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GGHA. Trump's “Revolution of Common Sense” in the Perpetual Peace Culture and Spheral Thinking


Peace Science Primer (PSP)

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PSP Appendices 

Trump's “Revolution of Common Sense” in the

Perpetual Peace Culture and Spheral Thinking


Leo Semashko, Lukas Pawlik, Rudolf Siebert, Vera Popovich, Takis Ioanidis



In English: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1250

In Russian: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=1100


We must be honest about the challenges we face

Donald Trump


1.Donald Trump's "Revolution of Common Sense"

in the Perpetual Peace Culture

         In his inaugural address, Donald Trump proclaimed the "Revolution of Common Sense" (RCS) because "It's all about common sense." [1] He linked all the national failures of the past to it.

         He also linked his key peacemaking slogans to it. "We will measure our success... by the wars we end, - and perhaps most importantly, the wars we never get into. My proudest legacy will be that of a peacemaker and unifier. That's what I want to be - a peacemaker and a unifier... Our power will stop all wars and bring a new spirit of unity to the world..." [1] He also linked it to his resolute recognition of o­nly two sexes, men and women, rejecting all the destructive claims of LGBT o­n state institutions.

         The peacemakers cannot ignore such fundamental peace statements. The mental position of the newly elected US President Donald Trump is of key importance in the preparation, justification and adoption of key geopolitical decisions for the coming four years in the West world nuclear civilization, which during the 80 years of its existence has found itself o­n the very brink of WWIII. Therefore, its fundamental analysis and assessment in the context of the world culture of the humanity perpetual peace is of crucial importance for understanding the expectations associated with the WWIII growing danger and its prevention.

         Trump clearly understands its danger and the fragility of the thin line that separates it from humanity. As he put it: “You have no idea how close we came to WWIII because of the Democrats.” He did not mention Russia or Ukraine o­nce at the inauguration [1], but had previously accused the Biden administration of inciting WWIII by expanding NATO to the Russia borders.

          Trump's RCS statement stands in a row of the greatest and unrealized mental intuitions of America's peacemaking geniuses in the world culture of perpetual peace. This row was opened by Benjamin Rush, o­ne of the USA "founding fathers", who in 1793 wrote an essay with a plan "Department of Peace" as a counterweight to the "Department of War" in order to "promote and preserve perpetual peace in the country", echoing I. Kant's essay "Perpetual Peace". But for more than 200 years, the US Congress has rejected 11 bills o­n this fundamental peacemaking idea [2]. o­nly it could "make America great as never before" if America tried to understand the spheral, holistic essence of perpetual peace in the corresponding science, which it stubbornly ignores due to the disciplinary impotence of its traditional "common sense".

         Albert Einstein: "Peace can not be achieved through violence, it can o­nly be attained through understanding [but for this] we shall require a substantially new [spheral] manner of thinking if mankind is to survive."

         John Kennedy: "Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind."

         Martin Luther King: "The greatest purveyor of violence in the world: my own government… I can not be silent. ... we must shift the arms race into a peace race."

         Apparently, the "crazy ideas" of Kennedy and King are the closest to Trump and inspire his RCS, which is why he decided to declassify documents related to their assassination.


2. The American situation self-awareness in public opinion

         Trump became the country president at the most deeply pessimistic assessment of its public opinion in the framework of the global nuclear civilization created by the USA. He is well aware of this: "As we gather today, our government confronts a crisis of trust. For many years, a radical and corrupt establishment has extracted power and wealth from our citizens while the pillars of our society lay broken and seemingly in complete disrepair." [1]

         Similar self-assessment is heard in many headlines of the most famous American books and articles today. “The Waste Land, Permanent Crisis, Uncertain and Chaotic World, The End of Everything, Confusion and Danger, Anomie of International Order, Chaos, The Great Depression, The Tragic Mind, A State of Permanent Crisis, Every Regional Disaster Threatens to Escalate into Global Conflict, A Sick, Twisted World, Ukraine: US Launches a Fascist Government and WWIII, Final Nail in America’s Coffin, The West’s Dangerously Simple-Minded Narrative About Russia and China, Washington’s Whitewashing of Nazism,” etc. This list could be supplemented by thousands of similar book and article titles about America, screaming about its mortal internal danger and characterizing the state of its sick national psychology.

          However, such self-assessments are reminiscent of the blind men of traditional, disciplinary thinking around the elephant (Fig.1), capable of recording o­nly its details, but not its essence of eternal laws and constants, which are accessible o­nly to holistic, spheral thinking.


Figure 1: The blind men and the elephant


3. "We must be honest about the challenges we face" i.e. in accordance

with the facts of historical truth

         Achieving great peacemaking goals in a country that is mired in endless insoluble problems and half-destroyed by its militaristic "deep state", or, as Trump puts it, the "Washington swamp" is o­nly possible with an honest analysis of its problems. He stated: "first, we must be honest about the challenges we face" [1], i.e. get off the track of endless lies of the previous government and move o­n to the path of real facts and the truth that corresponds to them. It seems that none of the American presidents has ever proposed similar path, because, as the outstanding American sociologist Edward Curtin wrote, it is impossible "Seeking Truth in a Country of Lies" [9; 10]. It is like "looking for a black cat in a dark room in which there is none," as Confucius said.

         Trump realizes this, therefore he proclaims his RCS, because the traditional, disciplinary "common sense", useful in solving fragmentary problems, but useless and powerless in solving the USA holistic problems has hopelessly drowned in the lies and fantasies of national self-deception. But Trump is far from a true understanding of HOW o­ne can get out of the "swamp" of the mental national lie of its "common sense". Therefore, he takes two contradictory steps.

         o­n the o­ne hand, he decides to reveal the truth of the state destruction of two outstanding peacemakers-geniuses of America: President Kennedy and pastor King, which honest America has long guessed [9; 10; 11]. "From the day he was sworn in as President o­n January 20, 1961, John F. Kennedy was relentlessly pressured by the Pentagon, the Central Intelligence Agency, and by some of his own advisers to wage war – clandestine, conventional, and nuclear. To understand why and by whom he was assassinated o­n November 22, 1963, o­ne must understand that pressure…" [9]

          This is a historic step for America, unprecedented in truth, courage, and social significance, as dangerous for him as it is for them. However, Trump's patriotism does not allow him to emphasize this self-revealing national truth. Therefore, he focuses o­n an unprecedented touting of America's optimism, greatness, and exceptionalism "as never before," announcing the start of "a thrilling new era of national success" in order to suppress the prevailing American psychology of national pessimism and chaos. "America will soon be greater, stronger, and far more exceptional than ever before. I return to the presidency confident and optimistic that we are at the start of a thrilling new era of national success. A tide of change is sweeping the country, sunlight is pouring over the entire world, and America has the chance to seize this opportunity like never before." [1]

         This is a fundamental and necessary populist move by the new American leader, no matter how far from the truth it may be. And o­n this path to self-aggrandizement, all traditional means are good, from "Peace through Strength" to the dubious innovations of seizing Greenland, Panama Canal, moving Palestinians from Gaza to Egypt and Jordan, and supplying the genocidal Netanyahu regime with new bombs.

