happy to add the logo of her organization as the 12th in the banner of our 11 peace organizations promoting PPRU. I am ready to write personally, but maybe she has changed her email and my letters remain unanswered. So we will be very grateful to you for her invitation. Friendly, Leo 08-10-24 ---------------------------------------- Dear Leo and all peacemakers, I do feel very exited, because, after 19 years we are still in the vehicle of GGHA, running on the road of Peace, Harmony, Love. I also feel too bad, because my country Greece, is prisoned, with western oriented gov and many politicians ... Our Greek member and co-author Dionyssios Georgakopoulos, 92 years old, is sending you all his support and faith for a successful result. With respect and love to all Panagiotis -Takis D Ioannides 07-10-24 Dear Takis, Thank you very much for your kind and inspiring words about the "vehicle of GGHA, running on the road of Peace, Harmony, Love", because GGHA is charged with the integration of solar energies of the social nature of Kant's perpetual peace, Gandhi's nonviolence, Einstein's "substantially new thinking", Confucius's world harmony, Buddha's and Christ's universal love in the "one family" of nations "VASUDHAIVA KUTUMBAKAM" (VK) of Hinduism, in the Golden Peace Rule of religions, etc. All these and many other peaceful social energies are brought by the GGHA members as the coauthors of its integral Peace Science, including you and all the coauthors of our PPRU plan. Therefore, we are doomed to eternally advance this integration of Peace, Harmony, Love in our fundamental peace science as the highest mind of humanity. Huge thank to you and all of its coauthors, the part of which (mind) are concentrated in the PPRU plan. The Greetings and best wishes for good health to Dionyssios Georgakopoulos, who contributed his grain to our peace science. After this plan is completed and disseminated (with translation into Greek – agree? and French – for Marie, translations) in the coming week, we will return to completing our popular Peace Primer/Gospel, which we have been talking about for a long time here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=1077. We will complete our Primer/Gospel of the Peace Science by our 20th anniversary on February 15th next year, which will be the Peace Culture Renaissance pharosin the 21st century. But more on that later. Friendly, Leo 08-10-24 ----------------------------- Dear Leo I send my congratulations to new names in the peace Pantheon also inform you and all peacemaking that Queen Rania of Jordan was elected WOMAN of the YEAR 2025 and included in new COVER book of "THE WORLD's 500 Most Influential Muslims 2025. I proposal Queen Rania of Jordan because editor asked me names of person in ACTION to Help children she 's ACTION included "PEACE MUSEUM in AMMAN for children", she was guest in Beijing Women and Children Museum, one the best Museum in the world. I received collection book- with all information in 321 pages - from UNITED STATES office in AMMAN in attach news about GAZA. Rosa Dalmiglio 08-10-24 Dear Rose, Thank you for your congratulations, suggestions and the horrific information about Gaza, of which you sent me only 35 pages about the children of Gaza out of 320 pages. Could you send us a link to this publication on the Internet? From the emotions of horror, suffering, sympathy and the like, is it not time for us to move on to the problems of Gaza and Palestine in general to the plan of "Perpetual Peace for Palestine and Israel", which is proposed in our PPRU plan? Did you read about it in its last sentence? Could you send our PPRU plan to your Queen Rania of Jordan, to interest her in such a plan, and not limit herself to emotions alone? Could she initiate with us a similar plan of PERPETUAL peace for the "eternal enemies", to make them good and peacefully cooperating neighbors on the one, Hole Land, instead of eternal mutual genocide? I ask you many times: where are you now - Rome or Beijing? Friendly, Leo 08-10-24 ---------------------------------
Dear Dr. Leo Semashko, I deeply appreciate the recognition of being included among such distinguished and fearless peacemakers in honor of Mahatma Gandhi's 155th anniversary. It is a profound honor to be acknowledged by the GGHA for my dedication to the pursuit of peace and the fight against militarism. Please accept my sincere apologies for the delayed response. The approval of the "Perpetual Peace of Russia and Ukraine" (PPRU) plan, crafted by the collective efforts of dedicated peacemakers across the globe, is a testament to the power of unity in the face of escalating global threats. As we stand on the brink of potential nuclear catastrophe, the solidarity of peace advocates is more crucial than ever. I extend my heartfelt gratitude to the GGHA and all the members who tirelessly work to mobilize peace initiatives and foster global cooperation. Together, we can continue to build a future free from the shadow of militarism and nuclear war. With peace and solidarity, Dr. SurendraPathak, GGHA-India President New Delhi https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1217 11-10-24 -------------------------------

НМ когнитивный тренд выразить самую сложную парадигму самым простым и кратким образом.The PS trend to express the most complex holistic paradigm in the simplest and most concise way. ---------------------------------------- Synopsis of the key ideas integrated into Peace Science (PS) of the "Perpetual Peace of Russia and Ukraine" (PPRU) plan coauthors, published: In Russian: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=1086 In English: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1219 By Leo Semashko Synopsis is a brief summary without detailed argumentation and without theoretical reasoning.
