Publication: In English: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1236 In Russian: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=1095 We congratulate all peacemakers of good will on the New PEACEFUL Year 2025! We wish you the wonderful, peaceful year in which our leaders could end all wars and for the first time launch the humanity scientific perpetual peace without nuclear weapons of "Mutually Assured Destruction" (MAD) and without the Nazism absolute genocidal evil. The Nazism complete, 100%, incompatibility with peace has been proven by the past century of its almost annual genocidal wars, since 1925, with the publication of "Mein Kampf" to today's genocide in Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, etc., no matter how much they flirt and indulge it. Immanuel Kant first identified Perpetual Peace (PP) with the human social nature as its being inborn attribute and distinguished it from all temporary truces in history as the breaks between wars and preparation for them more than 200 years ago. only now has its scientific, universal knowledge and recognition become possible in the “substantially new manner of thinking” (Einstein), which is revealed in the “Peace Science Primer”, most briefly in its “Preface” draft for your consideration. The global humanity peoples PP is extremely important today as the only possibility in the following existential dimensions: 1. Absolute security by 100%, which no weapon can provide, 2. Maximum mutual benefit of peaceful cooperation and business of all peoples, 3. Eradication and prevention of any confrontation, including Nazism, 4. Fundamental alternative to the MAD and its nuclear civilization. In the 80 years since Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the MAD has grown millions of times. It will grow a thousand times more, as planned in the next 25 years. – FOR WHAT? What is better for the nations? What will make them GREAT IN HISTORY AS NEVER BEFORE: PP in harmony, cooperation and sustainable development or the MAD perpetual growth? Our congratulations are intended for all peacemakers, but first of all for the peacemaking presidents: D. Trump and V. Putin. They are able and ready to conclude the first PP Deal (PPD-2025) on the spiritual basis of Christianity, the peace science with the business condominium in international lawof Russia’s new territories given that the Ukraine’s demilitarization and denazification as a neutral state. This PPD with condominium and on religious basis will become an example for a similar deal between the Israel and Palestine states instead of their eternal war, to make them great as never. Likewise for all conflicting nations. The diplomatic PPDs strategy could be the planned summit of Trump and Putin subject, which will practically launch the humanity PP new era guaranteeing its survival and not destruction, as today. With deep respect and best wishes for peace and health, the peace people's diplomats, coauthors of the "Peace Science Primer Preface" (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1236) and the first scientific and practical plan "Perpetual Peace of Russia and Ukraine" (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1219). The world civil society 24 peacemakers from 10 countries and 11 peace organizations. 
December 30, 2024 ------------------------------
Dear Leo: I agree completely with your Categorical Imperative of Peace. I hope it will be put into practice in 2025. With you, I very much hope for peace in the Ukraine and in Palestine and in Syria and elsewhere. I wish you and your whole dear Family a creative and most of all peaceful New Year 2025, Your Friend Rudi, from the House of Mir, USA, Prof. Emeritus, Michigan University, Rudolf Siebert, https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=51 30-12-24
Dear Rudi, Thank you very much for your support and warm greetings! I am also happy to wish you and your great Family a peaceful New Year 2025 and good health to all! I sent our congrats with an addendum to President Putin as our joint greeting to him and Trump 8 years ago for his first inauguration: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=735. You suggested repeating it in the New Year. I think our New Year congrats with our signatures plus 22 more signatures would be our best wish for Trump for Perpetual Peace in the New Year and for his upcoming peace summit with Putin. What do you think about this? Knowing about your "fragile" health, I suggest you send our congrats to Trump (without making up a new one), as the only president in the history of America who intends to "end wars" and not open and ignite them like all the other presidents in the USA annual military history 240 years. Do you now have enough strength and, most importantly, courage and responsibility, to send him this congratulation on your behalf? This would be your best peacemaking contribution to our "New Year with Perpetual Peace 2025"! Maybe some other American peacemakers will have the strength and courage to do this, although, frankly speaking, I have no hope for this, unfortunately. America is completely mired in the "Washington swamp" of militarism, drowning all its peacemakers, which is waiting for Trump to drain it with his bold and courageous "deal" of Perpetual peace, which we write about in our congratulations. America has no one else to hope for peace on except Trump? Who else can peace in it hope for? Without Perpetual peace, it will be left only with the MAD of its people. Do you agree with me? If not, then name someone else like Trump the peacemaker, whom almost everyone prefers to criticize rather than praise for his peacemaking attempts to "stop wars." Will America give him such an opportunity? Or will he suffer the fate of the J.F.K., who dropped only one word against war? But still, let us hope that the American people preserve their social nature of Perpetual peace, first discovered by Kant in all nations and humanity as a whole. Although here, too, the German people, under the pressure of Hitler's Nazism and the zombie propaganda, betrayed it ... You know this better than anyone, so you went through all the circles of Nazi hell and courageously maintained your commitment to peace. Honor and praise to you! And what about America now, in a similar situation, which you brilliantly defined as "liberal Nazism"? Your life found itself between two Nazisms: German and American. What would this mean? ... How to remove the curse of Nazism and break out of its eternal circle since 1925? I think, only by Perpetual Peace, to which you have dedicated your life and which is revealed in our Peace Science. Sorry for the length. In short, about the fate of Perpetual peace in historical Nazism it does not work yet... once again, happy New Year with Perpetual Peace, which will save us from MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction)! Friendly, Leo 30-12-24 ----------------------- Дорогие друзья! Позвольте мне также поздравить вас с наступающим Новым годом Вечного Мира! Пусть всегда в ваших сердцах всегда живёт мир, любовь, счастье и согласие! С уважением Вера Попович 30-12-24 ----------------
Dear Colleague, With all best wishes for the New Year. There is much to do for a more peaceful world and your efforts are vital! René Wadlow , Association of World Citizens France 30-12-24 -----------------
Дорогие друзья, Вера Ивановна и Лев,
с Новым годом и Рождеством!!! Завершается Год семьи в России, а Вы для всех нас являете уникальный пример любви и сотрудничества в семье, отличного воспитания детей и внуков, что стали Вашими единомышленниками! Вы несете добрые и светлые идеи в мирового сообщество, выполняя тем самым миротворческую миссию, что не всегда находит понимание в загрубевших душах наших чиновников... От имени спортивной общественности желаем Вам творческого вдохновения для продолжения благородной миссии мира, организации взаимопонимания между народами и продвижения высших человеческих гуманитарных ценностей! Желаем Вам здоровья и успехов на общественном поприще, счастья, любви и тепла в Вашем гостеприимном доме! Пусть охраняют Вас от бед отечественные Дед Мороз и Снегурочка! Но в плане дружбы народов шлём спортсмена-змея-мирового символа года! С уважением, член Союза журналистов Санкт-Петербурга и Ленинградской области, член ООО "Лига здоровья нации", член СПб-отделения Российского студенческого спортивного союза, председатель Общественного движения спортивных волонтеров Санкт-Петербурга, Действительный государственный советник Санкт-Петербурга 3 класса Нина Новикова 30-12-24 ------------------------- Дорогой друг Лева! Прими сердечные поздравления с Новым Годом и Рождеством Христовым! Ты - выдающийся сын Бежецкой Земли!.. Уникальный и интенсивный мыслитель!.. Тебе нет равных по миротворчеству! Храни тебя Господь! Обнимаю, Вячеслав Брагин 31-12-24 -----------------------