         This is optimism at the level of national shock of unrealizable dreams and mental chaos, which there is no point in repeating. In the conditions of extreme pessimism in the American public consciousness, which Trump understands very well, he had no choice in his inauguration speech except extreme and excessive optimism o­n the verge of shock.


4. "Make America great again" or "than ever before"?

         "America will soon be greater, stronger, and far more exceptional than ever before." - So great, not "again", but "greater than ever before" it can o­nly become by perpetual peace, not eternal war, almost every year [12]! "Again" is in the speech, but in the background! "Make America great again" is o­nly o­nce! "Again" is a repetition of the grossest national mistakes of the past, starting with the WWII, more than 80 years ago. “Again” is the emphasis and priority of the past. "Like never before" is the emphasis and priority of the future. What dominates Trump today, which of these two fundamentally significant priorities?

         “Again” harks back to the militaristic past when America simultaneously aided Hitler (secretly) and Stalin (openly), profiting greatly from their wars and becoming the world hegemon after the defeat of o­ne and the extreme weakening of the other. And after WW II, America engaged in immoral, unnecessary wars such as the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the two Iraq Wars, the Afghanistan War, etc., wasting trillions of dollars and destroying millions of innocent lives, ultimately. [5; 6] Like every empire in history, America is now in a rapid decline.

         Whether Trump will be able to understand this through our “Peace Primer” and implement a new, spheral agenda of perpetual peace for America and the planet, o­nly time will tell. But it is vital that we, the peacemakers, convey this agenda to him through our Primer. We can rely o­n this hope, because Trump seven times emphasizes the priority of the future “like never before.” [1] Anyone can verify this by carefully reading his speech.


5. The Peace Primer for Donald Trump

        The peacemaking world leaders and organizations are afraid to use Kant's true term "Perpetual Peace" because they do not know and do not understand, what social constants of social nature it is connected with and can rely o­n. The Peace Science reveals these constants in the eternal social spheres and spherons of the social production. They are associated with the understanding of the great difficulty of enlightening world leaders in this science, which is absolutely unknown to them, the Primer of which, created by us, GGHA for 20 years, is designed to overcome this mental and psychological difficulty. o­nly it will help them put perpetual peace in the permanent agenda instead of a temporary truce in any local conflict that threatens to escalate into the nuclear civilization global genocidal war.

         o­nly with this thinking, gleaned in its basics from our “Peace Primer”, Trump will be able not o­nly to proclaim “I am a peacemaker and unifier of the world,” but also to understand the true tools for this great planetary goal, which without them remains o­nly a good and unrealizable pacifist dream. Donald Trump proclaimed his RCS eighty years after the horrors of Hiroshima/Nagasaki — and in the same year that the Japanese hibakusha survivors were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Today, as 80 years ago, the survival of the planet requires an urgent transition — from a suicidal confrontational nuclear civilization of “Mutually Assured Destruction” (MAD!) to a spheral, holistic and unifying worldview. This shift in thinking and a true revolution of fragmentary common sense can o­nly occur with the planetary perpetual peace understanding, the constant spheral foundations of which are revealed in our “Peace Primer”. o­nly with it, created to set forth the fundamental scientific principles and practices of this peace can true RCS be realized as the spheral thinking revolution, as spheral revolution of common sense.


6. The Trump and Putin pillars to achieve perpetual peace of Russia and Ukraine:

Christianity, peace science and the international condominium

         History has o­nce again shown how easy it is to start a war and how incredibly difficult it is to end it with a peace that no o­ne knows and that does not boil down to a simple cessation of hostilities. Both leaders are aware this that is why they have been preparing for the meeting for a long time and carefully in search of fundamental pillars of mutual understanding and a mutually acceptable peaceful solution. There are many common aspirations in their positions, which were also there eight years ago. We then conducted a comparative analysis of them positions and sent Trump and Putin corresponding messages from the GGGA. [4] A year later, for their summit in Helsinki in 2018, the GGHA prepared together with Nobel Peace Laureates Mairead Corrigan and John Avery the “Magna Charter of Peace XXI”, signed by 72 GGHA peacemakers from 27 countries and sent to them. [3] Unfortunately, both the summit and our efforts failed because disagreement and confrontation won, not unity of position. Seven years later, their position unity has grown and their peacemaking aspirations have become stronger.

         They are both identical in traditional Christian and social values, in recognizing o­nly two sexes, which are eternal spheral constants from nature and God in every society. They are both identical in Christianity, in recognizing its Golden Rule "do not do to others what you do not wish for yourself." o­n this basis, Trump has repeatedly emphasized his "deep understanding with Putin," his fears of NATO's eastward expansion to Russia's border and the inclusion of Ukraine in NATO. Trump assures that he would never have allowed this if he were president and if Biden had not stolen the last election from him, as he has repeatedly expressed. These are important pillars for a peaceful solution of the Ukrainian conflict, but not sufficient to overcome the important differences between them.

         The disagreement is obvious in the world order understanding, unipolar for Trump with US dominance and multipolar for Putin, with equal cooperation and mutual respect of all countries, the fundamental justification of which is the planetary Peace Science. The summit success of the two leaders is also impossible in the paradigm of "dominance" of o­ne of them that is assumed by some traditional theorists of "common sense". [15]

         A decisive instrument in achieving a peaceful solution between the two leaders, as an effective "deal" in the Trump’s spirit, acceptable for Ukraine, could be a long-term international condominium of Russia and Ukraine in equal business use of new territories of Russia under its full jurisdiction. This plan of "Perpetual Peace of Russia and Ukraine", developed in the GGHA with the support of eleven international peace organizations by analogy for the resolution of many other similar conflicts over its 20 years of work, is presented in detail in a number of publications. [6] Its spiritual foundation is the Orthodoxy common to Russia and Ukraine, which requires the addition of a common, acceptable to all, Science of Peace. It overcomes the ideological confrontation of all parties, ensuring their eternal peace and long-term condominium.


7. What is better for Trump: ethnic cleansing of Palestinians

or perpetual peace between Israel and Palestine with an international condominium?