1. Mairead Corrigan, Britain, Nobel peace laureate. Ideas of consistent rejection of militarism from all spheres of society, by displacing all institutions of military infrastructure: armed forces, military production, military science and military management, as harmful and incompatible with peace, with its highest values of life, love, nonviolence, freedom, human rights, friendship and cooperation of peoples. 2. Kurt Johnston, USA, philosopher and pastor of three religions. The integral interspiritual nature of public consciousness and the categorical imperative of perpetual peace, uniting the peacemaking intentions and maxims of all world religions and cultures in the multicultural spiritual unity of humanity as one family of peoples, which is incompatible with militarism, which sows division, enmity, hatred, violence and eternal war in it that the West does. Actually for everyone. His website “Unite 4 Peace” (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSccVIet5ugrJhQ74KjI4nDhXQ8upFq42Xsbo32g3Qs3nJU3mA/viewform) invites us to a very important for us “GLOBAL onENESS SUMMIT-- free online event, Oct. 19-24”. We, especially our American coauthors, as the GGHA global peace ambassadors and Vice-Presidents, could participate with our integral plan of PPRU, expressing the onENESS of two conflicting countries in this summit of global unity and eternal peace here: https://www.humanitysteam.org/global-oneness-summit#googtrans(en). 3. Li Ruohong, China, philosopher. The great ideas of Confucius’ global harmony of the China peoples single peaceful family as the humanity source and foundation of global peace, which are accepted and promoted by both Chinese President Xi Jinping and the "China Global Peace Foundation" in all spheres of society. 4. Markandey Ray, Surendra Pathak, India, philosophers and coauthors of the "VASUDHAIVA KUTUMBAKAM" (VK) book. The idea of peace as a single family of humanity in the Indian spiritual tradition is a fundamental alternative to the West nuclear civilization militarism since Hiroshima, which builds its existence on division, hatred, enmity, confrontation and endless war between the peoples, destroying their peaceful, harmonious family by nature. Militarism is incompatible with the VK paradigm. This idea is supported and actively promoted on all world platforms, especially in BRICS, by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Surendra Pathak, together with the VK idea develops the fundamental for PS Gandhian idea of the humanity "varna-spherons" as the only world actors of nonviolence and its eternal, global peace. 5. Roger Kotila, USA, psychologist. The idea of the world order federal structure for equal and independent national states with the single Peace Earth Constitution, which should replace the nonworking UN Charter, which has been coexisting for 80 years with the West and NATO endless wars that the UN is powerless to resist, turning out to be the militarism UN. 6. Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Germany, economist. The idea of the Western liberalism economic failure and its unfair financial system, providing and maintaining the West "golden billion" wealth at the expense of the neocolonial exploitation of the other part of humanity. This ugly system must be replaced by a system of harmonious, integral and fair economy, proposed by La Rouche in the last century. Integral economics is supported and actively developed in Russia by the famous economist Sergei Glazyev, based on the integral sociology of Russian sociologists Maxim Kovalevsky and Pitirim Sorokin, whose ideas are also integrated by PS. 7. Igor Kondrashin, Russia, philosopher, "World Philosophical Forum" president. The idea of the key role of philosophical, holistic knowledge and vision of humanity, the paradigms of which have accumulated throughout its history, and therefore require their integration, study and education in them for youth in the spirit of universal, eternal peace and its Kantian imperative. 8. Rodney Atkinson, Britain, economist and politician. The idea of the destructive absolutization of the corporate organization of society, especially the economy, giving rise to the destructive social trend of corporatism, which subjugates governments, splits peoples within and countries among themselves, leads to the loss of freedom and human rights, giving rise to militarism, Nazism and the West eternal wars. 9. René Wadlow, France, diplomat. The idea of world citizens united in peace and recognition of common peace values of life, human rights, freedom, love, nonviolence and dialogue. 10. Matt Meyer, USA, philosopher, Peace Research Association leader. Ideas of the need for peace science and broad peace studies, started by Johan Galtung, which should lead humanity to an understanding of the inevitable collapse of militaristic states, primarily the United States, and establish a system of complete security for peoples in a global and perpetual peace instead of a militaristic, violent security system that, in fact, destroys it. 11. Noam Chomsky, USA, linguist, dissident and social activist. Ideas of the extreme danger to humanity of a nuclear war between the USA and Russia, the extreme danger of the USA militaristic governments and eternal foreign policy of "Peace through Force" as the world dictator. 