Санкт-Петербургский государственный Музей-институт семьи Рерихов поздравляет с Новым годом и Рождеством! В Новом году желаем добрых дел и добрых мыслей! «Хочется начать Новый год добрым словом. Поверх всех горестей и трудностей хочется послать добрую мысль, и не знаем, куда и как далеко летит она. Но она нерушима и совершит свое доброе дело. Не нам судить, где и как претворится это добро. Знаем только, что мир нуждается в таких мысленных посылках. Скажем: «Да свершатся в Новом году многие добрые дела. Скорей! Скорей!»» Н. К. Рерих. Новый год Юлия Будникова, Зам Директора Музея-института Рерихов, 31-12-24 ------------------------------------ Dear Leo Thank you for your greetings. May I wish you, your wife and family Belated Christmas greetings and every. Good wish for the year ahead. Let us pray that 2025 will bring Peace and we must hope for end of war Russia/Ukraine and genocide in Gaza and Rohingya in Burma. Peace and Reconciliation, Mairead Corrigan, Nobel Peace Laureate https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=678 31-12-24 ----------------------------------- Dear Leo: I hope with you very much, that Trump and Putin will meet soon in the New Year and will start to negotiate peace in the Ukraine. I hesitate to send Trump my congratulations. His people have just made contact with the powerful fascist party in Germany, while the social democratic government was collapsing. I consider it to be prudent, to wait and to see if Trump will really realize his Rightwing Program 2025.If that happens , that would not be good for peace in the Ukraine, or elsewhere.. President Carter has just died. He was an inclusive, democratic character, and not and exclusive, authoritarian Personality. Unlike Trump, Carter was a virtuous man and a genuine Christian. I wish you and your whole dear Family and all our friends a peaceful New Year 2025, in Solidarity, your Rudi and the whole Siebert Family, from the House of Mir, USA Prof. Rudolf Siebert 01-01-25 ---------------------------- Dear Leo and peacemakers, I wish you all this New Year 2025 to become the historical one for the end of wars. Wishes for harmonious coexistence, love, justice, dignity. With love to all Dr Panagiotis -Takis D Ioannides Co-founder and Vice president of GGHA Greece 01-01-25 ---------------------------
Dear Brother Leo, 1… I did take ill a bit upon returning from Europe… I have to be careful and slow down a bit. Apologies regarding the slow response to emails, etc. 2. I remain comfortable with the basic formula of "no response = approval" and in any case find your Preface fully understandable and acceptable. Please proceed! 3. I am confused by your suggestion that I was not able to publish our work in IPRA; it was published on 22 November 2024 and sent to all IPRA members. You should have received two copies - as an IPRA member and as an attachment to an email I sent to you and all of the co-authors… 4. It is also true, that being a peacemaker in the context of the current USA is not getting easier… 5. To all other plans, via email and virtual, I may be a slow responder, but let us continue! Wishing you, your family, and all of your circles a Better New Year, with health and happiness, MattM 02-01-25 ------------------------- Dear fellow peacemakers and coauthors, I am pleased to be writing back after a little over one month's absence; I'm hoping you all received the 22 November International Peace Research Association Newsletter which included our Perpetual Peace of Russia and Ukraine writing, along with my personal introduction. In addition, please be advised that I have just forwarded our New Year's Greeting to President Donald Trump, and as of 9:34 am (Washington DC time zone), I have received an email acknowledgment of that message. Today I join in wishing all of you - and all the peoples of the world - a better 2025, one filled with peace and justice. As we enter the New Year with prayers and a commitment to work for a ceasefire and end to genocide in Gaza, in the Sudan, and an end to all wars across the planet, I am moved to reflect on two basic principles. Fascism, that pro-war concept we have worked so long and hard to defeat, does rear its head in sometimes-unexpected places and faces across our interconnected planet. Decades ago, as the recently passed President Jimmy Carter was completing his term as US Head of State, a prophetic New York professor, Bertram Gross, wrote a book that coined a term still relevant in my view. "Friendly fascism," Gross wrote, will become the "new face of power" in the USA and elsewhere. Clearly, it is up to all peacemakers of 2025 and beyond to be careful about our words, rhetoric, definitions, and alliances. As we work for a fully decolonized vision of peace and justice for all, the ancient Indigenous messages of building sustainability and an end to conflict looking seven generations into the future come to mind. The Haudenosaunee Confederacy (an alliance of major Native Nations in what is currently the Northeast USA and Southeast Canada) wrote a Great Law of Peace that spoke of their (and our) interconnectedness, collective responsibility, and commitment to build communities based on principles of righteousness, health, and reason over force. We would all do well to take up those commitments once again. For Peace! For a Better Year to all of you and yours....and all the Peoples of the World! MattM Professor Matt Meyer Secretary-General, International Peace Research Association 02-01-25 -------------------------- GGHA New Year's congrats with Perpetual Peace for Trump and Putin Dear Matt and all peacemakers, Thank you all very much for your warm New Year's greetings! Special thanks to Matt, who sent our congrats signed by 24 supporters of Perpetual peace, world citizens and people's diplomats from 10 countries to Donald Trump (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1236). Now, both world leaders who have planned a summit -"deal" to end the Ukrainian war are informed about the most effective, win-win solution to this problem for all parties, in our paradigm "Perpetual Peace of Russia and Ukraine" (PPRU): https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1219. But this is clearly not enough. If staunch peacemakers take the side of Russia and Ukraine Perpetual peace as a true peace in the interests of security, survival of all nations without exception, and not on the temporary truce side for any period (for Ukraine rearmament) in the aggressive nuclear NATO interests with its planetary holocaust of "Mutually Assured Destruction" in WWIII, then they could follow Matt's example. They, as global citizens concerned about Perpetual, planetary peace, could send our congrats to Trump and all Western leaders, especially Viktor Orban and Robert Fico. Will anyone else have the courage to do this? Trump wants "to end" the war with a peace deal, but does not know what kind - an Perpetual or temporary truce, so he desperately needs information about the most effective of them. Putin also needs it to ensure it. This is the diplomatic collision of their "summit/deal", because for diplomacy, politics, the possibility of Perpetual peace is a planetary innovation, a "crazy idea". It knows no precedents in history that Kant brilliantly noted more than two centuries ago, distinguishing true, Perpetual peace from endless military truces. Perpetual peace, in addition, will require from leaders "a substantially new thinking" according to Einstein. Therefore, the upcoming summit-"deal" should serve to understand this cognitive problem, only through the solution of which a scientific path acceptable to all will be opened for consciously overcoming ideological confrontation and jointly building Perpetual peace as the most effective, ensuring absolute and controlled security for all peoples in perspective. on this path, they will make a true, fundamental breakthrough to the planetary paradigm of Perpetual peace of our century, which will determine the upcoming summit unprecedented historical meaning and "make it great as never before." Everything else, as they say, is a matter of technics and technology, which the Peace Science offers. In this trend, a large role belongs to the people's diplomacy of this science. Will we be able to fulfill this historical mission of modern peacemakers of civil society? Let's act in this direction and discuss it. With the Perpetual peace launch in the New Year! Leo Semashko 03-01-25 ------------------------------------- PERPETUAL PEACE: NONVIOLENCE IS THE ANSWER
– ZOOM PRESENTATION Dear Leo: Your last two paragraphs are profound. Military solutions will not perpetuate peace and security. Yes, according to Einstein, "a substantially new thinking" is needed. And Leo, as you wrote, “a large role belongs to the people's diplomacy of this science.” This is where nonviolence plays its role. GHA has set the stage – studied, promoted, and described the value of nonviolence. It is time for a people movement. I would like to invite you and GHA members to a Zoom meeting to discuss an Emergency Plan for a new global peace movement that can begin very quickly. Please see the meeting info below. Gandhi and King lived and died to teach us that nonviolence works. The problem is that the people and governments are not prepared to be nonviolent. How can a peace movement succeed to prevent or stop war? Therefore, I propose a Global Movement of Nonviolence, For the Children (GMofNV). A GMofNV is designed to unite the people of the world, all the movements - peace and climate first – then others (for example: youth, labor, and indigenous), and all the religions and spiritual organizations, and mayors and community leaders under one umbrella – NONVIOLENCE! The new narrative will be for the leaders to ask the people of the world to overtly “commit to nonviolence,” as Gandhi and King did in the beginning, and also commit to working together for humanity – helping others. The plan is designed to bring people with opposite opinions together. A GMofNV is an anti-war movement, but it is also much more. It is a movement to create good will, trust, and respect among nations and people. It is about defusing conflict, de-escalating and reducing the threat of violence and war, "socializing and educating the children," and creating change – changing ourselves and changing our cultures of violence. The obstacles to change are enormous – I call a “Behemoth.” We must think big! A GMofNV is an Emergency Plan prepared that can begin very quickly. All the mechanisms are in place and there could not be a more opportune time. The wars in Ukraine and Gaza have created a “window of opportunity” because the whole world is seeing the horrors and waste of life, resources, and time the wars are! We cannot miss this opportunity! The world is in trouble. We must go beyond the norm, to do something special and different! A GMofNV is purposely outside of the box but has tentacles to every part of society. There are great peace initiatives existing already. A GMofNV, a