         Trump's shocking and suicidal proposal to resettle Palestinians from Gaza to Egypt and Jordan, tantamount to genocidal bombing of Israel and its ethnic cleansing in the worst totalitarian format, cannot be taken seriously. Most likely, this is a "trial balloon" of a knowingly failed giant deal of a great businessman o­n his way to finding its acceptable option. Within his RCS framework, he could arm himself with the instrument of an equal international condominium of the disputed territories of Israel and Palestine, which would be eternally beneficial to them and would become a solid economic foundation for their perpetual peace instead of their eternal war during almost 80 years. The fundamental obstacle for them is the history of their mutual hatred and the desire to violently destroy each other. It seems that no o­ne in their history has set the task of overcoming their extreme confrontation based o­n their religions Golden Rules, common peace science and mutual cultural enlightenment of each other, as the GGHA has proposed for 20 years in its numerous projects o­n this subject for them. o­ne of the latest is here [16].

         Why would Trump, without arming himself with the humanity culture of perpetual peace and its compressed Peace Science Primer (PSP), not encourage both sides to create a joint "Department of Peace" in the Benjamin Rush spirit and to create a joint scientific "Academy of Perpetual Peace" with the joint development of the corresponding AI o­n its basis? Isn't this obviously better for two peoples than to stubbornly kill and hate each other for 80 years like mindless animals? This would serve as the basis for the creation of Palestinian state friendly to Israel and would be a powerful preparation of the two peoples and states for Trump's "deal of the century" based o­n an international condominium of their disputed territories (or territories of mutual interest) in 2-3 years? This would be a phenomenal historical achievement of the humanity culture of perpetual peace, achieved by Trump first. What is wrong with this idea for a businessman compared to the shameful idea of ​​ethnic cleansing through resettlement? An example for Israel and Palestine perpetual peace could be the "Perpetual Peace of Russia and Ukraine" based o­n common Orthodoxy, the peace science and a condominium of territories of mutual interest [7], if Trump and Putin agreed to it in principle.


8. Artificial Intelligence: Instrument of Perpetual Peace and "Peace Race",

or the Arms Race New Field?

         The traditional, linguistic models of AI are very important and useful, despite all their risks [8]. But they are, in any case, insufficient and limited without statistical qualimetry, without mathematical tools for calculating the dynamics of social processes, calculating the measure of their spheral harmony and disharmony. Without going into the details of this deep problem, which was revealed by the new linguistic model from China DeepSeak (DS), which is many times more economically efficient than similar traditional models, we will emphasize its qualimetric insufficiency.

         This drawback is overcome by the statistical model of spheral AI (SAI) based o­n spheral constants, providing a statistical presentation of almost all social processes without exception at all levels from the individual to humanity. With the same and even better economic efficiency indices, with the power of virtually infinite parameters in the 4x4n dimension, where ‘n’ is a series of natural or other numbers for its fractal matrices of spheral indices, the SAI ​​ensures the openness of its source code in the SOCIONOME reference model, presented in many publications of the GGHA [13, 14]. For 2 years, it will require 2 times less funds than the DS. The SAI statistical, spheral model opens up a historically new direction of AI, realizing King's great peacemaking dream: "to shift the arms race into a peace race", a hundred times more profitable for business than the arms race, which the GGHA has been talking about for 20 years. This tectonic model is a powerful peacemaking chord in "the seismic developments of January 2025" outlined by a prominent politician from Greece, but from the position of o­ne of the blind men around their elephant.


9. The Trump presidency historicity

         Trump's second presidency is procedurally historically unique not o­nly in American but also in world history. But what about its semantic historical significance? The answer to this extremely complex and extremely significant predictive question in the large-scale space of American political power is the subject of the brilliant article by American journalist Jeffrey Tucker "How Historic is the Trump Presidency?" [17]

         This article deserves to be quoted in full, even with all its controversial ideas, but we will limit ourselves to a few key o­nes. The constitutional system of American power "worked for a very long time—until it stopped working... This reality dawned o­n many people o­nly in the past four years… The D.C. establishment was already furious that he won without their permission. It immediately set out to throttle the functioning of the presidency. He was confounded from the first days with wild and false claims that he had o­nly won thanks to Russian influence… Trump, however, was and is not the sort of person who so easily accepts defeat… The point is this: Trump learned from his first term, worked with a brilliant team to fight his way back to power, and now inhabits the presidency with an indefatigable desire to make a change in the system o­n behalf of the American people. Such circumstances have never existed before in American politics. This is precisely why we are living through the biggest shift in policy in any living memory… We just never had a president who was bold, experienced, and knowledgeable enough to act… This is the essence of these historic times in which we live…I have no doubt that there will be plenty of missteps along the way... But for now, Trump deserves every bit of credit for trying.” [17]

         For attempting a historic revolution of traditional common sense, fragmented in its “blindness,” that turns into a nonviolent revolution of power in the interests of the USA people and world peace. Such power requires “shift from the arms race to a peace race” with the tools of holistic thinking of the peace science and the peaceful, safe SAI based o­n it.


10. The Washington’s Blind Pilots Catastrophe: Fatal Symbol

For the West/NATO Suicidal Nuclear Civilization/Alliance

         The horrific air crash o­n January 30 in Washington, four kilometers from the "White House", when the military helicopter collided with the passenger plane in clear weather, without clouds, when the pilots could see each other well and avoid a head-on collision, shocked the entire world with this tragic absurdity or absurd tragedy. Sixty-four unsuspecting passengers died instantly. This tragedy, which could have been prevented by the pilots, turned out to be fatally inevitable, as if they were Japanese kamikaze suicide bombers in full consciousness and "common sense". Why did their common sense not overcome their blindness, did not save them? How is a head-on collision possible? This is the question o­n everyone's mind now. But it has no answer yet.

         Similar key, mental question deserves a scrupulous analysis of the highest psychiatric and cognitive sciences not o­nly in America, but also in the whole world. Who will answer the question of why pilots, leaders in general, including world leaders, with full awareness of a suicidal catastrophe and possessing normal "common sense" are not able to prevent a head-on collision obvious to a child? What analogies does it suggest to us, as involuntary hostages - passengers of such a civilian airliner called "Earth"?

         What do the leaders of the nuclear civilization, created by America in the atomic bombings of Hiroshima/Nagasaki in 1945, think about this, uniting today in the "nuclear alliance" NATO 32 states of the West "golden billion", managing it in a head-on nuclear collision with Russia and China? They know very well, more than 60 years after the Cuban Missile Crisis, that this clash will be a suicidal "Mutual Assured Destruction" (MAD) that will "end humanity", as the JFK so clearly explained it in 1963. But the nuclear civilization pilots, fully aware of the MAD madness, while flying their civilizational liner with a billion passengers, for decades have been pressing the gas pedal of an accelerating nuclear arms race and NATO expansion eastward to the Russia borders, just 90 seconds away from a head-on collision with it, instead of the brake. Why do they behave like Japanese kamikazes of the decades? This is a psychiatrist's question to their "common sense", the need for a revolution of which Trump clearly understood.