12. Julia Budnikova, Russia, cultural scientist, N.K. Roerich Museum employee. The ideas of Nicholas and Helena Roerich about the key place in the world history of culture and science of peace, the seeds of which are scattered throughout the history, which require integration and generalization, embodied by Nicholas Roerich in the universal picture "Banner of Peace", suitable for all conflicting parties, including Russia and Ukraine, and in the international "Peace Pact" of 1935. 13. Chaitanya Dave, USA, entrepreneur and writer. The ideas of the USA greatest crime against humanity in the atomic genocidal bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. 14. Rudolf Siebert, USA, philosopher and theologian. The ideas of the religions Golden Rule as the most fundamental basis for eternal, global peace, especially clearly expressed in the Sermon on the Mount of Christ, which is embodied by the Gandhian spherons as the only actors of perpetual peace that is revealed in PS. 15. Bishnu Pathak, Nepal, philosopher and historian. Philosophical ideas of peacemaking in the East, their difference and advantage over the West and Johan Galtung’s peacemaking legacy integration. 16. Marie Robert, France, poet and artist. Ideas for the artistic embodiment of peacemaking in poetry and ballet. 17. Takis Ioannidis, Greece, historian and writer. Ideas of the original meaning of ancient Greek philosophy and culture for understanding the global eternal peace, especially the Pythagorean paradigm: “Quadriga is the source of inexhaustible life” as the source of a holistic, spheral vision of nature and society, which became the PS foundation and its motto. 18. Natalina Litvinova, Russia, lawyer. Ideas of harmony, universal peace and integration of interdisciplinary truths for their organizational and digital embodiment in BRICS. 19. Rosa Dalmiglio, Italy and China, journalist. Ideas of eternal peace of Confucian China and Christian Vatican in journalistic creativity. 20. Vera Popovich, Russia, cultural scientist. Ideas of the PS innovative scientific and political significance for promotion and achievement of eternal, global peace, first of all for the Orthodox peoples of Russia and Ukraine, despite its Nazi, Bandera and illegitimate regime. Summary. Please edit my definitions of your key peacemaking ideas integrated by PS over almost 20 years of our cooperation in the GGHA. Thank you. Best wishes for perpetual peace for all conflicts, LeoSemashko 16-10-24 -------------------------------- Dear LEO and All Friends good news from CWPF (in attached) CHINA WORLD PEACE FOUNDATION in ACTION for PEACE Rosa Dalmiglio 02-11-24
Dear Rosa, Thank you for your publication about Dr. Li Ruohong, coauthor of our PPRU plan (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1219). Your publication is placed here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1226. Unfortunately, I must note in a friendly manner that we have not yet received from you a single link to your and our publications on the Internet, not a single link about the "CHINA WORLD PEACE FOUNDATION", not a single email address for contacts with Chinese colleagues-peacemakers, etc. Without this, your publications can be questioned as lacking verification. Your great peace achievements are not disputed by anyone, they have been widely presented on our website for almost 20 years, but now your publications require confirmation with links. We hope that this friendly remark, which we repeat many times, will be taken correctly, without offense. We are pleased to announce the belated publication of our collective article from early September, “Nuclear Civilization,” in Russia in Russian and English in the original, without Western censorship: Leo Semashko, Mairead Corrigan, Chaitanya Dave, Rudolf Siebert, Bishnu Pathak+. Nuclear Civilization:... Collection 24-09-04 PDF: https://disk.yandex.ru/d/9_vcC8PmBCeBww DOI 10.37539/240904.2024.49.99.001 (since 2025) In Russian: Collection 24-09-02 PDF: https://disk.yandex.ru/d/bJ-QjmrWiSdwKA DOI 10.37539/240902.2024.60.73.001 (since 2025) We are also happy to congratulate the GGHA members and all our friends and readers of our website "Peace from Harmony", the visits number of which in almost 20 years has today crossed the threshold of 21 million that is confirmed by our banner from its Home page: https://peacefromharmony.org.  Best wishes for your health and peace, Leo 03-11-24 -----------------------------

GGHA PLAN FOR PERPETUAL PEACE BETWEEN RUSSIA AND UKRAINE. (PPPRU)* Within the established geopolitical and military realities framework of the 2024 end. For discussion at the BRICS summit in Kazan, October 22-24, 2024. The plan integrates key peace initiatives of the BRICS members. Approved by the GGHA on October 1, 2024 in an update. By Leo Semashko, Mairead Corrigan, Surendra Pathak, Chaitanya Dave, Rudolf Siebert, Bishnu Pathak, Marie Robert, Takis Ioannidis, Rosa Dalmiglio Publication: In English: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1219 In Russian: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=1086 Russia and Ukraine, because of bilateral and multilateral negotiations within the framework of BRICS and G20, have come to a consensus on the following positions of their PERPETUAL peace: 1. The common historical nature of eternal peace for the two countries: Russia and Ukraine are one family of peoples of good-neighborly, sovereign democratic states guaranteeing all human rights. 2. Russia and Ukraine recognize the canonical Orthodoxy established by the Jerusalem Synod of 1672 as a common spiritual foundation, embodied by the united Orthodox Church and its golden peacemaking rule as the highest moral imperative of relations between the peoples of Russia and Ukraine. 