people movement, must be first -- to unite the people everywhere to create POLITICAL CLOUT and pave the way for the other initiatives! I am a strategist. A full strategy is prepared to begin the movement and sustain it. The best possible representatives of nonviolence possible will be selected to lead the way - the people that are usually socialized to be the least physically violent and are usually the caretakers, which gives them an advantage as the peacemakers. One last step remains to implement the plan! All that is needed is the last stimulus! Please see the support statements and quotes below. Thank you and HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone! Let’s make 2025 a year that makes history! Thank you. Here is the Zoom Invitation: You are invited to a Zoom meeting. When: Jan 13, 2025 09:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Register in advance for this meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/j2gi7RU-Si6Li0CFyeTsxg After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. Peace and Love, Andre Sheldon Founder and Director, Global Strategy of Nonviolence, For the Children Facilitator, CALL to WOMEN, a World-Wide Unity Campaign Cell number: +1-617-413-9064 Email: Andre@GlobalStrategyofNonviolence.org Website: www.GlobalStrategyofNonviolence.org (A new website is planned) Facebook: Global Movement of Nonviolence GGHA: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=866 03-01-25 ------------------------------- Дорогие друзья, миротворцы! Я также хотела бы поблагодарить Мэтта за его замечательную, инициативную акцию с нашим поздравлением Д. Трампу. Хочется надеяться, что этот посыл послужит его чёткому пониманию необходимости России только вечного, "длительного" мира по словам В. Путина, а не любого временного перемирия для натовского перевооружения Украины и ее бесконечной войны с Россией. "Закончить" войну Украины/НАТО с Россией Трамп сможет только ее вечным миром с Россией на фундаменте общего Православия. Обоснованию вечного мира России и Украины посвящены все наши проекты и наша Наука Мира в целом, а также ее популярный Букварь. Нам всём нужен прочный мир, равно выигрышный для всех с его гарантией абсолютной безопасности всех народов и их освобождения от рабства "гарантированного взаимного уничтожения" ядерной цивилизации Запада. Временное перемирие будет только продолжением этой цивилизации, с ее непрерывными войнами и ее геноцидным рабством. Чтобы понять глубину ситуации и необходимого прорыва из перемирия к вечному миру нужна наука мира, а не ложь, во имя обогащения элиты США,Запада и бесконечного продления их гегемонии! С пожеланиями мира, добра и здоровья, С наступающим Православным Рождеством, Вера Попович 04-01-25 ---------------------------
December 24, 2024

Coauthors Rules: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1224Paragraph-1:https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1228 --------------------------------
Peace Science Primer (PSP) Paragraph-2. Preface.Spheral Way of Thinking: only Way to Know and Control Perpetual Peace as Absolute Security
(Fragment. Full text is below)
Publication: In English: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1236 In Russian: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=1095 Much knowledge does not teach wisdom. Heraclitus The Preface is another introductory paragraph of our primer, which is devoted to the methods and tools of revealing, presenting and mastering the peace science subject – the perpetual social peace of humanity. It is even more important and complex than the question of its subject, the quality and depth of comprehension of which completely depends from its cognitive methods and tools. 1. FACT-8. Perpetual Peace: Inaccessible Knowledge to Traditional, Disciplinary thinking To the "Introduction" seven historical facts, we must add and begin the "Preface" with a new historical fact, which is that for many millennia of wars carcinogenic pathology a way to heal from it has not yet been found. Why? Our answer: "the absence of scientific, planetary knowledge about the humanity perpetual peace, about its social actors and the corresponding, societies’ peace-loving organization as immunity against wars leaves a wide loophole for the constant reproduction of this social pathology." It is harmful to the peoples who must pay for it with many thousands of victims but is always beneficial to the rich and those in power to increase their wealth and strengthen their power, as still Erasmus noted. But this answer gives rise to a new question: "Why hasn't the corresponding knowledge of the planetary perpetual peace science emerged in thousands of years?" Our answer is: "Because the existing, disciplinary and sectoral thinking is inadequate to the extremely large-scale and complex object of perpetual peace, which cannot be revealed as a whole by traditional thinking." This thinking, at best, is capable of reflecting only on some of its sometimes important but partial aspects. Cognition of the humanity perpetual peace is impossible for it just as "one born to crawl cannot fly." This is proven by millennia of history. If perpetual peace would accessible to disciplinary knowledge, then in thousands of years of its existence it would created the perpetual peace science. But this has not happened in history so far. The peace science is absent from humanity, even as a concept, which the reader will not find in any encyclopedia, with extremely rare cases of using this term as a metaphor, nothing more. Therefore, this fact is defined as follows: "the absence of peace science in the humanity history to this day is explained by the cognitive narrowness and limitations of traditional disciplinary thinking, which is inadequate to the planetary scale and fundamental depth of the humanity perpetual peace." How is this explained and how is it argued? The earliest in history, general, but basically correct, answer to it belongs to the ancient Greek philosopher Heraclitus, who enigmatically stated "Much knowledge does not teach wisdom" more than 2.5 thousand years ago. How to interpret this enigmatic aphorism in the modern intellectual transcription of our peace science? Obviously in the following way: much knowledge, i.e. disciplinary knowledge of many parts, details and "trees" of perpetual peace in their sectoral, "wooden" thinking does not provide and "does not teach" thinking of its whole, the "forest". This observation has been confirmed many times in history. Heraclitus had in mind precisely this obvious epistemological fact that "much knowledge" of parts does not give intelligence and knowledge of the whole. The mind and thinking of the whole require other, integral concepts and integral thinking with them. In the Indian tradition, there is ancient parable on this subject about the elephant, different parts of which are felt by blind men who give completely different, false definitions of the elephant, identifying it with its different parts that leads them to enmity. In the nuclear civilization during 80 years after Hiroshima/Nagasaki, with nuclear genocidal weapons, their enmity has become a mad "Mutually Assured Destruction" today. Therefore, the parts correct knowledge does not provide true knowledge and thinking of the holistic humanity perpetual peace, which is shown in Fig. 2. 
Fig. 2. The Perpetual peace blind men of disciplinary thinking The disciplinary sciences, even if they have accumulated a huge number, about 75 thousand, are like the blind men in their cognition of the "perpetual peace (spherons’) elephant". They are able to know its separate parts, but are unable to know it as a whole due to the narrow way of thinking. They cannot "catch" it just as you cannot catch a whale with a butterfly net. Such limitations of disciplinary "much-knowledge" have been preserved and intensified in the West nuclear civilization. Its much-knowledge in almost 75 thousand disciplinary sciences has not taught it the mind and thinking of survival as a whole. This fact was noticed and fundamentally determined the epistemological nature of its narrowness by A. Einstein at the dawn of this civilization more than 75 years ago. He wrote "The significant problem we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them [... therefore] We should require a substantially new [... holistic, integral] manner of thinking [... by the spheres and spherons] if mankind is to survive." Similarly with narrow and blind class, national and party ideologies, the number of which is measured not in thousands, but in units. They also prove to be blind in the perpetual peace knowledge among themselves, incapable to understand the truth of its planetary and historical, holistic integrity, condemning themselves to "eternal false consciousness". It gives rise to their eternal ideological confrontation among themselves and the of the eternal, irreconcilable "war of all against all" reign in the West nuclear civilization with the insane "Mutual Assured Destruction" (MAD) at the disciplinary human comedy end, "Finita la Comedy" ... in it, there is nothing left to say except "Amen." The survival and life search must be sought on the path of a fundamentally different, "substantially new manner of thinking" (Einstein), which has access to the planetary perpetual peace knowledge. This is the spheral, holistic thinking of the Gandhian Peace Science, created at its core over 20 years by more than 700 coauthors from more than 50 countries, including five Nobel Peace Laureates and the President of India Abdul Kalam in the peacemaking GGHA, the Gandhian Global Harmony Association since 2005. This thinking is presented in its structural map in Fig. 1 in the "Introduction" (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1228) and in the model of the evolution of humanity's ways of thinking at its apex in Fig. 3 in the "Preface", below and here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1236. 
