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Mahatma Gandhi, 155th Birth Anniversary and Gandhian Peace Heroes


Mahatma Gandhi, 155th Birth Anniversary and

New GGHA Honorary Peacemakers of His Name

In Peace Pantheon

October 2, 2024


In English: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1220

+ https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=513

In Russian: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=1088

+ https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=543


Dear friends-peacemakers!

         Today we celebrate the 155th birthday of the humanity greatest peacemaker, who was the first in history to show an unprecedented example of peaceful, nonviolent liberation of the India people from the British Empire colonial oppression without a single drop of blood and without a single shot, inspiring the people with his unique spiritual teaching of "Satyagrahas, nonviolence".

         Unfortunately, the teachings and experience of Gandhi have been forgotten and practically tabooed by the Western nuclear civilization since Hiroshima/Nagasaki in 1945 (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1017). It has consigned them to oblivion and practical nullification along with other fundamental peacemaking achievements of humanity, which reveal its nonviolent, peaceful origins, constituting its common, global and eternal culture of peace since ancient times.

         These include, first of all, the Golden Rule of Confucius, Buddha and all world religions, regardless of its different formulations in them, as well as the inseparable understanding of humanity as “one family of nations” in the ancient Indian image of Hinduism “VASUDHAIVA KUTUMBAKAM” (VK: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1216). These include the ideas of:

- Erasmus o­n the incompatibility of violence, war with peace, which is “everywhere defeated and expelled” by militarism;

- The idea of ​​​​“Perpetual Peace” by I. Kant as the highest moral principle of the social nature of human, expressed by his “categorical imperative”;

- The idea of ​​​​the “Department of Peace” by B. Rush, designed to counter the Ministry of Defense/War and practically implement the humanity perpetual peace;

- Einstein's cognitive law of ​​“a substantially new manner of thinking”, inevitable for the humanity survival in the nuclear civilization;

- Social law of survival in a nuclear civilization by D. Kennedy: "Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind";

- D. Avery's idea of ​​the self-evident nature of the "absolute evil" of nuclear weapons of the Western nuclear civilization, which guarantees o­nly the humanity suicide;

- Johan Galtung's idea of ​​peace researches and the inevitable death of American militarism as the center of the "NATO nuclear alliance" of 32 Western countries;

- GGHA's Peace Science, integrating all these and many other peacemaking achievements, creating their systemic ensemble in a macrosociological planetary structure, presented in its spheral verified engram of the humanity societal genome, which is not subject to change by any historical militarism, including its highest and last nuclear version.

         The central and key place among all peace achievements and in the system of the Peace Science is occupied by the most powerful Mahatma Gandhi’s peace idea of the humanity four nonviolent varnas/spherons as its eternal actors of peace in any of their historically transient social forms. These varnas/spherons of humanity constitute its “greatest force of nonviolence, which is mightier than the mightiest destructive [nuclear] weapon.” It is the spherons of humanity and all its nations throughout their history that are the nonviolent actors of the social harmony of Confucius and Buddha, o­ne family of peoples of Hinduism, the Golden Rule of all world religions, the perpetual peace of Kant and global peace in the Peace Science.
         Therefore, the discovery of the humanity nonviolent varnas/spherons by Gandhi, which, in his opinion, will sooner or later be recognized by humanity, is the greatest peacemaking achievement tested by him in practice and makes Gandhi an unprecedented, key peacemaker in the humanity history. The spherons define the humanity eternal peace nature, insurmountable for any militarism, including the suicidal militarism of the "NATO nuclear alliance" of 32 Western countries, embodying the aggressive violent policy of nuclear civilization during 75 years since 1949. Therefore, militarism taboos Gandhi, all peacemakers, turning them all into dissidents, outcasts, victims of persecution, harassment and various sophisticated sanctions, like Julian Assange.

         The Peace Science, integrating all peace achievements with their Gandhian core of spherons as eternal peace actors, ensures their Peace Renaissance at the most necessary moment of humanity's survival o­n the brink of 100% nuclear suicide in the Western nuclear civilization.

         The theoretical embodiment of the Peace Renaissance is found in the "Plan for Perpetual Peace of Russia and Ukraine" (PPRU) of many coauthors-peacemakers of the GGHA (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1219). In it, the suicidal policy of nuclear militarism, fueled by NATO in its interests of world hegemony and having reached the highest genocidal tension, is overcome by the spiritual and nonviolent nature of the eternal peace of two fraternal nations in history. The innovative PPRU plan has the practical significance of a political catalyst and a spiritual, Orthodox foundation for a peaceful change of the puppet Nazi, Bandera regime of Kyiv. This regime, supported by the NATO nuclear alliance, threatens humanity with a nuclear war and the vital interests of the peoples of the two neighboring states. Therefore, the Kiev regime is intolerable for the peoples and will be radically changed by them, if not according to the PPRU plan, then forcibly, in the order of self-defense of peace according to Gandhi's law. If the Kiev regime blocks the PPRU plan in the interests of peace, prosperity, friendship and cooperation of the two peoples, then it will leave Russia no other choice but the complete destruction of this regime and its state for the sake of the fundamental interests of two historically fraternal peoples.