3. on a common spiritual and moral platform, Russia and Ukraine are developing a renewed peace culture and peace science, for which they are creating joint innovative working institutes: - "Department of Peace and Harmony" at the level of the country’s Foreign Ministries, - "Academy of Peace Science and Accelerated Development" at the level of the country’s Academies, - "Center for Safe AI and Digital Economy" at the level of the country’s Ministries of Economy. These innovative institutes (DAC) are recognized as key working tools for the practical implementation of the eternal peace for Russia and Ukraine. 4. Russia and Ukraine recognize both the neutral status of Ukraine outside and without NATO and other military alliances that threaten the security of Russia, and the neutral status of Russia outside and without any military alliances that threaten the security of Ukraine. 5. on a common spiritual platform and using the DAC innovative tools, Russia and Ukraine ensure the complete demilitarization of Ukraine and predict in the future the complete demilitarization of Russia within the framework and in the course of global demilitarization carried out by the UN and BRICS. 6. on a common spiritual platform and using the DAC innovative tools, Russia and Ukraine ensure the complete denazification of Ukraine, which results in the constitutional prohibition of Russophobia, Nazism and any forms of racism by analogy with Russia, where they have long been prohibited by its Constitution and are guaranteed by the organization of culture, media and the entire education system since kindergarten. 7. on a common spiritual platform and using the DAC instruments, Russia and Ukraine guarantee the complete exclusion in the future of any irreconcilable confrontation of new generations, providing them with perpetual peace and harmony instead of perpetual war and blood. 8. on a common spiritual platform and using the instruments of the DAC, Russia and Ukraine recognize the historical, Orthodox and moral justice of the Russian jurisdiction of the territories of Crimea, Donetsk and Lugansk republics, Kherson and Zaporozhe regions within their established borders as integral subjects of the Russian Federation. 9. on a common spiritual platform and using the DAC instruments, Russia and Ukraine recognize the eternal need in the future for an equal international condominium in the joint use of these territories resources in corporate, academic and cultural cooperation on the listed subjects of the Russian Federation. 10. on a common spiritual platform and using the DAC instruments, Russia and Ukraine are jointly developing a long-term “Marshall Plan” as a program for the accelerated restoration of the Ukraine infrastructure and economy (Ukraine Recovery Program) with the participation of the BRICS countries, which will be open to the accession of other countries. 11. on a common spiritual platform and using the DAC instruments, Russia and Ukraine recognize the need for an eternal, egalitarian and inclusive society of the peoples of both sovereign democratic states as their one family with common institutions of people’s diplomacy of a single civil union of their peoples as a guarantee of perpetual peace and the inviolability of their friendship in the future. 12. After agreement by the parties of the previous 11 points by the end of 2024 and their subsequent ratification by the countries’ parliaments, Russia and Ukraine declare since the beginning of 2025 the cessation of all military actions on the contact line and all arms deliveries to it. Since this will begin the implementation of the approved PLAN OF PERPETUAL PEACE BETWEEN RUSSIA AND UKRAINE. The updated draft PPPRU was prepared with the participation of the GGHA following coauthors: Leo Semashko, Russia, philosopher, sociologist, GGHA Founder (2005) and H/President, Web: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=286 Mairead Corrigan, Britain, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate 1976, Web: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=678 GGHA Vice-Presidents: Surendra Pathak, India, GGHA-India President,
Web: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1217 Chaitanya Dave, USA, entrepreneur, Web: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1205 Rudolf Siebert, USA, philosopher and theologian, Web: https://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=51 Bishnu Pathak, Nepal, philosopher and historian, Web: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=910 Marie Robert, France, poet and artist, Web: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=467 Takis Ioannidis, Greece, historian and writer, Web: https://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=138 Rosa Dalmiglio, Italy and China, journalist, Web: https://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=28 26-09-24 UPDATE: 01-10-24. *The plan justification is revealed by the coauthors in their article "Nuclear Civilization...", published here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1206 . The GGHA has proposed similar plans of perpetual peace to resolve many conflicts over its 20 years, including the Palestinian-Israeli, Kashmiri, Karabakh and others. They can be updated at any time upon request from interested warring and conflicting parties. ------------------------
Plan for Perpetual Peace between Russia and Ukraine +++Discussion and approval in 2 days The second version.