Fig. 3. Evolution of human thinking Here humanity, on the nuclear Armageddon brink can exclaim "Eureka! Eureka!" On the Nativity of Christ! It is onE, as one Christ, as onE Christianity for all different Christians, as HIS onE PERPETUAL PEACE FOR ALL UNITED CHRISTIANS AND BELIEVERS! Separated by a thousand-year-old disciplinary thinking, they are united by a HOLISTIC SPHERAL THINKING, “SUBSTANTIALLY NEW”, AT THE PEAK OF ITS EVOLUTION, in order to survive in perpetual peace that eradicates any confrontation, including nuclear in its nuclear civilization! The perpetual peace spiritual pillar of Russia and the West is a COMMON, onE and UNITED, thousand-year-old Christianity! This is the pillar for Trump's deal on the Russia and Ukraine perpetual peace in 24 hours with their friendly condominium on the Russia’s new territories and with a triple Marshall Plan (Russia-USA-EU) for Ukraine for 10 years (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1219)! Life goes with the new, spheral thinking that will build a new, harmonious and multipolar civilization of the humanity perpetual peace in its one Eternal God of Love! This civilization, since Christmas 2025, will MAKE THE HUMANITY UNITED FAMILY BY GREAT AND HUMANE AS NEVER BEFORE! MERRY CHRISTMAS! OF onE PERPETUAL PEACE OF THE onE PERPETUAL GOD! AS THERE IS onE CHRIST, AS THERE IS onE HIS PERPETUAL PEACE FOR ALL THE DIFFERENT CHRISTIANS AND BELIEVERS on PLANET EARTH! 
The Peace Science "Preface" full text as the GGHA Message for Christmas 2025 will be published on December 25. December 24, 2024
IF WE DO NOT LEARN TO LIVE TOGETHER, WE WILL DIE TOGETHER Two thousand twenty-five Christmases without peace. Rescue Our Future Foundation wishes you, along with all peacemakers and your loved ones (which is all of humanity), bodily health and peace of mind, with the hope that 2025 will be the start of global action to rescue our future, starting with understanding the message of peace. Humanity waited in vain for harmony, as war claiming to be the guardian angel of peace has eclipsed the Star of the first real Christmas in Year 0 that illuminated the manger that heralded the birth of a son of good will, not the child of a billionaire or global tyrant overseeing the destruction of our planet. Today, the pilgrimage to Bethlehem has no safe, bulletproof return route. Christmas is symbolic of the worldview of global peace and harmony that is the cradle of Hinduism, Christianity, Buddhism and Islam. Peace is not a utopia or a dream. It is our survival engine that supplies the oxygen of life. Echoing Herod, Judas and the Pharisees, power, greed and fame have brought us to the brink of the abyss of oblivion. Today, whether we believe in a great Creator or in evolution as life seeking more life, we all need to act together to rescue our future. Deep in the night sky, the twinkling Star continues to give hope that hope will turn into action. Now is not the time to wait for other Christmases until they stop coming, and neither is it the time to blame others. Now is the time to merge the many I’s into an invincible We and find a way to rescue our future. https://www.linkedin.com/posts/glenn-sankatsing-7977711b8_christmas-xmas-peace-activity-7276643821625458688-Gka0?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop Glenn Sankatsing Author of Quest to Rescue Our Future https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=909 24-12-24 --------------------------
Друзья, я присоединяюсь к поздравлению со светлым Рождеством! Желаю всем здоровья, благополучия, мира и гармонии. Храни вас Господь! Вера Попович 24-12-24 ------------------ Dear Leo: I thank you so very much for your great GGHA Message and Gift for Christmas 2024. I wish you and your whole dear Family and all our Friends a Merry Christmas. I hope that this peace message will be heard around the globe, that there will be peace soon in the Ukraine, and in Palestine and in Syria, and that the great suffering of all the innocent victims will end. I also wish you a healthy, creative and most of all peaceful New Year 2025. I am with Love and Solidarity, Your Rudi, and the whole Siebert Family in the USA, Canada, and Germany From the House of Mir, USA 25-12-24 Dear Rudi, Thank you very much for your warm and wise Christmas greetings. We, the GGHA, are happy to congratulate and wish you and your large family in America, Canada and Germany a joyful Christmas, good health and creative success in promoting perpetual, Christian peace. For its intellectual justification and understanding, in addition to religious faith in it, we create the primer of its adequate, spheral holistic thinking from our Gandhian Peace Science. This is the most important and most difficult cognitive aspect in the comprehension of perpetual peace, which remains intellectually inaccessible to the West militaristic, nuclear civilization due to its torn disciplinary thinking, dangerous to the humanity life. Nuclear civilization has created for humanity in 80 years “being that threatens non-being”. Dostoevsky, if I’m not mistaken, expressed so brilliantly on another occasion. This being leaves humanity at the level of the "warlike space apes, dangerous for the planet," as Lucas brilliantly noted. Has anyone from the Frankfurt School investigated the mental vice of this dominant deadly thinking for humanity? This evening I will try to complete the translation of the second paragraph with a more complete argumentation and send it to our co-authors for discussion, hoping for your feedback. Friendly, Leo 25-12-24 ------------------------
Всех поздравляю с католическим, протестантским, лютеранским, баптистским, иеговическим, кальвинистским, англиканским Рождеством Христовым! Да пребудет свет в Вашем доме! Пусть вас к победе ведёт Вифлеемская звезда! Владислав Лапинский, Адвокат https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=1076 25-12-24 ----------------- Dec. 25, 2024 Merry X-Mas and a Happy New Year to all of you peace-makers and your families!! Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam-The whole world is a family!!--a Hindu-Vedanta saying. Let the Noble thoughts flow from all directions-A Vedanta Philosophy. Warm regards, Chaitanya Dave, USA https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1205 26-12-24 ------------- SEASONS GREETINGS and all best to you, your family, friends and community! Thank you whoever included me and Veterans For Peace in this expansive list of extraordinary warriors for peace. Stop the US/Israeli Genocide in Gaza! Abolish Nuclear Weapons and War! Keep on Waging Peace in the New Year! Gerry Condon Board of Directors, Golden Rule Committee, VETERANS FOR PEACE https://www.veteransforpeace.org/ USA 206-499-1220 26-12-24 ----------------------------------

Coauthors Rules: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1224 Paragraph-1:https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1228 -------------------------------- Peace Science Primer (PSP) Paragraph-2. Preface. Spheral Way of Thinking: only Way to Know and Control Perpetual Peace as Absolute Security (Paragraph full text for discussion) Publication: In English: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1236 In Russian: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=1095 Much knowledge does not teach wisdom. Heraclitus The Preface is another introductory paragraph of our primer, which is devoted to the methods and tools of revealing, presenting and mastering the peace science subject – the perpetual social peace of humanity. It is even more important and complex than the question of its subject, the quality and depth of comprehension of which completely depends from its cognitive methods and tools. 1. FACT-8. Perpetual Peace: Inaccessible Knowledge to Traditional, Disciplinary thinking To the "Introduction" seven historical facts, we must add and begin the "Preface" with a new historical fact, which is that for many millennia of wars carcinogenic pathology a way to heal from it has not yet been found. Why? Our answer: "the absence of scientific, planetary knowledge about the humanity perpetual peace, about its social actors and the corresponding, societies’ peace-loving organization as immunity against wars leaves a wide loophole for the constant reproduction of this social pathology." It is harmful to the peoples who must pay for it with many thousands of victims but is always beneficial to the rich and those in power to increase their wealth and strengthen their power, as still Erasmus noted. But this answer gives rise to a new question: "Why hasn't the corresponding knowledge of the planetary perpetual peace science emerged in thousands of years?" Our answer is: "Because the existing, disciplinary and sectoral thinking is inadequate to the extremely large-scale and complex object of perpetual peace, which cannot be revealed as a whole by traditional thinking." This thinking, at best, is capable of reflecting only on some of its sometimes important but partial aspects. Cognition of the humanity perpetual peace is impossible for it just as "one born to crawl cannot fly." This is proven by millennia of history. If perpetual peace would accessible to disciplinary knowledge, then in thousands of years of its existence it would created the perpetual peace science. But this has not happened in history so far. The peace science is absent from humanity, even as a concept, which the reader will not find in any encyclopedia, with extremely rare cases of using this term as a metaphor, nothing more. Therefore, this fact is defined as follows: "the absence of peace science in the humanity history to this day is explained by the cognitive narrowness and limitations of traditional disciplinary thinking, which is inadequate to the planetary scale and fundamental depth of the humanity perpetual peace." How is this explained and how is it argued? The earliest in history, general, but basically correct, answer to it belongs to the ancient Greek philosopher Heraclitus, who enigmatically stated "Much knowledge does not teach wisdom" more than 2.5 thousand years ago. How to interpret this enigmatic aphorism in the modern intellectual transcription of our peace science? Obviously in the following way: much knowledge, i.e. disciplinary knowledge of many parts, details and "trees" of perpetual peace in their sectoral, "wooden" thinking does not provide and "does not teach" thinking of its whole, the "forest". This observation has been confirmed many times in history. Heraclitus had in mind precisely this obvious epistemological fact that "much knowledge" of parts does not give intelligence and knowledge of the whole. The mind and thinking of the whole require other, integral concepts and integral thinking with them. In the Indian tradition, there is ancient parable on this subject about the elephant, different parts of which are felt by blind men who give completely different, false definitions of the elephant, identifying it with its different parts that leads them to enmity. In the nuclear civilization during 80 years after Hiroshima/Nagasaki, with nuclear genocidal weapons, their enmity has become the mad "Mutually Assured Destruction" today. Therefore, the parts correct knowledge does not provide true knowledge and thinking of the holistic humanity perpetual peace, which is shown in Fig. 2. 