         This plan can become an example of resolving other military conflicts, primarily in the Middle East, if the warring parties show interest in a peaceful settlement in the interests of peace, prosperity, sustainable development and security of their peoples, instead of senseless bloodshed in the interests of Western militarism in the nuclear civilization.

         Of course, this plan is not the absolute truth and will be adjusted in accordance with the interests of both regional and global levels. But it defines the peaceful essence of good-neighborly relations between two Orthodox nations, which will not disappear anywhere and can live, prosper and develop sustainably o­nly in perpetual peace with the help of its instruments from the PPRU plan as today's practical embodiment of Gandhian ahimsa.


On this spiritual and scientific basis, the GGHA proposes to


         RECOGNIZE the following fearless coauthors of the PPRU plan, which constitutes an insurmountable fundamental alternative to the Western nuclear militarism of absolute evil

         IN THE HIGHEST HONORARY TITLE OF THE GGHA: GANDHIAN CREATOR OF WORLD HARMONY. Their outstanding peacemaking merits of a Gandhian nature are presented o­n their personal pages.



Mairead Corrigan, Britain, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate 1976,

Web: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=678

Thea Marie Robert, France, poet and artist, GGHA Vice-President,

Web: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=467

Surendra Pathak, India, GGHA-India President,

Web: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1217

Chaitanya Dave, USA, entrepreneur, GGHA Vice-President,

Web: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1205

Other co-authors of the PPRU plan have been approved for this rank earlier in the GGHA nearly 20-year history.


         INCLUDE their names into the GGHA’s Fearless Peacemakers Pantheon.

         PUBLISH the approved list of nominees with their portraits and personal pages addresses in the GGHA Gallery in two languages: Russian and English:



         PUBLISH their names in the chronological list since 2007:

In Russian: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=804

In English: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=873


The GGHA members approved this decision o­n October 4, 2024, in honor of the 155th anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi birth.


         PS. Let us recall that according to the statutory tradition of the GGHA, all responses in the process of discussing candidates for the GGHA Highest Honorary Title are published o­n its website, but o­nly objections are taken into account.

         The GGHA members carry out discussion and approval of the named candidates for the Highest Honorary Title for two days, up to and including October 4.


Happy birthday to Mahatma Gandhi and the victory of Gandhian peace!


Dr. Leo Semashko,

Russia, philosopher, sociologist, GGHA Founder (2005) and P/President,

Web: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=286




Mahatma Gandhi, 155th Anniversary

and approval of Gandhian peacemakers until October 4


Dear GGHA friends-peacemakers,

        Today we celebrate the 155th birthday of the humanity greatest peacemaker, who was the first in history to show an unprecedented example of peaceful, nonviolent liberation of the India people from the British Empire colonial oppression without a single drop of blood and without a single shot, inspiring the people with his unique spiritual teaching of "Satyagrahas, nonviolence".

         The GGHA members carry out discussion and approval of GGHA candidates for the Highest Honorary Title in the attachment (3 pages) for two days, up to and including October 4.

Happy birthday to Mahatma Gandhi and the victory of Gandhian peace!

         Dr. Leo Semashko,

Russia, philosopher, sociologist, GGHA Founder (2005) and P/President,

Web: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=286




Друзья, я присоединяюсь к поздравлению ГГСГ с 155 днём рождения величайшего миротворца человечества М. Ганди.

Также поддерживаю включение выдающихся, бесстрашных миротворцев ГГСГ: Мейрид Корриган из Британии, Мари Роберт из Франции, Сурендру Патхак из Индии, и Чайтанья Дэйв из США в Пантеон миротворцев ГГСГ за их Гандианские миротворческие заслуги.

За долгие годы участия в ГГСГ, они доказали свою преданность и бесстрашие в борьбе против западного ядерного милитаризма, как абсолютного зла человечества.

С пожеланиями мира, добра и крепкого здоровья,

Вера Попович





Дорогие соратники, коллеги, друзья, и знакомые, здравия всем!

         Я - Владимир Иванович Оноприенко- присоединяюсь к поздравлению ГГСГ с 155 днём рождения величайшего миротворца человечества Махатмы Ганди. Без сомнений поддерживаю включениевыдающихся людей миротворцев ГГСГ: Мейрид Карриган из Британии, Мари Роберт из Франции, Сурендру Патхак из Индии и Чайтанья Дэйв из США в Пантеон миротворцев ГГСГ за их Гандианские миротворческие заслуги.

         Владимир Иванович Оноприенко - главный редактор, учредитель (2012) электронного научного журнала «Ноосфера Общество Человек», (Москва, Россия)- http://noocivil.esrae.ru/, Владелец видеоканала «Партия Вернадского. ВВИПартия» – https://rutube.ru/channel/23648839/, официальный авторский канал).Телеграмм--https://t.me/Vladimir7vion







Дорогие коллеги!

         Позвольте присоединится к поздравлению Сообщества ГГСГ с 155 летним юбилеем Махатмы Ганди, великого Гражданина Земли, мирным путем освободившего Индию от пут колониализма, не отвечая злу насилием (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=1088). Роль миротворца Ганди невозможно переоценить в очищении планетарного сообщества от негатива колониальной эпохи...