Dear GGHA friends-peacemakers, We invite you to discuss and approve in 2 day up to Oct 1 the updated "GGHA Plan for PERPETUAL peace between Russia and Ukraine" attached 2 pagesin two languages. Silence, as always in GGHA, will be a sign of your approval. If you don't like this plan as a whole, then publicly reject it in several arguments. If you have an alternative plan, please send it. If necessary, we will extend the time for discussing this plan. The plan is also published here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1219 We are not talking about the great peacemaking meaning of this unique plan in the of the innovative Peace Renaissance spirit and its critical importance for preventing an inevitable nuclear war, that is clear to all our colleagues, thinking peacemakers. With peace, Leo 29-09-24 ---------------------------
Лев Михайлович, Украина - это недогосударство, которое всегда будет источником угрозы для России. Вечный мир возможен только если население этих территорий вспомнит, что оно русское, как было тысячу лет назад, а украинство головного мозга исчезнет, как исчезли в своем время чума и оспа. С уважением, Юлия Будникова, ГСГ-Россия Президент, https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=577 29-09-24 -------------------------- Sept. 29. 2024 Dear Friends, You might find this article interesting for comparison with our plan "Eternal Peace of Russia and Ukraine" here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1219. Please share below with your contacts. Regards, Chaitanya Davé NATO Expansion Is a Blunder of Epic Proportions. June 29, 2022. Global Research: - https://www.globalresearch.ca/nato-expansion-blunder-epic-proportions/5785021 - on the GGHA website: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1213 Web: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1205 29-09-24 -------------------------- Dear Leo, The proposed peace plan between Russia and Ukraine is built on their shared historical, spiritual, and cultural foundations, particularly their common Orthodox heritage. It calls for mutual recognition of sovereignty, neutral military status, and the establishment of innovative institutions to promote peace, economic cooperation, and denazification. The plan includes demilitarization, constitutional reforms, and joint efforts to rebuild Ukraine's infrastructure through a Marshall Plan with BRICS involvement. It also acknowledges Russia's jurisdiction over certain contested regions, while envisioning a future of cooperation, equality, and perpetual peace, with the cessation of all military actions by 2025. I approve this. Surendra Pathak, India, GGHA-India President, Web: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1217 30-09-24 -------------------------------------- Я очень хотела бы, чтобы между нашими народами был вечный мир и согласие. Для этого нужна воля этого народа. А Наука Мира могла быть маяком, проводником мирного процесса по плану вечного мира двух соседских стран. С пожеланиями мира, добра и процветания, Вера Попович, Россия 30-09-24 ------------------------------ Народы - это одно, я бы даже сказала, что мы один народ.Но государство Украина в своем нынешнем виде не может принимать самостоятельные решения, мы это прекрасно понимаем. С уважением, Юлия Будникова, ГСГ-Россия Президент, https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=577 30-09-24 ----------------------- Каждый народ хочет жить в мире, устойчивом развитии и процветании. Если его государство не хочет этого, то народ, рано или поздно, так или иначе, сменяет его. Но для этого у него должен быть общий мирный план, чтобы не было гражданской войны. Лучший план для предотвращения внутреннего раскола народа - наука мира, научный план, подобный нашему научному плану вечного мира России и Украины. Истинные миротворцы не могут его отвергать и лишать наши народы надежды мира. Они могут только совершенствовать его. Юля, у вас есть какие-либо поправки к нашему плану или его миротворческая альтернатива? С уважением, Вера Попович 01-10-24 ---------------------------------- По пунктам инициативы (мирного плана) возражений и замечаний нет. Нет реального механизма его воплощения. Невозможно представить, что Украину будет это делать в условиях, когда она полностью зависит от США. Нынешнее правительство таких условий и близко выполнять не станет, тем более, что Украина не член БРИКС и G20. А смена правительства произойдет на фоне глобальных политических изменений. там вообще может быть другой субъект права и тогда формулировки потребуют корректировки. С уважением, Юлия Будникова 01-10-24 ---------------------------------- Dear Leo Yes I approve this text of the GGHA plan “Perpetual Peace between Russia and Ukraine”. Please could you note my complete name as Théa Marie ROBERT… I dispatch in my translation our article “Nuclear Civilisation…” text in French networks. I’ll travel again to India on November. With love for our common and individual PEACE, Multidimensional visions, Dignity for human being, respect for Life, and education of new generations for living in harmony with planet and others people. Thank you very much, With Love for Peace, Théa Marie Robert France Web: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=467 01-10-24 ------------------------------ Юля, очень хорошо, что Вы полностью принимаете все пункты нашего мирного плана (ВМРУ), но сомневаетесь, вполне обоснованно и справедливо, в способах его реализации с участием марионеточного режима Киева. В его запутанной ситуации наш инновационный план «Вечного Мира России и Украины» приобретает значение политического катализатора и духовного, Православного основания смены марионеточного нацистского, бандеровского режима Киева в мирных интересах двух народов в одном из двух вариантов. 