Fig. 2. The Perpetual peace blind men of disciplinary thinking The disciplinary sciences, even if they have accumulated a huge number, about 75 thousand are like the blind men in their cognition of the "perpetual peace (spherons’) elephant". They are able to know its separate parts, but are unable to know it as a whole due to the narrow way of thinking. They cannot "catch" it just as you cannot catch a whale with a butterfly net. Such limitations of disciplinary "much-knowledge" have been preserved and intensified in the West nuclear civilization. Its much-knowledge in almost 75 thousand disciplinary sciences has not taught it the mind and thinking of survival as a whole. This fact was noticed and fundamentally determined the epistemological nature of its narrowness by A. Einstein at the dawn of this civilization more than 75 years ago. He wrote "The significant problem we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them [... therefore] we should require a substantially new [... holistic, integral] manner of thinking [... by the spheres and spherons] if mankind is to survive." Similarly with narrow and blind class, national and party ideologies, the number of which is measured not in thousands, but in units. They also prove to be blind in the perpetual peace knowledge among themselves, incapable to understand the truth of its planetary and historical, holistic integrity, condemning themselves to "eternal false consciousness". It gives rise to their eternal ideological confrontation among themselves and the of the eternal, irreconcilable "war of all against all" reign in the West nuclear civilization with the insane "Mutual Assured Destruction" (MAD) at the disciplinary human comedy end, "Finita la Comedy" ... in it, there is nothing left to say except "Amen." The survival and life search must be sought on the path of a fundamentally different, "substantially new manner of thinking" (Einstein), which has access to the planetary perpetual peace knowledge. This is the spheral, holistic thinking of the Gandhian Peace Science, created by integration many previous achievements into its core during 20 years by more than 700 coauthors from more than 50 countries, including five Nobel Peace Laureates and the President of India Abdul Kalam in the peacemaking GGHA. This thinking is presented in its structural map in Fig. 1 in the "Introduction". The spheral way of thinking, like all the previous ones, appears at a certain historical stage of humanity in connection with its new needs for a broader and deeper knowledge, first of all, of its own, social nature and finds its place in the thinking ways evolution at its peak as a necessary historical fact. 2. FACT-9. Evolution of ways of thinking The above is sufficient to assert that the knowledge of the humanity perpetual peace in its system and structural integrity is inaccessible and impossible in traditional, sectoral and disciplinary thinking, inadequate to its planetary integrity. only its separate and disparate "trees", "grains" and "aspects" are accessible to “muchknowledge”, but its "forest", integrity and substance, qualitatively different from the simple sum of its "parts-trees", are inaccessible to it, just as an elephant is not identical to the sum of its parts. The limitations of traditional rational thinking, noticed by Heraclitus at the dawn of its birth from mythological thinking in the process of a long, at least 6 centuries (8-2 centuries BC), "first axial age" (K. Jaspers) and confirmed by its entire history to the present day is another historical fact of the humanity thinking ways evolution in its history. This evolution proves that scientific sectoral thinking is far from being the pinnacle, the ceiling, or the highest method in its capabilities and abilities. Science has long known and studied three qualitatively different historical ways of thinking in their epistemological substances: primitive, mythological, and scientific, to which thousands of studies have been devoted. Primitive, pre-logical thinking is limited to the knowledge of narrow phenomena and objects “here and now” by the method of intuitive trial and error, which does not have the tools for preserving and accumulating the achievements of its empirical experience, except for the oral transmission of knowledge from one generation to another, before the advent of writing. Mythological thinking arose from primitive thinking and rose to the step of observed phenomena generalization and to their deification level, when phenomena unclear in their essence were explained in clear images of numerous anthropomorphic gods who personified the stability and regularity of these phenomena. Scientific, disciplinary thinking arose from mythological thinking as real facts of nature separate segments and society branches accumulated. They generalized in corresponding mental concepts, in which them observing experience was recorded and consolidated. The conceptual generalizations ensured the knowledge penetration into depths of cause-and-effect relationships and the knowledge preservation about them in writing. These methods and stages of thinking were studied by many scientists, the most famous of them Levy-Bruhl, J. Piaget, Levi-Strauss, L. Vygotsky, A. Losev, L. Wecker and others. It is important for us to emphasize the thinking methods/ways evolution very fact, without delving into their depths, in order to understand that the thinking evolution has not stopped and has not ended at the disciplinary thinking level that prevails today, but has continued, albeit very slowly, for millennia and does not stand still. Over the last two centuries, starting since I.Kant’s synthetic thinking and pure reason, through A. Smith’s production process spheres, through K. Marx’s types/spheres of social production, through the integral and genetic sociologies of M. Kovalevsky, P. Sorokin, T. Parsons, through the four spheres of society of A. Toffler, through the tetradic macrosocial structures of F. Braudel and P. Bourdieu, through the spherology of P. Sloterdijk, through the theory of everything of N. Rescher, K. Wilber, through the social philosophy of the four spheres and resources of social life in the Marxist tradition of the USSR since N. Bukharin and N. Kondratyev to V. Rozhin, A. Uledov and V. Barulin, including many others, thinking has been developing towards a new method/way of holistic and transdisciplinary, spheral thinking. The nature and society holistic vision is achieved not at the level of fragmentary, disciplinary and sectoral thinking, but only at the level of spheral, holistic thinking, possessing knowledge of such of its spheres/parts, without which the whole does not exist and which constitute it always and everywhere, while it exists. The spontaneous and intuitive attempts at spheral thinking, or a spherical approach to nature and society were undertaken by various thinkers. Thus, Mahatma Gandhi in his book “My Religion”, 1955, writes: “You cannot divide social, economic, political and purely religious work [spheres] into watertight compartments. I do not know any religion apart from human activity… Ahimsa is the attribute of the soul, and therefore, to be practised by everybody in all the affairs of life. If it cannot be practised in all departments, it has no practical value.” (https://www.mkgandhi.org/my_religion/29spheres_of_life.php) one of the first conscious attempts to build the spheral, holistic thinking at macrosociology level was undertaken in the book by Leo Semashko “Spheral Approach. Philosophy. Democracy. Market. Man.”, 1993, In it, PHILOSOPHY symbolizes the information sphere, DEMOCRACY – the organizational and political sphere, MARKET – the economic sphere and MAN – the social sphere. The author began to develop spheral thinking in 1976. The spheral thinking general characteristics are disclosed in more detail below and in the primer subsequent paragraphs. Now we can build, for initial orientation in thinking, the fundamental model four of its named methods known in the humanity history. This model illustrates the fact of their continuous evolution in the direction of expanding the objects and methods of cognition in each of them by the levels of its generalization from the narrowest to the broadest objects. At the same time, this model in Fig. 3 reflects the process of gradual change of thinking ways priorities with their acceptable elements preservation at the higher levels of thinking. 