         Участникам Сообщества Здоровья и Удачи,

Олег Н. Пивоваров, блог в Дзене "Трудный путь в Ноосферу",





Solidary mobilization of peacemakers

And new names in the Peace Pantheon


Dear colleagues-peacemakers,

Last week, two of our important peacemaking events coincided.


1. During this time, four firm and fearless before militarism peacemakers of the GGHA were approved without a single objection in honor of the 155th anniversary of the first world peacemaker - Mahatma Gandhi o­n October 2. Photo above. More details here:

https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1220. Their names will be included in the GGHA Peace Pantheon forever.

The GGHA is happy to congratulate the outstanding and fearless peacemakers who have dedicated their entire lives to the fight against militarism for peace with high world recognition.

2. Under the solidary mobilization sign of peacemakers o­n the Western nuclear abyss, prepared by it for 79 years of its nuclear civilization and forcibly imposed o­n humanity since Hiroshima/Nagasaki in 1945, the discussion and unanimous approval without objections and alternatives but with amendments of the joint plan “Perpetual Peace of Russia and Ukraine” (PPRU) was completed. It is presented in a two-language update (3 pages each) in the attachment and published with all the responses for more than 10 days of its discussion here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1219

The PPRU plan, which integrated the peacemaking ideas of all 21 of its coauthors from 10 countries over a decade and more of cooperation, is open to new amendments and to the support of new peace organizations and peacemakers until October 22, when it will be presented at the BRICS summit in Kazan (ibid.).

The symbol of our solidary mobilization in the PPRU plan o­n the nuclear abyss edge is the banner of our peace organizations logos (above).

Peacemakers can defeat militarism and prevent a nuclear war not alone but o­nly together, in support of solidary peace projects and in mobilizing our solidarity in them.

With peace in solidarity,

Dr. Leo Semashko,

GGHA Founder (2005) and Honorary President




Уважаемый Владимир Владимирович Путин!

Уважаемый Сергей Викторович Лавров!

Пожалуйста, смотрите в прикреплении (на 2 языках, по 3 страницы) план «Вечного Мира России и Украины» (ВМРУ), подготовленный 21 миротворцем из 10 стран для обсуждения на саммите БРИКС в Казани 22 октября в качестве катализатора и интегратора подобных проектов членов БРИКС со стороны народных дипломатов мирового гражданского общества.

С глубоким уважением, нашей Победой и началом вечного мира с Украиной в этом году!

От имени соавторов-миротворцев ГГСГ,

Лев Семашко


Большое спасибо!

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Dear friends-coauthors.

First of all, I o­nce again congratulate our steadfast and fearless peacemakers against militarism, Laureates of the Highest Honorary Gandhian Title and the inclusion of their names in the Pantheon of Great Peacemakers.

Thank you all very much for your participation in our unique plan "Perpetual Peace of Russia and Ukraine" (PPRU), which I sent today and will send to our networks. It will become a catalyst for the world peacemaking process at the current turning point from a global nuclear war to global perpetual peace, starting with Russia and Ukraine, then Israel - Palestine, etc. Today I sent our plan to the Russia leaders, President Putin and Minister Lavrov (above, in Russian, for your translation via Google).

Now we need to ensure its widest possible dissemination to attract new peacemakers to it and for its broad popular support throughout the world. Who could publish it o­n yours sites and networks? Who, especially from China and India, could forward it to the governments so that they could use it at the BRICS summit o­n October 22?

Let us exchange views o­n this now key issue in our small circle of coauthors. I am thinking to invite Ela Gandhi to our plan as well, although she is in poor health and has been slow to respond to us. Does anyone have contacts with her, like Matt Meyer, who sent us the most brilliant and comprehensive response to our PPRU plan, to whom we all owe a huge thank you?

Could the leaders of peace organizations organize an open discussion of our PPRU plan among their members, taking into account your and other responses? o­nce again, I remind you that all responses are published o­n the page of this plan. If anyone else needs a copy of our plan in PDF or HTML, I am ready to send it.

With peace in solidarity,

Leo Semashko



Dear Dr. Leo Semashko,

         I deeply appreciate the recognition of being included among such distinguished and fearless peacemakers in honor of Mahatma Gandhi's 155th anniversary. It is a profound honor to be acknowledged by the GGHA for my dedication to the pursuit of peace and the fight against militarism.

         Please accept my sincere apologies for the delayed response. The approval of the "Perpetual Peace of Russia and Ukraine" (PPRU) plan, crafted by the collective efforts of dedicated peacemakers across the globe, is a testament to the power of unity in the face of escalating global threats. As we stand o­n the brink of potential nuclear catastrophe, the solidarity of peace advocates is more crucial than ever.

         I extend my heartfelt gratitude to the GGHA and all the members who tirelessly work to mobilize peace initiatives and foster global cooperation. Together, we can continue to build a future free from the shadow of militarism and nuclear war.

With peace and solidarity,

         Dr. SurendraPathak,

GGHA-India President

New Delhi





© Website author: Leo Semashko, 2005; © designed by Roman Snitko, 2005