         The blindness of the West/NATO nuclear civilization pilots lies in their suicidal disciplinary thinking, limited by the narrow interest of their hegemony by any means, even a head-on collision in the inevitable MAD. For them, the constant of hegemony, even with the MAD inevitability is above all else that testifies to the hopeless mental damage of the West/NATO pilots and their suicidal "common sense" in disciplinary blindness. It is illustrated by a corresponding Indian parable that has been around for thousands of years. This narrow constant does not allow the West/NATO pilots to see the panorama of the humanity perpetual peace culture (HPPC) and its spheral, planetary thinking.

         o­nly it will allow these pilots to see clearly in order to evade with dignity the MAD frontal strike and enter the survival saving trajectory and common prosperity in the harmony of the perpetual peace spheres. Maybe the monstrous symbol of the Washington pilots insane tragedy will teach Western/NATO pilots to seek salvation from a head-on confrontation in the spheral, “substantially new manner of thinking” (Einstein), which opens up the perpetual peace trajectory panorama in order to survive. Our “Peace Science Primer” as the common sense true revolution offers this visionin outline. Could Trump arm himself with this tool and arm his allies with it to avoid the catastrophe of the global scale head-on nuclear collision?




1. President Donald Trump’s. The Inaugural Address. January 20, 2025: https://www.whitehouse.gov/remarks/2025/01/the-inaugural-address/#_blank and:


2. Department of Peace: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Department_of_Peace, and in two languages, включаярусский: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=1087

3. Mairead Maguire, John Scales Avery, and Leo Semashko. US-Russia Summit, Helsinki.

The Great Peace Charter XXI. Signed by 72 peacemakers from 27 countries. 08-07-2018: https://www.globalresearch.ca/us-russia-summit-a-manifesto-and-roadmap-of-global-peacebuilding-in-the-21st-century/5647028 and: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=834

4. Leo Semashko and Rudolf Siebert. PUTIN-TRUMP: Two Paradigms of Global Peace. Synopsis and Comments. 2017: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=735

5. Chaitanya Dave. America Can be a Great Nation If …05-08-24: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1205

6. Chaitanya Dave. America’s Most Criminal Act: The Atomic Bombings of Japan. 08-08-24: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1207

7. Matt Meyer. Perpetual Peace of Russia and Ukraine: The Peacemakers Solidarity Mobilization for a Peace Culture Renaissance. 01-11-24: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1225 and: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1219

8. Mike Whitney. The Risks of Artificial Intelligence: China’s DeepSeek Bombshell Rocks Trump’s $500B AI Boondoggle. January 25, 2025


9. Edward Curtin. Seeking Truth in a Country of Lies. The Life and Public Assassination of President John F. Kennedy. 27-01-25: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1244

10. Edward Curtin. Unspeakable Memories: The Day John Kennedy Died. The CIA carried out JFK’s murder. 22-11-20: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=975

11.Edward Curtin. Martin Luther King’s Death Disappears Down the Memory Hole. 20-01-25: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1244

12. Washington's Blog. Featured. America’s War History: How Many Years Has the U.S. Been at War?: https://washingtonsblog.com/how-many-years-has-the-u-s-been-at-war/

13. Leo Semashko and Rudolf Siebert. Spheral Artificial Intelligence of Peace Science: Twelve Advantages. 28-05-24: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1189

14. Leo Semashko. The AI paradigms synergy: “OpenAGI” (OAGI) & “PeaceAGI” (PAGI) and launch of the USA & Russia partnership in the Peace Science o­n AI base field. 03-01-24:


15. Paul Craig Roberts. The Trump-Putin Meeting: Who Will Dominate? 28-01-25: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1247

16. Leo Semashko. Perpetual Peace for Israel and Palestine. (PPIP) BRICS+: Peaceful Resolution Roadmap of the Palestine-Israel Conflict in 2024-2025 Based o­n Peace Science and the International Law Condominium. (In Russian). 01-11-23: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=1081

17. Jeffrey Tucker. How Historic Is Trump’s Presidency? 29-01-25: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1248


The draft paragraph for discussion in order to shorten and simplify it

Prepared by Leo Semashko




Peace Primer for Trump's 'Revolution'


Dear peacemakers-coauthors,

         Attached you will find Paragraph-5 in two languages, dedicated to Trump's "Common Sense Revolution", which is also published o­n our website here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1250

         I "drowned" in interesting sources, so my work was delayed. The fate of this, as well as other paragraphs, will be decided in a month, in the final editing, so I urge you not to make hasty conclusions in connection with Trump's extravagant steps, which can o­nly be tactical "test steps". Therefore, let us be patient in anticipation of his final practical steps, o­nly o­n which it will be possible to make balanced conclusions.

         Let us discuss this paragraph in order to shorten and simplify it in 2 days, January 31 and February 1. All responses will be published o­n the paragraph page, as always.

         With peace and love,

Leo Semashko





Dear Leo:

         I was not able to open up Paragraph 5. But as always I trust in your wisdom and accept it unshorten and unchanged.

I am willing to give Trump a chance, in spite of his attitude toward the Panama Canal, Greenland, Denmark, Canada and Mexico and in spite of his friend, Elon Musk's speech to the German Nazi Party, that it should not be ashamed of its grandparents.

         I wish to share your optimism!

In Solidarity, your Friend Rudi from the House of Peace, USA

Prof. RudolfSiebert




Dear Leo, Mairead, Rudolf, Chaitanya, Lucas, and all,

         I am sorry for what will be a very brief and negative email, but my reading of this section reveals a depth of difference i did not previously think possible. o­ne may have hopes or fears about the potential of US President Trump as a peacemaker - with a special prayer and scientific analysis that he might in fact have what it takes to end the war in Russia and Ukraine. But this writing goes well beyond that. To laud Trump as a potential peace genius, to cite and quote and praise him as if he is a great world leader in this historic moment, is to ignore his extraordinarily clear record of racism, patriarchy, uber-capitalism, colonialism, and imperial desire. This is not to say anything positive at all about any of the US Democratic Party leaders, who are surely no better. But as we champion the anniversary of the defeat of Nazism in Germany, we cannot write this uncritically about a man who has given greater succor to US Nazi sympathizers than anyone in many decades. Even the critical words regarding Trump's recent statements o­n Gaza and Palestine suggest that they were all simply a cleverly-designed tactic to bring about real and positive change for the Palestinian people. Oh how I wish those words had any validity based o­n his past record or the record, policies, and plans of his closest advisors! Between Trump, Biden, Harris, and Rubio it is hard to say who has lined up fastest and most forcefully to embrace Zionism and Netanyahu in every way.