1. Либо в результате раскаяния и возврата Зеленского (1 шанс из 1000) к своей предвыборной мирной платформе, с которой он выиграл на президентских выборах 2019 года, 2. Либо в результате мирной украинской революции и победы миролюбивого народного президента на новых выборах в 2025 году. Если Киевский режим заблокирует и отвергнет оба варианта государственной перестройки для признания и реализации добрососедского плана ВМРУ в интересах мира, процветания, дружбы и сотрудничества двух народов, то он не оставит России никакого иного выбора, кроме полного уничтожения этого режима и его государства ради коренных интересов ВМРУ двух исторически братских народов. Конечно, наш план не абсолютная истина и будет корректироваться в соответствии с имениями, как на региональном, так и на глобальном уровне. Но он определяет мирную сущность добрососедских отношений двух исторических православных народов, которые никуда не исчезнут. Вы согласны с этим конструктивным значением нашей мирной инициативы? С уважением, Вера Попович 02-10-24 --------------------------- Согласна с Вами. Юлия Будникова 02-10-24 ---------------------------------- Dear Leo and friends, The Perpetual Peace Plan between Russia and Ukraine covers all the pertinent details--too many to mention here-- about forever friendship and cooperation between the two countries who are like families and whose destinies converge to the same goal of brotherhood, peaceful coexistence and love for each other. I absolutely approve of it. Regards, Chaitanya Davé, USA Web: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1205 02-10-24 ------------------------
Dear Leo and all, I am happy to see this piece of mine published on the Peace from Harmony website (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1225), and of course welcome all commentary from our co-authors and editors. The European Peace Research Association, IPRA's main European affiliate, will be convening its biennial conference in Pisa, Italy beginning next Tuesday, and I will be attending this in person with plans to give platform to our PPRU plan and my paper. IPRA will then publish it in full later in the week, likely next Thursday, as part of our reporting on that conference. Thus, it will get out to the full global membership, with a special emphasis and discussion within our European branches. We will also, at that time, have our social media folks get word out about it on those various platforms. Finally, I will consider the PSP editing offer upon return home in two weeks. As also, I look forward to our continuing conversations and collaborations. Warmly, for peace, MattM Professor Matt Meyer Secretary-General International Peace Research Association; Senior Research Scholar, University of Massachusetts/Amherst Resistance Studies Initiative, www.matt-meyer.com 01-11-24 ------------------------------------
Dear LEO and All Friends good news from CWPF (in attached) CHINA WORLD PEACE FOUNDATION in ACTION for PEACE Rosa Dalmiglio 02-11-24
Dear Rosa, Thank you for your publication about Dr. Li Ruohong, coauthor of our PPRU plan (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1219). Your publication is placed here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1226. Unfortunately, I must note in a friendly manner that we have not yet received from you a single link to your and our publications on the Internet, not a single link about the "CHINA WORLD PEACE FOUNDATION", not a single email address for contacts with Chinese colleagues-peacemakers, etc. Without this, your publications can be questioned as lacking verification. Your great peace achievements are not disputed by anyone, they have been widely presented on our website for almost 20 years, but now your publications require confirmation with links. We hope that this friendly remark, which we repeat many times, will be taken correctly, without offense. We are pleased to announce the belated publication of our collective article from early September, “Nuclear Civilization,” in Russia in Russian and English in the original, without Western censorship: Leo Semashko, Mairead Corrigan, Chaitanya Dave, Rudolf Siebert, Bishnu Pathak+. Nuclear Civilization:... Collection 24-09-04 PDF: https://disk.yandex.ru/d/9_vcC8PmBCeBww DOI 10.37539/240904.2024.49.99.001 (since 2025) In Russian: Collection 24-09-02 PDF: https://disk.yandex.ru/d/bJ-QjmrWiSdwKA DOI 10.37539/240902.2024.60.73.001 (since 2025) We are also happy to congratulate the GGHA members and all our friends and readers of our website "Peace from Harmony", the visits number of which in almost 20 years has today crossed the threshold of 21 million that is confirmed by our banner from its Home page: https://peacefromharmony.org. Banner:

Best wishes for your health and peace, Leo 03-11-24 ----------------------------- Dear Leo, Greetings from Nepal! I am excited to inform you that the TRANSCEND Media Service has just published our co-authored paper an hour ago. You can access it at https://www.transcend.org/tms/2024/11/perpetual-peace-plan-for-the-russia-ukraine-war/. This paper has been recognized as the best paper for November and will be published again next Monday as a Featured Research Paper. This co-authored paper marks my 146th international publication. Tomorrow and the day after, I will be conducting a two-day workshop on Research Methodology for research publications for PhDs, assistant professors, and professors. Due to this commitment, I will not be able to upload or share this paper. I kindly request that you share this paper with our coauthors and other peacemakers around the world. Thank you. Sincerely yours in peace, Bishnu Pathak 04-11-24
GGHA Plan for Perpetual Peace between Russia and Ukraine. * Based on the Culture, Department and Peace Science with Safe AI (CDPSAI) Within the established geopolitical and military realities framework of the 2024 end. By Leo Semashko, Mairead Corrigan, Chaitanya Dave, Rudolf Siebert, Bishnu Pathak, Marie Robert, Takis Ioannidis, Rosa Dalmiglio
The first version. Publication: In English: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1219 In Russian: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=1086 Russia and Ukraine, as a result of bilateral and multilateral negotiations, have come to a consensus on the following positions of their PERPETUAL peace: 1. Neutral status of Ukraine outside and without NATO and other military alliances that threaten the security of Russia. 2. Neutral status of Russia outside and without any military alliances that threaten the security of Ukraine. 3. Complete demilitarization of Ukraine based on the CDPSAI. 4. In the future, complete demilitarization of Russia within the framework of global demilitarization based on the CDPSAI. 5. Denazification of Ukraine, legislative ban on Russophobia and Nazism in the country. 6. Nazism and any racist phobias have long been legally banned in Russia. 7. Exclusion of any irreconcilable confrontation between Ukraine and Russia based on the CDPSAI. 8. Recognition of the necessity and possibility of eternal peace between Russia and Ukraine on the basis of a common/eternal Science of Peace and the Department of Peace under the leadership of the leaders of each country. 9. Recognition of the Russian jurisdiction of the territories of Crimea, the Donetsk and Lugansk republics, the Kherson and Zaporozhe regions in their established borders as integral subjects of the Russian Federation. 10. Recognition of the eternal equal condominium in international law of Russia and Ukraine in corporate, academic and cultural cooperation on the territories of the Russian Federation listed subjects. 11. Recognition of the eternal egalitarian and inclusive society of Russia and Ukraine on the CDPSAI basis and the institutions of public diplomacy of the common civil society for both peoples as a guarantee of perpetual peace and their friendship inviolability in the future. 12. Following preliminary agreement by the parties on the previous 11 points and their ratification by the countries parliaments, Russia and Ukraine announce the cessation of all military actions on the line of contact and all arms deliveries to it in order to develop a joint plan for the demilitarization of the combat zone. Leo Semashko, Russia, philosopher, sociologist, GGHA Founder (2005) and H/President, Web: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=286 Mairead Corrigan, Britain, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate 1976, Web: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=678 GGHA Vice-Presidents: Chaitanya Dave, USA, entrepreneur, Web: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1205 Rudolf Siebert, USA, philosopher and theologian, Web: https://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=51 Bishnu Pathak, Nepal, philosopher and historian, Web: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=910 Marie Robert, France, poet and artist, Web: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=467 Takis Ioannidis, Greece, historian and writer, Web: https://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=138 Rosa Dalmiglio, Italy and China, journalist, Web: https://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=28 26-09-24 *The plan justification is revealed by the coauthors in their article "Nuclear Civilization...", published here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1206 . The GGHA has proposed similar plans of perpetual peace to resolve many conflicts over its 20 years, including the Palestinian-Israeli, Kashmiri, Karabakh and others. ---------------------------------
