To: Dr APJ Abdul Kalam,
President of India,
August 18, 2005
About the Leader of a new Global Civil Movement Making Children a Priority in the World Dear Dr APJ Abdul Kalam!I am pleased to inform you that our International Website A New Culture of Peace from Harmony, uniting more than 80 authors from 18 countries, has the honour to publish in four languages (Russian, English, Esperanto and Portuguese) your remarkable poem Harmony and has given to you for your humanitarian merits two honorary titles mentioned above. We shall be happy to translate and publish your other poems that you like to send us or recommend and also your works about peace, social harmony, care of children etc. We feel a deep spiritual resonance with your creativity and humanitarian aspirations.On our site the idea of creation of a new Global Movement Making Children a Priority (its full title is: Making Children a Priority for Peace and Social Harmony in the World) was born. The beginning to this Movement was put by Hilarie Roseman, our co-author, a mother of 8 children and grandmother of 12 grandchildren from Australia. She has written the letter to the Prime Minister Mr. John Howard on May 25 with an appeal Making Children a Priority in Australia. Then, a similar letter to the President of USA, Mr. George Bush, was written by the American mother of three children and grandmother of two Rose Lord, also our co-author, with an appeal Making Children a Priority in USA and to head the appropriate Global Movement. These emails are published on our website on a page 10-3. Now similar letters prepare in the several countries including my letter to the President of Russia Mr. Vladimir Putin. on the basis of these letters I have published an Appeal for creation of the new Global Movement Making Children a Priority (Ibidem). The meaning of the Movement is opened in its title: Making Children a Priority as a way of achievement of peace and harmony in a global society and prevention of wars, terrorism, poverty and other social disasters. This Movement will unite the best and most part of parents, grandmothers and grandfathers, teachers and doctors, all caregivers, who with children make from 50 to 80 % of the population in different countries of the world. This Movement will realize aspiration to the social priority of children proclaimed by many scientists, writers, and public figures, such as Dmitry Mendeleyev, Janusz Korczak, Elmar Sokolov, Nobel Peace Laureates, Cardinal Gustaaf Joss and others. This Movement will embody in life an appeal of Mahatma Gandhi: If we are ever to have real peace in this world we shall have to begin with the children. Children are in all countries, they are very important for destiny of each people in the world; therefore, this Movement is global both in scale and importance. The universal LAW About Children's Suffrage Executed by Parents and Guardians, concretized for culture of each country and civilization, can ensure the priority for children, "to begin with the children". (Project of this Law for Russia, please, look page 2-4). This Law will constitute the basis of the political-legal and sociocultural institute for the new social order in a global information society of the 21st century. Therefore establishment of this Law and Institute in the different countries is one of major strategic tasks for Global Movement Making Children a Priority on long-term perspective. The Institute of children's suffrage executed by parents was submitted by me in two International Congresses held at the International Institute of Sociology in Beijing, China, in July 2004 and "Childhoods 2005" in Oslo, Norway, in July 2005, and also in my books: Tetrasociology: Responses to Challenges (2002), Tetrasociology: Multicultural Dialogue…(2003), Children's Suffrage (2004), etc.However, a world famous public and political leader of your stature, who has high spiritual aspirations, personifying world symbol of peace and social harmony, is necessary for such a Global Movement. We count on you, Sir, and appreciate that you are the most authoritative symbol of Peace and Harmony today. Therefore, we like to offer you to become the spiritual and organizing leader of Global Movement Making Children a Priority. We know that you love children and your high national purpose is the transformation of India into the developed country. The priority of children in every country accelerates this process, fills it with a new quality as it is directed on primary development of a basic, human, resource of society. Your national and global purposes will supplement and strengthen each other in this case. The leader of such Movement will have all chances to become the Nobel Peace Laureate in some years.Already now a number of eminent public figures and scientists have consented to become the Co-Chairpersons of Global Movement Making Children a Priority and to accept in it active participation. Such consent has already been received from Dr Ada Aharoni, eminent poet and President of the International Forum for Culture of Peace, Dr Renato Corsetti, President of the World Esperanto Association and some scientists. Your leadership in the Global Movement, undoubtedly, would attract to the cooperation others eminent public, political, cultural, business and scientific figures of the world, first of all, close to you on spirit, political leaders of Russia, France, Germany, Sweden, Norway, Spain, Brasil and other countries. I think, that this Movement, with you as its leader, would be maintained by the UN, UNICEF and many other international female, parental and children's organizations, such as 'UN Committee on the Rights of the Child', 'Save the Children', 'Childwatch', 'Young Lives', etc. First, but not solely and lastly, information resource of the Global Movement becomes our International Website "Peace from Harmony", on which for you, as leader of this Movement, the special pages in 12 languages, including , in addition to 9, Italian, Hindi and Arabic, will be created.This is our urgent request to you, Sir, since we are all aware that the solution of modern questions of peace, sustainable development, and children, closely connected among themselves, in many respects will depend from your good will.With hope for your assistance and cooperation, we remain,Sincerely Yours,Leo Semashko State Councillor of St. Petersburg, Ph.D., A/Professor, Director, Public Institute of Strategic Sphere (Tetrasociological) Studies; Website Director www.peacefromharmony.org 7/4-42 Ho-Shi-Min Street, St. Petersburg 194356, Russia. Tel 7 (812) 513-3863 * E-mail:semashko4444@mail.admiral.ruFrom name more than 80 co-authors of the Website "A New Culture of Peace from Harmony and Children's Priority"--------------------------------------------------------- June 24, 2005
Dear Ada,I very much admire with you. Thank you very much for the publication on your Digest of the letters about creation of a Global Civil Movement "Making Children a Priority" (GCM MCP). Their publication is one more confirmation of your support of this idea and this movement. The creation to children of a priority will have huge importance for Israel and Palestine, for a peace decision of their very long conflict. I shall note only one important detail: the movement for recognition of the children's priority will exclude an opportunity of their transformation in the alive bombs - suicides. Israel and Palestine will receive common global value and purpose, which will pull together and be friends your peoples and to put the end to infinite enmity. In connection with importance of this movement for Israel and Palestine I offer you to become its Co-Chairman from Israel. I ask you to offer also candidates in its Co-Chairman from Palestine. Your participation in this quality considerably will lift a role of the IFLAC in strengthening of a new culture of peace.I would like to learn your offers of the new GCM MCP Co-Chairmen and also your opinion on that I offer. The Chairman of the Movement I see Dr Abdul Kalama the President of India, to which we are going to send the appropriate offer, or person of same scale.