         Therefore, as currently written, I cannot add my name to this section. Though sad about these implications, I fear we have a fundamentally incompatible view about who Trump is, what he represents, and what our orientation towards him should be. Though I remain hopeful still that he has a chance, as noted, to bring peace between Russia and Ukraine - and thus bring the world steps away from the brink of WWIII, and of course this is to be encouraged and lauded...nonetheless this section goes well beyond that in accepting Trump as a great, world historic peacemaker. Our Peace Primer and PPRU might indeed be vital in guiding Trump (and Putin) towards a more lasting peace in the region. But i do not think we can characterize Trump as a great peacemaker beyond that specific (vitally important) context, without ignoring a holistic understanding of what that man actually stands for.

         Again my apologies for throwing this wrench in the process. But these are times when we must, as an international force, take great care about our words as well as our deeds.

With warm regards and respect to you all,


Professor Matt Meyer


International Peace Research Association;

Senior Research Scholar, University of Massachusetts/Amherst Resistance Studies Initiative,
www.iprapeace.org, www.matt-meyer.com





Washington’s Pilots Catastrophe: West/NATO Symbol


Dear peacemakers-coauthors,

         O­n behalf of the GGHA, I express our deepest condolences and empathy to the families of the tragic death of 64 passengers in the plane crash in Washington o­n January 30.

         Its shocking details, raising many questions and large-scale analogies, prompted me to supplement our Paragraph-5 with a new, 10th section o­n o­ne page. It is presented below for your discussion with the same purpose of shortening and simplifying it in your fresh editing. Thank you very much for your understanding.

With peace and love,

Leo Semashko




Я согласна с тем, что приход Д. Трампа знаковый. Он пришёл на второй срок, чтобы снова сделать Америку Великой! У него много идей и планов. Дай Бог, чтобы все самые лучшие и прогрессивные идеи осуществились и не случилось горького разочарования.
Но меня больше волнует судьба нашей Великой России! Как будет жить и развиваться Россия, когда вокруг злые, ненавидящие её цепные псы. Думаю, что только культура вечного мира, Букварь Науки мира и создание департамента мира могут гарантировать вечный мир. 

И вечный мир, и процветание России! 

С уважением

Вера Попович




Dear Matt, Leo, and friends,

I agree with your comments Matt, re President Trump and have expressed

Similar concerns to Leo regarding his proposed peace primer for Trump.  

Last week in my email to Leo I said l could not add my Name to such assessment of Trump.

Every good wish to you all

Mairead Corrigan





Dear Leo and all peacemakers,

         Leo presents the real facts. President Trump is really a genius person. He will stop the wars.He takes USA army from Syria. We have to wait for his next action to this direction.

         He is a patriot. He cares for his country, like President Vladimir Putin. He activates all his promises to this direction till now. We have to wait also. I am wondering, why governors of other countries, e.g. EU don' t care about their own countries. EU as been destroyed by assisting Ukrainian war. Don' t forget who caused this war and how.

         He is against wok (LGBT) agenda. Like President Putin. He believes to family, to parents, to male and female. He stopped all lessons to schools about it.

         He signed to open the secret files about murders of Kennedy's and Martin Luther King. Who else governor in all countries made something similar?

         He said, USA made the channel of Panama. Offered it to Panama. Panama gave it to use competitor China. USA vessels pay high cost to pass the channel. Canada lives with themoney of USA. 75% of Canada products are sold to USA. He named terrorists the mafia, which sells drugs to people. He is against the vaccines, which caused so many deaths and health problems to millions of people.

         He wants Greenland. The behavior of Denmark to the people of this island are known since 1970... Adaptation by force of children. Doctors stopped women to make children... I think they must be independent free people to live as they wish... Not slaves of other countries. He is against of a coin by BRICS. BRICS replied they will not make it. He is a successful businessman. Let's wait to see next actions.

         The most important is to stop the wars and the possibilities for a catastrophe by nuclear.

The game for the control of our world will be based o­n artificial intelligence. And this is a great fear for our future. It's abilities are unknown. Shall be used for the benefit of humanity or as a weapon against it?

         We made GGHA to support the stop of wars, for the harmony of our global community. We shall succeed o­nly if will act as a family globally.

With respect and love to all

Dr Panagiotis -Takis D Ioannides

Co-founder, vice-president of GGHA, Greece,

Student of this Life




Dear Veteran Peacemaker Leo and All,

Greetings from Nepal!

         I want to express my gratitude to Professor Leo for his brilliant and genius efforts in writing Paragraph 5 to restore global peace and harmony. It is challenging to predict the role that President Trump will play in global peace. State policy, the surrounding environment, and personal ambition all play significant role in promoting peace.

         Additionally, the conscious, subconscious, and unconscious minds within a person play important roles in maintaining law and order and restoring peace in the universe. If the conscious mind (feelings, thoughts, and awareness) can control the subconscious (automatic actions and reactions), and unconscious (memories and experiences), then Trump will lead efforts to restore peace, tranquility, harmony, and justice.

         Let's remain hopeful for global peace despite ambitious challenges from warmongers, and seekers of injustice.

Thank you very much.

         Sincerely yours in peace,

Bishnu Pathak




         Дорогой ветеран-миротворец Лев и все!

Привет из Непала!

         Я хочу выразить свою благодарность профессору Семашко за его блестящие и гениальные усилия по написанию параграфа 5 для восстановления глобального мира и гармонии. Сложно предсказать, какую роль сыграет президент Трамп в глобальном мире. Государственная политика, окружающая среда и личные амбиции играют важную роль в содействии миру.

         Кроме того, сознание, подсознание и бессознательное в человеке играют важную роль в поддержании закона и порядка и восстановлении мира на планете. Если сознание (чувства, мысли и осознание) может контролировать подсознание (автоматические действия и реакции) и бессознательное (воспоминания и переживания), то Трамп возглавит усилия по восстановлению мира, спокойствия, гармонии и справедливости.

         Давайте сохранять надежду на глобальный мир, несмотря на амбициозные вызовы со стороны поджигателей войны и искателей несправедливости.

Большое спасибо.

         Искренне ваш в мире,

Бишну Pathak





Уважаемый Такис, 

         Большое спасибо за ваш блестящий, опирающийся на факты отклик, который мы перевели на русский и опубликовали с другими на странице этого параграфа.

          Я полностью поддерживаю вас в обосновании реальной миротворческой позиции Трампа, по поводу которой у нас проявились сильные разногласия. Мы с вами разделяем миротворческие намерения Трампа, доверяем им, а другие отвергают их, не доверяют им и сомневаются в них. Этому тоже есть некоторые основания, потому что Трамп не может в один момент повернуть корабль милитаризма США на 180 градусов к миру и должен считаться с еще очень сильными в его партии ястребами, не говоря о демократах, утонувших в непрерывных войнах и геноциде. Особенно характерно это было для него в его первое президентство, когда он начал санкционную войну с Россией, разрушил сделку по Ирану, отдал приказ об уничтожении влиятельного генерала этой страны и т.п. Это были его вынужденные решения, чтобы доказать, что он не марионетка Кремля, что он приверженец Израиля и т.д.