Fig. 3. Evolution of human thinking Each way of thinking, within its possibilities and abilities limits, created its own, accessible to it knowledge about the planet as a whole and about the humanity perpetual peace. In general, their scientific knowledge turns out to be accessible only to spheral thinking, which creates its peace science, presented in our primer. Without running ahead, here we will limit ourselves to revealing only the fundamental structure and logic of spheral, substantial way of thinking with a list of its key tools. 3. Spheral, "substantially new manner of thinking" (Einstein) - The only way of knowing, resolving and controlling planetary problems The humanity global problems began to be created by its rational disciplinary thinking since the end of the 19th century, when industrial globalization on a planetary scale became a geopolitical reality. The growing scale and accelerating aggravation of these problems in the European center in the conditions of the inability to solve them rationally, peacefully in the context of the disciplinary way of thinking that was inadequate to them and generated them stimulated the social pathology of violence by intensifying the arms race, which led to two world wars. With the invention of nuclear, genocidal weapons in Nazi Germany in the Europe center, with its development and the first, genocidal test in Hiroshima and Nagasaki by America, which became the industrial globalization center, the pathology of violence became a state priority in the West nuclear genocidal civilization that arose on its basis. It was forcibly imposed on humanity for 80 years and was tangibly, 100% implemented in the doctrines and strategies of "Mutually Assured Destruction" (MAD). The MAD became the key argument for survival and the only instrument of "containment" accepted by all states of this civilization in the frozen context of an inadequate, disciplinary way of thinking, powerless to offer and implement a reasonable, peaceful way to solve global problems and a way out from the genocidal nuclear civilization. This historical picture of the last century led Albert Einstein to the above-mentioned fundamental conclusion about "we should require a substantially new [... holistic, integral] manner of thinking [... by the spheres and spherons] if mankind is to survive", instead of disciplinary thinking, powerless in solving global, holistic problems. "Look at the root", as they say in Russia. In this "substantial" cognitive innovation lies the solution root of all the global problems roots, which are insoluble in the West nuclear civilization and the way to overcome its carcinogenic, deadly pathology of violence, with all its machinery of mass destruction and all its propaganda machine of double "liberal-Nazi" standards of the population zombifying and public consciousness manipulating in the West "Goebbels empire of lies" (W. Engdahl). Under the "liberalism" propaganda cover of the nuclear civilization, if you scratch it deeper, then not only its "deep state" is exposed, but also its deep, indelible Nazism. Based on the briefly outlined arguments, it becomes clear that spheral, holistic thinking as its "substantially new manner" determines the only way of knowing and controlling perpetual peace in its science, as well as all other planetary problems of humanity today. But spheral, transdisciplinary thinking is not a novelty, but a reality, albeit extremely rare and unique, “once in a millennium” in the humanity history. Its most striking examples are represented by the achievements of human geniuses who remained misunderstood in history: Pythagoras’ “the spheres harmony” (6th century BC), Kepler’s “Harmony of the World” (16th century AD), Mahatma Gandhi’s “varnas/spherons”, Vernadsky’s “noosphere”, Sloterdijk’s “spherology” and the GGHA spheral “Perpetual Peace Science” over the past 20 years. Vladimir Vernadsky best expressed the unique examples paradoxicality and “craziness” of the spheral way of thinking for traditional disciplinary thinking: spheral thinking is "not a crisis disturbing weak souls but the greatest turning point of human thought making only once a millennium". The spheral thinking is the genesis and the next, fundamental Rubicon of a new, better future, with the scientifically realized Kant’s perpetual peace as the humanity absolute security in our century. It constitutes the superiority of homo sapiens among all forms of planetary life. Gradually, its categories are entering traditional thinking. For example, Mahatma Gandhi in his book “My Religion” names four key spheres of social life. 29. Religious sphere to pervade all spheres: https://www.mkgandhi.org/my_religion/29spheres_of_life.php: “You cannot divide social, economic, political and purely religious work [spheres]into watertight compartments. I do not know any religion apart from human activity… Ahimsa is the attribute of the soul, and therefore, to be practised by everybody in all the affairs [spheres]of life. If it cannot be practised in all departments [spheres], it has no practical value.” 30. In the Social Sphere - https://www.mkgandhi.org/my_religion/30social_sphere.php 31. In the Economic Sphere - https://www.mkgandhi.org/my_religion/31economic_sphere.php 32. In the Political Sphere - https://www.mkgandhi.org/my_religion/32political_sphere.php Today, the category of "sphere" is widely used in the geopolitical lexicon of states and parties to designate the largest social components of each society and humanity as a whole - environmental, social, informational, managerial, economic, cultural, space and other spheres. However, their proven list and justified number remain unknown, their list varies from one to 12 spheres in different countries, organizations and among different researchers. This is also an indisputable and easily confirmed fact, which testifies to the initial, formative stage of spheral thinking in history. The indisputable reality facts of the spheral thinking unique examples in history do not exclude and are supplemented by the facts of its hypothetical nature in relation to its substance, structure, logic, laws, principles, and most importantly the tools for its understanding, mastery and application, use. Taking into account this dual factology of spheral thinking, our peace science and its primer can and should be assessed in its ambivalent logic of development, on the one hand, as a well-founded and absolutely necessary cognitive reality for modern humanity, excepting all fiction and chimera. on the other hand, as the problematic and hypothetical paradigm, which is at the very beginning of its development with a system set of definitions, justifications and verifications of its substance, structure, logic, laws, principles, and most importantly, tools for its understanding and application. In this key "HOW to understand and use the spheral thinking of the perpetual peace science", our primer and all its paragraphs are being built. Here, at the beginning of this key, we will limit ourselves to the main definitions and a list of tools for spheral thinking. 4. Spheral logic of the perpetual peace structural harmony And its spheral instruments The substance, essence, structure and logic of spheral thinking, as well as its language, vocabulary, terminology are determined by its key category "sphere", long ago, since Pythagoras, used in rational thinking, but remaining undefined for planetary humanity. Their qualitative and quantitative definition in the composition of 16 spheres, "spheral components" of the societal genome is presented on the Peace Science engram in the map "The Humanity Perpetual Peace Culture" center on Fig. 1, in the previous paragraph. These spheres are classified and generalized into four spheral groups: 1. Spheral resources: People, Information, Organization, Things, abbreviated PIOT 2. Spheral processes: Production, Distribution, Exchange, Consumption, abbreviated PDEC. 3. Spheres of production/life: Sociosphere, Infosphere, Orgsphere, Technoecosphere (technoeconomic), abbreviated SIOT-spheres. 4. Spherons, spheres/parts of the population employed in the production spheres: Sociospheron, Infospheron, Orgspheron, Technospheron, abbreviated SIOT-spherons. These spheres are defined in the spheral logic of "Equally Necessary Jointly Sufficient" (ENJS) parts of the whole in the whole-parts social dialectical methodology, which is supplemented by the category of "holons/spheres" to distinguish fundamental, constant parts from sectoral/branch and other transient parts. Each of the 16 societal, fundamental spheres is equally necessary, i.e. among them there are no "primary, defining, generating" and "secondary, derivative" ones, since the absence, "zero" of any of these spheres excludes the life and existence of any social object from an individual and a family to a country and humanity. This is verified and proven on any social object by means of the corresponding thought experiment. The equal necessity of 16 societal spheres makes them sufficient for the individual/humanity life. Therefore, spheres are special, integral parts, "holons", which are constant and differ from all other parts, which arise and die within each sphere of society in its history. All development of society is ensured by the development of the internal, sectoral structure of each sphere by the emergence and death of its sectoral/branch parts. This fundamental, substantial difference between the spheral, constant parts of society and their sectoral, variable, temporary parts proves that parts are not all the same. Therefore, the category "holon", proposed back in the last century, was introduced in order to distinguish between parts that are necessary and sufficient for the whole life