GGHA Plan for Perpetual Peace between Russia and Ukraine--- На 2-хязыках+++Discussion and approval in 1 day Dear friends-peacemakers, We propose to our 8 coauthors and those invited to them in copy, to discuss in 1 day, on September 27, the "GGHA Plan for PERPETUAL peace between Russia and Ukraine" attached 1 pagein two languages, send for discussion your public brief amendments, 2 lines no more, and approve it. It is allow us send its adapted version to our networks on Sept. 28. Silence, as always in GGHA, will be a sign of your approval. If you don't like it as a whole, then publicly reject it in several arguments. If you have an alternative plan, please send it. If necessary, we will extend the time for discussing this plan. The plan is also published here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1219 I am not talking about the great peacemaking meaning of this unique plan in the of the innovative Peace Renaissance spirit and its critical importance for preventing an inevitable nuclear war, that is clear to all our colleagues, thinking peacemakers. With peace, Leo 26-09-24 ------------------------------------ Responses The GGHA Plan for Perpetual Peace between Russia and Ukraine outlines a framework for neutral status, demilitarization, and cooperative governance, emphasizing the establishment of an egalitarian society rooted in the Culture, Department, and Peace Science with Safe AI (CDPSAI). The agreement aims for lasting peace through mutual recognition and legislative bans on extremism, alongside a commitment to cease military actions and collaboratively develop a demilitarization strategy. I approve. Surendra Pathak, GGHA-India President Web: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1217 26-09-24 -------------------------------- Dear Leo: I approve the project. It is certainly high time for peace between Russia and Ukraine. In our international course on Religion in Civil Society, in Yalta Russians, Ukrainians and Americans, etc. met most creatively and peacefully and celebrated our common values for almost two decades. This should be possible in all spheres! In Solidarity, Your Rudi from the House of Mir, USA Prof Rudolf Siebert, Web: https://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=51 26-09-24 ------------------------ Dear Leo and GGHA peacemakers, I approve this project. It gives equal treatment to both sides, ends Nazism the serious disease of humanity. Ukraine is a tool of NATO against Russia. American officer admitted that Ukraine fights for the interests of USA, without American victims! Ukraine has lost hundreds of thousands of young men in this war between two Christian orthodox countries. I underline it. Russia as well... I cannot understand the fact that, even we all shall not live forever; the West never stops its plans to destroy everything, human beings, of human lives, infrastructures, crops, food products, pollution of environment etc. I hope this project to be the solution of this awful and too dangerous for the future of humanity. With hope for peace Panagiotis -Takis D Ioannides Co-founder, Vice president of GGHA, Web: https://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=138 27-09-24 ------------------------------------ Дорогой Лева! Спасибо за дружескую память!.. Ятоже, как и ты, пребываю впредельнотворческом замоте!.. Восхищаюсь твоим уникальным местоположением в современномполитическом геопространстве!.. Твои межгосударственные построения, создаваемые в соединении с политиками разных стран, оказавшимися неведомым образом вокруг тебя, порой не могут не удивлять. Последний пример-проект, разработанный под твоей эгидой, опрекращении конфликта вокруг Украины. Он экстра интересен, но, на мой взгляд абсолютно нереалистичен. Его могут принять Байден или Трамп, но он совершенно неприемлем для России! ... У многих российских политиков, да и в людской массе, преобладает убеждение, что нынешняя Украина-бандеровская, антирусская, почти на биологическом уровне, враждебная России, существовать не должна. Примиритьдвакогда -то близких народа, украинцев и русских, одинаково ожесточенно и гибельно сражающихся сегодня друг с другом, даже в отдаленной перспективе вряд ли возможно. Незалежная Украина, сохранившись в любых, даже в уменьшенныхграницах, останется и всегда будет потенциальной угрозой для России, всегда будет орудием интриг Запада против нашего Отечества. И поэтому самый желаемый вариант, естественно, при победномзавершении СВО и без обрушения планеты в третью мировую и ядерную войну, -полное возращение территории нынешней Украины в состав РФ. Не менее приемлемое решение – вхождение в состав России русско -говорящих областей восточной части Украины, исогласие на передачу ее западных регионов, наиболее пропитанных бандеровским фашизмом, Польше, Венгрии, Румынии и пр. Время покажет исход противостояния. Обнимаю тебя - Вячеслав Брагин Web: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=939 27-09-24 -----------------------------------
Dear Leo I support plan for eternal peace, Thank you, Mairead Корриган, Британия, Лауреат Нобелевской премии мира 1976 года, Web: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=678 27-09-24 ---------------------------