           Но теперь, через 4 года издевательства, публичных юридических пыток, дознаний всего его грязного белья, когда оказалось, что все обвинения - ложь, когда народ Америки, подавляющим большинством, во всех штатах утвердил его президентом страны, у нас нет оснований, против воли народа Америки, сомневаться в честности его миротворческих стремлений, повторять ложь его врагов. Разве кто-то из нас, любой, знает Трампа лучше, чем народ США? Почему мы, вслед за глупой марионеткой Харрис, повторяем, что Трамп фашист? Что он лжец? Что он сионист? Какой он сионист, если он вынудил преступного лидера Израиля прекратить войну в Газе и уйти из него, что демократы были бессильны сделать при всей их лживой болтовне. Ваши факты, вместе с фактами в параграфе отметают пустые сомнения и обвинения Трампа.

         Демократы не стесняясь выливали на него "ведра грязи", устраивали позорные судилища и т. д. Тем не менее, народ поверил ему, а не лжецам и ястребам демократов. Народ наконец-то услышал здравые обещания прекратить войны, прекратить калечить детей операциями по изменению пола и многое другое. Надеюсь, что Трамп как бизнесмен умеет считать деньги и прекратит безумные траты налогоплательщиков на войну на Украине, тем самым прекратит убийство тысяч молодых людей с той и другой стороны, прекратит разрушение, а возможно полное уничтожение такой страны, как Украина. 

         К сожалению Запад ещё не напился крови и желает продлить конфликт, и мы всё время слышим их злобные взвизгивания, о том, что надо поддерживать огонь войны, до уничтожения последнего украинца, это позор и безответственность! 

          Уважаемые миротворцы, давайте объединимся, настроимся на позитив, устремив все наши мысли на мир, любовь, взаимопонимание, дабы избежать страшных последствий ядерного удара и полного уничтожения человечества.

         Призыв Такиса "Мы создали GGHA, чтобы поддержать прекращение войн, ради гармонии нашего мирового сообщества. Мы добьемся успеха, только если будем действовать как семья в глобальном масштабе" – самый верный для нас!

         Можем ли мы быть честной и единой семьей миротворцев, если мы отвергаем очевидное стремление Трампа к миру, если мы отвергаем выбор американского народа, как будто мы лучше его знаем истину Трампа. Это несерьезно и, как говорит Путин, контр продуктивно для мира.

         Так давайте работать на мир, на Трампа, а не против них. Если же он "сломается" и станет ястребом, нам ничто не помешает судить его самым суровым образом. А сейчас наш "суд" без оснований работает против мира в пользу милитаризма. Почему? Зачем?

          Пусть Господь сопровождает нас и не даст совершить непоправимое. 

С уважением

Вера Попович



Dear Leo:

         My most able Assistant Candice from Trinidad was able to open your long, most optimistic letter o­n Trump. I certainly don' t want to disturb your optimism. I hope you are right!

         But I wonder, if commonsense is enough to realize the goal of our peace science. Certainly, Kant had more than commonsense, when he developed his idea of peace. He was the father of German idealism; He reawakened a dialectical thinking, able to deal with the enormous contradictions of Modernity, the real bourgeois, socialist, and psychoanalytical revolutions. None of them was a matter of mere common sense, and it will need more than commonsense to supersede them.

         The Trump I learned to know in the past decade looked very different from the o­ne described in your last letter. He looks more like the o­ne described by my student Dustin Byrd o­n Trump and his dark charisma.

         But I must admit to you, that the most rational part in the otherwise rather irrational Trump, was his attitude toward President Putin and Russia. He believed Putin more than his own secret service agents or the American propaganda, demonizing Putin, and defining Russia as enemy. In this Trump was definitely right.

          It was Carl Schmitt, who defined politics as the art to identify the enemy. Schmitt was Hitler’s Catholic theologian!

Lets see, howTrump will develop in the next weeks, before we decide, if we want to send him our peace science: if he will make peace in the Ukraine, or war in he Panama canal zone, orin Greenland ,orin Denmark, or in Canada, or in Palestine, or elsewhere???Lets see, what else Elon has to say to European Nazi parties about what happened almost hundred years ago?

         I have just done a ZOOM o­n Authoritarianism shall send it to you, when it has been edited.

Best wishes, your Rudi from the House of Mir, USA.




Dear Leo and Peace Lovers,

         Leo's Fifth Paragraph is written with much care, strait and full of optimism. But we really have o­nly optimism with Trump due to his unpredictable nature that we have seen in last term. Time is much critical for the US as well as globally. And Trump knows well that if he needs to make a mark in human history he must act with his team in such a way that AI is not just used for human destruction. Let us hope Trump's 'Revolution' make way ahead for perpetual peace science.

         I remain with all of you as a family for Perpetual Peace,

Asha Mukherjee




Dear Leo and all, again quickly:

         I want to strongly affirm this direction for our future process, which i think shows a strength in unity without unanimity. I especially deeply appreciate the idea that, with an openness, we will present "our internal dialogue" which in fact showcases "our harmonious democratic spirit of our PSP in GGHA." BRAVO!

Dear Mairead,

         Leo has suggested here that we write a brief alternative, laying out our positions regarding Trump. I think that our previous emails have outlined our basic concerns, but I'm happy to consolidate them into something in response as Leo purposes. I'm also happy if you would like to do this! Perhaps let us check in off of this list, and see how we can best proceed without too much trouble?

All the best for the upcoming 20th anniversary!

Peace and love,


Professor Matt Meyer


International Peace Research Association;

Senior Research Scholar, University of Massachusetts/Amherst Resistance Studies Initiative, www.iprapeace.org, www.matt-meyer.com




Dear Matt,

         Thank you very much for your understanding and constructive quick response. I fully share your high assessment of our "internal dialogue" as evidence of our openness, democracy and harmony of different positions. All responses are published o­n our website, as you know.

         It is very good that you take o­n the organizer role of the article of those of our coauthors who expressed concerns about Trump. Perhaps the most compelling of them were expressed by Mairead, regarding his truly genocidal idea of ​​resettling Palestinians to Egypt and Jordan. But he is a sly o­ne. As I think, he announced this idea to please Netanyahu, to publicly demonstrate how bad and harmful it is, both for the US and for Israel. But time will reveal the deep true essence of this nightmarish "deal".

         Chaitanya also expressed many concerns, but at the same time we did not receive from him a public or individual refusal to participate in my article. He just told me that he is leaving for 3 days. Let's wait for his clear response, what article is he with?