always, everywhere and at all its levels, which are all the named spheres, and parts that do not have one or both attributes. They are either not necessary at all, or are only necessary for a separate stage of the life of the whole, but not sufficient for its existence in general. The listed 16 spheres/holons constitute the eternal societal genome of man/humanity, preserved at all stages of their life history and constitute their original, self-developing social cell. This eternal fact of social and individual life was brilliantly and briefly expressed and scientifically confirmed by the German philosopher P. Sloterdijk in his fundamental three-volume work “Spheres” at the beginning of our century: “Man always lives in spheres”, on the basis of which he can “draw geographical maps of internal spaces in a new way [by spheres]”, an example of which is given our Fig. 1 and 3, as well as similar ones in the following paragraphs. In them, the peace science is aimed only at revealing the social laws of spheres harmonious interaction ensuring the state of their perpetual peace, in which there is no place for war. The ENJS spheral logic constitutes in it the planetary law of existence and development of peaceful humanity, necessary, acceptable and sufficient for all peoples to put an end to confrontation and wars. At the level of 16 spheres of the man/humanity eternal societal genome the perpetual peace essence of their state is revealed as a constant striving of its eternal spheral structure for the eternal harmony (measure, balance, equilibrium and proportion) of these spheres. The spheral harmony substance as the eternal social nature core constitute the spherons - people permanently employed in the production’s spheres but move from one sphere to another. They are the only actors of perpetual peace and social production of humanity, between whom there is no place for violence or war. Similar understanding of peace has been summarized in the GGHA from its very beginning, since 2005, in its motto: "Peace from Harmony", which has become its website name. The spheres harmony, as "the internal harmony of the world is the only objective reality [and truth]" according to the profound conclusion of the greatest mathematician Henri Poincaré at the beginning of the last century. A more detailed justification and examples of the ENJS spheral logic in the perpetual peace structural harmony of the societal genome in its 16 spheres will be considered in all the following paragraphs. Understanding the harmonious, spheral structure and the essence of its defining spheral actors - spherons is the main difficulty, unusual for traditional thinking in comprehending the fundamental feature and unique advantage of the spheral way of thinking. This understanding requires centuries, many generations and thousands of researchers, in order to get closer to their scientific understanding, which will constitute the humanity "second axial age", which K. Jaspers suggested after defining its "first axial age" during the centuries-long transition from mythological to disciplinary knowledge. only in the "second axial age" result, which marks the transition to spheral thinking in solving the humanity global problems, it will be mentally capable to ensure perpetual peace and the way out from genocidal nuclear civilization to the spherons harmonious, nonviolent and multipolar civilization. This process can begin in the coming years since the nuclear weapons prohibition, with the general development of innovative peace science, which will ensure "a shift from the arms race to the peace race" (M.L. King) and be completed by the end of this century, the prospect of which is also considered in our primer. Thus, the spheral logic of the peace science structural harmony constitutes the first, substantial instrument of spheral thinking, determining and ensuring the creation of all its other instruments. The second necessary instrument of the peace science and its spheral logic is qualimetric, spheral global statistics, generated by infinite series of statistical matrices spheral indicators 4x4n dimension, where "n" is a series of natural or other numbers according to the corresponding mathematical statistics needs. Through spheral statistics and its apparatus, the macrosociological peace science, for the first time, receives a permanent mathematical method of its research among all the socio-humanitarian sciences, which use it sporadically or do not use it at all. Spheral global statistics is considered for the first time in history in the GGHA collective book 2019 "Gandhica" (https://peacefromharmony.org/docs/gandhi-nonviolence-of-spherons-gandhica-2019.pdf). In our primer will be devoted to it and the verification of spherons special paragraph. The third necessary tool of the spheral logic is the visual structural modeling of spheres, presented in all works on spheral thinking, as well as in the primer each paragraph in the form of its visual models, diagrams, tables and banners. It has long been recognized that visual images are capable of concentrating huge amounts of information and knowledge of textual order in simple and accessible visual forms. The spheral structural models are innovative "geographical maps of internal spaces" of immeasurably large information data of the perpetual peace science in its all history from the human emergence. The four-dimensional coordinate system of spheral "geographical maps of internal spaces" consists of Resources, Processes, Structures (Spheres-SIOT) and States (Spherons-SIOT), which is disclosed in all paragraphs, and was first published on our book cover: "Tetrasociology: Responses to Challenges", 2002. The fourth necessary tool of the science of the world and its spheral logic, technologically integrating and hardware synthesizing all its tools, is the planetary and peaceful Spheral Artificial Intelligence (SAI), which is created on its basis since 1980 voluntarily. It will ensure the perpetual peace Renaissance on a substantially new, spheral level of thinking and resolution of planetary problems that will create a key prerequisite for exiting the genocidal nuclear civilization. SAI is the first technological and digital tool for life and practical advancement of world science. Therefore, the "Peace Science Primer" is, first of all, the "SAI Primer", in which SAI is tacitly present in all paragraphs, but a special paragraph is also dedicated to it. The world modern, cardinal change, associated with the change of the West genocidal nuclear civilization and its unipolar hegemonic world order, overflowing for 80 years with annual wars on the brink of nuclear Armageddon, hides in its process center, behind many "trees" on the surface, the "forest" of the fundamental scientific revolution. It is accomplished from narrow, disciplinary thinking, which only generates planetary problems, to a holistic and transdisciplinary, spheral thinking, armed with innovative technological tools, the only ones capable of harmoniously resolving these problems. This is substantiated in the peace science and is revealed in the synopsis format in its primer. The innovative nature of spheral thinking determines its innovative categorical language and spheral terminology. Other, more specific and limited, but no less important tools of the peace science and its spheral logic are considered together with the necessary ones in the corresponding paragraphs. 5. Integration of religion and science in spheral thinking as a necessary condition for their holism in the humanity perpetual peace culture Religious faith and its highest moral values do not contradict the peace science but constitute its necessary attribute, overcoming the long confrontation of religion with traditional, disciplinary thinking, the narrowness and fragmentation of which was unable to accommodate the absolute integrity of God. In the peace science, religion and science complement and strengthen each other, ensuring their more effective development and social significance. Their cognitive complement is that the subject of the peace science is limited to planet Earth in its spatio-temporal framework of the Universe, and the subject of faith is God, eternal and infinite in the space and time of His Universe creation, devoid of any boundaries. Therefore, the peace science, like any science, is limited in its subject and requires the necessary cognitive complement of faith in God and the Universe, as His creation. Any part cannot exist outside the whole laws, neglect of which threatens this part with destruction for internal or external reasons. Planet Earth and its humanity are a microcosm, an infinitely small grain of the infinitely large creation of God, as an absolute whole, determining the beginning and end of the existence in it of any of its parts, including the Solar system, the Earth and humanity. Therefore, it is extremely short-sighted and presumptuous for the disciplinary science to deny faith and reject cooperation with religion only on the grounds that the narrow scientific truths are confirmed by corresponding narrow facts, while the faith truths do not and cannot have them, since the facts of infinity are simply inaccessible to the humanity finite mind. But the faith truths are confirmed by the many thousands of years of experience of each world religion of many peoples and cannot be discounted by human knowledge. The faith truths are the tools and pillars of knowledge of eternity on a planetary, human scale. They are its highest moral maxims and guiding values, which, first of all, is the "Golden Rule" of all religions, affirming the people perpetual peace: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." No one wants violence, war and death from others, therefore, perpetual