The Co-Chairmen of the Movement I see: Hilarie Roseman, Rose Lord, Ada Aharoni, Leo Semashko, Evelin Lindner, maybe David Buckingham (Prof., sociologist from England, the Director of the Children's Research Centre in London), three doctors from Russia, which share idea of children's suffrage and number others. Many thanks you for your offers and opinion. Warmest peace and harmony wishes, Leo --------------------June 24, 2005
Dear Leo,
I accept to be Co-Chairperson of a movement called: MAKING CHILDREN A PRIORITY FOR PEACE AND HARMONY Let us hope that our Palestinian counterparts will indeed educatetheir children for life and not for making them human bombs, as it has so tragically happened so often lately. Best regards,
Prof. Ada Aharoni IFLAC Founder - President
From Leo Semashko, Ph.D., Professor, State Councillor of St. Petersburg, International Website "A New Culture of Peace from Harmony and Children’s Priority", Tetrasociological Institution and Russia IFLAC Director October 26, 2005 Dear President CLINTON, Recently in Canada you wonderfully spoke about necessity to put the end of the children poverty. This and other problems of children, in our opinion, can be solved only then, when for children a priority in the world will be created. This question is central on our International, Multicultural and Multilingual Website "A New Culture of Peace from Harmony and Children’s Priority" <http://www.peacefromharmony.org > in four languages (Russian, English, Esperanto and Portuguese; the fifth Spanish will be add soon). It unites more than 100 authors from 24 countries. The website mission is harmonious peace based on a priority of children. Our site make a good start to the new Global Civil and Humanitarian Movement "Making Children a Priority in the World" (look the page 10-3 of our site). The leader of this movement should be the world famous human from the former or present leaders. We are happy to offer you, dear President Clinton, to become the leader of this Movement. With your name and leadership children of the world will receive hope for qualitative improvement of their situation. Thank for your reply. SincerelyYours, Leo Semashko------------------------------January 22, 2006
Dear Reimon,Many thanks for your contact details and for your support of our Dubai Project, which works as well on your remarkable garden of values and symbols.Your Mr. OP (your Alter Ego) is the wise man and I am ready will promise you that your money is used for the help to children-in-need in Russia if our project will receive the Dubai Award.I like that since March you will be much more free with your retirement this March. But you have such set of spiritual dignities, moral advantages and such great vital experience, which can be useful at the highest world level. I think you would be by the perfect Leader of Global movement "Making children a priority in the World" even if on the nearest two-three years. For legitimating of this choice I could offer your candidature to the co-authors of our site: it is more than 120 men from 26 countries of the world. As the Leader of this Global Movement you could: 1. To develop and to assert value of children in a world society, the value of the children's priority idea - there would be a remarkable tree in your garden of values, 2. To lift this movement on a new level and joint efforts in 2-3 years the new Leader of this movement will find. (Maybe, this role will be pleasant to you and 4-5 years!)
I can not be the leader of this movement for the following reasons: 1.To Russia and to Russian in the world concern with suspicion till now but to Japan and Japanese – with respect. 2. I badly know the English language, anyway it is not enough for the direct communications, 3. Japan is more richer and advanced country than Russia, therefore it has more opportunities (both internal, and external) for financing Global movement, 4. You have by much more international communications than I. But I would be by your first assistant and one of the Cochairmen (from Russia) in a management of this movement. I think God has prepared you for world mission of the Leader (Chairman) of Global Movement "Making children a priority in the World". You nothing lose in this quality but much get and very much can give to children of the world as to our future. It will be a practical and crowning top of your intellectual and research garden of values. Besides for you and Japan, as the Buddhist country, the value of harmony connected with children is more closer than for Russia. Please, deeply think above it together with Mr. OP. Not afraid the difficulties. As is written in the Bible them will overcome going.Cordially yours,Leo, -----------------------------
January 27, 2006
Dear Leo,
In Kyoto we have examination time: mountains of exams and term papers! Thanks a lot for your very encouraging and honoring email of 1/22,proposing me to play a leading role for your website and the movementfor making children a priority in the world. It is really a great sign of friendship and indeed a great honor.However, I may havegiven you an incorrect idea of my situation and retirement this March. I have to retire officially, because I will reach the age of70 (my mental age is only half this number!!!), but I will continueteaching but probably at half or less of my salary. When having more time, I will begin work on a book about symbolism and values thatwill take at least two years, Iguess. Meantime, I will also beworking on the publication of the papers of our Kyoto Conference.This year I will attend at least two conferences. This means that Iwill be as busy as usual. As for the disadvantage of Russia: with this I disagree totally. Itis rather very unusual and very admirable that a movement such as youpropose can start from Russia, with someone who has been educated inMarxism. I have not said so before, but I thought earlier that youcould become a new Marx for the 21st century. It takes someone withyour intelligence, enthusiasm and drive to accomplish such a greatgoal. Besides of having my little garden to care for, I do not havethe capacities to carry it on. I hope that your Alter Ego will agree! Cordially, Reimon