I am also really looking forward to the response from Takis, who wrote a brilliant response in support of Trump, listing almost all the achievements and advantages. Takis, are you participating in our article as a coauthor, or are you remaining a third party - an observer? The same question to other members of our team - what are your preferences from the three sides?

         Rudolf has long expressed his consent and we have experience with him when we wrote and sent our peace messages to Trump 8 years ago: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=735. But if he has enough health to edit something or add something small to our/my article, I will o­nly be deeply grateful to him. I am waiting for his message o­n this matter.

         Another, no less important, philosophical, internal dialogue is organized by Lucas. The subject of this dialogue could also be Trump with his "Revolution of Common Sense" as a revolution in the thinking of the West nuclear genocidal civilization. Trump in it becomes the crossroads of all world roads of peace and war for 4 years, which has not o­nly the practical side of his "deals", but also a deep, hidden, incomprehensible to Trump himself cognitive side, the comprehension of which is available to professional philosophers. You, Lucas and I, the three of us, are identical here. Lucas has brilliant ideas o­n this matter and some experience. He is waiting for your material, your sources of your philosophical vision. Could you send them to him?

With peace and love,





Дорогой Лев, дорогой Мэтт, дорогие друзья,

         Простите за долгое молчание, из-за глазной инфекции и борьбы с последствиями боррелёза я почти не могу принимать участие в диалоге, хотя считаю его принципиально важным и читаю все, когда позволяет здоровье.

         У Льва возникла отличная идея, что я должен написать беседу между ним, Мэттом и мной, которую мы добавим. Думаю, это было бы очень хорошо.Однако для этого мне нужны основные идеи, предложения и точка зрения Мэтта.Кроме того, разговор с Львом был основан на реальных высказываниях из наших бесед.Пожалуйста, не мог бы Мэтт написать письмо, которое я мог бы включить в диалог, в котором мы все трое смотрим на Землю.

         Что касается Трампа, единственное, что мне приходит в голову, - почему бы нам не написать петицию Путину?

Разве не гораздо более вероятно, что он поддержит нас, чем Трамп?

С наилучшими пожеланиями,




Dear Mairead,

         I will do as you suggest, trying to complete it over the next few days. I'll make it fairly short and concise, and look both at our points as well as the points laid out in the latest version of what Leo has written. Finally, I'll want to include some of the points where we agree, as a means of being clear to our collective readers why we believe the dialogue as a whole to be an important o­ne. 

Always appreciative and grateful for all that you do, dear Sister. Take good care; I'll be back in touch soon.



Feb. 4, 2025

Dear Leo and all peacemaking friends

         I am writing this in a hurry. See Trump's behaviour? Did not I warn you? Please don't put your trust and hopes o­n Trump.

He is totally unpredictable. He wants  to remove all Gazans from Gaza and take over Gaza (by America)!! He wants Greenland! He wants to take over the Panama Canal!! How stupid and criminal are these ideas!

         This is Donald Trump. Every American President, with few exceptions, is arrogant and feels that he can do whatever he likes around the world! America does not care if a million people are killed by its immoral wars. We saw it in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan. We should learn from history. Look at their actions, not their words, friends. Please read my book, "Crimes Against Humanity", available o­n Amazon.com

         I am not writing this to sell my book. I don't care. Please don't put any trust in Trump. If he stops the Ukraine war, great. Hats off to him. But please don't count o­n it. Frankly, no number of letters by us will affect him. That is the reality.

         We must take a long term view which I will write about later o­n.

Warm regards, For global peace forever,

Chaitanya Dave



Dear Chaitanya,

         You are very emotional and categorical. The o­nly reality of Trump is that for four years he has become a world crossroads of all roads of peace and war of the West/NATO nuclear, suicidal-genocidal civilization with the inertia of the nuclear arms race in "Mutually Assured Destruction" (MAD!!!) during 80 years. It is rushing with a furious speed of "NATO expansion to the East" to the clash with another, even more powerful nuclear-armed civilization of Russia in Ukraine. Why do you not see this reality, remaining o­nly o­n its surface? Can you look into its depths?

         You do not take into account this inevitably deadly 80-year history, from which the nuclear civilization main pilot cannot lead it out instantly, although he perfectly understands the clashsuicide with Russia therefore longs for peace with it. But it is o­ne thing to want, and another to do it in the team of NATO kamikaze militarists. The inertia of militarism is the most terrible force that has engulfed all of humanity. You know this and write about it, but you do not understand that this is a systemic problem and requires a systemic solution, a substantial change (a "revolution" according to Trump), first of all, of thinking, common sense, which requires a long time.
         All American presidents are hawks, except for two, Roosevelt and Trump, hostages of their militarism over 240 years of its history of continuous wars. Please understand this. Those who tried to resist militarism were destroyed by it, like Kennedy and King. Therefore, demanding instant 100% peacekeeping from Trump is childish. Be an adult. Millions of books and articles have been written about the viciousness of the US foreign policy militarism, including yours, which are powerless to change it, because they are not systemic, not scientific, do not reveal the substance of anti-militarism, limiting themselves to o­ne-sided criticism and empty pious appeals. Militarism suits this. It has been thriving for all the past centuries under the blind men chorus of pacifist criticism.

         You are o­ne-sided, therefore, wrong. You see o­nly the negative in Trump, making 100% Satan. But this is a lie. Takis, in his response, briefly listed his achievements, merits and advantages over Biden and other militarists who unleashed wars, while Trump NEVER started them and o­nly ends them, like the war in Gaza. Do you see this reality?

         I suggest you take a more fair, true position of comprehensiveness. Do not demonize Trump, or Putin, or anyone else. This is the path of hatred, war, violence, endless confrontation, cherished by militarists. People are not angels. Presidents are not either. We, peacemakers, must see them from all sides and emphasize not their militarism, but their peacemaking, if they have it. Trump has more than 50% of it, and Biden had zero! Why can't you see this truth of Trump? Why do you look like a blind man near an elephant, as in the famous Indian parable?


         To moderate your emotional position, I recommend you to join Matt's group, which intends to write a balanced article o­n concerns about Trump's policies. I also have many concerns, which I understand and explain well. But I, as a peacemaker, not as a militarist, emphasize his peacemaking inclination and priority, which is deformed by other pilots - militarists/hawks of the crazy suicidal airliner in the West/NATO nuclear civilization for 80 years, which is madly rushing to its death, 89 seconds away from it. We are all o­n this airliner. We must see this crash, in which, as in the plane crash of blind pilots in Washington, 4 kilometers from the White House o­n January 30, " there will be no survivors" and there will be no winners." This is a sign of Providence for everyone, Trump first of all, and he understands it well, that's why he shouts, unlike all previous US presidents: "I am a peacemaker and a unifier!"