peace, a peaceful, friendly and partnership attitude towards others, "as towards oneself" is embedded in the social nature of each person. Denial of this only true maxim and pillar of human coexistence from the standpoint of a narrowly and falsely understood "freedom" turns into the long-known, satanic "permissiveness, if there is no God." Its outcome in the West genocidal nuclear civilization is predetermined by the insane freedom of "Mutually Assured Destruction" (MAD), as God's punishment for neglecting the laws of mutual love and peace in its eternal inner harmony of any scale. Therefore, the moral values and maxims of religions constitute a necessary component of the peace science, and its scientists continue to remain believers like the overwhelming majority of scientists throughout the humanity history. They exclude any atheism as a vice, especially the violent and terrorist "militant atheism" of permissiveness, destroying religious temples and clergy as the disciplinary thinking crime. They reject atheistic permissiveness as a common enemy of all religions and humane science, which the perpetual peace science proclaims itself to be to the highest degree, openly and consciously, with full scientific and moral ground. As the famous director Nikita Mikhalkov asserts, "Everyone may have a different God, but God has one enemy" - the satanic freedom of permissiveness as the freedom of violent destruction of life on the planet. This was proven by Nobel laureate John Avery in his scientific book: "Nuclear Weapons: The Absolute Evil". God is the highest meaning and purpose of human existence in its maxims of love, peace and harmony, which receive a fundamental scientific basis in the planetary macrosociological peace science. In this capacity, it forms a tool for the development of religions in an ecumenical direction, preventing and excluding religious disciplinary confrontation and their "clash of civilizations", as in Huntington. The disciplinary sciences, due to their narrowness and limitations, are not capable of being a pillar and tool for the unity of religions, only by separating them, therefore their short-sighted scientists prefer to criticize religion, like the fox grapes from the famous fable by Krylov. Many modern thinkers speak about the need for an alliance and "seamless integration of religious tradition with modern science", for example, the American philosopher Ken Wilber in his integral approach. The peace science is integral to the highest degree, therefore it has the highest abilities and competencies to cooperate with religions on the spheral thinking basis from God. This is illustrated in detail in our collective article with J. Avery: “Spherons: Nonlinear Sociogenetic Reality and the Verified Truth of the Spheronics Megascience.” 20-12-21: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1019 Here, the peace science spheral axiology is developed with the religious categories of God, His peace, love, truth and morality. 6. Appendices The appendices of this section, as well as others, will be finally filled with the most adequate quotations as a result of the primer final editing of the primer. - Julia Budnikova. N.K. Roerich. Signs of Christ. # 24, 1924 http://gallery.facets.ru/pic.php?id=358&size=7

Mairead Corrigan. Nobel Laureate. «Peace science and its action is the alternative and the only way forward for human family to survive.». Fyodor Dostoevsky. “We (Russia) not hostile, but friendly, with full love took into our souls the geniuses of foreign nations, all together, without making tribal distinctions…. For a true Russian, Europe [and world] ... is just as dear as Russia itself ... because our destiny is the universality ... of our brotherly desire to reunite people ... [to] bring reconciliation into European [and world] contradictions ... [by a word of] great common harmony, fraternal final consent of all tribes according to Christ's Gospel law. [This universal destiny of the Russian reconciliation, harmony and consent, expressed by the genius of Pushkin and many other Russians, – L.S.] is in humanity ... a new word.” [Because according to its spiritual make-up and civilizational millennial code], “the Russian heart, perhaps, of all nations, is most destined for universal fraternal unity.” [1880. Pushkin's speech]
Leo Tolstoy. "One of the crudest superstitions is the superstition of scientific people that a person can live without faith." Reading Circle.
Mahatma Gandhi. Varnas [spherons] “are not a human invention, but an immutable law of nature [and society] –… like Newton’s law of gravitation… Varna is the law of life universally governing the human family… Nonviolence [of the varnas/spherons] is the greatest force at the disposal of mankind. It is mightier than the mightiest [nuclear] weapon of destruction.” “MyReligion”, 1927, 1946 г.
Saint Augustine. “Faith is to believe what you do not see; the reward of this faith is to see what you believe.” Erich Fromm. “Without faith, human life is impossible. The question is, what kind of faith will future generations have: rational or irrational? Will it be faith in leaders, machines, success; or will it be an unshakable faith in man and his powers, based on the experience of his own fruitful activity.” Ken Wilber.
"The profound revelations of religion are perfectly compatible with modern scientific knowledge. It is easy to see from the example of Buddhism how the integral approach can be applied to other religious traditions such as Christianity, Islam and Judaism... The idea, in essence, is this: the time has come for the major religions of the world to seriously address the issue of updating their fundamental dogmas, dharmas and scriptures... The integral approach will allow the foundational doctrines of the teachings to be supplemented by many new discoveries about spiritual experience..." Rudolf Siebert. «Liberal Nazism and Fascism is a main cause for the present wars. Liberalism and Nazism have merged since World War II, becoming the secret ideology of liberal Nazism in the Western deep state.» Lucas Pawlik. «AI, the great accelerant of our age, must be reoriented from a tool of domination to a facilitator of planetary stewardship.» Vyacheslav Bragin. "There is no God without Peace and Peace without God and Faith in Him." Vyacheslav Bragin. "Taught by the sorrowful events of the 20th century, let us all try together, as a single people, strengthened by faith, strengthened by a common moral feeling, to build our Fatherland in the 21st century - in peace, love and unanimity, not forgetting all those who laid down their lives for the faith and the Fatherland." KIRILL. Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus', July 18, 2019 Chaitanya Dave. «We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.» -Native American Proverb. Vera Popovich. Russian proverbs about peace and war. “To stand together for peace means there will be no war.” “War loves blood.” (Other quotes will be added together with coauthors later) The paragraph draft was prepared to discuss by Dr. Leo Semashko 26-12-24 ----------------------------------------
Paragraph 2. Discussion on December 27 Dear friends-coauthors, GGHA is happy to congratulate you on the holidays of Christmas and New Year! We wish everyone good health and eternal peace, absolute security based on the Peace Science, excluding any confrontation from the internal, spheral harmony of humanity and the planet! I am glad to send you the PSP "Preface" for your evaluation and discussion on one day, December 27. This paragraph turned out to be the most difficult and key, since it is devoted to a new, spheral way of thinking, still little known to anyone, but only at the level of which a holistic scientific knowledge of the humanity perpetual peace is possible, overcoming ideological confrontation and wars between nations. In addition, last year we did not write it that required more time and technical efforts, which delayed its writing. It exceeds the established length, which will be brought to the norm in the final editing of paragraphs with the redistribution of their content between them. For example, the spherons description in the preface can be moved to the appropriate paragraph later, etc. Wonderful Peace Holidays! With peace and love, Leo Semashko 26-12-24 ------------------------------ Дорогой Лева! Горжусь Бежецкой землей, у которой ты - ее Великий Сын, выдающийся ученый - философ, открывающий целостное научное познание вечного мира человечества!.. Сердечно поздравляю тебя с Новым Годом и Рождеством Христовым!.. Сожалею, что, несмотря на мое огромное желание, не удалось встретиться в праздник, потому что Катерина уехала за границу. Храни тебя Господь! Сердечно обнимаю - Вячеслав Брагин, https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=939 27-12-24 ------------------------ Отлично! Это замечательный подарок для всех на Новый год, который объявлен Россией, Путиным как "Год МИРА и борьбы с нацизмом", чему посвящен наш Букварь Науки Мира. Параграф объёмный по своему содержанию и если он будет, в результате корректировки немного сокращён, то он не потеряет своей актуальности и значимости. С уважением, Вера Попович 27-12-24 -----------------------
Dear Leo and Co-others, Mary Christmas to you all! I approve of the 2-Paragraph and fully endorse the content. However, a little shortened version would be better if possible. Thank you very much Leo for the hard work and making it so exhaustive. I mean all dimensional! Asha Mukherjee https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1170 Professor,Department of Philosophy & Religion and Former Director, Women's Studies Centre, Visva-Bharati University, Santiniketan (WB) INDIA 731235 27-12-24 -------------------------