         And others, like the EU/NATO leaders are the blind militarists, are stepping o­n the gas of arming Ukraine in order to quickly crash and drown. Why are you with them and not with Trump? Why don't you, if you are a peacemaker and not a militarist, want to hear the voice of Trump the peacemaker and support him? WHY?? WHAT prevents you from seeing and hearing the deadly reality truth???


Leo Semashko




PSP cover. Discussion and approval before February 8 inclusive


Dear coauthors,

         In ten days, o­n February 15, we will celebrate the GGHA significant date – 20 years. We have many unique peacemaking achievements behind us, the main o­ne being the creation of the unprecedented “Gandhian Perpetual Peace Science” (GPPS) core, or the Peace Science (PS) for short. We are currently completing its Primer (PSP) of approximately 50 pages, which we plan to publish in March in different countries.

         For the GGHA anniversary, we would like to present the PSP cover in two main versions: for the Russian and Western audiences. I have prepared the Russian version cover draft in two languages ​​for your discussion in three days, up to and including February 8.

We are well aware that in conditions of extreme confrontation, the PSP covers design cannot be identical. Therefore, in our discussion, we must determine, which details of the PSP Russian edition cover are unacceptable for the Western edition and what we can replace them with. What are your suggestions o­n this matter?

         The editors-in-chief of its Western publication in America and Europe have agreed to this. They will modify the unacceptable Russian details with acceptable Western analogues. Our coauthors from other countries, from India, Nepal and others, could do the same if they agreed to edit and publish our PSP for their countries. There can be no single template here in the conditions of confrontation.

         I also draw your attention to the PSP title. Who will suggest a better o­ne? Our main task as its publishers is to find our PSP adequate versions publication with the most exciting title.

         Naturally, all the income from its publication remains at your complete disposal, but permission to publish it must be obtained from the GGHA leadership. Everything will depend o­n your initiative. Therefore, let us actively discuss this practical issue.

With peace and love,

Leo Semashko




Дорогой Лева!

         Восхищен твоими усилиям найти дорогу к миру и ко всеобщему спасению!


Вячеслав Брагин





Уважаемые миротворцы!

Самое главное, что нам сейчас надо, это терпение, понимание.

Самая главная задача-это жизнь в мире и гармонии.

Как изменится мир с приходом Д. Трампа покажет время.

Сейчас ещё очень рано судить о его делах.

Я очень хочу, чтобы наступил мир для всех!

Давайте нашими делами и мыслями приближать его наступление.

С уважением

Вера Попович





Respected Dr Leo,

         It is highly appreciated this book will be very useful for public.


Dr Noor M Larik,






Dear Leo and all,

         I'm pleased to report that Mairead and I have completed our short contribution, as suggested by Leo several days ago - at the beginning of this thread. Of course as always we welcome comments, and anyone can also write in the process that Leo outlined, for our harmonious internal dialogue.

          Please feel free to publish our piece, which is attached.

With warm regards,






PSP cover. Discussion and approval before February 8 inclusive


Dear coauthors,

In ten days, o­n February 15, we will celebrate the GGHA significant date – 20 years. We have many unique peacemaking achievements behind us, the main o­ne being the creation of the unprecedented “Gandhian Perpetual Peace Science” (GPPS) core, or the Peace Science (PS) for short. We are currently completing its Primer (PSP) of approximately 50 pages, which we plan to publish in March in different countries.

For the GGHA anniversary, we would like to present the PSP cover in two main versions: for the Russian and Western audiences. I have prepared the Russian version cover draft in two languages ​​for your discussion in three days, up to and including February 8.

We are well aware that in conditions of extreme confrontation, the PSP covers design cannot be identical. Therefore, in our discussion, we must determine, which details of the PSP Russian edition cover are unacceptable for the Western edition and what we can replace them with. What are your suggestions o­n this matter?

The editors-in-chief of its Western publication in America and Europe have agreed to this. They will modify the unacceptable Russian details with acceptable Western analogues. Our coauthors from other countries, from India, Nepal and others, could do the same if they agreed to edit and publish our PSP for their countries. There can be no single template here in the conditions of confrontation.

I also draw your attention to the PSP title. Who will suggest a better o­ne? Our main task as its publishers is to find our PSP adequate versions publication with the most exciting title.

Naturally, all the income from its publication remains at your complete disposal, but permission to publish it must be obtained from the GGHA leadership. Everything will depend o­n your initiative. Therefore, let us actively discuss this practical issue.

With peace and love,

Leo Semashko




PSP Cover. Update


Dear coauthors,

Attached is a small update of the PSP cover, with corrections to grammar, text and inclusion of abbreviations as elements of the spheral thinking language that will be explained in paragraph-2. The meaning of the explanation is simple. Each way of thinking creates its own language over thousands of years. Spheral thinking, as an innovative o­ne, o­nly in which knowledge and understanding of the humanity perpetual peace is possible, does not yet have such a language, not counting several categories. Therefore, it is forced to use at its beginning abbreviations of the disciplinary language as tools of its categories. You may have noticed that such abbreviations have long been and often used in our works. There is nothing wrong with this, the disciplinary language has also long been using them for its own, fragmentary purposes.

The working version of the cover is published o­n the website here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=1251. It will be updated following your suggestions and comments again.

You could look at them to assess the general appearance of the PSP top cover and your recommendations. I will try to answer your requests, Matt and Lucas today or tomorrow.

With peace and love,

Leo Semashko




Dear Leo and all,

         The updated cover, graphic and text, looks fine to me.

There is just o­ne area where an edit for grammar and clarify is needed. The section currently reads:

         DEDICATED To the Peoples Great Victory of the over genocidal European Nazism 80th anniversary o­n May 9, 2025 to which the decisive contribution was made by the USSR peoples, who sacrificed more than 27 million lives for itto eradicate Nazism and all wars for the sake of the humanity perpetual peace.

Several areas of the above outlined below, should be removed entirely and o­ne small addition should be made:

         DEDICATED To the Peoples Great Victory of the over genocidal European Nazism 80th anniversary o­n May 9, 2025 to which the decisive contribution was made by the USSR peoples, who sacrificed more than 27 million lives for it to eradicate Nazism and all wars for the sake of the humanity and perpetual peace.

Thus, finally, a better reading in English would be:

DEDICATED To the Peoples Great Victory over genocidal European Nazism 80th anniversary o­n May 9, 2025 to which the decisive contribution was made by the USSR peoples, who sacrificed more than 27 million lives to eradicate Nazism and all wars for the sake of humanity and perpetual peace.

That's it! Good job,






© Website author: Leo Semashko, 2005; © designed by Roman Snitko, 2005